
holsteinhey zus06:23
holsteinwhats the good news?06:23
zusholstein, hello14:12
rvchilafinally you´ve entered14:13
zusdo you mean about last night?14:14
rvchilanop, i mean this time14:14
rvchilasince 12:4014:14
rvchilawhatever, i´m hangover14:14
zusoi, me too14:14
zusmy sister had her baby!14:15
rvchilafucking garrafón14:15
rvchilagarrafon = the worst alcohol, something like imitation14:15
zusi went to a friends house his kid graduated high school, it was fathers day, new uncle kinda thing all into one14:17
zusarrogant bastard! now thats a brew!14:17
zushow big is ubuntu studio after everything is installed,...14:18
rvchilai suppose 2 or 3 gb14:22
zusrvchila, http://www.arrogantbastard.com/animated/index.html14:24
zusi would have prefered the dvd but i had to install ubuntustudio from synaptic on a clean ubuntu 10.0414:25
rvchilafor me, i install ubuntustudio with the minimal imagen14:25
zuswhich is fine because it looks identical to the dvd i tried but i have all the other ubuntu candy like that "me menu"....i dont feel i miss anything now....ecept i prefer the  kde over gnome14:27
rvchilabut its not problem14:27
rvchilayou must install ubuntustudio metapackage and linux-rt14:27
rvchilachange the grub stuff14:28
zusno ecept hunting tutorial and how to's for  3 gigs of  items is a bit not fun...14:28
rvchilamy instalation is about 5 gb14:29
zuswhat is the linux-rt?14:29
rvchilai don´t know only ubuntustudio audio stuff14:29
rvchilathe kernel real time14:29
zuswhats that do then?14:30
rvchilai don´t know in english, this kernel is perfect to have low latency14:30
rvchilalatency = time to write the input to the computer14:31
rvchila( sorry i´m spanish, and i don´t know english enough )14:31
zusin synaptic i have marked linux-rt headers 2.6.31-10 and the2.6.31-10rt and linux-headers-rt14:32
rvchilalinux-rt is a metapackage14:32
zusoh, thats not marked...14:33
rvchilain your terminal i would do that : sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins linux-rt^C14:34
rvchilawithout ^C14:34
zusthat would not change the base ubuntu will it?14:35
rvchilain your grub list14:35
rvchilayou will choose the kernel rt14:35
rvchilaor the normal14:35
zusi dont see a list when i boot up just a blank screen and underscore blinking...then the ubuntustudio splashscreen14:36
rvchilaah ok14:36
rvchilayou will have to change the grub conf14:36
rvchilaon internet you will have a lot of information14:36
rvchilabut what will you use ubuntustudio ?14:37
rvchilamusic creation14:37
rvchilaor only have fun ?14:37
zusfor music14:37
rvchilaso i recomend you kernel rt14:38
zusbut my brother and i will be making videos as well,....14:38
rvchilait´s not problem14:38
rvchilai think that14:38
rvchilathe kernel rt is to work in real time14:38
rvchilawhatever music , video graphic14:39
zusi got a untrusted packages could compromise systems security. warning14:41
rvchilai don´t know14:41
zuslinux-rt linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt linux-image-rt do you wnat to ignore this warning and proceed anyway14:42
zuswell its nothing that i can re-install ive it ruins anything i guess14:43
rvchilait would be fixed at the future14:43
zusso my connections signal dropped to 48% and the install went from 23 minutes to 12hours....:(14:45
rvchilawhere are you from ?14:45
zusoriginally i am from puerto rico, but im an army brat, i've been to many places14:46
zusi didnt  enable the jack to be in real time though14:47
rvchilayou know spanish ?14:47
zusi can write it phonetically.14:47
rvchilai mean to read14:47
zusa good bit yes i can read spanish14:48
zusbut some of the words i  have trouble with14:48
rvchilain this web you have information about every step14:49
rvchilamaybe you can use the translator of google14:49
zusi wouldnt work for an insurance company, im  probably considered illiterate  when i comes to reading and writting in spanish14:49
rvchilai learnt english in poland14:50
zusi realized the internet is HUGE and when most people ask do you know spanish i some how end up getting Portuguese, brazilan dialect and spain,...or some for of spanish im not too familiar with...14:52
zusso i have began watching movies with the subtitles in other languages14:52
zusok the install is done, any need to reboot ?14:53
rvchilaafter that in the console14:53
rvchilaput uname -a14:53
rvchilaand tell me14:53
zusLinux  2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:56
rvchilayou don´t have the kernel rt14:57
rvchilayou will have to change de grub conf14:57
rvchilaseek on internet14:57
rvchilaand the first elecction would have to be rt14:58
zusok after a reboot,..15:07
zusLinux  2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux15:07
zusstill the same15:07
zusso i found online https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation , how do i make sure i have these packages installed already and if i missed one or not?15:13
astraljava!vanilla | zus15:26
ubottuzus: To install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation15:26
astraljavazus: That's the up-to-date instructions page.15:26
zusi tried to zip a bunch of albums into a file and saved as much as i can on dvd, but when i instert the disc to extract  some have 0 items,...what happened to my music?16:31
zusopps wrong channel, sorry16:32
ScottLzus, i made an improved page for upgrading from vanilla ubuntu -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu16:52
ScottLastraljava, it's my fault for not updating the page you linked, perhaps i will do that tonight16:52
zusScottL,  thank you.16:55
zusign in the terminal does that mean ignore? i see a lot of hit and a few ign16:57
holsteinzus: i usually suggest trying the generic kernel17:02
holsteinand changing to the real-time one if need17:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:03
holstein^^ that'll tell you how to make changes to grub though17:04
zusholstein,  hey how are you...17:04
holsteinnot bad :)17:04
holsteinwaking up17:04
zuswas on the drink last night....i didnt get your greeting till this morning17:06
holsteingood for you17:06
zusso i dont have to add my name to the audio group with the 2.6.32-22-generic kernal?17:13
rvchilayour name of user17:13
holsteinzus: add it a log out and back in17:14
holsteinadd it and*17:15
zusi dont think i have the rt kernal and when running sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.comf i only have @audio - rtprio 99 should i just add the other 2 entires anyway? (@audio - nice - 19 and @audio - memlock unlimited)17:24
holsteinzus: sure17:24
holsteinare you having problems with your audio?17:24
holsteinclicks or pops?17:24
holsteinor latency issues?17:25
zusto be honest i have not yet opened up any of the programs yet...17:25
holsteini would suggest just using some of the software17:26
holsteinand solving problems as they come up17:26
holsteinadd yourself to the audio group17:26
zusi've been looking through documentation and reading stuff on this17:27
holsteinand add those 2 lines if you got the editor open17:27
holsteinzus: have you opened JACK17:30
zusnope , actually  got lmms opened now17:30
zusaudio seems to be fine..17:36
zusnow to  find a way to plug my bass into the computer. i have a poor set up17:38
holsteinlet the gear lust begin :)17:39
holsteinScottL: i added a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation17:40
holsteinit links to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu17:40
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation17:41
zusis there program simmilar to reason where you have your "rack" and ya just add the "instruments" underneath the "mixer" and "drum machine"17:42
zusaside from lmms17:42
holsteinzus: im not sure what reason looks like17:42
holsteinyou can use ANYTHING with ANYTHING in JACK though17:42
holsteinprograms that are JACK aware can be routed where ever you want to route them17:43
zusi think im good for now,.. will setting up the video portion affect anything i've done in the audio?17:58
holsteinzus: you mean installing the video apps?17:59
zusyeah, nothing should conflict18:00
zusi like this set up much better than what i seen on the dvd,... im able to retain the Ubuntu lucid stuff as well as having ubuntustudio everything else,...am i able to change the log in screen and or boot splash?18:01
holsteinin theory18:02
* holstein looking18:02
holsteini would look at that18:08
zussweet thanks,.. brb18:11
zusholstein,  adding the @audio lines i did just earlier, gave me real-time accses for my applications,  is sudo su -c 'echo @audio - rtprio 99 >> /etc/security/limits.conf' the same thing?18:28
zusthank you all again for the help. i should be good to go then18:37
ScottLthanks holstein for adding the link!  that rocks man18:43
zuscould i have done this with Kubuntu rather than Ubuntu? and  what about using these packages on other distros like mint9?18:48
jussizus: with kubuntu youll be fine - however, mint we dont offer any support for.19:21
zusjussi thank you,..19:22
jussizus: also, on ubuntu its recommended to use sudo -i instead of sudo su ;)19:23
zusjussi i just wouldnt download the theme packages for kubuntu then right?19:25
jussiyeah, no need for those :)19:25
zusshiny :)19:27

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