
flanI think it's starting to look almost pretty.05:23
nisshhhumphreybc: i hope we didnt have a meeting this weekend, did we?06:27
* ubuntujenkins thinks manualbot is not very fast at ping pong13:54
manualbotpong is an old atari game. It's fun!13:56
flanubuntujenkins, http://uguu.ca/245/another-quickshot-teaser/14:52
flanAny ideas on things that could make that more intuitive?14:52
ubuntujenkinsthat looks great, perhaps add the full language name next to the language code14:55
flanWould that really matter to an admin?14:57
flan(Trying to weigh space and clutter versus practicality)14:57
ubuntujenkinshmm not sure i do have to look up which one is which . Just if the person has no clue, the manual team deals with lanaguage codes as thats how we build them. other teams may not be use to them. on builds.ubuntu-manual.org does not look bad14:59
ubuntujenkinssome are a bit long14:59
ubuntujenkinsI am not liking glade at the moment it is proving very hard to get things correct15:00
flanOut of curiosity, since you know more about it than I do, what, exactly, does Babel give us?15:02
flanI get that it translates the name of the working language, but does it offer anything else?15:02
flanI'm thinking that maybe we could just remove it and get Turkish working that way.15:02
flanOr alternatively wrap it in an ImportError-handler and fall back to plain language codes.15:03
flanI mean, most people should be able to recognize their language code, even if they don't normally use Roman characters.15:03
flanMost people who'd be helping a multi-lingual documentation project*15:04
ubuntujenkinsBabel gives us the language code in a pretty word. Thats all i know. We have a contigent for if bebal does not know what it is and that just shows the code. It does give us more hassle than it is worth15:04
flanSo, yeah, since we don't actually need the decimal module or pickle for anything we do natively, if you wrap babel's import in a "try: import babel; except ImportError: babel = None" block, then test to see if it has a value before attempting to use it, the Turkish issue should go away.15:06
flanWithout impacting anything else.15:06
flanExcept other languages that might break with it.15:06
flanBut those will just fall back to language code.15:06
ubuntujenkinsYea I think that would be a good idea15:07
flanCan you hack that or do you want me to do it during lunch?15:07
flanIt should be pretty simple.15:07
ubuntujenkinsI will give it ago and see how i get on15:09
flanWe should also consider dropping babel as a requirement for 1.0, if we can't really justify it. It adds 1.8MB and we're only using, like, maybe 2K of that.15:09
flanWe might be able to just rip its language table out of the source and parse it ourselves.15:09
ubuntujenkinsyea another good idea.15:11
_ubuntujenkinsnot much is translated in turkish15:13
flanWell, we probably can't expect much in non-Western languages this early in the project's lifecycle.15:14
_ubuntujenkinsfixed that bug all you need to do is add15:19
_ubuntujenkins        except KeyError:15:19
_ubuntujenkins            #This happens because of a python error for turkish15:19
_ubuntujenkins            pass15:19
_ubuntujenkinsin line 34615:19
flanSo Babel imports fine?15:19
_ubuntujenkinswe already have a work around for latin there15:19
flanOh, I see what you did.15:20
flanA bit hackish, but it'll do.15:20
flan(Since we'll be dropping that logic anyway)15:20
_ubuntujenkinsI would not have been able to work that out a 6 months ago :)15:20
flanHacks are a great way to learn.15:21
_ubuntujenkinsI suppose i should to a bug fix release?15:21
flanThey teach more about good design than rigourous adherence to "best practises" without actually learning why those practises are best.15:21
ubuntujenkinsxchat has got bad some how _ubuntujenkins and flan are both yellow15:22
ubuntujenkinssweet that package should be built in the ppa and ready for people to update in 30mins15:38
c7phello all15:50
flanI hope it works.16:04
flanHi, c7p.16:04
ubuntujenkinshey c7p have you looked at builds.ubuntu-manual.org it looks like kevin has done some of the things on the list. like adding revision number and date on two lines. Also I have an issue with building at the moment I get japanese letters in the index to the left of evince16:09
c7phey ubuntujenkins I was afk16:14
c7pyap revision stuff is ok :)16:15
c7pI don't know why japanese letters appear on your index :(16:17
ubuntujenkinsneither do i I need to grad godbyk on that one16:17
c7pdo you use the script I sent you yesterday ?16:18
ubuntujenkinsyep, I had this problem before i think its my latex install16:19
c7phm I think we should try eliminating  those 4 warnings during the build (http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/). What do you think ?16:24
ubuntujenkinsI will have a look16:29
ubuntujenkinsc7p: I am not sure which warnings the 4 is on about if you look for the word "warning" in the log file there is loads of them.16:32
c7pubuntujenkins: yes, exclude those about margin notes16:34
ubuntujenkinsok lets make a list16:35
c7pubuntujenkins do you have the link of the list of things that have to be done before the release of a translation edition handy ?16:36
ubuntujenkinsyep just get it16:37
ubuntujenkinsall the non margin errors are no on the pad16:40
c7pok nice16:41
c7pwhy they are more than 4 ?16:43
ubuntujenkinsno clue16:44
c7p:/ it's so ... I don't know ... confusing16:45
ubuntujenkinsyep this is definatley a godbyk job i am afraid16:45
c7pcan you make a similar list of the warnings from http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-de.log ?16:46
c7pso we can compare the warnings if there are any on german build16:47
ubuntujenkinsI will do later as my sister is steeling my laptop16:47
c7p:p ok16:47
c7pbrb in 10 min. ok ?16:48
* c7p back17:11
flanThat was twenty-two minutes.17:13
* flan can't trust you anymore.17:13
c7pi was waiting 12 minutes for the ok17:14
c7p12 mins is ok timeout haha17:14
ubuntujenkinsI will be back after dinner etc18:17
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
* ubuntujenkins has got his laptop back at last21:17
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping21:17
* ubuntujenkins still uses ctrl+s automatically even on etherpad21:39
ubuntujenkinsc7p: hello i made i back and have made the german list21:58
c7pubuntujenkins: good job :D ty21:58
c7pthe sixth warning doesn't exist21:59
c7pwe use different font so we are ok22:00
c7pthe same thing happens with 3rd and 4th warning22:00
ubuntujenkinsthe 4th is the same as the 6th, when did the font change?22:00
c7pfrom almost the beggining22:01
c7pbecause we had a problem with greek letters22:01
c7psome letters where highlighted while others not22:02
ubuntujenkinswhy is it not the same in builds.ubuntu-manual.org ? we must still be using the old font somewhere i guess22:02
dakercheck that we must still be using the old font somewhere i guess22:02
c7pbut let me check it22:02
c7pyou can see the um-greek.clo file22:04
dakerthe "Download now" is ponting this link http://ubuntugeek.tradepub.com/c/pubRD.mpl/?pc=w_ubun0122:04
c7pthat's all about fonts if my memory deserves me well22:04
ubuntujenkinsc7p: if you look at the um-greek.clo file mine says Linux Libertine22:04
c7pubuntujenkins: i thought we were using serif :/22:05
c7pdaker: why is that so ?22:06
ubuntujenkinsdaker: I cant download it22:06
c7pubuntujenkins: I will search on my mails for more info about the fonts22:07
ubuntujenkinsthanks c7p22:07
ubuntujenkinsdaker: are its ok its chromium22:07
dakerwhen you click one the link you are redirect to http://ubuntugeek.tradepub.com/free/w_ubun01/22:08
ubuntujenkinswhy are people putting our manual behind spam walls! :/22:08
* ubuntujenkins gets anoyed22:08
dutchiei suppose we should be pleased in a way22:09
flanBecause, to quote an unnamed source, the Intenret is about the free exchange and sale of other people's ideas.22:09
flanOur course of action is clear: build a better Internet.22:09
flanOr re-engineer society.22:09
flanEither way.22:10
ubuntujenkinshmm but its not publisisng the team. and people can get it with out giving up so much info22:10
* ubuntujenkins is tempted to ask by using http://www.ubuntugeek.com/contact22:10
dakerwhen you click "Request now" your are redirect to http://ubuntugeek.tradepub.com/free/w_ubun01/prgm.cgi22:10
flanCurtly ask they they put a link to our site in the article's body.22:10
flanOr politely.22:10
flanI like being a jerk.22:10
flanthat they*22:10
dakerthe same thing as the other site, the one found by humphreybc22:11
ubuntujenkinsIwas just going to ask that they link to our site22:11
ubuntujenkinsyou have to give so much information just to get it22:11
flandaker, any quick design tips to make http://uguu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/qs-preview-2.png more aesthetically pleasing?22:12
flanInformation *and* time.22:12
flanI'd give up before subscribing to some site I'll never visit again.22:13
ubuntujenkinsIt is great that you are promoting the manual, would you be able to put a link to our site so that people can find out more about our team? Our site is www.ubuntu-manual.org.22:13
ubuntujenkinsis what i am going to send22:13
ubuntujenkinsany thoughts?22:13
ubuntujenkinsI would like to write stop using a spam wall! but i will not22:14
flanI'd mention that it should be a prominent link.22:14
flanThe way they present it, it looks like they're saying they wrote it.22:14
flanWhich is what I accused that other site of doing.22:14
flanIn the message I wrote to them.22:14
flanBecause I'm a jerk.22:15
flan(I made the accusation politely)22:15
flan(But the subtext was clear)22:15
ubuntujenkinsok now reads22:17
ubuntujenkinsIt is great that you are promoting the manual, would you be able to put a predominate link to our site so that people can find out more about our team? That way they can get involved in helping us to write it22:17
ubuntujenkinsdoh predominate!22:17
ubuntujenkinsdone sent22:18
ubuntujenkinswill i get a response?22:18
c7pubuntujenkins: I didn't find any mail from godbyk, but I find our talk on channel http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/12/%23ubuntu-manual.html#t19:1822:19
dakerflan, i think bredcrumbs should be great for the navigation22:20
flanWhat do you mean?22:20
dakersomething like this http://blog.jaysalvat.com/_library/2009/10/breadcrumbs/breadcrumb0.png22:22
ubuntujenkinsall this talk of bread crumbs makes me hungry22:22
ubuntujenkinsc7p: hmm the *.clo file has some comments in it. We will have to ask godbyk what his thinking was on that22:23
* c7p omg I miss godbyk :D22:23
dakergive me more screenshots22:24
ubuntujenkinsof food?22:25
ubuntujenkinsc7p: is there anything else we can do?22:28
c7pubuntujenkins: nope :D we are waiting for godbyk22:29
flanI already have that, though.22:29
c7ptopo fixed almost all the bugs if not all but still we need godbyk to approve the release of pdf22:30
ubuntujenkinsc7p: cool If we all ping him at once :P22:30
flanThe small text above the title links back to the parent.22:30
ubuntujenkinsfor a moment I thought flan had thought of food22:30
c7pubuntujenkins: hehe22:30
c7pwell I'm having :p brb22:30
flanI can go one better than giving you screenshots, daker. I can give you live access, if you're okay with resisting the urge to start rebuilding the whole thing.22:31
flan(I'm making too many changes each night for a redesign to be practical at this time)22:31
* ubuntujenkins has finaly worked out why facebook in pigin was not working22:33
dakerflan, i making some mockups for you22:40
flanDon't go into too much detail. I've still got about half of the system to go.22:41
flan(There are about eight more pages left to craft)22:41
flan(I was mostly looking for tips on colours and fonts on that one)22:42
flanI mean, I appreciate all the work you're willing to invest, but I don't want any of it to go to waste.22:42
flanI'll be asking for a full review when it's functionally complete, in early July.22:43
flanWhen you can freely change anything you'd like, without needing to worry about whether or not a feature is missing.22:44
flan(I'm keeping the code as separate from the interface as possible)22:44
flanhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/quickshot/server/annotate/head:/quickshot/quickshot/templates/root_project.mako ius the code behind that image.22:46
c7pubuntujenkins: Is there anything else I can do today ?22:48
ubuntujenkinsc7p: not as far as I know, wish i could do more22:49
c7pso do I :/22:49
dakerflan, kk22:50
flan(The CSS file is currently a mess. I promise to organize and document everything before I turn it over to you)22:50
c7pnight all :)22:51
flanG'night, c7p.22:52
ubuntujenkinsnight c7p22:52

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