
stasjono: yep00:32
* stas though a bit late00:33
knomenah... only an hour00:48
jpdsknome: When you're competing against the speed of light, that is a long time.01:19
knomejpds, you're saying jono is the speed of light? :P01:23
knomeplanet ubuntu redirects to pages that do not exist01:33
knomenewz2000, ^01:33
MTecknologymhall119: hey - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-website-community/ubuntu-website/light-drupal-theme/changes/1?start_revid=102:05
MTecknologymhall119: all better now - did you jsut ler time take care of it?02:05
MTecknologycjohnston go buh-bye :(02:22
MTecknologycjohnston: we missed you- i cired02:27
mhall119MTecknology: eh?03:31
mhall119I did what you suggested03:31
mhall119create a new branch without any history03:31
MTecknologymhall119: ok - i guess that worked then03:33
mhall119seems to03:37
MTecknologymhall119: how's the day going?03:49
jpdsknome: No.10:21
knomejpds, no what? re: jono? :P10:21
mhall119MTecknology: day's just starting now13:30
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