[15:38] what are some of the best tools for creating artwork for... say... dialog box layout, welcome screen box and what are the specifications? [20:36] http://durian.blender.org/goodies/concept-art-dragons/ [20:46] ubuntu should _so_ have a vuvuzela start-up sound!! [20:50] vuvuzela? [20:53] * thorwil looks at the rock hyperair is living under [20:53] it's cosy here. don't you want to come in? =) [20:54] * thorwil prefers hos own rock [20:55] http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.noe-nordberg.com/florian/cms/public/index.php%3Fcmd%3Dimage%26id%3D4&imgrefurl=http://www.noe-nordberg.com/florian/cms/public/index.php%3Fcmd%3Dsmarty%26id%3D14_len&usg=__gnrXwjj1nKs7OuKz0WPvPGqKIuY=&h=324&w=243&sz=19&hl=fr&start=12&sig2=89lADFB18ulFIlqIJ4gBnQ&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=FkuvOoFjuuqD-M:&tbnh=118&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvuvuzela%2Bsound%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dfr%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=cn0a [20:55] TMvgF8mI4Qa55ZSfCg [20:55] ooops sorrry for that [21:32] lol [21:32] proving that nobody except thorwil and myself are watching footbal [21:32] l [21:33] hyperair: american or canadian by any chance? [21:33] kwwii: malaysian. [21:34] lol, well so much for cultural bias [21:34] :p [21:34] I'm american but have lived in germany for 15 years [21:34] 15 years ago I would not have known anything about football [21:34] now I do :p [21:35] the vuvuzela is the horn that *everyone* attending the world cup matches in south africa are blowing [21:35] they play a B or flat C note...really annoying [21:35] very loud [21:35] i'm chinese but have lived in malaysia for all my life ;-) [21:36] that is how the world works :p [21:36] i see. [21:36] I have met so many people from so many parts of the world through ubuntu [21:36] it is really amazing [21:37] half of the people I meet say "I am from X but live in Y" [21:37] for whatever reasons [21:38] hey ian_brasil: haven't seen anything on the list lately...are there any art needs from your side we could help with? [21:41] kwwii: hey kwwii ..we will just use the default plasma-mobile shell for now [21:42] but thanks for the offer [21:43] probably for maverick +1 we will want to modify the defaults a bit [21:44] ian_brasil: cool, plasma is really easy to theme so if you need anything please let me know :-) [21:58] night all