
slangasekScottK: boost MPI> well, it's a long MIR chain if we pull that all in; I'm not convinced that's what we want to do01:20
ScottKslangasek: The package in question is in Universe.  I was thinking maybe finish the 1.40 -> 1.42 transition in Main and then add the MPI stuff back to 1.40 in Universe.01:31
ajmitchScottK: you want to keep 1.40 around?01:55
ScottKajmitch: Not particularly, but there's at least one package using MPI now and so it'd be an alternative to MIR for the entire MPI stack.01:55
ajmitchthen I'd better merge it at some point01:56
ajmitchunless you prefer to do it01:56
ScottKNo.  I never "prefer" to touch Boost stuff.01:56
ajmitchI was afraid of that01:56
ScottKWe need to drop it to Universe first if it hasn't already.01:56
Cuervofoes the c library offer any interfaces to kvm?01:57
ajmitchit's still in main at the moment01:57
Cuervoand if so, how do I access them?01:57
ScottKIt may not need to be/01:57
* ScottK investigates01:57
ajmitchit still had a few rdepends when I looked last week, but I didn't check if any were in main01:58
ScottKNone are in Main.01:58
ScottKslangasek: Unless you have a better idea for dealing with MPI, would you please demote all the boost1.40 stuff to Universe and we'll get it restored that way (it's in compononet mismatches)01:59
ajmitchif I'm to do the merge, want me to add in the MPI stuff at the same time?02:00
ScottKajmitch: Yes.  Please.02:00
ScottKNo particular reason to wait either.  It should just dep wait until it's demoted.02:01
ajmitchit's the majority of the changes carried from debian at the moment02:01
* andreserl TestDrive PyGTK Front-end Demo Released!02:02
ajmitchandreserl: how many channels was that in? :)02:03
andreserlajmitch, uhmmm 15?? most of them #ubuntu-* :)02:05
ajmitchandreserl: posted to planet ubuntu yet?02:06
andreserlajmitch, I'm about to :)02:06
ajmitchsince you provided no url or screenshots for me to look at02:07
andreserlajmitch, yeah I'm finish writing the blogpost, though there are screenshots: http://www.roaksoax.com/2010/06/gsoc-update-of-the-week-testdrive-pygtk-front-end-3 http://www.roaksoax.com/2010/05/gsoc-update-of-the-week-testdrive-pygtk-front-end-202:19
ajmitchlooks good, I might need to try it out :)02:21
superm1slangasek, hm, that (otherwise) successful build appears to have a livefs that's about 10 days old02:29
superm1even though the livefs from today was success filled02:30
andreserlajmitch, http://www.roaksoax.com/2010/06/gsoc-update-of-the-week-testdrive-pygtk-front-end-402:56
ajmitchandreserl: nice, so it does work well with virtualbox?03:02
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andreserlajmitch, it works :)03:38
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orangeyhello all!05:25
orangeyany tips on testing out the latest alsa from lucid?05:30
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TheMusoorangey: When you say testint out, what do you mean exactly?05:52
orangeyTheMuso: well, I'm using lucid and am having difficulties with my sound card, so wanted to put the new driver set in place.06:05
orangeyfor which, yes, there are PPAs06:05
orangeybut on the face of it, doesn't seem like it's working06:06
TheMusoorangey: Right, there are some unusual build failures that haven't yet been solved, and are unfortunately something that upstream will have to resolve, at least unless another member of the audio team manages to do so.06:06
TheMusoorangey: The only way to test newer also code atm is to build your own kernel, or use one of the kernel team's mainline builds.06:07
orangeyTheMuso: gotcha06:09
orangeyI'm trying this now, but it's out of the #devel territory by now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=658981006:09
TheMusoorangey: I don't endorce that method, as there is a chance it will break something.06:15
orangeyTheMuso: I've looked through the shell and agree ; )06:15
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dholbachgood morning07:00
slangasekScottK: ah, boost1.40 demoted, then :)07:05
slangaseksuperm1: ah; the livefs buildds moved, but the script to download the built images isn't in sync. :/ fixing07:20
superm1slangasek, ooh fun.07:23
slangaseksuperm1: running another test07:26
superm1slangasek, mkay thanks07:26
orangeyis there any way for me to figure out the ID of an alsa device?07:47
orangeyi.e., the microphone of sound card 0?07:47
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TheMusoorangey: What do you mean by id?07:56
orangeythe identifier like "hw0,0"08:00
TheMusomanjo: You can't refer to a sound card's indivudla inputs/outputs like that, at least for the most part.08:00
TheMusomanjo: sorry not meant to go to you.08:01
TheMusoorangey: ^^08:01
orangey: )08:01
orangeyTheMuso: not true. you CAN08:01
orangeye.g., in pulse configs08:01
hyperairhmm what's the difference between gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 and gstreamer0.10-fluendo-plugins-mp3-partner?08:03
TheMusoorangey: Please explain then.08:07
orangeyTheMuso: well, the card is 008:10
orangeyi.e., hw:008:10
orangeythen the particular subdevice or whatever is ,whatever08:10
orangeyso that the default device is usually hw:0,008:10
orangeyis that what you're asking?08:11
TheMusoorangey: No, you asked about how one could use the mic etc via hw:0, and I said it was not possible.08:17
TheMusoorangey: It is possible by setting the capture device through the mixer, and recording from hw:0 etc.08:17
orangeyTheMuso: pulseaudio is incorrectly detecting my internal mic08:17
orangeyI want to help it by pointing it to the correct one08:17
orangeyif I knew its internal alsa ID, I could08:18
pittiGood morning08:20
TheMusoorangey: run alsamixer and look for the string that identifies your mic.08:21
TheMusoorangey: Then you need to look at the files in /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/ to adjust things appropriately.08:21
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geserRiddell: could you please kill http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/rdoc? All versioned dependencies (without an alternative) on rdoc should be gone and ruby provides rdoc. The real rdoc deb prevents that several ruby packages can currently get build in maverick as ruby conflicts rdoc and the buildds try to install both.09:30
pittigeser: thanks for checking! killed09:45
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nigelbWe now have http://wiki.debian.org/DerivativesFrontDesk10:27
dholbachand a debian-derivatives mailing list10:28
nigelbdholbach: worth adding to the Debian page on w.u.c?10:32
dholbachAlso… we have an Ubuntu Developer Week schedule to fill: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep - if you're interested in giving a session or suggesting one, please go ahead and add it :)10:32
dholbachnigelb: totally10:32
nigelbdholbach: you should probably also write to -devel (about front desk and developer week)10:34
dholbachnigelb: or you!10:34
dholbachI'll write about UDW :)10:35
nigelbdholbach: my mails get moderated :/10:35
cjwatsonthat can be rectified10:36
nigelbdoh, of all the times for you to pop in :P10:36
* nigelb goes to write mail10:37
cjwatsontell me when you've sent it10:42
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hrwdholbach: alive?10:55
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gesercjwatson: should bugs using your openssh PPA on lucid also be filed in LP?10:57
cjwatsongeser: yes please, just mark them clearly10:58
cjwatsongeser: (see http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/ubuntu/2010-05-10-openssh-5.5p1-for-lucid.html)10:59
dholbachhrw: yep10:59
hrwdholbach: as part of "Ubuntu Developer Week" would be nice to have a talk about blueprints/specs/workitems - what they are and how they are supposed to be used11:00
dholbachhrw: can you add it as a suggestion to the bottom of the page?11:01
dholbachhrw: I guess it could be useful11:01
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hrwdholbach: took me a while to find out about them11:02
dholbachhrw: excellent, thanks11:02
hrwdholbach: and I still think that they are made wrong way11:03
dholbachhrw: what exactly do you think is wrong? the format of specifications? the way we track work items?11:03
gesercjwatson: I just checked and the version in lucid has the same problem (filing a bug anyways)11:04
hrwdholbach: using whiteboard for work items + status + notes. it should be split into work items (handled like bugs but not being bugs), status/notes should be wiki (so history is present)11:05
cjwatsoneveryone involved acknowledges that work items are a hack11:05
hrwdholbach: and status of how many workitems exists and how many are completed should be part of LP not external service11:05
dholbachhrw: I filed a bug about it part 1 of your complaint11:06
dholbachI can try to find it11:06
dholbachbut I'm sure the LP folks would love help with that11:06
hrwfrom my perspective as new developer in ubuntuland it looks like hack on hack which everyone is fine with11:06
dholbachand I'm sure they'd agree11:06
hrwdholbach: I can share ideas not code11:07
dholbachhrw: it's quite easy to criticise the LP team11:07
hrwdholbach: I know, they do lot of great work11:07
dholbach(and give them yet another idea :))11:07
cjwatsonhrw: the perfect is sometimes the enemy of the good11:08
hrwand I know that I can create a bug for each work item to have a way to track each of them11:08
cjwatsonhaving something available now which is distinctly suboptimal but works is better than having a perfect design which nobody has time to implement11:08
hrwcjwatson: thats also true11:08
cjwatsonand we've been consistently told that blueprints is unmaintained11:08
DktrKranzmvo: hi! what do you think about uploading gdebi to unstable and sync it to maverick shortafter? There are some good fixes already. Or do you prefer waiting to merge python-apt branch?11:08
cjwatsonand yet we're fairly committed to using it, so it makes sense to make do11:08
mvoDktrKranz: sync sounds good, I can do the python-apt merge today I think11:09
mvoDktrKranz: will you be able to do the debian upload?11:09
dholbachhrw: bug 578263 was what I was talking about11:09
cjwatsonit was all done outside of the LP team, so there's nothing stopping somebody else implementing something better11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 578263 in Launchpad Blueprints "Add "work items" to blueprint" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57826311:09
DktrKranzmvo: sure thing11:09
mvothanks .)11:09
DktrKranznot before this evening, though :)11:09
cjwatsonbut that's a little different from saying that we shouldn't be using what we have11:09
hrwcjwatson: I did not said 'lets abandon blueprints'11:11
DktrKranzmvo: mind give me a ping when you perform the merge?11:11
mvoDktrKranz: sure11:12
DktrKranzthanks ;)11:12
nigelbcjwatson: sent :)11:18
cjwatsonnigelb: moderated, and your postings should be accepted in future.  (please send plain-text mail rather than alternative text+HTML, though.)11:20
ajmitchthere has been a little bit of work done on blueprints, hopefully it'll get in11:20
nigelbcjwatson: its the gmail thingie.  Im away from my evolution.  It formats it correctly11:20
ajmitchand yeah, using the whiteboard for tracking work items is a bit of a nasty hack :)11:20
nigelbajmitch: I'd love to see all blueprints where I have been assigned a task.  NOw I have to keep a seprate list11:21
ajmitchnigelb: yes, that'd make sense - I think the original intent was to have lots of blueprints linked through their dependencies11:21
nigelbajmitch: what happens now is if the blueprint is not part of series, it doesn't get shown anywhere.  I wish we had a "collect all" page where all blueprints discussed at uds would turn up11:22
ajmitchan interim step to get rid of the screen scraping in the work items tracker is to expose those properties on blueprints via the API11:23
nigelb+1 to that11:23
nigelblike having a feature of assigning people to each task in the blueprint11:24
* ajmitch hopes that exposing some of the API can land in the next month or so11:24
mvoDktrKranz: i just checked and the maverick python-apt version should be very up-to-date, no code changes in the merge11:24
nigelbajmitch: we should pester jorge or someone from LP team11:27
ajmitchnigelb: for which part?11:28
nigelbajmitch: for the LP-related part11:28
ajmitchI mean for which part of blueprints? the basic API stuff is almost there11:28
nigelbif we start a dialogue now, we can have something by next uds11:29
* ajmitch has looked at it a bit11:29
nigelbajmitch: ah, I didn't know you worked on LP in your free time :)11:31
ajmitchnigelb: infrequently :)11:32
nigelbajmitch: rocking :)11:32
ajmitchas in, I haven't got anything in yet11:32
* nigelb hasn't touched LP (yet :D)11:34
* apachelogger pokes pitti with http://paste.ubuntu.com/453322/ and hopes some thoughts on that matter will fall out of him ^^11:36
apacheloggerusb-creator has the same problem supposedly11:37
apacheloggeror really anything created by intltool I would argue11:37
pittiapachelogger: I know that a thing like "context" exists in translations, but why does it need to be mandatory?11:39
pittiI'm afraid I don't quite understand the problem11:39
apacheloggerpitti: It is not mandatory it just happens to be used in the KDE templates, hence our desktop-file-translation-from-mo patches do a context+value lookup instead of just value11:42
apacheloggerSuffice to say that a context would probably also help translators in this particular case, since one might not know that a comment is really a comment unless launchpad tells one that this is a comment ;)11:43
pittiapachelogger: i. e. we need to fix the build system to add a context to the strings extracted from the .desktop.in?11:43
apacheloggerpitti: I do think so.11:44
pitti(that would need a new option in python-distutils-extra, I figure)11:44
apacheloggerpitti: Do you want a bug report about it?11:46
pittiplease, with the details11:47
apacheloggerpitti: against python-distutils-extra?11:48
pittithat should provide the functinoality11:48
pittiand then we just need to set the context name or enable the option in jockey11:49
apacheloggerok, will report in a bit11:49
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juliankdidrocks: You can also contact me here on dh-autoreconf stuff.12:11
didrocksjuliank: oh perfect, that will be quicker next time :)12:11
didrocksjuliank: thanks for your work on dh-autoreconf btw, it's really great and avoid generating an autoreconf patch each time :)12:12
ajmitchjuliank: were you still planning to do http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=559752 ?12:12
ubottuDebian bug 559752 in wnpp "ITP: ubuntuone-client -- Ubuntu One client" [Wishlist,Open]12:12
juliankajmitch: If you want, you can take them. I'm already maintaining the whole high-level package management GNOME world and writing a new package manager, so I think I have enough. If you want to, I can co-maintain it.12:18
ajmitchjuliank: alright12:18
ajmitchit's a bit easier now that 2.6 is default in debian12:18
ajmitchyou seem to have a bit on your plate at the moment :)12:18
juliankajmitch: There are also some licensing issues to sort out first (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/+bug/583335) before this can go into Debian.12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 583335 in Ubuntu One storage protocol "contrib/mocker.py has __license__="PSF License"" [Low,Triaged]12:19
juliankThat was probably the reason why I paused working on it.12:20
ajmitchright, thanks for the heads-up on that one12:20
ajmitchlooks like it just got fixed, too12:21
didrocksjuliank: I saw you new feature. I don't see for now package where we would need it for now, but it sounds good :)12:23
juliankmvo: Do we want to sync sessioninstaller? (I took the Ubuntu tarball, so it should work)12:23
juliankThe tree being at lp:~juliank/sessioninstaller/debian-sid12:24
juliankif you want to merge it.12:24
apacheloggerpitti: bug 59721612:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597216 in python-distutils-extra (Ubuntu) "add a context to the strings extracted from .desktop.in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59721612:32
pittiapachelogger: thanks12:32
mvojuliank: hello! sounds good, I will do a sync request. thanks for the update12:42
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* apachelogger leaves bug 290351 on the desk of cjwatson ;)13:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290351 in casper (Ubuntu) "live session user and host should be called kubuntu on kubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035113:45
Riddellcan't say I'm fussed about that issue myself13:45
apacheloggercjwatson: supposedly we just need to have a different casper.conf installed for kubuntu or whoever wants to have a different setup?13:45
cjwatsonI can't deal with it now, sorry13:47
apacheloggerk :)13:47
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englaDktrKranz: I see you are involved in packaging shotwell. that's a great program, thanks for doing that.. :)14:36
DktrKranzhi engla! yeah, currently doing porter work to let it build everywhere ;)14:39
engladebian has very ambitions goals in getting it to work on even kfreebsd, I imagine many packages can be tricky14:41
DktrKranzthat is easy, I just have to adjust patch originally provided by "regular" porters ;)14:42
DktrKranzand once 0.6.0 is released, I plan to get it in sync with Maverick (it's better to avoid duplicating efforts)14:43
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sriso, I have hald running on lucid and I suspect it is an artifact of an apt-get dist-upgrade from karmic.. how do I get off of hald?16:15
sriactually I'm probably asking the wrong channel. sorry about that.16:17
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DktrKranzmvo: cool, so merge should be easy16:28
ricotzseb128, hello, will maverick ship a gsettings enabled gconf?16:43
seb128ricotz, hi, no16:43
seb128ricotz, desrt said that backend should not be shipped in distros16:44
seb128ricotz, it's hackish and made for hackers porting their code not for being used16:44
ricotzseb128, ok, thank you16:44
seb128you're welcome16:44
seb128ricotz, do you need it for something?16:44
ricotzseb128, gnome-shell currently using it and therefore settings are broken16:45
seb128oh ok16:46
seb128I guess talk with desrt and g-s guys and get them to agree on what to do16:46
seb128I'm fine with shipping the gconf backend if that's what we should do16:47
seb128but he told us to not ship it at uds16:48
ricotzseb128, i was thinking to put an enabled gconf into the gnome-shell ppa16:48
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qensedirecthex: Did you see the bug reported against banshee-community-extensions already? :) banshee-extension-appindicator needs to be rebuilt on Maverick because of changes to the Mono bindings of libappind on 0.2.119:06
directhexqense, i didn't see the bug. is appind all fixed up now? i know hyperair was contributing to that19:06
hyperairqense: er i just test built, forgot to upload.19:07
qensedirecthex, hyperair: It seems the problem is solving itself already now. :)19:08
qensehyperair: thanks!19:08
hyperairdirecthex: what do you do with a library that doesn't break ABI in terms of interfaces/symbols, but screws itself up anyway through some weird exceptions or other?19:08
hyperairBug #59728319:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597283 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "banshee-extension-appindicator needs to be rebuilt for Maverick (appind 0.2.1-0ubuntu1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59728319:08
hyperairdirecthex: ^^19:08
* hyperair staggers into bed19:09
qensehyperair: sleep well19:09
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ccheneydoko_, i was wondering if you were going to be able to process the OOo related MIRs I filed about 2 weeks ago?19:59
ccheneyasac, perhaps reassigning them to someone else if doko is overloaded would be helpful? :)20:00
apwslangasek, the only bit of our installer which seems to touch debconf is the fragment below, and i am not convinced that we are therefore using it at all really20:11
apwuse Debconf::Client::ConfModule qw(:all);20:11
apwmy $capb=capb("backup");20:11
ajmitchScottK: I can see why you didn't want to touch boost20:15
slangasekapw: you're loading the module; this is only guaranteed to succeed if the debconf package is in installed state; either the pre-dep should be added so the package manager knows what order to configure things in, or the references should be dropped from the preinst20:23
apwslangasek, yeah i am trying to ask if you concur that actually we arn't using it, and therefore ripping it out is the right thing to do to solve the error20:28
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cjwatsonapw: a dusty memory somewhere indicates that, although debconf isn't used directly by the kernel preinst, it was needed in order to make things work when /etc/kernel/preinst.d scripts used debconf20:40
cjwatsonthis may be nonsense20:40
cjwatsonbut you might want to look through the history for that20:40
cjwatsonand perhaps grep the archive for /etc/kernel/preinst.d scripts and see what they do20:41
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slangasekcjwatson, apw: there was some issue surrounding dkms, yeah, but I honestly don't remember if this preinst usage was related to that21:04
lex79someone can look at this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvdpau/0.4-5/+build/179067721:36
lex79libvdpau needs ia32-libs to build which is in universe21:36
lex79and ffmpeg needs libvdpau to build...so it ftbs only on amd6421:39
lamontBuilding database of manual pages ... <-- I want that to go faster, dangit22:37
geserI disabled that for my pbuilder :)22:47
geserlex79: I've strong doubts that ia32-libs comes even near main22:49
sorengeser: It used to be in main. Back in the old days. :)22:55
* micahg though ia32-libs would be going away with multiarch22:57
micahgugh :-/22:57
cjwatsonlamont: feel free to suggest ways it could be further optimised ...23:10
arandcjwatson: For btrfs in installer, which is the relevant package to track, d-i? Some of the partman-* packages? Or a bzr branch somewhereabouts?23:14
arand(If you're just wanting to keep up with any news)23:15
cjwatsonnot that I can guarantee any given change will affect that.  the installer's modular, there isn't necessarily a single package to track23:18
arandRight, I was just wondering because of the announcement, and then not finding any mention in the installer-related changelogs I could find. Thanks!23:20
cjwatsonarand: also, http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2010/06/msg00088.html and thread23:23

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