
lex79ScottK: can you look at libpoppler6 ? It's in Universe, it should be in main since libpoppler-qt4-dev depends on it and we need libpoppler-qt4-dev to build kdegraphics..02:44
lex79maybe also libpoppler-glib502:46
ScottKlex79: Looks like it was accepted into Universe just by mistake.  We'd need Riddell or some other archive admin with shell access to fix it.02:50
lex79ok thanks02:50
ScottKRiddell: There are some kubuntu-meta binaries in New for kubuntu-mobile.  Over to you.07:10
RiddellScottK: accepted, although do we have any indication that plasma mobile is going to get in?12:28
claydohanyone notice this kpackagekit bug 586497 ?12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586497 in kpackagekit (Ubuntu Maverick) "kpackagekit install security update in automatic mode without authorization" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58649712:49
claydohoops wrong one bug 59559512:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595595 in kpackagekit (Ubuntu) "KPackagekit showing multiple versions of software" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59559512:50
Riddellclaydoh: well yes we have, you can tell because ScottK has commented and I made a patch :)13:06
claydohRiddell: no, the second bug I listed, the security-updates one seems to be working properly I think :)14:26
ScottKRiddell: apachelogger and I have reviewed plamsa-mobile.  We're done to the nit picking stage.  It should be ready for upload soon.14:44
ScottKRiddell: The bigger question is I didn't figure out how to get one metapackage using Universe when the others don't.  It appears it will require a fair amount of change in Germinate or I entirely misunderstood the code.14:45
RiddellScottK: mm, might be easier to just have a different source package for the mobile meta package then14:47
Riddellwhat did unr do when it was in universe?14:47
ScottKThey had a completely different seed.14:48
ScottKThey still do.14:48
ScottKI did look into a different package.14:48
ScottKThe problem there is if you have a kubuntu-mobile-meta, the resulting metapackage is kubuntu-mobile-mobile.14:49
ScottKThis behavior is also pretty hard coded into Germinate.14:49
ScottKI think I'll end up redoing Germinate, just not last night.14:50
ScottKI also need to talk to cjwatson about it.14:51
ScottKRiddell: If needed we could hack our way through it by running ./update twice with different update.cfg files and editing metapackage-map by hand.15:08
ScottKI'd rather avoid that though.15:08
* apachelogger imagines a script doing that ^^15:12
apacheloggerScottK: I already ACK'd current plasma-mobile, you just need to give your stamp of approval and upload.15:13
ScottKAh.  Cool.15:13
* ScottK looks15:14
ScottKand yes, I imagine a script doing that too.15:14
ScottKRiddell: The chances of plasma-mobile getting in now depend entirely on the willingness of a kind archive-admin to let it in.15:26
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks for reviewing.15:26
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shadeslayer_Riddell: poke poke :)17:24
shadeslayer_apachelogger: suggested bug for 10.10 ... depends on the space we have on the CD .... bug 56899317:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568993 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "partition manager missing in kubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56899317:44
shadeslayer_Riddell: also a side note about the new site,shouldnt we be using the new KDE wallpaper? and shouldnt we show devices that are running kubuntu like ubuntu.com does ?17:46
* jussi cant imagine us having spare cd space.17:47
jussiMind I had a thought - perhaps it could be good to have a nice "recommended installs" list, with simple easy way to action it - perhaps when kpackagekit starts up. 17:50
shadeslayer_jussi: something like apt-url?17:54
shadeslayer_we can provide it on the site..17:55
jussi!info apt-url17:55
ubottuPackage apt-url does not exist in lucid17:55
shadeslayer_Something on the downloads page...17:55
shadeslayer_jussi: ubottu is borked :P17:55
jussi!info apturl17:55
ubottuapturl (source: apturl): install packages using the apt protocol - GTK+ frontend. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 12 kB, installed size 124 kB17:55
jussinope, she isnt :P17:55
shadeslayer_!info apturl-kde17:55
ubottuapturl-kde (source: apturl): install packages using the apt protocol - KDE frontend. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 100 kB17:55
shadeslayer_hehe :)17:56
* jussi sighs at chrome not realising there is a VLC plugin and so not playing wmv content that works in firefox :(18:03
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Riddellshadeslayer_: we don't have space on the CD for more apps18:23
Riddellshadeslayer_: site feedback to ofir18:23
* lex79 notes they bumped again libmarblewidget, to 0.11.019:02
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
* ScottK hints harder at Riddell over plasma-mobile in New.19:56
shadeslayer_Riddell: also the 3 MIR's20:14
ScottKshadeslayer_: He can't approve the MIRs.20:19
ScottKNo, there's a separate MIR approval team that does security reviews and stuff.  Once they approve it, he can promote the packages.20:20
shadeslayer_ah ok...20:22
* shadeslayer_ will have to wait then :)20:22
shadeslayer_ScottK: are you free for a bit?20:27
JontheEchidnayay, agateau fixed quickaccess: http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/4416/diff/20:28
ScottKshadeslayer_: Depends.  I'm here, but doing different things.20:28
shadeslayer_ScottK: ok can you file a MIR against libsrtp0 ? its a build dep of libortp8 ... i dunno how i missed it20:28
ScottKshadeslayer_: MIR writing takes more focus than I can afford at the moment.20:29
shadeslayer_oh ok20:29
shadeslayer_well i can only do it after 3 days...20:29
mfraz74is anyone in here using kompare?20:29
shadeslayer_so anyone willing to take this up :)20:29
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CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1140475 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (package.cpp package.h) - API sanity for setReinstall - Remove the short description from the long description.20:47
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1140479 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Held packages should be counted as upgradeable.21:00
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: great, I really missed it :)21:46
apacheloggershadeslayer_: space is really the main reason for not having it kpartmanager on the CD, and also the main reason I do not think we should put it on it22:01
apacheloggerany space that we have left for translations is good space22:02
apacheloggerthere is no need of trying to meet a usecase that is only valid for like 10% of the users if we can provide translations and hence increase the actual amount of users by having better/more localization22:02
JontheEchidnafilters mockup: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktoplk1493-jpg.jpg22:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: building up on my genereal dislike for the kde sidebars ... that seems like an awful waste of space ;)22:06
apacheloggerif this was an ad you would have to stick a couple of "discount" "special" or  "new" stickers onto the whiteness :)22:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: otherwise <322:07
JontheEchidnaI could make it like the kate and amarok sideways-text sidebars, that only expand once clicked :D22:07
JontheEchidnasideways text == O.o22:07
apacheloggerI aint not have a clue22:07
apacheloggerfrom where I stand sidebars are a UI design fail anyway, I doubt most users realize what the thing is there for and just ignore it22:08
apacheloggerwell, unless it is painfully obvious that it is part of the UI at large anyway22:08
apacheloggerlike say a category view thingy22:09
apacheloggerso I dont know what to do to make sidebar thingies more useful and would generally try to avoid them ;)22:09
apachelogger<- not much help22:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: on a related note though ... I was wondering why the choose an action thingy is a dropdown even though there are vast amounts of space next ot it22:10
JontheEchidnayou think separate pushbuttons for the available actions would be better?22:11
JontheEchidnait'd probably be a bit more obvious that way, instead of that custom combobox hax22:12
JontheEchidna(not really a combobox, but acts like one)22:12
apacheloggerI do think so, yes22:12
apacheloggerof course only available options22:12
apacheloggerand maybe remove/delete/uninstall spaced to the right hand side as to make it visually different22:13
apacheloggeror maybe the other way round, remove to the left hand side and everything else to the right22:13
apacheloggerafter all the review changes button is also right22:13
JontheEchidnaFor uninstalled packages you could have a simple single "install" button that changes to "cancel" when clicked22:14
apacheloggerso assuming a regular mouse movement one would be led to believe that the dear user moves from the package view to an action button that is not remove and then either goes up to the view again or clicks review22:14
JontheEchidnaThen for installed packages, you could have a dropdown box for all the different remove actions (remove purge)22:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, though I was thinking about packages that are already installed22:15
JontheEchidnaand then an upgrade button, if upgradeable22:15
JontheEchidnaetc, etc22:15
JontheEchidnaMaybe the strings should be "Mark for $ACTION" so the user doesn't think it'll happen right away?22:15
apacheloggerOTOH that is a very long string for a button22:16
JontheEchidnaIf you were writing an app-center thing, I could see the benefit in going the ubuntu store way and have the button actually do the install22:16
apacheloggeralso consider that translations of that might be cosniderable longer in other languages22:16
JontheEchidnaMaybe we could have a single label on the leftmost part of the window that says "Mark for:" <button> <button>22:17
* apachelogger imagines that to look weird since the buttons would then sort of become part of a text line *shrug*22:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I think KDE HIG would suggest to put that in a groupbox or something instead22:18
apacheloggerthen again that sort of disturbes the layout in this case22:18
JontheEchidnalayouting for that tab was a bitch. I had to break down and use a .ui file for that since the c++ necessary was hurting my brain22:18
JontheEchidnadesigner wasn't much better, though :(22:18
apacheloggerthis will all change with QML!22:19
JontheEchidnabut I am proud to say that that is the only usage of .ui in the entire app22:19
apacheloggerthen our few designers can do UIs day and night and day and night ^^22:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: Filter: in the sidebar is disaligned22:19
apacheloggeralso it sort of fights with the menu bar for the user's attention I suppose22:20
JontheEchidnaI'm gonna put a sidebar under the menu22:20
JontheEchidnaa toolbar22:20
JontheEchidnawith common actions like "upgrade" "check for updates" etc22:20
apacheloggerwe have text on the toolbars :P22:20
apacheloggeralso it will still be disaligned22:21
JontheEchidnaIt should be aligned, since it's a vertical layout. It's just that that toolbox under it is chunky22:21
apacheloggerui design is a leaf butterfly22:21
JontheEchidnadunno how to fix22:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, the combination of menubar being indented and toolbox being indented makes the filter by look way off22:22
JontheEchidnatrue dat22:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe you should CSS theme the box ^^22:22
apacheloggermake it less ugly22:22
JontheEchidnaI could get rid of that label22:23
* apachelogger imagines a software center clony to use CSS theming or QML (which sort of implies that anyway ;))22:23
JontheEchidnathen make the section lables of the toolbox "Category filters"22:23
JontheEchidna"Status Filters"22:23
apacheloggercome to think of it22:23
apacheloggermaybe you sould box it22:23
apacheloggerthe view appears as sort of boxed22:23
apacheloggerand the package tab stuff also appears boxed22:24
apacheloggerbut the filter stuff somehow sticks out since it is not boxed22:24
JontheEchidnaI could use a dockwidget (but not provide buttons to unattach or remove it. that's just silly)22:25
JontheEchidnaI'm afraid of getting so many boxes that it ends up looking like this: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopkj1493-jpg.jpg22:25
JontheEchidnabut a single frame around the filter stuff wouldn't be "too much", I think22:27
JontheEchidnaIt's just that when you put the tabwidget for packagedetails (already a box) into another box, that you get box overload22:27
JontheEchidnaall hail the boxes!22:27
apacheloggertry it :P22:29
apacheloggerboxes ftw!22:29
apacheloggerwe are like gnome with their tabs :P22:29
apacheloggereitherway taht whole sidebar widget craps needs serious rethinkering22:30
apacheloggerfrom a purely artistic POV it is a bit of the pukeworthy kind22:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://thesmithfam.org/blog/2009/09/17/qt-stylesheets-button-bar-tutorial/22:31
apacheloggerstylesheets are the answer22:31
apacheloggerI tell you22:31
apacheloggerthat entirely reminds me of22:32
apacheloggerall hail the CSS&SVG!22:32
JontheEchidnaQToolBox looks bad in all styles v.v22:36
ScottKRiddell: plasma-mobile is in binary New now (thanks for the source New, I assume it was you).22:45
ScottKTime to fiddle the seeds then.23:00
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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