
LoverBoyVWhen i try to run U1 i get this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=nbZDUp6L02:28
LoverBoyVanybody even paying attention in here?02:30
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:31
JontheEchidnaLoverBoyV: But, on that note, are python-ubuntuone* packages installed02:31
LoverBoyVlemme check02:32
JontheEchidnapython-ubuntuone, python-ubuntuone-client and python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol02:32
LoverBoyVYes, all three are installed02:32
JontheEchidnahrm... interesting02:33
JontheEchidnaI'm not an expert. (That was the obvious thing to check for) I'd suggest throwing yourself to the mercies of the bugtracker.02:33
JontheEchidnaBut I think that the ubuntuone devs are pretty responsive to bugs, so there is hope02:34
LoverBoyVthat makes me happy02:35
LoverBoyVcause i just reinstalled and i had backed up everything to ubuntu one02:35
JontheEchidnaIt looks like 71% of the bugs filed against ubuntuone-client have at least been touched02:36
LoverBoyVthats good02:36
Sarvattoh sweet, fglrx 10.6 that i put in x-updates works with xserver 1.8 now, http://pastebin.com/2Ti6wMNe04:08
DanaGbug 20249005:55
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/202490)05:55
DanaGNew driver for the Ricoh MMC controller.05:55
DanaGThough, oddly enough, if I want to read a partitioned SD card in Windows, I have to do exactly what Linux does: disable the MMC controller and use the SDHCI controller.05:55
smerzlol tehbaut07:23
smerzexcess flooding all night long07:23
smerzmust be some stuipid irc client or bouncer with an insane perform list x)07:23
DanaGsomebody ban it?07:29
coz_hey guys.. is any progress being made to allow the official nvidia drivers to be installed on  maverick?08:04
DanaGheh, the one to ask would be nvidia.08:22
Sarvatti would have had 256.35 in x-updates 8 hours ago if they bothered to release the x64 version :)08:28
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DrHalanis there no medibuntu support yet?14:36
kkojibanddo you have any idea whether maveric has gcc 4.5 package?15:27
Sensivakkojiband you may search packages in here http://packages.ubuntu.com/15:31
kkojibandi can't see any package to use 'gcc' keyword in maveric distribution, is there some problem?15:35
yofel!info gcc-4.5 | kkojiband16:24
ubottukkojiband: gcc-4.5 (source: gcc-4.5): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.5.0-6ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 7206 kB, installed size 15668 kB16:24
yofel'gcc' is 4.4 though16:25
zniavreooops sorry16:52
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dabossbvich bin jetzt erstmal weg17:37
dabossbvbis später17:37
HTT-Birdhey: did the libsensors4 version change between lucid and maverick?17:48
syloni get the following errors when i tried to boot with my custom compiled kernel: http://pastebin.com/pf3YqTiN17:48
Daekdroom!info libsensors417:48
ubottulibsensors4 (source: lm-sensors-3): library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.1.2-6 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 172 kB17:48
HTT-Birdthx, didn't see ubottu about here ;P17:49
DaekdroomHTT-Bird, apparently it got recompiled17:49
DaekdroomLucid is using 3.1.2-217:49
HTT-Birdbecause I'm having a weird issue where libsensors isn't recognizing a functioning driver17:49
HTT-Bird(or apparently functioning at least :P)17:50
syloncan anyone help me? this whole plymouth business looks difficult17:54
marijus*offtopic* how would i make a script autoexecute on external monitor plug in/out?17:59
Daekdroomthat's not so offtopic18:00
marijuswell... its not related to maverick dev... thats why i thought :)18:00
DanaGstupid freaking oxford USB-SATA controller.  I leave the thing up running torrents, and some time later, it randomly disconnects from the USB bus.18:00
VigoSystem Testing locked up yesterday, would that data be in /var/logs or is it easier/better to post it with the Bug tool or is it better to post the .log from log viewer?18:59
arandUse the bug tool, and attach the log as well ;)19:00
VigoThank you.19:00
VigoNow I have to install that Bug squisher tool, yipee19:01
arandEh, just use ubuntu-bug packagename  ?19:02
arandWhich was the "bug-tool" I was talking about.19:03
VigoThat is too easy, sorta, I may as well test the report tool while I am at it.19:04
Vigookee dokee, reported19:28
coz_guys I hope with maverick you are going to have the possiblity to install official nvidia drivers.. I know on lucid the drive  _current sucks big time and installing official drivers apparenlty require blacklisting nuveau  or however its spelled20:26
yofelhe's gone...20:30
arandHmm, was just about to "wfm" :/20:30
yofelwell, it's wfm too20:30
yofeland even with nvidia-current you need to blacklist nouveau, it's just that the package does that for you20:31
yofelworks for me20:34
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DanaGhmm, dependencies of unity are screwy.21:52
sylonmaverick has blurry fonts in chromium, is it not using freetype bytecode interpreter?21:52
DanaG1wow, system just hard-locked when I unplugged and replugged my USB sound card.21:55
DanaG1Or rather, plugged in and then unplugged.21:55
DanaG1It was spewing zillions of this line:21:56
DanaG1ALSA sound/usb/usbaudio.c:357: frame 0 active: -8421:56
DanaG1ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings depends upon ubuntu-netbook-default-settings21:57
DanaG1ubuntu-netbook-default-settings conflicts with ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings21:57
poutineDanaG1, http:///www.livejournal.com22:12
Ian_cornewhoa weird23:14
Ian_cornefresh boot23:14
Ian_corne700Mb/1gb used23:14
Ian_cornesomething is leaking that's run at boot time..23:14

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