
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
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andreserlhi all, anyone quickly expert around?03:45
jimisrvroxAnybody good with wireless in here? I was having some issues but got them fixed but ive got a few questions as to what the culprit could have been03:49
asacdidrocks: there? whats the current mechanism to shutdown again in unity?13:09
asaclike if there are not enough GL features etc?13:09
asaci can start unity using mutter --plugins=... ... but it seems to restart over and over if i go through the gdm session13:10
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ZdraHello, how can I get source package from maverick? packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seems to get maverick packages14:28
james_wZdra: launchpad14:29
james_wor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<package name> if you know the source package name14:30
Zdraah, of course... thanks :)14:31
ScottLZdra, if you are running maverick you can also type, 'apt-get source <package name>'15:04
ScottLmake sure you are in a good directory for it because it will dump the source code in the current directory15:04
ZdraScottL, I know that ;)15:04
ZdraScottL, running lucid here, just wanted to backport glib/dconf15:04
fredpZdra: or you could add a deb-src line pointing to maverick.15:04
ScottLyeah, i've edited sources.list for backporting as fredp mentions15:07
Zdragood idea15:11
Zdradget with the launchpad url worked too :)15:12
ZdraHm, does someone knows why the maverick GTK package depends on newer libx* which are not in lucid?15:29
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=== MrAcosta is now known as vish
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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