
doctormojono: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Free-Culture-Poster-16758307500:01
jonodoctormo, cool :)00:05
doctormojono: If it's good enough I may require you to deposit one at your library.00:06
jonodoctormo, sure00:07
nigelbabuJFo: if you need help with the organizing, please do give a shout, always happy to help05:59
nigelbabure: the kernel triage summit05:59
nigelbabujcastro: you've got mail!06:12
dholbachgood morning06:41
nigelbabumorning dholbach :) A little early today?06:42
dholbachhey nigelbabu06:42
dholbachnigelbabu: a bit earlier06:43
dholbachnigelbabu: laptop sorted out?06:43
nigelbabudholbach: nope, have to hunt today for service center.  work is a bit too much these days06:43
ddecatormorning dholbach06:44
dholbachnigelbabu: all the best with that then!06:44
dholbachhi ddecator06:44
nigelbabudholbach: Thanks! I hope I can get it soon :)06:45
nigelbabudholbach: also, can you poke, prodd, or otherwise convince jono to blog about cleansweep?06:45
dholbachjono: ^ DO IT! :-D06:46
* dholbach hugs jono06:46
dholbachnigelbabu: jono just needs the right amount of hugs :)06:46
nigelbabudholbach: haha. :)06:46
jononigelbabu, I will do when I get a moment :)06:48
nigelbabujono: thank you :) dholbach: Looks like that worked :p06:48
* dholbach hugs you all :)06:49
* jussi grumbles at mornings and accepts dholbach's hug06:53
nigelbabujussi: well, if ya stay up for the matches, this tends to happen06:55
jussinigelbabu: I didnt watch the matches yesterday06:57
nigelbabujussi: ah.  I got stuck at work last night, missed all of them :/06:57
* jussi had his 1 year anniversary with Sari yesterday06:57
nigelbabujussi: congrats! wedding's soon right?07:00
jussinigelbabu: in september :)07:00
nigelbabusoon enough :)07:01
dholbachAlanBell: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)07:04
nigelbabuoh, yeah!07:07
nigelbabuAlanBell: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!07:07
ddecatorAlanBell: HAPPY BIRTHDAY07:08
ddecatorbetter than any facebook "happy birthday!"s :)07:08
nigelbabuwell, I did both :)07:09
* jussi yawns07:25
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* ddecator hands jussi a pillow07:31
jussiddecator: sadly its 9.30 am07:31
* ddecator hands jussi a coffee07:32
nigelbabujussi: caffiene IV :D07:33
dholbachhola ara07:37
aramorning dholbach07:37
araand all07:37
ddecatormorning ara07:38
aramorning ddecator07:38
dpmgood morning everyone07:56
ddecatormorning dpm08:06
dpmhey ddecator :)08:06
dholbachdpm: you should talk to jono to move the team call today because of the game later on - I'm sure he'll understand ;-)11:55
* nigelbabu hugs dholbach and dpm 12:01
* dholbach hugs nigelbabu back :)12:01
dpmhey nigelbabu :)12:01
nigelbabuhello dpm :)12:01
* dpm hugs dholbach and nigelbabu12:04
JFonigelbabu, will do re: kernel triage summit13:20
nigelbabuJFo: :)13:33
nigelbabuAlso, you can use the classroom as much as you want :)13:33
JFosweet! thanks, I hadn't even gotten that far :)13:34
nigelbabuoh, we've done this scheduling and stuff for UUD, etc so it should be okay13:39
nigelbabuperhaps you can go a step further and use ustream for live video sessions or just try to broadcast audio like at UDS13:39
jcastronigelbabu: that query is PERFECT13:40
nigelbabujcastro: :)13:40
jcastronot bad for a distro that doesn't do anything!13:42
nigelbabuI'm pretty sure they'll redefine that in the coming months13:44
nigelbabuI tink if you actually compare, we do more than most other distros13:45
jcastrodon't tell anyone!13:45
jcastrodholbach: ^^^13:56
dholbachI'll take a look in a sec13:56
dholbachjcastro: awesome :-D14:05
jcastroman, that is a pretty impressive bunch of work so far14:05
jcastrodo we get bobbo back at all?14:06
dholbachjcastro, cjohnston: 591491 fixed14:14
dholbachjcastro: I'm sure he'll be around in his evenings a bit, but he'll be a bit busier in school14:14
dholbachLOL, lure has a big head: http://planet.ubuntu.com/14:16
nigelbabudholbach: wow, thats a really big head14:16
nigelbabujcastro: ah, now I know why you wanted the numbers :)14:17
dholbachjcastro: http://daniel.holba.ch/review/report - we'll update it every week14:18
dholbach(updated it a couple of times more often last week)14:18
jcastrooh neat!14:18
jcastrodholbach: oh neat! I will add that!14:18
nigelbabuoh, I talked to amber about getting those numbers on uwn14:18
jcastroyeah, that would be clutch!14:18
nigelbabuI think we all forgot for the last one mainly because amber was a bit busy and unwell14:19
dholbachnigelbabu: let's wait until next time it's run14:19
dholbachso next sunday morning :)14:19
dholbachshould be interesting14:19
jcastrook so 135 total sent up14:20
jcastronigelbabu: dholbach: right?14:23
dholbachsounds about right14:23
jcastrook how's this14:26
dholbachnigelbabu: we should talk to pedro_ so we can do patches hug day14:26
nigelbabudholbach: i was supposed to do that quite recently, but my laptop borking delayed it14:27
dholbachno worries - I added it to the next hugday list14:27
dholbachbut it might be worth raising it with him14:27
dholbachand after UDW we should probably schedule another one14:27
jcastroanyone else see that dude's HUMONGOUS HEAD on planet?14:27
dholbachso people who get excited can immediately help out14:28
nigelbabujcastro: dholbach and I did comment on it :)14:28
dholbachjcastro: yes, lure :)14:28
* nigelbabu goes to poke him14:28
nigelbabuAlso, wow! 14%14:29
nigelbabuwe're inching there :)14:29
jcastroNOW to work on my upstream ambassador post14:29
jcastroanyone know how to modify an existing fridge calendar entry?14:34
nigelbabuif you have the rights, click on the entry, should take you to the edit page14:35
nigelbabujcastro: err, if it was added by someone else without giving fridge editors the right to modify, you won't be able to do much :(14:38
* jcastro rings the bell!15:18
jcastroone more work item done!15:18
jcastrodholbach: I am confused, when is oppdev week?15:19
dholbachjcastro: no idea15:19
jcastrothat's not what you are doing now right?15:19
dholbachjcastro: jono surely knows15:19
dholbachno no15:19
dholbachthat's Jono's world15:19
jcastrooh right, lol, I helped him with the wiki on that yesterday15:19
jcastromanI am going insane15:19
dholbachjcastro: please try less hard to kill yourself, ok? :)15:20
* dholbach hugs jcastro15:20
dholbachhola jono15:44
dholbachdpm: you can ask your question now ;-)15:44
dholbachjust kidding :)15:44
* dholbach hugs dpm15:44
* dpm hugs dholbach :)15:45
dpmjono, I think dholbach is trying to use me to test if he can get some time off to go and see Germany play on Friday15:45
dholbachdpm: jono won't even be awake when they play - he'll NEVER notice15:46
dpmcunning plan!15:46
jonojono might be awake ;-)15:46
dholbachjono: what? not at 11:30 utc :)15:47
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
jonodholbach, stranger things have happened ;-)15:49
dholbachjono: you just winked!15:49
dholbachdpm, jcastro: ^^^ AN IMPOSTOR!15:49
dholbachfor reference: http://www.jonobacon.org/2006/10/16/say-no-to-winky-smilies/15:52
dholbachhey czajkowski15:54
JFonot only that dholbach he did it twice :-O15:55
dholbachJFo: either it is an impostor or something bad has happened to Jono when we didn't watch15:56
czajkowskidholbach: ello ello ello :)15:56
dpmdholbach, that was 2006. People change, next time you know he might be listening to electronic music :)15:56
* JFo worries that his sickness after SELF was a progression into evil15:56
dholbachI think I'll call Erica, then Mark and Matt - I dunno... the police? fire brigade? somebody from the Vatican to try exorcism?15:57
* maco blinks15:57
macothe things i see in that quassel chat monitor...15:58
macodholbach talking about exorcisms15:58
jonoa normal day in the Ubuntu community15:59
dholbachthinking about it again, exorcism might actually be a good idea - it might help with dpm's music suggestion ;-)15:59
jonoalso, I *hate* metal15:59
jonoit really sucks15:59
dholbachdpm: WE WON!15:59
jonoI much prefer groove flan15:59
doctormojono: I like enya, your band is sort of similar right?16:00
dpmthat food poisoning, that was it16:00
jcastroDid someone mention talking cats?16:00
jonodoctormo, identical, in fact16:00
dholbachwe could also try to talk to his mother on twitter, she knows him much better16:00
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro mumble in a min?16:00
doctormojono: It's just a bunch of enya covers?16:01
* dholbach hugs jono_16:19
JFodoctormo, it is new Enya material sans Enya16:24
JFono more traveling to Gainesville for you Mr Bacon16:25
JFojcastro, on [jeremyfoshee] Jeremy to document the patch review process for kernel: TODO16:33
JFowe are referring to the patch review process or the bug with patches?16:34
JFoerr bugs*16:34
jcastroI don't remember16:34
JFome either :-)16:34
JFoit says patch review16:34
JFobut I think maybe it was patch review of bugs with patches16:35
JFoah, I see now16:36
JFojcastro, for reference that was from https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-launchpad-upstream-improvements-patches16:36
JFoso it says +patches16:36
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow!16:41
* dholbach hugs you all16:41
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 16:42
jcastro<-- late lunching, bbi 60m17:33
jono_hi folks, usual video chat at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon in 1518:45
akgranerjcastro do you have 5 mins?19:35
jcastrofor you, 15!19:35
jcastrojono_: which KDE apps did you test with?19:58
jono_jcastro, kwORD20:02
jcastrojono_: ok, dbarth just commited the registration fixes20:03
jcastrojono_: that should be fixed tomorrow20:03
jono_sweet :)20:03
jcastroI mean, it's committed to bzr, should be in the release tomorrow20:03
jcastro1 down, 2 more big bugs to go20:03
jcastroJFo: we should be pointing community people who want to run future maverick kernels in the LTS release too ... $help?20:05
jcastroI know there's the mainline builds but I'm looking more for the blueprint20:06
JFoone sec20:14
JFojcastro, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts20:15
JFothat ^^ what you are looking for?20:15
jcastrogod lp search. @#$%#@$%$%20:16
jcastroJFo: oh man dude: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa/20:18
jcastrothat is /tight/20:18
jcastroJFo: please make sure that is linked to from the docs you're working on20:18
jcastroI bet that would solve a ton of those custom kernel threads we're worried about20:18
JFoyep, it is on my TODO20:18
jcastroI will blog it too, this is damn handy20:19
JFoyeah, it is one of the things i'm hoping to speak about at conferences20:19
jcastroJFo: tim got my cachefilesd all in maverick too.20:19
jcastroI am really happy today!20:19
JFoit is a good day20:19
jcastro"These kernels will be supported according to the standard policies of their respective releases, e.g., the Maverick backport will get SRU and CVE patches for 18 months."20:24
jcastroman dude, that is HOT20:24
JFofor server only though\20:28
JFojcastro, ^20:28
JFomaverick kernels not supported on desktop even though they may work20:28
JFowhoops, gotta run... bbiab20:29
jcastroah righ20:29
jcastrostill, in the past I've gotten new server hw and like, the NICs won't work with an LTS, etc.20:29
duanedesignjcastro: I noticed OneConf has a testing alpha. http://tiny.cc/eoc6l <-- link and a screenshot of the Software Center integration.23:31
duanedesignhavent tried it yet. We have been using the algorithm it uses to select packages in Stipple and it works well.23:33

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