
SlidingHornfqh: 10.04 is now in LTS -- as far as I know, that means they aren't doing daily builds of it anymore00:00
kbpHi. Need quick help. In /etc/rc0.d (shutdown), what do K and S stand for? I need to insert the unmount symlink (/etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh) in there, should it start with S or K?00:00
sebsebseb!10.04 | SlidingHorn  fqh00:00
ubottuSlidingHorn  fqh: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100400:00
SlidingHornsebsebseb: but was I correct in saying that since it's the current release that the "daily builds" stop?00:01
redmanhi i downloaded and ran a flight simulator Sabre and had problem, i am running ubuntu 10.04 i have compiz running and the system like stalled so i did a shutdown with power button on my pc and rebooted the system upon reboot the sound no longer works any suggestions to get it back?00:05
fqhIf I install OS from 10.10's daily build iso, do I get a latest 10.04 OS? I mean that I want to get a 10.04's ISO which system installed from will not need to update immediately.00:05
silvia_ /ns register 1213141500:05
kaflowskiKlamAV and ClamTk keep getting stuck at 8% and 88% respectively. Does anyone know what could be causing this?00:09
redmanhi i downloaded and ran a flight simulator Sabre and had problem, i am running ubuntu 10.04 i have compiz running and the system like stalled so i did a shutdown with power button on my pc and rebooted the system upon reboot the sound no longer works any suggestions to get it back?00:09
kaflowskiKlamAV and ClamTk keep getting stuck at 8% and 88% respectively. Does anyone know what could be causing this?00:10
soreauredman: Check your audio settings in alsamixer and make sure all the tracks are unmuted and turned up00:10
soreau! audio | redman00:10
ubotturedman: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:10
kbphow to stop showing some one left/join the room? I cant read @_@00:10
soreaukbp: Depends on which irc client you're using00:11
kbpsoreau: pidgin00:11
cferbsso what ever happened to the glowing ubuntu logo when the kernel is loading before xsplash is loaded . it as in karmic but they took it out of lucid. i miss it00:11
kaflowskiKlamAV and ClamTk keep getting stuck at 8% and 88% respectively. Does anyone know what could be causing this?00:13
soreaukbp: I don't see a way to do that in pidgin. I use xchat which is best if you're only talking on irc imho00:13
nuboon2age_kaflowski: I see there is a #clamav irc channel.  That might be the best venue to get that question asked...00:14
nuboon2age_kaflowski: answered i mean00:15
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=== KaOSoFt is now known as AndresBotero
[T]ankok, what is the preferred way to sync an iphone with ubuntu 10? I dont want to jailbreak my phone.00:20
[T]anktried gtkpod, amarok and rhythmbox with no luck so far00:20
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soreau[T]ank: googling 'sync iphone with ubuntu' gives some promising information it seems00:21
[T]anksoreau: thats where i found the info for the three i have tried00:21
[T]ankdone all of the step by steps and am having no success00:21
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:21
soreau[T]ank: Have you tried songbird at all?00:21
soreauAlso the links ubottu gave00:22
[T]anklooking up songbird00:22
[T]ankthank you00:22
sontekdo you guys know how to share music over LAN with rhythmbox00:23
roothi hi guys00:23
=== root is now known as Guest19725
SlidingHornguest19725: howdy...how can we help?00:23
sonteknvm I found it00:23
Guest19725help me anybudy00:24
ubottuGuest19725:: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:24
musictotohi all :) i would like to testdrive ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix, but on my macbook (13 inch,latest gen). do you think i can make a bootable usb stick and try it out natively ? without VMware ?00:24
Guest19725alguien habla español????00:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:24
zloogmusictoto, Yes, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:24
musictotozloog: i know how to make the USB drive, but i don't know if the macbook will be able to boot from the drive and into ubuntu netbook remix00:26
aplunddoes planet.ubuntulinux.org not syndicate the weekly newsletter anymore?00:26
shoopdawoopif your latest gen macbook can't boot from USB I would be very surprised00:27
Themostwanteddiculpa como me meto en la sala de español00:27
prince_jammysThemostwanted: /j #ubuntu-es00:27
Themostwanteddonde ingreso eso pro consola??00:28
prince_jammysThemostwanted: no, aqui mismo00:28
Themostwantedya salio00:28
Themostwantedquien me peude ayduar con el bactrack??00:29
prince_jammysThemostwanted: /j backtrack-linux00:29
prince_jammysThemostwanted: /j #backtrack-linux00:29
ddrji have a lenovo laptop that has 2gb of ram, it's an older core 2 duo mobile cpu and 100gb of hd, would ubuntu 10 be fine for it?00:29
Themostwantedpor ultimo con makinas virtuales00:29
red2kicddrj: Sure.00:29
prince_jammys!vbox | Themostwanted00:30
ubottuThemostwanted: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:30
prince_jammysThemostwanted: y, para mas informacion:  /msg ubottu virtualizer00:30
Themostwantedno hay chat en el q me peudan ayduar con uan duda de maquinas vi??00:30
sebsebsebrcarcamo: Still about?00:30
Piciaplund: Hrm.  It should be, but its not.  Let me see if I can get a hold of some fridge people to sort it out.  Theres something wird going on with the RSS feed.00:31
aplundPici: thanks00:31
ddrjred2kic: just wondering if i should get the minimal version or full one00:31
ddrjshould i get the desktop or netbook version for my laptop?00:33
sjmddrj: it will run, just how fast is the question.  I run it on a netbook and on a mini-itx machine00:33
sebsebsebddrj: If it is not a netbook, go with the desktop version :)00:33
ddrjhaha ok, i'll get desktop then00:33
sjmddrj: you can try installing the LXDE version if you think the regular version is too slow.00:34
sebsebseb!lubuntu | ddrj00:34
ubottuddrj: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu00:34
ddrjwoak thanks00:34
ddrjok this is perfect00:35
ddrji'll use this00:35
sebsebsebddrj: Xubuntu/LXDE there is as well, but they say Lubuntu/LXDE is even mroe lite waight00:35
sebsebseb!xubuntu | ddrj00:35
ubottuddrj: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:35
ddrji have ubuntu 9 on my htpc atm never tried xubuntu or lubuntu00:36
sebsebsebddrj: also when you got one installed00:36
sebsebsebddrj: you can install the others into your install00:36
mewshi__can someone help me figure out why the heck my right-click doesn't work at all?00:36
ddrjyou mean i can switch between xfce and lxde ?00:36
sebsebsebddrj: yes00:36
sjmddrj: and just choose which one to run at the login screen choosing which "session"00:37
kthomas_vh_after dns changes,  rkhunter starts emailing me daily notices that inodes (and a few checksums) have altered on files00:37
sebsebsebddrj: or Gnome or KDE, or whatever you got installed00:37
Neo_123456excuse how i could use the ati drivers00:37
kthomas_vh_how scared  should I be?00:37
ddrjwoahhh nice, thanks guys00:38
sebsebsebNeo_123456: uh ATI drivers uhmm,  anything in system > preferences > hardware drivers,  I think this is more for Nivida drivers00:38
Neo_123456i have tried the 10.0400:38
sebsebsebddrj: the Lubuntu log in screen is also rather nice indeed :)00:38
Neo_123456but when00:38
Neo_123456the gui start00:38
sebsebsebddrj: unlike what Ubuntu has00:38
ddrjsebsebseb: haw haw haw, i think i'll start with lubuntu first, but this is the first time i'm hearing about it, xubuntu's been around much longer right?00:39
Neo_123456there are no anything appear on the monitor00:39
frmdstryr"WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" i installed a package that said that, what does that mean?00:39
sebsebsebddrj: yes XFCE has been around much longer than LXDE00:39
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: what did you install and from where?00:39
sebsebseb!details | Neo_12345600:40
ubottuNeo_123456: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:40
sebsebsebNeo_123456: I didn't understand, be more specific00:40
ddrjsebsebseb: i will use lubuntu first and then maybe might do that apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:40
sebsebsebddrj: ok :)00:40
sebsebsebddrj: you got Ubuntu on there now or?00:40
ddrjnawp, not yet00:40
frmdstryrsebsebseb,python-mysqldb.  I tried installing it from the Ubuntu software center00:40
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ddrjsebsebseb: i have windows atm, gotta wipe it clean x(00:41
sebsebsebddrj: ok good idea to md5sum your ISO as well once you got for Lubuntu before burning contents to CD00:41
sebsebseb!md5sum | ddrj00:41
ubottuddrj: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:41
ddrjyeah good idea00:41
sebsebsebddrj: and if the CD doesn't boot,  you will need to change the BIOS or whatever, so it does00:41
=== Viper is now known as Out`Of`Control
Neo_123456i have a porblem with my HD 5770,i use the ubuntu 10.04,when i try to enter the gui,my Graphic card will down00:41
frmdstryrwill down?00:42
Neo_123456don't work00:42
sebsebsebddrj: Got Windows on another computer as well or?  I mean not that many people do Linux distro only00:42
Neo_123456my english is poor,sorry00:42
root_disculpen por molestar l sala de backtrack cual es??00:42
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=== TannerF is now known as tannerf-omnomnom
CHuvaGololo :D00:43
frmdstryrsebsebseb: the package was python-mysqldb, i tried installing it from the ubuntu software center but it woudnt install so i used apt-get install ...00:43
chewey_hi. I'm always dropped back to the login screen when trying to log in on a 10.04 installation.00:43
chewey_Text login on tty1 works fine.00:43
root_alguien q me peuda dar l sala de backtrack??00:43
Piciroot_: #backtrack-linux00:43
chewey_Anyone know where to look?00:43
ddrjsebsebseb: yup, i have 1 pc with windows 7, 1 htpc with ubuntu and the laptop i have right now is using windows vista which i'm going to install lubuntu on00:44
sebsebsebchewey_: maybe re install the log in screen, or try another00:44
chewey_It just pulled an update to the nvidia driver prior to the boot...00:44
mattwynne I'm struggling to get a USB Hauppague tuner to work. It doesn't seem to load the firmware. Is this the right place to get some help?00:44
ubuntu_madinstalled google chrome and now will only run with a terminal00:44
root_damela otra ves00:44
root_ta mal escrita00:44
prince_jammysroot_: #backtrack-linux00:45
chewey_sebsebseb: The login screen works. GDM is there. It just refuses to start my session...00:45
frmdstryrubuntu_mad: the icons dont work?00:45
root_nada no me deja entrar???00:45
belal1I had dual booted lucid and xp and after catching a virus on wnidows, i used disk utility to completely format the windows partition.  Is there anyway to merge the new free partition to the one i'm using now?00:45
=== azhar is now known as azharcs
sebsebsebfrmdstryr:  ok Software Centre is a GUI for apt-get00:45
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: both will use the Ubuntu repos00:45
prince_jammys!register  | root_00:46
ubotturoot_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:46
Neo_123456i have a problem with my graphics card driver loading,how can i solve it?00:46
ddrjsebsebseb: do i get i386 or amd64 version? (cpu for laptop is core duo but only has 2gigs of ram)00:46
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: Synaptic can be useful at times at the moment,  thats a GUI as well00:46
edbianbelal1, I don't think I understand here.  You reformated your windows xp (ntfs) partition so now it's ntfs but it's blank.  Is that right?00:46
frmdstryri looked at my software sources and it had00:46
hauxGreetings. While trying to load Ubuntu setup from a cd, the screen flashes with a grainy red color. The motherboard on this machine is an Asus A7N8X Deluxe, w/ a GeForce Ti200 video card. Could this be a hardware compatability issue?00:46
sebsebsebddrj: is your computer 64bit?00:46
belal1i formatted the XP partition and now it's EXT4 formatted.00:46
ddrjsebsebseb: nawp00:46
edbianbelal1, And now you want to take all that space and give it to Ubuntu?00:46
sebsebsebddrj: your computer is 32bit?  32bit proccesser in there yes?00:47
root_otro foro q sea en esañol profavor'?00:47
frmdstryrsebsebseb:  my software sources, under orther sources had :http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main00:47
ddrjsebsebseb: yeah 32bit processor00:47
sebsebsebddrj: got with the 32bit version then the i38600:47
sebsebsebgo with00:47
edbianbelal1, Well you should just delete the second blank ext4 partition (the old xp).  Make it unallocated space.  Then you can "grow" your current ext4 partition with Ubuntu on it.  Does that make sense?00:47
frmdstryrwhere can i paste my terminal output00:47
frmdstryrto here?00:48
sebsebsebddrj: np00:48
Bodsda!pastebin | frmdstryr00:48
ubottufrmdstryr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:48
belal1how do I do that? I'm using the partition now, so how can I grow it?00:48
hauxCan I re-ask a question if it goes unsanswered, or is that not recommended?00:48
sebsebsebhaux: yes you can re ask,  every like 15 minutes or so00:48
Bodsdahaux: as long as it has been a fair amount of time since the last ask. 5 mins or so00:49
edbianbelal1, Yeah that's the only cache.  You can only edit a partition if you haven't mounted it.  You have to use a live CD of some kind.00:49
edbianbelal1, The ubuntu one will work but so will several others if you don't have an ubuntu one00:49
belal1i see,  thanks.00:49
Bodsdafrmdstryr: whats the problem?00:49
frmdstryrline 1200:49
chalkhi, in empathy it doesn't let me start a video call00:49
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: whats in the repo should install00:49
NeoCicakhi all... i'm trying to understand the output of my 'top'.... it seems that there are a lot of oracle processes running...and they are chewing up my memory.....http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/uQG9fHXD00:50
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: however it was giving you a security warning it seems00:50
belal1Chalk, maybe your video/webcam isn't working?00:50
edbianbelal1, No problem!  FYI you could mount that partition in /mnt/someFolder and then just sort of use it as extra space but that's not good because it messes up the proper file structure of linux and you are wasting space by having 2 partitions00:50
sebsebsebchalk: cheese can configure web cams00:50
Euthanatoswhy isn't there a torent for the netbook edition or am i missing it?00:50
frmdstryrcould my sources messed up or something? why did it show them under other sources?00:50
ubuntu_madcan only run google chrome from terminal00:51
chalkbelal1, the webcam works on cheese00:51
belal1edbian, It also "feels" weird having another partition.00:51
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: your sources are probably ok00:51
kaflowskihow do you scan your entire system using clamav?00:51
edbianbelal1, Ha ha.  Yes it does.00:51
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: you can have a look in system > adminsitaration > software sources00:51
sebsebsebfrmdstryr: plus see what download server your using00:51
Bodsdafrmdstryr: run an update first.   sudo apt-get update00:51
rollingthunderMy network suddenly boots up too slowly after last week's update.00:51
sebsebsebkaflowski: uhmm why do you want to?00:51
sebsebseb!virus | kaflowski00:51
ubottukaflowski: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:51
frmdstryrubuntu_mad: right click on the icon, in the combobox select application instead of application with terminal00:51
kaflowskisebsebseb: I am yet another exception to this myth that you can't get a virus or trojan on Linux00:52
sebsebsebNeo_123456: tell me this stuff in the channel00:52
frmdstryrBodsda: ok i'll try00:52
sebsebsebNeo_123456: plus this way hopefuly other people can help :)00:52
Bodsdakaflowski: theres a myth that you cant get infections on linux?00:52
ZoffixHey, want the system to stop asking me to enter a password whenever I start Evolution (keyring access) or try to change CPU frequency. How do I do that, or what do I Google for? Also, in the same area: how to allow a regular user to use `nice`?00:52
Neo_123456when the ubuntu gui is loading,my graphics card cannot use, I think this problem is about the graphics drivers, because once loading GUI, monitor loses signal00:52
frmdstryrZoffix, that eliminates the purpose of passwords....00:53
sebsebsebkaflowski: what makes you think that?00:53
frmdstryrbut anyways, i know someone else that wants that done so if you find out let me know haha00:53
Zoffixfrmdstryr, no it doesn't. I don't want root access on this user to avoid oopsies like deleting root dir; but I don't want it to nag me about everything like Vista :)00:54
kaflowskisebsebseb: because i have gotten a trojan from a linux hacker and it was identified by clamav00:54
cferbsanyone know why the kernel loading screen with the glowing ubuntu logo was taken out of lucid00:54
sjmEuthanatos: http://ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net/pub/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent00:54
sebsebsebkaflowski: you can get a virus, but it is extreamlly rare.  you would have to know what you are doing to get it installed,  or have someone malicious do it for you.  Unlike Windows you can't just get them off the Internet either.00:54
Bodsdakaflowski: I very much doubt it00:54
Lint01cferbs, because it was considered ugly00:55
frmdstryrokay sorry then, let me know if you find out how please :)00:55
sebsebsebkaflowski: from a Linux cracker?00:55
Bodsdasebsebseb: not entirely true. Any application can be an infection, even debs in the repo's00:55
sebsebsebkaflowski: a black hat?  I am using proper terms here, media have it wrong, its not hacker00:55
=== tannerf-omnomnom is now known as TannerF
edbiankaflowski, What did you do to get the trojan?00:55
IdleOne!es | root_00:55
ubotturoot_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:55
frmdstryrBodsda: i updated and reinstalled, no message it worked :) thanks00:55
kaflowskisebsebseb: yes yes, cracker, black hat00:55
Euthanatossjm tyvm00:55
sebsebsebkaflowski: What makes you think that?00:55
Bodsdafrmdstryr: your welcome :)00:55
sjmEuthanatos: yw00:56
kaflowskii'm not going to go into it, but he took control of my system00:56
root_channel backtrack??00:56
IdleOneroot_: #backtrack-linux00:56
rottenrechow can i get php to show with the 'which' command?00:56
sebsebsebkaflowski: if you think you have malicious software installed00:56
sebsebsebkaflowski: clean install the OS00:56
Bodsdakaflowski: are you from amsterdam?00:56
cferbskaflowski: get out you troll!!!! it was prob a windows virus cause thats what clamav scans for00:56
frmdstryrrottenrec: what do you mean show?00:57
edbiankaflowski, What did you do to let a hacker in to your system?00:57
=== Rzv_ is now known as Rzv
rottenrecfrmdstryr: like, for it to tell me where php is installed00:57
ubuntu_madcan someone help me with google chrome?00:57
cferbskaflowski: use better passwords00:57
frmdstryryou mean the core function?00:57
frmdstryrubuntu_mad: yes what's the problem?00:57
chalkok, so the webcam works with cheese, but not with empathy.00:57
sebsebsebkaflowski:  Only way to be sure its gone.  Clean installing the OS.  Anti virus is quite useless really.  since the virus may have done what it was programmed to do, before it gets removed.00:58
sebsebsebkaflowski: also Linux anti virus,  only or tends to only scan for Windows viruses, which don't infect Linux distros.00:58
edbiankaflowski, Please, I'm very interested in linux security.  I would very much like to know how you got a virus on your system.00:58
rottenrecfrmdstryr: on my dreamhost shell, if i type "which php", it prints out "/usr/local/bin/php"00:58
ubuntu_madfrmdstryr: installed it but now its not in my accesories panel00:58
kaflowskiedbian: lets take it to pm00:58
rottenrecbut on my ubuntu server, it doesn't print anything, even though i have php5 installed00:58
sebsebsebkaflowski: I am interested as well00:59
kaflowskisebsebseb: thank you very much00:59
shoopdawooplinux isn't invulnerable to malware. every time you use sudo apt-get install or anytime you type in your admin password you could be installing a rootkit without knowing it00:59
frmdstryrthats because it's not an application00:59
ubuntu_madfrmdstryr: can only launch from terminal00:59
Zoffixoo-oohh... So.. what the heck do I do now:  zoffix@ZofMain:~$ sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers    sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 0440    Segmentation fault00:59
sebsebsebedbian: maybe the three of us should go to a tempory channel?00:59
Bodsdarottenrec: do you have php5-cli?00:59
cferbsebdian: he was a dumbass thats how00:59
IdleOne!language | cferbs00:59
ubottucferbs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:59
rottenrecBobsda: doesn't that come with a regular php5 install?00:59
frmdstryrubuntu_mad: then what do you want to do?00:59
edbiansebsebseb, kaflowski how about ##security ?00:59
frmdstryrmake an icon?00:59
IdleOnecferbs: please don't insult people.00:59
sebsebsebedbian: uhmm thats a real channel isn't it?00:59
edbiansebsebseb, kaflowski yeah, that's a real channel, ##security201:00
ubuntu_madfrmdstryr: plus how do i stop empaty from skipping up so fast as its next to impossible to read01:00
red2kicsebsebseb: you compiled irc server?01:00
frmdstryrhaha, yeah i'm not sure... make it bigger i guess01:00
sebsebsebred2kic: no I have never set up my own IRC server01:00
red2kicerr, kaflowski: you compiled irc server?01:00
hauxWhile trying to load Ubuntu setup from a cd, the screen flashes with a grainy red color. The motherboard on this machine is an Asus A7N8X Deluxe, w/ a GeForce Ti200 video card. Could this be a hardware compatability issue?01:00
ubuntu_madfrmdstryr: i want a quick launch icon etc and when i close the terminal chrome closes01:00
hauxAfter this happens, the screen goes black.01:00
frmdstryrdo you have an icon now?01:00
sebsebsebkaflowski: come join the channel,  here you will get flamed for saying you got virus in Ubuntu :D01:01
frmdstryrhow do i talk to just one person?01:01
Bodsdaubuntu_mad: thats because the program gets orphaned and closes, run it with something like   chrom&01:01
thune3Zoffix: use visudo or sudoedit01:01
ZoffixAhh. Never mind my last inquiry. I had to `su` to root first01:01
ubuntu_madbut i just want to setup a quick launch01:01
sjmfrmdstryr: use the /msg function of IRC01:01
frmdstryryep got it, via help :p01:02
Bodsdafrmdstryr: ask permission before pm'ing people though01:02
Bodsdafrmdstryr: can I pm you?01:02
frmdstryrhaha fair enough01:02
frmdstryrubuntu_mad: can i pm you?01:02
Zoffixfrmdstryr, well, my solution was to crack open /etc/sudoers and uncomment the line that makes so sudoers don't have to enter password. That works idealy for me :) And from Google I gather that if you are to want more fine-tune control, you'd still have to mess around with /etc/sudoers so there :)01:02
ubuntu_madfrmdstryr: sure can01:03
sjmfrmdstryr: but if it's regular support, it's better to stay on the main channel and use the nicks to tag the messages (like this one does)01:03
frmdstryryeah it goes fast though...01:03
BodsdaZoffix: that is insane. apt-url would then be able to install anything without asking! I suggest you comment that line back out01:03
chalkuh, i have my webcam plugged in put empathy doesn't read it, can help please?01:03
crusoaleso im trying to do a USB install and when I;m going through the installer, after keyboard origin selection I get an error saying it cant mount the CD-ROM.01:04
crusoaleAnyone know what I can do to correct this?01:04
ZoffixBodsda, hmmmmm... good point.01:04
hauxWhile trying to load Ubuntu setup from a cd, the screen flashes with a grainy red color, then the screen goes black. The motherboard on this machine is an Asus A7N8X Deluxe, w/ a GeForce Ti200 video card. Could this be a hardware compatability issue?01:04
Bodsdahaux: try using onboard vga, then try using the 'alternate' installer. It is probably just a driver type issue01:05
hauxBodsda: how do I use onboard vga during a reboot?01:05
hauxIs this option in the bios?01:05
Camaro_09Does recordmydesktop run better on 10.04 then 9.10?01:05
Bodsdahaux: ... no, just use the motherboard graphics for your monitor instead of your graphics card01:06
sjmZoffix, what are you trying to do?01:06
BodsdaCamaro_09: define 'better'01:06
Camaro_09Better quailty01:06
BodsdaCamaro_09: unless a new version has been released, it will all depend on your graphics drivers01:06
Zoffixsjm, three things: as a regular user (1) when I change CPU frequency I don't wanna enter the password (2) I don't want Evolution to ask for a password so it would access the keyring (3) I want to run `nice` as a regular user :)01:06
Camaro_09Ok, thankyou01:07
decay33how do i run a program to speak to me?01:08
sjmZoffix: can't you already run nice as a regular user?01:08
Zoffixsjm, "nice: cannot set niceness: Permission denied"01:08
crusoaleI need help getting the Ubuntu installer to realize its being installed from a USb stick and not a CD01:09
unopZoffix, negative nice?01:09
ZoffixYes, -2001:09
MortuisI'm trying to get my windows key to act like I pressed Ctrl-Shift-P, I am able to create a custom shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcuts application, but I need help for what to put into the Command field to get it to act as if I hit Ctrl-Shift-P01:09
crusoaleIt tells me it cannot mount the CD ROM01:09
sjmZoffix: last I used it you could nice something "nicer" just not the other way.01:09
unopZoffix, well, only the superuser can set a negative nice.01:09
Zoffixunop, well, that's... dumb. Oh well :)01:10
decay33im new to ubuntu and i am trying to install a programs thats speaks to me01:10
decay33can anyone help01:10
Typos_Kingdecay33:    how? :)01:10
unopZoffix, it's not dumb -- having a process play not-nice can lead to sever system instability -- this here what you are seeing is actually a good (not dumb) safeguard.01:10
thune3Zoffix: you could edit /etc/security/limits.conf to change nice limits. I have a line "ubuntu           -       nice            -19"01:10
james14Can someone help me get a HP DeskJet 1120C working on 10.04?01:10
sjmZoffix: a regular user can set something to a lower priority with nice (positive nice), only the superuser and make something not as friendly (negative nice)01:11
Zoffixunop, well, if there's no way to let a regular user renice the process however they want - that's dumb; if there is then it's fine.01:11
MortuisAnyone know how to tell the Keyboard Shortcuts app to behave as if certain keys were pressed, rather than as if I typed in a command?01:11
* Zoffix looks at limits.conf01:11
fuzzybunny69yhey guys how do you remove gnome mouse cursor themes?01:11
nerdy_kidlooking to completly disable ubuntu's translation system; using kde (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/594854 )01:12
unopZoffix, well, you're dealing with a lot of dumbness in the GNU/Linux world then - might as well learn to deal with it.01:12
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy01:13
Typos_KingMortuis:   maybe you're going the wrong way about what you want, to tell your app to trigger whatever it is on ctrl-shift-p :P, key-bindings are meant for launching some command, not for literally key stroke sending01:13
dr-kn0wngood evening everyone01:14
dr-kn0wni'm here to ask why i can't send message on a chan01:14
dr-kn0wnit only says01:14
dr-kn0wn#ai Cannot send to channel01:14
MortuisTypos_King: I'll accept that the Keyboard Shortcuts app might not be the way to do this.  Do you know of a different program I should be looking at?01:14
Phun5tarHas anyone else had issues with the Trash can not deleting?01:15
shoopdawoopdr-kn0wn: the channel might be moderated (+m) and you don't have voice so you can't talk in that channel01:15
Phun5tar...or doing anything, for that matter?01:15
shoopdawoopdr-kn0wn: but that's not really a ubunut question01:15
dr-kn0wnhow do i get the voice shoopdawoop ???01:15
XVampireXI need some help people, 2 problems that are really bugging me, 1 is wireless driver seems to be crashing randomly after a while, second, top panel keeps forgetting where all applets should be01:15
XVampireXif anyone can help me out01:15
shoopdawoopdr-kn0wn: an op in that channel has to voice you01:15
h00kdr-kn0wn: That's not really on topic for this channel, you'll want to head to #freenode for IRC support01:15
dr-kn0wnty h00k01:16
Typos_KingMortuis:   dunno, I'd just do the key-binding on the app, and use whatever command it's needed for it, whatever that is01:16
IdleOne!register | dr-kn0wn01:16
ubottudr-kn0wn: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:16
Typos_KingMortuis:   what are you trying to do anyway?01:16
Zoffixthune3, well, the file was empty and I added a limit for niceness. Didn't do anything, but I'm guessing I need to relogin or reboot for it to register...01:16
Neo_123456i have problem with my gui,because when i try to enter the gui,the monitor lose signal01:16
Zoffixthune3, err, not empty, but everything was commented out >_<01:17
MortuisThere's a mapping program I'm playing with that switches views when you hit ctrl-shift-p,  I've been doing this a lot and it would be nice to be able to accomplish this with one button press.01:17
MrKeunerhello, on my several ubuntu boxes (different hardware) I am having trouble with user switching. Every couple of switches end up in a black screen which is like an X freeze. Has anybody kept track of this bug? Would you let me know what bug number it has?01:17
Typos_KingMortuis:   I'd think it has options for key-bindings01:19
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Phun5tarWhy does the Trash have a "Empty Trash Bin" greyed out after I just deleted something?01:19
Phun5tarfurthermore, why am I able to see everything that I've "deleted", but the Trash bin still does nothing01:20
MortuisTypos_King: So if the app doesn't have keybinding options within it, I'm out of luck?01:20
MortuisTypos_King: app = mapping program01:21
LJRuffPhun5tar, just do like most of us and when you're sure you're ready to permanently delete something just "rm" it in terminal. It irrevocably deletes the information from the filesystem.01:21
Typos_KingMortuis:   yes, more or less I'd think01:21
thune3Zoffix: something has to be done to get it to take effect, checking....01:21
BodsdaLJRuff: no it doesnt. It de-references that space. It 'is' reversable01:21
Phun5tarLJRuff, I understand; however, why can't I have a Trash bin that works?01:21
MortuisTypos_King: nuts, ohwell. Thanks for the help.01:22
LJRuffBodsda, how is it reversible? I am not aware of this. = /01:22
decay33can anyone help?01:22
LJRuff!help | decay3301:22
ubottudecay33: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:22
shoopdawoopPhun5tar: check the permissions on your ~/.local/share/Trash/ folder01:23
psusiLJRuff, the data is still there... just the way to find it is gone... there are tools that can search free space to find the data still, but it isn't easy...01:23
decay33i would like to know a program that speaks to me01:24
LJRuffpsusi, perhaps a website or search criteria I can use in google to help me learn? =D01:24
BodsdaLJRuff: when a file is deleted, it is actually just allowed to be overwritten. The data still exists. Disaster recovery software can read the inodes and retrieve the files01:24
LJRuffOh, ok.01:24
Phun5tarI kinda tried to check permissions, what options should I give chmod?01:24
IncarnationWhat do you guys think o Ubuntu 10.4? I'm wondering if I should upgrade from 9.1001:24
Phun5tarBodsda, I'd lay off the technicality, though01:24
connermcddecay33 like orca?01:24
psusiLJRuff, photorec is one such program... but it is very unreliable at best01:24
miked595Is is possible to transcode mkv to mp4 to stream to an iPhone with ubuntu and apache?01:24
LJRuffThanks, psusi01:24
decay33im new to ubuntu and i dont know any program like that01:25
BodsdaPhun5tar: why would I lay off the technical bits in a technical support channel?01:25
LJRuffIncarnation, I like 10.04. I do not regret upgrading.01:25
LJRuffBodsda is right. I like to hear the technical stuff. Makes me feel more worthy of my glasses.01:25
Phun5tarBodsda: I say that because "technically" nothing is "deleted"01:25
IncarnationIn terms of performance, is it better to make a fresh install with 10.4 or to upgrade from 9.10?01:25
Phun5tarI am using "technical" in a different sense, sorry01:25
Typos_King!info espeak | decay3301:26
ubottudecay33: espeak (source: espeak): A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43.03-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 69 kB, installed size 248 kB01:26
BodsdaPhun5tar: ah, misunderstanding, I see - no worries01:26
LJRuffPhun5tar, the link to the information is apparently deleted. =D01:26
decay33how do i install it? terminal?01:27
Phun5tarit was too much like stating the obvious for its own sake01:27
h00kPhun5tar: Please watch your language and keep it family friendly01:27
Typos_King!synaptics | decay3301:27
ubottudecay33: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:27
DaekdroomHow to change GDM login screen on Ubuntu 10.04?01:27
Typos_Kingdecay33:   just check in the Software Install section, it'll be listed there01:28
Phun5taroh, sorry01:28
BodsdaDaekdroom: System > Admin > Login screen01:28
BodsdaPhun5tar: dont be. that was majorly picky01:28
decay33synaptics where is that?01:28
DaekdroomBodsda, it's not longer there in ubuntu lucid01:29
DaekdroomBodsda, they removed the option to change themes01:29
Phun5tarlol, "no worries"01:29
connermcddecay33 go to Applications->Ubuntu Software Center and search for espeak01:29
connermcddecay33 There's also a front end GUI for it01:29
BodsdaDaekdroom: yeah, fedora did that. Install kdm01:29
gpmhey guys. i installed musicbrainz picard from source but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to uninstall...website is here: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Picard, any clues?01:29
decay33connermcd its not there01:29
Bodsdagpm: just delete the files01:30
nerdy_kidPhun5tar have you tried rming the trash manually?  rm -R .local/share/Trash i think it is DOUBLE CHECK THAT cause it will erase everything in the folder!01:30
connermcddecay33 espeak and gespeaker01:30
gpmBodsda: yes, but i don't know where they were all put...01:30
Phun5tarmanual removal has never been a problem01:30
=== Guest54807 is now known as notwist
Phun5tarmy problem is, specifically, with the Trash applet01:30
Bodsdagpm: huh?01:30
sc_where I can get google earth for my ubuntu?01:30
gpmBodsda: well, there's an executable /usr/bin/picard, but i'm sure there are other files...i don't know where they are01:31
decay33ive done all updates where else could i find it?01:31
nerdy_kidsc_ you can download it from googles site, or medibuntu has it i think01:31
notwistDoes anyone know a simple way to get brctl to remember bridges after a reboot? Every time i boot i have to set my two eth-cards to and create a bridge :(01:31
Typos_Kingsc_:    IIRC is in the repositories01:31
* a_vuvuzela plays himself01:31
Bodsdagpm: you said you installed from source, so check the makefiles, the install file and delete the build directory01:31
a_vuvuzelaYou thought you escaped the Vuvuzela01:31
Bodsdaa_vuvuzela: you missed a "with" there01:31
a_vuvuzelaack misclick01:32
Bodsda!ops | a_vuvuzela01:32
ubottua_vuvuzela: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:32
gpmBodsda: that's the thing there's not a makefile, or maybe i just haven't encountered enough python, but i searched the script i ran for a reference to /usr/bin/picard but there isn't one01:32
Bodsdawow, the list of ops has dropped01:32
shoopdawoopPhun5tar: did you completely remove everything in ~/.local/share/Trash/ ? and is the trash button still greyed out?01:33
Phun5tarWhat could cause the Trash applet from deleting /root/.Local/shared/Trash?01:33
lhavelundBodsda: Not everyone is on that list.01:33
Phun5tarseveral times01:33
DJ_HaMsTaSo im writing a 7.1 GB image in a DVD+R DL which has 8GB free but every time i try with brazero it says that only 4.3 GB is free01:33
Bodsdalhavelund: ah. I wonder why - is there a new minor-emergency trigger?01:33
shoopdawoopPhun5tar: I don't suppose you're logged in as root?01:33
lhavelundBodsda: Nope. It's just hard to fit people onto the trigger.01:33
Bodsdagpm: ah, sorry I thought you were on about compiled code - can you link to the source?01:33
Phun5tarTrash has issues with a Root login?01:34
Bodsdalhavelund: hard to add names?01:34
BodsdaPhun5tar: nope01:34
gpmBodsda: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/picard/picard-0.12.1.tar.gz01:34
shoopdawoopPhun5tar: I wouldn't know. never tried that01:34
lhavelundBodsda: No, but messages are limited to only a few characters. In any case, we can't continue this discussion here; we'll upset the support flow. :)01:34
thune3Zoffix: there might be an easier way, but if you log out and log back in, limits.conf will take effect.01:34
Phun5tarWell, I did accidentally install GDM without having any user accounts, and forcibly removed it via CLI01:34
Bodsdalhavelund: agreed01:34
Phun5tarthat's the only thing that I can understand changing the way Trash works01:35
AAAnotwist  you should be able to put all of that in /etc/network/interfaces01:35
Phun5tarI remember using Trash as root before, but I've only noticed this because I ran out of space today and noticed this problem01:35
notwistAAA: but i cant just put br0 there without manually creating it in brctl first01:36
Phun5tarit could have been "deleting" without deleting for a while, now01:36
=== Rzv_ is now known as Rzv
crusoaleUbuntu installed step Detect and Mount CD-ROM I am installing from USB and get the error that it couldnt mount CD ROM01:36
chalkhow come my internet connection is slower on ubuntu 10 than 901:36
crusoaleI would like to get off this windows machine, and have my linux back.01:36
crusoaleAnyone have indeas on how to correct this error?01:36
Bodsdagpm: cant help im afraid - nothing useful in the install.txt or setup.py01:36
craigbass1976What's the command that will show me real time packet loss?  I can't remember, but every time there was a lost packet (or a few of them) I'd get a period  Bad connections looked like .......01:37
AAAcraigbass1976  netstat -s?01:37
Typos_Kingcrusoale:   how did you get/make that bootable usb?01:37
decay33connermcd i cant find the program01:38
wahbenHi! How do I completely re-install a package in Ubuntu? I manipualted stuff in /usr/lib/somepackage and broke it. I tried to apt-get --reinstall but it does not put the files back in there01:38
shoopdawoopPhun5tar: I really don't know what the problem is. just delete the trash directory for the user you're logged in with and check the permissions of the folder (should probably be 600)01:38
shoopdawoopthat's all I can think of01:38
wahbenhow do I tell ubuntu to "reset" the package?01:38
Phun5tarI'll try that01:38
crusoaleThru the instructions there.01:38
gpmBodsda: yeah....i'm hunting based on the file list on packages.ubuntu.com for that version01:38
Phun5tarbut it's closing time at the store, so I'll try that later01:38
Phun5tarthanks, anyway, all!01:38
miked595who was the guy wanting to remove software that was isntalled from source?01:39
crusoaleusing the universal usb installer, and an .iso downloaded via torrent01:39
Typos_Kingwahben:   define 'reset' :)01:39
wahbenType-O, I modified the mono "gac" stack in /usr/lib/mono/ and broke my installation01:40
wahbenso I moved /usr/lib/mono/* in a backup folder01:40
Typos_Kingcrusoale:     ..... I know 9.1 cd came with an utility for making a 'startup usb disk', I know that one worked well, dunno on 10.0401:40
Zoffixthune3, awesome :) That did the trick, I can now renice to negative number :) Thanks!01:40
AAAnotwist  you can call pre-up scripts there, just make a small script that brings your bridge up and call it from ../interfaces01:40
wahbenand I want to tell Ubuntu to just re-install all files it put initially in /usr/lib/mono01:40
wahbenso I tried apt-get --reinstall install but that does not work01:41
wahbenI had this problem before with other packages, but I forget how I resolved it01:41
Daekdroomwahben, sudo apt-get remove --purge and then sudo apt-get install01:41
wahbenI did that01:41
AAAwahben  dpkg-reconfigure <pkg>01:41
wahbenAAA, I did that too01:41
AAAwahben  you purged it and then install and didn't get the results you wanted?01:42
wahbenAAA, correct01:42
miked595sudo aptitude reinstall <packages>01:42
wahbenmiked595, I tried that too01:42
miked595wahben: all hope is lost then01:42
connermcdwahben, config files in your home folder?01:42
AAAwahben  you said all the files installed in /usr/lib/moo do you know what packages own those files?01:42
wahbenAAA, well I thought it was mono-2.0-service and mono-1.0-service01:43
wahbenso I apt-get --purge remove mono-1.0-service and mono-2.0-service and tried to re-install but it does not seem to work01:44
AAAdpkg -S /path/to file01:44
wahbenAAA, I will try that01:44
AAAwahben  it doesn't seem to work because it installs it in the /usr/lib/moo directory? and that is your problem?01:44
wahbenPerhaps I must apt-get remove --purge all of mono's dependencies along with mono-1.0-service01:44
Bradleydcan anyone help me?01:45
Daekdroomwahben, yeah. All of the mono libs01:45
AAAdpkg -L mono-1.0 should show you all of it's files01:45
X-Sleepy-X!ask | Bradleyd01:45
ubottuBradleyd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:45
wahbenI will try --purge all of mono's dependencies, perhaps that will do it01:45
BradleydHello, can anyone help me with installing intel drivers?01:46
connermcdBradleyd what kind of intel drivers01:46
Bradleydwant me to get my graphics card info?01:46
AAAwahben  I don't understand your end goal. do you want to install mono in /opt/usr/lib/mono (or similar) instead of /usr/lib/mono? using the same deb?01:47
connermcdBradleyd sure what's your lspci print out01:47
connermcdBradley one line only please01:47
DaekdroomAAA, he modified those files and broke his mono install and can't fix it01:47
AAADaekdroom  aha, I see01:48
AAAwahben  must be something in your ~/.monorc or whatever01:48
wahbenAAA I want to reinstall all the files that were installed buy apt-get install mono-2.0-service (those installed in /usr/lib/mono/ ), because I removed those files.01:48
Bradleyd00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)01:48
rabbyhow to force modprobe to load a specific driver although vendor/productid does not fit?01:48
AAAwahben  do you have any ~/.mono* stuffs? if so nix'm01:48
connermcdBradleyd Display controller01:49
HTT-BirdUbuntu's kernel-package package applies the Ubuntu patchsets to the kernel it builds, right?01:49
Bradleyd00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)01:49
Daekdroomwahben, some of the files must belong to a few mono libs that you can list by dpkg -S /usr/lib/mono01:49
wahbenAAA, sounds good ill rm those too01:49
=== Ivan747 is now known as Nobody
wahbenDaekdroom, I will check that, didn't know about dpkg -S01:49
decay33hi all01:49
AAAwahben  my guess is you have home rc files/folders that are hosing your reconfig effort. rm those, purge (make sure the files are gone) and install again01:50
AAAwahben  fyi   -S|--search <pattern> ...        Find package(s) owning file(s).01:50
decay33how do i install a program called susi.py01:50
AAAwahben  so dpkg -S mono should show you everything that mono has01:51
Typos_Kingdecay33:   susi.py?    sounds like a python executable, try just running it :)01:51
decay33i did and nothing happened01:52
AAAwahben  that will NOT show you user/rc files01:52
=== Nobody is now known as Ivan_
HTT-Birddecay33: try running it from terminal. :)01:52
decay33where do i put the file? just on desktop?01:52
=== Ivan_ is now known as Ivan747
AAAdecay33  that is a script, you just run it python susi.py01:52
AAAdecay33  in a terminal01:52
mechdaveG'day all, anyone know how to fix the nvidia kernel module incompatability with the latest updates for Lucid?01:53
wahbenAAA, I tried to apt-get --purge remove ALL OF THE mono dependencies01:53
wahbenand then apt-get --reinstall01:53
wahbenand it workeed01:53
AAAwahben  awesome01:53
FloodBot1wahben: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:53
AAAwahben  did you rm any ~/. files?01:53
decay33nothing happened just new line01:53
wahbenAAA, there weren't any01:53
wahbenbut i checked01:53
IdleOnedecay33: you need to be in the dir the file is located01:53
AAAdecay33  chmod a+x susi.py && ./susi.py01:53
AAAdecay33  first do ps aux|grep susi01:54
Bradleydcan anyone help my install intel drivers? -- 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)01:54
AAAdecay33  it may be running in the background01:54
HTT-Birdhas anyone here used kernel-package to build a custom kernel?01:54
IdleOneBradleyd: what is wrong with the default ones?01:54
HTT-BirdBradleyd: they should be there already. :) xserver-xorg-video-intel, anyone?01:54
Bradleydbut i can't edit etc/X11/xorg~01:54
AAAif there is really a ~ then that is a vim backup file most likely01:55
* HTT-Bird pokes #ubuntu01:55
X-Sleepy-XBradleyd: Are you experiencing any problems with the drivers that are already installed?01:55
decay33this is what shows AAA 21644  0.0  0.1   3040   800 pts/0    R+   20:55   0:00 grep --color=auto susi01:55
BradleydI can't run a game called Tibia01:55
softthi, quick question. i started with the minimal install and built up from there, adding xserver and dwm as my window manager.  i did not elect to install gnome/gtk or any of that.  at some point i must have installed an app that created a 'Desktop' folder in my home dir.  i'm trying to find what the offending package is, because i've installed very few graphical apps to begin with.  anyway of finding this out?  i cannot just delete Desktop becaus01:56
will__Tibia???? It's a sheet man01:56
IdleOneHTT-Bird: ##linux might be a better place to ask. We can't support custom kernels here01:56
AAAdecay33  do the chmod a+x on susi.py, then just ./susi.py :: this assumes python is installed on your machine (is by default) and the script isn't b0rk01:56
HTT-BirdIdleOne: well, what kernel does Maverick use then?01:57
HTT-Birdis it a 2.6.34, or some 2.6.33?01:57
HTT-Birdor is that still back on 2.6.3201:57
IdleOne.35 now01:58
BradleydTibia has its own Linux client and when i ran it this happend: http://img.imgland.net/127644794581.png01:58
AAAdecay33  is that an irc bot?01:58
IdleOne#ubuntu+1 for maverick support01:58
AAAdecay33  if so, it most likely won't run from your term like you expect01:58
decay33its like chatbot is what i was told01:59
Pulgahi, I am having problems with ubuntu 10.04 in my toshiba notebook. It doesn't boot after upgrade && dist-upgrade01:59
AAAdecay33  you wan't to use that in conjuntion with your irc client then.  I can't help ya there01:59
IdleOneHTT-Bird: 2.6.35-3.4 to be specific01:59
BradleydCan anyone look at this and tell me if its something to do with my graphics? http://img.imgland.net/127644794581.png     Its a game called Tibia i play and they have a Linux client.01:59
HTT-Birdright. :)01:59
decay33i want a program that speaks to you02:00
HTT-Birdwhat'd happen if I booted that kernel with an old userland?02:00
IdleOneHTT-Bird: should boot02:00
pavpanchekhahello all02:00
IdleOneHTT-Bird: ask in #ubuntu+1 to make sure02:00
HTT-Bird(existing kernel on this box is 2.6.28, need HWmon support that's only available in 2.6.34 or later tho)02:00
X-Sleepy-XPulga: You might have installed held back kernel updates. Try to hold shift and esc at the beginning of the boot and select an older version of the kernel to boot from.02:00
AAAdecay33  festival02:01
pavpanchekhaI deleted my /var/lib/dpkg completely; is there anything I can do?02:01
decay33how or where do i get that?02:01
sjuxaxI am using numpad for mouse control. Sometimes the 5 clicks with a left-click, sometimes right-click, sometimes middle-click. I can't figure out what controls this. Anyone here know? I want to change it to left-click and right now it is stuck on middle click.02:01
Typos_Kingdecay33:  I thought that was answered already, about 1hr ago02:01
AAAdecay33  apt-get install festival02:01
BradleydCan anyone help me with my problem?02:02
sjuxaxBradleyd: don't ask to ask, just ask02:02
pavpanchekhaNo takers on the /var/lib/dpkg problem?02:02
Bradleydcan someone look at this and tell me if its something to do with my graphics? http://img.imgland.net/127644794581.png     Its a game called Tibia i play and they have a Linux client02:02
AAApavpanchekha  did you try dpkg-reconfigure?  no idea if that would work or not, but worth a shot02:02
pavpanchekhaAAA: it wants a package name02:03
acerimmer_Bradleyd: well it's the gpu, graphics exceeding your machine specs or a software glitch.  Run other graphic intensive apps/games.  If you see it again, suspect the card or your specs02:03
prince_jammyspavpanchekha: dpkg02:03
decay33AAA where do i find the program now after apt get02:03
pavpanchekhaAAA: I've got some broken packages as a result of deletion but it refuses to reconfigure those02:03
pavpanchekhaprince_jammys: yes?02:03
prince_jammyspavpanchekha: try that as the package name02:04
X-Sleepy-XBradleyd: If anyone knows the answer or solution to your problem they will most likely provide you with an answer or solution. Meanwhile you could try to search on Google with the line you got from lspci.02:04
AAApavpanchekha  dpkg02:04
pavpanchekhaprince_jammys: oh, see, "dpkg is not installed"02:04
HotTunaGetting 4.0mb/s consistent on 100mbps lan with nfs server on 10.04 any ideas?02:04
pavpanchekhaprince_jammys & AAA: because status and available and friends are gone02:04
Bradleydacerimmer_: I had it running using wine so i can use the Windows Client but when I try to open that now it says Video Surface something error02:04
pavpanchekhaprince_jammys AAA: shall I manually add them?02:05
shoopdawoopBradleyd: maybe ask here instead: http://forum.tibia.com/forum/?action=board&boardid=1302:05
PulgaX-Sleepy-X: i had tried booting from older version but it stops when xorg starts02:05
X-Sleepy-XPulga: Have you tried using the recovery mode?02:05
AAApavpanchekha  is dpkg-*-.deb here? /var/cache/apt/archives/02:06
decay33AAA i installed festival where do i find it?02:06
AAApavpanchekha  you still have the binary, right?02:06
X-Sleepy-XPulga: Perhaps you can do something from there. I'm not sure what though... :)02:06
acerimmer_Bradleyd: ah. i must have missed that part.  anyway, as u know, wine doesn't always fly perfect...02:06
pavpanchekhaAAA: yeah02:06
AAAdecay33  probably /usr/bin/02:06
AAAdecay33  man festival02:06
MrKeuneris it possible to highlight certain words on the gnome-terminal?02:06
pavpanchekhaAAA: it's there; but dpkg doesn't work, so i can't quite install it02:06
Pulgaiam still trying02:06
AAAdecay33  there are tons of docs. it isn't a launch, click and use app02:06
AAApavpanchekha  dpkg -i /var/cache/blah/dpkg.deb doesn't work?02:07
Pulgaany suggestions about ubuntu 10.04 in toshiba's noteboks?02:07
pavpanchekhaAAA: wait, lemme check02:07
wgrantpavpanchekha: You're going to have to reinstall, unless it's realllllly important to you.02:07
Bradleydacerimmer: It says Video surface allocation failed. (Error Code 13)  Please choose another video graphics mode.    and then it goes off when i press Ok02:07
h00k!who | Pulga02:07
ubottuPulga: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:07
wgrantYou could potentially recreate status by looking at what files are installed, but that would take forever.02:08
AAApavpanchekha  you could possibly rsync those dir's from another ubuntu box02:08
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wgrantAAA: That won't do any good.02:08
Bradleydacerimmer_: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:08
Bradleyderr:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo  couldn't initialize OpenGL, expect problems02:08
Bradleydfixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f578,0x00000000), stub!02:08
Bradleydfixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),1,0x32f578,0x00000000), stub!02:08
Bradleyderr:d3d_caps:WineD3D_CreateFakeGLContext Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat.02:08
FloodBot1Bradleyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
Bradleyderr:d3d:InitAdapters Failed to get a gl context for default adapter02:08
pavpanchekhaAAA: dpkg installed02:08
acerimmer_Bradleyd: I rarely use wine.  ask again in this channel and also check #winehq02:09
wgrantAAA: They differ between systems.02:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: after I told it to force-depends02:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: not before that02:09
AAAwgrant  yeah, didn't think02:09
connermcd_Bradleyd acerimmer_ The tibia linux executable works for me in 10.04 Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML02:09
BradleydIt says something about opengl02:09
BradleydDirect3D9 is not available without OpenGL.02:09
decay33AAA i dont know whih files they are02:09
AAAdecay33  neither do I.  you can find out by typing dpkg -L festival02:10
wgrantpavpanchekha: You are in for a world of pain unless you reinstall.02:10
wgrantIt only takes a few minutes.02:10
AAApavpanchekha  after dpkg -i dpkg.deb can your dpkg-reconfigure dpkg now? are those files there?02:10
AAAwgrant  it is an interesting problem to solve tho02:10
wgrantThe only way you're going to get into a reasonable situation is by working out exactly which set of packages is installed at which versions, then installing them all again.02:11
pavpanchekhaAAA: hey, that worked to get some files back02:11
wgrantIt's doable with a bit of work.02:11
pavpanchekhawgrant: well, I can tell you it's a completely vanilla 10.0402:11
wgrantBut pointless when you can just easily reinstall preserving /home.02:11
AAAwgrant  /var/cache/apt/archives should have a decent snapshot02:11
pavpanchekhawgrant: and reinstall is an issue of convenience really02:11
pavpanchekhawgrant: so really I ought to, but it'd be nice if I could fix it02:11
wgrantpavpanchekha: It's a lot more convenient than reconstructing dpkg's state mnanually.02:11
wgrantHow was it deleted in the first place?02:12
pavpanchekhawgrant: yes, yes, perhaps I should have said impatience02:12
pavpanchekhawgrant: problem exists between keyboard and user or something along those lines, isn't it?02:12
wgrantKeyboard and Chair, but yes.02:12
pavpanchekhawgrant: stupidity by your truly02:12
BradleydWhat does this mean? Direct3D9 is not available without OpenGL.02:12
Bradleyd   I need to get OpenGL?02:12
nexonick nexo:nn9coi02:13
pavpanchekhawgrant: I was thinking that it being a completely fresh-out-of box 10.04 might make it a bit easier to work out exact versions02:13
soreaupavpanchekha: Insane idea: Boot a live image, grab whatever files you need and cp them onto the mounted ubuntu partition02:13
AAApavpanchekha  if it were I, I'd try to install everything /var/cache/apt/archives/ for fun. then reinstall.  I'm just curious how broken that would make your system ;)02:13
soreauAAA: heh02:14
pavpanchekhaAAA: a guinea pig, huh?02:14
wgrantAAA: If it's a reasonably fresh install, /var/cache/apt/archives will only contain a few packages, and not the base system.02:14
AAApavpanchekha  your only choice is reinstall at this point, so wha't to loose?02:14
wgrantSo they'll probably fail to install :/02:14
pavpanchekhaAAA: so, if that a serious suggestion? sure!02:14
pavpanchekhaAAA: completely (completely) fresh install02:14
AAAbase-files_5.0.0ubuntu20_i386.deb is on my fresh install02:14
mad_doganyone know where i can find the changelog for the new kernel02:15
AAApavpanchekha  my suggestion is to dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb and see what happens02:15
pavpanchekhaAAA: base-files wants awk, awk is not there02:15
AAApavpanchekha  I think awk is in a general package02:16
pavpanchekhaAAA: alright, it's -i'ing everything02:16
pavpanchekhaAAA: and I just keep re-running that until dependancies work themselves out?02:16
pavpanchekhaAAA: hmm, google should tell me which one02:17
wgrantIt's gawk.02:17
pavpanchekhawgrant: ah, thanks02:17
acerimmer_Bradleyd: do a search of your filesystem for open gl - almost certain you'll find it.  and really, ask the #winehq folks about this bcz they probably know more than us02:17
AAApavpanchekha  you could try --force02:18
AAApavpanchekha  since the files are really there, it should be fine02:18
pavpanchekhawgrant: and that wants libc6; I'm at the g's, so I'll get there02:18
AAApavpanchekha  and your next step is reinstall, so no big wooop02:18
pavpanchekhaAAA: and yeah, I should have; is it safe to kill dpkg while it's unpacking?02:18
rabbyno idea for: how to force modprobe to load a specific driver although vendor/productid does not fit?02:18
AAApavpanchekha  hehe, your dpkg is so hosed anyhow... ;)02:18
soreaurabby: modprobe -f02:19
pavpanchekhaAAA: oh, sure, sure, still, no reason to hose it on purpose02:19
AAApavpanchekha  patients is tough, huh?02:19
soreaurabby: What device is it?02:19
pavpanchekhaAAA: god knows I've done that enough02:19
AAApavpanchekha  I'd say let it go and see what you can learn from it02:19
pavpanchekhaAAA: patience is; and, yeah, well, friday is far away02:19
thune3pavpanchekha: dpkg puts a bunch of stuff in there over time but /var/lib/dpkg/info only has four empty directories at install updates/ parts/ info/ alternatives/02:19
pavpanchekhaAAA: hahahaha, it's not a difficult lesson to learn02:19
rabbysoreau: modprobe sisusbvga works, but it doesn't seem to run on the right device...02:19
pavpanchekhathune3: google has educated me as I looked for a way to fix it02:20
rabbyi know the product+vendorid, but don't know how to tell it modprobe..?02:20
soreaurabby: You cant use a kernel module that doesn't specifically support your device02:20
pavpanchekhathune3: still would have to recover status and available02:20
nexo /connect irc.irc-hispano.org02:20
soreaurabby: You can load the module but it just wont work02:20
rabbysoreau: it does, but it has not all productids+vendors inside...02:20
HotTunaGetting 4.0mb/s consistent on 100mbps lan with nfs server on 10.04 any ideas?02:21
BradleydHello how can i do this?  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:21
BradleydTibia Error02:21
BradleydX Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)02:21
BradleydPlease ensure your X Server features an OpenGL extension.02:21
FloodBot1Bradleyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:21
rabbythere is a patch for recompiling the module after adding this vendorid, but for testing i'd like to force modprobe...02:21
pavpanchekhaAAA: well, now I can at least get a good idea of the depth of the dpkg tree02:21
soreauBradleyd: What gives you this output?02:21
pavpanchekhaAAA: depending how many times I have to rerun dpkg -i *02:21
Bradleydwhen i open a game called tibia using ./Tibia engine 002:21
Bradleydtry open*02:22
soreauBradleyd: What does 'lspci|grep VGA && glxinfo|grep renderer' say?02:22
AAApavpanchekha  through the --force on there when you get bored =p02:22
Bradleyd00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)02:22
BradleydXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:22
BradleydXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:22
BradleydXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:22
BradleydXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:22
FloodBot1Bradleyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
pavpanchekhaAAA: bored? It's halfway through lib*! It's exciting!02:22
AAApavpanchekha  :)  are the /var/lib/dpkg folders/files being repopulated?02:23
rabbysoreau: the modprobe modname works without -f, too, but it does not understand which physical device it belongs to.02:24
pavpanchekhaAAA: yeah! status is slowly growing new entries02:24
soreaurabby: If this is the case that the module is designed such that it only operates with valid product/vender IDs, then you should use the patch02:24
thune3pavpanchekha: what instructions are you using? i'm curious.02:24
romulobrhow can i change what monitor is the main one? I mean, the one with the menu bars02:24
atxtrying to get wacom bamboo tablet to work on Ubuntu 10.04. anyone had much success?02:24
pavpanchekhathune3: AAA's: run dpkg -i *.deb in the apt archives dir02:25
pavpanchekhathune3: as many times as necessary02:25
* soreau laffs02:25
pavpanchekhathune3: to rebuild status02:25
rabbysoreau: so there is no way to do it - just for testing - before recompiling all the patch?02:25
East_Coast_GirlHello :)02:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:25
soreaurabby: Apparently not.02:25
acerimmer_atx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom02:26
AAArabby  in the past I've used --vendor 555:0302 or whatever to load modules. it just depens on how that driver is written. if you can find the source your can probably find the command line arg02:26
soreauGood idea AAA02:26
thune3pavpanchekha: i apt-get clean often, i have one .deb in there!02:26
soreaurabby: Try modinfo $MODULE to see the options available for said module02:26
pavpanchekhathune3: heh, so you'd be hosed if you were as dumb as me!02:27
rabbysoreau: :-( it will take for hours to get the X devels which are required to compile this driver. i will go on searching for modprobe tricks.02:27
atxread that already02:27
pavpanchekhathune3: well, this was a completely fresh install02:27
AAApavpanchekha  I think your system will still be b0rk when you're done, fyi :)02:27
pavpanchekhathune3: grub troubles + rm-happyness = bad02:27
soreaurabby: Use modinfo to see the options available to the module you're working with02:27
East_Coast_Girl Right now, I am a very confused newb about this ... I have 2 VIA Raid cards in my system (VT6410) running Ubuntu 10.04. Disk Utility DOES see them using the pata_via driver but the hard drives attached to them aren't showing up. How do I set the cards up so that the drives are seen? I really don't want an actual RAID, I just want the JBOD setting. All the drives are ATA drives (not SATA) with new cables if that helps. I have02:27
East_Coast_Girlthe ad.4, ataraid.4, and ar.4 files. Where do I put these files? I've tried basically everything I can think of to get these things to work including switching around jumpers, running some RAID discovery tools all to no avail. I need some serious hand holding at this point please or at least pointed to a really good tutorial that I can follow.02:27
pavpanchekhaAAA: eh, yeah, t'was fun while it lasted, no?02:27
soreaupavpanchekha: What about my crazy idea?02:28
East_Coast_GirlSorry for the wall of text but I'm kinda desperate to get this to work :?02:28
FloodBot1ylmfos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
ryan_hi there, my first time come here02:28
romulobranybody here knows how to change main screen on a dual monitor setup (laptop)02:28
pavpanchekhasoreau: hey, hey, one crazy idea at a time!02:28
AAApavpanchekha  and it may still be workable. but my guess is you have several versions of the same pkg and your forcing it to install both/all of them. that is my main concern02:28
pavpanchekhasoreau: you'll all get a chance02:28
soreaupavpanchekha: Well, aren't you finished failing?02:28
rabbysoreau: modinfo returns a lot and also knows the 0x0711 already: http://nopaste.info/ecf1742905.html02:28
AAApavpanchekha  of course, you could have grep those out in the beginning, but hindsight is 20/20, hehe02:28
Ademanhas anyone else had a problem where nautilus doesn't obey the Gtk+ theme? (It looks like it's not using any theme and using the default Gtk+ renderer)02:28
pavpanchekhasoreau: because... fresh install comes witha  lot of packages02:28
pavpanchekhaAAA: well, again, completely fresh isntall; so maybe it won't die horribly02:29
pavpanchekhaAAA: if apt gets working, can I just start re-installing all my packages to update properly?02:29
soreaurabby: I think there is a reason for the patch and you should use it unless it's really old and already made it's way into the kernel02:29
soreaupavpanchekha: Sounds like you want ubuntu02:30
AAApavpanchekha  I would apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade02:30
soreaupavpanchekha: I mean debian ;)02:30
pavpanchekhapavpanchekha: heh, or Gentoo02:30
rabbysoreau: the patch is really only rewriting the compatibility list. no other changes at all.02:30
pavpanchekhasoreau: or Gentoo02:30
rabbyhours of waste of time :/02:30
pavpanchekhaAAA: makes sense02:30
soreaupavpanchekha: Talking to yourself: Time to take a break and/or go to sleep ;)02:30
AAArabby  hours? how big is that thing? and are you on a p100 or something?02:31
pavpanchekhasoreau: heh, yes02:31
Ademanbizarre... I don't know why that is, but removing the old gconf for nautilus fixed it... anyone know if it was a specific key that was causing problems?02:31
pavpanchekhasoreau: or did I just make myself a (BROADCAST-STREAM) to you?02:31
rabbyAAA: ever compiled X modules on your own?02:31
soreaurabby: Takes seconds to compile a kernel module usually02:31
AAArabby  not for a long time thank god02:32
AAAI recently build mplayer in less than an hour02:33
pavpanchekhaAAA: you now, you've gotta give me props for managing to fuck up a system _before_ it was booted02:33
* AAA claps02:33
unoppavpanchekha, language ...02:33
atchoAAA: bucuo. congratuls02:33
pavpanchekhaunop: sorry02:34
pavpanchekhaunop: is "**** up a system" valid?02:34
unoppavpanchekha, obfuscated swearing is still swearing .. just keep it clean02:35
AAApavpanchekha  so do tell. how on earth did you manage to rid yourself of those directories in the first place? *ahem*02:35
HotTunaGetting 4.0mb/s consistent on 100mbps lan with nfs server on 10.04 any ideas?02:35
pavpanchekhaAAA: let's be charitable and say that grub errors get me into a blind rage02:35
freapwarhey guys.... I'm having a weird problem where I am able to connect to my wireless network using Ubuntu 10.04. I can connect via WEP key and my internet is working fine, but the icon for my network manager applet still shows a red exclamation point like it isn't connected even though it is....02:35
pavpanchekhaAAA: aaaaand... Blind Rage + Knowledge of CHRoot = BAD BAD BAD02:35
freapwarbasically not being able to see wireless signal strength02:36
=== RuKia|AueI is now known as Hiti-su
sapersii need to convert an mp4 to an mp3 on 10.04  i have installed lame02:36
aj5555when i add a second monitor   I cant view a flv file02:36
AAApavpanchekha  hehe, reminds me of a non-friendly, frienly looking short shell script :-)02:36
acerimmer_sapersi: doesn't vlc do conversions?02:36
unopHotTuna, are you sure you're connecting at 100Mbps? and that it hasn't fallen back to 10Mbps?02:36
pavpanchekhaAAA: the one that begins with :{:;:};: ?02:36
HotTunaunop, mii-tool confirms 100basetxFD on both machines02:37
AAApavpanchekha  the one I won't paste, yes02:37
utkanosanyone have a solution for the second monitor in a dual monitor setup having shitty color/contrast issues in twinview?02:37
freapwaranybody experience the problem I'm having or have any ideas on a fix?02:37
=== Hiti-su is now known as __RuKia__
utkanosthe nvidia binary driver has some options but none for individual monitor tweaking02:37
pavpanchekhaAAA: right, right. Not quite so dumb, just... rageful02:37
pavpanchekhaAAA: we're still being charitable, right?02:37
unoppavpanchekha, how do other protocols work? ssh, samba, etc?02:37
AAAfreapwar  I've notice network-manager being buggy in 10.4 myself.  I've reverted to just using iwconfig in those situations02:37
unoperr, pavpanchekha - sorry, that was for HotTuna02:38
pavpanchekhaunop: oh, everything works --- ssh, ftp02:38
AAAfreapwar  there is a bug somewhere, I'm sure of it. I'm just too lazy to find it02:38
pavpanchekhaunop: ah, ok, I was confused02:38
unopHotTuna,  how do other protocols fare? ssh, samba, etc?02:38
HotTunaunop, like crap too02:38
sapersiacerimmer_: is that available through the synaptics package manager?02:38
unopHotTuna, any better?02:38
HotTunaunop, no worse02:38
AAAHotTuna  and you said you are for sure connected at 100?02:39
HotTunaunop, its not like this on 9.10 either02:39
HotTunaAAA, yes want me to paste my mii-tool output?02:39
AAAHotTuna  no need02:39
HotTunanot in chan of course..02:39
East_Coast_Girlany help?02:39
AAAHotTuna  pastebin, sure02:39
HotTunait says connected at 100basetx-fd so thats what im going on02:39
AAAHotTuna  also, any custion iptables stuff?02:39
AAAHotTuna  custom02:40
unopHotTuna, any intermediate devices between the PCs?02:40
HotTunaunop, my router, which is set for 100mbps mode only02:41
acerimmer_sapersi: pretty sure it's in software center02:41
unopHotTuna, does the other end report 100M too?02:41
AAAHotTuna  does dmesg show any interface reconfigs?02:41
acerimmer_sapersi: yep.02:41
sapersiacerimmer_: word to big bird, thank you sir02:41
HotTunaunop, the other end shows 100mbps too. ill post the other end02:41
shawnjI have a question about the default desktop manager, metacity.02:41
HotTunaunop, AAA http://pastebin.com/YQLyYbbC02:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:42
stercorUm...All I have is a command-line interface; the GUI went away.  I apt-get installed ubuntu-desktop.  How do I get from the CLI to the GUI?02:42
EntityRebornok, accidently deleted my usb drive's partition table (winxp setup), how can I restore it?02:42
DJ_HaMsTaIs there a reliable DVD-R DL image burner for ubuntu ?02:43
stercorbtw IRSSI rulez02:43
unopHotTuna, both machines run relatively decent hardware, right?02:43
Dr_Willisstercor:  dependinds on what broke/changed.//  You can do 'startx' to get to the desktop if you wanted02:43
Dr_Willisstercor:  i perfer 'weechat' these days to irssi02:43
HotTunaunop, yea I used to get good speeds02:43
utkanosis it possible to change the color/contrast of individual monitors with the nvidia binary02:43
stercorDr_Willis: brb :-)02:43
bastid_raZorstercor: you should be able to reboot and get a GUI or startx02:43
aj5555when i add a second monitor   I cant view a flv file  it shows at a black image02:43
Dr_WillisDJ_HaMsTa:  ive used k3b befor. but ive found that often the DL media seems unreliable on every os/tool ive tried.02:43
unopHotTuna, how's the load, memory and disk usage on the machines?02:44
stercorDr_Willis: no screens found.02:44
AreioWolfQuick question:  Does anyone know of a way to print out media library information?  Like a track listing and such?02:44
HotTunaunop, well the server has nothing.. no gui nothing else running. and this is just my desktop with nothing running when I test02:44
thune3East_Coast_Girl: http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/git-commits-head/2010/3/29/31264/thread02:44
Dr_Willisstercor:  your X is some how missconfitgured then thats proberly teh core of the whole problem.02:44
ClayGhas anyone else had problems with the ubuntu iso stalling when trying to download it?02:44
HotTunaunop, on 9.10 I got good speeds02:45
X-Sleepy-XWhich is the best program or method for creating custom Ubuntu live CD's?02:45
ClayGanyone using ubuntu on the dell mini 10 in this channel?02:45
ubottux-sleepy-x: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:45
stercorDr_Willis: But it worked...then it didn't work.  I did an 'autoremove' and that may have done it to it.02:45
shawnjMy GUI is buggy, what should i do?02:45
bastid_raZorX-Sleepy-X: i prefer k3b and burn the CD at the slowest possible speed02:46
stercorDr_Willis: heh...now the family won't get on...02:46
soreaushawnj: What is bugging you exactly?02:46
Dr_WillisX-Sleepy-X:  Theres a neat site called 'reconstructor' that lets you remaster them online and download the new image. It also has tools you can download to do it locally. I had a few issues with it a month ago when i last tried it.. but it did work decently well.02:46
ClayGhas anyone else had problems with the ubuntu iso stalling when trying to download it?02:46
X-Sleepy-XDr_Willis: Thanks!02:46
Dr_WillisClayG:  you could alwyas use the torrents02:47
Nom-Hi All... I'm trying to port a package from Hardy which we maintain internally that applies firewall rules... I was wondering how I might set it up so it starts after bonding is applies (it currently applies all firewall rules against eth0, but then the interface gets converted to bond0)02:47
ClayGthat is what im doing02:47
gbillingshas anybody install ubuntu on the Zino HD?02:47
EntityRebornAnyone see my question?02:47
HotTunaunop, any ideas?02:47
AreioWolfQuick question:  Does anyone know of a way to print out media library information?  Like a track listing and such?02:47
Nom-So basically i need to ensure this firewall package doesn't get run until bond0 comes up (or is re-run when bond0 comes up)02:47
utkanosis it possible to change the color/contrast of individual monitors?02:47
shawnj@soreau im using the Netbook edition 10.0402:47
pavpanchekhaAAA: well, it force-installed everything02:47
pavpanchekhaAAA: so...02:47
ClayGbut yeah im using tghe torrent and the speed keeps dropping to 0, i have to pause then restart to get it to go again02:47
utkanosis it possible to change the color/contrast of individual monitors?02:48
pavpanchekhaAAA: apt-get upgrading as we speak02:48
Dr_Willisutkanos:  with my nvidia cards and the nvidia-settings tool.. yes its possible. Ive done it. Not sure about others02:48
ClayGi got like half an hour left if i stay here and dont miss any times it goes to 0 lol02:48
gbillingshas anybody install ubuntu on the Zino HD?02:48
mcnellisis there Hybrid CrossfireX support on ubuntu 10.04?02:48
utkanosDr_Willis, in the nvidia-settings binary I can only change it globally02:48
AAApavpanchekha  and all seems 'normal' ?02:48
mcnellisin the xserver-xorg-video-ati packae?02:48
pavpanchekhaAAA: well... it's just download crap right now02:48
unopHotTuna, was trying to see if there's anything in the forums about this.02:48
mcnellisI heard there is support for it in the fglx driver but i'm wondering baout the open source driver?02:48
Dr_Willisutkanos:  im pretty sure i was able to change it for my 2 dvi monitors.. but i cant double check right now.02:49
soreaushawnj: No need to pm me. You still haven't described what part of the gui is bugging you02:49
utkanosok.. thanks, it only lets me change one02:49
aj5555can anyone help!02:49
utkanosi can change digital vibrance02:49
Dr_Willisutkanos:  you are using twinview?  Its possible it was vibrance i changed.. i dident need to tweak much on it.02:49
HotTunaunop, well, I think they jacked up 10.04 my wifi is very slow now also02:49
orbitanyone knows how to change the alt+f2 to look like gnome-shell02:49
timClicksmy laptop brightness keys are not working, the laptop stays at a fixed brightness02:49
utkanosDr_Willis, yes, using twinview.02:49
Dr_Williswork time for me. bye all02:50
timClicksnor can I change brightness in power management02:50
unopHotTuna, do you have any other machines you can test the network with? i.e. to rule out problems on either of these machines02:50
HotTunaunop, yea I get better speeds on my windows 7 laptop with samba02:50
mlmg317-himtsHello.  Can someone simply tell me what the terminal command is for running KlamAV on the entire file system as a superuser?02:50
pavpanchekhaAAA: mm, seems to work...02:50
unopHotTuna, with both the machines?02:51
AAApavpanchekha  after the upgrade, try to install something small like nmap or vim or something and see what happens02:51
orbit anyone knows how to change the alt+f2 to look like gnome-shell02:51
shawnjsoreau the menubar at the top of my screen keeps disappearing02:51
HotTunaunop, my problem is this machine with ubuntu 10.04 is slow as heck for some reason on the network and idk why02:51
pavpanchekhaAAA: right02:51
unopHotTuna, my suspicion would be the network driver then --  can you post the output of ''dmesg'' to the !pastebin ?02:52
AAAHotTuna  if you are familiar with tcpdump/wireshark you could look at the packets02:52
HotTunaim not losing packets either I lookd with nfsstat -a02:52
HotTunaidk what happened in 10.0402:52
soreaushawnj: If you can still do alt+F2 to bring up a dialog, that typically means some window manager is running. The likeliest case I can think of is that you're using compiz and your decorator is crashing. Can you still move windows with Alt+Drag when the borders disappear?02:52
HotTunayea ill paste dmesg one minute02:52
gbillingsmlmg317-himts: man KlamAV will list controls for KlamAV02:53
unopHotTuna, well, ideally you want to graph the network performance - to see if it's a steady ~4mbps  or fluctuates wildly.02:53
orbit anyone knows how to change the alt+f2 to look like gnome-shell02:53
gbillingsmlmg317-himts: hey orbit remember me02:53
gbillingshey orbit remember me im the jailbreaker02:53
AAAHotTuna  you can also try something like iptraf to help debug02:53
HotTunaunop, when I copy a file from the nfs server its a steady 4.0mbps02:53
orbit<gbillings> nop i think i wasn't me02:54
unopHotTuna, how do you benchmark this?02:54
mlmg317-himtsgbillings: ???  What are you talking about?02:54
HotTunaunop, copy files?02:54
orbit anyone knows how to change the alt+f2 to look like gnome-shell02:54
HotTunaunop, http://pastebin.com/34TfEKpk02:54
unopHotTuna, that might not be giving you the complete picture of the bitrates though02:54
HotTunaunop, but it used to be 10.0mbps atleast! usually 16.0mbps or so02:55
gbillingsmlmg317-himts: if you type "man KlamAV" in a terminal it will tell you the basic controls of the program; soooo if you need to know how to do a certain task you would just read the manuall page02:55
orbitgbillings do u know how  to change the alt+f2 to look like gnome-shell02:55
unopHotTuna, ok, let me have a look at dmesg .. let's see if there's anything here02:55
mlmg317-himtsgbillings: K.  What did you mean by "hey orbit, remember me - I'm the jailbreaker?"02:56
gbillingsquoted wrong person02:56
unopHotTuna, seems you have a gigabit port too. The cable's not plugged in there is it?02:57
HotTunai do?02:57
HotTunathis is a laptop only one NIC02:57
AAAHotTuna  is this over an stun by chance? I see the tun driver is loaded02:57
MrKeuneris bazaar completely integrated with nautilus?02:57
gbillingsorbit: I think the only way to do that is to use gnome-shell.02:57
MrKeunerwill I see which files are up2date recursively?02:58
HotTunaAAA, idk what stun is02:58
AAAHotTuna  secure tunnel, and I think that dmesg entries means 002:58
HotTunaAAA, im not running anything called stun by accident02:58
HotTunaI mean02:58
HotTunaon purpose sorry lol.02:59
unopHotTuna, let's see the output of.  sudo lshw -C network02:59
blue_foxHotTuna, nice nick :)02:59
blue_foxfresh install of ubuntu on my dell precision m4400 :)02:59
blue_foxinstalling updates02:59
HotTunaunop, http://pastebin.com/HkrbRffh03:00
pavpanchekhaAAA: hey, update worked03:00
AAAHotTuna  look at line 73603:00
HotTunaAAA, ok?03:01
AAAHotTuna  seems like your device keeps 'comming up' and the was suppress 12 more times03:01
gbillingshas anybody installed ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Zino HD?03:01
pavpanchekhaAAA: yep, your idea worked. I should say THANK YOU but that's also a pretty awesoem solution03:01
AAAHotTuna  not sure if that means much, but I wanted to point it out03:01
HotTunaI might have done that playing around03:01
HotTunawith stuff03:01
AAApavpanchekha  w00t. congrats03:01
hiexpois it possible  to a ppp and a wireless card at the same time?03:02
unopHotTuna, hmm, also "r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded" - when all you have is a 100Mbps port03:02
hiexpoconnect ^03:02
HotTunaunop, ok, ubuntu loaded that driver do I need to switch?03:02
unopHotTuna, wait, let's see.   lsmod | grep -i  -e r8 -e rtl -e eth03:02
HotTunaunop,  http://pastebin.com/kEpnMniz03:03
AAAHotTuna  you can also try loading the r8169 with debug:303:04
AAAifdown eth0; rmmod r8169; modprobe r8169 debug:303:04
HotTunak brb then.03:04
=== shawnj_ is now known as shawnj
AAAHotTuna  16 is max debug03:05
Mike9863After upgrading to Lucid I noticed that the sorting in Rhythmbox got messed up. I have it set to sort in alphabetical order based off the album name, however for some reason two albums are at the top that shouldn't be there.03:05
shawnjsoreau Sorry my laptop crashed because i tried to drag the windows with ALT-Drag03:06
blue_foxshawnj, soundss like a windows problem ;)03:06
HotTunaAAA, [ 3834.485883] r8169: Unknown parameter `debug:3'03:07
* [gnubie] waves03:07
AAAblue_fox  alt-drag works on windows windows?03:07
soreaushawnj: yuk03:07
blue_foxAAA, i was making a funny03:07
pavpanchekhaAAA: vim installed, user happy03:07
HotTunaAAA, cant modprobe with the debug:3 part.03:07
[gnubie]anyone cares to check out my post at http://is.gd/cQmoF03:07
pavpanchekhaAAA: success!03:07
AAAHotTuna  that is what modinfo r8169 said03:07
shawnjblue_fox sorta, well the top menubar disappears every so often.03:07
unopHotTuna, what happens when you do this?  sudo modprobe r8<TAB><TAB>  # i.e. press tab twice after r803:08
sexy-catis ubuntu just a big virus????03:08
thelastnodeHey all, I have been using Ubuntu for a while, but I tried to set up a A2DP bluetooth headset recently, and it worked great, except that the audio skips every couple seconds. My /var/log/messages has a bunch of "pulseaudio[1515]: module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 184564 us (= 32556 bytes) in audio stream" messages. Any idea what's wrong?03:08
AAAHotTuna  modinfo says there is a way; maybe use insmod instead (must give full path)03:08
unop!ot | sexy-cat,03:08
ubottusexy-cat,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:08
HotTunaunop, hold let me paste03:08
AAAPlasmastar  wow, really? awesome!!!!03:08
HotTunaunop, AAA http://pastebin.com/7yysRPEx03:08
thelastnodeI found this link (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/405294) but there's no real clear conclusion.03:08
AAAPlasmastar  wrong user, sorry03:08
blue_foxshawnj, do you have the latest drivers03:09
AAApavpanchekha  w000, it really worked. awesome!03:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: yeah... pretty... amazing03:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: thank you!03:09
AAApavpanchekha  thank you for your guinea pigishness ;)03:09
* [gnubie] hoped someone can help solve the problem posted at http://is.gd/cQmoF03:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: :)03:09
pavpanchekhaAAA: they've gotta come from somewhere; what better than nothing to lose?03:09
soreaupavpanchekha: It's fixed after you kept rerunning dpkg?03:09
pavpanchekhasoreau: yep03:10
pavpanchekhasoreau: that seems to have regenerated the status file03:10
shawnjblue-fox yes, but i think it has something to do with metacity, the windows manager, because when i "ALT-F2" then "metacity --replace", the menubar appears for a little while, then it goes away again03:10
sexy-catso your not awnsering my question cuz ubuntu linux make windowz has virus03:10
AAAHotTuna  did you insmod it with the debug? check dmesg03:10
HotTunaAAA, sorry what command did you want me to do?03:10
AAApavpanchekha  I still have a feeling something is creep up on you...03:10
h00ksexy-cat: Your question isn't very coherent. Please do not troll.03:11
pavpanchekhaAAA: [looks around] nope, no knife murderers03:11
Don9307Evolution email has suddenly stopped sending and receiving mail.  Account configuration is correct.  Send/Receive is grayed out.  Anyone have a clue why?  I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and have tried removal and reinstallation but to no avail.03:11
AAAHotTuna  insmod --debug:8 /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-generic/kernel/drivers/net/r8169.ko03:11
pavpanchekhaAAA: as you might have guessed, my systems don't survive virgin for long anyway03:11
shawnjblue_fox yes, but i think it has something to do with metacity, the windows manager, because when i "ALT-F2" then "metacity --replace", the menubar appears for a little while, then it goes away again.03:11
soreaupavpanchekha: Can you do apt-get update|upgrade|dist-upgrade ok?03:11
ubuntitudeI'm trying to watch a movie on my laptop under Lucid, and the video and audio are artifacting horribly, to the point where it's impossible to see the movie playing. Anyone know of a fix?03:11
pavpanchekhasoreau: yep. Just did that, installed vim03:11
AAAHotTuna  the --debug may need to come after the file, and you may not need the --03:11
HotTunaAAA, says it cant read --debug-8 no such file03:11
AAAHotTuna  --debug:8 or debug:803:12
aj5555pavpanchekha: try VLC03:12
blue_foxshawnj, ya i dont use much of the gui03:12
thelastnodeubuntitude: Are your appropriate audio and video drivers installed?03:12
AAAHotTuna  not sure of the syntax :(03:12
UltraParadigmHello!  :-)   I need help with JACK.  The website says to mount the /dev/shm dir, but I get an error that says "unknown file system type 'shm'"03:12
NeurotiquetteI've got two questions. The first one is: How do I setup my ubuntu experience so that konversation starts up and connects to FreeNode the moment I first boot up and login to the desktop? And my second question is: How do I search for an aptitude package name? I want to install google chrome, but I'm more interested in the actual process of finding out the name without logging into IRC and asking than even the installation itsel03:12
pavpanchekhaAAA: why vlc in particular?03:12
HotTunaAAA, ok, it says file exists now, for both03:12
pavpanchekhaaj5555: why vlc in particular?03:12
pavpanchekhaAAA: sorry, wrong user03:12
AAAHotTuna  did it load the driver? dmesg | tail -n 2003:13
ubuntitudethelastnode: yeah, i have all the drivers. I've watched plenty of stuff before, but when i attempt to watch a movie proper (straight from a DVD) it glitches03:13
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: /dev/shm should be mounted as a ramdisk, which I think Ubuntu does automatically03:13
sexy-catokay i haz tryed usering the windows installer cuz i am going ta be learning linux soon but ubuntu didnt inxstallz xand window now say has viruses. why??03:13
[gnubie]Neurotiquette: for the second question: apt-cache search <keyword>03:13
thelastnodeubuntitude: what player? did you try VLC?03:13
Don9307Evolution email has suddenly stopped sending and receiving mail.  Account configuration is correct.  Send/Receive is grayed out.  Anyone have a clue why?  I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and have tried removal and reinstallation of evolution email client but to no avail.03:13
HotTunaAAA, yea the gigabit driver again03:13
AAAHotTuna  the idea here is to load your questionable driver so it floods dmesg with debug info.  you _may_ want to find a 100M driver03:13
shawnjblue_fox so you don't really have any suggestions? the laptop im using is like the entertainment laptop, so i need the gui.03:14
ubuntitudethelastnode: no, haven't tried VLC yet. One sec.03:14
AAAHotTuna  runs some copy tests. I'd try to wget or ftp some files as well03:14
aj5555pavpanchekha: well it has 90% off codecs as needed03:14
unopHotTuna, I would go for a more specific driver for you hardware -- http://www.realtek.com/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=7&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false  , instructions here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105448003:14
UltraParadigmthelastnode:  How can I check if it's being mounted as a ramdisk?03:14
pavpanchekhaaj5555: eh, I'll go for mplayer once chrome&dropbox are done03:14
HotTunaunop, AAA ok will do Ill let you know if I have a problem03:14
pavpanchekhaaj5555: if that's not a problem03:14
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: in a terminal, type "mount", see if /dev/shm is one of the lines03:15
AAAHotTuna  I would also run $ tail -f /var/log/syslog as you copy/test03:15
UltraParadigmthelastnode:  no it's not listed in fstab03:15
pavpanchekhaaj5555: (I don't know, is mention of dropbox not allowed on this channel? :P)03:15
thelastnodeubuntitude: if you're using the built in movie player, I've had issues as well. VLC tends to work better.03:15
HotTunaAAA, im doing what you said then the new driver03:15
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: even if it's not in fstab, it should be listed if you try the "mount" command03:16
UltraParadigmthelastnode:  ok03:16
ubuntitudethelastnode: yeah, that's what i was using. I'll try VLC03:16
AAAHotTuna  I think that is a good idea.  You can modinfo <driver name> to find the debug options for it as well (if needed)03:16
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: mine is listed as tmpfs03:16
Don9307Evolution email has suddenly stopped sending and receiving mail.  Account configuration is correct.  Send/Receive is grayed out.  Anyone have a clue why?  I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and have tried removal and reinstallation of evolution email client but to no avail.03:16
HotTunaAAA, wait03:16
HotTunaAAA, its fixed my friend03:16
HotTunaAAA, im now getting 26.0mbps03:16
AAAHotTuna  what the huh?03:16
AAAHotTuna  just by rmmod  and insmod?03:17
aj5555pavpanchekha: I thought it might be a codec problem    htaaz alll03:17
HotTunaAAA, yea some how...03:17
pavpanchekhaaj5555: wha? wrong user, I think03:17
HotTunaAAA, what do you want me to run to confirm?03:17
pavpanchekhaaj5555: or, no03:17
HotTunaAAA, but I just copied an .iso file at 25mbps on my nfs server03:17
AAAHotTuna  smells of an 'order problem' maybe it gets loaded before a depency or some such nonsense? not sure03:17
HotTunaAAA, how do I make a permanent fix?03:17
shawnjMy window manager, metacity, is faulty, can anyone help?03:17
acerimmer_Don9307: probably a configuration somewhere in your /home folder.  deleting/installing the app wouldn't effect this.03:17
h00k!broken | shawnj03:18
UltraParadigmthelastnode: Thanks!  yes it says "none on /dev/shm type tmpfs"03:18
ubottushawnj: Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.03:18
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: yep, that means /dev/shm is mounted as a ramdisk.03:18
Don9307acerimmer:  What do you recommend I try?  Thanks.03:18
AAAHotTuna  several ways. my first choice would be in /etc/network/interfaces. call a script that unloads the modules and reloads it before it brings the device up03:18
acerimmer_Don9307: wait one.03:18
HotTunaAAA, I use wicd however03:18
adorablepuppyHow do I turn off confirmation when accepting a VNC viewer on the server?03:18
josh_hi guys, quick question i hope you can answer for me. I just moved from redhat to ubuntu & installed apache2. When I disconnect eth0 apache is no longer available on
aj5555pavpanchekha: crossed wires perhaps!03:18
alan___can anybody help me?03:19
UltraParadigmthelastnode: Thanks.  I thought that maybe it wasn't mounted because I keep getting messages fromapplications that the JACK server isn't running.  I'm trying to find out why03:19
thelastnodealan___: we can try. what's your question?03:19
h00k!anyone | alan___03:19
ubottualan___: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:19
HotTunaAAA, do I just need to sudo rmmod r8169 and then sudo insmod r8169 ?03:19
pavpanchekhaaj5555: wrong user; I'm the one with the dpkg issues03:19
alan___ok, so I go to school and i loved ubuntu03:19
alan___so i decided to install it in my pc03:19
thelastnodeUltraParadigm: no problem03:19
AAAHotTuna  I'm not familiar with that. you could also put it in your rc.local, but that might be too early in the process03:19
alan___i know nothing about it and my wifi is now not working after installing ubuntu 10.0403:19
OldParrhow is the syntax you must use with aptitude to know if some package is installed ?03:20
acerimmer_Don9307: enable hidden folders in /home.  look for .evolution.  delete and then reconfigure your evolution settings.  NOTE: this should wipe out your calendar, contacts and all evolution data.  proceed with caution03:20
HotTunaAAA, sudo insmod  /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-generic/kernel/drivers/net/r8169.ko debug:803:20
HotTuna is the insmod command03:20
AAAHotTuna  I _think_ that is a temporary fix.  I would do a few test runs and see03:20
aj5555pavpanchekha: yeah   dpkg   np:)03:20
ubuntitudealan___: is the wifi icon showing up in the tray bar?03:20
UltraParadigmalan___:  Try rebooting a couple times.  My wifi never works right after installation.  It seems to work after rebooting a few times for some reason03:20
AAAHotTuna  you should need the debug03:20
Mike9863After upgrading to Lucid I noticed that the sorting in Rhythmbox got messed up. I have it set to sort in alphabetical order based off the album name, however for some reason two albums are at the top that shouldn't be there.03:20
pavpanchekhaaj5555: k03:20
AAAHotTuna  should NOT, sorry03:20
unopHotTuna, you should file a bug too -- because this behaviour classifies as one.03:20
Don9307acerimmer:  I'll give that a try.  Thanks.03:20
alan___i shows a red line as if no driver was installed03:20
HotTunaunop, my wifi is broken too03:20
HotTunalow signal strength bad speeds03:21
alan___i am sorry, an exclamation point03:21
unopHotTuna, heh, try reloading that module too? :)03:21
AAAHotTuna  try the same fix for wifi too03:21
AAAunop  :)03:21
ubuntitudealan___: a lot of times after installation, my wifi was turned off. Try right clicking it and enabling everything03:21
UltraParadigmalan___: are you using a laptop or desktop?03:21
HotTunawhats the module name for broadcom sta driver03:21
alan___you think rebooting a couple of times will work?03:21
shawnjCan I reinstall Ubuntu 10.04 but still keep everything I have on my drive?03:21
AAAHotTuna  lsmod and figure it out :)03:21
thelastnodealan___: see /topic, don't use new lines for punctuation. A red exclamation could mean that you're not connected; try clicking on it and see if you can find your wifi network.03:22
h00kshawnj: is your /home on a separate partition?03:22
ubuntitudethelastnode: VLC is buggy too.03:22
UltraParadigmalan___: That seems to work for my laptop.  I would give it a try.03:22
thelastnodeubuntitude: buggy how?03:22
ubuntitudethelastnode: artifacting, same as movie player03:22
shawnjh00k no its on the main one with everything else03:22
h00kshawnj: you can move your /home over03:23
h00k!separatehome | shawnj03:23
ubottushawnj: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome03:23
cenohey guys, on a random basis my boot fails because the disk uuid isn't registered in /dev/. can someone help me diagnose why this happens?03:23
AAAHotTuna  you can also $ find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless to help you find it03:23
unopHotTuna,  you'd see it in the output of.  sudo lshw -C network03:23
thelastnodeubuntitude: so it plays, but there are artifacts? have you tried a different DVD?03:24
alan___i click on it but no network shows, as if the wireless card was not installed03:24
shawnjh00k but what about all of the things that are installed to the root directoriy?03:24
shawnjh00k like /usr/bin03:24
HotTunaAAA, yea its back to 4.0mbps now03:24
h00kshawnj: you're not going to want to leave those there when you reinstall, that's not really a good idea03:24
thelastnodealan___: try System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and see if you need to enable it. If it's already enabled try disabling (and rebooting if required) and reenabling.03:24
h00kshawnj: most likely whatever is broken can be fixed without reinstalling03:24
thune3Don9307: my wild guess is that the evolution-data-server stopped running. check ps aux | grep evolution03:24
shawnjh00k so how would i do this?03:25
alan___it gives me an error, it says it needs to be connected to the internet03:25
pavpanchekhaAAA, soreau, wgrant: Thank you all!03:25
h00kshawnj: I don't know, what's broken?03:25
AAApavpanchekha  welcome03:25
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AAAunop  lshw, nice03:26
thelastnodealan___: try plugging it in through a wired connection?03:26
shawnjh00k the problem is just with my windows manager, it disappears, the menubar disappears, so i have to do "ALT-F2" and "metacity --replace"03:26
unopHotTuna, so something's brought the wired speed down again?03:26
UltraParadigmalan___: After every install for some reason my laptop shows no wireless networking, only ethernet at first.  I plug it in with an ethernet and reboot a few times so it DLs a few updates, and the the wireless starts working.03:26
AAAHotTuna  that is after you rmmod and insmod (sans debug)?03:26
shawnjh00k but i already tried reinstalling that03:26
HotTunamy last command was insmod03:26
HotTunathen it was fast03:26
HotTunanow its back to slow....03:26
alan___oh, i see, maybe that will help.03:26
DainRautenstrauchow can i get ventrilo working on ubuntu, i already have it running under Wine, but unable to talk and listin03:26
alan___let's see03:26
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AAAHotTuna  it was fast and you DID NOT rmmod  before it slowed?03:27
ddrji'm going to use unetbootin with lubuntu, what would u guys recommend i format my usb drive to? fat32/ ntfs ?03:27
HotTunaAAA, nope03:27
h00kshawnj: Check your ~/.xsession-errors for information when it dies03:27
AAAHotTuna  so it was fast then your rmmod and modprobe then slow?03:28
h00kshawnj: also, you can reset your gnome configuration if you want, or your gnome-panel settings03:28
HotTunaAAA, it was fast after the rmmod and insmod process thats all I did03:28
HotTunabut now its slow again03:28
AAAHotTuna  aha, that is where the debug comes in handy. is there anything in syslog that gives you clues?03:29
HotTunain dmesg?03:29
thelastnodeddrj: I would recommend letting UNetbottin take care of the filesystem03:29
ddrjthelastnode: ok i'll do that03:29
shawnjh00k how do i reset?03:29
AAAdmesg and syslog have slightly different output03:29
h00k!resetpanel | shawnj, if you want to try resetting your gnome-panel03:29
ubottushawnj, if you want to try resetting your gnome-panel: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:29
HotTunaAAA, apears I dont have syslog03:29
AAAHotTuna  syslog _should_ have more info that dmesg for this issue03:29
AAAHotTuna  /var/log/syslog?03:30
Siphishow can i get ventrilo working? i already have it running under Wine, but unable to talk or listen03:30
AAAHotTuna  ubuntu 10.4 and you don't have /var/log/syslog? sudo needed03:30
* UltraParadigm wonders why his laptop doesn't have a self destruct button03:30
msmith0957hey everyone, i was wondering if anyone could help me get my raid array recognized, I'm trying to get a new server install going, but I'm having trouble getting it done, i posted a thread on the forums here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1465769&highlight=raid+supermicro03:30
HotTunaAAA, yea I do sorry hold for a paste03:31
cenohey guys, on a random basis my boot fails because the disk uuid isn't registered in /dev/. can someone help me diagnose why this happens?03:31
msmith0957im sure its nothing too complicated, i just don't know what the proper course of action is03:31
HotTunaAAA, http://pastebin.org/33542003:31
AAAceno  first guess is failing HDD03:31
UltraParadigmceno: That sounds strange to me.  perhaps grub is having a fit?03:31
cenoAAA, but the fact that grub starts fine shows that the disk is working, right?03:32
aj5555msmith0957: Module libahci not found.03:32
soreauceno: Random issues can be difficult to diagnose. Do you see anything interesting in the syslog?03:32
cenoUltraParadigm, it seems but there has to be something I can do...  I'm getting a lot of calls from my mom O_o03:32
shawnjh00k  is "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" supposed to permanently fix it?03:33
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HotTunaAAA, should I try to install the other driver that unop said now?03:33
cenosoreau, is the boot verbose registered in syslog?03:33
h00kshawnj: that will reset your gnome panel settings, it might fix your problem03:33
msmith0957aj5555: Is that module the necessary component i need to recognize my array ?03:33
unopHotTuna, I would definitely give that a go.03:33
shawnjh00k i'll test it out for a minute03:33
soreauceno: Not sure what you mean. The kernel dumps output to /var/log/syslog03:33
HotTunaunop, ok ill brb then.03:33
AAAHotTuna  it didn't like the debug:8 so no new infoz there. if unop has suggested another driver, try it for sure03:34
UltraParadigmceno: first thing I would do is a diagnostic on the hard drive.  DL a diagnostic app from your manufactuer and run it on bootup and see if the drive is failing03:34
cenosoreau, I mean the boot messages, I only see the ubuntu logo because it's set to quiet in grub03:34
AAAceno  not necessarily03:34
shawnjh00k no it didn't fix it03:34
unopI'm off to bed, hope you'll be able to help HotTuna, AAA.03:34
soreauceno: The kernel still dumps to the same location regardless03:34
AAAunop  I'll sure try. g'nite03:35
h00kshawnj: Do you see anything that might be pointing to a potential issue in .xsession-errors?03:35
cenosoreau, ok, I'll check syslog then03:35
HotTunaunop, back alrdy they had an auto installer03:35
soreauceno: Of course if it can't access the disk for any reason it wouldn't be able to write to disk obviously so you'd want to get rid of quiet and splash03:35
HotTunaunop, so what should I test03:35
Izinucsin the /etc/ssh_config file are line beginning with " # " commented out?03:35
msmith0957Does anyone know anything about getting a RAID array recognized for a new server install ?03:36
msmith0957or i should say, raid controller03:36
soreauIzinucs: yes03:36
thelastnodeIzinucs: yes03:36
cenoAAA, UltraParadigm I'm dual booting with windows7. The boot to windows has never failed, do you still think it's worth downloading a diagnose app?03:36
bastid_raZorIzinucs: isn't /etc/sshd_config the place to make changes?03:36
HotTunaunop AAA now it says realtek 8101 fast ethernet driver but still about 5mbps03:37
aj5555msmith0957: are u using raid?03:37
ddrjhey guys, will ubuntu automatically detect how much swap to use when i let it auto install? or do i need to specify the partitions manually?03:37
Izinucssoreau: thelastnode to get x11 forwarding working should I uncomment "ForwardX11" and change to yes.. ?03:37
soreauIzinucs: What do you mean x11 forwarding?03:37
Izinucsbastid_raZor: I think so.. I'm trying to get X11 forwarding working.. looks like it's off by default03:37
thelastnodeIzinucs: yes03:38
msmith0957aj5555: yes, the raid array already exists, i had it running with freebsd, but Id like to install ubuntuu instead, but it won't recognize my controller03:38
shawnjh00k well i tried looking, i couldn't see anything apparent, maybe you could find something? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Ddh4Vbny03:38
thelastnodeIzinucs: in the sshd_config, not ssh_config03:38
Izinucssoreau: so I can run X on my laptop from a desktop03:38
UltraParadigmceno: If windows is working without an issue then I would look into the boot loader first,  however I would still do a diag so you can know if you may need to back up your drive.03:38
WJWddrj: It has pretty good defaults.03:38
msmith0957aj5555, im not sure how to get it to recognize it properly03:38
AAAHotTuna  can you repaste dmesg03:38
Izinucsthelastnode: ah.. ok.. thanks03:38
soreauIzinucs: ok03:38
HotTunaAAA, yea03:38
msmith0957the thread i posted earlier has outlined my efforts03:38
ddrjWJW: ahh alright thanks03:38
cenosoreau, yeah, it figures, the only info on syslog is from my current boot, not the previous one that failed03:38
thelastnodeIzinucs: to connect, use ssh -X <user>@<host>03:38
AAAceno  that is just my first guess. it could be something funky with grub, but if it is intermittent, I wouldn' think so03:38
Izinucsthelastnode: I have been but when trying to run say xcalc I get "no display"03:39
shawnjh00k maybe theres something on line 12 of http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Ddh4Vbny ?03:39
thelastnodeIzinucs: what OS is the client running on?03:39
HotTunaAAA, http://pastebin.com/XA9DvHHK03:39
soreauceno: so get rid of quiet and splash then see if there's any additional interesting output03:39
Izinucsthelastnode: the client (where I'm at) is ubuntu 10.04.. the host is on my lan Kubuntu 10.0403:40
UltraParadigmceno:   However I'm not knowledgeable about how grub works.  I just leave it alone and pray. lol.  I did recently have a month old HDD crash on me, and linux was having issues with it where as my Windows 7 didn't give any warning.03:40
h00kshawnj: standby, I'll see what I can find. What release are you on?03:40
thelastnodeIzinucs: are you running the client in a terminal?03:40
thelastnodeIzinucs: a gnome terminal that is03:40
shawnjh00k 10.02 Netbook Edition03:40
Izinucsthelastnode: yes03:40
h00kshawnj: 10.04 ;) okay03:40
shawnjh00k i mean that03:40
shawnjh00k yeah thanks03:40
Izinucsthelastnode: should I be doing this in a tty?03:41
cenosoreau, the last time I caught it I think it only hanged on "waiting for root device",the rest was normal but I will have to try to catch it again03:41
thelastnodeIzinucs: no, that's fine; what does "echo $DISPLAY" print?03:41
Izinucsthelastnode: nothing.. blank line03:41
cenoUltraParadigm, weird. this computer is 6 months old and was put together in a rush. How can I find out the disk manufacturer?03:42
thelastnodeIzinucs: ah, that's the problem; try running "DISPLAY=:0 ssh -X <user>@<host> xcalc"03:42
AAAHotTuna  hrm. and you tried the same tests that you go 26M on before?03:42
Izinucsthelastnode: should that have been run in the ssh session or in a terminal on the remote machine03:42
thelastnodeIzinucs: in the terminal on the computer you're connecting from03:43
h00kshawnj: line 242 is interesting, perhaps someone would have an idea of how to correct this03:43
HotTunaAAA, yep same .iso03:43
HotTunaAAA, should I rmmod and insmod just for a test?03:43
AAAHotTuna  yes03:43
HotTunaAAA, k brb if I get disced then03:43
Izinucsthelastnode: but not in the ssh terminal session or *in* the ssh terminal session?03:43
AAAHotTuna  and keep a term open doing $ tail -f /var/log/syslog and look for 'interesing' things03:43
UltraParadigmceno: If it's a built computer then you will have to look at the packaging that the disk was delivered in, or look at the brand label on the disk.  For brand name prebuilt PCs t(I.E. Dell HP) he vendor takes care of all that from thier website03:44
thelastnodeIzinucs: not in the ssh session03:44
thelastnodeIzinucs: that's the command that connects to the remote server03:44
shawnjh00k yeah i see, did you see line 12? and sorry, im new to ubuntu so it’s a little confusing03:44
cenoUltraParadigm, not lspci | grep disk or something of the like? : -D03:44
Izinucsthelastnode: ah ok.. I'll exit the session Im in and start over03:44
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WJWthelastnode: In the environment where Izinucs runs ssh, what would the DISPLAY variable already be set to?03:44
thelastnodeIzinucs: you can do "DISPLAY=:0 ssh -X <user>@<host>" without the xcalc part to get a shell and then run xcalc03:44
AAAHotTuna  I have to run an errand. I'll be back in 30m.  pm me if you fix it before then03:44
HotTunaAAA, k ill probably be here :\03:45
h00kshawnj: yeah, that too, but I'm not terribly familiar ;/03:45
thelastnodeWJW: not really sure03:45
h00kshawnj: with how you would fix this03:45
AAAHotTuna  also dink around with the debug settings, google for syntax.03:45
h00kshawnj: ask the channel and paste that .xsession-errors and see if anyone else would know03:46
UltraParadigmshawnj: I don't know maybe ^_^,  The manufacturer is probably recorded  somewhere that the OS can access.  I don't know the command though in linux.  In windows you can try the device manager though.03:46
WJWthelastnode: I'm curious why you are advising him/her to set it explicitly.  Mine for example is already :0.0 .03:46
thelastnodeWJW: oh, that's a good point, Izinucs might have run the "echo $DISPLAY" in the session... Izinucs: did you?03:46
Izinucsthelastnode: still says Error: Can't open display.. for some reason I suspect that x forwarding isn't enabled.. how do I check?03:46
shawnjh00k well that’s why i was first considering reinstalling ubuntu03:46
WJWthelastnode, Izinucs is Izinucs trying to get a remote program to talk to the local X?03:46
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UltraParadigmAnyone know a command to find the HDD manufactuer?03:47
thelastnodeWJW: yes03:47
h00kshawnj: another thing you could try would be to remove all of your gnome settings (which would include personalizations) but could fix it03:47
thelastnodeWJW: he's trying to forward programs over the tunnel to his local X03:47
shawnjdoes anyone have any idea how to fix this error? See line 242 " http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Ddh4Vbny "03:47
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Mike9863After upgrading to Lucid I noticed that the sorting in Rhythmbox got messed up. I have it set to sort in alphabetical order based off the album name, however for some reason two albums are at the top that shouldn't be there.03:47
WJWUltraParadigm:  If all else fails, I suppose you could open up the case, remove the drive, and look what is printed on it.03:47
UltraParadigmWJW:  ^_^ true03:47
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Izinucsthelastnode: I did try that in the ssh session.. did it in standard terminal on the local machine and it's 0.003:48
thelastnodeIzinucs: did you restart the ssh server after changing the configuration?03:48
shawnjh00k so, how do you do that? :D03:48
thelastnodeIzinucs: oh, then you don't need to set DISPLAY03:48
Izinucsthelastnode: I haven't changed anything yet..03:48
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WJWIzinucs:  There's a way to do that sometimes, but I don't think it's as simple as the advice you're getting.03:48
thelastnodeIzinucs: you have to enable X forwarding on the machine you're connecting to in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config before trying to forward X03:49
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Izinucsthelastnode: let me look at it...03:49
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thelastnodeIzinucs: (and then restart the ssh server)03:49
WJWthelastnode:  What about the machine he's connecting from?  It has to accept a connection to its X server.03:50
Siphishow can i get ventrilo working? i already have it running under Wine, but unable to talk or listen03:50
edbianIzinucs, That is usually enabled by default.  Is the client machine linux?  Or just the server?03:50
PyrrhaGoodnight all03:50
blue_foxwhats the best cd/dvd bring program for ubuntu?03:50
banker247what is svn?03:50
shawnjh00k sorry computer froze, any answers from anyone?03:50
Izinucsedbian: both are desktop machines03:50
thelastnodeWJW: well if he's running it from gnome-terminal, which is running in an X server, he can run new applications in that X03:50
WJWbanker247: when people say svn they mean Subversion.03:50
PyrrhaAnyone know how to install moblock gui, from terminal?03:51
banker247ohh.. what is that?03:51
h00kshawnj: nobody answered, I'm making sure I give you the correct answer to reset gnome settings before I give them to you03:51
suicidepillscan someone help me with a problem that I'm having while trying to contect from Ubuntu 10.04 go Windows 7?03:51
* UltraParadigm loves SUPER-TAB, soo cool!03:51
WJWthelastnode: but won't his X mistrust connections from remote sites unless he does some authentication stuff of some kind to convince it it's OK?03:51
Izinucsthelastnode: here's the sshd_config file.. looks like forwarding is enabled.. http://pastebin.com/ajpzTtKb03:51
cenolet's reboot and see what happens ...03:51
edbianIzinucs, server: the machine you're connecting to.  It is an ssh server.  client: the machine you're sitting at connecting to the server from.  Get it?  ARe they both linux?03:52
IzinucsWJW: it's on a lan and rsa keys hve been exchanged03:52
thelastnodeWJW: shouldn't, the local program ssh is creating the windows right?03:52
PyrrhaHelp needed with moblock gui install...03:52
Izinucsedbian: yes.. kubuntu and ubuntu.. client (local) is Ubuntu 10.04 and server is kubuntu 10.0403:52
shawnjh00k thanks03:52
WJWthelastnode:  Maybe so.  I don't mean to interfere, just wanting to learn from your exchange.03:52
h00kshawnj: *danger*, doing this will reset your gnome settings, use with caution: rm -rf ~/.gnome2 ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd03:53
thelastnodeWJW: by all means, I could very well be wrong, but I think that's how it works03:53
banker247whats it mean when a file is.. followed witha : ? .. sorta liek whereis file then the file comes back file:03:53
blue_foxwhats the best cd/dvd bring program for ubuntu?03:53
Izinucsthelastnode: WJW that's the way it's worked in the past.. however with the recent changes who knows :/03:53
WJWthelastnode: well, Iziniucs says RSA keys have been exchanged, so I guess that addresses it.03:53
Izinucsblue_fox: k3b03:53
blue_foxIzinucs, thanks03:54
shawnjh00k okay well i think i'm goin to do that, then do i "sudo reboot"?03:54
h00kshawnj: that would work. sudo reboot -h03:54
shawnjh00k okay i'll be right back then03:54
XFgoldenhave a quick networking question .. I have two nics on seperate switches one is lan facing one is wan facing .. The wan facing one I set manually and it's giving me internet just fine .. The lan facing one is for serving iSCSI to my home network and for the life of me .. Manually setting the ip just isn't working .. I'm using the ubuntu Network Connections Manager .. There is no DHCP server on this netwok ..03:54
XFgoldenHow do i successfully set the ip manually?03:55
thelastnodein other news, apparently my bluetooth problem was fixed... by itself... either that or one of the fixes that I tried didn't take effect till later03:55
WJWh00k: Just like sudu shutdown -r now, right?03:55
h00kWJW: yes03:55
blue_foxIzinucs, with k3b can i encode a .avi to dvd?03:55
XFgoldenmodeled eth1 after etho just gave it a seperate subnet.. but it just wont go03:55
IzinucsWJW: I thought it was -P so power will turn off03:55
bastid_raZorblue_fox: no, you can use devede to do that03:56
Izinucsblue_fox: not sure.. never tested it that way..03:56
blue_foxbastid_raZor, thankyou03:56
WJWIzinucs:  No doubt, if you want to power off.03:56
g33kusKh4nI'm trying to run orca... but I'm not having any luck03:58
g33kusKh4nit auto-started upon bootup the first time I ran ubuntu... but now it just crashed and auto closes everytime I try to run it03:58
Izinucsthelastnode: I'm still in never never land.. any more suggestions?  Looks like ssh_config has remote X commented out even with sshd_config turned on.03:58
shawnjh00k okay, well for now its working great, will update if anything goes wrong, thanks ;)03:59
h00kshawnj: excellent :)03:59
XFgoldenAnyone .. Manually configuring a nic using network connections gui box ? setting doesn't seem to work .. set ip and netmask left gateway blank -> can't talk to this box .. set ip and netmask and set gateway to the ip of the box -> can't talk to this box .. I'm outta thoughts on this (mind it is a seperate subnet and switch)03:59
thelastnodeIzinucs: on the machine you're trying to connect to, if you run "ssh -X localhost xcalc", does xcalc open?03:59
xorwhyOK. So I installed adobe flash 64 bit from source. Everythings great, except.. apparently Synaptic doesn't know flash is installed, so for each thing that apt installs that requires it, apt tries to install flash. each time exit 2.03:59
Izinucsthelastnode: I'll try.. brb04:00
XFgoldenxorwhy: I unstalled Flash x64 from the firefox "Download This Plugin" nag and it works great04:00
fission6i installed firefox-3.6 and i can not find where it went and also when i click on firefox it still opens 3.604:00
fission6i mean 3.504:00
xanguaxorwhy: you can use this ppa to install flash 64 bits plugin with synaptic https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/%2Barchive/flash04:01
bastid_raZorfission6: try 'firefox-3.5'04:01
blue_foxfission6, applications / internet04:01
Izinucsthelastnode: nope.. same error04:01
WJWfission6:  Properties in Synaptic will say what files are installed.04:01
XFgoldenxorwhy:  Have hulu playing in the background right now04:01
ddrjHI ALL, i downloaded my usb wifi card driver, how do i install the driver from the .bz2 file?04:01
xorwhyXFgolden: wow, i had to install huludesktop, though I think it was under 1mb, and it's kinda nice04:02
thelastnodeIzinucs: then X forwarding is not working on the server, so make sure you have restarted the ssh server (sudo service ssh restart) after editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config correctly04:02
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koolatronHi all, I'm having a strange issue with the Lucid Lynx livecd.  I've got windows installed on a volume at /dev/sda, but the installer is flat-out ignoring the drive.04:03
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Izinucsthelastnode: I posted the pastbin of it.. it looks like it's enabled already04:03
XFgoldenxorwhy: I may just do that ... but you should probably let FF install the flash x64 plugin .. It totally worked04:03
fission6wow none of this is helping, applications / internet still opens 3.5 synpatic has all weird things for ff04:03
Izinucsthelastnode: as default04:03
thelastnodeIzinucs: looks correct, this *is* the one on the machine you're trying to connect to right?04:04
Izinucsthelastnode: yes04:04
koolatronIt was previously configured as a RAID, but I formatted the drive before dumping windows onto it.  gparted sees the drive and will interact with it as usual, but it's just that the installer only presents /dev/sdb as a feasible install location.04:04
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thelastnodeIzinucs: did you restart the ssh server?04:04
AAAHotTuna  any luck?04:04
HotTunaAAA, not really :\04:04
WJWfission6: Right-click on the package in synaptic and bring up properties.  Choose the tab for the files installed.04:04
HotTunaAAA, I mean, I got the new driver installed, but its not working any faster04:04
Izinucsthelastnode: here's the default ssh_config file http://pastebin.com/SbX2RpCV04:04
thelastnodeIzinucs: also, does the machine your connecting to have X running? did you run the localhost test in a gnome-terminal (or something else with the DISPLAY variable set)?04:04
* XFgolden remembers the days of irc when 1,400+ users and one to 5 ops meant netsplit DoS(on the ops) channel pirate take over :)04:05
Izinucsthelastnode: it's a desktop machine running kubuntu.. should have X04:05
thelastnodeIzinucs: the default ssh_config is fine since you're using the -X option to override the X forwarding anyways04:05
XFgoldenLong time since then04:05
HotTunaAAA, any more ideas :-(04:06
Izinucsthelastnode: ran the localhost X test in a terminal (kubuntu's version)04:06
AAAHotTuna  try this.  rmmod 8101 && modprobe 8101 - then run your test. next try :: rmmod 8101 && insmod /path/to/the/dot/ko driver (use the real name of the driver, is it rtl8101?)04:07
xtknighthey, i'm trying to checkout an svn repository. i'm getting this error (presumably their server has a file that's not in my filesystem structure):  svn: Can't open file '/home/nex3/svn/gtk-themes/format': Permission denied...... how do i change the destination or prevent it from happening?04:07
stupidresolutionhi guys04:07
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AAAHotTuna  I'm curious of one method of putting your driver in the kernel works better than the other. somehow you got 26M for a moment04:08
thelastnodeIzinucs: okay, then it's definitely X forwarding not being enabled... you can still ssh in without forwarding right (not a firewall issue or something)?04:08
bastid_raZorxtknight: check the file permissions of that file04:08
koolatronSo I guess my question is, why is the installer ignoring /dev/sda?  I haven't tried other drives, as I have none to try.04:08
Izinucsthelastnode: oh yea.. I'm there now..04:08
XFgoldenkoolatron: What is /dev/sda USB?04:08
wavedigithi everyone, when I first got my USB HDD I made an image of the local disk using the 'dd' command, the speeds were then around 20mb/s. Now, I can't get it over 10mb/s, what can I do to increase the speeds?04:08
ddrjHI ALL, i downloaded my usb wifi card driver, how do i install the driver from the .bz2 file?04:08
xtknightbastid_raZor, i don't have the file on my disk.  i am trying to checkout a repository of themes for gedit, however, i don't know why it is trying to output to an unknown location. can i force it to output at least relative to the current directory instead? i did not see an -O or -o option in svn, any ideas?04:08
wavedigitI also benchmarked the speeds by copying USB HDD contents to /dev/zero04:09
stupidresolutionhow do i configure nvidia-glx-new resolutions manually04:09
wavedigit...and copying the local content to /dev/zero04:09
wavedigitboth had appropriate speeds (the first, around 30mb/s and the latter was around 75mb/s)04:09
Izinucs!xrandr | stupidresolution04:09
WJWxtknight:  Is your username nex3?04:09
ubottustupidresolution: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:09
koolatronXFgolden: /dev/sda is a SATA hard drive.  SATA port 1, had linux on it previously.04:09
AAAddrj  your first step is to untar the driver, and you'll most likely need to build it from there. to unzip the package do this in your homedir :: tar jxvf file.bz204:09
xtknightWJW, nope, this is something arbitrary on their server. i am looking for an option to override their folder structure04:09
xtknightlike wget -O...04:09
ddrjthanks AAA, yeah i untarred it, do i do make or ./configure ?04:10
stupidresolutionits not detecting my monitor..i have one screen04:10
AAAddrj  what driver is it and why do you think you need to build it from source?04:10
Izinucsstupidresolution: xrandr also does resolution.. nvidia-settings is another..04:10
stupidresolutionand it doesnt have any other resolutions04:10
cd1zzI've got a weird VNC problem on Ubuntu 10.04 that I hope someone can shed some light on.04:10
XFgoldenwavedigit: Nothing as the disk become more full it follows a growing circle that gets bigger which takes more time .. more time needed to write = slower speeds ... USBHDD's are < esata, firewire HDD's04:10
ddrjAAA: it's wusb100rev2 driver for usb wireless card x(04:10
WJWxtknight:  Didn't know you could put absolute pathnames in svn.  Can you do a chroot?04:10
=== carbonmonoxide is now known as majuk
AAAddrj  typically you ./configure --options-and-stuff then make then sudo make install. but that don't always cut it. plus if it is a kernel driver there are more steps04:11
thelastnodeIzinucs: that's all I got, sorry... I'm almost certain that it's something with the ssh server not forwarding X04:11
Izinucsstupidresolution: you can type xrandr in a terminal and see what randr recognized04:11
stupidresolutionright i can open nvidia-settings fine but the resolutions are not available-no monitor detected04:11
thelastnodeIzinucs: let me know if you find a solution, I'm very curious04:11
Izinucsthelastnode: thanks for the effort.. I appriciate it.04:11
AAAddrj  have you tried using wusbcore?04:11
wavedigitXFgolden, thanks, and if the USB HDD is formatted before it is written to?04:11
XFgoldenkoolatron: .. Maybe you can try wiping it totally and then try installing again ..04:11
cd1zzWhen I try to connect to the Ubuntu box from another computer using any VNC viewer, I get prompted for my VNC password and type it in. The remote screen shows up and everything appears to be working. However, when I start clicking around, nothing on the screen changes. At first I thought the mouse and keyboard inputs were disabled but they were not. I put both computers side by side and could watch04:11
cd1zz the mouse from my viewer machine moving around on the Ubuntu box. So, it appears that as soon as I connect, I get a static image, none of the video is changing on my viewer machine. I have tried both Real VNC viewer and Tight VNC viewer. I also tried using a different VNC server, TightVNC on the Ubuntu box, same problems. Any ideas?04:11
ddrjAAA: hm... nope, what is wusbcore ?04:11
xtknightWJW, you know what, actually it's a problem with their server. i ran it with sudo and even made the folder and still there's issues04:11
thelastnodeIzinucs: no problem04:11
XFgoldenwavedigit: Doesn;t matter .. think of it as a glass .. the more more you pour into it the more full it gets and the firther from the bottom.04:12
AAAddrj  a driver I found on a default ubuntu install that _may_ be helpful to you. why do you think your usb wireless device isn't working?04:12
XFgoldenwavedigit: the top becomes04:12
trismcd1zz: try disabling compiz on the ubuntu machine04:12
koolatronXFgolden: I considered that, but I really don't want to go through the pain of installing and updating windows yet again on it.  My aim is to have a dual-boot machine.04:12
xtknightWJW, yea i think chroot would have been the proper solution. anyway it's alright, good idea though!04:12
cd1zzok thx ill try it out trism04:12
ddrjAAA, it's not recognizing it for some reason x( let me install this driver and see what happens04:13
XFgoldenkoolatron: did you use 100% of the disk to install windows one? if so you may go into windows and try to shrink the partition04:13
ddrjAAA: hmm... nm i can't even make or ./configure it... i'm using lubuntu btw04:14
xtknightIzinucs, i can give a shot at your ssh problem?04:14
xtknightbut i dont know the question because i just joined in04:14
wavedigitXFgolden, I see, but isn't the format setting the hard drive to 'empty' ?04:14
koolatronXFgolden: windows is living on a 32gb boot partition in a 300gb drive04:14
XFgoldenkoolatron: that would give up some unpartitioned (unclaimed) space for you to install any thing else on....04:14
koolatronXFgolden: gparted reports that there's 260ish gigs of unpartitioned space on the drive.04:15
koolatronThe installer won't even give me the option to select it.04:15
koolatronNominally it asks if I'd like to have the OSes share, or wipe the volume entirely, or whatever.  No soap here, it just ignores /dev/sda04:16
xtknightkoolatron, what installer mode are you using..manual or automatic partitioning04:16
XFgoldenwavedigit: well yeah .. if you are using dd to format it though you are essentially writing to it the whole time ... as i said writing to it goes out in bigger circles each revolution which make  it take longer and thus slows write speeds04:16
koolatronxtknight: I tried 'em all.04:16
xtknightkoolatron, so what's overall problem?sry i joined late...u cant see a drive?04:17
koolatronxtknight: even the manual mode only picked up /dev/sdb04:17
koolatronxtknight: No worries.  The Ubuntu installer is ignoring my /dev/sda device wholesale.04:17
wavedigitXFgolden, writing 150GB took me 5 hours :x04:17
xtknightkoolatron, so you're talking about missing an entire drive, not a partition.  what disk controller is /dev/sda residing on?04:17
koolatronxtknight: same SATA controller that /dev/sdb is living on04:17
xtknightkoolatron, or, anyway, what would have been /dev/sda04:17
AAAddrj  you don't have the devel tools then.  can you paste some stuff in pastebin for me?  make sure the usb device is plugged in then do this $ lsusb <-- put that in pastebin04:17
xtknightkoolatron, what disk controller is that? Intel ICH?... and is it in AHCI or IDE mode?04:18
XFgoldenkoolatron:  that is wierd .. maybe that first little system reserved partition that windows sneeks in is being misinterpreted and it is ignoring the whole device04:18
AAAddrj  also past the output of $ dmesg04:18
XFgoldenwavedigit: yeah USB HDD's are slow as hell04:18
ddrjdamn no devel tools x(04:18
koolatron /dev/sda shows up just fine in gparted, so it's being detected just fine.  Additionally, I can mount the volume and interact with it.04:18
koolatronie, copy files to and fro04:18
shawnjh00k thanks for the help earlier, everything works great!04:18
xtknightkoolatron, oh ok04:19
h00kshawnj: cool :)04:19
xtknightwell the installer uses gparted...so that's weird :(04:19
koolatronIt was previously configured as a RAID.  The only thing I can think of is that the RAID setup changed something low-level that formatting the device didn't get rid of cleanly04:19
ddrjAAA: hmm... i hate to be such a tool but i have to head out, i will hit u up tomorrow if u're still willing to help x(04:19
koolatronThat's just speculation, though04:19
xtknightkoolatron, did you wipe the raid flag off of the disk first? use gparted to do that04:19
xtknightraid and lvm are flags in your partition table. you should get rid of them04:20
xtknightif it isnt ar aid..04:20
koolatronxtknight:  Aha!  Okay, I'll give that a shot.04:20
xtknightkoolatron, further than this we will look at dmesg, fdisk -l, and sfdisk output....but that's my first guess04:20
XFgoldenwavedigit: They just are .. there isn't much anyone can do about it ... USB2.0 480Mb/sec == 60MB/sec .. that is the theoretical maximum speed of usb .. and if anyone knows anything thoeretical maximums are are just theory ... YMWV == Your Mileage Will Vary04:20
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acovriggdm/PostSession not working, why?04:21
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koolatronxtknight: I imagine that the raid flag's still set, and the installer's ignoring it based on that.  I seem to vaguely recall needing the alternate install cd to install to a raid04:21
=== tohomas is now known as twoflowers
XFgoldenwavedigit: you're luck to see anything over 15MB/sec sustained from what I understand04:22
xtknightkoolatron, yes, that's still a necessity. once it is a no longer raid however you should be able to install to it fine.  i dont know what the flags do, but it might be the culprit04:22
XFgoldenxtknight: thanks for hopping in there .. I was starting to not know what ??'s to ask :p04:22
koolatronxtknight:  I'll be back if I run into problems :)04:23
AAAddrj  good luck!04:23
xtknightXFgolden, lol i just dealt with Host Protected Area on my disk.  once you deal with that you deal with anything lol04:23
koolatronxtknight:  Thanks for the input!04:23
wavedigitXFgolden, you are golden! :D04:23
Eneergehpa hehe04:23
xtknightmy xfs partition was randomly not appearing because it was on the boundaries of the disk, and i was very close to destroying all of my data. until i manually typed all my cylinder boundaries in04:24
XFgoldenI just had to /dev/urandom then /dev/zero one of my hdd's there was a guid partition table in it somewhere and I couldn't find where to look04:24
xtknightsorry, sector boundaries...cylinder wasnt good enough..some of them werent aligned04:24
claygany alternatives to usb-creator? it errors out on me04:24
wildbat_laptop!usb | clayg04:24
ubottuclayg: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:24
acovrigwhy is gdm/PostSession not working?04:25
wavedigitXFgolden, just one more little question, let's say I wanted to make an image from my local HDD, and the target disk has already data on it, how would I still make an image and keep the existent data? dd into a subdir of the target disk?04:25
XFgolden!oldster | XFgolden04:25
xtknightyea you can dd stuff to a file (an 'image')04:25
claygwildbat_laptop, yeah that guide talks about using the program that isn't working for me, is there another program you know of that i can use?04:25
wildbat_laptopclayg, the guide have more the one methods.04:26
claygwildbat_laptop, yeah i just saw there is a usb-creator.exe might give that a whirl in windows04:26
wavedigitthank youuuuu!04:27
xtknightkoolatron, here are what raid flags look like (look at the right).  http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3600/screenshotdevsdagpartedn.png04:27
mlmg317-himtsHello.  I need some help running KlamAV using terminal commands.  I need to run a scan on the entire system.  What command do I enter in terminal?  I looked at the manual for KlamAV - and it doesn't seem to mention an option to run a scan on the entire system using terminal (i.e. does not list a terminal command for this).  Am I missing something?  Can someone please help?04:27
XFgoldenyou hit the proverbial nail on the head .. mount the second disk and and do something like dd if=/dev/sdx of=/Dir/Where/You/Mounted/TheOtherDisk/Filename(forthediskyouwanttocopy).img04:27
xtknightwhat's the default block size for dd?04:27
wildbat_laptopxtknight, 104:28
wavedigitXFgolden, but the .img at the end is vital if you don't want to lose other data on the target device?04:28
Mike9863After upgrading to Lucid I noticed that the sorting in Rhythmbox got messed up. I have it set to sort in alphabetical order based off the album name, however for some reason two albums are at the top that shouldn't be there.04:28
shawnjDoes anyone know how to use fsck?04:28
XFgoldenwavedigit: nah .. just for bookkeeping purposes04:28
xtknightshawnj, yeah?04:28
xtknightoh im seeing 512 bytes on wikipedia lol...... didnt say in the manpage tho..... it can make a big diff in speeds sometimes04:28
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acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`04:29
AAAxtknight  yes, 512 bytes is default04:29
wavedigitXFgolden, you just made my life a lot easier!04:29
shawnjxtknight at the prompt what do i type in to check the filesystem? does the fs have to be unmounted?04:29
XFgoldenwavedigit: you can try dd if=whatYouWantToCopy of=WhereYouWantItToGo bs=10M04:29
AAAshawnj  sudo fdsik -l? what do you want to know?04:30
xtknightshawnj, unmount the filesystem before you do fsck.  that means you should boot into ubuntu recovery mode (single-user root mode).  then type "fsck /dev/sda3" to check the third partition on the first disk, for instance. the specific file system checker(ext3,xfs,etc) is automatically invoked04:30
XFgoldenwavedigit: That will try to copy the data in 10MB blocks vs 512k nibbles04:30
shawnjxtknight okay thanks04:30
xtknightif you fsck a mounted filesystem and perform correction you will probably damage it04:30
=== XFgolden is now known as XFGoldenBBL
XFGoldenBBLNeed more beers and stuff04:31
wavedigit*makes a bow*04:31
FloodBot1wavedigit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
shawnjxtknight is " ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** " bad? and what do i do if it is?04:32
wavedigitsorry FloodBot1 :(04:32
stupidresolutionwell xrandr only goes by the current system settings04:34
xtknightshawnj, that means it might have fixed something....reboot and try the disk?04:34
stupidresolutioni need to set my reolution manually or properly detect my monitor04:34
xtknightstupidresolution, what video card?04:34
shawnjxtknight okay thanks, sorry im kinda new-ish to this stuff04:34
stupidresolutionnvidia-glx-new drivers used04:34
xtknightshawnj, np, better to ask04:34
=== wildbat_laptop is now known as wildbat-laptop
xtknightstupidresolution, try using "gksu nvidia-settings" to adjust ur res, that doesnt wokr?04:35
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`04:35
stupidresolutionlet me try04:35
=== wildbat-laptop is now known as wildbat-
=== wildbat- is now known as wildbat
stupidresolutionno nvidia-settings and xranr do not work, it only gives me 640-40004:37
stupidresolutiontrying to find the config file has been confuseing and fruitless04:38
acovriglol, anyone get to see Error404NotFound's quit msg :D04:38
stupidresolutionthe monitor support 320-400 up to 2000x200004:38
stupidresolutionit isnt detecting my monitor or letting me set a diffrent resolution..04:39
tucemiuxstupidresolution,  have you tried installing the hardware drivers for your card?04:40
tucemiuxstupidresolution, "Hardware Drivers"04:40
ParadoxxI recently installed proprietary video card drivers on my laptop and it broke X. Now I just get black screen when I start up. Is there a way to uninstall the drivers via a live cd?04:40
xtknightstupidresolution, nvidia-settings should do it..if it doesn't you need to research the "UseEdid" flag and possibly create your own modelines04:40
stupidresolutionnvidia-glx-new is what was most up to date in the resp..but i have neweer ones on the desktop[ i don't know how to install04:40
tucemiuxParadoxx, can you access a command console after you boot up your machine?04:40
Paradoxxtucemiux, nope04:41
acovrigParadoxx, do u get the loginwindow?04:41
xtknightParadoxx, you can go into recovery mode and type "rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf" reboot your machine..problem should be solved04:41
Paradoxxacovrig, no. At the time that the system WOULD give the login, there is nothing04:42
Parabola10.06 x64 should this install on a 2007 macbook ?04:42
Parabolait boots, no matter what option i select it reboots04:42
Paradoxxxtknight, Recovery mode doesn't work either04:42
tucemiuxParadoxx, even then, you should still be able to get a console, if you cant get a console then boot up into recovery mode like xtknight suggested04:42
Parabolai'm sure i had 64bit ubuntu on here before04:42
stupidresolutionmanual configureation of resolutions?04:42
xtknightParadoxx, ? something else is wrong04:42
xtknightParadoxx, when you get to recovery mode make sure to say "i want to go to a console"..you did that right04:43
acovrigParadoxx, u can get a shell if u get the xubuntu livecd, use the rescue mode instead of livecd when u boot from the cd04:43
Paradoxxxtknight, Where is that option?04:43
Paradoxxacovrig, is that on the normal live cd?04:43
xtknightParadoxx, recovery mode is available if you press escape during your boot process....you should see normal and recovery....you know what i mean?04:43
acovrigyes, xubuntu, not ubuntu, that goes with what xknight said04:43
Paradoxxxtknight, yea, I know that much, but even when I go to recovery mode, I don't recall anything that allows me to go straight to terminal04:44
acovrigParadoxx, evidentally xknight was talking about the standard grub04:44
FlynsarmyHow can i stop openoffice autocompleting words for me? every time it ever tries it's always wrong and i have to press backspace before pressing enter or it'll paste some huge long chunk of wrongness04:44
xtknightParadoxx, really...ok ... did you press "resume normal boot" before?  there should be a list of about six things....choose "go to root console" or "prompt" or something04:44
stupidresolutionfawk man04:45
acovrigstupidresolution, u mean man fawk?04:45
stupidresolutioni guess i'll re-install them again...i'm trying to fix my nvidia resolutions04:45
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`04:45
xtknightstupidresolution, what kind of monitor do you have??04:45
Paradoxxxtknight, hmm, I don't recall seeing that screen after I chose recovery mode04:45
stupidresolutionnec multisync 5004:45
acovrigcan I use versa instead of xorg?04:46
xtknightParadoxx, what ubuntu version?04:46
stupidresolutioni haven't found anything myself for this monitor yet04:46
Paradoxxxtknight, 10.0404:46
xtknightParadoxx, recovery mode reallly really should work and show that menu..can you try it again?  if not, then we'll do livecd04:46
Paradoxxxtknight, would removing the xorg.conf from in my current livecd session help?04:46
stupidresolutionbut the old drivers, worked and detected all resolutions and color modes04:46
xtknightParadoxx, ok let's just do livecd now then04:46
Paradoxxxtknight, I'm currently using a livecd on the machine04:46
stupidresolutionbut it wasnt using the nvidia card =c04:47
xtknightParadoxx, what partition is your old linux installed on? /dev/sda1?04:47
Paradoxxxtknight, sda604:47
xtknightParadoxx, execute these in a terminal, i separated them by a semicolon:      sudo mkdir -p /mnt/linux ; sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/linux04:47
stupidresolutionnow it's using nvidia-glx-new just fine, but my resolution is stuck at 320x400 or 640 x 40004:47
acovrigParadoxx, if u have a livecd, u can mount /dev/*da*, then rm xorg.conf or run a shell like you booted ur old linux using xubuntu livecd04:48
Pr3nt1c3ok, orca is now running, but I'm not getting any sound04:48
acovrigPr3nt1c3, does your sound work otherwise?04:48
acovrigcan I use versa instead of xorg in a usb install04:48
SoftwareExplorerHow can I change the background color of the terminal I get when I do Ctrl+Alt+F2?04:48
Paradoxxxtknight, done04:49
AAAacovrig  do you me vesa?04:49
Pr3nt1c3but when I go system->preferences->sound... it hangs with a 'waiting for sound system to respond'04:49
xtknightParadoxx, type "sudo rm /mnt/linux/etc/X11/xorg.conf"04:49
helo_so umm... anyone else having some xorg/gnome trouble after an upgrade?04:49
xtknightParadoxx, if it says absolutely nothing back to you, no errors, that means it succeeded. you can then reboot and you should be okay04:49
bodzillastupidresolution run this in terminal to identify card lspci | grep VGA04:49
acovrigAAA, when booting puppy linux it asks me if I want versa (or xversa) or xorg for my xserver, can I do that in ubuntu usb?04:49
Paradoxxxtknight, done04:49
AAAacovrig  if so, I believe there is an option during install, F2 for help - it should give you the arg04:49
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`04:49
xtknightParadoxx, after you reboot just uninstall the rogue software thru the hardware drivers control panel04:50
AAAacovrig  I don't know what versa is, sorry04:50
wise_cryptacovrig: puppy linux is not supported here04:50
Paradoxxxtknight, ok. I'll try to do that now. Thanks much! I'll be back if anything else goes wrong :D04:50
thelastnodeSoftwareExplorer: try "setterm -background <color> -foreground <color>; clear"04:50
acovrigwise_crypt, I know, but I was talking about a feature in puppy linux that I was wondering if it was in ubuntu04:50
thelastnodeSoftwareExplorer: not really sure if that works, got it from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47310604:50
wise_crypt!mint | acovrig04:51
ubottuacovrig: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:51
AAAacovrig  i really think you are talking about VESA, and I am fairly sure you can install ubuntu in lowres mode. I don't know the options off the top, google it04:51
Pr3nt1c3ah, had to change speech synthesizer to gnome-espeak04:51
SoftwareExplorerthelastnode: Ok, I read the threat to see if I can figure this out myself, but is color in the format of #hexnumber or does it use color names of some sort?04:51
acovrigAAA, yes that is it, I have a monitor that says Out of Bounds or something like that when I boot, but the projector works ok, so I was going to try VESA instead04:52
thelastnodeSoftwareExplorer: names (according to the cursory glance at the man page), try "man setterm"04:52
Pr3nt1c3I think it's working ok now.... but it's not speaking letters properly... only be speaking random letters / punctuation04:52
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`04:53
helo_xorg is using bad modes after a dist-upgrade... nvidia card...04:53
acovrigI always think it is funny that people have display issues and are here, implying that they are using a different computer04:54
paradoxxxtknight, acovrig It worked! Thanks m8s. You all are awesome.04:54
helo_acovrig: you do realize that linux has this REALLY NEAT feature called "console mode"04:54
xtknightparadoxx, yupp glad to hear04:54
Pr3nt1c3is there a way to get orca to read out messages from xchat i.e. as each new line / message prints to screen, it reads them04:54
helo_acovrig: right?04:54
AAAacovrig  use the F2 option on the ubuntu installer for help. I forget what the option is called, but something like vga, or lowres, or vesa or something. you get the idea04:54
acovrighelo_, yes, but if you are needing to reboot, u get disconnected from the IRC anyway04:55
AAAacovrig  maybe something like vga=800x600 or some'n. you'll find it04:55
helo_acovrig: not if you do it right ;)04:56
xtknightim not sure if this is relevant to what any of you are talking about, but you can run a program under 'nohup' (no hang up) and itll stay even if you logout04:56
acovrighelo_ - s`creen`?04:56
acovrigoops `screen`04:56
helo_indeed :)04:56
acovrigxtknight, try screen04:57
AAAscreen -ls w0004:57
helo_and a remote server... it's the only way to get powerful in idlerpg too (heh)04:57
acovrighelo_ it is amazing for edge-of-wifi ssh connections04:57
xtknighti never had a need for it i guess..im a gui guy :(04:57
AAAscreen is the BEST app ever for *nix. EVER! imho04:57
Pr3nt1c3ok, it's now speaking per typed character, but I'm typing _wayy_ too fast for orca to keep up04:57
un214obg: http://xkcd.com/686/04:58
thelastnodeAAA: I agree04:58
acovrigAAA, screen; ^a d; screen -R lol04:59
AAAthelastnode  doesn't screen automagically get installed when you're diagnosed with ADD?04:59
helo_yeah, it is nice for remote administration procedures, doing long remote downloads, so many things... i agree with AAA04:59
AAAacovrig  your call dude04:59
AAAacovrig  -R and -RDDDD don't always work..05:00
shortahanybody here got a sec to help me?05:00
theadminshortah: What with? :/05:00
AAAshortah  help you give me money? =p05:00
un214seconds are too short to be of useful help05:01
acovrigAAA, is there some way of scrollback-ish in screen, if I do `ls` per say and it goes out of the screen bounds to read what went out?05:01
shortahtheadmin: I'm trying to expand /var with a lvm05:01
jameswhi all05:01
AAAacovrig  ^-a [05:01
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AAAacovrig  then vim bindings05:01
theadminAAA: Support here is free, if you're going for commercial support go elsewhere05:01
SoftwareExplorerthelastnode: So, after the setterm it says to 'clear'. What does that mean?05:01
jameswis there a command i can issue to reset usb? none of my usb devices are appearing in disk utility. (karmic x64)05:01
AAAtheadmin  whadido?05:01
theadminshortah: Hrm... I never worked with those LVM thingies, sorry05:01
shortahtheadmin: if i do a vgcreate for the existing /dev/sdb1 will it erase it?05:01
AAAtheadmin  sorry, it was only sarcastic05:02
theadminAAA: at 8:00:51AM you said "shortah  help you give me money? =p"05:02
theadminAAA: oic05:02
=== flick is now known as Guest11056
acovrigAAA, I must be missing something, `screen` then ^a [ gives copy05:03
theadminAAA: I assume you know that ^a stands for Ctrl+A?05:03
acovrigAAA, yes05:03
AAAtheadmin  seriously. it was all in fun, I had no idea that was contentious. I now know, won't happen again05:03
thelastnodeSoftwareExplorer: that clears the screen, which forces it to redraw05:03
jmestradahello fellas, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 from the Live CD and installation process is stopping "unexpectely" with a message like this: unexpected exit with status 0x000905:03
Pr3nt1c3I have a blind friend who's old toshiba laptop running windows could read per character / sentence @ 180wpm...  but orca doesn't seem to be able to do this05:03
AAAthelastnode  yes, that was a mistype05:04
jmestradaany ideas?05:04
AAAacovrig  ctrl-[ starts copy mode in screen05:04
Pr3nt1c3I've been to the gnome-orca site to try and figure out why it's not working as well as I'd like... but it's not as helpful as it could be05:04
theadminjmestrada: Do you have enough RAM? Did you verify the LiveCD integrity (possible from the menu)?05:04
pushpopAnyone know of a GUI OPENVPN client for gnome?05:04
acovrigAAA, what, for me ^a then [ starts copy05:04
theadminpushpop: NetworkManager? :P05:04
Mike9863After upgrading to Lucid I noticed that the sorting in Rhythmbox got messed up. I have it set to sort in alphabetical order based off the album name, however for some reason two albums are at the top that shouldn't be there.05:04
acovrigAAA, Screen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-0605:05
jameswcan i reset usb?05:05
AAAacovrig  then you can use hjkl and suck for navigation. use the space bar to start a point to begin copying and the navigate vim like to select your text. hit the space bar to save it to the buffer05:05
Pr3nt1c3I really just want orca to read out the chat messages so I don't have to read everything... I've got it reading my chat input everytime I stop typing, but that's as much functionality as I can manage05:05
jmestradathanks for helping, theadmin... yes I have enough RAM and I already installed OS on another PC with the same CD05:05
pushpopthadmin: not familiar with NetworkManger is it built in to Ubuntu?05:05
theadminpushpop: Just install the network-manager-openvpn package05:05
helo_Ctrl-A, ]05:05
AAAacovrig  then use ctrl-] to paste that buffer into your terminal/vim/cat whatever05:05
pushpoptheadmin,  I did but it wont let me apply the opvn file I import05:05
acovrigAAA, no, I know how to cp&paste, but if an action goes out of the screen bounds, can I read it?05:06
theadminpushpop: Yeah I know, NM is having import/export bugs in Ubuntu for reasons unknown...05:06
AAAacovrig  k05:06
pushpoptheadmin, any other solutions you know of?05:06
AAAacovrig  hold it down until it goes up. or gg05:06
jmestradaadditional info: just noticed that this PC has a 64-bit Intel Pentium CPU, LiveCD version is 32-bit, could be the reason of the problem?05:06
zenlunaticacovrig, just redirect output to a file05:06
AAAacovrig , theadmin got me all confusified05:06
theadminpushpop: kvpnc works well for KDE but in GNOME it gets messy... drakvpn is not bad but I think that's only in Mandriva05:07
pushpopkvpnc was buggy as hell in gnome05:07
acovrigAAA, like if I `cat` it ends up like `tail`, can I read the `head`?  and |more or |less isn't too much an option, cuz its `vlc -I rc`05:07
helo_this is kind of making me question whether it was safe to put lucid on half of our developer's workstations :/05:07
pushpoptheadmin, damn I guess there is not other solutions than05:07
shmowell hello 11419 ubuntu lovers ;)05:07
dunpealHey. Is there a way to focus the "Notification Area" (aka taskbar) with the keyboard?05:07
shmodamn thats a lot o people05:07
AAAacovrig  in your ~/.screenrc you can set the number of history lines to remember05:08
AAAacovrig  I assume your are starting vlc from the command line?05:08
helo_i've been encouraging them to do regular upgrades, assumming they would not break05:08
theadminpushpop: Lemme do a quick package search to see if I find something05:08
acovrigAAA, yes, and if I type longhelp or help, it goes out of the screen and I can't see the first few lines unless I exit screen05:08
AAAacovrig  and this is in a screen session, correct?05:09
pushpoptheadmin,  thx05:09
jmestradatheadmin, could it be a motive of the problem the fact that LiveCD version is 32-bit and PC architecture is 64-bit?05:09
acovrigAAA, ys05:09
AAAacovrig  or just a terminal?05:09
dunpealerr, system tray05:09
theadminpushpop: Found something called `gadmin-openvpn-client`05:09
acovrigAAA, oops, yes screen goes out and I can't scroll, if it is in just the terminal, I can scroll05:09
Pr3nt1c3and now orca is not working at all... what's going on?05:09
theadminjmestrada: Yeah, possible05:09
pushpoptheadmin, hehe can't get that to work, nowhere to insert the opvn file05:10
pushpoptheadmin,  lol05:10
thelastnodeAAA: oops, missed the hilight, yes, screen is very conducive to multitasking, heh05:10
theadminpushpop: Hm well outta ideas05:10
jmestradapossible means you haven't experience this issue in the past, have you?05:10
chalkhi, i'm unable to use either the voice or video call in empathy, the webcam works in cheese...05:10
pushpopthadmin ok me too thx for checking it out though05:10
theadminjmestrada: I don't work with x64 machines regulary (I didn't ever install x86 Linux on em, at least)05:10
acovrigPr3nt1c3, just for lols, it doesn't work because 'Your cat tried to eat the mouse.'05:11
helo_maybe this is some problem with EDID detection?05:11
Pr3nt1c3I wish it were that simple05:11
helo_no lugaru for tonight :(05:12
acovrigAAA, like if I could scroll in screen05:12
AAAacovrig  inside screen (open terminal and type screen) with a default ~/.screenrc you can press ctrl-a [ to start 'capture mode'  :: you can then use 'k' for up and 'j' for down.  if you hold down the 'k' key you will eventually scroll paste your visible shell.  you can also key in 'gg' and it will scrollback 500 lines (screen default) and you can then use j to page down05:12
jmestradaok, theadmin, understood, I'm downloading 64-bit LiveCD in order to try again, this PC was just bought today, but I didn't know I was buying an Intel 64-bit CPU05:12
bastid_raZoracovrig: shift pgup shift pgdn05:12
earthmanCan I use Ubuntu destop acted as server?05:13
theadminjmestrada: Understood, report back if you have any problems... Someone might help :D05:13
acovrigearthman, yes05:13
AAAacovrig  you can also use ctrl-a ? in a screen session to see your hotkey options05:13
Pr3nt1c3espeak is not not giving any sound... but after a re-set it will only speak with the festival driver05:13
theadminearthman: Naturally. It just comes with lotsa packages that are useless for a server05:13
Pr3nt1c3under gnome-speech-services05:13
Pr3nt1c3speech dispatcher won't work05:13
lordquackstarWhat is the name of the Gnome monitor settings package?05:14
shortahquick question, if I do a lvcreate of /var is it  going to erase it?05:14
chalkhi, i'm unable to use either the voice or video call in empathy, the webcam works in cheese...05:15
acovrigAAA, thanks alot, I am probably use that (k and j in cp mode) more than ^a "05:15
jmestradasure I will... this was certainly a weird situation, it's not common that a PC store sells 64-bit components without inform05:15
thelastnodechalk: in my experience, video/voice calls in empathy are a bit buggy05:15
earthman<theadmin> tks05:15
LJRuffI am having trouble with my microphone. How can I get it to work?05:15
acovriglordquackstar xorg?05:15
lordquackstaracovrig: No, the configuration utility05:15
jmestradaI didn't check... it won't happen again :D05:15
earthmanAny body know screem html editor?05:16
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:16
AAAacovrig  are you now able to scroll up like you wanted?05:16
earthmanI need site template,but not find on web05:16
acovrigjordquackstar, gnome-display-properties?05:16
helo_this is bad... i've never had (post-xfree fork, at least) nvidia, nv, and vesa all give me bad modes for my monitor05:16
acovrigAAA, yes-its amazing for me05:16
jmestradathanks, theadmin!05:17
lordquackstaracovrig: Lemme try that05:17
earthman<ubottu> got it05:17
Parabolais there a performance increase running x64 over x86 on a core 2 duo?05:17
AAAacovrig  cool.05:17
theadminParabola: x64 _SHOULD_ be faster on x64 processors05:17
acovrigAAA, especially since the playlist cmd in vlc -I rc requires that trick (k and g)05:17
Parabolathought so05:17
Parabolathe x64 wont boot on my mac anymore05:17
Parabolaolders versions used too05:17
Parabolawindows does, osx does05:18
Parabolabut ubuntu 10.06 gets to loading screen, i select language05:18
Parabolathen i choose either install or live, and it reboots05:18
acovrigIt's kinda funny that pple thank ubottu05:18
theadminParabola: There is no such thing as "Ubuntu 10.06"05:18
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:18
Parabolawhat the fukc oever05:18
lordquackstaracovrig: What package is gnome-display-properites a part of (NOT ubuntu-desktop)05:18
Parabolatheadmin you are not helpful at all05:18
Parabolago troll 4chan05:18
theadminParabola: I'm just trying to get whether you're running 10.04 or 10.10-A105:18
AAAacovrig  are you familiar with vim?  I highly recommend speding 15m on $ vimtutor <-- it will show you alot of keyboard shortcuts and stuff that are very applicable to using the key bindings in screen05:19
jerzyI am running 10.04 on a laptop. My mouse malfunctions every now and then. It will move but I wont be able to click anything. I bought a mouse for it and this still happens.05:19
acovriglordquackstar, it is for me (standard 9.04 desktop install) - Gnome Menu/System/Preferences/Display05:19
theadminjerzy: I have this problem too, I reported it somewhere but don't remember. Hope they fix it05:19
helo_Xorg.0.log is referring to my monitor (using nvidia-auto-select) as a CRT, but it is LCD. could this cause it to feed it bad modes?05:19
helo_it's detecting the resolution correctly05:20
acovrigAAA, no, what is the tutor thing?05:20
theadminParabola: Of course it's a dumb question but it's just the regular drill, you know :D Did you verify the CD?05:20
jerzytheadmin, yea, crud, I hope somone can fix it05:20
soreaujerzy: could be invisible windows? do you have compiz running?05:20
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out`05:20
soreaujerzy: Actually, cairo-dock or any like dock?05:20
jerzysoreau, well it usually happens when I get on mozilla05:20
lordquackstaracovrig: I'm trying to get it in lubuntu, a seperate DE. It does not come with alot of gnome tools. I'm trying to install some, but I need to know the package name05:20
jerzyno docks.05:20
AAAacovrig  vimtutor just gives you a brief and helpful introduction to the vi editor05:21
jerzyI am using a fresh 10.04, just updated, no add ons05:21
soreaujerzy: Maybe only happens on flash apps in ff?05:21
jerzyThat could be possible, how could I fix this?05:21
AAAacovrig  you may need to apt-get install vim as default ubuntu only has vi, or tiny-vim05:21
acovrigAAA, lol just a sec `apt-get install vim-runtime`05:21
AAAacovrig  just vim should work05:22
soreaujerzy: Well the problem is with flash but that's closed source so we can't fix it. However, compiz reveals this issue05:22
jerzyHow do I private message again?05:22
theadminjerzy: /msg NAME MESSAGE05:22
AAAjerzy  /query dude05:22
soreaujerzy: You don't need to pm me05:22
jerzyI just wanted to test it.05:23
theadminjerzy: You could pm ubottu to test :/05:23
acovrigAAA, `vimtutor` just gave me something blank (or so I think) in vi05:23
acovrigAAA, now how do I quit vi? lol05:24
soreaujerzy: sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects tab <-- set to None would be metacity or no compiz05:24
thelastnodeacovrig: <Esc>:q05:25
acovrigthelastnode, thanks05:25
thelastnodeacovrig: basically, in normal mode, :q05:25
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acovrigAAA, the vimtutor cmd doesn't work (i don't think) what should I get?05:25
thelastnodeacovrig: sudo apt-get install vim05:27
acovrigthelastnode, thanks, now vimtutor works just fine05:28
thelastnodeacovrig: I'll avoid starting an editor war, but I think knowing vim is pretty handy for working your way around the command line, especially since a lot of other utilities use similar commands05:28
acovrigcan anyone look at http://pastebin.com/kuAAUcP7 - It is a PostSession script run as `/home/sync.sh out` that isn't working05:28
acovrigthelastnode, what's the PRO/CON vim vs nano05:28
acovrigits kinda funny, I catch myself doing ^k in gedit (im used to nano)05:29
thelastnodeacovrig: vim is far more powerful, but has a much steeper learning curve05:29
AAAacovrig  it is in vim-runtime, sorry05:29
theadmin!find vim05:30
ubottuFound: vim, vim-common, vim-dbg, vim-doc, vim-gnome (and 16 others)05:30
theadmineos_: English here please.05:31
mushy1Hello, i have a strange problem. my webcam works fine(it is a notebook and i dont know how to get the info on the built in cam)  i am trying to use tinychat. on selecting broadcast i get a black popup saying click 'Allow','Remember; and then select Close. Clicking Try Again or Close does nothing. I see no Allow button and i have always allowed tinychat.com  on  http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_m05:32
FloodBot1mushy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
mushy1can anyone assist me with this?05:33
AAAtheadmin  dpkg -S says it is a part of this pkg vim-runtime: /usr/bin/vimtutor05:33
DaviRRiRRiHello. Anybody have a window decorator problem after to update system?05:33
DaviRRiRRiI use lucid05:33
theadminmushy1: This is most likely a flash problem05:33
claygis there anyway to "turn off" the netbook remix, like make it look like desktop edition?05:34
theadminDaviRRiRRi: "Window decorator problem" is too generic. Which window decorator? Which desktop? What is the problem exactly?05:34
=== bruno is now known as Guest84189
Sam_FisherHowdy ya'll!05:35
theadminclayg: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:35
Sam_FisherI fixed my Sound problem05:35
thelastnodeclayg: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:35
mushy1clayg: yes on the log in screen look at the bottom05:35
claygi appreciate it i'll try both solutions05:35
mushy1sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  :)05:35
mushy1clayg by default though gnome will be a choice already05:36
Pr3nt1c3yay, it's kinda working now05:37
mushy1clayg: did you see it on the login screen?05:38
DaviRRiRRiHello theadmin, thanks for you answer. Look, later a update system i guess, the titlebar and options maxim, minimized disappeared. And appears to be a problem of compiz. In visual efects, extras and normal dont works decorator windows, is work well in normal05:38
gaomHeya, if my dvd drive is on the way out the door. can i somehow mount the installation cd from another linux distro installed on the same machine (not the one I want to replace). like can i DL the ISO and install from that, or is there another way maybe?05:38
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claygmushy1, i am upgrading now but as soon as it's done im going to look05:38
theadminDaviRRiRRi: Sorry but your english is confusing me05:39
AAAacovrig  vim-runtime is a dependancy of vim so if you did $ apt-get install vim then vimtutor should be in your $PATH05:39
soreauDave123-road: Can you run 'compiz --replace' in your terminal and pastebin the output?05:39
mushy1am i the only one who loves the xfce interface?05:39
gaomxfce is nice, but i prefer gnome myself05:39
claygi cancelled out, ill take a look now05:39
claygmushy1, i do not see it05:40
acovrigAAA, yes it is, I am on Lesson 2.4, its kinda cool, dw for one, and that `nano ^c` (current position) happens live in vi05:40
claygim going to try to install ubuntu-desktop05:40
claygnow i see05:40
acovrigAAA, and the hjkl for movement does make much more sence due to not having to leave the home-row for the arrow keys, but it takes some getting used to05:40
claygahh heck yeah, sweet, thanks05:40
AAAacovrig  cool, I really think the 15-25m you spend on vimtutor is well worth the knowledge05:41
chalkmushy1, i like xubuntu for the xfce interface, but all i get is xtermbuntu after installation :P05:41
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acovrigAAA, definitely!05:41
mushy1chalk what is that?05:41
gaomAnyone got a suggestion for me, i am using slackware now, i have a partition i would like to put ubuntu on, is this doable without a bootable install disk?05:41
DaviRRiRRitheadmin, the titlebar and minimize and maximize not disappeared. Only appear if dont use visual efects: in normal or extra efects dont works05:41
thelastnodeacovrig: I accidentally use hjkl in other applications by accident now, heh05:41
AAAacovrig  it is one of the best habbits you can for IMHO (no emacs flamewars implied...)05:41
acovrigthelastnode, I'm sure I will in nano lol05:41
chalkmushy1, just a command line of ubuntu, i guess, not very sure05:41
mushy1chalk i also used notebook remix for a time but it was a pain in the butt, slow as heck, and only dealt with it because it 'fit' the small screen05:42
thelastnodeacovrig: well if you get to that point, I don't think you'll be using nano heh05:42
mushy1i did the install xubuntu-desktop and never looked back05:42
AAAand I do realize the irony that the default bash shell on ubuntu has emacs bindings...05:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:42
chalkah, so if i did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop i could use xubuntu on my ubuntu?05:42
thelastnodeAAA: "set vi" in .bashrc05:42
AAAthelastnode  I have...05:42
gaomi love nano, its my favorite editor hands down =)05:42
AAAthelastnode  I learned with emacs in bash05:43
acovrigthelastnode, nano is good for starters to the terminal, but vi is for power users05:43
acovrigoops I guess we got a editor war started05:43
AAAgaom  I typical ctrl-x and install vim, hehe05:43
gaommeh, i'm hardly a starter, i just don't like the way "power user" editors work05:43
ck80hi, i`ll try ti set up autoclean samba recylebin. Is the command correct: "find /home/user/*/.recycle -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \; >& /dev/null" ?05:44
claygwhat program do i need to find wireless networks05:44
AAAgaom  once you figure out ctrl-a and ctrl-e and ctrl-w and such on the bash command line, you'll change your mind :)05:44
mcnellishow can I find out what date packages were installed on?05:44
gaomBut on my original question, is there some way to install ubuntu from the net without downloading any sort of installation medium?05:44
mushy1chalk yes that is what i did, it also did the login screen as xfce's05:45
AAAmcnellis  a hackish way might be $ ls -lst /var/cache/apt/archives/05:46
mcnellisactually /var/log/apt/history.log seems to have the info i'm looking for thanks for the help thoug hAAA05:46
acovrigis there a ^z equivalent in vi?05:47
thelastnodeacovrig: ^z05:47
thelastnode^z is suspend in bash, so it works with basically everything05:48
acovrigthelastnode, I meant undo, how do I resume vi?05:48
acovrigsomething with `job`, I think05:49
thelastnodeacovrig: type "fg". Undo is "u", redo is ^r.05:49
ck80nobody... ok, then what doing command: "rm {} \; >& /dev/null" ?05:49
Kriegsorry i'm new to Ubuntu, can anyone tell me anything about sigmatel drivers?05:50
acovrigcan I changes key bindings?05:50
thelastnodeacovrig: yep, :map05:51
Talon_is there any way to resize a window to a given size in gnome? say I want my firefox to be exactly 1024x76805:51
shortahso why would my interface not come up after a reboot05:51
thelastnodeacovrig: also, the :help command and google are both very helpful, try :help :map05:51
shortaheven though the config is in /etc/network/interfaces05:51
shortahi do an ifconfig and it shows nothing05:52
thelastnodeTalon_: wmctrl I believe05:52
soreaushortah: Perhaps no module is loaded for your ethernet hardware05:52
thelastnodeTalon_: it's a command line program that lets you do things like resize windows. compiz also has a resize info plugin that says the size of the window as you're resizing.05:52
kbrosnanTalon_: some apps respect xorg's geomerty, though not firefox05:52
stupidnicswell my resolution is fixed for now, i think xrandr needed a reboot05:53
kbrosnanTalon_: you can use javascript:resizeTo(800px,600px); in the address bar of firefox to chage the size05:53
stupidnicsnow i have a pc that is daisy chained into my main pc as a switch..and that pc isnt getting internet depite being connected physically??05:54
stupidnicsall are configure for dhcp??05:54
soreaustupidnics: How do you have them connected exactly?05:54
stupidnicswhat am i messing up here?05:54
acovrigbrb - client switch05:55
Talon_kbrosnan: that didnt work05:55
stupidnicspc:1 is connected to an onboard nic on pc2  pc2 is connected to the internet05:55
=== acovrig2 is now known as acovrig
stupidnicspc2 uses a third nic05:55
stupidnicsto connect to the router05:55
kbrosnanTalon_: drop the px in both numbers05:56
stupidnicsi had it working previously...05:56
Talon_javascript:resizeTo('1024','768'); yea this worked, you said it before i figured it out05:56
soreaustupidnics: google 'how to share internet connection ubuntu'05:56
=== tweak is now known as Guest36143
stupidnicsi'll put that in a side window05:56
soreaustupidnics: Click on the first link and it shows step by step05:57
acovrigwow txt converstion in vim!06:00
acovrigthelastnode, how do I use the map thing, :map j up to have j go up instead of down?06:01
acovrigAAA, how do I use the map thing, :map j up to have j go up instead of down?06:02
thelastnodeacovrig: sorry, what did you say, I quit right as you said it06:02
acovrigthelastnode, how do I use the map thing, :map j up to have j go up instead of down?06:02
thelastnodeacovrig: :map j <Up>06:03
thelastnodeacovrig: don't do that though...06:03
acovrigj <Up> k <Down>06:04
thelastnodeacovrig: a lot of things use hjkl in the format they are, it's beneficial to learn them the way they are06:04
stupidnicsugh, that first link is configureing a xp machine as the switch..06:04
thelastnodeacovrig: also, maps aren't permanent unless you put it in your .vimrc06:05
ryoohkii haven't had any updates for ubuntu 10.04 lts.  is there something wrong or have there been no updates for a few days?06:05
stupidnicsshouldn't dhcp configure it all automatically?06:06
theadminryoohki: There are updates quite often... not daily though, lol, this ain't Fedora06:06
acovrigtrue, cuz I have screen 0 vimtutorial and 1 vim and they 1 didn't apply to 0 also, good to cuz I did :map j k lol06:06
XFGoldenBBLwasd //// hjkl <---nahhhhh ... maybe hujk or jikl06:06
soreaustupidnics: no06:07
XFGoldenBBLbut hjkl how can you move with that ?06:07
stupidnicshang on i gotta switch my monitor over and back again, just restarted the other pc106:07
soreaustupidnics: You have a nonstandard setup06:07
h3m10ckis this an ubuntu only chat?06:07
BreezyBlueshould be06:07
soreauh3m10ck: yes06:07
theadminh3m10ck: Yep. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat.06:07
acovrigh3m10ck, what was you looking for?06:08
xpikehow do i get to a windows chat06:08
theadminxpike: /join ##windows06:08
theadmin...windows on freenode. Ridiculous.06:09
thelastnodeXFGoldenBBL: hjkl is pretty intuitive and convenient after some use... you don't have to move off the home row06:09
AAAtheadmin  lilo turns over in his grave...06:09
theadminAAA: Huh?06:10
AAAtheadmin  RE: windows on freenode, OPN, lilo06:10
AAAtheadmin  an 'inside' not joke of sorts...06:11
acovrigI bet I can't get sound alerts in irssi, can I :|06:11
tasslehoffAfter a suspend of my computer, the connected USB devices is re-enumerated. Is there a way to avoid this? It's mighty annoying when I have minicom talking to serial ports via usb adapters.06:11
thelastnodeyou can, you can make it run scripts when you're hilight'd06:11
acovrigin the conf file?06:11
theadminAAA: Lilo... that's a bootloader, right? :/06:12
MeatCurtainsAnyone here know how I can restart something that locked up in term. I was in the middle of "receiving objects" and it locked06:12
thelastnodeacovrig: yep, I'm pretty sure06:12
thelastnodeokay, I'm off to sleep06:12
theadminMeatCurtains: Ctrl+C _usually_ terminates the current program in terminal06:13
SandGorgonanyone else facing frequent disconnects on skype in  9.10 ?06:13
soreauMeatCurtains: You probably can just ctrl+c and rerun the command06:13
AAAtheadmin  my point was only that of irony. lilo was the OPN admin that made the decision to move to freenode.  he was a love/hated charector but he was all albout open source. hence my comment06:13
MeatCurtainsThanks soreau06:13
jameswcan i reset usb?06:13
h3m10ckDoes anyone know how to get Modio to run in WINE?06:13
theadminAAA: And what is OPN?06:13
AAAtheadmin open projects network. what freenode was before it was freenode :)06:14
theadminh3m10ck: Go to #winehq for that please... we don't support Wine here.... anymore lol someday we did answer wine questions, I can remember.06:14
acovrigh3m10ck, there is a wine channel somewhere, but you probably will get better support here, lol06:14
AAAtheadmin  and lilo was the main oper that made 'the drama'06:14
AAAtheadmin  google opn freenode lilo06:14
Flanneltheadmin, AAA: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.06:15
theadminFlannel: Understood. AAA, whatever with that, I'll figure this out later06:15
tasslehoffI see that minicom is no longer a Canonical supported package. Are there good alternatives? I hope the answer isn't gtkterm :)06:16
AAAjust paying a bit of homage to the fallen freenode'r06:16
stupidnicsso i should be configureing the slave pc to the ip of the nic on the main pc?06:17
Kane_HartI'm looking for a easy to setup mail server this looks good anyone else recommend this or tell me if it looks okay? amature linux person :P http://atmail.com/kb/2009/installing-atmail-mail-server-under-ubuntu-webmail-smtppop3imap-calendaring-push-and-more/06:17
Flanneltasslehoff: minicom is still in universe, so you can still use it (and it still gets community support)06:17
blockyargh why is qbittorrent going at less than 1k/s when there are 200 seeds06:17
acovrighow do I scroll in irssi?06:17
mnemonacovrig: page up and page down06:17
Flannelacovrig: pageup/pagedown, or alt-p/alt-n06:17
theadminblocky: Try smth else maybe, transmission or deluge or vuze or something06:17
blockytheadmin, what do you use?06:18
mcnellisafter I add a user to a group must I restsart my session? i.e. I've added myself to a group but when i type groups from the command line the new gruop doesn't show up06:18
* theadmin uses transmission, blocky06:18
AAAmcnellis  you need to login to that account again06:18
mcnellisdamn, no way to refresh? lol06:18
mcnellisdon't wanna restart all my programs :(06:18
AAAmcnellis  a quick check is sudo <username>06:18
Flannelmcnellis: For it to take effect in your current terminal, yes.  If you just want to verify that you were added, you can type 'groups username' (where username is yours) and it'll show them06:18
mcnellisk brb then :}06:19
xtknightkoolatron, so whats the status?06:19
stupidnicsok i made them all roaming excep for the slave pc06:19
acovrigFlannel, that just scrolls the terminal window, not irssi and alt p/n just does the pi symbol (math) and the ~ over the 'n' (spanish)06:19
tasslehoffFlannel: that's what I do atm, but the usb re-enumeration is painful when using minicom. Is there a way to find out which ttyUSB's there is activity on?06:19
AAAI so meant su <user>06:19
sum42guy2kgrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i cant get wubi to work...keeps asking for a disk06:19
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Kane_HartI'm looking for a easy to setup mail server this looks good anyone else recommend this or tell me if it looks okay? amature linux person :P http://atmail.com/kb/2009/installing-atmail-mail-server-under-ubuntu-webmail-smtppop3imap-calendaring-push-and-more06:21
soreausum42guy2k: Why not use a real live cd?06:21
theadminsum42guy2k: Do you have an ISO of Ubuntu? Put it in same folder as wubi.exe (make sure the name is exactly how it's on download page) and start it06:21
acovrigKane_Hart, tell me if it works, I've been wanting one myself06:21
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:22
Kane_HartI was hope someone has experince06:22
ActionParsnipKane_Hart: wassup?06:23
sum42guy2klol, should not take much time to download for me......06:23
theadminActionParsnip: (h|sh)e's trying to set up a mail server06:23
ActionParsniptheadmin: I see. Thanks06:23
ActionParsnipKane_Hart: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer06:24
HermanDE_Kane_Hart, How much work do you want to do?06:25
theadminWorms: (with ubottu's voice) WICD is an alternative to the default network manager. To replace the default network manager with wicd, run 'sudo apt-get install wicd' in a !terminal06:25
soreauKane_Hart: Reading the comments, looks like you want the free version guide but shouldnt hurt to try it06:25
ActionParsnipTheadmin: you can suggest the factoid to the ubottu admins ;)06:26
soreau!info wicd06:26
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB06:26
theadminActionParsnip: No idea who they are (apart from Pici)06:26
ActionParsnipWicd is sweeeet but doesn't configure 3G afaik06:26
acovrigKane_Hart, do you know what the sys requirements are for http://atmail.com/kb/2009/installing-atmail-mail-server-under-ubuntu-webmail-smtppop3imap-calendaring-push-and-more06:26
ActionParsnipTheadmin: you use ubotti herself: /msg ubottu !wicd is description06:27
ActionParsniptheadmin: replace description with your words06:27
ryoohkitheadmin: thanks.. it's seemed like a week at least06:27
soreauyou can discuss in #ubuntu-ops IIRC06:27
theadminActionParsnip: huh... will she just accept a new factoid from someone like that?06:28
soreautheadmin: No, it will go for review06:28
a3istanyone know if there's a freenx channel on freenode?  Not seeing anything on the channel list, and I'm trying to get compositing working on ubuntu-server sessions hosted via freenx06:28
ActionParsnipTheadmin: it goes to moderation but essentially yeah06:28
HermanDE_Kane_Hart, How much work do you want to do?06:29
AAAacovrig  FYI, those hjkl bindings also work in gmail (with the keyboard option set to yes)06:29
NazagulHey I'm in bactrack 4, and I can possibly seem to be able to join WEP networks06:29
ActionParsnipNazagul: backtrack isn't supported here06:29
acovrigAAA, cool, I use Gmail alot06:30
Nazagulgranted, but it seems to be a generic problem with ALL of my linux distro06:30
HermanDE_Nazagul, What is the WEP Password?06:30
NazagulI have the HEX not the passphrase06:30
ActionParsnipNazagul: backtrack has its own channel06:30
XFGoldenBBLI really hope ubuntu-ops likes my edit request :)06:30
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)06:30
AAAacovrig  using hk and x and y make gmail mutt-like :)06:30
theadminNazagul: Backtrack is NOT supported, it has it's own channel somewhere.06:30
crdlba3ist: it looks quite small, but #nx exists06:30
Nazagulokay I see if I can find it06:30
Nazagulthank you anyways06:30
AAAacovrig  jk I meant...06:30
HermanDE_Nazagul, Did you backtrack into a WEP Network?06:31
ActionParsnipNazagul: /join #backtrack-linux06:31
dan-uplateHello, I am working on building out my Ubuntu work desktop, and just as I am nearing completion it looks like something broke.  I am using 10.04, and the boot process proceeds as it normally should until it launches the 'ubuntu' GUI screen and then i lose my monitors and the whole thing dies on me.  It used to work fine, and my belief is that a change I made prior to the reboot by asking ubuntu to 'automatically log in as username' broke the06:31
dan-uplatefeature.  Now I can log in with recovery mode as root, but I do not know how to undo the change and retest.  Can anyone suggest how I should proceed?06:31
xae8kooHow do I enable ssh?06:31
stupidnicshow to ping my other pc?? so i don't have to keep switching my monitor and keybord and mouse back and forth??06:31
ActionParsnipxae8koo: sudo apt-get install openssh-server06:32
acovrigxae8koo, apt-get install openssh-server06:32
acovriglol, guess ActionParsnip beat me to it06:32
ActionParsnipstupidnics: ping name or ping ip06:32
theadminstupidnics: err, "ping hostname" or "ping ip" (example: "ping google.com" or "ping"06:32
ActionParsnipstupidnics: its the same as any other system. Ping is a defacto standard command throughout06:33
theadminstupidnics: pong06:33
ActionParsnipstupidnics: in a terminal. Nor irc channel ;)06:33
HermanDE_stupidnics, Uh....  Are you trying to share the keyboard/mouse?06:33
AAAstupidnics  doesn't sound like the ping command is what you are looking for06:33
xae8kooHow do I see the ip of someone connected to my computer via ssh?06:34
AAAstupidnics  this is one computer you want to manipulate, correct>06:34
AAAxae8koo  w06:34
acovrigxae8koo - `who`06:34
HermanDE_xae8koo, syslog06:34
HermanDE_any of the above....06:35
stupidnicsno i'm trying to share the internet with another pc from this pc06:35
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xae8kooacovrig: who didn't give me an ip...06:35
stupidnicsand i just wanted a way to verify and set it up without switching all this crap over to check and set things06:35
xae8kooI don't know where the syslog is...06:35
AAAstupidnics  aha, you have serverA with a connection to the internet and serverB that wants to connect directly to serverA and access the internet?06:36
ActionParsnip!ics | stupidnics06:36
ubottustupidnics: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php06:36
pnunnxae8koo /var/log/06:36
acovrigxae8koo, did u try `w` that someone recommended06:36
AAAstupidnics  follow the above link. that require iptables rules06:36
stupidnicsthat is extreamly confusing, maybe i'll get firestarter...06:37
ActionParsnipxae8koo: netstat -a | grep ssh ,may show it. Or netstat -a | grep 2206:37
fuzzybunny69yis there anyway to run cron right now?06:37
sumedhhow do i backup my tomboy notes on lucid?06:37
AAAstupidnics  typically you'll plug your laptop into a router/switch and dhcp will give you an address06:37
Error404NotFoundhow do install Ubuntu over a network using Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386 CD?06:38
ActionParsnipStupidnics: well, you are essentially programming a router, so it will have some difficulty06:38
ActionParsnipError404NotFound: setup a pxe server06:38
AAAstupidnics  in the situation you describe you need to manually set serverB's IP address and route06:38
ActionParsnipError404NotFound: or use the minimal cd to install using the www06:38
pnunnfuzzybunny69y Cron runs every second.06:38
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Error404NotFoundActionParsnip, most pxe howto's ask for a pxelinux.0 fire which isn't in the Desktop CD.06:39
stupidnicsbut do i use the ip from the internet pc's nic or the router ip?06:39
xae8kooNone works06:39
AAAstupidnics  the fix is simple.  you just need to set an iptables jump route for the serverB computer. google, or firestarter can help you make those configs. in reality it is a one line iptables command06:39
fuzzybunny69ypnunn, hmm I can see it doing stuff in the logs but I am not sure how to get it to run my php file06:39
ActionParsnipError404NotFound: I've seen vids online of pxe boots. Could bother them but its definately possible06:39
xae8kooHow can I see everything connected?06:40
optimus_phay anybody knows how to restore the tomboy notes on lucid06:40
ActionParsnipoptimus_p: can you clarify "restore" please06:40
stupidnicsand giving me a one line command line might not work for me if you just give it to me?06:40
adarshaoptimus_p: what exacctly is the problem?06:40
AAAstupidnics  the default gw on serverB is the the same default gw that server1 has06:40
pnunnfuzzybunny69y google is your friend... you need to edit the cron.. as root, crontab -l, then add your script in the correct format, and cron will run it for you.06:41
acovrighwo do I have irssi run a cmd on HILIGHT06:41
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny69y: there's gnome-schedule too for a gui. I believe it edits the root cron if you launch it with gksudo / kdesu06:41
studiodoes any one know how to ssh/ssh -x in a ad-hoc network06:41
dan-uplateHello, I am working on building out my Ubuntu work desktop, and just as I am nearing completion it looks like something broke.  I am using 10.04, and the boot process proceeds as it normally should until it launches the 'ubuntu' GUI screen and then i lose my monitors and the whole thing dies on me.  It used to work fine, and my belief is that a change I made prior to the reboot by asking ubuntu to 'automatically log in as username' broke the06:42
dan-uplatefeature.  Now I can log in with recovery mode as root, but I do not know how to undo the change and retest.  Can anyone suggest how I should proceed?06:42
sum42guy2kits still erroring up when i try running wubi....06:42
optimus_pActionParsnip, adarsha   oh, i want to sync all my tomboy notes, which i have backed up before installing lucid06:42
AAAstupidnics  I don't have the command handy. what I am saying is you need to make an iptable rule that forwards traffic from the same network you serverB is on to the default gw on serverA06:42
AAAstupidnics  you probably need to add the route also. google will help you, I can't06:43
studioin a normal local network i can do this but not inside a ad-hoc why?06:43
ActionParsnipstudio: same as any network: ssh -X user@address ,the network technology is moot, as long as there is a logical link it doesn't matter if its adhoc or infastructure06:43
AAAstudio  do what?06:43
acovrighwo do I have irssi run a cmd on HILIGHT06:43
stupidnicsfirestarter is just a firewall, further complicating things -.-06:44
ActionParsnipoptimus_p: i'd assume just copy the data you copied back over the top of what is standing now. I don't use tomboy06:44
AAAacovrig  /help hilight06:44
ActionParsnipStudio: with adhoc you need to define ip addresses and subnets manually as there is no dhcp server06:44
adarshaoptimus_p: sorry, i'm not sure about that.. :(06:44
stupidnicshow do i find the iptable?06:45
adarshaoptimus_p: how did u backup the notes?06:45
optimus_pActionParsnip, adarsha ok no brob..06:45
optimus_padarsha, yeah06:45
AAAstupidnics  you must setup an iptables rule on serverA to forward traffic to the default gateway from serverB's network06:45
ActionParsnipstupidnics: the ics factoid ubottu gave tells you how to set sharing up. Its not a simple task and isn't fixed with one command06:45
AAAstupidnics  iptables is beyon the scope of my help here06:45
AAAstupidnics  but you should be able to google up a solution06:46
XFGoldenBBL!oldster | XFGoldenBBL06:46
FlannelXFGoldenBBL: Please don't do that06:46
optimus_padarsha, i guess u can copy the .tomboy folder06:46
stupidnicsi get that aaa can't help me, and the how to doesn't tell me the command to list ip's connected to this pc, so i can tell slave pc which is the shared ip...06:47
adarshaoptimus_p: oh, did u try copying the backed up contents back to the .tomboy folder in lucid?06:47
Riverthief|2Sup fellas06:47
stupidnicsi need to find out which modem has what ip and then tell slave pc to use the ip..correct?06:48
Parabolais there a known issue with macbook touchpads and 10.04?06:48
sum42guy2kwhen i try running wubi, I get "exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6b7c75b6bf7c"in a window that says Windows - No Disk, with options cancel try agian and continue,06:48
stupidnicsyea, the firewall returned a hit that gave me the host ip....06:49
XFGoldenBBLsurry .. night06:49
Riverthief|2Does anyone know a way to create a bootable windows install disk from Ubuntu, if I have the image (.iso) of my OEM windows disk?06:49
Riverthief|2I'm using 10.0406:49
stupidnicsbrb, switching things over..again...06:50
Riverthief|2I basically need the Ubuntu equivalent of ImgBurn06:51
electronics-catcant you just06:51
electronics-catclick on the iso and it will bring up brasero or something06:51
Riverthief|2No, because I need it bootable06:52
electronics-catso the image is not bootable?06:52
caffeinegumthe iso should already be bootable06:52
Riverthief|2Doesn't seem to be06:52
caffeinegumis your bios setup to boot from dvd/cd drive before harddrive?06:53
Riverthief|2Yes, of course :P06:53
caffeinegum;) you never know... hmm06:53
AAAstupidnics  did you check your /var/log/samba/ logs?06:53
Riverthief|2It is06:53
electronics-catobviously you didnt just chuck the .iso in the root dir of the cd right?06:54
Riverthief|2No, it isn't just a .iso on a disk06:54
electronics-cati've had no issues burning bootable images with 10.0406:54
caffeinegumme neither to be honest06:55
Riverthief|2Is there a way to forcibly flag the cd as bootable?06:55
AAAstupidnics  you mentioned slave computers, I assumed those are samba shares?06:55
caffeinegumyou could test if the iso boots with virtualbox, setup a quick virtual machine and mount the image within virtualbox, see if it works?06:56
Riverthief|2I'll try that now, ty06:56
electronics-catthat would def be the way to go, id suspect the image itself06:56
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:57
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:57
caffeinegumyeah me too, if that doesn't work theres somthing wrong with the image06:57
stupidnicsk back, checking06:57
electronics-cati do have a question myself, i get a lot of tearing on the ubuntu desktop. I've checked vsync is set for my hardware and such but it still does it06:59
electronics-catrunning a 5770 here06:59
pelegHi. I have texlive-latex-extra installed, but when I \usepackage{schedule} (for example -- tried with others), I get "LaTeX Error: File `schedule.sty' not found". What should I fix there to let pdflatex know where to check?06:59
digital_rootwhois rwat07:00
LordHawke13Any fluent OS X users in here?07:00
AAAdigital_root  /whois07:00
yottabyteI am fairly fluent on os x.07:00
LordHawke13I figure to find any reliable UNIX tech support, ask the Ubuntu geeks.07:01
XFGoldenBBLis osX some kind of soap ?07:01
greezmunkeyI was just given a HP Ultrium 460 external tape drive, and was wondering how Ubuntu does with scsi adapters. Is there anything I need to watch out for?07:01
LordHawke13My school is almost completely Mac, but all computers are restored from an image made by Dataseam.07:01
soreauLordHawke13: yottabyte: This channel is only for ubuntu related issues though07:01
XFGoldenBBLLordHawke13: there are no geeks in here .. .07:01
caffeinegumRiverthief|2: good luck with your problem, gots to go sleep!07:01
ParabolaLordHawke13 yes07:01
Parabolai'm a mac user07:01
Riverthief|2Ya man ty07:01
LordHawke13Does that make me the only one, then?07:02
Riverthief|2Anyway, it works fine in VB07:02
Riverthief|2So the image is fine07:02
LordHawke13How do I PM so no one has to has to listen to my conversation publicly?07:02
kelvinellahi, what is the proper way of burning img file to dvd?07:02
XFGoldenBBLLordHawke13: there is ##mac07:02
kelvinellado i just rename it to iso then burn it?07:03
LordHawke13Parabola, PM me.07:03
Riverthief|2LordHawke13, /notice <name> or /message <name>07:03
LordHawke13XFGoldenBBL, Riverthief|2, thanx07:03
XFGoldenBBLLordHawke13: I was kind of being jerky ... but yeah ##mac may have more help for you on imaging a mac than ubuntu does 0.o07:05
pelegok, got it. In Lucid, texlive-latex-extra does not include "calendar" and "schedule" anymore! Where will I find these, then? And why were they removed?07:05
synespHow do I install Java?? which package is correct? open jdk?07:06
Deakkloki'm a total noob and accidentally deleted the sound icon thing on my top toolbar07:06
bazhangsynesp, enable the partner repo07:06
Deakklokhow do I get it back?07:06
Perundoes someone use pidgin with skype? I get there general protection errors and pidgin crashes when I log in to skype network07:06
bazhang!partner | synesp07:06
ubottusynesp: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »07:06
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kelvinellai think sun java is better than open java07:06
soreausynesp: probably jre07:06
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.07:06
stupidnicscrap eth1 is not giveing me a read back07:07
pelegThere should probably be a standard way of looking for a latex package inside the ubuntu repository. Am I wrong?07:07
kelvinellapeleg, yes07:08
kanziehow can I list all files over a certain size recursivly starting from the folder I am in07:08
kelvinellapeleg, i use synaptic to find latex package07:08
kelvinellapeleg, search texlive07:08
stupidnicslol! my nic in the slave pc is hott! lol07:09
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stupidnicsthats not good...07:09
stupidnicsi need to reset07:09
pelegpeleg, thanks, I'll try that.07:09
Parabolai swear to god07:09
Parabolaim going to blow ubuntu up07:09
electronics-catcan i see07:10
Parabolahow does support get worse with newer versions07:10
Parabolahow the fuck do you manage that?07:10
kelvinellapeleg, are you working on thesis?07:10
pelegkelvinella, no :)07:10
Parabola2007, ubuntu worked great with my macbook07:10
pelegnot yet07:10
Parabolasame macbook, 201007:10
Parabolahalf the shit doesnt work07:10
FloodBot1Parabola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
Parabolagreat OOBE07:10
kelvinellapeleg, r u math major?07:10
FlannelParabola: Please mind your language, thanks.07:10
electronics-catmacs are shit though07:10
pelegkelvinella, I am studying math for MA.07:11
kelvinellapeleg, cool07:11
kelvinellapeleg, i have a site which is very handy to find code for symbol07:11
electronics-catid buy a mac if i wanted to run osx07:11
kelvinellapeleg, http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html07:12
pelegkelvinella, thanks.07:12
kelvinellapeleg, so u r a grad?07:13
pelegI am not sure I understand this term. I am studying for MA -- what other info can I give you? :)07:14
pelegkelvinella, I have ALL texlive packages installed, but I don't have schedule.sty or calendar.sty07:15
pelegWhere else should I look?07:15
* XFGoldenBBL agrees with electronics-cat about macs'07:16
pelegAny packager here? Why would some styles, that were in texlive-latex-extra won't be there in Lucid, but also nowhere else??07:16
* mneptok agrees with Flannel about the language07:16
pushpopwhat version of Network Manager comes with 10.0407:16
kelvinellathose are just latex style file07:17
XFGoldenBBLpushpop: a crappy one07:17
kelvinellar u working on someone else tex file?07:17
FlannelXFGoldenBBL: Please be helpful when helping, thanks.07:17
sharat87hello, I have just installed lucid on a Dell Inspiron 1545, and have trouble getting it connected to lan... in the menu that appears when clicked on the nm-applet icon, i do not see the `Auto eth0` option. Any ideas?07:17
pushpopXFGoldenBBL, can you upgrade it because I can't get my vpn working it wont let me import my openvpn config file07:17
Flannelpeleg: texlive-pstricks has pst-calendar, if that'll work for you.  But yes, sty files can be used by simply placing them in your working directory07:18
XFGoldenBBLFlannel:  it is crappy .. I manually set eth1 to an ip and it is is up but unknown and wont ping/respond to pings ...07:18
FlannelXFGoldenBBL: That may be, but it had nothing to do with his question.07:18
AAApushpop  ii  network-manager                           0.8-0ubuntu3                                    network management framework daemon07:18
XFGoldenBBLset eth1 to automatic in network manager and whoa it works .. Crappy07:19
pelegFlannel, yes, but packages should help me not doing that :) -- besides, why would one REMOVE them from a package, when they were already there?07:19
Flannelpeleg: Were they?  Let me look.07:19
pushpopAAA,  Thank you, OK so it is the latest darn.  Any idea why I can import my openvpn file? I can import it but it never gives me the apply07:19
thecubehello, does anyone know why full screen does not work on youtube? using adobe flash and firefox in 10.0407:19
XFGoldenBBLReally thats such a basic .. and I totally boiled it down from what the wiki had07:20
pelegFlannel, http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/intrepid/texlive-latex-extra -> http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/lucid/texlive-latex-extra07:20
disappearedngHey can someone tell me what's wrong with my sony dwz walkman mounting? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/225952/07:21
soreauthecube: Not sure what you mean by |does not work| but http://xavimila.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/adobe-flash-player-problems-with-fullscreen-mode-in-firefox-and-ubuntu-9-04/07:21
Parabolai cant find it on google, can someone _Please_ shed some light on why the touchpad on my macbook only on 10.04 doesnt work very well?07:21
sharat87... any help with my ethernet?07:22
Parabolait moves, but i have to like beat it to get it to work07:22
Parabolaand i cant move it more than an inch at a time07:22
massmcwill there be a problem formatting a usb drive as xfs? or should I keep them fat or ext407:22
thecubesoreau: when i click on the fullscreen button, nothing happens07:22
Flannelpeleg: I'm looking at the changelog (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/t/texlive-extra/texlive-extra_2009-7ubuntu3/changelog), (from 2007.dfsg.3-2 to present), and I can't see any notes about dropping those.07:22
greezmunkeysharat87: what is the problem, I missed it.07:23
Flannelpeleg: It might be an oversight, have you considered filing a bug?07:23
AAAmassmc  fat32 is a universally accept format. stick with that unless you have cause to do other07:23
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
sharat87greezmunkey: just installed lucid on Dell inspiron and the eth0 entry does not come up in the nm-applet menu07:23
greezmunkeysharat87: paste the contents of /etc/network/interfaces07:23
sharat87greezmunkey: booting into live cd now.. to see if it works there..07:24
pelegFlannel, sure, why not. Never done this before, though. Any tips before I'm starting?07:24
Flannel!bugs > peleg07:24
ubottupeleg, please see my private message07:24
Flannelpeleg: ubottu just sent you a paragraph, the ReportingBugs page has some good info07:24
pelegFlannel, thanks07:25
Flannelpeleg: and if you have questions, feel free to ask the channel07:25
FlannelXFGoldenBBL: Please stop that.07:26
xtknightlol what do you wanna know about iscsi07:26
Balduinohow to install purple-Gammu?07:26
xtknighti know it rolls off the tongue and it's soo exciting to say, but come on lol07:26
sharat87greezmunkey: interfaces file contents http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/v642htD507:27
sum42guy2kis there any app i can install for free for fingerprints.......07:27
Flannelsum42guy2k: What do you mean 'for fingerprints'?07:27
sum42guy2kI dont remember most of my passwords07:27
theadminFlannel: I think the dude wants a fingerprint scanner07:27
Flannelsum42guy2k: You mean to use a fingerprint reader?07:27
sum42guy2kI got the scanner07:27
greezmunkeysharat87: that's normal - have we done this before?07:27
sum42guy2kI want to know if theres something i need to install07:27
Flannelsum42guy2k: Look into the thinkfinger package.  Once you've installed it, read the README.Debian file for further instructions on getting it set up07:28
XFGoldenBBLiscsi: I know enough about it ... I have a win7 install against it .. some others may come in asking questions though and they may like to know something07:28
sharat87greezmunkey: yes.. it is a fresh install.. yesterday it was running karmic, on which the ethernet was working just fine..07:28
Flannelsum42guy2k: You can check google to see if your fingerprint reader model is supported by thinkfinger too07:28
sharat87greezmunkey: that was karmic live..07:28
sum42guy2kuhhhh....i dont have a model07:28
sum42guy2kits built in07:28
theadminsum42guy2k: See the output of lspci to figure out what it is07:29
greezmunkeysharat87: so it worked under karmic, not lucid?07:29
XFGoldenBBLfunny that a legitimate !bleh won;t be added to the ubottu07:29
sharat87greezmunkey: yep..07:29
sum42guy2kThanks guys, appreciate it07:29
greezmunkeysharat87: paste the output of dmesg please, under karmic07:29
sharat87greezmunkey: shall I boot into karmic live...?07:30
greezmunkeysharat87: the ethernet adapter doesn't work in karmic live? If so yes please paste it.07:30
jk70YouTube works perfectly in Ubuntu 10.407:31
Jordan_Ujk70: And with 10.10 it will hopfully work perfectly out of the box (webm)07:32
jk70Depends on yhe Nightly Build07:33
Jordan_Uxtknight: http://www.webmproject.org/07:33
xtknightHmm.. well html5 hopefully :-)07:33
greezmunkeyI have to admit, 9.10 worked pretty good.07:33
xtknightyeah google bought on2 and now needs something to do with it lol07:34
Sc00t3rPretty dead here today.07:35
xtknighti know, idle time in #ubuntu should be offtopic though...hopefully that's okay...rather than getting repeatedly notified i shouldn't have my mouth open ;P07:35
sharat87greezmunkey: sorry.. my system crashed.. anyway.. ethernet works on karmic, but not on lucid.. and here is dmesg on the lucid.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hNuDFt3u07:36
Sc00t3rAgentChaos, Evenin'.07:36
sharat87greezmunkey: we don't have the karmic's cd at hand right now.. so can't try it out..07:36
AgentChaosdoes anyone know how I can decode a encoded wsd::filter file07:36
xtknightAgentChaos, what?07:37
AAAAgentChaos  what does file <path/to/your/file> say?07:37
AgentChaosi have a cgi file that is encoded and in the beginning it says Use WSD::Filter07:37
AAAAgentChaos  file, aka magic file can tell you07:38
AgentChaoswhere can i get that?07:38
AAAAgentChaos  sounds like a perl module maybe?07:38
Sc00t3rAAA, it is.07:38
AAAAgentChaos  should be default07:38
xtknightAgentChaos, ?? http://bytes.com/topic/perl/answers/874979-strange-code-dont-know-what-does-do07:38
xtknightmaybe that can help07:38
Sc00t3rxtknight, No, that would not help. He needs to have the module itself, not the script pointing to it and using it07:39
AAAAgentChaos  strings <file name> may be of help07:39
Sc00t3rAgentChaos, Why do you need the wsd::filter?07:39
AAAAgentChaos  not knowing what file says about the file leaves me crippled07:39
xtknightSc00t3r, well that site says it's called DynaLoader, so07:39
Sc00t3rxtknight, It is also encoded to be a program, which it gets encoded to binary to be run as a program.07:40
Sc00t3rxtknight, Nevermind.07:40
AgentChaosso how can i open the actual code inside that file07:40
AAAAgentChaos  what is the file in question?07:40
Sc00t3rxtknight, In other words, DynaLoader = bad.07:40
Sc00t3rAgentChaos, Simply, you can't.07:41
brendonlhow can i manually delete session files?07:41
sharat87greezmunkey: any ideas?07:41
xtknightso it's to obfuscate or protect the cgi i guess?07:41
AAAAgentChaos  you can, for sure, get ascii data from binary files07:41
Sc00t3rAAA, Which isn't exactly a good thing if he didn't make the wsd::filter..07:42
AAASc00t3r  I must not know the end goal. my bad07:42
xtknightnobody knows the end goal07:42
Sc00t3rAAA, I'm not completely sure either; I've never really seen this thing.07:43
Sc00t3rAAA, But apparently, it can be -harmful-.07:43
Sc00t3rAgentChaos, Again, why do you need it to be decoded?07:43
AAASc00t3r  my 'page up' isn't working now. do you have a pastebin URL to catch me up?>07:43
electronics-cati get a lot of tearing on the ubuntu desktop. I've checked vsync is set for my hardware and such but it still does it.. running a 5770 here07:43
greezmunkeysharat87: yeah, there are some errors starting at line 747, but they are related to the wireless driver.07:44
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, Do you have the latest Catalyst instal from http://www.ati.amd.com?07:44
electronics-cathold on dude07:44
AgentChaosget ascii data from binary files how do i do that?07:44
Sc00t3rAAA, Hahah', no I don't actually..07:44
AgentChaosi didnt encode that file, someone else did07:44
Sc00t3rAgentChaos, If you didn't encode the file, you're not going to be able to decode it yourself; I'd talk to the guy who -did- encode it.07:45
AgentChaosits part of a file uploading script07:45
sharat87greezmunkey: yeah.. we have been trying to get the wireless to run at least.. but it seems to need some drivers which we need internet to install :)07:45
electronics-cati have the ccc driver that comes with ubuntu 10.0407:45
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't come with a CCC driver. It's best to install the latest one from their site.07:45
electronics-catmaybe thats what i did cant remember lol07:45
electronics-catcan i just install the latest over what is already there?07:46
AAASc00t3r  pm me if you want my drunken input; else good night :)07:46
electronics-cator is upgrading it a more involved process07:46
greezmunkeysharat87: line 624 is where the ethernet driver kicks in...07:46
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, It should upgrade it in the process.07:46
electronics-catcool ill look into it thanks07:46
xtknightelectronics-cat,  ubuntu 10.04 has fglrx drivers....didnt you just install it from hardware drivers07:46
Sc00t3rAAA, Good night. ;307:46
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
electronics-catxtknight,  that is what i did07:46
bisbyelectronics-cat, make sure its using the fglrx drivers and not the ati/radeon ones07:47
sharat87greezmunkey: so, we have the ethernet driver.. and we see the `Auto eth0` entry in the `Edit Connections` window.. but not in the menu..07:47
Sc00t3rbisby, He -should- be using the Radeon ones from the site, since they make ones for Linux.07:47
xtknightati/radeon is the name of the open source ati drivers, you dont want to use those..you want to use fglrx (firegl/rxxx)07:47
electronics-cati heard there are heaps of ongoing screen tearing vsync issues with the proprietary drivers :/07:47
bisbySc00t3r, the "Radeon" ones are the open source ones that dont support 3d very well arent they? The fglrx ones are the official ones07:47
electronics-catso im really confused about what to install lol07:48
xtknightyeah vsync has always been a difficult thing to get working07:48
Sc00t3rbisby, If they are installed from ATI's website, it should be fine. I used it, and I was able to run Direct3D 9 applications through WINE.07:48
sharat87greezmunkey: I am not sure.. but should've it mentioned something about trying to get the IP address for the ethernet or something..?07:48
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, Give me a second, I'll give you a link to the download. What version of Linux do you have?07:48
bisbyelectronics-cat, i have an 5870 and the radeon ones didnt work for me. but i didnt notice tearing with fglrx.07:48
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, 32-bit or 64-bit?07:48
blinkizHi. I really need to get rid of this popup dialog when I have marked a URL or something. You know the dialog with "send to firefox" send to bla bla..07:48
bisbySc00t3r, the ATI's website ones are the fglrx ones not the ones entitled "Radeon"07:48
electronics-catSc00t3r, x86_6407:48
Sc00t3rOkay, so 64-bit.07:48
electronics-cathow do i know if it is the radeon or fglrx07:49
electronics-cati just installed the 'hardware drivers' one07:49
greezmunkeysharat87: I'm looking into thaat now, brb...07:49
electronics-catthat ubuntu suggested07:49
xtknightelectronics-cat, type this in the console: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep -i fglrx"07:49
xtknightand then if you see any lines like FGLRX(0);..... you're using the proprietary07:49
electronics-catyeah there are HEAPS of lines07:50
xtknightthat's good :)07:50
loopiditysome of my letters become block rectangle when I use sans fonts07:50
electronics-catsaying fglrx(0)07:50
loopidityreinstalling didnt help07:50
nanomachineHow do i set up Gwibber with facebook? its not asking for my username and password. I can click authorize and then that takes me back to where i started.07:50
Sc00t3rloopidity, That means the symbol isn't supported.07:50
abuayyoubI can someone help me please? i'm having a problem with my updates I keep getting errors whenever i try to update. It says W: GPG error: http://www.ae.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates release: then goe on to say I have some invalid signatures.  im running x64 Lucid07:50
electronics-cathow do i try out fglrx07:51
loopidityis it something that will be fixed with update?07:51
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, [url=https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-10-5-x86.x86_64.run]This[/url] is a link to the x64 drivers for Linux.07:51
xtknightloopidity, when do the blocks appear? when you press what characters?07:51
loopiditystknight this time its u07:51
Sc00t3r^^ That didn't work too well for BBCode ^^07:51
loopiditybut it changes07:51
xtknightloopidity, oh that's pretty weird....uhh....well i know font rendering has to do with the pango library, but that's it..do you have a locale other than United States-English set?07:52
blinkizWhen I mark a URL, I get a popup with "Open with Firefox", "Send URL" and so on. How can I disable this?07:52
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, You have to run that .run file from console to install. Just navigate to the folder containing it (usually, just type 'cd Downloads' into the terminal to get to the default Downloads folder)07:53
loopidityxtknight where can i check it?  i am outta states if that matters07:53
electronics-catill run this installer07:53
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, Then, just type in 'sudo sh "drivername.run". That should run it, and you just have to accept and such.07:53
electronics-catyeah i know how to run it brb07:53
xtknightloopidity, oh, ok.. where are you? an asian country? you might need extra fonts. most european languages are set to begin with...07:53
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, No problem.07:53
xtknightloopidity, i dont know if it tried to autodetect your location or what happened...im sure it has something to do with it07:54
loopidityxtknight currently in europe07:54
electronics-catif this doesnt work how can i get onto using07:54
electronics-catthat fglrx driver07:54
Sc00t3relectronics-cat, That is the fglrx driver, I think.07:54
xtknightloopidity, but you're saying random text has blocks in it? it changes? not certain characters have blocks?07:55
loopidityxtknight mostly it u, but it changes07:55
a5h15his the .bash_profile located in the /home alone or elsewhere..can't find it in my /home07:55
xtknightloopidity, are you sure your hardware is reliable?  it could be your ram honestly07:56
loopiditya5h15h it might be .bashrc that you are looking for07:56
xtknightloopidity,  it's a very strange problem especially if reinstalling doesn't fix it and if it occurs with random characters.  but i'm not saying it's hardware.  it's probably more likely software.07:56
a5h15hloopidity: are they same?07:56
loopidityxtknight what package should i reinstall exactly? i will redo it07:56
loopidityand is only to do with the sans font07:56
xtknightloopidity, oh, umm, i dont know. many packages could be implicated in that problem. pango, cairo, xft, or the actual sans font package could be the main ones. but i dont really know.07:57
xtknightloopidity, did you say earlier that you tried a reinstall of ubuntu?07:58
loopiditynot ubuntu07:58
loopidityjust the sans fonts07:58
xtknightreinstall of what?07:58
=== rabidweezle is now known as Type-O
loopidityon synatpik the ttfs07:59
xtknightloopidity, there are font configuration scripts, i dont know the name of them right now.  but there's one that runs that 'reconfigures' all the fonts. you could try running this one07:59
loopidityok, i will google it07:59
xtknightmight be fontconfig07:59
a5h15hvoglster: hi07:59
a5h15hvoglster: is the .bash_profile located in the /home alone or elsewhere..can't find it in my /home08:00
cyphasedoes anyone know of a simple program that will let me type something and automatically record when it was written. sort of a journal format08:00
[Screamo]Anyone here use Minitube on 10.04?08:00
xtknight[Screamo], yea actually08:01
[Screamo]i cant get it to play video08:01
xtknight[Screamo], you need to install some extra libraries for it to install08:01
xtknightk one sec08:01
[Screamo]it installs and plays audio08:01
[Screamo]but i just get a black screen08:01
loopiditya5h15h it is not there in the home dir08:02
cyphaseah, rednotebook looks like it might be good08:02
xtknight[Screamo], try these commands: sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad08:02
xtknightsudo apt-get remove phonon-backend-xine08:02
ubuntu_guys my mic is'nt working any idea how i can fix this08:02
loopidityubuntu_ terminal alsamixer08:03
loopidityubuntu_ tab08:03
xtknight[Screamo], i also think the ubuntu package didnt work for me.  you can try downloading the newer one from the official website at (which also had the apt-get instructions): http://flavio.tordini.org/minitube08:03
a5h15hloopidity: i'm reading this tut about bash..it says so08:03
loopidityubuntu_ and set the input to microphone08:03
[Screamo]Package phonon-backend-xine is not installed, so not removed08:03
xtknighttat's ok08:03
loopiditya5h15h it could be old one, and is not specifically for ubuntu08:03
xtknight[Screamo], did you get the other ones *installed* (phonon-.....gstreamer...)08:04
[Screamo]and phonon-backend-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad are allready installed and newest version08:04
loopiditya5h15h if you wanna edit the bash profile for you, edit the .bashrc file08:04
a5h15hloopidity: k08:04
xtknight[Screamo], okay, uninstall minitube from repositories.  then download  the official at their site08:04
loopiditya5h15h if you want to edit globally edit /etc/bash.bashrc08:04
[Screamo]xtknight ive tried that alread08:04
loopiditya5h15h although i would not recommend it08:04
xtknight[Screamo], strange. im not sure whats wrong then08:05
a5h15hloopidity: k...thanks a lot08:06
[Screamo]xtknight, minitube_1.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2_i386.deb ?08:06
itheosmany times the sound just turns off and i cant turn it off without restarting. what could be the cause and remedy?08:06
AAAitheos  question?08:06
loopiditya5h15h u r welcome08:06
itheosAAA, i asked it :)08:06
xtknight[Screamo], the one from launchpad? yea that's exactly the one im using08:06
Maple12can i get help with lucid?08:06
AAAitheos  I would use alsamixer to debug08:06
xtknightMaple12, yes you can08:07
[Screamo]well lets try this again08:07
itheosAAA, i tried but everything looked normal08:07
xtknight[Screamo], you're sure you uninstalled the other one first right...because if you have two..it might still be running the older one. sorry, have to ask08:07
Usuario621hello.. i have removed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu but when i restart pc it shows kde login and it says kubuntu at boot.. whats wrong08:07
itheosanyway to restart the sound demon or something ?? xD08:07
Maple12ok.ok well, every few minutes or so from starting08:07
xtknightitheos, pulseaudio -k08:07
AAAitheos  you typed alsamixer in a terminal and turn the volume all the way up?08:07
itheosxtknight, and that will do what?08:07
[Screamo]yes it is uninstalled08:07
itheosAAA, yes08:07
xtknightitheos, it restarts a pulseaudio user session. is that what you wanted? what's going on with your sound?08:08
Maple12the screen blanks and gives a command prompt, stating "Check Batter State ... [OK]"08:08
itheosxtknight, ok thanks let me try08:08
=== rabidweezle is now known as Type-O
timClicksdoes anyone know the name of an open source in-browser presentation software system?08:08
abuayyoubHi, Can someone help me please? When I finish an update I keep getting like 4 or 5 of these errors W: Failed to fetch "Http://..... Hash Sum mismatch"  How can I get rid of these errors?08:08
AAAitheos  hrm. and you have 0 sound? how does yhou sound find a speaker? physical topolgy?08:08
itheosAAA, yes i have 0 sound. the alsomixer shows everything is fine08:09
=== feisar__ is now known as feisar
AAAitheos  if alsamixer lets you change values, then you need to change your client app to use alsa08:09
itheosxtknight, didnt work :(08:10
xtknightitheos, what sound adapter do you have08:10
AAAitheos  use the alsa option with you client08:10
[Screamo]xtknight, still no video08:10
[Screamo]ive got sound and can seek into the video08:10
xtknightitheos, is everything configured right for pulseaudio, do you see a speaker icon?  can you go into preferences, select stereo output, raise the volume, and so on?08:10
AAAitheos  sounds like you are using OSS or another sound manager08:10
Maple12xtknight, this Check Batery State is becoming a problem for me. i just got crashed from a game server when it happened08:10
xtknight[Screamo], it would imply you're either missing a codec or a video output device isnt working...umm, can you start minitube from the console to see if it spits any errors to the console?08:11
itheosxtknight, yes i see everything. everything is fine. just no sound at all :(08:11
Usuario228hello.. i have removed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu but when i restart pc it shows kde login and it says kubuntu at boot.. whats wrong *08:11
itheosAAA, how to find the manager?08:11
=== feisar is now known as f3isar
xtknightMaple12, hmmm i have no idea what that means? are you on a laptop/08:11
AAAitheos  tell your client to use alsa, because you can manipulate the volume settings with alsamixer08:11
abuayyoubitheos, are you trying to watch something over HDMI?08:11
Maple12no. i'm running Lucid on a desktop computer08:11
=== f3isar is now known as feisar
itheosAAA, i am using also. i can change settings in alsamixer08:12
AAAitheos  what app are you trying to use with this?08:12
ubuntu_loopidity : i fixed it in alsamixer and i tried calling somebody using skype and there is still no sound on the receivers end08:12
abuayyoubI had a problem similar where I had video bbut no audio over HDMI08:12
[Screamo]xtknight, http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/68/screenshotjz.png08:12
xtknightMaple12, ok, umm, try to go into power management settings? it thinks you have a laptop, for some strange reason.  try to tell it you have a desktop, set everything to 'never turn off', 'maximum performance' or whatever08:12
itheosabuayyoub, i have hdmi support but i havent chosen it. the sound was working fine and it suddenly stopped08:12
itheosAAA, pidgin08:12
xtknight[Screamo], really. so it's transparent like that08:12
itheosAAA, but i dont have sound anywhere08:13
loopidityubuntu_ it is very normal with ubuntu, try playing around more08:13
xtknight[Screamo], then it's a video output problem. what kind of video card do you have? and what drivers for it08:13
loopiditydont start skype beforehand08:13
abuayyoubitheos, you runin lucid?08:13
AAAitheos  does youtube sound work?08:13
itheosabuayyoub, yes :)08:13
[Screamo]xtknight, but everything else plays video perfectly08:13
Maple12i've done that, but it still crashes08:13
loopidityrestart, use alsamixer, see if recording works, and try skype ubuntu_08:13
itheosAAA, no. no sound at all anywhere08:13
xtknight[Screamo], yea, well it could also be something with phonon(a Qt video plugin not used very often)..ummm.. still, what video card/drivers?08:13
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:13
itheosAAA, it suddenly stops after sometime :(08:13
AAAitheos  ok, do you have an ogg or mp3 locally you can try to play?08:14
itheosAAA, yes i have mp308:14
AAAitheos  even a wav?08:14
[Screamo]Graphics:  Card nVidia NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] X.Org 1.7.6 Res: 1400x1050@52.0hz08:14
[Screamo]GLX Renderer GeForce2 MX/AGP/SSE2 GLX Version 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.17 Direct Rendering Yes08:14
AAAitheos  try and play it with mplayer or the like08:14
xtknight[Screamo], and did it spit anything to the console? probably not, but just in case...08:14
itheosAAA, i have vlc and totem08:14
BradleydHello can anyone help me install my intel drivers?08:14
stupidnic0why is my ip addy in hex code?08:15
xtknightstupidnic0, ipv6 maybe?08:15
abuayyoubitheos, assuming you already tried checking alsamixer to make sure everything was un muted, you can try ... sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa08:15
abuayyoubsudo apt-get update08:15
abuayyoubsudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)08:15
itheosAAA, no sound08:15
[Screamo]actually, its not really transperant, just the desktop is sticking to it when i minimize/maximize it08:15
stupidnic0but i can't tell what ip to tell my other pc to connect to now..08:15
Avaszhow to install java runtime for browser?08:15
xtknight[Screamo], yea. it's not being repainted. hmmmm. i really dont know.  but the first thing I would try it to try another Qt/phonon-based application.08:16
AAAitheos  I can help you debug with mplayer/mencoder. if you want my help, pm me an use mplayr08:16
itheosabuayyoub, ok let me try08:16
[Screamo]xtknight, like?08:16
xtknight[Screamo], i was hoping you wouldn't ask that. i have no idea. haha.08:16
BradleydCan anyone help me install my intel graphicd card?08:16
xtknight[Screamo],  ill find one for you, hold on08:16
[Screamo]xtknight, when running in terminal, i get a steady stream of this X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 808:17
[Screamo]  Extension:    133 (Uknown extension)08:17
[Screamo]  Minor opcode: 19 (Unknown request)08:17
[Screamo]  Resource id:  0xa408:17
FloodBot1[Screamo]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
xtknight[Screamo], oh, okay...well this could be something08:17
[Screamo]ohush FloodBot108:18
BradleydCan anyone help me install my intel graphics card drivers?08:18
xtknight[Screamo], in fact, another person with same error http://old.nabble.com/problemas-con-minitube-td27208489.html08:18
[Screamo]why does that seem like its not going to be in english08:19
iguannahi all08:19
xtknight[Screamo], lol.  xvideo issues.  look here and see if it can apply to minitube.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123118608:19
xtknight[Screamo], just instead of skype type minitube, and see if it works i guess. it looks like it's requesting an extension your card doesn't have. this disables it.08:19
iguannaHow can I run a app from terminal on second plane? I know it is something like './eclipse &&'08:20
[Screamo]Edit: Skype wasn't the reason, it was cairo-dock with opengl08:20
xtknightiguanna, just one ampersand08:20
[Screamo]i just installed that last night08:20
xtknight[Screamo], ohh:|08:20
iguannathat was an easy one, thanks08:20
xtknight[Screamo], so do you understand what to do with those instructions? literally just replace 'skype' with 'minitube'... minitube.real, etc08:20
[Screamo]yeah hold on08:21
BradleydCan someone help me install my graphics card?08:21
amolhi i have taiwan based iped wm8505 ,but not working touchscreen08:22
phenomAny one notice any problems upgrading to 10.4 from 9.10?08:22
xtknightan iped......wow...yup ive heard of that, surprisingly08:22
cramejsbest gtk irc client ?08:23
xtknightcramejs, i like xchat08:23
shiftingcontroli have only 497 m.b space in / i need to increase the partition size ,i want to increase the size???08:23
amolxtknight, its good but problem in using linux is o touchscreen support08:23
=== brendonl is now known as teng
BradleydCan anyone help me install my graphics card?08:23
xtknightamol, right... i have no idea how to fix that.  if iped doesn't make drivers for linux, it could be impossible.  it works on windows, right?08:23
amolany one can help me to make touchscreen enable08:23
cramejsxtknight, ok08:23
MBSTOm4v, prrita, hi! o/08:24
MBSTOC U all \o08:24
BradleydCan anyone help me install my graphics card drivers please?08:25
shiftingcontrolhow to increase linux partition  space?08:25
amolxtknight, it works in windows well08:25
ejwaxxBradleyd: what type of card?08:25
cramejsshiftingcontrol, gparted ?08:25
Bradleydejwaxx: Intel08:25
shiftingcontrolwithout livecd?08:25
[Screamo]Thank you xtknight :D08:26
shiftingcontrolcramejs:without livecd?08:26
xtknight[Screamo], so that strange export xlib thing actually worked?08:26
cramejsthere is a gparted live cd ...08:26
wise_cryptamol : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGKqMJOoF-o08:26
xtknightmost of those never do anything for me, heeh08:26
xtknightamol, i dont know how touch screens work. but if you could find a model number or go in the device manager in windows, to determine what touch screen model it is, it would help in finding the driver.   i thought it ran android by default actually?08:26
[Screamo]yeah weirdly something strange like that worked08:26
cramejsshiftingcontrol, try here http://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/files/gparted-live-stable/08:27
amolxtknight, kernel not detecting device so no info of device08:27
xtknight[Screamo], glx dock wanted everything to be alpha. and your video card doesnt support that. except phonon doesnt know how to deal with it. i guess?08:27
ejwaxxbradley: do you already have the drivers?08:27
ATSHello I am exporting jruby path but when I restart my terminal it's giving "The program 'jruby' can be found in the following packages:"08:27
xtknightamol, yeah i have no idea how it would show up in linux. but it might be in "lspci"08:27
ATSAny help thanks.08:27
parijathii need help!08:27
[Screamo]but cairo-dock is horrible08:27
Bradleydejwaxx: can you goto private chat this is annoying08:27
xtknightamol, actually you might look at xorg.conf settings08:27
amolxtknight, lspcilsusb not showing08:27
ATSany help with export jruby path08:28
shiftingcontrolcramejs:thank yu can i do that using backtrack ?>08:28
xtknightATS, you need to put export in ~/.bashrc08:28
ikoniaATS: what's the issue ?08:28
ATSI am exporting jruby path but when I restart my terminal it's giving "The program 'jruby' can be found in the following packages:"08:28
ATS#xtknight thanks let me try08:28
wise_cryptamol : did you see the link i gave you in youtube it works lol08:28
xtknightATS when you restart the terminal it loads new exports from ~/.bashrc again and removes old ones. so add in export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jruby   or where-ever it is08:28
cramejsshiftingcontrol, i think there isnt gparted in backtrack by defualt08:28
ikoniaATS: ok - so where is jruby installed on your system ?08:29
wise_cryptamol : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15866608:29
itheosabuayyoub, i installed what you said. it still doesnt work08:29
amolwise_crypt, seeing08:29
stupidnic0well nothing has worked, and now i can't tell my ip addy cause it's i hex =c so i give up??08:29
abuayyoubitheos, did you try and reboot?08:29
[Screamo]This song is awesome :)08:29
itheosabuayyoub, no :(08:29
=== dad_ is now known as Guest36960
[Screamo]Vader - Never say my name08:29
amolwise_crypt, but dmesg not shows as detecvted touchscreen08:29
shiftingcontrolcramejs:the problem is my dvd drive isn't burning the disk so i can burn iso in usb and use gparted ryt ?08:29
xtknighti'm surprised how many people are on here at 3:30am.  besides borderline manic people like me08:30
itheoshello Guest3696008:30
cramejsshiftingcontrol, yes08:30
itheosok let me reboot08:30
wise_cryptamol : the ts conected to usb ?08:30
xtknighti know some of you have different timezones,, but i KNOW some of you are just crazy like i am and are on at 3:30am08:30
cramejsshiftingcontrol, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php08:30
ATShey guys thanks a ton its working :) m new to ubuntu08:30
stupidnic0i'm just wondering how i could setup my network fine...then the next day it's ip is in hex and it doesnt see the internet..08:31
swebwhats the major diffrent between debian server and ubuntu server ?08:31
amolwise_crypt, lsusb not shows device entry as well,after opening device it shows it is connected thru serial cable strip08:31
parijatThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time...............plz help!08:31
Guest36960does anybody have serial for green screen wizard08:31
ATSok once more issue why I get the following error "sudo: jruby: command not found" when I do  "sudo jruby -S gem install something" Any clue?08:32
wise_cryptamol : is it egalaxy ?08:32
stupidnic0guest a keyge n not work?08:32
amolwise_crypt, not08:32
parijathey amol....need help buddy!08:32
shiftingcontrolcramejs:my usb is vfat and doc says oly fat llwrk?08:32
DJonesGuest36960: You'll need to contact the developers and ask them for a serial08:32
xtknightATS what did you put in your bashrc file?08:33
amolparijat, ?08:33
ATSxtknight yes the and now the jruby is working but it's giving problem with sudo08:33
wise_cryptamol : this link is for egalax but also not recognize may be can be a point to start http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147887708:33
xtknightATS, it's possible it needs to be in /root/.bashrc too, because sudo runs root..but i ...dont..*think* so?? type "whereis jruby" what does that say...no sudo this time08:34
stupidnic0how does a nic go from ip4 to ip6, by itself??08:34
xtknightstupidnic0, ubuntu08:34
cramejsshiftingcontrol, sorry i never used usb way08:34
xtknightstupidnic0, what's the problem? is it wireless08:34
abhineshwhats going on ???08:34
shiftingcontrolcramejs:without gpart no other way ?08:35
DJones!ubuntu | abhinesh08:35
ubottuabhinesh: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:35
ATSjruby I have manually install I mean download the tar file and extracted inside /usr/src/jruby08:35
stupidnic0no it's a ether.. before i could set it up and see the ip now its a buncha hex i can do nothing with..08:35
abhineshi know08:35
xtknightATS, type the command, "whereis jruby" in the console, without sudo.  what happens?08:35
BradleydCan anyone help me with this? "X server has no OpenGL extension"08:35
cramejsshiftingcontrol, a oneclick tool for making usb livecd, check here http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:35
xtknightstupidnic0, are you familiar with network manager?08:36
ATSjruby: /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin/jruby.dll /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin/jruby.exe /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin/jruby.bat /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin/jruby /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin/jruby.rb08:36
ATSxtnight the following output m getting08:36
loopiditywould remote desktop connection between ubuntu possible?08:36
stupidnic0enough to have previously set up my network with no problems =c08:36
xtknightATS, did you install a windows version by any chance? there is .exe and .dll..... which one should be executing? .rb?08:36
wise_crypt!xorg > Bradleyd08:36
ubottuBradleyd, please see my private message08:36
xtknightstupidnic0, try "sudo dhclient eth0" in the console, assuming eth0 is the NIC in question08:37
ejwaxx!xorg > ejwaxx08:37
ubottuejwaxx, please see my private message08:37
wise_crypt!factoid > ejwaxx08:37
ATSNo I download the tar file from the jruby website08:38
xtknightATS what are you adding to the PATH variable. it should be this, right? /opt/jruby-1.4.0/bin08:38
shiftingcontrolcramejs:here i need to dwnload this une and make an iso file in usb and edit the partion using live usb??08:38
wise_crypt!info jruby | ATS08:39
ubottuATS: jruby (source: jruby): 100% pure-Java implementation of Ruby. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.0-2 (lucid), package size 11351 kB, installed size 63564 kB08:39
ATSno I added the path where I extracted the file which is /usr/src/jruby/bin ok let me change it.08:39
cramejsshiftingcontrol, yes08:39
ATSas per it mentioned.08:39
wise_cryptATS: sudo apt-get install jruby08:39
xtknightATS okay....what is /opt/jruby08:39
cramejsshiftingcontrol, but u cant download gparted on ubuntu ?08:39
ATSI guess it is pre installed as I never installed jruby before08:40
xtknightATS, yes, you can forget all these problems if you can use the version in the repository, by typing aptg-et install. however it is version 1.4.0, NOT 1.5.1, the latest08:40
shiftingcontrolcamejs: i am downloading via synaptic08:41
ATSok I have modified the path in bashrc08:42
shiftingcontrolhoe to edit partition using gparted?08:45
tripelbWhat does -> hald-addon-stor <--- do? I see it come and go in top in terminal and things were slow in browser.08:45
shiftingcontrolhow to edit partition using gparted?08:45
TinoWshiftingcontrol: you click and select08:45
wildbatshiftingcontrol, with mouse and keyboard08:45
TinoWshiftingcontrol: make sure the partition in question is not mounted08:45
parijathow do i resolve package problems?08:45
TinoWparijat: you copy and paste the message of the problem to google08:46
shiftingcontrolwildbat:hats off:)08:46
a5h15hwhere is the .bash_profile file located?08:46
TinoWa5h15h: where you put it08:46
a5h15hcant find it in my /home?08:46
wildbata5h15h, your home dir. ie /home/blablablauser08:46
parijatThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.08:46
TinoWwildbat: not if it does not exist :)08:46
parijatthanks ...if anyone one can help with this08:47
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GParted08:47
TinoWparijat: noone can, you would need to tell the packages which are stepping on each other08:47
shiftingcontroltinoW:is it possible to edit the partition of the current working os which is mounted,basically i wanted to increase the ubuntu 10.04 in which i am logged in?08:47
TinoWshiftingcontrol: usually not08:47
parijatvlc cannot be installed08:47
TinoWshiftingcontrol: very few filesystems are capable of changing size while in use. I think xfs is among them08:48
a5h15hTinoW: is it created after every login?08:48
wise_crypt!livecd > shiftingcontrol08:48
ubottushiftingcontrol, please see my private message08:48
ddrjso ... i'm really liking this lubuntu... loads extremely fast, not a lot of bloatware either08:48
parijati do it in terminal it shows this08:48
parijatThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.08:48
parijatE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)08:48
parijatE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:48
TinoWa5h15h: no, it is not created at all. A few . files are copied when the account is created but apart from them you would create them yourself if you need to08:48
FloodBot1parijat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
Maple12i still need help with Lucid's "Check battery state" problem08:49
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=271779 to burn it see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:49
parijati am new to it...i am sorry08:49
a5h15hTinoW: k08:49
TinoWbut talking of packages I have a question too which I can't google: is it possible to get not only the list of to be updated packages (apt-get -s upgrade) but also some release notes pertaining to the updates?08:49
wise_crypt!sudo > parijat08:50
ubottuparijat, please see my private message08:50
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:i dont want to use live cd08:50
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: you can not do partioning with mounted partion use a live cd for that08:51
ATSxtknight you still there?08:51
xtknightATS yea08:51
ATShttp://paste.ubuntu.com/450483/ Still not able to install the jruby gems08:51
xtknightATS can you try sudo apt-get install jruby08:52
abhineshwhat problem08:52
TinoWshiftingcontrol: it would be the easiest way, alternatively you could do this in single user mode before all partitions are mounted (but you'd need the command line tools)08:52
ATSbut it will install the old version but let me give a try08:52
ATSwill update u08:52
abhineshwhat problem08:53
tripelbWhat is up? Stuff is slow -> hald-addon-stor is busy on and off - revealed by top in terminal <---  http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=31405  gives some instruction but I dont understand if it applies to me.08:53
xtknightATS okay08:53
shiftingcontrolTinow:ok i have now installed gparted in lucid lynx now i need to enter via recover mode and edit ryt?08:53
parijatproblem with installin programs08:54
abhineshhey what is xcat08:54
Maple12still need help.08:54
abhinesh problem with installin programs which08:54
KukMan_hi. I want to build deb from sources. dpkg-buildpackage get my email from user@host, not my email which I set in debian/changes08:55
KukMan_oops. in debian/control08:56
itheosAAA, hi08:56
KukMan_I wrote "Maintainer: Kukunin <my_email@gmail.com>"08:56
KukMan_but gpg searches key for Kukunin <kukman@ubuntu> instead08:57
Maple12can anyone help me from where xtknight left off on thi "Check battery state.. [OK]" problem on my desktop?08:57
shiftingcontroltinow:in gparted how can i edit ?if i right click the partition i can oly see the format to option,if i perform this operation,the content in the disk will be formatted ryt?08:57
shiftingcontrolin gparted how can i edit ?if i right click the partition i can oly see the format to option,if i perform this operation,the content in the disk will be formatted ryt?08:58
tripelbWhat does -> hald-addon-stor <--- do? I see it come and go in top in terminal and things were slow in browser.  (in another channel someone actually answers me. says -- very time media is inserted or removed or eject button is pressed, it nudges the main HAL daemon <--- FYI.  bye while I go mess to release it08:58
ATSfinally thanks a ton xtknight Things are working fine.. but still I have a doubt  y'day I installed it one my another system and it worked very well... Need to check the configuration again08:58
xtknightATS yea i dont know whats going on. try putting it in /root/.bashrc also08:58
KukMan_dpkg-buildpackage write source changed by Kukunin <kukman@ubuntu>, instead source changed by Kukunin <my_email@gmail.com>08:59
KukMan_Where I can set this  email?08:59
xtknightKukMan_, type "dch -e" in the source package's directory08:59
ATSwill do that...08:59
xtknightKukMan_, and to see a default, there are some things to put in your bashrc.  there is document on the ubuntu package maintainer's wiki articles, and ubuntu MOTU(masters of the universe)09:00
KukMan_xtknight, ok. very thank you09:00
xtknightKukMan_,  no problem, you can get further help with that stuff in #ubuntu-motu by the way (altho probably not at this time, it's very late at least in my timezone)09:01
Maple12xtknight, you think you can continue helping me with my dilemma?09:02
xtknightMaple12, hey, did you change all your settings to match a desktop rather than laptop? i have never had the issue before and have no idea how to fix it, but im trying my best09:02
Maple12it seems toi be common for some desktop users...09:03
Maple12meybe the motherboard's battery is being used as what's being checked09:03
Maple12i've asked on the forums about the problem, but nobody seems to reply. i've already bumped it 4 times.09:04
xtknightMaple12, i dont know. it's very strange. but it has to do with ACPI im pretty sure09:05
xtknightMaple12, i dont think it should be the CMOS battery. it's possible. but probably ACPI is telling ubuntu your system is a laptop, or ubuntu's not reading it right. google "buggy ACPI tables" you'll see lots09:06
xtknightand there are ways to fix them, but it's pretty technically involved.09:06
brianhermandisable acpi09:06
xtknightyou could try that09:06
xtknightbut lots of things might not work09:06
Maple12well how do i access my system's ACPI settings first?09:07
xtknightMaple12, umm you can't really access them, you might be able to disable ACPI entirely from the BIOS. but just try the parameters "acpi=off noacpi"   on the linux kernel command line09:08
brianhermangood luck its a man page09:08
xtknightMaple12, it may be that the motherboard had something soldered into it (ok, more like flashed) that says ur system is a laptop.09:08
brianhermanoh that is a debian thing09:08
brianhermanit has laptop mode09:09
Maple12well its a Dell Dimension 4500S09:09
brianhermantry this ---> $    apt-get purge laptop-mode-tools09:09
kpelthe latest libc update for 10.04 makes my Acer Revo to freeze at the login screen. Any fixes?09:09
brianhermankpel: http://www.greenhughes.com/content/how-install-ubuntu-and-boxee-acer-aspire-revo09:10
a5h15hi've created a .bash_profile file...but it wont execute on logging in09:10
wildbata5h15h, are you using bash  shell09:11
wildbata5h15h, did you make .bashrc to run the profile then?09:12
vijayhey can anyone help me09:12
geirhaa5h15h: Use ~/.profile instead09:12
geirhaa5h15h: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/DotFiles09:13
kpelbrianchidester: i have installed ubuntu on my revo a while ago. the problem is the latest libc patch which causes the login screen to freeze.09:14
Maple12it happened.09:14
paradoxxGreetings all, I'm trying to decide on a command line text editor to get good at. I've used nano, vi and pico a little, but want to really learn one indepth. Any recommandations, I'm not opposed to learning emacs either09:14
Maple12My computer checked for a battery state TWICE09:14
erUSULparadoxx: vi or emacs choose your poison :)09:15
paradoxxerUSUL, that seems what it boils down to, but I'm not sure which to choose or how to go about choosing.09:16
geirhaparadoxx: If you are already familiar with vi, I'd recommend you try vim09:16
paradoxxgeirha, whats the difference?09:17
kpelparadoxx: vim works well for me. i like the fact that it can open very large files09:17
Botanicarjoe ftw :)09:17
paradoxxkpel, you can't do that in emacs?09:17
geirhaparadoxx: Lots of improvements, syntax highlighting, smart indenting etc...09:17
ubuntu_is mandriva better than ubuntu09:18
TinoWa5h15h: btw, used configuration files are usually found at the end of a manpage, in the files section. Check there to see which files your shell really reads on start.09:18
paradoxxgeirha, so vim vs emacs. Why would I use one or the other. I've been reading comparisons but none really give me a good reason for one or the other09:18
geirhaubuntu_: Is an apple better than a pear?09:18
vijayhey any one out there09:18
kpelparadoxx: i have seen emacs choking when trying to open huge files (1-2GB)09:18
phoceanubuntu_: certainly not09:18
a5h15hwildbat: i'm reading a tutorial(for beginners) and following it...there seems no mention of the .bashrc file09:18
TinoWvijay: nope, no one here09:19
yanick_hi, anyone familiar with the "External tool" plugin in Gedit?09:19
DJonesubuntu_: It depends on your point of view, it comes down to what suits each person.  If you want to discuss the question, its probably best asking in #ubuntu-offtopic though09:19
ubuntu_sure it is09:19
TinoWa5h15h: yes .bashrc sounds better09:19
geirhaparadoxx: The best way to know is to try them both for a while, and see which suits you best ...09:19
goCatHi everybody. Is there somebody which could help me with ffmpeg ?09:20
TinoWgoCat: what kind of answer do you expect?09:20
TinoWgoCat: I'd suggest coming up with a complete question and hope for the best09:21
goCatThanks, i'll try this :-)09:21
erUSUL!anybody | goCat09:21
ubottugoCat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:22
a5h15hTinoW: : could you suggest some nice tutorials(beginners)...for learning bash09:22
erUSUL!cli | a5h15h09:22
ubottua5h15h: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro09:22
goCatI'm using LinuxMint 9 on a core i7 with 12GB ram, i have compiled ffmpeg with pthread support and but i can't use more than one core even with the option "threads=0"09:22
RudyValenciaIs there a good WordPad equivalent I can install on my lappy?09:22
goCatand for information, i also use x11grab and libx26409:23
TinoWa5h15h: depends on what you want to do with it. I personally would not recommend extensive programming in a shell09:23
soreauIs there some feature where a box connected to ethernet would just go to sleep after a couple hours and stop responding to pings and never wake up?09:23
erUSULRudyValencia: a word processor ? openoffice or abiword (lighter)09:23
TinoWa5h15h: but if you grasped the overall concept of unix shells, next best bet is usually the manfile09:23
RudyValenciaerUSUL: WordPad, that lightweight, very basic word processor that comes with Windows.09:24
wildbata5h15h, afaik .profile will call .bashrc from there you can config your setting or call additional one09:24
TinoWsoreau: shutdown for example :)09:24
erUSULRudyValencia: give Abiword a try09:24
tripelber 10.04 liveCD. I dont get a "test this cd" choice. This is what I get: a blue screen with some icons at the lower edge (looks like a piece of film, an arrow to the right, then a stick-figure man) --- after that ... get window asking me to install or try it.  Clicking the X in the corner gives me the fuzzy splashscreen and nothing. [this is the second cd I have burnt from a perfect iso-file]  PLEASE HELP ME. ---> What should I be seeing? Should I see the scre09:24
tripelben like from 6.10 and 9.04 that I have used before with a set of text lines and to chose from that set of things (no mouse) what I want, INCLUDING TEST THIS CD. >??09:24
soreauTinoW: That doesnt even make sense. The box is going into an inoperable state09:24
goCathere is the command i use : ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1920x1200 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 test.mkv09:25
TinoWsoreau: with shutdown you could get the same effect ;)09:25
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TinoWgoCat: sounds like a lot of data09:26
TinoWgoCat: along 260MB/s09:27
goCatTinoW: yes, but on a core I7 i think i can expect more than 2fps. But my problem is that ffmpeg only use one core... :-(09:28
TinoWgoCat: and around 200MB/s going to the disks09:28
tripelbwhat is the first screen I should see in 10.04 ? Please tell me. Or link me. I need to know how to test the goodness of this CD. What is going wrong?09:28
TinoWgoCat: no I don't think your platter can handle that09:28
tripelbI've not had a problem with burning CD's before this.09:28
goCatTinoW : ok. What parameter would you use to make a screencast with this resolution ?09:29
TinoWgoCat: you could experiment with some compression schemes so find a good balance between CPU usage and output data stream09:29
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:30
Jordan_Utripelb: You should initially see this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-1.png for about the first 5 seconds, if you press any key within that time you should see this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-2.png and after selecting English, this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-3.png09:30
soreauTinoW: The box IS NOT being shutdown. It is shutting everything else out like PINGS on ETHERNET cable09:30
goCatTinoW : ok, i will try other options. Just one question : is it really possible to use more than one core with ffmpeg on ubuntu (or linux mint ) ?09:30
tripelbJordan_U, thanks. I'm off to look at it.09:30
soreauSO you cant ping the box after a couple hours like its completely not there09:31
TinoWsoreau: well your question was about a program doing this and the shutdown command was my suggestion. I think you'd need to rephrase your question to get the answer you like :) Btw, did you check the logs?09:31
soreauTinoW: I did not see anything out of the ordinary in syslog but Im so angry, I cant even see straght09:32
John1I have a strange problem. When I use the wired connection, and no wireless connection, and listening to music via Spotify. So stop the music not to play. But when I select wireless, so usually after the same number of minutes (that's weird!) It stops working. I'm sorry, but I can not be more precise than this. Anybody have any idea about this? The computer still has internet access so there is no connection problem.09:32
TinoWsoreau: try to setup syslog to logg to another host so you can get the last entries before the box dies09:32
Maple12I hate old intel chipsets and Lucid. it continues to assume i'm on a laptop.09:33
TinoWgoCat: sorry I have no idea :)09:33
goCatTinoW : ok, thanks, i'll try the ffmpeg forum again :-)09:33
Maple12and it continues t check for a non-existing battery. why do the users getting this problem have Nvidea and get more support than the Pentium 4 Dells?09:34
tripelbJordan_U, YES.  #1 is the (film to little man). Is it too much to ask to "Use Words!".  Manatee! I've been asking about that image here for weeks. I'll go reboot and see if I can get the choice to test the cd. -/me exclaims "Louise!"09:34
Jordan_Usoreau: Could it be suspending? Can you interact with the computer through the keyboard / screen?09:34
jan_how can i find out which wlan-card i'm using?09:35
erUSULjan_: lspci | grep -i net or lshw -C Network09:35
DJonesjan_: Is it a built in card or a usb card?09:35
Jordan_Utrollboy: The reason why it doesn't use words is that it needs to be understandable in any language, you be the judge if they succeeded...09:35
soreauJordan_U: I dont know since it doesnt have any i/o connected other than network stuff09:37
tom-ubuntugood morning Ubuntu community09:37
soreauJordan_U: Why would it suspend by itself?09:37
Eneergeanyone ever used justhost for hosting?09:37
ascewevHi, I need help09:37
Maple12Jordan_U, You just blew everyone's mind09:37
Eneergeor ipage09:37
kelvinellahi, i am in ubuntu moblin remix liveCD.  It askes me to login, but what is the username and password??09:37
Jordan_Utrollboy: That little man is the symbol for accessability, and to the left of him is a picture of a keyboard. Which is supposed to tell you that pressing any key will bring you to the accessability menu.09:37
trollboyJordan_U, what are you talking about?09:38
Jordan_Utrollboy: Sorry, wrong nick09:38
DJones!ask | ascewev09:38
ubottuascewev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:38
RandolphHello all09:39
ascewevHi, I need help. I try to update my system and then Debconf bugged when I try to install GRUB, i try to close the window to try again but I cant, what is the name of the process to close it plz.09:39
tom-ubuntuI have a problem, during shutdown my graphics card sometimes makes a weird resolution change and ubuntu progress showing logo (ubuntu logo and points below it) goes corrupt and computer hangs and does not shutdown.. how can I disable graphical shutdown so that I see what is going wrong ?09:39
jendaHow can I allow a specific person to see mee when invisible in Pidgin?09:40
Maple12can anyone help me with this dilemma: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1510430 it's common for dual Nvidea cards and old Intel chipsets09:40
Jordan_Uascewev: Define "bugged out".09:40
tom-ubuntuwe are all askers and no answerers today :)09:43
ikoniatom-ubuntu: what's up ?09:43
tom-ubuntuI have a problem, during shutdown my graphics card sometimes makes a weird resolution change and ubuntu progress showing logo (ubuntu logo and points below it) goes corrupt and computer hangs and does not shutdown.. how can I disable graphical shutdown so that I see what is going wrong ?09:43
ttyti am on irc from ctrl + alt + f1 + irssi .. lol :)09:43
ikoniattyt: why is that funny ?09:44
ikoniatom-ubuntu: you could try removing the splash screen do you know how to edit your boot options ?09:44
ttytits not funny.. but cool.. ;)09:44
ikoniatom-ubuntu: also what video card do you use09:44
ikoniattyt: it's neither09:44
tom-ubuntuI can find via google.. thanks ikonia09:44
tom-ubuntuati radeon 750009:44
ikoniatom-ubuntu: if you get stuck - just ask09:44
ascewevJordan, its froze, I cannot do nothing. I need to find the process to stop it and restart the update.09:45
ascewevHi, I need help. I try to update my system and then Debconf bugged when I try to install GRUB, i try to close the window to try again but I cant, what is the name of the process to close it plz.09:45
ikoniatom-ubuntu: ahhh, ati's in general have weaker support than others, lots of little bugs. They are getting better, but still not there yet09:45
RudyValenciaHow do I clean up old kernel versions?09:45
tom-ubuntuthanks a million09:45
ohirikonia: good that young people like terminal. So praise, not discurage :)09:45
ikoniaRudyValencia: open the pacckage manager, and remove the ones you don't need, it's that simple09:45
erUSULRudyValencia: with synaptic ? remove the ald kernel packages...09:45
ikoniaohir: why ? it doesn't matter either way09:45
RudyValenciaI can't tell which are older.09:45
thunorHow do I save with visudo?09:46
ikoniathunor: same as "vi"09:46
ikoniaRudyValencia: bigger numbers = newer09:46
ohirikonia: because now such people are scarce resource. Take average nowadays user mouse and icons and they're lost09:47
thunorikonia: I try but every time I type ":wq" it just puts it after what I type? Do I have to type something before that to tell it I want to issue commands?09:47
Vroomfondlethunor: press escape first09:47
ikoniaohir: they don't need to use it, it's not a requirement09:47
ikoniathunor: hit escape then :wq09:47
FirstgearWhen I click on the Package Manager on the menu I get this message. "A malicious client may be eavesdropping on your session or you may have just clicked a menu or some application just decided to get focus." Is there a way to fix this?09:48
kpelis there a way to boot ubuntu is console mode? after the latest libc/usb patch the graphical login screen freezes09:48
ohirikonia: someone need to know _how_ to use it, anyway. The more the better.09:48
Jordan_Ukpel: Hold shift during boot and choose "recovery mode"09:48
kpelJordan_U: thanks09:48
Jordan_Ukpel: You're welcome.09:48
ikoniaohir: not really, it can cause more damage than good, if you don't need it - don't use it, but I guess we are delving a little offtopic here09:48
ohirikonia: yep, move to -ot09:49
ikoniaohir: super09:49
thunorikonia: Doesn't seem to be working still.09:49
Jordan_UFirstgear: It's most likely just bad timing with another application, you should only be worried if that *always* happens.09:49
ikoniathunor: whats the error you get ?09:49
RudyValenciathunor: does it say "nano" in the upper left of the editor?09:49
thunorikonia: It says unknown command in white.09:49
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thunorikonia: then it just prints what I write wq without a colon.09:50
thunorRudyValencia: Yeah it does.09:50
wise_cryptthunor: you can change the default editor for sudo though if vi is to hard for you09:50
thunorwise_crypt: I want to learn it.09:50
RudyValenciathen delete the "wq" and press: ctrl-O, enter, ctrl-X09:50
thunorRudyValencia: Thanks.09:50
Jordan_Uwise_crypt: ikonia: Actually, the default editor for visudo in Ubuntu is nano :)09:50
ikoniaEDITOR environment varible is set09:50
kpelJordan_U: apparently the computer (Acer Revo) cannot even see the usb keyboard so shift doesn't work. Any other way?09:51
thunorThanks everyone.09:51
wise_cryptJordan_U: lol09:51
kpelActually is it the case that networking is setup only after the user logs in?09:51
wise_cryptJordan_U: sudo select-editor << try if it is really nano and if it is just ctrl + x09:52
Jordan_Ukpel: Unless you setup a system wide connection ("available to all users" in network manager), yes.09:52
wise_cryptthunor: sudo select-editor << try if it is really nano and if it is just ctrl + x09:52
wise_cryptJordan_U: sorry09:53
Jordan_Uwise_crypt: np09:53
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
Jordan_Ukpel: You can edit the kernel parameters from a LiveCD09:53
kpeltrue. the problem is the acer revo doesn't have optical drive09:54
tom-ubuntuI will now reboot to see if my splash-screen problem is solved. thanks in advance ikonia.09:54
Jordan_Ukpel: Does ctrl+alt+F1 get you to a tty?09:54
kpelJordan_U: no. the keyboard is dead, the mouse is dead. digital corpses everywhere...09:55
kpelthat libc/usb patch did me in09:55
=== prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
kelvinellaanyone know why i need to login in liveCD?09:56
Jordan_Ukpel: You could create a bootable flash drive.09:57
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FrublI am looking for help with sound configuration09:58
kpelJordan_U: yes, that's my next step. Thanks.09:58
soreau! audio | Frubl09:58
ubottuFrubl: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:58
Jordan_Ukpel: You're welcome.09:58
Frublthanks for the links09:59
AphisOneI am attempting to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running google-chrome, it works from the command line, however I can't seam to get it to work from a launcher, can anyone decipher this issue?09:59
Anarhistis it possible to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4 from the net, but to change from normal install to netbook, or do i have to reinstall?09:59
soreauAphisOne: make a script with the env var set then call the script in your launcher09:59
bazhangAnarhist, just install ubuntu-netbook when you are finished10:00
Anarhistok, thanks10:00
soreauAnarhist: I would always recommend a clean install to avoid potential upgrade caveats10:00
Anarhistsoreau, i've had couple of experiences with ubuntu when upgrading actually produced a better system than a clean install10:01
soreaualrighty then, more power to you10:01
Anarhistalso i will always be able to do a clean install10:02
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AphisOnesoreau: I tried making a script and running it from the command line, doesn't work... I used the shebang #!/bin/sh and then on the next line LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/xulrunner-" google-chrome10:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:03
jaynonI have a 500 gig portable drive formatted in FAT32. I'm running Ubuntu via Parallels on OSX. OSX says the drive cannot be read by that OS, and Ubuntu will read it fine until about 15 seconds after i start copying the contents, at which point it disappears/unmounts on its own.10:03
=== david is now known as Guest96967
CuriosTigerHowdy all. Has anyone seen this in Ubuntu 10.04? http://www.bigrig.org/images/numlock.png10:04
CuriosTiger(I'm trying to figure out if it's Ubuntu or VMware putting up that num lock status box)10:04
AphisOneCuriosTiger: I haven't seen it, but that does look like a VM message10:05
CuriosTigerAphisOne: Yeah, just can't figure out where it's coming from. Or how to make it stfu. It doesn't appear in other VMs, either.10:06
Slayerzhello..somebody here can help me not???10:06
Anarhistjaynon, have you tried mounting it via a command line?10:06
indusSlayerz, with what10:06
Slayerzi got the warning msg when im boot my computer10:06
Slayerzthe msg is :: nvidia.ko for kernel was not found.10:07
indusSlayerz, what warning, give more details10:07
gilroooyI'm running crunchbang (an ubuntu derivative) I have a seperate partition for my home folder, if I run the Ubuntu 10.04 installer, and simply specify the current /home/ partition as my new /home/ dir and choose not to format, will my /home/ files be safe?10:07
AphisOneCuriosTiger: you checked the VM specific configs?10:07
indusSlayerz, that is because you installed nvidia driver from the website10:07
bazhanggilroooy, that's not supported here10:07
indusSlayerz, correct?10:07
Slayerzyes correct10:07
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zoidberg-gilroooy: Yes that will work.10:07
bazhanggilroooy, seek crunchbang support10:07
zoidberg-gilroooy: No need to do that, it will work.10:07
bazhang!derivatives > gilroooy10:07
indusSlayerz, so remove it then, and install from synaptic ?10:07
ubottugilroooy, please see my private message10:07
Yanick_hi, anyone familiar with the "External tool" plugin in Gedit?10:07
AphisOneI am attempting to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running google-chrome, it works from the command line, however I can't seam to get it to work from a launcher, can anyone decipher this issue?  I tried making a script and running it from the command line, doesn't work... I used the shebang #!/bin/sh and then on the next line LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/xulrunner-" google-chrome10:07
Yanick_"/home/{user}/.gnome2/gedit/tools/{command}: line 11: {command}: command not found. The script for that command is "#!/bin/bash\n{command}" ... I don't understand; isn't the script supposed to use my .bashrc file?10:07
CuriosTigerAphisOne: The GUI-exposed ones, sure. Nothing in there. Of course, it's conceivable there's some "undocumented" setting buried somewhere (you can set numerous options in vmware that are not accessible via the GUI), but as I created this VM from scratch, I don't see how anything like that would have gotten set10:07
soreauAphisOne: !/bin/bash10:08
indusbazhang, isnt it fine to help with general issues on other distros if its a derivative ?10:08
zoidberg-!derivatives > zoidberg-10:08
shoopdawoopAphisOne: do you want to set a shell variable or an environment variable for LD_LIBRARY_PATH? see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables10:08
ubottuzoidberg-, please see my private message10:08
bazhangindus, no10:08
indusbazhang, if someone wants to help ?10:08
soreauindus: no10:09
bazhangindus, then join them in that channel10:09
indusbazhang, ah yes makes sense10:09
gilroooyEh, I don't need help with crunchbang, I just want to know if I can install ubuntu 10.04 and keep my old /home/ dir10:09
bazhanggilroooy, sure10:09
AphisOnesoreau: different result, but still bad. :(10:09
Slayerzindus :: so when i remove it zit i can logon into my com puter not bcoz now in my grub 2 of list i cant logon bcoz when im logon the screen come blank.10:09
bazhang!home | gilroooy10:09
ubottugilroooy: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome10:09
gilroooybashang: thanks10:09
bazhanggilroooy, the way you worded it was a bit confusing to me10:10
soreauAphisOne: If LD_LIB_BLAH=foo app works on the cli, it should work in a bash script too. How are you calling the script?10:10
indusSlayerz, hi, please use proper english , i have trouble understanding10:10
jaynonAnarhist: I don't know how to do that. i'll look into it, but the drive mounts on its own, it just unmounts on its own as well. would mounting via command line effect this?10:10
kpelJordan_U: solved! apparently the USB KVM switch was in a weird state. had to disconnect from the mains all machines connected to it and when i tried again everything worked.10:10
kpelnot sure why this happened only after the usb patch though10:11
indusSlayerz, the nvidia error is because of installing from site, but grub error is different10:11
Slayerzok tq im try it 1st10:11
indusSlayerz, so do you have a grub error or nvidia error10:11
AphisOnesoreau: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner- google-chrome10:11
Slayerz2 of both the error now10:12
soreauAphisOne: No, I mean how are you running the script10:12
Slayerzthe error come after im install the driver frm site10:12
indusSlayerz, why did you install nvidia driver from website ? you can install nvidia from menu > system > administration > hardware drivers10:12
soreauAphisOne: You dont need quotes around the path in the script either10:12
soreauAphisOne: you want to make the script executable and make sure it works when running it manually from the cli10:13
hyghhhEna BLOG Afieromeno STO CHAT... http://sinomilies.blogspot.com/10:13
hyghhhEna BLOG Afieromeno STO CHAT... http://sinomilies.blogspot.com/10:13
AphisOnesoreau: I did remove the quotes... but to run the script I am double clicking on it in Nautilus and choosing run from terminal10:14
Slayerzindus :: ok tq.10:14
soreauAphisOne: Did you make it executable? What happens when you run it?10:14
giuliociao a tutti10:15
giuliosn giulio e sn nuovissimo10:15
giulioda qui si possono scaricare film??10:15
Sonderbladehow do you get ubuntu to find the windows network on the lan?10:16
AphisOnesoreau: Okay... this is weard... yes it is exicutable, it wouldn't have asked me if I wanted to run it otherwise... but I just ran it directly from the command line and it worked... but dblclk didn't work10:16
jaynonok does anyone know why a drive would appear on the desktop for about a minute then when you start copying files it disappears10:16
giulioxdcc send #3410:16
soreauAphisOne: Does it work if you try it in your launcher?10:16
jaynonshortly after it starts copying10:16
AphisOneI'm about to check10:16
DJones!it | giulio10:17
ubottugiulio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:17
Yanick_anyone familiar with the "External tool" plugin in Gedit? I get this error:  "/home/{user}/.gnome2/gedit/tools/{command}: line 11: {command}: command not found." The script for that command is "#!/bin/bash\n{command}" ... I don't understand; isn't the script supposed to use my .bashrc file?10:17
AphisOnesoreau: yes it works... so what would cause the issue trying to run it from Nautilus?10:18
soreauAphisOne: No idea really. maybe some other env var not being set in nautilus env10:19
AphisOnesoreau: I think I just figured it out... when setting the launcher to Application in Terminal the issue poped up again... returning it to Application corrected the issue... lol10:20
lefantomedloperaHello, I can't enable the bluetooth:10:21
lefantomedloperasudo service bluetooth start && service bluetooth status10:21
lefantomedlopera * bluetooth is not running10:21
soreau! bluetooth10:21
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:21
soreauhkkrll: try /command10:22
pookeyhi all - I'm having an issue with the ufw syntax, which appears not to be working as documented. I'm trying to allow an IP access to a specific TCP port. 'ufw allow from to any port 64242' works, however if I try 'ufw allow from to tcp port 64242' or 'ufw allow from to any port 64242/tcp', I get errors of 'Bad destination addres'  or 'Bad port '64242/tcp''10:23
shoopdawooppookey: I think it should be 'ufw allow proto tcp from x.x.x.x to ...'10:26
shoopdawoopat least thats what man ufw said10:27
pookeyshoopdawoop: ah, let me try that...  the docs here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW  suggset 'sudo ufw allow from <ip address> to <protocol> port <port number>'10:27
pookey'ufw allow proto tcp from to port 64242' => 'ERROR: Wrong number of arguments'10:27
pookeyappears that doesn't work either, or I've typoed/done something silly - which is likely ;)10:28
shoopdawoopyeah I've never used it, was just readin the man page for ufw10:29
Ginbun2how do I disable the password dialog for the screensaver?10:29
soreaupookey: Try with ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 6424210:29
pookeysoreau: yes, that works as I was hoping - Thanks :)  but... that syntax seems a little odd doesn't it?  what is 'any' meaning when i've alraedy specified tcp at the start?10:30
soreauGinbun2: Look in sys>prefs>screensaver?10:30
soreaupookey: As the man page says, you want ufw <action> proto <protocol> from <ip> to <ip> port 6424210:31
pookeyoh, the any is address, not protocol10:32
soreaupookey: and <ip> can be any, but needs to be present as an arg10:32
pookeythat does make sense ;)10:32
pookeysoreau: sorry, I should have read the man, and not the comm,unity docs ;)10:32
soreaupookey: You can help the community by updating this doc page10:32
pookeydeleting it and replacing it with RTFM wuold probably be the best step - duplication of docs doesn't really help anyone10:33
pookeybut i think that might not go down well ;)10:33
shoopdawoopthe official documentation has it right it seems: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html10:36
pookeyshoopdawoop: thanks10:37
Pirate_Hunterwhat plugins/extensions do people here use to organise their bookmarks and what are the features they most like?10:44
thunor1I'm trying to run steam with wine and, it seems to work fine temporarily, I can log in. But then it just closes.10:45
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:46
Ginbun2how do I extract .7z files on Ubuntu?10:47
wvaep7zip Ginbun210:47
wvaeapt-get install p7zip10:47
AphisOneWhen I reboot, my menu entry for Google Chrome disappears, if I reinstall the app it reappears in the menu, however at no time does it display in the Edit Menu application.  Any sugestions??10:49
AphisOneIs there anyone in here awake??10:52
indusAphisOne, happens10:52
indusAphisOne, same with chrome problem maybe a bug can be filed10:52
indusAphisOne, i reinstalled chrome , then i got 2 icons in menu :D one from previous installation10:53
indusAphisOne, so then i went to menu and removed one10:53
AphisOneindus: really... that sounds weird... but no weirder than my issue.10:53
indusAphisOne, well isnt it the same issue as yours10:53
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:54
indusAphisOne, similar , something to do with the menu entry isnt it10:54
indusAphisOne, stick with firefox :)10:54
Wipsterhey all, does anyone know a program where I can generate a sine-wave and sweep the frequency with a slider, I seem to only be able to find terminal programs which dont have changing unless I stop and restart10:55
switchgirli need o free space on my eeepc howd i empty the cache via command line?10:56
AphisOneindus: besides the fact that I am a web developer, I would have to say FF is too slow and Chrome isn't the problem10:56
indusAphisOne, well, maybe how chrome adds a menu entry is the problem10:57
bazhang!ru | cypher10:57
ubottucypher: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:57
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AphisOneindus: Chrome doesn't add the menu entry... it's the Ubuntu deb file10:57
indusAphisOne, ubuntu deb file is created by google10:57
indusAphisOne, they havent packaged it properly i believe10:57
indusso it messes up menu entry, this happens to other packages too10:58
AphisOneindus: I thought Conical packaged it... hmm10:58
indusAphisOne,oh no hehe never10:58
indusAphisOne, its made available to you by google10:58
indusAphisOne, like how skype creates the deb packages10:59
AphisOneindus: so then is Chromium packadged by Conical?10:59
indusAphisOne, all packages are packaged by the package maintainers :)10:59
induslol repeated use of word 'package'10:59
indusAphisOne,is chromium officially available from package manager ? if no then someone else packages it11:00
bazhangindus, chromium is11:00
indusAphisOne, and even if it were officially available , its done by the maintainers11:00
indusbazhang, ok thanks11:01
AphisOneindus: okay.. yes and haha11:01
bazhang!info chromium-browser11:01
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.375.38~r46659-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11558 kB, installed size 38424 kB11:01
conb123Anyone know of a way to make exe files automatically have executable permissions, it is really annoying when every time I click an exe it tells me it's not executable and I have to change it under permissions11:01
bazhangindus, see above11:01
indusAphisOne, i suggest file a bug with launchpad , and you can search similar bugs to find out11:01
indusbazhang, ah cool , iam using chrome right now, other than being open source, is ther any difference in chromium ?11:02
bazhangindus, no idea sorry11:02
indusbazhang, what do you use11:02
AphisOneindus: okay... thanks... you wouldn't possibly know anything about AWN would you?11:03
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indusAphisOne, yes i know one thing,  i hate it :)11:03
AphisOneindus: can you splain'11:03
indusAphisOne, makes my system slow11:04
AphisOneI didn't notice at all... what were you running it on?11:04
indusAphisOne, i find all 3d things make sluggish, i prefer super speed when openign windows etc, compiz and these things give me headache11:05
AphisOneindus: what were your computer specs when you were running it?11:06
indusAphisOne, amd 3 core , ATI 4850 3 gb ram :)11:06
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indusAphisOne, i want to use it but everytime i get disappointed with it, i wish my desktop look like a mac11:08
indusbut its never as smooth and neatly integrated like a mac11:08
AphisOneindus: yah... it's the ram.... I was running on a duel core, with onboard ATI and 4gb ram and I wasn't really seeing any problems... but I had to make sure to configure the graphics drivers correctly11:08
AphisOneindus: lol11:08
indusAphisOne, ram ? i have 3 gb its enough11:09
AphisOneindus: I now run a quad-code 8-thread with nVidea HD, and 6gb so it's not a problem for me now...11:09
conb123AphisOne: No, awn does slow down your pc a lot, I have a core i7 860 @ 3.5ghz and 4gb of ram11:10
Ginbun2indus, the new awn is smoother from my own experience11:10
AphisOneokay same proc11:10
indusGinbun2, new ?11:10
Ginbun2indus, I mean new version11:10
AphisOneGinbun2, indus: I would have to agree... I installed it for the first time several years back... took it off... 6mo ago tried it again... enjoyed it11:11
induswhy cant things like compiz and these awn and cairo be as smooth and seamless like a mac, it always feels like a separate package11:11
indusanyways, ill try again tonight11:11
Ginbun2indus, http://img12.imageshack.us/i/screenshotgq.png/  is this what you want?11:11
indusbut ill probably remove it again though, gives me a headache11:11
AphisOneindus: it is a separate package! :D11:12
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indusAphisOne, i mean ya it doesnt seem like integrated and smooth like a mac, sorry bad english11:12
indusGinbun2, ya exactly like that11:12
indusGinbun2, you deleted panels and added the dock ? what effects are you using11:13
Ginbun2yea, effects of the dock?11:13
indusGinbun2, yea11:13
Ginbun2indus, if u install awn from the repo, then the dock theme is there out of the box11:14
indusGinbun2, maybe its the proprietary graphics which make it slow11:14
indusGinbun2, well, i try tonight11:14
Ginbun2as for the theme of gnome, I used http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Zuki?content=12604311:14
indusGinbun2, i used dock many times but i think i didnt delete the panel11:14
Ginbun2indus, if I have a dock, there is no need for a panel, waste of space11:15
indusGinbun2, you japanese?11:15
Ginbun2indus, nope, why11:15
indusGinbun2, that photo11:15
Ginbun2indus, no, it was actually a japanese anime named Bleach11:16
indusGinbun2, can you give me some link to some really phenomenal desktop looks11:16
AphisOneGinbun2, indus: this is what I have my system looking like currently: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/5026/screenshotbne.png11:16
indusGinbun2, ubuntu i mean using compiz + awn etc11:16
vichhi 2 all11:17
indusGinbun2, is that perspective view for te doc ? it looks like deep in space , nice11:17
indusGinbun2, i mean the dock11:17
Ginbun2indus, that is all I got. the nicest theme I can think off at the moment.11:17
Ginbun2indus, as for the dock, just install it from the repo.11:17
Ginbun2indus, the "deep in space" look may has something to do with the wallpaper11:18
AphisOneindus: are you referring to the image I put up?11:18
indusaah oopssorry11:19
Ginbun2I need to change the icons on my dock11:19
Ginbun2AphisOne, yours look nicer.11:19
indusGinbun2, sorry i was addressing AphisOne11:19
indusAphisOne, yes yours look nice11:19
AphisOneGinbun2: thanks... default Ubuntu 10.04 background and the 3D effect on AWN11:19
AphisOneindus: thank you... I always enjoyed the 3D look11:20
AphisOneindus: it's more like Mac right??11:20
indusAphisOne, i hate the purple though11:20
indusAphisOne,  :)11:20
indusGinbun2, AphisOne actually there are so many options in dock to configure , i get tired11:21
AphisOneindus: I haven't transferred my files over to the new laptop yet11:21
Ginbun2indus, not really. not in the new version.11:21
tgywaWhat could be the cause of my slow network connection?11:21
indusGinbun2, AphisOne what icon set is good to use11:21
indusGinbun2, AphisOne iam tired of human11:22
AphisOneindus: lol that is half the fun of linux... configuration (or get the fungeon out!) :D11:22
indusGinbun2, AphisOne  ya true but iam too impatient11:22
Ginbun2indus, try elementary icons set11:23
indusGinbun2, i liked it but i has an e for menu which i disliked11:23
AphisOneindus: then only change things when you feel like it... and eventually you'll find one you don't want to change! :P11:23
Ginbun2it is one of the most complete icons set available11:23
Ginbun2indus, then change that icon11:23
indusGinbun2, otherwise it was my recent fav11:23
indusGinbun2, how to11:23
AphisOneindus: so change that one img11:23
indushow to change that one image11:24
indusok today i revamp my desktop :D with all kinds of crappy effects11:24
AphisOneindus: locate the file and replace it with another file that you like...11:24
abhinesh_what problem indus11:24
abhinesh_can i solve11:25
AphisOneindus: don't forget to make sure the filename matches case11:25
indusok ill try it11:25
indusabhinesh_, nothing much some desktop effects discussion11:25
abhinesh_tell me11:26
indusabhinesh_, solved it thanks11:26
abhinesh_ok thanks11:26
danboidHas anyone got Lucid connected to an AD network via openlikewise complete with auto-mounted (samba) user network drives?11:29
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Mirrakorhm.. I've got a ubuntu in a box, specified for a single task (well, a few single tasks), unfortunately I ran out of diskspace, any hints what I can remove without problems?11:31
smerz /tmp11:31
cavej03hi guys11:31
cavej03quick question11:32
cavej03why cant I see my user list11:32
cavej03using xChat11:32
smerzMirrakor, you can use: "du --max-depth=1 -m -c -x . | sort -n -r" to see folder sizes in mb11:32
danboidMirrakor, try sudo apt-get clean11:32
danboidMirrakor, smerz : baobab (disk usage analyser) is a much easier way too see where your HD space has gone11:33
cavej03can anyone actually read what I am saying11:34
smerzi just use this command for headless servers too :-)11:34
smerzcavej03, sure11:34
danboidcavej03, CTRL+F711:34
danboidHides/shows user list11:34
cavej03didnt work11:34
Kingsy101couple of things.. firstly... does ubuntu come with a virus scanner?11:35
smerzworks for me :|11:35
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux11:35
cavej03i didnt hide it in the first place11:35
cavej03its just not there11:35
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus11:35
abhineshno antivirus req. in ubuntu11:35
smerzcavej03, you can also check under "View->UserList" see if it has a tick box11:35
danboidcavej03, either reinstall/update xchat/ubuntu or try a diifferent irc client11:36
cavej03yes its ticked11:36
smerzcavej03, if it's ticked maybe its to the right (or left) really minimized towards the edge of the window11:36
cavej03and i noticed my right side pane seems minimized11:36
Kingsy101smerz - ok cool, thanks.. also one other thing.. whenever I start ubuntu after I type in my log in details it seems to take AGES to load my desktop .. even know I am running a quad core.. once its loaded its nice and fast it just takes a long time intially..11:36
smerzcavej03, look with your mouse to the right. hover untill you get the "drag" icon11:37
visofwhat is the best wm should i use for my laptop ?11:37
cavej03feel like a total noob11:37
Kingsy101I realise thats a littel vague but I don't know how else to describe11:37
smerzKingsy101, can you give an indication from completed login to workable desktop in seconds?11:37
Kingsy101smerz - maybe 15 seconds?11:38
Kingsy101then it just seems to burst into life11:38
cavej03ok dificult problem here, I tried a mythtv channel but noone was available to help.11:39
smerzKingsy101, has it always been like this?11:39
cavej03anyway my problem is i have all channels on mythtv installed and playing cept the video is broken and unwatchable11:39
lindinhahola a tod@s11:39
cavej03its a codec problem but how do I go about changing this11:40
ohirKingsy101: cpu power has not that infuence on boot time. HDD/bus read speed has.11:40
Kingsy101smerz - on this computer.. yes11:40
cavej03was that directed at me?11:40
cavej03"restricted xtras?11:40
smerzcavej03, for codec problems install restricted-extras package. "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad". They might be just what you need11:41
Kingsy101hmm I just assumed.. quad core with 4GB of DDR2 would be enough to boot faster than that11:41
cavej03was your boot time always slow?11:42
smerzKingsy101, hmm well it should. So it has always been like this for you. For me 15 sec is normal (dual core 2,5ghz). But i got stuff in autostart and a backup running often11:42
smerzcavej03, yeah his login to desktop time was always like this11:42
ohirKingsy101: switching 5400 hdd for sata ssd and nothing else brings boot time to some 3-5s11:42
ohirKingsy101: read speed of hdd matters11:42
ohirKingsy101: some hundreds of MiB needs to be read to bring GUI up11:42
smerzKingK, additionally do you have external devices that get recognized and mounted?11:43
smerzcould also slow things down11:43
Kingsy101hmm perhaps I need to just deal with it11:43
Kingsy101no as far as I am aware I don't have anything running at startup11:43
cavej03dont just deal. U moved to a better operating system for a reason11:43
smerzno external harddrive for instance?11:43
e-DIO-thi there: is there any compatibility/driver db for Mobo/Video Card?11:43
telerii'm on ubuntu 9.04x32 on a Acer D250 and I don't have an external cdrom, how safe is a direct upgrade to 10.04?11:43
ohirKingsy101: so if you really need seconds to work I'd suggest setup your /boot and /usr on fast SSD (16G is more than enough for most of the universe repo)11:44
KukManhttp://pastebin.ca/1884222 How can I decode this message with my gpg private key?11:44
smerzteleri, should be fine but I really recommend a usb bootable stick just in case11:44
e-DIO-tteleri: quite safe, anyway.11:44
Kingsy101ohir - yea perhaps thats a thought11:44
e-DIO-tteleri,  only heard of minor problems.11:44
cavej03i second that usb bootable is really easy11:44
Kingsy101if I want to run .jar files by double clicking them .. do I need to install java using something like sudo apt-get install java ?11:45
smerzKingsy101, and SSD will give you _insane_ performance. I'd recommend the / partition (except /home) for the ssd (and swap maybe_11:45
ohirKingsy101: other way is to always sleep your machine instead of reboot (what I use on my netbook. AAO starts in ~5s from the sleep)11:45
teleriok, the thing has a sdcard reader, and win7 still installed, so i'm not too worried, aslong as grub doesn't fubar11:45
telerithanks all11:46
smerzKingsy101, "sudo apt-get install java-jre" should do it11:46
Inferusthe cd won't boot up? :(11:46
ohirKingsy101: AAO keeps sleeping for some 3-4 weeks on bigger battery pack. Dell6400 though keeps its sleep only some 5-7 days.11:46
telerisudo do-dist-upgrade right? (for direct method)11:46
Inferusi have tried to run ubuntu without installing and i cant11:46
abhinesh_what happen11:47
Kingsy101smerz - it says that it cant find the package java-jre11:47
smerzKukMan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto should get you started11:47
smerzKingsy101, hang on let me check which one i got :-)11:47
abhinesh_what hapen11:47
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Kingsy101smerz - ok thanks11:48
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cavej03kingsy101, go to system>software sources11:48
smerzKingsy101, "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre11:48
abhinesh_how to use miranda11:49
telerisudo do-dist-upgrade is safer than using update manager, yea?11:49
abhinesh_install meranda11:49
Kingsy101ok cool .. got it thanks11:49
smerzKukMan, Seahorse + gedit          or           enigmail      is what you are looking for i think11:49
cavej03teleri, update manager did a good job for me11:49
abhinesh_how to use miranda ,install meranda11:50
smerzabhinesh_, miranda is a windows application. I would recommend using pidgin or empathy. Empathy can be found under "Applications->Internet->Empathy"11:50
cavej03teleri, it takes a fair while tho11:50
abhinesh_smerz i use ubuntu11:50
smerzabhinesh_, I personally prefer "pidgin". Miranda does not work under ubuntu. But Pidgin or Empathy will do the job for you11:50
Inferushmm weird11:50
teleriyou would cry tohave my network )11:51
Inferusfirst time i ran cd, it asked the menu then died on a black screen11:51
Inferusnow its not even getting that far11:51
abhinesh_thanks smerz to11:51
smerzabhinesh_, open the following application "Application->Internet->Empathy" It is very much like Miranda sir!11:51
smerzInferus, is that in a virtual machine by any chance?11:52
smerzVirtualbox to be specific?11:52
cavej03teleri, its not so much the network as the install itself11:52
abhinesh_smerz thanks11:52
smerzabhinesh_, you are welcome sir11:52
telericavej03: it's cool11:52
cavej03sir =)11:52
Inferussmerz no my laptop... ok the disc menu came up, now i am waiting for it to boot11:53
smerzwell politeness goes a long way x)11:53
Inferuspicked top option11:53
abhinesh_smerz can i use Empathy11:53
nirmaInferus, may be your monitor not  in sync11:53
Inferuswell i tried pressing ctrl alt and 111:53
Inferusto change to term, and nowt11:53
Inferustrying again right now, disc activity..11:54
smerzabhinesh_, is the application not there to select? maybe you have an application called "pidgin" under "Applications->Internet->Pidgin" ?11:54
Ginbun2is it possible to get windows snap feature in Ubuntu like in windows 7? I think it is very productive11:54
ff88hi, even if I disabled the screensaver, after two hours my screen blacks out11:54
smerzabhinesh_, otherwise please explain the problem11:54
nirmatry ctrl and num + or -11:54
ff88and I have to move the cursor to make it turn on again11:54
Inferusok disc activity has gone quiet and its just spinning...11:54
smerzGinbun2, yes. It's a bit of work though. I only recommend it with good system knowledge. -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/gnome-snap-zones-55279/11:54
ff88is there any way I can set the screen to NEVER black out11:54
abhinesh_smerz i use pidgin11:55
smerzGinbun2, haven't tried it myself yet11:55
nirmais num pad led is active11:55
smerzabhinesh_, that should work for you right?11:55
arandff88: SCreensaver settings. and power management.11:55
nirmaand responding, cap lock led responding11:55
ff88arand: all disabled11:55
Ginbun2smerz, I think I will do fine, have been using linux more than 10 years11:55
smerzGinbun2, then give it a go and let me know :-)11:55
smerzi haven't had the energy myself yet to do it11:56
ff88arand: the flag "start the screensaver when the computer is not active" is unchecked11:56
Inferussmerz: disc activity has stopped or is v slow, and still black screen11:56
smerzInferus, I really wouldn't know. Maybe you need the alternate install disc? I dunno. Try googling for your laptop model11:57
nirmamay be the architecture you choosed is wrong11:57
ff88arand: more, in power management screen turning off is set to NEVER11:57
Inferusoh wait, disc has started again !11:57
Inferushow long does it normally take to boot up from disc smerz?11:58
stupidxpgameswas wondering if there is any 3d mmo i could play?11:58
smerzfrom cdrom11:58
smerza while. maybe 3-4 minutes? or smth11:58
smerzstupidxpgames, EVE online probably the most famous, otherwise there is another nice space mmorpg11:58
Inferusstupidxpgames: get WoW working with playonlinux11:59
gartral|pHehe. Irc working on 3g11:59
nirmawhat is the RAM also matters11:59
smerzstupidxpgames, or http://www.vendetta-online.com/ (i tested that one. really liked it)11:59
stupidxpgameswell both should already support linux, last i heard they were working on linux versions, when i could afford to subscribe to such games12:00
Ginbun2what is the command to launch compiz settings manager?12:00
smerzGinbun2, lauch or install? :D12:00
Ginbun2SmallR2004, launch12:00
Ginbun2smerz, I need the command because I killed the panel12:00
smerzi hate that12:00
smerzginbun its "ccsm"12:01
|ns|nR8Ginbun2, compizconfig-settings-manager12:01
smerzin my launcher it says ccsm ^_^. One of em should work hehe12:01
stupidxpgames3 games that force you to pay to play...8 hours of game time?? free? seriously?12:01
stupidxpgamesthank you though12:01
stupidxpgamesi do appreciate it12:02
smerzthere are some free ones12:02
smerzbut those are the best :|12:02
stupidxpgamesi doubt it.. all games have bugs and most have sucky support12:02
stupidxpgamesbut yes eve wow have been awesome12:03
lost_how to map a usb to serial port?12:03
smerzthe vendetta linux client is realy nice. Eve has a native supported client and is probably the best mmorpg with native client12:03
Ginbun2smerz, works nice, I used this guide http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/aero-snap-ubuntu-linux.html12:03
stupidxpgamesif i made the cash i would definately  waste some money there hehe12:03
Ginbun2ubuntu lucid 10.04 32bit12:03
smerzGinbun2, oho!12:03
smerzGinbun2, alright then. Lets do it! :D:D12:03
smerzhmm compiz based12:04
smerzthere is a small bug with ATI and compiz since 8.1012:04
smerzi hate whoever is responsible for it since then. Everbody is blaming someone else heheh :D12:04
Beelsebobis there a package in apt-get for chromium (not some random game, the browser)?12:04
visofis there a good way to can know what type of rams i'm using "DDR2, or DDR" ??12:05
Ginbun2visitor1, check ur ram modules :p12:05
arandBeelsebob: chromium-browser, I think12:05
stupidxpgamesi'ma sign up with vendetta and check it out...looks like this alpha game that used per-pixel rendering12:05
smerzBeelsebob, nah chromium is not in the repositories. But google provides a debian package that you can just download and install12:05
smerzstupidxpgames, it's really nice. It has twich based game style (you need to aim! :D )12:05
jussiBeelsebob: chromium-browser12:05
arandsmerz: It is in lucid.12:06
Beelsebobjussi/arand doesn't exist12:06
Beelsebobsmerz: chears12:06
smerzoh really? hmm weird12:06
Inferusnope still no display smerz :(12:06
jussiBeelsebob: which version of ubuntu are you on?12:06
smerzi thought it was closed source12:06
Inferusits just sat there on black screen12:06
Beelsebobjussi: 9.1012:06
jussismerz: definately not12:06
jussiBeelsebob: ahh, yeah, its in 10.0412:06
smerzInferus, i would not know. Any chance to google it ? :|12:06
Beelsebobother question I wanted to ask… is there a way to upgrade to 10.04 without just downloading a new iso and reinstalling?12:06
smerzjussi, so google chrome browser is proper open source?12:07
arand!upgrade | Beelsebob12:07
ubottuBeelsebob: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:07
stupidxpgamessmerz i'ma put you in "where i heard about it"12:07
jussiBeelsebob: you can grab the chrome package smerz talks about12:07
smerzstupidxpgames, hehe be my guest :)12:07
jussismerz: chromium is, yes.12:07
Ginbun2smerz, is it possible to shake a window to minimize all windows except the one that is active?12:07
Beelsebobwow… that's *really* complex for a dist that claims to be user friendly12:08
* Beelsebob is suprised the update manager doesn't just have a big "upgrade your distribution" button12:08
smerzBeelsebob, it's one command. Or we could give the user interface way. It's not so complex :)12:08
jussiBeelsebob: it should have...12:08
stupidxpgamesit kinda does12:08
jussismerz: http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/12:08
smerzi thought it did have the button12:08
stupidxpgamesyou can begin upgrades from the start-up of mozilla12:09
stupidxpgamesthe link is there, but it told me 8.04 was solid and i didnt need to upgrade12:09
Beelsebobsmerz: yeh, it does – consider me blind >.<12:09
stupidxpgamesso i haven't12:09
intxhow do i disable sleep on ubuntu?12:09
intx(using a console)12:09
icerootintx: what sleep?12:10
intxsystem seems to go to sleep/hibernate after about 15 minutes12:10
smerzBeelsebob, well imagine you'd have a daily popup about it. Wouldn't be nice either :-)12:10
icerootintx: if using x?12:11
Beelsebobsmerz: idd12:11
Illuminatushi people12:12
IlluminatusI'm trying to setup my interface wlan2 in ad-hoc mode with "iwconfig wlan2 mode ad-hoc essid "AndroidMaligno" but I get the message12:13
bad_thi illuminatus12:13
IlluminatusError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan2 ; Device or resource busy.12:13
Illuminatusbad_t:  :)12:13
irafaggotHELLO THERE WHORES12:15
irafaggot ?DCC SEND MASTERBATION  3 712:15
FloodBot1irafaggot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
spamhogHello all! I want to point GnuPG to use keyrings in a Truecrypt-encrypted directory. Tried "dirmngr --homedir <path>" as user. Seahorse still goes to empty folder.  -  ???12:19
gartral|pSpamhog you've done something terribly wrong12:20
tappii'm trying to disable X from booting on my 10.04 ubuntu, how do i do this?12:20
tappiupdate-rc.d doesn't work because ubuntu moved to using upstart oslt?12:21
spamhoggartral|p: ?12:21
lorenzosuEvolution keeps asking me for a password form my email account although remember password is checked12:23
spamhogWhy nobody seems to use an encrypted keyring dir? I bet zillions of secring's get replicated in the cloud!12:24
jpdsspamhog: I use LUKS to encrypt my /home/12:24
PlainFlavoredi just stay out of the cloud12:25
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Inferusstill cant get ubuntu to run from cd12:25
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spamhogjpds: I'll get there 1 day12:25
smerzlorenzosu, any particular error message when asking for the password? If you retrieve your mail too frequently freemail providers may lock you out for a few minutes. Also if another mail client (mobile phone in my case) is accessing the mailbox at the same time the mail provider will lock you out for that period too. just some possible causes12:26
stupidxpgameslol theres 1 person seeding vendetta, and the http site is down12:26
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smerzhmm that sucks hard12:26
spamhogPlainFlavored: good for you!  I'm a lesser mortal.  :(12:26
smerzstupidxpgames, no mirrors anywhere?12:26
lorenzosusmerz, no error message just password prompt any time I start evolution. The account is an exchange one12:27
stupidxpgamesi'm d/ling from the torrent now it's probably done now12:27
stupidxpgamesoh good it's finding more xd12:28
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smerzlorenzosu, then i dont know. unless it's the wrong password ;-D12:29
smerzor username for that matter12:29
lorenzosusmerz, the password is correct.12:29
smerzyou are using pop3?12:29
smerzor imap?12:30
lorenzosusmerz, none of those. I'm using exchange12:30
stupidxpgamesand not caps locked12:30
smerzwell never used that (with evolution). one last point possibly is how the passwords gets transmitted. there are various methods including hash formattings etc12:31
kryptyklorenzosu: Are you configuring Evolution with Exchange using OWA or IMAP?12:32
lorenzosukryptyk, OWA12:32
lorenzosukryptyk, (I guess that's the default for ewxchange)12:32
kryptyklorenzosu: I have never had any measurable success using OWA and Evolution12:33
ShishKababHi! Would it theoretically be possible to use an Ubuntu Live CD to copy an existing Debian installation with the cp command to a new, bigger and differently formatted HDD on the same PC?12:33
kryptykI would try configuring it using IMAP12:33
Jon--!bt > Jon--12:33
Jon--!backtrack > Jon--12:33
ubottuJon--, please see my private message12:33
lorenzosukryptyk, I need exchange calendar and contacts though12:33
kryptyklorenzosu: i see12:34
nikolamwith this free driver for amd/ati (x1250/69g here) flash window on 64-bit 10.04 flashes like crazy while scrolling web page in firefox12:34
lorenzosukryptyk, unfortunately my company uses exchange and I haven't much choice12:34
kryptyklorenzosu, I am in the same boat here. I finally set up a VM running Windows 7 under VirtualBox and use Outlook within it for my mail needs (amongst others)12:35
lorenzosukryptyk, I see.. evolution seems to work fine. the password priomp is just very annoyng12:35
ApolyonUh... Say I forgot my user password for my desktop, any way to.. uh get around?12:36
loewi  lorenzosu: check if your exchange username matches the exchange Mailbox name, it worked for me once I found that out12:36
icerootApolyon: you have another user?12:36
lorenzosuloewi, any idea how to check that?12:36
BradleydCan anyone help me with this? X Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)12:36
LukAtMeeePlease help.  Setting up a Linux Xubuntu based server on windows network.  Have installed Samba and configured as per the "Ubuntu 10.04 Help Server Windows Networking" page, and it says "From a windows client you should be able to browse the Ubuntu file server and see the shared directory"..  Well I can't.  I can ping the Linux box from a windows box on the network, but can't ping any windows box from the Linux box.  I can s12:37
LukAtMeeeee the windows boxes from each other in "Network" on explorer.  Any ideas?12:37
kryptyknikolam: Are you using any desktop compositing or effects such as Compiz?12:37
nikolamkryptyk, not using composing, atm, as I know about. fresh installed12:37
loewilorenzosu: unfortunately, you will need outlook for that and it is somewhere in the advancedd settings if i remember corectly12:38
BradleydCan anyone help me with this? X Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)12:38
nikolamusing flash from repos with firefox from repos12:38
lorenzosuloewi, ack12:39
kryptyknikloam: check out this page. Covers JAVA and FLASH for 64bit iterations of Ubuntu12:39
loewilorenzosu: however, at my worplace, the mailbox name is the part of the email before the @. But I assume that depends... :(12:39
lorenzosuloewi, same here12:39
kryptyklorenzosu: You should be able to ask your mail admin if your username and mailbox name are the same for Exchange12:40
ApolyonIm uninstalling ubuntu, how do I do it as to not break my current windows 7 partition boot loader? Can I just format the drive partition that ubuntu is on?12:40
loewilorenzosu: ok, I put the Mailbox name in the "receiving email" tab in the evolution preferences, and it works now12:40
Dr_WillisApolyon:  boot windows first and use windoiws to reinstall the windows bootloader so grub gets removed.. then you can partition/reformat the linux disks12:40
elijahhi all12:40
kryptykApolyon: I have always used the GParted live disk to extend the Windows partition over the Ubuntu install12:40
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BradleydCan anyone help me with this? <Bradleyd> Can anyone help me with this? X Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)12:41
Bradleyd<nikolam> using flash from repos with firefox from repos12:41
Bradleyd* UnknownUser56 (~None@unaffiliated/unknownuser56) has joined #ubuntu12:41
Bradleyd* Incarnation (~incarnati@ has joined #ubuntu12:41
Bradleyd* Sonderblade has quit (Quit: Lämnar)12:41
FloodBot1Bradleyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
Bradleyd* inside2323 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:41
Dr_WillisBradleyd:  its a good idea to mentiuon your video card and what drivers you are using.12:42
BradleydDr_Willis whats the command again i frogot12:42
LjLit's a good idea also not to spam :|12:42
BradleydI didn't spam i pasted the wrong thing.12:42
lorenzosuloewi, sorry what do you mean?12:43
Dr_WillisBradleyd:  command for what?12:43
BradleydNevermind i got it lspci12:43
BradleydThis is my graphics card: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)12:43
loewilorenzosu: once you have the exchange mailbox name, check the Preferences/receiving emails for this account in evolution . Tick "Mailbox is different than username" and give the mailbox name12:45
indusBradleyd, look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108386012:46
indusBradleyd, google with lspci results generally is quite useful12:46
stupidxpgamesTremulous- was pretty good...is this a game people still play?? last update was in 2006??12:47
ApolyonIs there a help channel for installing video drivers?12:47
indusstupidxpgames, yes people play it i believe12:47
ikoniaApolyon: just ask your question here12:47
indusApolyon, this is the channel12:47
ApolyonMy new install booted in, Terminal Mode...12:47
abhinesh_any one know drupal12:47
indusabhinesh_,  folks at #drupal do12:47
ikoniaApolyon: the guys in #drupal12:47
abhinesh_i want join drupal community12:48
kryptykAployon: login at the prompt and then type 'startx' without the quotes12:48
bistongood morning. i'm trying to install ubuntu from hdd. i downloaded the iso image and created 1 single partition on sdb and moved the iso image to it. then i added http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/BYKDefqY to grub from /etc/grub.d/40_custom... and update-grub. now after reboot grub is saying 'no such partition'12:48
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  i think it has undergone some work and a name change..12:48
bistonwhat's wrong with my menuentry?12:48
kryptykThat should get you a graphical environment12:48
Apolyonlogin with what.12:48
abhinesh_anyone  know  drupal12:48
lorenzosuloewi, ok but it still asks for the password12:48
kryptykApolyon: You said Ubuntu booted to a terminal - are you not able to login to the terminal session?12:49
loewilorenzosu: sorry to hear that... I am out of ideas then...12:49
ApolyonIt wont let me log in with the credentials that I would normally log into with the gui12:49
lorenzosuloewi, no prob thank anyway for your help12:50
abhinesh_is open source12:50
tappiAnyone know how to disable X server in boot?12:50
indusabhinesh_,  #drupal  just click on that12:50
stupidxpgameshmm so Tremulous is under another name now?12:50
Dr_Willistappi:  there is the 'text' option you can append to the kernel boot line in the grub.12:50
abhinesh_indus u know drupal12:50
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  I was thinking it changed name.. but that may been saurbrauten/cube.. its been a while12:51
indusabhinesh_, no12:51
ApolyonIm' going to restart I guess.12:51
indusstupidxpgames, its still the same name tremulous.net12:51
stupidxpgamesanyone know of a 64-bit system with pci-e for under $200?12:51
abhinesh_i want join drupal12:51
abhinesh_indus help me12:51
indusabhinesh_, just click on this #drupal12:51
loewilorenzosu: no worries. A last chance migt be the evolution debug mode:  start from terminal via "evolution --debug=filename". I never did it, but maybe soemthing shows up in that debug file good luck!12:51
induswow tremulous is coming to xbox12:52
stupidxpgamesis a d/l rate less then 1mbs common in linux despite a 6mb lease?12:52
kryptykstupidxgames: no12:52
ApolyonIt decided to work this time... Strange.12:52
bistontappi : http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html.12:53
stupidxpgameswhere should i look for eth0 settings? to tweak? what would limit this? beside distance to server and load?12:53
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  it all depends on what the servers are sending you.12:54
stupidxpgamesany software to make it ez?12:54
stupidxpgameswell 2 files are over a bit torrent from like 10 users... another is through the reposits12:54
Dr_Willisabout the only time i ever saw my cable modem get 'maxxed' out was when downloading the ubuntu iso image4s via Torrents on release day12:54
nikolamkryptyk, i had no trouble with 64bit flash on 8.04 so I suppose it is something with graphics driver or something12:54
bistongood morning. i'm trying to install ubuntu from hdd. i downloaded the iso image and created 1 single partition on sdb and moved the iso image to it. then i added http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/BYKDefqY to grub from /etc/grub.d/40_custom... and update-grub. now after reboot grub is saying 'no such partition'12:55
bistonwhat's wrong with my menuentry?12:55
Dr_Willisrepos have been a little slow for me lately also. coule be server load12:55
geekphreakhi all12:55
geekphreakDr_Willis: mooo12:55
Avaszcan i clean everything related to java in my computer?12:55
kryptyknikolam: to be fair, 8.04 is a two year old distro - alot has changed since then. Using the guide I linked you to, I have never had trouble getting Java and Flash working on a Lucid install12:56
Dr_WillisBooting ISo files from Grub2 (one of MANY google hits ive bookmarked) --> http://rww.dreamwidth.org/3100.html12:56
indusbiston, hi probably wrong device name12:56
stupidxpgamesuse java 5 or a version before 6.1012:56
indusbiston, but did you install ubuntu ?12:56
indusbiston, i didnt quite get what you are doing12:57
kryptyknikolam: if it is a driver issue, I would start with loading any drivers Ubuntu suggests. If that fails, go with the manufacturers drivers and see if the same happens12:57
stupidxpgamesand use the offical java.. i tried the others and it was buggy ut that worked for me12:57
Dr_Willisbiston:  seems you have a few issues with your entry from comparing whit the url/example i posted12:57
bistonDr_Willis i've been through these posts already12:57
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geekphreakstupidxpgames: what are you trying to run?12:57
Dr_Willisbiston:  looks like the initrd line is wrong for starters12:57
Dr_Willisbiston:  and the kernel line...12:58
nikolamkryptyk, manufacturer (amd) withdraw support in fglrx after a year and half of product life , ending with 8.10 I think12:58
Kingsy101ok how do you unzip a .zip file on a terminal? I have tried unzip but it says command not found12:58
tappibiston that's all and well but update-rc.d doesn't work anymore12:58
kryptykstupidxpgames: agreed - don't waste time with Java platforms like icedtea12:58
Dr_Willis(loop) is missing  it seems12:58
bistonindus as Dr_Willis, trying to boot from the ubuntu-server-10.04.iso to install ubuntu12:58
stupidxpgamesi was replying to the person with java issues in 8.0412:58
Inferusstill cant get ubuntu to run from cd any ideas? i'm on a samsung r60+ laptop12:58
Dr_WillisKingsy101:  install unzip with the package manager12:58
geekphreakKingsy101: .gz?12:58
kryptyknikolam: exactly what model card do you have?12:58
Dr_Willisbiston:  its possible the server iso CANT work that way,.12:58
Kingsy101Dr_Willis - I cant its on a server12:58
indusbiston, trying to install from a HDD12:58
etalehi all -- rhythmbox seems to detect my ipod but i can't figureo ut how to add songs and sync ?...12:58
Dr_WillisKingsy101:  yes you can... 'sudo apt-get install unzip'  if you have the rights..12:59
stupidxpgamesbut i am interested in tweaking my ethernet card under linux for maximum bandwidth12:59
Kingsy101I am connected via ssh12:59
Kingsy101no I don't have the rights12:59
Dr_WillisKingsy101:  so?12:59
bistonDr_Willis i've seen this being done before, 2 years ago. just can't figure out what's wrong with this12:59
Dr_Willisthen the fact its a server dosent matter. :)12:59
Kingsy101I don't have the permission .. its a shared server12:59
geekphreakKingsy101: whats the extension dude?12:59
indusbiston, SEEMS Like init line should be /boot/initrd12:59
adminiкто нибудь yota или winmax в линуксе запускал?12:59
Dr_WillisKingsy101:    compile the source then I guess.12:59
Pici!ru | admini13:00
ubottuadmini: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:00
Dr_Willis!info unzip13:00
ubottuunzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-1build1 (lucid), package size 173 kB, installed size 388 kB13:00
stupidxpgamesbut so far i guess linux is already uber tweaked for internet speeds and file access13:00
Dr_WillisHmm thought that was standard. guess not.13:00
indusbiston, i havent done this before but i found a link here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-ubuntukubuntuedubuntuxubuntu-without-cdrom-drive.html13:00
indusstupidxpgames, its all untrue, its same as in windows13:00
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  i imagine your time would be better spent learning linux basics.. instead of trying to tweak stuff that proberly wont gain you any speeds anyway13:00
geekphreakDr_Willis: aint it already installed?13:01
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  aparently not13:01
indusDr_Willis, hi13:01
Kingsy101nm I am just going to use a tar.gz instead13:01
Kingsy101bz2? why?13:01
bistonhmm. what would happen if i just extract the contents of the iso to my /sdb and boot directly from sdb13:02
indusbiston, also, in grub 2 the partitions now start with 1 instead of 013:02
Dr_Willisbiston:  the url i posted as an example has quite a few differnt things then yours13:02
indusbiston, maybe thats one area you should be sure13:02
bistoni mean, not directly, but use /vmlinuz from sdb directly ...13:02
Dr_Willisbiston:  so i would guess you need to fix your entry.13:02
stupidxpgamesDR_ yea, but things like mtu are already at 1500...but i'm unsure of link speed an duplex..tos..various settings that under windows i'd be able to tweak and get noticable gains13:02
Dr_Willisbiston:  http://rww.dreamwidth.org/3100.html   has several differens then yours13:02
bistonindus oh yea! true, very true13:02
bistoni'll switch 0 to 1 and try13:02
indusbiston, so for first partition it should be hd0,113:03
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  ive never managed to get noticeable gains under windows either13:03
bistontrying that. just a sec13:03
geekphreakme neither13:03
geekphreakin terms of net that is13:03
Dr_Willisand i recall several tools for windows taht would auto-change things and try tio maxamize them all.. never amounted to anuything13:03
bistonhah, worked. thank you indus for that tip13:04
bentob0xwhat's the name of the new Ubuntu logo font ?13:04
bistonand for everything else in fact13:04
geekphreakif you wana update speed of ur net, change ur connection plan lol13:04
stupidxpgamesdr- hehe..well i did but it was through trial and error.. and tweaking things that were later updated out..tcpoptimizer was very nice under xp13:04
indusbiston, great13:04
bistonthank you too Dr_Willis13:04
bistoni can't believe it was really that silly13:04
indusya grub is silly :)13:04
geekphreakstupidxpgames: you have to be very carefull with those tools :)13:04
Dr_Willisbiston:  you are not booting the kernel in the iso file however.. unless theres some other tricks going on.13:04
indusor we are13:04
stupidxpgamesbut right now, one of my nics was recently over heating...its ubuntu 8.04 and i haven't gotten it back online yet..its not hot now..13:05
bistonDr_Willis no i'm not, i copied vmlinuz and initrd to / on sdb13:05
stupidxpgamesand that is concerning..13:05
eleljrkI need to install ubuntu from the "Alternate CD", can someone give me a link -> Europe? (There are so many links in the webpage "Alternative Downloads".. I'm confused)13:05
geekphreakbiston: good job dude13:05
Dr_Willisbiston:  ok. i made up a 'boot any of 5 different iso' usb flash drive.. so i dident do it that way13:05
stupidxpgameswhat the heck could heat up a nic??13:06
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  porn? :)13:06
ziohi all13:06
indusnothing really,13:06
induszio, hi13:06
stupidxpgameshow about dos or ddos attack attempts?13:06
Dr_Willisstupidxpgames:  i cant imagine  any real reason either.. other then a card going bad.13:06
geekphreakstupidxpgames: nno13:06
geekphreakstupidxpgames: are fans working?13:06
stupidxpgamesi have one fan for the cpu/powersource and nothing else on that system13:07
Dr_WillisHow does one even 'prove' the nic is overheating?13:07
zioneed some help here :(13:07
stupidxpgamestoday is the only time it's been warm..and in 15 years i've never known a nic to even get to that13:07
Dr_Willisit could be heat - making a connection on the mb/pci slot/other things go bad/move/loose13:07
indusit does get warm like all chips13:08
induszio, what is the problem13:08
stupidxpgamesi'ma shut her down and take out the card13:08
zioi tried install 10.04 without grub13:08
ApolyonAnyone want to walk me through bridging two network cards in my computer?13:08
LjL!it | OltreIrc`4671613:08
ubottuOltreIrc`46716: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:08
induszio, without grub ? how13:08
ziocan't make it work13:08
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farciarz84hi, how can I download a package and install it in a offline machine?13:08
ApolyonI'm using bridge-utils13:09
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geekphreakfarciarz84: should be on ubuntu site, download from there for ur version13:09
pianomanwhy were the "Close" "Minimize" and "Full Screen" buttons moved from the right corner to the left corner?13:09
indusfarciarz84, wait i know a software for that13:09
DJones!offline | farciarz8413:09
ubottufarciarz84: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD13:09
ziocreated a new partition ext2 primary mount point root (/)13:09
ziocant boot from there13:09
Dr_Willisanyone care to educate me what this 'square bar code' thing is im seeing on some download web sites these days? Like this new 'Conky GUI config' download page -> http://code.google.com/p/conkywizard/downloads/detail?name=ConkyWizard_64bits_V1.0_Beta1.tar.gz13:10
stupidxpgames0.0?? shouldn't both lights turn off when the cable is disconnected??13:10
indusstupidxpgames, at least 113:10
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
induszio, why didnt you install grub13:11
Apolyon-.-'  Xserver keeps on crashing on me...13:11
ziocause i got too much problems with grub in the past13:11
stupidxpgamestransmit on this intell pro 100 on board is still lit...13:11
DJonesDr_Willis: It looks like a QR code13:11
DJonesDr_Willis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code13:11
=== Sup|Away is now known as SuP|Lobby
induszio, you mean you are using old grub ?13:11
stupidxpgamesis there a way i can turn off a nic??13:12
indusfarciarz84, i trythe aptoncd link, i cant remember the other software for this but ther is one13:12
ikoniastupidxpgames: ifconfig $interface down will take it off the network13:12
farciarz84indus: thx anyway13:13
ziono last year i updated ubuntu and grub as well but grub updated to a beta version and i had to format all disc13:13
stupidxpgameswhats the command to enable it?13:13
DJonesDr_Willis: I've not seen then for computer downloads, but I've used them on an Android phone, if one exists, I can scan the QR code of an Android application using the phones camera and then it will downloaded & installed without having to use the application search facility13:13
zioi could not boot any of my os anymore13:13
indusfarciarz84, so can you paste your grub menu.lst13:13
induszio, and sudo fdisk -l output13:13
zioi dont know any command lines and i wont use them13:14
ziodont have time to learn console13:14
stupidxpgamesifconfig $interface up maybe?13:14
induszio, sorry, then i cannot help13:14
loopidityits worth so much zio13:14
induszio, or use live cd and reinstall grub13:15
stupidxpgameszio-command lines often make it much easier to do anything...13:15
siriusnovawhats a good Linux based Gui tool for editing mysql13:15
loopidityplease, help me with my fonts, now all the s are turned into blocks13:15
rajadityaquery \xlk13:15
bullgardDocument Viewer 2.30.1 shows a .ps file rotated by 90°. How can I make it to show the document pages rotated back by 90°?13:15
loopiditysiriusnova tried phpmyadmin?13:15
zionow i have win7 ntfs primary part flagged as boot and thats the one im using13:15
abhineshwhat porblem13:15
stupidxpgamesloop what java are you using?13:15
ApolyonWould anyone be willing to assist me in bridging an internet connection with a network connection?13:15
rajadityaquery /xlk13:15
indussiriusnova, mysql-gui13:15
loopidityi have problem with my fonts, every time a new character gets unvisible13:15
ziois there a way to boot ubuntu from win7 boot loader?13:15
Dr_WillisDJones:  so.. you scan the web page with your phones camera. :) thats.. interesting.. so it may be just somthing the site added.. even if its not any use for a phone,.13:16
zioinstead of grub?13:16
stupidxpgamesapoly usually ubuntu bridges the nics by itself?? correct me if i'm wrong pls13:16
induszio, probably yes but ask in #windows, they will help13:16
bullgardloopidity:  "every time" is certainly wrong. Please describe more exactly your situation.13:16
induszio,how many hdd you have13:16
=== LjL is now known as |_j|_
loopiditybullgard each new restart brings death to a unique character13:17
loopiditybullgard now all the s are blocks of rectangle13:17
loopiditypreviously, it was u13:17
arandzio: Not actually without grub, and you need to chanload it, etc.13:17
ApolyonI saw a forum post online about it using bridge-utils13:17
stupidxpgamesapoly have you browsed over some of the how to's?  thats how i got one pc shared13:17
ziochanload? sorry i dont know what that means13:17
indusfarciarz84, try getdeb.net13:18
stupidxpgamesbut i'm still working on setting up another pc on the same network too13:18
induszio, yes chainload13:18
ApolyonYeah xpgames, I'm looking at one right now but I have no idea how to "use this cide" auto bro0 iface bro0 inet dhcp bridge_ports all13:18
Apolyon"use this code"13:18
indusarand, doesnt that require editing grub menu.lst anyway?13:18
bullgardloopidity: I have never had this error. I would look for an associated  bug report in Launchpad.13:19
zioi dont know what chanload is..if you give me some more info i'll try google it13:19
stupidxpgamesyea, when it gets down to commands to put in files i'm lost too..linux has diffrent wordings and things13:19
ApolyonI found another guide - Maybe this will help more.13:20
stupidxpgamesa good how to usually tells you every little detail13:20
ApolyonThankd xpgames13:20
arandindus: Nah, you can just make a dd-copy of a grub mbr using blocklists, and feed that as an entry into BCD, but I don't think that is something you want to do if you are not comfortable with the command line even, zio13:20
induszio, see if you follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-732173.html13:20
stupidxpgamesalso be sure the how to matches up with the current version ubuntu and software your trying to set up...13:21
induszio, without the command line , you cannot solve this issue, unless you use a live cd and reinstall grub13:21
induszio, which is quite easy13:21
induszio, trust me , its quite easy to recover grub if you run into trouble13:21
ApolyonWhats it mean when the console does this after typing a command line.13:21
zioi will never use grub again after what happened last year13:21
zioits too aggressive13:21
reya276How can I fix the time on my PC so that it stays consistent?13:22
Dr_WillisThe time i spent learning grub.. has been well rewarded over the last few years. :)13:22
arandApolyon: Usually that you did not close something, i.e. missing a final ", or a done asfter a "do command;" thing, etc.13:23
zioindus: anyway i wouldnt know where to imput commands because win seven boots up immediately13:23
mbehlokWhy does my ubuntu gets slow after hours of heavy usage?13:23
ApolyonI"m copy pasting from ubuntu forum help code boxes :(13:23
Dr_Willismbehlok:  sounds like a memory leak in some app.13:23
mmo|Hello. I seem to be missing an option of DIGITAL 5.1 output in the pulseaudio configuration. Does anyone know how to get that? THe analog 5.1 does not work properly so now I can only get stereo...13:23
Apolyonifconfig eth1 <<BR>>13:23
induszio, do you have an ubuntu live cd?13:23
zioyes its the one i just used13:24
Apolyon^ is what im typing in why wont it work?13:24
farciarz84XeTeX is required to compile this document. * Sorry!13:24
induszio, so open a terminal and type sudo grub-install /dev/sda13:24
farciarz84what's wrong?13:24
zipperany1 knows why firefox crashes when u r viewing flash related stuff13:24
arandApolyon: Replace <<BR>> with what applies in your case, I would guess13:24
Apolyonlol.  <<BR>> HTM tag huh.13:24
mbehlokDr_Willis, you think so? Can I "un-leak" that memory?13:24
farciarz84texlive-xetex has been installed13:25
icerootzipper: no13:25
zipperthats sad13:25
zioindus: no grub i dont want grub anymore on my hdd13:25
stupidxpgameshow to install a .sh i just download to desktop?13:25
zioi created this partition: primary, formatted ext2, mount point /13:25
icerootzipper: without usefull infos we cant help (e.g. error messages from the terminal, if starting firefox from the terminal) then the info which flash-package you are using and so on13:26
ziois it correct?13:26
arandzio: Means you will have to go through a lot of hassle getting any kind of GNU/Linux system booting, that is the price, simple.13:26
ApolyonSIOCSIFADDR: Permission Denied13:26
ApolyonSIOCSIFFLAGS:  Permission Denied13:26
Apolyonafter I type in ifconfig eth1
arandApolyon: sudo13:26
stupidxpgamesi been getting that too13:26
p1l0tapolyon sudo13:26
induszio, partition should be ext 3 or 4 , ext 2 is old now13:27
Apolyonok Thanks13:27
zioyeah its old but it shoud work anyway13:27
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indusarand, how can you boot linux without a boot loader ? can windows boot loader do it ?13:27
zio10.04 support ext2 or no?13:27
induszio, yes sure13:28
zioso the partition i created is fine?13:28
arandindus: grub4dos can do a  bit of stuff I guess.13:28
ziomaybe i need another one with mount point /boot?13:28
induszio, ok first of all, you need to be a little flexible when installing anything new like an operating system.13:28
arandindus: Which is available using easyBCD, but it's probably going to be a lot more hassle than using grub just straight off.13:29
induszio, you probably had some wrong person guiding you with this before13:29
induszio, grub is the default boot loader for ubuntu , helps you boot a lot of OS13:29
* indus wonders why anyone would use ext2 13:30
zioindus: nobody guided me :)13:30
Beelsebobwhere are the GUI tools stored on disk?13:30
induszio, well, we are trying to guide you now13:30
zioi know grub is powerful13:30
ziotoo much for me13:30
Beelsebobis there a convenient mapping between System > Administration > Users and Groups and where the actual binary is to run it from the cli13:30
induszio, grub is also safe , i have done almost 500 installation on different machines13:30
arandzio: Probably easier to follow the guided installation, and make sure to unmark "install bootloader" at the very last step of the installer ("advanced" button), if you really want to not install grbu to mbr, and mess with trying to figure out how to boot it otherwise..13:30
Apolyonwill a windows machine connect to the bridge I made in linux automatically?13:30
Apolyonthrough a switch.13:31
zioarand: thats what i've done13:31
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ziothought win7 boot loader would find ubuntu13:31
Apolyonnvm :) It worked thanks for help.13:32
zioindus: then why on november 2009 one day ubuntu uploaded my grub to a beta version?13:32
arandzio: Of course not. BCD only boots windows, and you need to ahck it in order to boot anything elsse13:32
p1l0tApolyon can you be more specific?13:32
arandzio: *hack it13:32
p1l0tzio: or just install the grub loader...13:33
arandzio: Mind that in the case of grub "Beta" is just a label, everyone uses the beta, it is not a measure of stability.13:33
Andrew9urgent: loading hangs on splash screen. how to troubleshoot that?13:34
ApolyonO.O Ubuntu is doing really wierd things. Just now I finished creating the bridge and was using it on the windows machine and all of a sudden the GUI on ubuntu vanished and now I've got the little thinking mouse icon and nothing else.13:34
induszio,these days  'beta' means continuous improvement , remember gmail ? stayed beta for 5 years13:34
Apolyonlol @ Beta. Indeed it does.13:34
abhineshindus :13:34
indusAndrew9, press ctl  - alt  f1 and see messages13:34
abhineshindus:continuous improvement13:35
Andrew9indus: ok13:35
ziowith grub beta i mean it was a developement beta it asked me to write down grub parameter and stuff13:35
ziothe normal menu was gone!13:35
induszio, really ?13:35
induszio, hmm strange13:35
zioyes really13:35
abhineshindus : understand13:35
ziosomeone added a developement version on top of the repository13:35
induszio, just try now, it shouldnt happen13:36
p1l0twhich repository?13:36
induszio, trust me :D13:36
Dr_WillisGrub2 is as much an improvement to Grub.. as Grub was to LILO.13:36
indusgrub is bloatware really, who needed a grub 2 anyway13:36
zioboot loaders should become a standard13:36
Dr_WillisDid the  upgrade to 10.04 make theuser change to grub2? i never noticed13:36
p1l0tThere is a grub2?13:36
induszio, i agree with you13:37
AndyGraybeali <3 ubuntu :)13:37
PiciDr_Willis: No, upgrades did not touch the bootloader.13:37
Andrew9indus: flashing underscore, nothing happening13:37
Dr_Willis'the great thing about standards - thers so many to choose from'13:37
indusDr_Willis, no its only for new installs13:37
indusAndrew9, ubuntu 10.04 ? did you check the live cd ? md5sum ?13:37
Dr_Willisthats what i was thinking..  I never heard of a 'being forced to upgrade to grub2' either.13:37
solowI have virtual box running, and have set a shared folder which I open files from in windows 7. But I can't save my edited files because I don't have permission to do so. How do I make sure I DO have permission to store these files?13:37
indusAndrew9, so many things :)13:37
Dr_Willisp1l0t:  ubuntu has been using grub2 for the last 2 releases on new installs.13:38
zioi'll try again with grub someday13:38
Andrew9indus: system was running fine for 2 month or so, today it just won't load13:38
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p1l0tThree computers ago I did a dual boot with Vista, now that I am confortable with Ubuntu I don't even bother with predatory propietary vendors13:38
indusAndrew9, ya updates do that to you :)13:38
indusAndrew9, did you update recently ?13:38
Andrew9indus: oh here is something on the screen: "gave up waiting for root device" ...13:39
arandAndrew9: Try using recovery mode (hold shift at boot to get the grub menu)13:39
Andrew9indus: i update every day13:39
bobthemilkmanFlash isn't properly working with video. Youtube plays fine, but sometimes clicking is weird. Fullscreen youtube doesn't properly fullscreen. (Takes up full screen, video stays the same size.) And now I cannot view, but can hear, this video: http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/tue-june-15-2010-james-tabor.  In my windows virtual machine, video playback is slow.13:39
indusAndrew9, good for you, anyways,13:39
Dr_WillisMan.. Web sites  never seem to want to print properly for me any more - Dont suppose anyone has noticed a FF extension or some other way to get things printing a bit better?13:39
indusdoes it boot at all13:39
ApolyonIs there a button to end all tasks?13:39
ApolyonI just got 5,000,000 things pop up on my task bar13:40
indusApolyon, yes, the power button13:40
solowbobthemilkman, flash sucks on ubuntu. it's not your fault13:40
indusDr_Willis, a language other than english ?13:40
Andrew9indus: no it won't load at all13:40
ApolyonWow. ... This is so broken.13:40
indusAndrew9,gave up waiting for root device hmm13:40
arandAndrew9: Hmm, maybe fstab-issues...13:40
gurky_ I need some help about ubuntu linux13:41
ApolyonI got as many new somethings open and now its crashing. white flickering box in corner.13:41
gurky_I am using windows 713:41
gurky_I have 300 gb divided 2 by 150 gb as NTFS13:41
gurky_I have win7 installed on C:13:41
gurky_ and I installed ubuntu inside the windows in D:13:41
FloodBot1gurky_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:41
gurky_ everything works perfect13:41
p1l0tApolyon what are you running?13:41
bobthemilkmanI currently have firefox 3.6.3, ubuntu 10.04, and am using the most recent proprietary nvidia accelerated graphics driver.13:41
arandApolyon: alt+sysreq+k will force logout.13:41
Apolyon64x lol I wonder if its because I typed "exit" in console13:41
Dr_Willisindus:  years ago - i recall a HP tool (for windows of course) that would make web sites actually print out in a way that they at least were readable. :) now a days i print (for example) a 'Stove Review' page to take to the store.. and it gives me a header.. and 5 blank pages.. :)13:41
indusAndrew9, can you type 'exit' and see13:41
Andrew9indus: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"13:41
arandApolyon: Normally somewhere close to printscreen13:41
gurky_somebody help me please13:42
Andrew9indus: the same message after "exit"13:42
abhineshgurky_: yes13:42
Dr_Willisgurky_:  you dident actaully state a question.. that i saw13:42
indusAndrew9, ubuntu 10.04 ? or older13:42
Andrew9indus: 10.0413:42
indusDr_Willis, hehe13:42
p1l0tApolyon I meant what are you running that opened 5,000,000 things>13:42
solowgurky_, you said everything works perfectly. what's the problem with that?13:42
indusi saw that too 0_013:43
ApolyonI was button mashing over there nothing. I'm just going to restart I guess =\ Wish this would stop happening.13:43
Apolyon@P1lot Terminal and Cromium.13:43
Dr_Willis!manual | gurky_13:43
ubottugurky_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:43
arandgurky_: "everything works perfect" and "somebody help me please" How does that add up?13:43
solowexactly :p13:43
solowI have virtual box running, and have set a shared folder which I open files from in windows 7. But I can't save my edited files because I don't have permission to do so. How do I make sure I DO have permission to store these files on my virtual machine?13:43
indusgurky_, what is the issue13:43
ApolyonWhy would typing exit into the terminal do that O.o13:44
gurky_I installed Ubuntu inside thw win713:44
indusgurky_, ok and ?13:44
gurky_I can see C: drive13:44
gurky_but cant access the D: drive13:44
gurky_both NTFS13:44
solowgurky_, try typing in one message in stead of hitting return all the time13:44
eleljrkWhat hdd system can I use? (No-ext)13:45
eleljrkFor ubuntu..13:45
bobthemilkmanelectro_: For partition formats, you mean?13:45
indusAndrew9, this is difficult to solve, try boot into recovery mode and run update again, you probably ran a partial upgrade13:45
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: *13:45
p1l0tApolyon typing exit into the terminal would close it. Is it cromium that is opening these 5,000,000 windows or the terminial or neither?13:45
solowgurky_, you cant acces ubuntu inside of windows. but you can acces windows inside of ubuntu.13:45
arandsolow: Pass some option to the mount command I guess.. I don't know if you can chmod/chown it recursively once mounted13:45
indusgurky_, ah thats not too difficult, go to /etc/hosts and find it there13:45
ApolyonNo idea. Going for a 3rd time.13:46
indusgurky_, i mean you go to filesystem /etc./host some folder like that13:46
p1l0tWhat are they?13:46
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: I can't, and probably no one else can, understand the question.13:46
indusgurky_, you will find all your windows files there13:46
ApolyonIts happening directly after I close terminal13:46
solowarand, Those terms sound familiar, but i have no idea what you really mean13:46
Apolyonhard to tell withing a matter of seconds they all turn into bars so small that its just a vertical gray bar on taskbar13:46
gurky_I installed Ubuntu inside thw win7, I can see C: drive, but cant access the D: drive, both NTFS, and ubuntu installed in D:, how can I mount D: drive and access my media files in there?13:46
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: If you want to know what hdd system you can use, Ubuntu instantly recognized my SATA, IDE, and SCSI systems without any need for addtional drivers.13:46
indusAndrew9, or another option is booting from a previous kernel and try13:46
arandeleljrk: I know xfs is used by some, but ext is recommended, really.13:47
bobthemilkmanHowever, since you specifically mentioned (no-ext), it would appear as though you meant partition formats, not HDD systems.13:47
ApolyonOk... System just randomly restarted now. Flashing colers on my screen...13:47
p1l0tApolyon can you click on them? Do they open into something like an error message?13:47
indusgurky_, i answered your question , first let us see if you can see the files on D13:47
eleljrkOk.. I'm using a alternate CD to install ubuntu, ext3 and 4 leave a strange error..13:47
Apolyonnope system slows to a grinding halt.13:47
otswimhello, i want to connect to ssh to a distant computer, and i want to run a program on it, and then i want to let it run, while being able to shutdown my computer; is there a way to do that?13:47
gurky_thanks, tryin and will let u know13:47
p1l0tIf you can try seeing the latest entries in /var/log/syslog13:48
ApolyonSwitched to low graphics mode now, with all sorts of strange artifacts.13:48
Dr_Willisotswim:  check out 'screen' and the 'nohup' command13:48
Andrew9indus: recovery boot won't load either13:48
indusgurky_, AFTER that we can see how to permanently show D drive on start13:48
Dr_Willisotswim:  screen is a must learn about tool13:48
indusAndrew9, ok HDD problem :P13:48
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: There should be a pulldown list, all of which work. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems for some comparisons13:48
Andrew9indus: "waiting for root file system..."13:48
indusAndrew9, check teh HDD cable13:48
Andrew9indus: ok i thought so too13:48
indusAndrew9, ok seems like a grub issue otherwise,13:48
Dr_Willisotswim:  screen also has a tweqked variant called 'byobu' in ubuntu that may be a little easier to use13:48
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: But if the ubuntu CD is giving you errors on ext3/ext4 formatting, the error is probably your hard drive, not software.13:48
Andrew9indus: will test hdd then13:48
indusAndrew9, grub is pointing to wrong partition13:49
ApolyonI think its xserver crashing or something.13:49
indusAndrew9, so 2 causes, choose one :)13:49
eleljrk"Fail with Debootstrap".. "Didn't find the kodename for author"..13:49
eleljrkTranslated by me, probably something Else on the actual English install..13:50
p1l0teleljrk what language?13:50
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arandsolow: sudo chmod -R 777 mountpoint/13:51
wesselhello, I made my pannel outhide13:51
ApolyonI'm trying other selection for Hardware Proprietary drivers.13:51
wesselnow it is crashed13:51
wesseleven after rebooting I can not get my panel back :(13:51
p1l0t!no | eleljrk13:51
ubottueleljrk: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!13:51
solowarand, I decided to read the manual13:51
solowSo I've fixed it already.13:52
p1l0tIf that would be easier13:52
eleljrkext2 seems to work.. :P13:52
arandsolow: :)13:52
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: So ext2 works, but not ext3 or ext4?13:52
bobthemilkmanThat should... never happen.13:52
bobthemilkmanIt's possible your installation medium is broken...13:52
eleljrkWelcome to Norwegian computers.. :P13:53
Andrew9indus: http://www.evernote.com/pub/9ands/public13:53
p1l0tAll computers are built in Japan and China anyway basically13:53
Guest9457how do i apply a diff patch13:53
solowarand, or maybe i didn't... when I (on my virtual machine) copy the file I want to edit, and then edit>save the file, it works. but when i want to do the same with the original file, it says i have no permission to do so. This is very confusing...13:53
arandeleljrk: What kind of machine is this? And yes, have you checked is the CD is fine?13:53
wesselDoes anyone know how to get my pannel (where it shows active programs) back?13:53
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p1l0tAt least the components13:53
eleljrkI got 3 CDs, they are fine.. :P13:54
blue_annahow do I revert an upgrade from a ppa?13:54
arandblue_anna: Use ppa-purge...13:54
Andrew9system won't load. any help please? http://www.evernote.com/pub/9ands/public13:54
bobthemilkmanCan you break out from the dialog to a root console via ctrl+alt+f1?13:54
solowwessel, reboot. :P13:54
eleljrkIt's an Acer Laptop, 1 year old13:54
bobthemilkmanor f#13:54
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ApolyonReinstalled Nvidia drivers seems to work ok now.13:54
otswimbut with nohup, if i close my ssh session then the program just ends? :/13:54
wesselI did reboot already13:54
wesselremoved recently-used.xbel13:55
wesselill try reboot again13:55
Dr_Willisotswim:  learn to use screen13:55
eleljrkWell, ext2 was the only filesystem to go for 100%, but also that failed13:55
Dr_Willisotswim:  or byobu  - Nohup is good for specific cases13:55
ApolyonI bridged the network, and the net works on the windows machine but now its broken on the linux box -.-'13:55
otswimDr_Willis: i think i just need nohup in this case, no more13:56
eleljrkI'll check with the Norwegian support..13:56
Dr_Willisotswim:  screen lets you 'reconnect' afterwards13:56
rileyp iwant to apply this changeset13:56
solowanyone? i'd like to go back to my work :)13:56
Dr_Willisotswim:  and its worth learning about...13:56
rileyphow do i do that13:56
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: If you know the device name (/dev/sdc3, for example) of the HDD you want to format, you can try mkfs.ext3 -c /path/to/dev/name from a root console.13:56
John_Dufresh man13:57
otswimDr_Willis: i'm sure it's worth it, but i don't need to reconnect; i just need to get back the output in nohup.out, and know how to run the program even after i close my session13:57
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: If what I said is above your head, then I'd suggest burning a gparted CD (or USB), booting the machine via that, and then converting the filesystem manually.13:57
bXiis there a way to force all my sound cards to be loaded in the order my system sees them now?13:57
p1l0tandrew9 are you running a 64bit machine or 32 and which distro?13:57
eleljrkThat's what I'm trying to do! (#2)13:57
arandblue_anna: YOu can get it from here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+build/138103113:58
solowI'd really like my permissions set straight13:58
blue_annaarand I just got it, thank you arand13:58
bobthemilkmaneleljrk: gparted also gives you the error?13:58
blue_annathat's a great script13:58
otswimso will my program stop if i write 'nohup ./program &' and then i close my ssh session?13:59
arandblue_anna: Just make sure to check what it wants to do and if it's sane.13:59
blue_annaotswim, nope13:59
ApolyonI bridged the network, and the net works on the windows machine but now its broken on the linux box -.-' Anyone mind assisting? the "sudo route add default gateway gives back SIOCADDDRT error. No Such Process.13:59
indusAndrew9, hi so what is the status13:59
eleljrkGParted didn't work for me.13:59
kickingintenderhow to install k3b on no internet pc14:00
bobthemilkmanI'm going to assume the standard Ubuntu install also didn't work for you?14:00
kickingintenderi mean i dont have internet connection/offline user but can i download a metapackage for k3b14:00
blue_annaarand telepathy sent out a package for empathy-common today that automatically uninstalls empathy :P14:00
bullgardDocument Viewer 2.30.1 grayes out the menu item Edit > Find. Does this mean that this program cannot search in .ps files?14:00
solowkickingintender, make sure you DO have internet.14:00
solowkickingintender, plugging in a cable aint that big of a deal.14:01
blue_annaand it blocks it from installing after14:01
yaircan anyone tell me please how to change the login theme in 10.04 version of Ubuntu?14:01
bobthemilkmankickingintender: Download the .deb. Transfer to USB/CD. sudo dpkg -i on the machine with no internet access.14:01
wesselman, after reboot my panel still gone :(14:01
bobthemilkmanOr, better idea, give the other computer internet access.14:01
wesselmaybe its hidden or something :-/14:01
otswimand now how do i kill a program started by nohup?14:01
wesselbut I can't make it show14:01
solowwessel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20852814:01
kickingintenderi downloaded packages how bobthemilkman14:01
otswim'kill' seems to do it :)14:01
wesselalt+F2 not working for some reason14:02
solowwessel, just keep reading.14:02
kickingintenderi downloaded packages that are required 4 k3b but iam getting dependency problem14:02
abhinesh<wessel> what problem14:02
kickingintenderi have kubuntu lucid disc with me14:02
gurky_how can I mount Host folder on my desktop permantely?14:02
arandwessel: Would you be okay resetting the panel to ubuntu default?14:03
kickingintendercan i install using kubuntu cd14:03
yair_how do i change the login theme?14:03
water/join #ubuntu-cn14:03
solowyair_, google!14:03
arand!resetpanel | wessel14:03
ubottuwessel: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:03
bobthemilkmankickingintender: sudo apt-get --download-only install k3b14:03
arandwessel: Ah, hmm, then I don't know..14:04
kickingintenderfrom kubuntu lucid disc?14:04
bobthemilkmankickingintender: Do the same with the depdencies. However, kubuntu came with k3b by default, I thought.14:04
wesselmaybe its gpanal14:04
wesselI am on gnome14:04
bobthemilkmankickingintender: No, from a machine with internet access.14:04
FloodBot1wessel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
arandwessel: Maybe #xubuntu knows more specifics... Hm, if you are on gnome, yes it should work, not on xfce though, I reckon14:05
p1l0tApoylon try just editing the .conf files in /etc/network (or use networkmanager) instead14:05
wesselthe reset worked14:05
solowwhen I (on my virtual machine) copy the file I want to edit, and then edit>save the file, it works. but when i want to do the same with the original file, it says i have no permission to do so. This is very confusing...14:06
solowwessel, good :)14:07
wesselI find this crash a bit stupid tho, all my nice short cuts are gone :(14:07
p1l0tsolow are you familiar with permissions and sudo and all that?14:07
wesselentire pc goes strange just because I click 'hide'14:07
wesselcould not turn the pc off14:08
wesselhad to use sudu poweroff14:08
solowp1l0t, yeah, a lil. i just changed permissions. and like i said, copying the file does work. so permissions must be set right.14:08
mahadevjoin #sugar14:08
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p1l0tsolow sounds like read-only for your user or group14:08
p1l0t!permission | solow14:08
ubottusolow: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:08
nehyxmahadev: Try /join14:08
solowp1l0t, which doesnt explain why i CAN copy the file, and also edit/save it.14:09
p1l0tsolow try ls -l file_name to see permission information from command line14:09
bullgardDocument Viewer 2.30.1 grayes out the menu item Edit > Find. Does this mean that this program cannot search in .ps files?14:11
nikolamHalf of freakin applications stops responding if I copy some files14:11
nikolamand use disk intensively or something14:11
solowp1l0t, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1458 2010-06-04 15:17 Abstract.php14:11
stupidxpgameswould the inet addy? be the address i'd want to assing a pc to attach to shared lan?14:12
nikolamIs it multitasking or i basically get iphone in a place for 64bit linux I am thinking I am using14:12
=== nehyx is now known as nehyx_
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stupidxpgamesiphone is 32bit??14:13
solowp1l0t, All the parrent folders are drwxrwxrwx14:13
stupidxpgamesbut yes it does multi-task well enough14:13
p1l0tsolow use must be root or else it will be read-only then. This is probably a good thing for a .php file for security reasons14:13
solowp1l0t, no it's not. it's localhost, I want all the freedom in the world.14:14
stupidxpgamesthe fastest proc i know of is a 1ghz atom...just released..14:14
stupidxpgamesfor cellphones14:14
thune3nikolam: a specific example might provide some insight14:14
eleljrkThere wasn't much help to Get from the No support IRC channel..14:14
stupidxpgameselel what was your question?14:15
eleljrkInstaaltion problems with ext14:15
shoopdawoopsolow: you could just change the file permission: chmod 777 Abstract.php14:16
stupidxpgamesFTHC- my overheating nic was caused by some cleaner that may have been sprayed on it =c14:16
p1l0tsolow well you could use chmod (or chown) and change the permissions, although I would put them back to 755 when your done.14:16
solowp1l0t, it really doesnt matter. it's localhost.14:16
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stupidxpgamesele how are you trying to install ubuntu /os?14:17
nikolamthune3, copying about 7Gig of files (user profle) from sdb2 ext3 to md1 raid1 (sda6, sdb6) on ext4 and seamonkey, firefox, system windows, anything that would be nice to response with less lag then 6 seconds, needs 10 seconds. Like every stupid window, windows of programs do not refresh etc..14:17
p1l0t!chmod | solow14:17
ubottusolow: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:17
stupidxpgamesele and what kind of errors did you get?14:17
solowp1l0t, I know chmod.14:18
p1l0toh :P14:18
p1l0tdid that work?14:18
solow sudo chmod -R 777 Abstract.php? yeah.14:18
nikolambasivally on every large disk usage, everything else that needs interactivity is dieing.14:18
solowBut I don't want to chmod every file I make14:18
UltraParadigmCan I be using the Pulse audio and Alsa at the same time?14:18
stupidxpgamesyes? if u had vm or 2 soundcards-ultra14:19
UltraParadigmI am running an xmms app right now with pulse output, and also have a firefox open with the alsa plug in and both are working14:19
p1l0tsolow trying running the editing program as the root user then, sudo vi file_name or whatever14:19
UltraParadigmhow is that?14:19
solowYou know what all of you should do? Listen to Vivaldi's 4 seasons. I'm sure you'll feel great afterwards. :D14:19
stupidxpgamesthey both use the same device..just diffrent ways, be glad they work flawlessly xD14:20
indusUltraParadigm, pulseaudio doesnt work without alsa14:20
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:20
stupidxpgamesthat too14:20
UltraParadigmWhen I go to sound preferences and see what applications are using sound, it only shows the firefox plugin but not my mp3 player which is also playing.14:20
heloi did a dist-upgrade last night (suppose i should have done just a normal upgrade... but i didn't think there would be a difference within lucid), and now X gives my monitor bad modelines whether i use nvidia, nv, or vesa driver... it is detecting the resolution correctly in Xorg.0.log, at least...14:20
solowp1l0t, the editor is inside my virtual machine, on windows 7. To be honest, the only reason I'm using windows 7 on virtualbox is because the editor is awesome. Nusphere PhpEd. Ubuntu editors suck :p14:20
p1l0tsolow or else you could chown the files to your username14:20
indusUltraParadigm, yes, happens because the app is not configured to use pulseaudio14:21
helois anyone else having bad modeline problems?14:21
stupidxpgamesyour mp3 player is  the device playing the music14:21
thune3nikolam: those programs choke because they are trying to access disk. firefox does a lot of osync, and hangs until data is written. i/o scheduling is not up to the level of the process scheduler. you could use "ionice" to set your large copy jobs at low priority.14:21
=== northwoods is now known as Northwoods
stupidxpgamesyour pc just routes it to your earphones14:21
UltraParadigmindus:  You mean the sound preferences app isn't configured for pulse?14:21
stupidxpgamesusing pulseaudio drivers as well14:21
NorthwoodsWhen my system boots there is a list of os to choose from , defaut is set to ubuntu , how can i chance such settings ?14:21
indusUltraParadigm, no the app playing music isnt14:21
UltraParadigmOh NM,  it's showing both now14:21
Northwoodsi mean defaault os , to be something esle14:22
nikolamthune3, its just default desktop install. And it behaves like a pig. Thanks i will see what good ionice cam do and where it can be set.14:22
UltraParadigmso pulse depends on Alsa?  I thought they were both independent14:22
nikolamthune3, its not problem on priprity. I want my user experience to have highest priority. not damn server thing i dont need14:22
NorthwoodsGuys any idea how i can change the boot order , or set the default os to be something else ?14:23
nikolamits desktop should not there be default setting for desktop usage on ubuntu then14:23
PiciUltraParadigm: Heres a (complicated) diagram: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Pulseaudio-diagram.png14:23
stupidxpgamesyes ultra.. and since you didnt tell the os what device to use with the mp3 player..it used default or a device that was free14:24
thune3nikolam: what do you mean "server thing i don't need"?14:24
deadmaushi, i was trying to update ubuntu using apt-get upgrade - and got this - http://pastebin.com/QvRgPqnh - the same package shows as being retrieved multiple times. i dont think it retrieves it multiple times, but how do i change it from printing the get for the saem package multiple times?14:24
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kukinensenHello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?14:25
nikolamthune3, well, if background copying process gets priority by default over my need to actually see response from application i am currently working with, then there is something terribly wrong with default priority settings.14:25
* indus wonders why people say sorry if they dont speak english well14:26
indusit hardly matters14:26
nikolamI can not chase every single program before opening it to set its priorities or something14:26
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kukinensenHello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?14:26
induskukinensen, hello14:27
deadmausin ubuntu menu bar, goto "places", choose "connect to server" and use the guided wizard to connect to your windows share14:27
induskukinensen, no need to be sorry14:27
stupidxpgamesalso a sound driver can run multiple instances...to a certain extent..i think most support 8/16/32 independant channels of sound..depnding on h/w and cpu and memory14:27
kukinensenhello indus14:27
andi_soundcard line-in/blue doesn't work but the microphone does for an input source, any ideas?14:27
kukinensenok thanks14:28
induskukinensen, so added the line in fstab14:28
stupidxpgamesline in is often muted14:28
kukinensencan you help me with this problem?14:28
induskukinensen, hmm can try14:28
kukinensenyes, i pass to you the line14:28
andi_stupid, i've opened up alsamixer and changing the volumes inside doesn't produce sound14:28
andi_stupid, but when i use the mic input changing the settings has an impact14:29
indusstupid heh lols14:29
stupidxpgamesxD ahaha i love being called stupid and not be negative14:29
stupidxpgamesany ideas? i'm not familiar with sound problems yet14:30
induskukinensen, i will give you links because i havent tried this14:30
induskukinensen, did you try the easy way of coonecting to server from places menu14:30
andi_i was using audacity to test but sound recorder worked first time14:30
elb0wwhy do I see this /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 31 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3_amd64.deb14:30
ghostend In order for me to establish an internet connection, I must connect to the wireless network my isp has setup, but I must also connect through a pppoe easily done on windows, but I am new to ubuntu, is there a way to have both connection?14:30
stupidxpgamesah right clicking on my volume controls it's "line in" is muted14:31
kukinensenthe line: // /mnt/server cifs auto,user,username=winuser,password=winpass,gid=zarate,uid=ubuuser,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0744,filemode=064414:31
andi_now i've got the sound playing through alsamixer but using a line-out from my source to mic-in, which isn't ideal but works for now14:31
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thune3nikolam, to you do all your copying using nautilus? or command line?14:31
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nikolami was copying using thunar14:32
kukinensenfrom top menu connects, but too slow and sometimes cant opne a file14:32
stupidxpgamesyea, it may not be configured to work like that...or it needs to be built/configured14:32
jmestradahi guys, Ubuntu 10.04 installation problem, installing from LiveCD on 64-bit Intel Pentium PC with 2 GB RAM and 320 GB SATA HD - Error: Unexpected exit with status 0x0009 - Any idea why?14:32
induskukinensen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105743114:32
stupidxpgamesthe good thing about mic tho is you can boost it xD maybe if hw supports it14:32
jespervHi, is there a way to drag a window from one desktop to another? I have used this functionality in XFCE but can't find it in gnome.14:32
induskukinensen, well seems like a problem with the windows share ?14:33
ghostendk thanks14:33
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andi_stupidxpgames, the mic-in is giving the best result, i just wish i could understand why14:33
stupidxpgamesjesp there is a desktop feature usually on the bottom left bar14:33
induskukinensen, it you can connect , then it is working fine14:33
andi_thanks for the help14:33
shoopdawoopjesperv: it's possible with compiz14:33
kukinenseni will check page now14:33
heloi can't use the ubuntu bug reporter because X has broken upon my latest dist-upgrade... can i report the bug from a working (non-updated) ubuntu install without misleading anyone as to what configuration caused it?14:34
stupidxpgamesxD no problem.. i'll be toying with sound quite a bit in the future..i'm just not too familiar right now14:34
helois there a text-based frontend to ubuntu-bug?14:34
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heloi suppose i could ssh -X in and run ubuntu-bug remotely...14:34
jespervstupidxgames: I can do it with the desktop switcher, thanks14:34
helois that what i need to do?14:34
kukinensenthanks for your help indus14:34
stupidxpgamesjesp xD great!14:34
induskukinensen, ok but is your problem solved14:35
kukinensencontinuingggg readingggg14:35
kukinenseni make some test and i will answer you14:35
thune3nikolam: i agree it is a problem and an annoyance. as a workaround you could try ionicing thunar :  ionice -c3 -p `pidof thunar`  : i'm not sure if thunar is right name14:35
Picihelo: if you want to force it to run in cli, use apport-cli (ubuntu-bug calls apport-gtk/-kde/-cli depending on the environment it detecs)14:35
Picihelo: Check the manpages for more options.14:36
jmestradait seems to me that Ubuntu LiveCD has problem to start on SATA or High capacity HD, it is finding problems to work with the drives, anybody knows something about it?14:36
helogreat, thanks14:36
kukinensenone more question indu, why UID and GID are numbers?14:36
stupidxpgameswhy do i have a eth1 and eth1:avahi??14:36
nikolamok thune314:36
kukinensennumbers from???14:37
abhineshnikolam : what problem14:37
induskukinensen, where ?14:37
induskukinensen, different numbers for different things14:38
jmestradaany recommendation? I don't want to install Win 7 or any other Win version, has anybody experienced something similar?14:38
kukinensenin the line of fstab GID and UID have numbers Ex:1000 where they from?14:38
sipiorjmestrada: experienced what, exactly?14:38
nikolamabhinesh, bah, notnig. applications starving to disk access if another application is using a disk too much.14:38
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when in fullscreen???14:38
fusion27I configured my gnome desktop at one time to look like XP, with icons for Computer, My Documents, Network and Trash.  I can't figure out how to get rid of them (I can't simply right click > delete) and I want a clean desktop again, anyone know how to get rid of them?14:38
helojmestrada: don't hesitate to do whatever you need to get your computer to work... no reason to screw around with ubuntu unnecessarily if it is giving you lip14:39
jmestradasipior, I can't install Lucid on a brand new pc14:39
jmestradayeah, of course I will, helo, thanks for the advice14:39
induskukinensen, wait14:39
jmestradait's just I work better on Ubuntu, I am a Web developer14:39
Alchimistahi there, how can i see if i have a package instaled?14:40
induskukinensen, i think its a range for users ids upto 100014:40
indusnot sure14:40
sipiorjmestrada: here's how a help channel works: you supply us with as much information as possible, and then we try to figure out what's causing your problem. currently, we're stuck at step 1...14:40
LucidGuyCheck ram usage on an Ubuntu box and according to lshw the system is reporting 8GB (all 8 slots have 1) yet free -m indicates only 4GB.  Anyone ever seen this?  Could it be because of the type of ram/configuration14:40
bahamas10hi, i just grew my mdadm raid, but instead of adding the partitions i added the device (mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdd), does anyone know if this will mess things up at all?14:40
induskukinensen, iam not a server admin so i dont know much14:41
helojmestrada: some options... 1) older version of ubuntu, 2) wait for upgrades (using windows in the mean time), 3) try other user-friendly linux distro, 4) provide as much info on your current problem as you possibly can14:41
frxstremhow do I make a program run when I boot up Ubuntu?14:41
kukinensenok indus, no proble, you help me so much for now14:41
moldytexlive does not seem to find my custom tex stuff when i put it in $HOME/texmf or in /usr/local/share/texmf -- what am i doing wrong?14:41
sipiorLucidGuy: are you running a 64-bit version of the operating system?14:41
beni-hi. how can I set grup so that I can see it at boot? i think grub just selects the first menu-entry and boots, but does not show me anything. i would like to change that. how?14:42
kukinenseni will serch what are those numbers too14:42
indusbeni-, press esc for more14:42
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when in fullscreen???14:42
jmestradaI understand, sipior, this is the situation: I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit from LiveCD on a brand new PC, and installation program doesn't run, it stops while trying to write to drives14:42
induskukinensen, its for users upto 1000 id  i belive14:42
mathias__Hi. I have a small question: I'm having some sound-issues on my Packard Bell, and I found this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869788 - In nr. 3. he writes something about "File->Change Device->" in the "mixer control option". How do I find this menu?14:42
jmestradaerror message: "Unexpected exit with status 0x0009"14:43
heloif you have some obscure problem that few have seen, it tends to be difficult to get help :/14:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:43
kukinensenok thanks for you patience14:43
induskukinensen, so if user has uid > 1000 it wont access14:43
stupidxpgamesjmes defective cd..error while reading /writing the image14:43
kukinensencontinuingg readingggg  jajjajajaa14:43
sipiorjmestrada: can you boot from the live cd, without trying the installer?14:43
induskukinensen, :) good luck and good day14:43
LucidGuysipior,  yes Ubuntu Hardy 64b14:43
heloit's always a good idea to do a data consistency check on the install cd if you have problems ;)14:44
kukinensenahhh i will chage the uid to 1000 and try to connect14:44
jmestradastupidxp, it's possible, but I already tried with 2 different CDs, with different vesions14:44
kukinensenhave a nice day to you too14:44
jmestradasipior, I am booting from LiveCD14:44
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when in fullscreen???14:44
beni-indus: hm nope, that does not work. isn't there any setting in the grub-config? (i can still boot the system normally and modify grub.cfg)14:44
stupidxpgameshmm is this a laptop? any reason for it to power down the hd's while it's installing?14:44
jmestradabut process stops before getting to try/install question14:45
indusbeni-, change grub timeout14:45
stupidxpgamesare you sure your system is also 64-bit?14:45
indusbeni-, /etc/default/grub14:45
jmestradasipior, process stops before showing any installation interfase at all14:45
bcuraboyboas tardes14:45
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when in fullscreen???14:46
mathias__Hi. I have a small question: I'm having some sound-issues on my Packard Bell, and I found this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869788 - In nr. 3. he writes something about "File->Change Device->" in the "mixer control option". How do I find this menu?14:46
bcuraboyboas tardes14:46
Pici!pt | bcuraboy14:46
ubottubcuraboy: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:46
sipiorjmestrada: might be worth verifying the cd image14:46
bcuraboyanyone portuguese?14:46
thune3veer_: for flash or other?14:47
shoopdawoopveer_: my ubuntu is always in fullscreen. or what are you talking about?14:47
wieshkaWTF: on end of anny command, bash outputs:14:47
wieshkaecho -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"14:47
bcuraboyi just got a question14:47
sipiorjmestrada: might you have another machine to test it on?14:47
jmestradasipior: if you mean to checksum the ISO file, I did it14:47
wieshkawhats wrong :)14:47
sipiorjmestrada: no, i meant verify that the disk itself was burned correctly14:48
jmestradasipior: I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on another machine already with the same CD14:48
bcuraboyhow can i change the input and output of my acer 5738zg with ubuntu 10.04 on 64bits?14:48
taconcheesehai best distro on the planet:D14:48
veer_when watching videos in fullscreen it is like a bit of slow motion how do i stop it ???14:48
Kingsy101how come when I try to run a .exe through wine it says Blocked Bit14:48
Kingsy101something about an untrusted source14:48
Kingsy101but I know that the file is ok ..14:48
Kingsy101I just want to run it anyway14:48
stupidxpgameshow do i install files like .sh from desktop??14:48
indusveer_, you cannot if its flash14:48
MonotokoKingsy101, run it through terminal14:48
XFGoldenBBLbcuraboy: that is wayyyyy too vague14:48
taconcheeseI been trying for 3 days now to get ventrillo work on best distro ubutnu but it doesnt work14:48
indusveer_, because flash is pathetic14:48
bcuraboywhat do u want me to add?14:49
taconcheesecan someone explain to me why ventrilo exe wont load?14:49
stupidxpgameshmm jmes, is the hd secure and ram tested ok?14:49
jmestradasipior: I thought that it could be dued to 32-bit Lucid LiveCD I was using first, so I downloaded 64-bit version, but i didn't work neither14:49
shoopdawoopyeah flash sucks and flash on linux sucks even worse14:49
Kingsy101Monotoko - cant I get it working through the GUI?14:49
beni-indus: ok thank you14:49
nehyxstupidxpgames: You can install them, just execute14:49
gbillingsHow do install linux binaries?14:49
nehyxstupidxpgames: See chmod --help14:49
indusbeni-, i dont remember helping u, what14:50
indusbeni-, happened14:50
XFGoldenBBLbcuraboy: you could start by specifying an input/output. Audio/video/mouse/keyboard/cd/dvd/hardDisk ....14:50
jmestradastupidxp: what do you mean with hd secure?14:50
MonotokoKingsy101, you probably can...but i just open a terminal and run "wine [filename]"14:50
sipiorjmestrada: interesting. and you say it won't even boot? any other errors logged to the console?14:50
shoopdawoopto watch flash videos I always let them load completely then go to /tmp/ and watch it with vlc14:50
stupidxpgamesjmes if its a 32-bit system..installig a 64-bit os wont work...14:50
indusshoopdawoop, hmm that works? better ?14:50
bcuraboyok,i got an hdmi output and a VGA OUTPUT14:50
pgpkeys2 things, the less important first. Can anyone tell me the name of a 'resource agent' package for akonadi-server? Ing anything listed and when akonadi starts, it tells me that there are no installed resource agents. but I'm not seeing anything when I apt-cache search that advertises itself as an agent. (The error doesn't give me any examples either)14:50
jmestradasipior: a lot of error and logs, all related to drives14:50
tomekmnowdajcie mi link to tego forum14:50
wizzotaconcheese: I use ventrillo on my windows machine, need any help?14:50
beni-indus: how to show grub at boot... see about 8 minutes ago ;)14:50
indusbeni-, hehe ok14:50
tomekmnowno dajcie14:50
indusbeni-, so solved?14:51
stupidxpgamesthat was my first guess ram and drives errors...jmes14:51
wizzotaconcheese: what's the error?14:51
sipiorjmestrada: do you have another operating system running on the machine?14:51
bcuraboycd drive also...14:51
tomekmnowno dajcie14:51
gbillingsI downloaded the gnuarm linux 86_64 binaries from gnuarm.com; how do i install these binaries?14:51
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when watching fullscreen videos???14:51
bcuraboywhat else u wanna know?14:51
sipiorjmestrada: might simply be that the disk is going14:51
indusstupidxpgames, so wht is the problem of jmestrada14:51
Kingsy101this is just HORRENDUS.. nothing i have tried on this operating system has worked.. NOTHING14:51
indusKingsy101, try opensuse14:51
zacharysmithhi is there any reason why this (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6077676&pagenumber=1&RSort=1&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=#ReviewStart) woudln't work with U?14:51
indusKingsy101, fedora, so many14:51
jmestradastupidxp: any of 2 versions are working, 32 or 6414:51
Kingsy101Monotoko - as you can probably tell me my reaction that didnt work :S14:51
XFGoldenBBLbcuraboy: thats better. what would you like to do with them? hook the computer to a TV?14:51
acovrighow do I change the default terminal editor14:52
stupidxpgamesindus: jmes is trying to install a 64-bit version on a pc..but it stops with errors before the installer loads14:52
bcuraboyno,that would be easy14:52
indusstupidxpgames, like what errors14:52
=== XFGoldenBBL is now known as XFGolden
bcuraboyi would like to plugin into an hdmi cable my ps3 to the monitor of the pc14:52
tomekmnowno to dacie czy nie14:52
industomekmnow, how may we help you14:52
sipioracovrig: set the EDITOR environment variable (export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim or whatever)14:53
tomekmnowdajcie mi link na to forum14:53
acovrigtranslation error?14:53
XFGoldenbcuraboy: I am not familiar with the model of pc you have .. is it a laptop or desktop?14:53
gbillingsacovrig: system > prefrences  > preffered applications14:53
jmestradaindus: installation process stops before starting any installation interface, with message "Unexpected exit with status 0x0009" and a bunch of messages regarding setting/trying to set drives14:53
thune3veer_: you haven't answered the question of whether this is while using flash videos, or some other video player14:53
indusjmestrada, what is the hardware you have14:53
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:53
DSpairAnyone else having issues with Flash on 64 bit Ubuntu?14:53
indusDSpair, we all do14:53
bcuraboyit beside has 4gb ddr3,500gb hd14:53
Pici!pl | tomekmnow14:53
ubottutomekmnow: please see above14:53
jmestrada64-bit Intel Pentium 2.60 Ghz, 2 GB RAM DDR2, 320 SATA HD14:54
bcuraboyan nvidia gforce g105m with 512md14:54
taconcheesesum1 plz, i want my ventrilo to talk to my girlfriend but it wont install exe on ubuntu!! :(14:54
gbillingsI downloaded the gnuarm linux 86_64 binaries from gnuarm.com; how do i install these binaries?14:54
veer_sorry video player14:54
Kingsy101what does this wine error mean ---> http://pastebin.com/4pChXLbh14:54
UltraParadigmAnyone know how I can hear sound through JACK?  When I start the Audio Connection Kit, all my sound stops.  What do I have to do next?14:54
Picitaconcheese: .exes are Windows executables and would require Wine to install.14:54
Pici!wine | taconcheese14:54
ubottutaconcheese: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:54
taconcheesePici: but i don't like wine. Im mormon14:54
acovrigthanks, export wored14:54
Andrew9system won't load. any help please? http://www.evernote.com/pub/9ands/public14:54
XFGoldenbcuraboy: That may make things difficult. if you don't have a specific video chipset that has i/o on the chipset (some do but many don't), the hdmi port may only be for output.14:55
indusKingsy101, who says its an error14:55
pgpkeysMy second question is, gdm resets my video by restarting the X server completely which makes my video work correctly when the laptop comes back from any type of suspend (disk/ram). kdm does NOT duplicate this behaviour, nor does it seem to honor the pm settings. How can I make kdm reset the X server like gdm does?14:55
gbillingsacovrig: great14:55
stupidxpgamesok...how would chmod help me install stuff from my desktop.. namely .sh file for vendetta14:55
indusAndrew9, hi14:55
indusAndrew9, so i have been wondering14:55
Andrew9indus: hey14:55
Kingsy101indus - well it didnt install so something must be wrong14:55
bcuraboythat's what i think too14:55
Andrew9indus: hdd is fine14:55
deadmaushi, i was trying to update ubuntu using apt-get upgrade - and got this - http://pastebin.com/QvRgPqnh - the same package shows as being retrieved multiple times. i dont think it retrieves it multiple times, but how do i change it from printing the get for the saem package multiple times?14:55
indusAndrew9, so grub is pointing to a wrong partition then14:55
bcuraboybut i thought it could in somehow,someway we can invert that..14:55
indusAndrew9, sorry but i have to go now14:55
shoopdawooptaconcheese: you could try mangler instead http://www.mangler.org/14:55
stupidxpgamesbye indus xD ttyl14:56
bcuraboywith some program or command14:56
indusAndrew9, recovery mode aint working hmm ?14:56
Andrew9indus: maybe ext4 is corrupted14:56
veer_anyone know a way to stop slowmotion like behavior in ubuntu 10.04 when watching fullscreen videos???14:56
wizzodeadmaus: are you the actual deadmaus?14:56
Andrew9indus: no14:56
indusAndrew9, well, if it drops you to a shell, you can do a fsck14:56
stupidxpgamesveer, decrease resolution14:56
deadmauswizzo: nah, he's prolly making music on macs14:56
Kingsy101indus - any idea what I should do?14:56
gbillingsdeadmaus: i see no errror14:56
wizzodeadmaus: I use a mac, am I deadmaus?14:56
stupidxpgamesveer, turn off anti-anilising..14:56
indusKingsy101, well, #winehq is best option14:56
caffeinegumUltraParadigm, Jack stops pulseaudio... your software has to be jack enabled... try installing pulseaudio-module-jack ?\14:56
wizzosay yes!14:56
jmestradafuck me if I buy a new PC and I have to install Win!! lol14:56
veer_anti is off14:57
XFGoldenbcuraboy: That was a feature of some higher end desktop video cards a few years ago but I've never heard of it on a laptop .. You should consult with the manual or call acer tech support for the answer to that one .. ask them if your hdmi port is input/output or if it is strictly output..14:57
Picijmestrada: Please mind your language here, this is a family friendly channel.14:57
jmestradaoops!! sorry pal, very sorry14:57
deadmausgbillings: do you see the same package having been fetched more than once?14:57
ZelaHello I split my partition a month or so ago and when I restart a menu comes up asking which OS i want to use but, I wanted to know why are their so many option? One says Ubuntu generic ubuntu recovery mode then another ubuntu thing, and same for windows there is  loader 1 and 214:57
stupidxpgamesveer, is it playing over the net..can you play off the hd no issues?14:57
Zelawhy is that?14:57
indusKingsy101, wine tells so many things its difficult to understand really14:57
bcuraboytell me something.is there any other program beside wine to execute the fk***** .exe file?14:57
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ hehe I just bought a new laptop in December. I 'cut' the drive and dual boot. only reason I keep Windows7 around at all is for some .NET programming and games. :)14:57
pgpkeysI understand your pain :)14:57
Andrew9indus: maybe i'll just reinstall the system..14:57
Kingsy101indus - np thanks anyways14:58
indusAndrew9, really?14:58
UltraParadigmcaffeinegum: I am trying to use xmms with the JACK output plugin.  I have it configured to use the JACK plugin now, but it still goes silent14:58
indusAndrew9, nooooooooooooooooooooo14:58
stupidxpgamesveer, how much ram you got and is the video hd? do you have a gfx card?14:58
UltraParadigmXMMS with the JACK output should work right?14:58
veer_its only after i installed ubuntu10.04 in 9.04 it was fine14:58
Andrew9indus: i am not sure what i'm going to do yet14:58
deadmausgbillings: lines 13-17 are the same package being downloaded14:58
LucidGuyI have a Ubuntu box that supports 2 cpus.  I know each CPU? has its own bank of ram, but does that mean I can not use the other bank unless there is a second CPU installed?14:58
gbillingsdaedmaus: try running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:58
UltraParadigmcaffeinegum: XMMS with the JACK output should work right?14:58
jmestradapg: I thought dual partitions, but I won't help if I only can use Win one lol14:58
gbillingsdaedmaus: then try installing the package again14:58
XFGoldenbcuraboy: This isn't really something that a magic command will allow you to do .. the video chipset will need to support it .. you could install virtualbox and install you choice of windows on said virtualbox14:58
Andrew9indus: first i'm going to boot from livecd and sheck grub14:59
indusAndrew9, boot with live cd , then run a fsck14:59
deadmausgbillings: all the packages install fine. it is just that when installing, apt-get shows multiple fetches of the same file14:59
deadmausin stdout14:59
bcuraboyand try it with windows?14:59
indusAndrew9, so you can repair the dir14:59
XFGoldendeadmaus: was deadmau5 taken?14:59
stupidxpgamesveer, you may need to re-install yur gfx card..are your swaps being used?14:59
indusAndrew9, ok good luck,14:59
Andrew9indus: sure, if nothing helps i'll have to format14:59
ZelaHello I split my partition a month or so ago and when I restart a menu comes up asking which OS i want to use but, I wanted to know why are their so many option? One says Ubuntu generic ubuntu recovery mode then another ubuntu thing, and same for windows there is  loader 1 and 2 why is there so many of them and why is this?14:59
gbillingsdeadmaus: does it do that for ALL packages?14:59
pgpkeysveer_ ~ also, if you are using an ATI card (like my laptop has) then install the fglrx package from restricted14:59
deadmausXFGolden: i didnt check14:59
veer_i got 3 gb ram 512mb ram on nvidia14:59
stupidxpgamessounds good15:00
deadmausgbillings: most packages. sometimes, it is 5 reps, sometimes 3, sometimes 2, etc15:00
stupidxpgamesis the restricted drivers enabled still??15:00
deadmausbut the output shows more than once15:00
XFGoldenbcuraboy: You really need to confirm that it's even possible with your hardware before you keep trying to do it .. This may be a fruitless venture15:00
jmestradaI can't even run tests from the LiveCD because LiveCD just doesn't start any process or interface15:00
deadmausgbillings: it doesnt download the package multiple times, but it skips to row next during the download.15:00
veer_on top of 512 on ram it borrows an extra 512 mb ram from pc to boost to 1gb ram15:00
wizzotaconcheese: I'm leaving, go nuts15:00
ZelaHello I split my partition a month or so ago and when I restart a menu comes up asking which OS i want to use but, I wanted to know why are their so many option? One says Ubuntu generic ubuntu recovery mode then another ubuntu thing, and same for windows there is  loader 1 and 2 why is there so many of them and why is this??15:00
DrZeushi all.  I know this could be a way out of topic question, but can you recommend any channel here in freenode that talks about win2003server? i have some questions, but dont know where to ask15:01
bcuraboyhmmm ok.how about the other question?is there any other program beside wine to run .exe files?15:01
deadmausthey are all derivatives of wine. crossover, cedega.15:01
gbillingsdeadmaus: which repositories do you have instaalled15:01
jmestradaanybody here has Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit running on 320 GB HD?15:01
stupidxpgamesveer, thats good...please verify that your drivers are still enabled...sometimes an update will reset those drivers15:01
bcuraboyi got with a 500gb HD15:01
lapionhello.. ubuntu should not try to start the failsafe server when the kms server fails.... because then the system will hang15:01
deadmausgbillings: main, restriced, universe, multiverse, medibuntu15:02
stupidxpgamesjmes, it sounds like your cd-rom may not be securely fastened..to power/ ide-sata ports15:02
XFGoldenbcuraboy: yeah you could use virtualbox and install your choice of windows to the virtualbox .. It's not going to allow you to play real games but it will allow you to execute windows programs15:02
stupidxpgamesor it may not be getting the power it needs?15:02
ZelaHello I split my partition a month or so ago and when I restart a menu comes up asking which OS i want to use but, I wanted to know why are their so many option? One says Ubuntu generic ubuntu recovery mode then another ubuntu thing, and same for windows there is  loader 1 and 2 why is there so many of them and why is this?15:02
jmestradastupidxp: that sounds logic, i will check15:03
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veer_i just did a aptitude search glx but there r to many witch one do i need ?15:03
bcuraboyhmmm i see.thank u a lot15:03
stupidxpgamesif you have a gefore fx 5500+ go for the glx-new15:04
gbillingsdeadmaus: does it seem to download it more than one time... as in does it show the downloading percentage for every single repeat?15:04
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ufoskyi use the function dirname() from libgen.h always meet a segment fault under ubuntu 10.04,is there any bugs?15:04
bcuraboygonna smoke... :D15:04
deadmausgbillings: let me start a new download and check15:04
jmestradastupidxp: don't think it should be problem with Serial/Power connections, otherwise WinXP installation wouldn't start when I tried just to test the machine15:05
pgpkeyszela ~ the reason for the 2 windows entries is os_proper sees the beginning partition on the drive (which is usually a boot partition for windows) and then the actual windows partition (which is not bootable as that's what the first windows one does)15:05
veer_i just did a aptitude install glx and it says i got it already15:05
stupidxpgamesyou should already have the drivers there, if you can't see them  or they are not enabled<system/admin/hardwaredrivers>15:05
stupidxpgamesyou will need to re-install anyway15:05
stupidxpgamesand then enable them15:05
stupidxpgamesand restart15:05
deadmausgbillings: no. it starts with 1 - say 15%, then next line 15% - 60% etc15:05
pgpkeysthe 2 ubuntu ones are 1) the actual 'normal' boot entry for ubuntu, and 2) the other is for booting in administratively in case there's like disc corruption, or your dpkg is broken or whatever15:05
Zelapgpkeys, Same for Ubuntu? They have recovery modes what are they for?15:06
deadmausgbillings: the numbers are just illustrations. i mean the downloads continue, but there is a newline char every few secs, i guess15:06
pgpkeyszela ~ i just gave you examples. read boy read15:06
veer_what do i need from these:15:06
veer_aptitude search glx15:06
nehyxZela: Well, in recovery mode, Ubuntu doesn't load X and another non-essential things15:07
veer_nvidia-glx-173-dev libglitz-glx1 libxcb-glx0-dbg libxcb-glx0-dev  nvidia-glx-185-dev libxcb-glx0 nvidia-glx-96-dev nvidia-glx-173  nvidia-glx-180 nvidia-glx-185 libglitz-glx-dev libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg  nvidia-glx-96 nvidia-glx-180-dev libglitz-glx1-dev libgl1-mesa-glx15:07
ufosky#include <libgen.h>15:07
ufoskyint main(){15:07
ufoskychar * a=dirname("/home/ufo/test");15:07
ufoskyreturn 0;15:07
FloodBot1ufosky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
ufoskythis code will meet a segment fault,why?15:07
stupidxpgames163-173 avoid dev...or beta...15:07
Zelanehyx, You can't merge that? so it says Ubuntu and one say Windows?15:07
stupidxpgamesi'm usiong the 163 driver sets15:07
stupidxpgames173 is the newst offical release15:08
stupidxpgamesdon't go above 173 yet... the others are beta or quadro drivers... and not meant for these cards15:09
jmestradasipior, I saw people messages on the Web about this installation problem, or at least with the same error message "Unexpected exit with status 0x0009", one of the them was related to ACPI issues on a laptop and stuff like that15:10
veer_i got 173 now but in hardware it says nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version currunt) recomended15:10
thune3Zela: you might check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager for easy tweaking.15:11
ascot279How do i install binaries?15:11
veer_but i remember from 9.04 that with many issues u need a terminal code to turn something ether on or off15:11
stupidxpgamesthen the current version is the recommended version...15:11
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stupidxpgamesenable your restricted drivers15:12
Guest68012if I make an upgrade, should I make a back up of my info first?15:12
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stupidxpgamesif it does not enable they are not installed right for some reason or they are not correct15:12
stupidxpgamesit should check and then ask for you to restart15:13
jmestradaalmost all new Intel CPUs on the market are 64-bit architecture, does anybody has installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a 64-bit system? Just wanna know15:13
stupidxpgamesjmes thats not true15:13
jmestradaanybody has Ubuntu 10.04 running on 64-bit system?15:13
stupidxpgamesmost are still 32-bit even the multi cores15:13
jmestradastupidxp: it's true in Venezuela lol15:13
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ me15:13
veer_like i had issues with lines running thru the pic when watching in fullscreen  and it was removed by terminal codes15:13
jmestradapg: can you please describe me your hardware?15:14
stupidxpgamesveer? are you able to enable the drivers?15:14
veer_em my hardware drivers window just froze15:15
jmestradapg: and how did you install Lucid? I mean, from a LiveCD or something else way15:15
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ I'm running a stock HP Compaq Presario CQ61 with AMD M300 dual core CPU15:15
stupidxpgamesturned grey or actually stopped responding and asked for force quit?15:15
jmestradapg: what hd?15:16
stupidxpgamesjmes, did you check the bios support for support for this hd...15:16
veer_dame i cant force quit it O_o15:16
stupidxpgamestho most bios past 2003 should support over 500gb15:16
jmestradastupidxp: I think I did all kind of checks on BIOS15:17
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ gimme a sec. i gotta look it up in hwinfo15:17
jmestradastupidxp: the MB is a ASRock g41m-vs215:18
stupidxpgamesveer, sounds like an issue...a restart may fix things...but if your video card has issues or this persists instal 163 version drivers15:18
stupidxpgamesty jmes15:18
gbillingsHello #ubuntu irc members! How do I install a Linux x86_64 binary package?15:18
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ SATA TOSHIBA MK2555GSX15:18
pgpkeysjmestrada ~ shows up as sda#15:18
pgpkeysgbillings ~ man dpkg and look at --install or man apt-get and look at install. or read the README / HOWTO for whatever package you got on the site you got it from15:19
jmestradapg: well, this is what I going to do, i will download fedora for 64-bit and give it a try15:19
jmestradaI resist to install Win lol15:20
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jmestradait's kinda useless to my work15:20
gbillingspgpkeys: it is not an RPM or DEB package; it is just a tar bzipped archive.15:20
veer_k but i am sure its some thing that interacts with another and causes the slowmotion just like the running lines but since 10.04 is so new i dont think the solution is in anyones hand yet :(15:20
jmestradathanks everybody!15:20
pgpkeysthen read the docs in the bz2 or from the site you got it from. since the installation process is determined by the author of the software, you need to find out what he/she says is the way to install it15:21
stupidxpgamesi'm thinking jmes may need to look things over and get a better powersource possibly15:21
sapersiwhats the ubuntu alternative for windows based Cool Edit Pro or Audacity?15:22
stupidxpgamesveer, i know upgrades sometimes reset drivers...so i'd make sure those are good to go first...you would experience less performance because of this15:22
gbillingspgpkeys: there is no documentation included in the GNU-ARM tar.bz2 unzipped folder; and there is none on the website.15:22
xteejxQUESTION: "Share files over the Network" section of "Personal File Sharing Preferences" is greyed out stating that "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system" -- what packages need to be installed, and why didn't it have an option to do so??15:22
pgpkeysgbillings ~ i HIGHLY doubt that gnu.org is going to release software without docs.15:23
stupidxpgameshow do i instal files on my desktop .run .sh and .exe??15:23
sapersiyou need wine15:24
stupidxpgamesno, its a linux version15:24
xteejxwhat do I need to install to enable file sharing across the network?15:24
iceroot!apt | stupidxpgames (use this instead of downloaded files)15:24
ubottustupidxpgames (use this instead of downloaded files): APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)15:24
abhineshyes linux use ubuntu15:24
stupidxpgamesbut it's trying to open the exe in gedit...15:24
xteejxit's not a linux version with a .exe extension15:24
pgpkeysactually beagle uses an exe extension :)15:24
xteejxgpkeys: Yeah but it's mono, easily ported :P15:25
veer_well i just re/installed  nvidia-glx-173-dev libglitz-glx1 libxcb-glx0-dbg libxcb-glx0-dev15:25
stupidxpgamesxteejx yea it is..sorry dude15:25
gbillingspgpkeys: i think i found some docs on ubuntu15:26
xteejxstupidxpdude: Tell us what the package is and someone might be able to help of they have the same thing15:26
pgpkeyslook in /usr/lib/beagle :)15:26
Andrew9why when i run fsck from livecd it outputs "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2" ?15:26
pgpkeysxteejx ~ hehe :) true15:26
psusiAndrew9: because that's where it's from?15:26
stupidxpgamesveer, all you needed was glx-173 no lib no dev no dbg....15:26
veer_oh lol15:26
Andrew9indus: why it is not doing what it supposed to do ?15:27
Andrew9psusi: why it is not doing what it supposed to do ?15:27
stupidxpgamesnow you gotta un-install those and re-install the drivers, make sure its nothing more then  the drivers set...15:27
pgpkeysi think i have fallen in love with rdiff-backup15:27
psusiAndrew9: what do you mean?15:27
xteejxaptitude purge them15:27
[Screamo]Any terminal command to see what mobo i ahve?15:27
veer_lol k15:27
Andrew9psusi: i run fsck dev/sda215:28
xteejx[Screamo] try cat /proc/ and tab complete and have a looka round15:28
stupidxpgamesit's easily done lol...i've done that many times veer15:28
Zelawhats the link again that I can use so when I turn my computer on it says Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7, and not all the other things that pop up.15:28
pgpkeysdoes it's job great. (other than not being able to delete a *specific* backup, or the very last one made)15:28
psusiAndrew9: and?15:28
thune3Zela: you might check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager for easy tweaking.15:28
Andrew9psusi: and it outs me that line15:28
xteejxZela: That's a broken grub lol15:28
Zelaxteejx, how do i fix it?15:28
trichardhey, i've got a problem with booting xen 4.0. My grub (2) config entry is: http://pastebin.com/Dei8bgZa when i try to boot i get: "Error: couldn't open file" I'm 100% sure that xen.gz is on hd2,2. Anybody knows what can be wrong?15:29
xteejxZela: There's something seriously wrong if all you have is 1 Ubuntu and 1 Windows in your boot menu15:29
psusiAndrew9: and what's the next line?15:29
Andrew9psusi: there is no next line15:29
KarlHungusanyone know if video chat works through gtalk in empathy on lucid?15:29
Zelaxteejx, oh no I dont lol, there is a lot in my menu there is recovery  and loader and other things.15:29
KarlHungusi seem to have everything working, but the other end cannot see my video (however i see theirs and my own video preview)15:30
xteejxZela: Then no need to complain....if your machine ever packs up, you'll be glad that recovery option is there15:30
thune3xteejx: Zela wants to clean up the grub menu15:30
helois there anything bad (or good) about doing a 'dist-upgrade' within lucid, instead of 'upgrade'15:30
untmdsprtI've installed vlc because I want to play some .mkv files, but can't. What else do I need to install to get these to play?15:30
Zelaxteejx, Yea.15:30
psusiAndrew9: ohh, don't run fsck... run e2fsck if you are using ext2/3/415:30
xteejxZela: If there's extra linux kernel versions, just run the computer janitor15:30
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Andrew9psusi: ok i'll try15:30
Zelaxteejx,  how?15:30
xteejxhave a look in your menu before asking it's very easy to find15:31
veer_is anyone here using irssi15:31
heloveer_: lots of people, i'm sure15:31
Zelaxteejx, yea found it now what?15:31
heloprobably several thousand pounds of people15:31
veer_where will i get the best how to use for complete noobs?15:32
Zelaxteejx, I found the computer janitor, so this will help clean up my grub menu?15:32
xteejxthe ubuntu doc project15:32
heloveer_: /help15:32
mickster04veer_: investigate omg!ubuntu!15:32
veer_lol k15:32
heloor look in /usr/share/doc/irssi*15:32
lgeesfstjI have created a scrip which I would like to be ran at system startup. I tried with adding sh /path/script.sh in the rc.local file but still not working!15:32
Andrew9psusi: it says "clean"15:32
thune3xteejx: i think you need samba, i don't know the details : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150226515:32
pgpkeysapt-get install newbiewdoc15:32
stupidxpgamesok how do i apt-get install a file on my desktop15:32
pgpkeysnewbiedoc - Debian documentation FOR newbies BY newbies15:32
psusiAndrew9: there you go...15:32
xteejxthune3: Thought so, but it aint working15:32
Piciveer_: http://irssi.org/documentation or in #irssi15:33
helopgpkeys: hopefully vetted by non-newbies? :)15:33
Zelaxteejx, all I see is linux headers.15:33
Andrew9psusi: i don't know whats wrong with my system then..15:33
veer_k ty15:33
thune3xteejx: that thread has some other instrcutions too for setting it up15:33
xteejxZela: Exactly15:33
pgpkeyshelo ~ wouldn't be in the default repository if it werent15:33
xteejxCool thanks thune315:33
Zelaxteejx, So what do i do? uncheck them15:33
Andrew9psusi: the system won't load http://www.evernote.com/pub/9ands/public15:33
psusiAndrew9: you might try -f to force a full check, which it didn't do because it didn't think there was a need15:33
veer_just to noticfy i just got out of windows :D15:33
xteejxZela: Read the help file15:34
NeurotiquetteWhat's the package name for the beta skype15:34
Tomy1how to make ubuntu look like mac leopard os?15:34
pgpkeyshehe that StartupManager is wrong. says to copy menu.lst to a safe place. the menu is in grub.cfg NOT menu.lst15:34
untmdsprtNeurotiquette, you have to download Skype from its website15:34
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psusiAndrew9: what does blkid say?  use pastebin if it is more than one line15:34
Zelaxteejx, ok im on the page what do i look at?15:34
Neurotiquetteuntmdsprt: Do I download the debian version?15:35
xteejxAll of it until you find the answer15:35
stupidxpgameshow do i install files from my desktop??15:35
hihihi100hi there15:35
mickster04stupidxpgames: what file?15:35
hihihi100I cannot use firefox15:35
untmdsprtNeurotiquette, no, there is an Ubuntu version15:35
mickster04hihihi100: explain more15:35
lefantomedloperabonjour, j'ai oublié la commande qui active, desactive les scriptes de etc/init.i15:35
mickster04Tomy1: patience15:35
stupidxpgamesany file? they are .exe .sh and .run15:35
lefantomedloperaoups sory15:35
xteejx!shout | Tomy115:35
ubottuTomy1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:35
mickster04Tomy1: and dont shout15:35
untmdsprtmickster04, hahahahaha15:35
hihihi100well, I cannot use access any web browser, but I can chat via xchat15:35
BluesKaj!fr |lefantomedlopera15:35
ubottulefantomedlopera: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:35
Andrew9psusi: i am not entirely sure what's that15:35
isolat3dsh33phello, how to use conky?15:36
mickster04stupidxpgames: exe is windows no?15:36
hihihi100like I am doing right now15:36
pgpkeysmickster04 ~ or Mono15:36
hihihi100I click on ther icon15:36
ENLARGEMENTI'm trying to share folders between 2 ubuntu 10.04 boxes - the client asks for the password forever: I have the correct login account on the server, and the workgroup is WORKGROUP.  Anybody help with this password issue, please?15:36
hihihi100the small clock appears15:36
hihihi100and then nothing15:36
stupidxpgamesnvidia drivers,vendetta game,planeshift.exe game, but is associated with gedit for some reason15:36
psusi!pastebin | Andrew915:36
ubottuAndrew9: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:36
hihihi100I have restarted ubuntu like 6 times15:36
mickster04stupidxpgames: for the .sh go to terminal and type in "sh file.sh"15:36
hihihi100to not avail15:37
mickster04hihihi100: get terminal up and type firefox15:37
stupidxpgamesmick i tried that15:37
Neurotiquetteuntmdsprt: Thank you!15:37
guntbert!enter | hihihi10015:37
ubottuhihihi100: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:37
NeurotiquetteAnyone know how to make Konversation automatically start up and login when I boot?15:37
untmdsprtNeurotiquette, you're welcome15:37
stupidxpgamesmick: i also tried sudo sh file sh15:37
Quent42340Hi all. I've a problem : I can't turn on compiz...15:37
=== Yandertal is now known as Yandertal_work
ZelaDoes anyone know how to help me clean up my grub menu using computer janitor?15:37
hihihi100k, sorry... what exactly do I have to type in the terminal? sudo apt firefox? just firefox?15:38
mickster04!tab | stupidxpgames15:38
ubottustupidxpgames: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:38
mickster04hihihi100: just firefox15:38
mickster04stupidxpgames: and what happens15:38
stupidxpgamesnothing mick15:38
hihihi100ill paste the output: hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ firefox15:38
p1l0tubottu: that's awesome!15:38
ZelaDoes anyone know how to help me clean up my grub menu using computer janitor?15:39
stupidxpgameshang on let me get the exact15:39
mickster04stupidxpgames: well then open up the sh file an see if theres anything in there?15:39
ENLARGEMENTZela: I don't think that is computer janitor's job.  Install startupmanager instead.15:39
mickster04Zela: whats wrong with your grub menu?15:39
Andrew9psusi: i'm going to try to update grub215:39
cdog69need some help with the GuardianOS 3.2.019 running on a Snap Server 4500... all I need to do is RESTART the NFS service and I just can't find the command to run to restart this service... anyone have any ideas?15:39
lefantomedloperaBluesKaj: I made the mistake about tab number , sory15:39
Zelamickster04, It has all these recovery mode things, sure I want to keep them all but its messy.15:39
=== acovrig1 is now known as acovrig
heloafter upgrading to xorg 1.7.6-2ubuntu7.1 last night, X is giving me nothing but "out of range" errors on my monitor, regardless of whether i use nvidia, nv, or vesa driver15:40
untmdsprtI'm trying to play Matroska video files. Does anyone have an idea of what I need to use to view these movies?15:40
ENLARGEMENTI'm trying to share folders between 2 ubuntu 10.04 boxes - the client asks for the password forever: I have the correct login account on the server, and the workgroup is WORKGROUP.15:40
mickster04Zela: i don't think you can change which order it detects things, it will do kernel , recovery kernel , older kernel , recovery older kernel...15:40
Zelamickster04, ah ok :)15:40
Tomy1how to make ubuntu look like mac15:41
konami installed a lamp server on my desktop to learn php but it doesn't seem to be working, i even installed phpmyadmin and it works but i can't get my php scripts to work.15:41
FloodBot1Tomy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
Travis-42When I am already connected via a ssh connection, and I want to get the files that are in the current directory that I am currently looking at, is there a way, or do I always have to use scp separately and specify the full directory?15:41
untmdsprtTomy1, why do you need it to look like a Mac?15:41
psusiAndrew9: you didn't say what blkid says15:41
Quent42340Is anyone can help me ?15:41
mickster04tomaw: http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac15:41
mickster04!ask | Quent4234015:41
ubottuQuent42340: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:41
hihihi100this may be of help, I dont really know: it all started when I upgraded TACO to 3.0115:41
mickster04tomaw: sorry wrong tom15:42
Andrew9psusi: i said that i am not sure what's blkid15:42
stupidxpgamesmick: it says can't open15:42
mickster04!tabb | stupidxpgames15:42
psusiAndrew9: it's a command... run it and pastebin the output15:42
mickster04!tab | stupidxpgames15:42
ubottustupidxpgames: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:42
bhuviTomy1: use mac4lin theme15:42
BluesKajlefantomedlopera, np, i think I understood your question anyway, did you want to deactivate/activate scripts in /etc/init.d ?15:42
Andrew9psusi: should i run it from livecd?15:42
psusiAndrew9: if that is what you're running, yea15:42
stupidxpgames!tab mickster15:43
stupidxpgamesif it worked i would be using it...15:43
ikoniaguys - can we stop messing with the bot please.15:43
isolat3dsh33phello, anyone knows how to use conky bar?15:43
cdog69sorry, i lost connection and didnt see if any responses to this question were sent, my apologies for reposting if it bothers anyone15:43
cdog69need some help with the GuardianOS 3.2.019 running on a Snap Server 4500... all I need to do is RESTART the NFS service and I just can't find the command to run to restart this service... anyone have any ideas?15:43
konamphpmyadmin works but php doesn't seem to work... it's that possible? i have created several test.html with <?php phpinfo(); ?> with no luck15:43
mickster04stupidxpgames: its the tab key on your keyboard, alternativly type my full nick...-_-15:43
hihihi100my machine detects a few wireless connections, the usual ones15:44
acovrigcan someone look at http://pastebin.com/aZyZmzyv and tell me what is wrong with it, it doesn't do anything15:44
stupidxpgamesmickster04 yea but i still have to scroll through thousands of names..4 letters is much better then 1015:44
ENLARGEMENTI'm trying to share a folder from one ubuntu box to another.  The client dialog keeps asking for password.15:44
Quent42340I can't launch compiz...15:44
ikoniaQuent42340: it should already be running15:44
acovrigENLARGEMENT, over the network, ftp, sftp, scp what?15:44
Andrew9psusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/450616/15:45
mickster04stupidxpgames: but i can't see if you've written to me that way...15:45
stupidxpgamesso i guess i have to re-install the package handler?15:45
=== Luukje|F0oD is now known as Luukje|geslaagd
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - local n/w on a router.  Both have samba installed.15:45
Quent42340ikonia: I know but when I want to run it, I've that : "Desktop effects coudn't be enabled"15:45
jaynonI'm running ubuntu w/Parallels, and it recognizes my portable drive right after I plug it in but then a minute later it disappears. why is this?15:45
ikoniaQuent42340: how are you trying to run it ?15:46
acovrigenlargement, id recommend sftp, are you sure you are typeing the correct password?15:46
Quent42340ikonia, by "Visual effects" menu15:47
cristimhello, is there a way to automatically accept SSH keys in order to avoid the (yes/no) dialog when connecting the first time to a host?15:47
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - I've got the same account name and password on both machines - passwords unchanged for 1 year.15:47
=== gent_away is now known as gent
=== frank is now known as frankS2
sipiorcdog69: sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart, or something similar15:47
psusiAndrew9: looks like it should work15:48
BluesKajcristim, not if you want to connect , it's required by known.hosts afaik15:48
Andrew9psusi: have you seen my snapshot i uploaded to evernote?15:48
acovrigBluesKaj, I think he is meaning auto-yes15:48
psusiAndrew9: yes... when you get to that prompt type ls /dev/sda* and see if it finds anything... it looks like it should be fine...15:49
BluesKajacovrig, it only asks once15:49
joogij #ubuntu.de15:49
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - on the server, I've used Nautilus to share a couple of folders.  -- On the client side, I enter user, workgroup (WORKGROUP) & password, but it's never accepted as correct.15:49
Andrew9psusi: but it's not.. it just won't load saying that it cannot find root15:49
acovrigenlargement, I have never really gotten that to work, are you sure you can't use sftp/ftp15:50
acovrigBluesKaj, but if you have lots of computers connecting to a server, or a server changing fingerprints alot, you don't want to have to constantly type yes15:50
psusiAndrew9: when it does that, type ls /dev/sd* and see if it finds sda2... if it does, run blkid..15:50
Andrew9psusi: ok15:51
BluesKajacovrig, yeah, Im used to a home setup, forgotten how widespread, even workplaces ,ubuntu has become15:51
acovrigBluesKaj, yea, I just have 3 ubuntu&1mac, soon to be managing 20ubuntu&ubuntuserver lol15:52
cristimBluesKaj: I know that StrictHostKeyChecking can disable this behavior, but I think it also makes the client ignore when a key changes, which I wouldn't want to do15:52
acovrigso I'll be hitting that soon15:52
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - it's annoying because I can see the two shared folders in the client's Nautilus "Windows shares on machine1".15:53
ikoniacristim: it won't ignore it, it will not allow it if the key changes15:53
cristimikonia: thanks, I'll give it a try15:53
Abhishek_SIngh.pingall Meeting in #ubuntu-dev in 9 minutes -- 1500 UTC15:54
PiciAbhishek_SIngh: What?15:55
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - and just checking, I don't have an FTP service running on the server.15:56
acovrigenlargement, ssh/sftp?15:56
Andrew9psusi: it outputs "/dev/sda2"15:56
BluesKajodd acovrig , I can ssh into my desktop from my laptop, but not from my desktop to the laptop...it was not the case til I reinstalled lucid. I've set up the hosts.allow and known.hosts , but it still says , ssh connection closed by unknown15:56
psusiAndrew9: and what about blkid?15:57
AndyGraybealhow do i globally change file associations?15:58
psusiAndrew9: it looks like it should be fine... try typing exit and see if it continues to boot normally15:58
Andrew9psusi: command not found. I ran fdisk -l and lists all partiotions, also saying that partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary15:58
IncarnationCan anyone here teach me how to configure a Logitech QuickCam Web for Ubuntu?16:00
cdubyaIf you use wget with the recursive option, will it replace files that may exist locally or does it check for that at all?16:00
freakynlhi, i created an usb installer from the amd64 cd iso image. it boots, but complains it can't find the installation cd. I can see it just fine on the cli (it isn't mounted tho'). Can I just get it to work by mounting it somewhere?16:01
freakynlbtw i can mount it and see the files on it just fine16:01
Incarnationmickster04: Do you know how to do it?16:01
acovrigcan someone look at http://pastebin.com/aZyZmzyv - it doesn't work16:01
apparleguys pleas help me install this source package http://www.princeton.edu/~cad/nanotools16:01
ENLARGEMENTacovrig  - ssh homer@  <CR>  ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused16:02
mickster04Incarnation: nope i just thought botty might16:02
IncarnationOkay, I am somewhat unfamiliar16:02
helocdubya: i think there is a -m that mirrors based on tiemstamps16:02
acovrigenlargement is openssh-server installed and running, with the config file set to Listen 2216:02
gothenburg$ sudo aptitude install openssh16:03
cdubyahelo, sweet...I'll check that option16:03
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:03
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - standby16:03
cdubyahelo, so that option will check the mod date on the file or what?16:04
bastid_raZorENLARGEMENT: the laptop needs openssh-server16:04
acovrigif ur sshing into it16:05
helocdubya: i believe so... not sure how it gets the mod date of an http file though :/16:05
freakynlanyone on the install q? doubt it would be much harder...16:05
heloperhaps that is only for ftp :/16:05
cdubyahelo, ok16:05
petsoundshi.. any suggestions for yahoo messenger alternative with A/V support beside gyachi?16:06
helocdubya: based on a simple test, it appears to work with http correctly16:06
acovrigpetsounds, skype?16:06
desrtis it possible to flag certain users not to appear in the login screen list?16:06
acovrigenlargement, ur sshing from your laptop to your desktop?16:06
acovrigdesrt, yes, but idk how lol16:07
ENLARGEMENTbastid_raZor - no: the server does, & I just installed it.  I can now ssh from client to server OK.16:07
cdubyahelo, cool, thanks for the tip16:07
petsoundsacovrig, hi. i have skype but i'm looking for YM alternative with a/v support. thanks anyaway16:07
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - see comment to bastid_raZor16:07
Andrew9psusi: any ideas?16:08
acovrigcan anyone tell me what is wrong with http://pastebin.com/aZyZmzyv16:08
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - ssh might be great for a little remote management, but two thumbs down for file sharing.....16:09
psusiAndrew9: yea, I said type exit and see if the system boots normally after that16:09
BradleydCan anyone help me install OpenGL?16:09
bastid_raZorENLARGEMENT: scp for file transfers16:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:09
acovrigwhat port does scp use?16:09
Piciacovrig: 2216:10
ENLARGEMENTbastid_raZor - lovely... just what the wife wanted... (!)16:10
Andrew9psusi: no, that snapshop i showed is what happens after i type exit16:10
BradleydCan anyone help me with this? I get this error from a game Called Tibia what have their own Linux Client and they use OpenGL:16:10
BradleydX Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)16:10
bastid_raZorENLARGEMENT: 'man scp' to see all its abilities. it is very powerful16:10
Andrew9psusi: it outs same errors16:10
XVampireXpeople help me out16:10
cdog69Hello Ubuntu... I am aware this is concerning the Gaurdian OS, but the linux channel is no help, hoping that someone here can lead me in the right direction to this seemingly simple request... I need some help with GuardianOS 3.2.019 running on a Snap Server 4500. I am making changes to the /etc/exports file and need to restart the NFS service for some changes to take. Does anyone know the...16:10
cdog69...command to restart this or any service for that matter on a Guardian OS?16:10
acovrigPici, how close is scp to sftp?16:10
odtHi. Running Lucid. I've configured my ATI 10.5 proprietary driver for "separate single desktop" operation. Now I get 2 desktops when I log in, how can I make my window manager work only on 0.0 and not on 0.1?16:11
Piciacovrig: For most purposes they compatible.16:11
thune3Incarnation: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam ?16:11
Inferushave installed ubuntu using the wubu thing, its just stalling on a blank screen16:11
psusiAndrew9: what did you do that brought this about?16:11
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - I've set it up once between two remote systems for an automatic datawarehouse app - it's just not something that my wife will use - ever!16:12
acovrigcdog69, /etc/init.d/cmdname?16:12
gothenburgwine mirc.exe16:12
Andrew9psusi: the system was working fine for about 2 month16:12
psusiAndrew9: at the grub menu press e to edit the boot entry and replace the root=UUID=xxxx part with root=/dev/sda2 and press ctrl-x to boot16:13
Inferusanyone?:(  i cant get ubuntu wubu to boot16:13
BradleydCan anyone help me with this? I'm trying to run a game called Tibia which have their own Linux Client and use OpenGL this is the Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".16:13
BradleydTibia Error16:13
BradleydX Server has no OpenGL extension. (Error Code 31)16:13
BradleydPlease ensure your X Server features an OpenGL extension.16:13
FloodBot1Bradleyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
InferusBradleyd you're missing openGL support in x?16:14
acovrigcan anyone tell me what is wrong with http://pastebin.com/aZyZmzyv16:14
BradleydInferus: I think so but i don't know how to get OpenGL :/16:14
Andrew9psusi: thanks for suggestion, it boots16:15
Inferusanyone help me... ubuntu wubu install won't boot on my laptop, it just sits there with blank screen and no disk activity or anything16:16
psusiAndrew9: weird... now what does blkid say?  does it found the uuid of /dev/sda2?16:16
psusiAndrew9: it seems like your initramfs is kinda screwed up... run sudo update-initramfs -u16:16
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-Zzz
=== Benwa is now known as quenenni2
petsoundshi. some days ago i reinstalled ubuntu and choose 'use password for decrypt home folder' now when i try to reinstall it again with 'specify partitions manually' i cannot choose 'automatically log in'. how to fix it? thanks16:17
=== Supavisah is now known as Guest52857
Inferusyou've set a password...16:18
Inferuswhy would it let you in without password?16:18
Guest52857Hey, so I've got dual screens but there are some random gaps when I have maximized programs, some to the left where you'd expect a panel to be, others at the top. I also want to have panels on both screens, but I can't seem to do that also. I'm using an ATI 5770 graphics card and Samsung P2350 monitors at 1920 by 1080.16:18
hemzaany package to fusion PDF16:18
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - all this sucks because it worked OK when both machines were ubuntu 9.0416:18
Guest52857oh, I'm also using gnome.16:18
Andrew9psusi: blkid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/450630/16:18
=== twirk3d is now known as Krysis
acovrigenlargement, and now what are they?16:19
acovrigenlargement, I personally like 9.04, that's what 3/3 ubuntu's are running16:19
jtaylor13Can someone tell me how to remove this.  http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz16:19
jtaylor13it is a error everytime i try to update my linux.16:20
acovrigjtaylor13, apt-get remove lucid?16:20
Vroomfondleyou want to remove that software source from your list?16:20
TecR0cwhen inside nano and you can't save because you forgot to do sudo how can you just save what you wrote onto your desktop????? :(16:20
=== Healer is now known as healer[exam]
VroomfondleTecR0c: ctrl-o16:20
Vroomfondlethen put in a different path & file name16:20
jtaylor13well i get this error.16:20
jtaylor13http://ppa.launchpad.net/http/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found16:20
Vroomfondlejtaylor13: remove the lines from /etc/apt/sources.list or (easier) remove them from your repositories list in Synaptic16:21
jtaylor13it doesn't show in the list16:21
Andrew9psusi: update-initramfs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/450633/16:21
TecR0cVroomfondle: it doesn't give me the option to enter a different path16:22
guntbertjtaylor13: !pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please16:22
Vroomfondlejtaylor13: okay, do "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal. Enter your password when prompted. Delete the lines with that address in them, and then press ctrl-x to save & exit16:22
VroomfondleTecR0c: it doesn't say "file name to write:" ?16:22
Picijtaylor13, guntbert, Vroomfondle: fyi, if it was a ppa added with add-apt-repository, it likely is in a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:23
Vroomfondleah, I see, pici16:23
TecR0cVroomfondle: working thanks16:23
VroomfondleTecR0c: :)16:23
hrwdoes someone here uses pulseaudio with kde under maverick? I do not have any sound output with such combo16:23
guntbertPici: thx, I'll remember that :-)16:24
Picihrw: Maverick support/discussion is in #ubuntu+116:24
psusiAndrew9: your system is fubar, reinstall ;)16:24
hrwPici: ok16:24
Andrew9psusi: huh? why do you think so?16:24
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - both are fresh installs of about 2 weeks ago of 10.04 (I tried upgrading one, but that just caused more trouble than it was worth).16:24
psusiAndrew9: because that should not happen and I have no idea what could cause it...16:25
acovrigI upgraded to 10.04, but ended up doing a re-install of 9.10, I didn't like the lack of LoginWindow settings16:25
Andrew9psusi: won't just replacing UUID to dev do it?16:26
acovrigenlargement, I upgraded to 10.04, but ended up doing a re-install of 9.10, I didn't like the lack of LoginWindow settings16:26
ENLARGEMENTacovrig - giving up - it's 1:26 AM here & I've got a 6:30 start.16:26
psusiAndrew9: maybe, but something is really fubar on your system to cause this problem in the first place...16:27
zouganyway to get back the "click and minimize" and scroll for volume control in rhythmbox?16:27
acovriggotta love the IRC's no-timezone thing lol16:27
thune3Bradleyd: can you pastebin  /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:27
psusiAndrew9: and it seems to be interfering with the correct generation of your initramfs, which is likely to lead to other problems16:28
jtaylor13the nano source list will not work16:28
guntbertjtaylor13: in what way?16:28
acovrigcan someone look at http://pastebin.com/aZyZmzyv - it doesn't work16:28
zougacovrig, its deleted from pastebin16:29
Andrew9psusi: i've been running this system from beta2 stage, and i was thinking about reinstalling. i'll reinstall it when i got some free time. thanks for your help16:29
dliacovrig, I suggest you to use sshfs instead of sftp16:29
odtHi. Running Lucid. I've configured my ATI 10.5 proprietary driver for "separate single desktop" operation. Now I get 2 desktops when I log in, how can I make my window manager work only on 0.0 and not on 0.1?16:30
bastid_raZoracovrig: you should be asking in #bash16:30
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
jtaylor13guntbert: says no such file or directory16:30
DJ_HaMsTaWould i be able to boot from an image in virtualbox ?16:31
acovrigzoug, ok: http://pastebin.com/vBa2WN5016:31
acovrigbastid_raZor, not when the script works when not running from PostSession16:31
acovrigdli, why?16:31
DJ_HaMsTanvm got it16:31
guntbertjtaylor13: you have to give the full path - like sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   , but as was pointed out before your file might be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:32
acovrigso why doesn't it work when adding /path/to/script in PostSession/Default16:34
zougacovrig, dli, sshfs uses sftp..16:34
acovrigzoug, I'm guessing sshfs=SecureSHellFileSystem and sftp=SecureFileTransferProtocol16:34
dliacovrig, if you want auto sync, try something like unison16:34
acovrigdli, thanks `apt-get install`...16:35
TecR0ctrying to setup the botchk when i run sudo ./autobotchk pamela.conf -dir /setup/eggdrop/pamela/ -nomail16:36
zougacovrig, yeah the filesystem which uses sftp :D16:36
TecR0ci get ERROR: are you sure you are running form a bot directory16:37
jtaylor13i tried this. /etc/apt/sources.list but it will not give me the list.16:37
TecR0cthe path is correct though?16:37
NeurotiquetteIs there a way to fool these asanine sites that arbitrarily decide that their site shouldn't run on a linux desktop? (*cough* Netflix *cough*)16:38
TecR0cany suggestions16:38
=== iDU|Away is now known as iDominateU
PiciNeurotiquette: The only solution that I've found for netflix is to run Windows in virtualbox. :/16:39
zenlunaticTecR0c, uh there shouldn't be a /setup unless you mkdir it16:39
guntbertjtaylor13: please pastebin the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list  and of ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d16:39
zenlunaticTecR0c, are you familiar with the terms absolute and relative paths?16:39
NeurotiquettePici: Surely there should be a way to fool the browser. Thats pretty crude16:39
WipsterNeurotiquette, modify the brouser header?16:39
guntbert!pastebin | jtaylor1316:39
ubottujtaylor13: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:39
NeurotiquetteWipster: Yes! SOmething like this. How would I do that?16:40
Pancake_Hello evereyone, Any dutch guy that can programm with c++??16:40
zenlunaticPancake_, whats that to do with ubuntu?16:40
guntbert!ot | Pancake_16:40
PiciPancake_: Try ##c++ or ##ubuntu-nl16:40
ubottuPancake_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:40
Pancake_ok thnx Pici16:40
Pancake_but I tried!!16:41
acovrigdli, is unison a cli or a gui app?16:41
PiciNeurotiquette: Its not just the browser, it needs to run silverlight to show the movie, and aparrently moonlight won't cut it :/16:41
zougacovrig, how about cronjobs and lftp?16:41
WipsterNeurotiquette, there are plugins the allow you to do this might not work if its something else ahhhh like that ^16:41
sipiorPici: you find it fast enough running out of a vm?16:41
zougacovrig, gui16:41
acovrigzoug, I want sync, not put/get16:41
dliacovrig, I'm not sure what you want, auto file synchonizing or auto-backup16:41
Pancake_Pici i get this error for ##C++ =  == Cannot send to channel: ##c++16:41
PiciPancake_: you need to register and identify to talk there.16:41
Pici!register | Pancake_16:41
ubottuPancake_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:41
zenlunaticTecR0c, you there?16:42
iDominateUIs 39.75gb enough space to install Ubuntu onto (In virtualbox)?16:42
NeurotiquetteBlah. Netflix isn't that big of a deal to me. Still a little bit of a disappointment!16:42
Picisipior: Its pretty fast actually.16:42
sipiorPici: i'm surprised/impressed :-)16:42
zenlunaticiDominateU, definitely16:42
acovrigdli auto-sync, user logs out of comp1, logs into comp1 and has everything from comp1 (via server, of course)16:42
PiciNeurotiquette: I wish there was a better way too.16:42
acovrigdli, oops, comp1, comp216:42
zenlunaticiDominateU, my netbook has 8GB16:42
NeurotiquetteWhats the name/location of ubuntu desktop's startup script? I want to add Konversation to it16:42
LucidGuyI want to enable my wifi and have a linux box sniff out http requests.  In other words I want to see what my neighbors do when they jump onto my wifi.  Any linux apps recommended for this?16:43
iDominateUah, that's good then :)16:43
zioi have a question about grub..16:43
acovrigzenlunatic, no fair, I have 2 lol16:43
zougacovrig, oh okay16:43
jtaylor13any ideas for this? james@james-laptop:~$  /etc/apt/sources.list16:43
jtaylor13bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied16:43
sipiorLucidGuy: required reading: http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html16:43
zenlunaticLucidGuy, wireshark16:43
TecR0czenlunatic: just trying something else16:43
WipsterNeurotiquette, could put it in system -> prefs -> startup applications16:43
zenlunaticLucidGuy, not all drivers support this though16:44
zioubuntu 10.04 comes with grub 2?16:44
acovriganyone have any recommendations on how I'd have a user log into comp1 then log out&log into comp2 and have it be as if they are on comp1 (settings,files,ect. sync via server of course)?16:44
Picijtaylor13: Its not an executable, you'll need to run an application like nano or cat to look at the file. so: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:44
dliacovrig, that's what you need, unison: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/16:44
Picizio: Yes, but it will not be installed on an upgrade.16:44
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Pancake_piccu im registerd but still cant chat: Pancake_ is now registered to mymumhates@me.com, with the password helloworld. and i get == Cannot Send To Channel: ##C++ ??16:45
LucidGuysipior,  .. great page.16:45
LucidGuyzenlunatic, but isnt wireshare a little too technical for my needs?16:45
ziopici i dont understand what you mean16:45
NeurotiquetteWipster... that works, thank you\16:46
acovrigdli, I guess I'll give unison a try, ttfn16:46
LucidGuyI would love to have an app just monitoring pages .. and ideally displaying password entries etc .. wink wink16:46
zenlunaticLucidGuy, its not particulary easy in general.  people get degrees in that, its not exactly an overnight thing16:46
Plinker_anyone in there remember the command to set flags to auto op please16:46
jtaylor13pici: i see it but can not remove it.It will not edit.16:46
Pancake_guys im planning getting to ubuntu, but can I still play games like gunz??16:46
Picijtaylor13: You'll need to use sudo if you want to be able to modify the file.16:47
jtaylor13Pici: i did that to open file.16:47
ziois there a bootable live program or distro that can edit/wipe out grub in case something goes wrong?16:47
LucidGuyPancake_, gunz? .. is that a windows game?16:48
Black_Princejtaylor13 what do you want to edit'16:48
Picijtaylor13: Okay, and do you see any lines that match the url that the error is giving you?16:48
stupidxpgamesmick04: ty buddy16:48
jtaylor13pici: i removed it now.trying to save it.16:48
Picijtaylor13: Whats giving you a problem exactly?16:49
stupidxpgamesugh, how to mount ntfs?16:49
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jtaylor13error Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found16:49
Black_Princemount -t ntfs /dev/sdxx /mnt/xxx16:50
dlistupidxpgames, try ntfs3g16:50
Myrtoti kanete?16:50
Myrtohow are you?16:50
LjL!gr | Myrto16:50
ubottuMyrto: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:50
ziois there a way to edit/wipe out grub in case something goes wrong and linux partition is no longer bootable?16:51
Black_Princezio: Do you have any other operating systems running?16:51
LjLzio: you can replace it with a Windows MBR using a Windows recovery CD or using the "mbr" package in Ubuntu16:51
ziowindows recovery cd? you mean boot from the installation cd?16:52
jtaylor13can not get past this error. god it sucks. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:52
LjLzio: yes16:52
jtaylor13sorry wrong text.16:52
iDominateUoh, and should the .iso for ubuntu 10.04 be 699mb?  I only ask as a number of other times I tried it, the installer looked really, really weird.16:53
VroomfondleiDominateU: sounds about right16:53
ziosuper grub disk would work? anybody tried it?16:54
Vroomfondlemd5 it if you're worried.16:54
stupidxpgameslol how do i un-mount an incorrectly mounted device?16:54
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:54
iDominateUis it the same for mac as for windows (mdf)?16:54
clemyeatsstupidxpgames: sudo umount mountpoint16:54
clemyeatsstupidxpgames: or "sudo umount devicename"16:55
=== JonMelamut is now known as JonMelamut-afk
jtaylor13Here is the error.I have tried all i know. http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found ...16:55
iDominateUheh, oh wait, I see a section on mac osx :)16:55
buttonhi all!16:55
clemyeatsjtaylor13: "ppa-name", that looks wrong :)16:56
Vroomfondlejtaylor13: did you look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d like Pici suggested?16:56
buttonJust updated my netbook running 10.04 and it won't boot anymore.. runs until the ubuntu splash is shown (animation) and after that ; nothing (no diskactivity whatsoever)16:56
om26erjtaylor13, system>administration>software sources in the third tab untick the ppa with this name16:56
buttonany suggestions? (tried noapic noacpi in grub, fsck and reconfiguring the linux-image)16:57
kyle_Anyone want to help me?17:00
ikoniahi kyle_ what's up ?17:00
angelQ: I've asked for help in #rails (says 38 ppl there) but dead quiet. Suggestions?17:00
kyle_Well I want to setup bluetooth to be speakers17:00
kyle_I have found a forums post for it (9.4)17:01
ikoniaooh, wow, I've never setup blue tooth speakers, I'd assume you have to pair them first17:01
kyle_but I have 10.417:01
kyle_yeh I have completed this before on 9.4.  Amazing and easy by guide17:01
ikoniakyle_: well, my first advice would be to pair them up17:01
kyle_but something is missing for ubuntu 10.417:01
ikoniakyle_: the 9.04 guide should be the same for that17:01
ikoniakyle_: ah, so you've done this before, ok, cool17:01
ikoniakyle_: what's missing17:01
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
kyle_need to install simething extra I think17:01
jtaylor13clemyeats; there not one with that name.that is the problem.17:01
clemyeatsjtaylor13: yep17:02
thesheff17_does anyone run vmbuilder here? I'm trying to run it ram with this command: vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --suite=lucid --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 --mirror= -o --libvirt=qemu:///system --tmpfs - --ip= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=ubuntuadmin --name=ubuntuadmin --pass=password --addpkg=vim --addpkg=ssh --addpkg=ntp --addpkg=ntpdate --addpkg=xvfb --mem=17:02
thesheff17_512 --hostname=vm1 --bridge=br017:02
kyle_1 sec i'll post link.17:02
clemyeatsjtaylor13: just remove that ppa altogether17:02
jtaylor13clemyeats: it was copied and pasted.it is the error i get17:02
ikoniakyle_: what's actually mising17:02
clemyeatsjtaylor13: yes, it looks like a copy/paste from a generic tutorial :)17:02
thesheff17_vmbuilder: error: no such option: --tmpfs17:02
hyuukaiOk can someone help me im getting no sound :/17:02
hyuukairunning 10.0417:02
hyuukaii had sound yesterday havnt changed anything now i dont but it was very weird before that anyway17:03
ikoniathesheff17_: remove that option and work backwards17:03
ikoniakyle_: what's actually missing on your system though17:03
kyle_Step 1117:03
inneedofhelphello, can anyone help me with my xubuntu / grub booting problems? The people in the xubuntu channel said I might try over here.17:03
kyle_PulseAduio I think17:03
Black_Princeinneedofhelp what is the problem with grub?17:04
buttonJust updated my netbook running 10.04 and it won't boot anymore.. runs until the ubuntu splash is shown (animation) and after that ; nothing (no diskactivity whatsoever)17:04
buttonany suggestions? (tried noapic noacpi in grub, fsck and reconfiguring the linux-image)17:04
ikoniakyle_: pulseaudio is part of ubuntu 10.04 so what's teh error17:04
varunthackeri installed a .sh file...how to remove it?17:04
inneedofhelpwhen I boot, I get 'error: unknown filesystem.'17:04
stupidxpgamesgrr ok so i used storage device manager to try and mount a ntfs...i typed things wrong..and it's now looking for the volume at /media/g:\ and mount can not find it labeled as such? what do i do..???17:04
ikoniavarunthacker: re-run it, see what it does then remove the files it installs17:04
buttonapt-get upgrade should not break my netbook.. shoud it?17:04
inneedofhelpthen a 'grub rescue' command prompt.17:04
thesheff17ikonia I want to run it in RAM17:04
thesheff17and that is the option it tells me to use17:04
ikoniathesheff17: I know that - however try it without first,17:05
kyle_ikonia: Step 11.  - i know it says it will fail but it didn't work like it did on 9.4 (long time ago)17:05
Jon--I am having difficulty editing grub.cfg for BackTrack [update-grub is not booting properly]. Anyone able to help?  [Yes, I realize I should be asking in #backtrack-linux, but if anyone has a minute, no one ever assists you in there]17:05
hyuukaisomeone good with sound?17:05
ikoniakyle_: you need to explain what happens, and what you are expecting to happen17:05
ikoniaJon--: your discussing this in #backtrack-linux, please don't crosspost17:05
stupidxpgamesgrr ok so i used storage device manager to try and mount a ntfs...i typed things wrong..and it's now looking for the volume at /media/g:\ and mount can not find it labeled as such? what do i do..???17:05
Black_Princestupidxpgames umount device using sudo umount then remount it17:05
thesheff17k...it is running how long does the bootstrap process take17:05
varunthackerikonia, the thing is i know where it's executable is .So how do i know what all else are linked to it?17:05
thesheff17it is running on a pretty good machine but it feels like it takes forever17:06
PiciJon--: As we've said before we don't support backtrack here, even if that channel isn't busy.  Sorry.17:06
kyle_ikonia: OK, i'll run through it and get the errors17:06
ikoniavarunthacker: use -x when you run the shell17:06
stupidxpgamesikonia if no one is helping hiim he is free to post anywhere?17:06
ikoniastupidxpgames: no he's not17:06
Picistupidxpgames: no.17:06
ikoniavarunthacker: that will show you whats going on as it runs17:06
stupidxpgamesthat wrong..17:06
ikoniastupidxpgames: no, it's the channels topic,17:06
LjLstupidxpgames, excuse me, does this channel say "backtrack"?17:06
hyuukaiwhats the list command so i can find my sound card?17:07
stupidxpgamesits ubuntu related..??17:07
LjLhyuukai: try "sudo lshw -C sound"17:07
ikoniastupidxpgames: no it's not17:07
Thlizeneed some help plz17:07
PiciJon--: You could also try asking in ##linux17:07
dennystupidxpgames: this channel is really busy, it makes sense to try to split out specific stuff into specific channels where possible17:07
coz_Thlize,  what is the issue?17:07
stupidxpgamesi agree17:07
ikoniaJon--: I've given you the links to explain how grub2 is put togther, they would be a good starting point then ask specific questions17:07
hyuukaiLjL ok now how do i figure how its not working? :P17:07
dennystupidxpgames: then a question asked one hour can be seen by someone the next hour without six thousand lines of chat in-between  :)17:07
LjLhyuukai: eh, try "lspci" if it's internal17:08
hyuukaiit is17:08
hyuukaiive found it17:08
Thlizedid an usb drive for mac as they said on the ubuntu website, cant get it to boot, it doesn't recognise the usb drive17:08
stupidxpgameswell if those channels were as bz as this one..there would be 6k lines of text that no one could read heheh17:08
hyuukaiLjL MCP51 high definition audio17:08
varunthackerikonia, it says varun@varun:/usr/local/netbeans-6.8/bin$ ./netbeans -x17:08
Picistupidxpgames: Backtrack isn't an official variant of Ubuntu, they make their own changes and use their own repository.  Its not just that we don't want to support it, we can't.  The backtrack folks are the most knowledable about what changes they make.17:08
varunthackerUnknown option -x17:08
ikoniaok - lets drop it now please17:08
Piciikonia: yes, sorry :)17:08
Jon--ikonia: Can you at least tell me the proper pathing for kernel and initrd? I can't find it anywhere on Google. No GRUB guide would help me with that :P17:09
ikoniavarunthacker: if it's not beans it's probably just goint to install into /usr/local/netbeans, so removing that "should" do it, failing that, read the screen17:09
hyuukaiLjL ive got no sound :/17:09
ikoniaJon--: I don't know your system, as I explained earlier, the document I gave you explained the layout that you can then match to your system17:09
stupidxpgameshow do i find out what the device name is, if its not findable by mount or umount??17:10
Thlizeany ideas anyone ?17:10
Jon--ikonia: I meant a default installation of BT4, where is kernel and initrd images?17:10
Jon--ikonia: I haven't moved anything, bt4-final.17:10
ikoniaJon--: a.) ask backtrack b.) the default is where YOU tell it to be, partition wise17:10
webroasterswhat's the off topic irc for ubuntu17:10
Thlizeplz help17:10
ikoniawebroasters: ubuntu-offtopic17:10
ikonia#ubuntu-offtopic sorry17:11
webroastersah, i put a - in it where it didn't belong17:11
webroasters@ikonia: thanks17:11
=== quenenni2 is now known as Benwa
dliThlize, can you see the usb device in dmesg? type "dmesg" in a terminal17:11
Jon--ikonia: Not by partition, by file system. ie /boot/somenamehere? I just want to make sure my grub config has the right files and the issue is elsewhere.17:12
varunthackerikonia, fine.ill just delete the folder.Wanted to do that because netbeans 6.9 is out! the other thing i installed oracle server...i have no clue what all did it install.How do i delete it.My startup time has become really slow because of it17:12
linguiniI'm looking for a brain-dead simple guide to installing ubuntu for somebody who has very little computer experience.  Think, the kind of person who has never burned a disk image, never installed an OS, etc.17:12
ikoniaJon--: it's all in /boot17:12
hyuukaiSomeone help me with my sound problem @/17:12
ikoniavarunthacker: the oracle installer is custom it asks you questions at install time about where to put things, so only you wouldl really know that17:12
stupidxpgamesso do i just type "umount ntfs 79.8 gb media????17:12
ikoniastupidxpgames: wherre is it mounted17:12
stupidxpgamesi have no idea...17:13
ikoniastupidxpgames: type "mount" to see17:13
stupidxpgamesits not mounted17:13
ikoniastupidxpgames: then you don't need to unmount it17:13
hyuukaisound preference in hardware if i have an internal card should something appear in there?17:13
Jon--ikonia: So initrd is: /boot/initrd.img- and kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-
Thlizedli, it ask me for a password17:14
mauroI have an oldish laptop I want to convert to Linux. Unfortunately it hangs at boot. probably while trying to launch the xserver. Can someone help me troubleshot this?17:14
ikoniaJon--: sorry - this isn't supported here17:14
bullgard'~$ sudo smartctl -d ata -A /dev/sda' diplays 21 raw data values. What program does process them intelligently?17:14
Thlizehave to do a sudo as well is it normal ?17:14
stupidxpgamesi messed it up with the storage device manager, and labeled the drive /g:\17:14
stupidxpgamesso it's looking for a drive in media/g:\17:14
ikoniabullgard: look inthe smarttools suite17:14
ikoniastupidxpgames: still don't need to unmount it17:14
hyuukaisound preference in hardware if i have an internal card should something appear in there?17:14
* Tadys buy www.kernel.lt17:14
stupidxpgamesi can't find a device or mount or unmout the device because of this17:14
Jon--ikonia: Yeah, and the fucking channel gets one message a day. It's a simple question.17:15
ikoniastupidxpgames: input the device, and pastebind the output of "sudo fdisk -l"17:15
hyuukaisound preference in hardware if i have an internal card should something appear in there?17:15
stupidxpgamesso what i physically remove it, reboot and shut down re-install?17:15
bullgardikonia: I will do. Thank you.17:15
ikoniabullgard: don't know if they have the tools in there - but it will be a good place to start17:15
inneedofhelpokay chaps, I know you have about a bazillion people clamouring for help here, but is anyone willing to help me with my non-booting xubuntu?17:15
=== Maxt3r is now known as majoe84
axisysany other recording tool besides record my desktop? it takes long time to convert a 10 min session to ogv17:16
Parabola`axisys, look on "alternativeto.com"17:16
ikoniainneedofhelp: sounds like grub is not setup correctly to point at the right file system, did the install ever work ?17:16
axisysParabola`: ok17:16
inneedofhelpnew install17:16
Parabola`axisys its a great website17:17
helois there a bigmem kernel in lucid?17:17
iszakHow do I stretch a single wallpaper across two screens? I tried Nitrogen but it didn't seem to work.17:17
inneedofhelpwhen I google the problem, I get lots of forum threads telling me to boot using hte live cd to fix it.17:17
Parabola`axisys: people submit alternative software products so you can find somthign new17:17
helo(for 32-bit)17:17
inneedofhelpproblem is, it's a very old computer, and I can't do that (I'm using hte alternate install CD)17:17
thesheff17    hypervisor.optparser.error("%s parsing --part option: %s" % (errno, strerror))17:17
thesheff17AttributeError: 'KVM' object has no attribute 'optparser'17:17
axisysParabola`: this domain is on call17:17
thesheff17mean anything?17:17
Parabola`on call?17:17
axisyson sell17:17
axisyson sale17:17
Parabola`axisys:  i might have the domain wrong, google "alternativeTo"17:17
inneedofhelpsomeone in the xubuntu channel said you could reinstall grub from the alternate install CD, but I don't know how to go about doing that!17:18
Parabola`its a real site i was there 2 days ago17:18
inneedofhelpor even if that *is* the problem.... :(17:18
axisysParabola`: found it.. .net17:18
hyuukaisound preference in hardware if i have an internal card should something appear in there?17:18
Parabola`inneedofhelp:  its one of the boot options17:18
stupidxpgamesjon- dude no..17:18
heloahh... pae == bigmem?17:18
DJ_HaMsTavirtualbox is nice17:18
ikoniainneedofhelp: to be honest, I'm not sure if the alternative CD has a rescure mode17:18
Black_Princehyuukai: you have sound problem?17:18
Parabola`i actually have a question too17:19
stupidxpgamesikon check yur pm17:19
ikoniainneedofhelp: do you get the grub menu or does it fail before that17:19
hyuukaiBlack_Prince yes i do :/17:19
inneedofhelpno grub menu17:19
inneedofhelpfails straight to the grub rescue prompt17:19
ikoniastupidxpgames: ok - so your ntfs disk is /dev/sdb17:19
hyuukaiBlack_Prince i have no sound my internal card is coming up when i list pci in terminal17:19
Parabola`my macbook from 2007 the touchpad is TERRIBLE in 10.04.  it worked fine on previous versions17:19
hyuukaiBlack_Prince should it appear somewhere in sound preferences?17:19
ikoniastupidxpgames: now please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb"17:19
Parabola`like, my finger tip wont even activate it, i have the sensitivity maxed out, still nothing17:19
Black_Princehyuuka: sudo cat /proc/asound/cards17:19
Parabola`if anyone has ANY ideas i'd be very greatful17:19
ikoniainneedofhelp: ok - so it looks like grub will need a re-install as it's looking at the wrong partition (from what you're talling me)17:20
hyuukaiBlack_Prince cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory17:20
Parabola`ikonia:  couldnt he boot up a liveCD and modify the grub config by hand17:20
inneedofhelpparabola - computer has 128 mb ram (!)17:20
ikoniaParabola`: it's not reading the grub config - it's failing before that, so it's looking at the wrong partition for the grub config17:20
ikoniainneedofhelp: then it doesn't meet the ubuntu minimum requirements of 25617:20
Black_Princehyuukai: lspci | grep sound17:20
inneedofhelpit's xubuntu17:21
Black_Princesorry, it's lspci | grep audio17:21
inneedofhelpthe xubuntu channel said to ask here as 'it wasn't specifically xubuntu related'17:21
hyuukaiBlack_Prince just made a new line in terminal17:21
PJ2what is ubuntu's default partitioning software17:21
ikoniainneedofhelp: a big problem is your lacking ram for a desktop install17:21
ikoniaParabola`: gparted17:21
Black_Princehyuukai sorry, it is sudo lspci | grep audio17:21
hyuukaiBlack_PRince if i lstpci i get Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)17:22
inneedofhelpi know it's not ideal ikonia, but xubuntu says it should work with 128, I think.17:22
PJ2I've heard a new software has replaced gparted17:22
ikoniainneedofhelp: really ?17:22
switchgirl_http://paste.ubuntu.com/450656/ really cant mount this drive (the 250gb one)17:22
PJ2is that true?17:22
hyuukaiBlack_Prince again with the command u gave me nothing happens i am directly copying and pasting what u write17:22
inneedofhelpyup, they want 198 but they have an alternate install CD for computers with less than that17:22
inneedofhelpwhich is what i'm using17:22
Black_PrinceOk, you gave me what I needed17:22
inneedofhelpbut the alternate one doesn't have a liveCD option17:23
inneedofhelpthere is a 'rescue mode' option on it17:23
Piciinneedofhelp: Xubuntu's installer still requires 256mb of ram. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Lightweight GUI alternative (Xubuntu) and perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems as a solution17:23
akaustavHow can I change the resolution on my notebook to 1024 * 768 rather than 1024 * 600?17:23
ikoniainneedofhelp: Once installed, Xubuntu can run with starting from 19217:23
bcuraboyhello everyone17:23
Guest98089hello, I am trying to run a  pc program on Ubuntu using wine but am having some problems anyone have any experience with this?17:23
bcuraboyi have a question17:23
ikoniainneedofhelp: it says it needs 192 (it does suggest trying 128) but I think you're pushing it17:23
hyuukaiBlack_Prince in sound preferences should my card be under hardware?17:23
PJ2I've heard a new software has replaced gparted, as ubuntu's default partiotion manager, is that right?17:24
stupidxpgamesikon check yur pm17:24
sebsebsebinneedofhelp: I just joined here how much RAM you got? 128MB?17:24
inneedofhelpyes seb - don't ask....17:24
bcuraboydoes anyone knows of any program that is similar to windows media player or zune,but for ubuntu 64bits?17:24
Dr_WillisPJ2:  theres a 'disk utilty' in the menus now. its been in ubuntu a while17:24
inneedofhelpit's a very old box i'm messing around with17:24
stupidxpgamesdude thx17:24
inneedofhelpbut look, are the problems really related to that, or is this grub thing something else?17:25
stupidxpgamesdude thx pp8@pp8-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:  Choice 1: If you have Windows then disconnect the external devices by           clicking on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows           taskbar then shutdown Windows cleanly.  Choice 2: If you don't h17:25
stupidxpgamesoops =c17:25
rob0917what is the command to register my nick?17:25
sebsebsebinneedofhelp: I know a trick for 128MB RAM, that probaby still works with later versions of Ubuntu.  If you try to boot up the desktop CD, it probably won't boot up properly or at all on 128MB RAM,  if you have a 512MB SWAP partition on there already though,  it probaby will.17:25
Pici!register | rob091717:25
ubotturob0917: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:25
kyle_ikonia: you where?17:25
ikoniakyle_: where what ?17:25
PJ2Dr_Willis, thanks17:25
akaustavHow can I change the resolution on my notebook running Ubuntu 10.04 to 1024 x 768 rather than 1024 x 600?17:26
inneedofhelpseb - it's xubuntu using an alternate install CD.17:26
angelete2how do i set ipv6 off17:26
kyle_ikonia: If I try to run PulseAudio it say command not found17:26
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv417:26
sebsebsebinneedofhelp: apparantly Lubuntu is more lite waight by the way17:26
sebsebseb!lubuntu | inneedofhelp17:26
ubottuinneedofhelp: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu17:26
bcuraboyno one?17:26
matrixa1angelete2, sudo echo "blacklist ipv6" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:26
ikoniakyle_: that's not a command17:26
kyle_ikonia: so i did apt-get and that says can't find package17:26
kyle_I thought it would load PulseAduio17:27
bcuraboyi just a need a program similar to windows media player or itunes...17:27
ikoniakyle_: it's already on your system - as I told you17:27
kyle_How can i check if pulseaudio is installed17:27
ikoniabcuraboy: wine17:27
ikoniakyle_: it is17:27
kyle_oh, i must have missed that message.17:27
sebsebsebikonia: as far as I know Itunes doesn't work in Wine17:27
bcuraboybut i'm using 64bits17:27
matrixa1angelete2, run that command in the terminal, reboot, and you're done17:27
inneedofhelpseb -thanks17:27
akaustavHow can I change the resolution on my notebook running Ubuntu 10.04 to 1024 x 768 rather than 1024 x 600?17:27
kyle_I'll just continue and see.17:27
inneedofhelpwas hoping to use xfce.17:27
ikoniasebsebseb: probably not, windows media player though, who knows17:27
bcuraboyzune don't work17:27
sebsebsebikonia: yeah WMP will work in Wine17:28
Dr_Willisakaustav:  is it a netbook? or a actual notebook laptop? whats the native res of the lcd monitor? you did install any extra drivers?17:28
bcuraboywith 64bits arquitecture?17:28
wise_crypt!xorg > akaustav17:28
ubottuakaustav, please see my private message17:28
sebsebsebbcuraboy: you can wine Windows Media Player17:28
bcuraboyhmmm that sound's interesting..17:28
akaustavDr_Willis: It is a netbook.17:28
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  thats.. scary17:28
sebsebsebbcuraboy: however there are a lot of good alternative players natively for Desktop Linux,  and you could even Wine foobar 2000 which is quite popular in Windows17:29
sebsebsebDr_Willis: why?17:29
mwenhi everybody !17:29
angelete2matrixa1: using blacklist is said for older versions of ubuntu, i'm using 10.4 server17:29
bcuraboyand it has all that crap of the album art?17:29
wise_cryptakaustav: follow the link if in grandr it doenst exist17:29
Dr_Willisakaustav: all the netbooks ive seen (owned) can only do ZZZx600 because thats the res of the lcd. Ive never maanaged to get the intel video/xorg to make it higher and allow me to do the old 'panning' feature of X.  and i tried for most of a week..17:29
sebsebsebbcuraboy: yes most players will do album art for Linux17:29
odti want to run "DISPLAY=:0.0 compiz --only-current-screen" where do I put that so my normal gdm login works17:29
mwenif my brother connect to my ubuntu computer at distance how can i disconnect him?17:30
matrixa1angelete2, it works nonetheless17:30
bcuraboyi have a lot of them installed in the moment...17:30
sebsebsebmatrixa1: you mean  remote connecting?17:30
bcuraboyfrom banshee to jajuk,muine...17:30
matrixa1sebsebseb, no, ipv6 blacklist17:30
wise_cryptakaustav: but it will be pain as Dr_Willis told you !17:30
akaustavwise_crypt: Ok.17:31
sebsebsebmatrixa1: whoops wrong one17:31
Dr_Williswise_crypt:  i never did get it to work. :)17:31
sebsebsebmwen: see above17:31
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wise_cryptDr_Willis: :)17:31
sebsebseb!banshee | bcuraboy17:31
ubottubcuraboy: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:31
sebsebsebbcuraboy: and I think there are some other players as well, that haven't been mentioned17:32
mwensebsebseb: i just connect. be exact please.17:33
bcuraboyyeap there are a lot of them,but i just wonder of one with the same or similar graphical design of wmp or itunes,but for ubuntu 64bit...17:33
sebsebsebbcuraboy: graphics, you mean the animations when music plays or?17:33
Dr_Willisbcuraboy:  you are more concerned with the 'gui' then the features?17:33
apparleguys what is a .fmt file. I am trying to compile a source and getting errors related to it17:33
mwenany body can help me?17:34
sebsebsebmwen: you weren't clear17:34
sebsebsebmwen: something about your brother, connecting to your computer?17:34
Rigorm0rtisbcuraboy: There might be a theme for VLC out there that makes it look like WMP17:34
bcuraboynot the features,because i'm new to ubuntu,but has far as it goes,i'm pleased with the os.i just miss some of the old design of the media players17:34
Dr_WillisRigorm0rtis:  there is. :) i saw one last week17:34
bcuraboywich one?17:35
Dr_Willisbcuraboy:  Just try out the other players. and dont worry about the gui. :)  thats the best idea17:35
bcuraboyif u know the name of the theme,just say it and i'll look for it17:35
inneedofhelpokay people, I have gone through the CD's rescue mode, and tried reinstalling grub, which ain't working. I also have  'execute a shell in the installer environment', and 'execute a shell in /dev/sda1' options - would I be able to do anything using either of them?17:35
Dr_Willisbcuraboy:  vlc homepage has an archive of all the themes I recall.17:35
sebsebsebbcuraboy: who cares about music player looks loads anyway?  I mean so what as long as the music plays?17:36
mwenno. i just want to know how i can disconnect him?17:36
koblitzHello, where can i get support for the NTFS-3g?17:36
sebsebsebmwen: right17:36
sebsebsebmwen: well first how is he connecting?17:36
Dr_Willismwen:   theres always rebooting. :)17:36
Rigorm0rtisbcuraboy: I see a few WMP themes on the front page of the VLC skin area.  http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins.php17:36
sebsebsebmwen: and why is he connecting?  maybe hes doing the security updates for you or something17:36
Akshkoblitz: try #linux17:37
odti want to run "DISPLAY=:0.0 compiz --only-current-screen" where do I put that in ubuntu for it to work via gdm17:37
sebsebsebRigorm0rtis: isn't VLC more of a video player than an audio player though?17:37
sebsebsebmwen: ok and why is he using ssh?17:37
nakdoes anyone know what font is used here http://dwm.suckless.org/screenshots/dwm-20101101.png17:37
Rigorm0rtissebsebseb: It does both very well.17:38
Akshnak: is tht mono space ?17:38
sebsebsebRigorm0rtis: ok17:38
Akshor perhaps OCR A Extended17:38
thlizecan someone help me ?17:38
Akshwhich application is that , emacs ?17:38
apparleguys what is the name of package which contains yacc17:38
nakAksh: not monospace17:38
Dr_Willis!find yacc17:38
ubottuFound: byacc, byacc-j, btyacc, ml-yacc, perl-byacc17:38
sebsebsebmwen: maybe he is sshing your computer, because of a good reason,  however uninstall the openssh server and I guess that will do it17:39
pc2tc de onde17:39
sebsebsebthlize: yes17:39
sebsebseb!ask | thlize17:39
ubottuthlize: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:39
mwenhe is connected right now. is there a command without rebooting to disconnect him.17:39
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:39
koblitzmwen: Can't you edit the iptables? Disable port 22?17:40
sebsebsebmwen: yeah I guess there is a command, not sure what though17:40
thlizei've put the ubuntu files on an usb drive, did what they said on the website, cant get it to boot on the usb drive i'm on mac. thx17:41
=== exigraff is now known as ex-exigraff
Rigorm0rtiskoblitz: mwen might have an easier time doing it with ufw.17:41
Jordan_Umwen: sudo pkill sshd17:41
sebsebsebJordan_U: need sudo to kill that?17:41
soreauAlright, Im back at it17:42
koblitzRigorm0rtis: Oh.. yeah. I'm used to edit iptables.17:42
Jordan_Usebsebseb: Depends on what user he's logged in as.17:42
sebsebsebthlize: oh a Mac17:42
mwenok thanx everybody17:42
=== Andrew10 is now known as Andrew9
sebsebsebthlize: I think installing Ubuntu on a Mac, is a bit differnet here and there,  since no BIOS for example17:42
thlizesebsebseb: yes !17:42
sebsebsebthlize: try making a CD?17:42
=== ex-exigraff is now known as exigraff
thlizesebsebseb: dont have any blank cds lol17:43
mwenJordan_U: its work !17:43
sebsebsebthlize: Buy some? :D   anyway I guess there is a way to get your USB working, but I have never installed Ubuntu from a USB stick myself17:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:43
soreauI plugged peripherals and logged syslog to a different machine but there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. But the problem is, I added a wifi card to my 10.04 box and now after about 1.5 hours, the machine goes to sleep and stops responding to pings (over hardwire ethernet) and when I check it, I can do numlock on/off but then if I try mgcsysrq REISUB, it does not work and then freezes to numlock wont work either17:44
jiangxinhuui没人说中国话阿 。。17:44
soreauWhile the machine is awake, everything is fine17:44
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:44
thlizesebsebseb yes i know, was just hoping it would work like that17:44
jiangxinhuui我 就说中文你怎么的 吧17:44
sebsebsebthlize: yes you can do from USB,  or shoudl be able to I guess even on a Mac, if its done right17:44
soreaubut after leaving it for some time, about 1.5 hours, it goes to sleep and never recovers17:44
mwencan i connect to my computer in graphic mode? like see the desktop, play a video and see it.17:45
soreausoooo... what do you might think might be wrong?17:45
sebsebsebmwen: play a video as the desktop background?17:45
thlizesebsebseb: followed exactly what they said, bbut on the drive it seems that everything is windows17:45
soreausebsebseb: he means like vncviewer etc17:46
sebsebsebthlize: seems everything is WIndows?17:46
=== eleljrk__ is now known as eleljrk
sapersiwhats the command for lame?  sudo get-apt install lame?17:46
sebsebseb!vnc > mwen17:46
ubottumwen, please see my private message17:46
sebsebsebsapersi: ok17:46
sebsebsebsoreau: ok17:46
sapersisebsebseb: that was correct17:46
sapersisebsebseb: ?17:47
sebsebsebsapersi: I messaged you by mistake17:47
thlizesebsebseb: the files, it's .exe17:47
sebsebsebthlize: ah right yeah17:47
sebsebsebthlize: how did you try to make the bootable USB?17:47
thlizesebsebseb: so i dunnow how my mac would boot on them17:47
sebsebsebthlize: if you mean wubi.exe by the way, well thats in the ISO17:47
sebsebseb!usb | thlize17:48
ubottuthlize: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:48
thlizei ok i'll check that17:48
sapersii got it its apt-get17:49
Mateo_Hi! i have a problem while setting up postfix: newaliases: fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: setgid_group =17:49
kv102tikonia: OK still stuck. can't play test WAV. Error = Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono17:50
kv102taplay: set_params:968: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configuration available17:50
kv102tikonia: And Step 11 Fails error = Failure, Module initalisation failed17:51
fr1scoping basso17:51
inneedofhelpokay people, thanks for your help. I'm going to see if anyone on the forums can tell me what to do! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151113217:53
nowarninglabelGreetings, I just managed to crash my 9.10 system, and I'd like to look at what may have caused that, is there a thread which will walk me through the steps I should take to find the cause?17:54
kv102tsomeone point me to a WAV file on un=buntu 10.417:55
pvl1nowarninglabel, maybe, buts its all basic procedure, look at your log files for a starting point17:55
=== eleljrk__ is now known as eleljrk
nowarninglabelpvl1: Ok, but which log files, I'd rather not wade through the wrong ones?17:55
karani need help17:55
pvl1kv102t, what do you mean a wav file on ubuntu, like literally a wav file within the system17:56
=== karan is now known as Karan
BluesKajkv102t, speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav17:56
kv102tpvl1: Something I can play to aplay17:56
pvl1nowarninglabel, that first and foremost to check would most likely be messages. hold on a sec lemme see if i can find the command thatll ease it for you17:56
nowarninglabelpvl1: thanks much :)17:56
kv102ti'm trying to get some bluetooth speakers working on ububtu 10.417:57
gumishello, I need ivinte to demonoid17:57
kv102thave gudie for 9.4 and have been told it should work.17:57
kv102tneed help with errors17:57
sebsebseb!piracy > gumis17:57
ubottugumis, please see my private message17:57
Picigumis: I just told you that such things are not on-topic for Ubuntu channels.17:57
sebsebseb!ot | gumis17:57
ubottugumis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:57
sebsebsebwrong useage of !ot factoid there ^17:58
kv102tURL to guide is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset17:58
Karanhow do i remove untrusted softwares17:58
sebsebsebhi Karan such as?17:58
Karani cant update through update manager17:59
Karanit wnts me to remove untrusted software17:59
sebsebsebKaran: update what?17:59
pvl1nowarninglabel, ok you might need to run this a few times because different applications write to the log in different ways, so17:59
Karanupdate package through update manager17:59
Karani m using ubuntu 10.0418:00
sebsebsebKaran: just security updates?18:00
Karanon GNome platform18:00
pvl1nowarninglabel, you can start with this: sudo grep 'rror' /var/log/*18:00
sebsebsebKaran: ok18:00
Karanalso security update18:00
nowarninglabelpvl1: excellent ill try that right now18:00
sebsebsebKaran: what does it want to remove?18:00
WJWsebsebseb: Update Manager runs automatically and wants to update all packages that need it.18:00
sebsebsebWJW: indeed18:00
sebsebsebWJW: well they still have to tell it to update, but yeah18:00
Karanit wants me to remove untrusted software18:00
pvl1nowarninglabel, i left out the E because we dont know if itd be a E or e.  but that does all the logs, for the record18:00
sebsebsebshould say when updates are available18:00
sebsebsebKaran: untrusted software such as?18:00
pvl1nowarninglabel, however now you can really see everything18:01
nowarninglabelpvl1: hehe yes I was wondering, figured you had a reason18:01
sebsebsebKaran: have you stayed with the offical Ubuntu repos or added 3rd party ones?18:01
nowarninglabelpvl1: yep, i got a good list to go through, thank you much ill see what I can find in this18:01
Karanadded 3rd party18:01
sebsebsebKaran: for what?18:01
pvl1nowarninglabel, no porblem. you can directly save the output if you add "> log.txt" to the end  without the quotes18:02
Karanfor rythembox codecs18:02
sebsebsebKaran: uhmm18:02
nowarninglabelpvl1: great thanks, have a good day18:02
sebsebsebKaran: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras takes care of most of that kind of stuff, with the offical repos18:02
sebsebsebwhich repos did you add?18:02
corpsegrindrIs there any wireless N cards working under ubuntu 10.04 64?18:03
Karanso do i run this in terminal18:03
sebsebsebKaran: yeah, but not just yet I guess18:03
sebsebsebKaran: since there seems to be some kind of problem18:03
Karanso when do i do it18:03
sebsebsebKaran: right your trying to do updates, but it wants to uninstall untrusted software?18:03
sebsebsebwhich software?18:03
sebsebseband which repos did you add?18:03
sebsebsebKaran: did you add medibuntu for example18:04
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:04
Karani want to add kubuntu18:04
Karanhow do i do it18:04
sebsebsebKaran: kubuntu is in the offical repos18:04
sebsebsebKaran: however if you can't just install updates at the moment properly, then maybe there will be issues instaling other programs as well18:04
Karanlemme try18:04
sebsebsebKaran: did you add your own repos,  either command line or18:05
sebsebsebKaran: system > adminstration > software sources or the thing in Synaptic which is the same program18:05
Mateo_jstill no idea for my fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: setgid_group = problem ? i'm just trying to run the dpkg-reconfigure postfix command18:05
sebsebsebKaran: which opens up the same program18:05
Karani copied text frm some site and run it in terminal18:05
sebsebsebKaran: which site?18:05
Karani dont remember18:06
fearfulDoes anyone know why my 'su' authentication fails with my sudo password on Lucid?18:06
sebsebsebKaran: you should stay with the offical repos,  and if your going to install software from outside the repos, make sure its from trusted sources18:06
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roachmmflhyrKaran: that may be your problem18:06
sebsebsebKaran: otherwise there is a chance you will get malicious software installed18:06
LjLfearful: eh, because 'su' would take you to root, but the root account is locked, i believe18:06
Karani tried installing kubuntu frm ubuntu software center18:07
Karannd its installing18:07
fearfulLjL, thanks but then what would be an alternative to su, on previous version I had no problems.18:07
sebsebsebKaran: ok, but you said there was some other problem as well18:07
LjLfearful: actually it doesn't work even on previous versions, if you don't specifically enabled it (which is not adviced)18:07
LjLfearful: why is sudo not an alternative?18:07
Karanyeah but i tried now and its running18:07
sebsebsebKaran: thats what I am wondering about, why it wanted to uninstall programs that it said were untrusted18:07
Karanno clue18:07
Raycasterhey folks, i'm trying to get ubuntu to run persistant on a USB stick, 8 GB. any word on an easy method of doing it? the live install doesn't cut it18:08
sebsebsebKaran: ok did you actasully add any of your own repos?  so  for example in software sources18:08
fearfulLjL, just because I was performing various commands but I guess it doesn't really matter I was  just wondering18:08
sebsebsebKaran: in fact we can find out what repos, you have, thats quite easy to do18:08
Karani copied frm some site18:08
LjLfearful: "sudo -i" if you want to enter a root shell and not have to type "sudo" before every command18:08
Karanit was not my own repo18:08
sebsebsebKaran: yes from site, means you added a 3rd party repo18:08
fearfulLjL, thank you.18:08
Karantell me how do i know which repo18:09
sebsebsebKaran: that is why it was saying untrusted I guess, since its 3rd party18:09
sebsebsebKaran: however if you add the wrong repo, you can possibily get malicious software installed, so got to be careful with stuff like that18:09
Karanwill not install frm 3rd party next tym18:09
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sebsebsebKaran: system > administration > software sources18:10
sebsebsebKaran: sometimes you have to, or install the program in another way, but most of the time you can stay with what is in the offical repos18:10
sebsebsebKaran: I mean depending on what programs you want18:10
sebsebsebKaran: ok that one will be ok18:10
sebsebsebKaran: what did you install?18:11
roachmmflhyrRaycaster: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:11
sebsebsebKaran: that one is ok as well18:11
Raycasterthanks roach18:11
fearfulDoes anyone have any idea why when I switch a media player my media buttons stop working, they won't even sound when I touch them. I'm using Rhythmnbox and then I use VLC and they'll stop working.18:11
Raycasterany word on what the best method there is?18:11
sebsebsebKaran: not sure what that is, but something google, so should be ok18:12
Karanyeah dis is all i hve18:12
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sebsebsebKaran: what did you get from Google?18:12
acidspoonhi @ll18:13
Karangoogle chrome18:13
sebsebsebKaran: ok I thought it was that18:13
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sebsebsebKaran: well Firefox :) and theres chromium in the repo18:13
Lord_Rahlanyone know of a way to test latency between two points? I am going to deploy asterisk I need to make sure the network can handle it18:13
Karanbut chrome is better den chromium i guess18:13
sebsebsebKaran: Chrome is based on Chromium  and they are rather similar,  however Chromium is open source, where as Chrome is closed source18:13
Karanwot browser do u suggest18:13
acidspoonevolution stürzt immer ab, der start dauert ewig und nachdem ich auf abrufen klicke, kommt nach einigen sekunden: beenden erzwingen. was kann ich tun?18:13
sebsebsebKaran: most people woudn't notice a difference18:13
sebsebsebKaran: your on the net book edition yes?18:14
llutz!de | acidspoon18:14
ubottuacidspoon: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:14
J_DubyewWhat is Wine's IRC channel, it is #wineHQ?18:14
Karanso u want me to put chromium or continue wid chrome18:14
PiciJ_Dubyew: yes.18:14
sebsebsebKaran: thats up to you, however  don't really need Chrome, since Chromium will do the trick nicely18:14
sebsebsebKaran: Are you on the netbook remix?18:15
sebsebsebKaran: looked like it from one of those ppa links18:15
Joss_someone can help me ?18:15
sebsebseb!ask | Joss_18:15
ubottuJoss_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:15
Karanno i m using desktop18:15
sebsebsebKaran: well then in that case, Firefox :)18:15
sebsebsebKaran: however your choice18:15
sebsebseb!browsers | Karan18:15
ubottuKaran: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)18:15
Karanbut chrome is lot fatser18:16
Joss_i have a problem with VLC to play TV streaming channel18:16
fearfulDoes anyone have any idea why when I switch a media player my media buttons stop working, they won't even sound when I touch them. I'm using Rhythmnbox and then I use VLC and they'll stop working.18:16
sebsebsebKaran: and some other browsers as well that aren't mentioned18:16
sebsebsebKaran: well your going to do Kubuntu18:16
sebsebsebyou get Konqueror18:16
kv102tanyone help me with pulseaudio ?18:16
sebsebsebthats my second favourite browser  after Firefox, rather fast as well18:16
Karanyes its in d process18:16
Karanwill use ubuntu nd kubuntu18:16
BluesKajchromium has been giving me probs lately , not loading properly and the it's difficult to loas gadgets on igoogles home page , but otherwise it's ok...i switched to google chrome and the probs went away18:16
Karanfor home wot do u recommend18:16
Karankubunut or ubuntu or medibuntu18:17
sebsebsebKaran: Konqeuror is :)  also you can run KDE apps inside Gnome/Ubuntu and most Ubuntu/Gnome apps run inside KDE/Kubuntu18:17
sebsebsebKaran: medibuntu isn't a desktop environment, thats well stuff like DVD support for example18:17
sebsebseb!medibuntu | Karan18:17
ubottuKaran: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:17
=== mindy is now known as CyberDawg
zoughey anyone using gnome-panel's auto-hide feature? it doesnt show-up after its been hidden, anyone else experiencing the same thing?18:17
sebsebsebKaran: thers Ubuntu Studio though,  that comes with a lot of multimedia apps though, but can have those in standard Ubuntu/Kubuntu anyway18:17
sebsebseb!studio | Karan18:18
ubottuKaran: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org18:18
Joss_I follow this tutoriel : www.porciello.com/inventel/tv_vlc.htm18:18
Joss_and there isn't Flown18:18
kryptykzoug: make sure that the panel does not have an unusually high unhide delay set in gconf-editor18:18
CyberDawgnew to Ubuntu... kind of strange :)18:18
Vooloois there a tortoiseSVN like SVN gui for ubuntu? for nautilus where you can right click directories, icons when they are updated etc.18:18
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?18:19
Raycasterit's nice18:19
zougkryptyk, yeah i checked it, its safe.18:19
Karanthnx a lot sebsebseb18:19
Karanwill get back to u for ne further help18:19
kv102tanyone who what this means ?? pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=btheadset18:19
kv102tFailure: Module initalisation failed18:19
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?18:19
kryptykzoug: have you tried using gconf-editor to turn off auto-hide and then re-enable it?18:20
sebsebsebKaran: personally,  I prefer Gnome since used it since 2004,  a bit before the first version of Ubuntu.   KDE is ok, but  I don't like it that much as a desktop environment,  looks like Windows, but better, but then geek to customize.  KDE apps such as Konversation the IRC client I use, and  K3B a good  CD burning app are rather good though.18:20
kryptykzoug: sometimes quirky things like that take care of the issue18:20
Joss_i use ubuntu 10.04 lucid with vlc 1.0.618:20
zougkryptyk, yeah, it works that way, but no one would like to fix it everytime with gconf editor18:21
=== burzum_ is now known as satir
zougkryptyk, am i the only one having the issue?18:21
Karani can use KDE and Gnome on same system..?18:21
sebsebsebKaran: yes18:21
Karandats good18:21
sebsebsebKaran: and then just switch between them on the log in screen18:21
sebsebsebKaran: also when it asks you to configure a log in screen, go with KDM :)18:22
sebsebsebbetter than GDM 218:22
Karanso if i dont like i can remove it18:22
sebsebsebKaran: yep18:22
sebsebseb!puregnome | Karan18:22
kryptykzoug: not suffesting using gconf-editor everytime you need to access the panel. Just that changing the settings and then putting them back may fix the problem18:22
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:22
kryptykzoug: does the same problem occur when you change the panel orientation?18:23
sebsebsebPici: What happended to the puregnome factoid?18:23
Picisebsebseb: The factoid was disabled as the instructions were causing potential issues.18:23
sebsebsebPici: Oh such as?18:23
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?18:23
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?18:23
Picisebsebseb: Removing packages that you needed to boot up completely.18:23
sebsebsebPici: ah yes there was someone here before, who removed KDE, and then had some Plymouth issue, or something18:24
sebsebsebPici: So if Karan wants to later remove Kubuntu what would you suggest she/he do instead?18:24
kv102tsomeone want to help me with PulseAudio issue on 10.418:25
kv102tsomeone want to help me with PulseAudio issue on 10.4, Please..............................18:25
Picisebsebseb: I guess remove kubuntu-desktop and do an apt-get autoremove?18:25
Pici!patience | kv102t18:25
ubottukv102t: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:25
Vooloois it possible to create multiple dirs in a row, like: mkdir dir1/dir2/dir3 ?18:25
sebsebsebPici: I thought kubuntu-desktop is just a meta package though,  says to install stuff, and thats all it does, I thought18:25
=== eleljrk__ is now known as eleljrk
sebsebsebKaran: I guess save the terminal output at what it installed for Kubuntu18:26
sebsebsebKaran: and then if you want you can remove those later18:26
sebsebsebKaran: then again thats what purekde  does I guess hrm,  see what Pici said above18:27
zougkryptyk, yes, placing panel anywhere, it shows the same problem18:27
sebsebsebKaran: if you done your partition space properly, you can have both installed no problem,  Ubuntu/Gnome and Kubuntu/KDE18:27
sebsebsebKaran: This isn't Windows this is designed to have many apps installed, without problems.18:28
zougkryptyk, are you having any similar problems?18:28
gullfoxwuw ist hier auch ein german ubuntu raum ?18:29
Pici!de | gullfox18:29
ubottugullfox: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:29
kryptykzoug: no, I have not run into this problem18:29
sebsebsebKaran: whilst your at it by the way, trying out desktop environments,  you might want to do lubuntu and xubuntu as well.  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop18:29
kryptykzoug: What is the autohide size set to in gconf-editor?18:29
Karanwots lubuntu18:30
Karanis it a desktop enviornment or somethng else18:30
sebsebsebKaran: a lite waight desktop envirionment, apparnatly more so than Xubuntu which is also lite waight18:30
sebsebseb!lubuntu | Karan18:30
ubottuKaran: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu18:30
zougkryptyk, 118:31
Karanbuti hve high configuration desktop pc18:31
sebsebsebKaran: yeah well18:32
Karanso no need for me to install lubuntu18:32
sebsebsebKaran: choice18:32
sebsebsebKaran: and even on a more powerful computer,  Lubuntu is pretty good :)18:32
Karanwot do u use..18:32
kryptykzoug: try setting it to 4 and see if it unhides. I realize it won't be completely hidden, but just give it a shot18:32
sebsebsebKaran: Gnome mainly, every now and again KDE,  and I might sometimes log in to LXDE or XFCE18:32
Karanand wot abt fedora18:34
DarkSectorKaran: what about it ?18:35
sebsebsebKaran: Fedora is another Linux distribution,  talking about other distros,  is off topic,  but we can pm a bit about that if you want, or do it in #ubuntu-offtopic18:35
DarkSectorKaran: dude, questions like these are for google :D18:36
zougkryptyk, nope, it wont work, i think its nothing to do with the unhide problem18:36
DarkSectorKaran: but I'll take a leaf out of your book, you want linux try LFS18:36
andresjSo I want to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04, but the when I try to boot the LiveCD, it becomes black after a few seconds and stays there. This hasn't happened in previous versions of Ubuntu, in the same hardware. What can I do to make it work?18:36
sebsebsebDarkSector: I think Karan is a she,  and yeah Google or http://www.distrowatch.com or talk to someone on IRC such as myself, who can explain about distros :)18:37
kryptykzoug: perhaps - I suggested 4 because I just spoke with colleague that had a similar problem on Karmic. Panel would not unhide unless the auot_hide_size was at least 418:37
kryptykzoug: not sure what else to suggest though18:37
=== satir is now known as burzum_
kryptykzoug: do you have any drawers on the panel? are you using Compiz?18:38
DarkSectorsebsebseb: hahaha, no ! karan is an indian name, a male name :D18:38
jaynonDoes anybody know why a portable drive would appear, mount, then after it starts copying a few files to the desktop it disappears/unmounts on its own and gives an error? I'm using Parallels on OS X.18:38
sebsebsebDarkSector: also recommeding LFS to people who are obviously new users, don't be silly18:38
zougkryptyk, yeah, compiz, no drawers, i think i might switch to metacity and that would work18:38
sebsebsebDarkSector: Karen is a female name around here18:38
DarkSectorsebsebseb: hey its the best way to learn. !18:38
DarkSectorsebsebseb: yeah, thats Karan :D18:39
infidif you try to connect to ssh and all it does is time out, does that mean the host blocks port 22 period, or could it just be their configuration is set up to only not block you if you're in the authorized_keys or something?18:39
sebsebsebDarkSector: oh ok18:39
kryptykzoug: that was my next suggestion. Doing som quick reading shows Compiz as a major cause for panels not unhiding. I have not seen any immediate solutions though.18:39
Rigorm0rtisinfid: it means you are not reaching the host. If you are denied because of a bad key/password the error will mention that.18:39
zougkryptyk, okay lemme try18:40
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab but dont work. any help?18:40
vorianDuring a grub udate, I lost my boot to windows.18:40
vorianIt shows on the list, but it just goes to a black screen when I select it18:41
frag4nowhi all. Someone here can help me installing codeblocks from its web site package?18:41
Rigorm0rtiskukinensen: could you paste your fstab line?18:41
ubuntu-usrhi all18:41
DarkSectorvorian: you need to do a sudo update-grub18:41
vorianDarkSector: did that18:41
fearfulvorian, also you can recover windows boot if you have the Windows CD18:41
T1750what does this kernel option do i can't find file= as a normal kernal option file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed18:41
vorianhence, grub update18:41
DarkSectorvorian: thats strange, and you say it shows in menu.lst18:42
vorianfearful: yeah, not on me though18:42
infidRigorm0rtis: when i do ssh -vvv it says 'reading config data /etc/ssh/ssh_config. applying options for *. ssh_connect: needpriv 0. Connectiing to [ip] port 22. .... Connection timed out.18:42
vorianDarkSector: yeah, and it shos on the grub menu when I boot up18:42
ubuntu-usri've got wireless eaphones and i'm getting proglems with internet connection (it's disconnecting) in time when i use them18:42
moodyHow do I keep Ubuntu from automatically logging out after going idle?18:42
kukinensenhi rigorortis here is teh line //winserver/shredfolder /home/linux/server smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/etc/.smbcredentials,gid=1000 0 018:42
DarkSectorvorion: strange18:43
linuxRhello, I have this little problem: I would like to be able to completely turn off the screen as soon as the system shutdown sequence starts, or at least permanently show some picture (instead of the usual line-by-line output..How could I achieve this? thanks18:43
voriani was just hoping I wasn't going to have to go home and dig it out18:43
kukinenseni have created de group server whith the guid 100018:43
Rigorm0rtisinfid: Yep, sounds like a connection issue to me. Check that port 22 is open.18:43
armor-64hi!i i don't know if it is a good place to ask!before i buy the new 23'' monitor with the resolution 1920x1080 i want to know if i can play HD videos with the 8600GT 256MB at ubuntu!i don't want to have problems with the videos and i don't want to change the VGA18:43
sebsebseb!distros > Karan18:44
ubottu'Karan' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable18:44
ubottuKaran, please see my private message18:44
kukinensenthe conection is success but i have too many timeouts and the tail on syslog tells me CIFS VFS no response to cmd 4618:44
sebsebsebthat was odd ^18:44
zougkryptyk, this is surprising, i tried many times before switiching to metacity, if i get my mouse pointer to any of the corners it works all the time. its weird.18:45
Rigorm0rtiskukinensen: Have you tried using the server's IP address? Also, your fstab line should say "cifs" not smbfs.18:45
thune3T1750: what are you trying to do?18:45
Picisebsebseb: hrm.  I'll take a look at why that happened.18:45
DarkSector!distro > DarkSector18:45
ubottuDarkSector, please see my private message18:45
DarkSector!distros > DarkSector18:45
ubottu'DarkSector' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable18:45
zougkryptyk, may be 100/150 pixels from the edge, it works.18:45
sebsebsebPici: ok18:45
PiciDarkSector: Please don't test it in the channel.18:46
DarkSectorsebsebseb: happens with distro18:46
DarkSectorPici: I did a private message, something wrong with the bot18:46
jono_hi all - I will be doing my normal community Q+A videochat (not for tech issues, but questions about Ubuntu and Canonical) in 15mins at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon18:46
jono_join us!18:46
FloodBot1jono_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
vorianhaha for the spam jono_18:47
kukinensenrogormortis: I will change those parameters and try, wait me please18:47
moodyHelp!  How do I keep Ubuntu from automatically logging out after going idle?18:47
jono_vorian, I would say it is pretty relavent :)18:47
DarkSectorjono_: lol, its not18:47
vorianyes, agreed :)  laughing at the bot mostly18:47
jono_DarkSector, how no so?18:47
jono_this is a support channel18:47
jono_I do a videocast as Ubuntu Community Manager18:48
jono_seems valid to me18:48
jono_vorian, ahhh :)18:48
nucc1is it possible to get sound equalizers for pulseaudio on ubuntu?18:48
DarkSectorjono_: exactly, anthing other that belongs to #ubuntu-offtopic18:48
jono_DarkSector, riight18:48
novastarhey guys does anyone know a quick way to convert a pdf document to a full size png?18:48
kukinensenrigormortis: same result18:48
YahwehHey guys, I just did something EPIC, you know that hole on the bottom of the deep part of the toilet that shoots out water to flush the toilet? I managed to get a turd in there! It seemingly violates physics: http://trollbot.org/in-the-hole.jpg18:49
sebsebsebDarkSector: sure I guess, but jono_ is a bit of an exception to that :D18:49
DarkSectorsebsebseb: why so ?18:49
DarkSectorsebsebseb: comm manager ?18:49
kukinensenrigormortis:connect ok but she still waiting for show me the files in the file navigator18:49
sebsebsebDarkSector: yeah hes  famous in Ubuntu land18:49
DarkSectorsebsebseb: oic, so rules don't apply there now then ?18:50
leiniis this you?18:50
sebsebsebDarkSector: I didn't mean like that, anyway this is off topic, talk to Pici or  someone about it if you realy must though18:50
DarkSectorsebsebseb: i couldn't care less, just here to do my bit18:50
sebsebsebDarkSector: #ubuntu-ops maybe even18:50
jaynonDoes anybody know why a portable drive would appear, mount, then a minute after i start it copying a few files to the desktop it disappears/unmounts on its own and gives an error? I'm using Parallels on OS X.18:51
thune3jaynon: look at dmesg or /var/log/syslog, to see if you can get more info in the error18:52
Rigorm0rtiskukinensen: have you tried mounting the share from the command line?18:53
claohi, got  a question, i hope someone could help me. I have  a computer that used to be able to play ageofempires 2 and warcraft III without problems on winxp. With xubuntu 10.x, i can't play any 3d linux games, though courriously with wine emulating win 98 i can get aoe started but units dont show18:54
disappearedngAnyone here see anything wrong with this? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/226228/ my mp3 player doesn't mount18:54
kukinensenrigormortis: yes, same result18:54
Rigorm0rtiskukinensen: any error messages?18:54
kukinensenrigormortis: the connection works fine no errors18:55
kukinensenrigormortis: the problem is the tieout from the server18:55
TimmmmHey, nautilus crashes when I click on the background of a window (i.e. space between icons). How do I start it in gdb so that it doesn't fork and immediately return? I think KDE has a --dont-fork option or something like that. Is there something similar for gnome/gtk?18:55
Ark1testing. can anyone read this18:55
heloafter installing a new kernel (pae), the nvidia kernel module is unavailable18:55
kukinensenrigormortis: timeout sorry18:55
helodo i need to reinstall the nvidia packages? i thought it would be automatically handled...18:56
shoopdawoopyes Ark118:56
jaynonthune3: personally i can't make any sense of the output from dmesg, but i can depaste the last dozen lines or so and maybe you'll know what it means?18:56
kukinensenrigormortis: when i make a click in the launcher over the desktop, the file navigator open but 1 minute before show me the files18:57
thune3jaynon: use a pastebin18:57
kukinensenrigormortis: and when i try to copy a file from this mounted folder never finish18:58
dfreyIs there a way to make ubuntu boot without the graphical startup stuff?  I'm trying to figure out why my computer locks up while booting 2.6.32-22-generic18:58
sebsebsebdfrey: yes18:59
sebsebsebdfrey: you can do text only18:59
andresjHas anyone else had trouble with the new LiveCD?18:59
sebsebsebdfrey: locks up? got propritary Nivida driver installed or something?18:59
sebsebseb!details | andresj18:59
ubottuandresj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:59
andresjsebsebseb: So I want to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04, but the when I try to boot the LiveCD, it becomes black after a few seconds and stays there. This hasn't happened in previous versions of Ubuntu, in the same hardware. What can I do to make it work?18:59
Rigorm0rtiskukinensen: I'm not sure why there would be such a delay, sorry. :(19:00
sebsebsebandresj: Which version you currently got installed, and what hardware?  I mean like graphics card for example19:00
claohi, got  a question, i hope someone could help me. I have  a computer that used to be able to play ageofempires 2 and warcraft III without problems on winxp. With xubuntu 10.x, i can't play any 3d linux games, though courriously with wine emulating win 98 i can get aoe started but units dont show19:00
dfreysebsebseb: yes (nvidia driver).  How do I boot text only?  Is the nvidia driver problem well known?19:00
kukinensenrigormortis: Ok no problem thanks for your help and patience ;)19:00
sebsebsebdfrey: does your boot up screen, look well odd, when the proprritary driver is installed?19:01
andresjsebsebseb: currently I have Karmic, and the LiveCD is Lucid. My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce, while my CPU is amd atholon 64, dual core.19:01
sebsebsebandresj: 9.10 is still good untill end of April next year, when it goes end of life, 10.04 offers little advantage19:01
sebsebsebandresj: also you do the propriatry Nivdia driver in 9.10 yeah?19:01
andresjsebsebseb: yes, I do.19:02
dfreysebsebseb: I get to the grub menu and everything looks normal.  If I select 2.6.32, it locks up during boot, wherease 2.6.31 does not19:02
sebsebsebandresj: ok well if you did do 10.04, you might get a problem with the boot up 10.04 has since the driver, like what happended to me on other computer19:02
sebsebsebdfrey: ok seems a bit odd19:02
jaynonthune3: http://pastebin.com/3QFhsjm0 this time it quit before i even started copying any files, just spontaneously19:02
sebsebsebandresj: 10.04 offers little proper advantage over 9.1019:02
sebsebsebdfrey: well you should use the latest kernel that you got as an update19:03
helosebsebseb: a few little proper disadvantages, though :/19:03
dexteri am having trouble installing mysql i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/450712/ how can i fix this?19:03
andresjsebsebseb: except, for example, updated firefox. plus I like to be on the cutting edge :P What exactly is the problem you say about the driver?19:03
sebsebsebhelo: depends on hardware, and what the user wants19:03
kai_krackerhi... can anyone help me?19:03
dfreysebsebseb: I would if it booted correctly19:04
thune3disappearedng: can you set your mp3 player to MSC mode in some kind of USB settings menu?19:04
sebsebsebandresj: you will get a proper update for 9.10 soon as well,  when it comes to FIrefox, unless it happended already19:04
sebsebsebandresj: so thats not really a good enough reason to upgrade to it anymore19:04
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab. The connection works fine, but I have a 1 minute delay to see my files on the file navigator. any help?19:04
helosebsebseb: i meant there are some small disadvantages (stability) to running 10.04 :/19:04
sebsebsebandresj: also the version 9.10 has by default, isn't that old anyway19:04
andresjsebsebseb: "i like to be on the cutting edge" :P although stability might be a good reason to stay away.19:04
sebsebsebandresj: if you want cutting edge, Ubuntu is actsaully the wrong distro19:05
andresjsebsebseb: you referring to fedora?19:05
sebsebsebandresj: yes Fedora for example19:05
gcolaEverything else is running fine, but after a recent reboot my KVMs are suddenly SLOOOOWWWW.  Anyone seen anything like this?19:05
dexterwhat is causing this error? * kixu has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:05
dextersorry :S what is causing this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/450712/19:06
andresjsebsebseb: considering that, actually. I do enjoy the way ubuntu just works, too. But it might be a good idea to try it out.19:06
sebsebsebandresj: loads of other distros worth trying out, but  I guess talking about them in here, is off topic really19:07
thune3jaynon: i'm looking into it. this is a WD external hard driver?19:07
andresjsebsebseb: yes. going back to the topic, what is the issue with the driver? I still would like to make it work.19:07
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab. The connection works fine, but I have a 1 minute delay to see my files on the file navigator. any help?19:07
sebsebsebandresj: that depends,  I think its for nearly all Nivida cards though19:07
jaynonthune3: yes sir, i thought it was FAT formatted but i suspect it maybe Ext2 or 3 based on os x's disk utility info19:07
heloshould reinstalling the nvidia-current package install the required nvidia kernel module after i've upgraded to a pae kernel?19:08
pppphi i vave questiona bout vi editor when i open this editor and press "i" i really inter insert mode bt it is not indicated19:08
sebsebsebandresj: oh  lost the person I was going to try and help, and why I started mentioning that19:08
ppppis it mnormal? on tutorials it seems in command line the INSERt19:08
sebsebsebandresj: well you may find with 10.04 and propritary Nivida driver,  that the boot up goes well rather odd19:08
thune3jaynon: you have external power source  connected?19:08
jaynonthune3: it runs off the usb's power19:09
sapersimy facebook is croce.newark im adding to my chat accounts it says Disconnected -authentication failed19:09
andresjsebsebseb: but not with the new, free, Nvidia driver?19:09
thune3jaynon: well, does it alsow allow you to plug it in with an extra adapter?19:09
sebsebsebandresj: indeed, but that one can't do OpenGL games or Compiz19:09
phuzionHi, I have vsftpd, and I wanted to make a dropbox on my server.  Basically, I want a user to have a home directory where that is the only thing they have access to (through FTP, no SSH, SCP, or any other protocols) and only have the ability to upload and download files, no deleting, renaming or moving of any files that are already on the system19:09
phuzionAny ideas on the best way to do this?19:09
sebsebsebandresj: when it comes to Nivida19:09
hiexpohow do i load new sound theme to 9.1019:09
disappearedngthune3: I don't think so19:09
webPragmatistis it possible to somehow figure out why shutdown -r now does nothing19:09
jaynonthune3: well, there aren't any other places to plug anything into it19:09
sebsebsebandresj: there is actsaully a way to have,  the  open source driver only for Plymouth, and propritary Nivida driver for everything else, but I haven't tried that, and easier to just do a text boot, to solve the problem19:10
andresjsebsebseb: yeah. so do you recommend I should try using the alternate installer, or do you know of a way to force the livecd using a default driver instead of noveau?19:10
thune3disappearedng: so you've gone through the menus to look? might be something under a setting menu.19:10
sebsebsebandresj: by default you get noveau19:10
sebsebsebandresj: if you install from the desktop or alternate CD19:11
disappearedngthune3: I have gone through the whole walkman just now19:11
sebsebsebandresj: and if you upgrade from 9.10, with the propritary driver installed, that should get updated on upgrade, and be the one that is being used, once thats done19:11
sebsebsebandresj: so yeah when I upgraded the other computer uhmmm well19:11
helook, i got it working... after installing a new kernel, if you have dkms drivers that are not working, be sure to install the linux-headers-`uname -r` package as well, and that will trigger the installation of the drivers... seems like if there are dkms modules, the linux-headers should automatically be installed19:11
sebsebsebandresj: that was interesting booting it up a few times, untill I was bored, it kept on showing the boot up differently, sometimes how it should19:11
thune3jaynon: ok. that particular usb port being unable to power device while it's running  "might" explain it. does it do the same if you plug it into the back (or front, whatever is opposite to what you have) i'll check other possiblities....19:12
helothe headers are less than 1MB... why not make them a dependency of the kernel package regardless?19:12
sebsebsebandresj: maybe that issue won't effect your card, but it probably will I guess19:12
chalcedony why would the power going out, change an internal ip for the printer (on ubuntu)?19:12
thune3disappearedng: what exact mp3 player do you have?19:12
chalcedonyit's been 201 and now 203?!19:13
disappearedngthune3: Sony NWZ-S54419:13
Rigorm0rtischalcedony: perhaps your router decided to give the printer a new ip address?19:13
andresjsebsebseb: hum, and that was with nvidia or noveau?19:14
bastid_raZorchalcedony: if you don't set a static ip then it can select an ip anywhere in the availabel range19:14
helonotably, reinstalling nvidia-current without the linux-headers installed gives no errors, but doesn't result in a working nvidia kernel module19:14
sebsebsebandresj: The issue is with Nivida propritary driver/s19:14
sebsebsebandresj: and I am not so sure about ATI, but I think ATI has something like this as well19:14
jaynonthune3: it's a macbook so there are only two usb plugs on the side. Maybe there's a usb device powered by the wall socket that also has usb connections on it that i could connect this drive to?19:14
sebsebsebandresj: yeah something with ATI as well if I remember correctly, since a webpage I was on before and such19:15
thune3jaynon: i doubt this is the problem, but it couldn't hurt to try. i'm still looking at other stuf....19:15
* helo looks at his hand as he waves it before of his face19:15
jpdshelo: Not everyone wants to compile their own kernel.19:16
helojpds: what the heck are you talking about?19:16
jpdshelo: I, for instance, always purge headers to save disk space.19:16
heloyou don't install the headers to compile the kernel...19:17
jpdskernel modules*19:17
helojpds: are you really enjoying the extra 1MB you freed up?19:17
chalcedonythe comcast guy is here, how do we set a static ip this is a PAIN!?19:17
kukinensen Hello people sorry my english, I try to connect to win2003 std server shared folder from my ubunto using cifs adding a line in fstab. The connection works fine, but I have a 1 minute delay to see my files on the file navigator. any help?19:17
helojpds: i.e.- do you frequently run with less than 1MB of free disk space?19:18
alkemannusing the Ubuntu Software center, nothing happens when I click on the install button for GNOME Do. any idea why?19:18
jpdshelo: I'm thinking more people who are disk limited.19:18
Rigorm0rtischalcedony: usually that is a setting on your router.19:18
andresjsebsebseb: hum, that is interesting. I wouldn't want such an unstable system.19:19
linis_i cant start blogtk19:19
Slartchalcedony: static ip on the ubuntu computer? server or desktop version?19:19
alkemannactually seems like i cant install anything through the software center19:19
ennuidoes anyone here use Vmware fusion? I'm trying to see where the virtual machine's file system is stored on my host computer19:19
linis_gives me a "ImportError: No module named gtkhtml2"19:19
sebsebsebandresj: the boot up is,  the only proper advantage 10.04 offers over 9.10 really, when the boot up works of course19:19
sebsebsebandresj: when it works properly19:20
patiWho speak polish? :D19:20
linis_i cant start blogtk, gives me a "ImportError: No module named gtkhtml2"19:20
helojpds: i agree in principle... i'm just frustrated that ubuntu didn't install the modules i needed (and didn't give any indication why)19:20
sebsebseb!pl | pati19:20
ubottupati: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:20
koshieIt's an english channel pati ubottu :)19:20
andresjsebsebseb: yes, i see what you mean. well, I'm going to do a clean install of Linux anyway, and I'm just deciding whether to use 9.10 or 10.0419:21
patiI know, thanks. [already :P]19:21
sebsebsebandresj: Ubuntu isn't the only distro :)19:21
heloandresj: why not try 10.04 first to hopefully run the latest and greatest, and then fall back to 9.10 if you must?19:21
shoopdawoopandresj: why would you want to install 9.10 instead of 10.04?19:21
chunknutsDoes anybody know how I can connect my my ubuntu one account in lucid?19:22
helo9.10 is probably an order of magnitude more well tested19:22
sebsebsebandresj: yeah if going to do Ubuntu may as well try 10.04 I guess, then if you don't like it enough or whatever, can go back to 9.10, or do some other distro instead :D19:22
andresjhelo, shoopdawoop: because the LiveCD doesn't run properly, and that might mean the system itself won't run properly.19:22
chunknutsIt's a good point -- if the LiveCD doesn't work, what else doesn't?19:22
chunknutsI'm running karmic -- I'm happy19:22
shoopdawoopandresj: that makes sense of course19:22
andresjsebsebseb: yes, I don't have much time to become used to a new distro, because I have to use this for work tomorrow, and perhaps later today.19:22
chunknutsDo you really want to run the bleeding edge?19:23
koolatronI've had spurious issues with the livecd for both karmic and lucid that didn't reproduce on install19:23
andresjchunknuts: it's mroe exciting :P19:23
sebsebsebandresj: ok I understand, but Ubuntu isn't the only distro for newbies :)  who don't really want to learn how tou se a distro properly19:23
chunknutsIt's just scary that the LiveCD doesn't work19:23
sebsebsebchunknuts: indeed 9.10 is better than 10.04 in certain ways :)19:23
pwnzorzandresj: if it's just for work why not just spark up ubuntu in virtualbox?19:23
chunknutsI have to look for a job -- I don't have time to solve bs issues19:24
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shoopdawoopsebsebseb: like what?19:24
andresjsebsebseb: what do you mean?19:24
jpdschunknuts: System → Prefs → Ubuntu One.19:24
andresjjpds: oh, beat me to it.19:24
chunknutsjpds: Says disconnected -- no account, how do I change the account?19:24
andresjbtw, the livecd works perfectly on a virtual machine19:24
sebsebsebshoopdawoop: less changes that I didn't like :D  however going into details here, would be off topic really19:24
koolatronwith pretty arrows, no less!19:25
theadminAny simple CLI way to convert an OGV into an AVI?19:25
andresjsebsebseb: I got confused w the grammar :P19:25
jpdschunknuts: "Devices".19:25
Slarttheadmin: mencoder? or ffmpeg perhaps?19:25
sebsebseband I guess i'll watch South Africa play football,  and  yeah food19:25
chunknutsandresj: Too bad I have a REAL machine19:25
sebsebsebso back later on19:25
theadminSlart: I guess yes, no idea how to use ffmpeg, manpage is EXTREMELY confusing19:25
Slarttheadmin: indeed.. imho ffmpeg is a little better.. not much but a little19:26
andresjchunknuts: i think i see your problem. I don't know where to login for UbuntuOne in lucid either.19:26
chunknutsjpds: Ok, clicking connect -- nothing yet19:26
shoopdawoopsebsebseb: ok, so you prefer 9.10 over 10.04 because of personal taste. that doesn't make it "better" :P19:26
chunknutsandresj: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:27
andresjtry manage account?19:27
sebsebsebshoopdawoop: i'll tell you in pm later on or something19:27
hasenislamyis here anybody help me with the dial up in ubuntu19:27
Slarttheadmin: this looks kind of easy   ffmpeg -i input.ogv output.mpg19:27
andresjsomehow one of my tabs in firefox became a login page19:27
sebsebsebshoopdawoop: if your here in like uhmm.  two hours or so19:27
sebsebsebshoopdawoop: if you want19:27
Slarttheadmin: try changing mpg to avi.. and lets hope it works19:27
andresjchunknuts: try "manage account"? somehow one of my tabs in firefox became a login page19:27
theadminSlart: Is the output really a mpeg file?19:27
Workchemisthey guys quick nfs question19:27
hasenislamyis here anybody help me with the dial up in ubuntu?19:27
chunknutsandresj: That's what happens when one clicks "manage account"19:27
chunknutsandresj: same happened to me19:27
Slarttheadmin: I have no idea of the specifics... that was from a thread in the forums19:27
sebsebsebshoopdawoop: altough to give you an idea,  more non upstream Gnome edits in 10.04, that aren't that great19:28
thune3jaynon: can you give me the exact model number of your external HDD?19:28
GhidorahDoes anyone know how to change the default gnome theme for all users in Ubuntu 10.04?19:28
Workchemiston the host machine (it's a RAID5 cabby), the perms are avahi-autoipd and group ecryptfs, the server that mounted the dir is accessing as asterisk.asterisk19:28
hasenislamydial up in ubuntu, what should i do guys?19:28
shoopdawoopalright sebsebseb :)19:28
bastidrazor!dialup | hasenislamy best info i have19:29
ubottuhasenislamy best info i have: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:29
andresjchunknuts: never mind :P19:29
zargan_74i install amarok from "software center" i use ubuntu 10.04 (updated). but amarok is not playing the mp3s. it doen not gives an error. vlc and audacious can play the songs properly. can someone help me please ?19:29
acovrighow do I have unison ignore a dir?19:29
acovrigunison -ignore .ssh doesn't work19:29
andresjsebsebseb: alright, thank you for your help, I will try 10.04. thanks!19:30
hasenislamytanx bastidrazor19:30
Slarttheadmin: well.. I just tried it.. and it did create an avi file.. although you might want to try messing a little with the settings..19:30
thune3disappearedng: i'm not finding much: there is new firmware for your device as of December 2009: http://www.sony-asia.com/support/download/359543/product/nwz-s544/modelfirst19:30
zargan_74 i install amarok from "software center" i use ubuntu 10.04 (updated). but amarok is not playing the mp3s. it doe,n not gives an error. vlc and audacious can play the songs properly. can someone help me please ?19:30
jaynonthune3: it's called "Passport", "MyPassport" something like that, 500GB19:30
chunknutsI FOUND IT -- IT'S A BUG!!!!!:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20add%20my%20computer?19:31
thune3jaynon: ok thx19:31
Pici!caps | chunknuts19:31
ubottuchunknuts: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:31
=== acovrig1 is now known as acovrig
chunknutssorry :D19:31
Slartchunknuts: the caps key? nope.. I think that's a feature.. which is often misused though19:31
* jaynon makes joke about typing in caps.19:32
thune3janyon: which one: http://support.wdc.com/product/download.asp?level1=2&lang=en19:32
acovriganyone use unison?19:32
zargan_74 i install amarok from "software center" i use ubuntu 10.04 (updated). but amarok is not playing the mp3s. it does not gives an error. vlc and audacious can play the songs properly. can someone help me please ?19:33
bastidrazorzargan_74: you may need kubuntu-restricted-extras as well19:34
jaynonthune3: my passport essential, wd5000me19:34
xanguazargan_74: or you say to amarok to use gstreamer or install:  libxine, i believe that's how is called :S19:35
acovrighow do I have unison skip a dir19:36
oly562is anyone familiar with iTALC? and why it is loaded by default...19:37
oly562also known as   'ica'19:37
acovrighow do I use -ignore in unison?19:37
Slartoly562: some kind of software for use in schools and such?19:38
oly562if you all do a top or ps ax |grep ica   you will notice as well. I am wondering what application is calling it19:38
oly562Slart: that's what I was thinking too with a little reading19:38
Picioly562: italc seems to be a standard part of the edubuntu tasks, but I don't see that it should have been install with an Ubuntu desktop install.19:38
Slartoly562: you've got that running by default on your ubuntu box?  edubuntu?19:39
acovrigdli, u still here?19:39
oly562this ica sounds like a VERY insecure default that is running on this box and other ubuntu boxes I have19:39
llutzacovrig: http://www.geekfarm.org/wu/muse/Unison.html19:39
oly562Slart: it shouldn't be, and I never invoked it to my knowledge, thus the question, what program is calling it? how to find out19:39
oly562Pici:  ic19:39
dliacovrig, yes19:40
oly562Pici:  me either19:40
Slartoly562: it's not running on my system.. what version of ubuntu are you running?19:40
steffanhi. is there an up-to-date tutorial for setting up bind for use on ubuntu-server? is bind installed by default?19:40
oly562well maybe this might help. 9.10... I did load from a web site an app that uses java vm to allow access too that is school related19:40
oly562the site is called elluminate19:40
strwaganybody have such komunikat? - Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com ... Hash Sum mismatch19:41
zargan_74bastidrazor  xangua : i have what yu told me. :( but amarok doen not working...19:41
oly562as for edubuntu.. I wonder if it was loaded prior and then when I deinstalled edubuntu it was still there. however. on my sons linux laptop, I never loaded edubuntu19:41
Jordan_Ustrwag: Are you behind a proxy?19:41
strwagJordan_U: yes19:41
theadminWhat is the font used for the Ubuntu logo (as of Lucid)?19:41
oly562Slart: I guess it is something I did, and its not a default thingy19:42
Picitheadmin: Its not yet available or complete.19:42
oly562that's good19:42
sky-hunter_i have problem with connecting to internet via dial up modem plzzzzzzzzz help me19:42
strwagJordan_U: is that from proxy?19:42
theadminPici: Oh.19:42
=== alpenrose is now known as teilchenbeschleu
oly562now, I will see what will be taken away when I try to uninstall it lol... brb19:42
sky-hunter_i have problem with connecting to internet via dial up modem plzzzzzzzzz help me19:42
mthornI'm trying to set a few X11 options in 10.04, but since xorg.conf is now mostly empty, I'm not sure what to set the device identifier to. Is there a way to query xorg for my device identifiers?19:42
Jordan_Ustrwag: Go to any web page in your broser and make sure that it's not redirecting all http requests to a login page.19:42
Slartoly562: that elluminate company looks like something that might use italc as a backend, kind of19:42
sky-hunter_i have problem with connecting to internet via dial up modem plzzzzzzzzz help me19:43
dli__sky-hunter_,  hope you get a hardware modem there19:43
brandon1If an ubuntu 10.04 system cannot boot past the splash screen (the dots play across the screen continually), what would be a good first stop for troubleshooting?19:43
zargan_74"the audio playback device intel 82801aa-ich with stac9700,83,84 doen not work. falling back to hda intel. error :( from amarok :  xangua bastidrazor19:43
sky-hunter_i google it but i could not find any way19:43
oly562Slart: possibly. I think so. I wonder if java scripts loaded the italc-client19:44
sky-hunter_dli_i google it but i could not find any way19:44
oly562I wonder if it safe to remove it. lets find out :)19:44
sky-hunter_dli_the model of my laptop is samsung r50519:44
dli__sky-hunter_, what's your hardware? modem?19:44
sky-hunter_dli_the model of my laptop is samsung r50519:45
StarDusthi guys19:45
dli__sky-hunter_, dial up modem?19:45
oly562I guess a secondary question is, what's a better way to see if removing it will effect other things. I usually goto synaptic and see what its dep's are19:45
=== tburrell is now known as flathm
StarDustI have a question about ubuntu, I cant get it to work on my PC19:45
oly562is there another way? yields more info?19:46
StarDustwhen I put the cd in and i boot from it, it loads... but after a bit the screen turns black19:46
StarDustand i cant get the image back up again19:46
oly562StarDust: lolol19:46
StarDusthow do i fix?19:46
StarDustnot funny =/19:46
oly562that's not a question, that's a problem19:46
StarDusti really want ubuntu to work19:46
StarDustwhere should i ask it?19:46
StarDusta diff channel?19:46
oly562your in the right place19:46
sky-hunter_dli_:yes dial up modem19:47
StarDustanyone now the fix?19:47
StarDusti have been trying for days19:47
dli__sky-hunter_, I hope you know that most laptop modems are winmodem, and not supported19:47
StarDusti tried the 64 bit and 32 bit19:47
StarDusti use a AMD system19:47
FloodBot1StarDust: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:47
Slartoly562: there is a switch to just do a simulated removal.. -n I think19:47
Slartoly562: for apt-get, that is.. then you can see what it does19:47
oly562Slart: ic19:47
sky-hunter_dli_what should i do???19:48
Slartoly562: sorry.. it was -s as in simulate19:48
dli__sky-hunter_, try your luck with: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ , http://linmodems.org/19:48
StarDustok on it.19:48
dli__sky-hunter_, the best way, get a real modem, i.e., and external hardware modem19:48
oly562Slart: I think -n works as well when trying to install and you want to leave out recommended packages, kinda like no deps on Yum19:49
Slartoly562: oh.. had no idea about that19:49
oly562Slart: -s is for simulate, correct19:50
helodli__: the best way for him, i'm sure, is to get the hardware he already has to work...19:50
J_DubyewHey anyone know a good site to learn C from scratch?19:50
duffydackWith a live usb with persistence, I know its writable but when you delete something from it do you gain the space back?19:50
dli__J_Dubyew, google "C tutorial"19:50
sky-hunter_dli_thank u so much i'll try but i think i won't get a good result19:50
MKMubottu : hi19:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:51
oly562where would I find out log info on what apt-get installed?19:51
SlartJ_Dubyew: there's also a ##C channel.. or is it #C .. I can never remember..19:51
StarDustthat is the problem19:51
Picioly562: /var/log/dpkg.log19:51
runarfreyrAnyone that can help me with a java problem19:52
dli__sky-hunter_, if linuxant can drive up your modem, at least you can test the software end19:52
zkriesserunarfreyr: What is the issue?19:52
RaverixHello... slight problem, I was in the process of install VHCS on my server... when I successfully took down the server, and I'm having trouble getting it back up... I've got two errors that I'm not sure how to fix, one, is apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName, and the other is apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}19:52
RaverixAny help would be greatly appreciated.19:52
oly562Pici: thanks19:52
runarfreyrIt doesnt work, not with chrome or firefox, I have tried both sun Java and Open java19:52
J_DubyewOh okay there seems to be a channel for everything thanks xD19:52
StarDusthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/450728/ anyone now the fix to this problem19:53
zkriesse!Java | runarfreyr19:53
ubotturunarfreyr: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:53
dli__runarfreyr, you mean java plugin? icedtea6 works for me19:53
runarfreyrI can try icedtea once more, but it hasnt worked so far. But Ill try the webpage. Thanks everyone :)19:54
J_DubyewKeeps saying cannot connect to channel19:54
J_Dubyewso anyone here know a good place to learn C from scratch?19:54
StarDusthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/450728/ anyone now fix19:54
PiciJ_Dubyew: You need to be registered and identified to join ##C19:54
Pici!register | J_Dubyew19:55
ubottuJ_Dubyew: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:55
oly562dpkg.log's show it was installed long ago19:55
StarDusthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/450728/ ??????19:55
oly562where can I find out what 9.10 loads by default?19:55
oly562at install19:55
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andresjRegarding the Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD: so I got past the nvidia driver problem. now the problem is that the live cd says "hardware error" in reading "sr0" (when I use the LiveCD from a CD) or "sr1" (when I use it from a USB stick). It hangs in the splash screen, but I do Ctrl-Alt-Left a few times and I see the error (with the options "noquiet nomodeset"). Has this happened to anyone?19:57
=== Ose is now known as GODPRK
Picioly562: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop   will list all the packages that are installed at isntall time, that does not include the dependencies of those packages though.  You could use http://apt.alturl.com/ and tell it you want to install ubuntu-desktop and it will recurse the dependencies and show you everything you need.19:58
LucidGuyBesides lshw and dmidecode, is there another way to get detailed info on what ram is installed on a system.19:58
oly562Pici: thanks19:58
jurohi, I am trying to write a shell script but when using variables, I always get "VARIABLENAME: command not found". This is the script: http://pastebin.com/NaFvj3Qr any ideas what I am doing wrong?19:59
shiftingcontroldoes any body use google gadgets ?gtk!!19:59
h3r0hi friends im really confused about what is the different between "root" and the "normal user" that i have.because i can also do the root works by sudo?please help me20:00
ennuidoes anyone here use Vmware fusion? I'm trying to see where the virtual machine's file system is stored on my host computer20:00
Picijuro: #bash would probably be the best place to ask such questions in :)20:00
Ghidorahh3r0: root user is like your administrator user on Windows20:00
h3r0yes but my normal user can also the root works by sudo ing Ghidorah20:00
juroPici, ah, ok, I didn't know that a channel like that exists, thank you20:00
=== GODPRK is now known as Ose
Ghidorahh3r0: Sudo is like the Windows Vista/7 UAC20:00
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest33174
oly562StarDust: sounds like you need to configure your video card20:01
oly562at first glance20:01
kryptykh3ro: the point of 'sudo' is so that you can execute root privileges on a normal user account20:01
StarDustHow do i configure it?20:01
Ghidorahh3r0: Sude is like a runas20:01
kryptykh3ro: otherwise you would have to login as root which eternally stupid20:01
h3r0but isn't it dangerous kryptyk?20:01
oly562do you have access to a 2nd computer20:01
oCean_juro: remove the spaces in your variable definitions (CURDATE=blah)20:01
acovrigdli, I can't get unison to work, it says there is problems with my profile, how do I fix this (http://pastebin.com/gBjxQnX2)20:01
oly562apparently so lol20:01
kryptykh3ro: sudo is safe - logging into an account with root privileges is dangerous20:01
jurooCean_, yeah, thank you - I just figured that one out :D20:01
h3r0is there some work that i can't do in normal user even after sudo ing but i can do in root20:01
llutzacovrig: ignore = Path .ssh/20:02
Jordan_Uh3r0: No.20:02
bilgin_44can we edit the rolls on rhythmbox latest version ?20:02
kryptykh3ro: 'sudo' still requires a password with root privileges20:02
=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut
oly562goto help.ubuntu.com and find your version of ubuntu. look for cmdline howtos to configure your ati video card. you can access cmdline with control-alt-f2. log in, and follow instructions. restart. should work20:02
schultzaI have an nvidia on my computer that will not allow me to go to 1280x1024 that my monitor supports even though I know the card supports it.. how do I fix this?20:03
kryptykh3ro: think about it like this - if someone sits down at your machine and you are logged in as root, they can wreak havoc. If you are logged in as a normal user, they have limited permissions. They can try to use 'sudo' but they would need to know the password to do that20:04
acovrigsame thing, http://pastebin.com/JFVP4aKz20:04
llutzacovrig: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/download/releases/stable/unison-manual.html#ignore20:04
llutzacovrig: why don't you read? Path != Name20:04
oly562StarDust: once you have a basic gui loaded, you can then goto system > admin > hardware drivers, and it should find the right driver. make sure you have software sources to include - proprietary driver for devices selected under   system > admin > software sources20:04
h3r0yes but i still think it kind of dangerous for normal user to sudo and have a root priviliges20:05
h3r0why ubuntu doing something like this..:s im feeling bad20:05
oly562Pici: slart; I like this apturl site :) nifty20:05
StarDustoly562: is this after the little splash screen shows up or is this before i even install it?20:05
llutzh3r0: its not a "normal" user, its a user  asigned to a special group20:05
h3r0anyway maybe i can change the group of my own user...20:06
oly562right now, press - cntrl-alt-f220:06
oly562does it goto a login prompt?20:06
dliacovrig, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/download/releases/stable/unison-manual.html#remote20:06
h3r0oh okay llutz but by the way by sudo ing in normal user i can't read the /etc/sudoers :)20:06
kryptykh3r0: If ubuntu did not inlude 'sudo' how do you propose normal users install applications that make changes to the root file system?20:06
h3r0i think its better just to su to root kryptyk?20:07
pgpkeyserr ubuntu does include sudo. by default20:07
Picipgpkeys: 'if'20:07
kryptykh3r0: Exactly! :)20:07
steffanI have multiple addresses that I can use on a server. I currently only have one in /etc/network/interfaces. if I was to add an entry to it for eth0:0 what do I need to specify, is an address enough?20:07
acovrigvi str_replace shortcut?20:07
pgpkeysand your initial user that you made during install is automatically added to /etc/visudo20:07
oly562StarDust: after the screen goes blank.20:07
pgpkeyspici ~ ahh bypassed the if20:07
h3r0maybe don't give the normal user sudo is better?20:07
StarDustoly562: I cannot see anything when the screen turns black20:07
Picih3r0: This isn't really up for discussion here, if you want to continue, it would be best to /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:08
StarDustoly562: So how do i navigate to that20:08
Piciacovrig: #vim would be the best place to ask that.20:08
kryptykpgpkeys: I realize sudo is included by default - I was pointing out to him that it is necessary, and if he disagreed, how he would allow changes to the root file system by normal users20:08
pgpkeyskryptyk ~ see what i get for ghosting and glossing the scrollback?20:08
kryptykpgpkeys: we are all guilty of that :)20:09
h3r0thanks pal for your help :)20:10
skramer_I want to access my USB scanner via WLAN20:10
skramer_scanner is connected to desktop (Lucid) and the laptop is Kubuntu Lucid20:10
steffanhi. I have a networking issue. I added eth0:1 entry (pastebin http://pastebin.com/5msWWcJi) and restarted networking but cannot bind to the .144 address - is there a fault with that file?20:10
skramer_so what do I have to do?20:10
dbrunsI'm having a lot of trouble getting vsftpd to work on ubuntu 9.04 server I am getting failed to login yet I've checked and rechecked my vsftpd.conf file and my pam.d/vsftpd file as well and everything seems fine20:10
acovrigllutz, http://pastebin.com/5ZVGxDHA still doesn't work20:11
dbrunsI did an aptitude remove vsftpd and removed my conf files, is there a way to get the default conf files back?20:11
pgpkeyshrmm is there a way to pass the list from dpkg --get-selections to apt-get to just download what is already installed?  for name in $(dpkg --get-selections | cut -d' ' -f 1); do apt-get --download-only install $name ; done  doesn't seem to cut it20:11
pgpkeys(even if modifying with dpkg --get-selections | grep -i install | cut -d' ' -f1)20:12
steffanerm, fixed20:12
zachlrUbuntu Server 10.04: how might I connect to a wireless network displayed by iwconfig?20:13
acovrigllutz, http://pastebin.com/5ZVGxDHA still doesn't work20:13
slavik0329Hey, my notification panel has icons that have the wrong background color, how do i fix this? everything else on the bar is fine20:13
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
harjotFor ubuntu 8.04, where are the keyboard xorg things kept?20:14
dlipgpkeys, dpkg --get-selections|awk '{print $1}'20:15
harjotI have a keyboard problem20:15
harjotBAsically after a while, the keboard wont typpe unless theres a repeat eg hheelloo20:15
acovrigdli, what is wrong with http://pastebin.com/5ZVGxDHA as my profile20:15
janeUbuntuhowto edit preseed  "d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition   select  Guided - use entire disk"  to use  xfs  replace of ext4 ?20:16
abuayyoubHello good people :)20:16
hiexpo!hi | abuayyoub20:16
ubottuabuayyoub: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:16
pgpkeysdli ~ works better, but it's telling me they are already installed. I'm trying to redownload the actual packages themselves (want to add them to an aptoncd)20:16
abuayyoubI was hoping someone could help me with a small question about Par and Par220:17
soreau! download20:17
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:17
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/20:17
pgpkeyspar2 is just a newer version of par20:18
abuayyoubI just want to know I downloaded a file that has something like 50 different par2 files in for fiftty different files. IS there a way I can run par2 on all of then as opposed to one by one20:18
freakynlhi i have an issue installing ubuntu server from usb stick. The stick was created with unetbootin and it's created with a primary partition (1) 0x0b partition type and formatted as vfat. The stick works fine on my laptop, where it shows up as sda1. On the server I need it, it shows up as /dev/sdb1 tho', whilst the first disk is sda, and the other 3 disks are c-e. I can see the stick fine and mount it on the console whilst booted in installer mode, b20:18
acovrigdli, what is wrong with http://pastebin.com/5ZVGxDHA as my profile20:18
pgpkeysthey both do the exact same thing. create par files for stuff which you use to rebuild with if the file the par file is for is corrupted20:18
shiftingcontroli m trying to install google gadgets but after installation it shows libxml2-xml-parser unable to load???20:18
pgpkeyserr if you have 50 different par files they are each for the individual one files themselves. you could use a bash style for loop to run against each file20:19
pgpkeysfor name in $(ls *.par2); do par2 --params-here $name; done20:19
pgpkeyssomething along those lines20:19
DJ_HaMsTathe delete button on the keyboard does not move files to trash, how can i make it do this ?20:20
wise_crypt!info google-gadgets-common | shiftingcontrol20:20
ubottushiftingcontrol: google-gadgets-common (source: google-gadgets): Common files for Qt and GTK+ versions of google-gadgets. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.11.2-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 886 kB, installed size 1856 kB20:20
Jordan_Upgpkeys: No need for the $(ls), just: for name in *.par220:20
pgpkeysjordan_u ~ true. just used to the other way. (original way i was taught)20:21
fearfulanybody know why the latest version of aMSN, won't let me send a file but have no problems receiving20:21
shiftingcontrolubottu:i installed via synaptic qt version,stil i m facing the problem20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:wot do yu mean?20:21
pgpkeyshrmm any way I can tell apt-get to reget the files already installed? my   for name in $(dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}'); do apt-get --download-only install $name ; done   just tells me they are all ready installed. trying to force them to be redownloaded so i can burn off an aptoncd set20:22
dlipgpkeys, dpkg --get-selections|grep '[^:space:]install$'|awk '{print $1}'|xargs apt-get --download-only install20:22
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: what kind of gadet it is ? anyway20:22
pgpkeysdli ~ your awk fix worked great. appreciate it. just ran into the problem I described. it won't reget them since they are alraedy installed20:22
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: have you try the gtk version ?20:23
zabkahi, which php module should i install to be able to use PDF_new?20:23
dlipgpkeys, dpkg --get-selections|grep '[^:space:]install$'|awk '{print $1}'|xargs apt-get --download-only --reinstall install20:23
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:digital clock,analog clock etc. . .both ha same prob20:23
fearfulanybody know why the latest version of aMSN, won't let me send a file but have no problems receiving20:23
zachlrdhcpcd - command not found?  what command is used for wireless DHCP configuration on ubuntu server 10.04?20:23
pgpkeysdli ~ yeah it won't reget them if they are already installed in the system. i just need to reget the physical packages themselves20:23
dlipgpkeys, you didn't read my message to notice the "--reinstall"20:24
acovrighow do I put '-batch' in my unison profile?20:24
shiftingcontrolwise_crpypt:http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/downloads/list and after this i installed qt version from synaptic too,both faces same prob20:24
pgpkeysoh shit hehe\20:24
pgpkeysthanks :)20:24
dliacovrig, batch = true20:25
IdleOne!language | pgpkeys20:25
ubottupgpkeys: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:25
pgpkeyserr sorry even20:25
pgpkeysdli ~ worked like a charm. saving that line to my notebook :) thanks20:25
acovrigdli, is it default, or no I need to specify (how) if I del a file from client and sync, does it delete from the server?20:25
synesphow can i run top and see the ram usage in megs and not K20:26
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: have you try the gtk version ?20:26
dliacovrig, yes, synchonizing is not backup20:26
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:yes ,even it faces same problem20:26
dlisynesp, press 'M' in top20:26
synespdli: thanks20:26
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: your not running on 64 arch aren't you ?20:26
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:xmlparser missing it says ,20:27
synespdli: that doesnt work20:27
synespit just hides it20:27
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:32 oly20:27
steffanHow do I find the first three octets of the private networking I am using? Is that the public IP addr?20:27
synespi want to see everything in Megs, not k20:27
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: gnome ?20:27
edbiansteffan, It is the first three parts of the ip address you have.20:27
GhidorahDoes anyone know how to change the default gnome theme for all users?20:27
steffanedbian: My public IP?20:27
edbiansteffan,   The first 3 octets are 192.168.120:28
acovrigdli, how do I use the gui? - put 'ui = graphic' in my profile, or '-ui graphic' cmd-line, but that doesn't do it, do I need to put it in a .sh?20:28
edbiansteffan, no.  your private network you're using is behind your router / gateway.  Not on the internet.  (public != private ;) )20:28
theadminSomeone fix the wiki. "(c) 2008 Canonical..." does not look cool.20:28
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:Program can't start because it failed to load the libxml2-xml-parser module.this message is displayed in error message boz20:28
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.20:29
steffanedbian: How do I find that? :)20:29
steffanedbian: Is there a command?20:29
edbiansteffan, ip addr20:29
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:30
edbiansteffan, You can get your public ip by going to a website like "myipaddress.com"20:30
steffanedbian: You said that I need the private network address?20:30
acovrigdli, could it be that it isn't installed?20:30
acovrigsteffan, ifconfig?20:30
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edbiansteffan, You asked for the private network address.  I'm not sure what you need.  What are you doing?20:30
bastidrazorsteffan: from commandline you need to use a script.. this one ::  http://pastebin.com/5ePjdmDj20:31
dliacovrig, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Unison20:31
Travis-42What causes this message in my syslog (happened when computer crashed) "general protection fault: 0000 [#1] SMP "?20:31
edbiansteffan, Are you running without a gui ?20:31
dliacovrig, so, you need: sudo apt-get install unison-gtk20:32
steffanedbian: doing this via SSH. I'm setting up bind9 and I am at this stage: "Note: replace 1.168.192 with the first three octets of whatever private network you are using. Also, name the zone file db.192 in the example appropriately."20:32
steffanedbian: just need to find that address20:32
edbiansteffan, Are you setting up a local dns server?20:32
ugaritso where is the ubuntu livecd?  it's so hard to find things on ubuntu's website.20:32
wise_crypt!info libxml-libxml-perl20:32
ubottulibxml-libxml-perl (source: libxml-libxml-perl): Perl interface to the libxml2 library. In component main, is standard. Version 1.70.ds-1 (lucid), package size 403 kB, installed size 1344 kB20:32
ActionParsnip!download | ugarit20:33
ubottuugarit: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:33
steffanedbian: no. this is the main DNS server for a company, so it needs to be public20:33
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: thats weird20:33
bastidrazorugarit: http://releases.ubuntu.com/20:33
edbiansteffan, Than you want your private ip address scheme.  Def. not your public one.  ip addr in a terminal on the machine that will become the server.  In that output you will see a line inet: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   That is the machine's private ip for that interface.20:33
sebsebsebandresj: Boot up issue yeah?20:33
edbiansteffan, Oops.  I jumped the gun.  I'm not sure what address you need for a public DNS server.  Never done that before!20:33
steffanedbian: for lo or eth0?20:34
andresjsebsebseb: yeah.20:34
acovrigdli, can I put root1 and root2 in my profile?20:34
ActionParsnipEdbian: surely the interface on the server would be used then use portforwarding on the switch/router20:34
ugaritso is PC (Intel x86) UNR live CD the same as livecd?20:35
edbiansteffan, lo is your loop back.  eth0 is an actual card.20:35
abuayyoubcan someone help me please with a question about par2? I just want to know I downloaded a file that has something like 50 different par2 files in for fiftty different files. IS there a way I can run par2 on all of then as opposed to one by one20:35
edbianActionParsnip, steffan See what he said? ^^20:35
ActionParsnipUgarit: yes it will give a live netbook desktop20:35
sebsebsebandresj: i'll try to help you in about an hour with stuff like that, unless of course you get help with Plymouth before then.  Going away from computer again, was only back briefly.  ActionParsnip knows Plymouth issues by the way20:35
oly562stardust I said ctl-alt-f220:35
ActionParsnipUgarit: the desktop iso will also give a live desktop session20:35
ugaritActionParsnip: and that's sufficient to restore grub onto the mbr?20:35
sebsebsebandresj: so if you tell him about the  problem, he may be able to help20:36
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I only have that link dude20:36
steffanedbian: then the only IP address listed under eth0 is my public one20:36
sebsebsebActionParsnip: oh20:36
steffanedbian: hmm20:36
edbiansteffan, No it surely isn't.20:36
ActionParsnipUgarit: sure, the desktop and une will both work fine20:36
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:any idea or did yu try google-desktop gadgets?20:36
edbiansteffan, What is that address?20:36
Travis-42anyone know how to diagnose a crash that happens with this syslog message: general protection fault: 0000 [#1] SMP ?20:36
devdzHi, is there a command to shutdown a PC from another in a LAN20:36
acovrigllutz, can I specify a root1 and root2 in my profile?20:37
steffanedbian: http://pastebin.com/9XXJwWba20:37
michaelomaridoes visual efects not work on the aspire one or am i in dire need of drivers20:37
ActionParsnipDevdz: ssh in then run: sudo shutdown -h now20:37
Euthanatos the driver I'm trying to install speaks of the 'os/linux" directory and I'm unsure what that means.  is this the /sys/kernel/ directory or what is that reference supposed to indicate in Lucid64?20:37
llutzdevdz: ssh user@host sudo shuthdown -h20:37
llutzdevdz: ssh user@host sudo shutdown -h20:37
edbiansteffan, whoa.  What does this website tell you?  http://www.whatismyip.com/20:37
liminalhello, i have a major ongoing problem with my new ubu ntu installation20:37
ActionParsnipMichaelomari: run: sudo lshw -C display ,search for the product line for guides20:38
liminalapplications are randomly stopping and i can't detect why20:38
corpsegrindrIs there any wireless N cards working under ubuntu 10.04 64?20:38
BluesKajEuthanatos, what driver is it ?20:38
steffanedbian: the .10020:38
ActionParsnip!hcl | corpsegrindr20:38
ubottucorpsegrindr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:38
stefgdevdz: which of course requires that the remote box has a ssh daemon running...20:38
andresjsebsebseb: haha, thank you :)20:38
EuthanatosBlue1, RT2860STA20:38
liminalis there a good monitoring program with logging that would record the issue that is forcing my application to close20:38
EuthanatosFor a Ralink abgn wifi device20:38
edbiansteffan, ActionParsnip, are you seeing this?  I don't understand what his interface is?  Some sort of dual connection card?20:38
ActionParsnipcorpsegrindr: you'll find intel work pretty well20:38
edbiansteffan, Is this machine a gateway for other machines?20:38
andresjActionParsnip: so could you help me out with this?20:39
EuthanatosReadme says "6> load driver, go to "os/linux/" directory."20:39
ActionParsnipEdbian: you need to tell the dns what interface to use20:39
blue_annaI just installed jdownloader and now I get "Invalid or corrupt jarfile jdupdate.jar"20:39
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: try to --purge your google gadget installation with sudo apt-get remove google-gadget-qt and also for gtk after that sudo apt-get install google-gadgets-gtk hope that will work20:39
EuthanatosI'm not sure what that is supposed to mean20:39
ActionParsnipEdbian: you'll then port forward from your backbone to the server20:39
andresjActionParsnip: Regarding the Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD: I got past the nvidia driver problem. now the problem is that the live cd says "hardware error" in reading "sr0" (when I use the LiveCD from a CD) or "sr1" (when I use it from a USB stick). It hangs in the splash screen, but I do Ctrl-Alt-Left a few times and I see the error (with the options "noquiet nomodeset").20:39
steffanedbian: no idea. it is a dedicated server from Bytemark20:39
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: try to --purge your google gadget installation with sudo apt-get remove google-gadget-qt and also for gtk after that sudo apt-get install * google-gadgets-gtk --purge hope that will work20:39
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:ok ll do that20:39
edbianActionParsnip, Look at this: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/w/white_stripes/you_dont_know_what_love_is_you_just_do_as_youre_told_tab.htm20:40
EuthanatosBluesKaj, lol tabfail ^^20:40
edbiansteffan, So it's remote?20:40
EuthanatosBluesKaj, it says i need to insmod the .o file20:40
steffanedbian: yes :)20:40
devdzThanks, ActionParsnip, llutz, stefg20:40
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mobalcan i configure samba to jail all users to /home/ ?20:41
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: sudo apt-get remove google-gadget-qt --purge (-gtk) sorry for the mis typing dan do the install again just using gtk20:41
ActionParsnipEdbian: guitar tabs are offtopic20:41
edbiansteffan, then run ip addr on a local machine to get your private ip scheme20:41
EuthanatosDO i really need to be in the 'os/linux/" directory to use insmod?20:41
Condoulook, whenever I eject one CD, even by properly unmounting it, whenever I put in another CD, it won't automatically mount. Would I be able to manually mount it or anything?20:41
stefgmobal: yes20:42
edbianActionParsnip, sorry :) : http://pastebin.com/9XXJwWba20:42
llutzEuthanatos: no20:42
mobaland how? ^^20:42
stefg!samba | mobal20:42
ubottumobal: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:42
Euthanatosoh crap DOH, it's reference to within the driver's own files nvm thank you20:42
D3RGPS31how do i keep something copied after the application i copied it from is closed20:42
stefgmobal: are you planning to run a dedicated file-server ?20:43
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:nothing had changed same error getting displayed again.20:43
Euthanatosty llutz20:43
mobaljust want to share my desktop linux user folder20:43
BluesKajEuthanatos, if it's a belkin usb wifi driver like the one I have ,it needs ndiswrapper to work which is also iffy...I couldn't get to run on karmic or lucid20:43
mobali want to learn samba too20:43
gothenburgmobal: lol the desktop folder..20:43
EuthanatosBluesKaj, is yours a 2860?  This is an asus PCIe1 card but it's a 2860 chip20:44
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: thats really weird20:44
BluesKajyeah, mine is the 287020:44
michaelomariThank you @ActionParsnip. so now I have the Poulsbo 2d driver for Intel installed. is that not sufficient for fusion.20:44
acovrigdli, -ui graphic isn't working, but I have unison-gtk20:44
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:it says unable to start xml parser,i stil don't understand it happens20:45
stefgmobal: if there's no windows involved you might find it easier and get more network speed by using nfs ...20:45
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:yea its very wierd20:45
stefg!nfs | mobal20:45
ubottumobal: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:45
Condoulook, whenever I eject one CD, even by properly unmounting it, whenever I put in another CD, it won't automatically mount. Actually, when I take the 1st CD out, and put no CD back in there, it will show the name of hte optical drive on the "Computer" page of Nautilus, however, when I put a CD in it will disappear. =/20:46
EuthanatosApparently the driver already exists in the kernel but i'm sure it's out of date how can I remove it to insert the one I have just compiled?20:46
polaroidwhat is a good channel for C++ questions? I can't post to ##c++ for some reason20:46
blue_annaI just installed jdownloader and now I get "Invalid or corrupt jarfile jdupdate.jar" -- dpkg -L jdownloader|grep jar lists no jar file20:46
mobalyes but i want to share my desktop between my win os and linux too20:46
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: it run perfectly in my box20:47
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: using gtk also20:47
stefgmobal: i see ... so go for the samba howto mentioned above20:47
mobalyes. thanks a lot'20:47
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:oops,ur using lucid lynx?20:47
IdleOnepolaroid: are you indentified to nickserv?20:47
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: yes ate you not20:48
wise_crypt*are you not ?20:48
shiftingcontrolme too lucid lynx20:48
shiftingcontrolok then shall we check all installed xml library ?20:48
polaroidIdleOne: oh, I need to go through the same procedure as registering on freenode?20:49
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: dpkg -l | grep xml but its by default installed though20:49
EuthanatosWhere is the blacklist in lucid?20:49
IdleOnepolaroid: no. type /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD   <--- replace PASSWORD with the pass you chose when you registered20:49
abuayyoubcan someone help me please with a question about par2? I just want to know I downloaded a file that has something like 50 different par2 files in for fiftty different files. IS there a way I can run par2 on all of then as opposed to one by one20:49
pgpkeysapt-get install openssh-blacklist openssl-blacklist20:49
lobozoocan someone help me connect my card reader, when i plug it in it doesnt come up or i dont know where to find  it? i know its recognized check in termanil20:50
pgpkeysif the pkg names are wrong, apt-cache search blacklist20:50
stefglobozoo: what does dmesg say ?20:50
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:anyways hz google gadgets:)20:51
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: ii libxml-parser-perl 2.36-1.1build3 Perl module for parsing XML files << do you have this ?20:51
shiftingcontrollibxml-parser-perl i ve installed20:53
NephelemI've got a baffling error, google searching shows lots of others with it, no answer found. Under VMWare 7.1 Workstation, trying to install Ubuntu 10.04, either with 'easy mode' installing or straight from the menu, the install just locks up at the screen where it's trying to connect to a time server, or at the Install screen, and hangs both itself, and VMware. Anyone seen this before?20:53
kad__hey need help!! i'm installed Ubuntu 10.09 64-bit, have problem with wireless when i connect to my wireless always try to connect and then Disconnect!! when i try 8 times retry to connect till it work!! why ?20:53
lobozoostefg: not sure what to look for with that, however when i type ' lsusb ' i get:        Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub20:54
lobozooBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub20:54
lobozooBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub20:54
lobozooBus 001 Device 015: ID 058f:6335 Alcor Micro Corp. SD/MMC Card Reader20:54
lobozooBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub20:54
FloodBot1lobozoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
stefg!paste | lobozoo20:54
ubottulobozoo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:i have perl xml lib,stil it doesn't wrk20:55
Jigalhello would like some help. Just did export path to java but now get error that path doesnt exist what can i do to solve the problem20:55
Jigalget the error /bin/java  no such file or directory so how can i change it?20:56
D3RGPS31is there a clipboard manager that supports ctrl+x >.>20:56
helowhy does openoffice always complain that i have no jdk installed while working perfectly fine?20:56
shiftingcontrolwise_crypt:leave it i m no more interested in it20:56
wise_cryptshiftingcontrol: ok20:57
D3RGPS31helo: moar features20:57
skramer_any idea how to make USB scanner available in home LAN?20:57
IdleOne!openoffice | helo20:57
ubottuhelo: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.20:57
h00kjono: can I briefly /query you?20:57
lobozoostefg: sorry didnt know......i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/450749/20:57
jonoh00k, sure but I am about to hop on a call20:57
h00kjono: no prob20:57
CroomeHei guys20:58
Croomei HAVE A PROBLEM20:58
heloi'm sure...20:58
geirhaJigal: What command did you run to export that path exactly?20:58
CroomeAfter i re20:58
IdleOneCroome: ask20:58
Jigalgeirha: EXPORT20:58
heloheh... that does look like a problem20:58
sllideis it possible to change the gui from ubuntu netbook remix to ubuntu normal?20:58
CroomeAfter i rebooed my pc the downside of my screen is all black, I can move my cursor there and all but the windows is not showing up there, m20:58
stefglobozoo: this only tells that the device is noticed to be plugged in... that doesn't mean it'S *working*20:58
Voolooanyone use rapidsvn?20:58
IdleOnesllide: install ubuntu-desktop20:58
sllidethanks :)20:59
geirhaJigal: Of course, but what did you put after the export?20:59
CroomeAnyone got any idea?20:59
stefglobozoo: the interesting part is what happens when you insert a medium (card). Does it show on the desktop ?20:59
lobozoostefg: No not at all21:00
Jigalgeirha: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java21:00
stefglobozoo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36647821:00
heloIdleOne: that factoid probably needs to include "openoffice.org-java-common" as well21:00
Croomeplease help me!21:00
helowell, at least to be relevant to the question i had21:01
geirhaJigal: Ah, that should probably be export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun21:01
IdleOnehelo: I gave the factoid more for the #openoffice.org part :)21:01
Jigalgeirha: ok and how can i change that? do i just run the export comand again?21:01
heloahh, i see heh21:01
geirhaJigal: Yes. Why do you need to set JAVA_HOME btw?21:01
CroomeHave no one had that problem before?21:01
zachlrhelp! ubuntu server 10.04, dhclient, "No leases in persistent database - sleeping"21:02
lobozoostefg: i will try that thanx21:02
heloCroome: this guy did: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/139248-solved-bottom-half-my-screen-black.html21:02
kad__hey need help!! i'm installed Ubuntu 10.09 64-bit, have problem with wireless when i connect to my wireless always try to connect and then Disconnect!! when i try 8 times retry to connect till it work!! why ?21:02
helo18 months ago...21:02
ddrjhey guys got a question, using lubuntu and everytime i open up xchat i get this error msg:  AutoLoad failed for: /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/tcl.so21:02
Jigalgeirha: because i need to instal cruisecontroll21:02
ddrjany ideas ?21:02
IdleOneddrj: do you have tcl installed?21:03
Croomeill try that helo21:03
DJ_HaMsTathe delete button on the keyboard does not move files to trash, how can i make it do this ?21:03
ddrjIdleOne, ahhh .. no... sudo apt-get install tcl ?21:03
AnxiousNutdoes anybody know how much would the battery life increase if i didnt start GDM or X11 at all?21:03
IdleOneddrj: see if tcl8.4 is installed21:03
CondouloHow do I fix the issue where I can't seem to mount anything on my optical drive unless I boot up with it in the drive?21:03
ddrjIdleOne, ok one sec21:04
GhidorahUbuntu's default gnome theme... does anyone know how to change it for all users21:04
heloCroome: that will hamper your performance significantly... but it should give you a usable desktop for the time being21:04
IdleOneddrj: although I believe that when you install xchat it also install tcl8.4. not certain21:04
ddrjIdleOne, well it looks like i don't have tcl installed at all  (should i get tcl8.5 + tcl8.5-dev + tcl8.5-doc) ?21:05
geirhaJigal: Ok. Most apps will find in the standard location instead of requiring JAVA_HOME to be set, but some probably don't.21:05
IdleOneddrj: the newest version in your repo tcl8.5 should do21:05
ddrjthanks IdleOne21:05
leandroalwhat package should I have to install Adobe Reader on my ubuntu 10 amd64?21:05
sllideIdleOne, that didnt really work21:05
ddrjbrb restarting21:06
sllidestill the same netbook remix gui :(21:06
sllideor i wasnt suposed to put apt-get infront of it?21:06
IdleOnesllide: you logged out and selected gnome in the Session dfrop down menu??21:06
sllidei'm suposed to do that? 0.o21:06
IdleOnesllide: :)21:06
stefg!find acroread lucid | leandroal21:07
ubottuleandroal: File acroread found in app-install-data-partner, apparmor-profiles, bash-completion-lib, claws-mail-tools, cups (and 26 others)21:07
stefgleandroal: you have to enable the partner repos and then install acroread21:08
sllidemuch better21:08
sllideis gnome standard now or do i need to select it every time?21:08
leandroalubottu, app-install-data-partner, for example, is installed in my computer but when I type acroread in the shell there is not acroread available21:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
IdleOnesllide: it should load gnome everytime21:08
leandroalstefg, how can I enable the partner repos?21:08
sllidehigh five!21:09
brandon_guys how can i prevent certain sudo commands from running for certin users?21:09
Jigalgeirha: when you change JAVA_HOME do you have to logof and login again21:09
stefgleandroal: sudo apt-get install acreoread21:09
stefgleandroal: acroread that is21:09
thune3lastlog geirha21:09
WLUoin #latex21:10
geirhaJigal: If you run it on the prompt, it will only affect that session21:10
IdleOnethune3: them pesky /'s ")21:10
geirhaJigal: If you want it permanent, you need to put it in ~/.profile or ~/.pam_environment (in which case it will take effect next time you log in)21:10
leandroalstefg, there is no acroread package available... isn't because my ubuntu is amd64?21:11
geirhaJigal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables21:11
abuayyoubhi has anyone here ever used a program called NZBGET?21:11
Jigalgeirha: how to put it in profile? Just hardcoded in vi?21:11
ddrjIdleOne, works now :)21:13
geirhaJigal: Yeah, you just add that line, export JAVA_... at the end of the file, and save21:13
IdleOneabuayyoub: is that for usenet?21:13
IdleOneddrj: happy to hear it :)21:13
abuayyoubIdleOne,  yes it is21:13
leandroalstefg, got it! ;) thanks.21:13
IdleOneabuayyoub: there is lottanzb in the repositories21:13
stefgleandroal: no... you havn't enabled the partner repos.... btw you can still download .deb from http://get.adobe.com/se/reader/otherversions/ (it's an old 8.x version in swedish) or the recent 9.3 in english (or german)21:13
leandroalpartner repos were not enabled!21:13
lobozoostefg: when i type ' echo usb_storage >> /etc/modules ' i get premission denied?21:14
IdleOneabuayyoub: search in Synaptic Package manager for nzb21:14
bastidrazorlobozoo: /etc/modules requires sudo permissions to write to21:14
abuayyoubIdleOne,  Yea, LottaNZB is nic ebut it chrashes on me all the time. NZBget is command line based it works wonderfull but I just need some know-how21:14
stefglobozoo: you'll need 'sudo'21:14
leandroalstefg, I download .deb but it is for i386, not for amd6421:14
rootkidhow crack a wifi password21:14
LjLwhenever i try running 3D programs (i've tried Warzone2100, glxgears and the KDE Desktop Effects dialog) on Lucid with my Radeon 9600 card, i get a segmentation fault. i'm using the 'radeon' driver. any hints?21:14
rootkidsombody to tell me21:15
IdleOneabuayyoub: never used either sorry.21:15
bastidrazorlobozoo: echo usb_storage | sudo tee -a /etc/modules21:15
tlpomtwhen booting ubuntu received error: no suitable mode found then error" unknown command "terminal" not found21:15
abuayyoubIdleOne,  Do you use usenet? What do  you use?21:15
IdleOneabuayyoub: I don't.21:15
lobozoostefg: if i put sudo in front i get the same thing21:16
smokepinghello there21:16
stefgleandroal: install ia32libs and install with --force-architecture (on your own risk). the reader in the 64-bit repos is 32-bit anyway IMHO and uses the ia32libs as well21:16
bcurtiswxhow would I take a git clone and turn it into a bzr branch21:17
IdleOnebcurtiswx: #git perhaps21:17
bcurtiswxIdleOne: i'll try thx21:18
thune3bcurtiswx: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/vcs/bzr-git21:20
gustavoboa tarde21:20
stefgLjL: you're around long enough to know that the usual answer is: don't let crappy amd drivers steal your time and get a nvidia card asap21:20
bcurtiswxthune3: thx21:20
lobozoohow do i get sudo premissions21:22
stefglobozoo: you should be asked for a password21:22
helolobozoo: add the user to group 'adm'21:23
lobozooi does not do that21:23
heloyou don't?21:23
benkay86Is there a way to prevent NetworkManager from connecting to wireless networks when an ethernet connection is available?21:23
BlueLagunaIs it necessary to upgrade from jaunty to karmic or can I upgrade to lucid directly?21:24
abuayyoubhi has anyone here ever used a program called NZBGET?21:24
BlueLagunaUsing do-dist-upgrade21:24
stefglobozoo: the you do not have admin rights on that account (you can't use sudo) . you need to use the admin account to either use sudo or grabt your current account sudo rights21:24
helolobozoo: addgroup username admin21:24
h00kBlueLaguna: you have to hit Karmic first21:24
nicolas_I hi21:24
BlueLagunah00k: Hmm, I see21:25
nicolas_anyone can told me where I can find the files related to the hibernate feature ?21:25
nicolas_I mean where is ubuntu dumping the ram ?21:25
delight_i did set up an machine as with ubuntu-sever 10.04 and i would like it to start a VM with "VBoxHeadless -s vmname -v off" after the boot ... do i have to add it as as a Service ?21:25
BlueLagunah00k: I'm trying to reduce downtime.  Would I have to reboot in between upgrades?21:25
benkay86nicolas_: If you have a swap partition, it's getting dumped there.21:25
DJ_HaMsTais there a way to mount a truecrypt drive in ubuntu ?21:26
nicolas_it's getting dumping in the swap ?21:26
brandon_ guys how can i prevent certin comands from running in sudo? like rm -rf21:26
dupondjehi, you still need alternative cd for dmraid setup right ?21:26
pixilbrandon_: man sudoers21:26
LjLstefg: i *have* an nvidia card. only problem is that i was a cheapskate back when i bought it, and when the storekeeper proposed to give me the version with DVI output for €4 more, i was like "DVI? me? pah, i'll never get an LCD monitor anyway! no thanks". so now here i am, with an nvidia fx5200 with VGA only, and a radeon 9600 that has DVI and a broken fan ;(21:27
helobrandon_: usually you only want to grant access to commands that the sudoer needs... you cannot restrict what arguments can be given to a command, only what commands can be ran21:27
durthey folks, what would be the best way to remove 'system' from the panel and put it into 'Applications'21:27
dupondjehmz :P21:28
maxx1233hey i have a question more related to beating the system on an online test website.. anyone intrested.?  kinda a newbie with linux but would like to try.21:28
sebsebsebandresj: Hi21:28
brandon_do you know a guide to show this? Im trying to open a sandbox for a few people i just want to disable a forkbomb or reformat21:28
maxx1233 hey i have a question more related to beating the system on an online test website.. anyone intrested.?  kinda a newbie with linux but would like to try.21:28
h00kBlueLaguna: yes21:28
andresjsebsebseb: hey21:28
nicolas_benkay86: do you know if there is a way to check the presence of the file in the swap ?21:28
Sami_nrstkfor you which gnu distribution is the best?21:28
stefgLjL: hmmm.... time to correct that situation anyway, huh?.... a gt8600 goes for 50 bucks or so21:29
benkay86nicolas_: I don't know. What exactly are you trying to do?21:29
helobrandon_: it isn't safe to give someone console access unless you trust them21:29
lobozoocan you pause these messages trying to read and understand and the freakin messages just keep comming?21:29
IdleOne!ot | Sami_nrstk21:29
ubottuSami_nrstk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:29
sebsebsebandresj: That was a great match.  Goal keeper sent off and so on.  Right so  yeah Plymouth boot up issue?  What was the exact problem again?21:29
nicolas_my girlfriend just disconnected my lap this morning while I was working on some projets result in getting it shutdown when I checked it21:29
maxx1233 hey i have a question more related to beating the system on an online test website.. anyone intrested.?  kinda a newbie with linux but would like to try.21:29
nicolas_normally it may goes to hibernate automaticaly21:30
brandon_this server is a test server to show root commands I was hoping to restrict some commands if I can only state which commands are allowed then so be it21:30
nicolas_but I just booted normally21:30
sebsebsebmaxx1233: ok what do you want to do exactly?21:30
nicolas_I've got to say I've got 2 kernel installed21:31
andresjsebsebseb: oh yeah, I was planning on watching it! missed it. oh well. I don't think it was Plymouth---the issue was that, in the console (when I left the splash screen), there were errors in reading sr0, "hardware error"21:31
benkay86nicolas_: If your laptop hibernated, then turning it on will cause it to wake up from hibernation. An easy test. If your laptop lost power or was shutdown, it will be very difficult (if not impossible) to recover open documents from the swap partition.21:31
helobrandon_: if it is just a test server, then add them to the 'admin' group and let them do what they want... or man sudoers21:31
nicolas_is there a possibility the hibernate dump belong to the kernel image ?21:31
andresjsebsebseb: and I tried it both with the CD and the USB, so it's very unlikely that it's the hardware's fault.21:31
LjLstefg: thing is, i don't have PCI-E, and the shops i usually buy stuff from seem to only have a few AGP cards, and more on the expensive side21:31
benkay86nicolas_: What do you mean by that?21:31
sebsebsebandresj: maybe ISO issue21:31
sebsebseb!md5sum | andresj21:32
ubottuandresj: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:32
dupondjeyou still need alternative cd for dmraid setup right ?21:32
brandon_helo: my only concern is they need root but i dont want one of them bringing down the whole server cause it screw the other students21:32
nicolas_benkay86: according to ubuntu power manage option my lap should have hibernated while running out of power21:32
andresjsebsebseb: I checked the md5sum, too21:32
tripelbI just started the 10.04 liveCD: it took 9 minutes to boot up (9.04 takes 2.5) on the way it left a garbled pattern on the screen for a while. I started Firefox and it died immediately (message on screen telling me so). Also there is no built in way to get on IRC. I had to install irssi. What's wrong and why is it so BOGUS?21:33
=== ironfroggy__ is now known as ironfroggy_
Jordan_Ubrandon_: Setup a VM, it's easy and will allow them to mess around all they want (which can be a good learning experience)21:33
benkay86nicolas_: Yes. So if you turn it on now and it wakes up from hibernation then, presumably, it did indeed hibernate. If you turn it on and you get a clean startup, then it didn't hibernate.21:33
stefgLjl: so that's a 7-8 year old motherboard, no? .... ahemmm21:33
tripelbFYI- I checked the CD and it is good.21:33
brandon_Jordan_U: like a virtual box?21:33
sebsebsebtripelb: well Pidgin can go on IRC21:33
tripelbFYI it's a Dell 4600.21:33
sebsebsebtripelb: uh empathy even21:33
Jordan_Ubrandon_: Yes.21:33
ironfroggy_X isnt working so i need to get my wifi working from cli21:33
tripelbsebsebseb: there is no pidgin in 10.04.21:33
nicolas_benkay86: ok then I 've lost everything I can just kill my girlfriend now21:34
LjLstefg: i dunno how old it is, it wasn't originally mine ;|21:34
sebsebsebtripelb:  Pidgin was the old default before 9.1021:34
nicolas_benkay86: it means the dump are not realted to the kernel image21:34
nicolas_but global21:34
nicolas_right ?21:34
brandon_Jordan_U: but there is 26 of them how could i run that effectively?21:34
LjLstefg: i'm hardly the kind of person who keeps hardware up to date, though21:34
FloodBot1nicolas_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:34
tripelbsebsebseb: there is no pidgin in 10.04. GWIBBER, EMPATHY21:34
ironfroggy_ive set iwconfig mode, channel, and essid. when i do ifup wlan1, it complains its an unknown interface21:34
ironfroggy_even tho wlan1 is listed by iwconfig21:34
sebsebsebtripelb: yes not on the Live CD,  or in the default install, empathy instead,  you could install Pidgin though21:34
ironfroggy_is there a step i could be missing?21:34
thune3benkay86: on the networkmanager question, doesn't it already connect to a wired connection first if it is available?21:35
sebsebsebtripelb: I put Pidgin there by mistake, when I meant to of put Empathy21:35
ff88hi guys... I'm looking for some clue in solving a strange problem.... I installed Unreal Tournament 2004 on my Ubuntu 10.04, it runs fine, but after 1-2 minutes the screen turns off (no signal) and the computer freezes completely21:35
sebsebsebandresj: Does it boot up ok now or?21:35
AnxiousNutguys, anybody knows how much a battery would hold up if i stopped X11 or GDM? is it twice the time it usually does? more, less?21:35
lobozoobash: /etc/modules: Permission denied    what does this mean, i have root premissions but it keeps on giving me this21:35
cyberndq: how to check if my kernel supports ssd-trim (discard)?21:35
ff88it just "dies"21:35
benkay86nicolas_: I don't think I can condone killing your girlfriend, but good luck recovering your work.21:35
brandon_ff88: i have been having the same problem with many other games21:35
Jordan_Ubrandon_: You might get better answers in #ubuntu-server21:35
nicolas_thanks benkay8621:35
brandon_join #ubuntu-server21:36
=== nicolas_ is now known as NK`
andresjsebsebseb: no, it has the same error---I only checked the md5sum, it didn't change the image :P21:36
benkay86thune3: That's what I thought, but instead it's connecting to both networks at once! It may be because my wireless connection is configured as a system connection. Regardless, I would like it to not do that.21:36
durtanyone know of a simple way to remove 'System' and put it into 'Applications'?21:36
=== Sup1|Lobby is now known as SuP|Lobby
Skippero0can anyone help me with something plz21:36
sebsebseb!ask | sllide21:36
ubottusllide: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:36
sebsebsebuh not slide21:36
sebsebsebSkippero0: ^21:37
sebsebsebsllide: silly messed up auto complete again21:37
* sllide goes back to compiling21:37
tripelbsebsebseb: yes, point 4 was that there is no irc client on the liveCD. Also 9 min boot. (I tried with Empathy before. And asked here. IRC isnt available) -- I can always install xchat. But then I have to figure out how to allow some other repository first. I dont know how to do that in terminal.21:37
quique_i just setup evolution in lynx21:37
=== charlie__ is now known as grumete
JackTOi'm trying to join the #mysql channel, and my nick is registed, but it says I cannot send to channel..  anyone know why?21:37
Skippero0i was looking at yer website and i wanna get some tools for wirelsee mets21:37
sllidesebsebseb, odd name21:37
ff88I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers21:37
quique_set it up as imap21:37
sllidehow did you get it?21:37
quique_and can't see any mail21:37
sebsebsebsllide: whos?21:37
ff88and my computer randomly "dies" while playing UT2004 . There are NO entries in the logs21:37
quique_i'm trying to figure out what i'm doing wrong21:37
stefgLjL so we come thr point of how much you are going to pay yourself for  2 hours of screwing around with ancinet hardware that is (obviously) unsupported with newer drivers.....  it might really be easier to look on ebay for some used devent nvidia agp card or replace the mobo/cpiu/ram/gfx altoghter . MY hourly rate would even cover that :-)21:38
kad__hey need help!! i'm installed Ubuntu 10.09 64-bit, have problem with wireless when i connect to my wireless always try to connect and then Disconnect!! when i try 8 times retry to connect till it work!! why ?21:38
thune3benkay86: but it routes you through the wired connection when both are available, right? (just annoying that it makes a wireless connection that it doesn't need)21:38
Skippero0does anyone know how to get into a protected wireless connection21:38
sllidethe name sebsebseb21:38
sllidei think i mean you with that ;)21:38
tripelbWhy does 10.04 take 4 times as long to boot as 9.04? (liveCD)21:38
KingOfTheKIllff88: so it restarts?21:38
ff88hard reset21:38
sebsebsebsllide: not quite, theres even a proper story behind this name, but thats off topic21:38
tripelbsebsebseb: takes 3 times as long to type as seb21:38
KingOfTheKIllff88: have you checked the temp of your graphics card / CPU ?21:39
brandon_KingOfTheKill: it kills xserver with a comand that blinks21:39
quique_evolution help anyone?21:39
sllidesebsebseb, /msg then?21:39
ff88they're fine21:39
sllidei'm curious ;)21:39
brandon_KingOfTheKill: i havve the same problem21:39
sebsebsebtripelb: seb is also boring on its own as a IRC nick, and you can use auto complete21:39
benkay86thune3: The default gateway is the wired network and, in my particular case, there are no routing conflicts between the two networks.21:39
ff88and under windows (I hate windows) everything works just fine21:39
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: aah okey21:39
sebsebseb!tab | tripelb21:39
ubottutripelb: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:39
=== NK` is now known as NK\
tripelbWhat's going on that 10.04 needs to do 4 times as much as 9.04?21:39
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: what graphics card?21:39
sebsebsebsllide: ok21:39
sebsebsebtripelb: no 10.04 is meant to be faster to boot, well once you got an install21:39
tripelbWhat's going on that 10.04 needs to do 4 times as much as 9.04? I dont want to install it if it's like that.21:40
ff88KingOfTheKill: and when you said "it restarts" I answered yes but it does not indeed. I have to manuually reset it21:40
benkay86thune3: For me, it's quite annoying. The reason I have the wired network is because the wireless network is unstable during certain times of the day and disconnects every thirty seconds or so. I'm getting tired of seeing the disconnect messages -- I'd rather NetworkManger would not connect to the wireless network at all unless the wired network is unavailable.21:40
KingOfTheKIllff88: ok..what graphics card do you have?21:40
Nitrus^anyone know if mysqli for php was dropped in lucid? or hwat the package is that has it?21:40
brandon_KingOfTheKill: intel intergrated (Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07))21:40
sebsebsebsllide: pm if you want21:40
ff88KingOfTheKill: nVidia 8800GT21:40
tripelbre 10.04 that longer liveCD means more than a lick and a promise that it21:40
LjLstefg: eh my time isn't worth much since i do nothing all day... but, it's not true that the hardware being ancient automatically makes it unsupported: my nvidia card is older, but it's perfectly supported. it's really just ati's strange politics. (and the 'radeon' driver being weird)21:40
tripelbre 10.04 that longer liveCD means more than a lick and a promise that it  "will be faster" or better. I just dont believe it.21:41
KingOfTheKIllff88: do you use the most recent nvidia driver?21:41
sebsebsebtripelb: Live CD's are slow21:41
ff88KingOfTheKill: just updated21:41
brandon_KingOfTheKill: worked fine in ubuntu9.10 but now in 10.4 whenever i do something graphic intensive xserver dies21:41
sebsebsebtripelb: when you have an actsaul install it will probably boot up faster than 9.0421:41
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: ok it has to be somekind of driver issue21:41
zachlrHow do I configure ubuntu server 10.04 to run dhclient every time it starts up?21:41
tripelbsebsebseb: I dont know who you are or your background but Get This: I am comparing one liveCD to another liveCD.21:41
sebsebsebtripelb: no thats not what you should do really21:41
brandon_KingOfTheKill: well it works fine in fedora 1321:41
kad__hey need help!! i'm installed Ubuntu 10.09 64-bit, have problem with wireless when i connect to my wireless always try to connect and then Disconnect!! when i try 8 times retry to connect till it work!! why ?21:42
sebsebsebtripelb: you should compare a install when it comes to speed, not the Live CD's21:42
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: did u use the same driver ?21:42
ff88KingOfTheKill: how can I debug it? I mean: read some error line, anything21:42
tripelbsebsebseb: and why "should" I not compare same-to-same?21:42
ff88KingOfTheKill: thank you21:42
BlueLagunaOut of curiosity, would it be possible to upgrade from Lucid to the next LTS release directly, or would I have to go through update like from Jaunty > Lucid?21:42
brandon_KingOfTheKill: I used the driver thats default there are no others21:42
sebsebsebtripelb: since Live CD's are always going to be slower than a proper hard disk install21:42
tripelbBlueLaguna: you have to got each step.21:42
stefgLjL: that's wat i meant... old *ATi* hardware is a PITA because of ati driver weirdeness and the only way to get around that is to avoid it altogether21:42
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: ok just w8 a sec21:43
tripelbsebsebseb: it's like you are not listening to me. I am comparing one liveCD to another liveCD. (now have said it 3 times or 5)21:43
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sebsebsebtripelb: why comparing the Live CD's?   the 9.04 and 10.04 CD is rather differnet21:43
tripelbfree advice is really worth the cost.21:43
sebsebsebtripelb: where as the 9.04 and 9.10  Live CD's are rather similar21:44
tripelbsebsebseb: to see the use of resources.21:44
LjLstefg: i was told that the 9600 specifically worked decent with the open-source radeon driver, though. it's just too weird it segfaults :|21:44
Docolerotripelb, are you sure both come with exactly the same set of features and software?21:44
stefgLjL: which could well be related to the broken fan....21:44
sebsebsebtripelb: A Live CD is for trying your hardware, find out if wireless just works or not for example,  and to install the OS.  Thats the point of a Live CD.  Not many people are going to be booting from a Live CD everytime they want to do Ubuntu, since how things can be slow, and how   data they save will have to be saved onto a USB stick for example.21:45
tripelbDocolero: no, that's why I am trying them. Maybe 10.04 is no good for me. I could run XP onthis computer but not Win7 - for example.21:45
stefgLjL: and segfaults are usually not user fixable21:45
xTheGoat121xGood afternoon everyone.21:45
ejvhi, I returned to my ubuntu server this afternoon, and found my VMware has crashed? where does VMware store the logs in Ubuntu? /var/log/vmware doesn't exist....21:45
sebsebsebtripelb: if you want to boot a bit like a Live CD, but  be able to save data as well.  then a persistent USB install, is a good idea21:45
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: sry I forgot what game was it ?21:45
tripelbsebsebseb: thanks for the irrelevant info like I dont know. I am trying to see if 10.04 is somehow bogus for me and SO FAR it is.21:45
tripelbsebsebseb: I have a fine-functioning 9.10 install on my computer.21:46
sebsebsebtripelb: you can't know for sure how well or not 10.04 works on your computer, unless you actsaully install it to your hard disk21:46
MKMhi everyone...:-)21:46
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DJ_HaMsTaIf samba is so that linux can share things with windows, what is the app for linux to just share with other linux machines ?21:46
brandon_KingOfTheKill any graphical intense game for me penumbra21:46
Docolerotripelb, in that case you should not compare performance of those two LiveCD-Releases, since as you pointed out they differ in terms of features and software21:46
KingOfTheKIlldreacu666: NFS21:46
sebsebsebtripelb: well stay with 9.10 for now then if you want, its got untill the end of April next year with support, and 9.10 really is better than 10.04 in certian ways :)21:46
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: nfs, nbd, ssh, sshfs, shfs, PICK21:46
stefg!nfs | DJ_HaMsTa21:46
ubottuDJ_HaMsTa: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:46
tripelbwell sebsebseb I have so-far come to the conclusion that it doesnt work well for me. Docolero.. I didnt point that out, someone else did. Tho it is true.21:47
DJ_HaMsTaejv, you dont have to scream at me!21:47
sebsebsebtripelb: also I would like to point out, that there are plenty of other distros out there, that may work better for you than Ubuntu21:47
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: does compiz run fine ?21:47
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: in this sea of chaos, screaming is warranted :)21:47
DJ_HaMsTaejv,  thank you21:47
brandon_KingOfTheKill fine and dandy :D21:47
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: more importantly (you're welcome), there are several options ;)21:47
FriendlyFireQuestion : is there any Karaoke(cd+g) creator?21:47
KingOfTheKIllbrandon_: :D21:48
quique_anyone no the issue I may be having with evolution?21:48
DJ_HaMsTai think this channel needs a ticketing system21:48
tripelbsebsebseb: as I concluded. (I was thrilled when I tried the Fedora 11 liveCD -supported or not- since it told me that my HD was going bad and that wasnt in Ubuntu yet.21:48
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: it has one, ubuntuforums.org21:48
KingOfTheKIllDJ_HaMsTa: did u ask for the linux - linu sharing ?21:49
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: btw samba is deprecated, use cifs ;)21:49
xTheGoat121xI have a friend who has a Dell C400 (the ultra-slim notebook), and his DVD drive is connected via the Dell expansion, which is a form of SCSI. The drive is recognized, and I can manually mount CDs/DVDs, but nothing automatic works.21:49
FriendlyFireAnyone know of a program i can use to make cd+g?21:49
DJ_HaMsTaejv,  i thought samba was top of the line?21:49
tripelbsebsebseb: about "other distros that may work better" -- yes, I hear you. go away dont insist on poining out embarrasing things. I have not the time or resources to try out other distros. I have a YEAR, and mor into Ubuntu. I started with 6.10 or 6.04 and for only simple stuff, it's just fine. Probably for me actually just as fine as 9.1021:50
zachlrhelp! I have "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" in the interfaces file, but still I have to run "sudo dhclient wlan0" after each reboot?  How can I make this process automatic?21:50
tripelbUBUNTUFORUMS.ORG is a great and wonderful place and the advice persists (means you can look up the answers to others' problems and dont have to ask again. (thumbs UP!)21:51
avornturhi all21:51
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: smbfs isn't maintained, cifs is ;)21:51
KingOfTheKIllDJ_HaMsTa: use NFS21:51
avornturI just installed windows 7 on my computer and now I can't boot back into ubuntu21:51
tripelbTHANKS for the conversation and advice21:51
sebsebsebtripelb: you really do sound like a sort of troll,  the people here are volunters,  I tried to help,  if you don't like the support you get from people here, you could get it on IRC else where,  ##linux for example21:51
avornturI have booted it with a livecd but I don't know what to do21:51
radioman-ltavorntur, restore grub21:52
avornturradioman-lt: how?21:52
macotripelb: was no 6.04. it was 6.0621:52
radioman-ltand send microsoft email about thats ;}21:52
tripelbsebsebseb: I have no problems with here. I even help people. Ad Hominum is an interesting refuge. I didnt complain about the support here. If you read back you will see that. Have a nice life.21:52
radioman-lti wonder why they ignore other os21:52
ejvDJ_HaMsTa: smbfs is an old unmaintained smb/cifs client kernel module for linux; cifs is a newer, more actively developed smb/cifs client kernel module; two completely seperate codebases.21:52
tripelbmaco: I'll look at my disk.21:53
macotripelb: there was going to be a 6.04, but it was pushed back 2 months and became 6.0621:53
shishireMy mouse no longer clicks.  It moves fine, but it's like there's an invisible layer/window above the windows that the mouse can't click through.  Clicking doesn't do anything, and hovering over links doesn't cause hover animations.21:53
ironfroggy_shishire: press escape21:54
ejvjust my observation, but since i entered the chat triple has indeed appeared to have a chip on his shoulder sebsebseb lol ;)21:54
BlueEagleshishire: Has somebody replaced your regular background with one that has an image of an open browser? :)21:55
ejvsebsebseb: so you're not crazy ;)21:55
mick02Yar, me integrated Ubuntu chat client isn't showing up the list of users in the room21:55
shishireironfroggy_, nothing happens.  BlueEagle, no, I can't click on windows or my gnome-panel either21:55
ironfroggy_What should i do if a wireless card, which can see my AP, won't pick up an address with dhcp?21:56
srgzI thought ubuntu doesnt have a default chatclient21:56
ejvhit the [panic] key21:56
tripelbmaco: I'll look at my disk. YEP, 6.1 -- my first Ubuntu. My first linux, if you dont count an abortive try at some distribution that starts with the letter s----- and has two parts.. a long time ago involving zip drives.  === I tried to look it up but Firefox crashes every time I try to start it (Ubuntu 10,04 liveCD - passed the check-the-disk test - failed the works-well test.21:56
shishireI can interact fine with all my apps with the keyboard, but the cursor seems stuck on an invisible window with a higher z-index :/21:56
sebsebsebsrgz: It does Empathy21:56
sebsebsebsrgz: or Pidgin when it comes to versions before 9.1021:56
srgzoh right21:56
srgzmy bad21:56
tripelb--back with an installed system. lol21:57
acovrigidk if it is ubuntu/bash, but when I run ssh/sftp in PostLogin it won't let me login if the server is down, how do I run a cmd if the server is down?21:58
shishirenvm, managed to restart compiz and it fixed itself :/21:58
markprohi yourself22:00
ubottuM3nt0r: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:01
zachlrCannot find package dhcpd?22:02
DaekdroomHow can I track packet loss? My download rate is down to sub 30kB/s level, when it's supposed to go as high as 300, and I believe there is a connection problem..22:02
thune3benkay86: the only thing i saw that might benefit you is the ability to disable connection/disconnection notifications for the nm-applet22:02
wallyso i'm having a few problems, and they're severely frustrating me22:03
jlebarHow can I tell what packages a source package depends on?  (Say I want to know what |apt-get build-dep firefox| will pull in.)22:03
SlidingHornjlebar -- it will tell you before it installs anything and ask permission22:03
wallyA) i keep getting errors with my video card, i.e. programs won't run and B) my browser keeps crashing22:03
wallyno matter what browser i use, it crashes22:03
jlebarSlidingHorn, But I might have some of those packages installed already.  Does the full list live somewhere?22:04
icf7zachlr: are you looking for dhcp3-server ?22:04
SlidingHornjlebar: you can always look through http://packages.ubuntu.com22:04
NK\the worse is my eclipse not working22:04
corpsegrindrIs there any wireless N cards working under ubuntu 10.04 64?22:05
icerootjlebar: apt-rdepens22:05
jlebarSlidingHorn, But I only see the binary's dependencies there.  Does the source package for Firefox have a page there?22:05
guntbertjlebar: did you look at packages.ubuntu.com ?22:05
alexandrosLinux anyone?22:05
wallythe least that can be done is at least acknowledging my issue22:06
guntbertsorry, duplicate22:06
guntbert!patience | wally22:06
ubottuwally: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:06
wallyi am having issues with my video card and my browser crashing22:06
ubottuwally: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:07
icf7corpsegrindr: Intel agn 5100 works for years (although I think I never used a !=g network)22:07
wallyi'm running 10.04, and games aren't working, as well, my browser is crashing constantly22:07
SlidingHornwally: knowing your video card and system specs would help too22:07
wadI'm suspecting that my wireless connection is slow, compared to everyone else on the wireless network (they're on MACs). How can I tell what speed I'm connected at?22:08
wallycommand in terminal?22:08
jlebariceroot, Aha.  apt-rdepends -b.  Thanks.22:08
icf7wad: iwconfig | grep Bit\ Rate22:08
wadicf7, thanks!22:08
DaekdroomHeh, sorry for asking again, but I got disconected last time I tried.. How can I track packet loss?22:08
SlidingHornlspci -nn (paste the results in http://paste.ubuntu.com & let us know where it is)22:09
ironfroggy_what does it mean if your dhcp client list on a router lists a machine at
aLemmerIs "fonts.conf" specific to Gnome?22:09
wallySys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem is the error message22:09
ironfroggy_where this machine is one that is consistently failing to grab an address22:09
wadicf7, this doesn't seem right: Bit Rate=0 kb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm22:09
wadicf7, am I reading that right? It's getting a speed of ZERO??22:09
BluesKajironfroggy_, route in the terminal22:09
icf7wad: You may have multiple interfaces. 0 means not connected22:09
icf7wad: just enter iwconfig to see the whole picture22:10
jp77anyone use lubuntu?22:10
wadI did, and that's the only thing connected.22:10
Zelahello I have an icon on my desktop that will not delete how do I get rid of it/22:10
zagabarYo. I am new to adding repos to the sources. How do I add this one? I get errors if I add it to the source file.22:10
wadAnd yes, that's the computer I'm tying on rihgt now.22:10
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:10
ActionParsnipwad: cd ~/Desktop; ls22:10
zagabarYo. I am new to adding repos to the sources. How do I add this one? I get errors if I add it to the source file. (forgot the link: http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/ )22:10
ActionParsnipwad: identify the file and use: sudo rm file22:11
wadActionParsnip, what's that supposed to do?22:11
jp77im a newby to this, just installed the latest version of lubuntu and im trying to figure out how to set a theme i downloaded22:11
wadActionParsnip, you're talking to a different person than the one who asked that question. :)22:11
ZelaIt is not showing as part of the desktop, its almost like a ghost and it wont come off.22:11
BluesKajironfroggy_, ip a | grep inet22:11
ZelaIt wont let me delete it, it wont come off.22:11
ActionParsnipwad: my bad22:12
mgolischZela: whats the name of that icon?22:12
icf7wad: what is the link quality? A speed of zero may be reported by a crappy driver22:12
ZelaIt wont come off, idk what i did.22:12
ActionParsnipZela: cd ~/Desktop; ls22:12
SlidingHornzela: cd ~/Desktop (find the file there and then..) sudo rm filename22:12
wadicf7, I'll do a pastebin, 1 sec22:12
mgolischZela: so it wont go away if you rm it from a terminal?22:12
ActionParsnipZela: identify the file then use: sudo rm file22:12
ActionParsnipzagabar: bitlbee is in the repo22:13
Zelawhen I do ls it doesnt show as it is on the desktop.22:13
wadicf7, http://pastebin.com/xetcDjHk22:13
ActionParsnip!info bitlbee22:13
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-2 (lucid), package size 306 kB, installed size 768 kB22:13
zagabarActionParsnip: I know, but I need a newer version22:13
srgzZela, how about ls -a ?22:13
ZelaIts like its permanent.22:14
Zelaand it wont come off.22:14
cheater99what's permanent?22:14
ZelaI cant click and remove it at all.22:14
ZelaThere is no delete option.22:14
ironfroggy_BluesKaj: what am i looking for in that22:14
teleriZela: what are you talking about?22:15
ActionParsnipzagabar: what version do you need? Those are compiled for debian, not ubuntu22:15
icf7wad: Looks like broken driver to me.  You can find out which one you're using with lspci -k. Sorry, but I'm by no means a WLAN expert, that's about all I know. You can file a bug or google for the driver's name and zero speed. Sorry!22:15
ironfroggy_i dont see any addresses from my local network there22:15
Zelateleri, i dont know what I did, but I tried to move an icon to the trash but I must have it some button and not this file wont come off my desktop, I cant move it i cant right click and delete it at all.22:16
ActionParsnipZela: can you give a screenshot please22:16
zagabarActionParsnip: I need 1.2.7  Oterwise, msn don't work.22:16
ActionParsnipZela: are you using lxde?22:16
ZelaActionParsnip, lxde?22:16
SlidingHornzela: what's the file?  also...are you using LXDE, and is it the "Home" icon?22:16
ZelaWhat is lxde?22:16
SlidingHornactionparsnip: that's exactly where I was going with it22:16
ZelaSlidingHorn, What is lxde?22:16
sebsebseb!lubuntu | Zela22:17
ubottuZela: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu22:17
SlidingHornzela: lxde is a desktop environment like GNOME, KDE or XFCE22:17
ZelaIm on a laptop22:17
Zelasebsebseb: HI!!!22:17
wadicf7, Thanks!22:17
sebsebsebZela: ok you seem excited to see me22:18
guntbertZela: "desktop environment" has nothing to do with your hardware :-)22:18
ActionParsnipzagabar: ok then run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list22:18
BluesKajironfroggy_, ip a | grep inet should give you an IP address beginning with 192.168.x.x , in the list ,that should be your computer22:18
aLemmerDoes "fonts.conf" work in most versions of Linux?22:18
ActionParsnipzagabar: add the single line, save the new file and close gedit.22:18
ZelaThat is the screenshot22:19
ironfroggy_BluesKaj: strange im only seeing 169.254.x.x22:19
magicianlordCan someone tell me how to set up apt to point and pull from a directory on the usb drive like from an http; repo, only local? i used 'deb file:/<mounted dir name>' but it doesnt work. i did a base install and need it to scan an nstall debs from a stick22:19
ZelaActionParsnip, what ya think22:19
ActionParsnipzagabar: then run: gedit ~/key; sudo apt-key add ~/key; rm ~/key    paste the characters starting with and ending with '-----'22:20
BluesKajironfroggy_, pastebin the whole output pls22:20
ironfroggy_BluesKaj: i cant get it to a pastebin. cause i cant get it online ...22:20
BluesKajironfroggy_, can you pm me with it ?22:20
SlidingHornzela: and you're sure that file doesn't show when you go to the Desktop folder in your terminal and type:  ls -a22:20
ZelaSure SlidingHorn22:21
ActionParsnipZela: try: sudo find / -name "shoddybattle.jnlp"   may help22:21
ZelaNothing is happening Act22:22
ZelaNothing is happening ActionParsnip22:22
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: you could copy the files to /var/cache/apt/archives22:22
ActionParsnipZela: it will work, its searching the entire system22:22
Sp0tterhow do you send F1 to an app in gnome-terminal22:23
magicianlordok action22:23
magicianlordthanks, i will try it22:23
zagabarActionParsnip: I am on a non-graphical system, so I guess that I should use "sudo vi" instead of "gksudo gedit" ?22:23
telerihow do i make irssi not disconnect when i unplug my network cable and switch to wifi when i already have an established wifi link?22:23
ActionParsnipzagabar: sure22:23
zagabarActionParsnip: Wait, what line are you taking about in "add the single line"?22:24
ZelaActionParsnip, I found it in my trash bin and tried to put it over the icon on the desktop but ti still stays there.22:24
acovrighow exactly does PostLogin work, cuz if I put ssh 123.456.789.0 in it, it would not let me login, can I just have the error goto a file?22:24
ActionParsnipzagabar: the line that starts with the word deb22:24
magicianlordwhat ist he command to copy directories that are not empty? cp didnt work22:24
SlidingHornmagicianlord: why didn't it work?  what was the error?  did you sudo?22:25
magicianlordSlidingHorn: im at root22:25
ddrjgot a question, how do i change the format for the clock from military time to standard time22:25
ActionParsnipZela: if what it finds is the file then move it somewhere, see if the desktop changes. If it does then you have your culprit22:25
guntbertmagicianlord: cp -R ....22:25
magicianlordSlidingHorn: i did cp usb/pool/main/* /var/cache/apt/archives22:25
ddrjoh nm found out... it's %r not %R22:25
magicianlordall the debs are on the usb stick that i copied to from the iso22:26
ZelaActionParsnip, right now after I put it in the only thing i see is ">:22:26
SlidingHornmagicianlord: sudo cp /path/to/original /new/desired/path  -- might make a difference that you didn't have a / before usb22:26
magicianlordguntbert: thank you, it is working, i think22:26
ActionParsnipZela: its line wrapping22:26
telerihow do i make irssi not disconnect when i unplug my network cable and switch to wifi when i already have an established wifi link?22:26
guntbertmagicianlord: you're welcome :-) (R stands for recursive)22:27
magicianlordo i c22:27
ZelaActionParsnip, how long does it take?22:27
acovrighow exactly does PostLogin work, cuz if I put ssh 123.456.789.0 in it, it would not let me login, can I just have the error goto a file?22:27
ActionParsnipZela: as long as it takes dude, depends how much data you have22:28
ZelaActionParsnip, i dont have much, it lets me type22:28
teleriacovrig: postlogin > /path/to/log.extension22:28
zagabarActionParsnip: I just got this: http://pastebin.com/7F6GvwUq22:28
ZelaActionParsnip, it has not asked my sudo pass yet22:28
ActionParsnipzagabar: you need to make a file with the key text in it22:28
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
ActionParsnipZela: sounds like you used \ instead of /22:29
Voolooempathy IM client seems very buggy... sometimes I see someones notification message, but it never ends up in the actual chat. which is pretty bad...22:29
ActionParsnipVooloo: log a bug22:29
VoolooActionParsnip: where22:30
teleriZela: \ is a windowsitus syndrome!22:30
ActionParsnip!bug | Vooloo22:30
ubottuVooloo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:30
aendrukWhat part of the live CD do I need to change to add another launcher to the live user's desktop?22:30
ZelaActionParsnip, nothing is showing.22:30
ZelaActionParsnip, found something22:30
weezhi guys22:30
ZelaActionParsnip, /media/Gateway/Users/User/Desktop/Desktop Icons/shoddybattle.jnlp22:31
CaptainTrek!hi | weez22:31
ubottuweez: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:31
badnaamfolsks, I just installed ubuntu on another laptop and for some reason I can't maximize windows, the windows appear fine if they are in small size but if I enlarge them they dissappper22:31
weezI'm running a huge recursive wget and it is consuming all the system memory, then it gets killed after about 24 hours. anyone know how to fix this?22:31
ActionParsnipZela: as i said, its takes a while. wait til you get your prompt back, then try moving the file to ~/Pictures22:32
ZelaActionParsnip, How?22:32
VoolooActionParsnip: when I create account on lauchpad: Internal Server Error22:32
Roastedhow do I reset my mysql password in ubuntu?22:33
ActionParsnipVooloo: then go tell the guys in #launchpad22:33
ActionParsnipZela: is /media/Gateway on a shared folder on a remote system, or a removable media?22:34
ZelaActionParsnip, shared22:34
badnaamfolks, I just installed ubuntu on another laptop and for some reason I can't maximize windows, the windows appear fine if they are in small size but if I enlarge them they dissappper. can someone help please?22:34
ZelaActionParsnip, I dual boot.22:34
magicianlordif this works, i will be able to it cant find the packages22:35
acovrigI put sudo -u $USER unison default in my PostLogin, if the server is offline, I can't login, can I get around this, say `zenity —error` then login22:35
weezAnyone know how to fix this? I'm running a huge recursive wget and it is consuming all the system memory, then it gets killed after about 24 hours.22:35
ActionParsnipZela: ok then try: mv /media/Gateway/Users/User/Desktop/Desktop Icons/shoddybattle.jnlp ~/Pictures22:35
ZelaActionParsnip, Didnt work?22:36
ZelaActionParsnip,What direc do I have to be in?22:36
ActionParsnipZela: you won't get output if it works22:36
zagabarActionParsnip: Oky, I did all that, ran both "apt-get update" and "update" inside aptitude, but aptitude still lists the version of the package bitlbee as 1.2.4 something. :(22:36
ActionParsnipZela: i gave an absolute path so the pwd is moot22:36
DJ_HaMsTawhat is moot ?22:36
acovrigZela, it doesn't matter what dir ur in22:36
acovrigI put sudo -u $USER unison default in my PostLogin, if the server is offline, I can't login, can I get around this, say `zenity —error` then login22:37
badnaamfolks, I just installed ubuntu on another laptop and for some reason I can't maximize windows, the windows appear fine if they are in small size but if I enlarge them they dissappper. can someone help please?22:37
wtf1what is partial upgrade?22:37
ZelaActionParsnip, mv: cannot stat `/media/Gateway/Users/User/Desktop/Desktop': No such file or directory22:37
Zelamv: cannot stat `Icons/shoddybattle.jnlp': No such file or directory22:37
wtf1what is partial upgrade?22:37
acovrigI put sudo -u $USER unison default in my PostLogin, if the server is offline, I can't login, can I get around this, say `zenity —error` then login22:38
weezAnyone know how to fix this? I'm running a huge recursive wget and it is consuming all the system memory, then it after about 24 hours the terminal reads "killed" and the process is stopped. How do I fix this so the wget can finish?22:39
ActionParsnipZela: then check the file is there by navigating in nautilus or somesuch22:39
badnaamcan someone help me please?22:39
acovrigI put sudo -u $USER unison default in my PostLogin, if the server is offline, I can't login, can I get around this, say `zenity —error` then login22:39
ZelaActionParsnip, What?22:39
ActionParsnipZela: I'd also run: sudo rm /home/calibre/.local/share/Trash/files/shoddybattle.jnlp22:39
thune3weez: http://hg.addictivecode.org/wget/mainline/file/1.12/NEWS says for the newest wget: Also, recursive22:39
thune3weez: downloads are faster and consume *significantly* less memory than before22:40
wtf1thune3:  do you know what is partial upgrade?22:40
mgolischweez: does your system have enough memory? also it might be limits set for you user, like maximum cpu time or maximum memory allocation22:40
AhmedBHHey, anyone tells me where the wallpaper folder is located in ubuntu Gnome desktop22:40
magicianlordanyone getting the new xbox 360 here?22:40
acovrigbadnaam, with what?22:40
ActionParsnipzagabar: I found this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitlbee/1.2.7-1/+build/1742174/+files/bitlbee_1.2.7-1_i386.deb22:40
ZelaActionParsnip, IM SO SORRY IM SOOOOOO SLOW22:41
weezmgolisch, I think the user has access to all memory, which is 2G22:41
ZelaActionParsnip, I made a screen shot my Background XD22:41
weezthune3, thanks. Ill try the newest wget22:41
mgolischweez: what does ulimit -a display?22:41
badnaamacovrig - I just installed ubuntu on another laptop and for some reason I can't maximize windows, the windows appear fine if they are in small size but if I enlarge them they dissappper22:41
mgolischweez: as that user?22:41
wtf1could anyone tell me what is the partial upgrade?22:41
acovrigI put sudo -u $USER unison default in my PostLogin, if the server is offline, I can't login, can I get around this, say `zenity —error` then login22:41
paulomy laptop card reader only works if I insert a card during the boot22:41
paulohp pavillion 2112br22:42
paulo08:00.0 System peripheral: JMicron Technology Corp. SD/MMC Host Controller22:42
acovrigpaulo, inconvenient lol22:42
wtf1noone knows?22:42
ActionParsnippaulo: can you give a pastebin of: lspci22:42
pauloActionParsnip, ok22:42
ActionParsnipwtf1: you waited all of 50 seconds, have som patience22:42
weezmgolisch, which part of ulimit -a?22:43
wtf1so i have to wait uh?22:43
ActionParsnip!patience | wtf122:43
ubottuwtf1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:43
mgolischweez: maybe just pastebin the whole output22:43
badnaamcan someone help me please?22:43
mgolischweez: unless it says unlimited everywhere22:43
pauloActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/eh1gLAHx22:43
shoopdawoopZela: so what you're saying is that the icon of the file was actually part of the  image you used as a desktop background?22:44
daishadari sudo rebooted after touching /forcefsck... where in the filesystem can i read the log output?  it went by so fast that i can't tell if the fsck actually ran and completed22:44
weezmgolisch, core file size          (blocks, -c) 022:44
weezdata seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited22:44
weezscheduling priority             (-e) 2022:44
weezfile size               (blocks, -f) unlimited22:44
weezpending signals                 (-i) 1638222:44
FloodBot1weez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
shoopdawoopif so, ROFL@you22:44
weezmax locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 6422:44
pauloActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/eh1gLAHx22:44
ActionParsnippaulo: you using a HP Pavilion dv5 ?22:45
Zelashoopdawoop, yea :x22:45
magicianlordwhat does this mean: error inserting wl.ko -1 invalid module format22:45
Zelashoopdawoop, my noobish mistake.22:45
pauloActionParsnip,  dv4 2112br22:45
ActionParsnippaulo: I saw the first time you pasted the link, you dont have to post twice22:45
AAAmagicianlord  that module is not compatable with your kernel22:45
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shoopdawoopZela: I did that as a prank to my sister a few years ago. I took a screenshot of her desktop with all the icons and set it as the background. then removed the real icons from the desktop.. it was hilarious :)22:46
dlbike76Hello All!  Anyone know which directory the flash library goes in on maveric alpha1?22:46
magicianlordAAA: ok man. i thought anything at 2.6.32-(ANYTHING) would work. i compiled wl.ko under ubuntu and am trying to use it uder base debian squeeze install, but i guess not, huh22:46
Zelashoopdawoop, ;-; was making me go out of my mind here22:46
weezmgolisch, look fine?22:46
magicianlordi guess i can do it another way. use an identical netbook with different wifi adapter to compile wl.ko and then copy it over22:47
wtf1does anyone knows what is partial upgrade?22:47
AAAmagicianlord  you'll want to compile it with the same kernel source your are running on the debian box22:47
Roastedhow can I reset the php password in ubuntu?22:47
sebsebsebwtf1: yes22:47
sebsebsebwtf1: it means it coudn't update some packages22:47
wtf1and what i have to do sebsebseb?22:48
sebsebsebwtf1: however those will probably get updated later on, so doesn't really matter22:48
zagabarActionParsnip: I got some dependency issues: http://pastebin.com/H0ucASBn22:48
embrikhow do I copy a folder with content but not hidden files in terminal?22:48
ne7workhow can i hide my ip address on xchat?22:48
magicianlordaaa, i can do it, but i just need to install debian base on the computer that has working wifi first22:48
ActionParsnippaulo: ok boot without a card in and run: lsmod > ~/bad.txt    then reboot with a card in and run:  lsmod > ~/good.txt    then compare the files. The line missing is the module to modprobe (also add it to /etc/modules and it will load at boot automatically)22:48
h00kne7work: head over to #freenode and ask for a cloak22:48
ActionParsnipzagabar: then find debs for those too22:48
h00k!cloak | ne7work22:48
ubottune7work: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode22:48
thune3weez: looks like lucid already has the latest one, but older releases don't.22:48
ActionParsnipzagabar: or ppas22:49
magicianlordAAA: is the kernel version the only factor? does it matter if i compile it under different hardware?22:49
ne7workh00k, not for freenode22:49
weezthune3, i have lucid. i insalled the latest from source anyhow22:49
ne7workfor other network22:49
zagabarActionParsnip: That I put i the same folder and then rerun the command?22:49
pauloActionParsnip, I already tried this and does not work22:49
h00kne7work: I'm not sure what you're referring to.22:49
mgolischweez: maybe its killed by the kernels oom killer, it probably just consumes more memory than the kernel can provide, you should have a look at the output of dmesg or the messages file it might tell why it was terminated22:49
=== Sup|Lobby is now known as MePHiSTo1
ExavionAnyone use gwibber and have problems with it not starting properly?  Attribute error regarding the makefile when run in console?22:50
IdleOnene7work: you would have to ask the staff on the other network if they use cloaks/vhosts22:50
ExavionAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'22:50
ne7workIdleOne, and if they use?22:50
ActionParsnipzagabar: no, just dpkg -i  the next deb, once you have the full set run: sudo apt-get -f install    (try running that now actually, may be stupid enough to work)22:50
=== MePHiSTo1 is now known as SuP|Lobby
MKMhi i just downloaded google earth in my ubuntu 10.04.., after all the installation when i click my google earth icon its boots and after that nothing appears onto the screen..., can someone help....!!!!22:50
sebsebsebwtf1: uhmm lets talk about your issues here, and I just noticed your name, its got those three letters,  good idea to change that something else, since your nick can be seen  as swearing to some22:50
IdleOnene7work: ask them, how are we supposed to know what other networks do22:50
h00kne7work: If you're asking on Freenode how to get cloaks on another network, this isn't the place for it.  You'll have to ask whoever on the other network.22:51
sebsebsebMKM: How did you do Google Earth?22:51
thune3weez: i guess it is possible that ubuntu's patches caused a regression.22:51
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weezthune3, It seems ot be onsming less memory right now22:51
MKMsebsebseb :just downloaded the bin file from the google earth website...22:51
wtf1sebsebseb:   what is exaclty a partial upgrade?22:52
AAAmagicianlord  kernel version22:52
mgolischMKM: start it from a terminal?22:52
ff88hi I've discovered that games crash because of high video card temperature - BUT only under Ubuntu!!!22:52
sebsebsebwtf1: already told you that, and I want to show you something quickly22:52
MKMmgolisch : the command..??22:52
sebsebseb!wtf | wtf122:52
ubottuwtf1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:52
mgolischMKM: no idea look at the starter icon?22:53
sebsebsebwtf1: you see?  so good idea to name change :)22:53
IdleOnewtf1: a partial upgrade is when some packages are going to be upgraded but some of the dependencies of those packages wont be upgrade. Usually means that the servers have not fully been updated and will be soon. I would wait and not do a partial upgrade22:53
magicianlordif i compile under 32-3, will it work in a system with kernel 32-5?22:53
h00kwtf1: I also suggest a nickname change, please.22:53
=== wtf1 is now known as ubuntu147
ubuntu147h00k:  done22:53
h00kubuntu147: thaks :)22:53
IdleOneubuntu147: better :)22:53
MKMmgolisch : it says Google-googleearth.desktop22:53
AAAmagicianlord  it may, but it is best to compile for your specific kernel22:54
=== andrea is now known as Guest68233
weezthune3, Ill run this overnight. Thanks for the help. Hope it works with the latest get.22:54
Xtevenhi, can anyone help me out with making a custom live cd ? I'm tryinng to skip the very first menu where a user can choose between "try ubuntu" and "install ubuntu". any ideas ?22:54
embrikI'm about to burn a dvd to my pupils. They are quitting school after 10 years. I want them to get all their documents from these ten years, but I don't need to copy all hidden files. Is there a way to do this in terminal?22:54
h00k!remaster | Xteven22:54
ubottuXteven: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:54
jp77im trying to use the "su" command in terminal, but it keeps giving me an authentication failure...22:55
mgolischMKM: nah i meant in its properties, it should tell the command, or look into the file with a texteditor, the command is in the exec= line22:55
AAAmagicianlord  you can also try to modprobe -f wl22:55
h00k!sudo | jp7722:55
Xtevenh00k: yes, thx for that, I'm already using uck22:55
ubottujp77: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:55
Xteventhe question is how can I get rid of that menu ?22:55
andrewminquick question: what's the difference between the Ubuntu Wiki and the help.ubunut.com/community site?22:55
sebsebsebubuntu147: ok  understand what IdleOne put yes?  so just wait a bit, and should be able to get those updates later on yeah22:55
AAAmagicianlord  there are a few modprobe --force-* options; man modprobe for more infoz22:56
sebsebsebubuntu147: also when it comes to pm well22:56
sebsebseb!pm | ubuntu14722:56
ubottuubuntu147: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:56
=== Guest68233 is now known as vulf^86
rick-rackhello, i'm still a ubuntu-newbie and i'm a bit confused about the 32bit/ 64bit architectures. when i'm running a 64bit ubuntu and want to install wine via synaptics, will it automatically get the 64bit packages or not? and, if it does, will i be able to run 32bit windows applications with this? thanks22:56
ubuntu147sebsebseb:  so i dont  have to make a partial upgrade uh?22:56
sebsebsebubuntu147: do the partial upgrade22:56
magicianlordAAA: FATAL wl not found22:57
sebsebsebubuntu147: hold on lets get a second opinion on that22:57
ubuntu147sebsebseb:  do i upgrade my system with this?22:57
sebsebsebIdleOne: should he do the partial upgrade?22:57
hanlincan someone help we with a bash script? I'm running a program that outputs to stdout. I would like to use grep on the output in order to trigger an action on a specific keyword. However, since the program doesn't teminate, I can't pipe the output to grep. Does anyone know an alternative?22:57
magicianlordman, i hate broadcome >_<22:57
h00khanlin: #bash might be able to help with scripting22:57
AAAmagicianlord  give it the full path22:57
Roastedhow can I reset the php password in ubuntu?22:57
MKMmgolisch : hey thanks.., its says a bug in the program.., i guess i have to report it to google...!!22:58
sebsebsebRoasted: easy22:58
sebsebsebRoasted: recovery console in the root shell and then22:58
sebsebsebRoasted: yes from Grub22:58
sebsebsebIdleOne: nevermind I guess he left22:58
magicianlordAAA: wl.ko not found (but i am typingi the path correctly22:58
Roastedsebsebseb, okay, cool. what command do I use then22:58
lxleehow do I configure OpenSSH Server so other people can view my computer?22:58
AAAhanlin  you can always redirect it to a file, then grep the file22:58
sebsebsebRoasted: passwd your user name22:59
h00klxlee: they need an account on your computer as well, or your credentials22:59
Roastedsebsebseb, I'm sorry - thats for the php password??22:59
sebsebsebRoasted: oh22:59
lxleeh00k: thanks22:59
blue_annawhat is the easiest way to block subnets by domain name?22:59
sebsebsebRoasted: ok well yeah not that then, uhmm I guess you can try ##php22:59
h00kRoasted: do you mean, php password?22:59
magicianlordi would really like to get wifi working with this debian version, but i guess it wontwork unless its exactly the same kernel22:59
sebsebsebRoasted: if don't get answer here22:59
AAAmagicianlord  hrm. cd to where the wl.ko is and try $ modprobe -f wl.ko22:59
Roastedh00k, Im just trying to get the php pasword reset. I forget what I made it.23:00
mgolischRoasted: php password? whats that?23:00
magicianlordAAA: i am23:00
Roastedmgolisch, when you configure php, arent you required to put a pw in?23:00
NitzchONotRoasted, dont u mean mysql pass ?23:00
h00kRoasted: php is in interpreted language, it doesn't have a password associated with it23:00
RoastedNitzchONot, maybe. ha, Im not too sure... Is uppose so23:00
mgolischRoasted: read the mysql admin handbook it tells howto reset passwords23:01
Aemaethis there any way to move files rather than copy them using just the mouse?23:01
magicianlordi guess i would have to dl the debian with this specific version, install it, and then copy23:01
Roastedmgolisch, I was hoping I could bypass the need for reading the book if someone h ere knew how to offhand...23:01
SlidingHornaemaeth: in your terminal (Applications > Accessories >Terminal) mv /original/path /new/path23:02
NitzchONotRoasted, read this, i hope it will solve your problem. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html23:02
Aemaethso command line only?23:02
SlidingHornaemaeth: that's the fastest way I know of to move files23:02
Aemaeththanks for the answer SlidingHorn, but if that's the only way, i have too many files to visually sort, so it'll be hell, plus there's tons of different folders, thanks just the same23:03
Aemaethwell, maybe it won't be so bad23:03
AAAmagicianlord  what happens when your $ insmod wl.ko?23:03
SlidingHornaemaeth: you can move everything in a directory by: mv /path/to/dir/* /new/path  (use a * after the directory path)23:03
Aemaethi can have nautilus open and a terminal, navigating folders is easy with tab, hard part is figuring out where i want it23:03
Aemaethi would have to open each jpeg, i'm sorting23:04
blue_annawhat is the easiest way to block subnets by domain name?23:04
blue_annathis should be a simple question23:04
magicianlordAAA: invalid module format23:04
rick-rackhello, if i'm running a 64bit ubuntu and try to install wine via synaptics, will it automatically get the 64bit version of wine or not? and, if yes, can i run 32bit windows applications with this?23:04
sebsebsebrick-rack: yes and yes23:05
mgolischrick-rack: sure23:05
dlbike76Is there software that will allow me to put Ua livecd on a USB key?23:05
rick-rackok thanks.23:05
Aemaethblue_anna, i think there's a dns file somewhere and you can send all requests to the domain to or other nulls23:05
sebsebsebrick-rack: np23:05
AAAdlbike76  I like unetbootin23:05
mgolischdlbike76: unetbootin?23:05
acperkinsAemaeth: is cut-and-paste not an option then? or holding down shift as you drag the files?23:05
sebsebseb!usb | dlbike7623:05
ubottudlbike76: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:05
Aemaethand i love unetbootin23:05
blue_annarick-rack, should be yes, but sometimes things are compiled in 32bit mode for some reason .. if it is important you can test it with file <fname>23:05
AAAmagicianlord  what does $ file wl.ko say?23:05
blue_annaAemaeth, yea you mean the hosts file I think -- I can't find an example of the proper way to write the rule23:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
=== ajh is now known as ajhansen
acperkinsAemaeth: shift-drag will always move a file, ctrl-drag will always copy it23:07
badcloudanyone manage to make nvidia module load in 2.6.32-22?23:07
Aemaethacperkins, thanks23:07
blashyrkhhi, when i try to start my mozilla it tells me that another instance is already running23:08
blashyrkhi had this problem already once23:08
magicianlordAAA: command not found23:08
magicianlordthis is debian squeeze base install23:08
blashyrkhand solved it by removing two files23:08
blashyrkhbut i cant remember, can someone tell me?23:08
AAAmagicianlord  you don't have file? that is uber odd23:08
h00kmagicianlord: this isn't really a place for debian support23:08
Aemaeththanks to both SlidingHorn and acperkins!23:09
lnostdalhi, i'd like to have my volume (sound) control applet "detached" from the other ("social", or whatever) applet .. how do i do this?23:09
AAAblashyrkh  you have to rm the lock file in your ~/.mozilla23:09
blue_annaAemaeth, I tried with " somedomain.com" but it didnt work23:09
blashyrkhthat was it23:09
blue_annaAemaeth, but " someplace.somedomain.com" works23:09
acperkinsAemaeth: no problem :-)23:09
Aemaethblue_anna, i'm not really familiar with it, had just heard about it surfing around23:10
blashyrkhdoes anyone have an idea how to solve this propblem, i only have it sometimes, and i use the same profile folder whith windows and ubunut23:10
lnostdalor, rephrased; where the heck is the volume control applet in 10.04?23:10
=== ajh is now known as ajhansen
lnostdalhmmm..  "The volume control is clubbed with chat/email notification. This was done to save space on this valuable piece of screen real estate."   but this does _not_(!!) save space23:11
Aemaethlnostdal, for me it's on the upper right hand corner, it has a mic icon, also under system > preferences23:11
h00klnostdal: they have moved to the Indicator Applet23:11
lnostdalh00k, why=?23:11
lnostdalpeople don't want that23:11
h00klnostdal: it's part of their ongoing redesign23:11
Aemaethwhat's an indicator applet?23:12
Aemaethi think i want it23:12
lnostdalwho are they? .. frickin annoying? .. what about us?23:12
lnostdalone applet for each thing or task!23:12
vulf^86lnostdal,  they umm...the ubiquitous them?23:12
h00klnostdal: this isn't the place for that discussion, you can find more information here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators23:12
lnostdalyeah, screw it .. back to windows 723:13
Aemaethi never thought i would hear that23:13
Aemaethexcept i can't get risk to work yet, i've read the fix though...23:13
jamil_1Hi, When I try to do apt-get update in terminal i get a 403 forbidden. I am behind a proxy and I have set the http_proxy variable. Synaptic runs fine.23:14
HotTunaum, how do I file a bug ?23:14
sebsebseblnostdal: sadly in 10.04,  me menu and  edited fast user account switcher is linked, so can't just remove one whilst having the other, but also  can't just have the sound applet whilst having indicator applet either.  and thats something that gets me about 10.04.   plus yeah these changes won't go upstream any time soon if ever23:14
rick-rackis there a way to disable that terrible auto-scroll in empathy?23:14
h00k!bug | HotTuna23:14
ubottuHotTuna: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:14
HotTunah00k, um its actually a bug in a module23:14
HotTunah00k, atleast I thinkso23:14
lnostdalsebsebseb, yeah, i'm not surprised .. people come to linux for flexibility23:14
h00klnostdal, sebsebseb: you can continue the conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like, but please keep this for Ubuntu support in this channel :)23:15
blue_annawhat is the easiest way to block subnets by domain name?23:15
lnostdal(i'm trying to create a simple-as-possible desktop for my family)23:15
sebsebsebAemaeth: the indicator applet is  the envelope on the top panel, by the way, since you asked23:15
HotTunaI added a blacklist module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist but how do I get a module to load at boot?23:15
sebsebseblnostdal: want to join offtopic to complain about some of these changes with me maybe?   or chat in pm a bit about stuff maybe?23:16
h00ksebsebseb, lnostdal: I'm also going to say probably the best place for that discussion is the mailing list23:16
lnostdalseems the wlan stuff is clubbed together too23:17
lnostdal..into this23:17
HotTunawlan on 10.04 is pathetic23:17
HotTunasimply pathetic23:17
AAAblue_anna  what is it you are trying to accomplish?  the best way I know of to block IPs based on domain names is with iptables23:17
sebsebseblnostdal: I'll tell you how I customize for myself and my brothers if you want, but  this isn't really support as such, so yeah pm or  #ubuntu-offtopic if you want me to23:17
blue_annaAAA I read that iptables will only look up the ipaddress one time, I want to block by domain name, regardless of the ip address23:18
erUSULHotTuna: add the nname to  /etc/modules23:18
lnostdalsebsebseb, *shrug* .. i think i'll just try debian; this is a sort of old computer anyway23:18
HotTunaerUSUL, thanks23:18
lnostdalsebsebseb, thanks, tho23:18
erUSUL!blacklist > HotTuna23:18
ubottuHotTuna, please see my private message23:18
sebsebseblnostdal: yeah since Ubuntu is based on Debian,  don't get those changes in it :)23:19
HotTunaerUSUL, isnt it /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:19
AAAblue_anna  it's been a while since I did an iptables stuff, but I'm sure you can have it do DNS lookups as much as you want. however, those are going to get very expensive, very quickly. you probably want a local caching server23:19
HotTunaAAA, ur here!23:19
blue_annaAAA, you used to be able to add these to hosts or hosts.deny but something's changed .. it doesn't work at all in hosts.deny, and the hosts file seems to ignore whole domain subnets like "foobar.com"23:19
erUSULHotTuna: read the message ubottu sent you23:19
HotTunaerUSUL, thanks been using /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist so it should work for this, but thanks.23:20
HotTunaAAA, I figured out part of my nic problem from last night the wrong module gets loaded at boot23:20
AAAHotTuna  cool. so you are getting better speeds?23:21
HotTunaAAA, steady 10-12 with occasional 50+23:22
diogo_79i have a laptop with 2 fans and reaching 55ºC the first fan starts, can i define when the fans should work when reaching a given temperature23:22
HotTunaAAA, its much better than it was....23:22
diogo_79can this be posible with ubuntu23:22
HotTunaAAA, i should probably file a bug23:22
ddrjAAA, i got my wireless card working without compiling the driver! turns out my user didn't have wireless priveleges23:22
AAAdiogo_79  I've done something similar recently. lemme think what it was23:23
ddrj<--- guy from yesterday who was asking about compiling the driver without gcc xP23:23
AAAddrj  d0h.  nice23:23
diogo_79how you accomplish that23:23
AAAdiogo_79  lmsensors I believe it was23:23
AAAdiogo_79  lm-sensors is the package23:25
HotTunaAAA, im wondering if something is wrong with the ability to negotiate 100mbs23:25
AAAHotTuna  it looked like the device kept coming up, over and over.  something is fishy, don't know what though23:26
HotTunaAAA, yea im over it as of..... NOW anyway23:27
AAAHotTuna  you could always upgrade your kernel, or try a different kernel23:27
HotTunaAAA, I didn't see the kernel we talked about from the 9.10 and I think i got the newest?23:27
AAAHotTuna  dude, there is always a newer kernel ;)23:27
HotTunaAAA, i dont see a newer one in apt :\23:28
AAAHotTuna  I think if you put the backports repo in your sources.list you should see older kernels23:28
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging23:29
HotTunaAAA, do you remember it was 31-14 right?23:29
Giles1QCad is missing fonts since upgrade to lucid, (its think its a QT3 application)23:29
AAAHotTuna  not sure.  ya know, you _can_ pull the latest kernel and build it from source.  if you've never done that, then I highly reccomend it23:31
HotTunaAAA, sounds like asking for trouble23:31
AAAHotTuna  it's a learning experience23:31
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DaekdroomSystem breaking teaches you how to recover it23:32
HotTunaAAA, yea i just dug a ditch for 8 hours I dont feel like learning heh23:32
Aemaethwas ditch successful ?23:33
HotTunaAemaeth, yea, got the pipe installed and pvc-cemented together23:33
AAAHotTuna  heh, understood. keep it in mind for a rainy day.  you should be able to find a different kernel than you have now for testing23:33
HotTunaAAA, I added the karmic backports to my apt and updated but im not seeing anything23:34
HotTunawhat else do I need to do to search for 9.10 kernels?23:34
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AAAHotTuna  apt-cache search linux-image23:34
HotTunaAAA, if im at 32-22 and there is a 21 should I go back 1 to try ?23:35
Aemaethwhat can that new flash virus i heard about do to linux?  i heard anything running adobe is at risk, since there are alternatives, i figure the open programs would be secure, roit?23:35
AAAHotTuna  I would23:36
diogo_79aaa i have install lm-sensors how can i control the fans of the laptop23:36
hansenwhat is the policy for providing new/fixed packages for existing ubuntu versions? Only security fixes or general bugfixes allowed?23:36
AAAHotTuna  it will just add the kernel to your grub menu, you _shouldn't_ get stuck out23:36
HotTunaAAA, um, how do I get in to grub cause i dont see a grub list on bootup right now23:36
hansengpgsm in ubuntu lucid in broken, and I wonder if there is any chance there will be a new package with gpgsm 2.0.15 in it23:36
Aemaethyou don't have grub?23:37
HotTunaI do23:37
HotTunaI just dont think I see anything on bootup23:37
AAAdiogo_79  I don't have it installed here, and I honestly don't recall exactly what I did.  lemme check it out23:37
dodyhello can anyone help me23:37
HotTunaAAA, appears i got 21 installed alrdy also23:37
blue_annaow can I detect if a picture is black and white *without destroying matches/non-matches or using a prebuilt mask (as per the solutions at http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11297)23:37
HotTunasorry, but how do I select the kernel on boot?23:38
AAAHotTuna  boot into it and test.  I think if you hit esc or something you'll get the grub menu23:38
HotTunabrb then23:38
macoAAA: shift, if its 9.10 or newer23:38
AAAmaco  I was gonna tell him to google that before he rebooted :(23:39
Aemaethsince i originally dual booted i suppose that's why grub would come up and not him23:39
Aemaethspeaking of that, any way to recover windows 7 partition from ubuntu? I have a recover partition, and all the files in windows appear to be intact, but it just won't load the OS after i accidentally kicked it23:40
blue_annaAAA, dnsmasq works fine, thank you from earlier23:40
AAAblue_anna  cool23:41
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AAAdody  what is your issue?23:41
dodyI have recently got a DELL Vostro with ubuntu 8.10 install and when I ran the update manager and install updates. But when I restarted the laptop it would not boot up. Any ideas?23:42
DJ_HaMsTahow can i switch from one workspace to the other without the fancy compiz ?23:42
blue_annaDJ_HaMsTa, you mean, like the workspace applet?23:42
dowxpdody- how far does the boot get?23:42
AAAdody  did the updates complete successfully? how long after the updates finished did you reboot?23:42
DJ_HaMsTablue_anna, i have 4 windows i can swith to. I dont know what the workspace applet is.23:43
IdleOneDJ_HaMsTa: ctrl-alt-arrow keys23:43
mbelohey, can someone help me configuring the microphone on this laptop?23:43
DJ_HaMsTaIdleOne, thank you!23:43
dodyit gets to where the screen says ubuntu with the loading bar and stops an 1/8 of the way and will not go further23:43
dodyyes it did23:44
blue_anna DJ_HaMsTa on the panel, right click, select add to panel, and find the "change workspaces" applet (I don't know the exact name in english, sorry)23:44
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DJ_HaMsTablue_anna, IdleOne solved it =)23:44
kaflowskiI'm trying to scan my system for rootkits. Would this page work for ubuntu? http://www.howtoforge.com/faq/1_38_en.html23:45
dodywhen I first ran the update manager it said an error message while loading the update manager23:45
Slartkaflowski: rkhunter is in the repos, try that23:45
pipo65_support ubuntu speak spanish23:45
Slart!es | pipo65_23:45
Daekdroom!es | pipo65_23:45
ubottupipo65_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:46
kaflowskithanks Slart23:46
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Slartkaflowski: chkrootkit is also in the repos.. just use synaptic or apt-get to install them for you23:46
kaflowskiSlart: and that scans for trojans and worms as well?23:47
SirBlaBlaHi, I have this external HDD. I can read/write on Ubuntu, but on WindowsXP i can not access it. I knot it is a FAT32 filesystem, but I think I may have deleted some kind of windows system folder sometime. Is there any way to get it back on XP?23:47
Slartkaflowski: they scan for a long list of bad things.. I don't know the specifics.. you'll ahve to check the man pages for that23:47
HotTunaAAA, ;-)23:48
SlartSirBlaBla: use gparted to look at the drive in ubuntu, see if it's using ext2/3/4, ntfs or fat as file system.. windows only handles fat or ntfs afaik23:48
SlartSirBlaBla: I don't think you can change the file system while keeping the data.. you'll have to copy it somewhere else and delete the partition and then create a new one23:49
mbelocould someone help me with my mic? have tried most of the settings and it worked for a little while, but then i used skype and told it that it couldnt change the mixer settings and after that it didnt work anymore.... any ideas?23:49
SirBlaBlaSlart, man!...that's retarded.....it's like 2 TB....will take 4 ever...23:49
AAAHotTuna  how does it work?23:49
jimqodekillall X returns X: no process found on my system even though there is an X server running (I can see it in the output of ps). what is the problem?23:50
HotTunabtw grub 2 =shift for menu23:50
SirBlaBlaSlart, there got to be a simpler way...23:50
AAAHotTuna  so you get the speeds you're looking for with the -21 kernel, correct?23:51
SlartSirBlaBla: ok, best of luck23:51
HotTunaAAA, no but its bettet]23:51
HotTunagartral|p, ?23:52
SirBlaBlaSlart, hehe thanks...23:52
HotTunagartral|p, can I help you?23:52
gartral|p!language | hottuna23:52
ubottuhottuna: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:52
HotTunawhat about my language?23:52
HotTunaidk what you are talking about sir, but I challenge you to a duel.23:52
LjL(w7hois hottuna23:52
HotTunawhy does everyone like me23:53
LjLi whoised the other guy too ;(23:53
DevrethmanIs there a way to permanately change /etc/resolv.conf on a DHCP interface?23:53
HotTunaLjL, i never swore lol23:53
LjLHotTuna: yeah, i noticed that23:53
HotTunaLjL, im thinking he can't read and shift=sh!t for him23:53
SlartDevrethman: you mean use your own dns server instead of the one supplied by the dhcp server?23:53
mbelocan someone help me with my mic on this newly installed ubuntu?23:53
gartral|pHottuna sorry, I took shift for sh*t... sorry23:54
HotTunaits cool.23:54
DJ_HaMsTahow does one end an unresponsive application via shell ?23:54
Devrethmanslart: yeah, UW's are really slow.23:54
AAADJ_HaMsTa  ^c23:55
lwizardlI was wondering if there is a way to set it so that ay time a disc is inserted into the computer it automatically does one of a preset command. examples MusicCD -> Ripped MP3/FLAC, DVD -> Ripped to AVI/MP4, etc23:55
DJ_HaMsTawhats ^ ?23:55
AAADJ_HaMsTa  ctrl23:55
SlartDevrethman: there is an option.. I think it's in the dhcp client configuration.. something like "prepend" that lets you specifiy a dns server to use before trying the slow ones23:55
Aemaethwhy does my webcam light turn on after coming back from standby?23:55
DJ_HaMsTaAAA, oh no no no, the video player is frozen, how can i shut it down ?23:55
SlartDJ_HaMsTa: kill, pkill, xkill are some popular choices23:56
AAADJ_HaMsTa  in another term type $ xkill23:56
PiciAemaeth: Likely its just returning power to connected devices.... or its watching you.23:56
AemaethPici, see, it's the second part of that that worries me23:56
DJ_HaMsTaAAA, thats sweetttt23:56
Aemaethi cover it when i get naked23:56
jgogglesha ha23:56
lwizardlAemaeth, simple solution if your worried about it, electrical tape over lens23:57
thune3Devrethman:  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf needs line  "prepend domain-name-servers,;" (for instance), i alsa remove domain-name-servers from the request list23:57
AAADJ_HaMsTa  :) you'll love xeyes then =p23:57
olvaphi, im doing this on a controller. system(program_name). when i run it, the program is open but the ruby app get freeze until i close the program. any one knows why?23:57
DJ_HaMsTaxeyes is creepy23:57
olvapwrong channel23:57
Devrethmanthune3: perfect, thanks.23:58
dodyAAA: so any ideas on what happened on the restart?23:58
mbelohow do i reset alsamixer?23:58
mbelohow do i reset alsamixer? sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 0 didnt work...23:59
AAAdody  no I don't.  and I have to split for now, bbl23:59
dodyAAA: ok23:59

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