[16:01] help.ubuntu.com seems to be having some issues right now [16:02] maccam94: It's being worked on. [16:03] Ok, just thought i'd give a heads-up. [16:04] maccam94: Sure, it's great to be notified of issues. :) [16:04] maccam94: And it's back. [16:05] jpds: sorta. Still can't open https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW [16:05] maccam94: Ctrl-F5? [16:05] but the main page loads. progress! haha [16:05] ctrl + f5 is no good [16:06] It just loaded fine here... [16:06] aaaand that's back too now [16:07] Well, keep up the good work guys! === daker_ is now known as daker [16:43] hey gang, been offline for a couple days but I'm back now [16:56] newz2000: welcome back :) [16:57] everyone hide! [16:58] stas: still around? [16:59] * knome hides from cjohnston [16:59] lol [16:59] hey stas, did you see bug #595771? [16:59] newz2000: ill take your opinion too.. [16:59] bug 595771 [16:59] * newz2000 wonders where our bug bot is [16:59] hmm [16:59] newz2000, hiding [16:59] !fail [16:59] Factoid 'fail' not found [16:59] lol [17:00] newz2000, want me to ask jussi? [17:00] knome: sure, please [17:00] newz2000 / stas it was mentioned to me that the text under ubuntu should be larger [17:00] http://dev.ubuntu-fl.org - its hard to tell that its the florida loco team [17:01] newz2000, done [17:01] newz2000, i'll get back to you when i hear something [17:01] cjohnston: ok, saved for later [17:01] newz2000: checking the bug now [17:05] newz2000, try again [17:05] bug #595771 [17:05] Launchpad bug 595771 in ubuntu-website "mouse over area on nav should be clickable (affects: 1) (heat: 39)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/595771 [17:05] :) [17:05] thanks knome! [17:05] no problem [17:06] newz2000: you mean that you would like that the all height button be clickable? [17:06] not just the part where text exists [17:06] stas: yes [17:07] so that the same area that triggers the hover is also clickable [17:07] bbl, going to grocery store [17:07] newz2000: ok will be done [17:07] knome: can i give you my list [17:07] cjohnston, list? :) [17:07] grocery [17:08] haha [17:08] you can [17:08] :) [17:08] but only if you want me to eat what you want [17:08] ill pay ya if you deliver it all fresh [17:08] lol [17:08] you prolly dont want to eat what i want [17:08] just don't use ups, fedex are faster and cheaper :P [17:08] cjohnston, okay, you'll have to pay for the trip as well [17:08] lol [17:08] that's expensive shipping [17:08] definitely [17:09] plus i have a hourly rate of 80 euros [17:09] plus VAT [17:09] i dont pay in euros [17:09] knome: can we pay in Greek bonds? [17:09] oh, nitpicking customer bonus, 140 usd per hour plus vat [17:09] mhall119, no ;) [17:09] only eur, gbp or usd goes [17:10] lol [17:11] cjohnston, so, that would approximately make 20000 usd. what do you want me to get for you? [17:11] sure thing [17:11] lol [17:11] he wants you to deliver 30000 Euros, can you do that for 20000 usd? [17:12] mhall119, we were talking about "grocery shopping" [17:12] mhall119, "mafia shopping" has different hourly rates [17:12] your grocery stores don't sell money? lame [17:12] mhall119, no, not if i don't ask them nicely with a gun [17:12] manners are key [17:12] yup [17:24] newz2000 cjohnston update your brnaches and tell me if its better now [17:26] hmm... its saying no updates [17:27] Using saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sushkov/ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme/ [17:27] Pushed up to revision 19. [17:29] im on 19 and see no noticable difference [17:29] hmm [17:29] 1 sec [17:29] * newz2000 is switching branches [17:29] for some reason it isnt letting me update the branch [17:30] ugh, it would help if I was on the computer that had wordpress installed [17:30] heh [17:30] good one :) [17:30] stas: how can i update? [17:31] bzr pull [17:31] ok [17:31] should work [17:31] ok [17:32] done.. yay [17:32] newz2000: http://dev.ubuntu-fl.org/ cjohnston's dev sandbox [17:32] stas: that looks much better [17:32] I really don't think the text is too small under the logo [17:33] new text or old texxt [17:33] it was :) [17:33] the one on the site now [17:33] newz2000: also jono started something http://developer.recreantview.org/ [17:33] thats new [17:34] thought that should be kept in secret he said [17:34] good change then (font-size) [17:34] stas: I saw that last week, looks cool. [17:34] Who's implementing the slider? [17:34] its in the new theme [17:35] just add class="slider" to a div with a couple of img tags [17:35] out of the box [17:35] it's slick [17:35] right arrow is askew [17:35] yeah jono borke it [17:35] broke it [17:35] it would also be nice if you could tell the diffrerence between the hit areas on the links [17:35] for some reason all my pretty links arent workign [17:35] wtf [17:35] there seems to be three, the left, the right and the middle [17:35] but no visual separation [17:36] cjohnston: what links? [17:36] stas: maybe if the left and right arrows changed when you moused over to more clearly define the hit area that responds to the arrow [17:36] * newz2000 will mock it up [17:37] all better [17:37] newz2000: yeah, the arrows can be improved, actually jono asked me to use the one from ubuntu.com but then we stopped since we had to ask for (c) permissions [17:38] stas: yeah, use what you have but try this [17:38] when you mouse over the actual arrow, make it a semi-opaque white box with a transparent arrow [17:38] my computer's fscked, let me get a pencil and paper [17:39] :) [17:41] stas: http://www.flickr.com/photos/newz2000/4720958163/ [17:42] newz2000: hmm I think I can do that [17:42] in css3 there's support for rgba [17:42] where I can add a blurry background [17:43] on hover [17:43] to current arrows [17:43] sure, you could do the basic opacity with css2 and then use that for css3 and it would work well for all [17:43] my first thought was having the opacity be part of the png file, but either works for me [17:47] newz2000: no, your thought is better [17:48] the pic should be 'inverted' on hover [18:10] newz2000: http://ubuntuone.com/p/7df/ [18:11] some rounded arrows would be cool [18:11] but i have no photoshop and I don't have time to mess with gimp :_ [18:11] ;) [18:12] * newz2000 checks [18:12] inkscape would probably work better anyway [18:12] mhall119: i have no svg sources for that arrow [18:13] :( [18:13] it was provided by author of the js slider [18:13] gotcha [18:21] so i commit or no? [18:28] sorry, having trouble downloading the file [18:28] * newz2000 tries again [18:38] stas: just commit and I'll review there. I'm getting u1 proxy errors and my stomach is growling at me [18:43] done [18:46] stas ping? [18:46] pong jono [18:46] hey [18:46] going to do more work on the site today :) [18:46] how do I get the orange button again? [18:46] I want to add a nice big download button [18:46] good, first updated we fixed some bugs and added improvements [18:47] oh one sec [18:47] jono the awesome class [18:47] ... [18:47] cool :) [18:48] how can I get larget text? [18:48] hmm, one sec [18:50] you need to add style="font-size: 30px;" to overwrite the current font size [18:50] ok cool [18:50] thanks! [18:54] jono, can i see the result? if you want [18:54] daker, see what result? [18:54] of what your are doing right now [19:01] oki no problem :) === Turl1 is now known as Turl [23:38] stas around?