[00:16] anyone got something about writing a browser with python & webkit ? [04:10] does anybody have the link to the ppa with the latest tex stuff? [05:17] ?mppa [05:17] d'oh. bot's not listening. [07:38] ?mppa | Zeike [07:38] Zeike: The manual team has a latex PPA you can add it by running these commands in a terminal(Applications → Accessories → Terminal): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-manual-tex [07:38] ubuntujenkins: thanks! [07:39] no problem sorry it took so long [07:39] no worries [11:55] hello everybody [12:08] hi daker [12:22] the one thing that really bothers me with eclipse is the project handling. it's actually a riddle how to open a project that is not in your current workspace dir [13:31] Hey vish and thorwil, are either of you there? I was recommended by Benjamin to get in touch with you. I need some help making a non-sucky favicon for my new site, if you're up for it. [13:32] Nevon: what is your new site (about)? [13:32] It's a personal website/portfolio type of thing. [13:32] I can show you if you're interested. [13:34] thorwil: doooo it [13:39] ooh , non-sucky needed ;) [13:45] thorwil gave me a couple of ideas to work from, so now I at least have something to get me started. [13:45] The biggest problem was that I couldn't come up with any good ideas. [14:48] humphreybc, anything about the new design ? [14:48] daker: Nope, my last exam was today though so I'll be working on the design a lot next week. Just waiting on icons from Vish [14:49] ko [14:58] US vs Slovenia [15:13] haha Solvenia 1 [16:15] humphreybc: i'm not sure what the larger icons on side are supposed to mean > http://www.flickr.com/photos/humphreybc/4695964476/sizes/l/in/set-72157624139515783/ [16:16] doesnt seem to make sense with the philosophy page [16:17] the watermarks^ [16:48] Has anyone seen ubuntujenkins recently? [16:57] flan: not since yesterday [16:57] he was here this morning i think [16:58] daker: yea he might have been, i wasnt on thismorning so i dont know [16:59] bye all [17:26] Ah. Well, if anyone sees him before I do, please let him know I'm available for help with creating a test workflow setup. [17:26] Thanks. [17:42] godbyk: i replied to Daniel Schury on the list and directly to him, with link to your answer to him in the list archive [22:15] evening all [22:17] hi, ubuntujenkins [22:17] * ubuntujenkins now has to play the how long untill he loses wifi game [22:17] heyy Zeike [22:17] I hate that game =\ [22:19] so do i also have the added factor of i can't reconnect as it means waking the whole house and getting shouted at [22:40] <_ubuntujenkins> hey i don't see godbyk [22:42] <_ubuntujenkins> is anyone there? [22:42] <_ubuntujenkins> |ping [22:43] <_ubuntujenkins> !welcome [22:43] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-manual! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! [22:51] !ping [22:51] pong [22:52] yey [23:17] * ubuntujenkins is in windows because ubuntu wifi ddoes not reconnect but windows does [23:34] night all