
flanI *love* it when things just work as expected on the first try.03:11
flan<3 Python03:11
flanThe Qs server now has easy-to-use screenshot reordering and configuration stuff.03:32
flanWhich was the hardest part of the design, IMO.03:33
ChrisWoollardI noticed that i got the following email, is it important?08:56
ChrisWoollardHello Ubuntu Manual Team,08:56
ChrisWoollardThe membership of Ubuntu Manual Team (ubuntu-manual) in the Ubuntu08:56
ChrisWoollardDocumentation Contributors (ubuntu-doc-contributors) team has expired.08:56
ChrisWoollardThe Launchpad team08:56
thorwilChrisWoollard: that was on the list. i guess Ben will take action, if that is actually relevant09:06
thorwilgood morning, ubuntujenkins09:45
ubuntujenkinshey thorwil and ChrisWoollard09:45
drizzt_should the suggestion be reported as bugs?12:55
ubuntujenkinsdrizzt_: what suggestion?13:01
drizzt_suggestions about manual contents ofc13:02
ubuntujenkinssorry can you repeat it or link me the e-mail i think i missed it13:03
drizzt_sorry link you what? I'm asking about preferred channel of submitting suggestions concerning ubuntu manual project, if you accept them, obviously13:06
ubuntujenkinso a bug report would be fine. I thought you had already made a suggestion earlier .13:06
ubuntujenkinswe love suggestions13:06
drizzt_which manual should be translated? lucid-e2 or lucid-e1, for some reason Launchpad recommends -e1, is it correct?13:33
ubuntujenkinsdrizzt_: e1 sould be the one to translate13:35
drizzt_what's the difference?13:36
thorwildrizzt_: edition 1 and 213:36
ubuntujenkinsedition 2 is the next release for lucid13:36
thorwildrizzt_: english original of e1 has been frozen quite a while ago. e2 will need work13:36
drizzt_i see.13:37
dakercheck that http://www.vuvuzela-time.co.uk/www.google.com14:56
humphreybcdaker: hahahha15:10
dakerhumphreybc,  the final will NZ vs BRA ?15:24
humphreybcdaker: ahahaha15:26
dakerPortugal vs Brasil will be a good match15:28
humphreybcI hope NZ win against paraguay15:30
dakeri don't think so hahahaha15:31
=== daker_ is now known as daker
* nisshh feels releived17:51
nisshhfinally got my system back up17:51
* ubuntujenkins 's laptop is burning hot19:32
thorwilubuntujenkins: be environment-conscious and cook something on it!19:52
ubuntujenkinslol thorwil19:53
dutchiewave is no longer beta20:46
dutchielooks like we can switch from etherpad to that if we like20:47
dakerDavid villa missed a pernalty20:49
c7pI have many days to see godbyk on channel (I mean talking), is he on holidays ?20:49
dakerc7p, maybe20:51
dakerhe is on holidays to watch the World cup :)20:52
ubuntujenkinsc7p: he may be at a latex confrence I can't rember when he is going20:53
c7pubuntujenkins: I checked it, it starts next week20:54
ubuntujenkinsprobably busy then . what do you want to ask him?20:55
c7pI've sent him an email about the todo thing of the translated manual, but it's very strange that I haven't talked with him on channel for almost a week :p20:57
ubuntujenkinsI haven't either. feel free to send me the mail he explained how to do most of the stuff to me.20:58
ubuntujenkinsI am not as good as the real godbyk20:59
c7pok I am sending you the mail :)21:00
ubuntujenkinscool I will see what i can do to help21:02
c7pthx man21:02
ubuntujenkinscan you send me this email "21:04
ubuntujenkinscorrect some of the glossary entries' number references (see the mail "glossary entries, page number references" that I've sent you) "21:04
c7pdone :d21:05
ubuntujenkinsthanks is the .tex file in lucid-e1?21:05
ubuntujenkinsnot exaclty sure how to fix the glossry as that is all done automatically. we shall work it out21:06
ubuntujenkinswhat language code it it?21:07
ubuntujenkins*is it?21:07
* ubuntujenkins has not pulled on lucid-e1 in a while someone has added loads21:09
c7pubuntujenkins: the lang code is el21:11
ubuntujenkinsright lets look21:14
ubuntujenkinshmm I have no index21:18
ubuntujenkinsc7p: you will have to e-mail it to me as xchat transfer fails for me and i don't kno why21:20
ubuntujenkinsthanks running it now21:23
ubuntujenkinsok then blank page removed21:30
ubuntujenkinsc7p: which page is the revison and date stuff on?21:31
ubuntujenkinsas per "place the REVISION_DATE stuff on the next line   "21:31
c7pyou mean on pdf?21:31
c7ppg 3 (of 178)21:32
ubuntujenkinsdo you mean you want the date on one line and the revsion number on the next?21:34
ubuntujenkinsalso do you see japanease letters in the index on the left of evince?21:35
ubuntujenkinscan you please see if the index entries are numbered correctly on http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5012868/ubuntu-manual-el.pdf21:36
* ubuntujenkins nudges c7p 21:39
c7pubuntujenkins: sry I clean up the mess on hard drive21:40
c7p"do you mean you want the date on one line and the revsion number on the next?"  yes :)21:40
ubuntujenkinsno problem :)21:40
ubuntujenkinscool ok21:40
ubuntujenkinsI will try and do that21:40
c7pi see many entries over and over again21:42
c7pare you sure that you have the lattest tex file ?21:43
ubuntujenkinsyep i pulled at 21.0921:44
c7pI don't know, it seems like it has bugs that we have fixed before weeks :/21:46
ubuntujenkinshmm e-mail me yours if you like and I will diff them and see21:46
ubuntujenkinsunless kevin ahs not updated the branch21:46
c7pidk what happened, message has been sent21:48
ubuntujenkinsOne way or another they are not the same21:51
c7puse mine tex file it has many many bug fixes21:53
ubuntujenkinsyep doing so now21:53
ubuntujenkins do you see japanease letters in the index on the left of evince?21:54
ubuntujenkinsi need to go I will try and sort what i can tomorrow21:55
ubuntujenkinsbye all21:55
c7pg night all21:58

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