
ScottKNightrose: Looks like wordpress.com will work for me.  00:17
NCommanderwe lost Scott!00:35
NCommanderScottK: Riddell: mcasadevall@daybreak:~/src/kde/kdebase/workspace$ svn ci -m "Cast qMax calls so kdebase-workspace will build on qreal == float platforms"00:47
NCommanderEnvoi          workspace/plasma/desktop/shell/activitymanager/activityicon.cpp00:47
NCommanderEnvoi          workspace/plasma/generic/applets/quicklaunch/icongridlayout.cpp00:47
NCommanderTransmission des données ..00:47
NCommanderRévision 1140997 propagée.00:47
ScottKNCommander: How goes bindings and edu?00:48
ScottKThat's great news, btw.00:49
NCommanderScottK: kdeedu should be trivial to fix.00:49
NCommanderScottK: kdebindings is broken because python-qt4 is broken00:49
ScottKNCommander: Yes.  For you....00:49
NCommanderI think I need to trout some people at Akademy00:49
ScottKNCommander: If only you knew someone who helped maintain it in Debian.00:49
NCommanderScottK: you should be able to fix it. Find the qMax/qMin/etc call and add a cast00:50
NCommanderScottK: er, I do maintain it in Debian :-P00:50
ScottKNCommander: Oh.  Handy isn't it.00:50
* NCommander feels like he just became victim of his own success (or failure)00:50
ScottKNCommander: I program Python.  I have no idea what you're talking about other than it sounds a lot like the other stuff you've fixed.00:50
NCommanderScottK: it is. The correct people will be trouted at Akademy.00:51
ScottKSurely you're old enough to know that the reward for good work is more work.00:51
NCommanderScottK: I hereby deligate you resonsible for python-qt4 in Debian. I'll add you to uploaders next time I touch it00:51
ScottKNCommander: I'm not qualified for that one.  Most of the trouble with it isn't in the Python.00:52
DarkwingDuckOh wow... just found a MAJOR flaw in Rekonq. restricts the address bar to 61 chars00:57
DarkwingDuckNix that... its working now.. it's my system00:59
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1141001 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Emit packageChanged() when marking the cache for (dist)upgrade01:21
ScottKNightrose: I even got the right posts going to two different planets.  Thanks again for the suggestion.01:34
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest87538
=== Guest87538 is now known as Valdiyen
ScottKNCommander: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50710920/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.9~svn1137272-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz too.02:08
ScottKNCommander: There's several more in Universe.  Maybe we could find you someone to train for those....02:44
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
NCommanderScottK: indeed, but lack of hardware hurts.03:30
JontheEchidnaHrm, should the Canonical-support-message bit go in with the description, or should it go here? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopsm1416-jpg.jpg03:46
lex79in synaptic it's in description, but seems better in your position03:50
lex79opensuse will come out with oxygen-molecule by default o.O03:50
JontheEchidnaopensuse will ship a gtk theme that doesn't support color schemes by default :P03:51
lex79right I know03:51
lex79ScottK: libvpx is in Universe, ffmpeg needs it to build03:52
ScottKlex79: Ask siretart if it should be promoted or dropped.04:03
ScottKOnly 7 new FTBFS on armel tonight.04:07
JontheEchidnaNew thought: hide the details tabbar until you've clicked a package: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopv16382-jpg.jpg04:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: We've got quite a few Universe armel FTBFS in KDE packages.  NCommander says they are mostly trivial to fix is someone knows any C++.  Would you have a suggestion for someone (not you) he could teach how to fix these?04:57
NightroseScottK: hehe you're welcome08:04
apacheloggeranyone on maverick around?08:40
apacheloggeror lucid, just not with PPA packages?08:40
apacheloggeractually, anything KDE 4 without PPA packages is sufficient ^^08:40
jussinot I said the hedgehog08:43
apacheloggerif KConfig's code style would be any more different across files one would not know they belong to each other08:48
* apachelogger feels dizzy all of a sudden08:49
apacheloggerRiddell: once I have done this general desktop-file-translation-lookup-stuff we might consider trying to make PPA builds not attach a translation domain to the desktop file08:58
apacheloggerthat saves us from adding the appropriate catalog each time an affected desktop file gets loaded, even if it was not eaten by the binarymangler08:58
apacheloggersame goes for packages outside the kubuntu package set I suppose08:59
NightroseRiddell: could you push the i'm going to akademy image to the kubuntu server?09:09
Nightroseeveryone is hotlinking my image and i'm not sure how much my server likes that 09:09
Nightrosei might need to take it down09:09
apacheloggerNightrose: why not put it on kollide?09:59
Nightroseapachelogger: because i'd like my stuff on my server ;-)10:00
Nightrosejust not exactly hot on everyone hotlinking the image from there10:00
apacheloggerNightrose: I mean the image on kollide :P10:00
Nightrosei know10:00
apacheloggerwouldnt be any different from having it on kubuntu servers?10:00
Nightrosemy image is hotlinked on kubuntu.org10:01
Nightroselatest news10:01
apacheloggerAH ^^10:01
apacheloggerhm, right, there was something about the content boxes10:03
apacheloggerthis is quite the pain in the neck10:07
apacheloggergetting there10:09
* Nightrose vanishes for a while10:10
apacheloggerNightrose: fix0red10:11
apacheloggerryanakca: can we please do something about the usability of that butterfly... >5 minutes to just get an image uploaded is a bit of too long10:11
* apachelogger closes the 3 additional browsers he opened10:12
Nightroseapachelogger: :*10:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanjussi: \o10:21
jussihiya Quintasan10:21
Riddellthanks apachelogger 10:22
QuintasanRiddell: hello10:23
Riddellmorning Quintasan 10:24
* apachelogger just noticed that he should probably be doing other things than fixing our desktop translations so that he shall get a B in his discrete maths course :P10:24
apacheloggerRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/188833410:30
apacheloggerany thoughts on line 29?10:30
apacheloggercopying the global klocale seems like the saver choice OTOH it also includes loads of stuff we do not need for desktop files (e.g. syscatalogs)10:31
Riddellapachelogger: saver compared to what?10:37
apacheloggerRiddell: KLocale(nameOfDesktopCatalog);10:37
* apachelogger somehow has the impression that new klocale instances get somehow based on the global one anyway though10:38
Riddelldoes your valgrind stuff have an opinion?10:38
apacheloggernot really, difference would be marginal eitherway10:40
apacheloggerimplicit cctor ^^10:42
apacheloggerRiddell: from a low level POV the cctor ought to be considerable more expensive, also ctor with just a catalog name seems to be doing more closely what is required for the desktopfile usecase10:44
apacheloggerwell then10:44
apacheloggerRiddell: supposedly the new desktop file patch is done, and does not cause much of a noticable overhead compared to unpatched KDE10:45
Riddellapachelogger: how does it compare to the old patch?10:46
Riddelland actually how does it compare to the suse patch if you looked at that (code wise)?10:46
apacheloggercode wise compared to the old patch it does hook in at a higher level (old was in kconfig, which would then trigger at least a load of unrelated if conditions), on the performance side context menus in dolphin now open almost instantly, whereas old patch caused a delay of roughly 3 to 4 seconds on my machine10:49
Riddellsounds like another apachelogger victory!10:49
apacheloggerthe new patch is based on the suse patch, however more efficient because suse uses it as fallback, whereas we use it as override, hence we can do a simple if locale == 0, suse needs to check if the key is translatable via the desktop file10:49
* apachelogger needs to talk to suse about their patch, because actually it can be improved using qstringbuilder ^^10:50
RiddellI briefly tried engaging lubos about it but he went a bit vauge 10:52
apacheloggerwell, it is pretty straight forward, they just introduce a new function that is used when reading the name, comment or genericname of a desktop file, this function will then try to translate the key using the data available in the desktop file itself, if that fails they translateRaw via KLocale10:53
apacheloggeroh that said, their approach also differs from ours in that we do have multiple gettext domains which requires our ctor to introduce a private locale member, suse only got one and adds it at global scope as system catalog in klocale.cpp10:54
apacheloggerthat is https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file?file=add-suse-translations.diff&package=kdelibs4&project=openSUSE:11.210:54
RiddellNCommander, agateau: if you guys want bof sessions at akademy they need to be added to the wiki now10:55
RiddellNightrose: these wiki pages are problematic, there's no end time for the sessions http://community.kde.org/Events/Akademy/2010/Wednesday10:55
Riddellor maybe they really are three hour sessions in the morning10:56
NightroseRiddell: hmmmm i don't have time atm to fix any of it sorry :/10:56
* apachelogger browses through kickoff looking for regressions10:58
apacheloggerno fedora please11:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: butterffly?11:24
apacheloggerhm, actually butterbunny11:24
nebulainUtileBar install but it will nowhere be obtained so why please help11:27
Riddellnebula: try #ubuntu-bg11:27
* ryanakca figures apachelogger is way past the balmer peak and decides to go get ready for his last high school exam11:29
Riddellryanakca: good luck11:30
apacheloggerryanakca: that is coming from fregl, not me :P11:30
apacheloggerryanakca: good luck with the exam :)11:30
ryanakcaThanks :)11:31
apacheloggerhooray for intltool create po files11:32
apacheloggerRiddell: I finally found out why hardware drivers was not translated all those years ^^11:33
apacheloggerand it is not our fault11:33
apacheloggeris supposed to be the name used in the desktopfile11:34
apacheloggerit however lacks context11:34
apacheloggerwe however try to translate by precise context11:34
apacheloggeri.e. context: Name, value: Hardware Drivers11:34
apacheloggerwhich returns Hardware Drivers because there is no context 11:34
apacheloggerOTOH provides a context and therefore gets translated properly11:35
freglapachelogger: what is coming from me?11:37
apacheloggerfregl: butterbunny11:38
freglah, that's when you can draw neither... butterfly nor bunny :D11:38
Riddellapachelogger: intltool fail?11:38
apacheloggermost likely, maybe it is intentional *shrug*11:38
apacheloggerI poked pitti about it11:38
apacheloggerIf it is intentional then it is a major PITA since we only can solve this by not looking up with context on general purpose, which seems wrong, or we try a second lookup without context if one with context did return untranslated11:40
apacheloggerwhich is a waste of cpu cycles of course11:40
apacheloggerRiddell: also see bug 59721612:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597216 in python-distutils-extra (Ubuntu) "add a context to the strings extracted from .desktop.in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59721612:32
apacheloggerhttp://imagebin.ca/view/j0OPqZF.html \o/12:34
apacheloggerhm, there might be an unaddressed case in the current desktopfile magic12:47
NCommanderRiddell: what BoF sessions have you scheluded12:50
RiddellNCommander: none but you should schedule your one for arm12:50
NCommanderRiddell: indeed12:51
apacheloggerkde rev 97698013:05
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=976980&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 976980 | const'ify13:05
* apachelogger blinks because of the code of that applet13:22
* apachelogger abandons hope to make the pastebin applet support pasteubuntucom13:25
apacheloggershadeslayer_: ping ^^13:48
apacheloggerRiddell: there is one thing that troubles me with the current desktopfile implementation ... as it stands it will prefer mo translations over desktop file whenever the gettext domain is defined14:00
apacheloggerthat however is an inherit problem caused by pkg-kde-tools adding the gettext domain entry even if not used (i.e. in non-archive builds)14:00
apacheloggerso either we fix pkg-kde-tools or we introduce at least 2 additional methods that help detect if the desktop file contains translations itself and use that instead of looking them up via klocale14:01
apacheloggerI find former the better choice :)14:02
Riddellhow would you change that in pkg-kde-tools?14:02
apacheloggernot sure yet, but IIRC pkgbinarymangler also has some magic embedded to check whether it is building on a PPA14:04
RiddellI think it's just not enabled on the PPAs14:04
Riddellit's an option in dpkg-something14:05
apacheloggerRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/188843914:07
apacheloggerdpkg-deb as seen in pkgbinarymangler14:07
apacheloggeryo nixternal14:07
apacheloggerI am wondering where /CurrentlyBuilding is coming from.14:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose since there is purpose: ppa there is also a purpose for archive builds14:09
nixternalI was hoping my new computer would arrive today, but it will at least be here by tomorrow.. \o/ woohoo14:09
* apachelogger wishes he would get a new computer with ssd ^^14:10
txwikingerwhat could switch off the screen every 15 secs in plasma-netbook?14:12
txwikingeractually less than 15 secs14:12
nixternalapachelogger: yeah, no SSD in this machine...just a simple dual core processor with 4gb of ram and a NVIDIA card :/14:12
nixternalnot gonna complain since it is a freeby14:13
apacheloggeroh, sweet :)14:16
CIA-99[libqapt] jmthomas * 1141309 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/package.h Make the set* functions public Q_SLOTS so that things can connect to them as slots. (E.g. buttons)14:18
CIA-99[libqapt] jmthomas * 1141312 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h package.cpp package.h) API change: Less mysterious bool variables as function arguments; split out purging into its own function14:25
Riddellshadeslayer_: ping, where are you changes to kdenetwork for google talk/chat?14:27
danttiI tested the installer with nomodset on that vaio vpc cw13 and it shows up the installer now, I haven't installed though but i guess the only problem i might have is not having nomodset on the grub menu... will I have it?14:30
danttibtw is anything you need to know to "fix" for next cd?14:31
echidnaman!find /usr/bin/qdbusviewer14:33
ubottuFile /usr/bin/qdbusviewer found in libqt4-dbg, qt4-dev-tools14:33
Riddelldantti: you can do the install and chroot in and edit the grub config if you want to be sure14:33
echidnaman!find /usr/bin/qdbusviewer lucid14:33
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
Riddelldantti: I think you'd need to test a maverick CD to know if it needs reported for maverick14:34
JontheEchidna!find /usr/bin/qdbusviewer lucid14:34
apacheloggerWe also pass arguments called 'suite' which is the current distroseries and14:34
apacheloggerpocket, (e.g. edgy-updates) and 'archive_purpose' which contains the build's14:34
apacheloggerarchive.purpose (e.g. PRIMARY or PPA).  These latter two arguments are14:34
apacheloggerused in the chroot to determine whether it needs to turn on some features14:34
ubottuFile /usr/bin/qdbusviewer found in libqt4-dbg, qt4-dev-tools14:34
apacheloggeror not (like pkgstriptranslations and pkgmaintainermangler).14:34
danttiRiddell: right, after I install that I'll test maverik then14:34
apacheloggerRiddell: check if /CurrentlyBuilding is present, if it is and contains purpose: PRIMARY -> add ubuntu gettext domain14:35
apacheloggerelse do nothing14:35
danttiRiddell: btw there is a change that I find time to add screenshot support to kpk, as you had packaged PackageKit last time do you think going to 0.6 will be a problem? ( I think the next fedora will have 0.6 by default)14:36
Riddellapachelogger: suspiciously easy14:36
Riddelldantti: we already have kpackagekit 0.614:37
RiddellI uploaded that last week14:37
apacheloggerRiddell: you only think that it is easy because you did not have to search for that documentation ;)14:37
Riddelldantti: also search is broken in packagekit-backend-apt so there's a good case to switch to aptcc 14:37
danttiRiddell: hmm nice :D there are more things broken in backend-apt, I couldn't refresh my cache when I  was behind a proxy14:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopg16382-jpg.jpg14:38
JontheEchidnaI took some of your suggestions ;)14:38
Riddelldantti: how would screenshot support work?  where would it get the screenshots from?14:39
danttiRiddell: and also I asked you about using the session interface of packagekit to install the codecs and such so we don't have the proxy problem there too14:39
JontheEchidnaRiddell: debian has a screenshot website that all the package managers use14:39
Riddellit does?14:39
JontheEchidnayup yup14:39
danttiRiddell: well Synaptics has screenshot support right? I just need to change PackageKit to give me that info14:39
RiddellI don't think Synaptics does14:40
JontheEchidnasynaptic does14:40
danttihere it does :P14:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you ought to took all ... I am now specialist in human-computer interaction :P14:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: :P14:40
JontheEchidnadantti: Just grab http://screenshots.debian.net/screenshot/pkgname or http://screenshots.debian.net/thumbnail/pkgname for thumbnails14:41
JontheEchidnathe website does "no image available" handling14:41
JontheEchidnaIt's all quite sweet ^.^14:41
danttiJontheEchidna: nice :D14:43
danttiI'm going to change packagekit to emit packageData() which can give me any info that is predifined on an enum this way backends that don't support screen shots simply don't send the screen shot data ..14:45
danttithe only problem is that with the current package view it's not so cool to see even a thumbnail14:46
JontheEchidnaand all without Qt D:14:47
apacheloggersuggestions on making parts of a make target conditional without linebreak excaping a billion lines?14:49
apacheloggerRiddell: did you get u1-kde to work btw?15:16
Riddellapachelogger: I got files to sync, I don't think i got any dolphin integration to work15:17
apacheloggerRiddell: if you are on kde 4.5 pre-release you need to activate it in the settings?15:18
apacheloggerand add a .ubuntuone file in the directory15:18
Riddellyes did that15:19
Riddellwhat should I be able to do having done that?15:19
apacheloggernothing, it should just display graphic emblems representing the status of the items15:19
RiddellI seem to have a square emblem15:20
Riddellwhat does that mean?15:20
apacheloggerthat is when it is up-to-date15:20
apacheloggerif you add a new file it should have a green arrow 15:21
apacheloggerif you hit f5 after a bit it should be a square too15:21
Riddellit's always a square15:22
Riddelleven if I copy in a large .iso file15:22
Riddelland it doesn't appear in my files on the website15:22
Riddellthis is just a random directory15:22
apacheloggernot good15:22
apachelogger~/Ubuntu One/15:22
apacheloggeralso subdirs are not supported15:23
apachelogger(all limitations of the current dolphin plugin interface unfortunately)15:23
Riddellputting .ubuntuone in ~/Ubuntu One/ adds square emblems to files but new .iso file is a square too15:24
Riddellooh it's an arrow now15:24
Riddelllooks like a link15:24
Riddellyes like that15:25
apacheloggerwell, it is all a bit limited, I hope to get a proper plugin interface for 4.615:25
apacheloggerbecuase unfortuantely you cannot do this stuff via slaves15:26
apacheloggerRiddell: pkg-kde-tools is changed to only do l10n stuff on Purpose: PRIMARY .... but only for the .sh scripts15:30
apacheloggerdoing that in makefile syntax is a bit of a PITA TBH15:31
Riddellalas makefile is what most of the KDE SC packages still use15:32
apacheloggerwhich one?15:34
* apachelogger thinks we are supporting too many build stuff at once -.-15:34
apacheloggerat least for kdelibs15:35
apacheloggerwell then15:35
* apachelogger does ugly things15:35
Riddellshadeslayer_: kdenetwork uploaded with google talk support!15:38
shadeslayer_Riddell: awesome awesome :D15:43
shadeslayer_Riddell: did you close that bug with the upload or will i have to close manually ?15:43
* shadeslayer_ thinks one library was left for inclusion in main...15:43
* apachelogger is all sorts of scared15:44
Riddellshadeslayer_: asac said I could just promote them and someone will worry about the MIRs later so we may will have issues there when anyone looks at them15:44
Riddellshadeslayer_: I filed a MIR for srtp15:44
* shadeslayer_ dances with joy15:45
shadeslayer_apachelogger: pong15:45
Riddellshadeslayer_: oh did you do the doodle thing?15:45
shadeslayer_Riddell: yes15:45
* shadeslayer_ gets the link15:45
shadeslayer_Riddell: http://www.doodle.com/7b2a2rbdtqb5g3n515:46
ScottKLink should go in /topic15:46
shadeslayer_sure thing15:47
=== shadeslayer_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are amazing <3 | Alpha 1 released! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay Wed 7th July 18:00UTC | Timings for next meeting : http://www.doodle.com/7b2a2rbdtqb5g3n5
JontheEchidnaRiddell: any progress on the rekonq mir?15:51
JontheEchidnayay: http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/06/22/qt-assistant-compat-version-available-as-extra-source-package/15:52
RiddellJontheEchidna: likewise I moved it to main15:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: however rekonq is crashy as anything currently :(15:54
Riddellflash seems to kill it although even without it crashes15:54
JontheEchidnamaybe we need a newer qtwebkit snapshot15:55
RiddellI think upstream are aware and it's due to a new flash version15:55
* shadeslayer_ thinks next monday works out best as meeting day :)15:55
Riddellshadeslayer_: it does seem to yes15:55
shadeslayer_agateau: did you get the doodle link?15:56
shadeslayer_agateau: http://www.doodle.com/7b2a2rbdtqb5g3n5 << In case you didnt get it ;)15:56
agateaushadeslayer_: /me checks mail15:56
shadeslayer_i dont think i mailed it seprately.... sent out the link via IRC only15:57
agateaushadeslayer_: that would be the reason then,15:59
agateaushadeslayer_: did my checkbox duty :)16:00
shadeslayer_hehe :D16:00
apacheloggerRiddell: make doesnt like me today :(16:02
shadeslayer_oh whee : http://twitter.com/ubuntustatus/status/1633299972716:02
shadeslayer_well latest updates say everything is fine tho :P16:02
shadeslayer_apachelogger: apply for : http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_UTA/ : :P16:03
* shadeslayer_ goes and works on qipmsg 16:05
shadeslayer_kubotu: order pringles for everyone16:06
* kubotu is going to his secret storehouse to get pringles for everyone - might take some time.16:06
* kubotu is back and slides pringles down the bar to everyone16:06
apacheloggerExtraordinary organizational and leadership skill, with a passion for attention to detail.16:06
apacheloggershadeslayer_: cant16:06
shadeslayer_hehe :)16:07
apacheloggeroh oh16:07
* apachelogger should go showery16:07
shadeslayer_stupid new kernel... keeps toggling bluetooth radio.. mouse freezes... grumble grumble.... 16:09
* JontheEchidna thinks that HCI is all details :P16:11
* apachelogger is a bit unhappy about the amount of debug from make16:12
* shadeslayer_ didnt know apachelogger was a pointer....16:22
shadeslayer_i thought you was a object :P16:23
Quintasanhe is a pointer to a pointer16:24
shadeslayer_hehe ...16:30
shadeslayer_well technically speaking, apachelogger is a Nick which is a pointer to Harald Sitter which is again a pointer to the actual person :P16:31
shadeslayer_so Quintasan++ :P16:31
apacheloggerfirst of all16:33
apachelogger++Quintasan :P16:33
apacheloggerwhy would the nick point to my real name?16:33
* shadeslayer_ has no idea which year he should specify in copyright :)16:33
Quintasanapachelogger: 16:33
Quintasan[17:33] [Whois] apachelogger jest ~harald@kde/developer/sitter (Harald Sitter)16:33
Riddellshadeslayer_: copyright for what?16:33
shadeslayer_hahaha :D16:33
apacheloggerif I change my irc name?16:33
shadeslayer_Riddell: the debian/copyright file16:33
ScottKRiddell, JontheEchidna, apachelogger, Tonio_, anyone else messing with kubuntu-meta: The current process I came up with to build kubuntu-mobile from Universe is quite fugly, but documented, so please notice the new README and ping me for questions.  I do hope to improve this.16:34
Quintasanapachelogger: then you lose ur developer rights16:34
ScottKTonio_: Hello.  Didn't see you for a while.16:34
apacheloggerif anything then apachelogger is a pointer to a struct that represents my IRC identity which then holds a pointer or instance of me16:34
shadeslayer_Riddell: im packaging some new packages ( qipmsg in this case )16:34
apacheloggerScottK: roger16:35
ScottKTonio_: kdesudo is FTBFS due to a new docbook dtd in KDE.  Could you have a look at that (see the armel FTBFS in maverick for details)?16:36
shadeslayer_Sput: around?16:38
Tonio_ScottK, yup I'll have a look toonight probably16:38
ScottKTonio_: Thanks.16:38
* apachelogger cant write no makefiles no more16:42
* apachelogger shall write proper debian/rules again16:42
apacheloggerthis dh7 stuff is making one forget all the important things16:42
nixternalhey, how is KDE with NVIDIA? my new lappy has an nvidia card and I am way to use to Intel16:52
Timo_nvidia is best performance16:54
Riddellcan't say I've had the privilage to try16:54
jjessenixternal you have a new lappy?16:56
nixternalgetting it tomorrow from zareason16:56
nixternalwas hoping they would deliver it today, but it looks via tracking tomorrow16:56
nixternali can get back into the swing of things and get back to contributing again :)16:56
* shadeslayer_ has nvidia16:57
nixternalTimo_: is that using proprietary driver or the free version?16:57
shadeslayer_nixternal: its blazing fast with nvidia drivers16:57
jjessedid you whore yourself out to get it :)16:57
jjessewhere you cheap?16:57
shadeslayer_nixternal: the nouveau ones are sluggish :)16:57
nixternalalways cheap16:57
nixternalit is just a simple dual core, 4gb of ram, and a 160gb drive...nothing fancy but perfect for what i need16:58
nixternalshould be faster than my previous laptop that died16:58
Timo_kde 4.3.5 working perfectly my nvidia geforce 930016:58
nixternalone thing i have learned about netbooks though in the past couple of weeks...oh boy they suck for anything other than browsing the web or playing a game, and they almost suck at that too16:59
nixternalthis has an nvidia 8200 gpu...sounds old when compared to a 930016:59
nixternalshould be powerful enough to run vista right? :p17:00
Timo_vista -> cheeze?17:01
nixternalwell I want to be cool like jjesse. he writes documentation for kubuntu and kde with vista...that's hardcore!17:02
jjessenixternal actually w/ windows 7 now :)17:02
jjessebzr + ssh on windows 7 to commit for the win :)17:02
nixternalbzr for windows? *cringe*17:03
jjessewell running bzr on my windows 7 box17:03
jjesseand then use pagent for ssh key management17:03
jjesseor ssh to ubuntu netbook to write the docs in nano  :)17:04
nixternalnano? oh wow, your geek cred is dropping tremendously17:04
Timo_nano in windows?17:05
nixternalnano anywhere, though I am using vim now, so i feel my geek cred has dropped as well :p17:05
* nixternal strives to switch back to emacs again one of these days17:05
Timo_i'm using kate, is the best for programming17:06
Timo_and mc for ssh17:06
jjessei have no geek cred :)17:07
nixternali used to love kate in the 3.x days. haven't really used it much since then...for some odd reason, i do more work in a terminal than anywhere else17:16
Timo_kate is the best and faster17:17
Timo_than cmd programs17:17
Quintasanhell no17:18
nixternalyeah, i am using vim now. so many lovely plugins, but I still miss emacs, even though I have totally forgotten how to use it like I once did17:20
txwikingerwhy would kded4 have almost 10000 defunct child processes?17:35
JontheEchidnaI'm trying to think of a better name for fetchChangelogOrScreenshot(const QUrl &url);17:41
JontheEchidnaany thoughts?17:41
nixternalgetLogOrShot(const QUrl &url);17:43
nixternalgetSomeDamnGoodInfo(const QUrl &url);17:43
JontheEchidnaQString fetchPackageData(const QUrl &url);17:44
nixternalshitsCrashingFindOutWhy(const QUrl &url);17:44
JontheEchidna^Will have to use that in Dr. Konqi17:45
JontheEchidnahrm, actually, my function should return a local qurl that I can pass on to QFile17:45
shadeslayer_neversfelde: poke17:55
shadeslayer_neversfelde: please confirm your meet timings @ http://www.doodle.com/7b2a2rbdtqb5g3n517:56
shadeslayer_Riddell: lol... max participants if meeting is in half an hour :P18:01
* shadeslayer_ thinks that wont be possible :P18:02
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: are you able to delete an entry in this survey?18:02
shadeslayer_neversfelde: 2 entries ?18:02
shadeslayer_which one?18:02
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: the first Christian Mangold, who has time tomorrow :)18:03
Riddellshadeslayer_: I remembered I need to go out in < an hour so that's not possible for me18:03
shadeslayer_Riddell: ah ok :)18:03
shadeslayer_neversfelde: sure18:03
shadeslayer_neversfelde: done18:04
neversfeldethought that this is for 21 - 23 of July18:04
shadeslayer_im thinking of adding more days to the poll tho...18:08
Riddellyou don't need everyone18:09
Riddellone reason we have a large council is so it's easy to get quorum (3)18:09
shadeslayer_hmm ok :)18:09
shadeslayer_whoa... loads of new uploads18:11
shadeslayer_Riddell: thanks for libyahoo :)18:12
nixternalbe back later all...t minus 24 hours until new puter!18:12
Riddellshadeslayer_: when I'm on archive duty, things happen :)18:14
shadeslayer_we might have to update qtcreator too... it isnt picking up installed examples and im working on it 18:15
Riddelllex79: where can I get the digikam tar?18:26
Riddellooh http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/digikam/digikam-1.3.0.tar.bz218:28
Riddelluploaded, thanks lex79 18:29
* shadeslayer_ thinks18:37
shadeslayer_qt4-demos seems broken... :(18:38
shadeslayer_qtcreator is trying to search demos in demosPath + "/qtdemo/xml/examples.xml" , where demosPath == /usr/lib/qt4/examples , but that file doest exsist18:39
shadeslayer_Riddell: pokey18:46
shadeslayer_Riddell: http://shadeslayer.pastebin.com/78FNqyc8 18:46
* shadeslayer_ thinks we will have to patch qtcreator18:51
shadeslayer_but first to find the darn XML file :P18:51
Quintasanfck yea, sense ui on mah milestone!18:52
* shadeslayer_ wants a android phone too18:53
shadeslayer_Quintasan: is milestone >> droid ?18:53
Quintasanmilestone is Droid with locked bootloader18:54
Quintasanmeaning no custom roms18:54
shadeslayer_Quintasan: are custom roms better ? 18:54
shadeslayer_Quintasan: btw do you have qtcreator installed?18:54
Quintasanshadeslayer_: ^18:56
QuintasanI do have qt creator installed18:56
shadeslayer_Quintasan: and what about qt4-demos ?18:56
shadeslayer_Blizzz: hey :)18:56
Blizzzshadeslayer_: ho! ;)18:57
Quintasanshadeslayer_: installed too18:57
QuintasanBlizzz: \o18:57
shadeslayer_Quintasan: and when you start qtcreator,does it pick up installed examples?18:57
* shadeslayer_ just completed learning signals and slots18:57
Quintasanshadeslayer_: Examples are not installed18:58
Quintasanis what Qt Creator says18:58
BlizzzQuintasan: hi 18:58
shadeslayer_its searching for a xml file for the demos,but cant find it :|18:58
shadeslayer_neither does the package have it :P18:58
shadeslayer_Quintasan: oh i forgot to upload the fixed kdegames for lucid :P19:01
shadeslayer_bhargav: \o19:03
bhargavshadeslayer_: hey :)19:04
JontheEchidnaneeds a bit of work... http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopug7962-jpg.jpg19:11
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: is this going to land in maverick? and what is this? kpk?19:12
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: probably no, and Muon19:12
shadeslayeroh.. Muon Package manager?19:12
sghHi.... where has sun-java6 gone in maverick. Is it intentionally missing ?19:12
JontheEchidnasgh: Checked the partner repos? (May have to use the lucid ones until maverick is released)19:13
shadeslayersgh: seems so 19:13
sghJontheEchidna: shadeslayer ok.... can I do anything to speed up help the process? I don't know the procedure around the partners repo.19:15
JontheEchidnaThey usually don't have one for release+1 until near the release19:15
shadeslayersgh: ^^19:15
JontheEchidnaProbably some corporate junk or somesuch19:15
shadeslayerhehe :P19:15
shadeslayersgh: use open jdk19:15
sghshadeslayer: yaach .... but it has this realy nasty bug that keeps me and many other to use it for web banking.19:16
shadeslayersgh: hmm.. well you can always download the ones from lucid and install those19:16
sghshadeslayer: thanks ..... will do that then.19:17
shadeslayersgh: you might have to force dpkg to install them,and they might not always run :)19:17
JontheEchidnathat's a bit better :) http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopxa7962-jpg.jpg19:18
sghshadeslayer: I cross my fingers for binary compatabillity.19:19
shadeslayersgh: :P19:19
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: btw will this be the next default package manager for KDE? or are you doing this for Kubuntu ?19:21
JontheEchidnaFor Debian-based systems19:21
JontheEchidnaI should really blog about it, but I always think its not ready...19:22
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: 'looks' ready to me :P19:23
* JontheEchidna giggles19:23
JontheEchidna"Details" and "Installed Files" are the only tabs working atm19:24
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: so just show those screenshots :P19:24
shadeslayerno need to show all of the tabs working :P19:24
shadeslayerand at then end say WIP on the package manager xD19:25
jjesseor pleaze help so this gets into kubuntu :)19:25
sghshadeslayer: btw. this is the bug on openjdk https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/52713919:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527139 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "IcedTea does not work with Piraeus Online Banking (Ukraine)" [Medium,Triaged]19:25
* shadeslayer checks19:26
shadeslayershows missing plugin here :P19:26
JontheEchidnagotta fix that: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopor7962-jpg.jpg19:27
JontheEchidna(and perhaps give it a nicer error message)19:27
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: if the screenshot doesnt exsist,you could try a ping to the address and then if it doesnt respond,gray out the Get Screenshot button....19:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: uploading fixed kdegames to backport ppa19:34
shadeslayer+beta 19:34
apacheloggerifeq ($(shell grep -qs '^Purpose: PRIMARY' /CurrentlyBuilding && echo 0),0) \o/19:40
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
Blizzzat least no brummmmmmm-sounds, apachelogger19:41
apacheloggeroink oink19:41
apacheloggerRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/188870219:46
apacheloggermost notibly line 35-37 & 56-58 for super modern build system, 105 & 146 for not so modern dh7 build system, 152 & 162 for stinky old cdbs19:47
apacheloggeronly if  grep -qs '^Purpose: PRIMARY' /CurrentlyBuilding exists with 0 (which it will only do if the file exists and a line Purpse: PRIMARY is available) the whole l10n stuff gets exectued19:48
apacheloggerotherwise we ship un-altered upstream stuff19:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wind quickly looking over http://pastebin.ca/188870619:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: this prevents .desktop pollution for universe packages?19:52
apacheloggerfor PPA and anything that is not archive19:53
JontheEchidnaah, kk19:53
* apachelogger is not yet sure how to prevent universe from getting poluted19:53
lex79echo "brummm" 19:53
JontheEchidnashell scripting was never my strong point, but it looks sane19:53
apacheloggerless crazy19:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: supposedly one could use the same appraoch for universe seperation, if I get this python scripty here correctly then it ought to launch sbuild on the buildd with the target component20:02
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice if all translations mucking could be prevented for universe20:03
JontheEchidnaNew idea: Fail silently and disable the screenshot: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopxt7962-jpg.jpg20:03
JontheEchidnaMaybe I could put an error message in the statusbar sort've like dolphin does later20:04
lex79sometimes we had uploaded the packages from ppa to archive, but I don't remember if we only copied or we also build...this can make a difference?20:04
apacheloggeror maybe not20:04
apacheloggeroh it is20:05
apacheloggerI guess component: is either, main restricted or universe20:05
apacheloggerI'll upload for now using what I have, should there be problems it is easier to trace20:06
apacheloggerif everything works out we can add main OR restricted as additional condition20:07
apachelogger!info qtgain lucid-backports20:30
ubottuPackage qtgain does not exist in lucid-backports20:30
JontheEchidna\o/ http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopvg7962-jpg.jpg20:32
JontheEchidnalibqapt bug makes it only work for packages in main... will have to fix that20:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the frame around the left hand filter box already makes it look a lot less crappy really20:36
kubotukarma for JontheEchidna: 1920:36
JontheEchidna~karma bugs20:36
kubotubugs has neutral karma20:36
apacheloggerpoor bugs :(20:37
shadeslayer_should i mark bug 503622 as invalid or fix released?20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503622 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b causes complete system freeze on startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50362220:46
JontheEchidnaFixed I guess, since there was an upgrade between not working -> working20:46
JontheEchidnadoesn't matter all to much though20:47
JontheEchidnaHrm, KDE Desktop Environment is somewhat tautological20:49
* JontheEchidna wonders how to say that in regards to a package group in the New World Branding Order20:50
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnablah, for such a high speed network the connection sure is flakey20:55
danttiJontheEchidna: hey, I'm going home now, but we need to share that change log code :P i could not rewrite the python-apt regex yet to get that data21:01
JontheEchidnadantti: coincidentally I'm going too21:01
JontheEchidnadantti: It's in libqapt/src/package.cpp21:01
dantti:P cya then...21:01
JontheEchidna(If I'm not home soon)21:01
shadeslayer_seems bug 515138 and bug 597393 are dupes21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515138 in kdelibs "kded4 (lucid, amd64) defunct on latop" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51513821:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597393 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "kded4 creates dangling zombie children" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59739321:02
shadeslayer_apachelogger: do you think i should read after "Building the example" in http://doc.trolltech.com/4.7-snapshot/signalsandslots.html21:08
apacheloggershadeslayer_: huh?21:09
shadeslayer_apachelogger: the part after Building the Example in the above link21:09
shadeslayer_the Meta object information and stuff...21:09
apacheloggerinteresting things that is21:10
apacheloggermeta objects are very important at times :)21:10
apacheloggernothing terribly interesting in those sections21:11
apacheloggerthe parts about singals and slots individually might be worth reading21:11
apacheloggerbut the other stuff is not terribly interesting21:11
shadeslayer_apachelogger: ok :)21:35
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: I guess no Meeting today or tomorrow?21:44
neversfeldebtw was it announced on the list21:44
shadeslayer_neversfelde: hmm21:45
shadeslayer_neversfelde: which list?21:45
neversfeldethe poll I mean21:45
shadeslayer_uh.. i didnt get any mail about that :)21:45
shadeslayer_neversfelde: and probably no meeting today or tomorrow :)21:46
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: I think it would be great, if polls for meeting times and meetings would be announced somewhere ;)21:52
shadeslayer_neversfelde: hmm.. /topic ?21:52
shadeslayer_ScottK: do we need to announce this on the list as well?21:53
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: not everyone is here regurlarly and not everyone reads the topic21:53
shadeslayer_neversfelde: should i announce it? or will you do it?21:54
neversfeldeso I think it is really necessary to announce it on the list as well21:54
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: I think we need another poll first, if there's no meeting today or tomorrow?21:55
shadeslayer_neversfelde: theres a option open on the 28th as well21:55
shadeslayer_and i can extend the dates as well...21:55
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: how can I change my vote?21:56
neversfeldeI am not registered atm on doodle21:56
shadeslayer_neversfelde: theres a link at the bottom of the poll i think21:56
shadeslayer_neversfelde: edit a entry :)21:57
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: where is the option for th 28th?21:58
neversfeldeah found it21:58
shadeslayer_neversfelde: theres a scrollbar at the bottom :P21:58
neversfeldeyeah, my browser window did not show it21:58
shadeslayer_hehe... btw didnt you know about the other dates? :)21:59
shadeslayer_or were you free only today and tommorow :P21:59
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: no, I did not know22:00
neversfeldeit looked like there were only yesterday, today or tomorrow22:00
neversfeldebut I changed it now :)22:00
shadeslayer_neversfelde: :022:01
shadeslayer_i mean :)22:01
shadeslayer_neversfelde: so should i announce it on the list as well?22:02
neversfeldea good idea I think22:02
shadeslayer_ok.. ill do it :)22:03
shadeslayer_neversfelde: mail sent :)22:07
shadeslayer_anyone heard of screencasts.ubuntu.com ?22:21
shadeslayer_its pretty awesome :)22:21
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: isn't there another member application, I remember that I read the wiki page of ofirk?22:23
shadeslayer_neversfelde: yes,but he hasnt asked on launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members22:24
shadeslayer_you have to join that team as well22:24
shadeslayer_one of the requirements,also the application is very old... so i was not sure22:24
neversfeldeyes, I thin I talked to him about kubunut.org a few weeks agon, so he's present22:26
shadeslayer_neversfelde: also he hasnt added himself to the agenda on the wiki,so the next time he comes in,can you poke him about this?22:27
shadeslayer_he never seems to be around when im in :P22:27
neversfeldeI will talk to him, if I see him here22:28
shadeslayer_neversfelde: oh and one more thing,can you also ask him to update the site with the latest KDE themes? the new default wallpaper and stuff22:28
shadeslayer_( staging.kubuntu.org )22:28
neversfeldeshadeslayer_: the site?22:29
shadeslayer_neversfelde: yes22:29
shadeslayer_the new one 22:29
Riddellapachelogger: your makefile foo is truely elite22:53
shadeslayer_Riddell: w00t ... kopete built on main servers ;)23:40

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