
ubuntujenkinsnight all02:22
flanDoes anyone know where the blue help icon (circle with a ? in it) can be found?02:52
flanFile path, URL...02:52
flanI just want to use it as a placeholder for the Qs server.02:52
godbykflan: Try /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/48/gnome-help.svg03:01
godbykor 128 for a bigger version.03:02
flanAh. SVG.03:04
flanI was looing for PNG.03:04
nisshhhave you guys seen this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-updater04:35
nisshhhumphreybc: ^^^04:35
humphreybcit's on OMG! Ubuntu!04:35
nisshhthats how i saw it04:36
nisshhwhat do you think?04:36
humphreybcsounds groovy04:36
nisshhyea, should be be promoting it though?04:36
nisshhshould we have a link to it on the website/wiki saying "this is how you get the latest builds from our server"04:37
humphreybcyeah maybe04:38
nisshhif we dont mention or endorse it or whatever people might think its not the real deal04:38
godbykThe code could be a bit nicer.  Also, it's pulling the test builds, and they break fairly frequently.04:38
nisshhgodbyk: ah, really? thats no good04:39
godbykI'm not sure that it is 'the real deal'.04:39
* nisshh goes and looks at the code04:39
nisshhgodbyk: what do you mean?04:39
godbykubuntujenkins has been designing 'the real deal', but it won't be out 'til Maverick.04:40
nisshhwhat? the same thing that the script there does?04:40
godbyknisshh: Well, a bit more advanced than what that script is doing.04:40
humphreybcit has a GUI04:40
humphreybcand shit04:40
godbykAnd allows for multiple documents (not just the one manual).04:41
nisshhah, the thing that he was talking about on the ML?04:41
nisshhjust the other day04:41
nisshhthat would be much better04:42
nisshhoh wow, the script is definitely not user friendly04:43
godbykI haven't used it.04:43
godbykI just looked at the code in it.04:43
godbykIt's written in a brittle fashion, so it could break easily.04:44
nisshhhe also hasnt accounted for the fact that you need sudo to download something to somewhere other than your home dir04:45
godbykI think it's intended to be ran during the boot process or something odd.04:45
nisshhsays every login04:50
godbykaccording to the code, it's every boot.04:53
godbykhe adds an init script to the boot process.04:53
nisshhgodbyk: ah, didnt see that04:55
ubuntujenkinsmorning all09:54
ubuntujenkinshey thorwil10:12
vishanyone has any idea where the quickstarter icon can be added for OOo ?10:16
ubuntujenkinsvish: do you not right click it in the menu and choose add to panel10:20
vishubuntujenkins: hmm,actually it was not for me...  i wanted to know about the quickstarter icon  is the option still there in Lucid?10:21
ubuntujenkinsby quickstarter icon do you mean like the firefox and yelp ones that are there by default?10:22
vishthere seems to be a notification area icon for OOo10:22
ubuntujenkinsI don't see one in the panel when i open open office10:23
shriniapplication->office-openoffice wwriter10:24
shriniadd this item to panel10:24
shrinithis will add the icon to the panel10:24
ubuntujenkinsyea i think vish is on about when you open it, is there an icon in the notification area?10:25
vishme neither, but people have screenshots of it , so was wondering how they have it10:27
vishjust a sec , let me find the bug10:27
ubuntujenkinsvish: worked it out how you get it10:28
vishubuntujenkins: how?10:28
ubuntujenkinstools options and then http://imagebin.org/10151510:29
ubuntujenkinsyou can right click it in the tray and choose disable10:30
vishubuntujenkins: phew! found it  thanks :)10:31
ubuntujenkinsno problem, whats the bug?10:31
vishubuntujenkins: i had found that > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/55192710:32
manualbotLaunchpad bug 551927 in light-themes "Backgrounds of quickstarter icon and vlc icon are not consistent with color of panel (dup-of: 403135)" [Undecided,New]10:32
manualbotLaunchpad bug 403135 in vlc "Notification area icon wrongly rendered/uses bg_color as a background (multiple apps)" [Low,Confirmed]10:32
ubuntujenkinsvish: that is a bug that effects me, i just disable them both10:33
ubuntujenkinsalso affects banshee iirc10:33
* nisshh just got a new Logitech G5 mouse and it works like a treat out of the box!10:49
nisshhabsolutely perfectly10:50
ubuntujenkinsI have the wave pro keyboard and mouse set they are also great10:50
nisshhyea i have a g15 keyboard which works pretty well10:51
nisshhnot perfect, but almost10:51
nisshhi didnt even have to edit my xorg config to get this G5 to work10:51
nisshhgodbyk: how up to date is the style guide on the website?11:52
nisshhaquarius: hey again, id like to code in a little check function to my app that can tell if desktopcouch is being synced by ubuntu-one, is it possible to do this do you think?11:57
aquariusit's...not, at the moment11:57
aquariuscan I suggest pinging cardinalfang on #ubuntuone about that? (he's not awake yet)11:57
nisshhright, does he know more about that sort of thing?11:58
nisshhaquarius: do you know when cardinalfng might be awake?11:59
aquariusabout two or three hours from now12:00
aquarius(he's in the US, west coast)12:00
nisshhright, thanks, ill be sure to get a hold of him12:01
nisshhaquarius: hows the ubuntu developers manual coming along?12:07
godbyknisshh: It hasn't been updated in eons.14:58
godbykI have to run to a meeting.  Be back in a few hours. :-/14:58
shriniteam: need help15:41
shrinisome college students are asking me15:41
shrinifor some project15:41
nisshhshrini: whats up?15:43
shrininisshh: hi15:43
shrinii am thinking of15:44
shrinimaking them to contribute15:44
shrinito any open source projec15:44
shrinineed your suggestions15:44
shriniand ideas15:44
shrinifor any projects15:44
shriniis there any existing project that need any enhancements/15:44
nisshhso you found some people willing to contribute to open source yes?15:45
nisshhright, shrini hang on iv gotta relogin my sound is playing up, ill be right back :)15:46
nisshhshrini: right, im back now15:48
nisshhso you are unsure where to point them to so they can contribute is that right?15:49
nisshhshrini: ^^^^^15:49
nisshhshrini: you there still? ping15:50
shrininisshh: pong16:00
shrininisshh: hai. went for water16:01
shrininisshh: they need projects16:01
shrinito do16:01
nisshhright, so they want to contribute but dont know where to start?16:05
nisshhshrini: ^^^^16:07
shrininisshh: yes16:10
shriniwe can suggest some open source projects16:10
shriniI can guide them about irc, mailing list, svn, git etc16:11
shriniso that they can directly interact with the developers16:11
shriniand contribute16:11
nisshhright, how much experience do they have shrini?16:14
shrininisshh: students16:14
shrinithey know little php,python,c16:14
nisshhshrini: ok good16:14
nisshhshrini: so i assume they want something nice and simple to work on?16:15
shrininisshh: s16:15
nisshhshrini: well, i honestly cant think of many really simple apps they could contribute to, although they could always make their own16:16
shrininisshh: yes16:16
nisshhshrini: no problem, thats where i suggest they start16:16
nisshhshrini: maybe mention the Quickly app to them16:17
nisshhits on launchpad16:17
shrininisshh: in a call16:23
shrininisshh: came16:30
shrininisshh: thanks16:32
shrinineed some new project ideas16:32
shrinilist of tasks to do in existing projects16:32
nisshhshrini: hmm, well, im not trying to get my project worked on or anything, but they could play around with my app if they like, its pretty simple16:41
nisshhor they could drop in on #ubuntu-bugs and do some triage16:42
nisshhor maybe participate in a bug jam somewhere16:42
nisshhor help out with the patch review thing going on16:43
nisshhshrini: there are so many things they could work on i cant list them all here16:43
shrininisshh: thnaks16:44
nisshhshrini: no problem :)16:44
shrinii ask them to learn quickly16:44
shriniif they are willing to do desktop app16:45
nisshhshrini: cool, ah, what are they wanting to do mostly?16:45
shrininisshh: not decided yet16:46
shrinithey are ready to do16:47
shriniif we pick and point them on what to do16:47
shrinihope they can do it16:47
shrinishowed them http://neevaan.wordpress.com/2010/06/12/a-content-management-system-for-lugs/16:47
nisshhwait, so they are wanting to setup a LUG?16:48
shrininisshh: no16:49
shrinithis blog is from another guy16:49
shrinihe proposing a new project16:49
shrinimy friends may write the application16:49
shrinifor the requirement said in the blog16:49
shriniand host it16:49
nisshhoh the content management system16:50
nisshhthats a good project for them to do16:50
nisshhthey have set goals and assuming they have a server, or the means to host the CMS then its perfect16:50
nisshhshrini: i say tell them to go for it if they want to :)16:51
shrinii can fund them to host that project16:51
nisshhoh cool16:51
nisshhshrini: see what you can do about trying to make the CMS they create open-source16:52
nisshhTHAT would be awesome16:52
shriniwe will host the code in LP16:52
shrinior sourceforge16:52
shrinior code.google.com16:52
nisshhalso quickly is no good for stuff like a CMS16:53
shrinithey are willing to contribute16:53
nisshhcool, do they use irc?16:53
shrini10 guys are there16:53
shriniif we give a list of projects to do16:54
shrinithey can pick each one16:54
shriniand start to work on that16:54
shrinihave to teach them16:54
shriniwill do it soon16:54
nisshhshrini: are these guys local to you?16:56
shrininisshh: s16:56
nisshhhow did you manage to find 10 people willing to contribute??16:56
nisshhthat would be impossible in my area16:57
shrininisshh: here all college students must do a project17:06
shriniin their final year17:06
shrinimostly they for java and .net17:06
shrinii am fishing those students17:06
shriniand explaining them about opensource17:06
shriniand formed the kanchilug17:07
shrinihope you know about kanchilug17:07
shrinipeople are doing wonderful activities17:07
shrinithey are very much interestd in contributing17:08
thorwilshrini: the best way to get into an existing open-source project might well be fixing bugs17:13
shrinithorwil: you are right17:13
shrinisearching for simple projects to start with17:13
shriniif possible suggest some simple projects17:13
thorwilshrini: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut17:13
shrinithorwil: thanks for the link17:15
thorwilshrini: with the papercut project, chances are good the bugs are not too complicated. otherwise, if you just skim through the bug tracker of any app, you might have a hard time to find bugs of the right level. the less experience you have, the harder it is to access the complexity, i would assume17:16
nisshhshrini: oh, wow, so you grab those students from the start and convert them over17:17
nisshhthorwil: crap, i forgot about that project17:17
shrinithorwil: yes. let me explore that17:17
nisshhthorwil: there is also the bug hug days17:17
shrininisshh: yes :-)17:17
nisshhshrini: are these guys the same guys that did the manual tamil translations?17:19
shrininisshh: yes17:19
shrinisame guys17:19
nisshhoh cool17:19
shrinithey found their friends17:20
shriniinteresting to contribute17:20
nisshhso they already use ubuntu right?17:20
nisshhthat certainly makes it easier for them to get started, being familiar and all17:20
shrinisome more new guys are there17:21
shrinitrainig is going for them17:21
shrinitraining on foss concepts, linux, ubuntu, python, php17:21
shriniwe had a 1 week training session17:21
shrinifollowup sessions are going every sunday17:22
shrininow they need some real time projects17:22
shrinito work on17:22
shriniwill look at papercuts and17:23
shrinicheck for the possibilities17:23
shrinithanks thorwil for pointing that17:23
shrinii totally forget that17:23
thorwilshrini: what's the usual reaction of being exposed to python and php in close succession? :17:23
shriniwe get different outputs17:24
shrinipeople who like web development love php for its easiness17:24
shrinipeople love desktop apps love python and ruby17:24
shrinibut as they love to contribute17:24
shrinithey learn all we teach17:25
shrinithey are forming their own teams17:25
shrinifor php,python,ruby17:25
shrinieach team is searching for projects to contribute17:25
shrinistill svn , git, irc trainig are pending17:25
shriniwe have very less internet connectivity17:26
shriniso, internet based training are getting delayed17:26
ubuntujenkinsevening all21:34
ubuntujenkinshow are we does anyone need any help?21:35
dutchiei need to remember the really cool thing i was going to do in SVG and javascript21:36
ubuntujenkinsyou were going to do an animated advert for quickshot, after thinking of new logo ideas21:36
ubuntujenkinsis anyone else here apart from dutchie ?21:43
dutchieit would seem not21:44
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: what are you thinking for the advert then :P22:00
ubuntujenkins night all22:35

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