
=== jjohansen is now known as jjohansen-afk
slangaseklamont: do you know why there are no kernels at http://acorn.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/maverick/ubuntu-netbook-imx51/ ?08:30
slangaseklamont: n/m, it's because there are no kernels installed :/08:31
ogra_slangasek, there shouldnt even be any buiuld attempts09:51
ogra_slangasek, we dont build any non OMAP images in maverick (and OMAP is still being worked on)09:51
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slangasekogra: er, no one updated the crontab to say that16:09
ograhuh ?16:09
ograimx51 was disabled months ago16:09
ograyou are indeed right16:10
slangasekok, so the crontab change was committed but not made live :)16:11
ograthough no imx51 but there are omap buiolds16:11
ograthere shouldnt be any armel builds atm16:11
ograi was about to enable them tomorrow16:11
ograomap images will be broken anyway, all other armel arches are unsupported atm16:12
ograso i didnt want to build them to prevent us from having to clean up16:12
slangasekwell, the flipside is that having no arm images building for months means no one will be working on cleaning up the problems for months :)16:13
ograwe're completely redesigning the armel images16:13
ograi didnt want to have anything that interferes with the new stuff16:14
ogradebian-cd and livecd-rootfs already have their changes, cdimage publishing code is still pending but i plan to land that before end of my day16:14
slangasekyes, but general archive installability problems will also tend to accumulate if not tended16:15
ograwe largely wiped the old scripts for omap16:15
ograwe watch the ftbfs table closely16:15
ograand from A2 on we'll have dailies again16:15
ogra(i hope)16:15
ogralooks like nothing buiolt anyway ... at least cdimage doesnt show any images16:16
=== jjohansen-afk is now known as jjohansen
slangasekogra: correct - but it sends mail /about/ the images not building :)18:15
tsimpsoncjwatson: ping23:06
cjwatsontsimpson: hi23:08
cjwatsononly sort of here23:08
tsimpsoncjwatson: ok, we need to set up and entry message for all logged channels, and you're the only one who can do that here23:09
tsimpsoncjwatson: mind if I /msg you the details?23:09
cjwatsonset an entry message, and given some rights to UbuntuIRCCouncil23:15
tsimpsonyay, it works :)23:17

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