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iRcNoAsEGestern um 8:58:38 PM habe ich das Album "Falco III" vom Sänger "Falco" gekauft. Leider wurden nur 6 Lieder der 10 Lieder ins Web-Profile übertragen. Bei den anderen 4 Liedern kommt folgende Meldung "There was a problem completing the download. Try downloading again." im Rhythmbox.08:34
iRcNoAsEYesterday 8:58:38 PM I have the album "Falco III" bought by the singer "Falco". Unfortunately, only six songs of the 10 songs on the web-profiles have been transferred. For the other four songs is the following message "There was a problem completing the download. Try downloading again." in Rhythmbox.08:34
kermiachi iRcNoAsE, are your songs in the web interface?08:39
kermiaciRcNoAsE. Unfortunately it is the weekend for the U1 devs. I would suggest either coming back here on Monday or filing a bug report & we can pass it on when the devs are around08:39
kermiachonk ^^08:40
kermiaciRcNoAsE: if you do file a bug report, please let us know the bug report number & we can ask the relevant people to look into it08:41
iRcNoAsEkermiac: Only only 6 of the 10 songs are in the web ui08:41
kermiaciRcNoAsE: ok, unfortunately I don't think anyone is around atm that can poke around in the server logs to look into this for you.08:42
iRcNoAsEkermiac: I'll create a bug report08:44
kermiaciRcNoAsE: please let me know the bug report number & I'll ensure that the relevant person is poked after the weekend08:44
iRcNoAsEkermiac: okay08:44
kermiachey duanedesign ;)08:52
iRcNoAsEkermiac: Bug #59646508:52
kermiacbug 59646508:53
* kermiac kicks the bot08:53
kermiacok iRcNoAsE, I'll make sure the right person takes a look at it for you after the weekend. Sorry that you are having issues with U108:54
kermiacLaunchpad bug 596465 in ubuntuone-client "Not all songs from the album were transferred to the Web profile. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59646508:55
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mjsametTürk var mı aranızda ?09:11
kermiac!turkish | mjsamet09:12
ubot4mjsamet: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:12
mjsametty :)09:12
kermiacnp :)09:12
iRcNoAsEkermiac: okay & thx09:17
jimmytis any one having a hard time finding the authorize computer button for ubuntu one11:21
AtluxityI started with ubuntu one yesterday11:32
Atluxityif you check the FAQ11:32
Atluxityyou will find a magic command11:32
Atluxitythat will help you :)11:33
Atluxityu1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c11:33
Atluxitythat is the command, I just didnt want to post it directly because people should not trust commands from other strangers on irc, at least in my mindset11:34
chris97sorry but despite of status page says it's impossible to download files -> connection dropped when downloading -> the same with published files...11:36
Atluxityjimmyt, did that help?11:37
jimmytnot really i dont use terminal much11:38
Atluxitywell I dont know how else you are going to get it done11:40
jimmytdo i type the whole string or just part of it11:41
Atluxitythe whole11:41
Atluxityjust 1 line of command11:41
Atluxity(the ;-character works as a separator for each command, but still keeps it on one line)11:41
jimmytand where it says login i put my email right11:42
Atluxitythen your web-browser has popped up, right? asking for login11:42
Atluxitythats the email, correct11:42
Atluxitythis sound like you got the command right11:43
jimmytso i enter my email in the terminal11:43
Atluxitythe next window, after login should be a "Add this computer"11:43
Atluxityjust the command11:43
Atluxitylogin for terminal?11:44
jimmytany spaces11:44
Atluxityno more spaces than the ones i posted, not more or less11:44
jimmytty got it to work i just copied and pasted aperently my keyboard is having issues11:47
jimmytso i had either wrong letters or to many spaces11:47
Atluxitythats good to hear11:47
Atluxityand l looks kinda like a 1 and vica versa11:47
jimmytyeah it was what a one or an l cause i was using l11:49
chris97hi guys, do you know is there any outage in serving files through the http?11:49
jimmytthe contacts and notes are haaving issues11:49
chris97and files?11:50
jimmytnot that im seeing but i havent uploaded any11:50
Atluxitychris97, no, sorry, I dont know that much. I just started with ubuntu1 yeasterday, and hassent gotten it quite up yet. It freezes on me, probably just needs a reboot, but I dont want that right now11:50
chris97i'm on the windows machine now and downloading give me "connection reset" error in my web browser11:50
jimmytjust go my box set up to ubuntu one11:50
jimmytdeee + deeee = chris9711:51
jimmyti donot belive that ubuntu one works on windows11:52
chris97oh yes, but through the web service11:52
chris97not a client11:52
mkarnickijimmyt: I don't know who asked the question, but their porting U1 to Windows already11:52
mkarnickiby their I mean some guys, not U1 developers - the client code is open source, and CouchDB has been ported already, if I'm not mistaken11:53
mkarnickiomg.. /s/their/they're11:53
mkarnickisorry for my English11:53
mkarnickibut I don't have the link around. it might have been posted on omgubuntu.co.uk11:53
mkarnickigotta go now.11:54
jimmytstill i think that there isnt much you can upload at this time unless you want to pay 10 dollars amonth for fifty gigs of space11:54
jimmythow big is the file you are trying to upload11:54
mkarnicki( jimmyt: I think prices are similar to dropbox, or at least the initial free storage space is the same )11:55
jimmytwell at the free level its 2 gigs11:55
jimmyti was just comtemplating geting the upgrade11:56
mkarnickiI'm off for breakfast. bye!11:56
jimmytim off for a quick snozze before church11:57
fjordi am unable to download any files. seems like there is a problem.12:07
chris97fjord: I have the same problem here12:17
chris97using the u1 through the http interface12:18
chris97when downloading I have "connection reset" error in my web browser12:18
larsemilthe feature i would want the most is sync of the calendar, is this planned?12:45
mkarnickilarsemil: I think it is planned, soneer or later, with funambol.15:09
Benjamin_I was wondering is there or are there plans to have python integration to ubuntuone?16:39
Benjamin_If there aren't, is there anyone I need to speak to or anything I need to do (beyond the normal research on licensing, etc.) for leverage this functionality as I have a bunch of stuff I want to start integrating ubuntuone into.16:40
Benjamin_Would prefer not to write the python integration so thought I'd ask the general consensus on the usability if there is any for python integration :) (I'll rtfm when I'm not on my phone :))16:41
mkarnickiBenjamin_: you mean python API ? UbuntuOne client is written in Python. not sure what you mean by integration.16:44
rabidkoalaHey, can someone help me troubleshoot a downloading problem with the music store?16:46
Benjamin_sure api works to :)16:47
rabidkoalaIt has similar symptoms to a bug that was "closed" a while ago in the beta version... songs getting stuck in "There was a problem completing the download" mode16:47
Benjamin_integration == higher level description of an api/framework/etc.  something that allows me to integrate ubuntu one functionality into my python apps :)16:48
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balachmarHi, just curious, will syncing files that are not in the Ubuntu One directory work, if one computer has encrypted home and the other doesn't?19:53
mkarnickibalachmar: as long as you are logged in, it will work. (then the file system is mounted and de/encrypted on the fly)19:54
balachmarmkarnicki: well just asked, because in the faq it says if you want encryption in the cloud use encrypted home.19:55
mkarnickibalachmar: you found that.. ? could I have a link please? I'm interested.19:55
balachmarThen just one more question. My u1 says processing queues now, however, --waiting-content does not decrease and --current-transfers shows nothing19:56
balachmarmkarnicki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#Are my files stored on the server encrypted?19:56
balachmarooh, nevermind about that question, it is doing metadata at the moment...19:57
mkarnickibalachmar: ok, I don't feel comptetent to answer your question then. but someone else around here should.19:57
mkarnickibalachmar: how will you check if the files are encrypted in the cloud anyway?20:03
duanedesigngood day mkarnicki20:15
mkarnickigoodevening duanedesign :)20:15
balachmarmkarnicki: don't know. I was just reading the faq, and when I read that, I thought well, what about when only one has encrypted home. But I guess they are readable there. So everything should be fine.20:35
mkarnickibalachmar: good for you, I guess:) ?20:36
balachmarmkarnicki: Yeah, I GUESS too :) will know tomorrow when this pc finishes syncing :)20:37
duanedesignbalachmar: let us know how it goes :)20:38
Atluxitywhen I open the preference window for ubuntu one, it freezes after finding my login-info20:38
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mkarnickiduanedesign: do you think a published file link would brake if the user would make a fresh install of the system (that is, including new U1) ?20:45
duanedesignAtluxity: if you launch form the Terminal with the command: ubuntuone-preferences20:48
duanedesigndo you get any kind of informative error20:48
Atluxityill check, one moment20:48
duanedesignmkarnicki: i am not sure about that.20:49
Atluxityno informative error, no error at all, it just wont respond to my clicks and such20:49
duanedesignAtluxity: was it working before? Is this the first time you have tried to use it?20:50
Atluxitynot been working since I added this computer20:50
Atluxitythis is the first time20:50
duanedesignAlkini: Applications > Accessories > Password and Encryption do you see your Ubuntu One Token20:52
Atluxityduanedesign, no change when launching from terminal20:55
mkarnickiAtluxity: I think that last duanedesign tip was for you ;) check the token.20:56
duanedesigntab fail20:56
duanedesignAtluxity: yes that was for you.  Applications > Accessories > Password and Encryption20:57
duanedesignopen the passord folder and see if you see the Ubuntu One Token20:57
Atluxityyeah, I can see it20:59
duanedesignAtluxity: ok try and quit everything and see if it will open then. To quit all the ubuntuone processes the command would be:  killall ubuntuone-preferences; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -q21:00
AtluxityIm not seasoned enough with ubuntu to tell if it looks "normal", what ever that is, but its not anything that stands out21:00
Atluxityooo... wait... in terminal i got some debug-info21:01
Atluxityone moment, pastebin21:01
AtluxityI have ubuntu in Norwegian, and then "brukt" is translated to "used"21:02
duanedesignalso look at the log:  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/u1-prefs.log21:03
duanedesignAtluxity: ohhhhhhh21:03
duanedesignAtluxity: i've seen this before21:03
duanedesignAtluxity: let me find the bbug report21:03
duanedesignAtluxity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/57897721:04
duanedesigncan you click the 'this effects me' button at the top21:05
AtluxityI dont find the "this effects me" button21:08
Atluxityfound it21:08
duanedesignAtluxity: if you can make it back it in here between Monday and Friday 13:00-21:00 GMT youcan poke the developers about that bug.21:13
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Atluxityduanedesign, GMT = 22 now, right?21:15
Atluxitynot thats CET21:15
duanedesign20:15 gmt21:15
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