[00:00] I just reinstalled XP. Ubuntu=sdb1, XP=sda1. To fix it I need to boot Ubuntu LiveCD, mount sd?, 'sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sd?' [00:00] igoryonya_: Then that is correct (in response to your comment about what you need to do) [00:00] DasEi: what? [00:00] pr0xy: you were the one who asked for apt-history ? [00:00] DasEi: I guess. [00:01] DasEi: I found it in synaptic [00:01] will__: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide [00:01] pr0xy: which app ? [00:02] DasEi: for what? [00:02] Anyone here know how to use VLC in a completely cli environment? [00:02] will__: apart from chrooting also need /proc and /sys, readit up [00:02] does anyone think that ubuntu will go the chromium route in the future? making the browser the OS? [00:02] seidos: No! [00:02] nope [00:02] pr0xy: ah, now I get it, you found the packet you looked for in synaptic [00:02] that's only going to be an option for those who do nothing but browser, email and office docs [00:02] !ot | seidos [00:02] seidos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [00:02] soreau: here are all my updates from today. http://pastebin.com/CNYdukGP [00:02] hey sebsebseb [00:03] hey seidos [00:03] sebsebseb, all right all right, I'll go to ubuntu-offtopic [00:03] DasEi: this part confuses me: 'If you have a separate /boot partition' ---- does that mean if my '/boot' folder is not on my Ubuntu partition? [00:03] DasEi: I found the history of all my updates [00:04] someone able to help with getting exim to send emails to external email addresses with me? thanks [00:04] will__: right, not located under / (root) , but a single partition ( sudo fdisk -l would show or gparted [00:04] is any one here able to help me with JAVA [00:04] ok thanks [00:04] hi. where my dial up modem chipset can anybody help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/451328/ ??? [00:04] sebsebseb: Network Manager applet gone again after log out log in.Any ideas? [00:05] michal__: Desktop version or netbook? [00:05] whanna use modem in my notebook for faxing [00:05] sebsebseb: deskop 32bit [00:05] soreau: here are all my updates from today. http://pastebin.com/CNYdukGP [00:06] how can i get working driver to let it be [00:06] ? [00:06] soreau: you mentioned a kernel update. is there one in this? http://pastebin.com/CNYdukGP [00:06] ozstr1ker: build-in modem ? [00:07] yes in motherboard === inx-live is now known as mdg [00:07] !who | ozstr1ker [00:07] ozstr1ker: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [00:07] ozstr1ker: sudo pppoeconf << is it found ? [00:07] can't get what king of chip is it [00:08] DasEi nope :( [00:08] Hey guys, does anyone have a good guide on how to install the latest OCRopus from google? or any good OCR alternatives in ubuntu? thanks [00:08] ozstr1ker: sudo apt-get install hwinfo [00:08] DasEi: the last command 'grub-install /dev/sda' is my only question. Ubuntu is on sdb1, XP is on sda1 -- i assume it's 'sda' - because my BIOS looks there first. sda right? [00:08] DasEi modem driver file empty [00:09] ozstr1ker: you are on that book now ? [00:09] DasEi working on it === shade__ is now known as \shade\ [00:09] I've lost my titlebars, assume the gnome window manager is dead, anyone got a quick snippet to start it again? :P [00:09] yo yo yo [00:09] ozstr1ker: hwinfo | pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog [00:10] will__: nooo! [00:10] DasEi whu so simple thing doesn't work [00:10] will__: if ubu is on sdb , install to there and change bios to boot sdb first [00:10] DasEi, i am here again, but when i typed "sudo init 1" komut, my screen turned again black and i cant control my keyboard, i restarted computer [00:11] Esat: ic, you know how to boot safe mode ? [00:11] no [00:11] I didn't have to do that when i first installed ubu -- isn't there a way to repeat what ubu did when it installed? [00:11] DasEi http://pastebin.com/NH8v2EV3 http://pastebin.com/TK0W92XB [00:11] bfabry, alt+f2 metacity --replace [00:11] Esat: (terminal) : sudo gedit /etc/default/grub [00:12] ozstr1ker: have a tea, be there in few minutes === jesset is now known as Guest1788 [00:12] ok DasEl [00:12] DasEi gksudo for gedit dude [00:12] how can I find out about the hindering reason against the inclusion of a software package into the universe repositories instead of having it in multiverse? [00:12] Oh thx ;) prefer to be here on this momment [00:12] what is the quick way to find what version of a package is installed [00:12] DasEi: i cant see here when i tpye this commant?? [00:13] How do I change the avatar for my IRC account in empathy? It gives me a error saying "Couldn't Convert Image: None of the accepted file formats are supported on your system" when I try to choose one of the pixmaps [00:13] someone able to help with getting exim to send emails to external email addresses with me? thanks [00:13] belal1: avatar... for IRC? since when does IRC have avatars? :o [00:13] actionParsnip: none of the levels in alsamixer are muted. [00:14] Esat: grub-file open ? [00:14] ActionParsnip: yes Sir [00:14] Maybe I'm using the wrong term? I went to Edit | Personal Information and then you can choose a face/avatar [00:14] DasEi: yes [00:14] it opened [00:14] I use it for AIM, it changes the buddy Icon [00:14] belal1: uhm... i've never used Empathy, but i can tell you that people on IRC will *not* see any image you have set there === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [00:14] Same with my Yahoo account. [00:15] belal1: there simply is no provision in the IRC protocol for exchanging avatars [00:15] Esat : GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true to GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false [00:15] Dasei: i did this [00:15] * ActionParsnip thinks lucid puppy rocks [00:15] Save?? [00:16] Esat: GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 should be default, just check [00:16] it is 0 (Zero) here [00:16] Esat: save gedit, exit it [00:16] Esat: ah, change to 5 or 10 [00:16] i did it to 10 [00:16] ok [00:16] Esat:save, close [00:16] ok [00:16] :( Thanks. Well atleast now I Know. [00:16] What is the default game installation directory on ubuntu? [00:16] Esat:sudo update-grub [00:16] ok [00:17] Esat:now again, first read then do : [00:17] it shows me some lines [00:17] Esat:after a sudo reboot, when grub says it's loading, press shift, to get the grub-menu [00:18] it done [00:18] Esat:there choose recovery mode, usually the second entry [00:18] yes yes [00:18] i understand [00:18] when reboot, i will choose recovery mode: Right?? [00:18] Esat:that brings you to single-user mode, where you can choose netroot or just root, which is a commandline [00:18] but, i cant use command line [00:19] Esat:why ? [00:19] i don t know about commands [00:19] Esat:you do, there you issue the three commands I gave you before, then resume or reboot [00:19] which command will i use at this commandline? [00:19] oki see ok [00:19] i just installed lubuntu [00:20] so wait me again [00:20] what command to install firefox? [00:20] Esat:after these three commands you either type exit and choose resume normal boot or simplly reboot [00:20] den_: sudo apt-get install firefox [00:20] DasEi: ok [00:21] DasEi i have driver for windows vista from compaq site can send it to you. [00:21] ozstr1ker: checking your hardware now [00:21] DasEi: i m going to do this command === elliot is now known as Guest10358 [00:22] DasEi may be it is just a empty port without modem chipset in my notebook :) [00:22] o2.pl [00:23] A modem is optional on a notebook [00:23] it build in [00:23] Mine was optional [00:24] notebook compaq 6720s [00:24] simple but i love it [00:24] No It is not a COMPAQ [00:25] hp [00:25] hi how can i create a new partition ??? [00:25] DELL [00:26] dreaming about thinkpad sl510 [00:26] ozstr1ker: sudo lspci | grep 537 , does this return anything ? [00:26] hi how can i create a new partition on ubuntu ??? [00:26] Wake UP !!!!! [00:26] Charbel: use gparted [00:26] !info gparted [00:26] gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 460 kB, installed size 4168 kB [00:27] BiggFREE, WHAT what !? fire?~ [00:27] DasEi nothing [00:27] ozstr1ker: what's the brand/model of that book ? [00:27] No! No! lol [00:27] DasEi hp/compaq6720s [00:27] helo [00:28] hello??? === root is now known as Guest58867 [00:28] hi [00:28] hey [00:28] DasEi, if i download gparted could u help me how to use it ? [00:29] i want to ask about live stream publishing [00:29] DasEi in past logs u have seen it [00:29] Charbel: I'm busy right now, but sure someone here can [00:29] DasEi not working don't worry [00:29] ok DasEi thx :) [00:29] What is the default game installation directory on ubuntu? [00:30] DasEi later ask how to by forum [00:30] thx for attention [00:30] for each user that listen the stream my server have a separate bandwidth ? for example stream with 5 Kbps, that listen 20 user my server must have 5 * 20 = 100 Kbps bandwidth ? [00:31] den: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 [00:32] sweb plus a bit of overhead, but yup [00:33] AAA, so i need the powerful server ! [00:33] sweb you need the powerful bandwidth. your server should be able to handle the traffic, assuming it is this millenia [00:33] sweb and 100K is not much bandwith fyi [00:34] AAA, i know but it's an little example :( [00:34] sweb your math is correct. don't forget about overhead though if you start pushing to tons of clients [00:36] ozstr1ker: sory, har to find chipset : lspci | grep VEN [00:37] does anyone know a website which i can use webcam and which works with ubuntu ? [00:37] DasEi found it? [00:37] Charbel: pidgin on lucid supports webcam via a plugin [00:37] ozstr1ker: sory, har to find chipset : lspci | grep VEN > get a result ? [00:38] DasEi nope empty [00:38] DasEi sorry :( [00:38] DasEi, which plugin ? [00:38] ozstr1ker: np, lspci | pastebinit [00:39] hello,...um i got a question? [00:39] DasEi oh cool, I didn't know there was such a tool [00:39] hhhh [00:39] !ask | jessica_ [00:39] jessica_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:39] DasEi lspci | pastebinit [00:40] hi i need some help if any one can help me [00:40] ups [00:40] o que e ubuntu ? [00:40] i have an ipod nano with about 1.6 Gb of songs, but when i try to transfer songs, it says its full at 7.2 Gb. Any ideas? [00:40] DasEi http://pastebin.com/1mveEtFv [00:40] !br | zmax [00:40] zmax: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [00:40] jessica_ the rest is file maintance stuff [00:40] Does anyone know where I can find an easy step-by-step TOTAL newb guide to editing a theme? [00:40] i have opened each file in nautilus and it still says 7.2 full, but using Banshee, it only shows 1.6 Gb of songs [00:41] what is ubuntu ? [00:41] Charbel: http://tinyurl.com/nb9zxmQ [00:41] !ubuntu | zmax [00:41] zmax: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [00:41] jessica_ $ df -h <-- what does that say for your ipod? [00:41] ty DasEi [00:41] just a sec [00:42] Hey, can someone help me fix my internet in 10.04? I don't seem to have a DNS specified in resolv.conf [00:42] i acidently deleted the main repositorys from my synaptic and i cant seem to find a way to add them back i keep getting non official ones when i look i have 10.04 [00:42] when running a cron, are most run as root? or just a system user ? [00:42] profxavier: They can run as any user. [00:42] ozstr1ker: strange, hwinfo reports a amr modem, lspci doesnt, so another view : [00:42] Simon_ nameserver [00:42] AAA: df -h indicates /dev/sdd1 is at 7.4 GB with 2.9M free [00:42] ozstr1ker: pastebinit /var/log/syslog [00:42] jessica_ yup. it's full [00:43] jpds, if I am user, and I use crontab, that just creates a cron for that user [00:43] I just have to type in the nameservers? [00:43] by asking for a password to configure or install program === charlieroche is now known as charlieroche-afk [00:43] jessica_ i _think_ there is another partition on that that is holding data, not sure tho [00:43] jpds, if that user doesn't have access to a command, then the cron will not run correctly ? [00:43] with 5.8 GB worth of maintenance stuff [00:43] DasEi http://pastebin.com/C1bvRX1g [00:43] DasEi, it didn't work it gives me a message which says Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to. [00:43] jessica_ I thought you said it was an 8g ipod [00:43] AAA , do I just have to type in "nameserver [google nameserver]"? [00:44] AAA-did i do my math wrong? whoops [00:44] Charbel: http://tinyurl.com/nb9zxm [00:44] Simon_ no, you need to edit /etc/resolv.conf and a line, or 2, with that syntax. note, network-manager will overwrite this === majuk is now known as bip [00:45] DasEi i don't understend all of this operations but i see it's real problem to get it work [00:45] jessica_ disk sizes can be confusing. there are 2 conventions to measure there size and umpteen ways to display it [00:45] AAA-ahhhh... [00:45] AAA-i'll check using Gparted, and post results...Thanks! [00:46] jessica_ manufactures like to round a K to 1000 and Linux uses 1024, then df -h <--h is for human readable displays it in M, without the -h you'll see the byte count [00:46] DasEi, [00:46] AAA-ahhh... [00:46] ozstr1ker:sudo apt-get install modemmanager [00:46] cool [00:46] ozstr1ker:sudo l modem-manager [00:47] Esat: yes [00:47] DasEi: i cant do what you said me [00:47] The commandline doesnt accept my password [00:47] DasEi /usr/sbin/modem-manager [00:47] DasEi, it says ---> Does Pidgin support MSN video chat? Not currently. It is planned. See below. [00:48] got a small and insignificant question about gparted: I have a USB disk, 4 gigs. I was experimenting with it earlier, to try to make it a bootable ubuntu partition, and that worked, but now I decide that I wanted it to just be simple storage... when I go to gparted, I cannot get rid of the one half of the disk that I had formatted as fat16 [00:49] I can get rid of the other half, but not the fat16 portion... it is simply untouchable, and I am not sure why [00:49] Charbel: I'm not provided with the latest developments, got to search deeper yourself, but I saw video chats via pidging, so yes there is a way [00:49] xaphoo your best bet is to run $ cfdisk and choose the filetype you want, then $ mkfs. on the disk [00:49] xaphoo unless you are bent on using gparted, then I can't be of help [00:50] ah thanks... how do I run cfdisk? I'm not bent on using gparted [00:50] it's just all I know [00:50] xaphoo sudo cfdisk and follow the prompts [00:50] ozstr1ker:we're little in the dark still, as chipset /way of binding is unknown , this is for most commaon pcmi-ones [00:50] ok thanks [00:50] mmmmmmm [00:50] xaphoo it will destroy your data, you realize? [00:51] yes... [00:51] I ran it and it shows my hd (sda), not my usb drive (sdb) [00:51] ozstr1ker:ifconfig just shows two devices ? [00:51] xaphoo just checking. make sure to format after, then you should be able to pull it out, plug it in and automoun [00:52] DasEi sorry but i can't figure out this by myself [00:52] xaphoo my bad. cfdisk /dev/yourusbdrive [00:52] ozstr1ker:ifconfig just shows two devices ? [00:52] thx [00:52] I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a vm today, and it installed correctly, but I turned the vm off etc. I turn it back on just now, and it goes back to the installation window. Any ideas? [00:53] DasEi yes just tow eth0 & lo [00:53] ozstr1ker does ifconfig -a show more? [00:54] DasEi eth0, lo, wlan0 [00:55] ozstr1ker looks like you have wlan0, you just need to bring it up and connect to your AP [00:56] ok but what is AP? [00:56] iDominateU unmount the iso [00:56] ozstr1ker access point [00:56] ok... how'd I do that in virtualbox? [00:57] AAA hm he try to get what chipset of dail up modem [00:57] ozstr1ker have you $ ifconfig wlan0 up? [00:57] ozstr1ker oh, you want to use a modem? sorry, I must be confused [00:57] hi [00:57] AAA for use\ Efax-gtk [00:58] ozstr1ker gotcha. [00:58] i have problems about sony vaio vpcs111fm sound problem ubuntu 10.04 i386 [00:58] hi, so I have a question.... if I use a high-speed SDHC card as my hard drive to install Ubuntu UNR on my netbook, then set the internal SATA hard drive to NOT automatically mount (in /etc/fstab of course), does anyone know if it'll still spin the drive up? [00:59] I'm trying to find a good solution for a low-power setup on this netbook. I have a 320GB drive on here that's kinda eating my battery life [00:59] ozstr1ker:does the wireless work with it ? [00:59] does* [01:00] anyone here smart enough to help me connect my router to my computer and get my router to be able to access the internet? [01:00] is there anyone can help me to overcome soun problem with my sony vaio laptop [01:00] DasEi hahaha [01:00] DasEi dial up modem is wired [01:00] must be [01:00] ;D [01:00] sorry for taken your time [01:00] willwork4foo I believe so. you can use hdparm to park it if you want === ubuntu_ is now known as inoh [01:01] ozstr1ker:I know, but is the wireles chip working ? (I ask this because it's likely combined with the modoem, hehe) [01:01] AAA, is it possible to do that automatically if the drive is not mounted? [01:01] AAA-Me again. I show no extra partitions on the ipod. With less than 2 Gb worth of music on the ipod, why would it show as full? [01:01] great, works like a charm AAA... thanks [01:01] oh see [01:01] how do I connect to paltalk on lucid linx [01:01] now i turn it on [01:01] kitche, how do I unmount an iso in virtualbox? [01:02] AAA-Can there be less than 6 Gb of non-accessible filesystem stuff? === charlieroche-afk is now known as charlieroche [01:02] resently was off i use dsl ethernet [01:02] willwork4foo, unfortunately, even with laptop-mode, Ubuntu still have issues with battery life on laptops [01:02] i have a 1 TB external usb 2.0 hdd. I would like to put Ubuntu karmic on 100 GB of it and be able to boot into Ubuntu. How might I do this? [01:02] willwork4foo yes. off the top of my head I can't think how you'd do that. and I am not %100 the drive will 'spin up' I know the BIOS will spin it up, not sure after that [01:02] can anyone point me towards a theme making guide? [01:02] iDominateU same way you mounted it if you are using an iso [01:02] ozstr1ker:turned on ? [01:02] ozstr1ker:sudo pppoeconf again [01:02] DasEi now yes [01:03] ozstr1ker:sudo pppoeconf again [01:03] charlieroche-theme guide for what? [01:03] jessica_ less than 6G? my guess, only a guess, is between the way bits are calculated and file system stuff it is in the neighborhood of %10 of the capacity [01:03] DasEi doing [01:03] kitche, I added the file to virtual media manager, but didn't mount it. [01:03] leagris, fair enough. Not sure why, because my CPU is quiet and it seems to be doing OK [01:03] what email server is easiest to setup under Ubuntu ? [01:03] i'm trying to design a theme and i can't get into any premade stuff to edit it [01:04] willwork4foo:you can use hdparm to park most modern drives [01:04] willwork4foo, if your 320Gb is USB connected, It may not be able to sleep [01:04] does anyone know how to connect to paltalk with lucid lynx [01:04] profxavier qmail is probably the easiest MTA you can set up [01:04] leagris, it's the internal SATA drive [01:04] thanx [01:04] what "user" preferences does ubuntu copy to new users when they are created? [01:05] I'm going to get an SDHC card and put it into this netbook's internal reader slot and use that as my root disk [01:05] willwork4foo:also it's lets you set power modes on certain drives, though that shortens their life-time [01:05] DasEi, hmm [01:05] the intention is to use a solid state storage device as the root disk and NOT spin up the large storage disk unless I need it (music, video, etc) [01:05] willwork4foo, If I remember fuzzily, there is a top/mtop/atop tool to monitor power draw from processes activities [01:05] ozstr1ker:does it find a modem now ? [01:05] i just read that ati catalyst 10.6 was released... where can i get install instructions? [01:05] d* , darn [01:06] is VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run for 32-bit? [01:06] willwork4foo, set the SSD to mount as / and the HD to /home/ [01:06] vb0x: yes [01:06] vb0x, yes [01:06] :) [01:06] does freenode have a bible chatroom? [01:06] Sheepherd: did you try to find ( may an older version ) under hardwaredrivers ? [01:06] charlieroche-theme for gparted [01:06] ? [01:06] Daekdroom, but that will still spin the drive up whenever I do anything that involves writing to /home [01:07] willwork4foo, disable any non used server or services, mount partitions with "noatime, nodiratime" and there are some other tweaks but these mostly are within the package laptop-mode [01:07] coffee247: ask in #freenode === switchgirl is now known as DarkNemisis [01:07] Hi, how can I put Ubuntu on a USB external HDD? [01:07] jessica_: I don't think gparted can be themed [01:07] server #freenode [01:07] I'm just going to create a mount point of /bigdisk or something and then symlink various folders like ~/Music to /bigdisk/Music [01:07] that kinda thing [01:07] !usb | inoh [01:07] inoh: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [01:07] coffee247: is a channel on this network [01:07] its* [01:07] leagris, I'm assuming I have laptop-mode in since I am running unr [01:08] hello running ubuntu 10.04 problem with aptitude there is a lock on dpkg cant seem to fix it with the normal rm of lock file ...is this a butg [01:08] s/butg/bug [01:08] I have to say, I am AMAZED at how well UNR works on this thing [01:08] really impressed [01:08] !fixdpkg | harry-houdini1 [01:08] harry-houdini1: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [01:09] harry-houdini1: that's always one of the last measures I take.. did you try steps before ? [01:09] willwork4foo, used to be able to use suspend mode before 10.04 and now it does not work anymore, crash on wakeup [01:09] I forgot how to change channels. would someone demonstrate how to change channels with the code in quotes please, thank you "" [01:09] suspend mode works fine here...? [01:09] coffee247: /join #channelname [01:09] harry-houdini1: see flare [01:09] I need to press spacebar to wake it up when I open the lid, but it's fine [01:09] yes...cant seem to get it to fix it this time [01:09] #freenode [01:10] coffee247: /join #freenode [01:10] coffee247: /join #freenode [01:10] ah [01:10] DasEi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:10] sebsebseb: Sorry, i was being sarcastic. charlieroche hasn't said what he was trying to theme [01:10] wait never mind found a problem [01:10] jessica_: oh [01:10] thanks guys [01:10] have a good night and thanks [01:10] ok, I'm outta here too for a bit to go get some sleep [01:10] thanks loads for the help, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:11] where is apache installed by default? [01:12] oh [01:12] anigma: i believe /etc/apache2/ === richard is now known as Guest28475 [01:12] yeah, I just found it there! [01:12] jessica_: oh it turns out, they had already left, and then you ask them what to theme [01:12] ozstr1ker:we will have hard times if we don't figure out the chipset, as we can just poke around, maybe driver is already loaded (modprobe could tell), and just no assignment to eth1 [01:12] DasEi: well i installed my graphics driver with hardwaredrivers but there doesnt seem to be an update available [01:12] 出列 [01:12] 老子来来 [01:13] 老子来了 [01:13] Does anyone know what this suspend recovery error in boot.log means? "init: ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4" [01:13] why does fsck tell me that i will cause severe damage if i run it?? how else am i to find out whats wrong with my hard drive?? [01:13] !cn | jiangcongyi [01:13] jiangcongyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [01:13] japanes ? [01:13] sebsebseb: Hope i didn't offend.. [01:13] DasEi pppoeconf result NOT CONNECTED [01:13] ozstr1ker: but did it find a device ? [01:14] DasEi but its true because modem is just a chip [01:14] ozstr1ker: did it find a device ? [01:14] Sorry, I scanned 3 interfaces, but the Access │ [01:14] │ Concentrator of your provider did not respond. [01:14] Guest28475: If you read the full message, it tells you it could cause damage if running fsck while the target file system is mounted [01:14] soreau yes how do i unmount to check?? [01:14] A menu applet (The "Logout/Poweroff" switch) encountered a problem. "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet" Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? [01:15] ozstr1ker: aharr, so we are little closer now, as it found three access devices, so recognized the modem, too [01:15] Guest28475: umount /dev/ [01:15] ozstr1ker: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [01:15] soreau how do i know what i am mounted in [01:15] Guest28475: mount [01:15] How do I access the configuration (i.e. which file or program)? [01:16] DasEi may be compaq asks this quastion [01:16] ozstr1ker: sudo service network-manager stop then start or restart [01:16] I'm sorry I meant to say, "a panel applet" and NOT "menu applet" [01:17] Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 [01:17] i'm having trouble browsing the "windows network" item in nautilus. I can view shares from a windows computer but only if I type the address into the nautilus address bar [01:17] what to do& [01:17] ? [01:17] soreau can u tell me from this what i need to type http://pastebin.com/csvG09hh [01:17] suicidepills: smb://ip/folder/file [01:18] Guest28475: First, I don't even know what you're trying to do and why [01:18] A panel applet (The "Logout/Poweroff" switch) encountered a problem. "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet" Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? [01:19] ozstr1ker: as said, I'm poking, I believe its the Intel 3945ABG, including the modem, but I can be wrong still [01:19] soreau every time i have installed a different iso disk and choose erase and use entire harddrive i keep have less and less hard drive space its like 2 gigs are dissappearing each time [01:19] :) [01:20] DasEi lets try this to work [01:20] Guest28475: Have you tried manual mode and erase the partition then create a new one? [01:20] ozstr1ker: I found an old post on how to use network-manager on it [01:20] Does anyone know how to fix hibernate resume in Ubuntu? [01:20] hey, im new to linux/ubuntu ... how do i keep track or uninstall software that's not download from the Software Center? [01:20] soreau [01:21] http://tinyurl.com/6799jo , ozstr1ker [01:21] soreau yes i have [01:21] ede: synaptic [01:22] !apt | ede [01:22] ede: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) [01:22] thanks, ill take a look into that [01:22] ede: Is there some reason you want to remove packages? There is always the cleanup utility [01:22] not sure what it's called [01:22] no, just wondering [01:22] i have ubuntu install as a dual boot with windows... i want to finally add the second user from the windows side to the ubuntu side. I created the account but how do i access the migrate tool that is used in the installer [01:22] new to linux and exploring [01:22] soreau: janitor [01:23] ede: Generally speaking, you don't want to remove anything. As you do updates, it will remove old packages and replace them with new ones as needed [01:23] yeah, what if you dont use that softwaer anymore :P [01:23] i like to be able to keep track of everything [01:23] ede: it can be helpfull to rremove them, as it fastens your updates [01:24] ede: you can set an apt-history if you want [01:25] got it [01:25] DasEi may we talk later i must sleep for few hours? [01:25] just need to know what it's called that all [01:25] ozstr1ker: sure, just note the intel I found so you can research better on later [01:26] ozstr1ker: as said, I'm poking, I believe its the Intel 3945ABG [01:26] anyone know how to access the migration tool? [01:26] DasEi thx for all u good man [01:26] :) [01:27] Hey! i'm running a ubuntu-desktop as a server without a monitor and using vnc to access it and now Im wondering if it's possible to improve the performance [01:27] ede what are you looking for? " just need to know what it's called that all" [01:28] they already told me :p [01:28] thx though [01:29] KingOfTheKill do you _have_ to have GUI? ssh to the server will be much faster === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [01:29] AAA: I use both vnc and ssh [01:29] KingOfTheKill I've heard tightvnc is quicker ymmv [01:30] my laptop seems to be getting stuck at the splash screen ...any suggestions on what to do? [01:30] anyone know how to access the migration tool that used in the installer ? [01:30] AAA: ultravnc is my favourite [01:30] AAA: ok do you know if tightvnc client need tightvnc server to connect? [01:30] buntfu: no, want to clone a system ? [01:30] DasEi not tried that one. I'll keep it in mind next time I need vnc [01:31] AAA: it's compression is faster and it also supports ssh [01:31] DasEi, no i have a user on the windows side of my dual boot that i want to migrate to the ubuntu side [01:31] /join #linux [01:31] KingOfTheKill good question. I'd have to check the docs myself [01:31] sorry [01:31] buntfu: that won't work [01:32] buntfu: win uses a complete diffrent user and file permission [01:32] AAA: thx anyway I used vnc for about 4-5 years ago and I from what I recall it was faster back then [01:32] DasEi, have you ever installed ubuntu? [01:32] buntfu: think so, yes [01:32] help, im on last.fm and its saying im missing plugins and wont play [01:32] KingOfTheKill to answer your original question, yes you can tweak. but no, I don't have advice for that :( [01:32] DasEi, in the installer you get to import settins and files from your windows account to your new ubuntu system thats the tool i want to access [01:32] AAA: ok thx [01:33] buntfu: now I get you, don't know for a standalone app to do that, why not create the user ? [01:33] KingOfTheKill DasEi suggested ultravnc, you might try that [01:34] DasEi, already did that now i want the settings [01:34] buntfu that's the deal, the settings are compatible [01:35] AAA, i know [01:35] hello. i have a file name "libstdc++.so.5". if i want to "install" this library on my system, can I just put it in "/lib/" or "/usr/lib/", or do I have to configure something, or what? [01:35] toolbear: best to install into /usr/local/lib if at all [01:35] again does anyone know how to access the migration tool used in the installer? [01:35] 10.04 on mac mini 2010. no screen image from live cd. how to proceed? is there a ubuntu-apple channel? [01:36] aplund: ok, but this "installation" simply consists of putting the file into that directory, yes? === bip is now known as majuk [01:36] .. [01:36] toolbear it is best to install the entire package. however, it _might_ work if you add it to /usr/lib and then do depmod -a [01:36] I have an issue with my Ubuntu boot. I expanded my NTFS windows partition using gparted, and so when Windows booted, it did a chkdsk automatically. It works fine in Windows, but it complains about problems with the drive on boot (mouting). I can manually mount it from the terminal, but the automatic doesn't like it, doesn't pass the check. How can I fix this? [01:36] toolbear: well... I wouldn't overly reccomend that.. but it would work. [01:37] toolbear: Setting up permissions and what not is important and is usually done by "make install" for the thing your compiling for [01:37] AAA: i don't have a debian package, i just have the file === majuk is now known as bpt [01:37] hey guys im really not experienced with ubuntu so why does the 2nd command here not work? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9475983&postcount=6 [01:38] toolbear my guess is you will need the rest of the files in that package for your desired affect. the deb does exist, you may need to put backports in your sources.list, but it exists [01:38] Sheepherd: Do you have the file /ati-driver-installer-10-6-x86.x86_64.run in the current directory? [01:38] toolbear: what exactly are you trying to do? Using different libraries that things aren't compiled for can cause issues. [01:38] Sheepherd: no / * [01:38] Jon--: yes i do [01:38] Jon--: what? [01:38] Sheepherd: do ls -l is the file listed as executable? [x] === Losha is now known as Loshki [01:39] Quozl, use the alternate install cd then configure your x server [01:39] BitSprocket: thanks. shall do. [01:39] AAA, aplund: there is no package. it's just this file. i'm trying to install the intel fortran compiler (because gfortran just doesn't work very well). it says that i need to install libstdc++.so.5, and so i'm trying to figure out how to do so [01:39] Jon--: -rw-r--r-- 1 sheepherd sheepherd 99211533 2010-06-18 02:29 ati-driver-installer-10-6-x86.x86_64.run [01:39] toolbear: it might be best to just do a local install then and not system wide [01:39] Sheepherd: Your issue is probably that the file is not executable. Yeah, it is. You need to do chmod +x ./ati-driver-installer-10-6-x86.x86_64.run [01:40] toolbear: put it into a directory in your home folder then set LD_LIBRARY_PATH === bpt is now known as majuk [01:40] what is the command via ssh to unrar an item located in /mnt/ ? [01:40] Jon--: wow thx [01:40] toolbear: otherwise that new library will be used for all system wide apps overriding the package management [01:40] Sheepherd: No problem bud [01:40] Jon--: how the heck is a noob supposed to find that out? =( [01:40] No problem Quozl [01:41] toolbear I'll betcha as soon as you figure out how to feed that to gfortran it will ask you for another file =p [01:41] aplund: but wouldn't apps that didn't actually require libstdc++.so.5 use libstdc++.so.6 instead? [01:41] Sheepherd: What just happened to you, happened to all of us at one point. [01:41] Sheepherd: I've only used Ubuntu about 6 months. You'll catch on fast no worries. [01:42] Jon--: aight thank you :D [01:42] AAA: you mean feed that to the intel compiler? perhaps, but this is "step 1", i guess... [01:42] toolbear: yes.. but r u sure you have absolutely no apps that ask for the .5 version? [01:42] I have an issue with my Ubuntu boot. I expanded my NTFS windows partition using gparted, and so when Windows booted, it did a chkdsk automatically. It works fine in Windows, but it complains about problems with the drive on boot (mouting). I can manually mount it from the terminal, but the automatic doesn't like it, doesn't pass the check. How can I fix this? [01:42] toolbear: or will in the future? [01:42] aplund: good point [01:43] toolbear have you tried putting it in /usr/lib and running depmod -a? [01:44] AAA: I really wouldn't reccomend doing that /usr/local is better [01:44] aplund or your LD_LIBRARY_PATH suggestion [01:44] hello, I've been researching pci passthrough to enable NIC passthrough to one of my VM's and believe it requires vt-d support from my motherboard. I discovered that there is no vt-d support on my motherboard and am wondering if there is a way to do PCI (specifically NIC) passthrough without vt-d? the reason I am investigating this is I only have 1 static public facing IP to assign to a webserver I would like to run as a V [01:44] AAA: i didn't do "depmod -a" -- not sure what that does [01:44] specifically I am running ubuntu 10.04 server as a VM host [01:45] Hi All, I have kind of off topic question. I bought a netbook for traveling with the intention of putting Ubuntu Netbook Edition on it. The netbook comes with Windows 7 Starter Edition. Now, I've never owned a Windows box EVER. I'm very knowledgeable on Linux/MacOSX/Solaris, but know very little about winblows admin. I'd personally have no issue formatting the netbook drive and saying... [01:45] ...good bye to windows forever on it. But my wife, who is not Linux savy, is worried that there will be something that she won't be able to do in ubuntu. I'm pretty sure once she uses it, she won't want Windows anymore. So my question is how can I image the drive in the netbook so that I can restore it at a later time if I need to? From my Mac experience, I'd like to be able to mount the... [01:45] ...netbook on my mac in Target Disk Mode and image the drive that way. I'm pretty sure there's no way to do that (but i'd love to hear that i'm wrong). From the Linux side, I'm thinking I should be able to boot off the Ubuntu Netbook Edition thumb drive that I made for the install and use dd to copy the entire disk off to a usb drive. If I do the opposite to restore it, will that work? ... [01:45] ...Do I need to worry about the mbr or the partition map? I've also looked at BartPE/DriveImage XML, but since I don't have Windows CDs and the netbook has Windows 7, I'm not sure that will work. Any ideas for me? [01:45] bnave: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:45] Ciao!!! [01:45] spam :( [01:45] wow...sorry about that...didn't realize i'd piss the bot off [01:45] toolbear nm. I'm thinking of something else. depmod is for kernel modules [01:46] AAA: ah, ok. [01:46] AAA: your thinking of ldconfig [01:46] bnave: use pastebin if your going to post such a long thingy [01:46] toolbear aplund yup. ldconfig [01:47] KingOfTheKill: roger that...the flood bot told me that also [01:48] toolbear you'll want to run that before you try and use the .so, wherever you decide to put it [01:48] bnave, I had the same issue with my netbook. I found that there is a utility installed that would create restore DVD's for me - course I had to buy an external drive first. [01:48] If you don't want to do that, you could image it using an imaging tool first. [01:48] I have an issue with my Ubuntu boot. I expanded my NTFS windows partition using gparted, and so when Windows booted, it did a chkdsk automatically. It works fine in Windows, but it complains about problems with the drive on boot (mouting). I can manually mount it from the terminal, but the automatic doesn't like it, doesn't pass the check. How can I fix this? [01:48] aplund: ok, well, now i've tried putting the file into /usr/local/lib, /usr/lib, and /lib, and the program still can't find it. i also did the set LD_LIBRARY_PATH thing, which didn't work either. on the other hand, if i actually compile the whole gcc-3.3.6 program (which comes with libstdc++.so.5), it will then find it. but compiling gcc-3.3.6 evidently causes some issues, so i'm trying to find a different way to install it [01:49] AAA: not sure if that's quite right... you only really _need_ to do that if an old version is pointed to in the cache. [01:49] i seem to running into a bit of trouble trying to change my panel icon for a custom theme, it shows the default ubuntu icon and cannot seem to find its location in the /usr/share/icons folder [01:49] BitSprocket: I saw something about samsung having a backup tool. But I wasn't sure how I would restore it if I wipe the drive. The samsung website says something about not erasing one of the recovery partitions [01:49] any ideas [01:49] toolbear: what does ldd say? [01:49] Jon--: ubuntu still boots ? [01:50] BitSprocket: any suggestions on imaging tools? especially ones that i could run from a linux live type usb stick and save the image to a usb drive? [01:50] free is key here obviously [01:50] Anyone here done PCI passthrough using ubuntu as a VM host? I am trying to figure out how to do it as my mobo does not have vt-d support. [01:50] is there a way to pipe some text through to a daemon I have running inside screen? or reattach, input something, detach automatically [01:50] bnave: you want to image a drive to a usb drive as iso ? [01:50] There are plenty. You don't have to worry about deleting the recovery partition because the restore disks will put it all back to factory settings for you. I'll look for an imaging tool for you. [01:51] DasEi: Well, it's an NTFS volume, not my partition with UB. It comes up with "Error mounting /media/ACER *my C:\ from win*", press S to skip, M for manually recovery. mount /dev/sda3 /media/ACER works fine, it's some check Ubuntu is doing on boot for drive consistency that got broken with chkdsk [01:51] aplund: sorry, i'm not familiar with ldd. how to use it (in this context)? [01:51] Jon--: ubuntu still boots ? [01:51] toolbear: ldd (programname) [01:51] toolbear: it should show you how it is resolving the libraries [01:51] DasEi: Of course [01:51] bnave, here ya go: http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page [01:52] BitSprocket: thanks, I'll take a look at that. Appreciate the help and sorry again for the spamming [01:52] Jon--:that's not so sure if you resized it's partitions, and UB is ext I assume ? [01:52] aplund: it says "not a dynamic executable". [01:53] DasEi: ext4 I believe yes. [01:53] toolbear: what exactly are you typing? [01:53] bnave, here's one that's ready to go as a bootable image: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page [01:53] aplund: "ldd ./install.sh" [01:53] right... that isn't a dynamicly linked executable [01:53] Jon--: to check this, boot a live cd and run a fsck/e2fsck on the UNMOUNTED ub-system [01:53] DasEi: alright. I'll try that later [01:54] Jon--: for the ntfs part have the win unmounted and have a look into ntfs-progs [01:54] BitSprocket: ok...i've used system rescue cd before, but I didn't realize that it had a disk imager built into it. Thanks! [01:54] !fsck [01:54] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [01:54] Jon--: the _f -r now, doesn't work no more, use a live cd [01:54] toolbear: so you are trying to install this from source? [01:55] DasEi: Hmm? [01:55] toolbear: and ./configure didn't work for you? or it doesn't have a ./configure? [01:55] aplund: doesn't have ./configure. this is intel's compiler, and unfortunately it's not open source. [01:55] hello, I've been researching pci passthrough to enable NIC passthrough to one of my VM's and believe it requires vt-d support from my motherboard. I discovered that there is no vt-d support on my motherboard and am wondering if there is a way to do PCI (specifically NIC) passthrough without vt-d? the reason I am investigating this is I only have 1 static public facing IP to assign to a webserver I would like to run as a V [01:55] Jon--: boot alive cd, open a terminal, . sudo fdisk -l to find your ubuntu-partition, then (e2)fsck /dev/sdXX [01:56] DasEi: I can't do this from Ubuntu? [01:56] toolbear: and running the install script fails by telling you that it cannot load libstdc++.5 ? [01:56] DasEi: If the NTFS partition is unmounted? [01:56] Jon--: NO!! [01:56] toolbear so your problem is the INSTALLER wants that file, correct? [01:56] DasEi: ... why not? We're talking about an NTFS partition here, not the ext4 one. [01:57] Jon--:if you want to check the ext4, is MUST NOT be moounted, for the win-part use ntfs-progs [01:57] DasEi: The ext4 has no errors. It's the NTFS for Windows. I have two NTFS partitions. One checks and mounts fine, the other does not after windows ran a chkdsk on that partition. [01:57] i tried to install the catalyst drivers like described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9475983&postcount=6 but now fglrxinfo returns "Segmentation fault" [01:57] aplund: yes, but i looked at the installer script code, and there's no mention of that library. it seems to load other binary executables, and if i do ldd on those, then i still don't find anything concerning libstdc++.so.5 [01:58] does that mean the installation went wrong? [01:58] did you export LD_LIBRARY_PATH or just set it? [01:58] Jon--:ntfsprogs is the correct packagename [01:58] aplund: exported it [01:58] Jon--:testdisk if there are table-errors [01:58] toolbear: hmm......... very strange [01:59] DasEi: I have the package. I had no issues until Windows did a chkdsk, after it was resized === no is now known as Guest1432 [01:59] Jon--: always a good idea to backup mbr first, case it gets worse [01:59] aplund: yeah. well, thanks for your help. at least i have a better idea of what it is i'm dealing with. [01:59] toolbear and the install still breaks after exporting tht path? with the same error? [01:59] DasEi: Now it reports issues mounting on boot, but I can mount it with "sudo mount /dev/sdahere /media/ACER" myself manually. It must be checking something on boot, some ID or something that isn't matching? [01:59] toolbear: you'll need to figure out exactly which exectuabel in the script is having trouble to nail this. [01:59] AAA: yep, as if i had done nothing differently [02:00] aplund: is it possible that a binary executable can search for a library without being "dynamically linked" to it? [02:00] Jon--: that's a question for #windows then [02:00] toolbear I know aplund doesn't think it wise, but it may be looking for it in a set path like /usr/lib. I'd try if it were me, but that's me. [02:00] how can I make the default applications for videos only to be VLC, not multimedia like in 'preferred applications' just video. [02:00] DasEi: no.. It's not. I don't think you're following. [02:00] toolbear: programs can request libraries to load at runtime... though it is more usual to do it at link time [02:01] here's my issue: [02:01] how can I make the default applications for videos only to be VLC, not multimedia like in 'preferred applications' just video. [02:01] Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem when ever i try to run ANY games [02:01] AAA: actually i already tried this before coming here... [02:01] my browser crashes randomly [02:01] Jon--: it complains when win is booting up ? or it doesn't automount the win parti on ubuntu no more ? [02:01] toolbear: they use the "uselib()" syscall [02:02] i am a complete and utter newbie when it comes to packages i need as well [02:02] toolbear: but they are searched in the same way using LD_LIBRARY_PATH... so it isn't going to be where the issue is [02:03] someone of you know a good channel to learn english? [02:03] wally__: install correct graphics driver, which card ? [02:03] it's nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1) [02:03] wally__: propitary driver installed ? [02:03] yep [02:03] DasEi: Windows boots fine. Ubuntu doesn't autmount it. On boot, purple screen 10.04, says "Cannot mount /media/ACER. Press S to skip or M to do so manually" mount /dev/sdahere /media/ACER works great. It must be doing something that it's choking up on. Checking an ID or something? [02:03] aplund: oh, ok. so ldd might not be helpful in this particular circumstance? [02:04] wally__: system > hardwwaredrivers [02:04] toolbear: that may be true. [02:04] Jon--: yesss... you changed the partition, so it's blkid has changed, too [02:04] toolbear: if so, then the alternative is to strace it (urgh) and see what it's actually trying to do. [02:05] Jon--: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab [02:05] aplund: ok, i'll give that a shot. [02:05] meaning? [02:05] Jon--:open a seecond terminal -tab : [02:05] Jon--:sudo blkid [02:05] DasEi: Would love to. I'm in Windows. =/ [02:05] DasEi: Haha. [02:05] Jon--hehe [02:05] DasEi: What would I look for when I'm in there? [02:06] Jon-: well then compare the values or simply write fstad to the devicename [02:06] what did you mean when you said system > hardwwaredrivers [02:06] anyone know why when i try to ssh my server i get permission denied (gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,publickey,keyboard-interactive) on one client but not the other? [02:06] Jon--: I give you a pastie of this from here : [02:06] how can I make the default applications for videos only to be VLC, not multimedia like in 'preferred applications' just video. [02:06] when i had 9.10 i had no problems with my video card [02:07] when i attempted to upgrade to 10.04 everything went down the toilet [02:07] MrUnagi if you pastebin the output of $ ssh -v user@host I'll help you [02:07] http://pastebin.com/ALSLKax3 , jon-- [02:07] MrUnagi make that $ ssh -vvv please [02:07] fearful- i believe if you right click you can set it up that way, with properties [02:08] aplund: um, is there a way to "unset" LD_LIBRARY_PATH? after exporting it, running the program, and then quitting, i can't seem to run the program anymore [02:08] Jon--: saw it ? output from blkid [02:08] toolbear: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH [02:08] toolbear: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to check it [02:08] wally__: sry, was distracted, did you open hardwaredrivers ? [02:08] opening [02:09] i was confused as to what you meant [02:09] !blkid | Jon-- [02:09] Jon--: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [02:09] drivers are set to the suggested ones [02:09] and it says they're working [02:09] wally__: the 6200 is onboard I assume ? [02:09] yeah [02:10] wally__: how much ram is it allowed to share ? [02:10] i'm not sure [02:10] how do i use guess pc diskpartition program to analyze for lost/hidden partitions? [02:10] wally__: you set it in bios [02:10] i believe i set it to 64? [02:10] aplund: thanks [02:10] richard_: not at all, you use testdisk [02:11] DasEi is that a program or a command [02:11] ? [02:11] wally__: 128 is a good value, that card is well supported, though not the strongest as you can imagine [02:11] aye [02:11] i'll try upping that. be right back [02:12] richard : a prog, utility to re-scan disks [02:12] !info testdisk [02:12] testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (lucid), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB [02:12] im trying to install kdevelop but i am getting this error: http://pastebin.ca/1885516 [02:13] dasei i am not able to download or install testdisk any suggestions? [02:14] Looking for the software to put the same sidebar as on the right of the picture onto my PC : http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/73210-2.jpg [02:14] richard_ sudo apt-get install testdisk should work on 10.4 for sure [02:14] is anybody aware of how to manually change the ubuntu icon in the menu-bar in 10.04 [02:14] dasei i think its a repository problem [02:14] lovre: it appears you're being told which package replaces it, in that pastebin [02:14] AAA no i cant in terminal or synaptic [02:14] richard_: sudo apt-get update works ? [02:14] dasei yes [02:14] richard_: sudo apt-get install testdisk [02:15] bastidrazor: yes, but that doesnt necessarily mean i should just install that package? [02:15] richard_ what does this say? $ cat /etc/lsb-release |grep RE [02:15] bastidrazor: because it says: http://pastebin.ca/1885516 [02:15] lovre: apt-cache show packagename ... that will give you more information about the package it wants you to install [02:16] lovre: You are right.. but it is suggesting a replacement package which you can choose to install if you wish [02:16] richard_: chewing now ? [02:16] AAA i dont even have that directory i have etc/lsb-base [02:16] Looking for the software to put the same sidebar as on the right of the picture onto my PC : http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/73210-2.jpg [02:16] still no dice [02:17] richard_ and this is ubuntu? [02:17] lovre: It's trying to say it cannot find what you wanted but there are references to the package you want lying around and apt has figured out that there is a possible replacement package. [02:17] wally__: tell more : specs of the box, distro, which game ? [02:17] AAA yes 10.04 [02:17] hello. I need help, and I don't know that the terms I'm using are the correct ones... I'm trying to set up a way to control what music is playing from my laptop remotely, but not play using the remote [02:17] aplund: well, there *should* be kdevelop package, since its kde official development ide, right? [02:17] aplund: so why isnt there? [02:17] i'm using ubuntu 10.04 [02:18] the game is any game, but i've been trying with tremulous [02:18] richard_ make sure you have universe in your sources.list file. no idea why you don't have that file [02:18] lovre: it may have been renamed in the repositry.. happens all the time (e.g. gstreamer) [02:18] i'm not sure how to figure out the specs, i've had this computer for a while [02:18] i'm pretty sure it's amd processor [02:18] wally__: lsb_release -a [02:19] ubuntu 10.04 lts [02:19] wally__ less /proc/cpuinfo will show you the cpu stuff. lshw will show you TONS [02:19] wally__: fine, cat /proc/cpuinfo ? [02:19] the setup i've got is a laptop, lets call it musicplayer and a cash register with a kiosk interface- it can access a couple web pages within the network. I want to be able to change the music without leaving the register. [02:20] grumbly: what music player are you using? [02:20] i'm still fairly new with terminal [02:20] lovre: just becuase you think it should be named kdevelop doesn't mean it will be. apt is much smarter and has found the package you need. [02:20] wally__: just the model name [02:20] i got lshw [02:20] Looking for the software to put the same sidebar as on the right of the picture onto my PC : http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/73210-2.jpg [02:20] aplund: none as of yet. [02:21] but uh i need specifics === picnic is now known as picnicpete [02:21] aplund: the name of the laptop is musicplayer [02:21] wally__: cat /proc/cpuinfo [02:21] wally__: just the model name [02:21] bastidrazor: well, i have installed that package, and nothing was installed i can find, its like 10Mb of libs. not the IDE itself. [02:21] grumbly if you can ssh into the machine then run a screen session and use mp3blaster or mplayer or one of a zillion commandline/ncurses music apps [02:21] bastidrazor: and i know it was named kdevelop before since i installed it before this way [02:21] amd athlon xp 2500+ [02:22] lovre: you have upgraded to a newer version of ubuntu? [02:22] AAA: I don't have that ability... the register is pretty rudimentary, save that it's a touchscreen and has a browser [02:22] bastidrazor: yes, just few hours ago === SuP|Lobby is now known as Sup|Away [02:22] grumbly: rhythmbox has a rhythmbox-client command to do stuff like that [02:22] wally__:free [02:22] wally__:total ? [02:22] aplund: is it web-based? [02:22] memory? [02:23] grumbly: but if you prefer another player... then I dunno [02:23] wally__:yup [02:23] bastidrazor: hmm, could it be its in the backport repos? [02:23] quick check on that? [02:23] grumbly: no. it's a command [02:23] wally__:free [02:23] lovre: you have two choices. install the package apt suggests or don't. apt knows what it is doing. [02:23] drat [02:23] okay [02:23] bastidrazor: i have installed it [02:23] bastidrazor: nothing happens [02:23] is there any type of web interface for remote control? [02:23] 1026472 [02:23] grumbly: http://code.google.com/p/rhythmote/ [02:24] like... webVNC [02:24] grumbly: there's probably others [02:24] lovre: you're using 10.04 kubuntu? [02:24] bastidrazor: yes [02:24] wally__:so one gig ram, basic specs are good for simple gaming then [02:25] !info kdevelop [02:25] Package kdevelop does not exist in lucid [02:25] grumbly: http://web.vee.net/projects/rhythmweb/ [02:25] grumbly is the register what the speakers plug into? or the other way round? you wanna get from the register to change the music on the musicplayer? is the musicplayer linux? [02:25] ubottu: could it be in backport repository? [02:25] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:25] wally__:sudo jockey-gtk (just to be sure) [02:25] grumbly: none that are in the repos as far as I can see [02:25] wally__:be sure the recommended one is set and active [02:25] AAA: the register has no audio. the music sourrce is running jaunty [02:26] lovre: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is a good way to figure out where packages are located in the repositories [02:26] okay [02:26] bastidrazor: ok, thanks [02:26] recommended is set and active [02:26] grumbly ah ok. I've used a few webmased music managers. not recalling a name off the top. but if you have perms on the music server and can browse there from the register. you should be good, I can look up what I've used [02:27] wally__:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [02:27] !playonlinux | wally__ [02:27] grumbly: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=879098 [02:27] AAA: i am the owner of the music server. [02:27] AAA not the register === ron_ is now known as rbetzen [02:28] hmm, pidgin is going crazy [02:28] okay done [02:28] aplund: PERFIKT [02:28] still not working [02:28] wally__: if this is all set, and syslog also has no errors, you should be able to play games [02:28] aplund: thank you a billion internets [02:28] grumbly but if you made http://music/server you could access it from the reg, correct? that is doable [02:28] wally__: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/ [02:28] AAA: yes [02:28] grumbly: only need one. Your welcome. [02:28] lovre: this may interest you :: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/kdevplatform1-libs [02:29] has anyone tested SSD on Ubuntu 10.04 [02:29] WinE crashes whenever i try to run it [02:29] AAA or aplund Is it possible to somehow tie Pandora to Rhythmbox? [02:29] what version of pidgin is in karmic? [02:29] bastidrazor: ok, but i dont understand this. if its a part of kdevelop, why cant i install kdevelop? i dont get it [02:30] lovre: kdevelop is not a package [02:30] bastidrazor: ? [02:30] !dpkg pidgin [02:30] what packages would i need to have to run any games? [02:30] !apt-get show pidgin [02:30] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:30] :( [02:30] bastidrazor: its a platform, ok, but how do i install it? [02:30] grumbly not sure. I'm rackin' my brain to remember the name of the webmased music manager I've used [02:30] !playdeb | wally__ [02:30] grumbly: Doesn't seem so: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/rhythmbox-devel/2009-May/msg00008.html [02:31] wally__: http://www.playdeb.net/ [02:31] AAA: the music thing has been resolved. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=879098 [02:32] I just modified my etc/network/interfaces, /etc/ufw/before.rules, and /etc/sysctl.conf files. What services do I have to restart in order to make sure those changes are accepted? I know I have to reload my networking, but is that all? [02:32] hello [02:32] grumbly oh cool. not what I was thinking of, timtowtdi [02:32] lovre: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3111704.0 [02:33] gbear14275: sysctl will need to be reread somehow [02:33] aplund: does that require a machine restart or can I just resart some service? [02:33] I've never had to modify that file before... [02:34] gbear14275: should just need to reload a service [02:34] gbear14275: but I cannot seem to findout what it is [02:34] Anyone using 10.04 with a Wacom tablet? [02:34] gbear14275: "initctl reload-configuration sysctl" maybe? [02:34] gbear14275: not really sure [02:35] bastidrazor: i have seen this, but even after i <> i cant install kdevelop :( [02:35] !hi|yufu [02:35] yufu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! [02:35] so i have this hard drive here...ubuntu recognizes it as /dev/sdc and /dev/sdc1 ... now i know there used to be a valid partition on /dev/sdc1 but i can't mount it anymore... i tried mount -t xfs, -t ext3 and -t reiserfs and all said wrong fs type, check dmesg | tail, in dmesg, they all complaine about the wrong magic number...but i'm willing to bet there used to be an xfs partition on this at one point and it was never formatted or anything... [02:35] where can i go from here? [02:35] wally__: to be honest I use win mostly for gamin, but succesfull ran few games on linux, too, ram could be an issue, if you run lot's of background tasks [02:35] gbear14275: I guess you can check it's effeictveness by "sysctl " [02:35] Ganymede_: you could 'fsck.xfs /dev/sdc1' if you are SURE it was xfs [02:35] i don't really run too much. i think i'm just gonna get a new computer in a couple of weeks [02:36] wally__: nah, penumbra, rtcw and such should run fine [02:36] hi [02:36] how do i disable update manager? [02:36] Ganymede_ you can als see what $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc says [02:36] or uninstall it [02:36] lovre: after enabling said repo did you update your sources list by sudo apt-get update ? [02:36] OK! now, if thats not working right... my alternate plan is to use some sort of web-based remote desktop control... any ideas? [02:36] Anyone using 10.04 with a Wacom tablet? [02:36] meoblast001: why do you want to do that? [02:36] meoblast001: Why? [02:36] You would have security issues [02:36] because when ubuntu updates, i have to clean up its mess [02:36] i need a new computer though:P [02:37] meoblast001: ... That's not helpful. [02:37] meoblast001: can you explain? [02:37] bastidrazor: ok, it worked, i changed from karmic-backport to lucid-backport..... thank you very much for your time!! :) [02:37] ubuntu just nuked all my drivers [02:37] meoblast001: which ones? [02:37] when i try to start mysql the command hangs and it doesn't do anything [02:37] the ubuntu drivers are as old as dinosaurs so i have to compile new ones [02:37] bastidrazor: the problem was backpors were enabled, but for the wrong version, since i upgraded [02:37] AAA, fdisk says sdc1 is "type 83" and "Linux" under the system column... [02:37] meoblast001: Which drivers? [02:37] how can i see a verbose version? [02:37] Mesa [02:37] there's nothing in the logs [02:37] meoblast001: you can lock certain packages so they do not update... that might be what you want to do [02:37] meoblast001: sudo apt-get remove update-manager [02:37] Ganymede_ iirc 83 is ext3 [02:37] Hilikus_: * -v [02:38] and it always pops up and annoys me, then when i close it, it pops up again [02:38] DasEi: That won't stop package updates, it will still update through apt [02:38] lovre: best of luck :) [02:38] bastidrazor: thanks !! [02:38] acerimmer_, service -v mysql start ? [02:38] mmomjian: right , I haven't followed from his inital question [02:38] Hilikus_: iirc [02:38] meoblast001: System > Administration > Software Sources, go to tab "updates", uncheck "check automatically for updates" [02:39] much better method [02:39] acerimmer_, hilikus@mazinger:/etc/mysql$ sudo service -v mysql start [02:39] -v: unrecognized service [02:39] AAA, could you point me to an official reference that verifies that 83 is ext3? just wanted to make sure before i fsck it because fsck.ext3 claims it's not an ext3 partition [02:39] mmomjian: thanks [02:39] Anyone using 10.04 with a Wacom tablet? [02:39] Hilikus_: shouldn't it just be sudo service mysql start? [02:39] a [02:40] mmomjian, i want verbose output to see why it is not starting [02:40] Hilikus_: sorry about that. searching for man pages - Start? Service? [02:40] Hilikus_: sorry about that. searching for man pages - Start? Service? [02:40] Hilikus_: service has no verbose output [02:40] check the man pace [02:40] Hey, Im trying to setup GDM and change the default session for one of my users.. [02:40] Now it shows up in the selectio box, but how do I make that stick? [02:40] AAA, i would also like to point out that XFS partitions also show an ID 83 in fdisk -l...i think that ID is just the same thing as what appears in the "System" column, which is "Linux" [02:40] mmomjian, thats what i thought, but mysql is also not creating output [02:40] iptables-save , if i dont pipe it into a file, its pretty muh gone? [02:40] slyboots: doesn't it show up when you login if you want it to be the default? [02:41] Well I've set this account to not ask for a password [02:41] So I dont get the option box anymore :P [02:41] Middleman: you're supposed to use ufw now [02:41] Ganymede_ dunno how official you want, but http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html [02:41] Anyone using 10.04 with a Wacom tablet? [02:41] But just for that one user, no-one else [02:41] ufw is cmd line right [02:41] Middleman: yes [02:41] its on a 8.4 box [02:41] Middleman: !! [02:42] what [02:42] you just say ufw enable; ufw allow [02:42] mmomjian: not right now, but in a few days again, what's the real question ? [02:42] AAA, thanks [02:42] interesting [02:42] DasEi: What's the solution to wacom-tools not being in 10.04? I want to set button options and displays [02:42] Ganymede_ hold on a sec [02:43] Middleman: 8.04 won't have ufw [02:43] you really should be using 10.04 [02:43] mmomjian: xserver-xorg-input-wacom might be your tool [02:43] if i get a new box i can load 10.4 , i just ran a man ufw it might be on [02:43] Anyone? [02:44] gbear14275 83 is linux, I _think_ that _might_ include ext/reiser/xfs/etc.. [02:44] slyboots: Not sure [02:44] AAA: ??? [02:44] DasEi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom didn't talk about buttons [02:44] gbear14275 sorry, I mean Ganymede [02:44] Ganymede 83 is linux, I _think_ that _might_ include ext/reiser/xfs/etc.. [02:45] mmomjian: the ones to be used as the mice buttons ? [02:45] AAA, yeah, it does include all of those... =/ [02:45] nope, the buttons on the side [02:45] for keybindings [02:45] mmomjian: can be set in xorg conf, too [02:45] DasEi: Do you have a page that explains that? I haven't had any luck finding one [02:45] mmomjian: aahh, that's different acpi I think, but not sure, sorry [02:45] AAA, would you happen to know where in the filesystem the UUID is stored? if so, i can look at though a hexdump and compare it with the UUID in an old fstab to indeed verify that it is XFS [02:45] how can I query a hostname from bash? [02:46] Ganymede does hdparm -i /dev/hdc give you that? [02:46] gbear14275: `hostname`? [02:46] Ganymede pretty sure lshw will give it to you as well [02:47] hey, how do I move or disable the notifications that appear in the upper right of my screen? [02:47] mmomjian: sorry, asked before I tried thanks [02:47] like what application handles it [02:47] AAA, nope, hdparm is mostly hardware stuff and doesn't care about what data is on the disk. lshw does not locate a UUID...probably because it doesn't see the magic number for XFS so it doesn't know where to look for the UUID [02:47] gbear14275: :P I hate it when I do that [02:48] Ganymede: Can you tell from the contents with /dev/disk/by-uuid? [02:48] What's the code name of Ubuntu 11? [02:48] mmomjian: it's a bad habit... and I hate it when my roomie (who is way better at this than I) calls me on it... "google it" is an inadvertant swear word to my ears now [02:48] or hasn't it been decided yet? [02:49] Mardoxx: Maverick Meerkat [02:49] oh sorry [02:49] that's 10.10 [02:49] no idea on 11.04 [02:49] cool [02:49] mmomjian, nope, only other filesystems show up there, the sames ones that are listed in "sudo blkid", but the one on /dev/sdc1 isn't listed...i'm thinking of just imaging the partition, changing the magic number manually, and then running fsck.xfs [02:50] Ganymede you should try testdisk before that and see what it finds [02:50] DasEi: I think I can use "Option" "button1" "key" [02:50] I didn't know there was a man wacom [02:50] thanks [02:50] AAA, is that...the same as photorec? i didn't know photorec had an option for XFS... [02:50] Mardoxx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames I kind of like Nefarious Newt [02:50] setting up a new machine to act as a webserver... best way to partition this... all in one partition, separate home, or separate /home /usr /tmp and /var (I'm leaning towards all in one but was curious of consensus) [02:51] AAA, never mind, i looked up testdisk...i'll give it a try, but let me dd my partition first [02:51] hi, I am unable to install/remove/upgrade mysql-server <-> http://pastebin.com/9pQjQivc (Ubuntu 10.04) [02:51] gbear14275: If it's just a webserver no harm to have all one partition i think [02:52] Ganymede the man page says it does [02:52] is swap needed on VM's? [02:52] hello [02:52] Hey. Is Ubuntu any better about using Openbox in 10.04? Networking never worked for me in 9.1 [02:52] DasEi: Do you know how to figure out how to get the button codes? [02:52] xev doesn't seem to work [02:53] gbear14275: No such thing as swap in VMs [02:53] Howdy-do-da-day folks! [02:53] hey, I just re-installed Karmic, but when I go to Hardware Drivers, there is nothing available to activate. Do I need to install something (nvidia-xxx-yyy ?) [02:53] heey [02:53] is there a shortcut to kill unresponsive programs? [02:53] I'm finally un-banned and. Ready to help some Ubu'ers [02:53] :D [02:53] mmomjian: so no need to partition some out then [02:54] gbear14275: I wouldn't think so [02:54] Valkyrie: :/ [02:54] mmomjian, Yes? [02:54] @ being unbanned? :P [02:54] cowranis xkill to kill GUI windows and killall for other stuff [02:54] xD! [02:54] cowranis: killall? [02:54] yeah, or xkill [02:54] Yea. An issue with.. Some childish bot behavior e o [02:54] cowranis: you can add something to that effect in the panels. right click panel > add to panel > Force Quit [02:54] mmomjian: I'm near to log off; can try it via keyboard-layout (system) or via acpi, there is a way to get the codes, but I'm too tired now to dig it out [02:54] Does anyone know how to get xev to capture wacom button inputs? [02:55] bastidrazor AAA mmomjian thanks [02:55] DasEi: I'll try acpi [02:55] thanks [02:55] can someone help me with backtrack????? [02:55] when clicking on a usb flash stick icon in nautilus' left sidebar, it automatically mounts the stick. what's the equivalent console command for that? [02:55] !ot|trent1163 [02:55] trent1163: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:55] !backtrack | trent1163 [02:55] trent1163: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [02:55] I am unable to install/remove/upgrade mysql-server <-> http://pastebin.com/9pQjQivc (Ubuntu 10.04) [02:56] I'm created a launcher that uses gksudo in the command...is there away to integrate my password so i don't have to type it in when I click the launcher? [02:56] I've* [02:56] trent1163: that channel is at #backtrack-linux [02:57] matthew123: why would you want to do that? [02:57] matthew123: read up on visudo [02:57] you can set it to not ask for your password for sudo use [02:58] mmomjian: that isn't exactly what he is asking. [02:58] bastidrazor: that is exactly what he is asking [02:59] hmm [02:59] gksudo is just a frontend to what is already in the sudoers [02:59] looking to see if anyone else has gotten this error: nforce2_smbus: 0000:00:03.2: Error parsing SMB1 with 10.04 Lucid? [03:00] and if they know of a work around [03:00] relentless the only way I can launch this program is by using sudo -H, otherwise it get this error that I haven't figured out [03:00] hi, I am unable to install/remove/upgrade mysql-server <-> http://pastebin.com/9pQjQivc (Ubuntu 10.04) [03:01] It seems that it may be linked to Grub2 as I don't remember the error appearing in 9.04 [03:01] mmomjian thanks for the advice I'll look into it [03:01] matthew123: Have you tried removing the .program folder in your home directory? [03:01] hi somebody can help me with an existential doubt, is strange bue only you can help me [03:01] because sudo -H uses a different home folder, that may be what fixes it [03:01] r0zz: ? [03:01] ajavid: sudo apt-get install mysql-server [03:02] no I haven't I'll try that. [03:02] Hi guyz.. [03:02] I have a BIG problem. I just copy info from ext3 to ext4 partition and format the ext3 [03:02] im studyin computer system, but love when im on console, im thinking that can i work [03:02] * gbear14275 dances [03:03] But, now in the ext4 partition are missing many files. [03:03] It's working! It's Alive, ALIVE!!! [03:03] But, according to df -h the space is busy... [03:03] r0zz: do you have a question? [03:03] heg, did you look at my pastebin? [03:03] darkhole: Umm............. so your transfer was corrupted? [03:03] Can you help me to restore this files, the files are there, but Nautilus can't see them [03:03] what job can i take in free sw? [03:04] hey, sorry can anyone help me? I just re-installed Karmic (Lucid hates me... Long story) but now when I try to activate the graphics drivers via Hardware Drivers, nothing is found.. Do I need to download something like nvidia-183-kernel-source or whatever? [03:04] I just made a fsck.ext4 -fvy /dev/sda7 [03:04] Is there a way for me to use Grub instead of Grub2 with 10.04? [03:04] i have to work in other thing and take sw like a hobby? [03:04] Can I restore or see again this files? [03:04] !ot | r0zz [03:04] r0zz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:04] gbear14275: frankistien lives! [03:04] ok thanks [03:05] Is snome kid of problem with inodes? [03:05] Joshua_Roberts: grub(1) is old [03:05] Joshua_Roberts: yes, grub-legacy [03:05] !grub|joshua-roberts [03:05] joshua-roberts: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. [03:05] I know that grub(1) is old, but it may be the reason that I can't use 10.04_x86_64 [03:06] RO, You system isnt x64 [03:06] *Or [03:06] How do I install a Wine application so that it's available on the guest session so anyone can use it? The application I want working on the guest session is Steam. [03:06] mmomjian can I do something? [03:06] Joshua_Roberts: what kind of errors? grub2/9.10 was bad but I suspect 10.04/grub2 has all the fixes. [03:06] darkhole: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery [03:07] Alcoholic: Log in as guest and install it [03:07] nforce2_smbus: 0000:00:03.2: Error parsing SMB1 and similar for SMB2 on boot [03:07] relentless: Won't it go every time I logout as guest? I want it permanently there. [03:07] and my nvidia video drivers won't load [03:07] Alcoholic: no it will be there [03:08] relentless: In /home/guest/.wine? [03:08] Joshua_Roberts: Is this a fresh install [03:08] yes [03:08] Alcoholic: yeah [03:08] relentless: Thanks. I will try it now and get back to you in a moment. :) [03:08] here is a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/575296 [03:08] Joshua_Roberts: I am confused did you use a x64 CD or a x86 [03:08] x64 [03:09] Is your system a 64bit processor? [03:09] I checked everything I could think of to check, or was advised to check. all packages are x64 System is a socket 775 with Core2Quad [03:09] PAE enabled [03:09] 8 gigs of ram [03:09] So [03:10] this is intel [03:10] no AMD? [03:10] right [03:10] with nvidia chipset [03:10] You system isnt 64bit [03:10] relentless: I'm pretty sure this won't work; the guest's home directory is stored in /tmp so it'll be deleted on system reboot? [03:10] reinstall using the correct CD [03:10] ok so what is missing to make it x64 bit? [03:10] Joshua_Roberts: a 64bit processor [03:10] question~ can anyone point me to a direction how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [03:11] hmm so the core2quad is a 32bit processor? [03:11] Joshua_Roberts: yes it is [03:11] is there a way to insert a list of data into openoffice calc [03:11] SirTopHat: copy paste? [03:11] like say this text file contains "1,2,5,4,3,7,4" [03:11] no [03:11] CSV [03:11] then it would put those numbers into places in the colomn [03:11] Alcoholic: home stored in tmp? [03:12] ok, so do I need to add any packages to allow x86 to use the quadcore and 8gigs of ram? [03:12] Joshua_Roberts: No, You need to reinstall with the right CD [03:12] aj5555: That's where Ubuntu's guest users have their home directories mounted. [03:12] ajavid: apt-get with the specific package name (instead of aptitude) give you the same error? [03:12] Joshua_Roberts: x86_64 would do ya better most likly [03:13] Alcoholic: oh guest users ok [03:13] I am using x86_64.... relentless keeps insisting that it is the wrong release [03:13] :/ [03:13] relentless: I'm pretty sure this won't work; the guest's home directory is stored in /tmp so it'll be deleted on system reboot? [03:13] jmad980: Cause the processor he told me isnt 64bit [03:13] I jsut googled to double check [03:14] oh [03:14] unless I dont have the full info [03:14] wow [03:14] * jmad980 'd think it would be [03:14] eh [03:14] maybe Im wrong [03:14] Joshua_Roberts: do this: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm ..if you get any output you have a 64bit processor [03:14] Alcoholic: You can make a User [03:15] Hey everyone. I have a processor that I'm pretty sure has SSE3, but when i cat /proc/cpuinfo sse3 isn't liste4d [03:15] listed* [03:15] bastidrazor: im on a 32bit processor and I get output [03:15] Is it possible that the kernel doesn't support it, but it's still in the cpu? [03:15] So, I lose my files?? Even if the disk is occupied by the info?? There is no methid to recover this files? [03:15] What changed, because now there are two drivers available. [03:15] Hey guys, So I was gonna download Ubuntu but on the site it say 64 bit not recommended for daily desktop... [03:16] gOLDfeesh: you can safely ignore that [03:16] Help, I need to recover some files, I just copied the files and the space is ocuppied but there are not all the files. [03:16] gOLDfeesh: use 32 [03:16] relentless: possibly you're using a 32bit OS but have a 64bit capable processor [03:16] relentless: the 'lm' flag indicates a 64 bit processor [03:17] heh [03:17] Strinking7 if cat /proc/cpuinfo says it isnt there then tuff luck! [03:17] the blind leading the blind... there is no real support here. [03:17] well when I try and use the 32 bit version it says invalid system architecture [03:17] Help, I need to recover some files, I just copied the files to a ext4 partition and the space is occupied but there are not all the files in one folder. [03:17] ajavid dont say that [03:18] /usr/bin/wgetpaste: line 729: /dev/stdin: No such device or address [03:18] No input read. Nothing to paste. Aborting. [03:18] Your paste can be seen here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/226747/ [03:18] All heil Emacs [03:18] bastidrazor: take a look [03:18] aj5555: So you're saying it's not just that the kernel doesn't support it, but the CPU itself doesn't support it? === gOLDfeesh is now known as afallenhope [03:19] Help, I need to recover some files, I just copied the files to a ext4 partition and the space is occupied but there are not all the files in one folder. [03:19] bastidrazor ok I will next time I get my hands on the machine. I ran uname -a and it reported a 64 bit processor. but if cpuinfo is what I need to use then ok. [03:19] relentless: your processor is 64bit capable. [03:19] Striking7: well thats what ur cpu suggests [03:20] Joshua_Roberts: best of luck. [03:20] thanks [03:20] Mmm, I need help please, I need to recover some files, I just copied the files to a ext4 partition and the space is occupied but there are not all the files in one folder. [03:20] aj5555: Just making sure that's not what the kernel suggests, and that it comes straight from the cpu instead [03:20] bastidrazor: pffft [03:20] ¿anybody with decorator windows problems produced for a intel video bug and xorg-edgers drivers? [03:20] I am going to try the 9.04 release and see if the issue goes away... see if it is just the new kernel [03:20] Nautilus can't see the info, but gparted and df -h tell me that this space is busy [03:21] Strinking7 cat /proc/cpuinfo only speakes to your cpu [03:22] so don't download 64bit? [03:22] if im trying to log into a shell how do i chnage the port number? [03:22] aj5555: Thanks, that's what I needed to hear [03:22] change* [03:22] 10.04 alternate i386 on mac mini 2010. Boots the installer, but can't find the CD afterwards. "No common CD-ROM drive was detected". Help. [03:22] Zed you have to change the port from /etc/shhd/sshd.conf [03:22] depending.. [03:23] relentless: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/proc-cpuinfo-flag-lm-358563/ [03:23] like are you using openssh? [03:23] !openssh | Zela [03:23] Zela: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [03:23] ajavid: we'll you are trying to install a package name that doesn't exist. So the presumption is to start at the beginning. Plus aptitude sometimes fail when apt-get doesn't. [03:23] !64bit [03:23] AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information. [03:23] I'm having a problem with Audacity, when I click on record, it freezes, I re-installed, no joy, completely removed it, and installed again, and the same thing is happening, ideas? [03:24] I know that afallenhope but how do u change port numbers? [03:24] ssh host -p port [03:24] iidrc [03:25] n2diy_: why not try VLC and see if it still happens [03:25] !audacity|n2diy === mike_ is now known as Guest33029 [03:25] n2diy_: join /#audacity [03:26] aj5555: what' s that, is it in synaptic? [03:26] acerimmer_: thanks, I didn't know they had a channel, thanks.h [03:26] n2diy_: yeah Its called Video Lan Client [03:27] aj5555: ok, will it complain if I don' have a camera? === ferraro is now known as olala [03:28] n2diy_: am not sure about that [03:28] n2diy_: bit it dosent require a video cam! [03:29] aj5555: ok, I'll see what they say in #audacity, and if that doesn't work I'll try VLC, thanks. [03:29] n2diy_: np [03:30] hi [03:30] hi [03:30] new here [03:30] yes. [03:30] !ask | f_ , stan [03:30] f_ , stan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [03:30] I am from brazil [03:30] How do I find the MAC number for a mobo NIC adapter? [03:31] stan ifconfig | grep MAC [03:31] sure! [03:31] stan or more specifically ifconfig etho | grep MAC or what ever iface you want to query [03:32] stan sorry, grep HW [03:32] Thanks, some of the stuff for ubuntu 10.04 just doesn't work. [03:33] AAA: you mean ifconfig | grep HWaddr [03:33] stan what doesn't work? chances are good someone here can help fix them [03:33] stan: ifconfig gives u all the info [03:33] wise_crypt I realized my error and told them HW [03:33] what're you the new version of ubuntu [03:34] AAA: :) [03:34] kkk :D [03:34] having trouble finding downloads for older versions of ubuntu cd's not the dvd's any help? [03:34] so good! [03:35] Joshua_Roberts: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ [03:36] Joshua_Roberts: what version ubuntu are you looking for actually ? see !eol and !upgrade [03:36] ok. 9.04 [03:36] Joshua_Roberts you can also browse the mirrors. for example http://archaea.its.sfu.ca/mirror/ubuntu/dists/ [03:36] Mmm, I need help please, I need to recover some files, I just copied the files to a ext4 partition and the space is occupied but there are not all the files in one folder. [03:36] Nautilus can't see the info, but gparted and df -h tell me that this space is busy [03:36] I want to test an older release on the machine that is giving me issues and see if it is 10.04 specific or a general linux issue with nvidia chipsets... [03:36] try the manufacturer. [03:37] question~ can anyone point me to a direction how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [03:37] Joshua_Roberts: releases.ubuntu.com [03:37] Those were good commands but I got a "device not found" so I'll drop a new NIC card in tomorrow. [03:37] what if you need to put a username and port number in ssh what is it? [03:37] thanks [03:38] I know its ssh host -p port but how do you add a username? [03:38] Zela: ssh -P portnumber user@host [03:38] k [03:38] stan try $ ifconfig -a and see if you have what you're looking for. btw, what are you looking for? NIC or wireless or? [03:38] excuse me does anyone know why when i plug headphones into the front speaker jack of my computer it fades out to silence after about a minute? [03:38] Zela: i'm wrong -p not -P [03:38] Zela ssh -l [03:39] !sound > glick [03:39] glick, please see my private message [03:40] Zela both user@host and -l work. unless the port is different from 22 you don't need to specify a port, FYI [03:40] Darkwhole please refrease [03:40] glick: while you wait for the answer you can read them its a usefull info that ubottu gave you [03:42] does anyone know howto setup a remote syslog server ? [03:42] wise_crypt, yeah i did that stuff doent help [03:43] KingOfTheKill it's been quite a while, but I have [03:44] how can I fix this file error? "dovecot: IMAP(scott@moseley.ca): Invalid data in file /mnt/raid/www_root/mail/moseley.ca/scott/.Sent/dovecot-uidlist" === rabidweezle is now known as Type-O [03:44] how can i bypass the http proxy firewall in my location to enable torrents ?? [03:44] KingOfTheKill iirc, I used sylsog-ng with simple success [03:44] lol. [03:44] 10.04 alternate i386 on mac mini 2010. Boots the installer, but can't find the SATA CD or HDD. "No common CD-ROM drive was detected". Help. === mike is now known as Guest74349 [03:44] glick: is ti an intel hda ? [03:44] *it [03:44] Spyzer try asking that in #security or #lame they might now [03:44] know** [03:45] in transmission client i am passing the username and password as well as the ip of the proxy, but it ain't working [03:45] AAA: did u have a server that you wanted to monitor? [03:45] i tried port forwarding [03:45] Hey [03:45] glick: lspci | grep audio [03:45] but if anyone can elaborate [03:45] Spyzer that's a question for ##security [03:45] KingOfTheKill I had one server collecting logs for multiple boxen === kev is now known as Guest96503 [03:45] ok [03:46] AAA: okey...i'm now thinking that I might just use SSH if i want to check the logs [03:46] Ok, so, i screwed up a friend of mines computer and she lives several cities away from me. This is probably death to ask but is there a program in ubuntu or a different linux live cd in which can restore system registries and drivers for windows xp? [03:46] !tunnel | Spyzer [03:46] !sshtunnel [03:47] hmm [03:47] Guest96503: no [03:47] Hi! a friend of mine has multiple OSs installed and he was asking me how could he know which partition had which operative system [03:47] Quozl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook and be aware that installation to a newly released mac may not be possible yet. [03:47] xangua> oh [03:47] how can I fix this file error? "dovecot: IMAP(scott@moseley.ca): Invalid data in file /mnt/raid/www_root/mail/moseley.ca/scott/.Sent/dovecot-uidlist" [03:48] Jeeves_Moss, It seems as though that file is corrupt. [03:48] acerimmer_: thanks. been there. fyi, SATA AHCI PCI id 10de:0d85. it matches macbookpro7,1. [03:48] Try renaming it to dovecot-uidlist.bak [03:48] Valkyrie, yep, I know. how do I fix it? [03:48] Quozl: http://blog.costan.us/2009/03/ubuntu-810-or-904-on-mac-mini.html [03:48] And, see if it creates a new one [03:48] darkhole: have you tried running du. maybe "du -ksc ." or "du -khsc ." at the base of the ext4 filesystem. is this total way off compared to df ? === switchgirl is now known as darkNemisis [03:49] Jeeves_Moss, What exactly is it? [03:49] It seems as though it's for a mail server. [03:49] acerimmer_: thanks, been there too. i suspect i shall have to replace the installer kernel. i'm a developer, i guess i'm in the wrong place. ;-} [03:49] But, I don't use ubuntu. I'm just here for support. [03:49] Valkyrie, what do you mean? [03:49] KingOfTheKill remote syslog is not the most secure thing in the world. on a 10.4 box you can $ man rsyslog.conf and find the options for sending syslog to another machine. of course the other machine will need to be set to accept them. all in all, ssh is a good option. possibly rsync your logs to a central location via a cron job? === radar3d|Con_Lv is now known as radar3d [03:49] Jeeves_Moss, Well. First i'd have to know if it belongs to a program. Something like mutt, or Alpine [03:50] so I have this folder on my desktop that will not got away. I have tried "sudo rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty " [03:50] that seems to work [03:50] Quozl: try #ubuntu-devel [03:50] drops me down to the next line [03:50] con-man, But, it comes back? [03:50] but the folder is still on the dkestop [03:50] wise_crypt: thanks. [03:50] con-man the file is file/dir is probably in use then [03:50] con-man, Have you tried refreshing? I think Ubuntu still uses nautilus [03:50] Quozl: no problem [03:50] AAA, is that possible con linux? [03:50] Valkyrie, lol yup [03:51] con-man, You've tried refreshing? [03:51] con-man oh, the command returns a newline? hrm. [03:51] My onl advice would be to pkill nautilus. And, restart it [03:51] That *should* fix the problem. [03:51] AAA, i've never seen a "in use" warnin in linux, unless i've mounted something there, or from there [03:51] con-man@con-man-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty r8168-8.018.00/ [03:51] con-man@con-man-desktop:~/Desktop$ [03:51] Nitsuga yes. you can not delete a file that is in use. it may -look- like you did, but it is still there until the process owning it dies [03:51] con-man, sudo rm -rf? [03:51] That will FORCE it to delete. === prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG [03:52] AAA, yes, i know that, but the file is inaccessible to all other proceses [03:52] Valkyrie still. if the file is in use, it will still appear there [03:52] Valkyrie, never saw those flags in the --help, let me give it a try [03:52] AAA, really? [03:52] AAA, and you can make another of the same name and everything goes fine [03:52] AAA, I don't use Ubuntu anymore. I'm just here for support [03:52] So, I don't know what they've changed [03:53] Linux fallen 2.6.34-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 17 08:36:58 UTC 2010 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux [03:53] Arch Linux ^^ [03:53] can I get help with gpg? I'm trying to enter my OpenPGP keys into launchpad. I get the encrypted e-mail and copy the relevant text to a file. When I run $ gpg --decrypt pgpkeys.txt it responds... [03:53] AAA its an empty folder with a folder in it that is also empty [03:53] con-man, -r = recursive -f = force deletion [03:53] hey all, might not be in the right place for this, but let me know. i am interested in setting up a linux box in my house to do dns, authentication (ldap), posibly NAS, etc. Ideally, want to run on a small atom machine. Any easy to use Small Business distros you knwo of? maybe one with a nice web UI? built on ubuntu? I need it to replace an old windows box... [03:53] AAA, so what could be using it [03:53] Valkyrie take this example. 4G iso. cdrecord is doing something with it and you try to delete it. the file will appear to go away, but df -h still shows that 4G being used [03:53] gpg: encrypted with ELG-E key, ID 76AC2B76 (newline) gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available [03:53] AAA, True. but, I thought that only happened when something was mounted. [03:54] Like, you can't eject you sr0 when your disk is mounted [03:54] dereks: you could check out ClearOS [03:54] con-man don't know. if you've done rm -rf like suggested, and it didn't go away then either a) your are rm'n the wrong directory or b) something has a hold of it. use lsof to find out what [03:54] KingOfTheKill: lemme look [03:54] Valkyrie if it weren't mounted you couldn't rm it [03:54] dereks: http://www.clearfoundation.com/Software/overview.html [03:54] con-man, Or, you could 'init 6' to remove all your problems [03:54] nUboon2Age: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto [03:55] (Don't actually!) [03:55] Valkyrie bad advice to kid about imho [03:55] AAA, i'd like to point out that testdisk actually searches for lost partitions and not lost filesystems on those partitions...linux is seeing the partition just fine but it thinks there is no filesystem on that partition, just random bytes maybe [03:55] I actually, would love to see someone switch to runlevel 6 just for kicks [03:55] AAA, You think so? xD [03:55] AAA, found a hidden folder but check this [03:55] con-man@con-man-desktop:~/Desktop/r8168-8.018.00/src$ chmod 777 .tmp_versions/ [03:55] chmod: changing permissions of `.tmp_versions/': Operation not permitted [03:55] Ganymede it was worth a try. [03:56] acerimmer_: unfortunately i've been back and forth through that Howto w/o luck [03:56] AAA, It's pretty easy to counter-act. Just chroot from livecd [03:56] =P [03:56] Valkyrie: u dont really need ubuntu support [03:56] con-man sounds like it is owned by root === no-name is now known as Guest36590 [03:56] AAA, so chown? [03:56] nUboon2Age: it's not very intuitive or understandable a tutorial>>this one? http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/PGP.htm [03:56] aj5555, I'm not here to 'get' ubuntu support [03:56] I'm here to give it. [03:56] aj5555, Considering, most likely. I'm more experianced with Linux than half of you people [03:57] Operating system aside. [03:57] acerimmer_: just so you know i followed the first one basically step by step but w/o change in error message. [03:57] KingOfTheKill: thats pretty nice [03:57] AAA, [03:57] con-man@con-man-desktop:~/Desktop/r8168-8.018.00/src$ chmod 777 .tmp_versions/ [03:57] chmod: changing permissions of `.tmp_versions/': Operation not permitted [03:57] Valkyrie indeed. but folks have some amount of 'trust' for what the helpers here say. and may not always get your, j/k after. reboot won't norally kill anyones day, but I'm just sayin' [03:57] err waot [03:57] AAA, yeah, i'm doing photorec now as we speak [03:57] con-man chown, or sudo rm or something. ls -l /path to see who owns it first [03:57] AAA; [03:57] con-man@con-man-desktop:~/Desktop/r8168-8.018.00/src$ chown con-man .tmp_versions/ [03:57] chown: changing ownership of `.tmp_versions/': Operation not permitted [03:57] oh wait [03:57] sudo [03:57] AAA, It won't just reboot. Runlevel six (unless they changed it in ubuntu) Will continually reboot untill forced into another runlevel. [03:57] dereks: yeah it's kinda cool :) [03:57] yeah === radar3d is now known as radar3d|Zzz [03:58] con-man you don't have to retype/repaste so quick. I haven't forgotten ya [03:58] * aj5555 Valkyrie AAA, I don't use Ubuntu anymore. I'm just here for support [03:58] dereks: and its pretty easy to maintain [03:58] yeah, don't set your system to start at runlevel 6 [03:58] Supporting other people, aj5555 [03:58] AAA, Valkyrie, folder is gone, thanks much for the help. just had to chown the hidden folder [03:58] Valkyrie huh? init 6 has always been reboot, unless the new upstart changes that [03:58] KingOfTheKill: can i pm you (got some questions) [03:58] con-man, Anytime [03:58] !runlevels [03:58] In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. [03:58] AAA, 6 is constant reboot, if i'm not mistaen [03:58] con-man cool [03:59] Valkyrie you are mistaken my friend [03:59] if there is an /etc/inittab what happens [03:59] Odd. [03:59] Well, it's constant reboot via Arch [03:59] * Valkyrie Shrugs [03:59] un214 you better hope you have an inittab! init is process 1 in *nix [04:00] there is no /etc/inittab by default on ubuntu [04:00] dereks: yeah [04:00] un214, Nothing, really [04:00] Valkyrie give it a go on your box, you'll reboot once just like with shutdown -r now or reboot =p [04:00] gets ignored huh [04:00] AAA, I have before. I had to chroot in. [04:00] I'm not sure if they changed it, though [04:00] So. [04:00] * aj5555 Valkyrie wel thats me told! [04:00] i hope the koala to lucid distro upgrade works without a hitch [04:00] aj5555: why you suggest I use VLC? You can't record with it! [04:01] un214 what the huh? what happen to inittab? sheesh [04:01] n2diy_, Yes youcan [04:01] acerimmer_: in that one they seem to be explaining a Windoze program that is installed on their machines. [04:01] I was diappointed too [04:01] n2diy_: yes you can! [04:01] dereks: hold on a sec irssi is having a problem [04:01] aj5555: how, I just had it open, and there was no record button? [04:01] aj5555, Do I know you from somewhere? [04:01] ( for the record before i go ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/576601 looks like where my problem is heading and a live cd iso image is available as of two hours ago ... MacBookPro7,1 and also Macmini4,1 ) [04:01] o O [04:01] Valkyrie I've never experienced that with init 6 before. odd [04:02] unfortunately trying to switch back to sysvinit is impossible these days since they broke the core dependencies rather badly [04:02] hopefully the upgrade will fix my souind problem [04:02] Valkyrie then again, I thought ubuntu still had an inittab... [04:02] xD! That's true, AAA [04:02] can I get help with gpg? I'm trying to enter my OpenPGP keys into launchpad. I get the encrypted e-mail and copy the relevant text to a file. When I run $ gpg --decrypt pgpkeys.txt it responds gpg: encrypted with ELG-E key, ID 76AC2B76 (newline) gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available [04:02] i am in the directory with *green in ls* ./ventrilo_srv says no such file / dir [04:02] aj5555: ok, now I'm in the menus, apparently I have to setup the capture device? [04:03] n2diy_, Or select one [04:03] im trying to install powertop but it requires config_debug_kernel. anybody know of a way around redoing the kernel? [04:03] can anyone help me? [04:03] nUboon2Age you need to give it a key to decrypt with I think [04:03] n2diy_, If i'm not mistaken, Ubuntu automatically mous any/all capture devices under /dev/ [04:03] Should be something like [04:03] /dev/video1-9 [04:03] I through nine. [04:03] One* [04:03] has anyone done the upgrade from koala to lucid? [04:03] My god xD [04:04] is it pretty smooth? [04:04] or will it break my stuff? [04:04] have a great day guys, bye. [04:04] too bad really, I think a linux system should show some of that ancient power it inherited from the seventies [04:04] like an old mansion [04:04] nUboon2Age gpg -K should list your keys [04:04] alguem br ai? [04:04] glick: It depend [04:04] !br | leo_ [04:04] leo_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [04:04] zkriesse, on what [04:04] hello [04:05] n2diy_: what are u trying to do? [04:05] glick: Well install is ALWAYS better than an upgrade [04:05] nUboon2Age you may need to --import your key for decrypting [04:05] After my parents did a recent upgrade of Hardy, they no longer have a working display. [04:05] thowe, You shouldn't be complaining [04:05] I'm ridiculed in this household for using Linux. [04:05] Instead, after the POST, it displays a message that says "PC DISPLAY SETTINGS CORRECT?" [04:05] aj5555: I want to record sound from my microphone. [04:06] hello i am using 10.04 and have a raid 5 array, I notices to partitions on one of the devices have been removed from the array. How do I get it to put it back to full working order? [04:06] s/to/two [04:06] An older boot CD works, but a newer 10.04 CD does not. So this is clearly something that changed in X11(?) [04:06] AAA: okay when I do gpg -k I get a response. What info do i need from that? [04:06] n2diy_: well I cant help you sorry [04:07] Ah, lord. Is this one of those channels that just scrolls chatter so fast there is no hope of help? [04:07] thowe: no but it does require patience [04:07] only for users of foul language [04:07] nUboon2Age you need the key for the .txt you are trying to decrypt. my guess is it is not there and you need to import that key. [04:07] aj5555: Do I need to create a link between my sound card mic and /dev/dsp? This might explain my Audacity trouble also. [04:07] thowe: also more details about the issue you are experiencing [04:07] thowe, I'm not sure if Ubuntu 10.04 uses Xorg1.8 [04:07] BUT! [04:08] If they do. Then try opening a TTY, and doing basic Xorg configuration [04:08] Give us your Xorg.log [04:08] And, be patient. [04:08] AAA: okay that seems to make sense. How do I do that? [04:08] We'll get to you [04:08] That's everything. It now just displays that message on the screen and then goes to a black screen. [04:08] Valkyrie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:08] !enter > Valkyrie [04:08] guess ill recompile [04:08] Valkyrie, please see my private message [04:08] very light-speed question: What software should I download in order to use linux softwares on Windows platform (XP) [04:08] qeum [04:08] qemu [04:08] !enter > olskolirc [04:08] olskolirc, please see my private message [04:08] ?????? [04:08] I was going to walk them through putting settings into their xorg.conf, but it seems grub no longer displays as well... [04:09] Is there a separate channel for netbook ubuntu, or is it all in here? [04:09] n2diy_: I dont use Audicty for my sound input === magus_ is now known as Devrethman [04:09] qemu? [04:09] thowe, Grub doesn't display? That's not Xorg then. [04:09] it's an emulator [04:09] That's frame buffer [04:09] nUboon2Age whomever sent you the .txt should have the key. you simply need to get it and do $ gpg --import [04:09] towardme: ask in ##windows but I don't think that is possible. [04:09] WHY [04:09] Valkyrie, the settings must be somewhere... [04:09] this question is best answered here [04:10] towardme: not really. You are loking for windows support [04:10] thowe, To be honest. I've never heard of Frame Buffer NOT working. That's quite odd. Have you tried chrooting in from a boot CD, and changing your own settings? [04:10] I don't get it [04:10] idleOne: actually somebody made a loader that can load linux binaries on windows -- it forwarded all calls to cygwin [04:10] aj5555: Ok, I'm just trying to use anything to record from the mic now, once I know the sound card is working, I can argue with audacity. [04:10] towardme, Use Wine. [04:10] Valkyrie: I had a framebuffer not work once, but it was because my graphics card was actually broken. [04:10] Valkyrie, Yeah, an old Ubuntu CD works, but a newer one does not. [04:10] Valkyrie: he's asking the opposite question [04:10] AAA: Have you entered an OpenPGP key into Launchpad? They sent me an e-mail... I'll go look for it to see if it says anything about their key. [04:10] thowe, Then, chroot in! [04:11] valkyrie :) [04:11] n2diy_: argue with? [04:11] thowe: I definitely just had that problem, but as I said, my GFX card was broken. You might want to make sure yours isn't. [04:11] towardme, You want to use Linux binaries on windows? [04:11] linux sofewares ON Windows [04:11] I think you're half-nuts! [04:11] I don't [04:11] would someone kindly try to login to my server using ssh (just setup key based login and hoping it kicks back any password attempts) [04:11] towardme: Actually none, just look at sourceforge.net, or many other places, fsfdirectory.org and others have *nix programs that also may have binary or Windows installers. [04:11] aj5555: yes, I can't record in audacity, and you told me to try vlc. [04:11] Valkyrie: Please stay on topic and do not call people nuts. [04:11] Devrethman, again, if a CD before this change was made is booted to (such as 6.10) it works fine. [04:11] when one must bridge using ssh, etc. on windows is better than the other way as often as not [04:11] gbear14275, I will [04:12] vigo: many good softwares are linux-only [04:12] thowe: sorry I'm walking into the middle of this converstaion. What change? [04:12] nUboon2Age I have not. but if they sent you an encrypted mail ther is bound to be a link to the key somewhere [04:12] n2diy_: yeah VLC if nothing else worked! [04:12] Devrethman, It stopped working after they ran an update in Hardy. [04:12] gbear14275, It asks me to input password [04:12] Gj. [04:12] Valkyrie: thanks, will try again [04:12] Not a problem [04:12] towardme: I prefer all *nix, I went out the Window 8 years ago, have not missed anything. [04:13] AAA: It says: This message contains the instructions for confirming registration of an OpenPGP key for use in Launchpad. The confirmation instructions have been encrypted with the OpenPGP key you have attempted to register. === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [04:13] I don't like openPGP encryption =/ [04:13] nUboon2Age aha, it is encryped with your gpg key. is your key in the list of $ gpg -k? [04:13] aj5555: well, I haven't found the magic to record in VLC, it doesn't even have a record button, I'm wading through the menus now. [04:13] Because, half the time it gets sent to people's Junkmail [04:13] I feel like converting mono.snk to pgp format and registering using that [04:13] nUboon2Age the same key you used on the site should be in your secret key list [04:13] nUboon2Age: i config'd my evolution mail handler into the security settings [04:14] AAA: well it looks like it. how can I confirm? [04:14] never mind found my answer here http://www.technibble.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9006 [04:14] n2diy_: well u have to tell it what to record [04:15] nUboon2Age hrm. so what happens when you do gpg -d ? pretty sure it should dump, possibly, a new file in your pwd [04:16] nUboon2Age my apologies, I haven't used gpg for sometime [04:16] what do you suppose the response would be for someone using a well-known public/private key pair for their account [04:16] aj5555: well, that is my problem, it wants to use /dev/dsp, and I don't think my realtex 8235 is using that. === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [04:16] aj5555: acerimmer_ I wish. No, that's when I get the error message: gpg: encrypted with ELG-E key, ID 76AC2B76; gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available [04:17] un214 the public part should be public and the private part private? [04:17] How do I make ubuntu netbook not require my password when it comes back from screensaver? [04:17] see mono.snk: both parts are deliberately public [04:17] nUboon2Age: are you confident that you set it up correctly on your machine? verified? [04:17] acerimmer_: how do I verify? [04:17] this is frustrating... grr... ok just disabled rsaauthentication and pubkeyauthentication and reloaded the config file and its still allowing me to login using keys... what am I doing wrong here... === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [04:18] System: Dell 1721 notebook. 9.04 installed. Broadcomm bcm43. On bootup, 'lshw -C network' shows network: DISABLED. Go to System > Admin > Hardware Drivers and the Broadcomm Driver is installed but not in use. DeActivate and then Activate and I have wireless. I need this to happen on startup. Any ideas appreciated! === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [04:18] nUboon2Age: gpg --export -a mykey.asc [04:19] acerimmer_: AAA: I used Seahorse to create the OpenPGP keys. [04:19] acerimmer_: Yes, i did that using my key id. [04:19] nUboon2Age: ah. totally unfamiliar with that. [04:19] acerimmer_: Seahorse is the Gnome wrapper around gpg. [04:20] nUboon2Age: I'll stick with terminal so: gpg --list-keys [04:21] acerimmer_: AAA: it has one w/ my e-mail account and two others listed (don't know who they are, maybe that was a 'bonus' that Seahorse gave me). [04:21] thowe: what hardware is this on? i'm wondering if you are affected with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes [04:21] acerimmer_: AAA: should I pastebin it or would that be giviing too much info away? [04:22] nUboon2Age: don't paste! [04:22] I'm gonna try this: http://www.hotubuntunews.com/blog_03.shtml [04:22] Derethman: Get a response? [04:22] hi there i would like to know how to get super user set up with password [04:22] nUboon2Age: ok sounds like the keys are in place on your computer. so, did you properly send them to launchpad? i.e with the tutorial strictly followed? [04:23] anybody aware of how to manually change the ubuntu icon in the menu-bar in 10.04 [04:23] System: Dell 1721 notebook. 9.04 installed. Broadcomm bcm43. On bootup, 'lshw -C network' shows network: DISABLED. Go to System > Admin > Hardware Drivers and the Broadcomm Driver is installed but not in use. DeActivate and then Activate and I have wireless. I need this to happen on startup. Please [04:23] acerimmer_: AAA: I believe so, is there anything i can do to verify? [04:23] Deverethman: Did you get a response? [04:23] Why can't I access the usual right-click menu in Nautilus? [04:23] hi there i would like to know how to get super user set up with password for ubuntu 10.04 [04:23] nUboon2Age: gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com [04:23] I have elementary-nautilus [04:24] acerimmer_: AAA: yes, but I'll do it again... [04:24] nUboon2Age: fyi: ubuntu keyserver was down without explanation for days last week. your message might not have got through === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [04:24] hi there [04:24] !root | scott__ [04:24] scott__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [04:25] need some help on dhcp3-server start before network up [04:25] acerimmer_: AAA: it responded with: gpg: sending key FEF13D7D to hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com [04:25] thank you [04:26] scott__: You are welcome. [04:26] nUboon2Age: ok then it actually went out. now you should have to just decrypt and read teh incoming message and follow directions there... [04:26] acerimmer_: AAA: is there a way to see if the keyserver recieved it? I mean it looks like it was sent, but what about recieved? [04:27] nUboon2Age: the verification email will tell you. there is no command line feedback other than the one you noticed. [04:27] hi hi [04:28] nUboon2Age: what email handler? evolution? [04:28] alright, i have a gpt partition and I want to have linux be able to read the partition but I don't want to lose what I already have there. All I can find is how to create a new one which kills whats already there. [04:28] does anyone had problem on dhcp3-server start before eth up? [04:28] acerimmer_: AAA: unfortunately gmail. [04:29] nUboon2Age: it's okay! but think about evolution. anyway you access gmail via ffireox? === charlie is now known as grumete [04:29] acerimmer_: AAA: yes, through swiftfox. [04:30] is there any way to disable plymouth? [04:30] nUboon2Age: ok. nother new one on me. anyway, since you're not using an email reader, it believe you must configure your browser with a pgp plugin. [04:30] scottwolchok: I believe I read there is a way, though I don't remember the details. [04:31] Valkyrie: ok... so I tested it some... turns out my initial trials were foiled when I forgot to escalate priveleges when I tried to reload the config file. Solved that (duh). Could you give it one more shot for me? [04:31] Alguem que sabe configurar o virtualbox para x64? [04:31] !es|cj_ [04:31] cj_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [04:31] I'm trying to do kernel dev and it seems to cause nondeterministic soft lockups at least some of the time that are making me think my kernels are broken [04:31] that's not spanish, is portuguese acerimmer_ [04:32] acerimmer_: AAA: That's where I ran into the problems and tried to use plain old CL. oh, it just struck me that maybe I could import to evolution. [04:32] xangua: *blush* what can I say. I'm american. that means I barely speak english and certainly no foreign languages... [04:32] nUboon2Age: NOW you're talking. [04:32] or could anyone here give me a hand and see if I disabled password login effectively. IP is [04:32] ssh [04:32] acerimmer_: AAA: I read evolution has gpg/pgpg preset. [04:33] Someone who knows how to configure virtualbox x64? [04:33] nUboon2Age: no you have to configure it. use the tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto [04:33] virtualbox for what? [04:33] cj_ configure virtual box 64? [04:33] nUboon2Age: reading open pgp e-mail section [04:33] certainly not reliable usb 2.0 support [04:33] gbear14275, I sure can [04:34] cj_ it dosent need to be configured [04:34] Permission denied (publickey_ [04:34] )* [04:34] Good job ^^ [04:34] thanks again Valkyrie! [04:34] Anytime [04:34] yes [04:34] * aj5555 Valkyrie wel thats me told! [04:34] What? [04:35] oppps older stuff! [04:35] im trying to open package manager and it keeps sayin something else is using it... what command do i run to see what processes are running so i can kill one of them? ps -l or something [04:37] towardme: there's also Wubi [04:37] scottwolchok: yes well you can easilly get a text mode instead [04:37] blue_fox: top? [04:38] scottwolchok: text boot I mean, plymouth package itself is part of ubuntu-desktop so would take a load of other stuff you would want with it [04:39] acerimmer_: AAA: I'm embarrased to say I'm not finding evolution on my menus. any idea where I'd find it? I'm pretty sure i didn't uninstall it or anything. [04:39] scottwolchok: however this stops plymouth being used, still here? [04:39] nUboon2Age: Applicatoins>Office... [04:39] Hi I have a linux router and one machine plugged on the linux router. If my cable is deconnected and I replug it (rj45 cable) I cant ping the router on my other machine. I need to reboot the linux router. What can cause that [04:40] acerimmer_: AAA: got it. thnx. opening now.. [04:40] nUboon2Age: then you've got to set up your gmail account ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution [04:40] anyone able to read/mount a already created partition via gpt [04:40] nUboon2Age: and I [04:40] blue_fox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/show-all-running-processes-in-linux/ [04:40] nUboon2Age: andi I've got to get going. good luck. [04:41] maybe a problem with the DHCP server? [04:41] acerimmer_: thanks! === sandy is now known as Guest68295 [04:42] what anti virus works with this [04:42] scottwolchok: right you gone away it seems, so channel and pm, for the fix, then you probably won't miss it [04:43] hi sebsebseb [04:44] sebsebseb: no I think scottwolchok; is still here. Try again... [04:44] nUboon2Age: in the channel yes, but no reply here [04:44] sebsebseb: Ah, gotcha. [04:44] aj5555: hi [04:45] nUboon2Age: well what can happen when reply to something a few minutes after [04:45] Valkyrie: you still around? Got one more question about the printing of the MOTD. For some reason when using password login this works but after setting up keys it goes away... the nice thing was that during logons it would tell you if the server required a reboot... is there any way to re-enable this? [04:45] replying [04:45] gbear14275, I'm not entirely sure. [04:46] Passwordless logins don't show a MOTD? [04:46] scottwolchok: remove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub [04:46] sebsebseb: I was told to u quiet cool ! [04:46] aj5555, You is not speak english first language? [04:46] sebsebseb: I was told to ur* quiet cool ! [04:46] That, or you're six. [04:47] aj5555: You think I am quite cool? Ok thats nice! [04:47] or I mean someone said that to you? [04:47] i need an anti virus for ubuntu please [04:47] sebsebseb: well my friends said so [04:47] this isn't a factoid I am likely to use, but i'll do it this time [04:47] !u [04:47] U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information. [04:48] Guest10358: Do you have a virus? [04:48] Guest68295, my bad [04:48] aj5555: ok lets go pm [04:48] sebsebseb: thanks [04:48] Guest68295: Do you have a virus? [04:48] LJRuff i dont think so but i dont know and would like to make sure [04:48] scottwolchok: yeah sometimes it kind of crashes Plymouth does on a theme [04:49] scottwolchok: in 10.04, I guess thats what you meant? [04:49] Guest68295: GNU/Linux (Ubuntu) does not suffer from viruses like other operating systems. [04:49] yes [04:49] Guest68295: I have been using Ubuntu for almost three years and have never even had spyware, much less a virus. =) [04:49] LJRuff what about tracking cookies and other things [04:49] !virus | Guest68295 [04:49] Guest68295: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [04:50] Guest68295: Just use your browser to clear cookies or delete them manually. [04:50] ubottu ok then what could slow my system down? [04:50] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [04:51] Guest68295: Is your computer running more slowly than usual? [04:51] LJRuff yes a little [04:53] Little question for y'all. [04:53] Anyone here having problems keeping a iPod touch connected completely? [04:53] aj5555: channel reply to pm as well :D Yes I can be very helpful when it comes to helping with Ubuntu and such :) [04:53] Guest68295: Make sure you have all the latest updates and then reboot to make sure any processes aren't running that you don't need. [04:53] I'm doing a restore via VirtualBox. But, every 5-10 mins my iPod unconnects for but a second [04:53] Someone who knows how to configure virtualbox to run x64 system? [04:53] Making the restore process fail. [04:54] I'm running lucid... and I"m trying to get my dvb card working... is there a simple way to upgrade to mythbuntu? [04:54] LJRuff all so do i need to have windows on this system at all or can i delete it. [04:54] cj_, is your host system 64 bit? [04:54] Slackware 13.1 [04:54] cj_, is it 64 bit? [04:54] yes [04:55] Guest68295: That depends on your personal preferences. If you are going to need to run .exe's, games, etc. then I would consider keeping it. [04:55] I'm running x64... can I just use synaptic to d/l all the mythbuntu stuff and 'hey presto' be running mythbuntu? or do I have to install from scratch? [04:55] cj_, then as long as you have the virtulzation enabled in bios, you should be able to run a virtual 64 machine without any issues. [04:55] I personally do not use Windows except when required at work or for a friend. My personal system runs Linux alone. [04:55] LJRUff ok because i havent been able to open windows at all. [04:55] Guest68295: Dual boot? [04:56] LJRuff yes [04:56] have to enable in the bios? how? [04:56] so, my father has determined that booting to the slightly older kernel from before the update works, but the newer kernel drops hiim to the blank screen. [04:57] you have to reboot the computer and enabled it in bios, should be under virtualzation or something. [04:57] how to install Adobe Air in amd54 ? [04:57] huh? [04:57] it would seem the site gives good info === log|in is now known as log|out [04:57] !virtualization [04:57] There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu. See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [04:58] tanks, i test [04:58] !qemu > macd [04:58] !qemu > macd_eee [04:58] macd_eee, please see my private message [04:58] specific channel for qemu/kvm help ? [04:59] macd_eee: uh, #qemu? === macd_eee is now known as macd [05:01] LJRuff yes it is a duel boot system [05:02] Guest68295: ooh which is winning? [05:02] i'm not able to use apt-get install to install any package. i get and error saying package 'x' doesn't have an installation candidate. please help. [05:02] maco ubuntu windows will not open at all. [05:02] adarsha, You've updated apptitude? [05:03] Synced it? [05:05] Valkyrie:no. i upgraded from 9.10 to lucid. since then this problem [05:05] How can i download videa with Transmission BitTorrent Client? [05:05] adarsha, Well, first things first. Sync aptitude [05:05] Valkyrie, how do i do it? [05:05] You know what aptitude is, right? [05:06] it's used for installing packages i guess... [05:06] Aptitude is apt-get. [05:06] It's your package manager [05:06] * Valkyrie Facepalms [05:06] I don't use Ubuntu and I know this [05:06] ok, how do i sync it? [05:06] adarsha, You familiar with man pages? [05:07] yeah... [05:07] man aptitude. [05:07] I know it may sound harsh [05:07] But, it teaches you to think for yourself. [05:07] alguien sabe español [05:07] Valkyrie, it's ok.. :) i'm readin the man now... [05:08] hello [05:08] !es | william_1234 [05:08] william_1234: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [05:08] (: Thank you, adarsha [05:08] maco any suggestions as to opening windows [05:08] adarsha, You see. Alot of people wouldn't take kindly to me saying 'RTFM' But. It really helps people in the future [05:08] ok gracias [05:08] adarsha, If you've genuinely looked. Come back and i'll just tell you [05:09] I am having very strange behavior of the network manager [05:09] wait a sec [05:09] Valkyrie, give a man a fish, he will come back for more, teach a man to fish, and you fed him for a life time. :) [05:10] shane2peru_lapto, Exactly (: [05:10] adarsha, I just realized something. You weren't just 'apt-get packagehere' right? [05:10] It's supposed to be 'apt-get install packagehere' === novice is now known as infotech [05:10] Just making sure [05:10] Valkyrie: i used sudo [05:11] adarsha, You *did* put install after apt-get. Right? [05:11] adarsha, right, 'sudo apt-get install package' that is the command [05:11] if I have wireless networking disabled before shutting down, when the system comes up again alll networking is disabled [05:11] I'm doing sudo aptitude update, but it gives an error [05:11] I used install [05:11] adarsha, What's the error? [05:11] Valkyrie, Err http://ubuntuarchive.hnsdc.com lucid-security/restricted Sources [05:11] Unable to connect to [05:12] adarsha, One: Are you connected to the internet on that computer? [05:12] And, two: Try changing sources [05:12] Valkyrie, yes, i'm using the same system now.. [05:12] Okay, just making sure [05:12] adarsha, Try changing which source you pull from [05:13] There should be many more than just on repo [05:13] i get a similar error when i try to update. i tried many different sources ( for different countries) it gives the same error, and the same ip [05:13] [05:13] Well. It shouldn't be giving the same IP. [05:14] Because, each repo is a different IP [05:14] I use Main Server [05:14] Vigo, You shouldn't [05:14] Main server is throttled =P [05:14] i know... i couldn't figure out y.. [05:14] Meaning, slower download rates [05:14] Thank you. [05:14] i even tried the main server, gives the same error.. [05:14] Vigo, Just giving you a heads up [05:15] adarsha, One second. I'll look this up for you. [05:15] Valkyrie: Yes, I understand, Thank you. [05:15] Valkyrie, thanks! :) [05:15] You're saying, that you COMMENTED out all other repos? [05:15] Except the one you were trying? [05:15] Because, Aptitude goes through the first repo it sees uncommented [05:16] Valkyrie, no, in administration, i have software sources, where i selected the server [05:16] Oh. Yea. You have a different system than me. [05:16] Ugh. One sec [05:16] You think you could handle manually changing the servers? [05:17] yup, how do i do it? [05:18] adarsha, In PM, do you mind doing this '/exec -o ls /etc/apt/' [05:18] Without the quotes [05:19] Valkyrie, in the terminal? [05:19] adarsha, No no, do this /msg Valkyire [05:19] Then, do /exec -o ls /etc/apt/ [05:20] So, PM me [05:20] Valkyrie: Any reason you want him to PM you rather than use pastebin? === david is now known as Guest66477 [05:21] what is PM? [05:21] Jordan_U, PM'ing is easier, than opening a fcking browser [05:21] Goign to pastebin.com [05:21] And, copying and pasting [05:21] when you can just do a one line command. [05:21] !language | Valkyrie [05:21] Valkyrie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [05:21] :D [05:22] Jordan_U, For your information, I didn't swear :D [05:22] whens the next version of ubuntu coming out? [05:22] infid, ubuntu 15 === sejuk is now known as nitHa_cUby [05:23] ? [05:24] Valkyrie, ? [05:24] kkkk [05:24] infid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule [05:25] thanks [05:25] hello, does anyone know how to view another pc with remote desktop and be able to view the full screen while in windowed mode? [05:25] adarsha, Yea? [05:25] infid: Sunday 10th October 2010 instead of Thursday 28th, yep early [05:26] did it help? did u figure out what the prob is? [05:26] !vnc > cgethycx [05:26] cgethycx, please see my private message [05:26] are there any keyboard layouts for ubuntu that work as a chording keyboard on a qwerty? [05:26] It didn't execute the command o O [05:28] I am not having a problem connecting to a pc with remote desktop. But the only way I can view full screen is to be in full screen. and I want to view the full screen in windowed mode [05:28] Valkyrie, oh.. [05:29] AAA: Well, acerimmer is gone, but I just wanted to tell you that by bringing the mail into evolution I got the mail unencrypted. Although I didn't solve the pgp mystery and may need to return to it, I did 1) learn more about it, 2) get an OpenPGP key registered on LP and 3) got Evolution working which is something I probably needed to do anyway. So thanks for your help!!! [05:29] Valkyrie: stop swearing :P [05:30] are there any keyboard layouts for ubuntu that work as a chording keyboard on a qwerty? I want to be able to use asdf in chorded combinations to type with one hand [05:30] how can i get linux-backports-modules-lucid and linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic on a box with no network connection (i've got wifi only so no apt-get) [05:30] xformulax: why does your apt-get not work with wifi? [05:31] well i need those backports to get wifi working, atheros chipset. [05:31] no wired connection available, but i have a windows box with wifi [05:32] well, we've determined that if we boot with the 2.6.32-21 kernel, we have video. If we boot with 2.6.32-22 kernel, we have a black screen... [05:32] thowe, Well, use the then. And, wait for .23 to come out [05:33] hello, does anyone know how to view another pc with remote desktop and be able to view the full screen while in windowed mode? [05:34] sivik, thanks! [05:34] Thopter: did you see my reply? [05:35] Valkyrie, I think maybe the nvidia drivers don't work with it (?) Who knows. I'll have to try to look at it myself in two weeks. I just walked my father through editing his xorg.conf with vi.. I've had it for the night... [05:35] I have a problem with audacity, so I thought I'd remove it, and re-install, and start over. synaptic won't remove it, apt-get won't remove or purge it, what's going on, I feel like I'm trapped in Windows box again! [05:35] does anybody know if / how to mount a WIM file? [05:36] gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session [05:36] gpg: can't open `UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt': No such file or directory [05:36] gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt: clearsign failed: file open error [05:36] I keep getting that issue while trying to sign the CoC... [05:36] Any ideas? [05:36] Does the file exists? [05:36] juju2143: yes [05:36] juju2143: it's on my dekstop [05:36] Do you have right permissions? [05:37] juju2143: yes [05:38] hello, does anyone know how to view another pc with remote desktop and be able to view the full screen while in windowed mode? [05:38] Weird... [05:38] cgethycx, what application are you using? [05:38] juju2143: I've signed it before never had an issue...the really sad part is, I'm an Ubuntu Member!?!?! I should be able to do this with my eyes closed! [05:39] can anyone help me? having some trouble regarding ram in Ubuntu 10.04. the problem is: i have 4GB of ram installed, but only 2.7GB is shown. also, i am already using the PAE kernel === Plinker_ is now known as Plinker [05:39] currently the default, "remote desktop" but I am will to chang if needed. [05:39] what is the command line tool to list all the wireless networks? [05:40] my_haz, you could try airodump-ng [05:40] Someone knows how to capture both mic input and speaker output with a /dev device? [05:40] I just want to see the full screen in windowed mode, scaled down or what ever it may be called. [05:40] my_haz: or type iconfig [05:40] my_haz: i mean ifconfig [05:41] zkriesse: ifconfig will show interfaces that are up. if you want to see wireless networks available, you need a network manager [05:41] whats the name of the program during setup that loads up default packages? [05:41] celeritas: tue [05:41] celeritas: "true [05:41] so vino-server automagically registers with avahi to advertise the service _rfb._tcp Tell me how to stop vino-server from doing this (i.e. I want finer control with avahi) is there a setting with gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/remote_access? I don't know what the key name would be [05:44] getting help here is like fishing. [05:45] i guess we sit and wait until one bites, eh? [05:46] I have a problem with audacity, so I thought I'd remove it, and re-install, and start over. synaptic won't remove it, apt-get won't remove or purge it, what's going on, I feel like I'm trapped in Windows box again! [05:46] cgethycx: nice saying [05:46] lol [05:47] juju2143: got it figured out [05:47] k [05:47] juju2143: it was looking for /Desktop/filename when it was /desktop/filename [05:47] hello, does anyone know how to view another pc with remote desktop and be able to view the full screen while in windowed mode? [05:47] cyb3r3li0g: @ me? well what ProjektGhost typed would be more funny :D [05:47] cpethycx, at least fish nibble. [05:47] recast :) [05:47] heh, wrong folder zkriesse [05:47] cgethycx: ^^^^^ [05:48] zkriesse: I don't know if this would help at all but I just went through the (grueling) process and to make things simple I just saved the coc in my ~/.gnupg directory. And even though I was having all kinds of trouble previously (maybe you saw above) decrypting a file, this time the encrypting went smooth as silk. [05:48] cyb3r3li0g: messed up auto complete again uh [05:48] but i need a bite [05:48] cgethycx: rdesktop [05:48] nUboon2Age: ok cool [05:48] cgethycx: me too [05:48] zkriesse: oh it looks like you solved it. [05:48] cgethycx: rdesktop -g 1024x768 -r sound remoteip [05:48] nUboon2Age: yup [05:49] nUboon2Age: I better have solved it....I'm an Ubuntu guy so I should know these things [05:49] cgethycx: "full screen while in windowed mode" do you mean 1:1 pixel representation or scaled? [05:49] scaled [05:49] zkriesse: yeah! what a gauntlet that was to run! some kind of initiation rite or something. [05:50] i want to view the full screen in windowed mode of my choice [05:50] cgethycx: use the -g parameter to suit your need [05:51] littlebear i wish i knew what that ment === The_Thing is now known as Sleeping_Thing [05:51] cgethycx: first, get rdesktop by going to terminal and type "sudo apt-get install rdesktop" === TannerF is now known as The_Tanner_Who_S === The_Tanner_Who_S is now known as TannerF[zzz] [05:52] cgethycx: I got a bite in #linux! [05:52] cgethycx: then enter password and use command rdesktop -g 1024x768 -r sound -a 24 ipaddr [05:52] irc://irc.gimp.org/evolution: "Stable: Evolution," What is the reason that Ubuntu 10.04 does provide only version2.28.3? [05:53] question~ can anyone point me to a direction how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [05:53] is there any way to prep a live cd (loaded from USB actually) with the best support for wireless chipsets? (mainly atheros!) [05:53] littlebear: \\ERROR: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known [05:54] Hi. I really need to get rid of this popup dialog after marking a URL, that shows like "Send to Firefox, Send URL to" and so on. Please advice [05:55] wildbat: 1.) Analyze dmesg for ACPI messages. 2. Scrutinize pm-powersave.log. 3.) Get informed in the Internet (Suse in particular) about the function of pm-utils. [05:55] I just realised that this is a cairo-dock feature. Juck [05:56] bullgard4: wat to go! [05:56] bullgard4: way* to go! [05:56] aj5555: I beg you pardon? Say it in other words, please. [05:57] is there any way to prep a live cd (loaded from USB actually) with the best support for wireless chipsets? (mainly atheros!) [05:58] bullgard4: just cool response really [05:58] hi, i had full screen set to "Window + F11" in keyboard shortcuts before the upgrade to 10.04, but now it refuses to work, what gives? [05:58] xformulax, yup [05:58] cgethycx: replace the ip with your target ip [05:58] Anarhist: Set it up in compiz settings? [05:58] HI [05:58] cgethycx: :P, and on that remote computer, enable remote desktop by right click my computer and remote [05:59] red2kic, where are those? [05:59] voglster, any insight? i'd really like the live cd of ubuntu/xbmc to have wifi support... diskless htpc application [05:59] little bear it sounds like you are tellin me how to launch remote desk top which i can do. [05:59] !customlivecd | xformulax [05:59] xformulax: Creating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization [05:59] Anarhist: Install compizconfig-settings-manager and you'll find it under System --> Preferences. === Prodego is now known as administrvia === administrvia is now known as administrivia [06:00] xformulax, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization [06:00] voglster, thats great, except i have no internet connection on my only ^nix box. === rabidweezle is now known as Type-O [06:01] voglster, theres no way i can add wireless support to the files on this usb key? [06:02] xformulax, make your usb key a persistent install? [06:02] xformulax, then just install the drivers [06:02] xformulax are you trying to get wifi do install on an ubuntu install? maybe I misunderstand [06:02] AAA, hes trying to get wifi on a live usb [06:02] AAA, at boot time [06:02] i have a diskless htpc (foxconn netbox) [06:02] voglster oic [06:03] ideally, i'd like ubuntu with xbmc, wifi would pull multimedia from a home server [06:03] xformulax sounds like that link he posted is for you then [06:03] server:~# md5sum ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso [06:03] dc51c1d7e3e173dcab4e0b9ad2be2bbf ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso [06:03] again, my only nix box to "prep" a live cd is a disfunctioning ubuntu box with no network support [06:03] xformulax and the usb is your media for installation of said ubuntu, correct? [06:04] right, running or installing from said usb [06:04] xformulax, if you only have windows oses with internet access do it on a vm on top of windows... then just burn the iso [06:04] does my md5 is right [06:04] dc51c1d7e3e173dcab4e0b9ad2be2bbf ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso [06:04] can connect the usb to a computer (win7) to get drivers, etc [06:04] just looking for a painless way to add wireless driver to my install. [06:04] but the iso cannot be install rightly [06:04] xformulax If you can install the the system with the usb then do so. if after rebooting you have no network, I will help you make it work [06:05] AAA, its diskless [06:05] AAA, he wants to run off the usb key [06:05] voglster oh, I didn't get that part [06:05] i have try two pc [06:05] it's failed [06:05] my runlevel is "unknown", how do I fix it? :-( [06:05] i have done this, no network, atheros wireless chipset. i wanted to run diskless, but i HAVE installed to sata drive to test [06:05] xformulax, just build a persistent USB key [06:06] xformulax, then boot to it on any machine and install the drivers [06:06] what's the reason [06:06] xformulax, then plug it in your little htpc === _Anthony is now known as ZephyrionBot [06:06] red2kic, i'm sorry i don't see where i can set that stuff in compiz controls [06:06] irc://irc.gimp.org/evolution: "Stable: Evolution," What is the reason that Ubuntu 10.04 does provide only version 2.28.3? [06:06] wocao, a bad cd burn another [06:06] question~ can anyone know how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [06:06] but the md5 is right [06:06] voglster, i didnt think of that... i wonder if the wireless chipset in my windows notebook would be detected [06:06] i have a problem with Firefox. when i try to send SMS from Vodafone internet page to mobile phone, but the button doesnt work on Firefox. But when i try with Internet Explorer, the button runs. How can i solve this problem? === ZephyrionBot is now known as _Anthony [06:07] voglster, i used unetbootin or whatever it's called, is that "persistent"? [06:07] xformulax, night man the woman is calling me [06:07] xformulax, no.. google persistent ubuntu [06:07] voglster, thanks [06:07] voglster, night === flick is now known as flicck [06:09] can i copy the iso into the u disk [06:10] but how do i list all the open networks [06:10] wireless networks [06:10] or any of them, i have done it before in fbsd but i don't know how in ubuntu [06:11] i have a problem with Firefox. when i try to send SMS from Vodafone internet page to mobile phone, but the button doesnt work on Firefox. But when i try with Internet Explorer, the button runs. How can i solve this problem? [06:11] Esat, Flash suchs =P [06:11] Sucks [06:11] Lemme correct this. [06:11] Flash sucks ESPECIALLY with Firefox [06:11] Esat. Try chrome? [06:11] Google Chrome Fthefwin. [06:11] gartral|p, : no [06:11] my_haz iwlist scan [06:12] gartral|p, : Does it run with Ubuntu? [06:12] I love chrome vs potato commercial [06:12] Esat, Yes [06:12] Yes. [06:13] Valkyrie, : how can i install Chrome to my Ubuntu? [06:13] AAA: great thats it [06:13] Esat, Through your package manager? [06:13] ok [06:14] Valkyrie Esat NO! Chrome is NOT in repos! [06:14] my_haz iwconfig sets up your wifi connect too, if you didn't know. also, check out kismet if you're into seein ALL wireless stuffz [06:14] gartral, It's not? o O. [06:14] I don't use Ubuntu. So [06:14] gartral, : i m trying to install on Google Chrome Home page [06:15] ok, it's not anywhere in the compiz settings... so can somebody help me, how do i create a full screen key binding in 10.04? [06:15] AAA: yeah i don't have a good wireless card so i think kismet is out of my league [06:15] Esat: that shouldwork fime [06:15] fine* [06:15] Valkyrie: Please do not replace interpunction with the Enter key. [06:15] my_haz meh, I dunno. kismet has mature A LOT over the years, as have the hostap drivers, which are awesome! [06:15] bullgard4: where did Valkyrie post multiple lines? [06:15] AAA: i don't even know what hostap is [06:15] bullgard4, I shouldn't have to even be here! [06:16] my_haz: Host Access Point [06:16] Valkyrie: Yes indeed! [06:16] I'm only here, because I uber-spammed Ubuntu. And, I'm payign back the stupid Ubuntu community. [06:16] my_haz google it. it is a very robust wireless driver that sits on top of your hardware driver. kinda sorta [06:17] my_haz: it's also a more idiot-proof way of setting up adhoc networking [06:17] Google Chrome doesnt work for Ubuntu, is the any alternative explorer? [06:17] my_haz lets you do cool things like monitor mode, and managed mode at the same time. sniff and surf kinda deal, on one chip. you can also use one chip to act as an AP an a client so you can set up a wifi gateway on your laptop with just one wifi device. awesome, IMHO [06:18] gartral: You can find that out most easily yourself. [06:19] AAA: sounds awsome, i know my card can't go into monitor mode, but i don't know if i need that anyways [06:19] Esat: you must not have installed it right, im looking at chrome right now [06:19] bullgard5: what the hell are you talking about?!?!? [06:19] my_haz probably not. I just felt like a wifi tangent, I guess... ;) [06:20] AAA: that is for security stuff, which i am not really interested in atm [06:20] bullgard4: what the hell are you talking about?!?!? [06:20] hey all, im running ubuntu server, i think it's 6.04 and the version of privoxy that apt-get installs is an old version which doesn't support socks5 ... how do i upgrade privoxy manually? Must I do a dist-upgrade? [06:20] my_haz fwiw, the first time I made a dlink card go into monitor mode it wasn't supported either :-) [06:20] and how likely is a dist-upgrade to break the services im running now? [06:20] fotoflo: We're at 10.04. [06:20] gartral, : i m trying Opera [06:20] gartral: You put me a question, and I answered to it. [06:20] Red: so? 6.04 is still supported [06:21] red2kic: and im running server [06:21] !dapper | fotoflo [06:21] fotoflo: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions [06:22] fotoflo: Ahh, I see. >_> [06:22] red2kic: still supported for another year [06:22] bullgard4: i was defending Valkyrie, you told him not to use enter as a punctuation, which when i lastlog Valkyrie i dont see multiple lines of one long sentance, so i questioned your interpritationn wondering where exactly Valkyrie had used enter as a punct. mark [06:22] I am having trouble mounting windows drive on uBuntu [06:22] ha [06:22] whoops. im running 8.04 [06:23] did anyone see this problem on 10.4? [06:23] fotoflo: Either !backport or check Launchpad for updated ppa/deb of the said package. [06:23] !backport [06:23] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [06:23] is there any better ati drivers for ubuntu 10.04 ? legacy ati 200m [06:23] !Launchpad [06:23] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [06:24] stowell: well, seeing as there never was a "10.4" release, i would assume the problem is on you :P [06:24] I meant ubuntu 10.4 release [06:24] gartral: It is trivial to scroll back in your IRC client's log to find out. I wil do it just once for you: "[07:11] Esat, Flash suchs =P; [07:11] Sucks; [07:11] Lemme correct this.; [07:11] Flash sucks ; SPECIALLY with Firefox." [06:24] Anyone able to help? I'm trying to have a ssh command that will ssh into a remote box and 'alert me' when it has connected. Such as "echo connected". Any ideas? here is what I have: ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 quentusrex@mydomain.com -p 1234 [06:24] red2kic: thanks [06:25] fotoflo: No problem. Good luck. [06:25] bullgard4, Three SPERATE full sentances. [06:25] Thumbs up to you. [06:25] bullgard4: it's important to learn about /lastlog try this in your irc client /lastlog gartral [06:25] red2kic: btw, how likely is a dist-upgrade to break my running services (mediawiki is the most important one) [06:25] media wiki + apache [06:25] ... [06:26] quentusrex_ why do you need to be alerted? is this a script I assume? [06:26] fotoflo: shouldn't cause problems with those packages, but might break any plugins you have for apache [06:26] AAA, because the connection is really slow, often takes longer than 2 minutes to connect. I would like to know when it connects. [06:26] fotoflo: you mean apt-get dist-upgrade or a upgrade of the distribution to a higher ubuntu-verion? [06:26] fotoflo: I can't say anything as it is difficult to foretell the future. However, you are always advised to make backups first. [06:26] rather than sit and wait... [06:27] iceroot: yeah, dist-upgrade [06:27] sorry [06:27] quentusrex_ you can always add a command to the end of your ssh statement like : ssh --options /some/scrpit/that/alerts/you [06:27] gartral: modssl ? [06:27] fotoflo: there won't be any changes other than the ubuntu kernal [06:27] AAA, I have tried adding "echo test" to the end [06:27] AAA, but I never get to see the echo. [06:27] quentusrex_ that will only echo test to stdout [06:27] Yo yo yo [06:28] fotoflo: if it needs recompiling afterwards, apt should take care of it [06:28] fotoflo: will there something upgradet related to mediawiki with apt-get dist-upgrade? you can simulate what will upgrade with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s [06:28] quentusrex_ first figure out how you want to be alerted. then put that in a script on the host [06:28] AAA, I want to know locally when the script is connected to the remote system. [06:28] quentusrex_ so a bell or something? [06:28] iceroot, thanks [06:28] anything will be better than nothing. [06:28] * red2kic throws confetti on ActionParsnip to make him feel right at home. [06:29] the script with the options: ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 never stops looking like it is trying to connect. [06:29] how do i check my ram specs anybody? [06:29] quentusrex_: if you use a full desktop you could use zenity to show an on screen alert. Or throw stuff at libnotify [06:29] Hey, does anyone know how to move the close, minimize, and full buttons from the left to the right side of the window in 10.04? [06:29] red2kic: I ain't married ;) [06:29] lol, I didn't see the 'q' in there. [06:29] quiet mode. [06:29] !controls | toastedmilk [06:29] toastedmilk: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d6 [06:29] !controls | toastedmilk [06:30] ty, ty [06:30] No idea when I put that in there. [06:30] * quentusrex_ facepalms. [06:30] Heh, it just kinda threw me off. [06:30] toastedmilk: there are millions of guides for this. Did you not websearch any? [06:30] Nah, I just came here first. I'm sure I could've googled it. [06:30] ActionParsnip: white people arelazy, they like answers handed too them [06:31] Got my answer about the same time as a search query though, eh? [06:31] gartral: no need that here [06:31] quentusrex_ I don't fully grok your options. looks like you are binding to a local port before ssh and using mild compression. does that work for you? maybe add -vvv to debug and pastebin [06:31] I honestly don't see the difference. If nobody would've helped me, I would've googled it. Why not ask the community when that's what they're for? [06:31] gartral: I'm white :D. Just confuses me when people ask [06:32] irc://irc.gimp.org/evolution: "Stable: Evolution," What is the reason that Ubuntu 10.04 does provide only version 2.28.3? [06:32] quentusrex_ any reason why you have to bind to the local port first? [06:33] toastedmilk: if you can be more autonomous then it makes support easier [06:33] iceroot: looks like a lot of apahe & php and mysql updates... kinda scary on a production system... [06:33] AAA, this command is so that I can access http based interfaces on the remote network [06:33] I'm trying to setup an ssh socks5 tunnel for firefox [06:33] and red2kic : nothing in backports [06:33] !latest | bullgard4 [06:33] bullgard4: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. [06:33] ActionParsnip, agreed, and I suppose an apology is in order for my laziness. [06:33] the 'N' prevents a command from being run, but holds the tunnel open. [06:34] toastedmilk: no worries duder :) [06:34] ActionParsnip, And thanks for the help, heh (: [06:34] quentusrex_ it sounds like you want a tunnel, not a shell? [06:35] bullgard4: plus its not a rolling release / package review cycle blah blah [06:35] fotoflo: privoxy? [06:35] red2kic: yeah [06:35] fotoflo: If you are antsy about updates, limit them to security only. If it aint broke dont fix it [06:35] AAA, I want a tunnel that will alert me when it comes up [06:35] fotoflo: What are you on and what are you looking for? Why the needs to update? [06:36] quentusrex_ hrm. so the reason you want an alert is because it takes so long to connect, right? why not fix the connection problem instead? I mean unless you are connecting to china via 56k or something, 2m for ssh to connect is crazy [06:37] di||itante: wish more folk had that mentality :( [06:37] red2kic: Privoxy version 3.0.8 - newest is 3.0.16, my version supports socks4 and 4a, but I use a tunnel - aka socks5 [06:37] AAA, basically it is being tunneled over a couple really bad links. [06:37] it's a large business network [06:37] and I'm trying to trouble shoot a remote office [06:38] but it is only accessable through the main company network, over satellite, then microwave. [06:38] quentusrex_ then I would suggest altering your QoS to give ssh high priortity. I don't have a clever/hackish solution for your 'bell' issue however. [06:38] thanks [06:38] ssh -C2Tvv -D 8080 works just fine [06:38] quentusrex_ that being said, it is intriguing I'll keep thinking on it ;)O [06:38] it gives transfer stats [06:39] quentusrex_: mplayer can run at cli so have it play an mp3. Assuming you have sound setup etc [06:39] quentusrex_ try adding an -x and also give it -vvv. if you paste the debug log I may have some hints for you [06:39] ActionParsnip, but is there a way to do that and be able to ctrl+c to close the tunnel? [06:41] quentusrex_: I think so. I'd give it a whirl. Could be a chuckle. Or use espeak and the pc can tell you using a voice [06:41] ActionParsnip: Thank you for your information. [06:41] Could make it call you sir :) [06:41] I know it's generally not recommended but does anybody know if it is possible to install lucid-$PACKAGE.deb on older versions? [06:41] are there any keyboard layouts for ubuntu that work as a chording keyboard on a qwerty? I want to be able to use asdf in chorded combinations to type with one hand [06:42] Red2kic: you can but its not advised due to dependancies. You end up with a bit of a mess [06:42] mplayer is the best media player for *nix! ... imho [06:42] ActionParsnip, I'm curious how to get espeak to work on lucid [06:42] Aaa: one of the oldest and one of the most respected :) [06:42] I'm getting: bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) [06:42] fotoflo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports [06:43] ActionParsnip that is why I loves me my mplayer/mencoder [06:43] quentusrex_: espeak "this text will be spoken" [06:43] fotoflo: There are #Installing a single package but there are also "#How to request new packages" [06:43] Aaa: gnome-mplayer B) [06:43] ActionParsnip, same error :( [06:43] ActionParsnip I fancy the cli [06:43] I do 80% of my work at the cli [06:43] fotoflo: You should try and request. Wait few days. See if things are going your way. [06:44] but every now and then a good gui can make work easier. [06:44] Ok so I've got a minor problem here. I can't seem to get my webcam working at all. I'm running 10.04 on a 2 year old Dell xps m1530. I've tried using skype and cheese and both say there is no device connected and no light comes on like it should. Anybody have any ideas? [06:44] Aaa: vlc has vlc-nox for cli vlc but mplayer is compiled for muliple cores [06:44] quentusrex_ then on your server. screen then mplayer /your/mp3/stuffz* [06:44] red2kic: interesting... how activly is this maintained? [06:45] ActionParsnip mplayer was my first linux player. I have feelings =p [06:45] AAA, that is right out of the book of how to freak out some random person walking by. [06:45] danielminter: run: lsusb ,one line will identify the device. You can use its 8 character hex id to find guides [06:45] since I'm 1000+ miles away from the server. [06:45] how do i check my ram specs anybody? [06:45] bricky, sudo lshw [06:45] Bricky: free -m [06:45] quentussrex_: ty, [06:45] quentusrex_ hehe! there are some cool ncurses based players that work in screen to. mp3blaster comes to mind [06:45] fotoflo: I have no slight idea -- but I imagine it's well active. I used backport kernels for my netbook to work with wifi. [06:45] ActionParsnip: ty, [06:46] bricky, do you want to know physical hardware info? or ram usage? [06:46] hmm both preferably :) [06:46] !info hardinfo | bricky [06:46] bricky: hardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 240 kB, installed size 684 kB [06:46] quentusrex_ of course screen isn't necessary to scare the masses, but if you connection is lost it will still play :) [06:47] ill give them a shot, just put in an extra 512 mb lol [06:47] AAA, I'm a huge fan of screen [06:47] quentusrex_ I like you :) [06:47] I've built a bunch of byobu notification scripts [06:47] but if I make the remote system start 'talking' [06:48] I'm going to get a call from a very pissed off remote manager that I gave some poor cleaning lady a heart attack because the computer was possessed by the devil. [06:48] quentusrex_ haha. have fun [06:48] red2kic: ty [06:49] are there any keyboard layouts for ubuntu that work as a chording keyboard on a qwerty? I want to be able to use asdf in chorded combinations to type with one hand [06:50] Thopter never heard of that, but it sounds pretty cool. you wouldn't want to do that while driving wouldja? [06:50] red2kic: cool, requesting [06:50] AAA: no, no driving use, just for my laptop [06:51] bricky: You're welcome. This tool is nice when you're trying to sell something on eBay. :) [06:51] what is the filtered port please? [06:52] * celeritas good night everyone [06:52] like to install a virtual mailserver, is it a good thinking, i'm pretty new whith linux [06:52] Thopter aha, the other one handed application ;) [06:52] totonka, you are new to linux and you want to install your own mail server? [06:52] dragon-eye explain? what do you mean by that? [06:53] AAA: yup, gaming chat with mouse use ^_^ [06:53] yes indeed, just for fun, [06:53] I have only one question: Do you want it to be publicly accessible? [06:53] is there a pdf reader out there that will allow me to read my pdf files in the xterminal? [06:53] Thopter hehe. I hope you get help here. I'd like to gleen the way to set that up [06:53] AAA, sometime i see after scan server or computer that some port number is filtered [06:53] red2kic: im actually going to do that with this PC lol [06:54] AAA, sometime i see after scan server or computer that some port number is filtered but i can not understand what is the filtered port [06:54] olskolirc: no! [06:54] dragon-eye that means a firewall of some sort is restricting acess to that port and you just alerted the admin you were scanning it [06:54] bricky: Nice! :3 [06:55] AAA, block? [06:55] dragon-eye yes. to filter means to block [06:55] AAA, thanks . i understood now [06:55] hi all [06:56] dragon-eye coolio [06:56] AAA, ? [06:56] dragon-eye as in cool. awesome, glad you get it [06:56] AAA, yeah === pvr is now known as malgorath [06:59] AAA, how can i filter a port by firewall? === jackSton3r is now known as douchbagger [06:59] dragon-eye do you have root on the firewall? [06:59] Hi I was hoping someone could help me with my Hi-def audio card and 10.04 Ubuntu. It does not see it though I have this entry in lspci:04:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1) [07:00] dragon-eye and is this firewall ubuntu? [07:00] AAA, yeah but which firewall (iptables)? [07:01] dragon-eye you'll need to be more specific about your setup. yes, iptables will allow you to 'filter' ports on your ubuntu box [07:01] AAA, then what will be command or option only? [07:02] dragon-eye iptables is VERY complex and this is not the best forum to discuss iptables rules. that and I am no iptables genius [07:02] AAA, ok [07:02] !ufw | dragon-eye, this might hellp you a little. [07:02] dragon-eye, this might hellp you a little.: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist. [07:03] dragon-eye maybe some of the other folks have other suggestions for you [07:03] hello. every time I start ubuntu wicd takes very long to connect to my wireless networks. I have pasted a part of the wicd log here: http://pastebin.com/B3yHHNLy where you can see that it takes wicd around 25 seconds from startup until it is connected. Could anyone please help me identify the problem? [07:03] crud, i can't spell to save my life >.> [07:03] Just in case you didnt know these _Bogus_ qualities of being on Ubuntu - I'd like to announce that chrome with some quantity of tabs loses audio and must be closed and restarted. (bogus). Also Firefox plays one Daily Show Video and after that it's Audio with a Blank-White Screen. (tripelb makes rude noises) If you have that experience you might report it. I'm too busy trying to make my system work... hard and soft and wet: been a year now. [07:03] * tripelb watches CaptainTrek expire. (holds hat in hand in sorrow) [07:04] I took Ubuntu One out because I don't need cloud storage. [07:04] tripelb: if you had enough time to report it to here, you have enough time to file bug reports. Also... [07:04] tripelb I'd be willing to be, not _all_ of those are ubuntu shortcomings [07:04] *shrugs* [07:04] CaptainTrek, bug report page is incomprehensible to me. I need to get my monitor up to resolution. again. [07:05] How do I change the resolution of tty 1 thru 6 ? [07:05] tripelb focus on the things you'd like to fix, here. lots of folks to help [07:05] AAA right, but they are s'comings that happen inside ubuntu. [07:05] tripelb keyboard and chair did too [07:05] nvm, found it [07:05] AAA thanks I do. I just wanted to watch the videos. I give up. I couldnt see the soccer game either. [07:06] aaa what's keyboard and chair (thinks ?? characters in a Tom Robbins novel? lol) [07:06] tripelb what is the first question you have, that you'd like fixed? [07:07] guys, im in love [07:07] with ubuntu! [07:07] im in love to mvrak with identi.ca [07:07] hello. every time I start ubuntu wicd takes very long to connect to my wireless networks. I have pasted a part of the wicd log here: http://pastebin.com/B3yHHNLy where you can see that it takes wicd around 25 seconds from startup until it is connected. Could anyone please help me identify the problem? [07:09] Yo yo yo [07:10] Yo [07:10] yo... yo yo yo yo yo! [07:10] * tripelb judges self off topic. Umm I need to find out how to get the resolution on my monitor right: I changes to another (old enough to be AGP) computer and the resolution is too small. again. --- 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] (rev a3) --. Last time someone (on Ubuntuforums) just 'gave' me a new config file. This time I would really like to understand how to do it myself. Dell Monitor. Shall I pastebin the stuff? [07:11] Let's play Yo yo! [07:11] tripelb, Have you tried using xrandr [07:11] * dfcnvt flipping yo-yo [07:11] xrand -s widthxheight [07:11] xrandr* [07:11] dotblank: thatll only work if the mode's already configured [07:12] maco, yes [07:12] Tripelb: if you have the proprietary driver installed it will come with nvidia-set [07:12] tripelb have you tried going to system > preferences > monitors and changing it? [07:12] !resolution | tripelb, if the mode's not already configured, this page'll help you add it [07:12] tripelb, if the mode's not already configured, this page'll help you add it: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [07:12] Nvidia-xconfig ,sorry [07:12] EvaLuaTe: Have you tried switching wicd dhcp app to dhcpcd as suggested in the log file? [07:13] tripelb: you can use that to generate an nvidia conf. Or if not you can use: sudo Xorg --configure ,and it will generate an xorg.conf for you and you tweak from there [07:14] hello every one [07:14] !hi | fahmad [07:14] fahmad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! [07:14] i have ubuntu server hardy ... [07:15] when i reboot it, it will not run many of services which should run at boot time .. [07:15] any idea [07:15] ActionParsnip, aaa [07:15] undecim, I don't really know how I would go about doing that [07:15] fahmad: What services fail to start? [07:15] !boot | fahmad [07:15] fahmad: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [07:15] undecim: apache, vsftpd and it even not run /etc/rc.local [07:16] EvaLuaTe: There should be an option in the wicd GUI. [07:16] Anybody around here use Ubuntu One to share files with somebody else? I am (sorry, using a different provider is not an option for reasons beyond my control). Somebody shared a folder with me. [07:16] I can see it in the web interface, but the "Ubuntu One" folder on my computer remains unchanged for hours. Should I wait a little longer? [07:16] i am not using GUI [07:16] i am just using command line [07:16] ActionParsnip, aaa, dotblank, maco: no I havent tried (becasue I didnt know how), no I havent heard of it. --> now I will look through your suggestions.<-- meanwhile JIC (just in case) here's my config file http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/gUZ98q9U [07:16] EvaLuaTe: preferences dialog, External Commands tab [07:16] fahmad: I was talking to someone else just now [07:17] Fahmad: I believe bum has an ncurses frontend too [07:17] Infused with the power of #ubuntu experts your mind explodes [07:17] Hi, i just mounted most of my computer, just need to add the dvd reader/writer. Next step is to install Ubuntu 10.4 on this 64bit machine, with two disks of 500Gb in RAID1. Any advice as to the order in which i should make my partitions? [07:17] undecim: okay sir when you get time lemme know what to do meanwhile i am looking for document which have been provided ... [07:17] ActionParsnip: i am looking into this [07:17] fahmad: Have you ever had those services start, or is it a recent problem? [07:17] (i don't want to exclude the possibility of changing them later on, to enable dual boot to test other OS like freebsd or things like this). [07:18] tripelb that is your entire xorg.conf? [07:18] when i initially installed that it was working fine ... [07:18] but not these days ... [07:18] for some reason [07:18] fahmad: They both stopped at the same boot, or started failing one at a time? [07:18] rcconf shows that it will be started on boot time ... [07:19] well its not starting at boot time but stopping on boot time ... [07:20] * AAA just notices the xorg.conf files are way different in 10.4 [07:20] i can see apache2, bind9, darkstat, exim4, mysql, mysql-ndb, mysql-ndb-mgm, networking, nginx, ntop, psad, ssh, vsftpd in rc3.d [07:20] but its not working [07:20] Fahmad: look in the logs for the service. See if it starts then dies [07:20] fahmad: Do you get any messages about the services when you are booting? About the services starting or failing to start? [07:20] well i need to go to see console for that ... [07:20] aaa yes it is my entire xorg.conf (unless I left the comments in it for reference) -- I looked up config file in google but got no-where. [07:20] aaa I have made a decision to stay with 9.10 for now [07:21] fahmad: or just take ActionParsnip's advice and look at the log files [07:21] Aaa: I have one backed up from ages ago which I just restore in new installs. Makes life easier :) [07:21] tripelb pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log if you will [07:21] ActionParsnip: which logs you reffered to ... [07:21] hi folks [07:22] Fahmad: look in /var/log ,not sure if all the logs for all services are there but its worth a butchers [07:22] humm [07:22] ok [07:22] aaa action ok I'll pastebin that... mysteries beyond mysteries, diving in the blueblack sea.. with those tiny ubuntu-circle-icons floating around in it. [07:22] ActionParsnip the structure is much different than what I'm used to now. heh, it just works these days. I don't have to spend an entire day making X work any more. yay! but boo for not noticing the changes :( [07:23] fahmad: In Lucid, apache logs are in /var/log/apache2. Should be the same in hardy [07:23] how do I clean up inside /var/log?? I often do something like this.. "rm -rf *.gz" & "rm -rf *.0" [07:23] Hey guys, nearly finished re-installing everything, but a slight problem. Everytime I reboot, it resets something, I have to active the window manager through the appearence dialog everytime. Is anyone familiar with this? [07:23] yes i know [07:23] undecim, the problem is, dhcpd is disabled (greyed out)... [07:23] & "echo "" > /var/log/namefile.log" [07:23] EvaLuaTe: Install it [07:23] Aaa: yeah udev is pretty special. Just a shame it doesn't always get it right and there's no skeleton file for users to mess with :( [07:23] dfcnvt cron should clean and rotate those for you [07:23] i think i need to reboot again if i need to look into this information [07:23] undecim, also, 'sudo apt-get install dhcpd' says there's no such package. Any idea what package contains dhcpd? [07:23] and if i reboot i might get dc because i am using it as gw [07:24] :D [07:24] EvaLuaTe: It's dhcpcd (you were missing a c) [07:24] Fahmad: is the downtime acceptable? [07:24] ActionParsnip I am glad not to mess with X11RC crapola [07:24] Aaa: oh definately [07:25] but when i do /etc/init.d/rc 3 [07:25] it start services [07:25] ActionParsnip glad I did it. glad I know. but I sure wouldn't want to support it =p [07:25] Fahmad: is this a clean install or a long standing install? [07:26] fahmad what are you trying to accomplist? [07:26] accomplish even [07:26] aaa action http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8u1c72Y9 ActionParsnip -- this is my cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:26] bbs [07:26] AAA: i want when i reboot my system all services which are enabled for runlevel 3 should run automatically which is not happening for some reason [07:26] i want to turn off the Welcome to Ubuntu MOTD, any ideas? i tried editing /etc/motd but that was fruitless [07:27] tripelb (EE) No devices detected. [07:27] yo [07:27] fahmad: Did you check the logs to make sure that the services didn't die shortly after starting? [07:27] tripelb the chromedriver dealy is you problem. what video card do you now have? [07:27] aaa I have no idea what that means [07:28] fahmad default runlevel for 10.4 is 2 isn't it? [07:28] AAA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] (rev a3) [07:28] made in china [07:28] tripelb this line is wrong or you don't have the driver :: Driver "openchrome" [07:29] undecim, ok, I guess I'll have to reboot, because it's still greyed out even after installing. brb to tell if that helped. [07:29] undecim: i could not find anything odd in logs [07:29] EvaLuaTe: Just restart wicd with "sudo service wicd restart" [07:29] tripelb you need to change the Driver:"line" to nvidia or the like. I don't know the proper driver, but nvidia something [07:29] fahmad: Can you paste a pastebin of apache error.log? [07:29] its hardy [07:29] ok [07:29] hold on [07:29] but i think i should reboot or what ? [07:30] fahmad do you still have an /etc/inittab in hardy? [07:30] !paste [07:30] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [07:30] !runlevel | aaa [07:30] aaa: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. [07:30] fahmad: Do you have apache running right now from starting it manually? [07:30] I need some help. I just installed the latest version of ubuntu and it doesnt recognize my network cards or my usb adpater. Can you guys help? [07:30] fahmad that is where _I_ know to make runlevel changes. [07:30] undecim: yes [07:30] Tripelb: is the device agp or pci? [07:31] undecim, that seems to have done something. It's still not as fast as it used to be, but it doesn't take anywhere near 25 seconds now. Thanks for that tip [07:31] ActionParsnip he said he was on hardy though [07:31] fahmad: then you need to paste error.log.1 [07:31] Ic3_p: log a bug with the kernel version then just use the older kernel [07:31] ok [07:31] Aaa: good point ;) [07:31] * AAA needs to catch up on upstart. for realz [07:31] ok. I will try that, thanks. [07:32] Ic3_P: you could edit /etc/default/grub to make the default the older kernel [07:32] ActionParsnip I _try_ to pay attention... [07:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/451486/ [07:32] Aaa: me too. Doesn't always work. Bugs have been created :) [07:33] Gotta jet kids. Peace out [07:33] Does anyone know off-hand what the name of the package is that provides the "command not found; install foo package" hints in the console? [07:33] fahmad I see nothing about runlevels there [07:33] It's a good idea, but it causes a perceptible lag when I make typos. [07:33] AAA: how can you see runlevels in apache error logs ? [07:34] fahmad sorry. I missed your apache issue [07:34] AAA: how can i show you my current run level ? [07:34] Another fail :( [07:34] where do i find out about ssl stuff ? [07:34] quizme, what sort of stuff? [07:35] root@gws4s:/var/log/apache2# runlevel [07:35] 2 3 [07:35] root@gws4s:/var/log/apache2# [07:35] jaem like how to implement https [07:35] jaem on apache. [07:35] Hi! I am looking forward to some posters which can make people aware about Open Source Licenses. Heared that ubuntu guys made some some time back but google didn;t give any results [07:35] any idea ?? [07:35] I've got two JAV-applets which do EXACTLY THE SAME. One of them, however, if requesting a specific file from http://...:8000/ a file sees a different (faulty) content in the file which neither I nor the instance which works properly sees. How can this be! I'm using Firefox, 10.4LTS 64b and Sun JAVA. [07:35] fahmad however, this is an apache problem to address :: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName. <-- maybe edit /etc/hostname? [07:35] jaem and mainly just trying to understand what the .cert and .key ...etc files are [07:35] quizme, ah. That's not my forte. Did you try Google? [07:36] quizme, that part, I need to read up on for myself. :P [07:36] fahmad $ runlevel [07:36] jaem in the year 2010 who would not have tried google ? [07:36] AAA: brother my all services does not run ... [07:36] when i reboot my system [07:36] this is the problem [07:36] :( [07:36] ManDay, are they *exactly* the same applet (read: file), or just supposedly functionally equivalent? [07:37] fahmad none of your services? for apache the error says it can't find your FQDN. making sure /etc/hostame has your fully qual domain name is a start to fixing that. [07:37] Apache not having a servername is fine. === _FeedHunter is now known as FeedHunter [07:38] undecim: vsftpd not working [07:38] bind9 not working [07:38] postfix does not work [07:38] ngninx does not work [07:38] undecim see line 15 of the pastebin [07:38] fahmad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:38] I just installed postfix, and everything is working ok, except my mail is being rejected by a lot of spam filters because I have a dynamic IP [07:38] AAA: Yes, this should not stop apache from starting though. I had that on my server for a long time and had no problems [07:39] fahmad one at a time. first did they ever work. second are they all failing in a similar way? [07:39] yes [07:39] fahmad undecim this is the other line that disturbs me :: [Wed Jun 16 21:18:12 2010] [error] [client] Invalid method in request GZ\x1f\xb3gX\x047\xe8}\x02G\x13g\xbd\x93\xf2X\xbc\xc9`\xac\xb3\xf5\xa5\xdd<\xf4A\xf1\xb7\x05\xfaV\xac\x10\xf7\x06\xfe\x84\xfbXa [07:39] is there any way to send mail through another smtp server so they won't get blocked? [07:40] jaem, they are the same applet - run on a different url - thats all. However I'm the only pwerson having this problem. [07:40] when I hit alt-tab, the task switcher comes up, but it hides all my other apps. This is pretty jarring. How do I prevent that from happening? [07:40] fahmad ok. can you do something like /etc/init.d/apache start? and do you get the same errors? [07:40] AAA: fahmad: That's just a bad connection from a client connecting to the web server [07:41] AAA: no i just get fqdn issue but it will be okay ... [07:41] and service start [07:41] fahmad and have you tried calling runlevel 3 explicitly? like $ telinit 3 [07:42] AAA: yes [07:42] fahmad and are you positive your server stuff is set to runlevel 3? ls -l /etc/rc.3/ <-- I think that is the dir [07:42] AAA: yes [07:43] fahmad your earlier paste said 2 3 which implies to me you were at rl 2 and called telinit 3 from there, correct? [07:43] I've got two JAVA-applets (at two different locations which work equally) which do EXACTLY THE SAME. One of them, however, if requesting a specific file from http://...:8000/ a file sees a different (faulty) content in the file which neither I nor the instance which works properly sees. How can this be! I'm using Firefox, 10.4LTS 64b and Sun JAVA. [07:44] fahmad if this is true. then are you positive your network is up before these services start? check the S of stuff in /etc/rc.3/ and make sure network comes up before server apps [07:44] I've got two JAVA-applets (at two different locations which work equally) which do EXACTLY THE SAME. One of them, however, if requesting a specific file from http://...:8000/ a file sees a different (faulty) content in the file which neither I nor the instance which works properly sees. How can this be! I'm using Firefox, 10.4LTS 64b and Sun JAVA. The working version is http://t2nb.math.washington.edu:8000/home/pub/22/ [07:45] Good morning! Which button combination changes language and how to change them? [07:47] ManDay: Try clearing the cache on the firefox that's not working === PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD [07:47] fahmad also, check you inittab to make certain you are calling 3 by default [07:47] Good morning! Which button combination changes language and how to change them? [07:48] undecim, I've tried this several times, clearing all possible caches [07:48] actionparsnip the Nvidia card is AGP (aaa too) [07:48] Maks1 you realize you set yourself up for a nice joke there, right? I just pressed a bunch of buttons to change language :) [07:48] AAA: hold on [07:48] i could not find inittab [07:48] in /etc ... [07:49] I just upgraded my desktop from 9.10 to 10.04, and now when it puts my monitor into standby it never comes back. I have to ssh in to reboot the machine, has anyone seen anything like this before? [07:49] rly dont remember where to change em [07:49] Aciid you'll need a driver for the nvidia card. I am sure there are drivers for your card. one sec [07:49] ManDay: How exactly is the faulty content different? [07:49] !nvidia [07:49] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:50] ugh [07:50] fahmad if there is no /etc/inittab left in hardy, then you'll need to consuld !upstart for more runlevel infoz [07:50] my panel frozen =( [07:50] !nvidia | tripelb [07:50] AAA: what do you mean ? [07:50] tripelb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:50] !upstart [07:50] Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [07:50] undecim, the Applet requests a file from the server it comes from. When I look at the file which it requests I see what it SHOULD receive - however in the JAVA console it complains about ">>>> [07:50] <<<<" being the first line of the file - which it really isnt. The full description you can find here http://groups.google.com/group/sage-notebook/browse_thread/thread/9191e031224a3ce9 [07:51] fahmad /etc/inittab is a part of the 'sys v' unix start up paridigm. it has been replace with upstart. [07:51] !upstart | fahmad [07:51] fahmad: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [07:51] is there any trick to get the panel working again without restart? [07:51] new to ubuntu [07:52] panel is frozen for some reason [07:52] AAA: Looking intot his [07:52] does anyone know how to disable 3 button mouse emulation? [07:52] AAA I've pasted all this in my day-file so I can keep track. But I must sleep now. I had a big day today. Peace out friends. [07:52] ede log out and back in to X may fix it. but something made it freeze in the first place.. [07:53] how do you logout without the panel? [07:53] tripelb good luck to you. there is an nvidia driver for you to install. you'll find it after sleep :) [07:53] Hello, I can't get gwibber to connect to my twitter account. I'm sure I've inputted the correct login credentials. [07:54] ManDay: That line wouldn't be the same as you would see from the source of an error page from the server would it? [07:54] ede one way is to do $ service dbus restart [07:54] i only know how to bring up the shutdown/restart menu [07:54] anyone know how i can disable 3 button mouse emulation? [07:54] ede as sudo [07:54] i cant access anything....except for the programs i have open alrady [07:54] cant open terminal [07:54] ede alt-f1 [07:54] ede sorry. ctrl-alt-f1 [07:55] ede if you can log into that VT then $ /etc/init.d/gdm restart [07:55] <[Screamo]> What are the default ubuntu fonts? [07:55] ede or $ service gdm restart [07:56] * AAA can't break the /etc/init.d habit... [07:56] does anyone know how i can stop ubuntu from booting up in "high resolution" or X mode? i want my ubuntu box to boot up like one of those old school linux/unix box w/out X and just a terminal login [07:56] сосите суки! [07:56] [Screamo] you can check what you have with something like $ dpkg -l | grep font [07:57] нашёл нах [07:57] thecube you can always just ctrl-alt-f1 and use a VT which will look like your old school box [07:57] <[Screamo]> AAA i changed them, but now i want to change back and dont remember wich ones [07:58] AAA: thanks, is there a way not to start X? or its "native" now? [07:58] [Screamo] there's an apt for that! apt-cache search font [07:58] even the boot menu is high resolution (not vga) [07:58] I can't get gwibber to connect. [07:59] <[Screamo]> >.> [07:59] well [07:59] i ctrl+alt+f1 [07:59] and didn't know how to get back in ... lol [07:59] thought it would only bring up a terminal window [07:59] <[Screamo]> lol.... [08:00] no biggy :p [08:00] ManDay, Sorry, I got a phone call. [08:00] so, if that happen again...how do i log .back into the GUI [08:00] Still stuck? [08:00] undecim, say again? [08:01] undecim, what is the last thing you meant? [08:01] ede that is a VT. most *nix system have 6 or 7. if you ctrl-alt-f8, or maybe f7... you'll find the VT that has your X or as you like to say, not old school setup ;) [08:01] thecube, Yes, it's possible, but I don't know how to do it on Ubuntu these days (what with UpStart being used). [08:01] ManDay: Get an error from the server (request a non-existent file) and look at the first line in the source of that page. [08:01] oh [08:01] AAA, I think thecube wants to actually prevent X from starting, period. e.g. boot into runlevel 3 [08:01] yeah im new to linux :P [08:02] ...or which runlevel Ubuntu uses. [08:02] undecim, I know what you are getting at and I assume that yes, this is an error page the Java applet sees - but why... [08:02] ede dude. everyone has a first day :) [08:02] 2nd! [08:02] lol [08:02] undecim, yes, it could be an error page === [Screamo] is now known as [Screamo]offline [08:02] ManDay: How about installing the tamper data plugin on firefox and use it to make sure that your applet is requesting the right file [08:03] tamper data plugin, ill take a look thanks [08:03] thecube yes there is a way. back in the day, we used to boot to runlevel 2 for no X. I'd need to read the docs to figure out how to do it today. sorry [08:04] undecim, you sure that works with JAVA ? It's not just a Firebug clone for Ajax? [08:04] ManDay: I know it works for Flash, so It may work for java [08:04] hey [08:04] !upstart | thecube [08:04] thecube: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [08:04] ok d/l ng [08:04] i have fixed it by adding /etc/inittab :) [08:04] and its fixed [08:04] thanks for the help [08:05] fahmad yay! keep in mind that sys v is no longer supported and you config may break! [08:05] Hey there. So I'm having issues setting up screen size with ubuntu lucid lynx. It says "unable to set configuration for crtc 262".Any ideas besides the google ones? [08:05] fahmad but you're running hardy, that has or will expire support soon [08:05] AAA: i will read about upstart and update my system [08:05] btw [08:05] hello [08:05] can you tell me how can i update from 8.04 to 10.xx [08:05] what does this mean? http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/9dJrTBmV [08:05] fahmad awesome! that's what I like to hear [08:06] !upgrade | fahmad [08:06] fahmad: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [08:06] fahmad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades [08:06] fahmad, sudo do-release-upgrade [08:06] reading it now [08:06] :) [08:06] timtowtdi!! [08:06] AAA: but i have 8.04 not 9.10 :( === guerd871 is now known as guerd87 [08:07] fahmad see the link ubottu posted [08:07] fahmad: This page contains instructions from 8.04 or 9.10: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades [08:07] checking [08:07] hi im trying to install netbook remix ontop of a standard ubuntu install, whats the package name to instal [08:08] riktking you can search for packages in ubuntu like :: $ apt-cache search netbook [08:08] Flannel: i am using server not desktop [08:08] AAA, cheers [08:08] fahmad: There's instructions for that on that page too. [08:09] Hi [08:09] riktking keep the questions coming :) [08:09] fahmad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) [08:09] doing that :P [08:09] AAA, so what package do i install, its thrown a list to me! [08:09] How to install and update new softwares in my home system .. which is not having internet .. [08:09] fahmad: Hmm, that link doesn't work. well, it does, but that's the wrong server-upgrade one, you need to use the one further down on the page, under the 8.04 -> 10.04 one [08:10] undecim, unless I'm using the plugin wrongly TamperData does not account for what JAVA does [08:10] riktking you'll have to look and see. I have no idea, I've never heard of your program. but that is the place for you to start looking :) [08:10] AAA, thanks [08:10] undecim, I sure could find other ways to figure that out [08:10] ManDay: Well, you could try using wireshark, then, which will definitely catch Java traffic. [08:11] riktking you can search anything. you can also strengthen your search with grep. ex. :: apt-cache search netbook | grep -i music [08:11] AAA: How to install and update new softwares in my home system .. which is not having internet .. i have install 10.04 desktop in home [08:11] AAA, nice tip, thanks [08:11] undecim, I'll ask #linux whether anyone can think of a convenient way to sniff http requests nicely [08:11] then ill use wireshark, thanks! [08:11] ManDay: wait [08:11] surendra you'll need to put the 10.4 cd in and run $ apt-cdrom add [08:11] sure undecim [08:11] You have access to the access logs? [08:11] riktking :) [08:12] ManDay: /var/log/apache2/access.log assuming that apache is the web server [08:12] undecim, of the server? Not quite - even if I started an instance of the server locally it's not a http server and I dont know about how and where it logs [08:12] AAA, think i have found it :-S [08:12] installing now! [08:12] Its not apache - its the SAGE server backend [08:12] riktking careful!! apt-get is *ahem* very addictive ;) [08:13] ManDay: Oh, no idea about that then... [08:13] AAA, i know, there is soo much junk on this laptop due to apt-get lol [08:13] surendra but if the 10.4 cd you have is not newer than the one you installed, the point is moot [08:13] ManDay, Have you tried wireshark for sniffing? [08:14] HermanDE, undecim just named that - sorry for reaksing - I thought wireshark was a general purpose sniffer [08:14] riktking then you need to run man on all the apt- stuff on your system and get more addicted :) [08:14] AAA: thank you .. in office i am using ubuntu 10.04 .. i can easily update my system caz i hv internet .. in home i don't hv for this what can i do [08:14] I thought there might be something dedicated to observer requests on HTTP (from one specific app) [08:14] AAA, dont know if i have time ;-) [08:14] ill get wireshark [08:14] ManDay, I just used to to solve a failing Soap system..... [08:15] riktking bollocks! you'll find it... eventually at least, when you can't figure something out and you dont have irc =p [08:15] AAA, think im gunna run a hybrid UNR/standard gnome ubuntu [08:15] ManDay, Silly MS shop tried to setup a SOAP server.... [08:15] HermanDE, installing as we speak [08:15] ManDay are you familiar with packet analyzers? it is fairly complex stuff [08:15] AAA, im familar with networking and sniffing with little experience tho [08:16] AAA, Wireshark is pretty sweet... And easy..... [08:16] riktking dude. no matter where you go, you'll always wind up at a man page. man is your best friend [08:16] it even comes with a GUI [08:16] AAA, man has helped me MANY times in the past [08:16] looks easy [08:16] AAA, thanks for all your help, tho i may be back ;-) [08:16] ManDay, I use it on terminals... tshark has earned me $$$$ [08:17] HermanDE, tshark? [08:17] ManDay cool. [08:17] t(ext/erminal)shark... The console version of WireShark [08:17] hm, wireshark doesnt list any interfaces for me... [08:18] ManDay you need libcap [08:18] ManDay...... It should see LO.... [08:18] Anyone can help me with a quick question, I feel dumb. I'm on 10.04. I accidently closed the rhytmnbox indicator applet by right-clicking and closing and I can't get it back. The only google result I'm getting are people who removed the WHOLE indicator applet, which isn't my problem, just the rhytmnbox one. Thx [08:18] AAA, libcap is there [08:18] ManDay you started as root/sudo? [08:19] HermanDE, it sees nothing - ill run it with sudo maybe that helps [08:19] gksudo whatever [08:19] ManDay, Gotta be root..... [08:19] AAA, i would have expected it to go gksu === administrivia is now known as Prodego [08:19] (if its needed) [08:19] ManDay same thing =p and it is needed for capture/promisc [08:20] ManDay, It can be run as a common user and do a very good job.... [08:20] frankbro: this might help [08:20] !panels | frankbro [08:20] frankbro: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [08:20] it even gives me a warning that it is being run as root... [08:20] but at least it now finds the ifs [08:20] ManDay, Yep... That's very common.... [08:20] ManDay, And real.... [08:20] ManDay: Quick note: if the server is on localhost, use the lo interface [08:21] ManDay, In other words.... Troubleshoot.... then turn it off.... [08:21] undecim, yes, ill start the server locally that narrows it down [08:21] join #ubuntu-cn [08:21] frankbro, try edit > plugins and then check "Satus Icon." restart Rhythmbox. [08:21] For some reason on this particular computer.... Chatzillia won't show peoples hostnames and such on mouse over in the status bar, any ideas? [08:22] 请问我的ubunut怎么没有menu.lst [08:22] Thx a lot guys, didn't though about restoring panel to default. Thx [08:23] 我装完ubuntu之后,我的xp就不见了 === kdb is now known as Guest7099 [08:23] 挂载硬盘发现还在,只是启动没有了 [08:23] neat symbols [08:23] XD [08:23] AAA, HermanDE can you quickly tell me how to filter for port 8000 only? [08:24] Is there a !zh command or so? [08:24] have a big problem, install ubuntu-netbook package via apt and now no windows will stay infocus [08:24] ManDay, There are a couple of methods.... The first one is to just dump everything... And look for port 8000... then follow the TCP stream (Right click) [08:24] hey guys am having problem in playing videos and movies on the virtual console, can anyone help me with that [08:24] HermanDE, its working [08:24] how can I get my numeric keypad wotking with shift+home, shift+end, it is a dell laptop [08:25] ManDay, The other way is to just set the filter at the top...... The filtering system is very point/click.... Look for port and insert 8000 [08:26] HermanDE, yes i figured it [08:26] I already got the needed packs [08:26] HermanDE, actually... give me a second [08:26] ManDay, That took a few minutes... I chalk it up to complex packet scanners.... [08:27] Hey there. So I'm having issues setting up screen size with ubuntu lucid lynx. It says "unable to set configuration for crtc 262".Any ideas besides the google ones? [08:27] !ufs | ManDay [08:27] !ufw | ManDay [08:27] ManDay: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist. [08:28] ManDay oh nm. you mean with ws. sorry [08:28] have a big problem, install ubuntu-netbook package via apt and now no windows will stay infocus, how do i remove it [08:28] riktking apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook [08:29] AAA: used that it aint worked [08:29] Matic`Makovec, What is your video card? [08:29] AAA: think thats just a link to install the other packages [08:29] HermanDE, First of all, I might should mention I'm running this over VirtualBox. [08:29] riktking the process didn't stop or it didn't remove the pkg? try $ ps auxww|grep netbook then kill the process [08:29] AAA: how can i find out whats in that package? [08:30] HermanDE, but otherwise, I'm using Nvidia Quadro FX 570 [08:30] HermanDE, can you tell me what to do to get the packages displayed with HTTP headers conveniently listed? [08:30] riktking dpkg -L [08:30] riktking dpkg and tasksel are the 'backends' to apt, if you will [08:31] AAA:exit [08:31] Matic`Makovec, Did you install the VirtualBox video drivers? [08:31] Hi, if I install kde/qt applications in ubuntu (gnome), will the system lead to running slower? [08:31] ManDay, Just right click on one of the packets and select "Follow TCP Stream"..... [08:31] HermanDE, I think I haven't installed such thing seperately. I must check. Any hints what I should look for? [08:31] ManDay, It's like magic.... [08:32] HermanDE, wow [08:32] ManDay, And that's complex.... :) [08:32] HermanDE_ *ahem* automagic! [08:32] HermanDE, thank you already - i have to leave now and will get the thing done later [08:32] ManDay, Takes me about 10 minutes to demonstrate surfing without SSL to clients with Wireshark.... [08:32] thanks a lot HermanDE AAA [08:33] AAA, thats worked, killed an app and it has worked [08:33] morning. I got a USB DVB-T stick. in totem, I when activate it, I get this channel configuration thing. takes about 5-6 minutes to scan. After that, when activating DVB in Totem again, I get the channel config again. What am I missing here? [08:33] ManDay you bet. read up on the docs. I highly recommend learning tcpdump to diag network foobars [08:34] riktking progress! w00 [08:34] AAA, so i have cancelled it in start up and am now gunna reboot :-S [08:34] Matic`Makovec, I remember a quick howto from a few years back.... Dr Google should have the answer..... [08:34] ManDay learning how tcpdump will make you and instant wireshard pro. promise [08:34] riktking why reboot? [08:35] fqh: it doesn't have much of an impact on my system but there is an imapct - it's just that it doesn't affect me ie I have a powerful (-ish) system. Why not try it? You can always remove the apps. [08:35] riktking rebooting is only for kernel changes, imho! [08:35] AAA, I lived by TCPDUMP.... Then learned tshark... [08:35] HermanDE_ case in point :) [08:35] AAA, I'll always support good ideas.... [08:36] AAA, And some bad ones.... [08:36] HermanDE_ heh. dicotomy and stuffz, huh? [08:37] AAA, aalib + 10 foot x 5 foot lcd + X windows running Quake.... [08:37] HermanDE_ haha. ascii ftw! [08:37] AAA, GUI's are overrated.... [08:38] HermanDE_ when mplayer added the aalib future I was amazed! for 30m... [08:38] feature even [08:38] AAA, I watched a few movies when my processor couldn't deal with the speed of a DVD.... [08:38] Hi, Does anyonee know how to set the wireless connection? [08:39] smily, Sure.... [08:39] HermanDE_ I've watch one or two with fbmode and 600x400 in a term =p [08:40] smily I can help on the command line. network-manager and someone else will [08:40] =) [08:40] AAA, Yep... I thought that was very impressive.... I used to run movies on a dual 300Mhz processor on an old nvidia card... with FBdev.... [08:41] smily, How old is your computer? [08:41] HermanDE_ hehe, all wax'n nostalgic [08:42] smily, more importantly, which brand is your wireless card? [08:42] AAA, When installing Linux was attacking the Slack Stack of floppies and praying to the floppy drive god that the heads will work properly... [08:42] Are you having trouble with it, or just not sure how to configure your specific connection? [08:42] sorry [08:43] smily, What type of computer do you wish wireless on? [08:43] my computer is about 7-8 years old [08:43] smily, Is it a laptop? [08:43] no [08:43] desktop [08:43] its a dell [08:43] HermanDE_ :) my first linux install was a potato netboot. but anymore and we're gonna get pushed to #offtopic [08:43] smily, Is the wireless built in or is it a usb device? [08:44] and i use at&t for my wireless connection [08:44] AAA, Ptheeewwww.... Cut my teeth on Deb... Haven't left *yet*..... [08:44] smily, oh, you mean wireless broadband? e.g. cell modem? [08:44] Not WiFi? [08:44] ATT is wifi as well.... [08:44] no it is wifi [08:45] HermanDE, Okay, I did not know. [08:45] I live in the barren wastelands of the North, where WiFi only comes from your cute little 54GL [08:45] HermanDE_ actually. my first install was a red hat 5 for some guy in the shop I worked in. potato was my first choosing of a distro, I think... [08:45] smily, Are you in Starbucks? :) [08:45] no [08:45] ahaha [08:46] smily, How is the wireless connected to the computer? [08:46] a router [08:46] hmm I just thought about something, is converting quicker on slow machines under linux? media, mp3, ? [08:46] Another quick question, after reseting the panel to default, how can I add again notification for apps ? (emesene, lifarea not showing) [08:46] smily, HermanDE means e.g. PCI card, USB, etc [08:46] AAA, I used bo, woody, slink, potato, lenny, etch, sarge.... I'm probably missing one or two.... [08:47] hey folks, if my kerberos password is the same as my login password, is there any way to automatically do a kinit at login time? [08:48] smily, So.... Is the computer connected to a router with a cable? [08:48] Elwell put it in your ~/.bashrc ? [08:48] no [08:48] its on another computer [08:48] wait [08:48] smily do you know the name of your wifi device? ath0 eth1 wlan0? [08:48] no [08:48] AAA: no, cos that'd prompt me each time I opened a new window surely [08:49] smily can you find it in the output of :: $ sudo lspci ? [08:49] huh? === starcoder is now known as starcoder[ipod] === starcoder[ipod] is now known as starcoder [08:49] I figured It may be possible in (the ubuntu equivalent of keychain access) thing [08:49] smily, Are you running the newest Ubuntu? [08:50] man I love linux bwhahahaa ! finding stuff out is just like finding money [08:50] Elwell I _think_ that is kinda the point of kinit. that being said I'm sure you can have bash and kerb auth at the same time as you login. it may require server config changes. not positive [08:50] yeah [08:50] its installed and everything [08:50] smily, Are you running the standard GNOME? [08:50] i have no idea what that is [08:51] Elwell do you admin the kerb server? [08:51] AAA: no [08:51] smily, At the top right of the screen do you see a small icon that may look like a radar scan? [08:51] Gnome = travelosity mascot :P [08:51] Elwell can you ask them about simultaneous logins? maybe they have a wiki or something? it is typically site specific [08:52] AAA: if I open one terminal and 'kinit ; aklog' and open a second I still can klist and get access to /afs/.... [08:52] I just wanted to remove the need to kinit in a terminal window but it's no biggie [08:53] Elwell I hear ya. I betcha the network admins have a wiki telling you how to do exactly what you want. I'm not sure of the proper way. I am positive that it works, I've used it that way ;) [08:53] I've got to learn kerb.... :( [08:53] Elwell as long as you have a valid kerb ticket you shouldn't need kinit [08:53] yeah [08:53] Elwell your kerb admins obviosuly set that [08:53] i see it [08:53] smily, right click on it.... Is wireless active? [08:55] how can I update an animation based on actual time passed? such that the animation is equally fast on slow and fast hardware/os ? [08:55] Elwell I remember needing several variabls set in my bashrc for kerb to work proper at login. I wish I had more info for ya [08:55] I got a problem while compilg RT2571STA it says make: *** No rule to make target `config.o', needed by `wpa_supplicant'. Stop. [08:55] no it isnt basically i can see my network but i cant log on and i have the password and everything [08:56] and it worked on my phone [08:56] AAA: ach well, I got ssh + afs working using kerberos correctly so not that bothered now [08:56] but it wont work on my computer [08:56] smily, There are a couple types of wireless devices..... [08:56] Elwell good luck! [08:56] hello, I'm using dynamic port forwarding. What i want to do is the connections on the remote side to be bound to a different ip assigned to the interface. I couldn't find a related parameter. I appreciate any advise [08:56] smily, It could be that you have an 802.11b device and the router is configured for WPA.... [08:56] AAA: http://blog.elwell.org.uk/2010/06/kerberos-ssh-at-cern.html [08:57] but i double checked and its WEP [08:57] Elwell you've been busy I see [08:57] Elwell, I like the first line. :) [08:57] smily what is the iface name of your wifi? can you do $ iwconfig wlan0 ? [08:58] smily, Now you need to determine if your WIFI device can handle the WEP version..... [08:58] moin [08:58] ok [08:58] I got a problem while compilg RT2571STA it says make: *** No rule to make target `config.o', needed by `wpa_supplicant'. Stop. [08:59] smily, If your wifi device can ohly hold 40 characters for a WEP.... And the router has a 64 character string.... Game is over.... [08:59] MMKaho sounds like there is not a file named config.o in your pwd or a path configure knows about [08:59] smily, Then there is the question between HEX and ascii..... [08:59] well im using default makefile [09:00] Quick question, I'm running tar with verbose output, then using > to write to a text file. The verbose file list is written to the file, but warnings are still displayed in console. Anyway I can change that? [09:00] from the cd that came with it [09:00] zingbats, i THINK you'd do something like: [09:00] zingbats, redirect stderr.... [09:00] HermanDE_ isn't 64WEP only 10 characters [09:00] MMKaho, is this a RealTek network device of some sort? [09:00] tar .... > file 2>1 [09:01] I missed the beginning [09:01] which should output stderr (2) to stdout (1) [09:01] but it could be the other way around.. :P [09:01] Ralink [09:01] Ah. [09:01] AAA, Depends on the WIFI adapter.... Some want HEX, others want ASCII... Some systems added a longer (NON-Standard) WEP..... [09:01] MMKaho i have no idea what you are compiling. but did you ./configure before you did make? [09:01] My first thought (admittedly with no experience with that brand) would be to check their website for a newer version, first. [09:02] It might not solve your problem ,but it couldn't hurt. [09:02] damian: where 2 and 1 are both files I assume [09:02] nope [09:02] Hi all. How do I boot into recovery mode with Lucid? [09:02] file is file :P [09:02] AAA, That is one possibility why most WEP systems are easy to crack... the user kept the length to 8 hex chars.... [09:02] 2/1 are representation of stdout and stderr; actually leave them as 2 and 1 [09:02] no suck directory or file when i do that [09:02] unless it doesn't wokr, then swap them around [09:02] HermanDE_ hrm. preshared key = ascii ; 64wep key = 10 hex char -- right? [09:02] damian: So what if I want to output both 1 and 2? [09:03] and it was working on widowns though [09:03] IE: stdout and stderr [09:03] think of it like this, zingbats.. [09:03] MrEgg964 single at the grub prompt [09:03] HermanDE, Heh, yeah... that reminds me of the similar situation with Garage door remotes. I'm pretty sure they still sell models with an 8-bit key set with a DIPswitch. >_< [09:03] WEP is pretty useless. [09:03] [command] > [file] [strerr] > [stdout] [09:03] If anything, it's probably almost counterproductive these days. [09:03] AAA, Back in the 11b days, everybody was experimenting.... Some followed the standard to the letter.... Other "Enhanced" the security.... [09:03] jaem locks are for honest people. [09:03] everything from 'command' goes into 'file', everything from 'stderr' goes into 'stdout' [09:03] damian: Ok. Thanks [09:04] so if there's an error, it'll go to your file :D [09:04] AAA: I don't even get grub menu (this was easy with grub1, but I'm not familiar with grub2) [09:04] It is the "Enhanced" systems that helped with the WPA standards..... [09:04] HermanDE_ do you think this user has a card with fw that old? really? [09:04] AAA, yes, but at least with an Open AP, you're not screaming to anyone nearby "I don't know about network security" as loudly. [09:04] so; tar zxvf yourtar.tar > youroutput.log 2>1 [09:04] AAA, Don't know.... [09:04] MrEgg964 when you reboot your box. when it starts to load and change the grub line to single [09:04] AAA, WEP is one of those techs that will either work easily or become a nightmare..... [09:05] AAA: thanks :) === [Screamo]offline is now known as [Screamo] [09:05] jaem it's all about the fruit, really. and anymore the fruit closest to the bottom is all the unsecured ap's. then the wep, then the wpa, etc [09:05] damian: Yup, got it, thanks. It's a little different because it's a terrible tape drive. The error file is about the most important file there is [09:06] Time to config a PBX.... or sleep.... hmmmmm... FreeSwitch here I come..... [09:06] FTR, I am not condoning wep! ffs... [09:06] hai is this the 'ontopic ubuntu channel' ? [09:06] ah [09:06] airtonix, currently? About halfways. :P [09:06] But yes. [09:06] What's up? [09:06] .-. [09:07] ...on reflection, that would be have been the perfect time for a non-sequitur [09:07] jaem /0 === alpenrose is now known as TNA-fx [09:07] Does anyone know of a good media player that can support all different types of file formats? [09:08] mek8630: vlc [09:08] mek8630 there are literally dozens [09:08] !codec > mek8630 [09:08] mek8630, please see my private message [09:08] wise_crypt,AAA: well I have tried different ones and for some reason its not playing these disc that have windows media player format [09:09] !multimedia > mek8630 [09:09] mek8630 mplayer and/or vlc will most likely play that [09:09] mek8630 : follow the guide ubottu gave you, you will be fine [09:10] wise_crypt, AAA: ok thanks alot I appreciate it [09:10] mek8630 : np [09:10] mek8630 and remember you will need the win32 codecs. ps. I didn't read that link === sree is now known as sreR [09:10] AAA: thanks for the tip [09:10] wise_crypt does that talk about the css install script as well? [09:11] mek8630 welcome [09:11] !factoid > AAA [09:11] AAA, please see my private message [09:11] hello [09:12] i am using 8.04 server [09:12] wise_crypt I was hoping for a yes/no. I'll read the post, thanks [09:12] :) [09:12] ive just plugged 2nd HDD to my server, i want to format it mount for using [09:13] how can i format this disk? how can i create partition? [09:13] i just need 1 partition, i'll keep some big files in it [09:13] when i tried to upgrade my ubuntu to 10.04, i got a message that " Canonical Ltd. no longer provides support for the following software packages. You can still get support from the community." it include automake 1.7 ,bluetooth etc. [09:13] is there any problem with this ? [09:15] That's weird [09:15] 2010-06-18 01:11:49.981332 [ERR] switch_ivr.c:2234 Invalid SAY Interface [you]! [09:15] where did it get "you" from instead of en === AK|wtf is now known as AK|vape [09:15] IsUp if you don't care about any data on your disk. the first step is to $ cfdisk /dev/ === AK|vape is now known as Andorin [09:17] is there a command that converts text files with the the Windows line endings (\r\n) to unix line endings? [09:17] dos2unix might help, quizme [09:17] quizme: dos2unix [09:17] !gparted | IsUp [09:17] IsUp: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [09:18] frostwork G_A_C thanks! [09:19] ubottu: any way without live cd? [09:19] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:19] haha [09:20] quizme dos2unix [09:20] IsUp: yes, you don't need te live cd [09:20] sed 's/.$//' ? [09:20] AAA: i did 'cfdisk' and created one partition. how can i mount it? [09:20] hey ho, I just changed the contents of /etc/hostname, and sudo is now being a pain in the arse about "unable to resolve host $NEW_HOSTNAME", what have I missed out reconfiguring [09:20] IsUp: just type "sudo apt-get install gparted", then you can go and create partitions [09:20] IsUp next you'll need to format it. what partition type did you choose? [09:20] i choose Linux [09:21] IsUp: if you'd rather work with commandline, start "sudo fdisk /dev/ [09:21] actually cfdisk sets it [09:21] fdisk /dev/sdb [09:21] yes [09:21] Hi, does anyone know where the config file for the volume indicator (gnome) would be [09:21] ? [09:21] n, for create partition, d for delete partition, w for write changes [09:21] IsUp ok. do you want an ext3 filesytem? if so $ mkfs.ext3 /dev/driveN < like sda1 or whever it is [09:22] ok lemme check [09:22] IsUp then mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 if that is the only patition there. [09:22] mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 [09:22] yeah [09:22] i remember [09:22] I am talking about the one that showup when one press the volume (up/down) button ont he keyboard [09:22] i've used to work with fdisk before [09:23] so its creating filesystem, how can i mount it? [09:23] IsUp then you can a) edit fstab and mount -a or b) mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/yourdrive [09:23] let me see [09:23] it's still creating filesystem [09:23] IsUp you want it in /etc/fstab if you want it to be there after reboot [09:23] IsUp 2 more seconds... [09:23] is there a package for Livestation for watching c-span video? [09:24] AAA should i make a directory before? [09:24] is there anything specially? just mkdir /data? [09:24] i want to mount this partition to /data [09:24] IsUp: that would do [09:25] chmod needed [09:25] ? [09:25] IsUp you need to mount it to a current directory. udev will do this for you, but I don't have those details. for a temporary solution you can mount it as I described [09:25] okay [09:25] IsUp please mkdir in /mnt/ it is the preffered way [09:25] AAA: no, not really [09:26] oCean_ sans udev [09:26] oCean_ I did say temporary [09:26] AAA: hey sorry to bug you while you are busy but what is the diff between ext4 and ext3 and so on? [09:26] usually i was mounting my disks to /abc /xyz [09:26] IsUp: mkdir /data, then edit /etc/fstab. Preferred way is to use the UUID of the partition [09:26] IsUp: command: sudo blkid, then find your drive and copy the UUID [09:26] mek8630 ext3 is ext3 with a journal, more overhead. ext4 is simple an extension of ext3 [09:27] /dev/sdb1: UUID="c797582e-9d59-4d4d-b14e-d08f69618783" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" [09:27] IsUp ext3 is ext2, sorry [09:27] IsUp that should be mountable [09:27] IsUp: then add in /etc/fstab this line: "UUID= /data ext4 defaults 0 0" [09:27] hey, guys [09:27] confused [09:28] ext4 or ext3? [09:28] i did 'mkfs.ext3' [09:28] IsUp: ext3 in that case [09:28] ls [09:28] IsUp if you want ext4, now is not too late. just rerun with mkfs.ext4 [09:28] guys, i need to fix some errors in my hardisk [09:28] i am using ext3 [09:28] shall i use fsck [09:28] should i write "ext3" on fstab? [09:29] or ext4? [09:29] IsUp I have no preference, ext3 should be just fine for you [09:29] oCean_ you said "UUID= /data ext4 defaults 0 0" [09:29] ext3 or ext4? [09:29] themill: hi [09:29] IsUp: whatever you choose to format the disk with. In your case ext3 - it'll be fine [09:29] IsUp: it should be pretty obvious what you have to type, if you created an ext3 fs? :) [09:30] yeah but i always want to be sure :P [09:30] UUID=c797582e-9d59-4d4d-b14e-d08f69618783 /data ext3 defaults 0 0 [09:30] IsUp: yay, now type "sudo mount -a" [09:30] mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/c797582e-9d59-4d4d-b14e-d08f69618783 does not exist [09:30] IsUp if /data is the mkdir you made. you should be golden. once you save that. $ mount -a and it should be rw [09:31] hm? [09:31] i need to know fsck commands to fix errors in my hardisk [09:31] yes i have /data [09:31] any suggestions! [09:31] hi i am not able to delete application from application [09:31] mount -a says 'mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/c797582e-9d59-4d4d-b14e-d08f69618783 does not exist' [09:31] IsUp check ls -l [09:31] IsUp ls -l dev/disk/by-uuid/ [09:31] .sanctuary-irc.org [09:32] aa [09:32] .sanctuary-irc.org +6601 [09:32] yeah i did, '52871432-b870-454c-ab13-6fccfe2ec243' and 'd3a90364-8486-4f0d-8b3a-1954851a56b8' [09:32] IsUp make sure your uuid matches that drive [09:32] zipper: right click the application menu and edit it [09:32] rumpsy, i already did [09:32] it matches [09:32] it's not under /dev/disk/by-uuid/ [09:32] rumpsy, they just don't allow me to delete [09:32] IsUp those two string do not match [09:32] AAA: indeed :) [09:32] i have 1 disk too [09:32] it's a second hdd [09:33] IsUp and they don't match the error [09:33] for data storage =) [09:33] zipper: that's the thing i know :( [09:33] IsUp the uuid's should be linked to partitions. find the one that matches your new one [09:33] AAA: '52871432-b870-454c-ab13-6fccfe2ec243' and 'd3a90364-8486-4f0d-8b3a-1954851a56b8' these are belongs to other disk [09:33] I know this question has been asked many times, but what is the best music player (except Amarok)? [09:34] i already checked with 'blkid' [09:34] !fsck [09:34] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [09:34] my landlord is going to have a ... a.... [09:34] IsUp but you need that NEW uuid in your NEW fstab entry. and that is not what it says [09:34] oops wrong chan [09:35] IsUp do you see this in the by-uuid dir? c797582e-9d59-4d4d-b14e-d08f69618783 [09:35] i just did 'fdisk' and created partition from stratch [09:35] now i see it under /dev/disk/by-uuid [09:35] !best | kbp [09:35] kbp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [09:35] i am going to create inode tables with 'mkfs.ext3' [09:36] IsUp I thought you already formated with mkfs.ext3? [09:36] IsUp: you don't have gui? [09:36] U gotta luv broadband - 0.1s lag :) [09:36] i am doing it again [09:36] DexterLB-school: no i hate GUIs :) [09:36] IsUp for testing the format, please do this. $ mount /dev/ /data and make sure it is rw [09:37] hi any1 know why i can delete some application from edit menus? [09:37] IsUp the fstab options are another ball of wax [09:38] ok [09:38] mounted now [09:38] it works [09:38] IsUp and you can $ touch /data/foo ? [09:38] just created partition again and it works [09:38] yes, touch bla [09:38] ive removed lost+found [09:38] Can someone explain to me how the runlevels work? I want to configure my tomcat-instance to stop before my postgresql [09:38] ok. now figure out your fstab :) [09:38] i already did it with 'mount -a' [09:38] IsUp that will be repopulated [09:39] so its going to mount on every reboot? [09:39] IsUp I thought you said mount -a returned errors for the uuid? [09:39] yes and then i've deleted and created partition again [09:39] and it worked [09:39] IsUp if mount -a worked then, yes. it will work on reboot [09:40] xue don't irc as root, please! [09:40] * waldy hears that Ubuntu 10.4 has a number of stability issues, not that I've had any, though. I do hope that the Window control icons get put back to the top right of the window where they used to be in 9.04 [09:41] AAA how can i unmount this partition? [09:41] IsUp umount /data [09:41] umount? [09:41] ok [09:41] hello, after the xorg update i rebooted and i can't mount my usb external hd anymore, it says i'm not authorized, what can i do? [09:42] (i'm using 10.04) [09:42] !control > waldy [09:42] MyWay are you able to sudo stuff? [09:42] AAA: thank you [09:42] AAA: yes [09:42] IsUp glad to help [09:42] MyWay was it working previously? [09:43] yes, sure [09:43] MyWay, is the drive detected? [09:43] !controls > waldy [09:43] waldy, please see my private message [09:43] axion_: how to check it? [09:43] MyWay what changed from working to no worky? 9 -> 10 update or something else? [09:43] AAA: do you prefer 'nano' or 'vi'? [09:43] IsUp haha. vim :) [09:43] MyWay, lsusb [09:44] why? [09:44] :) [09:44] AAA: yesterday i updated xorg-core and after a reboot it wasn't working anymore, the rest seems as always [09:44] axion_: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1058:1001 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. External Hard Disk [09:44] it's detected [09:44] Hello, I have a DV7-2180us HP Laptop, I've had one small issue with wireless that I have now fixed, are there any others that you may know about that I have not found yet? [09:44] IsUp flamewars are not allowed on #ubuntu =p. don't even start me on emacs ;) [09:44] hey frnds [09:44] oh no, just asking [09:44] is it better? [09:45] MyWay you suspect xorg b0rk your usb? hrm. did you check lsusb as suggested? [09:45] AAA: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1058:1001 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. External Hard Disk [09:45] IsUp personal preference is all [09:45] i don't know, i'm a beginner, but this is the only thing i did yesterday that i remember [09:45] okay, thanks again :) [09:46] have a great day [09:46] Does Ubuntu (or the linux kernel used in 10.04) update time in some odd way? A program I wrote in Java includes milliseconds in a time measurement, and it seems like it's getting inaccurate times from the OS [09:46] Nachturnal: please be a bit more specific on "inaccurate" [09:46] MyWay ok. try this. unplug your usb device and back in. then do $ dmesg | tail -n 33 and look for your device. pastebin the results if you'd like me to see them [09:46] MyWay, go into disk utility or gparted and check the partitions [09:47] SwedeMike, it seems to not really count milliseconds accurately, instead counts up by 3 milliseconds every second, in addition to the usual counting. [09:47] Hi. I want to switch to different harddisk partition to check some files with md5sum. What is the CLI command cd ~/Desktop ? [09:47] Vroom [09:47] AAA: http://pastebin.org/338558 [09:47] weeman srsly? you just said it. cd ~/Desktp [09:47] My buttons are now on the right, thanks for the assistance :) [09:48] Nachturnal: are you running ntp and your clock is quite a lot out of sync so it's trying to correct it? === meatbun is now known as loltoo [09:48] MyWay hrm. [ 838.763924] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning === loltoo is now known as meatbun [09:48] MyWay, what filesystems are contained on the usb device ? [09:48] MyWay run that again. did it settle? pastebin if you like [09:48] NTFS, i used it on windows before [09:49] but i used it for 2 years without problems [09:49] MyWay, chkdsk it on a windows system [09:49] AAA :NO The files are on a seperate partition from the Ubuntu partition. What is the CLI command to navigate to a different partition. [09:49] SwedeMike, I hadn't thought of that. Would it be checking to sync that often? Seems extreme to me. [09:49] MyWay: do you have ntfs-3g installed? [09:49] weeman cd /some/other/slic [09:49] ntfs is not a very good choice in linux :) [09:49] Nachturnal: no, but ntpd will drift the clock constantly to make it correct over time. [09:49] AAA: http://pastebin.org/338559 [09:49] nope: how to check? [09:49] ntfs is very low performance under linux [09:50] SwedeMike, how would I check if it's running. A process named ntpd? [09:50] axion_: should i format it and make it ext4? [09:50] MyWay your usb device is still not talking to your usb hub :( <-- first guess is bad/failed hw [09:50] MyWay, if you don't plan to use it under windows again [09:50] Nachturnal: yes, you might be able to run "ntpdc" or "ntpq" and type "peers" command in there. [09:50] MyWay: easiest is probably typing ntfs in a terminal, and trying tab-complete [09:51] ok nope [09:51] axion_: i use it sometimes as shared folder on virtualbox/windows [09:51] Hi all, im trying to make a .BAT file creat a directory with whatever the days date it is when it runs, any help [09:51] nope: yes, i have it installed [09:51] weeman: im not quite following you, but you can use nautilus for that can of job if cli to hard for you [09:51] MyWay i am hoping that was a NEW dmesg you posted and not the same one? if so your usb drive is not talking [09:51] then you should be able to mount sdb1 with r/w support [09:51] AAA: yes, it was a new dmesg [09:51] *kind [09:52] SwedeMike, using "ps aux | grep ntp" produces no results other than grep [09:52] nope: it was working, i used it 12 hours ago ~ [09:52] ah [09:52] MyWay from my eyes, your usb device is not being accessed by the kernel on a hw layer [09:52] sorry [09:52] but today it's saying i'm not authorized [09:52] AAA: what can i do? [09:52] MyWay and I mean before it decides to choose a driver for it [09:52] Nachturnal: the server with time issues, is it a physical machine, or a virtualized one? [09:52] Nachturnal: then I don't know, it works beter on older linux kernels? === shiny_ is now known as sh1ny [09:52] hello what websites can i read to get a crash course, in all things command prompt what i need to use, why i would need to use it etc etc [09:53] only pertaining to command prompt [09:53] excuse me i did a upgrade from koala to lucid, and now flash doesnt play in firefox, it says i either have javascript turned off or an old version of adobes flash player. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling throught the software center [09:53] but it didnt fix it [09:53] showing me things from cd to cat to shutdown and whatever else [09:53] also cool tricks, does anyone have a site with that sort of focus [09:54] nope, it's on this ubuntu 10.04 box. the time stays accurate as far as I can tell. maybe the JRE Is screwing up the time requests when I run my program? [09:54] mushy1: http://www.linuxguide.it/linux_commands_line_en.htm [09:54] MyWay, do another dmesg, but don't tough the usb device this time [09:54] axion_: ok [09:54] mushy1: http://www.he.net/info/unix.tutorial/ google for unix tutorial or unix for dummies or alike === axion_ is now known as lapion-II [09:54] can anyone help me fix flash in mozilla after a distro upgrade? [09:54] it says i have flash installe [09:54] i uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it didnt fix the provlem [09:54] hello. I am looking for an Ubuntu equivalent for HyperTerminal, I mean an application I can send AT-commands manually to a mobile phone. [09:54] lapion-II: http://pastebin.org/338568 [09:55] great. ive been trying to debug a problem for a couple hours and turns out i think this phone is going bad. [09:55] wise_crypt 1tb of files in folder on partition sda10. I want to create md5sums for all the files. Cannot get cli to switch to sda10: cd /dev/sda10/ ? [09:56] Mrokii: minicom might do the trick [09:56] MyWay, boot one of your windows vm-s and do a scandisk of the usb partitions [09:56] lapion-II: ok [09:56] nope: thanks, I will look at that. [09:56] Mrokii: cutecom has a gui if thats your preference [09:56] nope: thank you this site will do fine [= [09:56] weeman: you need to mount the filesystem first. [09:56] MyWay can you give me the lsusb info for your device again? [09:56] weeman: check with "df" or "mount" if it's mounted. [09:56] weeman: mount (see if its mounted) [09:56] lapion-II: the vm says that one hd is not accessible, so i don't think i will be able to scan it from the vm :( [09:56] in windows: right-click on the device select properties->tools [09:56] AAA: sure [09:57] did anyone watch the e3 press conferences with the big 3? nintendo, sony, microsoft? [09:57] AAA: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1058:1001 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. External Hard Disk [09:57] MyWay oh nm. I see now it found it as sdb [09:57] nope: Will try both, thanks. [09:57] MyWay must need a bit to warm up [09:57] If the partion shows up in nautilus it is already mounted yes? [09:57] you also have putty for linux, but I havent tried it (yet) [09:57] MyWay, then use gparted/partition editor to check the partition [09:57] ok lapion-II [09:57] weeman 99% yes [09:58] weeman: sudo mkdir /media/sda10 && sudo mount /dev/sda10 /media/sda10 && cd /media/sda10 [09:58] hi [09:58] nope: there is a linux version of putty? [09:58] lapion-II: if i press check the file system i get the same error, not authorized [09:59] MyWay, otherwhise use: sudo ntfsfix [10:00] lapion-II: http://pastebin.org/338574 [10:00] ops i wrote it bad === damian is now known as Guest84203 [10:00] as not said, ignore it, i did deb instead of sdb1* [10:00] exit [10:00] lapion-II: http://pastebin.org/338575 [10:01] weeman: actually disk is automounted you only had to click it at gnome desktop then nautilus open its mounted folder [10:01] MyWay you can get TONS of info about your drive with this command. may be good for debuging. $ sudo lsusb -vvv -s 001:005 [10:01] what are some fun or entertaining things to use linux for as a desktop [10:01] AAA: http://pastebin.org/338576 [10:02] anyone can suggest an alternative launcher like gnome-do? [10:02] mushy1: with compiz fussion it is magnificent :) [10:02] AAA: how do you figure out how to type things like lsusb -vvv -s 001:005, and after you figure it out how do you remember it [10:03] k txs now in sda10 [10:03] wise_crypt does compiz work on xfce [10:03] What is your irc client? [10:03] same thing happens on my Ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 laptop. the milliseconds seem to go up by xx3 when i run the program at various intervals. 2-5 seconds between each run. it happens way too often to be coincidence with times between me running it. [10:03] mushy1: i use composite lol i'm in lxde :) [10:03] AAA, there is no problem with the drive itself otherwhise he would not be able to do nftfsfix.. [10:03] To be more exact, what is your favorite irc client? [10:04] Does anyone have an opinion on the WM: evilwm ?? === Guest84203 is now known as damian_ [10:04] on my quad core, sli running desktop i went from windows 7 to ubuntu running evilwm [10:05] mushy1: xcompmgr -c && transset-df 0.6 << look very nice :) [10:05] it seems under powered for a desktop [10:05] wise_crypt whats that do/look like [10:05] i am on a netbook i am going with light [10:05] SwedeMike, and nope, my bad... i just realized i used ":ms" (minutes:seconds) as my last column. i'm absolutely retarded tonight. [10:05] xfce is light but full featured i like it [10:05] mushy1 haha. pirate skillz ;) actually it is just the bus and device into, of course you need to read the man page to piratize it ;) [10:05] mushy1: wait [10:06] HELP PLEASE [10:06] lapion-II the drive took several seconds to scan. I thin that is the crux of the issue [10:06] mike_, what is the problem === mike_ is now known as Guest27169 === linusoleander_ is now known as linusoleander [10:07] mushy1 s/into/info [10:07] whats that to [10:07] i got a acer net book and i installed ubuntu on it [10:07] mushy1 I said device into and I meant to say device info. ergo s/into/info :) [10:07] i have taught myself unix/linux several times throughout my life i was even an admin for a large shared web hosting company, then i go without using it for a long time and i forget everything [10:08] and my web cam is upside down [10:08] i have horrible memory it would seem [10:08] does anyone else have this problem [10:08] My Dell bluetooth dongle all of a sudden is acting like a proper dongle, and I can no longer use my wireless mouse, has anyone else noticed this? [10:08] mushy1: uploading [10:08] mushy1 :) it's like a bike. you can still ride it after several years, but you may fall [10:08] MyWay, are you using diskmounter on the taskbar ? otherwhise add it and try to mount the usb device with it [10:08] mushy1: http://imagebin.org/101716 [10:09] itguru battery dying maybe? [10:10] AAA: Nope, full battery :( changed them, it's not like this under windows, or other ubuntu installs, in fact this is the first I've noticed it, and I've got a fresh 10.04 install [10:10] wise_crypt, what effect is compiz having on that screenshot? [10:10] itguru suck. wish I could help you [10:10] mushy1: composite transparent [10:10] lapion-II: i've found a solution doing this, sudo nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy and editing allow_any and allow_inactive from no to yes and it's working, do you know the reason? [10:10] i've found it on google [10:10] Mushy1, what are you using on your netbook? I am looking for a distro for my HP Mini 311 netbook. [10:11] adminx did you get my pm? [10:11] i started with ubuntu netbook remix [10:11] let me check [10:11] then i tried evilwm and i thought it was torture [10:11] is there a command to lock/unlock the cd-rom door? [10:11] so i went to xfce desktop [10:12] wildbat eject [10:12] it is still just ubuntu 10 though [10:12] now i can mount and umount, but if i try to check the file system i'm still getting not authorized [10:12] hi hi [10:12] MyWay for real? as root? hrm.. [10:12] i thought the netbook remix UI was rather slow, and while it fit everything on the screen it really just got in the way [10:12] Quack! [10:12] doesnt anyone have good recommend for user management tools? [10:13] MyWay what filesystem again? [10:13] AAA: from the disk manager [10:13] AAA: ntfs [10:13] AAA, huh? to lock/unlock the door not open/close? [10:13] mushy try the non 3-d look that's not so slow [10:13] wildbat oh, you want to lock it so you can't push the physical button to open it? [10:13] AAA: to be able tu mount/umount i did this: sudo nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy and editing allow_any and allow_inactive from no to yes [10:13] AAA, yes sir [10:14] MyWay woah. I have no idea what that does [10:14] myway while the filesystem is mounted do chown user:group /media/whereitwasmpounted\ [10:14] lapion-II does compiz add anything besides non useful effects? [10:14] wildbat interesting. never thought of that. I don't know a tool to do that off the top [10:15] nope: Minicom seems to work fine, the only problem seems to be my phone understanding only very few at-commands :) [10:15] i have not used compiz in like 2-3 years and i only remember it doing some graphics stuff [10:15] does it add anything worthwhile without compromising a lot of performance [10:15] mushy1, very usefull efect like warping windows and making your desktop spin.. [10:15] thats not useful [10:15] AAA, there surely a way cause liveCD lock the door ~ but don't know how [10:15] lapion-II: done [10:15] wildbat good thing the man eject page is useful :) looks like -i is your option [10:15] Mushy1, I have backtrack4 an XP on it now, but would like to go full linux on it. I tried kbuntu but found it slow as well. [10:15] don't forget to unmount before checking.. [10:15] i have a question, after you remove one of the new icons from your panel. how can you get it back? [10:15] hy [10:16] mushy1: search youtube ubuntu compiz you'll find many example about that :) [10:16] lapion-II: still getting not authorized [10:16] iu [10:16] lint_: add it again. right click on the panel choose add to panel [10:16] Backtrack4 is okay but feels dated. [10:16] Guys, what will happend to ubuntu after 2099? Will be next release named 100.4? And what after 2999? [10:16] erUSUL: they are not in the 'add to panel' section [10:16] #surabaya [10:16] AAA, darn, beat me to it. [10:16] lint_: what icon is this ? [10:16] Uses kde 3 [10:16] Good that you folks brought it up, though. [10:17] !id > tamu1 [10:17] tamu1, please see my private message [10:17] AAA, @0@ WOW [10:17] erUSUL: the one that control shutdown.logout, and also my social applications icon, the little word balloon [10:17] AAA, you are the man XD [10:17] * lapion-II was being sarcastic mushy1, [10:17] erUSUL: this is in lucid lynx [10:17] wildbat no. man is the man :) [10:17] lint_: that are icon contained i the indicator applet. add that [10:17] gueest, They'll have run out of awesome alliterative animals anyway by then, so why not an entirely new versioning scheme? [10:17] AdminX, here is my desktop http://i.imgur.com/JsXXr.png i have the extra stuff in a autohide menu on the left its basically just the default xfce interface without any modifying besides that one menu [10:17] erUSUL: thank you :) [10:18] i think it looks good, runs good and 0 lag [10:18] AAA, lol ~ thanks [10:18] question~ can anyone know how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [10:18] and my netbook is not very powerful [10:18] wildbat hehe. glad to help [10:19] jaem: and when they will start using insects names ;P? [10:19] MyWay, check your rights, or run gparted with gksudo/sudo [10:20] gueest, would it be bug names? ;D [10:20] like Ubuntu Cockroach ;) [10:20] AdminX, try http://www.xubuntu.org/ or if you already have ubuntu installed or burnt in terminal run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [10:20] xD true [10:20] give it a try on your notebook [10:20] a new toy story is coming out, too bad those name are probably grandfathered by the D ;) [10:22] lapion-II: but how to run disk manager from sudo? [10:22] leagris, that's in anothe millennium, when ubuntu survived the apocalypse , by being recoded from printouts [10:22] i open it from the menu [10:22] MyWay, when you startup partition editor does it ask you for your password ? [10:23] yes, the partition editor yes, but not disk manager [10:23] MyWay: alt + f2 gksu theguiappyoulike [10:23] i don't know its name :P [10:24] if the partition editor asked for your password it is allready running with sudoed rights [10:24] gparted [10:24] lapion-II: but what should i do from gparted? [10:25] revolution [10:25] i was trying to check the file system with disk utility [10:25] find xxx password === gent_away is now known as gent [10:26] !info fsck | MyWay [10:26] MyWay: Package fsck does not exist in lucid [10:27] how do i deinterlace an ogv video, and output it in the same quality? [10:27] !info util-linux-ng | MyWay [10:27] MyWay: Package util-linux-ng does not exist in lucid [10:27] wew [10:27] wise_crypt: i have a gui app "disk manager" from red hat, but i don't know its name [10:27] lapion-II, Ubuntu Cockroach PU239 Becquerel edition (enhanced multi-head) [10:28] MyWay: sudo fsck /the/partionname [10:28] ok [10:28] fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found [10:29] MyWay: better use chkdsk for that boot your win** [10:29] in gparted 9partition manager) richt click on partition and slect check.. [10:30] try hirens boot cd 10 [10:30] lapion-II: it's grey, disabled [10:30] first unmount from within the same menu [10:30] wise_crypt: i don't have it anymore, i will format it to ext4, if i can use it from virtualbox/windows [10:30] lapion-II: ok [10:32] Video prob. Playing full hd videos in UB10.04 cpu jumps to 100% stays there and stuttering/unwatchable. Is there a setting to offload the cpu in Ubuntu? XP full load HD videos peak at 15% and run perfectly. How do i set the ati card. [10:33] Is it possible to hide processer from other users on the systm? [10:33] weeman, System->Administration->Hardware Drivers | from within here activate ati drivers [10:34] If I for i.e create an user, can it by default see root processes?= [10:35] I have a repository in my source list that is no longer available (W: Failed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/hardy-getdeb/apps/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found). Before I remove this repository, how can I tell which packages came from it as I guess I will need to uninstall them. === IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon [10:36] Running the latest ati driver for my card makes no difference 100% cpu. Do ati cards do offloading cpu processing in Ubuntu ? [10:36] MyWay, you can use gparted to check the ntfs partition, and there is a tools called ntfsfix [10:38] weeman: nope [10:38] weeman: in fact... no GPU does that [10:38] Anyone know if that is possible? [10:38] I want to create an user that only can see there own processes when running ps aux [10:38] weeman: unless a specific app is coded to run using GPU power, like CUDA for nVidia [10:38] Hey guys, I got my graphics drivers installed, but now, whenever I reboot I start off with no window borders and have to go to the appearance dialog and set it to have simple effects and the window borders appear, anyone know what's happening? [10:39] noooooooo guess i should of got a nvidia card for linux [10:39] chu__: seems like Compiz is not working [10:39] * Walrus23 curls up on the floor and cries [10:39] linusoleander, if you make sure the video player does not need to scale hd-video cpu load should not be high.. [10:39] my ubuntu 10.04 install went smoother than a babies bottom... untill i got to the bootloader :/ [10:39] lapion-II: What? [10:39] Beyecixramd: should I launch Compiz at start? [10:39] weeman: if you want no problems, and seamless integration, go with Intel, if you want raw power, go with nVidia, if you want low performance and ****** drivers, go with ATi [10:39] chu__: do you use Ubuntu? (GNOME) [10:40] Beyecixramd: yeah [10:40] yep that sounds about right [10:40] chu__: okay, then disable the effects in the appearance dialog (right click on the desktop) and disable everything else you have enabled manually [10:40] lapion-II: Are you realy talking to me? [10:40] :/ it appears it may just work after all [10:40] Hello [10:40] hi all,,,, how to auto mount my FAT &&ntfs storage when starting up at ubuntu 10.04? [10:40] chu__: then reboot, and enable the effects in THAT dialog [10:41] linusoleander, sorry wrong name.. [10:41] how can I increase the no of machines which can connect to an FTP account ? What is the attribute to look for on pure-ftpd [10:41] ?? [10:41] I haven't enabled anything manually, at least I don't think so, is there anyway of looking? [10:41] MaxClientsNumber? [10:41] phew [10:41] it did work [10:41] MaxClientsPerIP [10:41] ? [10:41] any idea on howto calculate total time of some videos [10:41] chu__: if only you use that machine, then there's nothing manually enabled. just do what i told you :) [10:42] I have many video courses in my laptop, and now i want to get total time of every course, any idea [10:42] help [10:42] ^_^ [10:42] ugh what's the off topic room? [10:43] ok reboot [10:43] Walrus23: the offtopic room is for things that are err... not on topic [10:43] no i mean what is the actual room [10:43] flourish: avidemux2_cli --nogui --load filename --info | grep Duration [10:43] flourish: no idea what you are talking about [10:43] the thing with the # bit :/ [10:43] Walrus23: #Ubuntu-offtopic [10:43] thanks [10:44] I have an old repository in my sources that is no longer available. How can I search which packages came from the old repository before I remove it from my sources? [10:44] whoops i might just still need some help :/ using the grub bootloader with 10.04, i've stuffed up my fedora core installation :/ can i recover this without destroying grub? [10:45] loewi: no such command, but well, maybe i can try mplayer and see if there's a same fino [10:45] i'm doing this on my laptop btw, i'm using my desktop for IRC [10:45] does anyone knows a software which i can install to see all my computer hardware specs? [10:46] ionut: in windows there is a program called CPUz [10:46] Beyecixramd: it made no difference [10:46] i'm not sure about linux [10:46] flourish: sudo apt-get avidemux-cli and you are good to go [10:47] Walrus23: another , you know for linux? [10:47] Is it possible to run a script as a nother user? [10:47] Walrus23: Linux doesn't need fancy stuff, it's already built in :) [10:47] If so, how? [10:47] /dev/cpu iirc [10:47] cat /roc/cpuinfo [10:47] cat /proc/cpuinfo [10:47] yeah, that's it [10:47] loewi: apt-cache search avidemux-cli, no such program. can you please show me the result of apt-policy search avidemux-cli [10:47] linusoleander, sudo [10:48] sorry apt-cache policy [10:48] apt-cache polic avidemux-cli [10:48] thank you all for your help [10:48] Hi everyone. How can I get root access to a system folder , to paste files into it. [10:48] wildbat: Isnt that just for root? [10:48] linusoleander, sudo -u abc_user hello_world [10:49] Okey, thakns [10:49] hmm [10:49] linusoleander, sudo -u username command (will prompt for a password unless proper settings in sudoers. [10:50] #/j memek [10:50] floursih: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Dqm25tGx [10:51] hey all, ive mounted an NTFS drive, and i can see it mounted to the mount point, but its write only [10:51] currently its /dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs-fuse auto,gid=1002,umask=0002 0 0 should it be /dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs-fuse auto,users,umask=0007,uid=1000 0 0 [10:51] Is there an option in gconf to set the wm? [10:52] I see [10:53] or will that break it? === SyntaXe_ is now known as SyntaXe [10:54] hi i have problem with wmv and avi file , when ever download torrent files wmv type , i got messege when i played the file , :( To play this movie you need to download vidplayer ) [10:56] hi [10:56] :) [10:56] hi i have problem with wmv and avi file , when ever download torrent files wmv type , i got messege when i played the file , :( To play this movie you need to download vidplayer ) [10:56] likeu: you need to find the appropiate codecs [10:57] likeu: stop spamming and wait, thanks [10:57] now i can't boot windows D: [10:57] Beyecixramd, what the codecs and how i get it [10:57] may i cry now? [10:57] can you a program for fox internet tv [10:57] !codecs | likeu [10:57] likeu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:57] Walrus23: you should be happy :D [10:57] jan__, what? [10:57] hi! [10:57] Walrus23: j/k [10:57] is the problem [10:57] any ideas where i can get ffmpeg 0.6 for lucid? [10:57] hi [10:58] not funny D: [10:58] i am Germany [10:58] that sounds fun, yah? [10:58] jan__, guten [10:58] Beyecixramd, ok thanks [10:58] my englisch is bad [10:58] anyone play ggz gaming zone? [10:58] Walrus23: im sure that's easily solvable, what have you done? [10:58] !de | jan__ [10:58] jan__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [10:58] i've just spent 2 weeks getting windows perfect, for ubuntu to ruin it :( [10:58] Junni: that's offtopic [10:58] Walrus23: what have you done, again? [10:58] Walrus23: ah well [10:58] i think i overwrote the windows bootloader [10:58] Well no one is on the ggz channel :( [10:59] Walrus23: have you only installed Ubuntu and now it doesn't boot? [10:59] morning, how do you disable the password login on 10.04? had to set up a server with a desktop and it will need to be periodically remotely rebooted [10:59] oh well fixmbr then reinstall the linuxes [10:59] kennt jemand ein program um fox zu emfangen über internet [10:59] hi guys, i have a grub issue, with live cd , i want to install grub but it says device not mounted [10:59] !de | jan__ [10:59] jan__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [10:59] i've got two dead OSs on the laptop now anyway [10:59] i killed fedora with ubuntu 9.04 [10:59] Walrus23: no need to reinstall anything. [10:59] Walrus23: for the last time... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE to make Windows unbootable [11:00] i just said, i overwrote the MBR [11:00] hi guys, i have a grub issue, with live cd , i want to install grub but it says device not mounted [11:00] Walrus23: doing what, installing Ubuntu? [11:00] well, the windows boot loader anyway [11:00] gnomefreak: can you join the ggz channel please [11:00] Walrus23: so who cares? win doesn't need it anyways [11:00] yea [11:00] likeu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [11:00] Walrus23: that's easily solvable :) [11:00] well, grub is going into a loop when i try to boot [11:00] Junni: ggz? [11:00] yes [11:00] likeu, you need to enter settings of your p2p software and tell it which video player to use for wmv files. [11:00] Walrus23: get a partition editor and find what partition goes first, if the Windows one or the Ubuntu one, then you only need to specify GRUB to boot that partition [11:00] and i do need to rebuild fedora anyway, because i killed it somehow [11:01] likeu: also I hope your only downloading files your meant to :) [11:01] gnomegamingzone [11:01] sebsebseb, are u sure ? [11:01] Junni: is it #ggz? === highguy is now known as foolcoolguy [11:01] !piracy > likeu [11:01] likeu, please see my private message [11:01] when i try to send a file to system over bluetooth getting this error,org.openobex.error.notsupported, but it shows no error if i send it to some mobile bluetooth device [11:01] gnomefreak: yes #ggz === foolcoolguy is now known as foolguy [11:01] Junni: [11:01] hey, why is it taking ubuntu forever to eject my flash drive? [11:01] k [11:01] likeu: anyway that command, gives AVI, WMV, MP3, and so on suport [11:01] /dev/sda1 is windows, /dev/sda2 is ubuntu, /dev/sda3 is fedora, and /dev/sda4 is a shared swap [11:01] support [11:02] Walrus23: then Windows is called hda(0,1) iirc [11:02] Walrus23: in GRUB [11:02] i'll check the grub config file [11:02] << system admin [11:02] you may talk geek to me, i understand :P [11:02] foolguy maybe it is writing the data you cp to it before eject? [11:02] Walrus23: okay, okay :) [11:04] :/ i'm lost with this new grub [11:04] Walrus23: yep Grub 2 sucks [11:04] i knew the old one well, this one i'm glazed over [11:04] !grub2 | Walrus23 [11:04] Walrus23: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 [11:04] i think i'll still need to do a fixmbr with windows :/ [11:05] Walrus23: can also get help with Grub2 in #grub [11:05] i can't rebuild that i have got alot of stuff there [11:05] is there a #fedora as well ? [11:05] Walrus23: yes [11:05] hello fellow bunties - my ubuntu in the virtual machine can't resolve adresses anymore as it seems [11:05] Walrus23: also don't use Windows online if you can avoide it :) security reasons [11:05] Anyone here who knows how to alter arp-tables refresh time [11:05] rofl [11:05] i'm a system admin, i use antivirus :P [11:06] Mirrakor have you checked the $ route -n and the $ cat /etc/resolv.conf on that host [11:06] guess I removed something dns/resolv related [11:06] Walrus23, virgin install of lucid lynx has some issues with ntfs-bootable partitions, install all updates and then update grub [11:06] AAA: IP-Adresses are no problem, just names [11:06] Walrus23: anti virus won't protect your Windows install properly, however talking about this here, is off topic [11:06] Hi, trying to run a script every time *anyone* logs in using shell. I have a line in /etc/bash.bashrc, but on one Debian server it's not getting picked up. Mostly my Ubuntu works okay. Should I be looking at .profile instead? [11:06] Mirrakor: dig @your.name.server domain.com [11:06] Hi, is there a way to fix this partition table http://paste.ubuntu.com/451532/ without deleting anything? [11:07] AAA: it says Generated by NetworkManager [11:07] Mirrakor: Then you have no nameservers specified. [11:08] Mirrakor sounds like you need to edit your /etc/resolv.conf. I suggest $ echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf to test. you'll want a second and tertiary nameserver command eventually [11:08] Mirrakor and network-manager will overwrite that file. you typically get DNS from the DHCP server [11:08] my router does the dns stuff, so I'll just echo that in - hope it works - I do have to restart the network afterwards? [11:09] what is the .dmrc file for [11:09] Mirrakor no restart. you _may_ choose to use >> vs > to APPEND that nameserver line instead of replace what is there. your call [11:10] mushy1 .*rc files are generally for configuring your app [11:10] AAA and in this case? [11:10] mushy1 dm refers to some app you have, I don't know which one. [11:11] mushy1 less .dmrc and look at it. clues? [11:11] AAA: it still says unknown host [11:11] mushy1: iirc "display manager" (gdm?) [11:11] AAA type cat .dmrc [11:12] Mirrakor put you can $ ping ? if so, pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf [11:12] llutz, display manager is what? like the login screen? [11:12] mushy1: thats it [11:12] AAA: yes that works [11:12] llutz, so it does not effect the current window manager? if not which file does [11:12] huh [11:12] mushy1 I don't know what that dotfile does. dotfiles are commonly used for user specific confgs [11:13] AAA: seems like networkmanager overwrote that file again [11:13] Mirrakor do you adming the dhcp server? [11:13] Mirrakor and please pastebin your resolv.conf [11:13] palimsest > Local Storage > PATA Host Adapter > 160 GB Hard Disk > (Drive) > Benchmark > (Benchmark) shows a green scatter diagram. What does the abscissa "100%" mean? [11:13] palimpsest > Local Storage > PATA Host Adapter > 160 GB Hard Disk > (Drive) > Benchmark > (Benchmark) shows a green scatter diagram. What does the abscissa "100%" mean? [11:14] mushy1: window manager and display manager are different things. so it shouldn't effect your wm [11:14] AAA: it works now - the resolv.conf had only the line "# Generated by NetworkManager" [11:14] llutz, i ask because cat .dmrc shows Session=xfce [11:15] it shows that and the keyboard language [11:15] mushy1: thats the session to be loaded by default when logging in [11:15] Mirrakor be forewarned. it will always overwrite that file. [11:15] mushy1: those things, you can select/set at login-screen [11:15] now I set Networkmanager to only get adresses from dhcp, and set the dns-adresse myself [11:15] llutz then how is it getting the info on what display manager to use [11:15] within Networkmanager [11:15] Mirrakor no habla GUI [11:16] i know u can select them there but i want to know where it all is stored [11:16] so i can write useful applications but i am getting my bearings on this ubuntu stuffs [11:17] mushy1 /etc/resolv.conf is where the DNS train stops second. after looking for google.com in /etc/hosts it will look in resolv.conf [11:17] mushy1: sorry, i don't know much about gdm (dm in general) [11:17] Hi all - I'm running Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 (fully patched), and I'm having a bit of difficulty with an SD card on my netbook. dmesg reports that the system has seen the drive when I plug it in, but it doesn't assign it a device node in /dev and fdisk -l doesn't show anything up. It is showing up as a USB storage device in lsusb however. Google and Ubuntu forums have not proven much use [11:18] Can anyone suggest how I might find out how to format and use this SD card? [11:18] it's a class 6 8GB SD card, if that makes any difference [11:18] hi [11:18] willwork4foo, it is not one of those sd cards with software password is it [11:18] mushy1, nope. it's a standard TDK class 6 SD card [11:18] not some crazy secure thing [11:19] any ideas on that? [11:19] willwork4foo, what is your sd card connected through [11:20] can I ask a question about tc/netem tool? [11:20] !ask| safey [11:20] safey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:20] mushy1, internal SD card slot on the netbook [11:20] willwork4foo can you post the $ lsusb into? [11:20] lsusb gives this for it: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0cf2:6250 ENE Technology, Inc. [11:20] dont ask to ask because when you ask to ask we then have to nearly beg you to ask and it makes you think we will know how to help before you even ask so dont ask to ask [11:21] Hi, trying to run a script every time *anyone* logs in using shell. I have a line in /etc/bash.bashrc, but on one Debian server it's not getting picked up. Mostly my Ubuntu works okay. Should I be looking at .profile instead? [11:21] lol @ mushy1 [11:21] willwork4foo $ lsusb -vvv -s 001:004 to pastebin please [11:21] one sec AAA [11:21] elyob: anyone logs in using the same username? [11:21] phlak_user: different users [11:22] phlak_user: I have a growl script that notifies me as to who logs in [11:22] elyob: /etc/profile in debian works fine [11:22] I'm trying to use the tc/netem tool in order to drop all packets "incoming" from a certain IP address. This doesn't work actually, although I'm able to drop all packets flowing "to" a certain IP address. Any idea about the commands to us in case of incoming packets? [11:23] hi i am buying a laptop and it says the memory supported is 4GB - which says it requires 64bit OS [11:23] does this mean I can't use 32bit Ubuntu on it? [11:23] safey: wouldnt it be easier to use iptables for this? [11:23] i've run grep but it seems to be hanged, what to do?? [11:23] AAA, http://pastebin.com/URUGDU5f [11:23] zacharysmith, sure you can, just use the pae kernel to see all 4GB [11:23] drizzt_: ctl+c [11:23] zacharysmith: no, it means that if you use 32 bit ubuntu, you will only be able to access 3 Gb of your memory, with a normal kernel [11:23] elyob make sure the users are $ source /the/profile/you/intend [11:23] but if I press ^C it will be aborted [11:23] zacharysmith: but like bazhang, you can use a PAE kernel to get all the memory available [11:24] Hello , I have ubuntu installed on 40GB disk , can I convert this to Virtualbox image ? [11:24] what is PAE? [11:24] is there a way to know what it is doing? [11:24] zacharysmith, i think max seen will be 3gb? if you use 32bit os or you can use a 64bit os [11:24] kuttan, you might also try in #vbox [11:24] so i could use 64bit U? [11:24] zacharysmith, Processor Address Emulation or something [11:24] Thanks a lot , let me check with them [11:25] Beyecixramd, so what is a PAE kernel [11:25] willwork4foo ok. for starters, this tells us what we already know :: Device Status: 0x0000 [11:25] zacharysmith, Physical Address Extension [11:25] ok... [11:25] palimpsest > Local Storage > PATA Host Adapter > 160 GB Hard Disk > (Drive) > Benchmark > (Benchmark) shows a green scatter diagram. What does mean on the abscissa "100%"? [11:25] mushy1: Physical Address Extension... it's like.. a 32 bit kernel with 64 bit features [11:25] which means what? [11:26] willwork4foo: google it, please :) [11:26] willwork4foo and here is a recent post I found for that device :( https://lists.one-eyed-alien.net/pipermail/usb-storage/2010-April/005198.html [11:26] Beyecixramd, why wouldnt he just use a 64bit os? is there a downside to that? is the the software that may not work thats the problem [11:26] is there a way to tell what my grep process is doing right now? [11:26] willwork4foo has it worked with ubuntu previously? [11:26] mushy1: idk, but he maybe wants a decent native flash and he also wants to wineize some 32 bit apps [11:27] how to restart all the usb ports without restarting the computer? [11:27] if the laptop says it does DVD RW does that mean it wont burn cds? [11:27] zacharysmith, no, it will burn them fine [11:27] loopidity: not possible afaik [11:28] bazhag, they stopped using 'DVDCD RW'? [11:28] cause the way my usb internet(hdspa, utms) works is, i start the connection but doesnt get connected, then I restart the computer, it works [11:28] zacharysmith, its inclusive, so it will burn them [11:28] loopidity if you unplug all your usb stuff it will 'reset'. the only way to you your usbhost bus to truly reset is a reboot [11:29] bazhag, ty [11:29] #ubuntu [11:29] loopidity: replug in your devices [11:29] deg12, you are here already [11:29] doesnt help, for some reason :( [11:29] AAA, No. Bugger - looks like the ENE card reader doesn't work. === dieInstanz1 is now known as dieInstanz [11:29] :) [11:29] its annoying, that only restart works [11:29] I've just spent £25 on a class 6 SD card that I can't use. [11:29] loopidity: why don't you want to restart? [11:30] willwork4foo yah. the upside is, less and less devices are now NOT compatible :) [11:30] its annoying, isnt it, hoping theres a soln [11:30] * AAA hands out concellation prize [11:30] question~ can anyone know how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [11:30] AAA, I know - I was being lulled into a false sense of security by everything *else* (even webcam) working [11:30] does apple OSX run linux apps? [11:30] hey guys. i'm very new on the vhost stuff. in plesk and virtuozzo i see that i'm almost out of memory. how can i check what processes eat up the memory? [11:30] mushy1: not linux, yes unix [11:30] mushy1: and since most linux apps are open sourced, yep [11:30] willwork4foo depending on how bad you want this to work. you _may_ be able to find fresh kernel sources to help you [11:31] AAA, nah - I'll try again when 10.10 comes out, maybe it'll work then [11:31] mushy1, if you recompile them, most do [11:31] no rush [11:31] does apple use something similar to freebsds ports system? [11:31] willwork4foo my point exactly. if it will work in 10.10, it will work now with some hackery ;) [11:31] It's just something I'd like to be able to do - boot my netbook off an SDHC card and not mount the internal drive unless I want something from it [11:32] mushy1, ask in an apple channel or #ubuntu-offtopic [11:32] mushy1: apple? you must be kiddin [11:32] AAA, my days of wanting to spend hours doing hackery are kinda gone.... I'm happy to wait a few months, and test it again when 10.10 UNE comes out [11:32] mushy1, yeah, check out macports [11:32] well i want to start writing some software and i want to know if it will work with apple [11:32] willwork4foo honestly. my first impression was you needed help with SLC. that is what drew my attention :) always glad to help thought [11:32] i will research further when it is not 5:30am [11:32] mushy1: just write it for UNIX [11:32] willwork4foo: have you tried booting with the card inserted? my aao531 has 2 card-slots, and in one of them it only recognizes cards which are present at boottime. [11:33] AAA, :-) Your help was very much appreciated too! :) [11:33] mushy1: it will work on Apple, Linux and Windows [11:33] mushy1, this is Ubuntu support, please keep it on topic [11:33] hey guys. i'm very new on the vhost stuff. in plesk and virtuozzo i see that i'm almost out of memory. how can i check what processes eat up the memory? [11:33] llutz, yep i've tried hotplugging and booting with it in as well [11:33] willwork4foo fyi, SLC drives r0x! [11:33] hi, i would like to make a backup to an external disk @ work, but i don't trust it, what is the advised way to make a encrypted file container (which i can mount and backup to) ? [11:33] willwork4foo, not every sd card can be used as a bootable device [11:33] bazhang i am using ubuntu and i will be writing software on this machine that is really close to topic [11:33] lapion-II, yeah I'm discovering that :( [11:33] mushy1, close but no cigar [11:34] never mind! [11:34] willwork4foo, not every sd-card-slot can be booted of off, depends on hardware/bios [11:34] i guess discussing this years e3 conferences is out of the question ]= [11:34] steven____ top [11:34] lapion-II, I'm not even sure this BIOS will boot from SD, but I guess it was worth a shout. [11:34] mushy1, fine in the #ubuntu-offtopic CHAT channel [11:35] mushy1 did the e3 conference mention the ubunto road map? =p [11:35] I'm happy to wait until the reader is supported by stock Ubuntu though! [11:35] willwork4foo, I have however booted from a sd card using an external usb2sb adaptor [11:35] willwork4foo bah. live a little! [11:35] willwork4foo, *usb2sd [11:36] AAA, got work to do! I am tempted by the hackery, but I know it would eat my whole day and I need to get stuff done [11:36] willwork4foo the feeling of accomplishment will be grand, I attest [11:36] willwork4foo, I have in the past installed directly to usb with a regualer install.. [11:36] hmmm is it normal to have apache2 running 4 processes? [11:36] palimpsest > Local Storage > PATA Host Adapter > 160 GB Hard Disk > (Drive) > Benchmark > (Benchmark) shows a green scatter diagram. What does mean on the abscissa "100%"? [11:36] willwork4foo that is what sat and sun is for! [11:36] AAA, I know - I did an embedded systems degree! :-) I've written kernel drivers before now - just not for a good few years, and the skills are rusty [11:37] willwork4foo, sometimes a cold-start doesn't recognise all external devices as bootable [11:37] meh. I only originally wanted to do it because the 320GB internal drive I've slapped into this netbook is a bit juice-hungry [11:37] willwork4foo stop it with the excuses already. hack the planet! "it's in that place where I put that one thing that one time" [11:37] and thinking if I could boot off an SD card and not mount the internal drive, I'd save some power [11:37] willwork4foo, try warmbooting ( using ctrl-alt del ) and then using the bios-bootdevice-selector [11:38] AAA, LOL @ reference [11:38] lapion-II, tried that there's nothing there [11:38] AAA, that was a cool movie too [11:38] willwork4foo you can boot off of anything these days. I almost compiled vmlinuz on my thumb nail last week. sheesh [11:39] AAA, on your ACTUAL thumbnail? [11:39] which hand? [11:39] !ot [11:39] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:39] bazhang, sorry were we digressing... :) [11:39] my friend has compacq system,he installed ubuntu 10.4 but the system hangs when processor does a good job [11:39] why is it like ? [11:39] please answer me [11:39] sreeju: bad netiquet [11:39] sreeju, try running memtest and see if there's a problem there [11:39] willwork4foo hehe. yup. dict gullible ;) [11:40] sreeju, can your friend troubleshoot the computer at the moment? [11:40] phlak_user: Thanks, that sorted it! [11:40] AAA, I usually use my little fingernail for compiling vmlinuz, coz it's tiny [11:40] > [11:40] sreeju my first guess is a) bad script/exe b) bad cpu [11:40] he has no problem with 9.1 [11:41] sreeju technially 2 guesses ;) [11:41] sreeju ~he~ should come to the forum. much easier that way [11:41] his system can run good graphics game in windows [11:42] sreeju, check what vga the system has, if intel i8xx he is bound to have kms problems [11:42] he want to install ubuntu [11:42] Hi! I'm trying to do an dist upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04, but at "Setting new software channels" it fails with a list of errors like "Failed to fetch W:Failed to fetch http://ftp.df.lth.se/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" What to do? [11:42] he has intel pendium 4 processor [11:42] Ileden I would try back in 5m or so [11:43] Ileden if you are concerned after that. $ sudo apt-get update <- if that gives no errors try again [11:43] ok - I'm outta here for a bit to go get some work done. Hack The Planet, AAA! [11:44] Ileden it is _fairly_ normal for mirrors to go offline now and again [11:44] AAA: ok. btw, is it possible to do upgrade via torrent, without messing around with actual physical CDs? [11:44] how can i create keyboard short cut for kill -9, ctrl+c doesn`t work [11:45] Ileden, try downloading the cdimages and using a usbstick [11:45] iter dl'n a torrent requires you to burn the cd. there are ways, via loopback, you can do it. but it is not for the faint of heart [11:46] ls -la [11:46] iter it actually reminds me of the apt-get installer for redhat which did pretty much that, in a chroot [11:46] goes anyone knows where what package is ld-2.10.1.so debug available? [11:46] My HP scanner is connected to the sitecom wl-203 printer server. The device is seen by UBUNTU but Xsane does not recognize it. How can I solve this? [11:47] AAA: yeah, i'm reading a linked forum post about it, but it doesn't seem that complicated if I only need to mount the cdrom image in /media manually [11:47] please tell me the best video format converter to install [11:47] how the hell to get adobe flash working on 10.04 64 bit? [11:47] SkyNetMaster the first place to start is with $ dpkg -l | grep ld-2 [11:47] it used to work in 9.10 [11:47] sreeju, there is handbrake [11:47] don't you think it would be nice if packages.ubuntu.com actually worked? :p [11:47] AAA: well ok, seems there's some complications too :) [11:47] SkyNetMaster the dbg package can most likely be found with $ apt-cache search ld [11:48] is it good [11:48] supports all formats [11:48] sreeju, you mean with a gui? [11:48] how the hell to get adobe flash working on 10.04 64 bit? it used to work in 9.10 [11:48] Ileden ymmv [11:48] AAA, the first command returns empty and the second too much info to lind [11:49] miha they will ding you for that h word :( [11:49] sreeju: winff is also good [11:49] AAA: doesnt matter, really. i hate flash, but then 99% of websites love it [11:49] so ubuntu chose to follow apple path? [11:49] miha package is flashplugin64-installer for 64bit systems [11:50] i have installed winff before but i couldnt convert any thing,it shows some errors [11:50] AAA, the first command returns empty and the second too much info to find [11:50] SkyNetMaster my point was and still is. apt-cache search will help you find programs. and $ dpkg -l | grep will help you find stuff you have installed [11:50] leagris: that package doesnt exist. flashplugin-installer is installed [11:51] palimpsest > Local Storage > PATA Host Adapter > 160 GB Hard Disk > (Drive) > Benchmark > (Benchmark) shows a green scatter diagram. What does mean on the abscissa "100%"? [11:51] SkyNetMaster put simply. I'm trying to teach you to fish [11:51] hey everyone, who can explain to me why shred would not be effective on a journaled filesystem (ext3)? [11:52] AAA, ^^ [11:52] This question isn't actually regarding an Ubuntu system, but I've found this channel to be useful for more generic Linux questions, so... I would like to record sound coming from my browser. How can I do this? [11:52] I'm not even sure if I'm using PulseAudio or OSS. lsof shows me that chrome is using '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p', which looks like PulseAudio to me, but I don't know where to go from there. Can anyone please help? [11:52] SmokeyD hrm. shred should kill the journal with *, right? no harm no foul [11:52] Hey, I need a patched OpenSSL with SRP on my box, but obviously OpenSSL is one of the built in packages… Whats the suggested way to go about "replacing" it for my use? [11:52] program center says.. sorry adobe flash plugin is not available for your computer type (amd64) [11:52] 没有说中国话的 [11:52] maodun, for other distro/general try ##linux [11:53] !cn | zyb [11:53] zyb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [11:53] thanks bazhang [11:53] SmokeyD or is this some interview question? [11:53] maodun: did you try recordmydesktop [11:53] !recordmydesktop [11:53] hola [11:53] !es | gonzo_ [11:53] gonzo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [11:53] AAA, ^^ [11:54] !screencast [11:54] Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [11:54] AAA: I don't understand your reply. I was told that it is no use using the shred command to safely remove a file from the harddrive on a journaled filesystem (like ext3( [11:54] bazhang: ah, got it [11:54] SkyNetMaster what are you pointing me too? I'm lost [11:54] AAA, SkyNetMaster: me neither :) [11:54] SmokeyD shred on the entire drive will nuke it all up. shred on a file I dunno [11:55] sabeis si es posible crear una imagenn de mi propio ubuntu tal como lo tengo para posteriormente instalarlo?(en caso de querer formatear) [11:55] rumpsy: ah, that looks promising - I'm grabbing it now - thanks! [11:55] if anyone asks for flash on 64 bit ubuntu... http://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/29657/#p29657 code from post just before last works, dont know english page for it [11:55] gonzo_, english here [11:55] AAA: I am just looking to remove a file, not the whole drive :) That would be a little excessive :) [11:55] take care [11:55] it was just a smiley, like got your point [11:55] SmokeyD I highly recommend $ man shred for more detailz [11:55] maodun: okay :) [11:55] SmokeyD: man shred: " shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it. SYNOPSIS: shred [OPTION]... FILE... DESCRIPTION: Overwrite the specified FILE(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data." The journal mechanism tries to keep a record on all theses processes. This is slowing down the operation extremely. [11:55] SmokeyD the you need to attack the inode [11:56] SmokeyD $ ls -i will show you the inode that file is using. try rewriting to it a bunch. [11:57] SmokeyD just a thought really [11:57] hi... how to see wireless driver in ubuntu?? [11:57] flames $ iwconfig [11:58] hi can anyone help me with setting up an ethernet connection in 10.04? [11:58] flames, the NIC or the driver? hardware drivers should have it [11:58] heya all, can anyone please suggest a good video screen capture for my Ubuntu desktop [11:58] miha, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/ppa [11:58] !screencasts > zorkmidon [11:58] zorkmidon, please see my private message [11:58] Guest51821, does ifconfig show eth0 ? [11:59] yes [11:59] ex: ateros ar900, like that [11:59] bazhang, thank's [11:59] AAA, bullgard4: thanks for the help. Indeed the manpage clears it up. ext3 is able to also log file content to the journal, but doesn't in ordered data mode (the default). So I am actually safe [11:59] SmokeyD: in case you are at this point only _planning_ on working a file that you need to get rid of, a good solution might be to only use the file on a truecrypt mount - that way you wound't even need to worry about dispensing of the file, since it would be already crypted. But of course, if the file already exists this isn't an opiton. [11:59] Guest51821, sudo dhclient etho then [11:59] ok ill try that out [11:59] to see driver version [11:59] Guest51821, whoops should be eth0 [11:59] ok [11:59] SmokeyD cool. docs rocs! [12:00] flames, check in system administration hardware drivers [12:00] can i install the proprietary wifi driver offline? [12:00] Ileden: indeed I know. I have the file already, but I was indeed going to encrypt my home folder for future cases [12:00] SmokeyD: ok :) [12:01] wow, the sun is coming up and I can barely read the screen I'm so drunk. maybe it's time for bed... [12:01] hardware driver just see my VGA driver [12:01] flames, which NIC [12:01] does ubuntu support multiple languages out of the box??? [12:02] NIC...? im newbie [12:02] ubuntu doesnt come in a box [12:02] SmokeyD: depending on the sensitivity of the issue, if the file is on a jornaled fs, I'd probably go for clearing up the entire file system just to be sure. [12:02] indus, likely need to install language packs [12:02] flames, paste.ubuntu.com the output of lspci [12:02] bazhang, this page , i can see most of the characters without installing anthinh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmic_family_of_scripts [12:02] ZaxEZ hrm. I'm certain it does [12:02] it comes in a ISO file or a plastic case thing [12:02] :P [12:02] can anyone answer my question? [12:03] those are not images, its characters in that table [12:03] ZaxEZ or a pre-built laptop/server/etc [12:03] Avasz, no ethernet? [12:03] bazhang, no [12:03] Ileden: yeah, but it get's a bit annyoing if I have to erase my HOME partition everytime I have a sensitive file :) [12:03] !indus [12:03] cavej03, ! [12:03] only wifi in one pc and no ethernet in the problematic pc. I havent installed another distro yet. .in fear that i break it. [12:03] indus, sup man i got my game working [12:03] SmokeyD: ah, but it's not every time, since next time you'd be using a truecrypt mount :D [12:03] hello [12:04] cavej03, good, how [12:04] ZaxEZ these are things we celebrate! linux does come on a lot of hw these days :) [12:04] hi all, I'm stuck with wifi problem on my acer 1360. The network works great when connected my cable, but when I'm using wifi, it is "acquring IP adress" all the time [12:04] indus, I just let ubuntu install driver for me [12:04] Avasz, what wifi NIC [12:04] bazhang, broadcom [12:04] can someone help me, please? [12:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/451554/ [12:04] indus, Lol i thought u always had to download driver and sh it yourself instead i just installed thru install hardware popup when i first installed ubuntu [12:05] indus, its amazing its running better than on windows [12:05] cavej03, yes its true, you dint know that ? [12:05] indus, old ubuntu versions you couldn't I figured it was a legal thing [12:05] bazhang, bcm 4311 [12:05] indus, never assume heh helpdesk 101 [12:05] cavej03, btw , new ATI catalyst has improved compiz window management speeds [12:05] indus, meaning? [12:06] cavej03, hardware drivers always offered it for many years [12:06] indus, it is so nice to never have to use windows again [12:06] btw is there patched fglrx available in Ubuntu? [12:06] indus, seriously my game looks and feels better [12:06] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#No%20Internet%20Access Avasz [12:06] bazhang, with the keyboard layout applet, i just select country and language and it works, without installing anything, why is that [12:06] in ubuntu my wireless work, but in backtrack4 not work [12:06] drizzt_, which works with discontinued cards??? [12:06] just have to try and get blur running thru wine ..... yea right [12:06] bazhang, ok [12:07] cavej03, using 9.04? [12:07] flames, you are using bt4? [12:07] cavej03, 10.04 [12:07] yup [12:07] cavej03, =) [12:07] flames it looks like your nic is not listed [12:07] oops [12:07] bazhang, why do i need language support from menu for then [12:07] flames, that's not supported here [12:07] indus, 10.04 [12:07] indus, =) [12:07] flames, /join #backtrack-linux for support [12:07] cavej03, yea the 10.4 ati beta driver, probably updated to final yes [12:07] Is there patched fglrx available in Ubuntu? [12:07] drizzt_, whichpatch [12:08] ok thanks [12:08] drizzt_, what do u mean patchecd [12:08] Hi. Is there any alternative to tcp optimizer.exe ??? [12:08] indus, to enter different language? then you would [12:08] drizzt_, Just install through system > administration > hardware drivers [12:08] bazhang, well, right now iam only using keyboard indicator and typing [12:08] didnt install nothing [12:09] fglrx to work with models which was discontinued in 9.10 [12:09] Is there a fix to the way ubuntu handles PPTP VPN ? [12:09] नमसते [12:09] or 8.10 [12:09] indus, i dont think the problem was the drivers update or anything, it was the fact that I wasn't configuring them right [12:09] हेलो [12:09] indus, namaste! :-) [12:09] cavej03, ok [12:09] heh ok namaste Lalitha [12:09] indus, I think there is more to just sudo sh and ati intital [12:09] indus, for me atleast [12:09] that one from fglrx package doesn't work with my card, I heard there's patched one, is it in Ubuntu? [12:10] drizzt_, i havent heard of such a patch, which ati card you have [12:11] bazhang i tried the sudo dhclient eth0 [12:11] and got this [12:11] no dhcpoffers received [12:11] Is there any alternative to tcp optimizer.exe ??? [12:11] no working leases in persistent database [12:12] liz_ over wifi? [12:12] x1300 [12:12] question~ can anyone know how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [12:12] no over ethernet [12:13] liz_ is your iface up? is there a dhcp server on the lan? is your cat5 plugged in and not pinched inthe doorway? === Avasz is now known as Guest26700 [12:14] AAA yes to the first and third Qs and i think so to the second [12:14] I need an alternative to this : http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php [12:15] no answer from bt channel [12:15] liz_ if you know the IP you should have, bringing it manually is trivial [12:15] drizzt_, i read somewhere on arch forum about it [12:15] flames, no matter bt4 is not supported here [12:15] okey [12:16] im use dual booting bt and ubuntu 10.4 [12:16] AAA ok but isnt it better to have it detected automatically rather making it static? [12:16] help me...i getting really strange error....and now i cannot install any packages...nor update or ugrade...http://yfrog.com/evscreenshot3yrp === Cain` is now known as Cain [12:17] flames, and it works on Ubuntu, so not an Ubuntu issue. Please stop asking. [12:17] liz_ yes. but it's nice to make sure it works first. and the manual method I suggest to test with is no way permanent [12:17] ok [12:17] hello. good morning people [12:18] so should i connect with a different comp and get the IP that way? [12:18] i cannot install ny packages....i m getting this error....dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: [12:18] syntax error: unknown group 'gnokii' in statoverride file [12:18] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)...... [12:18] liz_ can you log in and type on the computer with no internet? [12:18] yes [12:18] is there a way to tell evolution to use google chrome as default browser? [12:19] hi, where are firefox cookies stored? [12:19] when clicking a link it opens firefox [12:19] dart, remove that from statoverride [12:19] liz_ cool. did it have internet recenttly? or suddenly not work? [12:19] drizzt_, how to do that? [12:20] AAA it had internet on 9.04, then changed to clean install of 10.04 and neither wired nor wireless works [12:21] dart, it's in /var/lib/dpkg [12:21] liz_ ok. does the show more than just a line or two? $ ifconfig -a [12:21] hi guys, can anybody help me configuring a tv card? [12:22] drizzt_, there is a line like this....root gnokii 4750 /usr/sbin/mgnokiidev....should i delete this an d save??? [12:22] liz_ and how do you want to connect to the inet from there? from a cable or wireless? [12:22] '~$ yelp /usr/share/gnome/help/palimpsest/; Page not found; The page index was not found in the document /usr/share/gnome/help/palimpsest/.' Why does this command need a "page index"? [12:22] dart, yes [12:23] it shows the info for eth0, lo, and wlan0 [12:24] ideally id like to do either if i need to but im aiming for wirless [12:24] liz_ are you getting inet from wireless or wired? [12:25] on the current computer its wireless [12:25] yoo hoo [12:25] but the computer im trying to configure is connected with a wire [12:25] e [12:25] I'm having a hell of a time trying to compile newer packages in CTAN. Is there something more recent than texlive-full from the 10.04 repos? [12:25] liz_ do you see the wireless icon on the top right of iyour screen? [12:25] yes [12:25] unn... [12:26] drizzt_, now i am getting a error that...there is an empty line in stat override :( [12:26] liz_ have you tried to conncet it to you wireless access point? [12:26] well my EN is not good [12:26] AAA you mean have i connected it wirelessly? [12:26] drizzt_, there are two statoverride files.....stateoverride and statoverride.old [12:27] my school home directory is mounted with autofs and i authenticate with ldap to have the right permissions- i want to be able to use a local account when i am off campus, what is the right solution? [12:27] have a donut [12:27] liz_ yes. using that icon. is that icon solid? or flashing? or with an !? or... [12:27] Hi, my partition table got screwed up, and I'm trying to recover one of my partitions using testdisk. It found my partition, but it will not allow met to set any NTFS partitions as Logical, forcing me to remove one of my partitions. Any ideas how I could avoid this? [12:27] right now logging in hangs a lot because it can't hit the ldap servers [12:27] its solid [12:28] liz_ does $ route -n show you an gatweay as the last output? [12:29] get Ultimate Edition [12:29] is there someway to mount a network drive as another user? so that i have different permissions when operating inside of that mounted drive? [12:29] AAA: Out of interest, I didn't quite understand that message you posted ( make sure the users are $ source /the/profile/you/intend) ... could you explain further? [12:29] get Ultimate edition [12:29] get Ultimate Edition [12:30] get it today [12:30] elyob to 'source' a file is for bash to read that file and add it to the 'configuration' you choose [12:30] alpha [12:30] 2.8 [12:30] help me ....i m getting a strange statoverride error and now i cannot install any packages... [12:30] AAA i dont understand. i see the column with the gateway title but how do you mean "last output"? [12:30] get Ultimate Edition [12:30] alpha [12:30] 2.8 [12:31] donut: wut? [12:31] get Ultimate Edition [12:31] donut: Can you please stop repeating yourself? [12:31] alpha [12:31] 2.8 [12:31] I run all Ubuntu servers, but am having to backup onto a Mac OSX file server. smbmount managed to crash samba the other day (all the designers' Macs crashed). I've been suggested to look at AFS .. any advice here? [12:32] elyob for example :: if you export a PATH from the command line, you can the exe stuff from that directory. it is common for people to put that type of thing in their bashrc so it is handy for them to use. typically /etc/profile will `source` ~/.bashrc and pass those prefs [12:33] why do you kick people from official support channel? [12:33] liz_ do you know the IP of your router? maybe ? if so, that should be your gateway [12:33] '~$ yelp /usr/share/gnome/help/palimpsest/; Page not found; The page index was not found in the document /usr/share/gnome/help/palimpsest/.' Why does this command need a "page index"? [12:34] AAA ok yes that address is the last entry in the gateway column [12:34] hello ubuntu [12:34] AAA: Thanks, that makes sense. [12:34] I run all Ubuntu servers, but am having to backup onto a Mac OSX file server. smbmount managed to crash samba the other day (all the designers' Macs crashed). I've been suggested to look at AFS .. any advice here? [12:34] p.s. it was quite funny to see the panic in the office. But has put me off trying again ... :) [12:34] how to install fusion desktop ? [12:35] :) [12:35] hello [12:35] elyob, you want to use apple file sharing daemon on linux ? [12:35] i am using ubuntu 10.04 icons in software center are missing only when i change to other theme rather than default.Plz Help! [12:36] airtonix: I jsut want to make sure I connect to the Mac AFS the correct way ... [12:36] airtonix: I don't want to run an AFS daemon on the ubuntu machines [12:36] rohitnik, you're not supposed to change theme [12:37] elyob, ok from memory i didn't see that AFP allows for user logins ... does it ? [12:37] liz_ can you ping that address? can you ping $ ping [12:37] AAA you mean on the computer that im trying to connect or the computer im currently on? [12:37] but i like some other theme as well! [12:37] elyob, reason i mention this is that if it does not then its not much different from NFS is it ? and macosx supports mounting NFS as far as i know [12:37] elyob you can put a TON in your bashrc :) [12:38] bullgard4, it finds xml index and show it as a start page [12:38] liz_ on the computer withe the network poroblem. try to ping the gateway [12:39] elyob, in any case, this might give you something to think about : http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/ [12:39] elyob, ^ uses afpd netatalk [12:39] how to install fusion desktop ? [12:39] Compiz Fusion [12:39] blockcold, open software center and search for compiz [12:39] ;@ [12:40] okay [12:40] blockcold ,you can use softcenter [12:40] anyone? I'm trying to recover a partition using testdisk, but it won't allow me to set some partitions as logical, that were logical before [12:40] !ccsm | blockcold [12:40] blockcold: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz [12:41] AAA no it said connect: network is unreachable [12:41] bazhang: i am Jungli [12:41] :) [12:41] drizzt_: Thank you for your help. [12:42] liz_ do you have a cat5 cable in your computer that attacheds to to internet thingy? [12:43] AAA yes i have it hooked up to the computer and the router [12:44] liz_ then $ sudo dhclient3 eth0 [12:44] drizzt_, phw solved it i though i would have to reinstall [12:45] #kde [12:45] i fixed it :D [12:45] clear [12:45] windows XP CD, fixboot, then reinstall everything :D [12:46] it worked, it's working and i'm happy [12:46] and ubuntu is happy :D === om26er_ is now known as om26er [12:46] liz_ if you can't ping google.com after that, pastebin the dhcp stuff [12:48] my software centre icons go missing after i change the default theme.plz help! [12:48] AAA i was able to view online web pages, but it still shows me as being disconnected??? [12:49] AAA it has the ! on the network icon === Walrus23 is now known as PoisonDart [12:49] Hi I have a wireless usb adapter that uses rt73usb drivers (ralink chipset). It doesn't work out of box in Lucid but I found it works outstandingly in Jaunty or below, backtrack 4 and others using kernel 2.6.30 or below. I installed rt73-k2wrlz releases, works fine(60%of that of windows) but it wont allow me to change mac. I just want to ask whether copying rt73usb.ko module from backtrack or Jaunty and replacing it in Lucid will work? or will it create a [12:49] problem? [12:49] Codec Error: Use Windows Media Player. Aborting Video, Redirecting to Microsoft Codec Download Page. <-- Wtf? [12:50] liz_ that is because the network-manager is not running. I just helped you bring it up manually [12:50] liz_ my guess is that if you log out, and log in it will work [12:51] my software centre icons go missing after i change the default theme.plz help!:-[ [12:51] AAA do you mean reboot or just log out of my account? [12:52] liz_ just log out. [12:52] help, what does vga=786 mean in grub.cfg [12:52] ? [12:54] ? [12:54] Anyone know a program for Ubuntu that will convert video formats? [12:54] Taev: ffmpeg, mencoder [12:54] I tried OggConvert, but it will only let me convert to OGV [12:55] a GUI one [12:55] i want to convert a .FLV to MPEG [12:55] Tristam mencoder for the cli [12:55] WinFF [12:55] for the GUI, plz [12:55] Taev,winFF [12:55] Tristam simple one liner with mencoder. just need to read a few docs [12:56] fdew [12:56] is there a way to force a USB device to use a particular module/driver without resorting to the source? [12:56] my software centre icons are missing [12:56] OggConverter pisses me off [12:56] its great [12:56] but it wont let you encode to any other formats [12:56] just Dirac or Ogg [12:57] hi there... by mistake i deleted the panel indicators for sound and battery... how can i get them back? (they are not in the "add to panel" list. before that i removed evolution and the evolution indicator packages on purpose) [12:57] Taev I'm tellin'g ya, mencoder is the way to go [12:58] how to change the default size of gnome-terminal(ubuntu 9.10)...without affecting other users? [12:58] nicofs: try 'notification area' [12:58] Taev or ffmpeg. regardless, any linux app you use - will use one of those to the the lifting [12:58] AAA i logged out and back in but nothing changed. if i try to connect via network manager it doesnt work, but if i use dhclient3 eth0 command then im connected [12:58] WinFF seems to be not worth the effort I made [12:59] it doesn't list anything but DVD or AVI to convert to [12:59] damn it I need it MPEG [12:59] my software centre icons are missing . [12:59] liz_ I'm glad it works with the command line. I don't support GUI stuff so much [13:00] damn it [13:00] Taev ffmpeg or mencoder. srsly [13:00] when I log on to my machine from NX (from a remote computer) using either gnome or KDE, some applications fail to launch, while others are fine. Why is that? The ones that fail are Thunderbird, Chrome, Firefox... and others [13:00] AAA alright thanks. atleast i can install packages now [13:00] does anyone know of a GUI program to encode .FLV to .MPEG [13:00] ? [13:00] because WinFF fails [13:00] Taev, handbrake can do [13:01] is that a GUI program? [13:01] or CLI/ [13:01] !handbrake > Taev [13:01] Taev, please see my private message [13:01] Taev why so scared of cli stuff? [13:01] btw-- this happens whether I launch them from the terminal or from the panel [13:01] @askvictor: ok, it's back. but it comes with an additional mail symbol - which i don't want. can i change that? or at least make it work with thunderbird? [13:02] Im not scared of the CLI [13:02] I just want a simple GUI program === roo0t is now known as bihari [13:02] i wish it would work with thunderbord too [13:02] hi i have one problem i want to install prep wine [13:03] Ok it seems my webservers Gallery2 "Irish Republican Army Media" section will play .AVI's [13:03] can any one help me i want to run windows application on ubuntu [13:03] so WinFF will work. [13:03] hi, when i do use "glxgears", will get results like "305 frames in 5.0 seconds" , it is mean my system is slow? [13:03] thank you who ever offered it as a solution. [13:03] bihari,you can use ubuntu-tweak [13:03] <_NlCE> hey [13:03] ubuntu-tweak? what is it? [13:03] Leoneof, yes [13:03] oh [13:03] <_NlCE> ? [13:04] drizzt_: how to fix it? [13:04] Leoneof, install the graphics driver [13:04] Taev sometimes you must trade cli syntax for gui clicky clicky [13:04] bihari,you can use it to install wine for new [13:04] drizzt_: i installed it before :| [13:04] can anyone shed any light on my problem of launching applications when logged on from NX client? [13:04] Taev or the other way round ;) [13:05] drizzt_: even, i can run compiz too. [13:05] they work fine if I log on from the macihine itself [13:05] is it in synaptic package manager? [13:05] venik check your longs in /var/log ? [13:05] Codec Error: Use Windows Media Player. Aborting Video, Redirecting to Microsoft Codec Download Page. <-- Wtf? [13:05] bihari, ppa [13:05] Leoneof, compiz isn't 3D [13:05] Glowball you need the win32 codecs [13:05] ppa? [13:06] drizzt_: oh i see [13:06] bihari,https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tweak-testing/+archive/ppa [13:06] AAA: from medibuntu? Well, I'm on 64 bit and have w64codecs installed... [13:06] bihari,you can get deb at here [13:07] Glowball could pose a problem. out of my realm [13:07] drizzt_: i've CPU = 2Ghz Dual core, RAM = 2GB,, nvidia =512MB , it should be good. [13:07] AAA-- which log and what should I be looking for? [13:08] bouter [13:08] is it possible to change the default size of gnone-terminal for ubuntu 9.10...without affecting other users? [13:09] a5h15h create a new profile? en set that profile as the default profile for your user? [13:09] a5h15h, you can creat a new configuration for yourself [13:09] venik not sure. use your intuisoin. most things log to /var/log so it is my assumption this apps does do. look for file in that dir named nm* maype $ find /that/dir -name \*nm\* might help? [13:10] please anyone can help me? [13:10] #winehq [13:10] i got the answer [13:11] bouter: but does it have an option to change the default size? [13:11] the problem is that it only happens when I log in remotely [13:11] and even if I do, but not from NX but using some other method, then everything works [13:11] a5h15h: do you mean the font size? [13:11] so it has something to do with NX [13:12] a5h15h: or the terminal size? [13:12] venik my guess is someting in your ~/.bashrc [13:12] bouter: no...about the terminal window size [13:13] venik you are sourcing different files with the different logins === solow is now known as solow[work] === Cromartie is now known as PoisonDart1 === PoisonDart1 is now known as PoisonDart [13:14] a5h15h: that I don' t know === oCean_ is now known as sea === sea is now known as oCean_ [13:15] Guys my software center icons are missing [13:15] gothenburg: hey.. [13:16] ? [13:16] venik what happens when you do $ sourch ~yourusername/.bashrc and then try your task? [13:16] gothenburg: have you got any idea how to change the default gnome-terminal window size? [13:16] Hey folks. I'm using ubuntu 10.4 with OpenVPN 2.10. I connect to my VPN on startup (using a init script), but I am having problems. [13:16] 晕 [13:16] venik s/sourch/source [13:16] !cn | ylmf [13:16] ylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [13:17] 恩 ? [13:17] My main connection is wired. It appears on startup I connect perfectly fine to the VPN. But then my Auto Eth0 connection drops a few moments later. [13:17] And I need to re-establish it manually. [13:17] a5h15h: you could change the command to open you terminal? add -- geometry=... [13:17] Why would this happen? [13:17] ylmf, /join #ubuntu-cn [13:17] let me try that [13:18] voglster: have you got any idea how to change the default gnome-terminal window size? [13:18] a5h15h: in profiles [13:19] hey [13:19] I'm having a problem with ubuntu 10.04 [13:19] venik I'm going to bed soon, fyi [13:19] AAA-- could u repeat the command I need to use? It complains [13:19] I have a computer connected to a tv via HDMI [13:19] but the screen goes black short after startup [13:20] if I connect a regular screen it works fine [13:20] venik $ source ~venik/.bashrc [13:20] Hm while testing one of my apps, I accidently copied a directory to a directory in that directory, causing that it keeps copying because it always finds new files... how can I stop this, :p [13:20] it also works in failsafe graphics mode but with the wrong resolution [13:20] anyone experienced this? [13:21] Kruptein, ^c [13:21] venik luck? [13:21] a5h15h: yup thats it: create a new launcher and as command you set "gnome-terminal --geometry=123x123" or some other dimensioins [13:21] drizzt_: well I already closed the program, but when I then deleted it I got an error by nautilus [13:21] a5h15h: is that what you were looking for? [13:21] no [13:21] no such command [13:22] venik source? [13:22] drizzt_: nevermind, it was something with nautilus, the command line always does his job! :p [13:22] anyone can help me? [13:22] does anybody know what source I have to add to get "sun-java5-jdk"? [13:22] venik sorry dude. I'm going to bed, g'nite. someone here can hep you [13:22] Leoneof, if you ask a question , we can try [13:22] is today fathers day? [13:22] Sunday. [13:23] yes, I typed source ~/venik/.bashrc [13:23] lint_ on a sunday [13:23] For most of the world anyway =3 [13:23] indus: hi, when i do use "glxgears", will get results like "305 frames in 5.0 seconds" , it is mean my system is slow? how to fix it? [13:23] StoatieMcStoat: k thanks [13:23] ok [13:23] venik command not found or file not found? [13:23] thanks for trying [13:23] Leoneof: glxgears is not a benchmark program [13:24] no such file or directory [13:24] Leoneof, just ignore those things [13:24] source no such command [13:24] oh, are you sure? i feel my programs run slowly. [13:24] Leoneof what is the exact problem you have, [13:24] venik do this then. $ cd ; cat .bashrc [13:24] venik it's ther [13:24] g'nite [13:25] gnight, [13:25] :) [13:25] does anybody know what source I have to add to get "sun-java5-jdk" through apt-get? [13:25] night? [13:25] indus: everyone say that Ubuntu is very fast, but not with me, dont know why [13:25] AAA: Oh. Google told me it's a trojan that can only be executed from within WMP. Silly Microsoft with their security issues.. :P [13:25] morning [13:25] Leoneof, its not very fast [13:25] Leoneof, there are other faster os [13:25] Leoneof, speed is relative [13:26] and what should I look for there? [13:26] Jun 18 14:23:40 www1 kernel: httpd[5945]: segfault at 712f082f9d90 ip 0000712f080e1ca2 sp 00007d0f83ef4280 error 7 in ld-2.12.so[712f080db000+1e000] [13:26] Leoneof, why is it slow for you [13:26] what might be the cause of this? [13:26] totic__: tried aptitude search sun-java5-jdk [13:27] venik: probably a typo, cat .bashrc is not same as source .bashrc. You could do ". .bashrc" (without the quotes) that is the same as "source" [13:27] Hiya folks, I've a couple of issues with 10.4 on a Toshiba L450D-13U. [13:27] indus: i dont know, i've been using Ubuntu since six months, every time i feel it is slow when i run any application. [13:27] I'm getting temp about 61 deg c on my dell inspiron 1545 laptop with kubuntu lucid and it was about 46 deg c with ubuntu lucid. Is it too high to damage the system [13:27] Leoneof, how much ram? [13:27] venik: it is very strange you get "source command not found", since it's not a command, but a BASH shell option. [13:27] Firstly, it's leaving the screen blank (Radeon mumble, with ATI Catalyst driver) after resume. [13:27] robin0800: just found out it was drop from the multiverse section... [13:27] indus: 2Gb [13:27] Leoneof, ok [13:27] Leoneof, what says glxinfo | grep vendor ? [13:28] .bashrc --> command not found [13:28] hi, is there a simple solution to just send mail (only have some monitoring apps, like mdadm)? An entire postfix install just to send mail out seems a bit overkill [13:28] I am doing all this remotely through the NX login [13:28] And secondly, I can only toggle Wireless from Win7 - if I've toggled it off in Win7, I can never ever get it back on in Linux. [13:28] venik: did you try dot-space-dotbashrc? ". .bashrc" [13:29] I did now, and it returned nothng, (no error) [13:29] what does that do? [13:29] venik: in that case, whatever you changed in bashrc (i did not see your original question) has now changed [13:29] leagris: server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation , client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation , OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation [13:30] hey folks, i want to have WIFI access. how to connect to my wifi network? [13:30] venik: a "source" of .bashrc reads settings and variables (like aliases) into your current shell, making them available in your current shell [13:30] Leoneof, so your GLX 3D use hardware acceleration, should be fine there [13:30] my problem was (is) that when I log on my machine using NX client, some applications (Thunderbird, firefox) do not run, but others do [13:30] leagris: ok, thanks. [13:30] it happens whether I use KDE or gnome [13:30] I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.4 and OpenVPN 2.10. I am using a wired lan connection. When connecting to the VPN on boot (using init script) everything works fine but then my Ethernet connection is dropped. I have to click on the network manager icon then "Auto Eth0" to re-establish it. [13:30] Leoneof, glxgears if for 3d accel, [13:30] but not if I use ssh to log in [13:31] Leoneof, it wont tell you why your system is slow [13:31] I'm getting temp about 61 deg c on my dell inspiron 1545 laptop with kubuntu lucid and it was about 46 deg c with ubuntu lucid. Is it too high to damage the system [13:31] Leoneof, maybe some thing is using all your ram , check system monitor [13:31] There are no complaints from OpenVPN. Why would my AutoEth connection drop? [13:31] pratik_narain, temp of what [13:31] indus: but why i get 305fps , but the others get more than 1000 [13:31] when I click on THunderbird, it says: starting thunderbird, but it never appears [13:31] venik, Firefox Thunderbid can not share profiles. When one is already runing, this only dialog with already opened firefox in the session/screen it was launched. Did you try quitting all running Ffox and Thund ? [13:31] Leoneof, what is your graphics card [13:32] Leoneof, i get 5000 btw :P [13:32] indus: GeForce 8600M GT/PCI/SSE2 [13:32] ohhh [13:32] usually I get a message telling me that tb is running, but not now [13:32] let me try to see if they are [13:32] and right now its 3000 for my laptop but its [13:32] Truecrypt runs on my desktop machine; on my netbook I get the message: "/usr/bin/truecrypt: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string" Each truecrypt file is the same size and has the same sha1 hash. Where would this string be? I've checked the shortcut on the desktop, it has 'Properties'; the netbook only has the options to 'Open' and 'Remove', no 'Properties'. Where to from here? [13:32] Leoneof, If you're around 300 FPS, that's software rendering. [13:32] indus: acpi as reported by kde system monitor plasmoid [13:32] hey, newbie question here. I've been trying to install compiz but I can't get the settings manager to open [13:33] Leoneof, mobile 8600M is not a fast gfx card. It has lowered power and functions [13:33] indus: ram is using 477MiB [13:33] pratik_narain, 60 for a laptop isnt too hot i think but i think something is blocking fans inside , get it serviced [13:33] Leoneof, ok where did you install the driver from [13:33] karin: that is my daughter's name! [13:33] leagris: someone have same vcard, about 3768 fps [13:34] :D [13:34] ~ [13:34] indus: Hardware Drivers. [13:34] i have radeon 4850 with 10000 :P [13:34] hello, trying to get realtek hdmi to work, but hdmi doesn't apear in aplay -l only spdif and analog out. can anyone point me to how can i make onborad hdmi work? onborad hdmi is connected to gtx 285 via gtx digital in and apears to work in vista. [13:34] :d [13:34] Leoneof, but its all nonsense and doesnt mean anything [13:34] * Leoneof *crying* [13:34] Leoneof: comparison is quite subjective... Compared to a intel 945GM the nvidia 8600M is god [13:34] Leoneof, tryh installing a new nvidia driver and ceck? [13:34] indus: ok i'll try in windows vista and some other linux(maybe lucid puppy) to get the temperature and then get it serviced [13:35] so I have killed all the running processes of TB, and tried again, but no luck [13:35] ostage eccomi ora provo tutto [13:35] Leoneof, here, running a 9800GTX only have 301 frames in 5.0 seconds in glxgears. This does not slow anything when I am gaming in 3D. glxgears is not a benchmark. [13:35] pratik_narain, yes good idea, use something like cpu z [13:35] indus, No, if it's anything around 300, that's software rendering. I can get that kind of level without the Catalyst driver loaded. [13:35] indus: where i can find a new nvidia driver? [13:35] same behavior [13:35] other applications launch fine [13:35] indus: can u tell me if compiz is faster than kwin in rendering desktop effects [13:35] Leoneof, see leagris says the same, glxgears has nothing to do with speed [13:35] leagris: i see, phew!!! thanks. [13:35] indus: in kde 4.4.4(latest) [13:36] indus: yes, thank you :D [13:36] I guess I have to desert NX [13:36] Leoneof, you may want to check nvidia-settings and disable any vsync (blit, texture ...) and disable compiz desktop effect if you like glxgears to show full framerate [13:36] dwd_ he is using the nvidia driver , as reported by glxinfo, its glxgears which is inaccurate [13:36] pratik_narain, sorruy no idea [13:36] leagris: ok, will try that. [13:37] indus: ok thanks, i'll look elsewhere [13:37] Leoneof, using ubuntu 10. 04 ? [13:37] indus: yes [13:37] I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.4 and OpenVPN 2.10. I am using a wired lan connection. When connecting to the VPN on boot (using init script) everything works fine but then my Ethernet connection is dropped. I have to click on the network manager icon then "Auto Eth0" to re-establish it. Why does this happen, this never happened with 9.10. [13:37] venik, no issue here with nx. Really, that's wierd [13:37] indus, glx gears is pretty much accurate and 300fps says that somethings wrong. i get 31000 on gtx 285 [13:37] michaeldobrovits, its accurate for what though. [13:37] venik, try killing any remaining firefox/thunderbird process. then lanuch firefox from command line with --safe-mode [13:37] yes, I am puzzled-- I like using NX if I can, but I need TB [13:38] michaeldobrovits, what is that 30000 number [13:38] it does not even run if I launch it from the terminal [13:38] indus, simple dl [13:38] indus, simple gl rendering and its 30000 fps [13:38] michaeldobrovits, yes, its not a benchmark tool at all [13:38] michaeldobrovits, right now i have 400 frames and my system is ok [13:39] i've heard that ubuntu 10 doesnt play nice with openvpn [13:39] indus, what kind of a gpu? [13:39] michaeldobrovits, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Glxgears_is_not_a_Benchmark [13:39] but i got it to work so no idea [13:39] Alphanaut, humm. Seems perfectly fine with me other then the connection dropping .-. [13:39] not that it doesnt play nice with ubuntu 10, but that it doesnt play nice with the network manager [13:39] Ahhh [13:39] not sure how to run it in safe mode [13:39] That might be it =3 [13:39] michaeldobrovits, radeon xpress 200 whihc is quite good actually [13:39] michaeldobrovits, for integrated, i can play call of duty 4 decent [13:39] but firefox & failed [13:40] I want to connect two host pc with cross cable please tell me the procedure... [13:40] michaeldobrovits, but my radeon 4850 gives me 10 k i think :D [13:40] connect them together and configure them for static ip's on the same subnet [13:40] and you are done [13:40] yo ? Plugin cable, configure both machine's network in same subnet [13:40] indus, your right it doesn't check shader capabilities and directx but it does tell you about gl simple rendering [13:40] yo: assign to both pc's different IPs for the same network. ready. [13:41] Leoneof, there is something called phoronix test suite, try it , www.phoronix.com [13:41] you might not even need a crosscable now-a-days... most networks cards are auto mdi/mdi-x [13:41] or you can just plug them both into a router [13:41] indus, glxgears is no 3dmark for sure but even 3dmark is stupid and only real bench that exists is crysis engine [13:41] What do you mean exactly Alphanaut? The VPN connection is not within the network manager. [13:41] Hello, have anyone used linpack to benchmark a cpu in ubuntu? [13:41] michaeldobrovits, yes 3d mark i know, but crysis hmm its poorly optimised [13:41] venik, firefox -no-remote -safe-mode --sync --no-xshm --g-fatal-warnings [13:42] michaeldobrovits, as a benchmark probably good though [13:42] I use the openvpn command with a configuration file in an init.d script. [13:42] i know that, but i read two different articles saying that the network manager applet gives openvpn some issues when it's running [13:42] michaeldobrovits, i like the quake 4 benchmark [13:42] yes but the network manager is running eh? [13:42] Ahh [13:42] i dont know personally as i got it to work [13:42] but nvm , too off topic :) [13:42] indus: will try it, thank you :) [13:42] but i'm not using the straight openvpn client [13:42] but how to configure [13:42] i found another one which i like better [13:42] how can I see what all packages are installed right now, and take a print out of that? [13:42] Leoneof, be careful , might ruin your system :) it stresses it [13:43] indus, quake 4 is old and doesn't checks the whole gpu capabilities [13:43] lol [13:43] indus, but it's better than glxgears [13:43] It seems to work fine after re-establishing the Autoeth0 connection. I might try creating the connection in network manager again. [13:43] freakynl: how to configure it with other host [13:43] does anybody knows how to use the "Helpers" on Docky? === Bakunin is now known as Guest26257 [13:44] michaeldobrovits, for linux, it aint old :) [13:44] freakynl: how to configure for host [13:44] michaeldobrovits, nothing better came out after that really [13:44] same behavior-- it appears in the system monitor, but not on my screen.... ;-( [13:44] michaeldobrovits, waiting for doom 4 heh [13:44] how can I list and take a print out of the installed packages in my PC? [13:44] I give up-- bye bye NX, at least until this is resolved [13:44] michaeldobrovits, i think unigine is a good engine to benchmark [13:44] yo tinyurl [13:45] yo http://tinyurl.com/37koamu [13:45] freakynl: thanks i will check it [13:45] aa [13:45] km vaa [13:46] geohacker: dpkg --get-selections lists all software packages installed, dpkg --get-selections > file.txt saves the info to a textfile [13:46] indus, uniengine you mean as unreal engine 3? [13:46] michaeldobrovits, ah no , a completely new cross platform engine for games [13:47] michaeldobrovits, http://unigine.com/ [13:47] anyone has ATI x800-x1300 card? [13:47] indus, as a new croosplatform shader language or what? [13:47] Oooh. Well, tinkering has found out how to disable the touchpad on Fn-F5, which is nice. Not what I was aiming to solve, but still. [13:47] michaeldobrovits, dont know all those things, but they have made an engine for linux and windows [13:48] michaeldobrovits, has all things a new engine should have , not sure how it compares to cryengine 3 [13:48] loewi: it does not work. [13:48] loewi: says, no Packages. [13:48] im looking for an easy and graphical way to set up an web development enviroment. something like http://www.wampserver.com/en/ but for ubuntu [13:48] geohacker: sorry to hear, I have no idea what is going on then [13:49] wenas ke tal [13:49] nasso_: try eclipse [13:49] i using it for development on my local machine and want to easily just add vhosts, databases, etc. all temporary. just a few clicks if possible [13:49] indus, i don't think that we can compare something to cry 3 even cry 2. [13:49] michaeldobrovits, we can [13:49] Anyone any ideas on my wireless toggling? iwpriv things point to how to turn on and off the radio, but the blinky light is still on, etc. [13:49] phlak_user, i use eclipse. can it run php too? [13:49] indus, nm, nice duo. [13:49] michaeldobrovits, its just too much hype, all cryengine features are there in it too [13:50] michaeldobrovits, nvm off topic [13:50] nasso_: look here --> http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ [13:50] Hi [13:50] !hi| jan__ [13:50] jan__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! [13:50] phlak_user, im using pdt. i had no idea that it had an built in webserver, mysql-database and php-parser. it does? [13:51] españoles????????????'' [13:51] realtek onborad hdmi spdif doesn't works only backpanel spdif works. how to make onborad hdmi spdif work? [13:51] nasso_: its a framework; you can make it talk to apache/mysql etc etc [13:51] give it a germany chanel [13:51] pls recommand a free mysql GUI ! [13:51] !es | margarita [13:51] margarita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [13:51] de abla españolaa???? [13:51] !de > jan__ [13:51] jan__, please see my private message [13:51] Daniel12377: phpmyadmin [13:51] phlak_user, sure. but im looking for some tool to handle apache, create vhosts, databases etc. can eclipse do that? [13:51] pls recommand a free mysql desktop GUI [13:51] nasso_: i dont think it can [13:52] can anyone help with dvi --> hdmi with sound [13:52] phlak_user, take a look at http://www.wampserver.com/en/ thats close to what im looking for [13:52] michaeldobrovits, what is the issue [13:53] phlak_user, http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html might be even closer. but i dont want to use mac or windows [13:53] hello all [13:53] please someone tell me how to install smtp and configure? [13:54] nasso_: like this --> http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html#372 [13:54] !postfix [13:54] postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer [13:54] indus, trying to make onborad hdmi spdif to work, alsa doesn't seems to recognize the port, tried to recompile alsa with all cards available with all options available and it doesn't seems to find it. doesn't shows on alsa -l and #cat /proc/asound/devices [13:55] phlak_user, that looks great. will look into it. thanks [13:55] nasso_: yw [13:55] anyone familiar with DeepFreeze? is there something like that in ubuntu.. [13:55] indus, the onborad hdmi spdif is connected to my gtx and it works in a windows box [13:56] can anyone help me? having some trouble regarding ram in Ubuntu 10.04. the problem is: i have 4GB of ram installed, but only 2.7GB is shown. also, i am already using the PAE kernel [13:56] indus, in windows it does show as second spdif port [13:56] mataks_: ubuntu is already deep frozen; you wouldnt need something like that [13:56] bouter: thanks a lot...it works [13:56] mataks_: in any case, you can use firestarter for configuring your firewall [13:57] anyone has ATI x800-x1300 card? [13:57] michaeldobrovits, hmm does it show in that simple sound preferences [13:57] ProjektGhost, it does seems strange [13:57] drizzt_, i do [13:57] indus, no [13:57] drizzt_, i already tried to answer your question before [13:57] bouter: thanks again..have a nice day! [13:58] is there a keylogger that works perfectly in ubuntu? [13:58] ProjektGhost, shared video ram? corrupt memory? [13:58] michaeldobrovits, what does aplayh -l say [13:58] michaeldobrovits, what does aplay -l say [13:58] mataks_, there was freeware one called xspy [13:58] when ubuntu 10.1 is to be released? it seems 10.04 doesn't support dmraid [13:58] mataks_, real keyloggers are commmercial only [13:59] michaeldobrovits: In month 10 of 2010 [13:59] drizzt_, oh ok [13:59] duffydack: not sure. my bios clearly says 4096 MB memory is there, but when i free -m it only shows 2770 total === Sup|Away is now known as SuP|Lobby [13:59] loewi: its as simple as dpkg --get-selections > file.txt [13:59] ProjektGhost, try top and see if it shows 4gb [13:59] ProjektGhost, did U install 64bit ubuntu? [14:00] ProjektGhost: sounds like you need the x64 version of Ubuntu [14:00] mataks_: http://code.google.com/p/logkeys/ [14:00] leagris: i did. on 32-bit right now, because 64-bit was the same [14:00] even without 64bit it should still show as 3.3gig [14:00] right [14:00] geohacker: yes, that how it should work [14:00] PAE won't solve your problems, it sounds like you may have a high end graphics card as well (maybe a gig of RAM?) [14:00] 512 MB iirc [14:00] loewi: you send me the wrong command! :D [14:01] please someone tell me how to install smtp and configure? [14:01] geohacker: must have been a typo - sorry. glad it works now [14:01] ProjektGhost, wanna pastebin your free -m [14:01] !mailserver | ne7work [14:01] ne7work: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html [14:01] ProjektGhost, try top and see if it shows 4gb in mem [14:01] duffydack: that can be arranged [14:01] loewi: no problems! thanks for the pointer though. :) [14:02] ProjektGhost, try top in terminal and see if it shows 4gb in mem [14:02] geohacker nw :) [14:02] michaeldobrovits: i did. still only showing Mem: 2837224k total, 2672848k used, 164376k free [14:02] phlak_user, please help me [14:02] ProjektGhost, very odd... try memtest on boot see what that shows and do a test. [14:03] ne7work: pl follow those links and if you get stuck somewhere, I can help you [14:03] duffydack: http://pastebin.com/k9ABvy07 [14:05] how to install Thunderbird [14:06] sudo apt-get install thunderbird [14:06] !info thunderbird [14:06] thunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 10160 kB, installed size 28632 kB [14:06] ne7work: type this command $sudo apt-get install thunderbird [14:07] ProjektGhost, im at a loss.. what version of ubuntu is it.. [14:07] phlak_user, have you tried using logkeys and do you know how to use it? i may be needing some help [14:07] 10.04 32-bit [14:07] phlak_user, how to set Thunderbird for my smtp server? [14:07] mataks_: nope [14:07] ProjektGhost, does a livecd show any different? === emil is now known as Guest655 [14:07] duffydack: i've been having a headache with this since last night, also. doesn't make any sense [14:07] hello [14:07] ProjektGhost, run the memtest at boot..if that shows only 2.7gb then something is badly wrong. [14:07] got a great deal of back trace on screen and then system hangs, sometimes it managed to start and dmesg: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/226923/ any idea what's wrong? thanks [14:08] duffydack: bbiab, then. thank you for the assistance! [14:08] phlak_user, how to set Thunderbird for my smtp server? [14:08] ??? [14:09] malcom, good to see you [14:09] me too [14:09] AdminX, good to see you to [14:09] hi rmatte === gent is now known as genti [14:10] how to set Thunderbird for my smtp server? [14:10] !repeat | ne7work [14:10] ne7work: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [14:11] ne7work, thunderbird isnt an smtp server [14:12] ne7work: if i type "configuring smtp in thunderbird" in google, i get 1,34,000 results. The first one is this --> http://products.secureserver.net/email/email_thunderbird.htm [14:12] duffydack, i install smtp server [14:12] and how to use my smtp server with Thunderbird [14:12] ne7work, like any other email program, in the account settings. [14:13] I have a problem with my network/router setup and I can't figure it out. Let's say my router is at or example.com, and I have 2 computers at, and, I've set up ssh on both. If I do 'ssh' then everything works. Connecting from outside the network like 'ssh' or 'ssh example.com' works also - i've done port 22 forwarding to But from either computer, if I do 'ssh' it doesn't wor [14:13] k. Why would that be? Both are clean installed. (No ssh configs, no iptables config, no nothing) [14:13] duffydack, and what i need to configure [14:14] i never use email program please help me with Thunderbird [14:14] slayerdme: that can never be done because both the PCs are on the LAN interface of the router and you cant reach the WAN IP from within the LAN due to NATting [14:14] CTCP malcom PING [14:14] slayerdme: its not sshing out, then back in :) you mean to say? sshing to the local ip does work however? [14:15] ne7work, i dont use email either, and dont have thunderbird installed so cant give you exact location of settings.. its not that hard to find if you dig around a little, just put in the ip of your smtp server [14:15] phlak_user: can you elaborate a bit? [14:15] ne7work: that link that i posted has graphical instructions on how to configure [14:15] Dw_Willis: kinda yeah [14:15] slayerdme: yea . i was thinking along the same like as phlak_user . internal lan you need to use the internal ip's [14:15] slayerdme: it means that you cant ring the doorbell of your house from inside the house [14:16] phlak_user, and i can't.. [14:16] slayerdme: if that were a good analogy [14:16] i know that's what's happening, but how can I fix it [14:16] i use this http://my.opera.com/Contrid/blog/show.dml/478684 [14:16] ? [14:16] for smtp [14:16] slayerdme: you cant fix it. you need to use the LAN IP of the router to ssh into it [14:16] slayerdme: which is in your case most probably [14:17] slayerdme: Some routers don't convert/forward the external address to the internal address, I have the same problem, I got round it by changing my /etc/hosts file to add a line say [14:17] is there a way I can hide all of this? Like try to forward to [14:17] with iptables or something [14:17] slayerdme: is there something that prevents you from sshing using the LAN ip of the router? [14:18] the problem isn't only with my ssh.. i'm also having a webserver on [14:18] phlak_user, and i can't.. [14:18] i use this http://my.opera.com/Contrid/blog/show.dml/478684 [14:18] for smtp [14:18] and it would be much better if I could access as nomally [14:18] slayerdme: To me, the easiest way would be to edit your /etc/hosts file [14:19] another method is to list the IPs of pc on the lan in the host allow file with portmap and , ALL:192.168.X.X listing the IP for each pc [14:19] err hosts.allow [14:19] i've tried editing /etc/hosts, but it doensn't forward it right [14:20] duffydack, [14:20] Blueskaj: I should try that [14:20] slayerdme: try hosts.allow [14:20] phlak_user, [14:20] ne7work, http://www.smtp-server.com/configure_thunderbird.htm simple enough [14:21] duffydack, it is easy how to configure my smtp server [14:21] see here [14:21] slayerdme: In my hosts file, i've got the line localhost, then the next line is www.website.com, that was all i had to change so that from the internal network i can just do www.website.com to get to the site [14:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emesene/+bug/595710 [14:21] ne7work: that error is not with Thunderbird; its got to do with your SMTP server configuration; [14:21] ciao [14:21] chi mi aiuta? [14:22] !it | massimo [14:22] massimo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [14:22] now i have other error [14:22] when I try this steps http://www.smtp-server.com/configure_thunderbird.htm [14:23] DJones: what you have done is pointed www.website.com to the Router LAN ip. i would be surprised if it works when you are outside on the internet [14:23] Djones: thanks. I just figured out that because of my apache configuration, it showed different pages when viewed from within and outside the network, and it's because of the ip apache gets 'requested' from [14:23] phlak_user: yes, but the router already forwards the external traffic to the internal address [14:24] yo. [14:24] DJones: no, i have bought a domain and set the DNS servers and stuff [14:24] hello [14:24] Anyone here an 'expert' with MDADM? [14:24] DJones: have you tried doing a dig www.webmail.com when you are on the *outside* of your network i.e. at a friends place, or office? [14:25] lint_: hi [14:25] Trying to figure out the best approach to rebuilding/replacing a raid5 array with new larger disks [14:25] !raid [14:25] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [14:25] phlak_user: No, I've never tried, everything works perfectly for me [14:25] I'm replacing 3 750gb disks in a RAID5 array into a 2 x 2tb disks in a RAID1 array [14:26] hi. I have just installed ubuntu and have a problem with my soundblaster audigy2 platinum ex. There is no sound. What can I do to fix this problem? [14:26] hello [14:26] DJones: nvm, we can resolve that issue when you actually try connecting from some other network [14:26] Hi. I have problem with gvim. If i use a national keyboard layout (map for every key in. .vimrc) then gvim does not understand the shortcuts with ctrl. For example ctrl + w ctrl + w = "two words forward" and not "next window". I have no such problems with vim - only with gvim. [14:26] thx guys! all fixed [14:26] transition: create the new raid, mount them both, and rsync the files over [14:26] :) [14:27] slayerdme: good for you! [14:27] phlak_user: I don't have any issues [14:27] geirha - gotcha [14:27] DJones: ok === margarita is now known as ubunto === ubunto is now known as ubuntu10_sinsoni [14:28] changed hosts " example.com" and apache to listen on for the vitual host [14:28] duffydack: running memtest didn't show me anything different :( [14:28] ProjektGhost, and bios says 4gig? [14:28] http://i47.tinypic.com/300tyza.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/2e378eu.jpg [14:28] indeed it does === thedny is now known as doldrums [14:28] ProjektGhost, try removing/reinserting the memory. [14:28] slayerdme: so example.com will never be accessed from the internet by anyone else? [14:28] hi. I have just installed ubuntu and I have a problem with my soundblaster audigy2 platinum ex. There is no sound. What can I do to fix this problem? [14:28] ProjektGhost, any setting in bios that might be using it somewhere else or whatnot [14:29] duffydack: iGPU frame buffer is set on 512, but should that account for that much "missing" memory? [14:29] phlak_user: yes it can be accesed, because the router forwards it to i've tried it using 'hidemyass.com' [14:30] ProjektGhost, maybe its the kernel not supporting your chipset properly. [14:30] You have reached this web page by typing "example.com", "example.net", or "example.org" into your web browser.These domain names are reserved for use in documentation and are not available for registration. See RFC 2606, Section 3. [14:30] ProjektGhost, try a mainline kernel from ppa [14:30] ProjektGhost, Im at a loss really [14:30] see here [14:30] I've got a problem since updating from 9.10 to 10.04. It seems grub wrote over my vista partition's boot record and now, whenever I try to load vista, it just goes back to the grub screen. Is there any way to fix this from Ubuntu? [14:30] please someone help me [14:30] of course my website name is not example.com :).. it was just an example [14:31] duffydack: as am i. how do i mainline ther kernel from ppa? [14:31] ^to Bluesakj [14:31] the* === iain__ is now known as TheGiantMoa [14:31] I'm on an acer aspire one netbook. Any idea how to get the integrated microphone working? [14:31] slayerdme, did you end up editing the /etc/hosts file ? [14:31] nex, nope. use the cd to recovery mode and bootsect /nt60 c:\ then you`ll need to restore grub after that to boot ubuntu, so boot livecd and grub-install /dev/sda (for example if its sda) [14:32] airtonix: yes [14:32] ProjektGhost, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [14:32] thank you [14:32] TheGiantMoa: open alsamixer in the terminal and crank up the ctrls and unmute any ctrl boxes that have an M with the M key [14:33] slayerdme: if you have configured the virtualhost "yourwebsite.com" to listen on , how will it get routed to your router in the first place from say my PC? [14:33] thanks [14:33] slayerdme: nvm, if it works for you, its prolly right :) [14:33] duffydack: hm.. I can't seem to find the disk for vista. I don't think I got one (stupid dell).. I'll try that. Thank you. [14:33] i can execute a program by python /path/to/file.py but when i add it to the main menu using the same command it isn't executed..anyone can help ? [14:34] slayerdme, so you're going to use ssh example.com now that you've put that hostname as an alias for the local network ip address for your desired machine ? [14:34] phlak_user: well i've configured the DNS servers to route requests to my router ip.. that routs it to my computer [14:35] airtonix: yeah. now 'ssh example.com' is like doing 'ssh' [14:35] hi, I am experiencing problems with my Ubuntu 9.10. After a few hours of uptime, the system is sluggish and random freezes occur. The system monitor looks like this http://imagebin.ca/view/HWh18y.html This happens especially when I start VirtueBox for the second time, the first time it runs 100% - any ideas as how to debug this? [14:35] slayerdme: oh ok; [14:35] slayerdme, ok, now are you having other problems with wan exposed services ? [14:36] #join #wikipedia-pl [14:36] slayerdme: just ensure that the router is configured for a static ip or use dynamic dns [14:36] phlak_user: i have a static ip [14:36] slayerdme: great [14:36] slayerdme, the router does you mean... not your lan machines [14:37] airtonix: not really.. but what will be annoying, is that everytime I leave with my laptop ( from my network, I'll have to edit my /etc/hosts :) [14:37] slayerdme, i think network manager supports scripts based on profile used [14:37] slayerdme: also, if the machine is on dhcp, then you have an issue [14:38] Does anybody know if it's possible to enable Compiz with UNE on an Acer Aspire One? [14:38] plhak_user: i've set up my router to give static ips to both computers ( and [14:39] slayerdme: ok [14:40] Hello, I don't suppose I could talk to you guys about my squid setup on 10.04 could I? I am having some real issues getting it up and running [14:40] how to change terminal character locale to en_US.UTF-8? [14:40] hello. i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation with LDAP configured. i have written in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml 2 lines to mount 2 network directories. the mount goes ok but when the user logoff GDM freeze and not close. any ideas? [14:40] airtonix: i think I'll leave it at this. It's fun to learn, but I also have to get actual work done:D. [14:40] hello. i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation with LDAP configured. i have written in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml 2 lines to mount 2 network directories. the mount goes ok but when the user logoff GDM freeze and not close. i know that if i remove the mount lines everything goes ok. any ideas? === zachary is now known as Guest65450 [14:40] Hi all [14:41] so, thanks for all your help guys! [14:41] slayerdme, easiest thing to do is to create another virtual host that uses the hostname : intranet.example.com and have that hostname in your host file [14:41] bonjoujr [14:41] bonjour* [14:41] Dites quand j'essaye d'installer ubuntu via le livecd sur mon macbook j'ai un message d'erreur "ACPI DMI BIOS year==0. Assuming ACPI capable machine et ensuite Not Responding" [14:41] aero__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:41] !fr | aero__ [14:41] aero__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [14:42] Guys i think my headlight fluid is low in my car and it's preventing my kernel from booting with the newest revisions to my cats legs how do i jump across a river without overcooking my turkey? [14:42] After 2-3 seconds I've pressed "Login" touchpad suddenly stops working and I must use an external USB mouse. I'm using Ubuntu 10.4. Please Help! [14:42] transition: please stay on topic [14:42] Whats the best feedreader to use for ubuntu? I was a big fan of feeddemon in windows [14:42] juro are you monitoring memory during these slowdown? (you can add a memory display to the 'system monitor' applet.) [14:42] After 2-3 seconds I've pressed "Login" touchpad suddenly stops working and I must use an external USB mouse. I'm using Ubuntu 10.4. Please Help! [14:43] transition: you should ask Homer Simpson about that one [14:43] shudder [14:43] After 2-3 seconds I've pressed "Login" touchpad suddenly stops working and I must use an external USB mouse. I'm using Ubuntu 10.4. Please Help! [14:44] @kubol please don't spam, we have seen your message and if anyone has any idea they will try and help [14:44] ok sorry [14:45] Hi [14:45] thune3, not really. but I'll do that - it took ages to get a complete system monitor open but it seems these spikes are so short that nothing out of the ordinary shows up === wise1 is now known as wiseone [14:46] After 2-3 seconds I've pressed "Login" touchpad suddenly stops working and I must use an external USB mouse. I'm using Ubuntu 10.4. Please Help! [14:46] kub0l: stop repeating [14:47] thune3, just added it now and the memory is one block of green, i.e. 100% ... which is VERY weird === Weust` is now known as Weust`afk [14:48] juro: open system monitor resource tab. [14:48] I am getting the following error when I try and run World of Goo: [14:48] Open Synaptic (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager). In Settings -> Repositories, make sure you have a "universe" repository activated. [14:48] Search for vlc and install it. You should also install vlc-plugin-pulse, mozilla-plugin [14:48] sorry not that error [14:48] error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [14:48] daedra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:48] that error :P [14:49] thune3, ok [14:49] http://paste.ubuntu.com/451610/ [14:50] thune3, 2.2G/3.9GB Memory used, 29MB/11.3GB Swap used === weezel is now known as omgjoz [14:50] hi all [14:51] daedra: try sudo [14:51] any ideas on how to fix this? I have googled the error but the forum posts in the results to not applu [14:51] apply* [14:51] tyler_d1: ok will do [14:51] at won't execute any command [14:51] an_> kub0l: stop repeating [14:51] <-- wegotoeleven (~wegotoele@host86-129-156-74.range86-129.btcentralplus.com) opuścił #ubuntu [14:51] debuggerboy opuścił (Quit: BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.) [14:51] darren opuścił (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:51] --> pvl1 (~pvl1@pool-173-49-16-160.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) dołączył #ubuntu [14:51] kub0l: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:51] <-- mataks_ opuścił (Remote host closed the connection) [14:51] tyler_d1: did not work. It produced the same error [14:51] daedra: what is the exact command you are running please? [14:52] hello. i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation with LDAP configured. i have written in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml 2 lines to mount 2 network directories. the mount goes ok but when the user logoff GDM freeze and not close. i know that if i remove the mount lines everything goes ok. any ideas? [14:52] tyler_d1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/451612/ [14:53] Healer, try apt-get or aptitude [14:53] hi [14:53] daedra: do sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2 [14:54] tyler_d1: oh.. well that worked [14:54] daedra: now your command again [14:54] I thought I tried that! haha [14:54] tyler_d1: yep the game runs [14:54] hey guys, I wanna ask you what are the benefits of Ubuntu One, I mean is just the "SkyDriving" thing or can I host services like apache and so [14:55] tyler_d1: thanks :) [14:55] daedra: yw [14:56] kmitnick: afaik you can just upload files but not execute things with it [14:56] thnx jatt [14:57] how to use my postfix smtp server with thunderbird? [14:58] Hi all. I've got a problem with SWAP partition. When I installed ubuntu, I created 2 partitions: DATA(ext4) and SWAP(linux swap). After instalation SWAP partition seems to be unused. Is there any way to fix it? [15:01] kub0l: swapon -s doesn't list it? [15:01] is there a specificy channel for questions about ubuntu netbook? [15:01] kub0l, SWAP partition is not a data partition. === Weust`afk is now known as Weust` [15:02] question~ can anyone know how to fix the lid button? it is not working correctly, when pressed the screen off for 0.5sec and back on, as well as when released. any clue? [15:02] Hi everyone. [15:02] Hi. [15:03] wildbat, http://wiki.eeeuser.com/close_lid_shutdown [15:05] Conky do not recognize SWAP partition. How to fix it? [15:06] hello. i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation with LDAP configured. i have written in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml 2 lines to mount 2 network directories. the mount goes ok but when the user logoff GDM freeze and not close. i know that if i remove the mount lines everything goes ok. any ideas? === BaoVuong-3587 is now known as bvuong_testing [15:09] Instead of askikng me for my password, my screensaver froze on my netbook... Is there a hot key to bypass it? [15:10] cntrl-alt-f2 did nothing [15:11] Soyo: it's a program, you can kill it via the tty [15:11] If I could switch to another tty that would be great but I can't seem to with ctrl-alt-f2/3/44/ [15:12] could anybody help me with 'at'? [15:13] Healer: What's the problem? You mean your at symbol is not coming up? [15:13] If I want to run grub(1) with 10.04 do I have to install with the grub legacy command line option or is that a boot option? [15:13] itguru, i mean if i plan a simplest job with at it's not executed [15:14] i've already tried as superuser - still nothing [15:14] I'd like to mount a directory that's on a secondary drive to a directory in my /home. The secondary drive is already mounted. How do I do that.. or is it done with a soft/hard link? [15:14] You mean at the command to run another command at a certain time? [15:14] itguru, yep [15:15] Healer: What does 'atq' give you? [15:15] 21 Fri Jun 18 18:16:00 2010 a mike [15:17] Joshua_Roberts, I dont think there is a boot option to force 'grub1' is that what your asking? === MBSTO is now known as D-coy [15:18] partially, I am having some issues with 10.04 and I want to eliminate grub2, so do I need to install again with a grub legacy command line option? [15:18] Personally I have never done it, but it would require that you remove grub2 and install and probably configure grub-legacy yes. [15:18] Joshua_Roberts: im not sure there is a 'install grub legacy instead of grub2 command like option' [15:18] at least not on the installer.. you could do it after you install i guess.. [15:18] ok. I will see what I can dig up... [15:19] I will stick with grub2 :) [15:19] How to make Conkyrc to show informations about SWAP partition? [15:19] hello, looking for advise: is it bad to have non-root-owned files in /opt? i installed eclipse to that directory but it's always such a hassel to do update/install eclipse plugins if i root-own the eclipse dir... [15:19] i modified my grub loader to have a ascii hamburger off to the side [15:19] kekeke [15:19] kub0l: check the conky homepage/ and the 10000+ example configs.. its proberly easy to add to the conkyrc [15:19] itguru, any ideas? i'm in /etc/at.allow by the way [15:20] kub0l: i did see some gui to configure conky the other day.. but it dident work for me. [15:20] do you think if i submit my grub it would be a popular option [15:20] kub0l: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/conkywizard-gui-to-set-up-conky.html [15:20] maybe having random fatty foods displayed in ascii art [15:20] right now its just hamburger [15:21] kub0l: im not a conky expert. if its not working right for you and the docs seem to say that line should work. You may want to check their forums [15:22] Hi all! [15:22] I was wondering if there was anyone in here who could point me in the right direction [15:23] The notice above was a lie. Please disregard it. [15:23] lol [15:23] so oiu was lying? [15:23] oh [15:23] What's the point of that anyway? [15:23] i don't know, but let's just ignore it. [15:24] ignore what? :P [15:24] Hi, what's the best way to remove the splash screen when ssh'ing in? [15:25] So here's my problem: network connections isn't showing my eth0 despite being a working connection :( [15:26] facing problems in wireless connection in ubuntu [15:26] neha_, can you be more specific. Is it not connecting? Is it a configuration issue?? [15:26] My 'taskbar' menu is no longer accessible, as various little apps have edged their way over the menus. How do I get the thing to redraw itself? === darkNemisis is now known as darknemisis [15:27] cognitiaclaeves, what WM [15:27] mushy1: Gnome. [15:28] ( Yeah, that would have been helpful. ) [15:28] for some reason >> useradd -p "test" "test" is not working, it creates the user, but doesnt set the password? [15:28] whats wrong with this thing? [15:29] The date started out on the right side. For some reason, it seems to have gradually edged itself and everything else over until now the CPU process meter is obscuring the menu... very strange. [15:29] wow! Where I am? [15:29] cognitiaclaeves, try gnome-panel -r [15:30] or gnome-panel -killall === administrator is now known as Guest66714 [15:30] mattgyver::i have dell inspiron 1525.and wired connection is working well. [15:30] hi === duff is now known as duffydack [15:31] does anybody know a URL of the ubuntu's buildscripts? [15:31] I need to know which patches the grub packages include [15:31] I need to know which patches are included into the grub packages [15:31] gnome-panel --replace did the trick. Thanks! [15:32] mattgyver,on my home i have gnome and at workplace i hv kde.in gnome there is no problem.wireless gets connected at both places.but at workplace it connects only in gnome. [15:32] hi guys. i have been preparing to use only free software for my work and everything. my problem is that i have over 30000 music files encoded in mp3 and over 10000 in flac. so my question is that is there a software that can convert my mp3 to ogg without any quality loss. i know that conversion form one lossy to another lossy is not recommended. is quality lost if i convert from mp3 to wav and then convert the wav to ogg? thanks in advance [15:32] neha_, workplace meaning another machine correct? === darknemisis is now known as DarkNemisis [15:33] neha_, that is a tad over my head but I would start figuring out what type of wireless card you are using and see if the appropriate drivers are installed and being loaded [15:33] hello. i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation with LDAP configured. i have written in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml 2 lines to mount 2 network directories. the mount goes ok but when the user logoff GDM freeze and not close. i know that if i remove the mount lines everything goes ok. any ideas? [15:33] mattgyver,no,i have both on same machine,but different connections,workplace is the network at my college. [15:34] neha_, oh okay [15:34] Honestly im not a kde guy so I would be of no help :( [15:34] o/ [15:34] mattgyver,ok. [15:35] sounds like perhaps some config issue but im not familiar with how KDE works on that front. [15:35] Hi [15:36] hi i#m on lucid 32 bit the mplayer version is very old === hackt0r is now known as clitking [15:36] I'm trying to install a .deb.sh package (a driver for my lexmark), but the driver is for i386 and my pc is x64... how can i force it? [15:36] i di this to ppa:rvm/+archive/testing the synaptic and relodet [15:37] sealive: http://medibuntu.org/ [15:37] is there a way to dual boot ubuntu and mac os? [15:38] masu3701 check out virtual box [15:38] neha_, dumb question but have you verified your settings compared to gnome are the same? [15:39] mattgyver,ya they are same. [15:39] Anyone able to install ubuntu on a macbook pro 6.2. the wiki and a url suggests installation is a breeze but I get stuck on the first menu (the one with "install" or "try ubuntu") where the enter key doesn't work. I've tried the alternate installer but I can't boot into ubuntu (black screen). [15:40] mattgyver,my workplace network was getting connected in kde for 2 or 3 days and then stopped connecting,and it works well in gnome [15:40] I'm thinking I just didn't do the partition table right (i've never installed on a mac before). I'm guessed it was just set the correct partition for the bootable flag but I don't really know how EFI works [15:41] what is the KDE uBlog application that is on the Kubuntu LiveCD? [15:42] I've now installed Kubuntu but I can't find the application in the Internet category [15:43] daedra, have you checked in the package manager or synaptic [15:44] Blueskaj: yes [15:44] Where can I find the ubuntu-grub-patches? [15:44] neha_, have you done any updates lately to the machine between it working and the failure? [15:44] hola [15:44] daedra, also this chat is mostly for gnome users , altho a lot of us kde users hang out here too :) === donut is now known as donutman [15:45] mattgyver,no. [15:45] Blueskaj: I have searched "ublog" "microblog" "KDE blog" [15:45] Blueskaj: no luck :( [15:45] UUUU [15:45] Hi! I'm trying to do a dist upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04, but I get an error "Error during commit [15:46] 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-common for openoffice.org-voikko, probably a dependency cycle.'" [15:46] daedra,search the package in kpackagekit in ur kubntu [15:46] what should I do? [15:46] daedra, kubuntublog [15:46] neha_: that is what I am doing [15:46] Blueskaj: ah thanks [15:47] Ileden: perhaps remove openoffice and try it again [15:47] Hi === hhlp_ is now known as hhlp === TannerF[zzz] is now known as TannerF [15:47] Ileden, can you skip it? Looks specific to OpenOffice which you could troubleshoot later [15:47] or perhaps stop the upgrade, remove open office and retry? [15:47] Blueskaj: I have searched kubuntublog in KPackageKit (kubuntu's package manager GUI) and it returned no results [15:48] Ileden,u can not update directly from 8.04 to 10.04 [15:48] mattgyver: I have no opiton to skip it. [15:48] neha_: that's not what official ubuntu documentation says, I think [15:48] I was told I have to edit the file /etc/gdm/custom.conf to turn sounds on login [15:48] I thought you could go LTS -> LTS with a bit of Luck. :) [15:48] mattgyver: I mean, the upgrade provess gives me no optiuon for it [15:48] cristian_c: theres some gui tools that enable/disable teh GDM login sound if thats all you want to do. [15:49] Ileden, oh that stinks [15:49] daedra, not very hard to find in google-linux , http://kubuntu.free.fr/blog/index.php/Linux [15:49] mattgyver: yup :) [15:49] Dr_Willis, which tools? [15:49] Blueskaj: apt-get kubuntublog does not work either "E: Couldn't find package kubuntublog" [15:49] mattgyver: hm, maybe the openoffice.org-voikko is the problem... [15:50] Ileden, check this out, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1499601 [15:50] Is there a way to be sure that I don't have to download the dist-upgrade packets again? [15:50] I just realized your going from hardy to lynx === emc_ is now known as emc [15:50] cristian_c: ubuntu-tweak for one, gdm2setup for another and proberly a dozen others.. its a common thing people want to disable [15:50] Blueskaj: that is irrelevant Blueskaj [15:50] daedra, just get the english version [15:51] Blueskaj: irrelevant [15:51] Dr_Willis, I tried Gdm2setup, but it still seems to lack the necessary capabilities [15:51] Dr_Willis, I'll install ubuntu-tweak [15:52] ok then search for yourself , daedra or maybe sone other more relavent person can help you [15:52] cristian_c: if you want to turn OFF the login sound on gdm.. the normal 'gdmsetup' tool has a checkbox for that [15:52] i'm wondering why my iptables rules go away after a few hours [15:53] Ileden, I really dont know. Perhaps it will just pickup where it left off.. [15:53] like.. i add a rule at the beginning.. and then I have to add it again after a few hours.. any explanation? [15:53] What is the name of the application in the bottom right of this screenshot? http://i50.tinypic.com/ot22a1.png [15:53] mattgyver: it usuallu does... i just hope messing with packets in the meantime doesn't reset the situation :) [15:53] Dr_Willis, I tried, but its tab is disabled [15:54] cristian_c: use the 'unlock' button? It worked for me just fine in 10.04 just now when i tried it [15:54] Hello. I have a bug with my intel video card (GMA 4500) and the xorg-edgers driver. The compiz donts work when I use "extra" visual efects, the titlebar and maximize and minimize option disappear. Could you help to report? I am new in ubuntu. [15:54] daedra: be a bit more clear in what thing you mean. :) looks like a rather typical kde setup to me. [15:56] Hello. Can anyone help me with some issues about my ipod touch? when i conect it by USB, its mounted but i cant see any folder using the file browser and apps like gtkpod dont find any ipod at all. [15:56] ygorabreu: are you on 10.04 Lucid? [15:56] h00k: yes [15:56] ygorabreu: Is it jailbroken? Does Rhythmbox see it? [15:56] h00k: imean, i see folders, but not the Music folder. [15:56] please someone help me with thunderbird and postfix :( [15:56] Yey, seems to have worked after removing openoffice.org-voikko! (And didn't have to do the download again either) [15:57] h00k: no its original. rhythbox can see the musics inside it [15:57] Hi! I need some help with cpu power scaling. I'm using an Intel Quad Core Q8200, and the only switching possibility is from 2,00 and 3,00 Ghz. So, the CPU fan is always running at 100%...how do I set it up correctly? Thanks. [15:57] ygorabreu: I've seen it not be able to see Jailbroken iPod Touches, but I reverted it back to original and Rhythmbox mounted it properly [15:57] ygorabreu: alright [15:57] *2,00 and 2,33Ghz [15:58] ygorabreu: I know there are two partitions on it...I don't specifically remember what one has the Music on it [15:58] h00k: i can hear the musics inside ipod touch using the rhythmbox.. so far its ok..but apps like gtkpod dont find my ipod touch [15:59] ygorabreu: Rhythmbox uses libusbmux for mounting it, gtkpod should be able to as well if you have the options set properly [15:59] h00k: i looked uo on internet, should be a folder Music inside ipod. but i guess its because when i was using itunes, i select the dont use as a driver option [15:59] ygorabreu: you can copy music to-and-from it with Rhythmbox as well [15:59] Dr_Willis, In the General tab there is the option to disable the login sound, but I would rather turn on the sounds of a theme that I downloaded [15:59] jono: greetings [15:59] cristian_c: i dont have a general tab. [16:00] Has Ubuntu got any service that flushes iptables rules?. I'm having to readd them after a while [16:00] h00k: nop. i cant move musics to ipod using rhythmbox.. [16:00] cristian_c: what versuion of ubuntu are you using? [16:00] 10.04 [16:00] Cittadino, iptables -F # i think [16:00] ygorabreu: But you can play them from Rhythmbox? [16:00] cristian_c: I dotn know what general tab you mean then. I run 'gdmsetup' and theres no tabs at all. [16:00] title of the window is "Configure Login Settings [16:00] cristian_c: perhaps we are confused as to what you are trying to do. [16:00] hi h00k [16:00] h00k: yes. i can play them, but its like the ipod is closed. i can only play. [16:01] I've installed Gdm2setup [16:01] Mine says 'login screen settings' [16:01] unop, I need to stop them from being flushed, not viceversa [16:01] cristian_c: im using the normal 'gdmsetup' not gdm2setup' and gdmsetup can disable the login sound . [16:01] h00k: i instaled gtkpod and hipo, its another ipod manager, and those 2 apps dont find the itouch [16:01] lor: try cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/throttling [16:02] ygorabreu: I ran into this once, the machine didn't have 'lame' installed which I found out by running rhythmbox from a terminal and reading what it said when I tried to copy music over [16:02] for options then echo