
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
=== zach_ is now known as Guest16056
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest87769
=== Guest16056 is now known as zkriesse
=== Fernando is now known as Guest15356
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
raegishello everybody07:54
raegiscan anybody help me with ubuntu 10.04?07:57
nigelbraegis: you might to try #ubuntu08:05
nigelbthats the main support channel and were you can get help normally08:05
raegisthx a lot08:11
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100

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