=== bdrung__ is now known as bdrung [01:55] can someone point me to good docs on how to integrate with the main appindicator icon? [01:55] preferably in python [01:55] this seems too high level: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/ [01:55] this isn't exactly comprehensive: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators#Python [01:56] and this is for C and doesn't really tell what I should do: http://people.canonical.com/~ted/libappindicator/current/AppIndicator.html [01:56] 6pm Pacific timezone is probably the wrong time to ask [02:05] schmichael: This isn't really the correct channel. You probably want #ubuntu-app-devel or #ayatana. That said, there are multiple things you could mean here: do you want to integrate with the messaging menu? With the Me menu? With the sound menu? Or just use the replacement notifiation-area-like appindicator? [02:07] holy shit that's a lot of menus [02:07] um [02:07] I think the messaging menu [02:08] where Mail, Compose, and Broadcast live [02:08] I've never even heard of ayatana [02:08] Sorry for posting in the wrong channel, I think one of the pages I cited says to drop by here [02:10] That's ok. [02:14] Right; so you're looking for information about the messaging menu. I think python-indicate is the package you'll be needing, and gwibber-service is an example of a python app using it. [02:14] I think I'll just use libnotify and figure out what I want to do about an icon later [02:14] ah [02:14] hm [02:15] looking [02:15] Your app is something that presents messages, right? [02:15] yes [02:16] Yeah, python-indicate will be what you're after then. [02:16] hm, can't find that in pypi [02:16] ah but there's a deb [02:17] “apt-get source gwibber-service” might help you work out how to use it if you can't find better documentation. [02:17] how is python-indicate different from python-appindicator? [02:17] I've been toying with the latter and it seems to create a new icon entirely [02:18] App indicators are the replacement for the notification area. They're for generic apps which want some form of notification-area like control system - see for example Banshee, gtg, the power manager & bluetooth thingies. [02:19] gotcha [02:19] python-indicate seems to offer the same api though [02:19] er, similar [02:19] The API should be substantially the same, they're both based on dmusmenu. [02:19] Ahem. dbusmenu. [02:19] any idea where docs might live? [02:20] I'll look at gwibber [02:20] Yeah. [02:20] I wouldn't be surprised if the pydocs weren't bad; we often have good docstrings in my experience. [02:22] Thanks for the help. I'm a web/server python developer trying to take a stab at a desktop client [02:22] Very difficult to figure out where to start [02:22] Also, I'm at a pub. Which may be the wrong place to be hacking [02:24] Nonsense! [02:25] :) [02:26] Pint #2 in progress [02:26] First one might have been 8% ABV, a poor choice [02:26] This one is 5.4% though, so I should be able to recover [02:35] RAOF: so gwibber appears to try to load a desktop file from the directory it's launched from... [02:35] ...do you know if this is important? [02:36] And if so, why from the dir it's launched from, shouldn't desktop files be in HOME directories? [02:36] or at least not by executables [02:37] As I understand it you need to stick a .desktop file somewhere that the Messaging menu checks in order to register yourself. After all, you can _start_ apps from the messaging menu. [02:40] I have so much to learn [02:40] I barely know what a .desktop file is... [02:40] ...just that it describes desktop applications [02:40] and associated resources (icons, translated names, etc) [02:40] Web development is so much easier [02:41] You have GET variables, request data (POST/PUT variables), and each request/response cycle is completely independent === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [07:10] Good morning [07:15] james_w, do you have an updated empathy indicator patch? [07:31] good morning [07:40] hey robert_ancell, bonjour didrocks [07:40] guten morgen pitti [07:41] pitti, hello [08:36] hey there [08:37] it's a Seb! [08:37] hello [08:38] salut seb128 [08:38] hello baptistemm [08:38] salut didrocks [08:38] hey pitti [08:38] lut baptistemm didrocks [08:40] seb128, hey, I have empathy updated ready for maverick. This will be the first package to have a definite dependency on GSettings. Any final words? [08:42] salut seb128 didrocks pitti and robert_ancell [08:42] baptistemm, hey [08:42] hello baptistemm [08:42] robert_ancell: wohoo! [08:42] robert_ancell, hey, I've been trying to figure from empathy guys if they will depends on gtk3 for a week now [08:43] robert_ancell: they have a shared gconf key, we should maybe look at that [08:43] robert_ancell, I'm fine with gsettings, not with gtk3 [08:43] robert_ancell, I guess we can go for it but we will need to distro patch to build with gtk2 if required [08:43] seb128, so what do you think? Shall we leave it in bzr/a ppa wait and see what they do, or roll back if there is a problem [08:43] robert_ancell, what is your take on updates? did you pick that one for a reason or do you plan to start doing GNOME 2.31 updates? [08:44] robert_ancell, btw I was wrong about new poppler it doesn't require new cairo [08:44] seb128, picked that one because you mentioned it, debian already has it in experimental, there's lots of stability updates and the geolocation is a nice new feature [08:44] robert_ancell, got the new cairo in the ubuntu-desktop ppa as well [08:44] anyone to review lp:~bluetooth/ubuntu/maverick/bluez/main and lp:~bluetooth/ubuntu/maverick/obexd/main? [08:44] robert_ancell, did you enable geolocation? [08:44] seb128, sweet, is that in bzr too? [08:45] seb128, yes, I figure we'll disable at a later date if it causes problems [08:45] robert_ancell, no, Sarvatt did the update I just sponsored to get some testing there [08:45] robert_ancell, the issue is that it will need mir for the libchamplain etc [08:45] robert_ancell, it can't build until then [08:45] robert_ancell, otherwise back to the topic I think empathy is fine to update, limited risk, easy to downgrade and nice changes [08:46] robert_ancell, do you want me to upload it with the geoclue stack for now? [08:46] seb128, why can't it build? what happens in maverick if you depend on a universe package? [08:46] robert_ancell, it depwaits [08:46] Ah ok [08:46] robert_ancell, the main builders don't know about universe [08:46] so they will not find the binaries [08:47] seb128, but they can have universe build-eeps right? [08:47] deps [08:47] no [08:47] they don't know about universe [08:47] ie universe is not in their sources.list [08:47] ok [08:48] I will sponsor that [08:48] ok, it's in bzr [08:48] sorry I didn't follow up on other things you mentioned [08:48] np [08:48] where are the compiz updates? [08:48] in bzr (~compiz_) [08:48] I'm also not sure if you let the gnome-menus merge etc for me to finish or still planned to do it [08:48] I got busy with other changes [08:48] but I can catch up today [08:49] yeah, I've just left that one for now, it had changes I didn't understand [08:49] just apply those ;-) [08:49] which ones? want to discuss those now? [08:49] nah, I don't let it through unless I can put a changelog entry and a patch header :) [08:49] ok [08:50] robert_ancell, btw you still have one work item for alpha2 to write a mir for d-conf [08:50] robert_ancell, do we need to get d-conf installed for the new empathy yet? [08:51] seb128, no, but the next release requires it [08:51] ok, so will do [08:51] I will do the libglib update today [08:52] robert_ancell, sorry lot of context switch and catchup, we have low overlap recently and I feel you will call it a week rsn ;-) [08:52] you got 10 minutes :) [08:52] robert_ancell, what are the gnome-menus changes you didn't understand? the ones with "??" in the changelog? [08:54] robert_ancell, so 06_menus_rename.patch and 08_menus_prefix.patch is a debian change [08:54] they prefixed the names on their menus to not conflict with kde [08:54] it did create extra work and some issues though and is not required since the kde ones are already prefixed in ubuntu [08:55] so we don't use those debian changes [08:55] seb128, yeah, looking over it now. Nothing stands out. I think it was just a combination of the prerm/postinst changes, the cache and just not being familiar with the pacakge [08:55] compared to compiz it looks simple :) [08:55] the admin one is to hide things which require sudo if you are not in the admin group to use those [08:56] no point to lists entries you can't use [08:56] robert_ancell, great work on the merges btw [08:56] robert_ancell, you did some I wouldn't have started on seing the number of changes, it sometime seems lot of work for low benefit... [08:57] but I guess it's still nice to do those if we can once a cycle to see our changes and reduce delta where we can [08:57] I think if we're going to merge we have to do them all otherwise they'll just get harder and harder to merge in the future [08:58] right [08:58] sometime it's easy the other way around [08:58] diff what debian changed since we merges and apply those changes to what we have [08:58] sure [08:59] seb128, hey, do you know about the latest webkit - 1.3? Is that going to be released in time for Maverick? [09:00] (and where are their releases?) [09:00] (2nd warning try) there is a shared gconf key for the used font with empathy, not sure how that can be handled with gsettings [09:01] didrocks, shared between what? [09:01] robert_ancell: that was what Zdra told me, I can ask him what else uses it [09:02] didrocks, we will get this gconf, gsettings sync issue for some things anyway [09:02] we will need to sort it [09:03] seb128: yeah, but didn't we tell at UDS "we won't update apps using shared keys?" [09:03] robert_ancell, I guess empathy uses the desktop font settings [09:03] has anyone got any ideas about the gconf->dconf migration? It requires you to restart your sessing for your keys to be migrated (if the package has a migration script). If you upgrade and restart your app it will use blank keys until the session is restarted and the migration occurs. I assume this then overwrites the keys you might have just set [09:03] session [09:03] didrocks, we don't want to step in tricky situations like breaking mimetype handles or automounting or that sort of things [09:03] man my spelling is awful at the moment [09:04] seb128: ok, for a font settings, it seems not to be so much a big deal [09:04] didrocks, I think if empathy users have to change fonts in empathy that's a fair trading for the new version [09:04] just wanting to point that :) [09:04] didrocks, thanks [09:04] robert_ancell: maybe we can drop the magic file to say "restart required" [09:04] robert_ancell, well after distro versions change we highly encourage users to restart [09:05] didrocks, yeah, that was the best I could come up with [09:05] seb128, so can we accept "strange behaviour" if they don't? [09:05] in any case, with lucid -> maverick upgrades, people will have a new kernel, so it's highely possible they will restart :) [09:05] robert_ancell, yes [09:05] ok [09:05] robert_ancell, we will always have some anyway [09:07] so if empathy is upgraded and uses gsettings (successfully), we should upload any GNOME apps we want as long as they don't use GTK3 and we have the time to support them? [09:08] right and we don't get tricky gconf, dconf shared key issues [09:08] we should review the dg,conf keys used [09:08] I'm a bit concerned for things like proxy to use [09:09] yeah [09:09] anything that is set by gnome-control-center is vulnerable [09:09] but seems GNOME will mostly depends on gtk3 [09:09] morning [09:09] seb128, what parts of GTK3? [09:09] robert_ancell, gtkapplication [09:09] they will also change their configure to use the new pkgconfig files [09:10] ie gtk+-3.0 [09:10] meh, is anyone using that? (is it required for gnome shell?) [09:10] robert_ancell, it's the libunique replacement for GNOME3 [09:10] seb128, it doesn't sound too complex then, a candidate to port to GTK2? [09:10] we might want try to convince upstream to backport gtkapplication to 2.22 [09:10] that would make our job easier [09:11] robert_ancell, well I'm a bit careful about what might land in gtk3 and requirements that might be created on the road [09:11] robert_ancell, let's not upgrade everything we can think of but only what we think would be really valuable [09:12] if the new version is mainly a gsettings gtk3 port without nice changes there is no point to take the extra work and risk now [09:12] seb128, I'm thinking it wont be anything too invasive that many apps will pick up, not without more warning than this [09:12] we can have a better overview around 2.31.9x [09:12] yeah [09:12] urgh, I forgot the "halsectomy" of banshee for UNE [09:12] then decide easily on what we will take [09:12] robert_ancell, but I'm fine doing a GNOME3 ppa if you want [09:12] pitti: do you think you will have some time to play with removing hal from banshee or do you have a guide so that I can see what I can do? [09:13] robert_ancell, we should just maybe keep focussing a bit on maverick and the platform for now and don't track every 2.31 versions [09:13] robert_ancell, seems we can avoid some work and start getting those updates later in the cycle [09:14] didrocks: that sounds like nontrivial upstream work; you'd need to switch to using media-player-info and add the parser to it which was added to rhythmbox [09:14] to be able to parse music player capabilities, formats, etc. [09:14] it's not just an 1:1 API conversion from libhal to gudev [09:15] seb128, I think we have most of the Maverick platform in place now. There is some optional/universe stuff like GTK3 but the core platform is ther [09:15] pitti: urgh, maybe I should talk with upstream about that, that's clearly a showstopper for banshee by default on UNE [09:15] ! [09:15] robert_ancell, right, next real task will be to get gtk3 packaged and gtk3 versions of libraries [09:15] didrocks: why do we switch now? [09:15] real -> requiring work [09:16] didrocks, pitti: I though banshee switched to udev etc previous cycle? [09:16] didrocks: it's much slower and memory hungry and uses hal/hal-info; also, does it have u1 music store? [09:16] oh, what do you guys think about putting the latest sane-backends in Lucid? [09:16] pitti: we talked about that in the UNE session, and there is a better netbook interface that I've hacked on the last few days [09:16] robert_ancell, what does it change? [09:16] pitti: yes, it has u1 music store plugin [09:17] seb128, lots of bug fixes, I have it in Maverick now, and a Lucid PPA. It would help a lot of users. Don't know the best way to test it [09:17] they took ages to make a release [09:17] robert_ancell, do a sru bug, hard to say without saying the diff [09:17] seeing [09:18] that's the issue, the diff will be huge, and there's no way to test any significant proportion of the drivers [09:18] robert_ancell, but seems it something that should be doable, maybe let sit in the candidate update for a while [09:18] to make sure it gets testing [09:18] perhaps the PPA will be good enough, and users will find out about it on the forums [09:18] seb128: I don't know, I'm not following banshee development [09:18] I'm currently dealing with u{dev,disks}-ifying xfce :) [09:19] pitti, ^ do you have an opinion about the sane sru? [09:19] unless it changed ABI, sounds ok; it's by and large adding support for new hw? [09:19] didrocks: There's a gudev backend in development, Alex Launi has done the initial work. [09:19] pitti, and fixing bugs in existing drivers. There were some specific models that people were having problems with and used to work in Jaunty [09:20] robert_ancell: diff is still interesting to see what kind of changes it has [09:20] ok, I'll SRU it up next week [09:20] RAOF: do you think it will be finished before our feature freeze? [09:20] robert_ancell: I can test it on a Canoni LiDE 40, but that has worked for ages [09:20] "Canon" [09:21] without a hardware lab we can't be sure it won't cause regressions. and it's too much work I think to take individual patches [09:22] beer o'clock! See you guys later [09:23] didrocks: Not unless someone steps up and finishes it. [09:23] enjoy your week-end robert_ancell [09:23] RAOF: ok, I'll see with jcastro if we can leverage some community help there [09:24] Dinner making time! [09:27] RAOF: enjoy :) [09:58] seb128: if you have some time today, I sponsored kenvandine package for indicator-network yesterday evening. It should be waiting in NEW [10:01] didrocks, ? [10:01] didrocks, I newed it yesterday evening I think [10:02] didrocks, or did that didn't work? [10:02] seb128: oh sweet, I didn't check TBH, I wasn't thinking you connected back [10:02] I did [10:02] right, it's done, you are so quick :) [10:02] there is usually quite some sponsoring required on thursday [10:02] * didrocks hugs seb128 [10:02] kenvandine desktop set upload right don't work for quite some dx sources [10:02] so I usually try to come back to sponsor things he can't upload [10:03] * seb128 hugs didrocks back [10:03] oh ok, it's the "late Thursday tasks" so? :) [10:03] yeah === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [10:22] pitti, we stopped assigning bugs to desktop-bugs now btw [10:23] seb128: oh, good to know [10:23] pitti, just fyi since I noticed you reassigned one to it [10:23] yes, I'm afraid I have no time for that one, and it didn't seem that urgent [10:25] pitti, yeah, no discussion about the bug itself ;-) [10:25] seb128: is there a replacement for desktop-bugs, or we just stop caring? [10:26] "stop caring" for whatever that means to you ;-) [10:26] we still care about the bug but we have tools to build buglists nowadays without having to assign those to a team in launchpad [10:26] ah, right [10:27] we can do json queries for those now [10:27] ie do "bugs reported on all components this team is subscribed to" === cking_ is now known as cking [10:54] Is it me or are the icons and tiles and the launcher (trunk) a bit blurry? [10:59] is it possible to do a dist-upgrade between releases with PPA sources? i tested a hardy -> lucid upgrade last night before realising that firefox hadn't been updated because the new version is still only staged in a PPA [11:00] i suppose that's a mvo question, but he's not around [11:01] chrisccoulson, what do you mean exactly? [11:01] it's always possible to run dist-upgrade, it will just grab newest versions and install those [11:02] or do you mean "does the dist-upgrade tweak ppa source lines as well as normal distro ones" [11:02] seb128 - i want to do an upgrade from hardy -> lucid, but keeping the u-m-s PPA as a source [11:02] dist-upgrader [11:02] using the graphical dist-upgrader you mean? [11:02] yeah [11:02] I'm not sure [11:03] i wanted to make sure the upgrade still works, but i forgot that it disables the PPA sources before the upgrade [11:03] I would add the hardy and lucid ppa lines to the source before running it [11:03] oh [11:03] I guess it's a mvo question then yes [11:03] he will be back on monday [11:03] thanks, i can wait until then. i've got lots of karmic bugs to fix already ;) [11:06] ok [11:06] didrocks, can you check bug #595867 [11:06] Launchpad bug 595867 in evolution (Ubuntu) "recipient address with german umlauts gets broken on new/reply .. mail (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/595867 [11:07] didrocks, the descriptions says it's happening after the recent update [11:08] seb128: do you think it's the mailing list encoding in e-d-s? [11:08] didrocks, I guess it would be the e-d-s change [11:08] well, I'm not sure [11:08] hum, not sure I have the time right now, will try to reproduce and revert this change… [11:09] * didrocks will never ever have serious time to work on banshee anyway :/ [11:09] I can't confirm though [11:09] I've tried to reply to emails from macslow and it works [11:10] didrocks, try maybe just asking questions about since when he's having the issue and how to trigger it easily for now [11:10] oh really? [11:10] seb128: sure I will thanks [11:10] seb128, cover-display in notificatiosn again? [11:11] MacSlow, no sorry, an evolution bug with names with umlauts, I was taking you as an example to test it [11:11] seb128, ah ok [11:12] MacSlow, sorry for the highlight ;-) [11:12] didrocks, ok... bring on the german umlauts then :) [11:14] MacSlow: heh, you have an uptodate lucid too? can you try to hit reply on an email from an expeditor having an umlaut in the name, please? [11:15] didrocks, pulled lucid updates yesterday... recent enough? [11:15] yes [11:15] MacSlow: should be :) [11:18] didrocks, ok did that... everything looks ok in the email-reply window [11:18] MacSlow, thanks [11:18] MacSlow: sweet, thanks a lot :) [11:18] seb128, didrocks: np yw [11:18] didrocks, let's start by asking if the issue is in the composer or in the email sent and if that happens with any names with an umlaut [11:20] seb128: done, thanks [11:24] didrocks, thank you === awalton is now known as awalton__ === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [13:34] bug #525807 is really embarrassing when you are giving an ubuntu presentation [13:34] Launchpad bug 525807 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[upstream] [3.2.1] OOo Slide Show and Fullscreen modes - not full screen under compiz (affects: 86) (dups: 6) (heat: 462)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/525807 [13:35] didrocks, did you get hit by this? [13:35] yeah, during the ubuntu party :) [13:35] and I'm still hit by this [13:35] (I'll give an ubuntu presentation in Paris this evening) [13:35] just tested again and yeah, still there :/ [13:38] we should make sure it gets fixed for .1 [13:38] ccheney should be back to work so I guess he can work on this one [13:38] right, this one should be high IMHO to not get dropped for .1 [13:39] * didrocks tries in metacity as it seems to happen only with compiz from the report [13:39] you should use your netbook and unity for presentations I guess ;-) [13:40] seb128: heh, unity had some issues with OOo fullscreen too during the party :-) [13:40] ok, works with metacity, I can workaround with that [13:41] I put that in autohide but when you show what's new, it wasn't really convenient [13:42] lol [13:46] it's not germany's day [13:55] why? [13:56] the fix that went into 3.2.1 should make it into our .1 [13:56] ccheney: apparently, the last person told that the fix in 3.2.1 doesn't work [13:56] hey btw :) [13:56] didrocks: hi :) [13:57] didrocks: hmm, will have to look at the report again, to fix it properly required a pretty invasive change upstream, from what i recall so they were trying to first just fix it for gnome (iirc) [13:58] but it has been a while since i last read the status for the bug [13:58] ccheney: ok, if you need testing, do not hesitate [13:58] didrocks: ok [13:58] thanks ccheney :) [14:01] ccheney, hey [14:01] ccheney, how are you? [14:01] seb128, doing pretty well :) [14:02] * ccheney brb, have to run to restroom before his daily mumble meeting [14:04] 14:46:22 seb128 | it's not germany's day [14:04] seb128: what happened to those poor germans? :) [14:04] didrocks, yeah, serbia scored one, germany got one player out due to a fault and they didn't score the penalty they had [14:05] ok, it was football, not something broken on ubuntu :) [14:06] didrocks, no ;-) [14:06] right, it's football [14:07] :-) [14:07] ccheney, didrocks: the slideshow bug is correctly lucid tasked with milestone for lucid .1 now [14:08] seb128: thanks a lot [14:08] np, thank you for pointing it [14:12] * ccheney back === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [14:59] good morning everyone [15:06] rickspencer3, hello! how are you? [15:11] good morning rickspencer3 [15:12] hi seb128 and didrocks [15:12] I [15:12] reboot, bbiab [15:12] m good, otp with stormy talking about guadec === bjf[afk] is now known as bjf [15:54] kenvandine, Riddell: could you update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus if you have anything to set there? [15:54] I will update the list of specs for the cycle in a bit [15:55] seb128, sure [15:56] kenvandine, thanks [15:57] seb128, the heat for the twitter change in gwibber is off, for now [15:57] seb128, they have postponed the change... but no new target date [15:58] seb128, they haven't even turned on the new service yet... [15:58] ok [15:58] kenvandine, let's move it to alpha3 then? [15:58] hopefully we'll hear when the new date is soon, hopefully it isn't too soon [15:58] ok [16:02] seb128, kenvandine: will update that now too; ping hard when it's my turn [16:04] davidbarth, ok [16:39] is libappindicator0.1-cil broken in maverick? tomboy doesn't start for one user, while it works for another one [16:39] and can't build a tomboy packae, it complaiuns: [16:39] error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `/usr/lib/cli/appindicator-sharp-0.1/appindicator-sharp.dll' [16:40] rodrigo_, yes, tedg is working on it right now [16:40] ah, ok [16:40] or I think he is [16:41] check with him [16:46] tedg, ^^ [16:51] rodrigo_, Sorry, right now learning to hate mono's al >:-( Should hopefully be fixed in a bit. [16:52] tedg, ok, let me know if you want me to test, I'm waiting on having it fixed for building a tomboy package === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira [17:32] ok, let's call it a week, going to Paris to give a conference on Ubuntu now :) [17:34] enjoy your week-end everyone o/ [17:40] didrocks, thanks, have fun today and a nice weekend ;-) [17:45] Is there a simpler example than gwibber on using appindicator from python? [17:45] schmichael, jockey [17:45] seb128: thanks [17:45] yw [17:46] schmichael, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators [17:46] schmichael, there is a small code example there as well [17:46] seb128: yeah, I've done that, but it's a little too simple to be very useful [17:47] and it uses appindicator when evidently using indicate is preferred [17:47] and I'd like to integrate with the existing messaging appindicator [17:49] "NOTICE: 'jockey' packaging is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system at:" [17:49] that's pretty cool! [17:54] seb128: I'm not understanding how jockey uses appindicator. It appears to me to just be a gtk app that uses notify [17:54] Considering I'm building a messaging related app, I think gwibber is probably what I should be looking at :( [17:56] schmichael, well appindicator does basically what the example on the wiki or jockey are doing... [17:56] ie adding a menu to an icon [17:57] it's what you get for ie the bluetooth icon in lucid [17:57] seems you want to integrate with the messaging menu though rather than using appindicator [17:57] you can ask questions about that on #ayatana [17:58] hm [17:58] I have a messaging application which will pop-up notifications that need to fire an event (eg launch an app) [17:59] Since Ubuntu removed the ability for notifications to do anything, I figured appindicator was the route to go... [17:59] is that correct? should I take these questions to #ayatana? [17:59] (and wth is ayatana? I've been an Ubuntu user for years and never heard of that...) [18:04] "The Ayatana Project is the collective project that houses user interface, design and interaction projects started by Canonical." hm [18:10] schmichael, the indicator work is ayatana work [18:10] as is notify-osd [18:11] schmichael, well, there is a specification about user interactions on the wiki [18:11] schmichael, incoming messages should be queued in the message indicator [18:12] schmichael, things which require user to know about and act with should probably be opened in a dialog [18:12] hm, interesting. reading the full MessagingMenu wiki now [18:12] ok === MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow === oubiwann is now known as away === away is now known as oubiwann [22:04] Perhaps i dropped the question of starting XFCE-desktop in the wrong room (#xubuntu)? === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [22:59] hello all [22:59] didrocks: you around? I managed to break python-mkdebian ;-) [23:10] Is this a place to discuss potential papercuts? I that case I would like to point at Bug #479489 as a good candidate, I've even prepared to report a new bug before i found that, and did a writeup (use case abd all..): http://pastebin.org/340224 [23:10] Launchpad bug 479489 in compiz (Ubuntu) "disable Super+MiddleClick by default (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479489