
=== Ivan747 is now known as Nobody
=== Nobody is now known as Ivan_
=== Ivan_ is now known as Ivan747
Pwenhi all, is there a mythbuntu changelog? so I can see what changes are made when using 0.24+fixes before installing them? thanks02:55
mrandPwen: 0.24 is pretty unstable right now03:14
mrandIt is many months away from being "released."  The informal and incomplete release notes page is here: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Release_Notes_-_0.2403:16
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Release Notes - 0.24 - MythTV03:16
tgm4883Pwen, in other words, why do you want to upgrade to 0.24?03:16
Pwenmrand, tgm4883 I have been using 0.24+fixes for a while with minimal issues03:29
Pwenbut I am careful of udpates, hence wanting to read a changelog :)03:30
mrandPwen: Good to hear.  The "official" changelog is http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/timeline03:30
Zinn[svn.mythtv.org] Timeline – MythTV03:30
Pwencool, thanks03:32
PwenI have been very impressed with Mythbuntu of late. I updated to 10.04 and 0.24+fixes pretty mught as soon as they were available. some might say that is silly but I have found it to be more stable than 9.10+0.2303:34
Pwenthat said I am probably a very basic user, scheduling recordings from mythweb, watchig videos in mythvideo and that's about it03:35
dmfreyHey everyone...just did an apt-get upgrade on my master backend and now the mythbackend init.d script is gone, anyone seen that happen before?03:47
dmfreyactualy, it is now gone on two of my boxes03:49
dmfreywas it removed and replaced with something else?03:49
dmfreyi guess this has been removed...i rebooted both and now they are all connected to each other, however, still no scripts03:53
dmfreywhat else is starting the backends?03:53
mranddmfrey: upstart03:55
dmfreymrand: thanks, i take it this was just recent03:55
mranddmfrey: I don't recall... 9.10 or 10.04.03:56
mrandPwen: if you're lucky when you update, you can have a reasonably stable system with trunk.  But an unlucky update can be painful.03:56
dmfreymrand: I did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and it was still there...it was still there as of last week, it only seemed to be just now that it is gone03:57
mranddmfrey: sorry, not sure.  Maybe someone else knows...03:58
dmfreymrand: np, thanks for your help03:58
* rhpot1991 waves at dmfrey 04:12
rhpot1991for the record: init script is now gone, we have been using upstart for a while but the init script remained until recently04:13
McNeverhey guys... having an issue setting up an ir blast on a hd-pvr04:20
McNeverlooks like the dirvers are installed at least i see a /dev/lirc004:21
McNeverwhen i try to use irsend i get an "Connection refused"04:22
mrandMcNever: it'd be best to ask on #mythtv-users   I'm not sure what the status is on ir-blasting with that, but in Q3 or Q4 last year, I know it wasn't working.04:22
mrandOr there might be a discussion on the mythtv-users mailing list about it.04:22
McNeverreally... that seems like a pretty big part of whole picture...04:23
McNeverthanks i'll ask around04:23
mrandMcNever: I think the theory was that there are LOTS of ir blasters.04:24
rhpot1991McNever: might be worth looking into alternatives like firewire if its an option04:24
McNeveryeah... firewire isnt an option... all my channels are encrypted04:27
McNevermrand: so this is just a problem with the HD-PVR ip blaster then04:28
mrandMcNever: Some people can use firewire just for channel changing, not for the video itself.04:32
mrandMcNever: that's what I recall reading many, many months ago.04:32
McNeverhumm... yeah if i remember i can change channels over the firewire... just get no lock... thats an idea... not sure how to do it yet but you got the gears turning04:33
mrandIf that works, it is typically faster and more reliable than IR.04:33
Pwenyes the init.d scripts disappoeared somethnig in the last 2 weeks04:34
McNevernot sure i get what you just said...04:34
McNeveroh.. nm... thanks mrand... maybe i'll look into that... more reading...04:35
rhpot1991McNever: I do both capture and tuning over firewire, it should be more efficient than blasting (and most likely easier to set up)04:44
rhpot1991McNever: look in the contrib directory there are a bunch of changers in there already04:44
Keithamusanyone here got a diskless setup?08:55
Pwenhi all. since the removal of the init.d script for starting mythbackend, mythbackend is no longer started automatically upon boot. how can I fix this?11:48
qwebirc66095anyone just apt-get upgrade mythtv 0.23 today and found their /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend  script has been deleted?17:10
mrandqwebirc66095: there have been reports here.  upstart is what is used now.17:18
tgm4883qwebirc66095, yes17:41
tgm4883it's upstart now17:41
tgm4883sudo service mythbackend status17:42
tgm4883mrand, I just saw 2 in the forums. same thing17:42
tgm4883if we get many more, we need a blog post17:42
qwebirc66095'service mythtv-backend start '  works18:55
qwebirc66095however, mythtv does not show up in the list of services where querying upstart18:56
qwebirc66095'service --status-all'18:56
qwebirc66095also referencing the service w/o a command gives a misleading error message:18:56
qwebirc66095'service mythtv-backend'18:56
qwebirc66095mythtv-backend: unrecognized service18:57
qwebirc66095i would think not showing up in the service list would be a bug18:58
qwebirc66095to contract with another service:18:58
tgm4883qwebirc66095, yea we are working on that. we should be shipping the init script for compatibility. I think when that is fixed (next build) that it will fix this as well18:59
qwebirc66095service winbind Usage: /etc/init.d/winbind {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}18:59
qwebirc66095great! thanks!18:59
Hilikushey guys21:24
Hilikusi updated to ubuntu 10.04 last night and changing channels stopped working21:24
Hilikusand IRBlaster stopped working21:25
Hilikusirsend: hardware does not support sending21:25

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