
duanedesignDarkNemisis: might see if you have all these.     sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-000:21
DarkNemisisyeah i had thouse already00:27
duanedesignDarkNemisis: THe only other thing i can think of is to let it rebuild this file.  mv ~/.gstreamer-0.10 ~/.gstreamer-0.10.bak00:35
duanedesignafter the mv command try and play it again with: totem http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r4.asx00:36
zkriesseDarkNemisis: did you do the terminal command?00:37
zkriesseand heya's duanedesign00:37
duanedesignzkriesse: can you play http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r4.asx00:38
zkriesseLovely British guys00:38
zkriesseYup I can listen00:38
zkriesseCool visualization00:38
zkriesseI take it that DarkNemisis can not?00:39
DarkNemisiszkriesse, one sec00:40
duanedesignzkriesse: right00:41
zkriesseduanedesign: hmm00:41
duanedesignerror ^^00:41
zkriesseok that's weird00:42
zkriesseDarkNemisis: ^^00:42
DarkNemisisand yet i got everything i need installed00:42
DarkNemisisthats the paste.ubuntu number00:46
zkriessehey ddecator00:59
duanedesign'lo ddecator00:59
pedro3005hey ddecator01:04
DarkNemisisI've been engaged quite a few times, but never had the heart to get married. There's been quite a few near Mrs.01:09
pedro3005talk about out of topic, huh01:12
zkriessepedro3005: Oh hush01:12
pedro3005just pointing it out :p01:13
pedro3005he did bring that up out of nowhere01:13
belal1Is there any gmail notifier for ubuntu that works with the mail/chat menu ?01:14
DarkNemisispedro3005, my vagina disagrees01:15
belal1well HELLO DarkNemisis :D01:16
DarkNemisisaww and heres me thinking being a feminist was worth it..... lol01:16
zkriesseDarkNemisis: hello switchgirl01:16
zkriessebelal1: Well there should be01:17
belal1I hate keeping evolution open all the time.  And it's kinda slow to be honest....01:17
belal1gmail (web-based) is a heck of a lot faster...01:18
zkriessebelal1: Aye01:18
DarkNemisisbelal1, i found a to solve that01:18
DarkNemisistype this command sudo aptitude purge evolution01:19
DarkNemisisit solves both speed and the issue of eeping it open all the time01:19
belal1your right....01:20
belal1i should just take it out altogether...01:20
belal1alright, it's removing...01:20
belal1so darki01:53
belal1oh sorry, wrong window01:53
pedro3005lol fai01:54
pedro3005damn it01:54
pedro3005I faled01:54
* pedro3005 cries in a corner01:54
ddecatorok...i think i'm good now...sorry if i spammed the channel (not sure how many times i joined :p)01:55
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frank1_anyone have a linksys router and a ps3?04:37
robbmunson'lo my fellow bit crunchers!05:08
robbmunsonbeen a while =)05:09
pedro3005sure has05:10
robbmunsonwow, as long as its been, I still know every command to ubottu....thats just....sad05:13
zkriesserobbmunson: haha05:20
robbmunsonim making mountains out of mole hills for making scenarios for an AV install in Ubuntu05:22
robbmunsonnice one #ubuntu, thats one I havent heard in a while ;)05:22
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robbmunsonI am headed out, good night/morning to all!05:29
hobgoblinanyone about?08:04
holsteinwhats up?08:07
hobgoblinhi there - lost right click menu somewhere - but not completely - right click on the desktop works - right click on the menu used to give option to add to desktop or panel etc - now it just starts whatever is highlighted08:09
hobgoblinany ideas?08:09
holsteinthats a good one08:10
hobgoblinyea that was my opinion as well lol08:13
holsteinhobgoblin: doestn work with any launcher right?08:13
hobgoblinnot found anything on the net about it as yet08:13
holsteindid you change anything in gconf-editor?08:13
hobgoblinI've not changed anything that could be associated with it :(08:14
hobgoblinit just fails now08:14
hobgoblingot it :)08:16
hobgoblinlocking the panels stops the right click menu working it seems08:17
hobgoblinholstein: though I have no idea why they would be associated08:18
holsteinwell, throw out a couple of the 'greatest-hits' of whate you have changed08:19
holsteinwhile i look a bit more08:19
hobgoblinholstein: I got it now ^^08:19
holsteinyou got it sorted out?08:21
hobgoblinyes - 7 lines up :)08:22
holsteinhobgoblin: ;)08:23
holsteini was over in google pretty hard and didnt notice08:23
holsteinim noticing how late it is though08:24
hobgoblin:) thanks for looking anyway - my google-fu is still asleep08:24
holsteinmakes sense08:24
hobgoblinholstein: night time for you is it? it's a bright and breezy morning here08:24
holsteinif the panel is locked08:24
holsteinyou dont want a launcher getting added to it08:24
holsteinhobgoblin: yup, its 3 in the morning08:25
hobgoblinnever noticed that before - that said I rarely play with the panels once I have them set up08:25
hobgoblinholstein: I was snoring at 3am ;)08:25
holsteinwell, im going to go and start working on my snoring now08:26
hobgoblinthanks for the help anyway - and goodnight to you :)08:26
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zkriessehey switchgirl19:48
=== switchgirl is now known as DarkNemesis
zkriesseDarkNemesis: I'd auto identify as that nick19:48
DarkNemesisi know but on an eeepc thats harder than it sounds19:49
zkriesseDarkNemesis: what chat program you using?19:50
DarkNemesisthere is probs a command i can do but havent worked it out19:52
zkriesseDarkNemesis: Ok do you have the XChat menu button?19:53
zkriesseCLick that and go to the network list19:54
zkriesseYou there?19:54
DarkNemesiszkriesse, cant as the network list is too big for the screen19:55
zkriesseoh man19:55
DarkNemesisi know how to do it19:55
zkriesseThat really sucks19:55
DarkNemesisjust the screens too big and when i connect it to an external monitor the resoution settings that i could set it to (the options) wont allow for me to alter it to work with that screen19:56
DarkNemesisubuntu web book remix... for allyour stresses and  strains19:58
zkriessehello goodtime20:04
smeag0lhello everybody20:04
zkriessehey smeag0l20:05
goodtimehows things20:05
DarkNemesisbring on the boogy?20:05
smeag0lvery good20:05
goodtimei got a extramonitor to work20:06
goodtimei got a extra monitor to work *20:06
goodtimeit pretty cool20:06
goodtimetook me a hour to figure it out20:07
goodtimei messed up someones ipod20:07
goodtimei deleted somehow all his music20:08
goodtime6000 songs20:08
goodtimesome of my music also goone20:08
goodtimeso i gues i hacked myself good lol20:08
goodtimei just didnt know what to do20:09
DarkNemesisgoodtime, well done :) you suppored ubuntu -0 he shall have to go buy 6000 songs from the ubuntu music store20:09
goodtimeyeah i just wanted to help someone out20:10
DarkNemesisgoodtime, relax bring on the boogy20:11
goodtimeDarkNemesis: idk what the boogy is20:12
DarkNemesisperhaps cus you have no music20:17
DarkNemesishmm blame it on the boogie hay goodtime?20:19
goodtimeim to blame i guess20:20
goodtimei just have no ipod and nor do i understand how to copy files on them lol20:21
goodtimei was useing rythem box20:22
goodtimeand i was lost20:22
zkriessegoodtime: Stick a disk in and rip it to your music folder20:25
zkriessethat equals...music on pc20:25
goodtimei got a new 4.8 dvd disk20:30
goodtimeitds in20:30
goodtimei got music20:32
goodtimeill get more too20:32
goodtimeim backing up the music i have now20:35
MindOS_Need help re-installing Firefox... Anyone?21:35
stlsaintMindOS_: sup21:36
stlsaintMindOS_: you need to re-install it...make sure you back up your current profile so you can keep bookmarks and such...then just either use synaptic or terminal commands for it21:37
MindOS_stlsaint: I havent updated Ubuntu 9.04 since months, not having any other problem though, except Firefox, which keeps crashing every minute or so. I have backed up the bookmarks etc. What next?21:39
MindOS_stlsaint, see it crashed again...21:41
stlsaintMindOS_: your using irc via firefox?21:41
MindOS_stlsaint, yeah21:42
geirhareinstalling a package rarely fixes anything...21:42
stlsaintMindOS_: i suggest using an actual irc client jfyi21:42
Danawar1sudo apt-get purge firefox > sudo apt-get install firefox21:42
geirhaI'd try moving away the profile and let firefox create a new profile21:42
stlsaintMindOS_: so just go to synaptc package manager and search for firefox and select to reinstall it21:43
geirhaIf you're not using any other mozilla apps; quit firefox, mv ~/.mozilla{,.backup}; start firefox again21:43
ddecatoror you can just create a new profile21:44
ddecatorfirefox -P21:44
ddecator(when all instances of firefox are closed)21:44
stlsaintPEOPLE!!! We really appreciate the responese but lets not overwhelm the user.21:45
stlsaintKeep it simple for the user21:45
ddecatorhaha, sorry, i just saw something about using a new profile and thought i'd give the command we ask users to use when they file firefox bugs :p21:45
MindOS_stlsaint, synaptic package manager also needs an repository update from through sudo apt-get update...or it wont work...right?21:45
stlsaintMindOS_: yea sudo apt-get update will work for you...it will probably be awhile for updates21:46
MindOS_stlsaint, I am on very limited bandwidth, haven't updated it since months and its showing errors as well.21:47
stlsaintMindOS_: what errors21:47
ddecator(also, just re-installing FF shouldn't remove your profile)21:47
MindOS_stlsaint, wait a sec, I'll post it21:48
stlsaint+1 ^^...though a backup wouldnt hurt21:48
stlsaintMindOS_: do not post here21:48
stlsaintMindOS_: use pastebin21:48
MindOS_stlsaint, http://pastebin.ca/188728021:49
stlsaintMindOS_: you running cairo dock?21:50
geirhaYou're missing the gpg key for repository.cairo-dock.org21:50
MindOS_no, but i have it installed...21:50
stlsaintMindOS_: your trying to update from their repos but either their down or your connection reaching21:50
MindOS_stlsaint, how about removing it from the system, I don't need it..21:50
stlsaintgeirha: that shouldnt hinder updates from happening21:50
stlsaintMindOS_: i dont cairo so i dont know the package name of it but if you remove that repo entry from your sources.list and purge cairo that will solve the cairo key/server error21:51
geirhastlsaint: No, it'll just show annoying errors everytime one does.21:51
stlsaintgeirha: very true and very annoying21:52
geirha«The domain name cairo-dock.org has unfortunately changed ! Now, you can find the website, wiki, forum, repository, doc, etc. on glx-dock.org»21:52
stlsaintMindOS_: so you have an option of either updating your sources.list to glx-dock.org or completely removing cairo21:53
MindOS_stlsaint, I would like to completely remove it..21:53
geirharemoving the cairo repository, you don't need to remove the package.21:53
stlsaintgeirha: there has to be something installed....21:54
stlsaintMindOS_: first step is to remove that cairo sources.list entry21:54
geirhaEither way you'll have to edit sources.list and either remove or edit a line or two21:54
geirhastlsaint: Yes, but you don't need the repository once it's installed ... you just won't get any updates for it.21:54
MindOS_geirha, how to go around doing that task!?21:55
stlsaintgeirha: right, thats why i said remove the sources.list then remove the package that was installed....21:55
stlsaintMindOS_: open a terminal...21:55
geirhaMindOS_: The easiest way is to use software sources. System -> Administration -> Software Sources21:55
MindOS_girha, I have opened software sources..21:55
stlsaintMindOS_: type: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:56
geirhaGo to the third party tab21:56
stlsaintLOL...or use the gui...very true!!21:56
stlsaintgeirha: ;)21:56
geirhaLocate the cairo-dock line21:56
geirhaAnd either deselct it, or edit it and change cairo-dock.org to glx-dock.org21:56
ddecatorstlsaint: always go with the gui by default in support channels :p21:57
stlsaintgeirha: he wants to remove the entry21:57
stlsaintddecator: meh, most instances true...some its faster for cli21:57
MindOS_geirha: OK...then I need to uncheck the box for cairo..right?21:57
stlsaintddecator: plus im multitasking :D21:57
ddecatorstlsaint: faster definitely, but sometimes i mention commands and it throws people off haha. i just offer the gui until i know if they're familiar enough with cli :)21:58
geirhaMindOS_: Yes.21:58
MindOS_geirha: ;), then?21:58
ddecatorstlsaint: haha, i was doing that last night :p21:58
geirhaMindOS_: The close button in the lower right :)21:59
MindOS_geirha: it asked for a Reload.. and I clicked it...was it right?22:01
geirhaMindOS_: Yes, that's equivalent to an «apt-get update»22:01
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MindOS_geirha: Update Manager has started... asking for an update sized 233 MB ...I am on limited bandwidth..22:02
MindOS_geirha: But I surely need to sort out Firefox22:02
geirhaThere are ways to download the updates on a different machine (one with better bandwidth), and bring them to your computer via a memory stick or cd22:03
MindOS_geirha: You are right , but is it a pre-requisite for sorting out the Firefox matter?22:04
geirhaYeah, I'm not convinced reinstalling firefox will do any good. It's typically a plugin or addon that makes it crash.22:04
geirhaHave you tried disabling all addons?22:05
MindOS_geirha: Yeah, I have tried that as well22:05
MindOS_How about Opera for Linux compared to Firefox?22:06
geirhaHaven't tried opera for linux for ages, but I hear it works well.22:07
MindOS_geirha: ANy other way of installing it instead of downloading it from their website?22:07
geirhaI'm afraid you can't make it magically appear on disk without the package.22:08
stlsaintbah, go chromium/chrome22:14
revolverXDmight i ask for help regarding lucid lynx?22:27
geirhaYou may.22:28
revolverXDi had a freak chain of accidents recently :\ first ubuntu stoped connecting to the net then i discoverd the network manager dosent work at all and by following the advice of some site i purged my gnome desktop and now i stare at the command line with no idea how to restore what i did22:29
geirhaOk, have you logged in on the command-line?22:30
geirhasudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop22:30
revolverXDah you mean to the net ?22:30
revolverXDthen no22:30
revolverXDthat exactly the problem i dont have an idea how to log to the net using the command line22:31
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geirhaAh, you're not connected to the net at the moment? I see. What type of connection is it? wired or wireless?22:31
revolverXDwired connected to vpn network and using mpls connection22:31
revolverXDsort of connection that allways allows you to be connected22:32
geirhaHm. And you need to authenticate with vpn to get on the internet?22:32
revolverXDnope the connection is allways on22:33
revolverXDeven now my router is broadcasting and im using my notebook to talk with you :)22:33
geirhaOk, so you really only need to run a dhcpclient22:34
revolverXDthat the command "dhcpclient" ?22:34
geirhaDo you know the name of the network interface? eth0 most likely22:34
revolverXDyeah that eth022:35
geirhaOk, try: sudo dhclient3 eth022:35
geirhaThen, ping www.google.com  to see if you have a connection22:36
revolverXD:\ strang it says i dont have any device named eth022:37
geirhawhat devices does   ifconfig   list?22:38
revolverXDit works22:38
revolverXDthe ping works too :)22:38
geirhaGreat, now you can reinstall ubuntu-desktop :)22:39
revolverXDlets see it sudo apt-get gnome-desktop?22:39
geirhasudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop  or  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:40
revolverXD:) muhaha it works :)22:41
revolverXDthank you alot geirha22:41
geirhaNo problem :)22:41
revolverXDi think i will stick to this chanel and see what more i can learn :)22:42
BigleonHello there, I figured this would be best place to ask, I've been commisned by mother to set up my old laptop for one of her very computer illerate friends... I  was wondering which flavour of linux(ubuntu) would be best for someone used to Win XP... and some programs that can make her transition from XP to Linux a easy and painfree one.23:38
BigleonSorry about my fail at grammar there on a secondary note. >.< A wee bit tired today.23:39
revolverXD1not exactly an expert but it think 10.04 notebook remix could be the answer23:42
revolverXD1besides it will prevent her from doing things that will harm the OS since its locked like a fortress23:43
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BigleonWell aren't all of them.... sense rootpass word i'll keep XD23:43
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revolverXD1ah that an option now that you mention it you can set the os to automaticly log as her user and keep the root pass :) to prevent accidents23:44
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BigleonShe has arthritus or something... so she can't sit up strait which is reason I'm giving her old LP... and so she still has her old XP... she does a lot of research papers etc...23:45
BigleonI'm thinking about attempiting to "Intergrate" Docs.google.com some how in her LP and desktop23:45
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revolverXD1that way beyond my current knowledge :)23:46
BigleonI think the her "Application bar" will consit of 4 things, Firefox, Hot link for docs. Kopete and direct link for Ubuntu support :P23:47
BigleonMy Biggest issue is that if somehting grows wrong while ii'm at college she should be able to resolve it her self.23:49
malev_hi there. does anyone has any idea about streamming?23:50
BigleonA little Malev_23:50
revolverXD1well you could allways try and ask someone to explain to you how to set the LP for remote access via the net23:50
malev_hi Bigleon how are you?23:50
BigleonFine, what exactly do you need help with.23:50
malev_Bigleon, I'm researching about live streamming with theora for a comunitary channel from Argentina.23:50
Bigleonrev my college kills off VPN like none other.23:51
malev_I'm planning to use giss.tv23:51
malev_but not sure about choosing an mp3 channel or a ogg.23:51
BigleonAlright, so are you wanting to view streamed material or stream out material?23:51
malev_Bigleon, to stream out material.23:51
BigleonWell Ogg... is linux friendly... and assuming you got patch Mp3 is universaly friendly.23:51
Bigleonrevolver i went all the way up to head of department just so i can could get a vpn on campus network so i could access my server in dorm room from anywhere on campus... they are like "use ours" Theirs 250mbs of space... mine 1tb...23:52
malev_Bigleon, ... that is the problem. I need it to be universally friendly. Does ogg work on any PC?23:53
BigleonOgg not so much... I would say mp3 or mp4...23:53
BigleonI have a ogg copy of David mathews band sitting on my HD and i haven't beeen able to listen to it because WMC, Itunes, and Zune all refuse to play it. XD23:54
malev_oks! thanks Bigleon23:54
revolverXD1bigleon what did you said you wanted the layout of the OS to be ? i will try and see hwo it works on my netbook23:54
zkriesseah the cheerful sound of new guys helping out23:54
BigleonCheck out one of the Main Help Channels for further information on streaming process i'm sure they can help...23:54
zkriessewelcome to revolverXD1 Bigleon23:54
revolverXD1thx :)23:55
BigleonRecolver if you do that it would be awesome I can't work on the laptop for another 2 weeks.. Left it at home, (going to a wedding next weekend so spendign to weeks at the gf's.)23:55
BigleonUmm Super basic layout, that has easy access to Firefox, Kopete, Hotlink for google docs, and a hotlink for Irc, with explanation under each button.23:56
revolverXD1ok working on it will take some time23:56
Bigleonzkriesse I love linux and prefer to use it, unfortunately I'm a big video gamer.. and microsoft rarely supports the other.23:56
BigleonIf Stream would be more Linux friendly I think i might get Kubuntu 64bit back.23:57
BigleonI also got a ATI video card in here, and last i heard ati doesn't support debian all to well.. unless something has changed in the last 2 years.23:58
zkriesseBigleon: True23:58
BigleonHave they made an easier to install Dual boot for debian/win7?23:59
revolverXD1i was using windows since the age of 8 and now a month ago i decided i had enough and now i find myself in totally alien enviorment23:59
zkriesseBigleon: eh not sure23:59
zkriesserevolverXD1: Ah cool...what version/distro are you using?23:59

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