
gnomefreakddecator: ok00:00
gnomefreak!info seamonkey lucid00:00
ubot2gnomefreak: seamonkey (source: seamonkey): The Seamonkey Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 84 kB00:00
gnomefreakubot2: thanks00:01
ubot2You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:01
ddecatornot very often i see someone thank the bot :p00:01
* chrisccoulson punches ubot2 in the face ;)00:01
chrisccoulsonoh, it didn't like that00:02
chrisccoulsonsorry ubot200:02
* gnomefreak still waiting for server update since we lost ubottu in most channels an ops rework of bot usage) to accept a few commands like mozilla bugs00:03
gnomefreakmozilla 2100:03
gnomefreakstill :(00:04
ddecatori didn't know that wasn't working..00:04
gnomefreakddecator: yea i found out today and asked one of the ops that handles bots to update server but seems its not in the works as thought. this was <7 hours ago00:04
gnomefreakbug 100:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 18 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 448) (heat: 2410)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100:05
gnomefreaksorry >7 hours ago00:05
gnomefreakit works only for ubuntu bugs atm00:05
ddecatorat least lp bugs are working00:05
* gnomefreak pings again before i go00:05
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ddecator can either of you decline nomminations on bug reports?00:06
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, for packages in universe, yes00:07
ddecatori don't think i can. i'm in BC but not sure what rights are needed00:07
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: can you please decline the nominations on bug 356274 for me00:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 356274 in seamonkey (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 1 other project) "[MASTER] Please update seamonkey to version 2.0* (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 40)" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35627400:07
* gnomefreak never really applied for motu and since i lost all sorts of time i ggave up on thinking of it00:08
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering whether we should accept them actually. we packaged seamonkey for the older releases already, and were considering rolling it out with the 2.0.5 updat00:08
chrisccoulsonanyway, declined for now00:10
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: as planned seamonkey will follow firefox/thunderbird releases so nominating them isnt needed the way i see it. we will push them all to everything under maverick wether its 2.0.5 or 2.0.1000:10
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: thanks00:10
gnomefreakchecking update and gone for night i hope00:11
ddecatorgnomefreak: at this rate you'll never leave00:11
gnomefreakim waiting for phone to ring but since she isnt calling no need to hang out00:12
ddecatorfinally, it's putting the tar.gz together..00:14
ddecatorand it's a revision after my patch was added, so it should be good :)00:14
ddecatorand all looks good00:21
gnomefreakok now im gone for the night. see everyone most likely monday but we will see how board i get this weekend00:21
gnomefreakor not damnit00:21
gnomefreaklibavcodec-extra-52 libavutil-extra-50 still broken00:22
gnomefreakpoppler-utils == fixed00:22
ddecatorgnomefreak: alright, cya. and i just pushed the branch00:23
ddecatorgnomefreak: have a good weekend00:24
gnomefreakddecator: you too00:24
gnomefreaki like Chromium inport option :)00:25
ddecatorwait what..00:28
gnomefreakChromium is not slow like FF3.6 and 3.700:28
ddecatorgah, one of the patches didn't update right...00:28
gnomefreakddecator: when you open chromium it asks if you want to import settings/ect.. from fireofx00:28
gnomefreakoh thought you meant me00:29
ddecatoroh, sorry, haha, the diff shows a huge block of code as being removed and i'm not sure why..00:32
ddecatorcould be it's just not showing where it's added after being updated..00:33
ddecatorthat must be it, the patch is displaying right..00:35
ddecatorwell, i'll double-check later, i have to get to a friends house for his birthday. cya00:37
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ddecatorah good, FF 3.7 just had a patch fail to apply, i should be able to fix that..07:24
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DazWorrallhey folks15:47
DazWorrallcan anyone tell me if thunderbird 3.1 will be coming to the thunderbird-stable ppa (for lucid)?15:48
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
ftajdstrand, mdeslaur, (asac): any reason why chromium 5.0.375.70 is still in lucid-proposed after 8+ days? http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html16:38
asacbecause the process has flaws and its one of the first iterations.17:16
asacjust push for it17:16
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ftaasac, btw, another improvement for the dashboard, you can now easily see what you have in proposed/updates/security17:33
ftaeven backports17:33
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=== MrAcosta is now known as vish
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jdstrandfta: re 8 days> according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html, there are two bugs that need to be verified. Ie 587664 58495922:43
jdstrandfta: those two bugs have been adjusted for the SRU process22:50
ftajdstrand, thanks22:51
ftai look forward my dashboard moving from P to SU :)22:52
ftai find it weird that we keep the old/initial release in the archive though22:53
jdstrandfta: if you are able to verify those bugs are fixed, feel free to add a comment22:54
jdstrandwell, once the archive is released, it is frozen forever22:54
jdstrandand the other pockets 'overlay' it if you will22:54
ftai know that, but keeping the security flawed binaries available for download is.. well, you know22:57
jdstrandtrue. I wasn't around when that decision was made. I would guess it had something to do with CDs/DVDs and stable/repeatable installations22:59
jdstrandit also gives people the opportunity to back out a regressed update23:00

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