
justinhst8ofmi9d: you mean stop being a DHCP server?00:14
st8ofmi9djustinh: yes, exactly00:15
justinhisn't that configurable from mythbuntu control center?00:15
st8ofmi9djustinh: I guess I don't know00:16
justinhwell, I'd go looking there first of all00:16
st8ofmi9djustinh: Ok I'll look into it. I didn't think it woudl be there since I did the PXE boot from the command line00:17
justinhmaybe you installed dhcp3-server while you did that00:18
justinhuninstalling it would sure stop it eventually :)00:18
st8ofmi9dright now I just stop the DHCP when it starts.00:21
justinhI've not found a good way to disable services in 10.04 yet00:22
justinhthere's a (not recommended) package I installed which lets you but I've no idea how compatible with upstart it is00:22
justinhcan't remember the name of it now00:22
justinhback in the day we just used update-rc.d00:22
sebrock_should I go 64-bit or stay at 32-bit for my frontend?18:21
tgm4883sebrock_, Probably depends on if you want flash or not19:09
sebrock_tgm4883, since I havn't seen the features of new mythbuntu yet, is flash desirable?19:39
tgm4883if you want to use mythnetvision it is19:40
tgm4883otherwise, no19:40
sebrock_and what would the benefits of 64-bit be? Better decoding?19:40
tgm4883better anything that is processor intensive19:40
sebrock_right... I think in that case I'll stay with 3219:41
sebrock_netvision seems cool19:41
tgm4883usually I would just say go 64-bit, but adobe just dropped their 64-bit linux flash player19:41
sebrock_I saw19:41
tgm4883and I haven't tested 32-bit flash on 64-bit in a while19:41
tgm4883so I don't know how well that works19:41
sebrock_hm... damn hard nut19:42
Zinnsebrock_: Please watch your language.19:42
sebrock_is the d-word really that bad?19:42
tgm4883sebrock_, bots19:47
tgm4883family friendly channel, so yes19:47

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