
ubottupepper_haze called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()06:55
ubottupepper_haze called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()06:56
elkyNow I'm getting PMd and I'm not exactly sure what he's trying to say.06:59
elkyIm not sure what smoking around kids has to do with abusing a bot.06:59
FlannelWith how little sense his conversation made, I wonder if english is his first language07:00
elkyI think it is. I'm not sure he's sober though.07:00
FlannelThat could be07:01
topylioh dear, i have someone lecturing scientology in pm :\10:13
topyliat least i'm learning what the thought system is like, i've heard so much about the organisation10:14
Mamaroktopyli: thell him there is no theatan in you anyway, so they are loosing their time13:48
bazhangno wonder. probably needs karmic or lucid for the google cl to work14:15
bazhangand upgrading only python will break other things, one would imagine14:20
IdleOneI would think so also, that is why I suggested upgrading to 9.1014:20
IdleOnecan't wait till he comes back and blames me for breaking his system14:26
IdleOneI did give fair warning I think14:26
bazhangyep no doubt14:26
IdleOnebazhang: http://nzbget.sourceforge.net/Installation_on_POSIX14:30
bazhangIdleOne, thanks14:30
bazhanghe didnt really ask a question as far as I can see14:30
IdleOnethe other day he was having issues with libstdc++14:33
IdleOnethe version in lucid might be too new14:33
bazhangteamspeak perhaps?14:33
bazhangkids seems to want the newest version14:34
bazhangfor online gaming voIP14:34
IdleOnenzbget is a usenet file get thingy14:48
IdleOnenot sure where the teamspeak came into play :)14:48
jpdsI thought mumble was the new hotness?14:57
IdleOnewhen it works15:05
ubottuIn #kubuntu, eviljoker said: ubottu: thank you. is there a list of the bugs that have been arleady reported?16:08
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from wizard_2010)16:40
Eltaninhow can I get a cloak ubuntu/member/your_nick18:05
gnomefreakyou have to become an ubuntu member18:10
gnomefreakopps hes gone18:10
gnomefreakhow do i /msg ubottu to log in, since ubot4 doesnt do admin commands20:24
IdleOnegnomefreak: @login @btlogin20:26
gnomefreakyou mean /msg ubot4 @login?20:31
gnomefreaki wasnt wsure if i needed the @20:32
gnomefreaksorry not ubot4 but ubottu20:32
gnomefreakok i guess it doesnt tell me if i already bogged in20:33
gnomefreakyep @whoami works20:33
gnomefreakthanks IdleOne20:35
tsimpsonif you don't want to have to bother with @login, use @hostmask add *!*@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak20:35
tsimpsonthen you'll be auto-identified with the bot as long as you have your cloak20:36
gnomefreaktsimpson: i am already logged in when i show up, just wosnt sure due to bot changes. and for the record i miss ubottu, dont like ubot420:36
tsimpsonubot4 is different, yeah20:37
gnomefreakslow as crap too20:37
tsimpsonhopefully, we'll get all the accounts stuff organised20:37
gnomefreakoh so there is still work being done20:37
gnomefreakill be back a bit later. I have to get dinner started20:38
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth

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