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mptNoooooo, come back vish12:57
mptHello godbyk and thorwil13:02
thorwilhi mpt, godbyk13:03
mpt[godbyk] idle 15:02:01, signon: Wed Jun 16 22:01:1613:03
mpthmm :-)13:04
mptSo, this team seems to be shrinking13:04
mptIvanka, Charline, and David are all busy with Canonical stuff today13:04
mpthi vish13:04
thorwilhello vish. seems it's just mpt, you and i13:05
vishyay , meeting cancel then ;p13:05
thorwilwould we had a topic, even? besides the ux-pattern thing being a total fail?13:06
mptWell, I had two things in mind13:08
mptOne was vish's situation with papercuts13:08
mptAnd the other was heuristic bug tagging13:08
mptBut now maybe we have a more important one, how to increase team participation :-)13:09
thorwili though vish eats papercuts for breakfast?13:09
vishmpt: ah yeah , i went through the papercuts and most of them seem to not require the gtk3 , so it shouldnt hurt us much13:10
mptYes, he does, but Ubuntu 10.10 will be shipping the same version of Gnome as 10.04 did13:10
vishmpt: + we can use your FTDAU , if you already have them sorted out13:10
mptvish, what sorting out are you looking for?13:11
vishmpt: seemed like you already had a few FTDAU in your mind :)13:11
vishso we could address those13:11
thorwilwhat's FTDAU?13:12
mptFails To Do Anything Useful13:12
mpta counterpart to the existing ftbfs = Fails To Build From Source13:12
* thorwil knows DAU as Dümmster Anzunehmender User = dumbest user to be expected13:12
vishmpt: and david mentioned we can be clear about the gnome situation, we have nearly 200 confirmed+triaged papercuts..13:13
vishwe need people fixing them :s13:13
mptvish, the only ones I know of at the moment are the various prism-* apps, which don't lanch because they "Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.2 and 1.9.2.*." But every so often I install an application from Universe and it does nothing, or crashes on startup, or shows an empty window, or whatever.13:14
mptI haven't made a list.13:14
thorwilsimply broken packages are papercuts. too?13:15
mptthorwil, so the idea is that they're an important set of bugs to fix, even if they're not bugs that someone might experience in their first day using Ubuntu13:16
vishmpt: ah cool,we can just add the FTDAU to a milestone ? once you can get a clearer definition of what it can cover?13:17
mptvish, I'm not sure what you mean by "add the FTDAU to a milestone"13:18
vishhave all those similar FTDAU bugs in one milestone , you mentioned prism-*  do we deal with each package as a bug?13:19
mptI was thinking more, announce the tag, talk to whoever we need to talk to to make it an "official tag" for Ubuntu, campaign for people to fix them13:19
vishwfm :)13:20
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mptthorwil, what did you mean by "the ux-pattern thing being a total fail"?13:21
vishmpt: we can have a milestone for "improving software center experience" , we encourage user to find all such packages? and try to sort them out?13:22
thorwilmpt: a bit of editing by aday, nobody else picking it up: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ui-patterns13:22
thorwilmpt: so it's either i continue all by myself, or nothing happens. it will be nothing happens, actually as i have more rewarding activities13:24
mptvish, oh, you mean a milestone within the Papercuts project? That's an interesting idea. I was thinking of it as more of a long-term thing, like FTBFS is.13:24
vishmpt: yeah , people already like tagging bugs as papercuts , once this becomes more familiar , we can continue FTDAU long-term too13:25
djsiegel(Sorry I'm late, guys!)13:26
mptthorwil, it's a success if subsequent revisions to interface guidelines take those patterns into account. It's a failure if subsequent revisions don't take those patterns into account. If there haven't been any revisions yet, it might be too early to declare failure. :-)13:26
mptvish, ok. I've already started using a "metadata" tag for bad package descriptions that show up in USC, too.13:26
mpthi djsiegel13:27
thorwilmpt: the idea was to get people from the ayatana list working on that. after a week without response, i'm sure nothing will happen from that side13:27
mptah, ok13:27
djsiegelI have a few things to mention during the meeting about UX Advocates if we have time at the end.13:27
mptthorwil, compiling design guidelines is a highly unsexy task, so I wouldn't be too disappointed about that.13:28
mptdjsiegel, UX advocates, go13:28
djsiegelok, awesome!13:29
mptKeeping in mind there's just ~5 of us here :-)13:29
djsiegelOk, who is here btw?13:29
thorwildjsiegel: vish mpt thorwil13:29
vishmpt: yeah , papercuts had a lot of bugs filed for bad "metadata" , we can polish them as well , people are very excited about the software store now. we can just use the momentum.13:29
djsiegelSo, OpenUsability.org is creating a project called Summer of Usability13:29
mpt4 ≈ 513:30
visherr, S *center13:30
djsiegelthey want to pay a bunch of HCI students $1000 to work on a well defined usability task in an open source project13:30
mptI think they did this last year too13:30
djsiegelso we need to channel this energy into UX Advocates13:31
djsiegelI am speaking to the guy organizing the project13:31
djsiegelwould be awesome to get 10 paid UX Advocates grouped with various OSS projects13:31
mptSo would they be short-term UX advocates?13:32
djsiegelhistorically 50% of their sponsored students stick with the OSS project they work with during the summer13:32
mptah, cool13:33
djsiegelso if you guys could check out openusability.org and just be aware for now, that would be excellent13:33
djsiegeland be aware of http://openetherpad.org/uxadvocates113:33
mptThere is no EtherPad document here.13:34
mptThanks djsiegel13:35
mptSo, before next week's meeting, I will:13:35
mpt* arrange an agenda in advance13:35
mpt* e-mail a reminder to everyone13:36
djsiegelmpt: Jan-Christoph Borchard wants to work on USC and Update Manager13:36
djsiegelsorry for interrupting13:36
mpt* invite a couple more people to join the team. :-)13:36
mptno worries13:36
mptThank you thorwil and vish for turning up despite my neglect13:37
thorwilmpt: i'm not surprised, either. although, personally, i don' consider compiling guidelines that unsexy. it's just too expensive in time and though for me, currently13:40
mptthorwil, oh sure, it's fascinating for me too, but we're weird13:41
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wersoops i'm late14:02
thorwilwers: it's ok, mpt didn't close the meeting, yet :)14:04
mptSomebody e-mail me a gavel14:05
thorwilnot email, but this will do: http://www.canyon-news.com/artman2/uploads/2/gavel.gif14:08
thorwilwers: so mpt and vish talked about papercuts and tagging bugs. i pointed out the trying to get ayatana list dwellers to work on ux patterns failed.14:10
thorwilwers: djsiegel brought up http://openusability.org/, who will do another Summer of Usability, paying a few students to work on OSS projects14:10
thorwilwers: so mpt and vish talked about papercuts and tagging bugs. i pointed out the trying to get ayatana list dwellers to work on ux patterns failed.14:12
thorwilwers: so mpt and vish talked about papercuts and tagging bugs. i pointed out the trying to get ayatana list dwellers to work on ux patterns failed.14:12
thorwilwers: djsiegel brought up http://openusability.org/, who will do another Summer of Usability, paying a few students to work on OSS projects14:12
wersgot dc14:12
werscool thorwil . i got your two messages after reconnecting14:13
thorwilnp. so meeting closed for real, i'd say, if further discussion -> #ayatana14:14
* thorwil -> coffee14:14
wersthorwil, thanks man!14:14
vishthorwil confirms he is Brad Pitt Of ubuntu ;)14:15
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IdleOnemembership meeting tonight?23:36
easter_eggIdleOne, yes23:41
IdleOneeaster_egg: thank you23:41
easter_eggIdleOne, in one hour23:42
IdleOneI'll be here with bells and whistles on :)23:42
easter_eggIdleOne, haha23:48

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