
rickspencer3hi RAOF00:05
rickspencer3hi TheMuso00:05
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.00:06
RAOFMorning rickspencer300:06
rickspencer3good night all, time for a bit of a break01:04
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didrocksgood morning07:26
pittiGood morning08:21
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:22
didrockspitti: I didn't see seb128 yesterday evening. I think e-d-s hasn't been copied to -updates08:31
pittiok, will do that08:32
didrocksthanks pitti :)08:33
seb128pitti, hey09:17
pittibonjour seb12809:17
seb128pitti, do you have any opinion on what to do with GNOME 2.30.2 updates which only have translation updates?09:17
seb128is that worth doing sru uploads for those?09:17
pittihm, good question09:18
pittiin theory we could just upload the .po files to rosetta09:18
pittithat would avoid a rebuild/SRU and should not be a lot of effort (one tar and one web ui upload per package)09:19
pittinot sure, WDYT?09:19
seb128let me see if dpm can help me to get that done09:19
seb128I would agree with uploads09:19
seb128rosetta uploads I mean09:19
seb128dpm, hey09:19
pittihm, I don't see an "upload" button on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-panel09:19
pittiI have one on my own project pages09:20
pittiseems that requires some super-powers?09:20
pittiseb128: so if you or dpm could just upload the tarballs, that seems easiest to me, and safe as well09:20
seb128pitti, ok, what I think as well, thanks09:20
seb128pitti, I will still do the gnome-desktop one to have the "about GNOME" version updated, I guess that's ok?09:21
pittioh, sure09:21
seb128pitti, how are you otherwise? ;-)09:21
pittiI'm good, thanks!09:22
pittihad some fun with apt yesterday, I did what I'm best at and broke everything :)09:22
pittiand seems I'm now getting pulled into a second OEM project09:22
seb128I'm glad I'm still on lucid :p09:22
seb128pitti, getting busier every day? ;-)09:23
pittiseb128: oh, I broke the OEM projects, not Maverick09:23
pittiit was just because C++ sucks :)09:23
seb128pitti, I've a feeling they will not want to let you come back after 6 months once they see what you can get done ;-)09:23
pittiseb128: oh yes :) but that's a good thing09:23
pittiI recently created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint09:24
seb128"Use XFCE instead of GNOME"09:24
pittibut seems I'm done with that topic now, and back to boot speed :)09:24
pittiseb128: there are some focus changes for me right now, indeed :)09:25
seb128I was thinking about speed the other day09:25
seb128seems we stopped doing any chart for a while now09:25
seb128or a least watching how those are doing09:25
pittiright, would be interesting09:25
vishseb128: hi, regarding papercuts and the gnome problem for maverick, we had decided to milestone more of non-gnome/non-gtk3-required bugs , so that will solve part of the problem..09:26
vishregarding gnome packages , how can we ensure the non-gtk3-required bugs get fixed in Maverick?  you are probably not going to be backporting all those gnome changes from upstream regularly. is there some way to ensure they get patched in maverick?09:27
seb128vish, ok09:28
seb128vish, I can backport all the fixes to papercuts if they apply to the current codebase09:28
seb128vish, if upstream refactored the code it might not be as easy though09:28
vishseb128: yeah, it would be awesome if you can backport the changes.  shall i ping you regularly about the papercuts , or are you having a schedule to check those regularly?09:29
pittiseb128: hmm, seems bootchart stopped creating .pngs.. I just get the .tgz09:29
seb128vish, I will check the fix commited tasks09:30
seb128pitti, do you have pybootchart-gui?09:31
vishseb128: cool , thanks. :)09:31
pittiseb128: yes; I'll run it manually now to see what's going on09:31
pittiseb128: ah, crashes09:33
pittiseems it's looking for something "RSDTZXW" in /proc and doesn't find it09:36
pittioh, that's the list of prossible process states09:38
pitti"RSDTZXW".index(flag) + 109:38
pittii. e. some process is in a state which isn't contained there09:38
pittiok, got it fixed09:40
seb128pitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint is interesting reading09:41
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-maverick-20100622-1.png09:43
pittidoesn't look that much different from lucid, I think09:43
pittiexcept that nm-applet seems to have regressed09:43
pittihm, hang on; I think I set an empty keyring password this time, so it'd connect automatically09:43
pittithat might explain the difference09:44
pittibut the applet still seems to consume an inordinate amount of CPU09:44
pittiit should be wpasupplicant and N-M doing all the work09:44
pittithis is still the -4 kernel, but userspace should be current as of yesterday09:44
seb128I'm wondering if they do but that just reflects on the applet on the chart for some reason09:45
pittihm, I don't think bootchart is that bad09:46
pittithey are just connected via dbus, it's not the same process or so09:46
seb128ok, so I've no clue why it's taking so much cpu09:46
seb128I don't think nm-applet changed since lucid and we did solve the icon loading issue09:47
pittiI'm going to trash the mini now and install something else, but this one has zero customizations, so I guess there's not much evidence to kill09:47
seb128well we do lazy load animation icons09:47
pittibut good to know that there are no obvious regressions by now09:47
seb128but if you autoconnect you do load those09:47
seb128still it should not create that much cpu use09:47
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:06
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:16
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm good thanks (much better than yesterday). how are you?10:18
seb128I'm fine thanks10:19
seb128oh, you were not feeling ok yesterday? side effect from weekend gardening?10:20
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i didn't feel too good yesterday. i got quite badly sunburnt at the weekend, and i ached a lot from doing gardening too10:21
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seb128chrisccoulson, so next weekend less effort and a bit extra relaxing ;-)10:22
chrisccoulsonyeah, i intend to do nothing next weekend ;)10:22
rodrigo_I just did a gnome-settings-daemon-2.30.2 release, can someone please upload it (we need it for u1), or should I submit a branch?10:25
seb128to lucid or maverick?10:27
seb128you need the .pc there?10:28
seb128what is u1 doing with it?10:28
rodrigo_seb128, to maverick10:43
rodrigo_seb128, we need the .pc file changes because we're writing a gsd plugin10:44
seb128rodrigo_, to do what?10:47
seb128rodrigo_, I'm just being curious ;-)10:47
seb128rodrigo_, I will do the update today10:47
rodrigo_seb128, to listen for changes in config and notify users of quota exceeded in u1 server, and other things not yet defined10:51
rodrigo_seb128, if you want, I can submit a branch with the changes?10:51
seb128rodrigo_, changes to what? g-s-d for the update?10:52
seb128lut huats10:52
seb128rodrigo_, I'm not sure I like adding things to g-s-d, it makes it fragile and slow desktop login10:52
zygahmm, is it just me or is terminal background handling broken in lucid? selecting 'solid color' makes the background partially transparent?10:53
zygawhile selecting 'transparent background' allows me to select fully opaque background?10:53
seb128it's a theme issue10:54
seb128try with an another theme10:54
huatshello seb12810:54
zygaseb128, I selected custom colors... anyway - checking with other theme10:56
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seb128zyga, known issue with the theming change done in lucid10:56
seb128"solid color" means "what the theme used define"10:56
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rodrigo_seb128, yes10:57
seb128which is translucid background for the light themes10:57
zygaseb128, I see10:57
seb128rodrigo_, if you have it ready feel free to hand it to me for review10:57
rodrigo_seb128, it's a very lightweith plugin, don't worry10:57
rodrigo_seb128, we thought about having it as a separate daemon, but that would slow things more10:57
seb128rodrigo_, well I don't like much things watching files and servers, it means ios and that's often slow10:57
seb128rodrigo_, but let's see how it behaves in practice10:58
rodrigo_seb128, it doesn't watch files or servers, it just listens to dbus signals10:58
seb128so you have another service running which sends those signal?10:58
rodrigo_seb128, yes, syncdaemon10:58
seb128couldn't the said service displays the informations directly?10:58
rodrigo_well, it's too heavyweight already to have more code added to it, and we don't want gtk usage there10:59
seb128let's see how it goes in practice10:59
rodrigo_anyway, you just reminded me that we should connect to dbus after a timeout long enough that we don't interfere with the desktop login11:00
rodrigo_as the screensaver and other gsd plugins do11:00
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seb128rodrigo_, would be nice yes11:06
seb128rodrigo_, so where is your gsd update for review?11:07
rodrigo_seb128, just a minute11:07
seb128ok, no hurry11:07
rodrigo_I get this btw when branching:11:08
rodrigo_Doing on-the-fly conversion from RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)\n') to RepositoryFormat2a().11:08
rodrigo_This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for better performance.11:08
rodrigo_I hope it's not a problem, kenvandine had a hard time merging some of my branches for couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb11:09
seb128should not11:09
rodrigo_seb128, ok, pushing, it takes time it seems, because of the different branch formats11:17
rodrigo_seb128, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/gnome-settings-daemon/2_30_2_release/+merge/2815411:19
seb128rodrigo_, thanks, will review that after lunch11:27
rodrigo_ok, thanks11:27
Zdraseb128, maverick GTK package depends on recent version of libx*11:45
Zdraseb128, is there a reason for that?11:45
Zdrathose libs are not in lucid11:46
Zdraremoved the versionned dep, rebuild on lucid, and it works fine...11:46
Zdraseb128, we need gtk 2.21 for Empathy, so we are going to backport glib/gtk/dconf from maverick into our ppa. Is there any issue you think we could have?11:49
dpmpitti, seb128, sorry for the late reply. The "upload button" is here -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-panel/+pots/gnome-panel-2.0/+upload11:59
seb128Zdra, hi11:59
pittidpm: ah, nice; thanks! must have overlooked it11:59
seb128Zdra, not really, debian updated those requirement for the udeb changes, the udeb are special debs for the installer11:59
mptmvo, good morning, did you get details from the Launchpad team on the archive index stuff?11:59
seb128Zdra, if you don't plan to build installation using the debian d-i you should have no issue12:00
seb128dpm, hi, thanks12:00
Zdraseb128, cool thanks :)12:00
seb128dpm, will those upload count as upstream translations or ubuntu ones?12:01
seb128Zdra, you're welcome12:01
dpmpitti, it's a bit difficult to find, actually. You have to first click on " View template & all languages..." and then you get to the upload link12:01
dpmthat's probably why you did not find it, it's a bit hidden, tbh12:02
pittithat's probably half of a feature to prevent accidental uploads ;)12:02
seb128dpm, ?12:05
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pittiseb128: those are ubuntu translations; upstream ones are lp.net/gnome-panel/+pots12:05
seb128pitti, right but I though there was a difference between strings coming from upstream and rosetta overrides12:06
pittiah, I see what you mean12:06
seb128pitti, I want to make sure those are correctly flagged as upstream ones, ie will change in the next version if upstream change those12:06
* pitti defers to dpm12:06
seb128pitti, rather than staying with what is uploaded because they count as ubuntu overrides of upstream strings12:07
zygamvo, hi - are you familiar with a software-center but where authorization popup freezes and has to be closed by clicking on 'x' (lucid). Authorization works the second time you try12:07
james_wzyga: amd64?12:09
didrocksseb128: if you can have a minute this afternoon, I'm stuck with a libtool issue for evo express branch (no hurry though)12:09
zygajames_w, yes12:09
seb128didrocks, tell me12:10
didrocksseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/453328/plain/. Context is: plugins/sa-junk-plugin/em-junk-filter.c calls e_shell_get_default defined in shell/e-shell.h12:10
james_wzyga: it's a well-known bug with packagekit-gnome, I wonder if it's 64-bit specific, or more likely to happen on 64 bits.12:10
didrocksseb128: em-junk-filter.c contains the right include, as -I../.., which makes it build successfully with gcc (first lines)12:11
zygajames_w, I experience it every time I try - I actually learned to work around it without thinking12:11
didrocksseb128: however, nothing linked and available from libtool12:11
james_wzyga: debugging would be great, I can't reproduce12:11
zygajames_w, any hints on how to start?12:12
zygaI'm a little bit familiar with software-center12:12
zygabut I never used policykit12:12
zygawait, did you say packagekit?12:12
zygaor policykit?12:12
seb128didrocks, in what object is e_shell_get_default defined?12:12
james_wzyga: I meant polkit12:13
seb128didrocks, you lack a -l<lib_having_the_symbol_you_use>12:13
didrocksseb128: I think it should be built in libeshell_la-e-shell.lo12:13
seb128didrocks, do you likely need a -llibeshell12:13
glatzorhello mvo12:13
didrocksseb128: let me have a try12:13
glatzormvo, do you remeber the spec about installing updates on shutdown?12:13
didrocksseb128: I should change the rpath to to point to shell/ directory too12:14
didrocksseb128: it's not a shared library btw, from what I see12:14
seb128I don't know about rpath and never use those12:14
seb128what you need is -L../..../eshelldir -llibeshell12:14
seb128rather -leshell12:15
didrocksseb128: and the difference with adding ../../shell/libeshell.la (which works?)12:15
seb128that should work as well12:16
seb128the .la will define those things for you12:16
didrocksoh right, seeing in the header12:17
didrocksok, now I have to find the autofoo to get that working properly :)12:17
didrocksdo you think that I should add that in a separate patch than the express one?12:17
seb128but upstream likely fixed that in their express codebase12:17
didrocksok, I'll summit that upstream so12:18
didrocksthanks seb128 :)12:18
seb128you're welcome12:18
dpmseb128, pitti, let me check something with the lp devs about upstream/ubuntu uploads and I'll come back to you12:18
zygamvo, james_w: I ran software-center --debug, but it does not mention the policykit transaction, I still get to reproduce this every time I try12:18
seb128dpm, thanks12:19
james_wzyga: it's a race between polkit-gnome and polkit I think, so you need to look that those components12:20
rodrigo_appindicator-cil fix is in maverick now, right?12:23
rodrigo_so, I can submit a new tomboy package?12:23
didrocksok, fixed, thanks again ;)12:24
rodrigo_didrocks, fixed the appindicator-cil thing you mean? or were you talking to someone else? :)12:27
didrocksrodrigo_: was talking about the libtool issue I had (few lines before :)), sorry ;)12:27
seb128rodrigo_, yes12:27
didrocksrodrigo_: but yeah, appindicator-cil is fixed normally now12:27
seb128rodrigo_, that got uploaded today12:27
dpmseb128, pitti, when uploading a tarball, all translations uploaded in that tarball are marked as upstream. So an option for those updates (if there aren't many, because the tarball uploads when not going through package uploads must be done manually - i.e. there is no API for that) would be to fetch them from git upstream, put them in a tarball along with the template and upload them through that form. The caveats I see though: a) if there are many su12:27
dpmch updates, doing all this manually might be quite an overhead b) As we'll be uploading a POT template (otherwise the PO files won't be imported), that POT template must be the one from the Ubuntu package if there has been any string modification or addition in the package. I'm not too sure what implies the most overhead: the manual uploads or SRU'ing, what do you think?12:27
rodrigo_didrocks, ah, ok, thus my confusion :)12:27
rodrigo_seb128, ok, uploading tomboy then12:28
rodrigo_seb128, we backported the patch to 1.2 btw, so we'll leave to you the decision to move to 1.3 :)12:28
seb128rodrigo_, ok, how come you didn't go for 1.3? upstream are not sure they will not depends on gtk3?12:28
pittiseb128, dpm: I think manually creating and uploading a tarball should not make too much work; less work than a full SRU, in any case12:29
pittiand we are speaking about an order of 5 packages here, not 50, right?12:29
rodrigo_seb128, yes, they are sure, but just in case some other dep pulled gtk312:29
seb128dpm, pitti: hum, I'm unsure now, I think I will be lazy and let translation team pick those updated po if they want12:29
seb128pitti, yes, I've exactly 5 of those on my list right now12:29
rodrigo_seb128, we have the patch for 1.3, so for alpha3 we might want to upgrade, but we really don't need it, thus our conservative behavior :)12:29
pittithey don't need to be from git upstream (although that wouldn't make much difference wrt. efforts involved), we'd just need to tar cv po/ and upload that, right?12:29
seb128rodrigo_, ok, thanks12:29
seb128pitti, tar wouldn't give us the right pot though12:30
dpmpitti, yeah, we'd need the pot as well12:30
seb128pitti, we need to apply patches and run intltool-update then do a tarball I think but yes12:30
pittiseb128: ah, right, because of the pot12:30
dpmeither generating it or simply downloading the one from rosetta and putting it into the tarball12:30
pittibut you'd need to do that for an SRU as well12:30
seb128right, it's just that I know what I'm doing when I do a SRU12:31
pittiseb128: so, if you decide to do full SRUs12:31
seb128I feel less confident with tweaking launchpad12:31
pittithen it's fine, but it involves an additional verification step again, and the additional overhead of users having to download the package for zero changes (well, hopefully :) )12:31
seb128right, I don't want to SRU those12:31
seb128I think I will just let things the way they are12:32
pittiseb128: since these aren't urgent, perhaps just try with one package for now, and see how it goes?12:32
pittior ignore them, right12:32
seb128translation team can upload updated po files themself if they want12:32
rodrigo_seb128, so, if someone can merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1_2_with_proxy_support/+merge/28162 please?12:32
seb128rodrigo_, ok, doing that12:32
seb128dpm, pitti: thanks, I will let that on the side for now and might have a try to uploading a set of updated po later on to see how it goes12:33
pittidpm: so if you just upload .po files it doesn't use the previous pot by default? that'd make a nice addition12:33
pittibecause then we coudl even write a script which does git pull, bundle po/, and upload it to LP12:33
pittilunch, bbl12:34
seb128well apparently rosetta is getting that feature of importing from upstream git12:34
dpmpitti, currently, you can only do that for individual PO files. When you upload a tarball, it needs to have a POT files to attach the PO files to12:34
seb128dpm, so can I do upload 5 po files rather than a tarball?12:35
seb128dpm, in which case do I need a pot as well?12:35
seb128dpm, and would translations still count as upstream ones?12:35
pittiindividual po files sounds fine, as long as we script it12:37
dpmseb128, in general only translation team members can do that, but perhaps maintainers can do it as well. In order to mark them as upstream ones, you'd simply have to tick the "Imported translation" checkbox. We can try. Can you upload files there? ->12:37
seb128dpm, pitti: ok, I think I've all the info, will figure what to do later on, thanks12:37
dpmok, great12:38
rodrigo_seb128, ugh, my tomboy upload was rejected, but I have permissions on that package AFAICS12:38
rodrigo_where can I check my per package permissions?12:38
geserrodrigo_: AFAIK only with the LP API12:40
rodrigo_geser, ok, but how?12:40
didrocksrodrigo_: ./edit_acl.py query -p <person> from ubuntu-archive-tools12:41
rodrigo_what API calls I mean?12:41
didrocksyou can also -s <source_package>, but I don't know if that only should groups12:41
dpmseb128, pitti, just for the sake of completeness, there's more info on how to do manual uploads here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators/Actions/LpTemplateAdministration#Manual%20template%20upload For the lack of an API, there is also the lp-translations-tools project to automate a bit the upload part. cjwatson uses it to upload the d-i translations, but in the current state the script needs a bit of tweaking to log into LP. Ok, I12:41
dpmshut up and get something to eat now12:41
didrocksbecause you're not for tomboy at least12:41
seb128dpm, thanks ;-) enjoy your lunch12:42
arachrisccoulson, hey! I have been testing some of the cases in Karmic, and some failed. Have a look when you can, and let me know any information you might need12:42
rodrigo_ugh, it just shows permissions for couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb12:43
rodrigo_I'll talk to persia12:43
chrisccoulsonhi ara - the ctxextensions issue is because i removed the updated version from the PPA12:43
chrisccoulsoni will reupload a working version later12:43
seb128rodrigo_, I will sponsor the upload for this one12:43
rodrigo_seb128, yes, please12:43
arachrisccoulson, OK, I will retest then12:43
chrisccoulsonara - i don't think that diggler worked before did it?12:44
arachrisccoulson, I am afraid I didn't try12:44
chrisccoulsonara, IIRC, diggler wasn't detected before, so I removed the update from the PPA12:44
arachrisccoulson, OK12:45
chrisccoulsonara - the same also for itsalltext12:45
seb128rodrigo_, or, merged and uploaded12:46
seb128rodrigo_, g-s-d the version should be -0ubuntu1 not -1ubuntu1, I'm fixing that before uploading12:48
rodrigo_seb128, ah, sorry12:49
geserrodrigo_: did we (the DMB) formal finish your application? I checked the minutes and two items got deferred to e-mail votes. But I don't remember if we did an followup :(12:49
seb128rodrigo_, no worry12:49
rodrigo_geser, persia told me at UDS that I got the permissions, so I guess it was finalized12:50
rodrigo_geser, I assumed it was done, but this is the 1st upload of the other packages that I do12:50
geserrodrigo_: then talk to cjwatson as the DMB can decide on PPU but only TB members can implement them12:53
rodrigo_geser, ok12:54
didrockswell, the archive admin tool seems to tell that you should have the right13:02
didrocksmaybe somes dots are badly connected :)13:03
didrocksevolution express backported to 2.30.2 \o/13:04
didrocksit seems so… fast :) (non blocking ui)13:06
seb128didrocks, what do you mean non blocking ui?13:07
chrisccoulsonara - ok, ctxextensions is back in the PPA again. i will look at your other issues shortly13:07
didrocksseb128: you know, sometime (and especially on slow machine), when evolution is scanning for your ldap account name for instance, you got a slowdown and you can't do nothing else in evolution. That doesn't happen in express mode13:08
chrisccoulsoni've noticed that with evolution ;)13:09
chrisccoulsonwith the combination of evolution and U1, i can't do anything at all on my laptop for 5 minutes after logging on13:09
seb128didrocks, dunno about this one but I though issues were due to eds api being synchronous so I'm wondering how express can be different13:09
didrocksseb128: that's a good question, it doesn't happen there (and no eds change)… but I didn't tried evo 2.30 yet on a netbook before express, so maybe it's in 2.30 as well13:11
seb128didrocks, that would make sense13:11
didrocksseb128: I remember to have read about it somewhere, not sure if it was related to express or not13:12
mvochrisccoulson: if you could have a quick look over the debdiff of https://edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=flash&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= that would be nice. this should be enough to make the flash upgrade not fail13:21
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
chrisccoulsonmvo - thanks, i will take a look at that shortly13:57
fta2didrocks, seb: (fyi) since i moved to maverick, evo takes a long while to appear (often more than a minute). in lucid, the UI used to appear quickly, followed by a quite long sync of my folders. now, it takes a while just to see the UI, and even more time to update the folders.13:57
didrocksfta2: more than a minute? I dont reproduce that here. evo happens in some seconds and then sync…13:58
didrockswhen did you upgraded? did you have the same issue with 2.30.1?13:58
didrocks(just uploaded 2.30.2 yesterday)13:59
mvochrisccoulson: thanks, it looks good in my test so far, I will probably upload shortly (test upgrade is at 94%)14:01
fta2didrocks, several weeks ago14:01
didrocksfta2: hum, and does 2.30.2 changed anything?14:03
fta2didrocks, will tell you that when i'm back at home14:05
didrocksfta2: ok, keep me posted14:05
rickspencer3msg seb128 hi14:09
rickspencer3msg chrisccoulson hi14:09
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer314:09
chrisccoulsonhow are you today?14:09
rickspencer3did I forget a couple of slashes there?14:09
chrisccoulsoni think so ;)14:09
* rickspencer3 sips coffee14:09
chrisccoulsoni'm on red bull today, it's far too warm for coffee ;)14:10
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, anyway I was wondering if you were coming to the meeting that beuno scheduled that's in 50 minutes?14:10
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, yeah, i planned to14:10
rickspencer3since he works in online services, he'll handle some of the search engine integration stuff going forward14:11
rickspencer3so this should alleviate a bit of work for you14:11
chrisccoulsoncool :)14:11
seb128hey rickspencer314:12
rickspencer3hi seb12814:12
rickspencer3seb128, I can only make the first 30 minutes of the team meeting14:12
rickspencer3which, btw, I haven't created the wiki for yet, etc...14:12
seb128rickspencer3, ok, seems it's plenty of time to cover your part, then I can take over for work items tracking etc14:12
rickspencer3thanks seb12814:12
seb128np ;-)14:13
rickspencer3I'll just want to talk about guadec and distro sprint14:13
rickspencer3after I dig out from my email, I'll get the page set up14:13
didrocksseb128: ok to convert evolution-indicator to "merge-upstream" mode?14:14
didrockshey rickspencer3 (without msg ;))14:14
seb128didrocks, your call since you maintain it14:14
seb128didrocks, but yes14:15
rickspencer3msg didrocks I think seb128 is going crazy, can you help him?14:15
rickspencer3dang it!14:15
didrocksseb128: oh, I won evolution-indicator too? ;)14:15
didrocksrickspencer3: heh :-)14:15
didrocksseb128: damn, I know I should have never looked at evo :-)14:15
rickspencer3didrocks, can I talk you into doing a quickly session at developer week?14:23
rickspencer3actually ...14:23
* didrocks checks when devweek is14:23
rickspencer3didrocks, I moved it to #quickly14:24
rickspencer3seb128, sorry to surprise you with this ...15:29
rickspencer3but we should have Alpha 3 work items set up by eod this Thursday15:29
rickspencer3(in 2 days)15:29
seb128rickspencer3, why? don't those start after alpha2 is released?15:30
rickspencer3seb128, it doesn't need to be final, right15:30
rickspencer3so this would be one week before15:30
seb128we mostly have those defined already I think15:31
rickspencer3I need to tell Jane, Mark, and the community about what we will focus on15:31
rickspencer3we should readjust next week, but we should scrub our A3 work items this week15:31
seb128ok, will check what is missing15:31
rickspencer3right now we have about 76 work items targeted for A315:31
seb128I guess didrocks needs to set some15:31
rickspencer3but that will be too many15:32
rickspencer3or it might be15:32
rickspencer3we should only put in as many work items for A3 as we got done in A215:32
didrocksseb128: I'm going to trade between alpha2 and alpha3 + add last minute packaging ones15:32
seb128didrocks, ok15:32
rickspencer3so, everyone should only have as many work items in A3 as they think they will get done in A215:33
seb128rickspencer3, so around an hundred15:33
rickspencer3it's the best approximatin15:33
rickspencer3seb128, sure, if that's what we get done15:33
rickspencer3or if that's your estimate15:33
seb128we started around 13015:33
rickspencer3seb128, right, if we stay under the trend line15:33
seb128I've looked at the list15:34
seb128we will get at least 110 done I think15:34
rickspencer3so we didn't overshoot by much15:34
seb128well we did defer some15:35
seb128so right, our DONE count will be around 8015:35
rickspencer3ok, so we should for 8015:35
rickspencer3I want the milestoned worked items to be a solid commitment, rather than a goal15:35
seb128which is what we roughly have now15:35
rickspencer3of course, if someone has a goal to get more things done, they should strive for that15:36
seb128the current alpha-3 list seems something we can commit to15:36
rickspencer3seb128, right15:36
rickspencer3maybe some tweaks next week depending on what we get done this week15:36
rickspencer3but I guess it looks about right15:37
seb128I think we have the rough idea done15:37
seb128and we have one week for tweaking15:37
rickspencer3so maybe no action for you15:37
seb128we need to get chromium on that list though15:37
rickspencer3across Ubuntu, though ...15:37
rickspencer3we are waaaay over the trend line :/15:38
rickspencer3seb128, in terms of chromium, is that chrisccoulson?15:38
seb128but robbie said something about teams being mostly on the trend15:38
seb128not sure where the extra items come from and where they are tracked15:38
rickspencer3seb128, me either15:38
seb128so we have a no-team-listed graph?15:38
rickspencer3I'll figure it out15:38
seb128rickspencer3, chromium would be chrisccoulson yes once the firefox stable updates settle15:39
rickspencer3I'm wondering if A2 was a special case for chrisccoulson15:40
chrisccoulsonthat should be this week :)15:40
rickspencer3because the FF thing was such a distraction15:40
chrisccoulson(it will be mostly testing and a bit of bug fixing after that)15:40
rickspencer3it was all maintainer work, not a lot of time for work items15:40
seb128rickspencer3, I would think so, we will not change our firefox packaging model every cycle15:40
rickspencer3but maybe it will always be like that?15:40
rickspencer3but there will be security updates and such every cycle15:41
seb128right, but those will be like one week every month15:41
chrisccoulsonthere will be less work to do once hardy, jaunty and karmic are EOL, as we removed a lot of extensions15:41
seb128not like one month every month ;-)15:41
chrisccoulsonbut there will still be a lot of work when a new major version comes along15:41
seb128rickspencer3, I think maintaining firefox is like maintaining GNOME at some extend15:41
seb128the updates and bug tracking take quite some time15:42
seb128but it should not be full time15:42
seb128like one or two weeks a month15:42
seb128which let some half capacity for work items15:42
seb128or for other webbrowser, n-m, etc15:42
chrisccoulsonmvo - the flashplugin change looks ok (but i see it's uploaded anyway ;) )15:50
chrisccoulsonsorry i didn't get a chance to look at it sooner15:50
mvochrisccoulson: thanks, if you could just add a comment in the bug, that would be nice (comment that it looks ok)15:50
seb128rickspencer3, seems lot of the over trend on alpha2 is due to arm work items15:52
seb128rickspencer3, ie http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-user-platforms-maverick-alpha-2.html15:52
rickspencer3seb128, ack15:53
pitti. o O { I really wish I wouldn't have used my own home dir for those; I get 20 highlights a day due to that :-) }15:53
rickspencer3I'll have to roll my own Ubuntu Engineering burn down15:53
pittihello rickspencer3, good morning15:53
rickspencer3hi pitti15:53
pittirickspencer3: you pung last night?15:53
seb128pitti, you should filter out those url from highlights ;-)15:53
rickspencer3let me PM15:53
ftadidrocks, the last evo doesn't have the fix for gnome 619959, right?15:55
ubot2Gnome bug 619959 in Mailer "Crash in format_itip at itip-formatter.c line 2567" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61995915:55
didrocksfta: no, it's hasn't15:56
didrocksfta: I'll integrate it in next upload, this is pretty annoying for users15:57
didrocksfta: oh no, remember now, it was slowing down a lot evo15:57
ftawell, it was slow before here15:58
didrocksI experienced the slowiness only with that patch15:58
didrocksI'll give it a shot again this week, to see how it fits in .215:58
ftawell, i use evo for work, so i need the patch to prevent the crash15:58
ftai roll my own builds anyway15:59
didrocksfta: keep me posted if you have bad side effects15:59
ftadidrocks, just timed the last update (+ 2 patches i have to carry), 28 sec to see the UI16:00
didrocksfta: let me try there16:01
ftait's an idle quad-core16:01
didrocksfta: 6s, idle dual-core16:01
ftadidrocks, 20sec for the next 3 startups16:05
ftadidrocks, same with --offline16:05
ftasame with --express16:06
didrocksfta: that's weird, need upstream investigation (and try to remove the evolution-indicator and evolution-couchdb) :/16:06
ftaoh, it's fast with --disable-eplugin16:07
vishdidrocks: hi , remember Bug #111939 ;) , you and nigelb reviewed it last cycle , but was too late , can we get that in for Maverick?16:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 111939 in metacity (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation (affects: 8) (dups: 3) (heat: 79)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193916:07
fta..faster, but still not very fast16:07
* didrocks adds to his TODO, thanks vish :)16:07
vishdidrocks: awesome ,thanks :)16:07
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson has 2 c (you wrote it with one in the UNE work items changes you just did)16:21
chrisccoulsonheh ;)16:21
didrocksseb128: hum? I moved one16:21
chrisccoulsonthat always confuses people16:21
didrocks(targetted for alpha3)16:21
seb128didrocks, well that one has a typo then16:21
seb128I noticed in the email I received16:22
didrocksseb128: the [chriscoulson]separate spidermonkey from xulrunner ?16:22
didrocksit was untargetted before, and I moved it to alpha316:23
didrockswhere is the other one? one the une-default-app blueprint too?16:23
seb128didrocks, I'm not saying you did a typo right now, I'm saying the item will not match chrisccoulson because it has a typo16:23
seb128didrocks, nm, I'm changing it now16:23
didrocksseb128: thanks16:23
seb128didrocks, no, that was the one I noticed16:23
ftadidrocks, found it. it's caused by the "SpamAssassin Junk Filter" plugin16:27
didrocksfta: that's why, I don't have it activated there.16:28
didrocksfta: so, it has a huge regression, it seems16:28
ftadidrocks, ohoh, in my profile, the default junk plugin was unset. setting to the only available option (bogofilter) fixed it16:30
didrocksfta: hum, interesting, maybe the schema should be changed there16:31
ftaseb128, since you told me to change my keyboard layout, i have 2 (fr and fr alt). if i delete fr alt, everything is fine until i restart: fr alt keeps coming back as the active layout :(17:26
seb128fta, it's likely either in .dmrc config to console-setup in etc one17:27
seb128to -> or17:27
fta.dmrc is fine17:28
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, pedro_, Riddell, seb128, tremolux17:29
rickspencer3meeting time in 1 minute17:29
seb128hey rickspencer317:29
didrockshey o/17:29
* pedro_ waves17:29
tremoluxheya everybody17:29
* ccheney is watching as well :)17:30
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:30
rickspencer3hi ccheney17:30
rickspencer3so, i only have 30 mintues17:30
rickspencer3I know you are all devastated by this news17:31
rickspencer3but if we run over, seb128 said he can finish up with release stuff17:31
seb128yes ;-)17:31
rickspencer3first is outstanding actions:17:31
rickspencer3OneConf testing (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneConf/Testing)17:31
didrocksso, who tested? :-)17:32
rickspencer3did anyone help out with this didrocks?17:32
didrocksI asked the french community and got some feedbacks (6 people)17:32
didrocksthey have the list of apps and diff they expected17:32
didrocksI'm still sure there are apps that shows that shouldn't and on the opposite too17:32
didrocksbut we'll figure out for A317:32
didrocksmpt is working on design now and mvo will work soon on USC plugin system17:33
rickspencer3very cool17:33
rickspencer3didrocks, is this in A2?17:33
didrocksrickspencer3: the USC task was for A2, but I just postponed it to A3 as I'm blocking on design and USC17:34
didrocksthings should be on track now, people got some time to work on what's blocking me :)17:34
rickspencer3good job didrocks17:34
rickspencer3awesome contribution17:35
didrocksthanks :)17:35
rickspencer3moving on ...17:35
rickspencer3jono has kindly stepped in to coordinate us17:35
rickspencer3so, I'll be there the whole time17:36
rickspencer3but I haven't added myself to the wiki yet17:36
rickspencer3anyone else going17:36
didrocksme o/ I was wondering if going the whole time was needed too or not, but after discussing with seb128, it seems most of people are going Monday and Tuesday too17:36
* rickspencer3 taps fingers17:36
seb128I'm going17:37
seb128will do that today17:37
rickspencer3didrocks,  I think you should go on Monday and Tuesday if you want to hang out17:37
chrisccoulsoni wasn't sure whether i should go or not17:37
rickspencer3but if you have other stuff that you want to do, in personal life, etc...17:37
pedro_I'm going as well, i'll be there for almost the whole conference, i'm leaving on Friday noon17:37
rickspencer3showing up Wednesday would be great as well17:37
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, I think you should absolutely go if you want to17:37
pedro_there's a couple of interesting BoFs on Monday/Tuesday17:37
rickspencer3ok, so everyone get on the Guaedec wiki today17:38
rickspencer3if you are like chrisccoulson, and are *thinking* about going, feel free to ping me or seb128 to discuss17:39
rickspencer3next item is the sprint17:39
rickspencer3please book travel if you haven't already17:39
kenvandinedone :)17:39
rickspencer3and start thinking about good goals for the sprint17:39
rickspencer3also, add yourself to the sprint wiki17:39
rickspencer3the sprint is July 19th - 23rd17:40
rickspencer3this will be here before we know it!17:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, partner update?17:40
kenvandineU1 has slowly been trickling out weekly releases...17:41
kenvandinethis week will include the update rb plugin for the music store, with gwibber and url sharing17:41
kenvandinefor DX17:42
kenvandineindicator-network is in universe, please test if you can17:42
kenvandinefor instructions... you don't need the ppa on maverick17:42
kenvandineindicator-sound has landed with the player controls17:42
kenvandinelots of good stuff to test :)17:42
kenvandineappmenu hasn't been added to une by default yet17:43
kenvandinepending bug fixes17:43
kenvandinei am hoping it gets added soon17:43
kenvandinethat is all i have17:43
rickspencer3no app menue in A2?17:43
didrocks(not sure it will do it for alpha2, will be discussed next release)17:43
seb128rickspencer3, I'm inclined to say no right now17:43
seb128rickspencer3, we can discuss that later on if you want17:44
rickspencer3seb128, it's your call17:44
rickspencer3if you say it's not ready, it's not ready17:44
seb128ok, so not decided17:44
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine17:44
rickspencer3no Riddell17:44
Riddellno me?17:44
seb128but it they don't start fixing their issue rsn it will not be in alpha2...17:44
rickspencer3hi Riddell17:45
rickspencer3I didn't see your update on the wiki17:45
rickspencer3go ahead Riddell17:45
Riddellnever got a reminder e-mail :)17:45
Riddell(possibly the fault of my e-mail)17:45
Riddell - new kubuntu council voted in, me, ScottK, neversfelde17:45
Riddell - I've promoted a metric tonne of packages to main, still waiting on MIRs but asac said just to do it now17:45
Riddell - packagekit got updated to 0.617:45
Riddell - plasma-mobile is in the archive, a new variant should be along soon, "tech preview"17:45
rickspencer3Riddell, fault of the emailer17:46
rickspencer3^suitably ambiguous17:46
Riddellalso debian import freeze this week, I did a run of new-source and I got the sync script fixed so I'm going over the backlog of syncs17:46
rickspencer3thanks Riddell17:47
rickspencer3didrocks, anything to add for UNE update?17:47
didrocks * Normal release this week, as well in maverick than in lucid UNE ppa, mostly bugfixes17:47
didrocks * Coming soon (next release), places with file (and zeitgeist) and applications places. Also workspaces switch handling!17:47
didrocks * No bug report in transitionning from lucid (UNE) -> maverick, and lucid (unity ppa) -> maverick: some people tried, good news!17:47
didrocks * So, maybe some uploads next Thursday at the beginning of the freeze for alpha2 (depending on when the freeze will begin) to get UNE in shape for alpha3 (MIR for new components + NEWing)17:47
rickspencer3No bug report in transitionning from lucid (UNE) -> maverick17:48
rickspencer3wow, that's quite surprising17:48
rickspencer3nice job17:48
didrockswell, it's been well tested ;)17:49
rickspencer3wow, software-center status seems really detailed!17:49
seb128didrocks, worked nicely there, great work!17:49
rickspencer3tremolux, I know there's been lots of good progress there17:49
rickspencer3any highlights to call out?17:49
didrocksseb128: thanks ;) we'll se if A2 users will have the same experience :)17:49
tremoluxNew Apps:  We have an Application Review Board LP team and PPA set up now (https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board)17:49
tremoluxand we've implemented a first-cut display of New Apps in the app-review-board PPA in software-center trunk17:49
tremoluxBuy Something: Big news is that we are adding a Software Center Agent web service that will be the primary contact point for Software Center17:49
tremoluxThis new service will act as broker between the Payments API and Launchpad and represents a great improvement to our overall design17:49
tremoluxUI Enhancements: good progress - PPA/channel support for installed items view implemented, single-pane dept screen in-progress17:49
tremolux(that's my summary)17:51
seb128rickspencer3, still there?17:52
rickspencer3so, maybe not everyone is aware that there is a change of plan here17:52
rickspencer3this is on the server side17:52
rickspencer3it's really a better approach, at least I think it is17:52
rickspencer3but it rather resets the schedule for some items17:52
seb128Riddell, while you are at syncs can you add #590446 to the list?17:53
rickspencer3however, we maintain the goal of making "buy something" work end to end during the distro sprint17:53
rickspencer3seb128, I'm going to go into lurk mode now17:53
tremoluxyes, that's still the target17:53
rickspencer3just ping me if you have any questions during release status or other business17:53
seb128so we are approching alpha2 now17:54
seb128we are on track but we need to keep working as we do currently17:54
seb128the features should land by thursday this week17:54
* ccheney sees his server items show up on desktop too, heh :)17:55
seb128then we have a bit less that a week for documentation, bug fixing, cleaning, etc17:55
seb128ccheney, right, that's because you are a member of the team17:55
seb128while we wrap alpha2 we need start building the alpha3 list17:56
seb128current status for alpha3 is http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-maverick-alpha-3.html17:56
pittithat has a very odd shape right now :)17:56
seb128the trend line and chart will be resetted after alpha2 is released so don't worry about it17:56
seb128pitti, ^ ;-)17:56
pittiit'll auto-reset after a217:56
seb128so we need to make sure this list is on shape for next week17:57
pitti95 WIs seems ambitious17:57
seb128so please review your items and clean things to have something you can deliver for alpha317:57
seb128what pitti said17:57
seb128if we count the alpha2 items we did over 80 work items over that iteration17:57
seb128knowing that chrisccoulson was busy with firefox and didn't do much work items tasks17:58
seb128so I think 80 is around what we should have17:58
pittihm, in lucid alpha-3 we got 100 done, so perhaps it's fine17:58
seb128if you have specs not on this list and should be let me know17:58
tremoluxseb128: one issue for software-center is that, with the new Agent web service approach, the work items need to be revisited and updated17:58
seb128pitti, we had you in the team by then ;-)17:58
* seb128 hugs pitti17:59
pitti(but that included stuff moved over to later milestones, too17:59
pittiseb128: heh *hug*17:59
seb128tremolux, that's fine, but can you try to do that by alpha2?17:59
tremoluxseb128: yes17:59
seb128pitti, right, counting the DONE items for alpha2 we are around 80 items17:59
seb128tremolux, thanks17:59
seb128that's about it, summary18:00
tremoluxseb128: things are still somewhat in flux (the API specifically), but we should be able to make a good cut18:00
seb128- let's get alpĥa2 rocking18:00
seb128- get your alpha3 items in order for next week (ie before alpha2)18:00
seb128- let me know if some specs are not tracked and should or if you think we should do changes18:00
seb128 18:00
seb128tremolux, ok, we can still adjust later, we just want a rough idea for now18:01
seb128I think we need chromium to show up on this alpha3 list somehow18:01
seb128connmann as well18:01
seb128so we will still tweak over the week18:01
pittiuh, yes18:01
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry that will likely be some extra tasks for you...18:01
pittiif we are really going with connman, then rather sooner than later18:01
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:02
seb128pitti, we are blocked on dx for now18:02
pittifor it will cause a hell of a lot of regressiosn18:02
seb128pitti, their indicator is not ready to be shipped yet18:02
pittiseb128: can't we use the upstream applet for now?18:02
didrockspitti: we discussed at UDS and first agreed on A2 for that reason, but what seb128 said18:02
seb128but it's on their a3 roadmap18:02
pittiso that we can already test the dbus backend?18:02
seb128pitti, there is no upstream applet I think18:02
pittihow does meego and frieds use it then?18:02
didrocksit's their own ui18:03
didrocksintegration in meego "desktop interface"18:03
didrocksfor other like maemo, I don't know18:03
seb128pitti, the indicator should be in a shipable state in the next weeks, it will be less work to get that ready than to adapt what others are doing around connmann18:03
kenvandineit works pretty well now...18:03
seb128pitti, ie the indicator is in universe now18:04
kenvandinebut lacks a way to tweak it18:04
kenvandineso if you have problems, it is hard to save yourself18:04
pittiI'm mostly concerned about the lack of pppoe, vpn, and testing with 3G18:04
seb128pitti, so we can start doing opt-in testing18:04
seb128ie people who want to test can install it18:04
pittiI see18:04
seb128pitti, right, we are a bit late on schedule and know it18:04
seb128we will do a call for testing soon18:05
seb128and it will be in UNE before alpha318:05
pittialpha-3 sounds fine18:05
pittiI'd just hate to see it slip to beta18:05
seb128it will not18:05
pittisince we'll have a hard time pulling it out again after beta18:05
seb128if it miss alpha3 we will likely go to fallback plan to keep n-m18:05
pittisounds like a plan18:05
seb128but we will not miss alpha3 I think18:05
* pitti STFU and let seb128 continue his great work18:05
seb128or some people will get in trouble ;-)18:05
seb128pitti, thanks for your comment, much appreciate18:06
seb128always good to have feedback ;-)18:06
seb128and so everybody is updated on the topic18:06
seb128other comments, questions?18:06
seb128seems not18:07
seb128rickspencer3, still around? wanting to add something or should we wrap now?18:07
rickspencer3no thanks18:07
rickspencer3I'll read backscroll18:07
didrocksthanks everyone18:07
Riddellseb128: I did that sync18:07
tremoluxthanks!  good day everybody18:07
seb128and don't forget to update wikis for sprint and GUADEC18:07
pittithanks everyone18:07
seb128and work items for a2 and a3!18:07
seb128Riddell, thanks18:08
seb128Riddell, it was on the alpha2 list so checking18:08
Riddellhttps://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html is worryingly long if anyone is short of things to do18:08
jcastrodidrocks: can we discuss banshee/UNE/hal?18:08
didrocksjcastro: sure, can we in 25 minutes? I should go to some errands right now18:09
didrocksoh no need for errands, praise to my gf :)18:09
jcastrohah ok18:09
didrocksjcastro: so, what's going on dude?18:10
jcastrook so I asked lamalex to kind of explain it18:10
jcastrobecause there's stuff in like 3 different places18:10
lamalexi can wait 25 minutes though18:10
lamalexdidrocks: just ping me when you're back18:10
didrocksright, there is the iphone stuff, the udev backend and the rest of things :)18:10
didrockslamalex: no no, it's ok finally :)18:10
lamalexoh ok18:11
didrocksI will hopefully have something to eat tonight, don't worry :-)18:11
didrockslamalex: so, apparently, your work will be reviewed this week-end, right?18:11
didrocks(what aaron told)18:12
lamalexdidrocks: I hope so, I talked to alan today and he hopes to have his stuff merge ready into mine by tomorrow18:12
lamalexaaron hasn't spoken to me, but if he says he plans on reviewing it this weekend then yeah18:12
didrockslamalex: oh, so merging the iphone branch with yours? already?18:12
didrockssweet :-)18:12
lamalexand then aaron will review that (I assume)18:13
didrocksit was in the email you should have received18:13
lamalexah, yeah18:13
didrockslamalex: can you poke him once merged?18:13
* lamalex really wants to see banshee in une :P18:13
didrocksso, as soon as aaron gave a +1, I'll try to import that in our banshee package18:14
didrocksso that we can have testers :)18:14
didrockslamalex: heh, so do I18:14
seb128didrocks, convince them to roll a tarball ;-)18:14
didrockslamalex: FYI, I have some interface changes for UNE18:14
didrocksseb128: will try :-)18:14
lamalexdidrocks: wrt banshee?18:14
didrockslamalex: I just have one blocker and as I'm neither a mono hacker nor a banshee one, I have some hard time to get it done :-)18:14
didrockslamalex: I've tweaked the netbook interface to get it fit well into UNE18:15
didrockslike switch back and forth between interfaces, just showing one at a time, and so on18:15
lamalexive never actually seen the meego interface18:15
didrocksthe remaining thing from my perspective is the status bar18:15
lamalexi lost the ac cord to my netbook..18:16
didrockslamalex: it's really good, I've done not a lot for get it working in a good way18:16
lamalexawesome! i wonder if i could build/run it on my desktop18:16
didrocksso, for the last item, I hope to find a banshee hacker to help me, but no hurry in that :-)18:16
didrockslamalex: it's just --enable-meego in configure18:17
lamalexcool beans, ill check it ouy18:17
didrockslamalex: but I think you will want my tweak, I'll publish them this week as soon as I have some time18:17
lamalexi added this channel to my autojoin so i should be in here, ping me when youve got a patch i can test out18:18
didrockslamalex: sweet, I will (sounds like a friday task: breaking banshee :-))18:18
didrockslamalex: thanks a lot and do not hesitate to ping me as well as the hal-free merging process goes on18:19
lamalexI'll keep you in the loop18:19
didrocksthanks lamalex, and jcastro18:20
didrocksand good work on removing HAL from banshee, not an easy task18:20
jcastrodidrocks: are you shipping it with a2?18:21
didrocksjcastro: it won't make it, it should be MIRed before Thursday and integrated :-)18:22
didrocksjcastro: but if things keeps moving on on that speed, I think it can be in an early daily image post A218:22
jcastrook so we have time to break things then, whew18:22
didrocksright ;)18:22
jcastrodidrocks: yeah something like "hardware support is totally broken, here's how to help"18:23
didrocksjcastro: I'm sure you can help for community testing for this?18:23
jcastrothat's my plan!18:23
* lamalex will blog about it as well18:23
didrocksjcastro, lamalex: let's rock banshee post alpha2 then! and keep us in touch :-)18:26
lamalexwow the meego interface is sweet18:28
jcastroI dude18:29
jcastrolamalex: I mean, I know dude, it's nice.18:29
geserrodrigo_: your PPU upload rights just got fixed18:41
om26erkenvandine, there?18:43
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om26erbug 531835 was fixed for maverick but people often complain at #ubuntu and also #empathy guys face people too with the small font. can this be SRUed ?18:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 531835 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Fonts are very small (affects: 13) (heat: 74)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53183518:46
rodrigo_geser, yeah, cjwatson did it, thanks18:47
rodrigo_kenvandine, are you uploading the rb-u1 plugin new release?18:47
kenvandinerodrigo_, hey... i can if it is ready19:07
kenvandinerodrigo_, or you can if you have upload rights for it19:07
kenvandineseb128, want to rethink an SRU for bug 531835 ?19:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 531835 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Fonts are very small (affects: 13) (heat: 74)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53183519:08
rodrigo_kenvandine, don't know if it's ready, just read the backlog of the meeting and saw you mention it19:08
rodrigo_kenvandine, did aquarius tell you anything about it?19:08
kenvandinerodrigo_, ah... not that i know if... josh told me it would this week19:08
kenvandineit had been blocked on the server rollout19:08
kenvandinebut the server side is done now19:08
rodrigo_right, I was waiting on that also19:08
rodrigo_ah, done?19:08
kenvandinerodrigo_, so it needs a release, etc19:08
kenvandinejosh said it was19:09
rodrigo_I'll check with aquarius and then I can do the release19:09
rodrigo_and upload19:09
kenvandinerodrigo_, great19:09
kenvandineom26er, checking with seb12819:10
om26erkenvandine, thanks19:13
jcastrohtorque: around?19:13
htorquejcastro: yes19:15
jcastrohtorque: in hindsight I think my bug filing method for bugs is kind of wrong.19:15
jcastrohtorque: how do you feel about just doing "also affects" and adding each app to the master bug?19:16
htorquejcastro: well, i guess it would be easier to follow which applications are affected by the master bug19:17
htorquejcastro: right now i'd have to open all the duplicates to check if the problem is fixed19:18
jcastrohtorque: indeed19:19
jcastrohtorque: let's not make more work, how about we just leave them how they are but if you notice new apps just add them under also affects.19:20
jcastroand then it'll be my job to communicate that to bratsche and ted19:20
htorquejcastro: sounds good19:20
jcastrothanks for your help so far, you've been great!19:20
htorquemuch time thanks to the boring world cup :P19:21
bratscheWhich issue are you guys talking about?19:21
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seb128kenvandine, om26er: would that have any visual impact on users who run the standard config?19:27
seb128kenvandine, om26er: ie if some user install lucid and upgrade would that result in a visual change?19:27
kenvandineseb128, slight... it would make their chats use the same font as other applications19:27
kenvandineseb128, the bug heat is getting up there...19:28
seb128kenvandine, "there" being?19:28
seb128kenvandine, I think I'm subscribed to this bug report and didn't see any comment recently19:28
kenvandine74 i think19:29
kenvandineit would be a visual change19:30
kenvandinebut it does make it more consistent with other apps and honor the users settings19:30
* kenvandine doesn't have strong opinions either way19:30
seb128I don't have one either19:31
seb128om26er's screenshot seems fine to me19:31
seb128ie the fonts on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40145608/Screenshot.png are nice19:31
om26erseb128, I find them hard to read19:32
kenvandineyeah... but if you change your font settings to something very different... it won't honor them19:32
seb128om26er, well then it's a matter of taste19:32
kenvandineom26er, i think it looks nice too :)19:32
kenvandinebut yeah, taste19:32
om26erno problem on my side but people come with complaints. I've seen them19:33
kenvandinei can see if you change your font to something you really prefer... or bump the size up it is annoying that your chats don't honor that19:33
seb128kenvandine, where did you get the 98 count? the bug has 13 users having the issue19:33
kenvandineif you mouse over the bug heat in LP19:33
kenvandineit says 9819:34
* kenvandine doesn't know how heat is calculated19:34
seb128right, heat is buggy anyway19:34
kenvandinebut that number has gone up ... not sure why19:34
seb128I've noticed some bugs with some hundred heat and no duplicate or comment and with 1 user having the issue19:34
seb128let's not discuss that though19:35
kenvandinei think what is in lucid isn't terrible... but the theme change is very minor and it really just stops forcing a value19:35
seb128is there any way we could still have a correct default and let user change settings?19:35
kenvandinezdra just committed a fix for empathy so it uses the document font instead of app font19:35
kenvandinewhich was my complaint19:35
seb128right, I was going to point that19:35
kenvandinebut that goes along with the theme change19:36
seb128let's get didrocks' current empathy sru go to updates19:36
kenvandineright now if we don't force a value it uses application font settings instead of document font19:36
seb128then we can do the 2.30.2 with that empathy change19:36
seb128then we can backport the theme change19:36
kenvandineom26er, ^^19:36
om26erseb128, cool :)19:36
seb128btw we need user testing for that empathy sru and some others19:37
om26erkenvandine, seb128 thanks alot guys. time to sleep ;)19:37
seb128so if you still have a lucid box can you try if the update works for you and add a comment saying that the update doesn't break things?19:37
seb128pedro_, ^19:37
kenvandineom26er, thx for the awesome bug hunting!19:37
seb128pedro_, we need some sru testing if you can help19:38
seb128pedro_, I've another round of 2.30.2 updates waiting for reviews but we need some of the current one to be tested as well19:38
pedro_seb128, I'm on it , doing evolution-rss atm and then i'm going for empathy19:38
seb128pedro_, thanks19:38
pedro_you're welcome19:39
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asaci cant open gwibber through the messaging indicator anymore ;)20:22
asacin maverick20:22
asacis that button the "broadcast button" ?20:22
asackenvandine: ^^20:24
kenvandineasac, it is20:24
kenvandinelook at the log, ~/.cache/gwibber/gwibber.log20:24
asackenvandine: everytime i click there i get:20:25
asac2010-06-22 21:22:28,543 - Gwibber GNOME Client - INFO - Running from the system path20:25
asac2010-06-22 21:24:50,693 - Gwibber GNOME Client - INFO - Running from the system path20:25
asacnot much20:25
kenvandinethat looks like it is working..20:26
asacthe same happens if i click on it in application menu20:26
asaclet me check20:26
kenvandinerun it from the command line20:26
asaconly the service is running20:26
asacps -eaf | grep gwibber20:26
asacasac      2512     1  0 00:47 ?        00:00:07 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gwibber-service20:26
asacasac     28142 16999  0 21:26 pts/7    00:00:00 grep gwibber20:26
asacso its not hidden on some worksapce at least ;)20:26
asacah in xsession-errors i have something:20:27
asackenvandine: here we go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/453545/20:27
asaccouch doesnt like me ;)20:28
kenvandinedid this just start happening?20:28
asacit started today20:28
asacthough i upgraded to maverick last night ;)20:28
asacbut i µblogged about the successful upgrade iirc20:29
* asac checks ;)20:29
kenvandinekillall gwibber-service beam.smp desktopcouch-service20:29
kenvandineand try again20:29
asackenvandine: http://identi.ca/notice/3739075420:29
asacso seems its not new, but at least it opened after i tried a few times ("which probably means: took long")20:29
kenvandinethat traceback means couchdb is running, but desktopcouch can't access it20:30
asacbeam.smp(1375): Operation not permitted20:30
asacso thats not run as my user it seems20:30
asaccouchdb   1375  1374  0 00:45 ?        00:02:03 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.4/bin/beam.smp -Bd -K true -- -root /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /var/lib/couchdb -- -noshell -noinput -sasl errlog_type error -couch_ini /etc/couchdb/default.ini /etc/couchdb/local.ini /etc/couchdb/default.ini /etc/couchdb/local.ini -s couch -pidfile /var/run/couchdb/couchdb.pid -heart20:30
asackenvandine: i remember that we had something like that in the past ;)20:31
asacanyway, now it seems to start20:31
kenvandinethat is the system couchdb20:31
kenvandineso you have the server installed20:31
kenvandineyou shouldn't have couchdb installed, just couchdb-bin20:32
kenvandineunless you need the server :)20:32
kenvandinehave you suspended?20:32
asacno ;)20:32
asacmy laptop is currently a desktop as it has no battery ;)20:32
kenvandinemine is almost there20:32
kenvandine32% capacity20:32
kenvandinegotta get a new one before the sprint20:32
asacat least it weights 70% less now ;)20:32
asacyeah i have to get a battery too (not a new one as i dont have any battery;))20:33
pittigood night everyone20:47
didrocksgood night pitti20:53
rickspencer3hi lamalex21:29
lamalexha, hi21:29
rickspencer3lamalex, I guess you know packaging for Ubuntu pretty well?21:51
lamalexyeah, a fair amount21:51
lamalexI had to do a bunch at jolicloud21:51

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