
gnomefreakapt is broken :(12:05
gnomefreakhm that was odd, its working12:06
gnomefreak!info smart12:33
ubot2gnomefreak: Package smart does not exist in lucid12:33
gnomefreak!info smartpm12:34
gnomefreak!info pulseaudio12:34
ubot2gnomefreak: smartpm (source: smart): An alternative package manager that works with dpkg/rpm. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-5 (lucid), package size 57 kB, installed size 364 kB12:34
ubot2gnomefreak: pulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4460 kB12:34
gnomefreak!info pulseaudio maverick12:34
ubot2gnomefreak: 'maverick' is not a valid distribution: hardy, jaunty, karmic, lucid12:34
gnomefreakdamnit changed bot again12:37
ubot2gnomefreak: I don't recognize you.13:19
gnomefreakof course not13:19
ubot2Factoid 'snack' not found13:20
gnomefreakdamn this onei is dumber than ubot413:20
chrisccoulsonhi micahg15:35
chrisccoulsonwhat time is the DMB meeting?15:35
micahghi chrisccoulson, in 25 minutes15:35
micahgmdeslaur: should I file a blacklist bug for flashplugin-nonfree (since we seem to be permanently forked from Debian)?15:42
mdeslaurmicahg: oh, please do15:42
mdeslaurmicahg: thanks15:42
micahgmdeslaur: np15:43
micahgchrisccoulson: doko says I need a week to set up for the openjdk test to run the TCK15:56
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that's quite a long time ;)16:00
chrisccoulsonfortunately that doesn't hold up hardy16:00
micahgchrisccoulson: he said it's a one time cost16:00
micahgchrisccoulson: hardy doesn't need it :)16:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, this only applied to jaunty and karmic, which still probably need another full week of testing anyway16:01
micahgchrisccoulson: k, so, should I do it then?  I can't realistically probably start until the weekend though16:02
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure. i'm not familiar with everything that's involved for it atm16:03
micahgchrisccoulson: well, there's quite a bit of setup time, that's the issue16:11
micahgchrisccoulson: I can give you the doc on it if you want16:11
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i can take a look at that16:13
micahgchrisccoulson: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/JCKDistilled <-- requires multiple machines, I was going to try w/VMs16:13
chrisccoulsonheh. i'd probably struggle with that a bit ;)16:13
chrisccoulsoni need some meatier hardware really16:14
micahgchrisccoulson: k, well if there's no rush, I can do it, just not till the weekend16:14
* micahg knows there's a rush :)16:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm just not sure i'd be able to do it any quicker. i really need to invest in some more capable hardware ;)16:16
chrisccoulsonwoooh \o/16:35
chrisccoulsonwe have packageset16:35
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I know you have other items as well (#ubuntu-desktop), so I can do it16:36
micahgchrisccoulson: and you now have upload rights to xulrunner :)16:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's cool :)16:37
ubot2firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.516:37
gnomefreak!info firefox16:37
ubot2gnomefreak: firefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 10601 kB, installed size 28668 kB16:37
gnomefreak!info firefox maverick16:37
ubot2gnomefreak: 'maverick' is not a valid distribution: hardy, jaunty, karmic, lucid16:37
micahggnomefreak: 3.6.316:38
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah working on a few things atm but that is for the releases we havent pushed to if you mean the !firefox command i gave16:38
* gnomefreak wants my media buttons to work but i dont do magic :(16:39
micahggnomefreak: lucid and Maverick have 3.6.3, karmic has 3.5.10, hardy and jaunty 3.0.1916:39
gnomefreakbdrung: welcome16:39
bdrunggnomefreak: hi16:39
gnomefreak!info firefox karmic16:40
ubot2gnomefreak: firefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB16:41
gnomefreakthe factoid !firefox is for everyone at this time. the !info is run from the server. i will try to get it updated when i get maveric info to work16:42
micahgyeah 3.5.1016:42
micahggnomefreak: firefox should link to the help pages16:42
gnomefreakpick a help page. i will than change that16:43
gnomefreak/nhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion << not right?16:43
gnomefreak- the /n16:43
gnomefreakthat looks like the right page but if you have another let me know16:44
micahggnomefreak: I have to look at the other wiki page16:45
gnomefreakhow are the builds comming for <Lucid?16:45
micahggnomefreak: everything's staged in security PPA16:46
micahgfor 3.6.416:46
gnomefreakok thats right 3.6.5 was skipped16:46
* gnomefreak forgot why i had 3.6.616:47
* gnomefreak forgot i hve to fix a slow as script16:48
gnomefreakbe back need reboot16:50
asacmicahg: whats up with your being removed from the -uploaders?16:58
micahgasac: I did that so the team could be made as uploaders for the package set, my application still needs to be approved16:59
asacmicahg: is that on topic for todays meeting?16:59
asacor covered elesewhere?16:59
micahgasac: well, we're 1 hr in already, depends how fast the rest of the applications go16:59
asacok but you are on the list?16:59
gnomefreakcrimsun_: anything i can do with the muted when logging in? it is not muted if i unmute and change from xfce to gnome or anything else17:01
gnomefreakoh oh oh17:13
gnomefreakcan someone please translate bug 59629317:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 596293 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-2.6.32-23-generic-pae 2.6.32-23.37 failed to install/upgrade: podproces instalovaný post-installation skript vrátil chybový status 127 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59629317:13
gnomefreakis it linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic2.6.32-22.36 failed toinstall/upgrade: subprocessinstalledpost-installation scriptreturned error exit status 12717:14
micahgasac: so, my app will be addressed at the beginning of the next meeting18:02
asacmicahg: ok ... when is that?18:03
micahgasac: 2 weeks :)18:03
asac-> do a couple of more uploads until then ... to save the lock18:04
gnomefreakjaunty EOL?18:04
micahgasac: save the lock?18:04
micahggnomefreak: no18:04
asacmicahg: save the base ;)18:04
gnomefreakmicahg: after this release18:04
micahggnomefreak: yes18:04
micahgasac: k, I need to finish the 2 packages I took for the hardy backport18:04
micahgasac: I'm not worried, there's still work to do for the backports18:05
gnomefreakits 100F outside and feels like 103F from what the weather said on tv after 100F it all feels the same18:26
kylehuffi wish it were 100+ here18:30
gnomefreakway too damn hot. im happy with ~50F18:31
* gnomefreak should never have moved down here18:32
* kylehuff should never have moved up here....18:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what happened in the DMB? did they run out of time?18:37
micahgchrisccoulson: yep :), so 2 more weeks, but I'm second on the agenda next time :)18:53
micahgchrisccoulson: I've got plenty to do w/out uploading18:53
micahgchrisccoulson: if I get through all my mozilla tasks this cycle, I can try to help you w/-desktop tasks18:56
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_IsBack
BUGabundo_IsBackhey hey gnomefreak19:22
BUGabundo_IsBackhow have you been?19:22
BUGabundo_IsBackdid you guys miss me a lot ?19:23
gnomefreakim ok just in a bad mood, i didnt notice you were gone i just thought you were here after i left19:24
gnomefreakbe back in a few19:30
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
* gnomefreak getting really sick of the bugs that sit around for 6+ months with not comment. so i am closing all my reported bugs that will not be fixed. like any wishlist gwibber bugs19:47
BUGabundo_IsBackI got 700 unread bug mails from gwibber19:49
BUGabundo_IsBackdon't even dare looking at it this week19:50
* gnomefreak thinking of changing to something else. gwibber devs will not even concider wishlist bugs so im giving up. If you ask me it should never been default but that is just me19:51
gnomefreakclosed ~7 or 8 of the bugs i reported19:52
gnomefreakbe back need o do something for a fe wminutes19:52
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: curious what the status is for adjusting epiphany to not use 1.9.2?20:26
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - it's on my list for tonight :)20:26
jdstrandchrisccoulson_, micahg: what is the status for karmic/openjdk-6? have you tested openjdk-6 on jaunty? I imagine it will need it too20:27
chrisccoulson_i'm working through the list of xulrunner rdepends on jaunty, and was going to do it when i get to epiphany in jaunty, and do them both at the same time20:27
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: k, thanks20:27
micahgjdstrand: supposedly it takes a week to get TCK set up for testing openjdk20:27
micahgjdstrand: I hope to start this weekend20:28
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: it seems like quite a bit of jaunty is already uploaded. what is left?20:28
jdstrandmicahg: perhaps we can upload it to the ppa so it is built, since it takes so long to build20:28
micahgjdstrand: that's up to chrisccoulson_20:29
micahgjdstrand: it's built in my PPA20:29
jdstrandmicahg: maybe doko can run the tests himself?20:29
micahgjdstrand: I was afraid to ask since I know he's so busy20:29
jdstrandmicahg: well, I assume that he already has the infrastructure and would just need to download it and run it20:30
micahgjdstrand: right, I guess there's no harm in asking, right?20:30
jdstrandmicahg: let me see if kees has it setup20:31
micahgjdstrand: k, thanks20:31
jdstrandmicahg: I'll be sending an email to doko and others regarding the TCK20:42
jdstrandmicahg: I'll CC20:42
micahgjdstrand: thanks20:42
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: a lot of jaunty seems to be uploaded. what is left? I'm starting to test now. when will the call for testing go ouot?21:21
micahgjdstrand: chrisccoulson_: ugh, FF3.6.4 released21:25
jdstrandhttp://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/ isn't updated yet21:25
jdstrandI'll keep an eye on it21:26
micahgjdstrand: is 1 week too long to wait to patch TB2 if it's vulnerable to anything?21:29
jdstrandmicahg: depends no what the vuln is21:29
jdstrandmicahg: based on past experience, 1 week is just fine since most TB issues are in the javascript engine that is disabled by default21:30
micahgjdstrand: ugh, ok, can you let me know if there are any major non-JS CVEs this time around?  I'll try to backport this weekend the non-JS issues21:30
jdstrand(or similar)21:30
jdstrandmicahg: yes. I will be keeping an eye on the page21:30
micahgor I can just look later21:30
chrisccoulson_jdstrand / micahg - pressure's on now then ;)21:34
chrisccoulson_(with the 3.6.4 release)21:34
micahgchrisccoulson_: not a good week for me :(21:34
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: can we go over what is pending? on my list I have:21:35
jdstrand1. epiphany/hardy/no 1.9.2 2. karmic openjdk 3. jaunty testing21:35
jdstrandI imagine openjdk will be needed on jaunty21:35
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - yeah, it will be21:35
chrisccoulson_there are also still things on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/xulrunner-list to port21:36
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: for which release?21:37
micahgAll 3 :(21:37
chrisccoulson_well, mostly jaunty and karmic21:37
chrisccoulson_for hardy, the remaining ones are all xulrunner 1.8 applications (with the exception of midbrowser)21:38
chrisccoulson_and those all still work with 1.9.2 installed on the system21:39
chrisccoulson_and 1.8 hasn't been updated for a long  time21:39
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: is the TODO list "xulrunner reverse depends with insecure content exposure" ?21:39
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - yeah, that's it21:40
micahgchrisccoulson_: fennec and google-gadgets should get the lucid versions21:40
ftahow long will the lang packs stay in the ums ppa?21:40
micahgchrisccoulson_: I can upload those to transition PPA tonight21:40
chrisccoulson_fta - until they've been copied in to the archive21:41
chrisccoulson_micahg - we don't need those for hardy do we?21:41
ftachrisccoulson_, yep, but when is that?21:41
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: so, hmmm, is the idea that that whole list needs to be done before publication?21:41
micahgchrisccoulson_: no21:41
micahgchrisccoulson_: for jaunty21:41
chrisccoulson_fta - in the next few days probably21:41
ftaok, good21:42
chrisccoulson_micahg - cool, that's ok21:42
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, i'm not sure we have to do the whole list, but we have to ensure that all of the applications still work when 1.9.2 is on the system21:42
chrisccoulson_so, we need to copy everything at once really21:42
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: sure. so that table doesn't convey the 'it still work with 1.9.2 on the system, but should eventually be updated' scenario21:43
chrisccoulson_so, far hardy, it is just midbrowser, kazehakase, gnome-web-photo, galeon and bfilter21:43
micahgchrisccoulson_: also, w/openjdk, it depends on xulrunner-1.9.221:43
micahgchrisccoulson_: for karmic21:43
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: or the "it's horribly right now, so it shouldn't block publication" scenario (eg, midbrowser)21:44
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: would it be possible to update that list in someway-- eg, an asterisk next to all the packages that are blockers for publication?21:45
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - possibly. i might be able to look at that after i've got epiphany working21:45
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: k. I'm going to have to make a judgement call weighing the severity of the CVEs fixed in 3.6.4 vs waiting on that list wrt hardy/lucid21:47
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: and understanding what is blocking would be helpful (and obviously, blockers would be worked on first :)21:47
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - what was the error message you got when trying to start epiphany?21:53
chrisccoulson_rickspencer3, http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2010/06/22/firefox-3-6-4-with-crash-protection-now-available/ ;)21:54
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - IMO, the only remaining blocker for hardy is epiphany21:55
chrisccoulson_the other remaining apps to port still work, so they can be ported later on21:55
chrisccoulson_and the other issue is the font configuration issue, but i'm still waiting on my patch to be reviewed21:55
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: 'EphyBrowser initialization failed for...'21:56
rickspencer3chrisccoulson_, what are your plans for tomorrow?21:56
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: is that for hardy or all 3?21:56
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: ie, is epiphany the only blocker for all the releases?21:57
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: on that list. I still consider openjdk a blocker21:57
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, that's only for hardy right now. i'm still porting applications for jaunty and karmic, and need to test the ones we're not porting21:57
chrisccoulson_openjdk is only a blocker for jaunty and karmic21:58
chrisccoulson_rickspencer3, busy day tomorrow i think ;)21:58
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: ok excellent. so is it accurate to say that openjdk is the only blocker for karmic and epiphany is the only blocker for hardy?21:58
jdstrandlet me rephrase21:58
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - epiphany is also a blocker for jaunty21:58
jdstrandso epiphany blocks hardy and jaunty21:59
jdstrandopenjdk blocks jaunty and karmic21:59
chrisccoulson_and the applications i'm still porting are blockers, until i've tested them to verify they're ok21:59
chrisccoulson_(for karmic and jaunty)21:59
chrisccoulson_so, hardy is pretty close really21:59
jdstrandbut I'd very much rather publish all 4 at once22:00
jdstrandI looked at the CVEs and I feel we have some time for that22:00
jdstrandmicahg: waiting a week for TB is fine22:00
chrisccoulson_what are we doing about openjdk? (sorry, i've not checked the whole scrollback yet)22:01
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: wrt openjdk, I think we probably need to get it building in the ppa, since it takes a long time. I will be sending out an email asking doko if TCK testing is required for karmic and jaunty22:01
chrisccoulson_ok, i can get that in to the PPA once i've done with epiphany22:01
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: if it is required, I'll ask doko to do the TCK tests on what is in the ppa22:02
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: great thanks22:02
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: I'm going through my jaunty testing now22:02
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - so, the CVE's aren't serious enough to need to release this week? after tomorrow, we are getting quite close to the weekend again ;)22:02
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: well, for TB, no. for firefox, sooner is better22:03
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: I don't see end of the world CVEs in there even for ff22:03
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: but I think we need to get the known blockers building and test for the other blockers22:04
jdstrandI'd really like to get it out on Thursday if possible22:04
jdstrandbut, we'll see-- that may not be feasible22:04
micahgchrisccoulson_: you still have the link for my PPA with openjdk for karmic?22:10
micahgchrisccoulson_: I can try to have jaunty up there tonight22:11
jdstrandchrisccoulson_, micahg: not that you need it, but it is confirmed that openjdk backport is needed on jaunty22:17
micahgjdstrand: k, I'll try to get a working version uploaded then22:20
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: fyi, my non-extension ff jaunty testing shows that jaunty ff is ok (excepting openjdk, the only regression)22:28
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - thanks. that seems consistent with what i've found too, jaunty feels pretty good :)22:29
jdstrandI've got a mess of nss testing to do next, though I imagine it'll be fine since hardy was22:30
chrisccoulson_that's good. i'm glad you're testing all of these :)22:33
chrisccoulson_i haven't had much time to test the nss changes really22:33
micahgmozilla-2.0 transition to happen soon, so dailies will break :(22:36
micahgchrisccoulson_: you might want to read this: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/2010-06-2222:40
micahgchrisccoulson_: can be later, jsut at some point22:40
micahgchrisccoulson_: jdstrand: do either of you see the white on white menu issue in the backports testing?22:42
chrisccoulson_micahg - i've not seen any issues with menus22:44
jdstrandmicahg: I'm unaware of the issue you are referring to. can you be more specific?22:44
chrisccoulson_is this with the default theme?22:44
micahgchrisccoulson_: yes22:45
micahgmozilla 31678022:45
ubot2Mozilla bug 316780 in Menus "opening modal dialog from menu leaves menu name white" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31678022:45
micahgit's on my list of things I want to fix upstream at some point22:46
jdstrandmicahg: I don't see this witht he default theme on jaunty22:47
micahgjdstrand: I'm guessing you don't see it on Lucid, either, right?22:47
chrisccoulson_hmmm, i've never seen that before either22:48
chrisccoulson_(or just never noticed it)22:48
micahgmaybe it's my Intel graphics chipset22:48
jdstrandmicahg: would this occur in 3.6.3 or is it 3.6.4 only?22:49
micahgjdstrand: since 3.6 beta22:49
jdstrandmicahg: I have 3.6.3 here on am64, default lucid theme, intel graphics and do not see it22:49
* micahg has a GMA450022:49
* micahg is also running Xfce22:50
jdstrandwell, that there is your problem :P22:50
micahgshould I run Kubuntu instead :D22:50
* micahg is thinking about Lubuntu actually 22:51
jdstrandmine is i915, fwiw22:52
micahgjdstrand: ah, that could be why you don't see it22:52
jdstrandand I am not using compiz22:52
* micahg is also not using compiz22:52
chrisccoulson_i think i'm starting to dislike epiphany22:52
chrisccoulson_it's given me way too much hassle ;)22:53
esauhello !23:02
chrisccoulson_jdstrand - seems i'm not23:23
chrisccoulson_seems i'm not the fiorst person to experience these issues with epiphany23:23
chrisccoulson_heh ;)23:23
BUGabundo_IsBackis anyone packaing googleCli?23:44
micahgBUGabundo_IsBack: debian 58593523:47
ubot2Debian bug 585935 in wnpp "ITP: googlecl -- command-line access to (some) Google services" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58593523:47

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