
Sarvattso it was just one little change and git wasnt updated, phew00:03
Sarvattthats test building now so i can look at the package contents00:03
Sarvatthurry up mesa!00:09
RAOFSarvatt: Have you re-pulled mesa and found my merge?00:10
Sarvattyep and fixed it, its just almost done building, i want to make absolutely sure every file is correct :)00:11
RAOFIt all _looked_ right to me :/00:11
SarvattRAOF: wasn't your fault, i thought it was more screwed up than it was because you forgot to push :)00:11
RAOFIt would have looked like a half-baked 7.8.1-200:12
Sarvattwas my fault for putting the header in the wrong place when i redid the dri build locations, that hadn't been uploaded to debian yet so its all ok00:12
Sarvattwe should probably explicitly disable some gallium stuff wasting time getting built, like svga00:13
RAOFThat's the only thing wasting time, isn't it?  It doesn't take long, and it'd be annoying to maintain another GALLIUM_DISABLED variable :)00:14
Sarvattyeah true :)00:14
RAOFIsn't built?00:15
RAOFAt least, there 'aint no swrastg_dri.so generated.00:15
Sarvattno point enabling radeon and intel if we arent shipping it?00:15
RAOFWe are shipping it - in egl.00:16
RAOFThat's also why we're enabling gallium swrast.  It doesn't generate a DRI driver, but it does generate an EGL swrast.00:16
Sarvattah ok, i was thinking it'd need the dri driver too to be usable for some reason00:17
Sarvattits running make install now, 2 minutes tops00:17
bjsniderabout how long is it supposed to take do install 25 or so updates after they've been downloaded?00:24
Sarvattdebian/libgl1-mesa-glx.prerm  is bogus00:25
Sarvatt  update-alternatives --remove gl_conf /usr/lib/GL/ld.so.conf00:25
Sarvattfile list00:27
Sarvattok pushed to origin/ubuntu00:31
RAOFYou know, cairo has an openvg backend.  That might be interesting to play with on a lazy weekend.00:38
Sarvattyeah I fixed that silly problem with the one header rule in that build, debdiff coming up00:39
RAOFOne header rule?00:41
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/merges/mesa/ -- needs sponsor! :)00:42
Sarvattyeah silly mistake00:42
Sarvattdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2010-06-15 16:18 ./usr/include/Gl/00:42
Sarvatt-rw-r--r-- root/root      3463 2010-06-15 16:18 ./usr/include/Gl/glx_mangle.h00:42
SarvattGl :)00:42
Sarvattgeser: can you sponsor by any chance?00:47
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/files-seven.txt is the file list for this one00:50
Sarvattneed to figure out how to transition -gallium to -experimental01:04
Sarvattppa-purge with -gallium installed leaves it installed and will conflict with -experimental01:04
SarvattRAOF: I thought you fixed up nvidia-current and got it uploaded?01:09
RAOFSarvatt: I did.01:43
Sarvattoh, weird01:43
Sarvattthis is a lot nastier than I expected, there was a *huge* debian sync just now and some of the packages that check for GL might have just disabled supported and built anyway :(01:46
RAOFThat should be fairly easy to check for, though.01:49
RAOFThanks for cleaning this up!01:50
Sarvattquite a few packages all failed with this - 02:07
SarvattCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:70 (MESSAGE):02:07
Sarvatt  Could NOT find FLTK (missing: FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR)02:07
Sarvatti dont have much more time until i pass out, stopping going through every build to see if its got undefined behavior from no GL and just started checking ftbs02:08
Sarvattso much for fixing up cairo today :(02:16
Sarvatt\o/ almost done02:17
Sarvattchrome/chromium do not like cairo 1.9.8 :(02:30
RAOFMan, everyone and their dog have a personal cairo branch!02:56
bjsniderwill the blob build on the .34 kernel yet?03:05
RAOFYou mean nvidia-current?  Yes.  It's even installable!03:11
Sarvattit works fine on .35 too..03:12
Sarvatt195.24 even03:13
SarvattRAOF: see any freetype lcdfilter patches in any of them?03:13
RAOFNope, but I was only after master anyway.03:14
Sarvattdebian experimental works with no changes if you dont pull from git :)03:15
Sarvattbut i had glew problems enabling gl, should be fixed in git03:16
RAOFYup, it is.03:17
Sarvattgot the lcdfilter patch refresh03:18
Sarvattkinda, need to clean up some fuzz03:19
Sarvattediting patches by hand sucks :)03:19
Sarvatthmm the ubuntu patch in 1.8.10  is actually drastically different than what I was working with03:34
Sarvattyeah scratch the one i was working on, i'll go with the firefox patch :)03:36
Sarvattcairo-perf has some limitations on where it works i didnt know about03:49
RAOFSuch as?04:11
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seb128does anybody knows about "unclutter" there or has an opinion on it?10:30
seb128Description: hides the cursor in X after a period of inactivity10:30
seb128isn't that something xorg should be doing by itself ideally?10:30
seb128context is bug #1649210:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 16492 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Mouse pointer should disappear when keyboard is in use and mouse isn't (affects: 19) (heat: 113)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649210:30
seb128sabdfl asked to review using unclutter in the default installation10:30
seb128jcristau, why not?10:31
jcristaucomment 3 on that bug10:32
seb128ok, fair enough10:34
seb128so back to the first question, does anybody has an opinion on "unclutter"?10:34
* jcristau doesn't10:35
tseliotI'm starting to think10:42
tseliotthat it's not such a bad idea10:42
tseliotto use unclutter, that is10:42
tseliotseb128: do you need a code review or what?10:44
seb128tseliot, code review, comments from somebody who has an opinion about what it's doing10:44
seb128RAOF, hey10:44
RAOFseb128: Ho10:44
* RAOF missed the start of this discussion10:45
seb128bug #1649210:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 16492 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Mouse pointer should disappear when keyboard is in use and mouse isn't (affects: 19) (heat: 113)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649210:46
seb128sabdfl asked us to evaluate using "unclutter" in the default installation10:46
tseliotRAOF: BTW I uploaded X in lucid-proposed yesterday and cjwatson has just approved it (LP: #563100)10:46
seb128I'm trying to gather opinions on it10:46
RAOFtseliot: Ah, thanks.  I'll merge your changes into the ubuntu-lucid branch in git.11:00
tseliotRAOF: sounds good. Thanks11:01
tseliotRAOF: we're going to use xserver 1.8 (not 1.9) in Maverick, right?11:38
tseliotseb128: after a quick look at unclutter, the code seems fine even though I'm not used to that coding style11:39
RAOFtseliot: We're planning on 1.9 for Maverick11:41
tseliotRAOF: ah, good11:41
RAOFAnd mesa 7.9, but that's probably less interesting on the binary driver front :)11:42
tseliotyes, that is why I was asking11:43
RAOFI sent a mail to the Ubuntu & Debian X lists with an outline of what we'd planned.  It's also on the “General X plans” blueprint.11:43
tseliotI'll have a look at it then, thanks11:44
tseliotnote: I'm doing more work on open drivers for oem work than on proprietary drivers and it's good to know that we'll have mesa 7.9 :-)11:46
RAOFYay!  Source code!  Decypherable backtraces!11:50
* tseliot nods11:52
seb128tseliot, ok, thanks for the review12:23
RAOFOf course, now that I've got gdb attached X refuses to segfault.13:48
tseliotit makes sense ;)14:05
heloupgrading to xorg 1.7.6-2ubuntu7.1 last night is giving me persistent "out of range" errors on my monitor, regardless of whether i use nvidia, nv, or vesa driver15:24
bjsniderRAOF, that exact thing happened while i was trying to backtrace gnome-shell. it still crashes when i don't have gdb running.15:25
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Sarvattdpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (quilt)'21:53
Sarvattdpkg-source: warning: patches have not been applied, applying them now (use --no-preparation to override)21:53
Sarvatthope that doesn't screw up the orig.tar.gz21:54
Sarvattthat was when doing debuild -S -sa21:54
cndbryceh: do you know if I build X from git will it run on maverick?22:18
cndI'm interested in knowing if X will work at all, or if it would need patches from our package22:19
Sarvattwonder if i should update cairo on lucid edgers too22:37
SarvattRAOF: I refreshed the lcdfilter patch btw - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/0001-Refresh-lcdfilter-patch-so-it-applies-to-1.9.8.patch22:38
brycehcnd, should run fine23:00
brycehcnd, Sarvatt actually has the best handle on peculiarities of the upstream git trees23:01
jgSarvatt, RAOF: could I ask one of you to spin me something to try for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28070 (launchpad bug 585651)? The patch has converged to a very small one, and I have a new disk I can try installing onto....23:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 585651 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Cannot install on eDP laptops such as HP Elitebook 2540p or 8440p (affects: 4) (heat: 149)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58565123:01
brycehcnd, but RAOF and him have landed in maverick pretty much all the pre-reqs needed for the building the latest bits23:01
ubot4Freedesktop bug 28070 in Driver/intel "[Arrandale] No output (black) on eDP" [Major,New]23:02
Sarvattjg: no I can't because I need a kernel deb to make you a new livecd, I'm sorry :(23:04
Sarvattcnd: xserver 1.9 will be in edgers in a day or two, if you want to use it now you can add xorg-edgers and then also add my xorg-testing PPA23:04
Sarvattcnd: add both xorg-edgers and https://launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing23:05
Sarvattcnd: plymouth/gdm hate it when the server doesn't support -nr, just a heads up :)23:06
jgSarvatt: If I can generate a kernel deb for you??  I can borrow my daughter's machine, and build it there....23:06
jgSarvatt: or can I put things on flash, and add the kernel deb myself?23:07
Sarvattyeah then I can, making the debs right for ubuntu is pretty tricky though, make deb or make-kpkg wont work with a livecd as it is, you need to adapt the ubuntu kernel build system23:07
Sarvattyeah if you have persistant storage you can just update it there23:08
jgSarvatt: luckily I just bought myself a 4 gig usb key...23:09
Sarvattif drm-intel-next worked i could just use that deb but the people on the bug report say it doesnt23:09
jgyeah, I know.  I'm screwed...23:09
jgthe bug is still being chased by the intel developer.23:09
Sarvattdrm-intel-next kernels are available here - http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/23:09
jgthe next time I see keithp I'm going to rib him about this...23:10
jgSarvatt: I'll try the build my own and update a usb key method tomorrow, and see what happens.23:12
jgSarvatt: hmmm... I may have put 32bit Lucid on my kids machine; I need to run 64 bit on my new toy.  Will that get me into trouble building the kernel?23:14
Sarvattyeah, lots :(23:14
jgAnd this machine is running 32 bit, so upgrading it won't have the effect I want....23:16
Sarvattcan just use a 32 bit livecd for the testing23:16
jgtrue, but that doesn't get me a machine to carry with me to California next week, sparing me lugging two machines on the plane...23:17
Sarvattif you can convince someone to pull it into drm-intel-next by then that'll work :)23:18
Sarvatti can make ya a livecd with that kernel you can install from23:18
Sarvattjg: which patch do you want to try specifically?23:19
jgheh... I can nudge the Intel guy to see if he's figured out why drm-intel-next doesn't work, despite Ajax's similar patch being upstream.23:19
Sarvattneed to see if it applies to the most recent lucid kernel23:21
jghttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28070#c21 seems to be what the doctor ordered, until ykzhao figures out what's wrong with drm-next.23:21
ubot4Freedesktop bug 28070 in Driver/intel "[Arrandale] No output (black) on eDP" [Major,New]23:21
Sarvattyeah but there are a bunch of patches in that bug23:22
Sarvattsomeone was saying either one worked, not sure which you want to try or if you want to try both23:22
jgSarvatt: this started as two patches; one of them sets the refresh speed to max, hardly desirable.  The other is the fix in c21.  The new mystery is why drm-next was having trouble.  I nudged ykzhao in case he's made progress (I think he's in China), and I can't set up to do anything before the morning, anyway.23:25
Sarvattapw: is there any chance you might be willing to build a lucid kernel with http://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=35782 applied for possibly including in lucid regarding bug #585651 ?23:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 585651 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Cannot install on eDP laptops such as HP Elitebook 2540p or 8440p (affects: 4) (heat: 149)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58565123:25

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