
Zerobeholderhaving VNC troubles with a 'lucid' host and an 'ibex' client.  I think the problem is most likely stemming (by my astute expert opinion) from me not knowing much about VNC...  Tried running krfb on host and connect via krdc.  Then I sudo apt-getted x11vnc which decided to set up shop on port 5901.  Neither reachable via krdc.00:56
ZerobeholderAny suggestions?  Local home network, nothing fancy.  Everything is on 192.168.number.number00:57
ZerobeholderThe end result I am looking for is seeing my desktop.  I think VNC/RDP (I know RDP is windows) is the way to go.  In the mean time I have set up ssh and via the -Y switch have limited GUI viewing.01:00
totorowhere are the wallpapers stored when you install them01:02
ZerobeholderReading here now... http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdenetwork/krfb/index.html01:02
totorowhere are the wallpapers stored when you install them , when you right click the desktop and press install new wallpapers01:02
Zerobeholder@totoro find / -name <filename>01:02
ZerobeholderI think that should help you if you know the filename01:02
Zerobeholder--and your hard drive isn't gigantic and full...01:03
Typos_Kingtotoro:  checked /usr/share/wallpapers yet?01:04
totoroTypos_King,  i'll check that01:05
totoroZerobeholder, i did that, but it didn't seem to find that, then i did that with sudo01:05
totorowhich nothing happened01:06
totoroTypos_King, it's not there01:06
Zerobeholderhmmm... I've never changed my desktop graphic.01:06
ZerobeholderNot sure even where to look.01:06
Zerobeholdersudo find / -name *sunset*.jp*01:07
Zerobeholderassuming that the file was a jpeg with sunset in the file name.01:08
totorook i'll try01:08
ZerobeholderThe old * and ? wildcards work01:08
Typos_Kingtotoro:    another likely spot will be under ~/.kde/share01:08
totoroTypos_King, it is there. thanks01:09
ZerobeholderAbout the VNC, I'm going to give it an sudo apt-get update then a sudo apt-get upgrade followed by a sudo reboot and see what happens.01:16
Zerobeholderlike magic...01:22
Typos_Kinghehe, yeah01:23
ZerobeholderWell, almost.  Now I can connect, but the frame buffer is only letting the cursor image through.  No icons or other goodies.01:29
Zerobeholder100Mbs all by my lonesome should be enough.  I01:29
Zerobeholderam going to lower the resolution on the other much nicer machine (aka the host) to the same as my PIV laptop (aka the client).01:30
ZerobeholderShouldn't matter but for lack of other more educated guesses seems like a good idea.01:31
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Zerobeholdernow I can't authenticate, let's go back up the stairs to see if I entered my password right-- because I've typed it far too many times for it to be wrong on the client side.01:47
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest87538
ZerobeholderWell, albeit painfully slow I've connected, I can see the desktop with icons and my 'plasmoids', and the mouse seems to work even if not spectacularly.  I may not even figure out why the kicker bar isn't showing if I get off my lazy backside and drop some shortcut icons on the desktop.01:55
ZerobeholderSo in short.  Had to apt-get install the kfrb app on the 'lucid' host, reboot, change to accept uninvited, uncheck approve connections, and set the uninvited password.01:57
ZerobeholderOn the 'ibex' client I had to connect via IP address.01:58
=== Guest87538 is now known as Valdiyen
cato37how do i get the network manager to pick up signals from wireless using wep?02:24
cato37the network manager is only picking up wpa and wpa2. how do i get the network manager to pick up signals from wireless using wep?02:26
Zerobeholder...use wicd?02:32
ZerobeholderI like it better than network manager.02:32
ZerobeholderIf your computer is picking up signals, but not the one closest to it-- you may have a wireless host node problem (your wireless router/accesspoint) may be having issues.02:34
ZerobeholderCan you see it and connect with other computers?02:34
cato37i can connect to only wireless using wpa and wpa2. the coffee shop that i am at uses wep, and nobody that is wep is showing up.02:35
ZerobeholderSo you can see the wireless signal?02:35
cato37i am probably on someone's unsecured wireless at the apartments next door.02:35
cato37no. the coffee shop is broadcasting and other patrons are on it. but it doesnt show up in the scans. the sandwich shop next door uses wep and it doenst show up either.02:36
cato37i connect to about 4 or 5 different places, depending on where i am at. the places that use wep do not show up.02:38
ZerobeholderDid you try making a new connection?02:39
cato37the barrista doesnt know the router settings.02:40
ZerobeholderIs the shop using 802.11a?02:40
cato37she doesnt know that either. :(02:40
Zerobeholder802.11b is not uncommon, 802.11g is more or less the de facto standard these days though.02:40
cato37it is old02:41
cato37probably has wood grain finish....jk.02:41
ZerobeholderIs your computer newer (age<2 years)?02:41
cato37my comp. it's about a year old02:42
ZerobeholderYour computer may not support dirt old hardware.02:42
cato37it was made to pick up signals in several different countries02:42
ZerobeholderNot everything will connect to 802.11a.02:43
ZerobeholderI bet that is your issue.02:43
ZerobeholderIf it is about a year old you probably have n,g, and maybe b compatibility.02:43
cato37when i was running vista it picked up the coffee shop just fine02:44
ZerobeholderCrap, then it isn't the hardware like I thought.02:44
cato37the common denominator is the wep. anyone using wep doenst show up.02:44
ZerobeholderWould you like to abandon the 'network manager' package and try 'wicd'?02:45
cato37i am uncomfortable using an unsecured wife from the apartments next door.02:45
cato37sure. what is wicd?02:45
DragnslcrWEP isn't a secured connection either02:46
ZerobeholderI like wicd much better and have it on both my wireless machines.  It is an alternative to 'network manager' same purpose.02:46
cato37apt-get wicd.  will i need to kill nm?02:47
ZerobeholderLook around. If you're using WEP any of the people around you could be catching your packets and saving them for later.02:47
ZerobeholderWicd will automatically set itself as the primary application.02:48
cato37i know. the coffee shop owner probably doesnt care, and i use it to catch up on school work.02:48
ZerobeholderBe prepared to lose internet access when doing so.02:48
Zerobeholdersudo apt get install wicd              i think02:49
cato37k. bbiab02:49
cato37well, it is taking some time. the wifi connection must be pretty slow02:51
cato37i got a fail flag02:51
cato37doh. i am going to kill nm. bbl.02:52
ZerobeholderDepending on which version you may need to add a repository.02:52
ZerobeholderUsing lucid?02:52
cato37yes. 10.04 lts02:52
Zerobeholderadd this repository in your package manager:     deb http://apt.wicd.net lucid extras02:54
Zerobeholderthen you will need to:                     sudo apt-get update02:55
Zerobeholderfollowed finally by:                            sudo apt-get install wicd02:55
Zerobeholder(Not necessarily now, but you can:     sudo apt-get upgrade         to update your system to the newest and shiniest files that patch security holes, fix bugs, and possibly add functionality.)02:58
Zerobeholder? AFK for a few wife needs me.03:02
pudilAkregator - yesterday I started using it (by adding an rss feed). it loaded up about 9 kde & kubuntu feeds.  I read some.  Today, none of the items I read yesterday are marked as read - everything is unread.   Bug, or am I missing a setting?03:04
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Pavel_I have a question about plasma themes in 10.04..03:29
Pavel_In Karmic it was easy to change via the plasma toolbox/desktop settings03:30
Pavel_But now that route only provides wallpaper options...03:30
harriseldonPlasma themes are now part of appearance settings under the workspace tab03:32
fayazHi. I have a screensaver problem03:33
fayazthe jiggly mode of solar winds (GL) doesn't work properly...03:34
Pavel_ah, cheers!03:34
fayazis there anyway i can get rid of that particular screensaver?03:34
fayazall others are working perfect...03:35
harriseldonfayaz why do you need to get rid of it? Is it because you have a random screensaver and you want it excluded? Otherwise does it really hurt to be there?03:36
fayazi want the random mode...03:36
fayazharriseldon yes i want it excluded...03:37
pudilAkregator - yesterday I started using it (by adding an rss feed). it loaded up about 9 kde & kubuntu feeds.  I read some.  Today, none of the items I read yesterday are marked as read - everything is unread.   Bug, or am I missing a setting?03:41
harriseldonfayaz it seems like you need to move the .desktop file for solar winds to another location to make it seem like it is no longer available. Do you need further help with how to do this?03:46
fayazharriseldon i want only the 'jiggly' mode excluded from the solar winds screensaver...03:48
fayazharriseldon i'm using the random mode in solar winds...03:51
harriseldonfayaz now I understand. I am trying to search online to see if  I can find anything. I have the ksolarwinds.kss and it is a binary file.03:51
fayazharriseldon FYI I'm using an ATI radeon...03:53
fayazhad found that its got display problems like these...03:53
fayazbut my problem seems to be only for this particular screensaver...03:54
ZerobeholderHmm... either cato got on is potentially angry.03:55
ZerobeholderHope it's the former, I'm a big fan of the wicd networking package.03:56
harriseldonfayaz from what I can tell the screen stores its configuration file in .kde/share/config/ksolarwinds.kssrc and it has only one option for the mode which is just the index of the combo box. It does not look like there is a way to disable just one option from random03:58
corebreakerHay everyone I have a problem, I'm trying to get rhythmbox to work but when I try to play a song I get this error "The autoaudiosink element is missing" this only happens when i start up google chrome before rhythmbox, but if I start up rhythmbox before chrome I get no sound in chrome, is there a way to fix this?03:58
fayazharriseldon hmmm thanks for the help anyway... :)03:58
harriseldonfayaz yw, sorry I could not help more. I am guessing that you could compile it yourself without that option, but you would have to fish through C++ code. That is way over my head.03:59
fayazharriseldon mine too...04:00
harriseldoncorebreaker check out this bug for details (it seems like it has a solution as well) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/44215704:11
corebreakerAhh Thank you harriseldon04:12
harriseldonyw corebreaker hope the fix works for you04:12
corebreakerSorry Harriseldon, that didn;t work04:25
corebreakerBut I guess I'll keep looking04:25
harriseldoncorebreaker are you running rythmbox in kde?04:26
corebreakerI have all the Gstreamers installed04:27
harriseldoncorebreaker here is another option to try http://www.blograndom.com/blog/2009/11/ubuntu-9-10-rhythmbox-requires-gstreamer-element-autoaudiosink-to-play-mp3s/04:34
corebreakerharriseldon sorry but that didn't work ether, I think it has something to do with alsa, when I start up rhythmbox first before google chrome it works just fine, its only when google chrome is started first, but if rhythmbox is started first before chrome, chrome doesn't have sound.04:47
corebreakerdoes anyone have the same problem I have been having?04:51
corebreakerCan anyone help me with this I'm running Kubuntu 10.04 32bit. Okay when I try to play music in rhythmbox nothing happens, this only happens when google chrome or firefox is started first, but if rhythmbox is started first it plays music just fine but then I don't get sound in firefox. does anyone know how to fix this problem?05:00
corebreakerCan anyone help me with this I'm running Kubuntu 10.04 32bit. Okay when I try to play music in rhythmbox nothing happens, this only happens when google chrome or firefox is started first, but if rhythmbox is started first it plays music just fine but then I don't get sound in firefox. does anyone know how to fix this problem?05:12
draikHello all06:32
draikHow do I check the frontend configuration for my audio?06:32
noaXesscorebreaker: maybe a pulseaudio problem? what is the default sound system?06:39
noaXesscorebreaker: is pulseaudio installed?06:39
corebreakernoaXess I thought the default sound system was alsa in kubuntu06:40
noaXesscorebreaker: what about amarok?06:40
noaXesscorebreaker: have you tried it with amarok?06:40
corebreakeryes amarok works fine06:40
noaXessso also if firefox/chrome is started..06:40
noaXessand sound in firefox or chrome des work with and without amarok?06:41
noaXessdoes ^06:41
corebreakerit works with amarok06:41
corebreakerjust not rhythm box06:41
noaXessok.. so rythmbox problem..06:41
corebreakerIt also does the same thing with banshee06:42
noaXessrhytmbox and banshee are gnome players right?06:42
corebreakeryes thats right06:43
noaXesshm.. maybe there is a gnome lib missing for this two apps.. have you checked log's will running one of them and ff/chrome?06:43
corebreakerumm no, sorry I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to linux06:44
noaXesscorebreaker: no rob ;)...06:45
noaXessstart konsole06:45
noaXessand type: tail -f /var/log/syslog06:45
noaXessthen start rhytmbox and after that ff or chrome06:46
noaXessand try playing sound in the browser..06:46
noaXessand then do it other ways.. start ff or chrome and then rb06:46
noaXessin the konsole with CTRL+C you can stop watching to the log..06:46
noaXessanother log is /var/log/messages06:47
noaXessor /var/log/kern.log06:47
noaXesscorebreaker: if you see anything that happends while testing sound.. then pastebin it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:50
draikI'm having issues with my audio not playing via HDMI in Firefox, VLC or Kaffeine. It plays well with Amarok.06:51
corebreakerAlright I put it in to pastbin06:53
noaXesscorebreaker: paste the link here :)06:54
noaXesscorebreaker: i see nothing that is a sound specific problem.. hm...06:56
noaXesscorebreaker: can you start systemsettings and go into multimedia settings?06:56
corebreakerAlright im there06:57
noaXesswhat is the first entry under "Audio Ouput / Music"06:58
noaXessgrrr... Output ^06:58
corebreakerHDA intel (ALC1200 Analog)06:58
noaXessis there any PulseAudio entry?06:59
corebreakerumm no theres no pulseaudio06:59
corebreakershould I install PulseAudio?07:00
noaXessis you installation a fresh one? or upgrade from older kubuntu release?07:00
corebreakerits a fresh one07:01
noaXessi would install PulseAudio and set it to the default audiosystem... also is backend..and will still communicate with your sound hardware.. PulseAudio is the audiosystem that ouput's/record sound..07:02
corebreakerAlright thanks noaXess =]07:03
noaXessso.. here are information about pulseaudio.. and what to install ... grr...pulseaudio link is down.... grrr07:03
andrejHello, how can I make KDE run in 2 xserver instances? Gnome uses the second screen by default but with KDE the second sceen stays dark.07:06
draikHow do I check the frontend configuration for my audio?07:06
noaXessandrej: what graficcard do you have?07:07
noaXessdraik: hm... in kmix? or with pavucontroll if you have installed PulseAudio07:07
andrejnvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+.07:08
noaXesscorebreaker: just wait until the wiki of ubuntuusers.de is online.. the PulseAudio link: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Pulseaudio07:08
draiknoaXess: In Firefox and VLC07:09
corebreakerThank you =]07:09
andrejI also tried twinview which worked for me with basic KDE, but every video player splittet the fullscreen picture to two screens.07:09
noaXessandrej: wait.. check my config.07:09
andrejAll I want is the possibility to watch videos on my second screen (which is an LCD TV).07:10
noaXessandrej: thats my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/453238/07:10
noaXessandrej: and i have no problems to watch eg. mythtv on one screen and work on the other..07:11
noaXessbreakfast time... bbl07:11
andrejThe only difference to my failfullscreenconfig is the TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder line.07:16
andrejI'll try it though07:16
goodtime /j #ubuntu-beginners07:19
andrej_No success. :/07:35
andrej_Fullscreen in VLC is again the virtual screen and not any of the real screens.07:36
draikHow do I check the audio frontend for VLC?07:43
noaXessdraik: what is your main problem?07:48
draiknoaXess: I am trying to get audio to play in VLC and Firefox07:50
draikI can get clear audio via HDMI in Amarok, but not in anything else.07:50
andrej_vlc defaults to alsa and ff to pulseaudio I believe.07:51
andrej_So VLC open blocks FF.07:51
draikTogether or individually, neither play audio07:52
noaXessdraik: what about installing pulseaudio? maybe a solution.. i had problem with skype and mythtv and amarok.. with pulseaudio it worked parallel..07:59
noaXessinstall pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio and also pavucontrol08:00
noaXessandrej_: have you tested your screen setting over nvidia-settings?08:01
draiknoaXess: Thanks. I'll give that a shot08:02
noaXessdraik: then you hav pavucontrol or over kmenu "PulseAudio Colume Control" to control sound..08:03
andrej_noaXess yes08:04
noaXessandrej_: and if you watch a video in vlc, it will be spanned over both screens?08:05
draiknoaXess: kmenu? Do you mean kmix?08:05
noaXessdraik: no.. over kmenu.. or better :) kickoff menu of kde08:06
noaXessdraik: you need also make pulseaudio to your default audio controler in systemsettings / multimedia08:06
noaXessdraik: after that (installation and mae pa as default) reboot your system...08:07
noaXessmake ^08:09
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naftilos76hello, does anybody know an app for batch resizing, croping, rotating multiple images?08:25
ManyfoldTraceback (most recent call last):08:52
Manyfold  File "prob3.py", line 6, in <module>08:52
Manyfold    print sin(45)08:52
ManyfoldNameError: name 'sin' is not defined08:52
FloodBotK3Manyfold: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:52
Manyfoldi can't include any python modules into my scripts08:53
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skramer_how do I get my old Wacom ArtPad II to work with Lucid?10:18
skramer_it used to work with previous versions, but I can't use it in 10.0410:18
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QBeehello all11:03
nebulainUtileBar install but it will nowhere be obtained so why please help11:23
nebulainUtileBar install but it will nowhere be obtained so why please help11:27
nebulainUtileBar how to run please help ....11:32
metataggHey! My new laptop wont recognize my touchpad as a touchpad... and when I type, it gets11:39
metataggreally annoying as11:39
metataggi accidently pushes a button.. :( any suggestions?11:40
pravargood morning11:51
agameiroone question remastersys work in kubuntu???????????11:52
metataggis there a cursor lock widget in kubuntu?11:53
=== Andrew11 is now known as Andrew9
metataggcan anyone tell me if there's a cursor lock widget?12:01
greenmang0metatagg: well... i case if you want to disable touchpad of your laptop you can try "synclient TouchPadOff=1" in terminal12:05
greenmang0in* case12:05
metatagggreenmang0: oh, and if i want it on, i just type "synclient TouchPadOff=0"12:06
greenmang0metatagg: yeah12:07
metatagggreenmang0: well, my laptop doesnt detect the touchpad as a touchpad, it detects it as a mouse :S12:07
metatagggreenmang0: but the two finger scrolling works. :(12:07
greenmang0metatagg: it works even if you type it in krunner12:08
greenmang0metatagg: what do you mean by detects as a mouse?12:08
metatagggreenmang0: sec12:08
metataggCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?12:08
metatagggreenmang0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130056212:09
metatagggreenmang0: something like this12:09
greenmang0metatagg: aptitude install kcm-touchpad12:10
greenmang0metatagg: you will get configuration options in system-settings12:10
metatagggreenmang0: i'll try12:11
metatagggreenmang0: already installed..12:11
metatagggreenmang0: i'll do a reboot :) sec12:13
metatagggreenmang0: got any tips?12:17
greenmang0metatagg: why did you reboot?12:18
metatagggreenmang0: installed Kubuntu yesterday, and I had some updates to be done today12:18
greenmang0metatagg: hmm12:18
metataggi've found several threads on the subject, but none of them gives me a good tip of what to do.. -.-12:27
metatagggreenmang0: should I just wait for someone to come up with a fix?12:50
greenmang0metatagg: i think yes12:51
greenmang0metatagg: i didn't find anything useful12:51
metatagg greenmang0 ok, thanks anyway... however... do you know if there's a widget for pointer capture, like in gnome?12:51
greenmang0metatagg: nope.... didn't use gnome for last 3 years or so12:53
greenmang0metatagg: that "synclient" didn't work for you?12:53
metataggah. ok :( maybe i'll stick to gnome for a while and then return to KDE when my touchpad seems to work better. :)12:54
metatagggreenmang0: thanks a lot anyways!12:54
greenmang0metatagg: what about synclient command? did it work ?12:54
metatagggreenmang0: no, because the touchpad isnt detected as a touchpad, but as a psmouse (with mac emulation)12:55
greenmang0metatagg: hmm12:55
metatagggreenmang0: twofinger scrolling works, threefinger rightclick and so on..12:55
metataggi can always "sudo modprobe -r psmouse"12:56
metataggbut it seems a bit awkward...12:56
greenmang0metatagg: true12:56
zxy_64-2i need to access phonebook in my gsm telephone and backup/restore it. Is this possible with kubuntu13:31
lexrdepends what type of phone is it.13:32
lexrI never succeeded with Lg u880 and Nokia e61 tho. but there are programs like kmobiletools, gnokii, gMobileMedia, Wammu etc13:34
zxy_64-2currently i neeed it for sony-ericsoon, but i would be interrested in nokia too13:35
lexrlook at some of these programs I told you about, try googling name of a program and your mobile phone model and see if it is possibile. all those porgrams should be available in the repos.13:36
zxy_64-2kk, thx13:36
Kamesh_Hello all, when I copy and paste code (any code either c/c++ etc..) in gvim or in kate it pastes in a straight line. I dont understand why. Please help me. I am on Kubuntu 10.0413:51
TorchKamesh_: you mean the code is re-indented and gets all messed up by this?14:00
Kamesh_Torch@ exactly, this happens in kate and gvim. I did not try in other ediors though14:01
TorchKamesh_: in vim, you set paste mode with ":set paste" before pasting.14:01
TorchKamesh_: probably the same in gvim. in kate, i don't know ;-)14:02
TorchKamesh_: you'd have to temporarily disable automatic indent14:02
Kamesh_Torch@ I disabled in .vimrc autoindent and tried it again.. But still it looses all it indentation.. I am trying to copy some code from google code search and pasting it in vim14:04
TorchKamesh_: i dunno if diasbling auto-indent is enough. haven't tried.14:05
TorchKamesh_: i have it on and use set paste and i know that this works.14:05
Kamesh_Torch@ Since the problem is not only with vim/gvim but also kate an dother editors, I presume some thing sinister14:06
BluesKajTorch, the @ doesn't work on irc14:07
TorchBluesKaj: err.14:08
BluesKajjust use the nick14:08
TorchBluesKaj: talking to the wrong people doesn't work either ;-)14:08
TorchKamesh_: just tried it, pasting works for me in kate with indent mode set to C. doesn't mess it up.14:09
AtritasHi, all. When opening khelpcenter i was used to having a "Search" tab to search for man pages and/or application manuals, which seems to be missing since i upgraded. I'm also unable to (re)build a search index (button greyed out). I already deleted the old index directory and did check for htdig. Any suggestions?14:10
BluesKajKamesh_, maybe a code chat might be more suitable14:10
Kamesh_Torch@ I tried with indent mode set to C in kate.. it still does not work and I loose the indeentation14:11
TorchKamesh_: what kde version are you using?14:12
Kamesh_BluesKaj: Could you please expalin what is code chat ? Are you referring to some other IRC channel14:12
Kamesh_Torch: I am on kde 4.4.214:13
BluesKajKamesh_, yes14:13
TorchBluesKaj: which do you have in mind?14:14
BluesKajdunno , look around14:15
TorchBluesKaj: i'd be very surprised if there was an irc channel dealing with _editor_ issues like this.14:16
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BluesKajTorch, true, but it's difficult to find an answer here too.14:18
BluesKajfor those kinds of questions14:18
TorchKamesh_: what are you trying to paste? is that publicly accessible?14:19
AtritasInteresting... When i start khelpcenter from commandline it says something about "no valid search handler found". Can someone please provide me with a paste of his output where the search is working, so i can compare what i might be missing?14:26
Kamesh_Torch: The problem seems to be resolved now. I have been using opera 10.60 on Linux  and when I copy from there it some how messes it up14:28
Kamesh_Torch: But I have now tried it with google chrome and it works.. Thanks for your help14:28
BluesKajAtritas, try using the run box , alt+f214:28
AtritasBluesKaj: Already tried that. The problem seems to be some missing library and/or package. The errors clearly state that there is no "search handler" available.14:29
Kamesh_Torch: and to answer your previous question I was just trying to paste a hello world program found on google code search14:31
BluesKajAtritas, try installing khelpcenter , sudo aptitude install khelpcenter14:32
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AtritasBluesKaj: That package is a dummy package as khelpcenter is no integrated with kdebase. It only includes documentation where to find khelpcenter now and to help with upgrades. But anyway... Same phenomenon.14:34
AtritasBluesKaj: Do you have a directory called: /usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/searchhandlers ?14:36
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AtritasJust wondering... Has anyone a working Search in khelpcenter in Lucid ? According to the changelog i just found it seems to have been disabled on purpose?!14:46
BluesKajAtritas, mine works ok15:16
AtritasBluesKaj: Interesting. New install or Upgrade?15:17
BluesKajnew install, Atritas15:17
AtritasBluesKaj: ok, then i'm really out of ideas... I presume you do have the above mentioned directory?15:18
BluesKajAtritas,  I have /usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter, but no searchhandlers15:20
AtritasBluesKaj: darn :-/15:20
BluesKajAtritas, I imagine the search handler is an option in the app after it's opened15:21
AtritasBluesKaj: Could you please post the output of khelpcenter on STDERR when starting it from konsole. There _should_ be a few lines regarding SearchHandlers.15:21
BluesKajyeah Atritas , khelpcenter opens ok , the terminal shows this line too, khelpcenter(3278) KHC::SearchEngine::initSearchHandlers: "No valid search handler found."15:24
AtritasBluesKaj: *argh*15:25
AtritasBluesKaj: that was my last straw....15:25
BluesKajwonder why that is :(15:26
AtritasBluesKaj: Ok, another idea... Could you do a "dpkg --get-selections" and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ so i can check you have any "maybe relevant" packages i don't have?15:28
BluesKajAtritas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/453408/15:31
AtritasBluesKaj:  thanks15:31
BluesKajnp, Atritas15:31
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Guest34618hi .. i m using kubuntu 10.04 .. everytime i start compiz it says ' KDE window decorator got crashed ' ..  and after that all my windows are not having title bar .. Any ideas ??15:41
snarksteri have an old Thinkpad A22m that I upgraded to 10.04 so my daughter could use it to do her social networking crap.. It used to have sound no problem but now it has no sound at all, just static.16:26
snarksterdoing a search through her home directory show no .asoundrc is this the standard now?16:27
James147!sound | snarkster16:29
ubottusnarkster: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:29
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snarksterthank you16:32
BluesKajsnarkster, yeah ,no asoundrc16:37
snarksterthank you16:39
snarkstersound is working again.. strange.16:39
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aljosais anybody building packages for kde4.5 unstable daily releases? is there some apt repository?17:18
phoenix_does mounting of drives take up system resources?17:29
phoenix_anyone there17:34
moldyon 10.04, how do i correctly configure a static address for my network card? /etc/network/interfaces seems to be ignored?17:35
ani_age21beta pakes marked as blocked in software manager how can i install those.. i want kde4.517:39
pidusI had been able to vnc to the remote server using xvnc4viewer on Kubuntu 9.10, but since I upgraded to 10.04, it fails to connect saying 'unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)'.17:39
pidusI used http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#VNC to reset the server, but to no avail.17:40
BluesKajmoldy, you have to remove NM ,then use this tutorial. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html17:40
moldyBluesKaj: ugh. thanks.17:40
moldyBluesKaj: just out of curiosity: nm does not support this?17:41
BluesKajmoldy,it confilcts17:42
pidusI think the problem is somewhere on the remote server as x11vnc.log gives the following message http://pastebin.com/pYsAVAUM17:42
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ani_age21how can get KDE 4.517:42
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde417:42
moldyBluesKaj: i would be fine with using nm for this, but i couldnt get that to work :)17:43
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ani_age21BluesKaj i already flow that. but after adding ppa of beta lucid main and a list update i got blocked pakages in software manager in update section17:44
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:45
ubottuKPackageKit is the !Kubuntu package manager that uses PackageKit17:46
BluesKajmoldy, for ethernet connections , it's not a difficult setup with network/interfaces...make sure you have your gateway and IP addresses listed under portmap in /etc/hosts.allow , like this : ALL:192.168.X.X17:46
moldyBluesKaj: hm. i have removed network-manager, edited the interfaces file. which services do i need to restart now?17:48
moldyit's still using the dhcp config :(17:48
BluesKajani_age21,sorry I'm sticking with the stable kde , sO have no experience with kde4.5 problems , maybe #kde can help17:48
BluesKajmoldy, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or sudo dhclient...usually the latter will stick after closing a session , but I haven't needed to use either one .17:50
moldyBluesKaj: i think i fixed it now... had to kill dhclient and run ifup eth0. weird.17:54
* moldy is not impressed with network-manager17:55
moldyBluesKaj: thanks for your hints!17:55
BluesKajreally , strange alright, moldy17:55
BluesKajmoldy, np, there are some quirks with network/interfaces , seems better in lucid tho17:56
BluesKajmoldy, actionparsnip over at #ubuntu is a real expert on NI , if you need further hints17:57
BluesKajtime for my nap...bbl18:00
trupheenixhi all18:03
trupheenixi made my desktop look like this http://twitpic.com/1z0u7d18:03
trupheenixhow can i share it with my friends?18:04
trupheenixany easy way to do it?18:04
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James147trupheenix: the settings are stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasm*  you sould be able to copy them to other computer to replicate the desktop (be careful of private data though)18:12
trupheenixJames147: ok18:13
James147trupheenix: you can also find config files for other kde apps there if you want to duplicate them as well18:13
trupheenixJames147: ok :)18:14
pidusI am a little surprised with an observation: I set up vncserver using http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#VNC on port 5900 and still netstat --listen | grep 5900 doesn't give anything. Am i missing something?18:28
sorindhello, i've noticed in some screenshots that the application menu can be placed on the desktop(like a mac), i've searched System Settings for this option but i cannot find it, can anybody direct me to it(i'm using kde 4.5 beta2)18:45
James147sorind: the application menu is just a widget, it can be placed like any other widget and acts like any other widget... just drag it from the "add widget" window to where you want it18:56
James147sorind: or if you have the "panel settings" window open you can drag it from the panel to the desktop to move it18:57
sorindi can't find the application menu, but i'll see if i can install it, thank you18:58
James147sorind: you dont ned to install it18:58
James147sorind:  I think its called "application launcher"18:59
sorindno, that's not what i wanted; i want the menu from every application(the File Edit View...) on top of the desktop; i've seen it's possible, but i'm not sure it is in a more recent verion of kde19:02
James147sorind: ahh :) i think there is something like that on kde-look.org19:03
James147sorind: not sure if its in the repos19:03
sorindok, i was looking for something built-in; thanks very much anyway:)19:03
James147sorind: look at "plasma-widget-xbar" (in the repos) sonds like what you want19:06
sorindit's there, but i think there are some problems because i'm running the kde 4.5 beta, so i think i'm gonna leave it for now19:07
benishorHello all19:10
benishorMy laptop had its motherboard recently changed and eversince that happened, I am unable to use the Fn keys, such as setting brightness, volume, enabling/disabling wireless, etc19:10
benishorThere's nothing wrong with the hardware, I used a live cd and everything worked ok19:10
benishorIs there some way to "reset" kbd ?19:10
benishoror to have it redetected somehow?19:10
James147benishor: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a i think19:13
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cato37i have both the kde network manager and the wicd network magager both loading and both reading network connections. how do i only get one to load at a time?19:46
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cato37i have both the kde network manager and the wicd network magager both loading and both reading network connections. how do i only get one to load at a time?20:15
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KottizenI'm on a confirmation camp and having a laptop, a 3G-modem and a router. I am using Kubuntu 10.04. I've connected and started the router. People can connect to it, but they haven't any internet. The router does not support 3G-modems, and therefor I have to use my laptop as a proxy for them. My question is: How do I setup a simple proxy without any special limits etc. on my KDE desktop?20:25
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moldyKottizen: i think the easiest solution is probably to ditch the router and use the laptop as a router20:39
dcorbin_workWhen I go to web page with a java applet, Firefox wants to install a package (The IcedTea Web Browser Plugin).  I let it.  When I restart firefox, the plugin is not there.  (the install appears to be of a Kubuntu package)20:39
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moxloxhello was wondering how to access the drives on my kubuntu machine on ubuntu I usually click computer but that does not appear to be there21:00
moxloxunder places where I usually access my computer drives21:01
Kottizenmoldy: ...how?21:06
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moldyKottizen: it's not trivial21:21
moldyKottizen: google for "linux iptables nat" or something similiar. e.g. http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/nat.html21:21
Kottizenmoldy: thanks21:32
oxymoronHow do I copy a crypted DVD movie from A DVD disc to a iso file?21:33
cannonfodderure it out from here21:37
oxymoronWhy on earth do you need to run " sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" in terminal for crypted dvds? :S21:42
moldyoxymoron: on my system, k3b can "just do" that21:47
moldyoxymoron: probably because of licensing issues21:47
moldyoxymoron: "my system" is not an ubuntu/kubuntu system, though21:47
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mabs_I need to configure my kubuntu 10.4 with two netcards, one is my wifi (wlan0) and is used to connect to the internet, the other is ethernet (eth0) that is only used on the local network. The problem is that when I activate both connections, I can't connect to the internet and I don't know what to do from here.22:09
mabs_Resent due to connection problem...: I need to configure my kubuntu 10.4 with two netcards, one is my wifi (wlan0) and is used to connect to the internet, the other is ethernet (eth0) that is only used on the local network. The problem is that when I activate both connections, I can't connect to the internet and I don't know what to do from here.22:10
mabs_By can't connect I mean that I can't ping my dns servers nor resolve IP's...22:11
grantkhello, wondering if someone might be able to help me out here, I used to be able to disable graphical logins by using update-rc.d, 10.04 seems to have moved that functionality, anyone know how to disable kdm now?22:11
BluesKajmabs_, just connect with one or the other , not both If you are connecting thru a router then the ethernet the best way to go . The router should also provide connection to your LAN.22:12
mabs_BluesKaj: It's two different networks and it should be posible to have both cards up at once.22:13
mabs_The two networks have different IP ranges, wifi has and eth0 has
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mabs_Okay, it's actually easy enough, if I just disable network-manager and configure my interfaces manually in /etc/network/interfaces22:27
samuel_boa noite pessoal22:38
donaxcociao a tutti22:43
robertzaccourwould kde run well on 3gb ram?23:50
robertzaccourand amd 1.86 ghz processor23:51
robertzaccouram i in the right chat? haha23:52
sergiocomo estas23:53
sergiowhat is your name23:53
robertzaccoursergio, are you in America?23:53
sergioin mexico23:54
BluesKajrobertzaccour, 3g ram is plenty23:56
ScuniziHow do I start samba as a service.. I'm getting tired of manually starting it.. and it's inconvenient23:57

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