
trinikronohey all01:57
trinikronoif someone reports a bug that says it freezes on resuming what package to file too?01:58
lajjrtrinikrono, what is it freezing on?01:59
trinikronoapon waking bug 36685201:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 366852 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Keyboard and Mouse Frozen after computer wakes (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36685201:59
trinikronothe wiki page says kernel is the safest, but i wanted to ask first02:00
lajjrare you getting a crash repost at all?02:05
trinikronoi am trying to assign packages here02:05
lajjryes then kernel.02:06
lajjrcan you tag it please??02:09
trinikronowell i am not sure what to do here,02:09
trinikronolol okie02:09
trinikronoyou do work on the kernel?02:09
trinikronoso i go on select a source package02:22
trinikronoand type in linux02:22
trinikronoan it says  too many searches, what is the name of the kernel package in ubuntu?02:22
dlbike76Hello, how long does apport-retrace usually take to process the coredump file02:34
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lajjrtrinikrono, if you can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies to add the files from you system to the bug report?02:57
trinikronolajjr: well its up to the reporter now, i was doing assign bug to package and i put the tags 'suspend resume' also02:58
lajjrOK great...thanks..03:00
trinikronoi want to assign the package plymouth to this bug 596182, is this correct?03:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 596182 in ubuntu "Ugly Text Screens while booting, sometimes does not shut down (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59618203:24
lajjrtrinikrono, are you sure that bug go with startupmanager ???03:52
trinikronowell that is why i asking, it said so on the wiki page, find the right package03:53
lajjryes you are right just that the description gives you an answer..??03:56
trinikronocan someone look at bug 371195 i believe that it should be wishlist at least05:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 371195 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Blacklight stays lit (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37119505:06
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meho_rHi, all. A question: if I use apport to report a bug, and after a 2-3 days there was an update of some packages, and my bug was declared invalid by apport bot and ask that I report a new bug if it occurs again. What's the catch? How any bugs would be solved09:55
xelisterdid ssh -x just stoped working??11:02
xelisterjesus christ  ssh  just stoped working.   or ssh -X  and ssh -x to be exact.11:06
xelisterssh -X    and even logging into  X stoped working after upgrade,11:18
xelisterpam_ck_connector(kdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY11:18
xelisterand then X session closes, even local one11:19
xelisterhey false alarm, just ssh and/or pam are too lazy coded to report that they are out of disc space for their cookie files. I should patch this :)11:30
vishpedro_: hi , Bug #596022 is an Ubuntu bug? or needs to be sent to upstream?13:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 596022 in xchat-gnome (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Package description is unhelpful (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59602213:05
pedro_vish, that's a packaging bug (Ubuntu), probably the debian package is having the same description13:09
pedro_but that's not an upstream bug13:09
vishah ok.13:09
nigelbvish: debian bug, you can open a task and perhaps provide a patch14:24
xteejxAnyway, Hi guys good afternoon :)16:48
xteejxIs anyone around that can take a look at my wiki page, tell me if it's up to scratch, I'm applying for Ubuntu membership and would be great if some of the higher up guys, i.e. pedro, brian etc would sponsor me or add a nice comment on my contributions wo my wiki page16:49
xteejxI'd really appreciate it, 7000+ karma so far bug triaging lol16:49
xteejxOr anyone really that's seen my work in and around the bug control/bugsquad stuff, I'm always here :)16:51
drew212hello xteejx16:52
xteejxHi drew212 :)16:52
xteejxpedro_: Would you add a comment to my wiki page re above Mr pedro? :)16:52
pedro_hi xteejx16:53
xteejxhey :)16:53
drew212xteejx: i want to apply for bugcontrol, but idk when someone is competent enough to apply =P16:53
pedro_xteejx, only if you give me/us the url ;-)16:53
xteejxoops of course hehe16:53
xteejxdrew212: Well you need to know about the bug triaging process, the workflow, how things work and why they work like that, our procedures, etc. All this information is on the wiki16:54
drew212xteejx: i'm currently a member of bugsquad, and i do my 5-a-days or more, and i'm being mentored under ddecator.16:55
xteejxdrew212: Oh cool! Well if you have 5 decent bug reports that you have helped triage, you can apply for BugControl16:56
drew212xteejx: i do understand how to set importance, although i'm not going to be 100% correct in setting them because i cant get any experience...16:56
drew212xteejx: i usualy have to ask ddecator or micahg to set the importance of my FF bugs =P16:56
xteejxOf course, but it's on the Importance wiki page on what should be set as what, simple workaround = low, then medium, high, critical are real showstoppers16:57
xteejxdrew212: That's no problem16:57
drew212xteejx: yeah, i always double check the wiki page before asking them to add an importance...16:57
xteejxtbh I haven't seen any BC applications for a couple of months16:57
xteejxdrew212: Sometimes even us BC have to refer back from time to time16:58
xteejxdrew212: When you feel you are ready, just go for it anyway  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl - it's voted on by the curent BC members and of course bugmaster Brian or Pedro have the final say16:59
xteejxpedro_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xteejx17:00
pedro_drew212, you can also ask your mentor to vouch for you, that helps a lot17:00
xteejxoh yeah17:00
pedro_and makes the review process far more easier for the BC members17:00
drew212pedro_: i'll ask ddecator if he think's im ready =)17:17
zz_grillehey everybody17:31
zz_grillei have installed lucid, after this i setup my server system completly but get one problem17:32
zz_grilletomcat6 creates a new user/group with the path /usr/share/tomcat6, but this directory belongs to the user and group root. a commercial/opensource webapp called opproject uses this directory to create a new folder in it. there the license file will be stored17:34
zz_grillebut because of the wrong owner this was not possible until i changed the ownership to tomcat6:tomcat617:34
zz_grilleplease update the installscript17:35
micahgzz_grille: please file a bug :)17:35
zz_grillewhere ?17:35
micahgzz_grille: do you have an Ubuntu desktop?17:36
zz_grillethats why i post this hewre17:36
baptistemmthe bug is the application you trying to install17:36
baptistemmso see with them I'd say17:36
micahgzz_grille: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat6/+filebug?no-redirect17:36
baptistemmI hardly why the owner of /usr/share would be different than root17:37
zz_grillebaptistemm: why? the root webapp has there a directory, too17:38
zuswould one bug begion to affect a bunch of other little things?  this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/574886 affe4cts me as well but im having other issues with in the last 24 hours  im on a fresh install  with ubuntu studio over ubuntu for 3 days now....17:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 574886 in apt (Ubuntu) "Apt has strange network errors when updating indexes. (affects: 24) (heat: 185)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:39
DrKenobiHi! A few days ago I read about some tool that make easy to triage bugs. Where can i find then?17:45
micahgDrKenobi: bughugger?17:46
DrKenobiI don't remember any name, maybe its bughugger. I'll take a look.17:47
MrKanisterDrKenobi: You might want to take look at the packages "ubuntu-dev-tools" and "ubuntu-qa-tools". The present a large selection of useful small tools for the work with lp and bugs18:07
DrKenobiMrKanister: thanks, i'll take a look!18:14
drew212micahg: are you avail?18:53
micahgdrew212: maybe for a quick question, about to run to $WORK18:54
drew212well for bug 571035 should i change the package to adobe flash and add the linux package as it could be a problem in either?18:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 571035 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "No sound in Flash videos after hibernate (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57103518:54
drew212its definetly either a flash issue or a kernel issue18:54
micahgdrew212: try kernel18:57
drew212don't assign both packages?18:58
micahgdrew212: nah18:58
micahgdrew212: you should only do that if you're at least sure about 118:58
micahgdrew212: if it's not kernel, they'll reassign18:58
drew212is there a possibly needs-reassignment tag?18:58
micahgdrew212: what did audio team say?18:58
drew212no hits in 2 days18:59
micahgdrew212: yes, but you use that if you're not sure where it goes18:59
drew212should i add the tag?18:59
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drew212should i mark as new?19:00
micahgdrew212: move to kernel and mark as New19:01
micahgdrew212: no tag19:01
drew212sounds good19:01
ddecatordrew212: i'll let you know what i think after i get a chance to review your work more in-depth later this week :)19:24
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ubot2Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment20:22
micahg!msgthebot | vish :)20:23
ubot2vish :): Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:23
vishmicahg: i was actually wondering why bugsquad is listed there^20:26
micahgvish: bugsquad is a good contact for bug info20:27
vishalso not sure what mailing list communication have to do with actual development [as in does it require to be mentioned there]20:27
micahgwhich is needed to help fix bugs20:27
vishmicahg: we do , but in context with the wiki.. seems out of place20:27
vishor maybe i havent got the point of the wiki20:28
micahgvish: documentation :)20:28
vishmicahg: why i ask is , we often give that link for members asking how they can help develop , while the bugsquad, mailing list is probably not the info they want.. maybe its just me then :)20:29
micahgvish: it's encouraging upstream devs to talk to us AFAICT20:31
micahgvish: so their apps can be triaged better20:32
* vish ponders about adding a sub-section for papercuts , we need help getting bugs fixed too ;)20:34
micahgvish: maybe send an e-mail to ubuntu-devel20:35
vishmicahg: for papercuts?20:35
Pa_trick17Hi, just joined the BugSquad-Team in Launchpad. The Ubuntu-Wiki-Page says that one requirement is to send an e-mail to the BugSquad-Mailing-List, but as I joined this List a few weeks ago i recognized ppl that didn't like all the "Want-to-join"-Mails - Shall I write one or not?20:35
micahgvish: about adding it to the wiki for development20:36
vishmicahg: ah , right. sure20:36
vishpedro_: Pa_trick17 is here to join bug squad20:36
vishPa_trick17: do mention you launchpad profile link20:37
vishyup , will be easier for pedro_ to add it20:37
pedro_though you were a member already Pa_trick17 ;-)20:38
pedro_let me have a look20:38
Pa_trick17hi pedro_ ;-)20:38
Pa_trick17i'm the "proposed member" in the launchpad-team20:39
micahgdrew212: about that crash report bug, the user submitted a crash report, just not one that can be retraced20:39
pedro_Pa_trick17, approved, keep up the good work!20:39
micahgdrew212: and asking someone for a coredump.gz is not a good idea either20:40
Pa_trick17pedro_: thx - and greetings to Chile ;-)20:40
pedro_thanks ;-)20:40
drew212micahg: we need the stacktrace.txt no? He cant seem to find the file or get anything uploaded, how should we proceed?21:10
micahgdrew212: well, the upload of the coredump should be seamless to the reporter, if the user doesn't have enough memory, then a gdb backtrace might be a better option, but I can search upstream for that bug a little later to see if it's a know issue (you're welcome to search as well)21:17
drew212micahg: i'm still confused as to what a propper crash report contains... is there a wiki page i can read? the how to triage and apport pages don't really say what you should look for21:18
micahgdrew212: will you be on later tonight21:20
drew212micahg: probably around 12:30ish21:20
micahgdrew212: don't know if I'll be on that late, but if I am, I'll be happy to explain21:21
trinikronoi would like to know as well lol21:32
xteejxogasawara: Hi Leann sorry to bother you, is there any chance we can get the patch for bug 461419 into Maverick before final?21:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 461419 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Karmic Lucid] Atheros AR5211 - ath5k driver connection and performance issues (affects: 53) (dups: 6) (heat: 302)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46141921:33
xteejxOr if anyone can answer that, I'd like to know (I'm affected)21:33
xteejxbug 461419 anyone?21:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 461419 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Karmic Lucid Maverick] Atheros AR5211 - ath5k driver connection and performance issues (affects: 53) (dups: 6) (heat: 307)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46141921:42
xteejxAnyone available?22:06
xteejxDoes everyone go to sleep at 22:10 BST?22:10
arandxteejx: I could see If I can get the patch to a PPA, would that be useful?22:16
xteejxarand: Yeah that would definitely help, a PPA or bzr branch22:17
xteejxI had problems compiling it took an hour to recompile linux-headers and it messed up I done something wrong22:17
arandxteejx: And this seems to be a generally quiet hour indeed.22:17
xteejxarand: I'm not usually around this late, it's 22:18 here lol22:18
arandThe thing is, I would guess the best thing is to try to get the patch included upstream, in the kernel proper. Dunno, since it seems it's not really finished (even though it works the upstream report sound as though some tweaking might be going on..)22:19
micahgarand: IIRC, upstream patch window for 2.6.35 is closed22:20
xteejxarand: Yeah, the patch came from upstream, but as micahg says there won't be any further patches for the 6.35 version22:20
xteejxWell, not unless we include them22:20
arandAh, right, (have no check on kernel cycle)22:20
ogasawaraxteejx: sorry, was away.  I'm trying to view the bug in lp but it keeps timing out (I'm assuming to the large # of comments)22:20
micahgxteejx: yeah, that doesn't mean we can't include it, but that's the kernel team's call22:20
xteejxtalk of the devil :)22:21
ogasawaraxteejx: you said the patch is upstream?22:21
arand#ubuntu-kernel might be of interest, iff they are alive..22:21
xteejxogasawara: Yeah it is, it's attached to the LP report too22:21
ogasawaraxteejx: can you point me to the upstream sha1 id?22:21
xteejxermmmm...... no?22:21
xteejxI have no idea what that is22:21
ogasawaraxteejx: it's the unique identifier for the upstream patch22:22
arandI don't know if it's in any git tree yet, apart from the one who made it.22:22
ogasawaraxteejx: I'll keep trying to reload the bug here22:22
arandogasawara: Patch from upstream bugzilla report https://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=2656622:22
arandand report is https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1389222:23
ubot2bugzilla.kernel.org bug 13892 in network-wireless "ath5k with 168c:001c in Aspire ONE causes other nearby wireless clients to disassociate" [Normal,Needinfo]22:23
xteejxogasawara: Ohhh I understand, it's in the upstream report as a patch file, it's not official yet, I'll link the report https://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=26566 and https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1389222:23
ogasawaraxteejx: hrm, so not officially upstream then (as in included in Linus' tree)22:23
xteejxNot yet, no, but it seems confirmed by those that have recompiled, and also I believe I've seen the idea of setting L0/L1 before with these cards back with Intrepid...I do think it *may* be a regression22:24
xteejxthe dreaded word22:24
arandIs a PPA able to handle a kernel rebuild what with size constraints etc.?22:24
micahgarand: you get 2GB now :)22:25
xteejxarand: Well the actual .deb wouldn't even make 50mb I don't think, so you should be safe22:25
arandYea, but I heard someone before who had troubles since the actual size during build was a fair amount of gigabytes...22:26
xteejxIs there no way to build locally and add the resulting .deb from pbuilder to a PPA, or something like that?22:26
arandI don't think so..22:27
xteejx:( oh22:27
xteejxogasawara: ^^ up a few sorry I didn't put the IRC nick on there22:28
micahgarand: I don't think there's a problem with during build size, only upload size22:28
ogasawaraxteejx: not sure on that, I've never tried22:28
ogasawaraxteejx: I usually just build the .deb and point people to it22:29
xteejxogasawara: I meant my answer to your "is it is linus' tree)22:29
* ogasawara is lost22:29
arandmicahg: Like I said, I was talking to someone who ran into a build size limit when (s)he was trying to stick a kernel in a PPA, but I don't know if there were other particulars involved...22:29
xteejxogasawara: "Not yet, no, but it seems confirmed by those that have recompiled, and also I believe I've seen the idea of setting L0/L1 before with these cards back with Intrepid...I do think it *may* be a regression"22:29
ogasawaraxteejx: do you know if the author of the patch has submitted this upstream?22:29
xteejxIt is upstream, it's on the kernel bug report22:30
ogasawaraxteejx: I should clarify, when I say "upstream" I mean more in the sense of it's been sent to the appropriate mailing lists when it'll get reviewed by the upstream maintainers22:31
xteejxogasawara: Ohhh I don't think so22:31
ogasawaraxteejx: the reason I ask is that's the preferred method to get this into Maverick22:31
xteejxOh I see, I don't actually know how to do that, I don't usually deal with kernel patches, I only report upstream bugs22:32
* xteejx thinks the LP mailer has just had a spaz attack and sent 20 emails to his inbox at once!!!22:33
ogasawaraxteejx: I just looked up the author of the patch and it looks they've authored a few patches already that have landed upstream.22:35
ogasawaraxteejx: so I'd assume they're comfortable with submitting this to the appropriate people22:35
xteejxogasawara: Cool :)22:35
ogasawaraxteejx: I'll dig around the mailing lists and see if it's already been posted or not22:36
ogasawaraxteejx: in the best case scenario, this will get upstream before 2.6.35 final and we'll get the patch for free when we rebase22:36
xteejxI really hope this makes it to Maverick it's been semi-showstopping for over a year and half (at least for me)22:36
xteejxWhen we resync it?22:36
xteejxThat'll be good :)22:37
ogasawaraxteejx: right, we rebase with each 2.6.35-rc# candidate as they come out22:37
* xteejx is happy :)22:37
xteejxogasawara: Anyway thanks for looking into this but I gotta run, got an early morning22:39
xteejxThanks all for the help, must dash, goodnight :)22:40
* micahg thinks since dash is bash in ubuntu, he's having a party :D22:41
yofelarand: btw, I already did kernel rebuilds in a PPA, work fine, only if you upload several revisions in succession you get to the space limit very fast... (IE, with 1GB I ran out of space after 3 rebuilds I think)22:41
arandyofel: Ah, right.22:42
stentenHow do I sign an email to Launchpad with my OpenPGP key?23:34
jmarsden|workstenten: Maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto  will help?23:44
stentenjmarsden|work: thanks, I already had a read of that and it confused me even more, heh.23:49
jmarsden|workhttps://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey any better for you?23:52
stentenHeh, I've already read through all those pages, thanks. I really just want to know if I have to actually add something to my email message or if I'm supposed to do something with it on Launchpad instead.23:57
stentenI'm trying to use the email interface to modify a bug report.23:58

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