
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Intel, Intel, and Intel.00:11
kermitmy intel card needs to be 'rebooted' hourly00:39
kermita 510000:39
kermit(i have to remove and reload the module)00:39
* h00k reboots kermit 01:26
kermiti feel much better now, thank you01:27
=== exigraff is now known as ex-exigraff
=== ex-exigraff is now known as exigraff
h00kjono asked me to spread the word on Community Leadership Summit 2010: http://communityleadershipsummit.com/21:20
diablo_h00k: I wish I could make it out to Portland :(23:56
tonyyarussoWhy does Obsidian1723 always leave before I can answer his questions?23:56

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