[01:18] hmm, someone changed a setting on our mailing list so posts were coming from the list [01:19] Vantrax, doctormo, did either of you make the change? is there anyone else with access? [01:20] pleia2: I haven't changed the account settings, but I do remember my computer clicking on something today... I may have to check. [01:23] pleia2: Nope, what ever I did today couldn't have effected the mailing list settings. [01:23] ok [01:23] well if it wasn't any of us, we may consider changing the password just to be safe [01:24] (not sure why someone would log in and change a strange setting, but whatever :)) [02:25] what happened to the list? [02:25] Vantrax: all emails started coming from the list rather than individual members (it's an option in mailman) [02:26] fixed or still doing it? [02:26] I fixed it [02:26] I dont remember changing any settings [02:27] Was looking around in the the other day. [02:27] was just trying to figure out how it got that way, if it wasn't one of us I think we should consider changing the password in case someone else did [02:35] do it, just email it out to the rest of us:P [02:35] will do === zach_ is now known as Guest73735 === Guest73735 is now known as zkriesse === zkriesse is now known as That_Wiki_guy === That_Wiki_guy is now known as zkriesse === zach_ is now known as Guest41733 === Guest41733 is now known as zkriesse === zkriesse is now known as ZachK_