
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
dholbachgood morning07:00
dholbachhola ara, hey jussi07:20
aramorning dholbach07:23
* nigelb yawns too07:25
dholbachhey nigelb :)07:27
dholbachhow's life in sunny India?07:27
nigelbdholbach: as usual :)07:28
dholbachthat's everything? "as usual"? :)07:29
nigelbwell, busy with work, but free enough for irc :)07:30
nigelbAND waiting for my laptop to come back from the shop07:31
dholbachpoor Nigel07:31
nigelbnow you know why patch review didn't move last week ;)07:32
dholbachhey dpm07:35
dpmmorning dholbach :)07:36
dpmgood morning all!07:36
aramorning dpm08:01
dpmhola ara08:05
dholbachhola randa_09:36
randa_hola dholbach!09:39
=== ara_ is now known as ara
Pendulumakgraner: ping12:26
paultaghey doctormo, poke14:17
dholbachhey jono14:36
jonohey dholbach14:37
dholbachjcastro: I'll mark the daily builds work item concerning "write up something awesome" as INPROGRESS15:30
nigelbdholbach: shall we attack pedro re: hug day for patches?15:30
jcastrodholbach: really all I need is to test it once they tell us it's working and then I am ready to go about an hour after that15:31
dholbachjcastro: I think it's "almost working now" :)15:31
paultagspeaking of daily builds, who do I have to yell at to try and port debian live to ubuntu live ?15:31
dholbachjcastro: I think we can always tweak the docs later on15:32
dholbachjcastro: the basic announce will probably always be the same :)15:32
dholbachpaultag: yell at what? port debian live to ubuntu live?15:32
paultagdholbach: last time I tried ( which was way way back ) debian live bombed when I tried to roll an Ubuntu live CD out of it15:33
paultagdholbach: I hate the way to roll an ISO now, it makes me want to kill the nearest living thing15:33
dholbachpaultag: I have no idea how all of that stuff works15:33
dholbachthe people in #ubuntu-devel might though :)15:33
jcastrodholbach: nigelb: we have a todo for a ubuntu helpdesk for debian devs.15:33
paultagI used to do some work with that team back in 07-08 ish15:33
paultagdholbach: thanks mate :)15:34
jcastroI have been thinking about how to do that15:34
dholbachnigelb: shall we try to schedule it for after UDW?15:34
nigelbjcastro: same as them perhaps?15:34
dholbachnigelb: I'm happy with whatever really15:34
nigelbdholbach: ack, ok15:34
nigelbdholbach: I prefer having it when my laptop is back15:34
dholbachnigelb: there's still some time until UDW15:35
nigelbdholbach: I should get my computer this week (hopefully)15:35
nigelbjcastro: Idea A: We create a mailing list and have everyone who could be important to join that list15:35
nigelbIdea B: We have a mailing list of volunteers who can re-route specific issues to the right person15:36
dholbachjcastro: it could be #debian-ubuntu15:36
jcastroI am not sure another list/channel is a good idea, rather using the existing channels15:36
nigelbjcastro: it can be something like debian@ubuntu.com -> this forwards to you or jono right?15:37
dholbachjcastro: it exists already15:37
dholbach#debian-ubuntu on OFTC15:37
jcastrodholbach: which list?15:37
jcastrooh right right15:37
jcastrobbiab, getting deryck to close his work items so we're not so doomed15:37
dholbachhehe :)15:38
nigelbMy person irk is that not many people know whom to contact for what especially stuff that canonical develops15:39
dholbachnigelb: it's probably the same as with any other package / piece of software15:39
nigelbI know, but I've found others not knowing.  The problem to be solved is improved communication to the right person15:39
nigelbdholbach: agreed, but I feel we can do better15:40
jcastrodholbach: ok so is #debian-ubuntu our agreed front desk then?15:40
dholbachwhich specific use-case are you thinking of?15:40
dholbachjcastro: erm, I did not write a spec about it or anything15:40
jcastroeven better15:40
jcastroJFDI FTW.15:40
dholbachjcastro: but it feels natural that people can ask questions there - I thought that was the general idea15:40
jcastroI think between irc, the debian@ubuntu.com and the normal ubuntu mailing lists that that ought to be enough15:41
nigelbdholbach: the -devel mail about software generated by ubuntu that has been bouncing around15:41
jcastronigelb: but we're making progress there15:41
jcastrosomeone is snagging ayatana stuff for debian already15:41
nigelbjcastro: ofcourse :)15:41
dholbachnigelb: I'm not sure what exactly you want to improve15:42
paultagnigelb: I saw your email :)15:42
dholbachif I don't know who to contact about a piece of software, I'd get the code and check the changelog15:42
paultagnigelb: I'm here to help with Debian / Ubuntu interactions15:42
dholbachand the "homepage" if anything lists it15:42
paultagdholbach: most DMs don't know their code is being patched downstream from what I've seen15:42
dholbachwhat else do you think is missing?15:42
nigelbperhaps nothing more :/15:43
dholbachpaultag: http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gedit.html ← check out the right bottom corner15:43
dholbachnigelb: if you have a brilliant new idea what we could do, I'm all up for it - I just wasn't sure what you were looking for15:44
paultagdholbach: then I blame lazy DMs and DDs15:44
nigelbdholbach: I was looking for a brilliant new idea and hoping you'd come up with one :D15:44
dholbachpaultag: maybe it's not advertised enough15:44
dholbachnigelb: haha15:44
* dholbach hugs you all15:44
nigelbpaultag: I think we need to spam planets :)15:44
nigelboh wait, we can perhaps have a post of all information available to DMs and DDs15:45
paultagnigelb: heh15:45
paultagdholbach: :P15:45
paultagI think I'm going to go for Debian maintainer soonish15:45
* nigelb cheers for paultag :)15:46
paultagI have my key nice and signed, and a few people willing to back me :D15:46
jcastroalso, hi paultag!15:46
paultagheyya jcastro! Coming to OLF again? We're just plotting :)15:46
jcastrofor sure15:47
nigelbdholbach: I think we can have jcastro rotating with us for the reports!15:47
paultagjcastro: I do believe I owe you a drink or two :)15:47
jcastroso I went to FOSSCON, it's the one in rochester NY, first year15:47
jcastroit was pretty great15:47
paultagjcastro: Oh yeah, lefty was there too15:47
paultagjcastro: nice :)15:47
jcastrothose NY locos got their stuff running tight!15:47
vishjcastro: hey hey,  back with us? :)15:47
paultagCharlie did a great job15:47
jcastrovish: yeah!15:47
nigelbjcastro: you wanna rotate with me and dholbach for cleansweep reports every monday?15:48
jcastronigelb: absolutely15:48
akgranerI hate I missed FOSSCON :-(15:48
nigelbjcastro: next monday is your turn then :)15:48
jcastroI need like another hour to catch up and then I'd like to hit this debian stuff hard.15:48
* nigelb likes that akgraner is getting some rest15:48
jcastroI want to blog about the new debian list, etc.15:48
nigelbjcastro: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/patches/15:49
nigelbwe have some new graphs :)15:49
jcastroman we need more help15:49
jcastrodid bobbo fail school yet?15:49
jcastro(just kidding)15:49
nigelbmy laptop's dead and I've been away for a week15:49
nigelblast week I reviewed like 30 patches in an hour15:49
jcastrodholbach: ok so deryck just DONEd like 6 items.15:50
jcastrodholbach: that should give us a bit of breathing room15:50
nigelbyay, mail spam15:50
dholbachjcastro, dpm: we can and slack for a week now15:50
jcastrodholbach: yeah, good thing jono isn't here to spy on us15:50
dpmjcastro, dholbach, awesome!15:50
nigelbjcastro: he is here, isn't he ;)15:51
nigelbahh, I can work on of them for this week - the blacklist process15:51
paultagWHOH WHOH jcastro15:51
jcastrocool, when lucas is around nigelb we can talk about submit-to-debian15:52
nigelbpaultag: re:debian maintainers complaining - we give patches back during merges, but get compaints before we can start the process15:52
paultagjcastro: I just checked out your blog, and the pic of that guy on the front page ( Jason ) is my goddamn double. I thought for a good 10 seconds that it was me15:52
jcastromaybe paultag can bring his undergrad enthusiasm and fix it for us. :p15:52
jcastropaultag: no he's way dorkier15:52
nigelbjcastro: ack, I'll write to you and you can not block on me15:52
paultagjcastro: goddamnit, not getting roped into this until I get my frieken todo queue done15:52
paultagjcastro: hold on, let me find a photo of me. We look _identical_15:53
jcastropaultag: hah, welcome to the team!15:53
jcastro"oh just wait like, 10 minutes and I'll get caught up."15:53
paultagjcastro: this one is close ( don't mind the purple teeth, it was a wine night with my cuz ) -- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs087.snc3/15453_1191843636533_1241640883_30964716_6817011_n.jpg15:54
* paultag is really creeped out15:56
* jussi creeps paultag out some more...15:57
paultagheyya jussi :)15:57
nigelbdholbach: can we close persia's tasks? I'm not sure what they are and if they need to be done or even better if we did them already15:57
* nigelb waves to jussi 15:57
dholbachnigelb: sure15:57
nigelbdholbach: talk to bug squad people would be telling bug squad about us and what needs to be done in case of patches - I'll raise it at next bug squad meeting - assign to me15:58
nigelbI don't remember what buckets and todo lists is about :/15:59
dholbachnigelb: will you assign to yourself or shall I do it?15:59
nigelbdholbach: can you please assign?16:00
dholbachnigelb: sure16:00
dholbachnigelb: done16:01
nigelbdholbach: thank you :)16:01
dholbachnigelb: we're on for Jul 2216:02
dholbachnigelb: hugday after udw16:02
nigelbawesome :)16:02
* vish wonders who came up with the tag "Fearless leader" for Jono :D16:13
dholbachjcastro: moved the announce from the pad to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/Announce16:17
dholbach(and prepared a blog entry, so we can GO whenever its ready)16:17
dholbachjcastro: can you take "[dholbach] Ask interested people to set up daily builds: TODO"?16:17
dholbachjcastro: aren't you in touch with thos people anyway? :D16:18
jcastroI am16:19
jcastroyou can move that to me16:19
* dholbach hugs jcastro16:19
nigelbthat is one full of awesome wiki :)16:19
dholbachnigelb: it just contains "awesome" twice16:20
dholbachnigelb: that's sub-par-under-awesome in jcastro-terms16:20
jcastrohah dholbach16:21
jcastroI just screwed you16:21
jcastroI am on holiday 27-29 august16:21
jcastrobut I didn't put it in the calendar yet (just did now)16:22
dholbachjcastro: SCREW YOU!16:22
* dholbach hugs jcastro :)16:22
jcastrodon't worry, I am sure you will assign me to 45 IRC sessions before hand16:22
paultagjcastro: you did one on your frik'n birthday16:23
paultagI don't think 45 is enough16:23
dholbachjcastro: we'll figure it out just fine16:23
dholbachthere's a lot of time until then16:23
jcastrodholbach: ok what week did the lp team say they are landing daily build stuff?16:23
jcastrolike, as in next week?16:23
jcastroor further out?16:24
dholbachjcastro: they only tested recipes up until now, package recipe builds are close, they hope to get it done ASAP, but will only roll out to edge because the UI needs a bit more polish16:28
dholbachjcastro: so hopefully next week16:28
dholbachthey keep hitting small stumbling blocks and hoped to have it done earlier already16:29
* jcastro nods16:29
jcastroI am planning on setting up a bunch (like from that list)16:29
jcastroas an example16:29
jcastrodholbach: will there be an easy way to list all the daily PPAs?16:29
dholbachjcastro: I dunno, abentley should know16:30
dholbachor noodles16:30
jcastrolike are we going to ask people to follow a naming convention for the main ones or .. ?16:30
dholbach're below the line: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-community.html :)16:34
dholbachbut maybe just for a day16:34
dholbachjcastro: no idea16:35
dholbachjcastro: might be nice though16:35
jcastrois that because of those 6 items you think?16:35
dholbachjcastro: I think I'll give a session quickly after announce as part of Packaging Training16:35
dholbachjcastro: maybe, yeah16:35
jcastroI should have like 2 more today16:35
dholbachok, added my session16:37
dpmjcastro, that's definitely because of the 6 items. I've been watching the chart this morning and they did make the difference. Good work on deryck and you!16:45
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:02
dholbachsee you tomorrow17:02
dholbachbig hugs17:02
paultagnight dholbach :)17:02
dpmyep, time to call it a day for me too17:07
dpmsee you all tomorrow!17:07
jcastrohey jussi17:09
jcastro#debian-ubuntu is a bridge to OFTC iirc?17:09
jcastroJFo: hey, so they landed the fix that makes +patches show the right stuff17:16
jcastrocan you doublecheck next time you're doing bugwork?17:16
JFocertainly can :)17:16
nigelblater folks, going back home :)17:17
doctormoHas anyone heard of these guys: http://www.linuxidentity.com/us/ ?17:43
paultaghey doctormo, poke :)18:03
paultagalso, I've never heard of them doctormo :/18:03
paultagdoctormo: I'm going to head downtown at like 3:00, so I'll be down at about 4:00, and I'll walk around for a bit18:09
qensegood afternoon18:39
doctormopaultag: Let me know if you want to meet up earlier.19:19
paultagdoctormo: poke19:29
doctormopaultag: shoot19:30
paultagdoctormo: so I'm leaving in about 30, I'll be down by 4:0019:30
doctormopaultag: Yes, I saw that, did you get my message about meeting up ealier?19:33
paultagdoctormo: just now19:33
paultagdoctormo: it takes me about an hour to get down, so that's asap :)19:36
doctormopaultag: Aight see you there.19:37
paultagdoctormo: sounds like a plan, stan19:38
jcastrojono: we still on for today?20:10
jonojcastro, yep20:55
czajkowskijono: just the gentleman I'm looking for :)20:56
czajkowskijono: a heads up http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/06/22/new-tag-locoteams-find-out-whats-going-on-with-other-loco-teams/20:56
czajkowskibe great if you could also start to use it when you can20:56
czajkowskitrying to encourage loco teams to promote their events, get discssion going20:56
jonoczajkowski, cool, have a call now, but will check when I am done21:00
czajkowskijono: thanks21:00
jonojcastro, give me a moment to get out the studio and head downstairs21:01
jcastrono worries21:02
jonojcastro, lets do skype21:10
jonoI can do it in the studio21:10
jcastroI need to reboot21:12
jcastroone sec21:12
jonojcastro, np21:12
jcastrojono: ok all set21:15
czajkowskijono:  remember that page I asked ayou about re Loco council and updates be sent to you and how it was out of date and needed to be removed22:41
czajkowskijono: well here is another https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamLeader22:41
czajkowskibut folks are editing it22:41
jonook cool :)22:41
czajkowskibut we have the ledership code of conduct22:41
czajkowskijono: are you redireting the pages to the new updated pages?22:41
czajkowskioff now to drogheda to collect sister from aiport  then back to CAstleconnell tomorrow folks22:45

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