
zkriesseakgraner: you busy?00:23
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=== Guest52264 is now known as zkriesse
akgranerzkriesse, just walked back in the door - what's up?05:23
zkriesseakgraner: well the other day you had wiki work for me?05:23
zkriesseakgraner: just wondering what that "Work" is05:23
akgranerzkriesse, some information I have on some google docs need to be moved to a wiki05:24
zkriesselinks and i'll get onit05:25
akgranerzkriesse, great!  one needs to link from the checklist05:26
zkriesse"one" and "checklist" being?05:26
akgranerzkriesse, give me just a sec and I'll get that for you...05:27
akgranerI started working on this page  - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies05:29
akgranerbut this page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit05:30
akgranerneeds the information added from the following googledoc05:30
akgranerwhich is the howto from the checklist05:32
zkriesseso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit needs the google info stuff05:34
zkriesseok I'll get on it soon05:36
akgranerI'll clean up the policies one next week some time05:36
akgranerI just wanted to get the checklist on there - then the howto for the checklist05:36
akgranerI'm also going to add some videos - on how to publish it as well - but life seems to get in the way of my Ubuntu Habit :-)05:37
akgranerwell I gotta get some sleep so I can write some summaries and see what all needs to be trimmed for issue 198... see you all in the am...05:38
akgraner(well am for me that is :-)  )05:38
zkriesseakgraner: same here05:38
zkriesseakgraner: it's almost midnight for me05:38
scott_evakgraner: I didn't get my section done today, but worry not - I'll get it done tomorrow without fail.07:06
Pendulumakgraner: do you have any idea who does the U1 blog?12:35
Pendulumakgraner: also, when you're around I want to talk to you about one of the things in ITB as I'm not sure it's appropriate for UWN14:23
akgranerPendulum, I'm here for a few :-)14:59
akgranerI know there are a couple things that need to be pulled14:59
akgranerPendulum, I am heading back to my house now should be there in about an hour....  which article in ITB were you thinking shouldn't be there?15:03
akgranerinternalkernel, can you work on some ITP or ION summaries?15:16
internalkernela bit later in the day I can for sure... I have some running around to do at the moment... when is the deadline?15:16
akgranerI am shooting for 5pm EST15:17
internalkernelok, I need to drop off the lady and put the little one down for a nap - when she's sleeping I'll knock that out...15:19
akgranerI am on my way home from Charlotte - so I'll be knocking stuff out as well'15:21
scott_evakgraner: I'm here. a little late but here and I'll have mypart done beforeya know it16:15
greg-gquick question, for the Membership review board meeting summary, I still need to write that up and send it, when is the cut-off for this week's UWN?17:15
greg-g(I ask because there are other life things happening today that need to get done, and I'm trying to prioritize)17:16
Pendulumgreg-g: I think we're aiming for 5PM EDT17:24
greg-gPendulum: cool, I'll have it in before then, thanks!17:27
akgranergreg-g yep 5pm EDT publish time...  - just ping when you send it to the list  and we'll get it added17:39
greg-gakgraner: awesome, writing it now17:41
internalkernelakgraner: is it me or does the GDoc for UWN seem empty... I don't see any of the posts I had put up earlier this week...17:46
akgranerinternalkernel, I moved them to the wiki17:46
internalkerneloh lord... scared the bahjeezus out of me17:47
akgraneralways check both places :-)17:47
akgranerI am going to work on the loco section summaries.. anyone wanna take the planet?17:47
internalkernelI'll start there after I call my pops...17:49
akgranerI can't get to this link - can someone else try just so I can make sure it's not just me - http://www.screenage.de/blog/2010/06/16/ubuntu-berlin-linuxtag-2010-pickings/17:56
zkriesseakgraner: it's broken17:57
akgranerjust double checking :-)17:57
akgranerthank you!17:57
akgranerinternalkernel, let me know when you are out of the wiki please :-)18:04
internalkernelshould I edit the Gdoc instead?18:05
akgranerholstein, are you working In other news?18:05
akgranerinternalkernel, nope you can add stuff there... the reason I use the google doc is so stuff can be written someone else and just dropped into the wiki  - but it's ok - I have other stuff to summarize - just let me know when you are out :-)18:06
akgranersome where else - not someone - jeez...18:06
akgranertyping fail :-)18:06
* zkriesse will be right back18:06
* zkriesse restarting KDE18:06
akgranerI've got the General Community News and LoCo Summaries ready to go in- looking at the LP section now18:07
internalkernelok, I'll grab the links and create summaries and drop them in later then too... didn't realize I'd locked others out when I editied it...18:07
Pendulumakgraner: should I stick stuff directly into the wiki or is there a google doc?18:07
internalkerneland I'm out...18:07
akgranerPendulum, you can put them in the wiki18:07
akgranerinternalkernel, is out now18:08
Pendulumdo you want to stick your stuff in first?18:08
internalkernelohhhh, she says that... but beware the wrath!18:08
akgranerPendulum, you can add yours I am searching the LP blog now :-)18:08
holsteinhey akgraner18:08
akgranerholstein, hey!18:08
holsteini wont make 5pm18:08
holsteini was planning on the normal midnight-ish time18:09
akgranerholstein, no worries - I'll summarize them this week :-)18:09
akgranerholstein,  no worries - that's why we have a team!18:09
holsteini'll be back aourd 6ish though and ping you18:09
holsteinif the fit hits the shan ;)18:10
akgranerwell there is nothing for the LP blog or Forum's section this week so that was easy :-)18:10
akgranerholstein, roger that!  thank you!18:10
holsteinakgraner: you feeling better?18:10
holsteini was at barleys last night18:10
akgranerstarting to..18:10
akgranertaking a break helped a lot18:10
akgranerwe were at the skynyrd, bret michaels and 38 special concert18:11
akgranerit felt good to just relax for a few18:11
akgraneranywho - ping me when you get back and let's see where we are - hopefully it will be published by them - but just incase  check back18:12
holsteinwill do :)18:12
akgranerI am working on in other news... internalkernel which section are you working on now?18:15
internalkernelPlanet - Im on NIcolas Barcet link18:15
internalkernelI'm just writing summaries into a Tomboy note - then Ill post them when I'm done with Planet18:15
akgranerawesome - that leaves in the Press if someone wants to work on those18:16
akgranerinternalkernel, yep - do do that or use gedit as well18:16
akgranerwhat ever works for you18:16
internalkerneltomboy is awesome...18:16
akgranerhowever I do put it in wiki mark-up so it's easier to just drop in18:16
akgranerusing the === title ===  etc18:17
holsteintomboy is for tomboy's18:17
holsteinalright... i'll check in later :)... bb18:19
akgranerholstein, thanks!18:19
akgranerhighvoltage, feel up to writing some summaries?18:19
highvoltageakgraner: I've been thinking about it all day!!!18:22
akgranerhehe :-)18:22
highvoltageakgraner: but have been doing all kinds of other stuff...18:22
highvoltageakgraner: what's the ETA on this week's UWN? would I still have some time left?18:23
akgraner5pm EDT for publishing18:23
highvoltageok that's another 3 hours or so, cool18:23
akgranerso the In the Press section needs some attention18:23
akgranerhighvoltage, more like 2.5 hours - hopefully it's published by 5pm :-)18:23
highvoltageakgraner: how does that work, do I just check my feeds and things like Google news for interesting stories and then write short summaries with links to them?18:25
akgranerhighvoltage, well for today I already went through feeds and added links :-)18:25
akgranerthey just need summarizing18:26
highvoltagegreat, so I literally just have to summarize18:26
Pendulumakgraner: ITB is done and in the wiki and I am out of the wiki18:26
highvoltageakgraner: do I do it on the wiki or is there a google doc again somewhere where I have to add it?18:26
highvoltage(or even better, gobby?)18:26
akgranerbut hopefully as people get more comfortable with their areas - people will be adding links and summaries - but it's a learning process for everyone18:26
akgranerhighvoltage, I would just grab the titles and links and write them on the googledoc - or tomboy or gedit what every works for you18:27
akgranerthat way you aren't in the wiki for a long period of time18:27
akgranerPendulum, thanks!18:27
akgranerhighvoltage, I also have an eitherpad open if you want to use that as well18:27
highvoltageakgraner: good idea18:28
akgranerhere you can see what I am doing ...18:28
akgranerbut do it which ever way is easiest for you to get it done18:28
akgranerPendulum, once I get the LoCo and GCN added can you start your awesome proofing18:29
Pendulumakgraner: yep, just let me know when18:30
akgranerI don't think we can ever have to many eyes proofing it as we all notice different things18:30
akgranerPendulum, thanks!18:30
akgranerbtw I am in the wiki now :-)18:31
akgraneroh also - make sure you check Trivial Change and Remove trailing whitespace from each line as well as add in the comment on the wiki what you added or did18:35
akgranerif you don't check trivial change then people like dholbach and others will end up will a million emails every SUnday18:36
akgranerPendulum, it's saving now..18:38
akgranerok I'm out now18:39
greg-gjust sent the email to the ubuntu-news-teams list18:46
internalkernelcan I edit?18:47
internalkernelyes I can...18:47
internalkernelcool, planet is done... akgraner18:51
internalkernelgotta feed the little one... bbiab18:51
akgranergreg-g, ok - I'll add it to General Community news then :-)18:52
akgranerinternalkernel, you can add to wiki or google doc and I'll drop it in - which ever you want to do18:52
akgranerjust added the In other News summaries - waiting for the wiki to save now19:08
highvoltageakgraner: sheesh, just got *one* summary written (although I only started about 15 minutes ago)19:13
highvoltageakgraner: I have more appreciation for this kind of work now :)19:13
akgranerno worries :-)  the more you do it the easier it gets :-)19:13
akgranerI have errors  - then have to go back a clean up :-)  or I miss something that someone else sees that's why we ask everyone to take a moment to proof things as well :-)19:16
highvoltagearticles that use bullet points seem much easier to summarize19:17
akgranerthat they are :-)19:21
akgranerI'm in the wiki right now - adding the ubuntu member announcement one sec and I'll be out of it19:21
akgranersaving  the wiki now -19:26
akgranerok and I am out19:28
akgraner(of the wiki)19:28
highvoltageakgraner: In the Press section saved, I'll get better with this with each week, so feedback is welcome :)19:43
akgranerawesome! :-)19:44
* akgraner goes to look19:44
akgranerwow the wiki is really slow today19:49
akgranerhighvoltage, the in the press section is tricky sometimes - but if you look at say issue 180 to 198 - and look at where the articles have been pulled from - as well as places you know of you should be able to check daily and add content19:50
akgranerit's always better to have and not need all the links than to need and not have any19:50
akgranerOk so if everyone can start proofing - I am going to grab the raw information from the wiki and add to the etherpad so we all aren't waiting on each other  - and can make changes at the same time - so if you are editing  - edit on the etherpad  one sec and I'll have it all there19:53
akgranerHere is the link - http://ietherpad.com/UWN19:54
akgranerPendulum, did you see anything you thought needed changing?19:55
Pendulumakgraner: looking at it now, I was just waiting for most stuff to be up20:00
akgranerit's up and I just copied it all to the etherpad - so people could edit at the same time20:01
Pendulumnope, onlything I noticed was that I forgot to put my name on the list of contributors, but anyone can do that20:06
popeyakgraner: just edited the etherpad a bit20:06
popeyaround loco council20:07
akgranerok it's you changing it :-)20:08
akgranerpopey, please read over the other LoCo information as well20:11
akgranersee if there is anything else...20:11
akgranerPendulum, I am going to add the in this Issue and Welcome the replace with is on the wiki -20:29
akgranerit will be about 20 minutes.. before that is complete20:29
Pendulumakgraner: just let me know when it's ready and I'll tkae a look20:46
akgranerPendulum, wiki is saving now - but I am going to re-do the welcome... but other than than take a look...20:53
Pendulumwhere should I look?20:54
akgranerwiki now20:55
akgranerI just added everyone's changes at once20:55
akgranernow that that is done  - I am not worried about everyone saving the wiki at once20:55
akgranerPendulum, well as soon as it saves20:56
akgranerI just lost the whole page20:57
akgranerone sec20:57
akgranerok there it is20:57
akgranersometimes these wikis have jokes - wow20:58
akgranerPendulum, I'm out20:58
Pendulumakgraner: you said the welcome is going to be redone, yes?21:19
akgraneryep look at the etherpad - I am making it a more personal welcome from the news team21:20
akgranerit bugs me that the Welcome and In this Issue say the same thing..21:21
akgranerPendulum, did you make changes yet?21:21
Pendulumi'm just finishing looking at it now21:21
Pendulum(I did just change something in the Welcome on the etherpad)21:22
akgranerk.. let me know and I'll add the new welcome :-)21:22
akgranercool - me looks21:22
akgraneryep I noticed that when I was reading it a loud - thanks21:22
Pendulumokay, I'm just sticking myself in the credits and then i'll be out21:25
Pendulumor, actually, i'll wait for you to be out :)21:25
akgranerI'll add you and a couple of other people :-)21:26
Pendulumokay, then, all looks good to men :)21:27
akgraneradded you, internalkernel, highvoltage and popey :-)21:29
akgranerok folks anyone wanna take one last look at the wiki?21:30
akgranerwell as soon as this thing saves21:30
akgranerwell found a wiki link ...let me fix that21:31
akgraneralso 'Contents' was showing up twice on the table of contents - I think I have that fixed now21:33
akgranerOk it's saved and I am out of it - going to walk away from it for a few then re-read it and publish it...21:36
akgranerThanks everyone for all your hardwork today!21:36
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:23:22
akgranergoing to have dinner will post to Fridge, Planet and Forums in just a few :-)23:24

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