
pleia2AlanBell: wow, that's a pretty decent percentage :)04:43
elkyIt kind of further adds to anecdata for the pub culture being a blocker, imho.05:23
AlanBellyeah and that is without really trying07:03
AlanBellelky: it is actually in a pub/nightclub07:04
AlanBellnot a very politically correct one either :-)07:04
elkyAlanBell, sure, but the event doesn't sound like it's aimed at hackers, it sounds aimed at business.07:05
elkyand "business" gives the vibe of "you can expect workplace standard of behaviour" rather than "a group of guys in a pub"07:06
elkyImagine how much more you could have got had the pub been "politically correct".07:07
AlanBellyeah, but then we might have had to pay for it07:08
AlanBellwe were looking at conference centres and similar07:10
AlanBellI wouldn't have held it in an actual pub as such07:11
elkyOk, you made it sound worse than it is.07:18
elkyUnless it's somehow not Cabaret but rather "Cabaret".07:19
AlanBellI really don't know, I am sure it is all in good taste08:04
AlanBellthey don't let hen parties book strippers08:04
AlanBellI would hope there is a measure of equality about that policy08:05
AlanBellanyhow, there are no strippers on the agenda of the event we are running08:05
AlanBellbut there will be cloud computing in the bed bar I think08:07
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