
scott_evakgraner: pong00:33
scott_evzkriesse: pong00:38
zkriessescott_ev: haha00:55
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
akgranerscott_ev, hey15:53
internalkernelif you get a chance, check what I posted in "In the News" - just want your opinion on the last sentence... since it's a quote from the article. If you no likey... just16:46
internalkerneldeletey... :)16:46
akgranerk will look16:46
=== zach_ is now known as Guest73735
=== Guest73735 is now known as zkriesse
zkriesseakgraner: ping20:44
=== zkriesse is now known as That_Wiki_guy
=== That_Wiki_guy is now known as zkriesse
zkriessescott_ev: ping20:57
=== zach_ is now known as Guest41733
=== Guest41733 is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as ZachK_

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