
yofeldrew212: yes, and I don't have one, so I'm wondering how you got that file00:00
yofelcan you move it somewhere else and see if it works then?00:00
penguin42drew212: Did you try the 64bit beta flash plugin at one time?00:00
penguin42say, February last year?00:00
drew212penguin42: yes!00:00
drew212penguin42: now that you say it i did, thats probably what FF is using =X00:00
* penguin42 polishes his crystal ball00:01
yofelmakes sense00:01
drew212penguin42: nice, let me move the file00:01
penguin42I guess I'm going to have to go back to the 32bit version+nspluginwrapper now that Adobe have stopped the 64bit Beta00:01
drew212i have to move it using terminal? =X00:02
yofelI went back, works fine mostly except for the occasional npviewer.bin cpu hogging *sigh*00:02
yofeldrew212: use 'sudo cp  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so /tmp '00:03
drew212anyone able to help me with the command to move it?00:03
yofelit'll need your PW00:03
drew212should i restart FF now?00:04
drew212its still showing 10.0 =X00:05
drew212i dont think it moved the file00:05
yofelsudo rm  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so00:05
drew212lol =D00:06
yofelI'm getting tired at 1am...00:06
yofelI used copy in the first command instead of move...00:06
yofellet's now use remove00:06
drew212yep yep00:06
drew212now its showing 10.1 r53 =)00:07
drew212thanks a bunch yofel, i really need to learn bash commands =X00:08
ubot2The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro00:08
yofelnice into00:09
drew212bah, now nothing in flash works buttonwise =X00:12
penguin42ah, that problem - that's a long long standing bug00:12
yofelbug 41040700:12
drew212didn't have it in 10.0 =P00:12
yofelbot went on vacation?00:13
drew212yofel: you broke the bot =X00:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 410407 in nspluginwrapper (Fedora) (and 11 other projects) "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION] (affects: 867) (dups: 51) (heat: 3724)" [Unknown,Unknown]00:14
penguin42is 3724 a record?00:15
yofelcould be, the bug shows as 0 flames though...00:16
drew212yofel: at least the workaround works for me =)00:17
penguin42it kept getting closed because it used to work for some people some of the time00:18
yofelyeah, I'm following it, I don't have it since quite a while anymore, could be because I'm using KDE or rather the mozilla-daily-ppa00:19
drew212mozilla daily ppa?00:19
drew212im not sure how ppa's work, but does that update your flash daily?00:19
yofelnot flash, firefox00:20
drew212yeah, FF00:20
yofelthose are daily development builds, unless you're fine with firefox suddenly refusing to work don't use it00:20
yofelanyway, use with caution: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa00:21
drew212i'll pass00:21
drew212this is my work/school computer00:22
yofelactually 3.6 works perfectly fine here, only 3.7 is a mess, but that's expected00:22
drew212yofel: i run my photography business from this computer using GIMP and FF for certain things, without them i would be crippled =P00:23
yofelnot an option then ;)00:24
drew212nope =P00:24
drew212i need a separate workstation, but with school i simply cannot afford it00:24
drew212yofel: thanks for the help, i gotta run00:25
yofelyou're welcome00:25
ddecatorFF 3.7 is generally stable, but it has a build failure at the moment (i plan to fix it with micah tonight) anyway, i have to move my server so i'll be off for a little bit, bbl00:31
=== awalton is now known as awalton__
HewI've been waiting 2 weeks for a retrace on a new bug. Anyone know what's up?04:09
micahgHew: it's probably broke04:10
micahgHew: which bug?04:10
Hewprivate bug 58919804:11
ubot2Hew: Bug 589198 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/589198 is private04:11
* micahg looks04:11
HewI've seen others sitting there on the iso testing page, so I assumed the retracer is just slow/failed?04:11
* micahg can't see it :-/04:11
HewI subscribed you micahg04:12
micahgHew: k, I can bug pitti on Monday if you like04:12
Hewthanks micahg. it's just a general question, just need to make sure it hasn't failed on all bugs :)04:13
micahgHew: idk, usually I can't see most of them04:14
Hewthat's right, because they are private whenever there is a coredump. I've just noticed from the one I submitted 2 weeks ago, it still hasn't got the retrace.04:15
Hewbug 590383 is another linked to the iso testing page that appears to have been submitted on 6/6/1004:15
ubot2Hew: Bug 590383 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/590383 is private04:15
micahgHew: private's not an issue for me (bugcontrol member), but retracer bugs are another category04:16
Hewyea same04:17
drew212ddecator: when exactly is there enough information for a developer to work on a bug and it to be concidered triaged?04:34
ddecatordrew212: depends on the package, but generally as long as there is enough info for the developers to have idea where the issue is occurring...i know that's really vague, haha04:34
drew212ddecator: so basically, the more i work with a particular package, the easier it will be for me to determine?04:35
ddecatordrew212: exactly04:35
drew212ddecator: how should we proceed with bug 596352?04:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 596352 in firefox (Ubuntu) "automatic infinite refresh cycle (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59635204:46
drew212idk, i cant reproduce it... i have no problem with FB04:48
ddecatoryah, and it seems like we'd hear a lot about it. even though they don't have any extra extensions installed, i wonder if it's profile related. i'd have them test with a new profile to be safe04:49
drew212that would have been my first response, but they have no extensions =D04:50
ddecatoryah, usually it's not a bid deal when there are no extensions, but the fact that we haven't seen much of that (that i've heard of, i haven't looked at the bugs lately) makes it seem like an issue with their setup04:51
drew212ddecator: alrite, im asking to try with a new profile...04:51
drew212so a new profile doesn't only change their extensions?04:51
ddecatordrew212: did micah or i give you that stock response?04:51
drew212i do have a stock response yeah...04:52
drew212i removed the disable extensions part tho =P, as it DNA04:52
ddecatordrew212: nope, completely clean profile. sometimes the issue is in the profile and not the extensions04:52
ddecatorright, that's what i do in these situations :)04:52
drew212ddecator: check out bug 592658, i think he manually installed a version of flash from adobe's websight05:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 592658 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashed using java (I suppose...) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59265805:28
drew212i was going to use this as a response to check if he actually has proper flash installed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/452312/05:29
micahgdrew212: where did you get that?05:30
drew212micahg: i made it up, thats why i was asking before i used it =P05:30
drew212thats how i knew i had the wrong flash running for firefox05:31
micahgdrew212: so, it could be the user didn't restart Firefox after updating flash05:31
drew212this is true also05:31
ddecatoryah, the plugin file added by apport looks like it was flashplugin-nonfree05:31
drew212ddecator: ok, then how should i proceed?05:32
micahgddecator: drew212: note, flashplugin-nonfree is a transitional package in Lucid, flashplugin-installer is the package that instal flash now05:32
drew212micahg: alrite, should i change my response to flashplugin-installer?05:33
ddecatormicahg: oh is it? haha, good to know, i thought that was still the right package to install..05:33
micahgdrew212: no, I have a better one05:33
drew212micahg: i figured =P05:33
micahgddecator: well, it works for the moment, but probably will be dropped in Maverick05:33
micahgdrew212: try this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/452314/05:35
micahgdrew212: or just ask the user if Firefox was restarted after recent updates05:35
drew212micahg: i wish i knew how you came up with this stuff =P05:35
micahgdrew212: I wrote it :)05:36
micahgdrew212: that's why I need to update the Firefox bug triage wiki05:36
drew212i know... but i would never come up with that... i'm still very GUI oriented...05:36
micahgdrew212: experience helps to know what's valuable, one learns over time05:36
drew212:'(i wouldn't even know how to come up with that05:36
micahgdrew212: I also was using Ubuntu for over a year before I started doing triage and Linux for about 7, so I was used to the cli05:37
drew212yeah, this is my first year solid linux/ubuntu05:38
drew212sometimes im scared of CLI, it takes too long for me to look up commands to do stuff when i can use a GUI, if i had the commands memorized it would save tons of time though =X05:38
ddecatoryou learn the commands in time as well :)05:39
micahgdrew212: so, it takes time to learn, be patient05:39
drew212but you and ddecator know so much its daunting, but inspiring...05:40
ddecatordrew212: i still feel that way about micahg :p05:40
* micahg feels that way about a lot of people :), but it takes time to learn these things05:41
drew212ddecator: yeah, but you're still part of bugcontrol and know a ton more than me...05:41
ddecatordrew212: all in time :)05:42
drew212true, true05:42
ddecatordrew212: i was just really starting to get involved in january05:42
micahgdrew212: man pages are very useful and asking questions is invaluable05:44
drew212man pages?05:44
micahgdrew212: on the command line, you can type man followed by a command to see documentation05:45
drew212ddecator: if someone disables an addon and that fixes the issue how do we proceed: see bug 58772705:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 587727 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crash in Thai session when login facebook (affects: 3) (heat: 219)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58772705:51
ddecatori think that's a language pack05:54
drew212me too05:54
ddecatori'm not really sure what the procedure is for issues with language packs. micahg?05:55
micahgddecator: language packs should cause crashes...05:55
ddecatormicahg: doesn't seem like they should. generate a crash report?05:55
micahgddecator: yep05:56
ddecatordrew212: do you have that response?05:56
drew212micahg: ddecator: i'm on it =)05:56
drew212yes, i've been hitting all the bugs that need crash reports that dont have them =)05:56
micahgddecator: it could be a system component that's interacting pporly05:56
ddecatordrew212: sounds good :)05:57
ddecatormicahg: ah, that could be...hopefully the crash report will tell us :)05:57
drew212you should hit like 5-6 bugmail spams with the crash report needed stock response =P05:57
micahgddecator: right05:57
drew212oops, i think i just asked for a crash report on a bug that has enough information... he included a GDB stack trace, but IDK exactly what that information is: bug 595941, should i not have asked for a crash report from apport?06:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 595941 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Crashes when typing in the address bar (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59594106:02
drew212:P, i just noticed hes a dev too, now i feel like a fool, haha.06:03
micahgdrew212: I'll reopen06:04
ddecatorthese things happen, it's part of learning :)06:07
drew212thanks for fixing my skrew ups micahg :P06:07
micahgdrew212: you caught it :)  good job06:07
drew212i see the stack trace jargon and i skim/skip over it, i need to pay more attention06:08
micahgdrew212: paying attention is a crucial skill for triage06:09
micahgdrew212: BTW, man is short for manual06:11
drew212yea i figured that06:11
drew212ddecator: what do we need for bug 559562? I don't see a backtrace for the crash, but there is some technical jargon in dmesg.txt i dont understand. Should i ask for a crash report?06:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 559562 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox doesn't function (affects: 1) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55956206:15
ddecatordrew212: since it got assigned to firefox, it'd be helpful if they ran apport-collect so we could see what extensions they are using and make sure they are using a version we support :)06:21
micahgdrew212: I'd use the old untouched bugs message on that oen06:24
ddecatoroh yah, it's from beta 2 :p (sorry, i shouldn't be trying to do 5 things at once)06:27
micahg(12:09:24 AM) micahg: drew212: paying attention is a crucial skill for triage  <-- s/drew212/ddecator/ :)06:28
ddecatormicahg: yah, i know :p06:28
drew212micahg: i wouldn't have noticed it was from beta =P06:28
drew212did they change how karma works? it seems its going up slower than i remember it going...06:29
micahgdrew212: more people, slower karma increases?06:30
drew212idk, when i triaged last year i remember my karama reaching 800 rather quickly, it seems its just going up slower now (i realize its not updated instantly)06:31
drew212or maybe i was imagining things06:32
ddecatori've never really understood how karma is determined, i stopped watching mine haha06:34
drew212yeah, i just notice it from the grasemonkey thinger micahg showed me...06:34
micahgdrew212: ddecator: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma06:35
micahgdrew212: BTW, no sound in flash on hibernate is an old bug07:02
drew212micahg: duplicate of?07:12
micahgdrew212: I had this issue a couple years ago07:12
micahgmaybe last year07:12
* micahg searches through bugmail07:13
micahgbug 30539607:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 305396 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flash will not play properly in firefox 3.0 after waking up from suspend (dup-of: 312295)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30539607:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 312295 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flash will not play in firefox 3.0 after waking up from suspend (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31229507:13
micahgdrew212: I don't remember what happened with teh bug07:16
drew212but he is still having this problem in lucid... is it a regression then? i notice you said it isn't an issue in jaunty07:16
micahgdrew212: well, it's most likely hardware related so it might have never been fixed on that user07:17
micahgs hardware07:17
* micahg still doesn't understand the sound stack07:17
macohere's the deal on audio bugs: everyone gets their own bug, period07:17
macono duplicates on anything in kernel land, period07:17
macothat bit about kernel land is orders from JFo, the kernel team's bug triager07:18
drew212so sound is a kernel issue? i'm lost07:18
macovery very often, yes07:18
macoeven when it seems like pulse is at fault, its very often a kernel bug bubbling up the stack07:19
micahgdrew212: so, I'd suggest using the sound debugging wiki page07:19
macoand while many audio bugs *seem* the same (oh look, its quiet and they both have hda-spec chips) they almost always require separate patches to fix07:20
macoso, unless the hardware is identical (and sometimes different hardware lies and even claims the same subsystem vendor and id, ex: macbooks), dont mark them as dup07:20
drew212should i mark this for the linux package and subscribe the ubuntu-audo team and let them handle it?07:21
macodrew212: and if suspend is involved in causing issues, id be *darned* surprised if there wasnt a kernel component to that, by the way07:21
maconever ever subscribe anyone other than yourself07:21
macoerrrr wrong sentence07:21
macoi was thinking assign07:21
maco2am, dont mind me07:22
drew212i have 0 experience with kernel and sound issues07:22
macoyes subscribe is fine07:22
macobut dont assign07:22
drew212should i file it against the linux package?07:22
macoits an already filed bug right?07:23
macoid just put a note saying it may be kernel related given the acpi stuff involved in suspend/resume07:23
macoafter subscribing audio team ;-)07:23
macothat way they get that note in email and have a look-see07:24
drew212a note, you mean a comment?07:24
drew212maco: thanks =)07:25
drew212maco: i just coppied and pasted your response because idk what acpi stuff is =P07:25
macoits the power management magic pixie dust :)07:26
macoalso what makes a lot of hotkeys work07:26
macospecial stuff happens to the system to suspend, hibernate, and resume and sometimes that stuff gets wonky07:26
drew212yeah =X07:27
drew212well im off to bed, thanks again maco07:28
macogood night07:28
macoi should go too07:28
xteejxHey guys, how do I find what package provides a certain file?10:25
David-Tdpkg-query -S /file10:27
xteejxAhha! Thanks :D10:28
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
zusgood morning everyone14:13
shawHi all , wanna join your bug squad  , what is the qualification set by you guys ?14:56
om26ershaw, these are the requirements https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad#Requirements15:01
benuskiIf someone asked, in a bug report, that a notification that a package has been successfully installed be added to software-center, should that be marked as wishlist or converted to a feature specification? I'm thinking wishlist, but since I'm new I wanted to run it by other people16:09
dekenxWhere should I file a live cd bug under?16:39
penguin42where does it break?16:40
dekenxWhen loading the system16:41
penguin42what's the last thing you see on the screen?16:41
dekenxoh no it doesn't crash, it just takes 10+ mins to load and continually shows: Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 35811616:43
penguin42that's a bad burn of the disk or a bad cd drive16:43
dekenxand no it's not a a bad cd16:43
dekenxpopped it into another computer (much older) booted without error16:44
penguin42doesn't matter, you can have CDs that are a bit marginal and will work on some drives, it could be the drive that is marginal not the cd16:44
dekenxpopped  in an old ubuntu into the troublesome computer, also no error16:44
dekenxburned another at lowest speed, same thing16:44
dekenxmd5 everything and it checks out16:44
dekenxpopped in a new Fedora 13, exact same issues, but anything older or from other distros works16:45
dekenxi've been trying to figure out this mystery for a while now16:46
benuskiCould someone mark bug #596559 as a wishlist bug?16:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 596559 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Lost text file contents due to desktop bug - change autorecover defaults! (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59655916:46
penguin42ok, is that the only error - or is there some detail around it?16:46
dekenxhere is kern.log (scroll towards the end): http://paste.ubuntu.com/449430/16:47
penguin42dekenx: OK, I'm not that great at reading some of the newer errors; but it starts with a 'Sense Key : Medium Error [current]' which does sound like a bad sector, but the interesting thing is it gets into the 'Hardware Error' and I don't know if that really is a bug somewhere16:51
penguin42dekenx: So I still think you've got a bad disc/drive - but then whether there is a separate problem with recovery well I guess there could be16:52
dekenxpenguin42: yes I know, it's quite strange but older distros check out16:52
dekenxpenguin42: I have more than 20 live cd's all seem to work except Ubuntu 10.04 and the new Fedora 1316:53
dekenxpenguin42: I also have dmseg.log if you want it16:53
penguin42dekenx: What about an old live image burnt recently? ie is it the burner/batch of discs that's gone bad16:53
dekenxpenguin42: I burned 10.04 twice one on one computer and one type of disk then another computer and another cd brand16:54
dekenxso I doubt it16:54
dekenxpenguin42: plus I burned the new Sabayon Linux recently, also works fine16:55
penguin42dekenx: Have you tried swapping the drive out?16:55
dekenxpenguin42: well I guess I can try that, but then that still means there is incompatible with the current drive and lucid16:56
dekenxand its not a bad drive/disk16:57
penguin42dekenx: If you swapped the drive and it still happened then you could prove it wasn't a bad drive16:57
dekenxpenguin42: what if I swapped and it didn't happen?16:58
penguin42dekenx: I'd still say it was more likely a bad drive, but you could show those errors to someone who really knew the sata error paths16:59
dekenxpenguin42: then how come all other releases/distros still work16:59
penguin42dekenx: Maybe what they had on those sectors was less important, or maybe it is that for some reason error recovery is better17:01
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
dekenxpenguin42: ok so regardless, first step is to try a new drive, i'll get on that then17:02
dekenxpenguin42: well I just reallized that computer has only SATA and it's the only SATA drive I have.17:22
dekenxpenguin42: maybe that's why i never had a problem with the others, the were all IDE17:23
dekenxpenguin42: maybe there's some boot opriotns I can try for SATA? it seems to always be the same sector17:34
penguin42dekenx: I doubt it, I really think those are media failures, the recovery however I'm suspicious of17:34
dekenxpenguin42: you mean how it keeps going?17:35
penguin42dekenx: I mean the 'hardware error' don't look right to me, the 'Media error' is the normal error for a bad disc or drive; but I'm not used to reading the SATA derived errors17:35
penguin42dekenx: The other thing is that always being the same sectors is also the normal behaviour for a bad disc17:38
dekenxpenguin42: UPDATE look what i found, and would you look at that, same sector: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/572279/comments/617:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 572279 in linux (Ubuntu) "getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) (dup-of: 532984)" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 532984 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 won't boot on HP Compaq Pentium 4; displays an irrelevant Glib warning on the console (affects: 102) (dups: 4) (heat: 268)" [Undecided,Invalid]17:51
dekenxpenguin42: The exact same sector is quite a coincidence don't you think?17:52
penguin42dekenx: Now I'll grant you that is odd17:53
dekenxpenguin42: thanks, and i'm glad I found a similar case, problem is bug has no solution17:54
penguin42dekenx: It's not obvious to me if the bug that is attached to is actually relevant to the problem17:56
dekenxpenguin42: at least to one comment it was, im going to go back and look if i get that getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) thing in boot.log17:56
penguin42even if you do, it's not obvious if that's the same problem17:57
dekenxpenguin42: ok i got to leave for I while but I'll try to put lucid on a usb later and try that17:58
Kangarooohello. is it possible to make ubuntu-bug for nonexisting package? i just wrote ubuntu-bug remin (tab) and it helped writing to remind and there is such package but i dont have it installed. when i make command remind then i get info this package isnt installed20:29
ChauncellorHi, I'm having issues with a launchpad member repeatedly opening an invalid bug. Is it possible for an project manager or something to lock it closed?20:29
KangaroooChauncellor: first contact need to be made if he is not making reason why he opened it. its allowed for everyone to open bug20:30
ChauncellorContact has been made. here is the report20:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 596127 in ubuntu "Ubuntu bugs not fixed (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]20:30
Kangaroooin contact mail to inform that without reason theres no need to open again it20:31
ChauncellorKangarooo: This bug report does not qualify20:31
Kangarooowell thrue in that bug name there is. that like bug 120:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 18 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 453) (heat: 2434)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:33
micahgKangarooo: I'm replying20:34
ChauncellorKangarooo: Okay, I'll talk to someone more competent20:34
jjessewow what twas that all about?20:35
micahgjjesse: idk, but I just replied to the bug20:36
jjessewas reading ths scroll seemed a bit crazy20:37
micahgKangarooo: what do you mean by non existing?20:37
yofel_Kangarooo: apport can file bugs about not-installed packages, or do you mean  packages that aren't available? apport should say 'not a genuine ...' there20:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Kangarooowell the package is not installed. i was tryng to understand why one plugin from gnome-do doest work. so i tryd to ubuntu-bug about exact plugin. sicne i couldnt get with ubuntu-bug gnome-do (tab) get something like gnome-do-badplugin but there wasnt such. so i tryd ubunt-bug badplu (tab) and there it was. but as im ussually looking what is beeing installed and couldnt remember badplugin package installed then i tryd badplugin in terminal but got its not20:41
Kangarooook so theres some reason why its possible to ubuntu-bug see noninstalled packages ? and why even possible to report noninstalled packages?20:43
yofelyou got cut off by the character limit 'terminal but got its not ...?'20:43
Kangarooothen i tryd badplugin in terminal but got its not installed. so thats maybe need to be somhow marked witch is installed when in ubuntu-bug mode20:44
micahgKangarooo: you can report a bug about a not installed package20:44
yofelKangarooo: apport doesn't really care if a package is installed or not, what if the bug you want to file is about the package refusing to install?20:44
Kangaroooah ok micahg but thats strange things going to reproduce. user(for example me) cant even know is he reporting about installed package (in cases user doesnt know programm package name but knows ubuntu-bug will help with (tab)).20:51
Kangaroooand also would that kind of bug report be usefull couse it shows noninstalled_packagename (not installed)? that can be seen when pressing [+] in ubuntu-bug gui but im never pressing it couse dont want to see info i dont understand jet and there is more then i understand jet.20:51
micahgKangarooo: might be a feature request or a problem with installing20:52
yofelwell, apport shouldn't refuse to file the bug, but a warning somewhere wouldn't hurt I guess20:55
Kangaroooyes thats what ill be doing - now i just want more ppl to agree :)20:55
micahgyofel: I think it says it on the confirm to submit box20:56
Kangaroooyofel: ok so if a bug report about noninstaled package is useless then this needs to be removed- thats its possible to ubuntu-bug to noninstalled20:56
Kangarooomicahg: no it doesnt20:56
ddecatorKangarooo: but reports about packages that aren't installed aren't necessarily useless20:57
Kangaroooalso this affects apport-cli and ubuntu-bug TTY mode20:57
micahgKangarooo: under Package it shows the package and that it's not installed20:57
yofelmicahg: yes, but do you look at that every time? (a ordinary user most probably doesn't)20:57
micahgyofel: yes :)20:58
Kangaroooddecator: ok then how bugreport about X can be usefull if report contains X not installed?20:58
Kangarooomicahg: yes thats what i wrote. but also who looks there under [+]?20:59
yofelKangarooo: as I said, how do you report a bug about a package not being installable due to a dependency conflict? (so that apt won't even try to install it)20:59
drew212ddecator: or micahg bug 596659 looks like a feature request, but it should be handled upstream, no?21:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 596659 in firefox (Ubuntu) "No busy indicator in full screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59665921:00
yofelIMHO we're already restrictive enough when it comes to filing bugs, we don't need to make it even harder21:00
Kangaroooyofel: one way is directly in LP. filling ubuntu-bug noninstalled package will give some more info about why package not installed?21:01
yofelwell no, but I don't have to add apt-cache policy ... and don't have to go the annoying no-redirect path21:02
micahgdrew212: yep21:03
micahgdrew212: it's because they moved from the spinner as the cursor to the spinner in the tab, there's probably an upstream bug already for it21:03
drew212so how would i mark it if i were able to triage it? wishlist, and then forward upstream?21:03
yofelso it does add useful information, and apport adds the dependency list of a package always, which is actually useful in these cases21:03
micahgdrew212: yes, but search upstream first21:04
Kangaroooalso if ubuntu-bug about noninstalled is some easyr way its not needed to remove ubuntu-bug to show noninstalled but it would be nice if at least only installed packages show in terminal with (*) or (+) :)21:04
drew212thats what im doing... but nothing is coming up at all =X21:04
ddecatordrew212: like micahg said. if you find it upstream, we can link it and mark it :)21:04
ddecatordrew212: firebot is sometimes the best way to find upstream bugs imo21:05
ddecator(for mozilla)21:05
Kangaroooyofel: arent dependecies included when reporting about installed package?21:05
yofeler, let me check21:05
ddecatordrew212: it's on the mozilla servers. you can message it and it will do bug searches. otherwise you can just use the bugzilla search and not limit it to firefox (since it might be in core or somewhere else)21:06
yofelKangarooo: oh, can be21:07
Kangaroooin witch package yofel ?21:07
yofelI mean, it seems it doesn't include them when the package isn't installed21:07
Kangarooocouse maybe you actually have that package installed21:08
drew212https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482985 looks like a good one, comment 14 especially21:08
micahgdrew212: mozilla 17135021:08
ubot2Mozilla bug 171350 in Toolbars "[cust] allow customization or better control of full screen toolbars" [Enhancement,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17135021:08
ubot2Mozilla bug 482985 in General "Loading/busy/spinning mouse indicator/pointer/icon missing" [Normal,New]21:08
yofelabout the terminal, adding +/* wouldn't work I think, maybe we could give apport another option for this case21:09
yofellike -n/--not-installed21:09
yofeland make it refuse by default21:09
drew212i still think mine is better, its newer and is more directly related...21:09
yofelKangarooo: can you file a bug about apport in any case? I'm interested in what pitti thinks about this21:10
micahgdrew212: that bug is more general, as is mine...21:11
drew212yeah... so which one do we use?21:11
drew212should i submit a new bug upstream? that seems best IMO21:14
micahgdrew212: I think a new upstream bug depending on that bug sounds best21:15
drew212i'll provide links to the other two bugs as possible solutions21:16
micahgdrew212: no21:16
micahgdrew212: mark them both as depends on21:16
drew212i've never reported upstream =X21:16
micahgdrew212: just state why you're filing a separate bug so it's not marked as a dupe21:17
ddecatori'm not a fan of the way bugzilla is setup, it's not as user-friendly as lp (then again i'm more familiar with lp so i'm biased..)21:17
* micahg likes bugzilla :)21:17
ddecatorif i could use google to search bugzilla bugs, i'd probably like it more :p21:18
micahgddecator: add the firefox plugin and learn how to use it :)21:18
ddecatormicahg: which one?21:18
micahgddecator: for Mozilla's bugzilla21:19
micahgddecator: it's actually a search engine21:19
drew212micahg: should i put all hardware platforms?21:20
micahgdrew212: I think so21:20
ddecatormicahg: o.o i've never heard of that plugin21:20
* ddecator goes to install it21:20
drew212and all OSes?21:20
micahgdrew212: yes21:21
drew212micahg: how do i add the two bugs to the report?21:21
ddecatoroh i like this plugin..21:23
drew212how do i link to the upstream bug, its not working =X21:30
drew212nevermind, i got it.21:31
drew212ddecator: what kind of response should i give now that i have linked upstream?21:31
drew212i dont have a stock response for bugs i've forwarded upstream21:31
micahgdrew212: it should be in the greasemonkey extension21:32
micahgdrew212: bug #?21:32
drew212bug 59665921:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 596659 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "No busy indicator in full screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59665921:32
drew212its not, it says thank you for submitting this bug upstream21:32
micahgdrew212: no, upstream21:32
ddecatori thought there was a stock response for that..21:33
micahgddecator: yes, I thought there is21:33
drew212ddecator: micahg: but i added the bugwatch correctly?21:34
ddecatordrew212: looks like it21:34
ddecatordrew212: 'Upstreamed'21:34
drew212ddecator: haha thanks =)21:35
ddecatorit just needs you to add a link to the upstream report at the end :)21:35
yofelthere is, 3rd one on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20bug%20that%20should%20be%20handled%20upstream and 'upstreamed' yes21:35
drew212is my upstream bug acceptable?21:35
drew212what do i mark the status?21:35
drew212just leave it as new for firefox(ubuntu)21:36
micahgdrew212: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/452628/21:36
micahgdrew212: that's specific for Mozilla bugzilla21:36
ddecatormicahg and his custom responses, has one for everything :p21:37
micahgdrew212: that's not how you do depends in bugzilla, there are fields21:37
drew212micahg: are you going to mark it triaged?21:37
drew212micahg: where? i couldn't find them anywhere...21:38
drew212i see it now, but that wasn't there when i was submitting the report =X21:39
drew212micahg: can you triage it for me?21:39
micahgdrew212: done, and I accepted the upstream bug21:42
micahgdrew212: did we check this in 3.7?21:42
ddecatoroh, i can do that21:43
drew212micahg: idk how i would do that, but i gotta get to work =X21:43
ddecatorand it's the same in 3.721:43
ddecatordrew212: ask me to test it :p21:43
drew212ddecator: thanks guys =), ill see you around...21:43
micahgddecator: k21:43
ddecatorcya drew21221:44
* micahg has another person to follow upstream (one reason to love bugzilla)21:44
ddecatoryah, they need to implement that in lp, would make mentoring a lot easier..21:46
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Kangarooook about apport beeing able to bug about noninstalled is bug 59668122:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 596681 in apport (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu-bug shows possible to report noninstalled packages. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59668122:38
micahgKangarooo: that's not a bug22:38
Kangarooomicahg: now i can report about wrong package when reporting about non working one but the same name. if i would see i dont have that package installed or dont have permission to report about noninstalled time would be saved22:40
micahgKangarooo: well, then usually the triager can figure it out22:40
Kangaroootriagers time is wasted22:40
micahgKangarooo: not that much22:41
Kangaroooand of course reporters time also22:41
micahgKangarooo: well, if they have a bug the reporter's time isn't wasted22:41
Kangarooonew report is needed.22:44
micahgKangarooo: not necessarily22:45
Kangarooomicahg: you mean by when finnally when debugger and reported understand another package was needed to report then in case debugger doesnt give exact command how to report another package to same bug then by wasting more time searching to learn now witch command will do that then waste time (report package to same bug) second time and only in case the reporter looks at email and responds?22:53
micahgKangarooo: well, it depends on the case, but I don't see too many bugs filed against the wrong package that the reporter could have known better.  If we need to be clearer on how to do things on the triager side, we can work on that22:54
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