
Wingspurpzey: Huh.00:00
=== igh is now known as ighs
Vampire0Did you maybe not delete the files but put it in the paper bin?00:00
Wingspurpzey: I would boot a liveCD and run a disk check from it, but I could be totally wrong here00:00
Wingsalso, what Vampire0 said00:00
hello_kittywhen trying to sudo as www-data and run a script, i got this error:  can't cd to /some/dir/  what sort of issue is this?00:00
Wingshello_kitty: have you ensured the directory exists?00:01
purpzeyVampire0: There's about 50MB in my trash bin.00:01
purpzeyVampire0: But I am unable to empty it.00:01
ighsanyone else having trouble connecting to websites?00:01
hello_kittyWings: yep the dir (/var/www/someproject) is real, and the permissions are: - r w - r w - r - -00:02
luke-jrIs it possible to get Ubuntu to run the network independent of the user? :/00:02
Wingspurpzey: okay, here's what I'd do00:02
hello_kittyWings: I was just messing with permissions, and I just made myself root, those are my two most recent changes since the issue00:02
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Wingssudo touch /forcefsck and then reboot00:02
Wingshello_kitty: chown it to root00:03
Wingshello_kitty: if it belongs to "nobody" it'll cause issues00:03
shoopdawooppurpzey: you could use baobab to see what is using up your diskspace https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Baobab00:03
luke-jras in, not wait for me to login to connect to wifi00:03
Wingspurpzey: that'll force a disk check on your next boot00:03
hello_kittyWings: everything is chowned to www-data:subversion, is that okay?00:04
Wingspurpzey: or cut out the middle man and just do sudo shutdown -F -r now00:04
Wingshello_kitty: it... /should/ be, i guess. I'm not an expert. :P00:04
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asymptote!video capture00:04
asymptotewhat's the application that makes video captures of your desktop00:05
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purpzeyWings: That will force a check?00:05
asymptotexvid or something like that00:05
Wingspurpzey: apparently so00:05
narz_Is anyone good with xchat. i got a newb question. Is there a way to make it auth with an irc bot each time you connect to ircserver, ( particulary quakenet )00:05
Wingspurpzey: I looked into it, the -F flag will autocreate /forcefsck for you00:05
Wingspurpzey: which will force an fsck (disk check) on boot (if forcefsck exists in root)00:06
asymptotexvidcap I got it ty00:06
Guest17526lookin 4 a johnathon itchner if u r here00:07
cyber_raderwell this is boring00:11
progesteroneQuestion: With Putty, we can copy text just by selecting the text and paste just by right-clicking. How can I configure Ubuntu terminal to be able to do so?00:12
luke-jrprogesterone: just middle click in any app00:13
progesteroneluke-jr huh ... there's no middle click on my mouse. Is there really middle click on mouse?00:14
luke-jron real mice00:14
HugeCannonI'm havin a really strange ssh/network/dns problem with my ubuntu server. It's currently set to static ip on my home network and i ssh into it via this ip. However, recently it has been acting up and can start to get laggy and intermittent to the point where the connection actually falls through.00:14
acovrigdoes anyone know how to use xrandr?00:14
HugeCannonAfter the connection falling through, I did a "ping" on my laptop runnign windows which gave along the following lines: "Pinging reply from ... not responding"00:15
HugeCannonIt seems that somewhere along the lines the IP it is looking for is changing from .100 to .5 somewhere but I cant for the life of me find where.00:15
HugeCannonAny ideas?00:15
acovrigHugeCannon, is your router forwarding things?00:16
frank82vt how can i restore the system in linux in similar form like windows?00:17
wildbat!backup | frank82vt00:18
ubottufrank82vt: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:18
progesteroneluke-jr Thanks00:18
HugeCannonacovrig: My router is forwarding some inbound ports to .10000:18
HugeCannonacovrig: let me double check that00:18
frank82vtthanks ubottu00:18
acovrigdoes anyone know how to use xrandr?00:18
HugeCannonacovrig: Yeah the ports are forwarding to .100 (i.e. the server)00:19
hello_kittyAll of my permissions read as "?????????" what sort of ungodly wrath have I incurred?00:20
niccolican anyone help me with a problem Im having with my video card (ati radeon, link for more info)  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver#Full%203D%20support%20%28r100%20and%20r200%20series%29  ?00:20
sebsebsebHugeCannon: try #ubuntu-server00:21
HugeCannonWas just about to! Thanks00:21
sebsebsebniccoli: hrm00:21
acovrigdoes anyone know how to use xrandr?00:21
sebsebsebniccoli: theres a new driver from ATI now00:22
sebsebsebniccoli: and maybe for your card00:22
niccolisebsebseb, yes but that prevents me from opening any 3d programs00:22
hello_kittyMy /var/www/ folder has no permissions and no owner according to ls -l, what should I do??00:22
cavej03hey guys, how can I find my group and user ID for my account?00:22
cavej03like what command00:22
rwwcavej03: "id"00:23
acovrigI need to turn off my server's screen (physical display), can I/how do I use xrandr?00:23
sebsebsebcavej03: not sure, but you can get into the  accounts stuff graphicalley00:23
rwwcavej03: you want the first two numbers, uid and gid.00:23
cavej03ty rww00:24
acovrigI need to turn off my server's screen (physical display), can I/how do I use xrandr?00:25
Slartacovrig: you can activate the monitors powersaving features.. if that's what you mean00:26
gmonniedoes anyone know where i can find drivers for a touchpad00:26
acovrigSlart, yes, how do i do that, and reverse it?00:26
Slartacovrig: hang on.. let me get the exact command00:26
acovrigSlart, will xrandr do it?00:26
Slartacovrig: I don't know if xrandr can be used.. the command I'm looking for uses "xset"00:27
hello_kittyI cant see the permissions of various files via ls -l.  How can I fix this?00:27
evinwhere i can find driver for videocard?00:28
acperkinsacovrig: xset dpms force off00:28
Slarthello_kitty: what does "can't see" mean? your screen is too dark? your computer isn't turned on? it doesn't show them numerically?00:28
hello_kittySlart: it does not show them, only question marks instead00:28
acovrigacperkins, then how do I turn it on again?00:28
Slartacovrig: yup.. what acperkins said.. that's the one.. the screen will turn on again if you move the mouse or use the keyboard00:28
Curly_QOff button. Physical display cannot be turned on or off remotely once the off button is set. Powersaving mode is not OFF.00:28
ne7workhello all00:28
ne7worki have one problem with ubuntu 9.1000:29
acperkinsacovrig: move the mouse/keyb or run xset dpms force on00:29
ne7workthis karmic koala logout me without reason?00:29
WebDawgK3b keeps telling me that cdrecord does not have the permissions to write to my device...00:29
WebDawgI fix this by chmod 777 the drive00:29
WebDawgbut it comes back halfway through the burn.00:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:29
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WebDawgDo i need to have an entry in the fstab00:29
acovrigwhat was that?00:30
Slarthello_kitty: what file system are you using?00:30
gmonniemy touchpad works fine during login screen, but after left button either does not work, or acts like its stuck, does anyone know how to fix it00:30
WebDawgK3b keeps telling me that cdrecord does not have the permissions to write to my device...I fix this by chmod 777 the drive.....but it comes back halfway through the burn.....Do i need to have an entry in the fstab?00:30
hello_kittySlart: ext-3, i believe...   is it possibly just an issue of rebooting?  when I SUDO ls -L it shows me the permissions, but attempting to access the files as anything other than root fails  (even if a root ls -l displays the file as being owned by a specific user)00:31
enavhi... what is the C programming IRC channel???00:31
Slartenav: try ##C00:31
thune3WebDawg: does your user have 'cdrom' in "groups"?00:31
WebDawgthune3, yes.00:32
WebDawgI can fix the permissions...why do they go back?00:32
Slarthello_kitty: hmm.. what is the output of "sudo ls -l" ? it's owned by your user? does the owner have read permissions?00:32
milescan someone remind me of the command to open the sound board?00:32
hello_kittySlart: yes.  I am connected through putty though.  I feel like the UI is lies.  I'm going to power off the machine and see if it maintains this lack of permissions00:33
macomiles: do you mean alsamixer?00:33
milesi gues00:33
WebDawgthune3, I lied.  I am adding now.00:33
Slarthello_kitty: I'm thinking that it might not be "lying".. it might just not be allowed to tell you the permissions for some reason (not having read access to the parent directory, for example)00:33
ne7workthis karmic koala logout me without reason?00:33
ne7worksomeone can help me00:34
acovrigSlart, can I use xrandr to rotate the screen?00:34
Slart!details | ne7work00:34
ubottune7work: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:34
WebDawgthune3, I lied.  I was a member.00:34
ne7workSlart, without reason00:34
Slartacovrig: I've never used xrandr.. but I think it can do it..00:34
ne7workno reason00:34
acovrigI wonder how00:34
ne7worknew install ubuntu 9.10 logout me without reason00:34
ne7workwith one wine and skype..00:34
milesso i opened alsamixer but it isn't letting me change the volumes values00:35
mileshow do i increase them?00:36
burst_errori have the little kerneloops client sitting in my tray, while its nice having tux hang around and all, id like him to leave. i dont have the window that contains the tooltip so i would like to submit the diagnostic data manually somehow and then reinstall or repair the kernel00:36
CynthiaIs keyserver.ubuntu.com down?00:36
WebDawgK3b keeps telling me that cdrecord does not have the permissions to write to my device...I fix this by chmod 777 the drive.....but it comes back halfway through the burn.....Do i need to have an entry in the fstab?00:38
lawrenceI have ubuntu installed on another PC and it lost power and now I cannot boot to it.  I get an Install Problem error about power management not insytalled correctly.  Can this be fixed?00:38
gmonniegonna try this one more time, the touchpad on my laptop works fine on login screen, but after i login either the left button dosent work at all or acts like its stuck, can anyone help me?00:38
milesI have alsamixer open it wont let me increase the volume how do i get around this?00:39
WebDawgmiles, is it muted?00:39
thune3WebDawg: there is a sorta lame workaround at the end of: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+question/2111700:39
milesit gives off sound00:39
milesjust not as much as capable00:39
hello_kittySlart: yeah I'm not allowed to view the folder...... however by reading its permissions i'm confused why not00:40
Slarthello_kitty: I've been playing around with some test folder on my system and I can't really get it to print out question marks.. I get permission denied if I set the permissions too restrictive.. but no questions marks00:41
lawrenceIs there a way to fix Ubuntu or do I need to re-install?00:41
hello_kittySlart: does this say I cant read it?  drw-rw-r--  www-data:subversion      my user is a member of subversion00:41
rww2/lastlog lawrence00:41
rwwlawrence: nothing, I was trying to find your original question and failed at it00:41
Slarthello_kitty: nope.. with you being a member of subversion you should have rw rights.. at least that's the way I understand things00:41
Cynthiahello_kitty, it says the group can read-write it, so you should be able to read it00:41
hello_kittyI think I played with it too much and broke it00:42
lawrenceI have Ubuntu 10.04 installed and PC lost power and now I think Ubuntu is dead.00:42
hello_kitty... if such a thing is possible...00:42
Cynthiahello_kitty, however, seeing as this is a directory, you need +x to be able to *traverse* it00:42
Slarthello_kitty: sounds odd... do you get question marks for the files in that directory?00:42
lawrenceI try and get in and all I get is an error about power management not installed correctly.00:42
Cynthiahello_kitty (+) chmod u+x,g+x DIRNAME00:42
hello_kittySlart: while sitting at var$ if i type ls -l www/ yeah i get question marks00:43
hello_kittyCynthia: okay, trying that00:43
Slarthello_kitty: ah.. I get that too if there is no x .. try chmod g+x www-data00:44
hello_kittySlart, Cynthia okay I can see files now!00:44
Slarthello_kitty: bah.. or as Cynthia said above =)00:44
Cynthiahello_kitty, awesome!00:44
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daniel__hello, I would like to know if there is any app out there for a master computer to control other computers in a network for a cybercafe. The main computer will use ubuntu, and the rest will use windows. Any suggestions?00:45
opnethey guys, I have an AA1 D250 with 9.10, but when I try to use the webcam with cheese it starts black, then the image reloads about every three seconds, and that's what it looks like in the video too.00:45
opnetany ideas?00:45
milesremote console..00:45
Cynthiadaniel__, sounds like you'll need a Windows application for this, and #ubuntu is not the best place to ask about that :)00:46
WebDawgthune3, I will let you know if it works.00:46
daniel__Cynthia, ok, what if I install ubuntu on all computers? how can I get control over the network. Lets say, enable/disable a computer, restart, block, etc???00:47
hello_kittyOkay, so now *I* can see the files, which is great, but my www-data doesnt seem to see them.00:47
milesso i have an 8-channel sound card but it will only play through my central speakers any ideas on how to fix this?00:47
Cynthiadaniel__: I wouldn't know about that. Maybe someone else in #ubuntu does, though.00:47
CynthiaRepeat from 11 minutes ago: Is keyserver.ubuntu.com down?00:47
Slartdaniel__: italc might be useful.. if you want to keep an eye on what people are doing... http://italc.sourceforge.net/00:47
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CynthiaNever mind me, it just took 75 seconds to import the keys, and gpg timed out before this retry.00:48
hello_kittyis it safe to run something like this?   sudo chmod -R u+x,g+x .00:48
Cynthiahello_kitty: Did you also give the owning user +x?00:48
daniel__Slart, thanks. Will look at it. =)00:49
milesI have an 8-channel integrated sound but ubuntu is only using 1 channel is there any way to fix this?00:49
hello_kittyCynthia: how can i safely do that recusively for /var/www ?  I'm scared to use *, i bricked one box that way already ;)00:49
Cynthiahello_kitty, I don't know if the -R option affects both files and directories. Your files may end up executable after this.00:49
Joelitohi all00:50
JoelitoI have a question about setting /home to a new partition00:50
Cynthiahello_kitty: One safe way to do it is 'find /var/www -type d -exec chmod u+x,g+x "{}" ";"'00:50
JoelitoI follow the steps like in here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:50
Cynthiahello_kitty: (+) Include the " quotes, but not the outer ' ones, from my message in your command00:50
Joelitobut when It starts the X crash about can not open /home when using "/."00:50
xpikeIs there a current mini laptop that has hardware full supported to run compiz fusion flawlusly?00:50
Wingsxpike: define "flawlessly"00:51
Joelitomy paste: http://pastebin.com/GU0ggu8500:51
Joelitoany ideas?00:51
CynthiaJoelito, The /dev/sda2 line in your pasted fstab file is commented out. Remove the #.00:52
lawrenceIS there a way to get Ubuntu back after a crash or should I just kill it and scrap it?00:52
lawrenceI would like an answer please.00:52
CynthiaJoelito, Make sure you've moved all of the files from the older root (/)'s /home into your new /home partition first00:53
xpikeIn terms of video card drivers, wifi drivers, and such00:53
opnethey guys, I have an AA1 D250 with 9.10, but when I try to use the webcam with cheese it starts black, then the image reloads about every three seconds, and that's what it looks like in the video too.00:53
opnetany ideas?00:53
xpikeUsually many people come in ubuntu rooms and forums because they are trying to get * driver to work00:53
Cynthialawrence: Does it give you a terminal at all?00:53
lawrenceI keep getting different errors depending how I try to boot.  Best boot is recovery on original install.00:53
lawrenceYes it does00:53
hello_kittyCynthia: awesome, thanks00:53
Cynthialawrence: If power management is not installed correctly, but you can access the network (see 'ping www.google.com'), you could try to reinstall the acpid package and its dependencies with 'aptitude'00:54
poseyanybody have an ipad working with rhythmbox?00:54
lawrenceHow do I do that?00:54
Cynthialawrence: as in, deinstall + install, or if aptitude has a reinstall option like Synaptic, use it00:54
tzangerhmm, my top menubar and bottom bar have gone away; I still have some termianl sessions up, what is the command to bring those menu bars back?00:55
JoelitoCynthia, hi I commented because I needed to return back to normal state00:55
gperaltascura(Sorry for my bad english) I have two hard disk drives, in the first one I have Ubuntu installed and that drive is full, and I want to install new packages, dependencies, configuration files, and all related to new software in the other drive, What are the steps to follow?00:55
opnethey guys, I have an AA1 D250 with 9.10, but when I try to use the webcam with cheese it starts black, then the image reloads about every three seconds, and that's what it looks like in the video too.00:55
Cynthialawrence: type sudo aptitude at the prompt, and use the Search/Restrict menu option to restrict the display to the 'acpid' package, then press Ctrl+T to access the menu and look at options00:55
opnetany ideas?00:55
JoelitoCynthia, and I did move, well copy all the files00:55
xpikehow good is the intel atom processor for mini laptops00:55
lawrenceOkay I will try that.  Thank you.,00:56
opnetxpike: decent00:56
xpikewhich model is the most powerful to run compiz fusion smoothly00:56
poseyits showing up in ideviceinfo but rhythbox gives me the initialize ipod saying its uninitialized or corrupted00:56
CynthiaJoelito: you probably forgot some of the files in your /home directory, namely the hidden ones (.filename). What command/program/method did you use to recopy your files to the old root's /home^00:56
lawrenceEverytime I loose power Linux goes bad.00:56
Cynthia? rather, not ^00:56
Cynthialawrence: Sounds like a reinstall after backing up /home would do your computer a lot of good00:57
Cynthia(also /etc)00:57
lawrenceUbuntu was fine until I had lost power and now I can't get into it.00:57
Cynthialawrence: it might also be worth doing a 'fsck /' to check the filesystem integrity00:58
JoelitoCynthia, I used # sudo cp -r * /media/new_partition00:58
GwarHey guys. Is it possible to write a bash script that has a sudo command and include the password inside the bash script? I know its a bad idea, I have my reasons tho!00:58
CynthiaJoelito, that command omits .files from the current directory, but preserves .files from subdirectories. If you still have access to your old /home partition, issue this additional command: cp .* /media/new_partition00:59
JoelitoCynthia, yeah, just confirmed  it didn't copy the hidden files00:59
wildbatGwar, nope, and not supported00:59
CynthiaJoelito: wait, no, cp -r .* /media/new_partition00:59
JangalI want to disable UDMA because I have installed Ubuntu Server on Compact Flash card. How can I do that?01:00
JangalI am using Lucid01:00
JoelitoCynthia, ok, is there a single line which will copy both hidden and normal files01:00
coolkehondoes ubuntu have a system where I can make custom packages, similar to slackware and archlinux (makepkg) ?01:00
CynthiaJoelito: cp -ar . /media/new_partition01:01
Jangalhow can I add paremeters to kernel?01:01
Jangalso how do I edit grub 2?01:01
CynthiaJoelito: (+) The dot on its own refers to the current directory, and 'cp' correctly grabs the list of all files without exception if you use the dot01:02
Wingscoolkehon: see if http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/ covers your needs01:02
tzangerhmm, my top menubar and bottom bar have gone away; I still have some termianl sessions up, what is the command to bring those menu bars back?01:02
shoopdawoopJoelito: rsync -aP OLD/ NEW/ && sync01:02
shoopdawoopwould work too :)01:02
lawrenceIs it possible for a Live CD/DVD to read a Wubi installed Ubuntu?01:03
coolkehonthanks Wings01:03
Cynthia!panels | tzanger01:03
ubottutzanger: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:03
ZykoticK9Jangal, for grub2 see !grub2 and the file /etc/default/grub for most settings.  good luck.01:03
JoelitoCynthia, Thanks =(01:04
FooBarBeercan i get help installing a lamp server?01:04
tzangerCynthia: I appreciate the tip but they aren't coming back... gnome-panel starts up fine but they're just gone01:04
FooBarBeerwasn't there a really simple command that then you check a box and it installs?01:04
tzangerthis is quite literally a fresh 10.04 install; I haven't customized a thing on it yet01:04
CynthiaTo whoever asked about disabling UDMA transfers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=998801:04
luke-jrFooBarBeer: LAMP isn't even well-defined enough to make that possible01:05
FooBarBeerluke-jr: I remembered! tasksel01:05
ZykoticK9FooBarBeer, tasksel01:05
Cynthiatzanger: hm. I haven't seen that behavior on this install in a virtual machine... sorry, I can't help.01:05
FooBarBeerZykoticK9: thanks :)01:05
futurizmgood evening01:05
tzangerCynthia: no worries, I appreciate you taking the time to try to help :-)01:05
Kruugwhere is the log server located?01:06
Cynthiafor others: tzanger's problem is that the gnome panels have disappeared, and !panels's advice doesn't work01:06
CynthiaKruug: 'which syslog'01:06
sriso, iphone users, does ios 4.0 break iphone support in lucid?01:07
KruugCynthia: irclogs.ubuntu.com01:07
CynthiaKruug: oh. :D01:07
sXeChrishow do i register my nick01:07
futurizmanyone can help me to be able to browse my win7 shared folders from my 10.04 ubuntu box? I tried to create a launcher as a tutorial told me step-by-step, but I keep getting an error that it was unable to mount/connect01:07
ZykoticK9!register > sXeChris01:07
ubottusXeChris, please see my private message01:07
* sri is not going to upgrade his 3G iphone if it breaks since ios 4.0 is useless on my phone01:07
Kruug/msg NickServ register <nick> <password>01:07
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:07
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:08
CynthiaKruug: irclogs.ubuntu.com returns no whois information; ubuntu.com returns Isle of Man, United Kingdom01:08
srilooks like nobody has tried it yet.. I'll ask again later.01:08
SorellHey guys, anyone  ever heard of someone turning a Tivo HD into a ubuntu box?01:09
lawrenceCan I install Ubuntu on top of Ubuntu without loosing any of my personal files?01:11
Typos_KingSorell:   no myself, but I'd say, expensive box, a Tivo will cost more than a cheap old desktop :P~01:11
Typos_Kinglawrence:  the what?01:11
ZykoticK9lawrence, only if your home folder is on a separate partition01:11
futurizmanyone with experience in connecting ubuntu 10.04 to win7 shared folders via LAN?01:11
SorellI have a Tivo HD lying around though Typos_King01:11
hey_joeis libpam_mysql broken in 10.04?01:12
Typos_KingSorell:    soooooo, and you don't have a machine to install it to? :P01:12
hey_joei added the neccesary two lines to /etc/pam.d/common.auth, and restarted...01:12
lawrenceOkay.  I have no choice but to kill it.  LInux sucks sometimes.01:12
Typos_KingSorell:    just go sell it or something :P01:12
luke-jrugh, I hate network manager01:12
hey_joebut it doesnt even attempt to connect to the SQL server01:12
ZykoticK9hey_joe, you might want to ask in the server channel if you don't get an answer here.  good luck.01:13
SorellTypos_King: but it's already got a remote and everything.01:13
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SorellTypos_King:  It would take me like 2 months to decided on a turner.01:13
hello_kittyI need to make it so that www-data can run a command like this: /usr/bin/svn update <path to repo> --username xxxxxx --password xxxxxx       Can I just give www-data a password somehow...?01:14
Siph0nI have Scottrade as my stock broker, and I try and look at the streaming quotes, but it never opens. The popup that tells me the new things with the streaming quotes app appears, but not the actual java program. Ideas? I have sun-java6-bin installed, and using ubuntu 9.1001:14
=== Sorell is now known as Sorrell
hey_joeZykoticK9: thanks...01:15
hey_joeZykoticK9: what is the server channel ? #ubuntu-server?01:15
ZykoticK9hey_joe, yup01:15
hey_joeis libpam_mysql broken in 10.04?01:16
lawrenceCan a Live CD/DVD read a Wubi installed Linux distro?01:16
hey_joei added the neccesary two lines to /etc/pam.d/common.auth, and restarted...01:16
hey_joebut it doesnt even attempt to connect to the SQL server01:16
ZykoticK9hey_joe, you're still in #ubuntu01:16
Sasquatch7Is it possible to place a password on files or folders?01:16
hey_joeZykoticK9: sry guys01:16
hey_joenew client.01:16
Sasquatch7But not just the root password or user password.01:16
hey_joeSasquatch7: that would defeat the purpose of linux.01:17
aknagiOn my system compiz does not start, despite being set to start. I have to manually run "compiz --replace" after logging in via the graphical display manager. Does anybody know how compiz starts on a working system; ie is it from a script or "Startup Applications" or what?01:17
Sasquatch7hey_joe: How?01:17
hey_joeSasquatch7: simply setting ownership, would protect the file...01:17
Sasquatch7hey_joe: Correct.01:18
hey_joeso why would you need a password?01:18
hey_joeyou could encrypt the file or folder...01:18
=== Gwar is now known as Gwar|playingff9
Sasquatch7hey_joe: Oh so not possible just to add a password only encryption?01:18
sXeChrisdoes anyone here have any ubuntu certifications at all?01:19
hey_joeSasquatch7: generally speaking. yes.   but say for instance, chmod -wrx would remove execute, write, and read access to all users except the owner...01:19
WingssXeChris: off-topic: does your nick have any relation to sXephil?01:19
hey_joewhich would effectively do the same thing..01:19
frodizzlewhats the command to un-screw the buttons on the toolbar back to the right01:20
Sasquatch7hey_joe: Yea i understand all that, just wanted to know if it was possible to add password protection to files and folders not using chmod01:20
IdleOne!ot | wings01:20
ubottuwings: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:20
Sasquatch7hey_joe: thank!01:20
WingsIdleOne: off-hand comment, not a discussion.01:20
IdleOneWings: keep off hand comments to a minimum please, they lead to discussions01:21
WingsIdleOne: although /msg would have been better01:21
frodizzleoh my, not discussions01:21
Cynthia!controls > frodizzle01:21
ubottufrodizzle, please see my private message01:21
frodizzleanything but discussions01:21
lawrenceWindows has a repair function where it copies all the original files off the CD to the OS.  Is there a similiar feature in Ubuntu?01:21
hey_joeisn't this an internet relay chat room?01:21
lawrenceI really want to get into it before I have to kill the son of a beast.01:21
lawrenceCan ANYONE help at all?01:21
hey_joelawrence, whats wrong?01:21
hey_joewhat did you break?01:21
lawrencePower outage and nowUbuntu is dead.01:22
lawrenceI cannot get into it01:22
Wingslawrence: boot Ubuntu LiveCD -> run fsck on the disk01:22
hey_joerejects password?01:22
lawrenceGet different messages depending how I try to get in.01:22
frodizzleso you're telling me shuttleworth is trying to dictate where my buttons belong and we can no longer move them back to where they were?01:22
lawrenceIt is a wubi install.01:22
lawrenceCan a Live CD/DVD read a Wubi installed Linux distro?01:22
Wings!controls > Wings01:22
ubottuWings, please see my private message01:22
IdleOne!controls | frodizzle01:22
ubottufrodizzle: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side01:22
remanifestIs anyone here familiar with Sylpheed?  I'm tying to get it to use Chromium as its web browser instead of Konqueror.  Chromium is my default browser in my WM01:22
hey_joewas that a split?01:23
Sam_Fisherhey_joe, where ya going with that gun in your hand?01:24
hey_joeSam_Fisher: where else? to shoot my old lady down.01:24
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Sam_Fisherhey_joe, so tru01:25
hey_joethanks for the help guys01:25
Sam_Fisherguess hey_joe is really going to do it01:25
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Sam_FisherHow do i remove a user?01:26
CynthiaSam_Fisher: deluser NAME01:26
Sam_FisherCynthia, sudo?01:27
CynthiaSam_Fisher, yes01:27
Sam_FisherCynthia, the long name or the short name?01:27
CynthiaSam_Fisher, the login name01:27
zussorry my connection is the suck right now,..01:27
Sam_FisherCynthia, uuggghhhh01:28
woodyjlwI want to do some gaming on my hp laptop. under xp it runs WOW at about 40 fps in low settings and under ubuntu 10.04 I can not run any games at all tried regnum online and several others that are native linux install and no luck. this is hp l2000 with ati 200m graphics.  is there any way to improve my graphics under ubuntu or should I scrap linux and go back to windhoes01:28
Sam_Fisheris there a command to list all user accounts?01:28
CynthiaSam_Fisher: sudo nano -w /etc/shadow01:29
Doyle2Issue: Login screen presents, displays the background, but not the login pane or options bar. Only the background appears. Any ideas?01:29
Cynthia(or sudo less /etc/shadow)01:29
lawrenceCan a live cd/dvd read Wubi installed Ubuntu?01:30
lawrenceYes or no?01:30
Typos_Kinglawrence:  dont' thinkso01:31
lawrenceNothing I try will get that mother F to work!!!!01:31
Cynthialawrence: that would be a yes; you can loop-mount the Wubi install after mounting the Windows partition it's on01:31
lawrenceI cannot get that SOB to do anything!01:31
lawrenceI have to kill it.  Linux SUCKS!01:31
macolawrence: please calm down01:32
macolawrence: your obfuscated swearing still counts as swearing here, and swearing is not permitted01:32
Cynthialawrence: sudo mkdir /mnt/windowsinstall && sudo mount /dev/DEVICENAME && sudo mkdir /mnt/wubiinstall && sudo mount -o loop /mnt/windowsinstall/PATHTOWUBIFILE01:32
Cynthiawhere DEVICENAME is the name of the device corresponding to your Windows partition. (looks like hda1, hda2, sda1, etc.)01:33
lawrenceMy apologies Maco01:33
Sam_FisherCynthia, No go. /usr/sbin/deluser: Only one or two names allowed.01:33
Cynthialawrence: And then you should be able to access the files from Wubi and copy them with 'cp' etc.01:33
lawrenceI will try that.01:34
CynthiaSam_Fisher: 'for USER in <list of names here>; do deluser $USER; done'01:34
lanzellothi'm still running 9.04 how can I get the newest gcc01:34
zushow can i configure the mouse please i like to addd the 7 button mouse functions, and my connection isnt cooperating, sorry about that....01:34
CynthiaSam_Fisher: it will look like 'for USER in www-data melanie scrooge; do...'01:35
Doyle2Issue: The user list or options bar does not display on the login screen, only the background. Any ideas would be great.  Thanks01:37
CynthiaDoyle2: Using what desktop environment, Ubuntu version?01:37
remanifestIs anyone here familiar with Sylpheed?  I'm tying to get it to use Chromium as its web browser instead of Konqueror.  Chromium is my default browser in my WM01:38
vinny_hi all01:38
vinny_is there a way to undo rm *?01:38
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phuzionHi, I'm trying to get wireless working on 10.04 on a Dell computer with a Broadcom BCM4312.  I've installed the drivers from the System>Administration>Hardware drivers applet, and it's still not showing up01:39
phuzionvinny_, restore from backup01:39
vinny_made changes in the last 5 minutes that are crutial01:39
vinny_no backup avaiable01:39
vinny_and nothing in trash01:39
Doyle2Cynthia, gnome, and I think Koala01:40
lawrenceCynthia do I type all that in as it is?01:40
lawrenceDo I need to replace anything?01:40
Cynthiavinny_, rm bypasses Trash and assumes that you know what you're doing, and is not very easily undoable01:40
lawrenceI have ubuntu 9.04 Live DVD running01:40
Cynthialawrence, you need to replace DEVICENAME and PATHTOWUBIFILE01:40
mothdragoncan anyone advise me on what software i can use to test whether writing works on my cd/dvd drive without having to burn a disc? ( I don't have any discs right now, but i want to make sure my drive works completely )01:40
woodyjlwis there a better driver for the ati R300/400/500 video chip sets that work with ubuntu 10.04 ?  or is there a web site that can help me01:40
lawrenceHow do I know what to replace it with?01:40
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vinny_Cynthia: I see... so basically my work is loss :-(01:41
Cynthialawrence, erm, I don't know really how to do that from a command line. Try mounting each of your hard drive partitions and seeing with 'df -h' if the one you mounted is the right size, doing this for each device shown by 'ls /dev/[hs]da*'01:42
lawrenceCAn you walk me through it step by step please?01:42
luke-jrhow can I get NM to automatically connect to open APs?01:42
Cynthialawrence, unfortunately my time is running short01:42
AdminXPhuzion: Plug in a network cable and pull all the updates, I did this for my wife the othe day and the same wireless nic works for her. There were 3 braodcom drivers that I updated.01:42
Doyle2Cynthia, nope, lucid01:42
phuzionAdminX, already did that.  Don't know why it's still not showing up.01:44
shawncm217What do you suggest for a handbrake alternative in ubuntu?01:45
luke-jrwhy isn't mplayer in universe? :/01:45
phuzionYesterday, I was messing around with it, and did a few commands like rmmod b43, so I think I might need to undo those somehow.  Any ideas?01:45
rwwluke-jr: because it contains legally-problematic codecs, and is thus in multiverse01:45
christophedoing a search on google01:45
christopheleasd me here: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/34156.aspx01:46
christophecheck that page for yourself01:46
AdminXphuzion: On most Dell's there is a hardware switch to turn on and off the the wireless hardware. Are you sure the switch is in the on position?01:46
rwwluke-jr: plus, based on the package description, I believe there are licensing issues01:46
phuzionYes, it's on.01:46
=== macode is now known as macode|afk
AdminXIs wireless enabled in the NetworkManager applet?01:47
AdminXphuzion:Is wireless enabled in the NetworkManager applet?01:48
tomanhello there, i have this error  when i'm trying to run a *.sh file. I'm kinda new to ubuntu and i don't understand java. Can i get some help ?01:49
tomantoman@toman-desktop:~/.blender/Sunflow$ sh sunflow.sh01:49
tomanInvalid maximum heap size: -Xmx1G01:49
tomanCould not create the Java virtual machine.01:49
phuzionAdminX, you mean where you would normally select an SSID to connect to?01:49
FloodBot3toman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:49
AdminXphuzion: yes01:49
toman Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx1G Could not create the Java virtual machine.01:49
phuzionI see Enable Networking, Enable Notifications, Edit Connections, and About01:49
tomanwhat may cause this problem and is there any way to solve it ?01:49
AdminXphuzion: Ahh, So it does not see the wireless card at all?01:50
phuzionApparently not01:50
luke-jrrww: so Ubuntu doesn't have a free mplayer?01:50
phuzionWhen I single left click on it, it says Wired Network (disconnected) and VPN Connections01:51
AdminXphuzion:Does lspci display the card?01:51
phuzionAdminX, 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)01:51
phuzionSo, yes01:51
tomanhello there, i have this error  " Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx1G Could not create the Java virtual machine." when i'm trying to run a *.sh file.01:52
tomancan someone help me ?01:52
AdminXphuzion: I am at a lost, you have to take a look at her laptop for a closer look. Sorry I could not be of more help at th monment.01:53
dlbike76Hi! Is it possible to configure Disk Manager to automatically map my hard disk partions as RO?01:53
dlbike76I'm running in Live CD mode01:53
=== sean is now known as Guest32077
AdminXphuzion: I will have to take a look at her laptop01:54
rhelmertoman: -Xmx1G works for me, which java and what version?01:54
WebDawgI need something better then k3b to burn images.01:54
detrix42Hello, I have just setup a dual monitor system, currenly configured as two separate X windows.  Is there a way to transfer a window on screen0 to screen1?  Or do I have to do a twinview?01:54
rhelmertoman: given a test.class with a main method, I can do " java -Xmx1G test" with the sun java 1.6 and it works ok01:55
tomanrhelmer, it's the first time i am using java software01:55
tomani'm a 3d designer01:55
tomanand i wanted to test a renderer01:55
dlbike76Hi is it possible to make Disk Manager mount my Hard Disk partions as read only instead of Read-Write.  I'm running from a LiveCD01:56
phuzionAdminX, I think I messed something up by doing the rmmod b43 and modprobe commands that I did yesterday01:56
tomanso .. all i know is i should run the shell file01:56
tomanbut i get this error01:56
phuzionI think I'm just going to reinstall Ubuntu, since I didn't really get anything01:56
phuzionanything set up01:56
rhelmertoman: you probably need a different version of java, what does "java -version" say?01:56
tomanjava version "1.6.0_18"01:57
tomanOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1)01:57
tomanOpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)01:57
peterklscould anyone possibly help me with my wireless broadcom on ubuntu 10.04? Tried using this guide and keep getting an error 2 message when trying to make. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139097901:58
Aemaethhow do i get pogo.com's risk to work with ubuntu?01:58
patrickhi there01:59
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bw21 my ATI HD5470 graphics card is only working in superuser mode (fglrx driver)01:59
Cuervodoes the gnu c library provide any interface to kvm?02:00
Cuervoif so, how do I access it?02:00
Guest1064how can i speed up my ubuntu boot? its 35 seconds..02:01
bkadoctajAnyone know how I could create an Openbox mouse binding that would raise and lower ALSA volume when I scroll?02:01
bw21fgl_glxinfo / glxinfo / glxgears all segfault without 'sudo' in front02:01
Asa1I have a computer that reboots if I run 10.04 32-bit, locks up if I run 10.04 64-bit but seems to run just fine with the 10.04 32-bit live CD. I also ran the memory tests on it over night from the 64-bit CD and everything passed. Does here anyone have any suggestions on how I can try to figure out whats wrong?02:02
Doyle2Anyone know what would cause the login screen to display only the background and not the user list or option bar in Lucid?02:02
bw21anyone knows how to set permissions for the fglrx driver other than the DRI section in xorg.conf?02:03
jkalex05is there anyway i can monitor ip addresses from people i chat with on pidgin02:04
bw21jkalex05: I think you could do it with a netstat command02:04
woodyjlwcan anyone help me with gallium3d?  I have ubuntu 10.04 with ati 200m. I think its the r300 chip.  is it already installed on ubuntu 10.04 or do I need to install it manually?02:04
detrix42Hello, I have just setup a dual monitor system, currenly configured as two separate X windows.  Is there a way to transfer a window on screen0 to screen1?  Or do I have to do a twinview?02:04
jkalex05bw21 doesnt that just check local network02:05
bw21jkalex05: not if you type -t as argument (-u for udp)02:05
Asa1jkalex05: it depends on what protocol you are using. If you are using XMPP/Jabber/Google Talk, then you never connect to that person so you never find their IP address. The only way I know that you would get a direct connection is to initiate a file transfer02:05
Asa1some other protocols might connect directly and expose their IP.02:06
Guest106435 second boot in ubuntu or 20 seconds in another ..02:06
bw21jkalex05: Asa1 knows better :)02:07
jkalex05im trying to install android sdk for my android phone02:07
sebsebseb!ot | Just_A_Black_Guy02:07
ubottuJust_A_Black_Guy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:07
jkalex05what do i do with the tgz file02:07
Just_A_Black_Guy21/m/cut/black/miami lookin4 18+/m/cut or uncut/south fl area02:07
Just_A_Black_Guypm me02:07
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JoitHi, anyone know a solution for to high screen resolution during the install?02:09
bw21Joit: Try to boot the livecd - there is a nice installer included02:10
LJRuffJoit, Screen resolution is too low during install?02:10
evudHello. I need to install Stump Window Manager in my Ubuntu. I did 'sudo apt-get install stumpwm' and installed stumpwm and then I created the file /usr/share/xsessions/stumpwm.desktop where I added the following text: http://pastebin.com/1mq583f4 , now I logout I choose to use Stumpwm and I login and it justs exits ... any ideas?02:11
Joitthat is my prob i got a onboard card at a hp t3000 and few live ds now, and not one works02:11
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Joitit is to high resolution and the monitor turns black02:11
Joitfew live-cd's02:12
VigoJoit: GUI install or CLI install?02:12
Joitsay it differnnt pls ?02:12
LJRuffVigo, GUI most like02:12
bosssometimes xubuntu turns off by itself02:12
Joiti got ubuntu desktop and alternate, same for kbuntu and lubuntu02:12
VigoJoit: Graphical Install or Text Based , Command Line?02:12
bosswhat is wrong02:12
Shazzam6999boss: are you on a laptop?02:12
LJRuffJoit, Graphical User Interface / Command Line Interface02:12
Joitboth anyhow02:12
bossim using desktop02:13
Shazzam6999boss: is it running hot?02:13
Joiti go trough the menu without starting an server02:13
LJRuffI see, it's a graphical user line interface. Very advanced and sophisticated.02:13
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Guest1064how can i improve my ubuntu boot time?02:13
bossno just some letters comes up and a black screen occurs02:13
Joit1 cd did dload has al time an md5 error02:13
LJRuffGuest1064, Better processor always helps.02:13
bossafter a while02:13
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VigoJoit: What bw21 said is one way, that is CLI or text based, the drivers can usually be loaded after install.02:14
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adamh_I have just downloaded the live CD, and put it on a USB drive, but gparted wont start, and when i get to the keyboard section on the install it just stops and freezes and i cant get any further on the install02:14
LJRuffJoit, your iso had a md5 error?02:14
adamh_i have already tried downloading it again02:14
Doyle2Anyone know what would cause the login screen to display only the background and not the user list or option bar in Lucid?02:14
JoitI go the normal way trough install, i think it is text based02:14
Joitso, not that it starts allready something02:14
LJRuffJoit, do you see menus?02:14
Joitit is even, when it want install the basic02:14
Joitthe first one i do cna pick my language02:15
Joitand the installer menu , but thats it02:15
LJRuffJoit, CLI is like a terminal window. There's just text - no menus, no "Ok/Cancel" buttons, etc.02:15
Joitwhen it starts to run, the monitor turns black02:15
LJRuffThen it's GUI, not CLI02:15
LJRuffJoit, you said there was a checksum error?02:15
adamh_I have just downloaded the live CD, and put it on a USB drive, but gparted wont start, and when i get to the keyboard section on the install it just stops and freezes and i cant get any further on the install02:15
Joitwell, maybe you know the Cd's from Ubuntu?02:15
LJRuff!patience | adamh_02:15
ubottuadamh_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:15
Joitthere are 2 kind02:15
VigoLJRuff: good call.02:16
LJRuffVigo, Some you win, some you lose. = /02:16
JoitLruff yes when i check the cd02:16
Joiti did burn it at different burner, and still the same file02:16
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Joiti even did complete new dload the iso02:16
doormat81I've been searching Google for information on how to sync my iPod Touch within Ubuntu (sans emulation).  Most of the results I've found are very outdated and the ones that are relevant mention only music.  Is there no way to also sync your installed apps?02:16
LJRuffJoit, then 1) Download the .iso again, 2) Check the checksum, 3) Burn a new install cd.02:17
Joitlruff i did do that allready02:17
Joitand burned it with a fresh file02:17
Gothicsegu5hello! Can someone help me to fix the grub of ubuntu 9.10? [sorry, my english isn't good]02:17
LJRuffIf you're getting a checksum error then we can't garuntee that your Ubuntu Live/Install media is working properly.02:17
NicoleHey guys, I recently installed ubuntu 10.4 on my mac pro 8 core. (amd 64 bit version) i had to use the alternative version to get it to install because of no image loading. when it was finished installing it made the boot sound but still didnt show any image02:17
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LJRuffGothicsegu5, which language?02:18
kr3w_wtf is mac pro 8 core02:18
adamh_a computer02:18
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bw21Anyone knows how to let fglrx work with a standard user? I tried assigning groups and the DRI section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf with mode "0666", but it only works as superuser.02:18
Joitwell my hope for now was, that i can pick a low resolution level at the menu where i see02:18
Gothicsegu5spanish LJRuff. But in the spanish chat nobody help me :(02:18
adamh_but he/she obviously had to mention the fact it was a mac02:18
Joitor any other keys, to change it02:18
Joitbut i think it dont works before xserver is not installed02:18
LJRuffGothicsegu5, I see. Then I will not refer you over there. =P02:19
NicoleI was not sure if it made a dif. if it was mac02:19
LJRuffJoit, all I can suggest is to burn new media.02:19
bw21programs are segfaulting ... fgl_glxinfo / glxgears etc.02:19
zagabarHi. I am on an ubuntu system. 8.10. I want to upgrade. But when I try to upgrade to 9.04 in the update manager it gets canceled because it fails to download three packages. I do have an internet connection that works. Any ideas on this?02:19
yoyonedGothicsegu5: what problem?02:19
LJRuffYou really do need to make sure you 1) Download new media and, 2) CHECK THE CHECKSUM02:19
LJRuffIf it's giving you an error then trash it and burn a new one.02:19
JoitLJRuff are you sure they work? because i read allready at the net, that others have this Problems too02:19
Vigo!md5 | Joit02:19
ubottuJoit: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:19
Gothicsegu5I can boot ubuntu. It seems to be a problem with the grub, and I can't fix it02:19
yoyonedzagabar: what are the three packages02:19
Joitthey= the Cd'S02:20
gundamrcch #robotics02:20
LJRuffJoit, I am sure the .iso's on Ubuntu are OK. All of us on 10.04 are sure of that.02:20
adamh_I have booted into the live CD, but gparted ownt start, and i cant get past the keyboard section of the install. i have already downloaded and burnt a new image, but it still does it. what od?02:20
yoyonedGothicsegu5: what happens when you try to boot?02:20
Doyle2Anyone know what would cause the login screen to display only the background and not the user list or option bar in 10.04?02:20
NicoleI can boot ubuntu and hear the boot noise but I do not see any image, no screen. no login. anyone, any ideas?02:20
doormat81I've been searching Google for information on how to sync my iPod Touch within Ubuntu (sans emulation).  Most of the results I've found are very outdated and the ones that are relevant mention only music.  Is there no way to also sync your installed apps?02:20
LJRuffNicole, black screen?02:21
Gothicsegu5Appears a text with: error: no such device: (numbers)02:21
Vigobw21: chown , or sudo ?02:21
ZalithianDoyle, did you recently install new video card drivers?02:21
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:21
xanguadoormat81: no, only music with the latest ubuntu 10.0402:21
Nicoleljruff, mac pro, yes a black screen.02:21
zagabaryoyoned: This time it was only this one: Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libc/libcaca/libcucul0_0.99.beta16-1_all.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]02:21
LJRuffNicole, hardware issue and/or bad video drivers.02:21
Doyle2Zalithian, no changes recently02:21
JoitNicole you are not alone, i am with you :p02:21
woodyjlwis there a channel where I can get help with gallium3d?02:22
Zalithianhmm. not a clue then :(.02:22
LJRuffJoit, she has a completely different issue.02:22
ZalithianI am no expert in anything linux02:22
Nicoleljruff, anyways to boot it without the hardware in a X setting? so i can install the drivers manually.02:22
Nicoleljruff, it is a brand new install02:22
Joiti am not sure about that, because as  more i look at the net, as more i find other reasons for it02:22
LJRuffYou're running corrupted install media - she's running a bad install or running with missing drivers.02:22
doormat81xangua, and even music syncing isn't possible out of the box, right?  I see no option in Rhythmbox to sync with my iPod (though it recognizes the device and plays the files just fine).02:22
bw21Vigo: what do you mean by chown02:22
JoitLJRuff actaully not a corrupted, i said one from the cd's02:23
LJRuffNicole, you'll need a senior here for that. I do not know how to start a shell without a gui. = /02:23
Doyle2Zalithian, recently downloaded zlib from zlib.net, but thats it02:23
Joitthe Cd, wich work grapihiclly have bad files on it02:23
phuzionWhat's the best whole-disk encryption solution for Linux?02:23
xanguadoormat81: i believe you need to activate the ipod plugin in rhythmbox02:23
LJRuffJoit, what's your native language?02:23
ZalithianSorry I can't really help you Doyle. I'm probably not much more experienced than you. That was the only thing I could think of. :P02:23
LJRuff!de | Joit02:23
ubottuJoit: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.02:23
Nicoleljruff, i had ubuntu installed on my asus before this and it did the same thing. i belive there was a hotkey or combination that forced the screen to load?02:24
yoyonedphuzion: encrypted LVM setup durint the installation02:24
Sinisteranyone know if someone makes a dual dual core motherboard ?02:24
Joitthey are all asleep i guess02:24
LJRuffNicole,  ctrl-alt-t is the only one I know.02:24
VigoJoit: Here are Boot Options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions02:24
sebsebsebNicole: maybe you used a bad ISO02:24
woodyjlwcan anyone even see what I am typing or am I muted?02:24
Joitthanks vigo02:24
sebsebseb!md5sum | Nicole02:24
ubottuNicole: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:24
LJRuff!hi woodyjlw02:24
Nicoleljruff, whats that combo do?02:24
bw21Vigo: With "sudo glxinfo" the direct rendering and everything works just fine02:24
LJRuff!hi | woodyjlw02:24
ubottuwoodyjlw: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:24
=== sean is now known as Guest63639
Nicolesebsebseb, i burned two copies on 1x and verified both.02:25
Joitwoodyjlw i can02:25
sebsebsebNicole: is this before or after installing a propritary graphics card driver?02:25
Doyle2OK. Since no one has any ideas for the login screen issue, does anyone know how to, or have a website that could help me connect to the internet from the terminal so I can do an apt-get install updates adn see if that helps?02:25
woodyjlwok thanks02:25
sebsebsebDoyle2: what log in screen issue?02:25
Nicolesebsebseb, this is a fresh install, I have not yet seen the login screen02:25
sebsebsebNicole: 10.04?02:25
Nicolesebsebseb, yes02:26
Doyle2sebsebseb, The user list and option bar do not display. Background is visable.02:26
sebsebsebNicole: and the ISO was fine?  and the burn to CD of the contents was slow?02:26
Vigobw21: In all sessions?02:26
yoyonedzagabar: you can try to uninstall the packages that are missing, then reinstall them after the upgrade, but do so very carefully02:26
sebsebsebDoyle2: oh right well GDM 2 sucks anyway, there are other screens :)02:26
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm
woodyjlwdo I need to register my nick?  how do I register a nick02:26
sebsebseb!register | woodyjlw02:26
ubottuwoodyjlw: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:26
ubottuwoody: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:26
Nicolesebsebseb, burn was 1x and it verified good. the graphical installation would not work so i had to use the alternative and it installed fine but i see no image at login. just hear the boot sound02:27
bw21Vigo: anywhere - amdcccle is segfaulting too02:27
Doyle2sebsebseb, Are there others installed by default? If I have to dl them I'll still have to get on the internet from terminal02:27
adamh_I have booted into the live CD, but gparted ownt start, and i cant get past the keyboard section of the install. i have already downloaded and burnt a new image, but it still does it. what do?02:27
sebsebsebNicole: oh02:27
sebsebsebNicole: ok02:27
sebsebsebNicole: if the Live CD doesn't work properly, well then the install probably won't either02:27
sebsebsebNicole: have you had a previous version of Ubuntu before?02:27
sebsebsebNicole: what kind of hardware you got? graphics card and such?02:27
yoyonedadamh_: have you tried the alternate installer02:27
=== internut is now known as lamcom
adamh_yoyoned: i have used this on the same pc before02:28
Nicolesebsebseb, on my asus, I am currently working it onto my mac pro. but last time it did this on the asus I had to use a hotkey and boot from some "x" graphical display?02:28
Vigobw21: Is Hardy, but is Debian/Linux: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html02:28
adamh_yoyoned, i deleted all partitions froma  hard disk, unplugged the rest from my motherboard, and started the install02:28
joey_I'm trying to use Ubuntu on an older computer with Nvidia graphics. The live-cd boots fine, but when installed I get a blank screen. If I disable nouveau, I get a command line. Does anybody know how to enable the nv driver?02:28
sebsebsebNicole: on the asus it works ok?02:29
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adamh_Nicole: try typing startx if you can see a commandline02:29
sebsebsebNicole: your Macbook Pro is  Intel yeah?  its got a Intel proccessr in it yeah?02:29
adamh_or xinit02:29
Nicolesebsebseb, 8 cores xeon intel02:29
Nicoleadamh_ i cant see anything02:29
sebsebsebNicole: maybe a previous version or another distro will work better for you02:29
adamh_Nicole: give gentoo a try02:30
sebsebsebadamh_: uhmm02:30
sebsebsebadamh_: don't recommend that02:30
bw21Vigo: when I compared 'strace glxinfo' in user and in superuser mode, there was a 'permission denied' on '/dev/ati/card0' though I am in the video group...02:30
Nicoleadamh_ I highly prefer ubuntu02:30
sebsebsebadamh_: except to people, who know  Desktop Linux well of course02:30
bw21Vigo: what is start-stop-daemon for this problem?02:30
sebsebsebNicole: well there are other distros out there that are about as user friendly or  more user friendly  even for at least one02:30
sebsebsebNicole: or two02:31
sebsebsebNicole: go use 9.10 then or whatever works?02:31
sebsebsebNicole: maybe simpally 10.04 isn't good for your hardware02:31
IdleOne /cs op02:31
zagabaryoyoned: Yay, it worked thanks. The package was libculu0.02:31
Vigobw21: Is a Gnome thing or Hardware?02:31
Nicolesebsebseb, last time this happened i simply went into an "X graphical display" and it viewed my login and let me get onto the desktop to install my graphics drivers. (on the asus 2 years ago) I forgot how to do this now02:31
sebsebsebNicole: well theres recovery mode now02:32
sebsebsebNicole: you can go into that from Grub02:32
bw21Vigo: probably a hardware/driver thing, but it works just fine with 'sudo' (fps 7000)02:32
pnunnNicole: try <ctl-alt> F1 this will give you a test login, login there and then setup your x02:32
sebsebsebNicole: you can run commands, and if you have installed the driver and issues, you can fix  xorg like this even and such02:32
Nicolepnunn, at the login screen i can enter that?02:33
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pnunnsorry... text login.. not test.02:33
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JoitVigo it works so far !02:33
Nicolesebsebseb, other user friendly options are? suse and what else?02:33
sebsebsebNicole: anyway I want to be watching a film soon, and not sitting here, so good luck :)02:33
sebsebsebNicole: Mandriva02:33
pnunnNicole: You can do it any time. It will give you anoter login page, just login as normal, but its text only.02:33
Joitnow i can see the 'try-out screen02:34
adamx_How do you remove the password prompt when coming back from suspend?02:34
Nicolepnunn, that may work. I will try it.02:34
joey_question: I'm trying to use Ubuntu on an older computer with Nvidia graphics. The live-cd boots fine, but when installed I get a blank screen. If I disable nouveau, I get a command line. Does anybody know how to enable the nv driver?02:34
sebsebsebNicole: well theres Mint, which I don't like much,  and you can't get support for it here, its based on Ubuntu, so yeah I don't normally recommend Mint02:34
Nicolesebsebseb, theres another one...02:34
VigoJoit: Sweet, please post any fixes to the Forums, Thank you.02:34
coz_joey_,   when you get that command line  does it say    initramfs..02:34
JoitVigo you gave me the link its your fault :P and i dont have an account there02:35
sebsebsebNicole: if your thinking Fedora well maybe for you,  thats more for intermediate users really,  just like PC Linux OS would be really I guess.  http://www.distrowatch.com02:35
VigoJoit: Join US! We make playing with PCs fun again.02:35
yudun1989anybody knows how to install Sopcast in ubuntu 10.04?02:35
Nicolesebsebseb, thank you.02:35
joey_coz: it gives me the full login, I can login with my username and password, it just is all cli02:36
coz_ joey_   ok  when you get there  after logging in...type.... restart  gdm02:36
woodyjlwhow do I know if the registration of my nick worked?02:36
=== chaz is now known as Guest41106
Dr_Willis!info sopcast02:36
ubottuPackage sopcast does not exist in lucid02:36
coz_joey_,   see if  it starts the desktop interface02:36
sebsebsebNicole: Good luck :)02:36
yudun1989ubottu: ...oh what a pity02:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:36
Nicolesebsebseb, thank you :]02:37
Joitwell Vigo , right now i got enough headache to even install it, i dont know, what will happen after that .. :)02:37
yudun1989ubottu:  even tar.gz can not be installed?02:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:37
adamx_I think I found the answer in gconf-editor02:37
wa5pbI am trying to get XCompose settings to work on Lucid.  Worked on earlier versions. Any pointers?02:37
joey_coz: when I try gdm or xinit, it gives me some sort of error about a dbus socket, I'll be right back with the full exact error...02:37
Vigobw21: For hardware: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/hdparm.8.html , but read the warnings and always make a backup before hacking the kernel like that.02:38
VigoJoit: You will have fun and be free to learn,play or learn to play. or something.02:38
starwatcherhi all, question, how do you get dolphin to work as root?02:38
wa5pbI have installed uim-xim, but that did not get XCompose going02:39
diwantIs this the right place to ask for help on fixing an Ubuntu install?02:39
yudun1989any good software to watch free p2p tv in ubuntu 10.04?02:39
coz_starwatcher,   sudo dolphin02:39
Vigo!p2p | yudun198902:39
ubottuyudun1989: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information02:39
=== aether is now known as Guest28118
yudun1989Vigo: ?02:40
xanguastarwatcher: in gnome you use kgsu, in kde i don't remember02:40
diwantI used fsck -yv to 'fix' a ext4 partition that had 10.04 on it.  Now when I boot, many key files seem to be missing, like my python binaries (/usr/lib/python points to python2.6 which is missing)02:40
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:40
coz_starwatcher,  or   in terminal   sudo passwd root   choose a root password  then   type     su   then root password  and just type    dolphin  but  sudo dolphin should suffice02:40
Vigoyudun1989: That is what our bot says ,02:40
diwantI can't run apt-get because of the missing python files02:40
xanguacoz_: not a good idea use sudo with a graphic app02:41
yudun1989Vigo: ok thanx02:41
wa5pbdiwant, ouch02:41
Vigoyudun1989: Just click the links that ubottu stated.02:41
starwatchercoz_ that complains with errors about "owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0" that brings up dolphin but i can't modify files in root.02:41
xanguakdesudo with kde starwatcher02:41
coz_xangua,  old haibts die hard :)02:41
yudun1989Vigo: yep.the bot is cool02:41
prodigalson有没有说中文的 人?02:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:42
Nitsuga!jp | prodigalson02:42
ubottuprodigalson: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:42
IdleOne!cn | prodigalson02:42
ubottuprodigalson: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:42
Nitsuga!cn | prodigalson02:42
woodyjlwcan I get help with gallium3d02:42
diwantwa5pb, :(02:42
wa5pbI am trying to get XCompose settings to work on Lucid. Worked on earlier versions. Any pointers?02:42
bw21Vigo: that is only for libata and such, I need to set the permission of my graphics card - maybe through an Xorg helper program02:42
coz_starwatcher,  mm I have no issues here on kde     not sure of the correct way then02:42
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
blendmaster1024how do i set ubu up to use NTP?02:42
Geoff918Can anybody answer the following question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515069&highlight=postgreSQL02:43
Vigobw21: I think I saw that once on the Forums, been a while, let me look again....02:43
IdleOneblendmaster1024: install ntp02:43
blendmaster1024IdleOne, that it?02:44
blendmaster1024it magic?02:44
wa5pbdiwant: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:44
adamx_For those interested, setting desktop->gnome->lockdown->disable_lock_screen to true fixes the problem.02:44
IdleOneblendmaster1024: yeah I think so02:44
blendmaster1024IdleOne, i thought it shipped with it02:44
yudun1989prodigalson: 怎么了02:44
adamx_That's in gconf-editor, by the way02:44
janiceblendmaster1024: its set up by default02:44
Vigoadamx_: Thank you.02:44
blendmaster1024janice, no it's not02:44
blendmaster1024janice, i can say that much for sure02:44
IdleOneblendmaster1024: apt-cache policy ntp if it is installed then it is default02:44
blendmaster1024installed none02:45
joey_coz: when I do "sudo gdm" it says "warning: could not connect to system bus: failed to connect to socket "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket02:45
IdleOneblendmaster1024: install it02:45
wa5pbanyone know how to get xim as default input methon in Lucid?02:45
* blendmaster1024 does02:45
starwatcherxanqua that worked thanks02:45
adamx_Vigo, np02:45
NitsugaGeoff918, sudo -u postgres psql execs "psql" as the user "postgres"02:45
janiceblendmaster1024: your system will use Ubuntu's NTP server at ntp.ubuntu.com by default02:46
blendmaster1024ok i'll wanna change that to the US govm't NTP server02:46
Geoff918Nitsuga: Yes, that's true. And, Postgres does not have read/write privileges on /home/*user* but what do I do about it?02:46
blendmaster1024anyone know what it is?02:46
=== chaz_ is now known as Guest76519
joey_coz: and when I do "sudo xinit" it takes me to a terminal in x, but no window manager or DE02:47
NitsugaGeoff918, you are not using the root account, but a "postgres" one, to exec psql. Try adding the -i flag, si it will run in postgres home folder02:47
wa5pbanyone know anything about setting up xim as the default input method?02:48
=== shade_ is now known as \shade\
Geoff918Nitsuga: Okay, so basically sudo -u postgres psql -i dbname and that will run under .postgres or I'm not aware of a /home/postgres user...I'll give it a go02:49
coz_joey_,  and restart gdm didnt work... did you check the cd  for errors before installing?  and tell me how old of a system is this?  how much system memory   what type number of nvidia card02:49
coz_joey_,   for the nvidia card  you can type in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga02:50
joey_coz: it's an old g4 ppc, 768 ram, geforce 2 I think. but the livecd boots fine and runs gnome just fine if I do nouveau.blacklist=true at the command line02:50
hoverbear1Dawww, ubuntu alternative can't figure out my net. :S02:50
NitsugaGeoff918, use sudo -ui postgres psql and it will run in whatever postgres home folder is (I beleive that it is located in /var, you can check with sudo grep postgres /etc/passwd )02:50
joey_coz: like I said, I think that enabling nv would do it, I just don't know how to. 9.04 and 9.10 worked fine...02:50
janiceblendmaster1024: wel you could alwats use this one    time-a.nist.gov02:50
coz_joey_,  ah ok...mmm   no nv  in lucid I am afraid just nouveau02:51
blendmaster1024janice, ok. how do i set it?02:51
coz_joey_,  unfortunately actually02:51
NitsugaGeoff918, mm it is bad, sudo sudo -i -u postgres psql , in that order02:51
coz_joey_,   I would try a couple things... first inset the live cd and choose the check disk for errors02:51
Geoff918Nitsuga: That last one did the trick! :)02:51
Geoff918I'll post that to the forums and mark [SOLVED]02:52
NitsugaGeoff918, great :)02:52
coz_joey_,  if that presents no issues  I would download and try the alternate cd  or the minimal cd install02:52
Geoff918Nitsuga: Thanks so much. That was so frustrating! I'm not bad with these things, but you just blew me out of the water.02:52
janiceblendmaster1024: heres where I work from http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch24_:_The_NTP_Server02:52
bkadoctajWould someone please take a look at the Desktop context section of my rc.xml for Openbox? http://pastebin.com/ZBsXxtYn  I can't get the mouse binding to work with the VolumeNotify.sh script at the bottom.  :(02:53
joey_coz_: lspci gave Nvidia NV11 Gefore2 MX400, I think02:53
coz_joey_,   mmm  that is a pretty old card02:53
joey_coz: I'll try the error check02:53
NitsugaGeoff918, no problem, have a nice day :)02:53
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: Does it work if you toss it in quotes?02:53
bkadoctajHmm, haven't tried that, hoverbear1.02:53
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: "/home/jason/.scripts/VolumeNotify.sh up"02:53
coz_joey_,   if that error check shows nothing  try the minimal install cd  to see if that works or the alternate cd02:53
bkadoctajhoverbear1: nope.  :(02:54
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: is the script +x?02:54
bkadoctajhoverbear1: I have checked it out in the terminal, and yep, it's executable and fully functional.02:55
joey_coz: k thx...02:55
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: Interesting.02:55
Dmstrdjhaving issues with flash on a inspriron 1526, is there any known problems with flash on 10.402:55
bkadoctajlol Yeah, I was thinking it was just me...02:55
bkadoctajhoverbear1: I've also tried it with C and A instead of W.  No luck.02:56
noobim trying to install this package called florence i downloaded it from sourceforge to my downloads folder but when i enter the command tar -xjvf florence-0.4.7.tar.bz2  it says tar: florence-0.4.7.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory02:56
coz_noob,  let me try to find that package02:56
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: Does it work if you substitute the command for like, firefox or whatever?02:56
noobthanks coz02:57
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: I'02:57
janicenoob: is that a 32pkg on a 64bit machine?02:57
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: I'm curious if it's the command, or the keybind.02:57
nooboh i dnt think so im pretty sure i installed 32 bit02:57
bkadoctajhoverbear1: aha, no that mousebind doesn't work either.02:57
noobhow do i check again if im 64 or 32?02:57
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: Then it's the mousebind not the exec :)02:58
coz_noob,   when you downloaded this... where did you download it to?02:58
janicenoob: so u dont know?02:58
Nitsuganoob,  you have to change to you DOwnloads folder, use: cd Downloads02:58
Dmstrdjso does anyone know of flash player issues in the 10.402:58
coz_noob,  look in the home directory under "Downloads"02:58
bkadoctajhoverbear1: well, how is my syntax any different from the default command to move to the previous desktop?02:58
noobi guess my anme implies that i dont kno +P but im pretty sure its 32 bit is there any way i can check?02:58
coz_noob,  you can cut and paste that directly in the home folder or on the Desktop if youa re more comfortable with that02:59
noobyes theres where it is coz all i have to do is copy it to the home folder?02:59
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: I have no idea. :S I don't use openbox.02:59
bkadoctajhoverbear1: ah, okay.  :)  Well, thanks for helping.  I guess there's something about the Execute action...02:59
coz_noob,  yes  if you are confortable compiling from the home directory02:59
hoverbear1bkadoctaj: It's entirely plausible.03:00
coz_noob,  it is going to requjire libglade-2.0   it may be on lucid it is not on karmic however03:00
noobywat are some reasons to be uncomfortable about compiling from the home ir?03:00
Nitsuganoob, you can copy it to your home or use cd Downloads   and it will work. You can check if you ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit with uname -m  x86 = 32bit x86_64 = 64bit03:00
noobi have 10.0403:01
=== macode|afk is now known as macode
hoverbear1I'm curious why ubuntu compiles with 386 instead of 68603:01
coz_noob,  sorry it is  on karmic as well but you will need to install libglade2-dev pacakge ro compile this03:01
noobit says i686 i guess i have 32 bit03:01
Nitsugahoverbear1, I don't really know, but it will be over on Maverick, which will be i686 only.03:02
hoverbear1686 is 32 bit.03:02
Nitsuganoob, yep, 32 bit03:02
hoverbear1Ah thank you Nitsuga03:02
coz_noob,  also libnotify   developement package03:02
noobcoz i get those from SPM?03:02
coz_noob,  actually several other development packages as well03:03
con-manwhats that thing you edit that tells it to load on boot? the ubuntu equiv or a boot.ini?03:04
con-manmy firefox loads faster than eth103:05
con-manso I get page cannot be displayed03:05
noobwhat i tried to compile without getting those dev packages and this is what it told me configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.23 or later.03:05
con-manplus I wanna add a few startup items03:05
noobwell does anyone know of any way to view a virtual keyboard layout while typing?03:06
noobwell does anyone know of any way to view a virtual keyboard layout while typing?03:06
coz_noob,   nice virtual keyboard :)03:06
nooblol coz i dnt follow03:06
coz_noob,  I assume florence is a virtual keyboard application??03:07
noobit has failed me03:07
noobor rather i have failed at installing it03:07
coz_noob,   what is the terminal readou after doing   ./configure ?03:07
noobshould i type that in and i can tell u?03:07
coz_noob,   well hold on///  go to system /administration/synaptic pacakge manager03:08
coz_noob,   then hit the search button and type in  libatspi-dev03:08
noobwhat i tried to compile without getting those dev packages and this is what it told me configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.23 or later.03:09
coz_noob,  set that for installation   then hit search again and type  libnotify-dev  and set that for installation  then03:09
noobim searchinfg for it now coz03:09
noobonce spm loads03:09
coz_noob,  ooo03:09
coz_noob,  you will also need  libglade2-dev03:09
=== patrick is now known as Guest30892
coz_noob,  and if this is lucid  the intltool should be up to date   although I am on karmic and Florence installed here03:10
noobk my laptops really slow still loading spm03:10
noobea its def lucid03:11
coz_noob,  check in synaptic for the intltool version03:12
chilli0How can I change my background over ssh.03:14
AndroUserprobably stupid question, does clamscan actually fix the viruses?03:15
AndroUseror just find them?03:15
h3Xis there an xorg.conf somewhere in the livecd?03:15
h3Xi have a strange problem; x works fine on the livecd, but not when installed to disk.03:17
yoyonedchilli0: are you using gnome03:17
EDinNYHow do I get removable drives to automount?03:18
yoyonedchilli0: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-244297.html03:19
chilli0yoyoned, Yeah sorry.03:19
EDinNYin KDE my thumb drive automounted.  does not in gnome.  How do I fix this?03:20
coz_ok be back a bit later03:21
HunnerHi. How can I start ntpdate by default? there is no /etc/init.d/ntp* and `start ntpdate` and others doesn't respond03:22
devdz_i'm using xchat to connect to IRC how I connect directly from shell plz ?03:22
UruokiCan someone help me with an internet issue.03:22
UruokiI had ethernet working last night fine, and now today I can't get it at all. However it works on my xbox.03:23
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fearfulis there anyway you can restart your Synaptics touchpad mouse on ubuntu 10.0403:23
fearfulit won't move03:23
yoyonedHunner: ntpdate is not a service.  I think you are looking for ntpd03:24
Sasquatch7Is there a limit to how many times you can try the sudo password?03:24
fearfulis there anyway you can restart your Synaptics touchpad mouse on ubuntu 10.04 it got stuck and won't move03:24
Uruokisasquatch7 : Yes there is.03:24
LogicalDashI'm trying to play some games on GGZ. It looks like the main server has been taken offline, possibly for good. Anyone know of another server that has some people on it? Or some replacement for GGZ?03:24
Sasquatch7Uruoki: Do you know what the limit is?03:24
yoyonedfearful: try logging out03:25
WebDawgwhy wont the matrix dvd play in ubuntu03:25
chilli0yoyoned, If i changed the background from this file: ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/background/%gconf.xml   , how can I update the background? Do i need to restart gnome?03:25
yoyonedchilli0: don't know03:25
Sasquatch7chilli0: Try source filename03:25
UruokiSasquatch7 : Not sure, but if I remember there is one. It may of been removed in 10.04 though.03:25
Sasquatch7Uruoki: Ok thanks.03:26
yoyonedfearful: you probably have to restart x03:26
chilli0Sasquatch7, I have changed the file name. But it doesn't change the background.03:26
yudi1how do  i get the systems hostname?03:26
chilli0Should I restart gnome03:26
UruokiI had ethernet working last night fine, and now today I can't get it at all. However it works on my xbox. Anyone know a solution?03:26
seidosWebDawg, dude, I think I saw someone else had this problem.  IIRC they had to empty a folder or something.03:26
fearfulyoyoned, that usually works, I was just wondering if there was an alternative where I don't have to restart x?03:26
Sasquatch7chilli0: try going to terminal in the dir of that file and type 'source filename'03:26
chilli0Sasquatch7, .... I have changed the file name and done that..... But It doesn't update the background03:27
seidosWebDawg, maybe this link will help your search for a solution03:27
janicedevdz:use irssi dude03:27
seidosWebDawg,  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-ubuntu-linux-playback-dvd/03:27
Sasquatch7chilli0: Not sure then.03:27
yoyonedfearful: I don't know if synaptics is a kernal module, but if it is, you could try removing it, then modprobe it03:27
UruokiMan I hope I can get this ethernet problem solve. It sucks having no internet.03:27
luke-jrHow do I get Ubuntu to automatically connect to any open access point it finds?03:27
seidosluke-jr, ubuntu connect to an open access point for me automatically.  I just had to connect to it once.03:28
Sasquatch7I have used the sudo command in a terminal and now I no longer need to input my password to run root things. How to I get back out of root?03:29
Sasquatch7do I*03:29
sunshine_guest_xrigt you re |res.|.it03:29
UruokiAnyone good with ethernet connection issues>03:30
Sasquatch7How do you get out of root?03:30
UruokiIt will kick you out within time.03:30
EDinNYUruoki: what is your issue?03:30
UruokiEDinNY : I had ethernet working last night fine, but today it doesn't. However the cable works, because I had it working on my xbox.03:31
HermanDE_Sasquatch7, exit03:31
EDinNYdo you have some server that assigns ip address?03:31
luke-jrseidos: automatically meaning without manually connecting to it even once03:31
UruokiIt is a home computer.03:31
UruokiSo no.03:31
EDinNYwhat is?03:32
UruokiIt is Ubuntu on a laptop03:32
fearfulyoyoned, na Synaptics is just the brand of the Touchpad is there away to restart it03:32
EDinNYso, do you have a dsl router?03:32
EDinNYor cable router?03:32
EDinNYit usually has a dhcp server which lends out ip addresses03:32
EDinNYcan you open a terminal on your desktop?03:32
Sasquatch7HermanDE_: Doesn't seem to kick me. I can still access a file without using a password.03:32
UruokiYea, give me a second to walk to the computer.03:33
UruokiOK it is open.03:33
EDinNYtype "ifconfig" and you will see all the ip addresses assigned to interfaces03:33
UruokiIt is the local host.03:34
EDinNYthat is all you see?03:34
R0b0t1Hello, I'm on an iMac. Ubuntu did not offer to install the closed-source accelerated driver, how may I install it?03:34
R0b0t1Graphics driver, I mean.03:34
UruokiWell not all, but there is some stuff about packets and stuff.03:34
kurtisHey guys. I keep having this weird problem where I'm unable to use any mouse clicks on my laptop randomly. I've tried both with the built in mouse buttons and an external mouse. Any ideas?03:34
EDinNYrats.  I know how to do this from a command line, but not using the gui things03:34
UruokiI have time, I can try it. Haha.03:35
HermanDE_Sasquatch7, The default timeout is 15 minutes....03:35
R0b0t1kurtis: I forget exactly, but are you typing when this happens? There's a feature which disables the mouse while typing.03:35
EDinNYtry sudo /etc/init.d/network restart03:35
R0b0t1kurtis: Was pretty goddamned annoying, but sounds like you might have it turned on. (it's on by default)03:35
HermanDE_Sasquatch7, During the fifteen minute window if you sudo something again, the timer will reset....03:35
kurtisR0b0t1: Sometimes it appears to work that way but I have it turned off in the menu03:35
Sasquatch7HermanDE_: Ok thanks, is it possible to time it out sooner with a command?03:35
kurtisR0b0t1: Like right now I can use the mouse and type. Web Browsers seem to trigger it a lot03:36
UruokiEDinNY command not found.03:36
R0b0t1kurtis: Hmmm... Keep asking then, I don't keep up with a lot of the bugs ;)03:36
codebrainzUruoki, 'networking'03:36
EDinNYwhich command?03:36
kurtisR0b0t1: lol that's cool. thanks for the suggestion though :)03:36
HermanDE_Sasquatch7, do a sudo -k03:36
kurtisHas anyone else experienced the random inability to perform mouse clicks before? The cursor moves just fine. It doesn't seem to make a difference between built-in trackpad or external mouse03:37
UruokiEDinNY "Sudo: /etc/init.d/network: not found"03:37
Sasquatch7HermanDE_: Thanks just what I was looking for!03:37
codebrainzUruoki, EDinNY /etc/init.d/networking restart03:37
EDinNYno colon after sudo and it is not caps03:37
UruokiEdinNy, there wasn't a colon, that was the output message of the command not being found.03:38
EDinNYls /etc/init.d/network <-you should see the file03:38
codebrainzUruoki, EDinNY mean to say 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'03:38
HermanDE_Uruoki, SYSV init is depreciated in Ubuntu03:39
fearfulyoyoned, ok I tried restarting nothing happened still stuck. Then I restarted system and I can use mouse until it loads my Desktop when its loaded I can't use it anymore03:39
UruokiNo such file.03:39
NitsugaUruoki, linux is case-sensitive. It is sudo, not Sudo03:39
EDinNYI am using 9.  they changed it in 10?03:39
UruokiI'm not typing it with caplize.03:39
EDinNYright.  no caps03:39
UruokiEverything is lower case.03:40
codebrainzEDinNY, it's still there (at least on a 9.10 -> 10.04 u/g)03:40
RajI'm trying to install Ubuntu on to my laptop. I pressed "install Ubuntu on my hard drive". White text shows up and my computer screen just disappears. I'm guessing my .iso is faulty - is there something like sha1sum so I can check the iso's integrity?03:40
Uruoki"ls /etc/init.d/network" Correct?03:40
codebrainzUruoki, for the 20th time, /etc/init.d/networking restart03:40
EDinNYright.  networking03:41
UruokiOk it is reconfiguring.03:41
UruokiSorry, it has been a long day.03:41
ZalithianIt's always nice to see people on here who aren't arrogant dbags.03:41
UruokiReconfiguring network interfaces [OK]03:42
codebrainzRaj, there's a check CD option when you boot from the install CD iirc03:43
UruokiEDinNY, I did the networking restart.03:43
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UruokiReconfiguring network interfaces [OK]03:44
RajThanks codebrainz03:44
UruokiThat is it.03:44
Rajbut I'm booting from a usb, there's no option03:44
EDinNYurucki, odd.  should happen automatically when you boot linux03:44
ma9006hello there03:45
UruokiEDinNY : I am thinking it is my modem, because I have wireless working on my Vista Laptop, wireless on PSP, and Ethernet working on my Xbox 360.03:45
ma9006Does anybody know where are the "Keyboard Shortcuts" settings saved? I'd like to backup them03:45
UruokiEDinNY : However I tried 3 different ethernet ports, and cords. Can't seem to get ethernet working on any computer.03:46
seidoshow can I use the mv command in bash to move all files who's filenames are less than 7 chars?03:46
noobmy ubuntu is rubbing really slow and freezes up frequently how can i make it go faster03:47
luke-jrnoob: switch to Kubuntu and turn off desktop effects03:47
thune3seidos: mv ? ; mv ?? ; mv ??? and so on03:47
noobhow do i switch to kubuntu and how do i turn off deskop effects03:48
seidosthune3, I'll try03:48
luke-jraptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop ; reboot03:48
luke-jrthen go into System Settings under Desktop03:48
noobwill that change my entire gui?03:48
ma9006nah, don't move to kubuntu03:48
luke-jrin theory you can leave both installed to try it03:48
ma9006just turn off the desktop effects in Ubuntu03:49
bastid_raZorluke-jr: removing ubuntu-desktop will not get rid gnome03:49
luke-jrbastid_raZor: I know, a shame03:49
ma9006also try to reinstall it03:49
bastid_raZorluke-jr: no, you're suggesting the incorrect command03:49
codebrainznoob, and it won't necessarily be faster (likely slower)03:49
noobhow do i turn off desktop effects in ubuntu03:49
seidosthune3, thank you, worked great03:49
thune3seidos: np03:49
bastid_raZornoob: System > Preference > Appearance > Visual > None03:50
ma9006noob: I always turn the effects off, and Ubuntu goes super fast03:50
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seidoshow do you put a break or a pause when doing an ls command?03:51
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LukeLls /dir | more03:51
bastid_raZorseidos: ls | less03:51
seidosbastid_raZor, thank you03:52
bastid_raZorseidos: glad to help.03:52
myrkhow does someone add his software to an ubuntu repository?03:52
noobwow this is a bit faster03:52
seidosquestion about the ls man page, under author, is that only for the man page or for the coders of the ls command?03:52
R0b0t1Hello. I try to install the "Broadcom STA wireless driver", but it errors out and tells me to look at the log file, which is here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228291/03:53
R0b0t1Any help?03:53
RajI have Ubuntu mounted onto a flash drive. After I click "Install on hard drive", white text shows up (detected CPU, RAM, etc) and the screen just goes black.03:53
RajWhat should I do?03:53
noobany other tweaks to make ubuntu faster? my system slows down when im opening SPM or other applications03:53
IdleOne!dev | myrk03:53
ubottumyrk: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment03:53
CuervoI created a network by clicking Create New Wireless Network under the wireless Icon on the panel, but I can't figure out how to delete it, even if I delete it from the edit connections panel, it comes back03:54
andresjHello, I was wondering whether Ubuntu-provided 64-bit `ld' can "cross-compile" to i386, and how.03:54
noobwow i didnt know this was teh most popular time of day to ask questions03:54
codebrainzandresj, -melf_i386 maybe?  not 100%03:55
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seidosnoob, what kinds of things are running slowly for you?03:55
RajDoes anyone have any suggestions? >>" I have Ubuntu mounted onto a flash drive. After I click "Install on hard drive", white text shows up (detected CPU, RAM, etc) and the screen just goes black."03:55
codebrainzRaj, did you make a bootable USB installer?03:55
noobwhen I run SPM and ubuntu software amanger03:55
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noobalso google chrome starts up fast but with three or four tabs it slows down things start going black n white03:56
andresjcodebrainz: wow, that was fast. worked great, thanks!03:56
codebrainzandresj, np03:56
seidosnoob, cpu and memory?03:56
UruokiIs there a way I can reset my ethernet card to the factory settings?03:56
R0b0t1Hello. I try to install the "Broadcom STA wireless driver", but it errors out and tells me to look at the log file, which is here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228291/03:56
nooblol well thats the embarassing part03:56
RajYes, codebrainz.03:56
codebrainzUruoki, have you played around in the network manager using the icon in the panel?03:57
UruokiYea, eth0 doesn't even show up.03:57
noobamd 3200+03:57
noobi think 512 mb ram mayb 1gb?03:57
codebrainzUruoki, does it show up if you do 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' ?03:57
seidosnoob, try typing top in a shell03:58
Taevdoes ubuntu server 10.04 install X as a default?03:58
noobwhat do u mean seidos?03:58
noobtype top in the terminal?03:58
seidosnoob, maybe identify how much free memory you have and what is using cpu cycles03:58
seidosnoob, yes shell/terminal I think it means the same thing03:58
Uruokicodebrainz : auto lo   iface lo inet loopback.03:58
seidosnoob, shell is easier to type than terminal :)03:58
codebrainzRaj, so you are booting from the USB stick?  which method did you use to make the boot usb stick?03:58
nooboo lol03:59
* seidos is trying to be lazy like a fox03:59
noobwell i got 175 processes sleeping03:59
noobi dont want them to sleep i want them to die03:59
nooband 1 running03:59
R0b0t1noob: When in "top" hit k and then type the pid.03:59
codebrainzUruoki, you could try '/etc/init.d/network-manager restart' .. not sure if it'll fix it03:59
noobit says not valid rob03:59
RajYes. I mounted the iso with Universal USB Installer04:00
Taevdoes Ubuntu 10.04 Server install X automatically?04:00
Rajonto my flash drive, codebrainz04:00
seidos!tab | noob04:00
ubottunoob: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:00
xanguaTaev: no04:00
Uruokicodebrainz, Told me to use the service utility.04:00
Taevhow do I install it?04:00
noobtab doesnt work for me seidos04:00
Taevapt-get install x?04:00
nooboh hey04:00
xanguaTaev: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for gnome04:00
noobits working now04:00
FloodBot3noob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:00
Uruokicodebrainz, there is some more text too, but that is what it is mainly saying.04:00
codebrainzRaj, how did you go about putting the ISO on there?  did you just copy the ISO over to the flash drive?04:00
R0b0t1Hello. I try to install the "Broadcom STA wireless driver", but it errors out and tells me to look at the log file, which is here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228291/04:01
codebrainzUruoki, and it still doesn't work?04:01
noobsry floodbot im such a noob i shud kno better04:01
seidosnoob, in top, look at the column for  %cpu04:01
Uruokicodebrainz, Nope.04:01
Traveleri need help trying to get my video card to work with my TV04:01
Taevah crap, all this to get RAID 004:01
noobseidos, it says 34.4%04:01
UruokiWish my wireless card was supported.04:01
seidoshmmm that isn't too bad04:02
noobmem total 508260k mem used 502504k04:02
Rajcodebrainz, I used the Universal USB Installer to mount it onto the flash drive. After I was done, there were about 7 folders on there with various files.04:02
Taevso thats it? apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for gnome ?04:02
RajAgain, the Ubuntu splash screen with the different options comes up, but after I press anything (boot from usb, install onto hard drive, etc), it just turns black after a few lines of code.04:02
codebrainzRaj, when it goes black, is the light on the flash drive blinking?  it boots SUPER slow04:03
R0b0t1Hello. I try to install the "Broadcom STA wireless driver", but it errors out and tells me to look at the log file, which is here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228291/04:03
noobthis community is great i love you guys04:03
seidosnoob, hmmm, sounds like you could use some extra memory.  now look at %mem.04:03
noobseidos, i dont see that04:03
codebrainzRaj, for example it takes around 10 minutes for the livecd to boot on my computer.04:03
RajCodebrainz, yes, it is blinking. But by super slow do you mean >30 minutes? It's a new laptop (i5) and the flash drive is good too.04:04
Dmstrdjcodebrainz the usb will be faster at boot04:04
codebrainzRaj, i seriously doubt 30 min.   What's the "code" that shows on the screen?04:04
Gryllidacodebrainz, what are your specs so that you boot that slow?04:04
codebrainzGryllida, core2 duo, 4gb, sata04:05
Gryllidacodebrainz: phew, that's weird04:05
Gryllidacodebrainz: system, addministration, log viewer04:06
codebrainzGryllida, just the live cd, ubuntu itself loads in about 20 seconds maybe04:06
huangshuixingwhat topic are you talking?04:06
Gryllidacodebrainz: check for what's wrong04:06
Gryllidacodebrainz: oh, ok04:06
Uruokicodebrainz, I do remember I updated some stuff last night using the Update Manager, think that could of mess it up?04:06
codebrainzGryllida, why?  it runs fine.  it just takes forever to decompress the sqfs image from cd on here04:06
blendmaster1024anyone recommend a particular XMPP client?04:06
noobany other suggesstions on how to speed up ubuntu with only 512mb ram? besides just upgrading the ram04:07
Gryllidathese two anyways04:07
blendmaster1024Empathy. how do i connect it to a random XMPP server?04:07
codebrainzUruoki, it's entirely possible04:07
Gryllida_maybe_ it's /server servernamehere, never tried though04:07
bastid_raZornoob: use xubuntu instead of ubuntu.. it does a bit better with low ram04:07
Rajcodebrainz, its just stuff like "registered cpu, ram, usb drive". Also my flash drive doesn't light up any more.04:07
Uruokicodebrainz, Anyway I can check what was updated and revert it back?04:07
blendmaster1024i opened it, it doesn't mention raw XMPP, just particular services, not including google talk04:07
luke-jrHow do I get Ubuntu to automatically connect to any open access point it finds?04:08
codebrainzUruoki, i believe so, ask the channel, I'm not 100% how04:08
blendmaster1024wait, i just missed it04:08
noobo man i just got used to ubuntu does xubuntu have a different gui?04:08
Taevso will I be able to install all the stuff I need to have the gnome desktop I had with Ubuntu 10.04 with Ubuntu 10.04 Server?04:08
ma9006Does anybody know where are the "Keyboard Shortcuts" settings saved? I'd like to backup them so I don't have to set them up again when I reinstall my system04:08
Taevthis is a hell of a lot of B.S. to get a damned RAID 0 partition04:08
UruokiAnyone know how to check what files was last updated, and if it is possible to revert those changes?04:08
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blendmaster1024hrm. i thought XMPP could do audio and video chat?04:08
codebrainzRaj, is there an option for "safe graphics mode" or something in the boot menu?04:08
luke-jrblendmaster1024: it can. maybe not your program04:09
gaurdhithhola si ahi mujeres bella aqui en cordoba04:09
blendmaster1024maybe pigeon can04:09
JackStonernoob, xubuntu uses xfce, its not much of a difference in UI if you've used gnome for a while04:09
codebrainzUruoki, if the kernel was upgraded, you should see the old one in the grub menu when you boot, try selecting the older version and see what happens04:09
Travelermy Tv is conected via DVI to HDMI but my TV says unsuported RES how do  change it04:09
seidosnoob, yes xubuntu has a different gui04:10
gaurdhith06270643062a0628 0627063306450643 0641064a 062706440645064306270646 062706440645062e06350635 0627062f064606270647 062b0645 0625062e062a0631 0625062d062f0649 06270644063a06310641 0627064406350648062a064a062904:10
Uruokicodebrainz, it wasn't the kernel. I wish it was though.04:10
noobwill it be a noticeabley faster experience with xubuntu or just a little? i dread reinstalling OSes04:10
Rajcodebrainz, there isn't.04:10
seidosnoob, you don't have to reinstall ubuntu.  IIRC you can just type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:11
JackStonernoob, it will certainly be faster if you are using an old machine04:11
seidosJackStoner, noob has an athlon 3400+ and 500MB of ram04:11
noobahem 3200+04:11
bastid_raZornoob:  you don't need to reinstall, just install xubuntu-desktop and if you like it you can get rid of gnome/ubuntu.. read !purexfce04:11
JackStonerseidos, then it will be faster :P04:11
noobtop of the line back in its day =P04:11
wise_cryptnoob: try apt-get install fluxbox04:12
codebrainzRaj, I'm pretty sure it's in there somehow, try the F keys, F6 maybe, and you can remove the graphics stuff from the kernel options (I don't want to boot a livecd to find it)04:12
seidosmy mistake, 3200+04:12
wise_cryptnoob: try * sudo apt-get install fluxbox04:12
noobseidos. no worries i was just making a joke04:12
noobwise, wat is fluxbox? sounds dangerous04:12
codebrainzRaj, i think it's F4 key04:12
wise_cryptno it some kind like xfce04:12
noobit will make my system go faster you say?04:13
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox04:13
JackStoner!xubuntu | noob04:13
ubottunoob: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:13
wise_cryptwwant a screen dump how its look ?04:13
JackStoner!xfce | noob04:14
noobill try this magical fluxbox thingy im still a little scared of xubuntu maybe because i dont know how to pronounce it04:14
JackStonernoob, i recommend xubuntu04:15
Travelersomeone help me please04:15
JackStonerfluxbox looks like this http://fluxbox.org/screenshots/04:15
JackStoner!ask | Traveler04:15
ubottuTraveler: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:15
noobjack, is it a quick install?04:15
Traveleri have asked the question like 4 time but people ignore me04:15
JackStonernoob, for xubuntu??04:16
noobyes jack04:16
JackStonerTraveler, whats the question??04:16
JackStonernoob, pretty much....just type in aptitude install xubuntu-desktop04:16
JackStonerwait for the install to finish04:16
JackStonerlog out, select xfce session, login04:17
Traveleri cant get my TV to work on ubuntu04:17
Traveleri get a message on my TV talking about Screen res04:17
JackStonerTraveler, what do u mean by 'work'??04:17
codebrainzTraveler, have you tried configuring under System->PRefs->Monitors?04:17
noobjack, i took the plunge, before ubuntu booted right into my desktop will it now go to a login page04:17
JackStonernoob, it should...but you dont need to reboot after install04:18
Valkyriehttp://shelleytherepublican.com/2007/08/18/ubuntu-%E2%80%93-why-it-is-wrong-for-america.aspx <-- WOW04:18
Traveleri installed using my monitor because the install gave me the message once installed now it does the same thing04:18
ValkyrieThat's ridiculous04:18
JackStonernoob, just logout, select a different session, login04:18
noobrepublicans hate ubuntu too? wow04:18
noobjack, okay i'll give it a shot thanks for the advice04:19
JackStonernoob, yw, if you run into any problem, ask away :)04:19
Optimus55Hey i know some wifi drivers which are causing me problems and I can unload them manually with modprobe -r. how do i blacklist these drivers from being loaded on startup?04:19
ValkyrieOptimus55, well. In arch it'd be /etc/rc.conf/ But, via Ubuntu I have no clue04:20
ValkyrieCheck your boot conf o O04:20
Optimus55Valkyrie, my boot conf?04:20
Travelerjack see my last message04:20
* Valkyrie Facedesks04:20
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codebrainzOptimus55, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*04:20
ValkyrieThat works.04:21
Taevman the B.M.V. is fucked up04:21
noobvalkyrie how do you facedesk like that04:21
ValkyrieI said boot conf, because I have my kernel to load modules as it boots04:21
ValkyrieIt saves boot-time04:21
JackStonerTraveler, what did u install and what message?? sorry was afk04:21
Valkyrienoob, like this?04:21
* Valkyrie Waves04:21
Optimus55Valkyrie, ahhh okay thanks04:22
Taevmy grandpa went to get license plates for the car today. They charged him a $22 late fee for not getting the plates on the 17th when the temporary tags expired, if he had done that he would have had to pay $50 for the plates on the 17th, and then buy the new tag today for $5004:22
Optimus55codebrainz, Thanks man, checking that now04:22
Taevbecause his birthday is 6/2004:22
Taevits fucking retarded04:22
Taevwrong channel04:22
Taevsorry guys04:22
codebrainzhahaha, i was gonna say04:22
edbianI use evolution to view my gmail account via pop3.  How can I get evolution to synchronize the messages on the gmail server?04:23
TravelerJack: my Tv says that the screen res is not suported  when instaling the os so i used my monitor and now when i use my tv pluged into DVI it says same message again04:23
Merlin_look up the native res of your screen04:23
Taevso when this apt-get install ubuntu-desktop finishes, Ill be able to login and be under a GUI?04:23
JackStonerTraveler, have u tried changing you monitor settings??04:23
JackStonerTraveler, System > Preferences > Monitors04:23
Traveleryeah  monitor only suports  1024x768 but when i run dual i can change the res of my TV but the TV still says that the res is not supported04:24
Travelerhad the TV working at 1080p when i ran windows04:25
JackStonerTraveler, give me some time to look for the solution04:25
Travelerok cool i have been trying to figure it out for over 3 days04:25
Optimus55codebrainz, Thanks gona restart and try04:25
r0zzHi somebody can help me? I need to remove the lyrics of a song, There is a program in linux?04:26
p_resr0zz; you could try Audacity.04:26
r0zzit couldnt04:27
codebrainzr0zz, you want to remove the vocal track and leave everything else?04:27
p_resThere may be something in Ubuntu-Studio.04:27
Merlin_its hit or miss with vocal stripping04:27
codebrainzr0zz, that's gonna be a tough one.  there's probably a way to filter it out somewhat, I'm not sure what program can do that though.04:28
=== Ryu is now known as Guest40453
Rajcodebrainz, I pressed F6 and some other buttons while the code was ruinning (after I pressed install). It showed "Ubuntu" in the regular code font and 4 circles that looked pretty Web 2.0-esque for a few seconds. Then it just turned black and my USB flash drive light stopped blinking.04:29
Merlin_is there a way to give a user mounting formatting permissions to a loopback floppy04:29
p_resJump on the Ubuntu Studio irc and hit up one of the audiophiles there.04:29
myrkhi again :P im trying to upload a key to ubuntu's keyserver and it says: "keyserver timed out" all the times i try to upload it D:04:29
MMKahoAnybody have any experience with Ralink RT3070 drivers on Ubuntu 10.04 Luci ?04:29
codebrainzRaj, did you press F4 and select Safe Graphics Mode before starting the install (from the boot menu)?04:29
RajI'll try that. thanks04:30
MMKaholucid :(04:30
r0zzi tried with audacity but the song is not ok04:30
JoeBytegetting the error "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal" i am trying to do a while read loop on a driector and open the file one at a time with vi any ideas04:30
p_resr0zz; go to #ubuntu-studio04:30
r0zzok thanks :D04:30
matakswhere can i add and remove programs in ubuntu?04:30
myrkhelp plz im kinda in a hurry :(04:30
p_resmyrk; real support takes time.04:31
Merlin_mataks synaptic04:31
myrktake ur time XD04:31
codebrainzMerlin_, allow a user to format a /dev/loop device?04:31
JoeBytehere is the command: "ls |while read sfile;do eval "vi "$sfile;done"04:31
p_resmyrk; what's the problem?04:31
myrkim trying to upload a key to ubuntu's keyserver and it says: "keyserver timed out" all the times i try to upload it D:04:31
rwwmyrk: the keyserver's been down most of the day04:32
Guest40453This is a support channel correct?04:32
Merlin_i need to make an image the size of a floppy, mount it and format it, to a specific format.04:32
myrkrww why?04:32
codebrainzMerlin_, no partition table?04:32
=== bastidrazor is now known as bastid_raZor
myrkwhen willl the keyserver come back up?04:33
Merlin_probably not04:33
mataksMerlin_, synaptic has a lot of applications that are not even installed.. is there like in windows features the add/remove programs, i want to see only the installed apps only04:33
rwwmyrk: no idea, I'm not a Canonical sysadmin. It happens on occasion.04:33
codebrainzMerlin_, you should be able to run mkfs straight on the image file without mounting it04:33
MMKahoAnybody have any experience with Ralink RT3070 drivers on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid ?04:33
Merlin_you can sort synaptic by install packages04:33
prince_jammysJoeByte: vi *04:33
bastid_raZorrww: you can be my sysadmin04:34
Merlin_great, good to know, but i still need to ba able to mount it04:34
JoeByteprince_jammys: thanks but this will open all file at once, i want to open them one at a time.04:34
jungleberrykidHow do I setup a PAN network connection to my bluetooth phone in ubuntu 10.04 LTS?04:34
prince_jammysJoeByte: for file in *; do vi "$file"; done04:34
JoeByteis there a way i can format the string so vi will accept it04:34
loewimataks: in synaptics, Status/Installed shows all your installed software04:35
codebrainzMerlin_, just went through this same issue.  for security reasons you can mount as user, basically end of story (without hacking stuff to make it work)04:35
JoeByteprince_jammys:  your the man :-D thank a lot for the help :-D04:35
prince_jammysJoeByte: welcome04:35
jungleberrykidCan anybody help me?04:35
codebrainzMerlin_, ie you could add your user with nopasswd to sudoers file for mount command04:36
mataksloewi, thanks.. now i know04:36
Travelerjack: any luck04:36
=== etrask is now known as Amtrask
Merlin_i want this in a make file, and i dont want sudo in it if i dont have to04:37
Guest40453Just installed ubuntu 10.04 and any video i play is all glitchy and choppy. Any advice?04:37
JoeByteprince_jammys: it works fine but its a little confusing, "for file in *" is cycling through the current dir, but how does it know that i want * files in a dir04:37
Taevhow do I set GDM to start automatically ?04:37
codebrainzMerlin_, i basically came to the conclusion that it's not feasible (i was making some build scripts as well). ymmv04:37
prince_jammysJoeByte: that's what * does: expands to all non-dotfiles in the present dir.04:37
JoeByteprince_jammys: how does it know i am even asking for files04:37
MMKahoAnybody have any experience with Ralink RT3070 drivers on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid ?04:37
myrkwhat is the difference between the prerm file and the postinst file in .deb packages?04:38
prince_jammysJoeByte: it doesn't04:38
cesar_CR_hello all trayin to install ubuntu 10, the cdrom do not but I am getting this error BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s!04:38
Rajcodebrainz, didn't work. I'm just going to try and redownload the .iso.04:38
bastid_raZorTaev: System > Administration > Login04:38
JoeByteprince_jammys: so it does, thanks i just tryed * on its on in the terminal. thats two thing i hear learnt . NICE WORK!:-S04:38
cesar_CR_anybody have had this error during install ?04:39
Merlin_This is the busiest channel I have ever seen.04:39
codebrainzcesar_CR_, what type of CPU?04:39
codebrainzcesar_CR_, 32bit?04:40
JoeBytethanks people, be back soon, need to log onto my windows box :-( wish me luck haha04:40
cesar_CR_ no sorry 6404:40
cesar_CR_codebrainz, AMD6404:40
myrkwhat is the difference between the prerm file and the postinst file in .deb packages?04:40
codebrainzmyrk, prerm happens before the uninstall, postinst happens after the install04:41
myrkcodebrainz so if nothing is uninstalled, then the prerm isnt used?04:42
codebrainzmyrk, prerm is only run right before uninstalling the package04:43
cesar_CR_codebrainz, I have to use the amd64 version ?04:43
myrkok thanks04:43
codebrainzcesar_CR_, no, it's a kernel bug I think04:43
cesar_CR_codebrainz, ufff well I'll start googling04:44
codebrainzcesar_CR_, "After spending a good portion of the day pulling my hair out, I figured out that the USB controller in Dell PowerEdges is really flaky and had caused similar problems before. Disabling the USB controller from BIOS made my problem go away."04:44
MMKahoAnybody have any experience with Ralink RT3070 drivers on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid by any chance? ?04:44
codebrainzcesar_CR_, found from googling :)04:44
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codebrainzMMKaho, what's the issue?04:45
cesar_CR_codebrainz, I'll tray that ! thanks04:45
MMKahoTrying to get the drivers to install04:45
Travelercan someone link me to an older ver of ubuntu live CD04:45
MMKahobeen trying for almost a week :(04:45
SpyderBitekeyserver.ubuntu.com down? Haven't been able o grab a key for a repository all night.. :(04:46
codebrainzTraveler, http://releases.ubuntu.com/04:46
codebrainzMMKaho, what's your specific issue though?04:47
codebrainzSpyderBite, someone was just talking about this a few minutes ago04:47
MMKahohold on let me reproduce it04:47
SpyderBitecool.. I'll just scroll up.. thanks, codebrainz :)04:47
codebrainzSpyderBite, rww> myrk: the keyserver's been down most of the day04:48
* SpyderBite nods04:48
SpyderBitegood to know04:48
SpyderBiteExcellent excuse to go to bed at a semi-decent hour for once instead of staring at my terminal window.. ;)04:49
=== charlie is now known as Guest65697
somethingintereshi all, I have mencoder and mplayer installed in Lucid from Synaptic I am wondering what I need to do to add AAC support.. thanks04:50
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codebrainzsomethinginteres, i think it's called faad or faac04:55
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enavjoin /##c04:56
enavjoin /##C04:56
rwwenav: /join ##c04:56
MMKahook codebrainz it says insmod: error inserting 'rt3070sta.ko': -1 Operation not permitted04:56
MMKahoafter i do /sbin/insmod rt2870sta.ko04:56
codebrainzMMKaho, did you run as root/sudo?04:56
MMKahostill unknown symbol in module04:57
somethinginterescodebrainz: Yes, thanks I am reading that faac support was taken out of Lucid due to GPL conflicts FAAD seems to be a different kettle of fish that doesn't violate GPL but my problem is how do I go about adding the ability to encode using FAAD2 into mencoder?04:57
codebrainzMMKaho, how did you compile the module?04:57
MMKahosudo make04:58
MMKahothen sudo make install04:58
KyoHello! I need a hand here, with Urban terror (FPS)04:58
Kyosomeone know the game?04:58
codebrainzMMKaho, don't run make as sudo (not your problem, just a recommendation)04:58
SlidingHornkyo -- try finding a channel for the game itself...this is for ubuntu support only04:58
codebrainzMMKaho, and there were no errors during compilation?04:58
user__hello world04:59
MMKahowarnings but no errors04:59
Kyook :D04:59
somethinginterescodebrainz: ah, I think FAAD2 is only a decoder I'll just have to use faac but I am not sure how to get mplayer or mencoder to regonise it. Would I need to uninstall mplayer etc and re-install from source or can I add it in without a re-install?04:59
MMKahoa bunch of warning: the frame size of 1588 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes04:59
MMKahotype errors04:59
Mahjongghello, what is the user's home directory path to the application link in the "Applications Menu"?04:59
MMKahothough the frame size changes in each warning04:59
codebrainzMMKaho, i'm certainly no expert, it sounds like maybe you compiled against the wrong kernel headers or something (total guess)05:00
rwwKyo: try #urbanterror on quakenet, the webchat for that server is http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=Urbanterror05:00
codebrainzsomethinginteres, you could try "Binary Codec Packages" on http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html05:02
FloodBot3qtforever123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
MMKahook another question05:03
MMKahosay i wanted o use The wireless Network drivers program05:03
MMKahounder administration05:03
MMKahowhere would i find the inf file?05:03
bluefox83i noticed that some of the backgrounds that come with ubuntu automatically change, like the one of the space images...is there a way to make those yourself?05:03
MMKahoer Windows wireless drivers program05:03
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:04
codebrainzMMKaho, from the windows driver installer/download05:06
MMKahowell the driver/installer only has a exe05:06
MMKahono inf files or anything05:06
MMKahois all that it has for windows05:07
codebrainzMMKaho, you could try 7zip or UniExtract to get the good stuff out05:07
codebrainzMMKaho, UniExtract hasn't failed me yet05:07
codebrainzMMKaho, err, *on windows* that is :)05:08
jookHey folks. Anyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt.05:09
sylvarI'm on 10.04 and have done sudo apt-get install openvpn. I'm still not seeing OpenVPN in the list of VPN types when I try to add a VPN -- just PPTP, and I think OpenVPN is not PPTP.  What else do I need to do in order to import my OpenVPN config?05:11
brickyif I enable NSF sharing will it detect  mac hadware? like external hard drivers...05:12
codebrainzsylvar, i think openvpn package is the server, no?05:13
sylvaroh, maybe05:13
codebrainzbricky, NSF?05:14
bastid_raZorcodebrainz: you can use apt-cache show packagename to get a description of the package05:14
brickyalso is there a  app  for gnome that searches email messages on the fly?? :)05:15
codebrainzbastid_raZor, i know, but i think it's "search", no?05:15
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bastid_raZorcodebrainz: show gives a more indepth description.. search gives any package with 'foo' in it..05:16
Matr|xhow doi install modules calld logging in python05:17
Matr|xits missing on my pc05:17
Guest79119Hello ALL!  I have been running a Ubuntu server here at my home for months everything work great. But know for some reason it will not let me login from the local terminal. It just recycles right to the prompt again. The strange thing is that I can login ssh fine. anyone have any  clue!@05:17
Matr|xhow doi install modules calld logging in python05:17
brickycodebrainz: yes its the mythbuster control center service , it says it providese 'file sharing' for both05:18
bluefox83Guest79119: tried restarting the machine?05:18
codebrainzbricky, you mean NFS?05:18
bluefox83sometimes mine gets stuck lik ethat05:18
Matr|xhow do install modules calld logging in python05:18
bluefox83*like that05:18
bluefox83hrm >.>05:18
Guest79119Yea the websites are running fine. Just can't login local05:18
brickycodebrainz: yes ;[05:18
Matr|xhow do install modules calld logging in python05:19
bluefox83Guest79119: did you somehow disable local login?05:19
codebrainzMatr|x, i think it's built-in05:19
bluefox83Matr|x: try #python they would know05:19
Guest79119I don't know how I did do a update on some packages but it was working fine05:19
jookAnyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt.05:19
soreauSo I right clicked on the stupid evolution icon and clicked remove. Good news is it removed the damn evolution mail icon. Bad news is it took the volume applet with it and I cannot get it back. If I try re-adding a notification area applet to the panel, it is just empty with nothing in it. wtf?05:19
kurtisHey guys, I'm still having this problem with my mouse buttons randomly quit working. I am 90% sure its a software problem though as it happens randomly and it doesn't matter if I'm using my trackpad buttons or an external mouse. Common triggers seem to be opening applications like web browsers. Any suggestions?05:20
codebrainzsoreau, i think it's part of this "indicator applet"05:20
bluefox83soreau: just add another volume control to it >.>05:20
bastid_raZorsoreau: that is the 'indicator applet'  not the notification05:20
MACscrgrr, anyone else having issues with watching a flash video in one window, then a stupid flash banner opens in another firefox tab and it blanks out the video?05:21
verb3k_soreau, the "same" applet I don't know, but you could run "gnome-volume-control-applet" to get it back05:21
soreauChrist, why is there notification area AND indicator applet? I just want evolution to die already05:21
Matr|xrequired to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:05:21
Matr|x   No module named logging05:21
bastid_raZorsoreau: heh, you're welcome05:21
soreaubastid_raZor: I want this evolution to burn05:22
soreauwith fire05:22
codebrainzMatr|x, you need python, then you'll have the logging module05:22
soreauand never come back05:22
Matr|xi have python05:22
=== Guest79119 is now known as djtech
soreauHow do I get rid of this evolution icon in the 'indicator applet' area05:22
Matr|xtell me how i do install this modules05:22
verb3k_soreau, I think you should go convince the ubuntu developers to replace evolution with gimp :)05:22
soreauverb3k_: I think you're an idiot05:23
soreaubut that's just my opinion05:23
codebrainzMatr|x, it comes WITH python, it's built-in, since version 2.305:23
* bastid_raZor laughs05:23
Matr|xi know05:23
bluefox83they should replace it with thunderbird >.>05:23
Matr|xi lost it yestrday when i was playing with my gf05:23
Matr|xi wack up i didnt found it05:23
Matr|xthey neded now05:23
verb3k_soreau, you don't get it, but whatever...05:23
soreauno. I want nothing to do with mail icons on my panel. How do I get rid of the evolution icon in the 'indicator applet' area?05:23
bastid_raZorverb3k_: i don't get it either.05:23
artemHello peaple :D Here eat it Russian?05:23
verb3k_bastid_raZor, I don't care05:24
codebrainzMatr|x, why would you remove python's logging module?05:24
* bluefox83 thinks artem must have had a stroke to think this is a russian food channel >.>05:24
ubottuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.05:24
sylvarcodebrainz: fyi, I needed network-manager-openvpn and that did it... except my netbook's screen is so damn small I can't see the bottom of the window where I'm configuring OpenVPN, so I have no idea where the OK or Save button is. Any thoughts? Can I make a virtual desktop that would scroll down?05:24
djtechI just did a web search and could not find anything about turning off login local05:24
codebrainzMatr|x, anyway, sudo apt-get install --reinstall python should do the trick05:24
sivikI installed xserver-xorg and the nvidia drives but the glxgears app isn't installed05:24
Matr|xif u dont know bro05:25
codebrainzsylvar, small screen?05:25
Matr|xdont say that again to any one05:25
Matr|xrenstall all python for only one modules05:25
sylvarcodebrainz: Yep, 10-inch netbook screen.05:25
kurtisIn my Xorg.conf there is no mouse listed. In my logs it seems to load it (w/ some association to using udev) as a Macintosh compatible mouse or something weird like that. Where would the logs be if my mouse driver is throwing errors?05:25
codebrainzsylvar, press Alt and click/drag the window to move it around05:25
orangeyhello all!05:25
qwiksilver711well hello05:25
orangeyAny ideas how I can install the latest alsa drivers?05:25
djtechThis is so strange05:26
sivikwhat app needs to be installed for glxgears05:26
prince_jammyssivik: install mesa-utils05:26
orangeyI tried it from a PPA, but it doesn't look like it05:26
codebrainzMatr|x, seriously doubt reinstalling python will hurt anything05:26
Matr|xno im afreid05:26
codebrainzMatr|x, absolutely positive, i just did it05:26
orangeyMatr|x: DO IT05:26
=== helf_ is now known as helf|laptop
Matr|xi wont hurt my system:$05:26
* orangey slaps Matr|x05:26
orangeyGET IT TOGETHER!05:26
blackrocki'm trying to capture video with kino through ieee1394 firewire from canon minidv camcorder05:27
blackrockbut getting "raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394"05:27
sylvarawesome, codebrainz, thanks.05:27
qwiksilver711guys i'm using an m11x alienware netbook, and just installed ubuntu the wubi way, and have no sound at all05:27
blackrockthere's no /dev/raw1394 though05:27
Bobb6my kid messed up the desktop, I don't see the Applications/System/etc bar anymore, and open apps don't appear in the taskbar either. Is there a way to reset the UI to default?05:27
Matr|xtell me05:27
orangeyqwiksilver711: it's not gonna end well05:27
qwiksilver711normally small issues would not bother me, but i tend to like sound05:27
Matr|xi remember05:27
codebrainzblackrock, is it /dev/video maybe or video0 ?05:27
bastid_raZorsoreau: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9165116&postcount=2  this may help.05:27
Matr|xthen >>05:27
orangeyBobb6: possibly. it's just easier to add back that stuff05:28
Matr|xi write some thing here its fix it05:28
Matr|xbut i dont rmember05:28
FloodBot3Matr|x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
djtechOk going to do some more searching, I have found several people that posted the same issues with the login prompt just looping, But all of them had installed a printer and that caused the issue. So going to have to do some searching.05:28
blackrockin lspci i can see the firewire, but it isn't recognized in kino source05:28
sivikprince_jammys, thanks.  whats a good frame rate?  anything over 1k right?05:28
orangeyBobb6: for the window list, it's the "window list"05:28
codebrainzMatr|x, sudo easy_install logging ?05:28
Zalithianlol what.05:28
qwiksilver711i found some drivers that are supposed to work, but i'm a complete noob, and dont understand the readme05:28
orangeyBobb6: right click in the grey and add the app05:28
prince_jammyssivik: i don't know. i don't think the rates in glxgears mean much.05:28
=== SuP|Lobby is now known as MePHiSTo1
sivikso how do you test to see if your 3d is actually working?  whats a good app for that?05:29
Bobb6orange: ok, gotcha. Thanks.05:29
=== MePHiSTo1 is now known as SuP|Lobby
prince_jammyssivik: it is working. you may also do a '' glxinfo|grep direct ''05:29
prince_jammysand glxinfo | grep render05:29
sivikalright, that works05:30
Matr|xlocate logging.py05:30
FloodBot3Matr|x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
soreaubastid_raZor: Thank you. It died a quick death.05:30
codebrainzblackrock, do you have a /dev/video device?05:30
orangeyMatr|x: stop05:30
bastid_raZorsoreau: :)05:30
blackrockcodebrainz, no05:31
qwiksilver711i posted a post in the forums with the readme in it, if i pasted the link here would someone mind helping me get my sound to work?05:31
codebrainzMatr|x, I've told you two perfectly functional ways to fix your problem.05:31
codebrainzqwiksilver711, you're sure it's not just muted?05:31
codebrainzblackrock, no /dev/video0 or 1 or anything?05:32
qwiksilver711yes, well if i check the sound up in the top right its not muted, and the laptop has two headphone jacks and a set of speakers, and one of the headphone jacks works, but nothing else does05:32
blackrocknope, no /dev/video*05:32
Matr|xits not help brother its says no modules called logging05:32
jookAnyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt.05:32
Matr|xpaste pain05:32
JackStonerTraveler, did u get the issue fixed??05:32
codebrainzqwiksilver711, right click volume icon, go to sound preferences and look around for everything not being muted05:32
JackStonerTraveler, try xrandr to see the supported resolutions05:33
qwiksilver711nothing is muted codebrainz05:33
Matr|xbro plz look paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/453213/05:33
=== SuP|Lobby is now known as Sup|Away
codebrainzMatr|x, why are you still asking about this?  I told you TWO perfectly working ways to fix it.  did you try either?05:34
prince_jammysyum ??05:34
qwiksilver711I read up on this particular issue with this m11x, and it seems that an install of some realtec drivers fixes it, but i'm too stupid to understand the readme05:34
Matr|xi try05:34
Matr|xsystem ask me for this modules05:34
Matr|xi try05:35
prince_jammysMatr|x: what is your OS ?05:35
Matr|xinstall python05:35
blackrockcodebrainz, i'm trying a solution, will restart the machine, brb05:35
Matr|xred hat:O05:35
prince_jammysMatr|x: so why the heck are you asking here>05:35
Matr|xmy pc is ubuntu i feel very helpfull here05:35
Taevwhat does the PAE mean on my linux kernel?05:35
Matr|xand i connect to my work they have redhat05:35
prince_jammysyou don't install things with 'yum' in ubuntu05:35
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:36
JackStoner!PAE | Taev05:36
ubottuTaev: please see above05:36
Taevhmmm, I wonder why it installed that kernel then05:36
Taevsince I only have 2gb05:36
Matr|xtaev may be ur pc stond or whtever05:37
qwiksilver711http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9494123#post9494123     this post shows the readme05:38
codebrainzqwiksilver711, what part(s) don't you understand?05:39
qwiksilver711anything after step 1, and i know that makes me seem pretty stupid, i feel pretty stupid05:40
codebrainzqwiksilver711, not really, it's not an extremely simple thing or anything05:40
sivikTaev, how did you go about installing the new kernel?05:41
Taevi installed Ubuntu 10.04 server05:41
qwiksilver711oh, thank goodness, because I tried for two days messing with it before i broke down to ask for help05:41
Taevbecause desktop for some damn reason doesn'05:41
codebrainzqwiksilver711, what makes you think that driver will work as opposed to what's shipped with ubuntu?05:41
easter_eggSomeone is having problem with http://wiki.ubuntu.com?05:41
Taevt support creating software RAID05:41
easter_eggI'm getting Unable to forward this request at this time.05:41
easter_eggat all the pages05:41
sivikTaev, force the install of the generic05:41
qwiksilver711some posts that i read about this particular laptop05:41
Jordan_Ujook: What version of Ubuntu?05:42
qwiksilver711it seems to be a known issue with this particular machine when you install the wubi way... which i am regretting doing05:42
codebrainzqwiksilver711, PM me if you want, i can try to explain05:42
CrazyHyenaanyone know how to list network upnp ports that are currently enabled?05:43
CrazyHyenawindows was able to do this, i'm wondering if linux can to it too05:43
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jookAnyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt, and I don't have a clue what to do with that.05:45
blackrockmy camera is not recognized, dvgrab says "Error: no camera exists"05:47
CrazyHyenablackrock, did you set the /dev/raw1394 permissions to read and write for all users?05:48
CrazyHyenablackrock, sudo a+rw /dev/raw1394 should enable the permission05:48
CrazyHyenasudo chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394, sorry blackrock05:48
blackrockbut apparently the /dev/raw1394 is only created when the cam is recognized05:49
blackrockCould it be the incompatibility of my camera?05:51
shro0mswhere can i find the screenshot after pressing print screen?05:51
CrazyHyenablackrock, how new is your camera?05:51
shro0msah nvm05:51
blackrockmaybe 5, it's a canon mv700e05:52
blackrock*5 years old05:53
dongfengweixiaodo you know how to build a gnome theme?05:54
dongfengweixiaodo you know how to build a gnome theme?05:56
BiGViCanyone experience this bug?05:56
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BiGViCevery other boot I can't mount I can't shutdown I can't "unlock"...05:58
blackrockI have /dev/dv1394, but no /dev/raw139405:58
blackrockcan't I just use the first one?05:58
gantrixxI'm very confused on how to configure my usb microphone as my input device.  I'm using pavucontrol.  Does anyone have any experience with this?06:04
jookAnyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt, and I don't have a clue what to do with that.06:04
dlbike76How do I move data from the persistent filesystem created by the LiveUSB system to my new hard drive partition?06:06
MMKahoi got the driver loaded but it dosent show up in iwconfig or lshw -c network06:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:07
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chelzany official word on what's going on with the wiki?06:08
Matr|xnot seen for 10 days06:08
dlbike76Does anyone know how to mount the casper r/w filesystem?06:09
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chelzdlbike76: look into making a persistent usb thumbdrive06:10
chelzshould be stuff about messing with casper in there06:10
jookAnyone know about Wubi? I'm having some trouble with the second reboot. It just goes to a grub command prompt, and I don't have a clue what to do with that.06:11
chelzjook: what does grub say?06:12
dlbike76Thankss chelz.06:12
jookchelz: nothing. It's jsut a prompt. Grub>06:12
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:12
jookchelz: There's a little message about getting command help by pressing tab, and then just a prompt.06:13
ennuican multi finger gestures on a touchpad be bound to actions (window switcher) using keybinding by things like compiz06:14
ejwaxxIs there a command line equivalent to Synaptic's option to "choose best mirror" for updates?06:14
MMKahoOK i just loaded the drivers for my USB lan adpater but its not showing in anything as being there06:14
chelzjook: have you been using it for a while or is this just after an install?06:15
chelzejwaxx: apt-spy06:16
chelzennui: you could make gestures act as key presses and have those key presses set to do stuff in compiz, you could make them really long so you wouldn't accidentally press them, stuff like ctrl+alt+shift+a+b06:17
ennuichel2: ahh I see. now I need to find some application that allows the recording of gestures and the assigning of their alias I guess06:18
jook11chelz: Apologies. I disconnected. My father decided to pull the network cable for some reason. Did you say anything after asking what the prompt said?06:18
chelzennui: i don't know if compiz supports mouse gestures, tha would be something to google for06:19
chelzjook: have you been using it for a while or is this just after an install?06:19
chelzjook11: have you been using it for a while or is this just after an install?06:19
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jookchelz: This was the first time I've tried installing.06:19
chelzjook: do you have more than one harddrive?06:20
jookchelz: Yes, I'm installing on the second partition of the first drive.06:21
MiccI have two kernel modules of the same name in different places. I want to delete one. I already did, but modprobe now still tries to load it from that same place and just gives me an error that the file doesn't exist.06:21
MiccHow do I make linux look for the new kernel module?06:21
MiccI tried insmod on the new file and rmmod and modprobe -r. nothing works. its still looking for the wrong file.06:22
chelzMicc: that stuff is in /etc/modprobe.d06:23
Vantraxthat poor wiki... it is nice and dead06:23
chelzjook: Try copying wubildr.mbr and wubildr to every partition you have.06:23
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MiccI tried to grep in /etc/modprobe.d but theres no mention of it.06:24
chelzjook: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lupin/+bug/477169/comments/21006:25
chelzMicc: what module is it and where did you get the one you're trying to replace with?06:25
MiccI'm trying to replace it with one from oslec06:26
jookchelz: Happened again, sorry. Did you say anything else?06:26
MiccI suppose I could copy the new file over the old one.06:26
chelzjook: Try copying wubildr.mbr and wubildr to every partition you have.06:26
chelzjook: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lupin/+bug/477169/comments/21006:26
Jordan_Ujook: What version of Ubuntu are you using?06:27
jookchelz: will do06:27
chelzjook: read that link plz06:27
jookJordan_U: 10.04 Desktop 32bit06:27
chelzMicc: yeah you should probably do that, but make your package manager is aware of it. checkinstall can do that06:27
Micchow do I do that?06:27
chelzMicc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall06:27
chelzbit tricky but good to have your package manager aware of the proper versions of what you have installed. for upgrading and general maintenance06:28
jookchelz: do I maintain the file structure, or drop them on the root of each drive?06:28
Jordan_Uchelz: I don't think that bug applies, it should be fixed in 10.0406:30
jookchelz: Do I use the wubildr from that link, or the one in my install directory? what about the .mbr? And do I put them i nthe root of each drive?06:30
icerooti am loading a kernel-modul with modprobe and the modul is loaded in my session but lost at reboot. how to always load that modul? with editing /boot/grub/menu.lst or is there another way?06:30
qq0800how to remove logout/login in irc06:31
chelzjook: your own06:31
chelzjook: but it in the same place it is now in that one drive you already have it on06:31
DeathspawnMy title bars and border crashed, anyone know the command to restart them?06:32
jookchelz: so, recreate the folders?06:32
chelzJordan_U: yeah i'm not sure, this is a test06:32
uLinuxhow can I extract an incomplete .rar?06:32
codebrainziceroot, i think you can add it to /etc/modules file06:32
icerootcodebrainz: ah thx, i will have a look06:32
canthus13Deathspawn: kill gnome-panel.  if that doesn't work, reboot.06:32
chelzjook: i think so. if that doesn't work try putting it without folders, but after trying with folders06:33
icerootcodebrainz: nothing like that on lucid06:33
jookchelz :I'm just gonna take the shotgun approach. I'll make a set on the root and in folders.06:33
chelzjook: but you won't know what fixed it then :/06:33
codebrainziceroot, i'm pretty sure there is06:33
wildbatmy desktop don't have the option to suspend the pc ~ how should i enable/debug it ?06:33
jookchelz: I suppose not, but this was supposed to be easy. I don't care what fixes it.. ;) Unless you want me to really go step by step so I can report back and improve general knowledge of the situation.06:34
icerootcodebrainz: ah soorry, thought its a dir, so tab with cd was showing nothing06:34
codebrainziceroot, yeah, just append the name of your module to that file06:34
icerootcodebrainz: thanks, that is what i was looking for06:35
chelzjook: please do :)06:35
jookchelz: I'll do it part at a time. If it doesnt work i nthe root directory, it's only one extra reboot to try again. I will report back soon.06:35
codebrainziceroot, np06:36
Deathspawnrebooted, same thing.06:39
oasaDoes any one here know a freeware tool equivalent to Pano2VR ?06:42
TohshAnyone know why I'm getting a "gpg: keyserver timed out" when trying to add the deluge-ppa?06:43
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canthus13Deathspawn: Strange.06:43
mataksanyone knows 5 steps how application programs transfer in and out of RAM?06:43
codebrainzTohsh, i think that key server is down right now06:43
Tohshthanks codebrainz06:44
codebrainzmataks, school assignment?06:44
canthus13Deathspawn: What happens if you try to execute gnome-panel from a terminal?06:44
matakscodebrainz, ahmm.. yeah06:44
jookchelz: It didn't work either way. Still jsut went to the command prompt.06:45
codebrainzmataks, look under "MEmory and Resource Management" here: http://wiki.osdev.org/Main_Page06:45
Guest561651I have an Ubuntu install on another computer, and I've just installed Ubuntu on this computer. Is it possible to list all of the packages I've ever explicitly installed via apt-get and redirect it to a file, and then open that file on this computer and install those packages?06:45
codebrainzmataks, that's more of a os-side verion though06:45
chelzjook: any idea what it says before it goes to the prompt?06:45
matakscodebrainz, thanks i'll take a look06:45
jookchelz: Just some stuff about how tab will help me with commands06:46
chelzGuest561651: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136606:46
Guest561651chelz, thank you much06:47
MMKahoOk i got the drivers to compile but the adpater is not showing in the wireless list06:47
acceshello :)06:48
canthus13Deathspawn: This is a fedora bug tracker, but it might help your situation... https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=48416006:48
MMKahoi only see lo eth0 and vboxnet006:48
oasaDoes any one here know a freeware tool equivalent to Pano2VR ?06:48
chelzjook: eh well you could try uninstalling wubi and just install to a partition. removing ubuntu installed to a partition isn't any harder from uninstalling normal wubi, you just resize your windows partition to grow into the space ubuntu used to take06:48
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)06:48
Guest561651chelz: one question though: will that install all the packages installed on the first system, or just those explicitly installed? This matters because if I delete a pacakge in the future, it will only recursively delete "orphans" (i.e. packages that were a dependency but no longer are) if they themselves were not explicitly installed.06:49
MMKahoOk i got the drivers to compile but the adpater is not showing in the wireless list06:49
MMKahoit even inserted06:49
jookchelz: I would have tried that already, but I haven't got any blank discs to burn the iso. I'm not afraid of repartinioning and doing a normal dual-boot install. I just can't.06:49
codebrainzMMKaho, in the GUI?06:49
chelzGuest561651: that's a good question. you might try seeing where that kind of stuff is stored in apt, some apt cache or database thing, so you can install from that list, then copy over the database or something06:50
Guest561651jook: you can use a usb drive06:50
toolbearsay, what is this "launchpad-integration"  package?  i mean, is it actually referring to the website launchpad.net, or what?06:50
lorenzosuHi all. Is there a quick way to have samba network shares visible in Firefox "save" dialogue?06:50
MMKahowhat GUI i was never told anything about a gui06:50
chelzjook: any usb drives available?06:50
codebrainzMMKaho, in nm-applet the gnome thingy?06:50
Guest561651jook: or use Wubi for a temporary solution06:50
codebrainzMMKaho, in the panel, the little network dealy06:50
jookcan it be an external hard drive?06:50
MMKahooh the arrows06:50
MMKahono :(06:50
Guest561651jook: of course06:50
jookAlright, I'll extract the iso to an external HDD and see if I can install from there.06:51
Guest561651jook: try using the method for an ordinary USB flash drive06:51
uLinuxwhy Conky keeps disappearing from desktop06:51
Guest561651jook: flash drives and externel hard drives "look" the same to the comptuer06:51
MMKahoyea not there either06:51
jookGuest561651: I've never installed from a USB drive before. Is there a guide?06:51
chelzjook: use unetbootin06:51
chelzubuntu has some sort of guide but it's more complicated than it needs to be06:51
Guest561651jook: I think there are instructions right off the home page06:52
Guest561651jook or listen to chelz's advice06:52
Guest561651jook: I'm not too experienced with this sort of thing06:52
jookchelz: I don't know what that is, but google will tell me.06:52
xanguathat's because is not a guide, it's a manual06:52
MMKahono wlan0 or ra0 in my network list at all06:52
Guest561651chelz, jook: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download doesn't look too hard to me06:53
chelzjook: probably should look into removing wubi before doing a normal install06:53
jookchelz: Yeah, I figured I would uninstall first.06:54
Mr_Sonomaif your system will boot off a USB device its not any diff from a cd install. under SYSTEM, ADMINISTRATION, START UP DISK CREATOR is the easy to follow GUI for creating the usb install drive06:54
nomnexkarmic desktop switcher revert from 4 desks to 3 desks... any idea?06:54
qwiksilver711question, with ubuntu getting a new version each april, when a new one comes out, like when mavrick comes out next year, do you lose everything when you install maverick?06:54
Guest561651chelz, jook: wubi or no wubi shouldn't matter afaik, not a bad idea to uninstall though just to reclaim disk space06:54
Guest561651especially considering you'll have to shrink your ntfs partition to install Ubuntu06:54
xanguaqwiksilver711: ubuntu is released every 6 months06:55
jookMr_Sonoma: Is that from linux? I can't boot in there06:55
MMKahocodebrainz i have even rebooted to see if that was the issue06:55
jookGuest561651: That's what I thought. I jsut don't want to blow ten gigs.06:55
Guest561651jook: follow the instructions on the link I gave you; it has windows instructions http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download06:55
qwiksilver711ok xangua, so when it is realased then in october, is it like a complete new os install each time?06:55
codebrainzMMKaho, not sure.  check if the wireless is in the /etc/network/interfaces file, if so, comment it out06:55
jookGuest561651: Thanks, I'll take a look there.06:56
xanguaqwiksilver711: no, you just update06:56
qwiksilver711i love ubuntu06:56
DistrogasmI have ext3 partition (currently only running #! linux) . I want to install XP and dual boot. Gparted cannot resize partition. What to do now ?06:56
Mr_Sonomajook, yea its in ubuntu.06:56
MMKahoyea its not in there06:56
peterklsanyone get broadcom wireless working in ubuntu with kernel 2.6.3506:57
qwiksilver711i did06:57
chelzDistrogasm: to resize you have to boot to a live environment06:57
vishuhey guys my dell inspiron is not giving sound in ubuntu what could be the problem?06:57
jookMr_Sonoma: Doesn't do me any good then, I'm stuck in windows. Thanks though. I think guest561651 has found the way06:57
peterklsubuntu rocks when it works xd06:57
chelzoh yeah startup disk creator is good06:57
xanguaDistrogasm: use ubuntu live cd or either gparted live cd06:58
Colonel_PanicI'm running ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Mini 9 and I just got a Kodak SD card at CVS06:58
Mr_Sonomawould using the startup disk creator from a live cd on another computer be a solution?06:58
ennuiis there an application I can run from the command line that makes my cursor an 'x' and allows me to kill the clicked application?06:58
Colonel_Panicit's not being recognized06:58
Colonel_Panicthis card works in WinXP06:58
jookMr_Sonoma: If I could make a live cd, I wouldnt need to go from a USB drive. I don't have any blank discs06:58
Colonel_Panicall my other SD HC cards work on this Linux machine06:59
Deathspawnthank god for KDE06:59
Mr_Sonomaah ok, i missunderstood i thought the issue was the system needing ubuntu didnt have a optical drive06:59
jookMr_Sonoma: Nope. I'm all out of CDRs lol06:59
Colonel_Panicanybody have any ideas?06:59
chelzjook: usb booting, for the record, is ridiculously awesome07:00
chelzColonel_Panic: backup the stuff on the card and format it to fat32 with gparted in ubuntu07:00
jookchelz: I don't want to stay booting from USB. I just want to install from there07:00
Colonel_Panicwhere might I find this card in /dev/?07:00
chelzjook: yeah, but just the experience is way better07:00
Guest561651chelz: the link you gave me seems to do exactly what I want; dpkg only outputs explictly installed packages with --get-selections. Much thanks!07:00
Colonel_PanicI already formatt3ed it to FAT32 in WinXP07:00
Colonel_Panicthere's nothi9ng on the card07:01
chelzColonel_Panic: if your system sees it, gparted will list it07:01
Colonel_Panicit's brand new07:01
Colonel_Panicyeah that's the problem07:01
scottjAnyone use a kindle w/ os 2.5 and pdfs and ubuntu? How do you copy them? I'm thinking about buying one w/ price drop but want to make sure it works well w/ linux07:01
Colonel_Panicmy system won't see it07:01
toolbearsay, what is this "launchpad-integration"  package?  i mean, is it actually referring to the website launchpad.net, or what?07:02
mad_doghello all07:02
jookthe USB installer maker from http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/#download isn't seeing my external hard drive. This only thing in its' drive selec tor dropdown is A:\07:03
saboatOkay, so I did a fresh install. Sound worked great. Later I install my nvidia driver, remove all the gnome panels and use gnome-do instead. Sound is not working. I've tried searching but havent found anything useful. Suggestions?07:03
mad_dogI'm using 10.04 and can't get hulu to play videos..any ideas?07:03
GwarHi all. is it possible to allow sudo to be able to run at boot for (say) a Minute after login? I currently have to run a program manually as sudo every time I login and it's frustrating to have to type out a 20+ long password twice, especially since I just logged in! D:07:03
toolbearmad_dog: what is "hulu"?07:03
saboattoolbear: hulu.com07:04
jookGwar: It's possible to set scripts to run on login. You could probably do it through there, but I'm not familiar enough with the process to link you.07:04
toolbearhmm, is that flash video, then?07:04
xanguamad_dog: install flashm install codecs¿07:05
mad_dogi can see the ads but the programs just dont play. I get a blank screen. every other site works.07:05
mad_dogincluding youtube.com07:05
Gwarjook, thank you. I know how to make the script run on login, the problem is it needs to run as sudo, which then asks for my password, 2 seconds after I just typed the thing in to login! D:07:05
MMKahocodebrainz yea its not in that file07:05
xanguaare you using a 64 bits OS mad_dog¿07:05
Colonel_Panicany ideas?07:05
chelzmad_dog: 64bit?07:05
mad_dogyes, using x6407:05
jookGwar: Oh, sorry. Guess I can't help you there, if there's no command to have the script supply the password to itself.07:05
codebrainzMMKaho, no idea07:05
saboatOkay, what on earth? My sound card isnt even found anymore, it just worked a minute ago!07:06
xanguamad_dog: if you are using also the 64 bits flash plugin don't expect it works in all sites07:06
Mr_SonomaColonel_Panic, sorry i'm fresh out if all your other SD cards work in linux with that reader and your new card is formatted in FAT3207:06
mad_doghulu.com is the only site that doesn't work..very frustrating.07:06
toolbearmad_dog: yeah, i can see them.  i'm on x64.  get libflashplayer.so for 64-bit (now discontinued by adobe, but still out there) and just put it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:07
[mu]keiserrhi, am trying to set some pcs for some pre primary school kids for my sis, any idea if there are interesting packages for kids aged 5-10 ?07:07
toolbearmad_dog: oh, you can see youtube, etc...?07:07
mad_dogi don't use mozilla. I use chrome07:07
Colonel_Panichow does an Sd card show up in /dev?07:07
jookAlright, the external ahrd drives arent being recognized to make a usb boot disc. I think I've got some microSDs somewhere I can try.07:07
odb|fidelhi - any rss-readerwith google-sync you can recommend besides liferea?07:08
trupheenixi have a strange problem i'm using a Dell Vostro 1400 laptop. i killed wifi using the external kill switch but now when i turn it back on, the wifi doesn't turn on, the bluetooth alone turns on. if i reboot the system, wifi turns on again. can anyone suggest what's wrong?07:08
Mr_Sonomashould mount to /media07:08
toolbearmad_dog: ahhhh.  ok.  well, all i can say then is that i can't even remember the last time i had a non-trivial problem with firefox and the 64bit flash plugin07:08
mad_dogthanks anyway..will continue my google j0urney..thanks for the help07:09
chelzthe flash 64 bit path is an arduous one07:09
andy112233Hi there, since yesterday, booting 10.04 takes appx. thrice the time it used to. (Desktop stays blank for quite some time before menus appear). Even afterwards, launching progs takes MUCH longer than before. Can I pastebin some logs to see what might be the problem? Thanks, Andy07:09
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jookBlast. Can't find the little case of microSDs. This installation is not going my way. Maybe I can put it on my phone's memory card, mount from there, and do it.07:10
zetherooI seem to recall in previous version of Firefox in Ubuntu that it would remember the sites I logged into - so that next time I booted up I did not have log into everywhere again ... this no longer works for some reason unknown to me07:10
Colonel_Panicit's not auto-mounting07:12
trupheenix_i have a strange problem i'm using a Dell Vostro 1400 laptop. i killed wifi using the external kill switch but now when i turn it back on, the wifi doesn't turn on, the bluetooth alone turns on. if i reboot the system, wifi turns on again. can anyone suggest what's wrong?07:12
chelzColonel_Panic: try formatting it fat32 in gparted07:12
toolbearzetheroo: i've tried turning that off on purpose -- to only a mildly significant effect.  for me, firefox will remember the sites if i don't close the program before shutting down, restarting, or logging out07:12
Colonel_Panicit doesn't eben show up in gparted07:13
chelzColonel_Panic: in the upper right list? it's not there?07:13
chelzcheck syslog07:13
Colonel_PanicI don't get it07:13
indusColonel_Panic, what are you trying to do07:13
Colonel_Panicmount a damn sd card07:14
indusColonel_Panic, ya log out and log in again and try, works sometimes07:14
toolbeartrupheenix_: um, how many times have you tried this?  i had an hp laptop with the same kind of button.  i could turn the thing off during an ubuntu session, but it wouldn't turn back on, and i'd have to restart the computer to "activate" the wifi again07:14
Colonel_PanicI've tried restarting07:14
zetherootoolbear: well yes, if I shut down and leave Firefox open then next time I boot up and open FF it will start from where I left it ... Except (and this is very annoying) anything I was signed into I will have re-login.07:14
Colonel_PanicTHAT didn't work...07:14
indusColonel_Panic, check dmesg | tail07:14
indusColonel_Panic, lsusb etcc07:15
trupheenix_toolbear: i tried it just now. this wasn't a problem on older versions of Ubuntu. i think it's not loading the module for some reason. how would i manually load the module? my driver is iwl394507:15
zetherootoolbear: previously it would leave me logged into the sites unless I logged out of them.07:15
andy112233Any idea/instruction?07:15
toolbearzetheroo: really?  wow, i've actually never seen that before, even on windows -- but then again i typically logout of sites out of habit anyways07:16
jookWhat's this casper business? http://imgur.com/fKfH3.png07:16
andy112233Sorry for reposting: Hi there, since yesterday, booting 10.04 takes appx. thrice the time it used to. (Desktop stays blank for quite some time before menus appear). Even afterwards, launching progs takes MUCH longer than before. Can I pastebin some logs to see what might be the problem? Thanks, Andy07:16
indusjook, what casper07:17
indusjook, casper is the thing which does al the mounting stuff etf for live cd07:17
jookindus: This here http://imgur.com/fKfH3.png07:17
Colonel_Panicdmesg|tail: http://pastebin.ca/188825507:18
zetherootoolbear: well I explicitly recall remaining logged into my Google account after a reboot ... unless I manually logged out of my Google account07:18
toolbeartrupheenix_: i guess you'd try using modprobe -- to load a module.  you can find out which modules are loaded with "lsmod", and probably iwconfig or ifconfig or dmesg can give you a better idea of whether or not the wifi card is recognized at all07:18
trupheenix_toolbear: i think the module doesn't get loaded or something. otherwise the light would have turned on by itself.07:18
Colonel_Paniclsusb doesn't show it07:18
jookindus: What should I ought to do with that, then? I don't know what persistence is about either. Since it's optional, should I just say none?07:18
indusjook, so casper is the live cd thing which helps run stuff07:18
toolbearzetheroo: oh, i believe you.  it's just something that i wouldn't have ever taken note of, i guess07:18
indusjook, persistence means, any files saved during live session will remain on reboot07:19
zetherootoolbear: yeah ... ok07:19
indusjook, otherwise in live environment, its not the case07:19
DaHopiWhy does ubuntu.com say on there download-page "64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage"? I have a Core2Quad ith 8gb RAM - why not use 64 bit linux?07:19
jookindus: Oh, okay. I don't care about that then. I don't plan to stay in live mode. Just gonna install from the drive. Thanks.07:19
indusjook, previously there was live cd so we couldnt save stuff anyway, except on hard disk , but now you can save stuff to the usb device07:19
toolbeartrupheenix_: well, do you see any relevant modules after typing in 'lsmod'?07:19
andy112233Yes. There appears to be a problem in dmesg. What is it? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JdE8i5p507:19
indusjook, kk07:19
trupheenix_toolbear: waits07:19
Colonel_PanicI guess I could use my other card to shuttle the files back & forth via the XP laptop07:20
indusjook, i recommend keep it, will come in handy07:20
trupheenix_toolbear: iwl3945 and iwlcore07:20
Colonel_PanicI want to free up a USB stick so I can install the Ubuntu netbook remix07:20
Colonel_Panicor some other lightweight OS07:21
jookindus: I'm using my phone's memory card for the usb drive. No space to set aside for it anyway, now that I think of it.07:21
indusjook, ok cool07:21
indusjook, didnt know you could do that :)07:21
jookindus: haha, it's the only usb thing I could find to work. I jsut mounted the drive from my phone and I'm installing it there07:21
GEEGEEGEEif i use the same home directory for Arch and Ubuntu, it wont cause any problems apart from bashrc will it?07:22
toolbeartrupheenix_: hmmm.  well, what if you restarted the computer, and pressed the wifi button before ubuntu even loaded?07:22
toolbeartrupheenix_: i mean, would you expect to see the led/light turn on then?07:23
zetherootoolbear: fixed it :)07:24
toolbearzetheroo: wow.  how, may i ask?07:24
trupheenix_toolbear: yea....07:24
trupheenix_toolbear: did modprobe wifi light back on! :)07:24
toolbeartrupheenix_: oh, nice!!!07:24
noviceHow do i get access to #ubuntu-forums and #ubuntu-programming ?07:25
=== metze_away is now known as metze
anthony_hi guys do we have a program that is more likely the itunes i want to organize my video do we have that kind of a program. pls help me...07:25
Colonel_Panicanthony_: are you using an iPod?07:26
zetherootoolbear: in FF prefs under the privacy tab there is an option to Accept third-party cookies and "Keep until" .... the "Keep until" was set to "I close Firefox" ... I set it to "they expire" and it's sorted!07:26
anthony_no i not using any apple item i just want to organize my video.07:27
toolbearzetheroo: ahhh, makes sense.  thanks, i think that might be rather convenient.07:27
Jon--Can someone help me with dd and backing up my entire drive to a removable USB image?07:27
zetherootoolbear: yeah ... definitely will make my life a little easier .. heh ;)07:28
Colonel_Panicanthony_: have yuo tried Amarok?07:28
anthony_Colonel_Panic:no i not using any apple item i just want to organize my video.07:28
Colonel_PanicAmarok is pretty good for organizing media07:29
anthony_yes but it does not organize my videos07:29
noviceanyone ???07:30
anthony_Colonel_Panic: amarok i nice but i need something thats more like an itune that i can see a priview of the video before i whatch it.07:32
=== xmu is now known as wowoto
FullFlannelJackeanthony_: amarok is a music player, not a video player.07:35
anthony_FullFlannelJacke: yes i know thats why i don't need that program i need something to organize my video like a program that is more likely like itune...07:37
=== sixtila is now known as Guest26914
claohi, i was deinstalling some CUPS programs and endended up removing the whole xubuntu desktop, now i have no window manager at all. I am going to go ahead and install xubuntu-desktop, but was wondering what else should i install? what else comes with the fresh installation of xubuntu lucid?07:39
mattgyverclao, thats probably the best way to go.07:44
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
Type-Ois there a way to set my laptop's fans to run at 100%?07:49
Type-OIt's quite hot here and I need all the help cooling this as possible07:50
toolbearType-O: maybe try the bios?07:51
=== nick_ is now known as nickgarvey
Type-Otoolbear, nope...07:52
* Type-O just decides to power google this one07:53
Traveler4woot 10.04 installed..so if i d/l studio software? i would be "less" supported?08:00
=== Traveler4 is now known as ubufool
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
ubufoolany ideas?^08:03
ubutom_Type-O, usually the fan is temperature controlled anyway and should be already running at 100% if it is really hot, laptops can get very, very hot, would place it on something that absorbs the heat a bit08:04
ubufoolwhat laptop? some just suck at cooling period08:04
zezomhas a fix been found for no sound in flash in firefox?08:05
AzeosHello, World!08:06
Type-Oubutom_, the fans are off and it's overheating in a 70c room. The laptops run in windows 708:07
Type-Othe fans run*08:07
Type-Oubufool, I mean a 70f room08:07
Type-Oubutom_, ***08:08
=== Andorin is now known as AK|out
ubufool70* is ambiant for a reason.. it's like idle air..and about the time air flow doesn't cool as well08:08
Type-Oubufool, it's a year old toshiba08:09
Type-Oubufool, all I know is when a laptops core temp hits 100c it better turn on the fans08:09
ubufoolty lol tab goes to the address bar now =c08:09
ubutom_Type-O, if it is really overheating, it would freeze or go off or melt ;)08:09
Type-Oand it doesn't08:09
Type-Oubufool, yeah and it's shutting itself off08:10
Type-Oaka overheating08:10
ubufooloften it will cook and try to do it's job08:10
=== karthik is now known as Guest16573
ubufoolunless it has  some sort of thermal guards08:10
ubutom_Type-O, sounds like a hardware problem08:10
Type-Oubufool, no08:10
ubufoolshorts and stuff will happen if over heting persists08:10
ubufoolthe wires in the motherboard get hott too08:11
Type-Oubufool, basic deduction tells you if the fans turn on in windows 7 and doesn't overheat that it1s a software problem08:11
ubufoolsome air flow will keep it cool why is the fan stopped?08:11
Blue1you liquitdated it!  very resourceful08:11
Guest16573hi .. I am using ubuntu 10.04 .. Everytime during the updates I am getting error '' Could not download all repository indexes '' .. Its saying 'Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386.........'08:11
Blue1Guest16573: me thinks you did an update, and not a clean install of 10.04?08:12
ubufooltype-o well what is runing.. when it's "cool" it's idle.. even booting will heat it up08:12
Q_ContinuumWhy is gnome-power-manager using 242.8MiB of RAM?08:12
=== i is now known as Guest12825
Guest165146851I accidentally typed two initial caps in my name "JOhn Doe" instead of "John Doe"; how can I correct it?08:12
ubufoollots of hd's and usb sticks?08:13
Type-Oubufool, firefox and the desktop or sometimes just the desktop08:13
ubufoola short it's preventing from hurting other parts?08:13
Guest16573Blue1: I did upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04  online ..08:13
Type-Oit's a laptop, you tell me if it has lots of hard drives08:13
Blue1Guest16573: yeah it sounds like things got a little comingled during the upgrade process.  best suggestion-- backup /etc/ and /home/ and do a clean install/restore08:14
Type-Oyeah, it has 30 mini hard drives hanging off the case08:14
ubufoolwhen there is no airflow..and no liquid cooling.. the slightest cpu intructions cuase it too heat up..08:14
ubufooli've used usb stick as ram..and hd's its cool.. but they do heat up08:14
Type-Oubufool, do you, or do you not know how to adjust acpi fan settings or not?08:14
Guest16573Blue1: okay thanks..08:15
ubufooltype-o there is a good question i never heard08:15
Type-Othat's all I'm asking08:15
ubutom_Type-O, you didn't say that it doesn'T overheat with windows 7, could be an acpi bug then08:15
ubufooltype i was under the impression that heating was your issue08:15
ubufooland cooling08:15
Guest165146851Is it a good idea to copy all the ~/.* folders (i.e. the config folders) from my old install to my new install?08:15
ubufoolit's sounds like you have a solution tho08:16
ubutom_Guest165146851, usually yes08:16
Guest165146851ubutom_: ok thanks08:16
Guest165146851ubutom_: It's a fresh install so I can't imagine there being settings conflicts, considering this install has only defaults08:16
Type-Odoes anyone know how to adjust acpi fan settings?08:17
Guest165146851Oh wait08:17
Guest165146851ok thanks08:17
ubutom_Guest165146851, but I just copy the ones with useful data, like the thunderbird and firefox profiles and so on, other config files could mess up the appearance of gnome and so on08:17
ubutom_Guest165146851, yeah, should be fine then08:17
ubutom_ /msg ubottu acpi08:18
ubufooltype if you can be patient we can figure it out08:18
Guest165146851I accidentally typed two initial caps in my name ("JOhn Doe" instead of "John Doe") when installing Ubuntu; how can I correct it?08:18
bigleonHey folks looking for someone possibly experinced with installing Win 7 and Ubuntu on the same machine...  I did a dual boot set up... unfotunately with no swap file and i've come across a slew of erros and i ponder if it's fault of OS install or missing swap file...08:18
fincanhello, I have a problem with Cpu frequency monitor, I am core2duo 6300@2,7 user and I cant change CPU0's speed from 2,7 to 3,15 but there is no problem for CPU1. what should I do?08:18
loewiType-O: the gnome CPU scaling monitor allows to set power options. For my CPU, the setting "Performance" lets the fans run at max speed all the time. Depends on vendor I assume.08:18
bigleonInitally one problem is when logging in (with correct video drivers) My password bar doesn't appear, secondly i took nearly 15 minutes to install Quassel on ubuntu which seems a bit excessive...08:19
ubutom_Guest165146851, have the solution08:19
Type-Oloewi, that might work08:19
ubufool100% fan is often not needed and wears them out quickly..08:19
qwiksilver711if i'm going to partition a 500gb drive, and use windows for all my gaming, and ubuntu for pretty much everything else, is around 100gb good enough for ubuntu partition do you think? (yes, I do have like 400 gb of games)08:19
Guest165146851qwiksilver711: definitely08:20
loewiType-O: be careful: downside is, that the CPU runs on max performance as well...08:20
Guest165146851qwiksilver711: the Ubuntu install itself prolly won't go over 10 GB, and that's if you install everything and the kitchen sink08:20
fincanloewi: I have the similiar problem :)08:20
ubufoolubuntu is nice with it's plug and playness..you could always add more later08:20
qwiksilver711ok, next question, i have a laptop that has a switchable graphics card, and i find that ubuntu (using it the wubi way right now) is using the nvidia card, and I would prefer it not to, for battery life reasons, how do i make it not use my good card08:21
ubufoolalt 10.4 said it was like 600mb??08:21
ubutom_Guest165146851, sudo usermod -l JOhn Doe John Doe    should rename your user, the home dir has to be changed accordingly by hand08:21
Guest165146851ubutom_: the home dir is fine, it's insensitive to capitalization08:21
ubufoolyou can turn it off and on right?08:21
Guest165146851it's just /home/john either way08:22
ubufoolty guest08:22
qwiksilver711i can turn if off and on in windows08:22
ubufoolthats good to know -.-08:22
qwiksilver711but not in ubuntu08:22
ubufoolright enable disable..08:22
ubufoolhave you looked for a device manager?08:22
ubutom_Guest165146851, ok, tried that command, didn't function as I intened, anyways, man usermod should be good place to look :)08:22
Guest165146851ubutom_: that doesn't do what I want08:22
Guest165146851ubutom_: thanks08:23
qwiksilver711a device manager?08:23
prince_jammysGuest165146851: what does ''grep Doe /etc/passwd'' say?08:23
Guest165146851prince_jammys: no lines returned08:23
Guest165146851prince_jammys: that makes sense08:23
prince_jammysGuest165146851: ok. replace Doe with whatever the name was.08:24
Guest165146851prince_jammys: oh oops you're right08:24
Guest165146851i'm an idiot08:24
ubufoolyea other wise you'd be using command lines and physicla addresses and commands08:25
naftilos76hello, does anybody know an app for batch resizing, croping, rotating multiple images?08:25
Avaszwell.. i downloaded a windows file and try to run it but it gives me an error saying that file is not marked as executable. how cani run it? or mark it executable?08:26
Avaszok done08:26
Guest165146851prince_jammys, ubutom_ it would be helpful if I were just to know what this name is called08:26
prince_jammysGuest165146851: the 'comment' field, or gecos08:27
prince_jammysGuest165146851: i believe you can replace it with usermod -c08:27
Guest165146851prince_jammys: thanks. The manpage redirected me to the chfn command for this purpose; it seems that it will do exactly what I want08:28
ubutom_Hm, I'm kinda lost with usermod, tried to rename myself, but it keeps saying the user doesn't exist when I want to rename my user account, maybe it is used in combination with useradd?08:28
Guest165146851aww fuck08:29
Guest165146851sorry for swearing on this chan08:29
prince_jammysGuest165146851: yep, that works too.08:29
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:29
ubufoolis type-o stil here?08:29
=== deavidsedice is now known as deavid
ubufoolsome programs may look for a swap file and not know what to do if one doesnt exist?08:30
Guest165146851prince_jammys: what is the full name for user "root" on your machine? I didn't read the command carefully and accidentially set the Full Name for root the first time08:30
MACscrok, this is weird. I just setup a ubuntu 8.4 xen guest and it appears that it doesnt have iptables support in the kernel. Im getting an error when i run: root@wheelie:~# modprobe ip_tables08:30
MACscrFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.1.16.el5xen/modules.dep: No such file or directory08:30
Guest165146851prince_jammys: empty string or "root" I'm guessing?08:30
prince_jammysGuest165146851: 'root'08:30
Type-Oubufool, I'm back08:31
Guest165146851prince_jammys: muchas gracias08:31
prince_jammysde nada08:31
ubufooltype i was searching for fan stuff in synaptic.. and found ik8utils?08:31
prince_jammysGuest165146851: it's, ahem, not a ubuntu system, but i highly doubt you should care.08:31
bigleonWanting to verify before using code that I have written this properly to create a swap file  "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/2024Mb.swap bs=1M count=2024"08:32
Guest165146851prince_jammys: yeah shouldn't matter08:32
ubufooli8kutils is meant for dell laptops..but it may be similar enough to help?08:32
Type-Oubufool, I will check it out tommorow the computer in question is not on site, I will check it out when it's in front of me08:32
Type-Oubufool, i8k is for older dells08:32
bigleonI don't have a swap partion so i'm trying to create it locally within my current partion. unfornately i can't find a direct guide just 2 that dance around it.08:32
ubufooli've been able to overclock and install toshiba drivers on some inspiron...08:32
Type-Ostill doesn't have the i8k chir in it08:33
ubufoolit was dependant on chipset types...08:33
Type-Othe client is on lubuntu, I think it's just a bug in lubuntu08:34
relentless?DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 008:34
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.08:34
ubufoolwow seriously?08:34
prince_jammysgood old irc.08:35
ubufoolsomeone attempted to start a keylog script..08:35
Type-Oactually not08:35
Guest165146851lol IRC: it's a jungle08:35
Guest165146851at least freenode beats efnet08:35
prince_jammyswhen all they had to do was log the channel!!08:35
a3Dmanhell yeah08:35
=== AndroUser is now known as speedrcj
bigleoncan anyone confirm that this will make a Swap file in the home partition? I really don't want to break my install " sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/2024Mb.swap bs=1M count=2024"08:36
Type-Oit's a bug in netgear routers with old firmware08:36
Guest165146851The version of "sort" that is installed on Arch Linux has a -h option for sorting the output of e.g. du -hs. The version of "sort" on Ubuntu lacks this. What explains the discrepancy in such a essential tool?08:36
Guest165146851wait nvm I need to ltfg08:37
stanman246I've installed opie-server and am able to get the challenge when using su username and a blank password. However, if i ssh directly to the box i don't get the challenge, so i don't know which seed i need to use for the one time password... How can i get the seed?08:38
prince_jammysGuest165146851: seems new-ish. probably not in ubuntu yet.08:39
Guest165146851prince_jammys: oh ok.08:39
prince_jammysi didn't know it existed, but i have it here on debian squeeze08:39
Guest165146851prince_jammys: I would have expected it to have made the 10.04 release08:39
prince_jammysme too08:40
VolodymyrHello, guys. Does anyone know how to make file descriptor to remain open?08:40
prince_jammysGuest165146851: sort (GNU coreutils) 8.5  on this non-ubuntu08:40
Guest165146851prince_jammys: ahh, yes. Arch has 8.5, Ubuntu is still at 7.408:41
prince_jammysyou'll be ok :)08:41
Guest165146851IDK, I might not survive08:42
prince_jammysyou'll have human-numeric-sort yourself!08:42
Guest165146851this is actually the first time that Ubuntu's stability has affected me08:42
prince_jammysproably speaks well for ubuntu, then08:42
Guest165146851I switched from Arch since it didn08:43
Guest165146851err, since it took too long to administer08:43
Guest165146851nvm this is ot and I g2g anyway08:43
Guest165146851thanks all08:43
Colonel_PanicWow these Arch folks really don't provide very good documentat0ion08:43
Colonel_PanicI'm trying to create a bootable USB  stick for Arch08:44
Colonel_Panicon a Windows system08:44
prince_jammysthey do however have an irc channel08:44
Colonel_Panicthey say to use this application called Win32 DiskImager, but it doesn't support the ISO files they provide on their download page08:45
arunkumar413hi,i have 9.04 and 10.4 on my system. I Want to copy some .deb packages from 9.04 to 10.4 along with dependencies.08:45
neurewhat does rsync: mkstemp "/.hello.c.vc7Kdj" failed: Permission denied (13) mean?08:46
neureim trying to rsync but there seems to be some permission error08:46
tulimaqarunkumar413: try aptoncd08:47
arunkumar413tulimaq: can i copy from 9.04 to 10.4 using aptoncd08:47
prince_jammysneure: i'm guessing it means you don't have rights to create on the remote system's root directory08:48
prince_jammys*to write a file08:48
tulimaqarunkumar413: yes08:48
neureprince_jammys, yes looks like i need to use -T /tmp08:48
neurethen it works08:48
arunkumar413tulimaq: currently i'm downloading a package?want to cancel it08:49
prince_jammysneure: hm, then my guess was wrong, since you seem to be writing files to /08:49
arunkumar413tulimaq: when i click on cross button the download is not stopping08:49
neureprince_jammys, no the files go to /home/user/src/08:50
prince_jammysneure: ah.08:51
tulimaqarunkumar413: downloading what ?08:51
arunkumar413tulimaq: a package08:52
R3cur51v3Awesome, thanks again prince_jammys . I was that one Guest 16519816608:54
R3cur51v3This system is like an exact clone of the one I had before08:55
dmg\join #datamapper08:57
dmg\join #datamapper08:57
vu1kandmg use the other slash08:57
arunkumar413tulimaq: plz help me kill the download.it is a very big download.Eating my bandwidth08:57
dmgoh fuc**08:57
dmgthanks, I'm off today ;008:57
vu1kannp, just trying to help08:57
abhi_navarunkumar413, what happend?09:00
tulimaqarunkumar413: is it in a console window ?09:01
arunkumar413abhi_nav: cant stop a package download09:01
BeelsebobHow does one specify a proxy which requires a username/password, and the username contains an @ character?09:02
vu1kani would guess that you'd use quotes09:02
abhi_navarunkumar413, add a force quit icon on panel. then click on that icon and then single click on window of your download09:02
R3cur51v3arunkumar413, to do so create a new custom launcher called "Xkill" with command "xkill"09:03
sebar25join #ppa09:03
tulimaqarunkumar413: or run xkill command in a terminal window and click window u want to close09:04
sebar25server irc.freenode.net09:04
somethinginterescan someone give me a hand compiling mplayer from source it isn't detecting codecs like xvid and x264 despite them being installed09:04
R3cur51v3arunkumar413, I recommend using the icon /usr/share/icons/Humanity/actions/48/stop.svg09:04
abhi_navsebar25, use forward slash e.g. /join or /server etc09:04
R3cur51v3arunkumar413, I have the exact same thing setup on my panel09:05
Oli```Is there a way to get gwibber to show an icon in the old Notification Area?09:05
arunkumar413R3cur51v3: thanks09:05
R3cur51v3arunkumar413, for a one-time thing you can just do Alt-F2 and then type xkill as tulimaq suggested09:06
R3cur51v3but I find a reusable launcher is useful when you have frequent freezes09:06
arunkumar413tulimaq: ok,now installed aptoncd in 10.4.09:07
arunkumar413tulimaq: now how to copy the packages and their dependencies in 9.04 to 10.409:08
schultzaI'm having a problem with my screen resolution. I cannot get it to 1280x1024@60 when that is my monitor's native resolution.09:10
vu1kanschultza what graphics card are you using?09:10
ennuisome how my horizontal scrolling seems to be reversed. I mean, when I pull down I go down. when I pull right I should go right, not left >.<. or at the very least the vertical and horizontal commands shouldn't contradict one another like this... my poor brain09:11
schultzaum.. how to i have the system list it?09:12
ubufoolthe reverb on this new sound get up is way too much in some settings? is there something i can use to help with this? 10.409:12
vu1kanlshw in terminal09:12
schultzareporting as a G96 (Geforce 9400 GT)09:13
BeelsebobI'm having trouble getting apt-get to work through a proxy…09:14
Beelsebobecho $http_proxy tells me "http://bob\@bob.bob:hunter2@proxy.address.com:3128" have I misconfigured anything here, other than the obvious fake data?09:14
ubufoolnvclock The program 'nvclock' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install nvclock09:14
ubufooli just installed this via synaptic..and it's not seeing it??09:15
Beelsebobhmm, set it up in the gui and it magically worked09:16
kosharischultza could be youy monitors edid not being read09:17
vu1kanschultza ok, goto your /ect/X11/xorg.conf file, and see if your desired mode is listed under one of the sections there09:17
schultzaadding that in now09:17
vu1kanthat might fix it for ya09:17
ubufool^^ it works hehe nvclock.. i didnt have the newest?09:18
rollmani didn't notice xboning ii and openarena in the ubuntu software center before09:19
arunkumar413tulimaq: r u there09:19
michael_hey everyone09:19
sarthorwhere is the sound Directory ubuntu for xchat09:19
michael_do you have to open up port 25 for TLS smtp ?09:19
ubufoolwhere did it save from firefox, in my old ubu 8.04?09:20
ubufooli'm looking to seed 10.4 and i wanna find the torrent i used..09:20
tulimaqarunkumar413: yes09:20
michael_telnet domain 25 works on my server , here I get a timeout error09:21
ben__Anyone help setting up a new web connection, my laptop not recognising it?09:21
ubufoolis there a way to increase the clock speed of my onboard nic? currently 33mhz?09:22
ben__got a new Orange Livebox, but not recognising it - reading neighbours wifi though09:23
ubufoolwhat brand laptop? or wifi adapter09:23
ben__Acer, unsure of wifi card - but is enabled and reading other connections09:23
ubufoolyour router may not be broadcasting the network id? or not getting a good signal09:23
ben__it should be, spoken to customer support in India, said it's all up and running etc09:24
ubufoolwas this setup as part of a service or are you familiar with the network?09:24
ben__do I need to create a new wireless network?09:24
ben__Orange customer service doesn't support Linux :(09:24
ubufoolno? it's usually already there and named.. but i'm not familiar with livebox09:24
ben__try a restart?09:25
ubufoolhave you used a wifi ennabled linux install in this network before?09:25
ben__yes, just changed service provider09:25
ben__now not recognising new hub09:26
ubufool0.o? connect an ether cable to it?09:26
ben__yeah, that's working09:26
ben__using it now09:26
ubufoolsometimes that will help it find the other..unless dual netwroks or muliples nics is disabled by the isp or os..09:27
ubufoolyou can see a network id there? or connect to other pcs?09:27
ubufoolwhy would you not support your own software? that retarded lol09:29
ubufoolorange live box ^09:29
sarthorCan i download sounds for my ubuntu, Like my Xchat need sounds. From where can i downoad? any link?09:29
Beelsebobtrying to install openssh-server is giving dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed post-installation script: Exec format error09:30
ubufoolhmm.. i think i googled free sounds and found site that allow you to use theirs for games and such.. if it's a wav etc those should be fine09:30
ubufoolis there a way to make other pci slot besides video more then 33mhz?09:31
ubufooldoes pci-e work the same way?09:32
ChristopherI cannot find and install libdvdread3 from the help files to watch encrypted dvds.  Why is the help file link to this file not working?  Please help.09:39
gumisyou should change reposition09:39
ChristopherWhat is reposition?09:40
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ubufoolfreak it i'll use 2-4 more gbs of disk space and red/l 10.4 just to seed it -.-09:47
ubufoolhmm could i still seed the other one i d/led or multiples of the same file?09:48
vu1kanyou should be able to d/l the torrent and point it to the file on your drive09:50
ubufool^^vulc right.. but i have the same file on another hd.. don't know where..it was 8.04.. can i add both files to be seeded from both hd's?09:51
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vu1kanthat would require a seperate torrent for each file, i think09:52
ubufoolwe'll see i just found it09:55
ubufooldrats it's greyed out..transmission greyed out...what's that mean?09:57
Krow_' don't know sorry09:58
ubufoolhmm 12-25mb/s =c09:58
ubufooland i'm d/ling 2gb's from the depo for ubustudio..09:58
Krow_me i got 56 kbits / s10:00
ubufooli'm holding on to 4 56k's for a network i want to make public10:00
Chousukemillibits? that's pretty slow.10:00
Krow_i got 1800 ms ( ping )10:01
gentooxerChousuke: what's a millibit?10:01
Chousukegentooxer: mb :P10:01
ubufooli tried to add the older file and transmission greyed out and then got an error saying that file had curropt torrent?10:01
twobeeGood Morning, I would like to ask if it's possible to safely 'upgrade' an Ubuntu 32bit to an Ubuntu 64bit Version. It's 9.10.10:01
Vovkso - fun times. any one of you 1425 people out there play NWN? If so, would you happen to know a good nwscript irc channel which isn't neverwinterconnections?10:01
Krow_i live in réunion island so there is not really good internet here10:01
gentooxerChousuke: Do you mean mibibit?10:01
Chousukeubufool: do you have cache close to you or which ISP offers a connection that fast?10:02
Slarttwobee: nope.. not possible..10:02
Vovktwobee - bad idea10:02
Chousukegentooxer: that would be mib10:02
Slarttwobee: at least not supported.. I can't really say if it's impossible or not..10:02
ubufoolor megabit..10:02
MACscrif iptables isnt in /etc/init.d/, it shouldnt be loading on boot. Correct?10:02
cousin_marioany word on when the packaged mplayer will be brought up to date? I need vdpau.10:02
gentooxerChousuke: There's no such thing like millibit ...10:03
Slarttwobee: you would have to download *all* the packages again anyways.. so you might as well do a new install10:03
Chousukegentooxer: sure there is.10:03
twobeeSlart: Thank you.10:03
Chousukegentooxer: if you get 1 mb/s it means you get 1b/1000s10:03
gentooxerChousuke: Do you have a computer platform of your own?10:03
ubufoolcho..cahce?? it's comcast.. 6mb constant 20mb media boost.. i'm not sopposed to be getting theese speeds..i have 3 nics and one wifi same source/router/ip10:03
Vovkcould walk the data over faster than that10:03
Chousukeubufool: oh, so you meant Mb and not MB? :/10:04
gentooxerChousuke: That means you get 1024 Bit per secound10:04
ubufoolmega byte not mega bit..10:04
ubufool12,000kilobytes is 12 megabytes10:04
Chousukeubufool: if you get 25MB/s then it'd mean you have a 300Mbps connection or something which is rather impressive :P10:05
Chousukegentooxer: huh? :P10:05
ubufoolcho..yea untill they figure out i hit their 300gb cap in less then 12 hrs..but so far it hasn't been an issue..i move 300gb+ within 24hrs usually on a good day10:06
Chousukegentooxer: 1b/1000s means 1 bit per thousand seconds.10:06
gentooxerChousuke: A bit is a bit10:06
Chousukegentooxer: yes, and a millibit is a millibit10:06
gentooxerChousuke: you can't divide one bit10:06
ubufooli don't think the usa,va customers have a cap...10:06
ikoniaguys, you may want to take this to #ubuntu-offtopic10:07
Chousukegentooxer: it doesn't actually have to exist for it to be mathematically usable.10:07
ubufoolyea you can divide bits hehe10:07
gentooxerChousuke: its Bullshit you know10:07
ubufoolcellphones divide bits xD10:07
ikoniagentooxer: stop that language10:07
cousin_marioubufool: how?10:07
Chousukegentooxer:eh, it's basic maths. ;P10:07
ikoniaguys - please take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic10:07
Vovkikonia: the only problem is that we're not really interrupting other people10:08
Chousukebut yeah, no use talking about it here10:08
gentooxerChousuke: so then divide an integer10:08
Vovkif you take it to offtopic then the chanel will be dead :(10:08
ikoniaVovk: that doesn't change anything, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:08
Chousukegentooxer: sure. 1 divided by 2 is 1/2; or 0.510:08
ubufoolcousin_ it's part of the scramble and decodeing /encodeing that happens as part fo their communication..some bits are lost10:08
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SlartVovk: sure you are.. I'm to confused by all these numbers and units to even think of asking my own question =)10:08
ikoniaChousuke: gentooxer ubufool stop this now10:08
VovkO.o sure thing. i'll take that stick too... might wanna bleach it first10:08
Vovklol Slart ask away!10:08
ubufoolit's problem solving?10:08
ikoniaubufool: the channel is ubuntu support, take the offtopic broadband/network discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please.10:09
ubufooland we ar answering many questions i've previously asked for help with hours ago..10:09
cousin_marioubufool: losing bits doesn't mean dividing them..you are probably referring to encoding10:09
Vovkthis is really bothering you isn't it... if we all go to off topic then we won't be here to answer real questions O.o10:09
cousin_mariolike PCM10:09
Vovktoo much order can be harmful to the community10:09
ikoniaubufool: how many questions you answer doesn't allow you to take the channel offtopic, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:09
Slartubufool: once an op asks you to stop it's wise to take the advice..10:09
ikoniathis is the last time I'll ask10:10
ubufooli have stopped!!10:10
Vovkso errm - ubuntu question: why does my wicd stop working whenever i go into standby mode?10:10
ubufoolstop spamming me !10:10
Vovkwell - any network manager10:10
Vovkrestarting wicd doesn't help - must restart box10:10
conradsteinkhi! i am having problems unencrypting my home folder since 1 week ago, i think it was after an update i've made. Help please =D10:10
Vovki always knew having a bit "encrypt my folders" button was a bad idea...10:11
selinuxiumHi all... Can anyone tell me if there is an issue with keyserver.ubuntu.com... Trying to add a PPA and it is just hanging...  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots10:11
Chousukeconradsteink: eep, that's not a fun problem. :/ too bad I have no idea what ubuntu's home encryption thing does.10:11
Slartselinuxium: someone had problems accessing it yesterday.. it might be having a bad week or something10:12
Slartselinuxium: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/  claims to be working  though.. so at least the machine is up and running10:12
odb|fidelhi - any rss-reader you can recommend? (in best case with support for google-reader-sync) - found liferea - which offers the basic function but feels pretty slow10:12
ubufoolIK how does bandwidth usage qualify as off topic if i'm/we are using ubuntu?10:13
Vovkselinuxium - you can do sudo apt-get-repository now? just tried it and got command not found O.o10:13
ikoniaubufool: this is your final warning - please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss it10:13
ChousukeVovk: add-apt-repository, not apt-get-repository10:13
Vovkaah right10:13
GryllidaHow do I change default background color in links2? I try to do it in Setup > Miscellaneous, which doesn't do anything and resets to e0e0e0 after restart.10:13
conradsteinkChousuke: yes, it isn't fun :S . I also don't know how the encryption works, the only thing i know that it uses "ecryptfs" to encrypt the folder10:14
Vovkselinuxium - works fine for me10:14
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Vovkjust added it10:14
Chousukeconradsteink: have you tried to mount it manually from the terminal?10:14
Chousukeconradsteink: that would be useful in seeing what error you get10:14
Chousukeconradsteink: also, "dmesg" will give you the kernel log, which might contain something about the mount failure.10:15
VovkChousuke, conradsteink: do you still have the key/password/whatever you used to encrypt it?10:15
conradsteinkpreparing some command output for sending to a pastebin ..10:15
Chousukepastebinit is a useful tool10:16
Chousukethen you can just do command | pastebinit10:16
jrd0can anyone give me some help with radeon drivers, i cant enable compiz or i get super slow 2d gfx using offical driver10:17
gentooxerChousuke: nice tool, thanks10:17
Vovklol jrd0 - number one rule: don't buy ATI10:17
Chousukemeh, do buy ati :P10:18
Vovkhad to mess with my dads for AAAGES getting it to work properly10:18
Chousukethey at least release the specs for their hardware now10:18
soreaujrd0: Radeon drivers have great support, do not listen to Vovk10:18
jrd0i prefer ati10:18
soreaujrd0: Can you come to #compiz?10:18
conradsteinkVovk: yes, i should have it10:18
Vovkmeh - i've always had bad luck with them10:18
Vovkespecially on ubuntu10:18
ct529hi guys! I would like to format a usb key in ext4 .... how do you do that?10:18
jrd0loving my5800's10:18
soreauVovk: Thats because youre doing it wrong10:18
Vovkct529 - have you got Gparted? :)10:18
conradsteinkVovk: at least it throws no error claiming for the key10:19
Chousukect529: you can use gparted for it10:19
Vovksoreau, probably10:19
selinuxiumVovk, Slightly different... add-apt-repository... :)10:19
Vovkconradsteink, hmmm10:19
Vovkso many red letters >.<10:19
Chousukect529: or if it already has a partition, mkfs.ext4 /dev/partition-device-here10:19
Chousukewith a sudo10:19
selinuxiumVovk, Slart, Cheers for having a look. :)10:19
Slartselinuxium: you're welcome10:19
Vovkselinuxium, :)10:19
ubufoolpeople i was talking to about my bandwidth pls pm me ...10:20
ct529Vovk: yes, but I cannot see the key10:20
VovkO.o you do not own that encrypted directory10:20
Vovkct529, hmm... you should not have the key mounted10:21
Vovkct529, how many hard drives have you got? the removable key should be the next one down in the /dev/sd<something> list10:21
Chousukeconradsteink: looks like a permission problem but I can't see anything obviously wrong.10:21
ct529Vovk should I umount it?10:21
Vovkct529, yeah, you shouldn't format a mounted drive10:22
Vovkct529, but even if it were mounted it would still show up in gparted10:22
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MonkeyManhi all i am testing ubuntu 9.10 live cd on my laptop how can i set up dual screen. atm when i plugg in the 2nd seccond screen it is showing same as laptop but blury10:22
MonkeyMani am thinking its to do with drivers not being installed but its a live cd lol10:22
ct529Vovk it shows but it does not format10:22
abuayyoubHello, I can someone help me please? My DVD's are not mounting. I have tried to burn a DVD and it Brasco cant find it also, I tried to play a DVD movie just now and VLC says it cant locate it. Everything has worked fine for months no idea why things are not working now.10:22
Vovkct529, aah good. then ya, umount10:22
conradsteinkChousuke: mm .. seems like, but as "sudo" it also doesn't work :((10:23
Vovkct529, a mounted volume is like a book in your hand. umounting it puts it back on the shelf10:23
Vovkct529, and once it's on the shelf the little format fairies can get to work :310:23
Chousukeconradsteink: yeah it'll try to mount root's encryptfs10:23
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Chousukeconradsteink: ls -lad //home/.ecryptfs/aux/.ecryptfs10:23
conradsteinkChousuke: nice program that "pastebinit" ;) , just installed it10:24
ct529Vovk :-D not really! It shows only 512B, whilst the key is 1GB10:24
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Vovkct529, bizzare10:24
Chousukeconradsteink: maybe the .encryptfs dir tree has the wrong permissions, even though the symlink doesn't.10:24
Vovkwhich device is it ct529? /dev/sd____?10:24
MonkeyManso dual screen how do i begin10:24
abuayyoubHow can I find out what my DVD is called Ex.. /dev/sda1 is the HD how do I find what my DVD drive is called and I can mount it manually10:24
michael_I want to open a port on my server10:25
GryllidaHow do I change default background color in links2? I try to do it in Setup > Miscellaneous, which doesn't do anything and resets to e0e0e0 after restart.10:25
Chousukeconradsteink: that looks correct. hmm10:25
michael_I add -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport portnumber -j ACCEPT10:25
michael_and then refresh the iptables10:26
Vovkct529, hello?10:26
michael_is that enough ?10:26
Chousukeconradsteink: maybe you should just print the whole tree. hmm10:26
abuayyoubHello, I can someone help me please? My DVD's are not mounting. I have tried to burn a DVD and it Brasco cant find it also, I tried to play a DVD movie just now and VLC says it cant locate it. Everything has worked fine for months no idea why things are not working now.10:26
MonkeyManconradsteink: who is that link for exactly10:26
ct529Vovk found the problem .... the key was locked :-(10:26
Chousukeconradsteink: ie. ls -laR /home/.encryptfs/10:26
ct529sorry to have bothered you10:26
Vovkct529, LOL well there's yer problem :310:26
Vovkct529, got it handled now? :)10:26
MonkeyMandows anyone here know bout dualscreen to answer my above question10:27
MonkeyManhi all i am testing ubuntu 9.10 live cd on my laptop how can i set up dual screen. atm when i plugg in the 2nd seccond screen it is showing same as laptop but bkury10:27
rwwMonkeyMan: change the settings in System -> Preferences -> Display10:27
ct529Vovk thanks a lot for your help10:27
conradsteinkChousuke: it's big big big10:27
GryllidaMonkeyMan, system, administration, displays, if you're in Gnome10:28
VovkMonkeyMan - calm down O.o not using gnome right now but i think that there is a menu for it in System>settings10:28
conradsteinkMonkeyMan: ?10:28
Vovkaaaand... i was ninja'd10:28
Vovkct529, lol - don't thank me, you solved it!10:28
Chousukeconradsteink: that shouldn't matter if you pastebin all of it :)10:28
Chousukeconradsteink: though of course if there's something you don't want others to see take that out :P10:28
rwwGryllida: have you done Setup -> Save options?10:28
Vovkabuayyoub - try /dev/sr0 for dvd?10:29
skramer_how do I get my old Wacom ArtPad II to work with Lucid?10:29
conradsteinkChousuke: ls is still printing files ...10:29
Chousukeconradsteink: okay, so it's pretty big :P10:29
skramer_it's a serial gaphics tablet which used to work with prevouse releases of Ubuntu10:29
skramer_but now I can not use it after upgrade to 10.0410:30
Vovkbtw - anyone here know NWScript? please send me a private message if you do :D10:30
Chousukeconradsteink: anyway, my intention was to check the permissions of the .encryptfs/aux directory10:30
conradsteinkChousuke: or mi pc pretty slow xD .. no, but a netbook10:30
Chousukeconradsteink: and any files that might be related.10:30
abuayyoubVovk,  it says special device does not exsist.10:30
abuayyoubVovk, any idea why it is not automounting? it always worked before but for some reason today it seems that it dosent want to read any of my CDs or DVDs10:31
Vovkabuayyoub, have you checked the physical connections? does it work in a live environment, or maybe a dual booted system?10:31
Vovkabuayyoub, this is just a symlink to sr0 on my system, but maybe it points somewhere different on yours. try /dev/cdrom10:32
Vovkabuayyoub, /dev/dvd , /dev/dvdrw , /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw all point to the same place on my system... but i really don't know what setup you have...10:33
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Vovkthat's ironic...10:33
rwwVovk: hmm?10:33
conradsteinkChousuke: http://pastebin.com/wMpGQber10:33
Vovkrww - the floodbot flooding10:34
rwwVovk: oh. They get uppity when one of them gets disconnected.10:35
Vovkanyone know why I lose my wireless daemon every time i go into standby? it's whatever is behind wicd and network manager because both of those fail after i close my laptop's lid...10:35
Gryllidarww: it doesn't reset on restart now. but the baackground isn't white yet though...10:35
Vovkrww, fair enough10:35
abuayyoubVovk,  it's a laptop and only has one DVD drive10:35
abuayyoubI looked in /dev ther eis no dvd nothing there also no cd/cdrw nothing10:35
Vovkabuayyoub, hmm... hard to check a physical connection on a laptop - and you say /dev/dvd doesn't work?10:35
Chousukeconradsteink: hm, there are a few files owned by root10:35
abuayyoubVovk,  i am running x64 sony laptop with lucid10:35
Chousukeconradsteink: in the .Private dir10:36
Chousukeconradsteink: maybe you should change them so that you own them10:36
Vovkabuayyoub, really... do ls -lah /dev | grep -i cd10:36
conradsteinkChousuke: ok, will try10:36
Vovkabuayyoub, hmm... using 32 bit lucid on a dell latitude e550010:36
kakihii world10:36
Gryllidahi kaki10:37
Vovkhii kaki10:37
Chousukeconradsteink: then there's the file that has only an uid as owner10:37
MonkeyManrww, Gryllida Vovk conradsteink there is no sys>Prefferances>display i am on 9.10 live cd10:37
Chousukeconradsteink: You probably should change that too10:37
abuayyoubVovk,  command not found10:37
rwwMonkeyMan: sorry. Try Monitors?10:37
abuayyoubVovk,  like I said, yesterday everything worked find.10:37
GryllidaMonkeyMan: system preferences monitors10:37
Vovkabuayyoub, ls was not found? or grep?10:37
MonkeyMani fiund it there dont worrie i cant see for looking lol10:38
abuayyoubvovk -lah10:38
ABBADONHi, I've been having a bit of a problem with an upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04.  I've had update-manager running for quite a while, yet now it seems to be frozen for some reason.  The last line on the terminal display says: File "/usr/lib/python2.5/logging/__init__.py", line 753 in emit10:38
selinuxium hmmm... Slightly annoyed at gnome-panel having dependencies on evolution...  removed all of evolution from my system and gnome-panel went to...10:38
ABBADONI've googled "ubuntu update-manager frozen", "ubuntu 8.04 update manager hangs" "ubuntu 10.-4 update manager hangs" and many other terms, but I can't seem to find out what's wrong with it - the System Monitor isn't listing the process either.  Has anyone else here had this problem, and if so, can someone give me a nudge in the right direction as to how to continue with the upgrade?10:38
selinuxium s/to/too/10:38
selinuxium Now the new user switcher is no longer there following the reinstall...10:38
conradsteinkChousuke: changing with chown -R aux:aux . , hope ti changes this "uid" user too10:38
Chousukeconradsteink: yeah, it will10:38
Vovkabuayyoub, you put too many spaces in between ls and -lah.10:38
Vovkabuayyoub, should be ls -lah (one space)10:38
ubufoolhow do i resize my filesystem?10:38
Vovktwo spaces work too10:39
abuayyoubwhoops lol10:39
Vovkwhat in hell is going on?10:39
Vovkunless you typed 1ah with a one10:39
ChousukeVovk: spaces don't matter10:39
erUSULubufool: with gparted; form a livecd10:39
ChousukeVovk: there can be a million, it'll work just fine :)10:39
abuayyoubvovk, what am I looking for here10:39
VovkChousuke, lol i just realized that... so why does it think that -lah is a command?10:39
abuayyoubi hav a couple that come up and say root cdrom10:39
Gryllidaubufool: "gparted" without quotes in Terminal10:39
Vovkabuayyoub, it should say something like cdrom -> sr010:39
Vovkin a bunch of columns10:39
ChousukeVovk: probably wrong input10:40
conradsteinkChousuke: =D10:40
conradsteinkChousuke: =DD10:40
Chousukeconradsteink: does it work now?10:40
VovkChousuke, i just did it myself - works fine unless he's not copy/pasting10:40
conradsteinkChousuke: yes, my files are back!!!10:40
Chousukeconradsteink: excellent10:40
abuayyoubvovk, cdrom -> sr010:40
conradsteinkChousuke: thx a lot, nice to meet you ;)10:40
Prabshi i cant able to play videos what to do10:40
abuayyoubVovk,  I forget the ls' before lol thats why it came back as command not found lol10:40
Vovkabuayyoub, so there IS something in your /dev directory called cdrom ;) you liar10:40
Vovkoh lol10:40
Vovkput a cd or dvd in the drive and do this10:41
Vovksudo mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt10:41
Prabsi cant able to play videos what to do10:41
Vovkthen look inside the /mnt directory, there should be something there10:41
VovkPrabs - download vlc :310:41
ubottuPrabs: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:41
Prabsya i installed it10:41
VovkPrabs, follow ubottu :P10:42
abuayyoubthanks man10:42
abuayyoubhey, what does the loop command do?10:42
Vovkabuayyoub, it worked?10:42
abuayyoubjust currious10:42
abuayyoubyea, it worked10:42
Vovkmeans loop device10:42
Vovkmakes a file accessible as a block device10:43
Vovklike an iso file10:43
Chousukeconradsteink: you're welcome10:43
Vovkthe image of a disk is really a file - yah?10:43
Vovkso you need to tell mount to treat it like a filesystem10:43
abuayyoubVovk, i'm up and burnin thanks man. Not sure why it stopped auto mounting but seems to be working now.10:43
Vovkabuayyoub, it's automounting now?10:43
Vovkabuayyoub, it should have just mounted once, to /mnt.10:44
Vovkabuayyoub, to make it automount you need to edit /etc/fstab10:44
abuayyoubVovk, yea, werid ah? I mounted, unmounted just to see if it would work. took the DVD out of the tray and not it's auto mounting again. WTF right?10:44
conradsteinkChousuke: bye, i will login now with my user who owns the recovered encrypted folder :D10:44
Vovkabuayyoub, it's automounting again... bizzare...10:44
conradsteinkbye all!10:44
abuayyoubVovk,  haha maybe i put the DVD in upside down in a stooper or something lol10:45
VovkO.o maybe10:45
Vovkabuayyoub, you don't happen to know nwscript do you? :D apparently nobody on irc does :(10:45
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abuayyoubvovk, seriously, i tried at least a dozen blank dvd's before and nothing happened10:45
Vovkapparently the little mounting gnomes living on your motherboard went on strike10:46
ubufoollol sis will do that10:46
abuayyoubvovk, no, sorry. I have the same probelem tho man I feel your pain. I been looking for 3 weeks to find ssudo mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mntetomeone on IRC who has NSBget installed on their machine. apparently noone uses Usenet anymore10:46
abuayyoubVovk, whoops10:47
VovkVovk, llol10:47
abuayyoubvovk, no, sorry. I have the same probelem tho man I feel your pain. I been looking for 3 weeks to find someone no one on IRC who has NSBget installed on their machine. apparently noone uses Usenet anymore10:47
abuayyoubthats better lol10:47
dubeyI am getting w: GPG error while update ubuntu 10.0410:47
Vovkabuayyoub, lol yeah i know. It wouldn't be so bad if the 3 dedicated chat rooms for it weren't all empty10:48
kakiabuayyoub   you can't mount your CD's ?????10:48
Vovkkaki - he solved it... was a random problemn10:48
Vovkproblem even10:48
kakiahh ok10:48
abuayyoubkaki, it's workin again thanks to Vovk :) yea, very strange problem.10:48
abuayyoubbut thank you kaki, :D10:48
kakiyeah vovk is a genius10:48
GryllidaHow do I change default background color in links2? I try to do it in Setup > Miscellaneous, change it to ffffff, which doesn't do anything with currently open webpages. I hit 'save options', it doesn't reset on restart. but the baackground isn't white yet though...10:49
Vovkkaki - he wasn't able to automount, but forcing it to mount into a random directory suddenly started it working again O.o10:49
kakiyou welcome10:49
Vovkkaki - :P surely you jest10:49
ABBADONI can also provide logs if needed, too, by the way.10:49
kakiby modifing /etc/fstab ????10:49
jsquaredIs there something I can turn on/enable for gnome-terminal that will let me click on file paths and open them? (Much the same way it does with URLs already, for example.)10:49
Vovkkaki, not even! I thought he was going to have to10:49
Vovkkaki, just used sudo mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt ....10:49
_-XPERT-1Hi all10:50
Vovkkaki, then when he unmounted/remounted it went to the proper spot10:50
_-XPERT-1anyone got any clue about StrongSwan10:50
abuayyoubVovk, I swear i looked in /dev and there was nothing there that even looked like it belonged to a dvd player swear man lol10:50
kakiok ;) i will take this on my mind10:50
Vovkabuayyoub, grep is your friend :310:50
kakithank you vovk10:50
abuayyoubi think i might be loosing my mind or something.10:50
Vovkkaki, lol don't thank me! I haven't done anything lol10:50
_-XPERT-1anyone got any clue about StrongSwan10:50
abuayyoubvovk, yea I have to learn to use it more. Read somewhere it was the most used command10:50
dubeyany help10:50
Vovkabuayyoub, it's a search command :D the google of your computer :310:51
Gryllida_-XPERT-1: what is it and what's up with it?10:51
Vovkfind is pretty handy too10:51
_-XPERT-1Need some info about setting it up10:51
abuayyoubAnyone here use a program called NZBget? I think there are like 2 or 3 people in the world who have used it. Anyone of you here? :D10:51
_-XPERT-1I am missing some parts libstronswan-sha110:51
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN10:51
Gryllidaabuayyoub: not that I used it but someone might be able to help out, ask straight away10:52
Vovkhey kaki, you wouldn't happen to know why my network daemon shuts down every time my laptop goes into standby would you?10:52
_-XPERT-1Gryllida: I am missing strongswan-sha110:52
GryllidaVovk: standby closes all network connections, that is the fact10:52
Vovkkaki, i'd really like to close the lid without having to restart...10:52
abuayyoubGryllida,  i been asking for about 3 weeks now lol haven't found a single soul who has used it before haha. I thought it was a popular program apparently not.10:52
Gryllida_-XPERT-1: sudo apt-get install strongswan-sha110:52
kakime too i have this problem10:52
VovkGryllida, but they don't re open when you come out! they stay closed and you have to reboot!10:52
industrialAny time I leave my pc and come back one of my screens (my laptop screen) goes really dark after I move the mouse10:53
industrialI can't get it to go away or bright again10:53
industrialunless I log out and lose all my windows10:53
_-XPERT-1Gryllida: Non existing package do i need aonther sources list?10:53
abuayyoubindustrial, i had the same problem10:53
GryllidaVovk: what? don't you get your network connection back after you resume from standby?10:53
Vovkindustrial, your computer is obviously sad that you were away for so long, and you are being punished10:53
abuayyoubindustrial, i just kill X and it works again fine.10:53
Gryllida!info strongswan-sha110:53
ubottuPackage strongswan-sha1 does not exist in lucid10:53
VovkGryllida, nope. even restarting my network daemon - wicd doesn't help10:54
industrialwhich is annoying since I'm supposed to be doing WORK right now10:54
industrialthat aside, is this a known problem?10:54
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kakiwhen i close my laptop and return all connections reset10:54
VovkGryllida, is there a system that wicd stands on? maybe if i restart that...10:54
industrialabuayyoub: like I said I dont want to do that 5 times a day10:54
abuayyoubindustrial, you can also try  sudo killall gnome-power-manager10:54
industrialim at work.10:54
industrialoh so its power management? fuck it. die!10:54
Gryllidaindustrial, reboot.10:54
_-XPERT-1Gryllida: Been looking for a while now was hoping anyone here has it running10:54
industrialim on AC anyway10:54
industrialGryllida: i dont want to ill lose WORK windows.10:54
abuayyoubindustrial, worked for me.10:55
kakivovk did you try to do  sudo pppoeconf  to make conection ifupdown ????10:55
hotfloppyindustrial: try disabling your screensaver when your pc been idle..10:55
Vovkkaki do i even have a PPPoE access concentrator?10:55
Gryllida_-XPERT-1: try mailing list, ubuntu-users AT lists.ubuntu.com10:55
Vovkthought that required a modem/phone line or something?10:56
kakii have PPPoE concentrator10:56
_-XPERT-1Gryllida: Will try this thnx10:56
industrialfixed it, thanks :P10:56
Vovkkaki, i don't think i have one O.o10:57
Vovkkaki, i'm also not sure that I need one, and I really don't know what it does10:57
kakiyou havent pppoe accesss ???10:57
Vovkbesides concentrate pppoe access10:57
Gryllidaindustrial: system preferences power management, and screensaver10:57
VovkMAYBE I DO O.o i dunno. what is pppoe access?10:57
kakicause i am using ADSL10:57
Vovklol. I'm using a cable line10:57
Vovka wireless router hooked up to a cable model10:58
iceman_3233./msg NickServ iceman_3233 3233198810:58
kakiis it fast than adsl ???10:58
wobleIs there a way to completely disable the default keyring?10:58
kakibecause in algeria it makes me crazy10:58
Vovktop download rate 16 megabit :310:58
Vovk1 2 3 viva algerie!10:58
kakiloooooollll   faaaaaaaaast10:58
Vovkwe were watching football in physics class last semester - algeria vs egypt10:58
christmas11Hey anyone able to help me with a SAMBA problem/10:59
wizard_2010does anyone no of good music program for ubuntu 10.4 someone like ejay or reason 4.0 I have wine installed but does anyone no it reason 4.0 will work with wine and ubuntu thanks10:59
kakivovk are you algerian10:59
Vovkwe were rooting for egypt, but on an algerian newsfeed10:59
hotfloppyiceman_3233: lol..10:59
ndlovuI installed skype on lucid from the partner repo ( it seems to load (process is running), but other than that there's no way to access it - there's no taskbar icon, and no window opens. any ideas?10:59
abhi_navhow to install add-remove on 10.054?10:59
dob1hi, i can't find unix2dos dos2unix programs on ubuntu since the new update, where are they?10:59
Vovkkaki, lol no, Ukrainyts10:59
hotfloppyiceman_3233: guess you got to change your passwd.. lol..11:00
kakidid yuo watch the match algeria V S england ???11:00
Vovkkaki, but i was watching a football game with my kuwaiti friend - algeria vs egypt. and the announcers were algerian, so they always chanted that lol11:00
Vovkno :(11:00
Vovki haven't had time to watch much world cup. searching for employment11:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:00
kakiit was a great match11:00
christmas11Does ubuntu come with a firewall?11:00
Vovkrww you make a good point and yes christmas it does!11:01
rww!firewall | christmas1111:01
ubottuchristmas11: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.11:01
wobleIs there a way to completely disable the default keyring?11:01
abhi_navrww how to install add remove?11:01
hotfloppyDoes ubuntu 9.04 got content management system out of the box ?11:01
hotfloppyabhi_nav: what for ?11:02
dob1this channel is useful other than stupid newbie questions?11:02
abhi_navhotfloppy, I want to install add remvoe in 10.0411:02
Vovkhotfloppy, ?? you mean like joomla or something?11:02
Gryllidadob1: for anything, just ask straight away11:02
Vovkabhi_nav, synaptic not working for you?11:02
christmas11would that firewall interfere with SAMBA?11:02
Slartdob1: I think it might be called tofrodos now11:02
Vovkabhi_nav, also i think add/remove is called the Ubuntu Software Center now11:02
abhi_navVovk everything is working. I just want add remove you know how to install it?11:02
dob1Slart: thanks11:02
hotfloppyabhi_nav: try right clicking on your menu on your upper right.. and tick on ubuntu software center11:02
abhi_navvovk no its not they both are different11:02
kakitry synaptic11:03
abhi_navhotfloppy, i dont want UFC i wnat to install add remove11:03
rwwabhi_nav: you don't, it's not in Ubuntu or Debian's repositories any more11:03
hotfloppyVovk: yeap.. is there any ?11:03
rwwabhi_nav: removal reason was "superseded by software-center, removed in Debian"11:03
abhi_navrww can i take its .deb or source from anywhere?11:03
Vovkhotfloppy, not out of apt-get that i can think of... you could use drupal, it's not so hard to install11:03
lolfetishHow can I paste text from other windows, into nano?11:03
rwwabhi_nav: there aren't any supported ways of getting it, no11:04
abhi_navrww. ok thanks11:04
abhi_navrww can we now select more than one aps for installing in UFC?11:04
blackn1ghtHey guys, how do you add Facebook to gwibber?11:04
VagaStorm_I'f I set up the ubuntu chloud thing, can I make a virtual server which can expand past one physical box if it needs to?11:04
hotfloppyVovk: is Drupal is n00b-friendly ?11:04
Vovkhotfloppy, depends on how noob you are11:04
rwwabhi_nav: assuming you mean Software Center, I have no idea. I don't use it.11:04
hotfloppytotally :(11:04
abhi_navrww then you use what?11:04
Vovkhotfloppy, last i checked you needed to have a lamp server before installing drupal11:04
rwwabhi_nav: aptitude11:04
abhi_navrww command line?11:05
rwwabhi_nav: yes11:05
hotfloppyVovk: ic.. thanks..11:05
abhi_navrww hmm ok anyway thanks. :)11:05
Vovkhotfloppy, if you want something easy to use to build web sites (like dreamweaver) instead of automatic content management11:05
Vovkhotfloppy, you could always try Komposer11:05
Vovkhotfloppy, it's not as pro as dreamweaver is tho O.o11:06
kakibut dreamweaver need windows11:06
hotfloppyVovk: nope, i want the cms things.. anyways, already installed kompozer :)11:06
Vovkkaki, i'm aware of that :3 (or mac)11:06
Vovklol well then11:06
Vovktry drupal out?11:07
Vovkit's fairly well documented11:07
Vovkor joomla11:07
Vovkboth are open source iirc11:07
kakiyes joomla is good11:07
kakiopen source and libre11:07
hotfloppyVovk: how bout wordpress ?11:07
Vovkhotfloppy, never used. if you like it then go for it O.o11:07
wizard_2010does anyone no of good music program for ubuntu 10.4 someone like ejay or reason 4.0 I have wine installed but does anyone no it reason 4.0 will work with wine and ubuntu thanks11:08
kakivovk i think that joomla has a lot of vulnerabilities11:08
hotfloppyVovk: i will try wordpress.. or drupal.. thanks Vovk11:08
Vroomfondlewizard_2010: you can check compatibility by visiting the Wine AppDB11:08
VagaStorm_wordpress is simpler to maintain that joomla, but components in general in joomla, are better structured than the plugins for wordpress11:09
wizard_2010Vroomfondle, thanks11:09
VagaStorm_joomla taks a bit of effort to keep unhacked11:09
Vroomfondleno problem11:09
hotfloppykaki: where are you came from ?11:09
hotfloppykaki: in my language, kaki means legs :P11:10
kakihotfloppy why lol !!!11:10
kakikaki is abreviation of khaled11:10
kakimy real name is khaled11:10
Vovkkaki, O.o in my language khaled means armpit11:10
hotfloppyand my name is na'im :)11:11
* ikonia again points to the topic of the channel11:11
simon^templar& i am the sait XD11:11
Vovki kid, it doesn't. My name is Mykola btw - anyone know how to keep your network connections up through a standby?11:11
kakilol nice to meet you11:11
Strorini'm sorry, but in my language "kaki" means "shits"...11:12
ikoniaok guys, if you want some friendly chatter, please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for the support discussion only11:12
ikoniaStrorin: that language is unacceptable - stop now11:12
* hotfloppy silents.. sory ikonia..11:12
Vovk* apologizes11:12
kakilol  so i have to change my name ??11:12
ikoniakaki: no, lets move on, do you have an ubuntu issue you want to talk about ?11:12
Vovkerrm kaki i think it was a bad joke that strorin made...11:12
kakime too11:13
Strorinmy bad, sorry11:13
ennuiWhat do you folks use to clone your system?11:13
Vovkso... no network manager or nwscript help... i might have to go to sleep soon O.o11:13
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goguHi, am a beginner. installed Lucid Lynx. Mine1gb RAM and 120GB HDD partitioned into 4GBswap, 80GB (/) and 36Gb (/home). Which one i need to use for storage? / or /home? Pl help.11:15
arandennui: fsarchiver11:15
ikoniagogu: your personal data is stored in /home11:15
Vovkgogu: home11:15
kakigogu home is best11:16
Vovkgogu: if it's not too late, i would redo the install with maybe only 30-40 gb of space in /  maybe 2011:16
Vovkor just resize the partitions11:16
goguvovk, can I resize without reinstalling?11:17
kakii dont think so gogu11:17
ikonia gogu you'll need to do it from a livecd as your partitions will be in use by the running system11:17
hotfloppygogu: yes you can, with liveCD11:17
hotfloppygogu: you cant resize mounted partition11:18
alohadoubthi all11:18
kakihe wants to resize / partition11:18
ikoniakaki: yes, and ?11:18
kakii think he cant11:19
kakior you will have problems11:19
ikoniakaki: he can, use a livecd as I've just said11:19
kakior use parted magic11:19
reactorwhat's the main differences between Desktop and Server?11:20
alohadoubti'm having problem with mysql-server-5.0 after installing tried to access it with mysql -u root -p and I've enter the password but it didn't allow me to enter on mysql. i installed ubuntu 9.04 jaunty vps on xen 64bit. is there solution for this?11:20
reactorwhat are*11:20
ikoniakaki: why would he need to purcahse a software package when he already has a livecd with the tools on for free11:20
hotfloppyguys, is it possible to use ext3 for / and ext4 for /home ? will it be any conflicts ?11:20
Vovkhotfloppy, nope11:20
erUSULhotfloppy: it is possible; no conflicts11:20
Vovkhotfloppy, errm nope, no conflicts11:20
ikoniareactor: the server is targeted at enterprise class hardware, so lacks a few nice desktop features, but also has a few tuning features aimed at enteprise grade stuff11:20
ikoniareactor: what are you looking to do11:20
Vovkhotfloppy, by all means do it if you want lol11:20
hotfloppythanks Vovk, erUSUL11:20
alohadoubti'm having problem with mysql-server-5.0 after installing tried to access it with mysql -u root -p and I've enter the password but it didn't allow me to enter on mysql. i installed ubuntu 9.04 jaunty vps on xen 64bit. is there solution for this?11:20
hotfloppylol Vovk11:21
kakiahh ok11:21
ikoniaalohadoubt: what's the error11:21
reactorikonia: I'm gonna use my machine as desktop and server at the same time11:21
Vovkanyone here had any experience with btrfs?11:21
reactorikonia: I failed to get ircd working11:21
ikoniareactor: then the desktop will be a fine product for you to use11:21
alohadoubtroot@asro3:~# mysql -u root -p11:21
alohadoubtEnter password:11:21
alohadoubtERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)11:21
FloodBot4alohadoubt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:21
alohadoubtERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)11:22
Vovkalohadoubt, plez pastebin it O.o11:22
ikoniaalakoo: then either a.) you didn't set the root password correctly when you installed mysql server, or b.) mysqld is not currently running11:22
alohadoubtim using ubuntu 9.04 xen 64bit vps11:22
reactorikonia: btw where can I find out about ircd-hybrid on Ubuntu?11:23
ikoniaalohadoubt: based on the test I've just done, you've set the password wrong as you'd get a socket file error if it wasn't running11:23
alohadoubterror here11:23
ikoniareactor: have you looked in the software repos11:23
Vovkbye #ubuntu . have fun, and don't make ikonia too angreh. you won't like ikonia when ikonia is angry...11:23
reactorikonia: apt has it11:23
ikoniareactor: then install it from there11:23
kakiok bye vovk11:23
reactorikonia: but dpkg returns code 1 when installing11:23
ikoniareactor: pastebin the error11:23
kakitake care of yourself11:23
alohadoubtmy pass is correct11:23
alohadoubti use 12345611:24
ikoniaalohadoubt: not acording to that it's not11:24
reactorikonia: now can't, I'm conecting from livecd deciding what distro to use11:24
ikoniareactor: ok, I can't help then11:24
reactorbut thx11:24
Kartagiswhy do I get mount: special device //sss-ybf/c$ does not exist when I issue sudo mount -t vfat //sss-ybf/c$ /mnt/sss/11:24
alohadoubtwhat will be the solution for this...11:24
ikoniaKartagis: because you don't mount network devices as vfat11:24
alohadoubtthis is odd i dont have this problem in 32bit11:24
ikoniaalohadoubt: it's nothting to do with 64bit11:25
Kartagisikonia, whether it's linux or windows?11:25
ikoniaalohadoubt: I suggest using the mysql documentaed prodedure for recovering the password, verify it,11:25
nikinhy. Does Gnome obey the gtk-icon sizes set in themes?11:25
ikoniaKartagis: either way, you don't mount network file systems as vfat, it has to be a network file system such as nfs/samba/cifs11:25
alohadoubthonestly im using ubuntu 6 on 32bit and this is the first time i've installed mysql5 on xen 64bit with ubuntu 9.0411:25
reactorhow do I mount a disk as additional space for /home not displaying it at my desktop?11:25
ikoniaalohadoubt: I don't doubt what you're telling me11:26
alohadoubteven if i reinstall this and use 123456 as password still same problem'11:26
ikoniareactor: you don't mount it as additional space, you either mount it under /home, or you resize home to include that space11:26
kakibye world and thank you ikonia11:26
reactorikonia: I mean I have two partitions on different drives11:26
erUSULreactor: mount it in /mnt/ and then either link it somewhere in home or mount --bind it11:26
vukconnect sexchat11:27
ikoniareactor: ok - so you'd have to mount your second driver as a directory under /home11:27
alohadoubti'vebeen searching few hours ago but still didn't find solution11:27
reactorikonia: both drives to /home?11:27
ikoniareactor: you can't do that as I've said11:27
reactorerUSUL: hmm but I think I'll still see it11:27
ikoniareactor: you'd have to mount the second driver a directory under /home11:27
ikoniaalohadoubt: look up mysql recovery options to get your root password right, and verify it11:27
sphexhey. is it OK that in /proc/meminfo, the MemFree + Cached + Active + Inactive fields only amount to about half my RAM?11:27
erUSULreactor: if it is mounted in /mnt/ it will no show up afaics11:28
reactorerUSUL: roger that, I'll test11:28
alohadoubti already did11:29
alohadoubtdpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.011:29
alohadoubtpassword still wrong11:29
ennuianyone know of an application that would allow me to bind touchpad swipes with functions? (swpies as opposed to gestures which seem to require at least 1 'click' in there)11:29
reactorerUSUL: right, it doesn't display, thx11:29
nikinikonia, isnt there a solution for it in the new partitiner to span one partitin throught more disks using LVM?11:29
Prabshi i cant able to play any video files i also installed Restricted extras but while opening any video file it shows         "Error in opening/initializing  the selected video_out(-vo) device"      i tryed to open with Mplayer but the mp3 file plays well and sounds also good what to do give me a solution11:31
erUSULPrabs: "Error in opening/initializing  the selected video_out(-vo) device" <<< somhow the Xvideo extension does not work on your graphic driver ...11:32
ankoutgood day everybody! Can anyone help a french guy with some sound card troubles on ubuntu 10.04?11:32
Prabswht to do11:32
ankoutI have no sound on my jack output11:33
nikinreactor, take a look at http://www.linuxconfig.org/Linux_lvm_-_Logical_Volume_Manager . but it wont be an easy ride11:33
erUSULPrabs: try « mplayer -vo x11 file.avi  »11:33
PrabserUSUL:how to do that plz11:35
erUSULPrabs: in a terminal11:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:35
erUSULankout: is a laptop ?11:36
reactornikin: k11:36
ankouterUSUL> yes, toshiba T13011:36
erUSUL!intelhda | ankout11:37
ubottuankout: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:37
vbnzqhi everybody11:38
ankouterUSUL> yes, intel-hda loaded correctly11:38
vbnzqdoes somebody knows any comfortable html/css editor undet ubuntu?11:38
erUSULankout: but passing the correct options for your lap as explained in the wiki11:39
erUSUL!html | vbnzq11:39
skydromeHTML: Unable to validate | vbnzq: You need to supply a URI scheme (e.g http)11:39
ubottuvbnzq: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/11:39
ankouterUSUL, yes, I am reading that now, tks!!11:39
goguvovk, hotfloppy, ikonia, kaki, thanks a lot. I will try resizing partitions with LiveCD OR reinstall11:39
vbnzqthanks a lot! I'll try them11:39
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ankouterUSUL > do u now a simple way to restart the sound service (alsa...), else than rebooting?11:41
erUSULskydrome: !? please deactivate that script/bot11:41
rohitnikcoolHi, i am new to ubuntu ,i tried to backup my system using remastersys but the iso file was to big and i was unable to run remastersys,synaptic manager because of 0 free space,thanks to the terminal that i was able to remove the iso file , now i just want to backup my ubuntu system only, i am running ubuntu on differrent11:42
rohitnikcoolplz help11:42
erUSULankout: you may try to kill pulseaudio « sudo pkill pulseaudio » and then « sudo modprobe -r intel-hda » but it probably wont work11:42
ankouterUSUL, OK i'll try that!11:43
ankouterUSUL > sudo modprobe -r intel-hda11:44
ankoutFATAL: Module intel_hda not found.11:44
ankoutstrange thing...11:44
|raegis9|hi everybody11:48
vbnzqmay be somebody knows HTML editor like KompoZer but with autoend tags like dreamweaver does it?11:48
jussi!html test11:48
skydromeHTML: Not valid - Errors: 72, http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.test.com11:48
e-DIO-traga', qualcuno mi sa spiegare come dichiarare il campo "--to-source" come natpool in una regola di SNAT? ho usato i pacchetti escono come Una netmask non è, una wildcard manco direi a 'sto punto. Qualche idea?11:51
ankoutsnd-hda-intel is in use => any idea to kill it?11:51
e-DIO-tdoh sorry, wrong chan11:51
e-DIO-ti meant: does anyone know which is the right way to declare the  "--to-source" field as natpool in an iptables SNAT rule?11:52
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alohadoubtmysql-server-5.0 logon errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/453329/11:56
erUSULankout: it is easier/faster just reboot11:57
alohadoubtmysql-server-5.0 logon errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/453329/ any solution ?11:58
kokozedmanhey guys,12:02
kokozedmani'd like to use this program here http://thomer.com/icmptx/ and there is an IPTABLES rules in there but i'm not sure where to put it12:02
kokozedmananyone can advise?12:02
alohadoubtmysql-server-5.0 logon errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/453329/ pls help.12:02
ndlovudoes fusion-icon work under lucid?12:02
kokozedmanit talks about debian, but i don't see the file /var/lib/iptables/active and i see a similar one inside /etc/iptables.up.rules12:03
wiresharkanyone who use chromium?12:03
nesbitti use chromium12:03
alohadoubtmysql-server-5.0 logon errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/453329/ pls help.12:04
coreyhow do i change the resolution on ubuntu12:05
kokozedmancorey: i think that is in the Display preferences12:05
nesbittcorey: system->preferences->monitors12:05
panpanthis is where?12:06
wiresharkwho has the chromium browser?12:06
kokozedmananyone knowing iptables?12:06
nesbittwireshark: i use chromium web browser.  do you have a question?12:06
wiresharkyes nesbitt12:07
wiresharkit shows me this message nesbitt12:07
coreydoes anyone know much about gaming on ubuntu12:07
wireshark}nes    Windows Media Player Plugin is not installed or enabled in your Browser12:07
Sm0ke0utI just installed the latest ubuntu version. but it appears that I can't play any videos. Or well.. they play but I've only audio (tried multiple players: vlc, mplayer and the one default included)12:07
ubutomcorey, for gaming I use Windows, less trouble ;)12:08
nesbittwireshark: could you send me the link resulting in that message?12:08
erUSUL!games | corey12:08
ubottucorey: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php12:08
wiresharkwhat do you mean nesbitt?12:08
nesbittwireshark: what webpage are you visiting when you get that message?12:08
coreythanks guys12:09
wiresharknesbitt:  is from the tv chrome extension12:09
wiresharknesbitt:  could you open this link ???   -----> http://www.redfm.gr/listen.php?category_id=4212:09
coreycant figure out if i should stick with windows or ubuntu lol12:10
Sm0ke0utdualboot? =)12:10
nesbittwireshark: yeah, that's working for me. let me check something, stand by12:10
coreyto be honest its been driving me crazy ol12:10
XunieGoogle Chrome uses totem, can I set that to vlc?12:10
XunieI mean, I can disable the plugins, sure, and someone in #chromium-support already said "ask it in here, hurr durr", so I did.12:11
lost_hi everybody! I need to get envyNg but not available on lucid ??12:11
coreyi love ubuntu but ive had issues with the graphic drivers as in x failing but now it seems to be alright? plus im huge on gaming for pc and ubuntu can play alot but only under wine? and you gotta fool around alot with it >.<12:12
erebuscorey: I keep ubuntu on one drive for everything except gaming, i have a separate windows for that since activex is so proprietary12:12
erUSULcorey: if you are  huge on gaming then run windows.12:13
nesbittwireshark: have you tried that link in another browser, eg firefox?12:13
shomonhi, how do I get mono to run on lucid? I installed it all fine, but then tried to get tomboy to run, and now other mono stuff has broken, with "can't find module x" errors12:13
coreyi like the software benefits over torrents on ubuntu and the gui12:13
wiresharkyes nesbitt12:13
coreywindows gets old12:13
wiresharknesbitt:  but i can't open from firefox too12:13
wiresharknesbitt:  i can open this only with the stream link with vlc12:14
minverI couldn't start my computer and read the HD so I ran the Ubuntu CD to boot live. No I can access the HD but I can't backup my files because there is a permission denied. Any ideas?12:14
Sm0ke0utquite funny actually. I can play games on steam (most of them). but can't play videos =P12:15
nesbittwireshark: type "about:plugins" in your address bar in chrome - does it have "Windows Media Player Plug-in..." listed?12:16
wiresharknesbitt:  w812:16
Sm0ke0utoh. this is even more fun12:16
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Sm0ke0utI only can play video if it's already playing and I'm changing a video setting12:16
zacharyhi i am having trouble launching gdesklets12:17
zacharyi click on the button in the navbar but it doesn't launch12:17
zacharyit says it's loading in the system tray12:17
=== zachary is now known as Guest25544
Guest25544but then it never shows12:17
Guest25544any help would be appreciated12:18
wiresharknesbitt:  are you here?12:18
Guest25544can anyone help me?12:18
zachary_my gdesklets aren't starting12:19
IdleOnezachary_: please don't double post12:19
kokozedmanguys, noone using iptables in here?12:19
Guest25544just learning how XChat works12:19
IdleOneubottu: tell Guest25544 about register12:19
ubottuGuest25544, please see my private message12:19
nesbittwireshark: yes, do you have that in your list?12:19
induskokozedman, everyone does12:19
Dr_Williskokozedman:  proberly quite a few people are using the firewalling features of linux. which is contriolled by iptables I thouight12:19
wiresharknesbitt:  on chromium no i havent12:20
induskokozedman, iptables is the ubuntu firewall12:20
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:20
akkan84anyone know how to use sg_write_same?12:20
wiresharknesbitt:  on firefox i have it12:20
erUSUL!vbox | corey12:20
ubottucorey: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:20
nesbittwireshark: in chrome?12:20
wiresharki don't use chrome nesbitt12:20
wiresharkchromium only12:21
nesbittwireshark: *chromium12:21
kokozedmanindus, Dr_Willis: you guys can help where i should be putting this rule? http://paste2.org/p/88776312:21
wiresharknesbitt:  in chromium i haven't this plugin12:21
* indus shrugs12:21
wiresharknesbitt:  what i have to do?12:22
akkan84SG_WRITE_SAME....does anyone know how to use?12:22
nesbittwireshark: do you have totem installed?12:22
kokozedmanindus: actually, i thought to put it in /etc/iptables.up.rules, but i'm not sure where inside the code to put it12:22
kokozedmanit already has similar thing12:22
akkan84it keeps telling me no device12:22
kokozedmanand i don't know how the ubuntu iptables work... i'm quite new at it12:22
wiresharkyes nesbitt12:23
minverWhat is the root password when I run Ubuntu Live/Test from the boot cd?12:23
soreau! root12:23
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:23
induskokozedman, http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch14_:_Linux_Firewalls_Using_iptables12:23
induskokozedman, try taht link12:23
nesbittwireshark: try opening the stream in totem12:24
Dr_Willisminver:  on live cd just use 'sudo' as needed. I dont think it even asks for a pssword12:24
induskokozedman, or this for more precise http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch14_:_Linux_Firewalls_Using_iptables#Saving_Your_iptables_Scripts12:24
minverDr_Willis: okay, thanks12:24
OpenSysubuntu 10.4 not detect my scsi raid controler in install mode12:24
OpenSysbut parted dectect12:25
OpenSysand the disk12:25
OpenSysan clue ?12:25
minverDr_Willis: Do you have any answer to my other question? How to access files from my HD with permission denied. (Apple HD inside a PC)12:25
akkan84someone message me about sg_write_same please....i need to erase the unused blocks...otherwise my poorly compiled kernel keeps taking over12:26
nesbittany luck, wireshark?12:26
wiresharknesbitt:  i don't use totem12:26
Dr_Willisminver:  i have no idea how/if/ linux can access 'hfs' or 'hsf+' filesuystems (thats what apple uses) I dont use apples.12:27
nesbittwireshark: nevertheless can you try opening that stream in totem, like you did in vlc?12:27
Dr_Willisminver:  you can 'see' the files but cant read them? or what exactly?12:27
wiresharknesbitt:  w812:27
sinani have installed windows after installing ubuntu, and i can't fix grub. When running "setup (hd0)" i get "error 17: canoy mount selected partition". Any ideas?12:27
akkan84how can i TRIM on 2.6.3412:29
minverDr_Willis: yeah, I can see them but not read them. It's a cross over the folder and it says permission denied12:30
Dr_Willisminver:  no idea what 'cross over' means.  the Only Apple Ive ever owned.. is a very large doorstop.12:31
wiresharknesbitt:  i can't open it12:31
akkan84i need help with TRIM on kernel 2.6.3412:31
nesbittwireshark: what happened? did it give you an error? if so what did it say?12:31
wiresharknesbitt:  The playback of this movie requires a Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source plugin which is not installed.12:33
nesbittwireshark: please send me the link you put into totem?12:33
Dr_Williswireshark:  ive played some mms: streams in vlc, mplayer, and  totem. I  however always install ubuntu-restricted-extras and the w32codecs.   normally12:33
wiresharkDr_Willis:  i have already installed them12:34
wiresharknesbitt:  but i can open it with vlc12:34
shomonhow do I find out in ubuntu, what is running at a given port on my computer?12:35
Dr_Williswireshark:  check what the actual 'mss:// url is'   could be more of a site issue. then a stream issue12:35
nesbittminver: when you do "ls -l" in a directory in the system you are trying to access does it have you as the owner?12:35
jattyou can set the root password though12:36
wiresharkDr_Willis:  the same link is opennng on vlc12:36
jattsudo su12:36
jattand then passwd12:36
anodesniHi, I'm trying to connect to a printer server in my university so I can print from my laptop. But how do I find printers on this server and install drivers for it??12:36
minverDr_Willis: Oh, sorry, it's just a folder with a cross icon in the right corner :)12:36
minvernesbitt: no, i'm not the owner12:36
jussijatt: we recommend sudo -i not sudo su12:36
jussiand setting root passwords is not supported in here!12:37
nesbittminver: if you take ownership with chown i think that might resolve your issues, what does it have as the permissions?12:37
minvernesbitt: I try to changed the permission of the folder in the HD that I can't access but I get "read-only filesystem"12:37
wiresharknesbitt:  could you help?12:37
jattwhy not12:37
nesbittwireshark: i'm not sure wireshark, do you have gstreamer plugins installed?12:37
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.12:37
wiresharknesbitt:  i think so12:37
wiresharki am not sure12:38
icerootjussi: 1. sudo su is bad, 2. change the root-passwd is possible with 1 line, 3. we dont support activation root in this channel12:38
minvernesbitt: It has the access-code(?) 50112:38
icerootjussi: wrong nick :(12:38
icerootjatt: 1. sudo su is bad, 2. change the root-passwd is possible with 1 line, 3. we dont support activation root in this channel12:38
Vantraxiceroot: sudo su is required for some operations12:38
icerootVantrax: sudo su is bad12:38
liukaiis this ubuntu group12:38
nesbittminver: :S like "rwx-r--r--" or something?12:38
icerootVantrax: you mean "sudo -i"12:39
geirhaVantrax: Use sudo -s or sudo -i instead12:39
nesbittminver: i'm not good with access codes12:39
* jussi hugs iceroot12:39
shomonhow do I stop an application from launching at boot time on lucid?12:39
erUSULshomon: which one ?12:39
shomonbut in general...12:39
nesbittwireshark: if you open up rhythmbox and try to play a wma file that might ask you to install plugins... i'm not really sure12:40
shomonI've got mysql running there too, which I don't need all the time12:40
Dr_Willisshomon:  in general.. it depends on the ap you are refering to.12:40
erUSULshomon: sudo update-rc.d -f tor remove12:40
minvernesbitt: drwx------12:40
liukaiwho kown ylmf os12:40
Dr_Willisshomon: if its handled as a upstart service, disable it in /etc/init/  if its handled by the sysv scripts that update-rc.d command is needed12:40
shomonok so erUSUL, it is sudo update-rc.d -f appname remove and I guess there should be a list command12:40
Dr_Willisliukai:  thats not an offically supported buy thisn channel ubuntu variant.12:40
liukaimy ubuntu can,t run 3D12:41
shomonin redhat it used to be chckconfig -list or something like that12:41
erUSULshomon: ls /etc/init.d/12:41
soreauliukai: Which graphics card do you have?12:41
Dr_Willisliukai:  install the proper drivers for your viudeo card. whatver that card is.12:41
shomonok thanks12:41
erUSULshomon: there is also the service command12:41
shomonok so man service should be my friend :)12:41
erUSULshomon: i'm used to old update-rc.d invoke-rc.d etc ...12:41
nesbittminver try "sudo chown -R <username> <path_of_filesystem>"12:42
liukaidraver is ok12:42
nesbittminver: that should make you the owner12:42
soreauliukai: Apparently not. Which graphics card do you have?12:42
liukaiis x450012:42
soreauWhat 3D cant you run?12:43
liukaisqure 3d12:44
liukaio ,i know my compiz.... not install12:45
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, ping12:45
soreauliukai: What does glxinfo|grep renderer say?12:45
lefantomedloperaHello, How can I disable foot page only for the first page?12:46
wiresharknesbitt: it doesn't play12:46
lefantomedloperaI disable the case Insert->footpage-> firstpage, but it is still visible on the first page :/12:46
nesbittwireshark: sorry, what doesn't play?12:47
wiresharkan mp312:47
DestinyAwaitsHi, Guys can anyone tell me is there any good book on Linux Network Adminstration ?12:47
wiresharkon tythmobox12:47
nesbittwireshark: did you get a message? what did it say?12:47
wiresharknesbitt:  it plays12:47
liukaithe computer is complex12:47
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  theres plenty of online guides on networking.  It all depends on what youa re really focused on in your needs.12:47
wiresharklol i had mute it12:47
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  if you want to go to the bookstore and buy one.. check out the ones by oreily first.12:48
wiresharknesbitt:  how can i install the plugin?12:48
liukaimy hard ware dosnt clear12:49
Dr_Willisliukai:  you may want to be a bit more clear in your statements.12:49
nesbittwireshark: i'm not sure if this is what you need, but maybe: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad12:50
Junglii love ubuntu12:50
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis,  if a book  doesn't cover every topic, fine but a book that will cover the whatever topic but its  in-depth12:50
nesbittminver: have any luck?12:50
Junglihi bazhang12:50
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  theres books like that.. given that you havent reallys tated teh specific topic...  'network admin' is a BIG topic. :)12:50
minvernesbitt: I'm trying do what u said right now, it's talking some time12:50
wiresharknesbitt:  and this?Windows Media Player Plugin is not installed or enabled in your Browser12:51
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  i have 3+ books just on Samba admining. :)12:51
papcyhow do i install deb files?12:51
nesbittwireshark: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:51
Dr_Willispapcy:  several ways.. i do 'gksudo gdebi foo.deb' these days :)12:51
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, then you must have books for network administration12:51
Dr_Willispapcy:  or 'sudo dpkg -i foo.deb'12:52
nesbittminver: ah ok, it's going to change the permission of every file... so that could take a while... i wonder if there was a better way...12:52
lefantomedloperaHello, How can I disable foot page only for the first page?12:52
lefantomedloperaI disable the case Insert->footpage-> firstpage, but it is still visible on the first page :/12:52
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  i have shelfs of linux books.   Network Admining is a big topic and theres books on specific aspects of admining specific services as well.12:52
minvernesbitt: right now it just loops through all the files with the text "chown changing permission on 'the/file/path/' : read-only file system' I wonder If that is good or bad? :)12:53
Dr_Willislefantomedlopera:  if you mean in 'OpenOffice' you may want to say so. And check the Openoffice docs/help12:53
papcyDr_Willis, in this case where do i place the deb file?12:53
Dr_Willispapcy:  dosent matter12:53
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, First i want to cover the utilities that are pre-installed on linux like netstat, ifconfig, traceroute...etc but in great depth12:54
bazhang!cn | leven12:54
ubottuleven: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:54
liukaii am at here learning english12:54
dattaI am trying to record in line in through audacity and I have configured alsamixer so that I can capture through it but the sound volume comes out to be really low12:54
nesbittminver: i think that's bad, you should probably just cancel it now12:54
papcyit does not work12:54
nesbittminver: not doing any harm just not succeeding12:55
basncyExcuse me,Is any chinese here ?12:55
rww!cn | basncy12:55
ubottubasncy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:55
levenwho can speak chinese12:55
rwwleven: see above12:55
basncyleven, how are you12:55
leveni am chinese12:55
basncyrww, hey!12:56
minvernesbitt: yeah, I think I cancel it. But what do you think of using the dd command? Still permission problems?12:56
Krupteinhey how can I change the language in openoffice writer?12:56
liukaileven how are you12:56
dattaplease anyone know why there is a heavy wave frequency with low sound?12:56
nesbittminver: i'm unfamiliar with dd12:56
indusKruptein, tools>12:56
minvernesbitt: kk12:57
nesbittminver: i did have the same problem as you though i think when trying to use my windows ntfs partition, and i did get it working12:57
csarvenIn Evolution email client, is there a way to apply message filters automatically as new mail arrives instead of having to do it manually?12:57
basncyis any one known how to die as soon as possible?12:57
Krupteinindus thanks, for what is the language bar then on the bottom?12:57
minvernesbitt: any other ideas?12:57
IdleOneleven and basncy Please join #ubuntu-cn to speak in Chinese if you wish to chat in English you are welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic. Keep this channel for Ubuntu support related discussion. Thank you12:57
ndlovuhow can I switch to metacity from 10.04?12:57
dattaI have tried what was told in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5483571&postcount=6 but still it does not help at all12:57
indusKruptein, which one,12:57
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, Are you there?12:57
liukaimy ubuntu can run cs game12:57
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  Hmm?12:57
basncyIdleOne, thanks12:57
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, First i want to cover the utilities that are pre-installed on linux like netstat, ifconfig, traceroute...etc but in great depth12:58
Krupteinindus on the bottom you can see to the left of INSRT  the default language yes?12:58
indusKruptein, to enable menus ets in your language you need to install the packs12:58
nesbittminver: do "cat /etc/fstab" and tell me what the umask is for the drive12:58
leventhank you12:58
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, Any help on that12:58
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  so? Go to book store check out ones by oriealy and see what else they got if you want a Physicsl book.12:58
indusKruptein, yes that only shows you what is currently selected12:58
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  all mine came from bargin bin tables. :)  i dont  bother with 'one book to cover it all' I got lots of books. Some were $1 :)12:58
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, Ya i want a physical book12:58
Krupteinindus if you click on that, you have the possiblitie of finding "more" languages, but that just shows the font etc12:59
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  all mine are at least 5+ yrs old.. and 90% of the information is still the same..12:59
indusKruptein, iam checking it myself12:59
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  Orialy web site i think even has a feature where you can subscribe/buy Huge collections of their books in E-book formats13:00
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, but any specific book on these topics you know a book by name. netstat, traceroute, ifconfig...etc13:00
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  any i have are 5+ yrs old.. check out the O'reialy books (for the 4th time)13:00
timmillwoodMany people here switched to ubuntu from mac13:00
Dr_WillisDestinyAwaits:  avoide any with 'dummies' or 'idiots' in the title. :)13:00
indusKruptein, but you need to change it from tools>options >language settings13:00
indusKruptein, once enabled., it can be chosen from that bottom menu i think13:01
Krupteinindus yes I see now, but found the "more" quite misleading13:01
Krupteinindus was able to install an other dictionary thanks :)13:01
indusKruptein, yeah more is misleading :D13:01
artnayhello, I need help with network manager. I had to establish a 3G connection using wvdial (because nm is buggy with huawei E620) but my problem now is ubuntu's dependency with network manager's status information. with firefox I was able to bypass the offline mode by setting certain about:config value from false to true but with Dropbox I'm not able to setup a connection (due to networkmanager's information). how do I force network manager to be in "online mo13:01
indusKruptein, should file a bug13:01
DestinyAwaitsok, i will check that thanks for the help and i would keep your advice in mind.. once again THANKS.13:01
DestinyAwaitsDr_Willis, ok, i will check that thanks for the help and i would keep your advice in mind.. once again THANKS.13:02
ndlovuhmm... I think my notification tray is broken somehow... if I load fusion-icon for example, no notification icon appears. same with skype. is there some way to rebuild it?13:02
nesbittthat work, minver?13:02
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:03
Dr_Willisndlovu:  perhaps it got removed and you can add it with  the add panel applets stuff..13:03
ndlovuthanks Dr_Willis... add notification area seemed to do the trick13:04
Dr_Willisadebaba:  chat in the channel - not in PM. I may have to leave at any time.13:04
=== sisu_math is now known as moomlyn
mekleehdd setup the first partition is ntfs teh second, 3rd,4th etc are all ext3 for linux. how many primary/secondary hdd do i need. and do i count the first ntfs one.13:05
Dr_Willismeklee:  you can have 4 primaries MAX. One can be a 'extended' that holds logicals.13:05
=== Weust`afk is now known as Weust`
Dr_Willismeklee:  in that case you would have 3 primaries and one Extended partition.13:06
Dr_Willisadebaba:  chat in the channel - not in PM. I may have to leave at any time.  <<<<-------   read what people say pls.13:06
drizzt_Suddently my Windows are Borderless and Stuck in 0 Corner, how to fix it?13:06
mekleeDr_Willis: great does that include the ntfs prtition13:07
purveshcan some one help me to install adobe flash plugin to firefox i have ubuntu 10.0413:07
hateball!flash | purvesh13:07
ubottupurvesh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:07
hateballpurvesh: You should be able to install it through the software-center, in the partner repository13:08
Dr_Willismeklee:  a partion is a parition.. dopsent matter what FS... 4 primaries MAX. One can be Extended...13:09
cement_headever gotten a busybox prompt after a major upgrade?13:09
drizzt_Suddently my Windows are Borderless and Stuck in 0 Corner, how to fix it? i don't know what happened13:09
minvernesbitt: I wrote the gksudo nautilus command I then I can access the folders with permission error before. But still can't copy the files :S13:09
nesbittdrizzt_: have you tried restarting?13:09
Dr_Willisdrizzt_:  alt-f2, run 'metacity --replace'13:09
cement_headlike after the first major upgrade after installing karmic13:09
nesbittminver: did you find the umask for that drive?13:10
cement_headkernal image wasn't formed correctly13:10
cement_headtrying a reinstall13:10
minvernesbitt: I wrote what u said but I didn't understand anything of the output13:10
adebaba@dr willis13:10
drizzt_Dr_Willis, i'm pressing alt-f2 but nothing happens13:10
adebabacan we please talk13:10
mekleeDr_Willis: so all i need to know is if the ntfs is included as a primary partition or ignored as a non linux ????13:10
Dr_Willisdrizzt_:  Hmm. do you even have any other stuff going on? panels? clock?13:10
isolat3dsh33phello, how do you sold no_pubkey problem?13:11
Dr_Willisadebaba:  ask your questions in the channel.13:11
Dr_Willismeklee:  its a PARTITION.. so YES...13:11
drizzt_Dr_Willis, i have gnome panels and gnome desktop13:11
Dr_Willismeklee:  if it was bubbosFilesystem it would count..  if it was not even formated it would coung...13:11
mekleeok so the ntfs is the first primary one right.13:11
Dr_Willismeklee:  thats normally how its done.13:11
mekleeDr_Willis: ok what about the bootloader. does that need its own partition13:12
drizzt_meklee, your active partition should be ntfs, fat or fat3213:12
Dr_Willismeklee:  my disk layout -->  (primary)(primary)(primary)(extended <logical> <logical> <logical>)13:12
liukaimy bootloader is grub13:12
mekleeDr_Willis: i got that13:12
nesbittminver: ok, when you enter what i said into the terminal ("cat /etc/fstab") it will output several lines, each one that doesn't start with a '#' will have UUID=something /mount_location filesystem blah blah.  try to work out which is the one you are accessing by the location and the filesystem and then towards the end find where it says umask=something and let me know what that something is :)13:12
liukaii have four os13:13
artnayhello, I need help with network manager. I had to establish a 3G connection using wvdial (because nm is buggy with huawei E620) but my problem now is ubuntu's dependency with network manager's status information. with firefox I was able to bypass the offline mode by setting certain about:config value from false to true but with Dropbox I'm not able to setup a connection (due to networkmanager's information). how do I force network manager to be in "online mo13:13
adebabai want to switch from windows os to linux os, but my fear is that most of the apps am using are window based, take for example, printer driver, scanner, cafe billing software they are all window based13:13
artnaythere's nothing /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf nor gconf-editor13:13
mekleeDr_Willis: now i need to know about this do i need a partition for grub. so vista will be recognised13:13
nesbittadebaba: try dual running off the live cd or dual booting, you might be surprised at how easily it all works, if you don't like it, boot back into windows :)13:14
drizzt_adebaba, you use OS to use your hardware, remember that13:14
ne7workhello all13:14
ne7workhow can i add my cd in sources.list?13:15
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Dr_Willismeklee:  grub installs to the MBR of the hard drive normally. using files from a linux partition13:15
drizzt_sorry how to run window manager in Gnome?13:15
ubutomadebaba, never change a running system :)13:16
wiresharknautilious drizzt_13:16
OpenSysinstalation menu don't detect my scsi disck with controler AIC-7902 U320, but the system yes13:16
Dr_Williswindow manager = metacity, or compiz. or others...13:16
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OpenSysany clue about this ?13:16
drizzt_i cannot run anything because XChat is covering the top panel with menu, and I cannot move it because it has no borders, and Alt+F2 dooesn;t work too, how to run anything??13:17
mekleeDr_Willis: really then y does say ubuntu need a /boot/grub directory if its in the mbr as in a usb flash13:17
Dr_Willismeklee:  it DOES need a /boot/grub dirctory - thats on the linux partiton. thats where it gets its config and other files from.. the MBR is the actual bit of the hd that gets loaded first to 'boot' it then reads the files from /boot/grub/ as needed13:18
=== joshua__ is now known as joshua_roberts
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:18
BluesKajdrizzt_, open system monitor and kill xchat13:18
industhis should be rephrased13:18
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  guess he did that. :)13:18
mekleedthanks Dr_Willis cleared up some confusion. so i should not nttd a seperate partition fot grub then should i13:19
BluesKajDr_Willis, yup :)13:19
Dr_Willismeklee:  grub files are normally stored in the /boot dir which is on the linux partition. Or make a seperate /boot/ partitiion13:19
ne7workhow to add any cd in my sources.list?13:19
Dr_Willisdosent synaptic have a button to add a cd as a source?13:20
Dr_Willissystem -> admin -> software sources has a thing that says 'to install from a cd/dvd insert the medium'13:21
drizzt_ok I managed to run metacity, but should I do that manually each time?!13:21
ne7workDr_Willis i need to do this manually in sources.list?13:21
Dr_Willisdrizzt_:  you should figure out why your window manager is crashing13:21
ne7workcan you help me please13:21
BluesKajor uncomment the cdrom in the sources.list, ne7work13:21
Dr_Willisne7work:  check the apt docs i guess.. or use the example line  in the file as an.. err.. example13:22
ne7workDr_Willis can i use this deb stable main contrib ?13:22
Dr_Willisne7work:  no idea.. looks like you are not using a cd.. you as just using the files from a cd.. thats not quite the same thing13:23
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LjLne7work: have you already tried "sudo apt-cdrom add"?13:24
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ankoutgood day again13:24
ne7workLjL i need only to write this in terminal "sudo apt-cdrom add"?13:24
ne7workwithout anything?13:24
LjLne7work: with the CD in the drive, yes.13:24
[Screamo]my "trash" isnt working13:25
nikinhow could i batch rename a lot of files around theese things: remove or convert to closest what is not in a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - , convert spaces to _, and optionaly strip them and make the filename CamelCase?13:25
[Screamo]it always empty13:25
ne7workLjL sudo apt-cdrom add or sudo apt-cdrom?13:25
LjLne7work: "sudo apt-cdrom add" iirc13:25
Dr_Willis   is NOT a 'cdrom' :) its a web site/server with files..13:25
ankoutI've a little trouble setting my sound card to give some sound on the jack, toshiba t13013:25
ne7workDr_Willis yes i know13:25
DeadmanIncJSjust signed up for Ubuntu One and used the music store to download an album... pretty slick :)13:26
LjLnikin: you can do the space changing thing with the tool "rename", however i don't know about the other two things you've asked13:26
DeadmanIncJSand for only 7.77 i cannot bitch13:26
drizzt_nikin, use python or perl whichever you know best13:26
ankout@screamo i think you have a option to delete files files whithout using the trash13:26
guntbert!ot | DeadmanIncJS13:26
ubottuDeadmanIncJS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:26
DeadmanIncJSi wasn't asking for support13:27
LjLDeadmanIncJS: exactly.13:27
nikindrizzt_, thats no problem, as i know perl. but i am looking for a more user friendly soullution. to use in the office13:27
DeadmanIncJS*rolls eyes*  can't make a simple statement13:27
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IncrStorm What are thoughts on codecs for movie player, and/or better video players13:28
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mekleeDr_Willis: ok should i use grub or grub 213:28
ankoutI've a little trouble setting my sound card to give some sound on the jack, toshiba t130, intel G45 DEVCTG13:28
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drizzt_nikin, by what means user-friendly? write a script and run it via cron or Nautilus actions13:29
nikindrizzt_, i use xubuntu so thunar action... or a graphical tool13:29
[Screamo]Any ideas as to why when i open trash there is nothing in there, even when i just moved some stuff to trash?13:30
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guntbert!trash | [Screamo]13:30
ubottu[Screamo]: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:30
Dr_Willismeklee:  grub2 is the default in ubuntu fior the last 2 releases13:30
indusguntbert, iam sure he means the trash icon13:30
mekleeDr_Willis: grub 2 is a bit bloated though grub i know and understand13:31
IncrStormI had trouble with my sound (mono only), till I screwed with the mixer a bit. I have stereo now, but video play is still causing issue.13:31
nikindrizzt_, i can write my own if there isnt... i just didnt want to reinvent the wheel13:31
nesbittminver: have any luck?13:31
bukayoois there a ppa for the vlc 1.1?13:31
mekleewell do i need the seperate /boot partition or not13:31
[Screamo]guntbert, when i manually open the folder, theres stuff in there, but when i open it via the trash applet, its empty13:32
shomonhow do I open a port so I can send info from it in my internal wifi network?13:32
mekleei^ Dr_Willis i should be able to use the grub on one of teh linux partitions i guess13:32
bukayoomeklee: only you can answer that..not separate is ok with me and others13:32
Dr_Willismeklee:  you are asking about whioch to use.. and you have allready decided one is bloated? have you ever even used grub2 ?13:32
abhi_navbukayoo, you can install vlc from UFC13:33
mekleeDr_Willis: well i did install ubuntu 9.10 on one machine i use to have13:33
guntbert[Screamo]: sorry I cannot help beyond above hint - I never use the trashbin at all :-)13:33
bukayooabhi_nav: thanks..but sorry what is UFC?13:33
Dr_Willismeklee:  all i can say is learn to use grub2 - it will be the default for most every disrto in the future i imagine.13:33
mekleeDr_Willis: never played around with grub on it though13:33
shomonhow do I turn off my firewall?13:34
ham5why is brasero or dvd/cd writer renaming random mp3's to p33 or pp3 ?13:34
shomonor just one port of it?13:34
abhi_navoh it is ubuntu software center new to add-remove13:34
shomon(lucid lynx)13:34
Slartham5: perhaps they have too long names, perhaps?13:34
mekleeDr_Willis: not puppy linux though. that will ever use grub 2 s its 2 big and clunky for that type of os13:34
ham5nope short filenames13:34
abhi_navshomon, which firewall? ufw?13:34
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:34
shomonI'm not sure. I'm running lucid. I assume there's some kind of firewall running13:35
bukayooabhi_nav: i'm talking about the newer vesion 1.1 not the old 1.0613:35
Dr_Willismeklee:  i dont really care about puppy linux..13:35
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:35
ankout!all : I've a little trouble setting my sound card to give some sound on the jack, toshiba t13013:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:36
mekleeDr_Willis: each to there own then puppy linux has its useses. like fixing others broken windozzy boxes13:36
Slartham5: perhaps there's some other limit you're running into.. total path length.. number of files.. weird non-ascii characters or such?13:36
abhi_navbukayoo, see this, details instructions are given here: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html13:36
mekleethanks for the info Dr_Willis13:36
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Dr_Willismeklee:  I have used grub2 with puppy :)  but now a days  - i find other disrtos work better for me for the same tasks i used Puppy for.13:37
ham5its just changing the file extention13:37
Dr_Willisand i dont ahve to fight with them as much as i did with puppy.13:37
aaandaiiiCan I install a PDF printer13:37
aaandaiiii.e. print to PDF  file13:37
e66Hello, I use ubumtu 8.10. Now I want to upgrade it to the latest LTS aka 10.04.  My current ubuntu has a lot of packages installed as I am a developer. Is there any way That I'll import the installed package list and when I install the 10.04 I'll just apply an apt-get to install everything.  Any idea? Any easy way??13:37
PiciDr_Willis: Perhaps this discussion should be taken elsewhere ;)13:37
IncrStormCan anyone rattle off the Chrome package name for apt-get?13:37
mekleeDr_Willis: think i will use seperate /boot partition. now i need to find out how big i need it to be for grub213:37
Dr_WillisPici:  im pretty much done. :) when in doubt - learn grub2!13:37
PiciIncrStorm: chromium-browser13:37
ham5like 2 or 3 in each folder13:37
Black_Phantom!aptoncd | e6613:38
ubottue66: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:38
IncrStormYou rock Pici13:38
Dr_Willismeklee:  i make my /boot/ a few GB because with grub2 i anctually can keep sevarl ISO files on /boot/ and boot them with grub2 as a 'rescue' operation13:38
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mekleePici: IncrStorm chromium-browser took teh look and feel and usability of opera opera is just as good as chrome and it is not google(for thoes who hate them) opera was around before chrome13:39
shomonhi, does anyone know which is the default firewall on lucid?13:39
pjarnahomhow to configure Huawei Technologies E620 USB Modem in lucid13:39
Slartham5: you're burning the files as data, right? you're not creating a music cd, or a video dvd ?13:39
e66Black_Phantom:  I want to update my distro. if it just copies all the deb files, wont it be a bad idea to install them in new distro??13:40
Slart!firewall | pjarnahom13:40
ubottupjarnahom: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:40
Black_Phantome66: thats true hmm13:41
hacker-h4haow to enter in server ita?13:41
pjarnahomubottu, ok lemme check13:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:41
shomonoh thanks!13:41
Black_Phantome66 estimate size of packages ?13:41
Pici!it | hacker-h413:41
ubottuhacker-h4: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:41
bukayoois there a VLC team?  just wondering if the new 1.1 is around in a ppa?13:41
Pici!ppa | bukayoo use the search13:41
ubottubukayoo use the search: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.13:41
Dr_Willisbukayoo:  its outn in a ppa. but  i recall the accelerated feature is not in it.13:42
pjarnahomany one help me to config Huawei Technologies E620 USB Modem in lucid13:42
bukayooPici: i did and only 1.06 in LP13:42
Dr_Willisbukayoo:  actualkly that link gives a PPA thats not yet 1.1.0 - but may be real soon13:42
bukayooDr_Willis: thnks..that's why I'm here..13:43
e66Black_Phantom: My / partition has 13G as used and ~ directory takes 5.8G. So I think its 7.2G.13:43
IncrStormmeklee : Careful now, I actually used lynx while they were on the first version of HTML. LOL13:43
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abhi_navbukayoo, i give you their web address. you ddnt see it? DETAILS instruction is given there?13:45
mekleeok i have 4gigs of ram on this machine do i need swap and what size13:45
crazycoolhi there13:45
bukayooabhi_nav: no offense but you don't know what u r talking about13:45
e-DIO-t8 at best, 2 at least?13:45
Dr_Willismeklee:  i alwauys put at least a 512mb swap partition. just in case.13:46
crazycoolhow could I find information about all available packages I could install on my ubuntu?13:46
abhi_navbukayoo, you want latest vlc to install? isnt it?13:46
mekleethnks Dr_Willis13:46
bukayooabhi_nav: no..i want 1.113:46
Black_Phantome66 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem back up your system, fresh install 10.04 LTS, restore them. If something goes wrong you still have the files/backup in your hand13:46
IdleOne!Synaptic | crazy13:46
ubottucrazy: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto13:46
IdleOne!Synaptic | crazycool13:46
ubottucrazycool: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto13:47
lexrcrazycool: look in synaptic package manager, when you click on a package, it shows information about it.13:47
abhi_navbukayoo, the latest version on their web site is vlc 1.1.0. is it not that you want?13:47
bukayooabhi_nav: pls stop..13:47
crazycoolubottu thx you, but I dont use any X manager, I use just console (13:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:47
abhi_navbukayoo, that big main button on their home page read, Download vlc 1.1.013:47
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crazycoolubottu lexr could I use synaptic in console?13:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:48
Slartabhi_nav, bukayoo: the ppa they mention on the vlc site has the 1.1 version for ubuntu.. ready to install deb13:48
e66Black_Phantom: Okay. I'll back up. But My intension is to find all the installed package names (not the package files) and when I have new distro I'll just issue an apt-get command to install them. WHen Its installed I'll just copy my stuffs in the new system.13:48
IdleOne!aptitude > crazycool13:48
ubottucrazycool, please see my private message13:48
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abhi_navSlart that is what I want to tell him from 1000 years. but he is not listening.13:48
abhi_navbukayoo, first you repair your ego.13:48
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IdleOneabhax: please stop13:49
IdleOneabhi_nav: ^^13:49
nesbittcrazycool: the command line program is apt - apt-get to install apt-remove to uninstall13:49
crazycoolIdleOne thank you13:49
Slartabhi_nav: they claim in the text that it's 1.0.0 but if you actually check the ppa they have 1.1.0-rc4-1~ppa3 available for download13:49
abhi_navIdleOne, who are you? I dont know what is going one? any op here?13:49
Black_Phantome66 well it should happen as you said, but am not so experienced to gurantee it :)13:49
pranay_09can somebody please tell me why i am not able to record  audio in my ubuntu 10.04 ?13:49
Dr_WillisSlart:  i think it got updated yesterday :)13:49
Dr_WillisSlart:  1.1 final is proberly going to be in that ppa real soon.13:50
IdleOneabhi_nav: I am an op. I am asking you to stop. you gave bukayoo the info if he choses not to use it that is his business.13:50
pranay_09i do not have audio drivers installed in windows , is this responsible for it?13:50
IdleOnecrazycool: welcome13:50
SlartDr_Willis: oh.. 1.0.6 goldeneye here.. I think I'm still using the regular repos13:50
abhi_navIdleOne, ok. form now onwards I wll be 100 km far away from such ego maniancs13:51
IdleOneabhi_nav: ok :)13:51
indusIdleOne, are you an op ?13:51
IdleOneindus: yes, how can I help you?13:51
Dr_WillisSlart:  ruight.. 1.1.0 is just now out. with some new features.. but  theres some issues with the 'hardware acceleration' feature in 10.04 it seems and ffmpeg. so thats a bit of a downer13:51
indusIdleOne, just asking13:51
IdleOneindus: no problem13:52
indusanyways, whats good about vlc 1.113:52
IdleOne!hi | gfxstyler13:52
ubottugfxstyler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:52
Dr_Willisindus:  'whats new' at -> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/vlc-110-final-has-been-released.html13:53
SlartDr_Willis: well.. perhaps in maverick then.. so far 1.0.6 has behaved on my system13:53
IdleOnepranay_09: Ubuntu does not use the windows sound drivers. So no that is not the problem13:53
ShrekLappyhmm, sound not working 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) in 10.04 any thoughts?13:53
induswow gpu decode13:53
Dr_WillisOne big feature - embdeed playlist, from what i hear.13:53
ShrekLappytried recompiling alsa following the thread on the forums13:53
Dr_Willisindus:  thats part of the part thats not working right. I think13:53
indushmm with my ati 4850 i wonder how that works13:53
IdleOne!sound | ShrekLappy13:53
ubottuShrekLappy: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:53
induslol Dr_Willis ok13:53
Helsinkiiihey guys13:54
bukayooIdleOne: thanks13:54
gfxstylerdoes someone have a broadcom 4322 wlan chip?13:54
Helsinkiiianyone have tips on how to speed up my wifi , im running 9.113:54
Helsinkiiiconnection is always at 33 or 41%13:54
Dr_Willisindus:  aparently theres some oddity with how ffmpeg works, and  the lubrary versioning for ffmpeg with vlc. If you got vlc + ffmpeg for that hardware accel working.. it would break other apps that use the ffmpeg libs.. or somtning like that.13:54
Helsinkiiiand all browsers are slow13:54
indusyea reading it13:55
gfxstylerim running lucid lynx and the network manager applet always shows that im not connected to a wireless network even though i am13:55
Slartindus: you've got a 4850? how is it running in ubuntu? compiz ok? I can't really decide between nvidia and ati for my next card.. *shakes fist at sky* why oh why couldn't you make a nice card when the created the fermi??13:55
indusSlart, with the new ati 10.6 drivers , phenomenal change13:55
ironreaperCan someone help me with formatting my hard drive using ubuntu?13:56
indusSlart, maximise and minimise windows was a huge issue with the proprietary driver ,compiz on or off, its been fixed now13:56
gfxstylerironreaper, i think gparted can do that13:56
Slartindus: that sounds promising.. and you can underclock it and such when you don't need the power?13:56
coolstacyi am new to ubuntu and really fed up of installing ubuntu and then again installing updates?Can i clone my ubuntu partion drive or can i save the updates and just pate them to repscted folder after reinstalling ubuntu.Plz help.13:56
BluesKajHelsinkiii, to increase wifi signal strength, you might need a booster, altho it really doesn't affect your surfspeed13:57
indusSlart,hmm underclock has to be with the command line tool ati overdrive13:57
ironreaperAll i need to do is format the whole drive to NFTS, with no partitions13:57
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj: then why is my browsing so much slower here than on a windows machine13:57
indusSlart, gui in linux dont provide it, overclock yes, dont know about underclock13:57
Helsinkiiialso with wifi13:57
indusSlart, but, i think the graphics card anyway undervolts to save power, its in hardware13:57
indusSlart, both nvidia or ati i belive13:58
Slartindus: hmm.. I've got a small script running in crontab for my nvidia card to downclock it in linux.. I don't really need the power13:58
indusSlart, but not sure, one thing i know is , the open source driver doesnt do it yet for ATI13:58
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coolstacyplz help ,new to ubuntu13:58
BluesKajHelsinkiii, good question , but my experince is that ubuntu browsers are faster than windows13:58
chris_ncan anyone point me toward good documentation/tutorial on setting up Ubuntu (both desktop and server) for a corporate type network?13:58
indusSlart, so if saving power, use the proprietary driver/13:58
gfxstylernvidia cards downclock automatically (according to the nvidia settings tool)13:59
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj: i'm thinking of using Windows for this solw purpose. browsing has become a horrible experience for me13:59
indusi think all cards do that13:59
Slartgfxstyler: mine doesn't.. but it's an 8800gtx.. perhaps it's too old13:59
BluesKajHelsinkiii, which browser?13:59
gfxstylerSlart, do you use the proprietary nvidia driver?13:59
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj: all. right now Galeon is the fastest13:59
Slartgfxstyler: yup13:59
Helsinkiiior least slow13:59
abhi_navcoolstacy, just wait i have a link for you13:59
indusanyways nvidia has that nv clock utilityu to do those things14:00
Slartgfxstyler: I have to manually downclock it using nvclock14:00
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj: video is like the worst experience of all though. i cant play smooth video big14:00
Trickshi guys does anybody know how to change the folder a user starts in when using ssh?14:00
coolstacyoh! thank you some one replied14:00
Slartindus: thanks for your input.. I'll see what I end up buying14:00
indusSlart, for both cards there are tools14:00
Tricksnormally it's their home drive but they want to start else where14:00
ironreaperGparted seems a little over my head, Can using the disk utility also work.  I choose Format drive and am not sure what to choose.14:00
BluesKajHelsinkiii, have you tried chromium-browser ?14:00
gfxstylerSlart, if i open up the nvidia settings utility (System->Administration->Nvidia bla) there is a section called "PowerMizer" ... it displays the current clock and some powersaving settings14:00
indusSlart, but for ATI its command line as far as i know, someone is probably doing a gui app14:01
guntbert!clone | coolstacy14:01
ubottucoolstacy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:01
abhi_navcoolstacy, see if this help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508714:01
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj-chromium fucked up my install and i had to reinstall14:01
IdleOne!language | Helsinkiii14:01
ubottuHelsinkiii: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:01
coolstacyabhi_nav:ya i am cheking it.14:01
abhi_navcoolstacy, hmm14:02
BluesKajHelsinkiii, then you have some other problem , that's affecting your internet capabilities14:02
Slartgfxstyler: yes, I can see the clock frequencies.. but I have only one "Performance level" and that's full speed ahead.. I can manually change the clocks in "Clock Frequencies" though.. that's what I'm doing in my little crontab script14:02
HelsinkiiiBlues Kaj: which could be???????????????????14:02
coolstacyabhi_nav: its seems interesting,i am reading instructions.14:03
SlartTricks: it might be some setting in ...  ~/.profile perhaps? or one of the other dot files in your home folder14:03
fumanchu182does anyone in here use rythym box?14:03
gfxstylerironreaper, what about System->Administration->Disk Utility ?14:03
guntbert!anyone | fumanchu18214:03
ubottufumanchu182: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:03
BluesKajHelsinkiii, dunno, maybe someone else has a clue14:03
BluesKajslow ISP maybe14:04
fumanchu182Well it is more along the lines of why hasn't a bug since 2007 been fixed yet?14:04
Tricksslart, thanks for the reply I'll have a look14:04
abhi_navcoolstacy, yah14:04
fumanchu182I have read over 20 pages on bugzilla.14:04
guntbertfumanchu182: this channel is not intended for discussing bugs14:05
vulf^24^mhi all, i have perfect video playback (even for HD movies) on gnome-mplayer, using gl output...just one problem...when the bottom bar disappears (in full screen) the picture is left with 2 thin bars (top and bottom) of distorted picture.....any ideas? this does not happen in mplayer14:05
coolstacyabhi_nav :on the way to try it,i will reply you!:-)14:05
fumanchu182guntbert, then point me in the right direction and don't point me back to bugzilla it is 2010, if you can't fix a bug that is 3 years old than maybe you should just let microsoft win14:05
abhi_navcoolstacy, yah sure! I am here. or not then you can ask anyone here.14:06
IdleOneguntbert: :/14:06
nicofscan i use multiple connections for my internet connection i.e. combine LAN and WLAN to maximize my bandwith? Can I do "connection hot-swapping": change from WLAN to UMTS without being offline in between (currently i have to restart firefox, pidgin, etc. after changing connection)?14:06
coolstacyabhi_nav:fine! thanks for the useful link,it seems it will help me14:07
gfxstyleris the new indicator-applet thingy ubuntu-only?14:07
abhi_navcoolstacy, if you are registere there on ubuntu forums then make this thread subcription. or save it. so in future you can accesss it and it will not lost.14:08
gfxstyleror does the official gnome also include it?14:08
arandgfxstyler: Yes, the ayatana indicators are.14:08
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gfxstylerarand, ayawhat?14:08
arandgfxstyler: That's what they're called.14:08
coolstacyabhi_nav : yai bookmarked the page!14:08
abhi_navcoolstacy, hmm14:09
gfxstylerarand, oh, thank you14:09
pjarnahomHow to config Huawei Technologies E620 USB Modem in lucid any one plz help me....14:10
indusDr_Willis, that ppa talks about nvidia vdpau , what about ati14:10
VCooliovulf^24^m: try if disabling the animation of the controls in the preferences makes a difference14:11
Picipjarnahom: Have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto yet?14:11
vulf^24^mVCoolio, disabled them already...still it happens14:11
coolstacyabhi_nav: its helpful,but the commands and all that feds me up ,as i am a new to ubuntu can i have a GUI type thing,forsure i will try this one too.14:11
Dr_Willisindus:  no idea - my nv cards cant do the hardacell either14:11
ziohi all14:12
indusDr_Willis, but i play 720p with on board intel and soft acceleration and it plays fine14:12
VCooliovulf^24^m: don't know then; I like smplayer better anyway, or just mplayer14:12
indusDr_Willis, whats the big deal anyway?14:12
indusDr_Willis, even 1080 p14:12
nicofscan i use multiple connections for my internet connection i.e. combine LAN and WLAN to maximize my bandwith? Can I do "connection hot-swapping": change from WLAN to UMTS without being offline in between (currently i have to restart firefox, pidgin, etc. after changing connection)?14:12
indusplays fine14:12
abhi_navcoolstacy, no i ddnt know about gui. may it wll be there. but I dont know. you search. and that comamnds are easy to use. you just make sure to know enough about them before using them.14:12
vulf^24^mVCoolio, mplayer works perfectly...just thought I'd shift to gnome-mplayer coz of the gtk interface and easier14:12
vulf^24^mVCoolio, thanks though14:12
nikincan someone suggest a tutorial on how to setup lucid to be xen dom014:12
Dr_Willisindus:  30%cpu vs 1%14:13
abhi_navcoolstacy, aptoncd is there. but it only backup installed applications.14:13
indusDr_Willis, i paid money for my cpu and i want it always used 100 % :)14:13
VCooliovulf^24^m: there is also gnome-media-player on launchpad.net, maybe that's better14:13
ziohow to use custom dns in ubuntu 10.04?14:13
indusDr_Willis, what is the use otherwise of buying dual or 4 cores14:13
indusDr_Willis, dont want my gpu to conk out ,they dont last as long as cpus14:13
Dr_Willisindus:  torrents14:14
indusDr_Willis, torrents?14:14
Dr_Willisindus:  never had a gpu die,, or cpu reallt.14:14
abhi_navcoolstacy, you can know about any command by typing 'man commandname' or 'info commandname'14:14
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vulf^24^mVCoolio, thanks I'll give it a look :)14:14
funkyweaselGood afternoon.  I have a laptop running lucid 10.04 and a second, large monitor plugged in which I use as my primary screen.  How do I move the desktop panels from the laptop screen to the external monitor?  Or, alternatively - how do I make the external monitor the primary display?14:14
indusDr_Willis, game ?14:14
coolstacyabhi_nav: now what's this aptoncd ,frankly speaking its just my first week of using ubuntu.14:14
abhi_nav!aptoncd | coolstacy14:15
ubottucoolstacy: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline14:15
Dr_Willisproper cooling = long life14:15
arunkumar413Hi,i used the recordmy desktop software to record the desktop activity and uploaded it to the youtube.but the youtube is not rendering the video well14:15
csabaif I know a machine's MAC address, then how can I connect to it with ssh?14:15
funkyweasel(And on a side note - thanks for the help yesterday on helping me upgrade from karmic->lucid using a local repo, then 'topping up' with network updates.)14:15
erUSULcsaba: you need the ip14:15
csabaerUSUL: how to get the ip from the MAC address?14:15
Slartcsaba: I think you need the ip-number.. I think there is a tool to get that though14:15
coolstacyubottu,abhi_nav :where do i get it from?14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
indusDr_Willis, hmm i had one cpu die once, it happens14:16
indusDr_Willis, i never overclock etc14:16
indusbut anyways, its true due to design Dr_Willis14:16
arunkumar413here is the link of the video i created using the recordmydesktop application.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc89xgBxIkU14:16
abhi_navcoolstacy, you can type sudo apt-get install aptoncd or you can to go ubuntu software center and search aptoncd and install14:16
ziorunning ubuntu 10.04 is there a quick way to change dns?14:16
erUSULcsaba: if it is in a lan you may get it from the arp cache14:16
indusDr_Willis, a cpu is all etched circuits but a gpu has many things in it, its mostly the ram etc which dies14:17
erUSULcsaba: run « arp » in a terminal14:17
coolstacyabhi_nav :let me go to terminal and try it .14:17
abhi_navcoolstacy, note that aptoncd is not perfect backup solution. it only backup installed apps14:17
csabaok thanks erUSUL14:17
overmachthey Bill Gates, i love you.14:18
abhi_navcoolstacy, using aptoncd then another computer it only resotores archieve and then user again have to install each aps manualy. aptoncd dont do anything automatically.14:18
arunkumar413abhi_nav: hi14:19
abhi_navarunkumar413, hi :)14:19
arunkumar413i have a problem recording desktop and playing it on youtube14:19
coolstacyabhi_nav:so what would u suggest, i just want something like Norton ghost in Windows, i should not require to install all updates(about300MB) again.14:20
nicofscan i use multiple connections for my internet connection i.e. combine LAN and WLAN to maximize my bandwith? Can I do "connection hot-swapping": change from WLAN to UMTS without being offline in between (currently i have to restart firefox, pidgin, etc. after changing connection)?14:20
mekleehi i cant play flash media in webbrowser. whats teh plugin in synaptic called i cant find it14:20
gentooxernicofs: i guess not14:20
arunkumar413abhi_nav: i have a problem recording desktop and playing it on youtube14:20
abhi_navarunkumar413, try this: istanbul desktop session recorder14:20
abhi_navarunkumar413, ^^14:20
gentooxernicofs: you mess up the routing if you have mor than 1 way in the internet14:21
abhi_navcoolstacy, I dont know the exact solution. but search on google for any paid software. I dont know about any free such software. may be it is there. not sure.14:21
abhi_navcoolstacy, i never needed such software. so i dont know much about it.14:21
arunkumar413abhi_nav: i used the recordmydesktop and uploaded the video to the youtube.THis is how it plays in youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc89xgBxIkU14:21
IdleOnemeklee: flashplugin-installer14:21
abhi_navarunkumar413, i am installing aps. i cant view your link right now. but what the actual problem? try istanbul.14:22
coolstacyabhi_nav:what do u use to backup,do u again update ur ubuntu.14:22
nicofsgetooxer: there should be a tool to distribute traffic.... that manages physical connections and emulates one connection for the operating system...14:22
abhi_navcoolstacy, i only back music, docs, video and software setup. but i dont thsi manual copy paste. so i dont need backup software.14:23
IdleOnemeklee: you may need to go to System > Administration > Software Sources and enabled the Partner repository14:23
mekleeIdleOne: that is not there i am in 9.1014:23
Beyecixramdis there a bruteforce cracker for zips, rars, and, if available, tars?14:23
funkyweaselOh, excellent - I've worked out how to add panels to the secondary monitor.  But is there a way of sharing desktop panels between monitors (whilst obviously maintaining them as seperate displays)?14:23
abhi_navcoolstacy, *but i do this manualy*14:23
jmkgreenAnyone here got amavisd-new working with SPF checking? I can see it getting loaded in mail.info but there's no evidence that checking is being performed14:23
arunkumar413abhi_nav: istanbul also generates the same format video14:23
abhi_nav!details | arunkumar41314:24
gentooxernicofs: yea its called a router14:24
ubottuarunkumar413: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:24
SlartBeyecixramd: have you looked at cracklib.. I think it's available in the repos14:24
abhi_navarunkumar413, you want to convert it to another format?14:24
nicofsgenttoxer: but that router is not inside my latop...14:24
BeyecixramdSlart: is that a library or a program?14:24
nicofsgentooxer: sry for typo14:25
arunkumar413abhi_nav: no, i want to know why is youtube not rendering the the ogg theora format well14:25
gentooxernicofs: thats right, ist a appliance kind of thing14:25
coolstacyabhi_nav:does this work,and if yes where are the updates located so i can copy it to stick and when needed just paste it,to their locations.14:25
LaMsHi all, I'm seeking advice to replace my current HTPC (build with an old AMD athlon 2400+) and I would like something with a good WAF (Wife Appeal Factor) but powerful enough for Stepmania in multiplayer, FoFix in multiplayer, game console emulator and music + HD video. Does a Acer Revo able to handle this ?14:25
SlartBeyecixramd: I think it's a library but I also think  there are some command line tools included14:25
BeyecixramdSlart: thanks :)14:25
IdleOneLaMs: ##hardware perhaps14:25
SlartBeyecixramd: you're welcome14:25
mekleeIdleOne: whats the terminal sudo apt-get install ...............14:25
coolstacyabhi_nav:sorry the first word is "does"14:25
IdleOnemeklee: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:26
gentooxernicofs: I don't know about a tool that makes connection switchin transparrent for your ubuntu, sorry14:26
LaMsIdleOne: Well I want this to run on ubuntu, so this is why I asked here14:26
abhi_navcoolstacy, i never copyied updates. i am comp engg student. and i keep dong experiment. frequest installations etc. i dont know where updates are saved.14:26
nicofsgetooxer: that sounds a bit like you know that sort of programm for other distributions...14:26
abhi_navarunkumar413, i just watch your video and its visual is very bad.14:27
coolstacyabhi_nav:so u waste so much time in installing again,strange!14:27
arunkumar413abhi_nav: i dont understand why youtube is not playing it well14:27
mekleeIdleOne: cnt find that plugin14:27
abhi_navcoolstacy, yah. now I just upagraded to 10.041 64 bti. I have backup of 32bit aps i used in past. and its not useful. so I have to install all aps freshly now. :(14:28
arunkumar413abhi_nav: when i played it on my media player the quality is superb14:28
abhi_navarunkumar413, me too ;)14:28
Westsa can Polish channels here ?14:28
Pici!pl | West14:28
ubottuWest: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:28
abhi_navarunkumar413, then I suggest you try another format14:28
arunkumar413abhi_nav: does youtube actually play the ogg format14:29
abhi_navarunkumar413, I dnt know.14:29
IdleOne!flash | meklee14:29
ubottumeklee: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:29
Westbut it does not need I help it wants to talk from Polish user14:29
coolstacyabhi_nav:so ubuntu 9.10 app wont work on 10.04,it make an compatibility problem.14:29
Dr_Willisyoutube likes to convert videos you upload.. and they often do it badly. :)14:29
DanskmandHowdy :-) - How can I decrypt a .axx file in Ubuntu ?14:30
Rip_BuffgroinI'm looking for some reading. I've been using ubuntu for about a year now and I pretty much got day to day use. Any good reading about some intermidate topics?14:30
coolstacyabhi_nav :see win7 can run app of xp ,alsoWin 98.14:30
qjcg:j #sysadmin14:30
=== West is now known as MindWorld
SlartDanskmand: running AxDecrypt.exe in a vm or perhaps in wine.. not sure if there is a native decrypter for linux14:31
abhi_navcoolstacy, hhhh? from where does win comes in between? we were discussing about ubuntu. and what i tell you was 64 bit os vs 32 bit os. nothing to do with win.14:31
DanskmandSlart: Ah, I see....So my colleague was right :-)14:31
abhi_navarunkumar413, thought i dnt know exctly but it seems that youtube dont support. (Please note taht I dont knwo exactlhy)14:32
DanskmandI just couldnt believe there isnt such a thing in Ubuntu....14:32
mekleeIdleOne: this is it http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ direct ppl there14:32
SlartDanskmand: well.. I just did a brief search of the repository and some googling.. it's possible that there's something out there I missed14:32
* Dr_Willis has never even seen a .axx file14:32
IdleOnemeklee: no that is not the correct way.14:33
Dyrconameklee: if you enable universe, flash shows up in the Software Center.14:33
SlartDanskmand: the source code is available on their site so it shouldn't be that hard to create a linux version.. I've never heard of the application myself so I don't know if it's widely used or not14:33
bullgard_When will be released KOffice 2.2?14:34
Beyecixramdbullgard_: why don't you check the official webpage? :)14:34
bcessahi there, I'm looking to be able to restrict a user inside this home directory, I've read about several possible solutions like ibsh but the project seems to be dead, any suggestions about this?14:34
Picibullgard_: KOffice 2.2 looks like it is in the lucid-backports repository.14:34
coolstacyabhi_nav:sorry to hurt ur sentiment,well but ubuntu has such great people working up ,why can't they design a s/w to clone partions of ubuntu .Again sorry for using win.14:34
LjLcoolstacy: you certainly can clone partitions in Ubuntu. what does that have to do with installing updates, however?14:35
bullgard_Pici: Ah! Thank you very much for your help.14:35
coolstacyabhi_nav: i know ubuntu people hate the word windows so much.14:35
abhi_navcoolstacy, no no you ddnt hurt me in any way. its perfectly ok. i just point you back on the main point that we should discuss about ubuntu here14:35
LjL!info partimage | coolstacy14:35
ubottucoolstacy: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB14:35
ubutomcoolstacy, if you want to clone I recommend clonezilla, cloned a win7 install with it recently ;)14:35
Dr_Willisbcessa:  why are you wanting to do that anyway? theres being secure, then theres 'paranoid' :)   Then theres 'Tinfoil Hat paranoid'14:35
abhi_navcoolstacy, and there is no sorry using win. its ok every company , software has its own pros and cons. its ok :)14:36
bcessa:) I prefer to be paranoid on this one14:36
Rip_BuffgroinDr_Willis, dont make fun of the tinfoil hat. Not only is it stylish it protects against alien mind control14:36
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* MindWorld I invite on my net irc / server 666514:36
Slartbcessa: perhaps chroot it something for you.. you will need to give the user read access to your system files though.. or they won't be able to run anything.. or even login14:36
Dr_WillisRip_Buffgroin:  actually it focuses the Beams! you have been tricked!14:36
=== Rip_Buffgroin is now known as ryyzyy
ryyzyymy world14:36
ryyzyyits shattered14:37
amokpaulehello, i try to mount my floppy by typing mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy into the terminal. When i do so i see the floppy for some seconds then it dissapears again.14:37
bcessaI c, I'll look into that, thnx, I was also checking rbash but it becomes pretty much unusable, you can't even cd into any of your directories :/14:37
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  does the floppy drive spin/light up? There Is a disk in the drive?14:37
erUSULamokpaule: « dmesg | tail -n20 » may shed some light on the problem14:38
bergLNXcan one ask for wine aid here? wine looses sound after a suspend and resume, and im wondering if theres a way to restart the sound drivers without having to restart wine? "wineboot" didnt do it...14:38
coolstacyabhi_nav : i am into civil engg,but the ubuntu does not support Auto cad Like big s/w,using wine i heard it crashes ur system.14:38
abhi_navcoolstacy, yah may be. there are good cad software for linux.14:38
Dr_Willis'Auto Cad' (the company) dosent support Linux. :) i think is the more correct statement.14:38
SlartbergLNX: it might be your "real" sound drivers that die.. can you play any sound from native/linux apps after a suspend/resume?14:38
LjLcoolstacy: actually, you can as well say it's AutoCAD that doesn't support Ubuntu. Ubuntu can't just pretend to be Windows (it tries, with WINE, but it's not Windows), so if programs aren't made for Linux, there's not much one can do.14:39
amokpaulethe light is on and a disk is in.14:39
abhi_navDr_Willis, :)14:39
Dr_Willisbottom lines of that dmesg | tail -n20   command may give a clue as to whats goin gon14:39
bergLNXSlart: yeah, and if i restart wine, or rather the program im running through wine, i get the sound back... usually. but my sound card/driver is indeed a little uncooperative here in linux, so might be that the problem lays elsewhere14:40
SlartDanskmand: by the way.. axcrypt isn't supported on 64bit windows 7 either.. no mac client, no linux client, no 64bit client.. I wouldn't trust these guys with my sensitive data if you look at that track record =)14:40
Dr_WillisSlart:  how about for dos!14:41
SlartbergLNX: wineboot only runs a simulated boot in your little wine windows world.. not really sure what it does but it doesn't fix hardware problems like that14:41
coolstacyabhi_nav:what happens using wine is it eats ur RAM so much that its impossible to smoothly work on it.14:41
amokpaulebtw i gfloppy does also not work, im under lucid.14:41
AdminXHello, I am running Gnome. Other than Firestarter and gufw, any other firewall clients I might try?14:42
abhi_navcoolstacy, thats why i leave using wine ;)14:42
SlartDr_Willis: nope.. windows 2000 was the earliest, I think..14:42
Dr_Willis!firewall | AdminX14:42
ubottuAdminX: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.14:42
bergLNXSlart: yeah i guess... oh well14:43
scar_can i use my nokia phone as a speaker (via usb)?14:43
erUSULscar_: you can not14:43
AdminXDr_Willis: Yes, looking for better frontend14:44
coolstacyabhi_nav :i dont want to underestimate ubuntu,its great and rocks.I choose ubuntu because NO VIRUS,FREE ORIGINALLY,S/W FREE,GAMES FREE,APP FREEand not crashes too much.14:44
pieroi do have ubuntu 10.4 cd and i want to upgrade it how do i do it14:44
Slartpiero: insert the cd.. it should pop up a little dialog box asking you if you want to use it14:44
erUSULpiero: upgrade from 9.10 ?14:44
amokpauleIt says VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev fd0.  So i fomrated the disk with  mkdosfs /dev/fd0  but i still get the same error that it can't find a valid  FAT Filesystem.14:44
abhi_navcoolstacy, yah ubuntu rocks! (just for your info that this criteria suits for all major linux distro)14:44
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kickingintendernow that ....i want 2 locate where my downloaded deb files are there on my pc14:45
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  whats the -t option you were using?14:45
kickingintenderits not in /var in lucid14:45
abhi_navkickingintender, its somewhere in /archieve14:45
erUSULkickingintender: /var/cache/apt/archives/14:45
abhi_navyah there14:45
Dr_Williskickingintender:  the package manager caches them in /var/cache14:45
Slartkickingintender: /var/cache/apt/archives/14:45
pieroyea upgrade from 9.10 to 10.414:45
amokpaulei think its specifys the file system, i got the command from the ubuntu wiki14:46
erUSULpiero: for that you need the alternate cd the desktopcd wont work14:46
pieroi inserted the cd but nothing happened14:46
scar_erUSUL: if phone to pc doesn't work i'm sure pc to phone will, just will have to setup streaming software... thanks for the quick answer14:46
Dr_Willispiero:  is that the Desktop cd? or the Alternative CD?14:46
coolstacyabhi_nav: really it rocks ,but i thing major market occupied by Win(sorry to say the word),when will ubuntu be a common OS to use.14:46
kickingintenderi wanted 2 install k3b but i dont have internet14:47
Slartcoolstacy: when people like me stop buying it because of all the sweet games it can run =)14:47
abhi_navcoolstacy, hmm if now you dont have any ubuntu question then we may continue in #Ubuntu-offtopic. :)14:47
pierodesktop cd14:47
erUSULscar_: then the question is « i want to play in my phone media streamed from my pc » no « i want to use my phone as a speaker » ; isn't it ? :)14:47
kickingintenderso i downloaded the packages for it and there dependencies now thats over,i have a problem14:47
Slartcoolstacy: but this isn't really on topic in here14:47
abhi_navSlart, :) :D ;)14:47
kickingintenderkdelibs-bin says its dependent on kdelibs5  and vice versa14:47
Dr_Willispiero:  as far as i know you can only 'upgrade' via the Alternative Installer cd.14:48
kickingintenderwhat say Dr_Willis14:48
coolstacyabhi_nav:from when u are using ubuntu,u might be having similar problen.14:48
Dr_Williskickingintender:  id plug in a network cable...  :)14:48
IdleOnecoolstacy: Do you have a Ubuntu support question?14:48
coolstacyslart:sorry its my first chat.14:49
kickingintenderno way14:49
Beyecixramdcoolstacy: i've been using Linux for years with no problems :)14:49
abhi_navcoolstacy, no. its perfect. i just do regular college work. and its suits well. i wll be know more when i use it now for my upcomding college projects etc. then i wll have most exact opinion14:49
kickingintenderi am getting a net connection this week14:49
kickingintenderwe will see14:49
Slartcoolstacy: no worries, this channel is for support questions only.. regular chat is better kept in #ubuntu-offtopic14:49
kickingintendershould i upgrade to meerkat??14:49
IdleOnekickingintender: no14:49
IdleOnekickingintender: NO14:49
nicofshow can i install a programme when all i have is a git-address?14:49
Dr_Williskickingintender:  if you have to ask such a questuion.. the answer is no14:50
Slartkickingintender: it's a bit early for that... if you have to ask you probably don't want it =)14:50
kickingintenderthen what are neccessay stuff to be downloaded14:50
BeyecixramdSlart: s/want/need14:50
IdleOnekickingintender: /join #ubuntu+1 for maverick questions14:50
coolstacyabhi_nav:i think i myself dissolve the problem,let me use the suggested tools .14:51
erUSULnicofs: you have to clone it and compile it from source14:51
SlartBeyecixramd: yes, perhaps "need" is better..  =)14:51
erUSUL!compile | nicofs14:51
ubottunicofs: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:51
kickingintenderi installed kchm its not showing in app menu....where is it hiding14:51
abhi_navcoolstacy, hmmm good :)14:51
aboudreaulthi. Is anyone aware of a fix for this bug: When I copy text from the browser ie, and paste it inside emacs... I'm getting chiness symbol14:51
erUSULnicofs: git clone [git-url]14:51
Slartnicofs: git repositories usually contain source code.. so you need to download the source code and then compile it14:51
skeeter101hey guys, I have 2 nic cards in my server, I can ping the internal ip, but not the external ip....what do I need to check?14:51
LjLkickingintender: i don't know, but you can probably start it by hitting Alt+F2 and then typing "kchm"14:51
erUSULnicofs: install git-core to get git command14:51
Beyecixramdaboudreault: GET VIM... nah, kidding14:51
kickingintenderwhere is programs installed ....like windows programs folder??14:52
erUSULskeeter101: both nics are in the same LAN that you are in ?14:52
kickingintendersbin or bin? or user>>bin14:52
LjLkickingintender: if two packages seem to be dependant on each other, try installing everything with dpkg -i *.deb14:52
Beyecixramdkickingintender: Linux is not Windows... they can be everywhere. What do you need that for?14:52
erUSULkickingintender: programs are installed "scattered" in the system mostly under /usr/14:52
LjLkickingintender: most programs are in /usr/bin. you can find out by typing "dpkg -L packagename" anyway.14:52
Slartkickingintender: they are installed a little all over the place.. you can check in synaptic.. right click on something you've got installed and select properties.. there should be a list of all the files there14:52
coolstacyabhi_nav:Thxs for ur co-operation,time running out , i have to go,thxs again.14:52
skeeter101erUSUL:  one nic is for internal lan ip's, and the second is for external "public".....14:52
MauL^how can I understand whether my ubuntu is 64or32 bit14:52
abhi_navcoolstacy, bye :)14:53
BeyecixramdMauL^: what have you installed?14:53
SlartMauL^: run uname -a in a terminal14:53
SlartMauL^: if it ends in something with 64 you're running 64bit14:53
win7i have ubuntu with kde and kde is sooooo slow14:53
MauL^Linux mustafahx 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:53
win7anyway to speed it up14:53
LjLMauL^: that's 32bit14:53
SlartMauL^: 32bit14:53
Beyecixramdwin7: more like your computer is old14:53
MauL^ok.. thanks14:53
kickingintendernow thats very tricky ...coz i doent want 2 mess with terminal14:53
erUSULskeeter101: so the external nic has a valid internet ip adress ? and you ca not ping it? what error do you get? maybe the server is filtering pings (if it is facing internet it should )14:54
Beyecixramdwin7: install something else... like XFCE14:54
win7it's a 4 year old pc14:54
Beyecixramdwin7: or GNOME...14:54
win7yup i have installed before14:54
CodePointIs there a quick fix for why I cannot get apt-get to update in Lucid Server?14:54
ThaxllHello is there a working alternative for gnome-network-manger for handling OpenVPN connection, I still get error with the GUI but it's working fine with the command line ?14:54
Beyecixramdkickingintender: why not? copy and paste, there's nothing that could go wrong14:54
kickingintendershucks there is a user with win7 name here14:54
SlartCodePoint: depends on what kind of error you get14:54
erUSULCodePoint: post the error you get14:54
erUSUL!pastebin | CodePoint14:54
ubottuCodePoint: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:54
amokpaulethe wiki also says that when i have gnome-utils installed that when i right click the floppy theat i get a context menue where i can choose to format aswell but this menu is not there aswell.14:54
CodePointI get: Unable to connect to gb.archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]14:55
kickingintenderany way how do i find strong password any guessess14:55
skeeter101erUSUL: yes the external does have a valid internet ip.....and no I cannot ping it, or even view anything in browser, apache is running......can get to 192.168.xx.xx just fine....but when I try to go to static.ip.xx.xx it times out14:55
Beyecixramdkickingintender: use symbols, numbers and lowercase and uppercase letters combined...14:55
Slartkickingintender: there are tools that generate strong passwords for you.. pwgen is one.. there are others14:55
Beyecixramdkickingintender: don't use real words...14:55
icerootkickingintender: makepasswd --chars=2014:56
Slartkickingintender: there are also some tricks and tips floating around.. like taking the first letter of each word in some kind of phrase you can remember.. song lyrics or whatever.. do some weird changes, add a number or two and you're done14:56
skeeter101erUSUL:  I want to be able to view contents of /var/www if I type in the 192 ip or the static ip.......14:56
skeeter101erUSUL:  I can do that cant I?14:56
erUSULskeeter101: you should, how is the server connected to internet ?14:57
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skeeter101erUSUL:  what do you mean?14:57
CodePointI tried changing the dns to us.archive.ubuntu.com but it makes no difference14:57
m0t3jlHi, I've upgraded my system from Karmic to Lucyd using the do-release-upgrade command. Everything worked smoothly until the system restarted itself. After restart, the kernel can no longer see the hard drives... I am able to log onto that machine using the install CD. What could I do to determine source of the problem?14:57
zealiodIm having dramas with splashy, i've just changed the theme... but my boot graphic is still the old one... have checked and checked that i put the new one up... suspend and shutdown ones are fine... is it cached somewhere?14:58
erUSULskeeter101: via a router ? cable modem ? maybe some element is blocking the connections toport 8014:58
SlartCodePoint: it seems to work if I go to http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com in firefox.. does that work for you?14:58
SlartCodePoint: but I get another ip than you do..14:59
CodePointSlart, that works for me too, it seems to be just apt-get (and aptitude) that won't update14:59
skeeter101erUSUL:  is connected through router, and I have four other boxes that I can get to port 80 just fine on......even on this particular box, with 2 nic's, one with a 192 ip, and the other with a static,.....if I type 192.168.x.x I get the contents in /var/www.....14:59
SlartCodePoint: hmm.. odd..14:59
skeeter101erUSUL:  but if I type the static ip, it times out......15:00
SlartCodePoint: not really sure if those do things differently compared to a regular browser15:00
erUSULskeeter101: maybe you have to configure the router to redirect connections to the server ? NAT ?15:00
CodePointSlart, I don't see why it would. However it seems odd that I can ping those addresses but apt cannot.15:00
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retroneoI'm looking for the pros and cons of installing Ubuntu 64bit in a Parallels VM15:01
Avaszwhere are the screensaver files located in ubuntu?15:01
skeeter101erUSUL:  I did not have to do that with the other ip's that have apache running on them, I can ping them and view the contents in a browser with no issues at all.....15:01
skeeter101erUSUL:  it just seems to be this one box......"the one I need to wrk too"15:02
flan_suseAnyone here got a Lexmark printer / scanner installed on 64-bit Ubuntu?15:02
skeeter101erUSUL:  any suggestions?15:02
erUSULskeeter101: not really; sorry. not without knwing exactly how that router is confiured or works15:03
m0t3jlIt seems as if the upgrade process did not install some drivers/modules it should have...15:03
IncrStormcall me an idiot but I've got instructions for installing a bin package, but what about a deb package? Shouldn't that be easier?15:03
skeeter101erUSUL:  the router is configured with one of my static's for routing reasons.....15:03
kyle__morning! is this the right place for questions about ubuntu?15:03
skeeter101erUSUL:  on the wan side I think15:04
Slartkyle__: yes15:04
Slart!hi | kyle__15:04
ubottukyle__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:04
kyle__tried googling all morning and no luck. im having some issues with a 18.5 widescreen monitor15:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:05
CodePointSlart, fyu it was VMWare that was playing up, the virtual networking was having a fit!15:05
kyle__i want the resolution to be 1360x768, when i set it to that via nvidia control panel, my monitor just goes into "auto config" and does that non stop15:05
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CodePointRemoved the Virtual card and added a new one and all was fine.15:05
SlartCodePoint: ah.. so it's all working now?15:05
SlartCodePoint: good15:06
CodePointSlart, Yep!15:06
CodePointI spent 2 hours on that15:06
skeeter101erUSUL:  I can provide whatever info you need to fully understand the setup here......I really need to get this fixed15:06
_-XPERT-_Hi all15:06
=== NGurty is now known as Gurty
LjLIncrStorm: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb  -  or just double click on it.15:07
DingGGuboot windows15:08
kyle__my acer monitor wont properly display the correct resolution it just goes into "auto config" repeat when i set it as 1360x76815:09
arunkumar413hi,when i convert the ogg video format to other video format the size of the video is getting more than doubled.15:10
skeeter101guys I just dont get this....one server, two nic cards, one nic with internal ip, and one with external ip, from within lan, I can ping eth0 with internal ip, but cannot ping eth1 with external ip.....what should I check?15:10
arunkumar413i used the pitivi video editor15:11
flan_susearunkumar413, it depends on the bitrate and the quality and other settings.15:11
VCoolioAvasz: /usr/share/xscreensaver for example?15:11
kyle__my acer monitor wont properly display the correct resolution it just goes into "auto config" repeat when i set it as 1360x76815:11
Slartskeeter101: the only thing I can think is the firewall.. if that's not it then I don't know15:12
Slart*can think of15:12
VCoolioAvasz: use 'dpkg-query -L <package>' to see what files it installed15:13
skeeter101Slart:  I am within the firewall on the same lan15:13
skeeter101thats the thing15:13
carneiroskeeter101: what seems to be the problem ?15:13
Slartskeeter101: I meant the firewall on the computer you're messing with15:13
skeeter101carneiro:  ....one server, two nic cards, one nic with internal ip, and one with external ip, from within lan, I can ping eth0 with internal ip, but cannot ping eth1 with external ip.....what should I check?15:13
skeeter101Slart:  have checked that as well15:13
skeeter101Slart:  really weird....15:13
carneiroskeeter101:  is there any NAT involved ?15:14
skeeter101carneiro:  nope15:14
ubutomkyle_, you sure it's not 1366x768?15:14
carneiroskeeter100 : to ping public ip from private  network you need to NAT private ip to public ..15:15
carneiroskeeter101: check the routes also15:16
skeeter101carneiro:  the public ip is on the private network.....15:16
carneiroskeeter101:  is there any Ip forwarding ?15:16
skeeter101carneiro: nope15:16
carneiroskeeter101: wont work ...15:17
carneiroskeeter101:  no NAT .. no routing .. how will public ip know where to send the packets ..15:17
skeeter101carneiro:  I have 5 boxes here and four of them are doing just fine......and have been for some time.....its just this one box, "the one with 2 nic cards in it"15:17
ubutomkyle_, try typing in terminal:  xrandr -s 1366x76815:18
carneiroskeeter101: check with tcpdump ...15:18
Jordan_Uskeeter101: What are the two ip addresses?15:18
carneiroskeeter101: know how to use tcpdump ?15:19
skeeter101Jordan_U:  eth0 is set static with a 192.168.x.x for my internal lan, then eth1 is set static with a valid external ip.....I can ping 192.168.x.x, and even get the contents of /var/www with the 192 ip, but when I try the static ip on eth1, it times out15:19
skeeter101carneiro:  I have never used tcpdump15:19
carneiroskeeter101:  tcpdump -nn -vv -i eth1 port 8015:20
carneiroskeeter101: chk for this cmd on running system ... compare it with system having problem ...15:20
joschihi, can someone please explain the difference between zendframework and zend-framework? it occurs to me that this is basically a duplicate package in ubuntu.15:20
skeeter101carneiro:  testing now.....just a sec15:20
carneiroskeeter101: before u do that ... run  a traceroute -n  <PUBLICIP> on both server ...15:21
Slartjoschi: seems one is 1.10.0 and the other is 1.10.315:21
Slart!info zendframework15:21
ubottuzendframework (source: zendframework): powerful PHP framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.0-1 (lucid), package size 3484 kB, installed size 31084 kB15:21
Slart!info zend-framework15:21
ubottuzend-framework (source: zend-framework): a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 0 kB, installed size 8 kB15:21
DanskmandHowdy :-) - I've got a laptop with ubuntu and a second screen. I've mad it a "extended desktop", but I see the taskbar on the laptop, not the external monitor (I guess the notebook sees the internal screen as the main screnn) - How can I change that ?15:22
skeeter101carneiro:  on the server in question?  or from another?15:22
joschiSlart:  zendframework is a transitional package for libzend-framework-php which is version 1.10.315:22
Dr_WillisDanskmand:  You can drag the gnome panel to the 2nd monitor if you wanted. Or add a new panel there.15:22
Slartjoschi: it also says in the description that zend-framework is a transient package15:22
Slartsorry... transitional15:22
Slartnot transcient =)15:22
joschiSlart: transitional means it will be removed sometime in the near future?15:23
DanskmandThat is easier than telling ubuntu that the external monitor is the main monitor ?15:23
joschiSlart: or asked differently: with a custom .deb, should I depend on zend-framework or zendframework?15:23
Slartjoschi: afaik it means that it exists so that older things that rely on it being there doesn't break but it will disappear in the future15:23
Slartjoschi: go with zendframework15:23
carneiroskeeter101:  both ...15:23
Dr_WillisDanskmand:  my nvidia setup. the nvidia-config tool has a 'set this as display as primary monitor' then gdm and the panels and stuff defauinted to it,.15:24
carneiroskeeter101: see if the trace is complete ..15:24
jeuswhat is this file .bashrc?15:24
skeeter101carneiro:  ran the traceroute, and it did complete...with just one hop15:24
joschiSlart: ok, thx15:24
skeeter101carneiro:  off of two different boxes15:24
Dr_Willisjeus:  a script that runs when you login to bash. check its contents15:25
jeusDr_Willis, : i use this guide for change shell prompt  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-shell-change-the-color-of-my-shell-prompt-under-linux-or-unix/15:26
Dr_Willisjeus:  so?  theres dozens of guides on changing the shell prompt.15:26
Dr_Willisjeus:  asnd theres some bash 'theme' tools out to let  you build up a prompt15:27
Jordan_Uskeeter101: What is the output of "route -n"? Even if the server's public ip is accessable via the same network segment, you'll still need to specify a (likely static) route to it.15:27
Dr_Willisjeus:  theres even a 'bash prompt howto'  at tldp.org15:27
EvilTrekis there any way to manually specify a time offset for system time via terminal?15:28
skeeter101Jordan_U:  going to place in pastebin ok?15:28
jeusDr_Willis, when login to linux run commands in .bashrc15:28
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Yes.15:28
Dr_Willisjeus:  theres .profile and .bashrc    with a login shell i think it runs the .profile, then the .bashrc15:29
Dr_Willisjeus:  when in doubt put some 'echo "This is bashrc"' at the start of the .bashrc and see when it runs15:29
skeeter101Jordan_U:  http://pastebin.com/m9vYD6AW15:29
skeeter101Jordan_U:  not sure what that 169 ip is though15:30
jeusDr_Willis,is login time  when start linux ? or open terminal ?15:30
Dr_Willisjeus:  Yes... to all.15:30
rabbit1i have a ISP client installed, need to tweek it, any idea?15:30
Dr_Willisjeus:  whenever a bash shell is started and they can start from scripts or X or at other times.. it reads those configs15:31
jeusDr_Willis, but when open a new trminal my commands not run15:31
Dr_Willisjeus:  people often think theres a 'gui mode' and a 'shell mode' like windows/dos days.. but actually there really is not that big a distinction. :)15:31
Dr_Willisjeus:  put a echo command in the .bashrc as a test.  and .profile as a test. to see whats getting ran.15:32
aminehello , can i ask a question about grub2 : How  i can remove Entries From it15:32
coolstacyhow do i use grub instead of winbootloader?i am new to ubuntu and running 9.10.15:32
jeusDr_Willis, TNX15:32
Dr_Willisjeus:  also a 'login shell' is different try 'xterm -ls' to see - that Should run both .profile and .bashrc15:32
syronhey guys, I got a big problem. Hope some1 can help me. I installed Xampp to my machine and some updates to ubuntu, after I rebooted my computer is stuck in a reboot loop, just comes along the ubuntu load screen and then it reboots :/15:32
Dr_Willisjeus:  .bash_profile is different also.. if that exists then i think the .profile is ignored.. Under ubuntu now. You dont use .bash_profile, you use just .profile (i think)15:33
skeeter101Jordan_U:  did u get that?15:33
amine How  i can remove Entries From Grub2 plz15:33
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Yes.15:34
erUSULamine: remove the kernels you do not use15:34
jeusDr_Willis, tank U from your Guide . i try it15:34
skeeter101Jordan_U:  look right?  yes?  no?15:34
Dr_Willisjeus:  the default prompt is set in .bashrc  so change it at the end of that file if you want your own15:34
amineerUSUL: i have a windows recovery that i do't use15:35
Dr_Willisamine:  thats a little harder to change..15:35
kanzieis there any way for me to list all files that have the same filename (CI-wise) in a folder15:36
Dr_Willisnot hard.. but just a little harder. :)15:36
anothernewbieubuntu says root is not installed and when I try to install it from bin It says it cannot be found. I get the error "unable to find schema for key daemon default session" on startup15:36
Lord_Rahlis there a way I can have windows keep size like the term?15:36
kanzieI have many many files in my linux and need to download to a windows machine that don't support CS (case-sensitive)15:36
drizzt_kanzie, add them to tar first15:36
Dr_Williskanzie:  i would put them in an archive first then.15:36
syronis there any key-combination that I can use on ubuntu loading screen to start safe mode or something like that?15:36
jeusDr_Willis, it work correctly TNX15:37
amineDr_Willis: so how15:37
kanzieDr_Willis & drizzt_: Well, actually it is through mercurial version control the problem appears, so I have to rename the file dupilicates15:37
Dr_Willisamine:  theres some guides on altering those entries. I never bothered with them 0> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17787/clean-up-the-new-ubuntu-grub2-boot-menu/15:37
anothernewbieany ideas on how to fix it?15:37
Dr_Willisamine:  and the grub2 wiki page and forum threads on the ubuntu forums discuss it also.15:37
amineok thanks15:38
skeeter101Jordan_U:  nothing to say about it?15:38
abuayyoubHi, is there anyone here that can help me with a problem with a problem called NZBget?15:38
mattgyverWhen trying to connect to one of my work servers, rdesktop attempts to connect and quits with the error, NOT IMPLEMENTED: PDU 12, is anyone familiar with such an error?15:38
drizzt_kanzie, relating on case in filenames is very unwise15:39
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abuayyoubAlso, if anyone knows anything about Par2 files and how I can scan multiple par2 files from command line that would be great :)15:39
syronis there a way to fix an existing system via a live-cd?15:40
drizzt_are those your files or mercurial metadata?15:40
Lord_Rahlmattgyver, what server OS win2003 200815:40
mattgyverLord_Rahl, Windows 2008, its killing me :(15:40
drizzt_syron, define 'fix'15:40
skeeter101carneiro:  did u by any chance see the post I made?  maybe give me some ideas?15:40
mattgyverLord_Rahl, No one else is experiencing any errors, as well i can connect to two other machines with the same setup15:40
drizzt_mattgyver, the Ubutu doesn't support modern RDP protocol15:40
arunkumar413i'm getting this error frequently when i try to login to the google accounts.http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/kb76Mh3H15:40
Lord_Rahlyou have the security up to high. you to move back to xp -2000 mode15:41
syrondrizzt_, since I installed some updates, which popped up and after I installed xampp, my ubuntu install is stuck in a reboot loop15:41
mattgyverLord_Rahl, may I PM you?15:41
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Can you pastebin the same from a working machine? (replacing parts of the ip with 'x' make it a bit awkward to try to debug, but I understand if you think you need to do it)15:41
Lord_Rahlmattgyver, sure15:41
skeeter101Jordan_U:  ty, I am glad that u understand15:41
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
skeeter101Jordan_U:  fyi, the other machines all have only one nic card, this particular box has "2" nic cards.....15:42
anothernewbie>ubuntu says root is not installed and when I try to install it from bin It says it cannot be found. I get the error "unable to find schema for key daemon default session" on startup. Can anyone help?15:42
arunkumar413plz help me.i'm getting this error very frequently when i try to login to the google accounts like orkut,gmail, etc,.15:43
YuripHi, is it better to add aliases under the eth0 using "ip up addr <ip> dev eth0" or by adding a seperate eth0:1 entry?15:44
rabbit11need to edit a ISP client software, how to proceed ?15:44
skeeter101Jordan_U:  actually, the information from "route -n" is the same on one of my other boxes as the box in question, there is one difference, and that is the box in question has the "192.168" routing info and the others do not.....15:44
drizzt_rabbit11, why?15:44
rabbit11drizzt_: i have issues with compatibility with firefox15:45
abhi_navarunkumar413, on their forum this is what i got: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Web+Search/thread?tid=08197160d4c2d28f&hl=en15:45
premHi All,15:45
drizzt_rabbit11, then  replace firefox with compatioble browser15:45
Beyecixramddrizzt_: smart suggestion -.-15:45
premI have dell 1640 laptop, suddenly spacebar backspace and enter keys stopped working, does anyone know how to fix it ?15:46
skeeter101prem:  hammer and nails.....15:46
rabbit11drizzt_: i have to run sifyconnect from terminal, after which it gives me a login screen to connect to Internet, after which it says Firefox is running, restart it, later, after 30 mins my connection gets lost, i have to login again.15:46
premskeeter101: funny thanks15:47
skeeter101prem:  sorry could not resist, u running ubuntu>15:47
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Can you ping other public ip addresses, like google.com?15:47
erUSULprem: check config in System>Preferences>keyboard15:47
premskeeter101: yes lucid15:47
premskeeter101: I did all magic of changing layout and repeat delay etc15:48
skeeter101Jordan_U:  from the box in question?  of course I can.....no problems15:48
Adysanyone has the flashplugin .so for 64bit? (the non-nspluginwrapper one) :/15:48
skeeter101prem:  what ERUSUL said15:48
premskeeter101: I did all things I could find on net for this problem but the problem persists15:49
rabbit11drizzt_: here the problem is , these ISP guys have integrated something to check for the user connection availability to firefox only, and during this process, it will send a info to firefox and if its not running ISP will disconnect, and if firefox is on and running, firefox blocks the message from ISP client. so again, it is disconnected, what ever the case is it will be disconnected, so better way is to edit the ISP client files and make that checking15:49
skeeter101prem:  it happen after the update/upgrade?15:49
premskeeter101: no,15:49
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Is the server you're trying to access within the 173.164.xx.xxx/29 network?15:50
premskeeter101: all other keys work, I had this problem before, but fiddling around with the keyboard preferences somehow fixed it15:50
arunkumar413abhi_nav: how to update chrome15:50
drizzt_rabbit11, I doubt your ISP gave you permission to do that15:50
abhi_navarunkumar413, you can get latest .deb from google web site and install it by double clicking on it15:50
arunkumar413abhi_nav: its about 17mb15:51
skeeter101Jordan_U:  is your question relevant to the "29"????15:51
skeeter101Jordan_U:  if so, I dont know what that stands for really.....15:51
arunkumar413abhi_nav: i just want to update so that the bug gets fixed15:51
abhi_navarunkumar413,  do update from update manager15:52
drizzt_rabbit11, and this question should be really addressed to your provider15:52
Jordan_Uskeeter101: It's the network mask, the number of leading bits in the ip address that need to match for the ip to be on the same network.15:52
skeeter101Jordan_U:  I logged into the modem and it is on a "173.163.xx.xx/29 network15:52
arunkumar413abhi_nav: that will update the unnecessary stuff also. i want to update only chrome browser15:52
hdtdihi i have a problem with my microphone. its working, i talk to skype and suddenly it stops working and its not muted its not low volume.. when i restart my pc is ok and then again..15:53
Beyecixramdhdtdi: Skype in Linux works VERY VERY bad15:53
abhi_navarunkumar413,  go to update manager click on check button then it wll give you the list of all possible updates. deselect all and only select chrome. actually i dont know the command line way . that will be easy. ask somene aboutu it15:54
Beyecixramdhdtdi: i don't recommend you to use Skype until they fix it up15:54
skeeter101Jordan_U:  is there something about the /29 that I would have to configure somewhere?15:54
Jordan_Uskeeter101: If you know how to work with binary, write out the two ip addresses in binary and make sure that the first 29 bits match (or, to put it another way, that only the last three bits can differ)15:54
hdtdiBeyecixramd, skype cause my microphone to stop working?15:54
Beyecixramdhdtdi: maybe. Skype does weird things. For example, only the first videocall works, once you hang up, you will never be able to use your webcam again until you reboot15:55
rabbit1drizzt_: i even din't give them permission to play with my apps (firefox)15:55
Beyecixramdkaos: aaaaa what15:55
carneiroskeeter101:  so did the trace complete ?15:55
skeeter101carneiro:  yeah an hour ago  lol15:55
drizzt_rabbit1, then deal with another provider15:55
rabbit1drizzt_: yeah, i am already in talks, but i don need the same problems again :)15:56
rabbit1drizzt_: why these stupid people will have a client software (un necessary)15:56
carneiroskeeter101: was away  from my comp ; problem resolved ?15:57
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:58
yxz97when trying to enter a free root shell to reset my password after choose the single in recovery mode ... I got a asked by root password ?16:00
Jordan_Uskeeter101: Do you know how to work with binary?16:00
yxz97How can I reset my root password ?16:00
yxz97I need a shell with root permisions16:01
erUSULyxz97: drop to root shell should give you a ( surprise) root shell with no password asked16:01
bastid_raZoryxz97: use sudo -i16:01
yxz97but ubuntu dropme to a shell but asked me the root password16:01
skeeter101Jordan_U:  no.....but working on it.....got the static converted to binary....I do the 192 addy the same way?16:01
dicryou need setup root password before16:01
carneiroyxz97: boot into single user mode ...16:01
dicrsudo passwd root16:01
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:01
erUSULdicr: do not advice that here16:01
yxz97I cannot login in the machine using none user I forget all users ...16:01
yxz97well just have two16:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:02
yxz97actually one16:02
Slartyxz97: if you select the recovery option in grub it will give you a root shell without any password16:02
yxz97Slart wrong you are wrong, always asked me for the root password16:02
pejayOr boot from LiveCD16:02
erUSULyxz97: no i'm not worng. but hey you seems to know more than anyone here so you will be able to fix it yourself ( shouting )16:02
pejayand mount the drive, then chroot into it and change the password16:02
Slartyxz97: ok, suit yourself16:02
drizzt_Debian has root password, why ubuntu doesn't?16:03
yxz97thannks for nothing I think google do best than you16:03
bastid_raZordrizzt_: ubuntu is smarter.16:03
erUSULdrizzt_: design decission to use only sudo16:03
Slartdrizzt_: design choice.. sudo can do everything a real root login can do.. and more16:03
SpyderBiteUbuntu calls it the "Default" password vs. "Root", drizzt_16:03
pejaySlart: Unless you mess up the sudoers file by mistake ;-P16:03
Slartpejay: well... that's why you use visudo16:04
daffelyxz97: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword16:04
Jordan_Uskeeter101: The 192 route is fairly simple, any ip starting with 192.168.5. is in that network. You don't really need to go into binary when every octet in the mask is either 255 or 0.16:04
wesselcan I run the python IDLE IDE on ubuntu?16:04
wesselor does it only run on windows?16:04
RustyNicklehey guys16:04
Slartwessel: I think it's included in the regular python package16:04
daffelwessel: It is multi plattform16:05
Slartwessel: so, yes.. you can run it on ubuntu16:05
Piciwessel: Sure. Its in the repositories.16:05
skeeter101Jordan_U:  thats right.....16:05
yxz97daffel I have a problem I got a Recovery Menu option16:06
yxz97there I choose drop to Root Shell16:06
yxz97but to get the shell asked me for the root password ....again  !16:06
yxz97I don't have it16:06
Piciyxz97: Please stop pressing enter between every few words, don't use enter as punctuation.16:07
yxz97I tried this other one, init=/bin/bash  but I get a kernel Panic error ...16:07
yxz97Pici Sorry16:07
Jordan_Uyxz97: Chroot in from a liveCD16:07
yxz97no time for download a liveCD Jordan_U16:08
BluesKaj!download  kekart16:08
icerootyxz97: download grml or knoppix  its fast16:08
yxz97iceroot no way I'm not going to download more software16:08
Njhim trying to ssh and move a file, but i keep getting: no tty present and no askpass program specified. anyone know how to fix it?16:09
carneiroyxz97: do u have ubuntu cd ?16:09
Jordan_UerUSUL: Actually, you were partially wrong. If a root password is set, then it will be asked for before you can enter single user mode (which actually doesn't add any security, but that's another topic).16:09
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moodyanyone know how to access Preferences and Administration from Cardapio?16:09
yxz97Do you know about this issue ? I mean ubuntu.com know about this issue ?16:09
amanitaI'm having troubles with VLC media player. When i start, dont show anything, then i started on the terminal and got this: http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq Can someone help me?16:09
syronwhich type of error is this and what to do? "sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu"16:09
Jordan_U!hostname | syron16:09
RustyNicklewhat happens when you use enter as punctuation??16:09
ubottusyron: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:10
bastid_raZorsyron: did you change your hostname?16:10
yxz97Jordan_U u see he was WRONG !!16:10
syronok thanks, I'll that16:10
erUSULJordan_U: we do not support setting a root password. if he *did* set it how come it doesn't know it did nor the password ?16:10
bastid_raZoryxz97: only becuase you messed up your box before hand.16:10
wessel_Hmm, seems I have idle installed, but I don't understand how to open .py files in idle.16:10
wessel_Can I make .py files open in idle by default?16:10
Krow_anyone  know if all computer can run with linux?16:10
yxz97bastid_raZor please heeel p!16:11
icerootKrow_: no16:11
dewwKrow_: many can... but that's a trick question16:11
erUSULJordan_U: but i do not know why this surprises me he doesn't even know the login name nor the password he used to set up the system either16:11
bastid_raZoryxz97: i can not.16:11
carneiroKrow_: all computers run linux ..16:11
yxz97no for what those tutorials, If is not possible recover unless you have a DISC16:11
amanitaKrow_ Yes, but the kernel must be compiled to the certain architecture.16:11
yxz97that makes no sense at all16:12
Krow_cuz my friend have a computer , on win 95 , and the pc is really ancient16:12
dekushrubHi, I'm trying to set up Microsoft Exchange 2007 with Evolution. I installed the Evolution MAPI plugin but when I run Evolution from the terminal it says the plugin can't be loaded16:12
Krow_and when he wants to install linux he has got a lot of errors16:12
Piciyxz97: We don't support having a root password set.  So we don't support losing your root password and needing to reset it out-of-the-box.16:12
icerootKrow_: post the error messages16:13
icerootKrow_: else we cant help16:13
Krow_he hasn't got IRC16:13
Krow_when i'll go to his home16:13
Krow_i'll send you some errors16:13
Ilieany ideas about what is the default user  + password on linux mint ?16:13
iceroot!mint | Ilie16:13
ubottuIlie: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:13
IdleOne!pastebin | Krow_16:13
ubottuKrow_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:13
amanitaI'm having troubles with VLC media player. When i start, dont show anything, then i started on the terminal and got this: http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq Can someone help me?16:13
Krow_thanks a lot :p16:14
dries_Is anyone here using LostIRC?16:14
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:14
ubutomKrow_, if it's ancient you don't want to run a new ubuntu on it, below some minimum system requirements it's just too slow on old machines, he might try to use win98 ;)16:14
syronmh... I don't get it, my hosts file seems to be ok16:14
KyoProblem with privoxy. Can install, remove or update it16:14
dries_Krow_ there are linux versions that'll run on just about anything16:15
Krow_hum , i tryed to put ubuntu 9.10 on ce the computer16:15
IdleOneKrow_: perhaps try xubuntu16:15
dries_what's inside the box you're trying to get working?16:15
saji89My ubuntu 10.04 freezes often, any solution to that?16:15
Krow_year xubuntu will run may be16:15
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Krow_cuz it's a really ancient computer16:16
Krow_he is really slow16:16
dries_try Slitaz16:16
saji89My ubuntu 10.04 freezes often, any solution to that?16:16
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Dyrconasaji89: not without more information.16:16
doxdrumHi people! My ubuntu (karmic) does not update. The keys of trusted software providers are gone. How could I restore them????16:17
RustyNickletake it out of the freezer16:17
ikoniasaji89: depends a lot on the reason for the freeze, when it freezes if you press numlock, does the numlock light on your keyboard come n / off16:17
srihow do I remove hald from lucid?16:17
ikoniadoxdrum: import them from trusted sources, just as before16:17
sriI suspect that I still have hald because I did a dist-upgrade from karmic16:17
ikoniasri: why do you want to remove hal - it's quite important16:17
carneiroKrow_: try using Xubuntu on low-end machines ...16:17
sriikonia: in all the release notes and coverage it said that hald was being removed?16:18
ikoniasri: ahh, you're now running lucid - ok16:18
skeeter101carneiro:  u get my message?16:18
sriikonia: indeed. :)16:18
doxdrumikonia, How is that? the import the sources16:18
saji89ikonia: The system freezes when running any random program, I didn't notice any pattern in the freezes16:18
ikoniasri: yes, I missed that you where running lucid, just open the package manager and remove it16:18
sriikonia: my real reason is that I want to write some code to query power management and hal sucks for that.16:18
ikoniadoxdrum: where did you get the keys from before ?16:18
ikoniasri: do the test I suggested16:18
Krow_year , i'll.16:18
sriikonia: which test? sorry I must have missed it.16:19
calamity_Hiya everyone.16:19
doxdrumikonia, The keys where given at the installation....16:19
Picisri: There are still a few things that depend on hal, despite the fact that most of the dependencies have been removed.  You  will have issues if you remove hal manually.16:19
ikoniasri: sorry - that was for saji8916:19
dries_hi calamity16:19
ikoniadoxdrum: do you mean the ubuntu repos keys ?16:19
RustyNicklewhat is hal?16:19
calamity_I'm running ubuntu 10.04 on an eeepc. Is there anyway I might split  my / so that /home is seperate?16:19
doxdrumikonia, Yes... the ubuntu ones16:19
sriPici: so in a regular stock lucid, is hald running?16:19
ikoniaRustyNickle: it was a hardware "notifcation" daemon16:19
ikonia!keys | doxdrum16:19
ubottudoxdrum: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts16:19
ikoniadoxdrum: ignore that16:19
ikonia!gpgkeys | doxdrum16:19
saji89ikonia: Which was for me? :)16:19
ikoniasaji89: the numlock test16:20
calamity_dries_, hi! :)16:20
RustyNicklethanks ikonia16:20
sriactually, I can answer my own question by looking at my laptop which is a stock install16:20
Jordan_U!separatehome | calamity_16:20
ubottucalamity_: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:20
Picisri: I imagine it would be, it looks to be part of the ubuntu-desktop task.16:20
sriPici: yes, it is urnning16:20
ikonia!gpgperr | doxdrum16:21
calamity_Jordan_U, I checked that one. but it requires that you have at least double the size of your home dir.16:21
sriPici: so if I want to query network manager or power manager over dbus I'm having some trouble there16:21
Pici!gpgerr | doxdrum ikonia16:21
ubottudoxdrum ikonia: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »16:21
dries_Does anyone happen to know how to make LostIRC open a private chat window by doubleclicking on a name?16:21
RustyNicklestop double clicking on the name16:22
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p1l0tHow do I open a port up?16:23
Picisri: I'm afraid thats a bit beyond my dbus/hal knowledge. :/16:23
ikoniap1l0t: there is no blocked ports on ubuntu by default16:23
calamity_So to clarify, I have to move 100GB into a new partition, one a 160GB drive.16:23
Krow_That is noticeable that I am not French?16:23
p1l0tikonia when I added a virtual host in apache2 on another port it didn't work like it did on 80.. do I have to add the application in ufw or something?16:23
sriPici: that's fine.. I was going to ask in devel, regarding it, since this is pretty low level.16:23
sriPici: no worries, I'll bug a couple of devs I know.16:24
Picisri: Sounds good ;)16:24
coolstacywhat is a super grub disk ,what are its uses.I am new to ubuntu and find out useful for new ones ,but for what i can't get that.16:24
ikoniap1l0t: no, there should be no blocked ports by default16:24
ikoniap1l0t: so unless you have blocked it personally - it wont be blocked16:24
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bastid_raZorp1l0t: if you're behind a router you need to portforward it16:25
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p1l0tbastid_raZor: inside of the lan too?16:25
amanitaI'm having troubles with VLC media player. When i start, dont show anything, then i started on the terminal and got this: http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq Can someone help me?16:26
coolstacyplz help ,what's a super grub disk16:26
doxdrumthx ikonia and ubottu!!! Solved16:26
bastid_raZorp1l0t: no, inside the lan should work regardless if the router has it forwarded16:26
ikoniacoolstacy: its a cd used to boot your machine and repair grub, it's not an ubuntu product16:26
Jordan_Ucoolstacy: /join #sgrub for questions about Super GRUB Disk.16:26
bastid_raZorp1l0t: if you have more than one subnet it would require it though.16:26
p1l0tbastid_raZor: all the same subnet16:27
ikoniap1l0t: telnet to the port from localhost - see if it's running16:27
LalithaHi, I have got a problem with parcellite and SCIM, whenever i click on the icon on the tray, it just closes and restarts.. No matter how many times i do that, It just keeps flickering "Close/open/close/open" . How do i solve this ? P.S : I am an absolute beginner.16:27
bastid_raZorp1l0t: how did you change which port apache2 listens to and did you also restart apache after the changes?16:27
kesroesweythamanita: what method did you use to install? have you tried installing vlc from the repositories?16:28
p1l0tikonia: I did an nmap it said 6 open ports (none of them it) and 995 closed16:28
ikoniap1l0t: I asked you to telnet to the port16:28
dries_Does anyone happen to know how to make LostIRC open a private chat window by doubleclicking on a name?16:28
p1l0tikonia: ok16:29
amanitakesroesweyth i've installed from the repositories16:29
a3DmanHey, Q6600 has 2 steps only is that normal?16:29
a3Dmanpowernowd:   cpu0: 2000Mhz - 3000Mhz (2 steps)16:29
kesroesweythhave you tried fully removing vlc and installing all available ubuntu updates, then reinstalling?16:30
kesroesweyth^^ @ amanita16:30
amanitamany times16:30
thune3amanita: it looks like removing ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc and ~/.vlc/vlcrc will get you back to defaults.16:30
amanitathune3, wait a moment, let m try16:31
LalithaHi, I have got a problem with parcellite and SCIM, whenever i click on the icon on the tray, it just closes and restarts.. No matter how many times i do that, It just keeps flickering "Close/open/close/open" . How do i solve this ? P.S : I am an absolute beginner.16:31
xshyamxhi, I'm behind a http proxy and when I set http_proxy curl works but wget does not...any ideas?16:32
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ech0s7it's possible to add a new entry in context menu "copy in" (right click on file) ?16:32
p1l0tikonia: telnet says connection refused but I don't know how to specify a port16:32
frxstremis there a program similar to netcat that is capable of making encrypted SSL connections?16:33
torocatalaHi, i'm trying to do a filter with grep, i want to filter all the lines ending in "xzy/", the problem is I get ALL the lines that have "xzy/" but I want the lines only when "xzy/" is in the end, ¿anyone know how?16:33
abhi_navi installed clamav from ufc. ufc says it is installed. when i type in terminal clamav it says no command found. where does my clamav goes?16:33
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ikoniap1l0t: telnet localhost $port_number16:33
ikoniap1l0t: eg: telnet localhost 80 would connect on port 8016:33
abhi_navalso no man or info entry for clamav how to solve this?16:34
p1l0tikonia: oh lol, from the local machine... :) brb16:34
LjLtorocatala: grep blah$      with $ at the end16:34
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amanitathune3 same error16:35
LalithaHi, I have got a problem with parcellite and SCIM, whenever i click on the icon on the tray, it just closes and restarts.. No matter how many times i do that, It just keeps flickering "Close/open/close/open" . How do i solve this ? P.S : I am an absolute beginner.16:35
torocatalaLjL, thanks but when I try it there is no output from grep :S16:36
LjLtorocatala: should me a sample line that you do want grep to show, and one you don't16:36
p1l0tikonia: It says unable to connect, connection refused16:36
thune3amanita: do you have any vlc config you need to preserve, or is a fresh start ok?16:37
Lalitha@all, I also cannot open "sytem>admin>lang support" .. Am i visible :'( ?16:37
torocatalaLjL,  GOOD -> /media/server00/departamentos/bdd/   BAD -> /media/server00/departamentos/bdd/developer16:37
amanitathune3 is a fresh start16:37
LjLtorocatala: then « grep 'bdd/$' » should definitely show the former, but not the latter.16:37
ikoniap1l0t: the application is not lisening on that port then16:38
Lalithawhen i try to open "system>admin>lang support" A window flickers and then closes.16:38
magellanhi can someone know how to update clamtk16:39
magellanin command line16:39
p1l0tikonia: so then it's either /etc/apache2/ports.conf or /etc/ufw/applications.d..16:39
Lalithawhen i try to open "system>admin>lang support" A window flickers and then closes.16:39
VCooliomagellan: sudo apt-get install clamtk16:39
Type-Owhere is the cpufreq govenor set?16:40
halis there a way to speed up how long it takes for a application window to be restored from the task bar?16:40
torocatalaOK, i'm a moron, is WITHOUT the slash :p thanks LjL16:40
thune3amanita: you could try removing everything in (or move to backup) ~/.vlc ~/.cache/vlc and ~/.config/vlc16:40
bastid_raZorLalitha: in a terminal type: gnome-language-selector   see what errors it gives if any16:40
ikoniap1l0t: it's  not the firewall16:40
Lalithabastid_raZor, ** (gnome-language-selector:3223): CRITICAL **: menu_proxy_module_load: assertion `dbusproxy != NULL' failedSegmentation fault16:40
amanitathune3 when i execute the "apt-get purge" i think it clean it up. Dont?16:40
bastid_raZorType-O: which version of ubuntu are you using?16:40
kkojibandhi, i have some problem to upgrade to kernel 2.6.33 in ubuntu 10.04. when i booted from kernel 2.6.33, network was strange.16:40
Type-Obastid_raZor, lubuntu16:41
bastid_raZorLalitha: how to fix that, i do not know16:41
bastid_raZorType-O: 10.04?16:41
thune3amanita: i think local config stuff is generated by vlc when it runs, and is not related to package install16:41
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Lalitha** (gnome-language-selector:3223): CRITICAL **: menu_proxy_module_load: assertion `dbusproxy != NULL' failedSegmentation fault  > How do i fix this error that occurs when opening gnomelanguage selector. ? ! ?16:41
kkojibandi think my kernel configuration is something wrong16:41
Dr_Willisthune3:  correct. Removeing a package via package manager will NOT NOT NOT touch the stuff in the users home dirs..16:41
kkojibandcan i get kernel 2.6.33 configuration for ubuntu 10.04?16:41
Lalithabastid_raZor, thanks for replying.16:42
FanshaweHey guys. Anybody know of a program that allows me to rotate my laptop screen and reconfigures the touch pad to work with it?16:42
amanitathune3 wait a moment, ill try16:42
bastid_raZorType-O: cpufreq-set --help will give you the required syntax you need to use16:42
Dr_WillisFanshawe:  xrandr can rotate.. but no idea on teh touchpad.16:42
magellan@Vicoolo sudo apt-get install clamtk says clamtk intalled newest but if i open the clamtk it says newer version available16:42
Dr_Willismagellan:  thats correct.. the version in the repos is not the latest version thats at the clamtk homepage. but the 'data' files should be getting updated. thats the critical part16:43
sipiorkkojiband: you can find the kernel configuration files in /boot.16:43
Type-Obastid_raZor, I did that but it keeps setting it's govenor back to performance16:43
amanitathune3 same error =/16:43
Lalitha ** (gnome-language-selector:3223): CRITICAL **: menu_proxy_module_load: assertion `dbusproxy != NULL' failedSegmentation fault  > How do i fix this error that occurs when opening gnomelanguage selector.16:43
bastid_raZorType-O: you need to set it with sudo16:43
kkojibandthere is ubuntu default kernel configuration 2.6.2816:43
Type-Obastid_raZor, yep, I did16:43
FanshaweThanks Dr_Willis, but the screen is impossible to use in that orientation when the touchpad goes funky.16:43
kkojibandbut i find kernel 2.6.33's configuration for ubuntu 10.0416:43
Type-Obastid_raZor, for both cores16:43
Dr_WillisFanshawe:  No idea on how you rotate a touch pad.. ive never tried.  perhaps the forums may have some info. I dont even know how you would use the laptop that way :)16:44
magellanyup i understand the definition is updated i just curios on the GUI updated16:44
Stephen_I need help installing ubuntu, does anyone have experince?16:44
Dr_WillisFanshawe:  i was doing somthing similer with my laptop to read 'comic books' easier.. but it was a bother.16:44
sipiorStephen_: that's a safe bet, in this channel :-)16:44
Dr_Willis!install | Stephen_16:44
ubottuStephen_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:44
halis there a way to speed up how long it takes for a application window to be restored from the task bar?16:45
Dr_WillisStephen_:  perhaps state the actual problem.16:45
Type-Obastid_raZor, is there another config file that tells the default govenor?16:45
Dr_Willishal:  theres some gnome setting i recall ages ato that turned off the effects.. the little box's.. but on any mondern pc. the speed should be very fast anyway16:45
Stephen_Kk, i install ubuntu, going through all the propmts and then reboot and it just starts windows16:45
FanshaweExactly the same here, Dr_Willis. It's a little frustrating. On Windows there was a program called EeeRotate that did it in a much simpler way.16:45
kesroesweythamanita > did you try apt-get purge vlc16:46
Stephen_I have tried reinstalling after formating drive using differnt partion settings, none seem to work16:46
halDr_Willis: hi - thanks for the response.  It's not a bug - for most people I imagine the delay is fine, but I would prefer them to restore immediately16:46
Stephen_I run windows 716:46
FanshaweI was hoping a similar solution is available for Ubuntu.16:46
amanitakesroesweyth yup, many times16:46
magellancan someone used indian firewall or the UFW is nicer16:46
dakirahi. how do I access an AFP-Volume on a Mac from an Ubuntu machine?16:46
amanitai've tried to install from the binary package too.16:46
RustyNickleSteven look in your private window chat16:46
Stephen_any suggestions?16:46
amanitaBut nothing solve this problem.16:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:47
halDr_Willis: all the pages that google gives speak about slow performance>  that's not my issue - it's just that the animation could be quicker.16:47
kesroesweythamanita > i am out of n00b ideas xD16:47
thune3amanita: just a question, are you trying vlc after removing each component? or waiting until you have deleted all of it before running?16:47
amanita<kesroesweyth> mee too =/16:47
halDr_Willis: in windows, you can disable this type of "synthetic" delay16:47
sipiorStephen_: yes, sounds like grub was never properly installed. you have both windows and linux on the same disk?16:47
amanitathune3 i delet them all, and after this i try again.16:47
Dr_Willishal:  i recall some gnome/metacity setting that disabled all the 'effects' but i cant recall where i even saw that at. it was ages ago. perhaps befor compuiz eas even in use.. and if you are using compiz. it may not even apply any more.16:47
amanitathune3 i just want to play a wmv video, and the gstreamer isnt working for this with Mplayer, u have any idea of how to lpay a wmv?16:48
Dr_Willisamanita:  depends on the codec the wmv is using. Theres some codecs that are not avilable in linux/ubuntu/for mplayer16:49
Dr_Willisamanita:  i can play most wmv's fine in vlc,. and smplayer (mplayer)16:49
ve2dmnI'm having trouble booting 10.04 with a Dell latitude E6410. I've managed to boot the Laptop in question with a "noapic"(or "noacpi"... can't remember exactly which one refer to power management) argument in the kernel. I want to submit a complete bug report. Any pointer on things I should try to find the exact problem (beside an lspci -vvv) ?16:49
Dr_Willishal:  try --> http://www.wains.be/index.php/2006/11/11/disable-gnome-windows-effects/16:49
halDr_Willis: there are other aspects of compliz that I like, it's just the animations.  For example, I like workspaces, but there again, the transition animation is a little slow16:49
amanitaDr_Willis i've tried with other players. VLC isn working here.16:49
hotfloppyhello guys..16:50
Dr_Willisamanita:  run player from command line, look at output.. see what it says about the video.16:50
halDr_Willis: what will I sacrifice if I enable that?16:50
Dr_Willishal:  with compiz its so tweakable.. i dont even know what all you can disable. i DO know about everything has a timedelay you can set to be very fast.16:50
amanitaDr_Willis i already did. The VLC is with a strange error.16:51
Dr_Willishal:  no idea. it may not even work with compiz16:51
amanitaDr_Willis the default player of ubuntu says that is a codec problem16:51
amanitaDr_Willis and the Mplayer says that cant recognize the video output, and plays only audio.16:51
ve2dmnAnother note: The laptop in question doesn't boot at all if I don't disable power management.. (ie black screen, with no response at all)16:51
tgillespiehi all, has anyone managed to get kolab running on ubuntu 10.04 with cn=config method for ldap, ideally not destroyng my old ldap database. If not, can annyone recommend another groupware server (mainly email/calendar, preferbly a web interface) that will tie into my old ldap database?16:51
dakirahi. how do I access an AFP-Volume on a Mac from an Ubuntu machine?16:51
Dr_Willisamanita:  where did this wmv come from?16:51
s34nI have a d-link wireless pcmcia adapter that uses the ti acx111 chipset16:52
s34nI'm using ubuntu 9.1016:52
hotfloppyi just move my /home as an external partition from / but now the owner of my $home is root.. tried issue sudo chown -R hotfloppy:hotfloppy /home/hotfloppy but getting the error chown: cannot access `/home/hotfloppy/.gvfs': Permission denied.. how do i solve this ?16:52
Dr_Willisamanita:  its not from some PORN or educatial/traning type video site is it?16:52
amanitaDr_Willis dows it matter? Its a video about linux professioal institute.16:52
amanitaDr_Willis i've play'd at windows just fine.16:52
Dr_Willisamanita:  Yes it can matter.. some times wmv videos have 'special' copy protection codecs.16:52
s34nthe acx 111 stuff is supposed to be included in 9.10, and I find the firware for it in /lib/firmware/acx16:52
s34nbut I can't modprobe acx16:53
p1l0tikonia: I named the virtual host with that port, but never told it to listen on that port in the first place in ports.conf :P16:53
amanitaDr_Willis the video was made at linux.16:53
ikoniap1l0t: there we go.....16:53
Dr_Willisamanita:  ive seen several cases where students cant get some wmv's from some college/eduation sites working due to DRM. and you dont even want to know about the Malware-DRM-Codecs ive seen peopel at work install to watch..err.. adult stuff.16:53
Dr_Willisamanita:  'at linux' ? it would seem odd its in .wmv then16:53
amanitaDr_Willis couse is a educational video, for the windows users to learn linux and study for the LPI16:54
Dr_Willisamanita:  figure out what codec its using and go from there. Right click on it, properties and see what the tabs say for starters.16:54
alketWhy I cant edit the Main Menu ?16:54
Dr_Willisamanita:  how big is the video? is it copyrighted? post it somewhere for otehrs to try it.16:54
alketI want to not display some apps16:54
Dr_Willisalket:  run alacarte and edit away16:55
inx-liveDoes anyone know how to listen to shoutcast via CLI?16:55
erUSULdakira: http://sites.google.com/site/alexthepuffin/home16:55
hotfloppysomeone.. please.. my question.. :(16:55
Lalitha ** (gnome-language-selector:3223): CRITICAL **: menu_proxy_module_load: assertion `dbusproxy != NULL' failedSegmentation fault  > How do i fix this error that occurs when opening gnomelanguage selector.16:55
Dr_Willisapolo777:  talk in the channel please.16:55
alketDr_Willis: what is alacarte ?16:55
amanitaDr_Willis The video gives me the option of play with VLC, Mplayer and the default player of ubuntu.16:55
Dr_Willisalket:  the menu editor program16:55
amanitaDr_Willis i've already play'd the video at windows, i know that works. =/16:55
Dr_Willisamanita:  right click -> properties -> look at the tabs..16:56
alketDr_Willis: yes, but i cant edit there, I click to untick - it doesn't untick16:56
ve2dmnLalitha: you might have stumble into a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu/+bug/59487716:56
Dr_Willisamanita:  that points to some odd video codec issue then and not a currupted file16:56
apolo777add user shell pls :))16:56
apolo777add user shell pls :))16:56
Sumo-EnteHas anyone solved the IMAP sync problem in evolution?16:56
alketDr_Willis: now with sudo it works thank you16:56
hotfloppyi just move my /home as an external partition from / but now the owner of my $home is root.. tried issue sudo chown -R hotfloppy:hotfloppy /home/hotfloppy but getting the error chown: cannot access `/home/hotfloppy/.gvfs': Permission denied.. how do i solve this ?16:56
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Lalithave2dmn, I have not done anything today , so how i got the bug from nowhere ? :(16:56
Dr_Willisalket:  ive NEVER had to run alacarte with sudo. My users can edit theior own menus.16:56
inx-liveDoes anyone know how to listen to shoutcast via CLI?16:56
ech0Asuslucid is kickin' ass on this asus 1001p :)16:57
ubutomapolo777, adduser16:57
Dr_Willisinx-live:  proberly mpd can do it.. it casn do most everything else.16:57
Dr_Willisinx-live:  or mplayer (non gui version)16:57
amanitaDr_Willis Type: Windows media video  (video/x-ms-wmv)16:57
ech0Asuscompiz fusion workin and all lol flawless..16:57
ve2dmnLalitha: that's why it's called a bug: ie, unwanted behavior :(16:57
ve2dmnLlitha: see also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-gtk/+bug/59347416:57
inx-liveDr_Willis: having trouble getting mplayer to play shoutcast16:57
magellanHi does ufw is ok alongside clamAV16:57
=== seijitsu is now known as Daijoubu
Dr_Willismagellan:  the 2 are not really related.. so shouldent affect each other.16:58
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:58
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:58
Lalithave2dmn, and it can come all suddenly and from nowhere ? !! !! Ok. I am going to try uninstalling appmenu gtk as said in the launchpad page16:58
subuntuJordan_U: jordan, its me, mikubuntu from yesterday prob with signal no screen .. i just installed 9.10 and it came up fine, but resolution was bad at 800 x 600, so i installed nvidia restricted driver (175 - recommended) but then when i restarted got black screen, not 'no signal' but 'out of range'16:58
DaijoubuHello, something strange is happening when closing Kaffeine, Ubuntu changes the Theme and starts looking like windows 95 and it enables sounds as well, it happens every time i close Kaffeine?16:58
thune3torocatala: LjL solution works unless there are spaces after. Try: grep 'xyz/\s*$'16:59
Dr_Willisamanita:  other then examing the actual file with perhaps ffprobe, ffmpeg  or mencoder and try to convert it/see what it says it is.. i cant offer much more help16:59
ve2dmnLalitha: Somehting changed somewhere but it might not be your fault...16:59
Dr_Willisamanita:  unless you can give a url to the file for others to check it out.16:59
apolo777off off16:59
erUSULthune3: he actually wanted "grep 'xyz$' file" he fooled us all with that / :)17:00
ve2dmnhotfloppy: chmod doesn't work in a chat room :P17:00
Jordan_Usubuntu: That monitor's EDID info is probably bad, so it's advertizing itself of being capable of a mode (resolution / refresh rate) that it can't actually handle.17:00
halDr_Willis: good news!  I fixed it setting the minimize windows duration in the "CompizConfig Settings Manager"17:00
Lalithave2dmn, I cannot use SCIM and parcellite. They both appear on the tray but if i click they kill themselves and restart themselves (!!) .. I also tried killing scim from the task manager many times. Every time i kill it , it restarts.. A VIRUS , it behaves like A VIRUS.17:00
Jordan_Usubuntu: You'll have to figure out what it actually can handle, and write a manual Xorg.conf.17:00
halthank you for your help Dr_Willis17:00
Dr_Willishal:  you may as well just turn off the effects. :)17:01
Dr_Willishal:  you want a 30 sec+ flame/explosion to close the windows. You know you do!17:01
amanitaDr_Willis ill post to u, wait a bit...17:01
s34nwhat does it take to load the acx111 driver for pcmcia?17:01
halDr_Willis: hehe, I don't!  ;-)17:01
Lalithave2dmn, task manager = system monitor. Sorry, i am new to buntu from windows and i am not used to the naming system ;-)17:01
ve2dmnLalitha: and you probably need SCIM17:02
RustyNickledamn Im good :)17:02
magellanufw is installed by default in ubuntu lucyd right17:02
Lalithave2dmn, I have scim installed. TO type in tamil, hindi, telugu... It has been working for a week (i installed scim a week ago)17:02
Picimagellan: yes.17:02
abhi_navLalitha, use ibus17:03
Lalithave2dmn, do you know why scim acts like a virus? every time i kill scim from sys monitor, It just restarts itself.. I tried right click > kill , right click > kill over seventy times :P17:03
* JJovereats Dagnabit - I have code to share - I'll post a link for you guys to click to download - It will change your titlebar over to the correct side.17:03
magellandoes ufw run in default os should i run it and configure also17:03
hotfloppyve2dmn, need help regarding chown .. can u help ?17:04
amanitaDr_Willis http://www.fileserve.com/file/SWhdpgg17:04
Lalithaabhi_nav, I am an absolute beginner. Please talk in a way that i can understand. What is ibus ? is it in the software center ?17:04
ve2dmnLalitha: because it is restarted by the system. Something is probably depending on it17:04
Pici!controls | JJovereats17:04
ubottuJJovereats: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side17:04
ve2dmnhotfloppy: what is the question?17:04
drizzt_magellan, ufw is a frontend to iptables, which uses module compiled into kernel17:04
hotfloppyask this twice already, and now i ask for the third time..17:04
hotfloppyi just move my /home as an external partition from / but now the owner of my $home is root.. tried issue sudo chown -R hotfloppy:hotfloppy /home/hotfloppy but getting the error chown: cannot access `/home/hotfloppy/.gvfs': Permission denied.. how do i solve this ?17:04
abhi_navLalitha, system = preferences = ibus17:04
subuntuJordan_U: what do i do, look up the manufacturers monitor info?  its a westinghouse lcd monitor, model L1928NV, input 100-240v, 50-60Hz, does that convey any info i need?17:04
peturiWould someone please recomment me a good ncurses based mp3 player?17:05
ve2dmnhotfloppy: do you have remote or usb key plugged in?17:05
Lalitha"daemon is not started, restart now" i have clicked  yes17:05
JJovereatsHere is the link: http://theinfositebyjackj.webs.com/Bash%20Scripts/TitleBarChange%20v1.0%20Final%20RTM.sh - Might have some bugs - I made a script to automate the process of doing the changeover back to normal layout.17:05
Dr_Willishotfloppy:  what filesystem is the  external partition?17:05
* JJovereats thinks you need to understand: You need to respect the odd useful creation.17:06
drizzt_which package provides keyboard switcher in notification area??17:06
PiciJJovereats: This really isn't the channel to share software in, it is for support only. Sorry.17:06
JJovereatsok where is the randomness one?17:06
Lalithaabhi_nav, it says "  export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus  export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus" and i have done that from nautilus manager. What must i do now ?17:06
LjL!ot | JJovereats17:06
ubottuJJovereats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
Lalithave2dmn, thanks for replying......! B-)17:06
hotfloppyve2dmn, nope..17:06
abhi_navLalitha, nothing just go ahead ignore msg17:07
hotfloppyDr_Willis, ext4.. my / is ext317:07
subuntuJordan_U: let me know if you're too busy to get into this, i appreciate all the time you gave us yesterday17:07
ve2dmnhotfloppy: .gvfs is the gnome virtual file system, it's for things like remote Shares and Removable drives...17:07
Type-Obastid_raZor, fixed it, lubuntu sets in /etc/cpufreqd.conf the default mode of performance17:07
hotfloppyve2dmn, is the usb modem count ?17:07
abhi_navLalitha, follow onscreen instruction17:07
ve2dmnhotfloppy: so It would be normal for you to not have permission on a remote machine17:07
apolo777off off :((((((17:08
apolo777off off :((((((17:08
apolo777off off :((((((17:08
FloodBot4apolo777: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
Dr_Willishotfloppy:  .gvfs is a special directory also.. you dont want to be chmoding it.. or messing with it. if the user is not logged in. you coudl remove it. and  chmod/chown the other files/dirs17:08
ve2dmnhotfloppy: USB modem? unless this is a firmware interface or something.... highly unlikely17:08
DexterLBcould someone tell me what's the vino start command (the one in startup apps->remote desktop)? I accidently removed the entry :(17:09
drizzt_hotfloppy, check if it's not mounted17:09
Dr_Willisamanita:  taking 12 min+ to download...17:09
hotfloppyve2dmn, i connect to the internet using this Huawei e176 usb modem..17:09
ve2dmnhotfloppy: it's probalby not that...17:09
abhi_navLalitha, you want to type in some Indian lang and you want solution for that. right?17:09
hotfloppyDr_Willis, so they will not effect my $home usage ?17:09
ve2dmnWhat is in that directory?17:10
amanitaDr_Willis ill be waiting... It would be very nice if i could play this at linux... Makes no sense see a video about linux at windows.17:10
Lalithaabhi_nav, No, Wrong.17:10
abhi_navLalitha, then?17:10
s34nI seem to have acx firmware, but no kernel module17:10
hotfloppydrizzt_, which partition to check ? /home ? its mounted..17:10
Lalithaabhi_nav, I already found the solution last week. Whenever i click on the scim icon on the tray, it just kills itself and restarts.17:10
kanhiyahello everybody17:10
Lalithaabhi_nav, and hey, starting ibus has helped it to prevent from killing itself. Thanks.17:10
ve2dmnLalitha: it's not actually "killed"... it's probably crashing17:11
magellanhi lucyd lynx doesn't support multiple windows17:11
hotfloppyve2dmn: What is in that directory? <- is that for me ? $home.. err.. my home folder (surpised !! :P )17:11
abhi_navLalitha, hmm you add ibus to startup aps17:11
magellanor just hidden somewhere else on the settings17:11
ve2dmnhotfloppy: can you do a "df -h" in a terminal?17:11
Dr_Willisamanita:  it makes no sence for them to be using .wmv and rar's either...17:11
=== hobodave_ is now known as hobodave
Lalithave2dmn, even if i "Kill" from system monitor, It restarts ;-)17:12
ve2dmnhotflppy: seems you have some kind of recursive mount17:12
amanitaDr_Willis i agree... But its good stuff... What can i do? =/17:12
Dr_Willisamanita:  the only wmv's ive ever had issues playing are either malware-virus laden, or drm'd17:12
Lalithaabhi_nav, command to be added in startup applications ?17:12
subuntuDr_Willis, mikubuntu from yesterday prob with signal no screen .. i just installed 9.10 and it came up fine, but resolution was bad at 800 x 600, so i installed nvidia restricted driver (175 - recommended) but then when i restarted got black screen, not 'no signal' but 'out of range'17:12
abhi_navLalitha, ibus-daemon17:12
ve2dmnLalitha: yeah, like I said: something is restarting it because, as a user you probalby have something depending on it.17:13
amanitaDr_Willis im almost converting this shit...17:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:13
subuntuDr_Willis, what do i do, look up the manufacturers monitor info?  its a westinghouse lcd monitor, model L1928NV, input 100-240v, 50-60Hz, does that convey any info i need?17:13
Lalithaabhi_nav, yes, done.17:13
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:13
Lalithave2dmn, you = ubuntu ?17:13
Dr_Willisamanita:  ive made up scripts to let me right click -> convert to ogg, or whatever else i need.17:13
Lalithave2dmn, Too much of hassles for a complete beginner like i am.17:13
Dr_Willissubuntu:  dvi or vga connection? use dvi if you can17:13
amanitaDr_Willis its a good idea17:13
ve2dmnLalitha: me == everything :)17:13
boingwhere to start with learning ubuntu?17:14
Lalithave2dmn, ;-)17:14
abhi_navLalitha, and you know about adding yoru lang ? and how to switch to it? press ctrl + space17:14
hotfloppyve2dmn, my df -h -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/453453/17:14
Dr_Willisamanita:  i spent many a day a few weeks back learning ffmpeg and mencoder basics. to learn how to conver tvideo to  my Cellphone and portable mp4 player  and the wifes portable player.17:14
Lalithaboing, http://ubuntu-manual.org/ ??17:14
om26erboing, ubuntu is simple and easy just like any other major OS17:14
subuntuDr_Willis, how do i tell?  looks like a 'serial' type pin connecting cord17:14
Lalithaabhi_nav, yes yes, i know. or click on the icon and choose the language.17:14
subuntuDr_Willis: with the two set screws on either side17:15
Lalithaabhi_nav, i am going to logout of the session and check. please don't exit the irc channel if you can.17:15
kuttan_Lalitha needs PC-DOS ....17:15
ve2dmnhotfloppy: everything seems ok...17:15
RustyNicklethe day is wasting away17:15
stercorHow do I get my digital xclock to open in the lower-left corner of the screen?17:15
Dr_Willissubuntu:  dvi has a wide flat pin not just little round ones.17:16
LalithaHi abhi_nav , You Are my angel ;-)17:16
abhi_navLalitha, ;)17:16
subuntuDr_Willis: then i guess its vga17:16
amanitaDr_Willis, must be a little it tricky, but u have a good result.17:16
hotfloppyve2dmn, yeap, i thought so.. actually, i just want to know what that .gvfs (is it? forgot already) thing is..17:16
Lalithaabhi_nav, Parcellite and Scim icon on the tray, now, does not  quit if i click on. Thanks , very much.17:16
amanitaDr_Willis i'll code something for convert with right click too... Good idea.17:16
lessstercor: launch xclock from the command line with the -geometry option.17:17
Lalithave2dmn, thanks to you too .17:17
abhi_navLalitha, and make your language 'move up' in list so when you press ctrl + space ibus will directly give you the langu you want to type17:17
abhi_navLalitha, :)17:17
Dr_Willisamanita:  nautilus scripts are handy. theres one on gnomelook (i think) called (let me check)17:17
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Dr_Willisamanita:  called 'avconvert' - but it dosent work for me.17:17
Lalithaabhi_nav, As of now, i only have the need of two languages, tamil and telugu. so i can click on the icon .. Thanks for your shortcut of ctrl space17:18
ociredeFhow do I find out what usb port to mount?17:18
amanitaDr_Willis Hm... I'll search for something like that.17:18
stercorless: and the arguments to -geometry option?17:18
s34nshouldn't I be able to find an acx module in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/wireless ?17:18
lessstercor: the coordinates on the screen.17:18
ve2dmnhotfloppy: you could try "chown -R hotfloppy:hotfloppy !(.gvfs)"17:18
zubin71hey guys; a friend of mine installed ubuntu on his HP laptop(dv6500) and he's having trouble with his touchpad lock. everytime he locks his touchpad and unlocks it, it hangs for a few minutes. anyone else having the same problem?17:18
jgbis there a problem with cpufreq-selector on lucid? I can't find anything on google, and cpufreq-selector doesn't work at all on my laptop17:18
Lalithaabhi_nav, are there tamil fonts in app center ? or any commands to install tamil fonts ??17:18
ociredeFI plugged a usb external hd to my computer and I don't know how to mount it17:18
ociredeFany ideas?17:19
stercorless: I know that the numbers are specific to the screen, but what are the letters for the options?17:19
abhi_navLalitha, look when we press ctrl + space it give us english as default. so for this default 'move up' your required language17:19
ociredeFit doesn't auto do it with nthis one. I don't know why17:19
jgbociredeF: dmesg | tail17:19
drizzt_hotfloppy, run mount | grep '/.gvfs'17:19
abhi_navLalitha, you can install tamil fonts. though i dont know how. you can find it from forum etc17:19
jgbociredeF: to see which device you must mount17:19
ve2dmnQuick tip for everyone , if you want to ps | grep jave, but not show grep itself, do "ps | grep [j]ava" :)17:20
Dr_Willisamanita:  the videos in that rar are.. .avi and one had a CRC failure. :)17:20
hotfloppydrizzt_: gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/hotfloppy/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=hotfloppy)17:20
hotfloppydrizzt_: thats what i got on mount17:20
kuttan_stercor, use xwininfo on the app which you want positioned.. that will give you exact info to be used later17:20
Lalithaabhi_nav, Is joining ubuntuforums free of cost ?17:20
amanitaDr_Willis lol... Its in wmv here. Crazy shit17:20
abhi_navLalitha, OFCOURSE!!!17:20
Dr_Willisamanita:  they are .avi and file 13 and 14 played fine.17:20
ociredeFjgb: well... but I still don't know17:20
ociredeFwhich one should it be17:20
abhi_navLalitha, this is (linux) world of freedom.17:20
stercorThanks! brb17:21
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LalithaLalitha, ok.  I am an absolute beginner so forgive my ignorance :-P17:21
Dr_Willisamanita:  -rw-r--r-- 1 willis willis  48869376 2010-03-01 21:26 13_The Linux Kernel.avi17:21
Jordan_Usubuntu: According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/13591  your LCD is claiming to be a CRT :)17:21
Wavesonicshow can i perminately change my hostname?17:21
erUSUL!hostname | Wavesonics17:21
ubottuWavesonics: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:21
amanitaDr_Willis man, im going crazy. Anyway, i'll convert them all... When i have de patience i'll reinstall ubuntu and run vlc... Thanks.17:21
kuttan_Wavesonics hint hint17:21
kuttan_cat /etc/hostname17:21
hotfloppyve2dmn: that command solved it.. those folder already mine..17:21
Lalithave2dmn, abhi_nav after adding ibus daemon to start up, The language support in preferences also work , too.17:22
subuntuJordan_U: she has another (smaller) monitor, an hp, but i'd really prefer to get this monitor right for her17:22
hotfloppyve2dmn, drizzt_ : but i still dont understand.. what thing is it ?17:22
Dr_Willisamanita:  they plaued right off for me in vlc. i am using the vlc 1.1 I think :)17:22
abhi_navLalitha, hmm good :)17:22
ve2dmn glad to be helpful17:22
amanitaDr_Willis my vlc dont start.17:22
amanitaDr_Willis look what i got http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq17:22
ve2dmnyet nobody helped me yet :(17:22
kuttan_ve2dmn wasup17:23
subuntuJordan_U: reading the bug report17:23
Lalithave2dmn, :-|17:23
Dr_Willisamanita:  1 am using the normal vlc. 1.0.6  the video codec is  'tscc' ive Never heard of that one befor17:23
Jordan_Usubuntu: Actually, it looks like the commend from tapio on that bug report may be unrelated to the OP's problem (so the comment about advertising itself as a CRT probably doesn't apply to you)17:23
hotfloppyneed to reboot.. testing either my problem already solve or not.. be back later..17:23
schlaftierve2dmn: nice one17:23
drizzt_hotfloppy, usually .gvfs is mounted, so cannot be chowned/chmoded17:23
ve2dmnI have a Dell laitutde E6410 laptop that won't boot without turning off power management17:23
ociredeFI don't know whats my usb hd17:23
hotfloppydrizzt_: if i already chown'ed it ?17:24
Lalithaabhi_nav, when i have pidgin active, i don't get gmail notifier to work. How do i make both work together ?17:24
jgbociredeF: paste the output of dmesg | tail         in a pastebin17:24
kuttan_ve2,,, set the verbose in grub entry for relavant kernel & see what it shows17:24
ve2dmnkuttan_: I only have a black screen... :/17:24
Dr_Willisamanita:  that looks more like soem vlc issue.. not a codec issue.. but im using 10.04 here. new install.. vlc 1.0.6  + ubuntu restricted extas/w32codecs and the 2 avi in that rar both play17:25
abhi_navLalitha, dont know the solution. but try empathy im client17:25
Lalithaabhi_nav, Pidgin appears beautiful than empathy :P (or i do not know how to make empathy appear good. :P )17:25
jgbociredeF: sorry, missed that line17:25
kuttan_yup , ve2.... so set vga=ask verbose .. . give a very low value to vga ..17:25
abhi_navLalitha, hmm17:25
amanitaDr_Willis im pretty sure that is a vlc issue. And thats what i really want to solve, couse i think vlc would play my .wmv files just fine17:25
ve2dmnkuttan_:  didn't think about that.. thanks17:25
Dr_Willisamanita:  totem does not play them properly17:26
kuttan_ve2xxx no probs .. hope you get it working ..17:26
Dr_Willisamanita:  make a new user.. see if it works for them17:26
amanitaDr_Willis, no17:26
amanitaDr_Willis, already did. =/17:26
ve2dmnkuttan_: I have to... It's sort of my job...17:26
Dr_Willisamanita:  vlc works here, totem - has flashing bars.. lets try.. mplayer17:26
ociredeFhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/6xtzdWXC but I did  jgb17:26
jgbociredeF: ok so it's /dev/sdb, do sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb and see what partitions you have on it17:26
stercorThanks to all for the -geometry option.  It's working perfectly, and I learned something.17:27
mooglerdoes anyone here use tint2?17:27
kuttan_ve2xxx... ahhmm interesting17:27
jgbociredeF: it's probably just /dev/sdb117:27
amanitaDr_Willis mlpayer gives me this error:  error opening/iniatilizing  the selected video_out (-vo) device17:27
lessstercool: that is kewl.17:27
Jordan_Usubuntu: I don't have time to help further, and I haven't had to manually mess with xorg.conf in ages :)17:27
amanitaDr_willis after mplayer gives me this error, it plays only the audio17:27
Dr_Willisamanita:  you ahve to set the defauilt video out first.. it stupidly defaults to  some weird thing.. instead of xv17:27
Dr_Willistry -vo xv17:27
kuttan_who so ever wrote xwininfo wins ..17:27
amanitaDr_Willis let me see!17:28
subuntuJordan_U: ok, thx for your help17:28
Jordan_Usubuntu: ##linux May have some old timers that still remember that ancient black magic :)17:28
jgbociredeF: then sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp17:28
subuntuJordan_U: haha17:28
amanitaDr_Willis i have to set this at mplayer?17:28
Dr_WillisI normally set it with the gui in gmplayer or smplayer17:28
kuttan_how so ever hard I am trying to appreciate work done by empathy developers .. got to go back to pidgin..17:28
jgbociredeF: that will always work, now you can look for a way to fix ubuntu to mount it automatically... maybe you'll have to edit fstab, not sure how it's currently done17:29
amanitaDr_Willis dude, awesome!17:30
Dr_Willisamanita:  mplayer dont like it either.. thast must be some weird codec.. it does some sound, then starts skipping17:30
Dr_Willisamanita:  did it finally work?17:30
amanitaDr_Willis i've just seted to Xv at mplayer17:30
steevhey all, i'm trying to connect a bluetooth mouse and keyboard to my Ubuntu 10.04 system.  Keyboard is a Logitech MX5000 and the mouse is the Logitech MX 1000.  For a bit, I was prompted to grant/deny access to some random service, but it would just do that whenever I moved the mouse17:30
phoenix_does mounting of drives take up system resources?17:31
amanitaDr_Willis yup! Great! A tiny problem, and so annoying...17:31
steevif I use blueman-assistant, then when I try to pair the mouse up... it prompts me to enter the passkey on the mouse...17:31
amanitaDr_Willis thanks a lot!17:31
Dr_Willisamanita:  no idea why vlc dont like it.. weird.17:31
kralykHI... (sry for off-topic but) Is there someone from NORWAY around? ;-)17:31
Dr_Willismplayer here dont like it. :) well smplayer17:31
ociredeFmount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist17:31
ociredeF jgb17:31
amanitaDr_Willis vlc isnt running here.17:31
steevall the posts about bluetooth that I find on the Ubuntu forums seem to be from around 200717:31
amanitaDr_Willis vlc dont start. Isnt a codec problem, its a vlc issue.17:32
jgbociredeF: what do you see when you do sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb ?17:32
inx-livesteev: if you just try one or the other - keyboard alone or mouse alone, do either work?17:32
Dr_Willisamanita:  check google for info on that codec perhaps.17:32
ociredeFjfatal error from hell press any key or world will collide17:33
amanitaDr_Willis no, no... The VLC isnt working. The program dont start up.17:33
Dr_Willisamanita:  ffprobe says the video is ---->  Stream #0.0: Video: camtasia, rgb555, 800x600, 15 tbr, 15 tbn, 15 tbc17:33
Dr_Willisamanita:  ive never seen a camtasia codec.. may be some screen shot thing17:33
steevinx-live: i haven't tried just the keyboard yet - they are currently working fine on the windows machine next to it - and when I plug the dongle into the ubuntu box, I get the polkit prompt to grant/deny - when i hit grant, what i see in the syslog is "HUP or ERR on socket"17:33
hotfloppyguys.. after finished copy my /home to another partition (to use as new /home), do i need to issue chown right away.. or after rebooting ?17:33
zuswhats up with ubutnu within the past 24 hours?! im getting error when updating,  some compiz feature like a magnifing window would pop up with  super m, now a small menu drops down from under the enevlope up top.... gnome DO with super space isnt working as of 10 minutes ago,....it's always  something......17:33
amanitaDr_Willis no dude, my vlc isnt working, understand?17:34
inx-liveamanita: where did you get that?17:34
nixboxI am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04, when i get to the partition step, there is no entry in the table and all buttons are disbaled, doing an fdisk /dev/sda (on a console) shows partitions, what is the problem?17:34
amanitainx-live that what?17:34
erUSULhotfloppy: if you moved it correctly you shouldn't need to chown ...17:34
jgbociredeF: it should look like http://pastebin.com/TFK5sLKG , does the disk work on other computers?17:34
erUSUL!search home17:34
ubottuFound: disks, separatehome, cvs, aol-#ubuntu-offtopic, teg, trogdor-#ubuntuforums, awn, putty, ssh, gdesklets and 6 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=home17:34
erUSUL!separatehome | hotfloppy17:34
ubottuhotfloppy: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:34
inx-livesteev: which version ubuntu?17:34
ociredeFjgb: it doesn17:34
ociredeFdoesn't sorry17:34
subuntuDr_Willis: Jordan_U is suggesting that i may need to edit an xorg.conf file, is that something you might be able to help with?  or anybody?  trying to get my friends installation up and running.17:34
jgbociredeF:  it doesn't work on other computers?17:34
drizzt_hotfloppy, gdm will kick you if your home has wrong permissions17:35
ociredeFnope, it doesn't17:35
Dr_Willisamanita:  im still trying to figure out why you said it was a wmv.. when i got a .avi .....17:35
ociredeFand it was actually my backup disk17:35
jgbociredeF: is it a new disk, or do you need to recover data from it?17:35
Dr_Willisamanita:  can vlc play ANything else at all?17:35
kuttan<hotfloppy> so long as you have root password & root access has been enabled by you .. there is no problem17:35
steevinx-live: 10.0417:35
Pici!noroot | kuttan hotfloppy17:35
ubottukuttan hotfloppy: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:35
ociredeFif I was able to recover it's contnt, that would make me really happy17:35
amanitaDr_Willis maybe couse the link i give to u was a diferent source of mine.17:35
inx-livesteev: you have fully updated?17:36
Dr_Willisamanita:  could be they have differnt links/downloads depending on the browser you are browsing the site with also.17:36
Dr_Willisamanita:  you downloaded the thing originally in windows?17:36
hotfloppyPici: didnt asked about root password17:36
kuttan<hotfloppy> <ubottu> I agree , but not harm in informing .. no blasphemy :P17:36
amanitaDr_Willis yup, couse i'd to search again. No, i downloaded originally at ubuntu.17:36
steevinx-live: should be17:37
amanitaDr_Willis i'd to go to windows for make sure that the video was ok.17:37
Picihotfloppy: kuttan suggested it to you, I was just making sure that you both knew that it wasn't supported ;)17:37
hotfloppyerUSUL: but i just moved my /home just now and i got an error and my /home/hotfloppy got owned by root..17:37
Dr_Willisamanita:  well that rar did have a bad file in it.. so  its hard to tell whats going on. at least now you can watch that Exciteing video about the linux kernel.17:37
hotfloppyPici: yeah.. thanks ;)17:37
* Dr_Willis hands amanita some no-doze17:37
inx-livesteev: did you say this was a laptop?  if so, does it have bluetooth builtin?17:37
amanitaoh yeah17:38
jgbociredeF: first things first, how big is the disk? do you have space to copy the whole thing to?17:38
jgbociredeF: and please prefix your questions with my nick, so I can spot it easily17:38
erUSULhotfloppy: then you need the chown ... ( note i said *if* you moved it correctly )17:38
hotfloppyerUSUL: i followed the instruction on psychocat strictly..17:38
amanitaDr_Willis but i dont have problem to run the files, my problem with vlc is other issue... The VLC dont start, isnt running.17:38
erUSULhotfloppy: boot into recovery mode to do the chown17:38
Dr_Willisamanita:  even just by itself it dont run eh?  not trying to play a file17:38
subuntuDr_Willis: a question that just occured to me ... is it possible to use a livecd to edit and work on an underlying installed os?17:38
ociredeFjgb: it's not that big, it's 20 GB or something, and I am not interested in the whole content17:38
amanitaDr_Willis i think i cant make myself clear... The software VLC isnt starting the interface.17:39
Dr_Willissubuntu:  of course.17:39
amanitaDr_Willis not even by itself.17:39
hotfloppyerUSUL: already done the chown part just now.. in normal boot mode..17:39
Dr_Willisamanita:  that is weird then.. You havent been upgrading any thing from  unofficial sites have you?17:39
inx-liveamanita: did you download VLC from repos?17:39
erUSULhotfloppy: ok, good luck17:39
kuttan<Pici> No hard feelings .. :P17:39
amanitaDr_Willis no, i've downloaded from ubuntu sources... When i start it from the terminal i got this: http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq17:39
amanitainx-live yup, from the official repositories...17:40
steevinx-live: no, it is a desktop system, using the logitech Bluetooth 2.0 EDR dongle (came with the set)17:40
hotfloppyerUSUL: i just want to know when you we do the chown.. straight away after moving /home or after rebooting ?17:40
amanitainx-live and then i got this http://pastebin.com/jmUCZktq17:40
jgbociredeF: the proper way to do it is to dd the whole image to another disk and work on that. if it isn't that important, you can just run your recovery software directly on the disk. YMMV. you can try foremost first. it's in the repo's17:40
erUSULhotfloppy: it should not matter17:40
kuttanhotfloppy: Just take a backup of your home dir ..17:40
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:40
subuntuDr_Willis: is that an option for this particular monitor problem?  cause as it is i have no monitor.17:41
hotfloppyociredeF: you can try testdisk or photorec.. nice tools17:41
inx-livesteev: in a terminal what do you see with "lsusb"17:41
Dr_Willissubuntu:  if a live cd works.. you can chroot into an installed system and do things with it. depending on the problems.17:41
ociredeFjgb sorry, I am not following you... do i need to download something?17:41
jgbociredeF: no17:41
jgbociredeF: sudo apt-get install foremost17:42
Dr_WillisBed time for me. Night all.17:42
jgbociredeF: what type of files do you want to recover?17:42
subuntuDr_Willis: yes the livecd workd on this, i used it to install .. din't have the prob till i installed the nvidea proprietary drivers17:42
inx-liveamanita: I would uninstall VLC and grap it from the videolan website17:42
ociredeFjgb: mostly music, videos and some bookmarks and stuff17:42
hotfloppyerUSUL, kuttan : thanks..17:43
boinghow can i enable the cube to function17:43
sec-r1zguys yesterday i was talking with some guys about the bug in 10.04 which make the distro hangs for seconds i think it fixed now "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade" :-D17:43
ociredeFanyways, I am kind of set right now... I installed the whole OS again, I guess if it's not possible to access the files I would like to at least format it to make it usable again17:43
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jgbociredeF: I would advise you to do  dd if=/dev/sdb conv=sync,noerror bs=64K of=/home/username/brokendisk.dd   first17:44
carneiroskeeter101: u there ?17:44
joshua_robertswhere are login screen themes and other themes stored in Ubuntu?  I am just wondering because as I download new ones I would like to keep them all in one place.17:45
ociredeFdd: opening `/dev/sdb': No such file or directory17:46
joshua_robertsanyone have an idea?17:46
TheGiantMoaI have a quick question. Whenever I plug my netbook in (Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) the screen goes black and I have to press a button or move my mouse for it to come back and from there it requires me to log back in. Any idea how to disable this?17:46
steevinx-live: i'm giving up for now - i got it seemingly working - the keyboard itself says connected on the lcd, but as soon as the assistant closes, the keyboard doesn't work anymore - and rather than throw the keyboard out the window, ill just keep using it on my windows box17:46
hotfloppyjoshua_roberts: check on /usr/share/theme .. i think they should be in there..17:46
Wavesonicswhat package do i need for doing network shares?17:46
carneiro  Wavesonics : samba server17:47
ociredeFjgb: dd: opening `/dev/sdb': No such file or directory17:47
jgbociredeF: you sound kinda screwed... take the disk out and put it back in, and see what  dmesg | tail  says... then try dd again.17:47
sec-r1zWavesonics: aptitude search samba17:47
gui1hi, i need some help with installing a LOGITECH QuickCam Pro 900017:47
drizzt_which package provides keyboard switcher in notification area??17:47
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hotfloppyTheGiantMoa: try disabling your screensaver.. or the lock screen on screensaver preferences..17:47
TheGiantMoaokay, I'll try17:48
hotfloppyTheGiantMoa: havent use 10.04 yet :)17:48
om26erabhi_nav, you were facing empathy small fonts issue?17:48
m_vanyone have a problem with Flash where it stops playing/functioning (blanks out) and requires a page refresh to get back?17:48
frankkCan someone help I hope? I have an Epson Workforce 600 printer that I just bought. I set it up to work via WiFi. The printer works great, but I can't get it to scan. I've been going crazy for 2 days now reading every post on the Internet. I got it to start scanning but it jams in the middle of the scan.17:48
abhi_navom26er, yes how you know?17:48
carneirom_v: try removing gnash17:49
carneirom_v: install flash using synaptic17:49
SpyderBitefrankk: Jamming? Did you try scanning from a windows or mac machine to make sure it wasn't the scanner?17:49
hotfloppyabhi_nav: om26er hacked you ! lol..17:49
joshua_robertshotfloppy thanks will do17:49
m_vcarneiro: thanks, in that order?17:50
abhi_navhotfloppy, :)17:50
carneirom_v:  yes17:50
om26erabhi_nav, I hang there. the problem is fixed in maverick and there is a patched version you can get it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/531835/comments/2017:50
ociredeFjgb: same thing17:50
abhi_navom26er, you mean i have to install new version of empathy for that?17:50
ociredeFis there at least a way to keep this disk usable or should i throw it to the garbage?17:50
om26erabhi_nav, just the theme17:50
hotfloppyjoshua_roberts: welcome..17:50
carneirom_v: make sure there is no other flash plugin installed and then try installing flash player from synaptic17:51
subuntuheeeeeellllllllp! i installed 9.10 for my friend (and wiped her xp), and now i don't have any screen.  after i installed nvidia drivers and restarted monitor black, message says 'out of range'17:51
JyZyXELcan ubuntu do cryptmount installation?17:51
abhi_navom26er, ohh ok17:51
abhi_navom26er, thanks17:51
JyZyXELfully encrypted ubuntu installation, is it supported?17:51
om26erabhi_nav, np :)17:51
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abhi_navom26er, and why #empathy people dont point me to here?17:52
om26erabhi_nav, they dont know17:52
OllyOI need some help getting the latest version of VLC ... Am I in the right place?17:53
WavesonicsI grabbed the Samba package, but still cant setup file sharing17:53
abhi_navom26er, why? then you tell them naa? its really useful17:53
Wavesonicswhatelse do i need?17:53
steffanWavesonics: did you read !samba?17:53
carneiroWavesonics:  u need to edit smb.conf17:53
carneiroWavesonics: there are enuff examples in smb.conf for u to configure network shares ..17:54
shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: yes you can use LVM with LUKS to encrypt your hdd17:54
om26erabhi_nav, or we could try to get it fixed in Lucid too.17:54
frankkSpyderBite: I didn't try on a windows machine17:54
sn1988any1 know how to use chroot with internet access... Im trying to repair an existing ubuntu with a live cd, but when I chroot the mounted device it wont use internet :/17:54
JyZyXELshoopdawoop: but at what point does the installation ask that?17:54
JyZyXELim now that the preparing partitions stage???!17:54
abhi_navom26er, ok17:54
Spockthats cool you guys hide chanserv17:54
m_vcarneiro: looks like gnash isn't installed out of the box, do you recommend just uninstalling and reinstalling flash through synaptic? last install was via apt-get17:55
shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: I am not sure if the standard installation is giving you that option17:55
ociredeFso... jgb... is there a way to save my soul?17:55
JyZyXELshoopdawoop: ok so which installation gives that then?17:55
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carneirom_v: yes i did that on 10.04 ... it worked ...17:55
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shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: the alternate install CD and the netboot install do17:56
blockcoldhi bazhang17:56
shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: I just googled and found this http://kuparinen.org/martti/comp/ubuntu/en/cryptolvm.html17:56
JyZyXELi need to download a whole new installation CD for that? u_u17:56
foxloverHey, I've VirtualBox OSE 3.1.6 installed here. I added the new Oracle repositories in my Synaptic. Could I install the new VirtualBox now or I need to uninstall my version before?17:56
_KAMI_Ma, kissé szkeptikusan, a téli kabátomban mentem dolgozni. Nem bántam meg, egy pillanatig sem fáztam, áztam. Így a nyár közepén ez egy meglepő fordulat.17:56
LjL!hu | _KAMI_17:57
ubottu_KAMI_: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:57
guzuhello all17:57
JyZyXELdoesn't the standard install cd contain alternate installer?17:57
abhi_navom26er, I really appreciate your work. I am now using pidgin. please drop me a memoser when this fix get officialy fixed in empathy. Please Please dont get me wrong. I hope you understand. :)17:58
guzuhow can i install grub to mbr? (10.04 , after install)17:58
drizzt_does wine have irc channel?17:58
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: no, they're not..17:58
JyZyXELare you serious17:58
abhi_navdrizzt_, #winehq17:58
frankkSpyderBite: I read online where people were having the same problem. Most of the posts I read were from 2008, and they were running 8.0417:58
JyZyXELhow do i apt-get the alternate installer then17:58
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: you have to download alternate cd iso from ubuntu site..17:59
LjLJyZyXEL: ehm... you don't? o_O to get the alternate installer, you download the alternate CD.17:59
drizzt_which package provides keyboard switcher in notification area??17:59
JyZyXELno im not doing that since i already have a standard ubuntu installer cd all booted up and ready17:59
om26erabhi_nav, sure :)17:59
LjLJyZyXEL: then why do you want the alternate installer?17:59
abhi_navom26er, ohh. Thanks friend!! :)17:59
JyZyXELcause i wanna do encrypted installation17:59
JyZyXELapparrently the desktop installer doesn't do that18:00
chris8Hey room--is it possible to install only the default network manager off a boot disc? or am I looking at a full reinstall? please don't ask what happened to my network manager :P18:00
SpyderBitefrankk: the only reason I asked is cause if the scanner is physically jamming then that sounds more like a hardware vs. software problem. Only way to verify is to try scanning on another machine and try to duplicate the problem. If it works.. then you're right.. its an OS issue. If not, you saved yourself more time troubleshooting in the wrong place.18:00
carneiroskeeter101:  problem resolved ?18:00
LjLJyZyXEL: the doc says: Ubuntu 9.04 extended the Encrypted Private directory technology to actually cover the entire home directory. Ubuntu 9.04 users should add the boot option "user-setup/encrypt-home=true" to the kernel boot parameters when installing from the Desktop CD. If installing from the Alternate or Server CD, the option will always appear. The user will be asked if they want to encrypt their home directory.18:00
shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: well you could do it with the standard live CD. but it's not an option you can just click on, instead you would have to do it manually. so if you can not do it manually, get the alternate install cd18:01
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JyZyXELno i wanna encrypt the whole OS18:01
JyZyXELshoopdawoop: yes i wanna do it manually18:01
ociredeFhey guys, I got a prob18:02
shoopdawoopJyZyXEL: then google it, there's a lot of info18:02
ociredeFI got a usb hard drive that computers won't even recognize18:02
ociredeFit's screwed... computers won't even recignize it... is there a way to format it and make it usable again?18:02
JyZyXELgoogle what18:02
JyZyXELhow am i supposed to google how to start alternate install from desktop ubuntu cd18:02
carneiroociredeF: is it hardware issue ?18:02
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: try downloading the alternate cd from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download18:03
LjLJyZyXEL: he's not telling you to google how to start the alternate installer from the desktop cd, because that is *not possible*. he's telling you to google how to encrypt your filesystem manually. the first result of that googling will likely be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto18:03
Lord_RahlociredeF, does it show up if you do a 'lsusb' in the term18:03
chris8help please--is it possible to reinstall only certain programs off a boot disc?18:03
Jordan_U!google | shoopdawoop18:03
ubottushoopdawoop: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:03
BusterBFMCI have a question about Skype recognizing my headset on Lucid, has anyone encountered this?18:03
SmokeyDhow can I launch a command as a user that doesn't have a valid shell (the way daemons are sometimes launched)18:03
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: forgive me if i'm giving the wrong address.. i just order the cd due to limited bandwidth usage..18:03
guzuchris8, dpkg -i ?18:03
JyZyXELLjL: its gonna be pretty darn hard after the installation18:04
SmokeyDThere is a daemon that is doing stuff on my server, and I just want to test it out18:04
knxvilleDo anyone know how I get Elementary Theme?18:04
chris8guzu: it's the network manager i'm trying to reinstall :/ don't ask18:04
guzuchris8, ok18:04
LjLSmokeyD: sudo -s -u username18:04
shoopdawoopJordan_U: he said he wants to do it manually instead of using the alternate cd. if he can not use google, he can not do it manually. so it was a safeguard. thank you18:04
LjLSmokeyD: or just sudo -u username <command>18:04
SmokeyDLjL: ah, ok, thanks18:05
JesusMcCloud-lti am force to use 2.6.34 on lucid because of my touchpad and i am looking for the ureadahed patch to build a custom .34 kernel with ureadahed support18:05
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chris8or is that some awesome command that finds a copy of default programs on my HD? :P18:05
ociredeFLord_Rahl: this is what I get http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qR2UvQjS18:05
LjLJyZyXEL: probably. the alternative is obtaining the Alternate or Minimal CD.18:05
JesusMcCloud-ltknxville, http://ppa.launchpad.net/elementaryart/elementarydesktop/ubuntu <your version here> main18:05
JyZyXELis there an alternative netinstall cd?18:06
chris8Guzu: actually i never removed the default network manager, but when i removed Wicd i seem to have no network manager running...18:06
Jordan_UJyZyXEL: The alternative, minimal, and netinstall CDs all use the same installer.18:06
knxvilleJesusMcCloud-lt: thanks alot mate18:06
JyZyXELwhere do i even find those installers18:07
foxloverHey, I've VirtualBox OSE 3.1.6 installed here. I added the new Oracle repositories in my Synaptic. Could I install the new VirtualBox now or I need to uninstall my version before?18:07
Xecuterhi! I've searched everywhere for the language settings, but still ardour is using another language than english or norwegian! how come?18:07
Lord_RahlociredeF, I do not see a usb anything in there except IMC but that a network apt I think18:07
chroweI am trying to install 10.04 on my Acer Aspire 1410 from the standard CD download and it keeps hanging18:07
LjLJyZyXEL: it's the minimal CD.18:07
LjL!minimal > JyZyXEL    (JyZyXEL, see the private message from ubottu)18:07
=== eric is now known as Guest31250
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: i think this is what you want -> http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso18:07
ociredeFit shows what I sent you from the pastebin18:07
taiyalwht's with ~/.gvfs and why can't root do anything to it?18:07
JyZyXELno thats not18:08
chris8Hey room, after removing Wicd, i have no network manager running on my lappy; how do I get the default manager up and running?18:08
hotfloppyJyZyXEL: sorry if thats not :)18:08
JyZyXELthats the one i want18:08
BusterBFMCQuestion, would asking about Skype be off topic?18:08
hotfloppygood boy :P18:08
LjLMarkDude: ?18:08
ociredeFLord_Rahl then as I said... it can't find it18:08
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ociredeFis there a way?18:08
MarkDudeIf you like loud music - Jono Bacon will be live at noon talking about new stuff with his band Severed Fifth18:09
LjLMarkDude: please don't spam18:09
MarkDudeNot spamming - Jono is the head of the Ubuntu Community18:09
PiciMarkDude: Thats still not Ubuntu related.18:09
Lord_RahlociredeF, Yes, i see it. I dont see any USB drive. is there a led on it to show it plug in?18:09
MarkDudeMy bad, sry18:09
ociredeFyes, there's a led18:09
frankkSpyderBite: Thanks, I'll check that out!18:09
gui1hi, i need help with my camera's integrated microphone, i can't get it to work on skype, does any one have faced this problem18:09
Jordan_UMarkDude: Try #ubuntu-offtopic :)18:10
MarkDudeJordan_U, oops you are right, wrong channel. This place is for fixing stuff, not loud stuff, sorry folks18:10
abhi_navom26er, may I pm you?18:11
[DarkSun]ok, noob question here, ubuntu 10.04,  how can i get openssh to start on boot?18:11
BusterBFMCQuestion, is there any apps that will help Lucid with sound devices and set up18:11
Lord_RahlociredeF, If it does not show in their the kernel does not see it to mount it. does it work in windows or mac18:11
Pici[DarkSun]: Install it.  It will start at boot by default.18:11
om26erabhi_nav, sure18:11
[DarkSun]pici, i did, it didnt18:11
Pici[DarkSun]: How did you install it?18:11
[DarkSun]via the gui package manager18:11
solar_george[DarkSun] make sure it is the server package apt://openssh-server18:12
Jordan_U[DarkSun]: Did you install openssh-server?18:12
BlaDeHi guys, i'm getting: FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi: access for server (uid 1001, gid 1001) failed: write not allowe18:12
Pici[DarkSun]: What does    service ssh status   report?18:12
BlaDedoes anyone know the cause?18:12
[DarkSun]1 sec, not at that pc atm18:12
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
Jordan_Uguzu: To install grub2 from a liveCD see: grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide18:14
Lord_RahlBlaDe, I believe that folder is owned by www-data, you are trying to write to it with a user does not have permission18:14
deryl1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c/quit restarting client18:15
Lord_RahlBlaDe, you can add that user to the www-data group. Google groupadd18:15
thune3ociredeF: does the end of dmesg or /var/log/messages show any kernel activity regarding you drive. And have you tried a different USB port. (if this is a external hdd, does it have external power?)18:15
BusterBFMCI have a question please, can anyone help he with a Skype issue that I have?18:16
solar_georgeBusterBFMC what is the question?18:16
ronaldo__antonio hello18:16
ronaldo__any help here18:16
ronaldo__angelete hi18:17
angelete2i have a problem with my lvm volume18:17
BlaDeLord_Rahl,  how do I find out which user it is ?18:17
ronaldo__any help here...18:17
ronaldo__zikker hi18:17
rafaeli want  to know user kismet18:17
angelete2i have two disks, and i've created a raid1 volume18:17
BusterBFMCThank you, I can not get Skype to recognize my USB headset18:17
ronaldo__i want to know zikker18:17
hotfloppyronaldo__: just ask if you got a question..18:17
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angelete2and i've also created a lvm volume over this raid18:18
kostkonBusterBFMC, install the PulseAudio Device Chooser utility18:18
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solar_georgeBusterBFMC right click on your volume icon and select sound preferences18:18
angelete2i've added my lvm volume to my fstab file18:18
Zikker hi guys ive got a problem, can any Ubuntu program broadcast by rtsp?18:18
Lord_Rahlcat /etc/passwd and look for the name:x:100118:18
BusterBFMCThank you very much people!18:18
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
angelete2and now i can't boot my computer18:18
kostkonBusterBFMC, start skype, then open the pulseaudio volume control and set a input device for skyoe18:18
angelete2i get ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4 and it gets hung18:18
BlaDeok thanks lord18:19
angelete2if i comment the line in fstab file, everything goes well18:19
BusterBFMCThank you for your expertise :)18:19
Lord_RahlBlaDe, np18:19
Aggrav8dhi!  i started up my server today and i'm getting "/dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors. swapon failed." then it does a disk check, then it loads the system in read-only.18:19
Aggrav8dwhat do i do to fix this?18:19
sn1988what can I do against this error sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu, when I actually mounting an existing system and I made it with resolv.conf to access internet :/18:20
Aggrav8doh, and it doesn't appear to fix the bugs18:20
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durtAggrav8d, does it not instruct you to run fsck manually?18:20
Xecuterhow  do i remove a language from env?18:21
Aggrav8dnope.  does it as part of mountall on startup18:21
Aggrav8dfsck is reporting the errors, i think, and then faililng to fix them.18:21
Vigoangelete2: Dual Boot?18:21
Aggrav8dduplicate or bad blocks in use, multiply claimed blocks, assuming drive cache: write through.18:21
Aggrav8dfsck terminated with status 418:22
gui1does any one know how to enable a microphone on ubuntu?18:22
Aggrav8dnow i'm running it manually18:22
solar_georgesn1988 you need to add the hostname ubuntu to the /etc/hosts of the existing system on the same line as its old hostname18:22
shoopdawoopsn1988: add the line ' ubuntu' to your /etc/hosts18:22
[DarkSun]problem fixed, was my fault, no coffee makes me something something18:22
Aggrav8dis there a way to run fsck with a progress meter so i have some idea it hasn't crashed?18:23
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Pici[DarkSun]: go crazy?  I mean, good to hear you got it working.18:23
solar_georgegui1 what program are you trying to use the microphone in?18:23
[DarkSun]Pici, yea.. we re-did our subnetting yesterday18:23
sn1988thanks, can I add it temporarily via terminal via "hostname ubuntu" or do I have to edit the file? btw, the hosts file on mounted system or "live system"18:23
[DarkSun]and genious me forgot that, so....yea :/18:23
gui1solar_george, thanks for replying, any program, lets say sound recorder18:24
durtAggrav8d, ya, man fsck for the right switch.18:24
kuttan<Pici> how can I enable autofsck in ubuntu like rhel18:24
Error404NotFoundhow can i covert a putty generated key to standard linux pair of keys of the form priv_key and pub_key.pub18:24
solar_george<sn1988> you could just change the hostname of the live system to that of your existing one using the hostname command18:24
Aggrav8d[DarkSun] - i think you spelled that wrong.  genious is how you describe a person who is really helpful.18:24
durtkuttan, IIRC, it's set to 24 or 26 mounts.18:25
solar_georgegui1 well I assume you've tried and it doesn't work?18:25
* Aggrav8d does not troll very well18:25
Phylockany good wine frontends out there to easy creation, prefix etc18:25
alpha_One in five boots make me have to run fsck because the system time is wrong (it thinks it is 2007 or something). Why is this so?18:25
dope_helo no german chat????18:25
[DarkSun]Aggrav8d, generious is how u decribe someone who is helpfull, genious is how you describe someone of above average inteligance, and obviously not me today :/18:25
gui1solar_george, right18:25
sn1988solar_george, so I will have to open the hosts file of the mounted system via gedit?18:25
Pici!de | dope_18:25
ubottudope_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:25
kuttan<durt> that not what I meant .. its like 'touching' a file . next boot it happens18:26
Aggrav8d[DarkSun]: i could have sworn that was gregarius18:26
solar_georgesn1988 no just run hostname oldhostname in the live system before chrooting18:26
ozstr1kerhello there18:26
Pici!ot | Aggrav8d18:26
ubottuAggrav8d: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:26
ozstr1kerwhy i cant install gnome back? 10.0418:26
abhi_hi guys...18:26
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
solar_georgegui1 right click on your volume control icon and select sound preferences18:26
BlaDeLord_Rahl,  I added the user to the www-data group and it still says the same thing18:27
abhi_the mouse pointer is swinging when i m placing two fingers on my touch patch while in windows this is not the case..18:27
solar_georgegui1 there's a tab for input with a volume meter so you can check you've selected the correct input18:27
BlaDe did usermod -a -G www-data blade18:27
Randolphhello all18:27
ozstr1kerhey answer me plz if someone has same problem in 10.04?18:27
novastardoes anyone know how to change the keyboard, so when i hit the 0 key on the numpad it doesn't go to insert?18:27
Phylocknovastar-  try num luck18:28
phisher1turn your numlock on18:28
BlaDesystem -> preferences -> keyboard18:28
abhi_can anyone tell me how can i resolve the issue.. i have already install gsynaptic but it is no help18:28
kuttan<Pici> ?18:28
gui1solar_george, thanks alot!!18:28
durtabhi, might be set to scroll on right side of mouse pad.18:29
solar_georgegui1 np18:29
ozstr1kergnome: Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed waf???18:29
Picikuttan: I don't know, have you asked the channel? Maybe someone else knows.18:29
sn1988well I tried hostname oldhostname and then chrooted, but I'm getting the same error :/18:29
kuttan<Pici> I did ..18:29
Picikuttan: Well, as much as I'd like to know everything, I don't.  Sorry.18:30
solar_georgesn1988 you did remmeber to change oldhostname for the actuall hostname of your old system?18:30
solar_georgesn1988 maybe re-run the comand in chroot18:30
abhi_durt: i did not get u... can u please explain it bit more18:30
kuttan<Pici> np , not everything but its ok18:31
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ronaldo__hello too much problem...how can i solve this problem if the Documentation is not totally complete information18:32
sn1988well I had ubuntu as hostname in my hosts file behind, isn't that the hostname I've to enter before chrooting?18:32
dries_Does anyobe know where I can see what google chrome themes I've got installed?18:33
BusterBFMCQuestion, I have installed pulseaudio device chooser started Skype and I still do not have a choice in pulseaudio or skype to use my headset for my default device, any ideas?18:33
solar_georgesn1988 what was the hostname of the existing system18:33
BusterBFMCfor Skype that is18:33
joshua_robertswhat is the best theme engine for gnome in Ubuntu?18:33
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: depends on what you need in terms of effects & flash-e-ness18:34
sn1988u mean the one I'm actually trying to fix? The hosts file tells me, ubuntu18:34
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: murrine i would say is good, but y'know 1 day you might find a theme that needs rezlooks hence you switch18:34
solar_georgesn1988 are you sure? normally the installer sets it to something like user-desktop18:34
joshua_robertsminimal effects, I have a really old video card that has no proprietary driver support, I just want to easily change login themes, desktop themes18:35
sn1988yes I'm sure, but lemme check it one more time18:35
abhi_nav!details | ronaldo__18:35
ubotturonaldo__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:35
joshua_robertsI am using a dell c640 with a radeon mobility 7500 (ATI does not support this card in linux) so I have basic rendering support.18:35
Lord_RahlBlaDe, did you restart apache18:36
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: what clock speed cpu and what ram?18:36
solar_georgeBusterBFMC set skype use pulseaudio then use sound preferences to set the headset to be the input device for pulse18:36
joshua_roberts1gig ram 2Ghz P4 I believe18:36
BlaDenope Lord_Rahl  I can't do that either18:36
BlaDe/etc/init.d/apache2: line 105: kill: (10902) - Operation not permitted   ...fail!18:37
BlaDethen it gives the same error as before18:37
sn1988solar_george I checked again and the hosts file says: ubuntu18:37
Lord_RahlBlaDe, sudo /etc/init.d/apache18:37
BusterBFMCyes I have done that the mic works great, but my head set speaker will not work just system speakers18:37
Lord_RahlBlaDe, sorry out sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart18:38
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: thats pretty good, but if you want lighter just use whatever gtk theme you like, but if you want to 'squeeze' every bit of juice look into alternatives to gnome and compiz, something like openbox with tint2 to replace gnome + gnome panel18:38
BlaDenow it can't bind to 8018:38
tevolI get this error, how do I Fix? VirtualHost test1.ny:0 overlaps with VirtualHost test2.ny:0, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive18:38
BlaDeaha now it can18:38
solar_georgeBusterBFMC select to headset in the output tab of the preferences then18:39
joshua_robertsI don't want to squeeze.  I need my extra squeeze for blender and gimp, not pretty menus18:39
solar_georgesn1988 hmm, is that exactly the same in both hosts files18:39
joshua_robertsso I guess I will try murrine...18:39
BlaDeLord_Rahl,  the directory permissions are 750 how can I find out which group owns it ? because I probably shouldn't chmod all to 75518:40
joshua_robertsaeon-ltd thanks18:40
Lord_Rahlls -la18:40
dries_Does anyone know where I can see what google chrome themes I've got installed? It doesn't seem to have a theme page like firefox..18:40
BlaDeand i can't sftp in otherwise, quick phone call bac in a sec18:40
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: i would still reccomend changing gnome and compiz (including all gnome heavy apps) and switching to lighter alternatives lets say gnome + compiz takes 300mb ram from boot, when i switched to openbox (plus no other gnome dependant apps) boot up was <80mb 220 mb  saving is what you need not a lighter gtk theme18:40
Njhim having trouble with creating a key gen, i keep getitng no gpg-agent running in this session. anyone have an idea on how to fix it?18:41
BusterBFMCsolar_george I get no choice in the drop menu from skype / when I run Skype it does not show in pulse as an application running18:41
sn1988solar_george I'll check, gimme 1 moment18:41
joshua_robertsopenbox..  ok18:41
solar_georgeBusterBFMC what skype version?18:41
joshua_robertsI will check and see..18:41
BusterBFMCsolar_george  one sec18:41
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: hope it helps. :)18:41
joshua_robertsIt probably will.  I have tried fluxbox, but that is too light weight for me...18:42
aeon-ltdjoshua_roberts: the *boxes can look really good though, much better than gnome+metacity/compiz can18:43
solar_georgeBusterBFMC thats odd, same as me18:43
pmowI've followed several guides to setting up chroot/jail/sftp only, but users are not being restricted to their home directories.  I want to only allow them to browse their own /homes, and be able to modify files inside of there but nothing outside of /home/user.  Root or www-data would need write access, and optionally, it would be sftp-only for the users.  Would anyone have a suggestion?  I've tried: openssh directive, MySecureShell, 18:43
BusterBFMC*scratching head*18:43
BusterBFMCsolar_george I am puzzled18:44
solar_georgeBusterBFMC me too18:44
torsteinHello. Any way to recover an overwritten text-file? It was 11 GB and was overwritten by a 10 kb one, so the data should be pretty intact.18:44
kesroesweythpmow > you mean scponly, correct?18:45
ljsoftnethow do i fix if vlc crashes?18:45
pmowkesroesweyth: yes, I've tried that too18:45
solar_georgeBusterBFMC lets just check this again, in skype under Options>SoundDevices you have no option for pulseaudio in the microphone and speakers dropdowns?18:45
kesroesweythpmow > ive done it successfully for sftp users using scponly18:45
guzutorstein, see photorec. also check hiren's cd18:46
pmowkesroesweyth: scponly as shell?18:46
technobowlnewbie here18:46
kesroesweythpmow > i am not sure what you're asking18:46
pmowkesroesweyth: I've done that, however it did not restrict their whereabouts18:46
abhi_nav!hi > technobowl18:46
ubottutechnobowl, please see my private message18:46
technobowlcan anyone help me with LAMPP etc/host domain edit18:46
abhi_nav!ask > technobowl18:46
guzutorstein, if possible, make a backup before pl;aying with various tools18:46
technobowlI'm trying to get my blog site online about 95% completed18:47
BusterBFMCsolar_george just pulse audio yes I do but when I go to options on Pulse I have applications currently playing18:47
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abhi_nav!details > technobowl18:47
ubottutechnobowl, please see my private message18:47
pmowkesroesweyth: restricting users to SCP only is fine, but I need them to not be able to list /home, or at the very least /home/otheruser18:47
BusterBFMCsolar_george an I missing a step?18:47
ludo182au secours !!! un geek pour un newbie !!! help18:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:48
solar_georgeBusterBFMC i think skype only opens sound devices when its playing sounds18:48
kesroesweythpmow > scponly comes with a script to create new chrooted (jailed) users. after running it, the new users will only have ftp access to the path you specify18:48
BusterBFMCsolar_george my sound preferences in pulse will not pick up skype18:49
sec-r1zubottu: there is no Arabic channel ? :D18:49
kesroesweythpmow > been a while now but i believe the script was setup_chroot.sh. are you running this script or using another method?18:49
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe18:49
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:49
solar_georgeBusterBFMC hang on a second I'm just doing some tests on my skype18:49
hrbvrhello. can I use GPC as Pascal compiler in Geany?18:49
pmowkesroesweyth: I was under the impression setup_chroot was for a common chroot path...I want them to be chrooted in their respective /home/user path18:49
BusterBFMCsolar_geprge thank you18:49
sec-r1zubottu: nice b0t :D18:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:50
pmowkesroesweyth: because I followed that guide today18:50
BusterBFMCsolar_george thank you18:50
BHOYHI everyone18:50
kesroesweythpmow > yes, they will have their own paths18:50
dries_Does anyone here use chrome?18:50
wesselis it any good?18:50
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:50
aeon-ltd!hi | BHOY18:50
ubottuBHOY: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:50
solar_georgeBusterBFMC try doing a test call18:50
abhi_navdries_, yes18:50
pmowkesroesweyth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=451510 is the guide I followed18:50
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
aeon-ltddries_: i have done18:51
dries_it's pretty decent, but I'm wondering where the themes are18:51
BusterBFMCsolar_george one sec18:51
eblumeHi - I am trying to configured LVM on a DAS raid volume that is 23 terabytes in size. I've learned that I need to use GPT (gdisk) to do this, but gdisk can only seem to find the first 10.9 terabytes of blocks. Any suggestions?18:51
dries_once you install them there seems to be no way to find them18:51
kesroesweythpmow > so make the script executable and run it if you havent already18:51
jungleberrykidAnybody know how I can setup a PAN network interface connection on ubuntu 10.04 LTS to my mobile phone?18:51
bluefunk523Hey all.  Newbe question.  i'm in Software manager in Mint 9 Isadora.  All my lists stop around "g" thru "J".  Am I missing something?18:52
erUSULeblume: gparted or parted support gpt partition tables18:52
kesroesweythpmow > the page you linked me to seems relevant, very similar to what i ended up doing for my own setup18:52
erUSUL!mint > bluefunk52318:52
ubottubluefunk523, please see my private message18:52
Picidries_: Chrome themes aren't really 'installed', they are activated.  Go to https://tools.google.com/chrome/intl/en/themes/index.html18:52
aeon-ltddries_: check hidden dirs. in your ~/18:52
BlaDeLord_Rahl,  are you still here?18:52
kesroesweythpmow > what time of users are you creating? my purpose was to keep sftp users from accessing the rest of the filesystem18:53
Lord_RahlBlaDe, yep18:53
pmowkesroesweyth: exactly - I just want them to download files I dump in their paths18:53
eblumeerUSUL: Yes, they same problem persists there. Curiously, gparted and parted both report the correct volume size (23 TB), but upon creating the full disk volume it immediatly shrinks to 10.9 TB, and further formatting gives an error "Cannot satisfy constraints"18:53
pmowkesroesweyth: however following this example I can still browse /hoime18:53
BlaDedrwxr-x---  4 spooshi www-data 4096 2010-05-30 22:28 www......18:53
BlaDei added myself to the www-data group, and i still get permission denied18:53
linux_phow to open files with the same session (windows) of vlc ? (i mean when i open mp3 it is opening with new windows)18:53
erUSULeblume: what filesystem are you formatting into ?18:53
kesroesweythpmow > via sftp?18:53
pmowkesroesweyth: yep =/18:53
BusterBFMCsolar_george skype showed up in my applications but no options either on skype or pulse to set a default18:54
kesroesweythpmow > fail18:54
erUSULlinux_p: use vlc's playlist manager ?18:54
pmowkesroesweyth: how does openssh know to run the chroot18:54
eblumeerUSUL: I would like to use LVM (8e00) but this issue occurs with *any* fs18:54
Slartlinux_p: there is an vlc setting... something like "use only one instance"18:54
Pici!fr | didiermah18:54
ubottudidiermah: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:54
jungleberrykidAny ideas on how I can create a network connection over Bluetooth to my mobile phone?18:54
linux_perUSUL Slart  i can not where is the option.  :(18:54
kesroesweythpmow > that is beyond me unfortunately18:54
solar_georgeBusterBFMC Ah yes, the sound preferences panel only lets you set global sound settings18:55
pmowkesroesweyth: I don't suppose you still have access to the box you set this up on?  Perhaps my config is screwed or perms are not set to what they need to be18:55
BusterBFMCsolar_george all I have in skype in the drop down for speakers is pulse audio (local)18:55
Slartlinux_p: in tools, preferences, interface. "Allow only one instance"18:55
jungleberrykidI would like to create a connection to the internet over Bluetooth to my mobile. I managed to do it once before on koala but cannot find how to do it with lucid?18:55
marcuywhat would be the proper use of "sort" command? I want to sort a file with lines starting with dates formatted like "dd/mm/aaaa18:55
erUSULlinux_p: crtl + l18:55
hrbvrhow to change geany default compilers? can't find it in google though18:55
kesroesweythpmow >  i may be able to finaggle some sort of access to the box18:56
aj00200Are there any programs to upscale videos to hd?18:56
pmowkesroesweyth: that would be awesome...I'm still working on it, but the instructions aren't quite clear beyond the steps I've already taken18:56
nemesischatrulette  XD18:56
solar_georgeBusterBFMC yeah I mean that the sound preferences  panel can change settings for all apps (inc; skype) but not only one, I'm trying to remember the name on the more finegrained control app18:56
PiciBlaDe: The permissions listed there (rwxr-x---) do not allow people in the same group to write to that path.18:56
nemesispero que chingados18:57
linux_pSlart thank you it worked :D,18:57
jungleberrykidCan anybody assist me in creating an internet connection via Bluetooth to my mobile phone?18:57
Slartlinux_p: you're welcome18:57
dasunsrule32Hello could someone help me take a look at my dovecot/postfix problem?18:58
BusterBFMCsolar_george I was thinking It was right in front of me and I was not seeing it / like my car keys :)18:58
dasunsrule32I keep getting postfix/smtpd[3140]: warning: SASL: Connect to private/auth failed: Connection refused18:58
dasunsrule32Jun 22 10:50:28 sol postfix/smtpd[3140]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms18:58
BlaDePici,  I see, what would you recommend as a solution?18:58
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: check firewall18:58
_KAMI_Hi! I have a laptop with slow startup time. Can someone help to optimize the boot performance. I created a bootchart.18:58
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: it's not my firewall18:58
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: lets see18:58
guntbertdasunsrule32: maybe #ubuntu-server is the better place18:58
dasunsrule32I have 587 forwarded18:58
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: do you use iptables?18:59
dasunsrule32guntbert: no one is there18:59
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: no18:59
solar_georgeBusterBFMC try running from the terminal; pavucontrol18:59
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: then uploading it18:59
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: do you have any setting that might drop packets?18:59
jcrawfordhey guys last week I disabled Nautilus from managing my desktop so that I could use Nitrogen, however I would like to revert due to Nautilus not seeing my mouse clicks, I forgot where this was though18:59
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: no18:59
PiciBlaDe: sudo chmod g+w /var/www/  , that will allow people in the www-data group to write to that path.18:59
jcrawford i cannot even click my menu to determine where it was which is very odd18:59
jcrawfordsomeone who can tell me?19:00
aeon-ltdjcrawford: check preferences if not use gconf19:00
BusterBFMCsolar_george wow!19:00
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: my server was working fine until the update last week, incoming works fine, outgoing also using my webmail, but not with a client to send outgoing on the submission port19:00
adalalhey, im thinking of setting up a wireless hotspot for a pub... I need to know what I require... and how to go about it... nothing too fancy, i already have a radius server working19:00
jcrawfordhow would i do it in gconf?19:00
abuayyoubHi, can someone tell me what the best ( easiest ) way to convert AVI to DVD would be?19:01
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: was it authenticated via login?19:01
jcrawfordstrange i cannot click anything with my mouse and alt-tab is not working lol19:01
Piciabuayyoub: I believe  that devede makes that quite easy.19:01
BlaDePici, I've done that still get permission denied thoguh19:01
abuayyoubPici,  cool I will try it.19:01
PiciBlaDe: You may need to relogin if you've modified your user's groups while you were logged in.19:01
eliotnhas anyone copied their ubuntu installation onto an external hard drive?19:02
benishorhello there19:02
aeon-ltdeliotn: its possible, yeah19:03
BlaDestill the same19:03
Type-Oeliotn, most I have done is backed up the home directory19:03
adalaleliotn: i haev19:03
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: http://pastebin.com/YEjpp6cV19:03
BlaDedrwxrwx---  6 spooshi www-data 4096 2010-02-03 20:06 www <- is that okay ? and it's set to 75019:03
Taevhow do i turn off that annoying feature that when my monitor shuts off i got to put my password in19:03
BusterBFMCsolar_george you are a great help that was it!! many thanks :)19:04
benishorMy laptop had its motherboard recently changed and eversince that happened, I am unable to use the Fn keys, such as setting brightness, volume, enabling/disabling wireless, etc19:04
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: this is my config: http://pastebin.com/pdv87yt619:04
benishorThere's nothing wrong with the hardware, I used a live cd and everything worked ok19:04
solar_georgeTaev, in the screen saver settings System>Preferences>ScreenSavers IIRC19:04
benishorIs there some way to "reset" kbd ?19:04
jungleberrykidTaev: System > Preferences > Screensaver and then untick "Lock screen when screensaver is active"19:04
benishoror to have it redetected somehow?19:04
BusterBFMCsolar_george I was able to set skype during a test call19:04
guntbertTaev: are you talking about the screensaver? /system/preferences/screensaver  last option (lock...)19:05
solar_georgeBusterBFMC, glad that works for you19:05
BusterBFMCsolar_george Thank you very Much!19:05
benishorcan anobody help please?19:06
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: ok, we'll try to isolate the problem, in your config set ssl to no, try again if it works then we'll know nothing else is dropping packets and the problem is in ssl/tls19:07
MustainAnyone why ubuntu dosent work ? on live cd wubi or pen drive boot ?19:07
sec-r1zpure_hate: did u try ubuntu 10.04 ?19:07
pure_hatesec-r1z, yeah I am using it19:08
Mustaini try de desktop and the netbook version and none works19:08
n0bodyhey guys, i have an issue with dhcp3-server, i need it to run on a bridge (br0) and its starting before the bridge is up. any ideas? im new at this ubuntu19:08
sebsebsebMustain: `oh19:08
sec-r1zpure_hate: u are the guy from offsec ?19:08
sebsebsebMustain: How much RAM you got?19:08
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: yea, just tested, now I can't receive email19:08
n0bodyi can run it manually fine, it just wont start at boot up19:08
pure_hatesec-r1z, From backtrack19:08
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: let me set ssl = no19:09
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: crap.19:09
sebsebsebMustain: 4GB? right what kind of hardware, graphics card and such?19:09
MustainNvidia 9300m19:09
aeon-ltddasunsrule32: oh wait it was pre-change. i withdraw my profantiy19:09
sebsebsebMustain: is that a really new card?19:09
Mustainits a laptop19:09
sec-r1zpure_hate: and what do u think of it ? does it work great with your GTX ?19:09
n0bodyhttp://pastebin.org/351436 is my /etc/network/interfaces19:09
Jordan_U!doesn't work | Mustain19:09
ubottuMustain: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:09
abuayyoubHi, can someone please help me with a problem I am having with a program called NZBget?19:09
sebsebsebJordan_U: uhmm he already told us19:09
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: http://pastebin.com/SkBsC18a19:10
Jordan_UMustain: Sorry, ignore that.19:10
Jon--I ran dd last night to backup my computer to my removable, but decided otherwise and cancelled it. Now I can't get the drive to appear ANYWHERE. Help!? It was mounted last night after the dd cancel and it still seemed to work. I have important data on here19:10
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: http://ftp.devall.hu/kami/bootchart/AgentM-lucid-20100622-7.png19:10
erUSULJon--: what dd command did you run ?19:11
sebsebsebMustain: right so is that a really new card or not?19:11
Mustaini try the iso imagem on virtual machine it works fine but on the laptop when it supposed to run the screen just stays black and nothing19:11
_KAMI_This is my current bootchart19:11
hrishigood night Friends19:11
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Jordan_Usebsebseb: Odd, /lastlog didn't show him explaining what was going wrong. Thanks for catching it.19:11
_KAMI_I had nearly duble time because it started mysql server every time19:11
sebsebsebMustain: a virtual machine inside Windows?19:11
Mustainne video car isent that recent19:11
sebsebsebJordan_U: Ubuntu won't work, Wubi, Live CD, or pen drive19:11
_KAMI_the intresting thing I have disabled from rc(all) the mysqld19:11
_KAMI_but it started19:12
Jon--erUSUL  dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/usbmounthere/backup.img19:12
sebsebsebMustain: Good idea to check your ISO before using, to make sure its a good download, but  that probably isn't it19:12
_KAMI_then I temporaly removed fully19:12
guntbert!enter | _KAMI_19:12
ubottu_KAMI_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:12
erUSULJon--: do « tailf /var/log/messages  » on a terminal. then plug the disk. show us what appears19:12
erUSUL!paste | Jon--19:12
ubottuJon--: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:12
guzuJon--, so it's not dd's fault. check if the device is available in fdisk -l19:13
_KAMI_sorry guntbert19:13
sebsebsebMustain: People tend to get issues withe lap tops, because they are doing Ubuntu on hardware that isn't standard when it comes to Linux distros.  However even so, I guess a bit more then just sometimes,  other distros work better, when not working well on a lap top with Ubuntu.19:13
abuayyoubNZBget anyone use it before?19:13
sebsebsebMustain: however 4GB RAM isn't a problem, thats pretty standard19:13
Jon--erUSUL: Nothing new appeared.19:13
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: got that last error solved, renamed the conf file it was looking for19:13
guzuJon--, follow erUSUL , please19:13
dasunsrule32can receive now19:13
guntbert_KAMI_: no reason for sorry: only its much harder to see what you acually need :-)19:13
papertigersanyone know how to setup rsyslog for a seperate iptables log?19:13
sebsebsebMustain: the card you say isn't really recent?  probably some sort of Plymouth boot up issue or something19:13
dasunsrule32aeon-ltd: just the 587 SASL error19:14
erUSULJon--: nothing? have you tried another usb port ?19:14
JyZyXELi skipped the "Install software" step on install, how do i get it after install?19:14
Jon--erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/TahbBMfV19:14
lubu2need help getting VLC to watch dig TV on the air ATSC19:14
Mustainany of you are portuguese ? the machine is an insys gameforce19:14
Jon--erUSUL: Yeah19:14
sebsebsebMustain: its a gaming machine?19:14
sebsebseb!pt | Mustain19:14
ubottuMustain: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:14
Mustainw8 ill link the lapto specs19:14
abuayyoubcan someone help me with a problem I am having with Par2? I have a folder that has something like 60 files and 60 par2 files, is there a way using par2 that I can queue them so they go one by one? or beter yet queue the entire folder? I am doing them one by one now or using pypar with 30 open instances at a time which is killer on the CPU19:14
_KAMI_I need a boottime finetune because my laptop started over 120sec now it is 60 sec but I am sure we can reduce the time. The bootchart was posted before.19:14
sebsebsebMustain: like I said standard hardware, so if its a gaming machine, well thats not really standard hardware19:15
solar_georgeMustain have you tried booting in safe graphics mode19:15
* guzu thinks about text mode, alternate, etc19:15
Mustainthe 1º thread19:16
MustainNVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M GS19:16
Mustain    * Intel Dual Core T2390 (1.86GHz)19:16
Mustain    * SiS© 671DX + SiS96819:16
Jordan_UMustain: Do you see anything between the BIOS screen and the black screen? Can you boot from other CDs?19:17
Mustainthe selecting screen19:17
sebsebsebMustain: SIS?19:17
abuayyoubAm I really the only person on IRC that uses usenet?19:17
sebsebsebMustain: whats SIS being used for?19:17
Mustaini select try ubuntu and then nothing19:17
OerSiS chipset, i had a lot of problems with it, never worked right19:17
sebsebsebMustain: there was someone before, who had right problems when it came to Ubuntu and SIS,  well that was his graphics card I think19:17
Jon--erUSUL: *facepalms*19:17
Jon--erUSUL: I had two usb chords with the same end.. guess which one I plugged in?19:17
erUSULJon--: o.0!19:18
Jon--They're tangled together, followed the chord wrong =/19:18
sebsebsebOer: yeah as far  as I know SIS don't do Linux support, and that there isn't really anything reverse enginered for support either19:18
Jordan_UMustain: Press F6 at that menu and choose the "nomodeset" option.19:18
Mustainw8 ill try it now19:18
erUSULJon--: so everything is ok...19:19
Jon--erUSUL: Checking now19:19
Jordan_UOer: SiS cards are propably the worst WRT linux support.19:19
Jon--erUSUL: How long does a fdisk -v take?19:19
sebsebsebMustain: ^19:19
sebsebsebMustain: SIS is bad when it comes to Linux, this could be your problem19:19
erUSULJon--: sudo fdisk -l  you mean ?19:20
Oeryes sebsebseb & Jordan_U , i found it out the hard way19:20
Jon--erUSUL: What is the command to check the consistency of a disk, for errors, we?19:20
Krow_Jon , what is your OS?19:20
erUSULJon--: use gparted to check the partitions filesystems19:20
Jon--Krow_: Ubuntu 10.0419:21
Krow_it work like the 9.10?19:21
willwork4fooHi all - I'm trying to work out how to tell grub  to boot to the commandline and NOT start up gdm19:21
Jon--... Strange.19:21
Jon--GParted says it cannot read contents but it mounts fine19:21
willwork4foocan anyone point me in the right direction with forcing a non-GUI startup from grub?19:21
pakairJon-- fsck19:21
Jon--pakair: It's just a FAT drive. Isn't fsck for nix filesystems?19:22
solar_georgeJon-- fsck.vfat19:22
sebsebsebOer: So did I when I tried to help someone with a SIS graphics card,  to get that working in Ubuntu, and the guy wasn't that nice either.19:22
Freddy2is there any tip to compile glibc in an x86_64 machine, using arm-elf- as target, because of the problems related with _FORTIFY_SOURCE ?19:22
Jon--solar_george: ty. I'm only 6 months into nix, still very used to command.exe ;)19:23
martez89hey how can i exclude a folder from rsync?19:23
dasunsrule32anyone, how do I change my permission from -rw-rw-rw- -> srw-rw-rw-?19:23
sebsebsebOer: In fact that guy was basically a right idiot.19:23
solar_georgeJon-- IIRC plain fsck will select the correct program to use19:23
martez89grsync I mean19:23
sebsebsebOer: as well19:23
pakairjon__: man fsck.vfat19:23
erUSULmartez89: rsync man page has the correct option. iirc is --exclude=folder/ but check anyway19:23
pelegHey. I am inserting a dvb-t usb device, but nothing happens. It should be supported by linux. I do see "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7" and "configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" in dmesg; but nothing more. Any ideas?19:24
erUSULmartez89: add that in advanced options ?19:24
martez89erUSUL, what is the exact command to exclude the video folder in home?19:24
Jon--solar_george: It's asking me stuff. Ahh. ;)  "There are differences between boot sector and its backup."19:25
Jon--solar_george: It's only a dumb FAT data partition. The boot sector shouldn't matter19:25
solar_georgeJon-- are you booting off that drive for anything?19:26
Jon--solar_george: Nope ^19:26
abhi_navhow to set my default Chat from empathy to pidgin?19:26
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solar_georgeJon-- yeah so as you thought it shouldn't matter19:26
sebsebsebabhi_nav: system > preferences > preffered applications19:26
willwork4fooI've tried setting i915.blacklist=true xforcevesa in my grub config and I still can't get this Dell Latitude D400 to boot into a graphical environment.19:26
Jon--solar_george: I copied original to backup19:26
abhi_navsebsebseb, chat option is not there19:27
willwork4fooalso, can't switch VTs by using Crtl-Alt-Fx19:27
trismabhi_nav: if you mean in the indicator applet, you can't, it is hard-coded to call empathy "Chat", you can remove empathy to get rid of that menu item though19:27
willwork4fooanyone here dealt with a fresh install of 10.04 giving a blank black screen at boot?19:27
guzuwillwork4foo, do you have xorg.conf? do you pass nomodeset to the kernel?19:27
abhi_navtrism yes in indicator applet19:27
willwork4fooguzu: can I do that in the grub options?19:28
abhi_navtrism, but after removing empathy will it point to pidgin?19:28
abuayyoubcan someone help me with a problem I am having with Par2? I have a folder that has something like 60 files and 60 par2 files, is there a way using par2 that I can queue them so they go one by one? or beter yet queue the entire folder? I am doing them one by one now or using pypar with 30 open instances at a time which is killer on the CPU19:28
guzuwillwork4foo, yes, afaict19:28
* guzu is a fedora user ...19:28
erUSULmartez89: --exclude=/home/user/Videos ?19:28
willwork4fooguzu: trying that now19:28
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: Did the LiveCD work without issues?19:28
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
trismabhi_nav: no, it will not19:29
willwork4fooJordan_U, no. I had to do an Ubuntu Server install (no X) then do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:29
abhi_navtrism, :(19:29
willwork4foosince I installed ubuntu desktop, it won't boot. It won't even enable networking.19:29
martez89erSUL: I tried that, but grsync gives an error19:30
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: For future reference you can use the alternate install CD. But if you have graphics problems with the LiveCD you're pretty much guaranteed to have them with the installed system.19:30
asgdggegubuntu 8.10 rulz19:31
thune3willwork4foo: what is your hardware?19:31
willwork4fooJordan_U, fair enough. I need to try and get some kind of graphics working on this system19:31
martez89erUSUL: it's working now I think, thanks19:31
guzuJordan_U, how can i tell ubuntu to boot in text mode instead of gui?19:31
asgdggegintel i519:31
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: Have you tried holding shift during boot and selecting recovery mode?19:31
sebsebsebasgdggeg: yeah 8.10 I quite liked it as well, a little issue on the other computer though,  but XP needs a driver for that issue as well19:31
Jordan_U!boot | guzu19:31
martez89erUSUL: my videos folder was too large for my external HDD :P19:31
ubottuguzu: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:31
sebsebsebasgdggeg: well not sure what 8.10 needed.  anyway yeah end of life now, no more security updates :(19:31
asgdggegsebsebseb, =(19:32
guzuJordan_U, thank you19:32
sebsebsebasgdggeg: as of the 30th of April19:32
Jordan_Uguzu: You're welcome.19:32
erUSULmartez89: just leave the pr0n out :D19:32
asgdggegsebsebseb, u trying debian?19:32
pierohow do i upgrade my ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.4 i do have the cd19:33
sebsebsebasgdggeg: I have done in a virtual machine, but Mandriva on here since November,   Ubuntu still on other computer.   Anyway have you got a support question?19:33
willwork4foogah. It almost seems as though starting X on this machine causes it to lock up completely.19:33
martez89erUSUL : yeah bluray 1080p pron takes a lot of space :P19:33
sebsebsebpiero: you can upgrade using the repos19:33
asgdggegsebsebseb, nope19:33
malikdhadhaany good video converter for ubuntu19:33
Jordan_U!upgrade | piero19:33
ubottupiero: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:33
pieroi do have the 10.4 cd19:33
solar_georgeabuayyoub, what is the command that you would run on one of the files (i don't know par2)19:33
guzuwillwork4foo, pass text nosplash to the kernel19:33
erUSULmalikdhadha: winff; arista ?19:33
guzuwillwork4foo, pass 'text nosplash' to the kernel19:33
asgdggegvim rulz19:33
abuayyoubpar2repair foooo.par219:34
asgdggeggithub vim colorscheme - best light-on-dark scheme19:34
malikdhadhathans erUSUL19:34
willwork4fooguzu, thanks19:34
willwork4foowill try that19:34
pieroi do have a pen drive which write protected how do i change it19:34
abuayyoubsolar_george, par2repair foo.par219:34
solar_georgemalikdhadha handbrake is nice and simple if you don't want to mess around19:34
willwork4fooI can get to a root prompt by way of the recovery mode startup option then dropping to the root prompt19:35
willwork4fooand I have networking19:35
guzuwillwork4foo, Jordan_U gave me the hints :)19:35
willwork4fooI now need to remove all traces of GUI and start from nothing19:35
asgdggegguys, what keyboard u use?19:35
guzuwillwork4foo, i was wondering what if you create xorg.conf in /etc/X11 and put vesa there19:35
solar_georgeabuayyoub; try something like find -iname "*.par2" -exec par2repair \{\} \;19:35
asgdggegi trying very nice Oklick 555S ... its best19:36
guzuwillwork4foo, X -configure should create xorg.conf.* in /root19:36
asgdggegwhat Xorg version in ubuntu 10.04?19:36
sebsebseb!info xorg19:36
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.5+5ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB19:36
willwork4fooguzu, it does. then when I try to run X using that configure file, it dies19:36
willwork4foostill hacking though....19:36
solar_georgeabuayyoub; whoops that will work for that folder and all below it as well19:37
solar_georgeabuayyoub; just so you know19:37
guzuwillwork4foo, what was the video card?19:37
thune3willwork4foo: do you have a model number of the computer you are using?19:37
guzuah, one intel ...19:37
guzuwillwork4foo, nomodeset is still in kernel line?19:37
willwork4foothune3, it's a Dell Latitude D40019:38
guzuwillwork4foo, copy the section and create one without nomodeset19:38
pelegHelp, someone? I just spent a lot of money on this tiny device, and I really hoped I could watch some TV here :) -- I have no clue how to even start debugging. just -- nothing happens. the dmesg is very modest ...19:38
willwork4fooold beast - it's being set up as a gift for a friend once I have lucid running nicely19:38
solar_georgepeleg whats lsusb report19:39
willwork4foogetting the video card model now19:39
willwork4fooX just died again - I have to force a poweroff then boot into recovery mode19:39
guzustrange thing is, my x40 works fine with 10.04, card is older intel19:39
pelegsolar_george, some "linux foundation" and one line like this: "Bus 001 Device 009: ID 15a4:9035 Afatech Technologies, Inc."19:39
solar_georgepeleg pastebin the whole thing19:39
shadyabhiAnyone having of shorewall filrewall here??19:40
pelegsolar_george, http://pastebin.com/r9M9dy1B19:40
Jordan_U!sysrq | willwork4foo19:40
ubottuwillwork4foo: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:40
thune3willwork4foo: the option to try is i915.modeset=1 : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes19:40
jungleberrykidAnybody know how I can setup a PAN connection over bluetooth to my mobile phone?19:41
willwork4foook - lspci reports the card as an Intel 82852/855GM19:41
willwork4foothune3, trying that now19:42
willwork4foothanks Jordan_U19:42
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: You're welcome.19:42
Slartjungleberrykid: I'm not sure if I can help you do it.. but it works on my laptop19:42
Slartjungleberrykid: are you running desktop 10.04 ?19:42
quesoI want ctrl-alt-T to open an xterm of specific dimensions.  If I go to Preferred Applications -> System, and try to make a custom entry, if I type "xterm" in the Command field it automatically selects "Standard XTerminal" from the dropdown box and won't let me enter in my custom Execute Flags.  What to do?19:42
willwork4foothune3, it WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:42
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* willwork4foo has a big party19:42
bullgard4I bought a new 4-GB thumbdrive. How to test if it is all right?19:43
jungleberrykidSlart: Yes, I am running 10.0419:43
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willwork4foonow I just need to go and make that setting permanent19:43
solar_georgepeleg this any help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1444535.html ?19:43
Slartjungleberrykid: you've got the little bluetooth icon in your taskbar?19:43
cipher42how come there is no linux-headers-2.6.32-20-generic package?19:43
ph0xidehow can i disable ipv6 on ubuntu 8.10?19:43
thune3willwork4foo: put that in /etc/default/grub grub line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and run update-grub19:43
jungleberrykidSlart: yes, I've got the icon and I have my laptop paired to my phone19:43
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:44
Slartjungleberrykid: ok.. hang on.. let me get my mobile phone loader.. I'm running out of battery19:44
pelegsolar_george, are you sure you've sent me the correct url? All I get there is a long list...19:44
cipher42how come there is no linux-headers-2.6.32-20-generic package?19:44
jungleberrykidSlart: k, thanks - I would greatly appreciate any assistance you are able to offer me...19:45
willwork4foowicked, thanks thune3 - rebooting now to test19:45
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: It's good that it needed modeset=1 rather than modeset=0 (some cards only work with one, some only with the other) because Kernel Mode Setting will be enabled by default in 10.10 foreward (so, if nothing else fails, upgrades should go fine without needing to "update" the hack)19:45
trismqueso: very odd, you could try editing the keys directly in gconf-editor, /desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec and exec_arg19:45
willwork4fooJordan_U, that's good news!19:45
solar_georgepeleg whoops i misread that anyway19:45
solar_georgepeleg whats the make/model name/number of your tuner?19:46
Mustainnow it ruuns but after 3 ms it freezes19:47
kjkjavaHey, I'm trying to download four files (webcams) from the internet every three minutes.  I'm guessing cron and wget is the best way to do it, but I'm not sure how to get wget to timestamp the file.  Ideas?19:47
pelegsolar_george, hard to say. The Hebrew name claims "dongle receiver dvb-t", and the logo on the device is "KONKA". On the box it says "KONKA-9102". I think it is a special local edition.19:48
=== omgjoz is now known as omgjoz|SKOREA
mat619Hi there! Just got a new laptop screen which displays colours a lot less saturated than the old one. Any ideas what I could do to increase the screen saturation?19:50
Slartjungleberrykid: ok.. found the loader thingy.. you've paired your phone with your computer?19:50
pelegsolar_george, this is in Hebrew, but you can see the specifications there: http://www.satshop.co.il/p109001.cfm  -- in the Hebrew part, it claims that it is good for Linux as well.19:51
jungleberrykidSlart: yup, they are both paired - I can transfer files between them fine.19:51
solar_georgepeleg yeah I've just tracked down the chipset and it does claim to be supported19:51
Slartjungleberrykid: and when you paired them you checked the "Access the Internet using your mobile phone" ?19:52
jungleberrykidSlart: I don't have that setting anywhere, I've been looking for it all over the place...19:53
solar_georgepeleg could you just check the restricted drivers manager to see if it has anything usefull19:53
jungleberrykidSlart: when you run ifconifg do you see a PAN interface?19:53
BreezyBluehate to ask such a question but my ubuntu Lucid just started running really slow anyone have an answer please pm me19:53
Slartjungleberrykid: oh.. I got it when I paired the phone with the computer.. just after I entered the six digit pin code19:53
Slartjungleberrykid: want me to take a screenshot of the window for you?19:53
GeekSquid!pm | BreezyBlue19:53
ubottuBreezyBlue: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:53
pelegsolar_george, what is that manager? Is that a gnome-application?19:54
solar_georgepeleg yeah system>admin>hardware drivers i think19:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:54
GeekSquid!it | giuseppe_19:54
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:54
linuxhy all19:55
jungleberrykidSlart: when you read the output of 'ifconfig' command do you see PAN interface?19:55
Slartjungleberrykid: not unless I have it activated19:55
lukahi. can someone plz tell me how to access a website that only works from internet explorer? i need it for work plz. thanks19:56
pelegsolar_george, it searches, and then let me know it finds nothing.19:56
BreezyBluemy ubuntu just started running slow... any advice19:56
jungleberrykidSlart: I see. Well I see it when I run 'iwconfig' command but I don't see anything under 'ifconfig'. I don't know what I must do to get that option?19:56
bastid_raZorluka: possibly use the plugin 'agent switcher' for firefox19:56
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lukabastid_raZor: i have already tried that. still no joy :( what else can i try plz?19:57
jungleberrykidSlart: are you running ubuntu 10.04 LTS?19:57
mat619any ideas regarding the saturation issue?19:57
thune3BreezyBlue: check memory usage and kill unneeded applications if memory if full.19:57
Slartjungleberrykid: yup... 64bit desktop ubuntu 10.04 LTS19:58
pmowIs there any way to prevent users from listing /home?19:58
BreezyBluethanks thune319:58
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.19:58
jungleberrykidSlart: that' EXACTLY what I'm running...19:58
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
bastid_raZorluka: ie4linux :: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page19:58
Slartjungleberrykid: here's what it says after I entered the pin code http://imagebin.org/10229919:59
jungleberrykidSlart: I've come across this walk-through. http://deadlockprocess.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/how-to-enable-bluetooth-internet-using-ubuntu-karmic-9-10-sony-ericsson-k770i/19:59
Slartjungleberrykid: you don't get that checkbox?19:59
jungleberrykidSlart: ok, I'm going to remove my pairing and set it all up again from scratch.19:59
lukathanks much bastid_raZor. i will try that19:59
solar_georgepeleg try downloading http://www.otit.fi/~crope/v4l-dvb/af9015/af9015_firmware_cutter/firmware_files/4.95.0/dvb-usb-af9015.fw and copying it (as root) into /lib/firmware20:00
bastid_raZorluka: good luck20:00
pelegsolar_george, thanks! I'll try.20:00
pelegsolar_george, it's there. disconnected, connected, nothing new :(20:01
solar_georgepeleg what does tail /var/log/dmesg show20:02
lietuany ideas why my thinkpad's left mouse button works as if alt was held down all the time, and pressing alt down recovers normal operation until released?20:02
jungleberrykidSlart: It says: "Setup Complete" and then "Successfully setup new device 'W302'" and I don't get any option to access internet using my mobile phone?20:02
bullgard4I bought a new 4-GB thumbdrive. How to test if it is all right?20:03
abhi_navbullgard4, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk20:03
NeoMatrixJRwondering if anyone can help me with this one.  I've got a ubuntu server (no gui) that has lost it's IP address if the lease ends and the router's off (power outtage, server on UPS) when the network comes back online it doesn't automatically retrieve an address from DHCP20:03
pelegsolar_george, http://pastebin.com/ePhai5Bh20:03
lietuit worked fine a few hours ago, but after installing and removing ubuntu-sugar-remix and whatever it installed with it, the mouse isn't quite right anymore20:04
Slartjungleberrykid: odd..  I wonder if it might be different for different phones..20:04
niccoliIm trying to run the terminal command "glxinfo |grep vendor" (for video card troubleshooting) but when I try to run it I get the error "X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)20:04
niccoli  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)20:04
niccoli  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)20:04
niccoli  Serial number of failed request:  1420:04
niccoli  Current serial number in output stream:  1420:04
FloodBot4niccoli: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
solar_georgepeleg whoops I mean dmesg | tail20:04
zubin71hey everyone, i have a script i need to run after 40 minutes; could sm1 tell me how i could schedule it(via the command line preferably)20:05
jungleberrykidSlart: this is what I get.... http://imagebin.org/10229920:05
GeekSquidzubin: see man at20:05
jungleberrykidSlart: I've had it working once fine under karmic koala and then never again...20:05
Slartjungleberrykid: that was my screenshot20:05
zubin71GeekSquid, sure, thanks20:05
pelegsolar_george, just as I wrote above: http://pastebin.com/rti9Pspc20:05
jungleberrykidSlart: Take a closer look... http://imagebin.org/10230020:06
Slartjungleberrykid: ah.. seems to be the same except for that "access the internet" bla bla20:07
DanaGE: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-mozilla-daily-ppa-lucid.list20:07
DanaGE: The list of sources could not be read.20:07
DanaGThe sources file has these two lines:20:07
jungleberrykidSlart: yes, exactly and I don't know if I perhaps need to have something installed in order for it to give me that option?20:07
DanaGdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu lucid main20:07
thune3zubin71: poor mans solution: sleep 40m ; your command20:07
DanaGyes, there's a line with just 'n'.20:07
jungleberrykidSlart: are you able to access the command 'pand' from your command line?20:07
zubin71thune3, thankx20:07
JHUnThello all, I'm trying to run a clean install with a RAID striping configuration with 10.4. I seem to be encountering this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/527401 . It says this issue is resolved, but grub-install still fails.20:07
GeekSquidDanaG: remove the N. should fix it20:08
Slartjungleberrykid: nope.. I don't have bluez-compat installed20:08
DanaGyeah, it's weird that it created it, though. =þ20:08
solar_georgepeleg try sudo modprobe dvb-usb-af901520:08
pelegsolar_george, thanks, trying.20:08
jungleberrykidI really do not know where to turn to with this issue now? *groan*20:08
Slartjungleberrykid: I don't think I have any bluetooth specific packages installed except the default ones20:08
pelegsolar_george, reply from dmesg: [178135.653229] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_af901520:09
bullgard4abhi_nav: I did some snooping in http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk. I could not find that it tests a thumb drives's functionality. What do you refer to in particular in its description?20:09
solar_georgepeleg try replugging it maybe20:09
pelegsolar_george, hmm, nothing...20:10
Bragex9why is everything so complicated for a normal user in ubuntu? I want to share some of my home folders. I have managed to do that. But I can only create or delete files in the shared folder. I also want to be able to modify files. But I dont know how.....20:10
abhi_navbullgard4, dont know20:10
pelegsolar_george, I've read about some guys that did this modprobe magic (with various parameters), and it worked. Maybe we should just know which is the specific parameter for my device..?20:10
bullgard4abhi_nav: Right.20:10
JHUnTI take it grub-install is broke in 10.4 for software RAID?20:10
solar_georgepeleg try moving that firmware file from /lib/firmware to /lib/firmware/kernelversion20:10
abhi_navbullgard4, hmm20:11
_KAMI_Cold you help me to optimize my boottime? http://ftp.devall.hu/kami/bootchart/AgentM-lucid-20100622-7.png20:11
solar_georgepeleg are you using usb keyboard or mouse?20:11
pelegsolar_george, no.20:11
lietualso, where do I disable numlock on boot? did that in the bios and ubuntu re-enables it at some point, quite an annoying feature when using a laptop20:12
pelegsolar_george, how do I know which is my current kernelversion? I have two options there. 2.6.32-21-generic and 2.6.32-22-generic20:12
solar_georgepeleg should be the latest or run uname -r20:12
Terminator_whois Terminator20:13
pelegsolar_george, ok, thanks. indeed the latest.20:13
trifolio6hi all,   my debian changed my boot and now i cant start my ubuntu,   is there any manual to be able to start my ubuntu   when i want it?20:13
Oer_KAMI_, nice boottime20:13
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: i suppose you could lose gdm + gnome etc, but it would only shave a few seconds20:14
subuntuhow can i install remote help assistant in the livecd version?20:14
erUSULtrifolio6: add ubuntu to debian maintained grub ?20:14
trifolio6sounds great,  any manual to do that?20:14
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: as well as killing off some daemons20:14
bergLNXhow/where do i install new gtk themes?20:14
pelegsolar_george, weird, now modprobe is not adding this extra line to dmesg anymore.20:14
trifolio6i mean,  any time i upgrade my sistem the grup file is regenerated20:14
erUSULtrifolio6: ask in #debian ?20:14
_KAMI_Oer, It is a bit lot20:15
solar_georgepeleg try sudo rmmod dvb-usb-af901520:15
solar_georgepeleg then sudo modprobe dvb-usb-af9015 again20:15
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: what is your offer?20:15
_KAMI_And which deamons should I stop?20:15
King_ArthurbergLNX http://compiz-themes.org/20:15
=== joachim is now known as Guest34244
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: do you use bluetooth?20:16
=== Terminator_ is now known as Terminator
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: yes I am using with my mobilephone, what is better the original bluetooth manager or blueman?20:16
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: i have no experience with either, do you use sshd? or avahi at all?20:17
pelegsolar_george, ok, I can see the deregistration and the reregistration. after disconnecting+connecting, nothing is new, though.20:18
_KAMI_I am not using Avahi (or does it need for networkmanager nor Wifi, or eth?)20:18
abuayyoubHi, can someone please help me with a problem I am having with a program called NZBget?20:19
pelegsolar_george, by the way, af is for afatech -- and 9015 for what?20:19
solar_georgepeleg ok try sudo rmmod usbhid then replug 9015 is the model number of the chipset20:19
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: no avahi is only used to communicate with other pcs on your network, ie a file server, bonjour(apple's protocol) and similar20:20
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: DO you have experience with ureadahead?20:20
* datacrusher congrats for the 16.20 hour20:20
freerideguys, please tell, where the fonts are located in ubuntu? (not in ~/.fonts)20:20
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:20
erUSULfreeride: /usr/share/fonts/ ?20:20
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: Then I can diable it20:20
pelegsolar_george, Module usbhid does not exist in /proc/modules   --   did you mean dvb-usb-af9015 ?20:20
freerideerUSUL thanks20:21
solar_georgepeleg no i was just checking that usbhid wasn't getting in the way20:21
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: you can disable avahi if you'd like, also note down the changes you are making incase something breaks20:21
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: do you run cron scripts? or ssh from other pcs20:21
_KAMI_I have no cron scripts and I used sshd a time ago20:22
_KAMI_so I can disable it20:22
ManekhuHi kami20:22
_KAMI_Hi Manekhu!20:22
ManekhuWhere u frm dude?20:23
Manekhuwelcome svu20:23
svuManekhu, hello20:23
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: yeah but right now i doubt anything but a few seconds will have gone20:23
_KAMI_I using kernel from kernel ppa20:24
_KAMI_bacause of opensource radeon driver - so I wanted to use ureadahead with this kernel but it is not possible to create pack file for ureadahead20:25
pelegsolar_george, where did you find the model number of the chipset?20:25
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: if ureadahead does nothing you may as well disable it but as i said write/type these changes down20:26
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: the last 5-10 seconds on your bootchart are occuppied by gnome and its extras i suppose you could change to a lighter WM/DE20:26
solar_georgepeleg by looking up the usb vendor id on http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_USB_Devices20:26
pelegsolar_george, I looked there earlier, but I couldn't find KONKA, and there are a couple of afatechs...20:27
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: also the bootchart onl;y meassures grub to login, how long do you think it takes from login to desktop usable?20:28
_KAMI_okay I disabled few daemons20:28
bergLNXhow come cp command wont copy the content of the folder im trying to move?20:28
imanchey folks - does anyone know of a channel that deals with general linux web server admin?20:28
erUSULbergLNX: cp -r for folders20:28
imancor linux server security?20:28
solar_georgepeleg yeah but I looked at the usb vendor id from your lsusb20:28
aeon-ltdbergLNX: you need to use recursive 'cp -r'20:28
miniuser_KAMI_: here's mine: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/3976/ionlucid201006231.png20:28
erUSULimanc: #ubuntu-server ? ##linux ?20:28
bastid_raZorimanc: #httpd20:28
Jordan_UJHUnT: Grub works fine on my raid1, did you make sure to use mdraid metadata format 0.9?20:28
GeekSquidimanc: or #apache20:29
bergLNXerUSUL: that what i did, the folder copied, but not the content20:29
_KAMI_aeon-ltd:  It is long time I have to wait lots of second to appear panels and desktop20:29
=== timmillwood is now known as tim_afk
_KAMI_I autstarted skype an pidgint (ang openoffice quickstarter)20:29
erUSULbergLNX: you did not get any error ?20:29
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: then thats where the real problem is going to be20:29
solar_georgepeleg that should be unique to the chipset unless its a really crappy fake one thats not bothered getting its own id20:29
bergLNXerUSUL: nope...20:29
pelegsolar_george, from here: Bus 001 Device 014: ID 15a4:9035 Afatech Technologies, Inc. ? I see 9035 there :)20:29
erUSULbergLNX: then should have copied everything20:30
erUSULbergLNX: how are you checking if everything is there ?20:30
JHUnTJordan_U: hey thanks for reply. I used disk utility to create the raid. I got an error that mdraid wasn't installed and had to apt-get install. I ran again and it created the raid, but grub doesn't recognize it :(20:30
anUbuntuUserso I just set up a new 10.4 system with a fairly large monitor.  The fullscreen flash performance was actually BETTER with the gpl driver.  How does installing the nvidia drivers make flash performance wors.e?20:30
bergLNX"sudo cp -r /home/martin/Downloads/Striped/ /usr/share/themes/" is what i did, i then found the "Striped" folder where it should be, but its empty...20:30
_KAMI_miniuser: amazing :D20:30
pelegsolar_george, none really fits the table, actually. it should be 15a4:9035.20:30
An_Ony_Moosehow can I restore grub2 onto the MBR from a live CD?20:31
erUSUL!grub2 | An_Ony_Moose20:31
ubottuAn_Ony_Moose: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:31
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: And how can I tweak that?20:31
bergLNXerUSUL: just opening the folder in "explorer"20:31
solar_georgepeleg yeah but you posting that just made be realise id mis-read again (I think i need coffee)20:31
Jordan_UJHUnT: Why aren't you installing via the alternate install CD?20:31
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: reduce login items, like i said earlier use lighter DEs/WMs20:31
erUSULbergLNX: and you are sure /home/martin/Downloads/Striped/ is not empty ?20:31
anUbuntuUserdon't make me install windows media center 2005 again ... please don't make me do that.  99% of the use of this computer will be DVDs and Hulu.com ... even their desktop player is choppy as hell.20:32
solar_georgepeleg however i just found http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Afatech_AF903520:32
bergLNXerUSUL: yeah, but after a "ls" i noticed that the content did indeed copy... its just invisible to me... hm... and the theme aint loading either20:32
JHUnTJordan_U: alternate CD? I'm using the 10.4 Live download from the ubuntu site. Is that the CD you're referring to?20:33
anUbuntuUseri can go to quarter native on the resolution, which will help some (since it is going to be used as a tv it doesn't need hte 1480xwhatever)20:33
pelegsolar_george, so go ahead and have some coffee! :) I appreciate your help. I'll read that page you've sent me in the meanwhile :)20:33
Jordan_UJHUnT: No, the LiveCD installer doesn't support installing to RAID.20:33
Jordan_U!alternate | JHUnT20:33
ubottuJHUnT: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:33
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: after your done tweaking i reccommend a reboot then join this channel again and show me the new bootchart20:33
JHUnTJordan_U: doh!!! Cool, I'll give that a shot :)20:34
solar_georgepeleg too late in the evening here for coffee and beer doesn't improve reading ability20:34
JHUnTJordan_U: thanks!20:34
Jordan_UJHUnT: You're welcome :)20:34
GeekSquidsolar_george: sounds like a catch 22, perhaps water?20:35
pelegsolar_george, indeed :)20:35
anUbuntuUserso, flash is the achillies heel of linux then huh?20:35
miniuser_KAMI_: yes, yes, thank you. i use SSD value model 40 GB. thats what makes the difference20:36
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solar_georgeGeekSquid: maybe hot chocolate20:36
bergLNXis there a way to recursively chmod a folder and all sub folders/files?20:36
miniuser_KAMI_: from intel20:36
GeekSquidanUbuntuUser: no, flash is the achillies heel of the internet, HTML5 is the solution we are waiting for20:36
anUbuntuUserbergLNX, chmod -R someone:somegroup /somefolder20:36
ddrjanyone here have a wusb100v2 card? (i've already looked into the wiki and help files for ubuntu's supported cards)20:36
Jordan_UanUbuntuUser: Yes, you can work around the main use of flash by using totem (the movie player that comes with Ubuntu) or html5 to browse youtube though.20:37
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: should I use XFCE or lighter?20:37
BlaDewhat causes failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-sftp" ?20:37
anUbuntuUserwhat I mean by that is that to do things just like we did on windows we need flash to work full screen.  So I can't switch our livingroom pc over to linux until we can play full screen video in flash20:37
_KAMI_miniuser: Yeah cool, but my laptop is in duty20:38
_KAMI_It has a big hdd in it.20:38
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: I will reboot soon however I have an ongoing copy I would like to finish it20:38
anUbuntuUseryoutube plays fine, hulu is what is going to prevent this project from going forward for another year or two20:38
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: depends how low you want to go, like absolute max speed - no effects+eyecandy etc basic but clean or just lighter than gnome whilst retaining eye-candy20:39
anUbuntuUserthis was supposed to be the intermediate step that would prove to my wife that linux will work fine for her computer too20:39
ddrji have a built in wifi card on my laptop AND a usb wifi card plugged in. is there a way in ubuntu to see which device is connecting to the net ?20:39
_KAMI_until that I am building OxygenOffice on the another computer20:39
kitallisGuys, I installed fglrx and had troubles with splash screen, so I decided to revert them back and remove them + i upgraded kernel from software updates20:39
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: lightest you could get is probably openbox with going into tiling, but xfce is a good choice20:39
kitallisand now it's working very very slow20:39
erUSULddrj: see the routing table ?20:40
kitallismy ubuntu, lucid install that is20:40
virtualgeekhubanUbuntuUser: Yeah i tried converting my gf too she had none of ubuntu lol20:40
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: i'd go with xfce see if you like it20:40
ddrjerUSUL: how do you do that?20:40
GeekSquidanUbuntuUser: I have no trouble with Hulu on my lappy, and it is 4 years old, sometimes the latest and greatest isn't what works the best20:40
_KAMI_aeon-ltd:  I prefer basic and eye candy, however I am using compiz and it seems more responsible in many cases20:40
erUSULddrj: « ip route » ?20:40
Jordan_UanUbuntuUser: You'll be happy to know that while Boxee used to be able to browse Hulu natively, Hulu sued them to remove the feature (even though commercials were still shown, so it was only gaining them revenue)20:40
anUbuntuUserI can't even play a dvd on my laptop ... it's an intel graphics chip with no proprietary driver or anything, about 1 frame per minute with the gpl driver20:40
anUbuntuUseri know about boxee20:41
kitallisthe desktop wasn't even loading, so i decided to supress KMS and now it's barely usable20:41
SlartAnyone know of a mail client thing that can connect to an imap account and do some basic filtering according to some rules.. no gui.. just a daemon.. I don't want to rely on thunderbird to do that20:41
anUbuntuUserlinuxmce kindof embeds hulu too, just uses their binary and then wrote some scripts to interface with it20:41
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: any other possibilities to increase bootspeed?20:41
GeekSquidSlart: Horde will do that20:41
ddrjerUSUL: they're showing me two wlan's, one is wlan1 and another is wlan0, it says default is via wlan020:41
ddrjhow do i found out which wlan is assigned to which device ?20:42
Jordan_UanUbuntuUser: I think that linux just isn't a good choice for your media center yet, but you might ask in #mythtv to see if they know of any Hulu alternatives that work well.20:42
SlartGeekSquid: isn't Horde a webclient thing? or it has some kind of backend?20:42
erUSULddrj: there you go internet is via wlan020:42
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: backgrounding daemons, but i'm not sure how to do that in ubuntu20:42
anUbuntuUserthere is no alternative to hulu that I know of ... it is content not capability that hulu has20:42
anUbuntuUserand unfortunately content is going to determine the OS we use :(20:42
ddrjerUSUL: right but wlan0 is connected via the built in wifi card or the usb wifi card? how do i know?20:42
GeekSquidSlart: it is a webclient, and it has a backend, which will allow filtering/whitelisting/blacklisting20:42
erUSULddrj: lshw -C Network | less20:43
SlartGeekSquid: ah.. I will take a look at Horde then.. thanks for the tip20:43
BlaDewhat causes failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-sftp" ?20:43
malikeye|123any idea why a windows KVM guest is performing like crap on an SSD drive?20:43
GeekSquidSlart: I will tell you it is a B!TC# to setup, you have to install some perl and pecl stuff20:43
aeon-ltdmalikeye|123: whats the cpu + ram like?20:44
malikeye|123aeon-ltd, zero20:44
SlartGeekSquid: sounds like a weekend project then =)20:44
malikeye|123like no CPU usage, no I/O20:44
malikeye|123it just runs dog slow20:44
malikeye|123it's got 2 vCPU's and 1GB of RAM20:44
Jordan_Umalikeye|123: Do other VMs on other drives run well?20:44
malikeye|123it's XP, should be running fast20:44
hotfloppycan someone guide or point me to some nice article regarding how to connect modem huawei e1762 via wvdial or usb_modeswitch.. please.. been searching thru google and tried many tutorial bt still got no succeed.. :(20:44
GeekSquidSlart: Prolly, took me an afternoon the first time20:44
ddrjerUSUL: ah crap, it's using my builtin wifi card (wlan0.. which is faulty), is there a way to assign wlan1 preference over wlan0 ?20:44
malikeye|123nope, single VM20:44
malikeye|123it's on a laptop... a W51020:45
chrijonHi. Should password authentication over SSH work by default on Ubuntu 10.4 server edition?20:45
malikeye|123the laptop is sitting like 80% idle20:45
Jordan_Umalikeye|123: Does "kvm-ok" report that hardware virtualization is available?20:45
malikeye|123it's an i7 chip20:45
GeekSquidchrijon: yes20:45
anUbuntuUserwell, I have to head out.  thanks for the info guys20:45
erUSULddrj: why not use the laptop facilities to just disable the card ( added bonus it want draw power). many laptops have a key combo or switch to disable wifi20:45
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malikeye|123Jordan_U, it says "KVM acceleration can be used"20:45
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malikeye|123so I'm guessing it's not then20:46
ddrjerUSUL: well, i want to disable the built in wireless card in the laptop and only use the usb wifi card, is that possible to do with ubuntu?20:46
malikeye|123I just used the KVM doc on the ubuntu site... I usually use fedora, but this laptop like ubuntu better, so20:46
erUSULddrj: as i said doing that depends on hardware on most laptops20:46
Jordan_Umalikeye|123: No, that means that it is avialable.20:46
KaOSoFtJust a basic question... I have the /var/www/nginx-default/ folder, which comes with owner and group as www-data, the owner can read and write, and the group just read. My question is: MY username, is there a way to let it edit files in that folder? Should I set it as the owner, or as the group with read and write privileges? I don't want other stuff going nuts (like WordPress or Joomla not saving if a setting changes).20:46
malikeye|123Jordan_U, but does it mean it's not enabled?20:46
erUSULddrj: they usually have a button to turn off/on the wifi20:46
SlartGeekSquid: just found something called imapfilter.. seems to be a little more lightweight than horde20:47
ddrjerUSUL: hm... yes, weird part is... when i turn off the wifi button on the laptop, the usb card doesn't work x(20:47
Jordan_Umalikeye|123: No, everything is configured properly.20:47
erUSULddrj: maybe it acts on both...20:47
GeekSquidSlart: hmm, sounds promising20:47
erUSULddrj: try with the rfkill command20:47
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ddrjerUSUL: hmm... yeah... i got an idea tho.. what about disabling it via bios? if that doesn't work, i'll try rfkill20:47
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: I removen slmodem too20:47
erUSULddrj: or blacklist the internal wifi driver20:47
kesroesweythddrj > physically remove the internal card. many laptops have panels that pop off the bottom of the machine to allow easy access to the card20:47
kyngdomhey fellas, if i deleted my linux partition and am seeing grub-service>, am i fairly hosed if i want to set windows as the boot ?20:48
Jordan_Umalikeye|123: Is the IO performance of the ssd (just using it outside the VM) pretty good?20:48
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »20:48
malikeye|123Jordan_U, yes, very20:48
ddrjthanks, checking20:48
erUSULddrj: kesroesweyth suggestion is sound too20:48
malikeye|123the machine is idle, the disk is pretty much idle, no I/O wait...20:48
Jordan_Ukyngdom: You're going to need a LiveCD / USB to recover.20:48
hotfloppysearch usb_modeswitch20:49
malikeye|123actually now there is some I/O wait goin on20:49
GeekSquidddrj: possibly under the keyboard, or behind the screen, depends on the laptop, I can remove my WIfi Card without turning it off, just lift the keyboard and snap20:49
kyngdomof ubuntu im assuming20:49
kesroesweythddrj > note that the interal card is not hot swappable. power the machine off and remove the battery prior to removing the card20:49
hotfloppy!search usb_modeswitch20:49
malikeye|123yeah, 10+ I/O wait now20:49
malikeye|123during an install of some AV20:50
ddrjok let me check20:50
Jordan_Ukyngdom: Any liveCD will do, or Super GRUB Disk.20:50
GeekSquidddrj: kesroesweyth is right, I'd not reccommend removing anything without powering down20:50
jumarHi! After nvidia install the Plymouth is just ugly. Tried all the stuff on the forums, and now i'm using in "quiet" without splash. Anyone has ideas for Nvidia 140nvs?20:50
kyngdomthank you for the help Jordan_U20:50
Ahren_The_MagusI'm running Hardy Heron, and wish to make a Live USB of Lucid for installation on a PC without a working CD-ROM drive.  I have already downloaded the applicable ISO file for a live CD, and have it in my home folder.  I tried following the directions for creation of a Live USB from the Ubuntu website, but I do not have a "Startup Disk Creator" within "System > Administration".  How do I proceed?20:50
kesroesweythddrj > what model is the laptop?20:50
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malikeye|123Ahren_The_Magus, try unetbootin20:50
ddrjkesroesweyth: it's an older lenovo t6120:50
GeekSquidhotfloppy: there is really no easy way to do what you want, usb_modeswitch needs to be run before modprobing the card prior to running wvidal20:51
ddrji have to find the actual model # tho20:51
Ahren_The_Magusmalikeye|123: Where do I download or access "unetbootin"?20:51
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: are you hoping to recover the windows boot loader and wipe ubuntu?20:51
hoei just installed windows 7 into a fresh partition, and am trying to resetup grub to allow me to dual boot windows and ubuntu, but something's wrong and i can't get grub to recognize the original installation20:51
ddrjbut what about turning off the built in wifi card in bios? wouldn't that work?20:51
Jordan_Ukyngdom: You're welcome. Do you want me to tell you how to do it now or should I wait untill you're connected to IRC from the LiveCD?20:51
malikeye|123sudo aptitude install unetbootin ?20:51
jumarAhren, install udb-creator package vis synaptic20:51
Ahren_The_Magusmalikeye|123: Thank you.  I'm still getting used to using the terminal.20:51
kesroesweythddrj > i want to say those were under the keyboard. the bios idea may work if you have that option in the bios at all20:51
jumarsorry... usb-creator20:51
aeon-ltd_KAMI_: wait did you need that for bluetooth?20:51
virtualgeekhubhoe: what does your menu.lst look like?20:51
kesroesweythddrj > only way to know is to try! =)20:51
hoevirtualgeekhub: apparently there isn't one20:52
jumarAhren, type: sudo apt-get install usb-creator in terminal20:52
hotfloppyGeekSquid: doesnt matter either its easy or not.. but could you please lead me to some nice article regarding both of it ? or nice working keyword ?20:52
ddrjkesroesweyth: i am in bios right now, there's an option that says "wirless LAN Radio Frequency" , it's on on right now, turn it to off would disable the wireless card ?20:52
Ahren_The_Magusmalikeye|123: Error> Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "unetbootin"20:52
kyngdomvirtualgeekhub: that was my intention. i had deleted the partition in windows, completely forgetting to deal with grub first. Jordan_U: I am downloading and burning a livecd now. I will do my best to read and fix, but I may need to ask a question later.20:52
hoevirtualgeekhub: sorry trying to reget grub cause it's not on this live cd20:52
guntberthoe: he is probably using grub220:52
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: Trying your command instead.20:52
virtualgeekhubhoe: have you tried booting from live cd and reinstalling grub that way?20:52
hotfloppyGeekSquid: been searching thru google & tried many tutorial but still no luck.. :(20:52
hoeguntbert: how do i set that up? never used it :E20:52
malikeye|123man, this VM is flatlined and it has the whole machine to work with, basically20:53
hoevirtualgeekhub: I'm currently on the live cd trying to figure out how to do it :)20:53
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: Error> E: Couldn't find package usb-creator20:53
kesroesweythddrj > odd that it uses the term 'frequency' to describe the function of that bios option, but seeing as how it is a yes or no question, id go with yes.20:53
Jordan_Uhoe: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?20:53
hoe/dev/sda3:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain20:53
hoe/dev/sda6:Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux20:53
jumarAhren, i'm checking it20:53
ddrjkesroesweyth: thanks, here goes nothing :D20:53
guntbert!grub2 | hoe20:53
ubottuhoe: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:53
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: *nods*20:53
Jordan_Uhoe: Then just "sudo update-grub" (from within the installed system, not a liveCD) should add windows to the menu automagically.20:54
hotfloppyGeekSquid: after editing usb_modeswitch.conf, run it via terminal, got an error bout hex string not valid..20:54
kesroesweythddrj > on the edge of my seat xD20:54
jumarAhren, the new one's name is: usb-creator-gtk20:54
=== highguy is now known as foolguy
jumarso, it's: sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk20:54
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: Error:E: Couldn't find package usb-creator-gtk20:54
GeekSquidhotfloppy: er, um, I don't have a solution for that card, I have only gotten a couple of cards to work, and the wern't Heweii, Got me stumped20:54
kyngdomvirtualgeekhub: I am trying to find every reason to use ubuntu as my primary os, but i need a windows enviornment basically every week day and i've been apprehensive to use a vm20:55
hoeJordan_U: I can't get into the system, only into windows :E20:55
foolguyhey, how do I connect to a windows printer on ubuntu?20:55
D4NG3Ri need help20:55
D4NG3Rim trying to convert a .rpm to .deb20:55
D4NG3Rand i get this20:55
D4NG3Rien -k xchat-2.8.8-0.fc13.x86_64.rpm20:55
D4NG3Rerror: incorrect format: unknown tag20:55
D4NG3RWarning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package xchat: postinst preinst prerm20:55
D4NG3RWarning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.20:55
FloodBot4D4NG3R: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: Keep in mind, I'm running in Hardy right now, to make the Live USB for a Lucid install.20:55
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: what is stopping you from using a virtual machine?20:55
guntbert!rpm | D4NG3R20:55
ubottuD4NG3R: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:55
hotfloppyGeekSquid: oh.. thats okay.. just trying my luck here :)20:56
PirolocitoD4NG3R, xchat has deb bynarys20:56
jumarOh, sorry, Ahren, i misread, i thought you're using Lucid, so i will check a package on the web for you20:56
Jordan_Uhoe: I thought you already had grub installed, to install grub2 from the liveCD follow: grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide20:56
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: *nods* Thank you.20:56
kyngdomvirtualgeekhub: i suppose my biggest concern was a) interactivity with usb ports and other interfaces, and b) the overall performance degredation of running a VM , although that was just something I assumed. I have no real basis to say whether the performance would drop dramatically20:57
jumarAhren_Tha_Magus: follow this link - http://ubuntuliving.blogspot.com/2008/11/usb-creator-for-hardy.html20:57
bullgard4'~$ mkfs -c /dev/sdb1; mke2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010); /dev/sdb1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!'  --  If I unmounted it: '~$ mkfs -c /dev/sdb1; mke2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010); Could not stat /dev/sdb1 --- No such file or directory; The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?' --  What is the correct syntax?20:58
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: Legitimate concerns. Well what does your hardware look like?20:58
kyngdomnot too shabby really, dual-core 2.2GHZ intel, 4 gigs of ram, intel IGP20:58
Ahren_The_Magusjumar: Thank you, loading the page now.20:58
D4NG3Ri get this20:58
D4NG3Rroot@The-CoXiNaToR:/home/the-coxinator/Desktop# alien -k xchat-2.8.8-0.fc13.x86_64.rpm20:58
D4NG3Rerror: incorrect format: unknown tag20:58
D4NG3RWarning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package xchat: postinst preinst prerm20:58
D4NG3RWarning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.20:58
D4NG3RPackage build failed. Here's the log:20:58
FloodBot4D4NG3R: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
notrackinghey mates tell me an MMORPG that will work on ubunt without an emulator and its compatible on my PC: processor 1.8 448 mb RAM. PRIVATE PLS!!!!20:59
unopbullgard4, how did you unmount this device?20:59
ddrjhmm... no internet now after i disabled the onboard wifi card x( even with the usb wifi card plugged in20:59
guntbert!pm | notracking20:59
ubottunotracking: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:59
guntbert!caps | notracking20:59
ubottunotracking: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:59
bullgard4unop: I used Disk Mounter
ubutomddrj, don't know if that has anything to do with it at all, but there are some chips out there that are transmitting bluetooth and w-lan21:00
notrackingso does somebody know a geme?21:00
novastarDoes anyone know the fix to the CUPS not connecting to localhost? i tried rebooting cups, and it worked previously, but not anymore21:00
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: With that hardware you should be able to run a windows environment just fine ;)21:00
miniusernotracking: try this: http://www.nyse.com/21:00
unopbullgard4, chances are, disk mounter also ejects the device after dismounting it..  use the 'umount' command instead - it doesn't do an eject.21:01
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: Virtualized of course...21:01
ddrjubutom: it's kinda weird... if i enable the builtin wifi card and plugin the usb wifi card, i get internet. so then i remove the usb wifi card and network manager says i'm disconnected but then it falls back on the built in laptop wifi card and finds a network to connect to21:01
darkmoon_Anyone from Hong Kong here?21:01
miniuserur welcome : P21:01
ddrjubutom: kinda weird right? i just want it to use the usb wifi card and not the built in one21:01
PiciD4NG3R: Like someone said before, xchat is in the Ubuntu repositories, there is no reason to use alien to try to convert a Fedora rpm into deb to install it.21:01
LA2Ubuntu 10.04 + Firefox + certain images or videos = total mess-up of my screen. To fix it, I have to log out and login again (i.e. restart X windows).21:02
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: This is one of my main motivators for virtualizing most things, it can make things much easier (in some cases!).21:02
jimis daemontools available as a ubuntu package under 9.10?21:02
GeekSquiddarkmoon_: /join #ubuntu-hk21:02
ubutomddrj, would try what the other's suggested, removing the internal one.21:02
darkmoon_Thanks GeekSquid21:02
GeekSquidnotracking: see here http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CB4QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.brighthub.com%2Fvideo-games%2Fmmo%2Farticles%2F20510.aspx&rct=j&q=mmorpg+ubuntu&ei=ohYhTNHZBdCRnwfthoVR&usg=AFQjCNF9Gy1cdhvKnlnN2T5tEEB_vy-hmA&sig2=9j4m6zWqZQtRpVszNtLXAw21:03
ddrjthanks guys, i guess that's my last resort, i'll do that21:03
kyngdomso if i am completely virgin to linux (which i am for all intents and purposes, besides a few installations and abandonments), should i go windows with an ubuntu vm or ubuntu with a windows vm?21:03
TLoFPI need to delete a folder with some million files in it.  rm -r asks me stupid questions like: do you want to descent into xxxx; do you want to delete regular file yyy.  How can I make this quicker?21:03
user01does ubuntu use alt special characters?21:03
PiciTLoFP: use the -f argument as well.21:03
user01alt + 130 = é ?21:03
TLoFPPici: thanks21:04
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user01im trying to figure out where that all came from21:04
ddrjwoahhhhh, everyone who helped me, i am so sorry to have wasted ur time, i just realized whta happened21:04
kyngdomvirtualgeekhub: so if i am completely virgin to linux (which i am for all intents and purposes, besides a few installations and abandonments), should i go windows with an ubuntu vm or ubuntu with a windows vm?21:05
ubutomkyngdom, both works, you can even swap the vms between the oses, have dualboot and created another ubuntu and windows installation in a vm just to mess around and then I used the same two with windows and linux just to mess around too ;D21:05
malikeye|123I think ubuntu is throttling my CPU when this laptop is plugged in21:05
superannuatedgeeI have just installed Ubuntu server.  It of course has a command line interface.  The documentation seems to imply that I can install Gnome  and use it for many tasks.  Is it sufficient to apt-get gnome? Or do I need to install other stuff too?21:05
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: This is of course preference, I personally run Windows in a vm on an Ubuntu host, however I started the other way around.21:06
GeekSquidmalikeye|123: that happens by default21:06
kyngdomwell i certainly appreciate the input from you all21:06
ddrjubuntu was using BOTH the wifi cards to connect to the net, so i went into network manager, and disconnected the network that the built in wifi card was using and only left it connected on the usb wifi card21:06
kyngdomthank you for being so helpful: )21:06
ubutommalikeye|123, you can add cpu frequency applet to the taskbar and set the behaviour21:06
tic^superannuatedgee:  why didn't you just install desktop version to start with?21:07
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: Why don't you run an ubuntu vm from a Windows host first just to get the feel for Ubuntu? Then when your brave you can flip that scenario.21:07
malikeye|123yeah, it's throttling these 1.60GHz down to 900MHz :(21:07
kyngdomi suppose the best thing to do in that case would be to just force myself to work from within that vm21:08
jimis daemontools available as a ubuntu package under 9.10?21:08
ubutommalikeye|123, HAve a dualcore here and added two applets, chose on one cpu0 on the other cpu1 and can also set the mode with a click on it21:08
GeekSquidjim: should be21:08
malikeye|123ubutom, which app is that?21:08
durtjim, check out packages.ubuntu.com21:08
malikeye|123the XFCE one doesn't control it21:08
guntbertjim: why would you need them?21:09
superannuatedgeeMostly I was assuming that there is a reason why there exsists a server version.  Also, I need the server functionality.  I don't need to be able to manage my photo collection.21:09
guntbert!iso | jim21:09
ubottujim: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:09
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: If your going to be going that route whats our next move?21:09
ubutommalikeye|123, right click the upper taskbar and choose add to panel21:09
kyngdomwell at this point im burning a livecd to repair grub21:09
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GeekSquidsuperannuatedgee: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will install everyting you need for a desktop install with gnome21:10
jimwhy? mainly because openacs and daemontools seem to get along well21:10
kyngdomonce that's done, i will create a new vm and install 10.0421:10
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ubutommalikeye|123, then go down until you see something like monitor cpu-frequency, have another locale than english here, so it can be named otherwise :)21:10
malikeye|123ubutom, I'm using XFCE and that XFCE one doesn't actually control it... are you using gnome?21:10
tic^yes you can install gnome-desktop to the server edition, but your defeating the purpose of the server with teh overhead of the desktop software.21:10
DittersdorfHi people. Does anyone having any trouble with Nautilus after the last update? (10.04)21:10
krautwhy is nautilus able to follow symlinks on smbfs and the bash not?21:10
ubutommalikeye|123, yeah, I use gnome21:10
malikeye|123so what is the gnome-app called :)21:10
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: That's cool, don't worry we were ALL new to Ubuntu once too, now it's second nature ;)21:10
kyngdomi have often considered switching my server 08 machine to ubuntu server as well, to assuage my piracy concerns21:11
kyngdombut i figured that was a bit too heavyhanded for a first proecjt21:11
ubutommalikeye|123, hhhm, good question :)21:11
guntbertjim: handling an iso is much simpler here - see the hint from ubottu above21:11
malikeye|123ubutom, right click it and hit "About"21:11
bullgard4unop: Now: '~$ sudo mkfs -c /dev/sdb1; Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done; Writing inode tables: done; Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done; This filesystem will be automatically checked every 38 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.' -- Is this a effective test for a thumb drive? Or do you recommend another one?21:11
tic^superannuatedgee: why not install gnome-desktop and install only the services you need from there? unless you install all the server services.21:12
ubutommalikeye|123, as I said, using another language than english :(21:12
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: Yeah maybe that can be your crowning achievement once you get the hand of Ubuntu.21:12
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: *hang21:12
unopbullgard4, i would say this is enough - it doesn't seem to have found anything wrong with the filesystem.21:12
bullgard4unop: Thank you very much for your excellent help.21:13
ubutommalikeye|123, think cpufreq-applet, thats at least what appears as task21:13
virtualgeekhubkyngdom: Funny though, I just switched from Server 08, I migrated my web site to Ubuntu (Apache), for the same concerns you have, Piracy...21:14
unopkraut, what does the symlink point to??21:14
superannuatedgeeI certainly could have started with Desktop, but I really would be happier if I could simply fire up the desktop when I wished to interact with stuff and then quit it when I was finished.  I gather this is an idea born of naivite21:14
unopkraut,  readlink -f your_link21:14
krautunop: to /home/temp21:14
malikeye|123not seeing that package... but looking at the forums21:14
kyngdomvirtualgeekhub: im trying to be as legit as possible and the only real sore thumb sticking out in my entire lan seems to be my server21:14
unopkraut, ok, so what makes you think bash is unable to deal with it?21:14
GeekSquidsuperannuatedgee: learn to interact with command line, not much you cannot do21:15
kyngdomand im not going to pay 1200 bucks just to have active directory21:15
Dittersdorfhi. My nautilus is starting with 170 mb memory (in a new session). It used to start with 70mb. Is that ordinary?21:15
kyngdomhell i won't even get a technet subscription just for that21:15
ubutommalikeye|123, yeah, confirmed, I killed it to try and the applets disappeared :)21:15
kyngdomwell, obviously there are a few other good things about a server, but the point is still that i won't buy it21:15
krautunop: /home/temp is not within the cifs share21:15
tic^like i said, you can install gnome desktop on the server edition, but you may not get the performance you exspect because the cup's will be watching for service calls for the desktop while watching for calls for the server.21:16
tic^superannuatedgee: cpu's21:16
unopkraut, where on the filesystem does this link exist?  or does it not exist at all and this is a samba user home directory share?21:17
virtualgeekhubYeah Active Directory is a bit pricey, then you need CAL's, all kinds of money spent.21:17
virtualgeekhublol I keep hitting Shift + Page Up, to scroll the chat windows up, habits die hard...21:18
Dittersdorfhi. My nautilus is starting with 170 mb memory (in a new session). It used to start with 70mb. Is that ordinary?21:18
malikeye|123ubutom, can you do this? dpkg --search cpufreq-applet21:19
ubutomDittersdorf, mine sleeps and has 23MB right now21:19
ubutommalikeye|123, did it already, didn'T come up with a result21:19
malikeye|123fully qualify the path?21:20
Dittersdorfubuntom - it started after I updated the system this morning. where should I report it?21:20
solar_georgedoes anyone around here know which of full encryption of a /home partition using luks or home directory encryption with ecryptfs has the best performance / is most robust?21:20
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ubutomoh, ok malikeye|123 , I just used aptitude search, actually it returns many stuff ;)21:20
ubutommalikeye|123, gonna pastebin it21:21
malikeye|123I didn't see anything in aptitude21:21
superannuatedgeeIs there a way to arrange that Empathy only displays people's message, not their comings and goings?21:22
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stephen_Guys i need help21:23
ubutommalikeye|123, http://pastebin.com/ZRYUdTd421:23
stephen_My splash screen resolution is off, how do i fix that?21:23
MTecknologyI'm about to have a package built in LP - I made some changes that could potentially break things. So I'm wondering- how can I roll back the update if it does break things?21:23
ubutomDittersdorf, have you rebooted since the update?21:24
stephen_wait nvm21:24
apersonhow would I go about switching my laptop's function and menu keys?21:24
malikeye|123looks like gnome-applets it is21:24
tsimpsonMTecknology: sudo apt-get install package=other_version21:24
Dittersdorfubutum - ofcourse21:24
MTecknologytsimpson: thanks21:24
stephen_Anyone know how to fix the splash screen resolution?21:24
kyngdomJordan_U: i booted into a livecd of ubuntu and i am now trying to thumb through for some sort of grub repair21:24
Dittersdorfubutum - of course21:25
ubutommalikeye|123, will probably load also some other dependencies of gnome21:25
malikeye|123yeah, just a few ;)21:25
ubutomDittersdorf, well, no idea..21:25
hmca_greetings all21:25
crazycooldoes ubuntu have program like lingvo tutor?21:26
stephen_Looking for help, PM me if you know about splash screens21:26
hmca_undelete one file on ext3fs ? help.....21:26
bastid_raZor!splash | stephen_21:26
ubottustephen_: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.21:26
_KAMI_aeon-ltd: ftp://ftp.devall.hu/kami/bootchart/AgentM-lucid-20100622-8.png21:26
ubutommalikeye|123, well, it's also with some nice KDE stuff, I really liked kate and sometimes installed it, and this pulled some kde-packages as well ;)21:26
Jordan_Ukyngdom: Are you planning to just boot windows?21:26
kyngdomthat was my intention21:27
jiffeis there a quick way of replacing lines with a specific string with another string in a file?21:27
ubutom!undelete | hmca_21:27
ubottuhmca_: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel21:27
ddrjhow do i find the name of the driver for a built in wifi card that i want to blacklist?21:27
Jordan_Ukyngdom: Then you might as well just install a microsoft style mbr rather than trying to use grub.21:27
jiffeperl -pi -e with regex would be my normal method but the string can contain logs of special characters21:28
durtcrazycool, you can use synaptic package manager or packages.ubuntu.com to search all the package descriptions available in the official repositories.21:28
Jordan_Ukyngdom: "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda" (if your drive is /dev/sda)21:28
bergLNXhow can i change the permission of all sub files and folders in a folder? im trying to install gtk themes here, but every time i copy folders the appear empty even though theyre not...21:28
kyngdomJordan_U: i tried fixing my mbr with bootsect before i started attacking the grub fix of this21:28
kyngdomwell i'll be21:28
bastid_raZorbergLNX: chmod -r 000 folder21:28
kyngdomi didn't expect a get command to be the fix here21:28
Dittersdorflag check21:29
stephen_Looking for help with splash screen PM me please21:29
bastid_raZorstephen_: that link didn't help?21:29
stephen_Mabey im calling it the wrong thing21:29
stephen_By splash screen i am talking about the purple screen with ubuntu logo and dots21:30
bergLNXbastid_raZor: hmmm, 000?21:30
stephen_it seems to be the wrong resolution21:30
bastid_raZorbergLNX: 000 being what you need to change. the actual permissions21:30
malikeye|123damn it, still didn't provide that binary21:30
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BlaDewhat causes failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-sftp" ?21:31
BlaDei have the latest version of gvfs installed21:31
guntbertGuest89947: don't do irc as root - don't do normal work as root21:31
ubutommalikeye|123, mabye this can help http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-xfapplet-plugin21:32
=== Hering_ is now known as broy---
bergLNXbastid_raZor: hm, used to using other options, like +r +x etc... what options should i use if i want "read" for the files/folders?21:32
malikeye|123yeah, I've seen that before21:32
malikeye|123the XFCE applet that just displays stff says the CPU's are maxed now21:32
erickHello from Mexico, Idk if anyone can help me, I use Ubuntu 10.04 and when I right clic on a ISO file it does not show the write to disk21:33
bastid_raZorbergLNX: you can use +r and the like. same difference21:33
kyngdomJordan_U: the apt-get definitely installed something, and i didn't see any errors, but i still have grub rescue>21:33
Jordan_Ukyngdom: Did you run "sudo install-mbr /dev/sda"?21:33
kyngdomJordan_U: i did, except that i ran it for sda121:34
erickI cant burn ISO images. HELP?21:34
malikeye|123there we go, now I see it :)21:34
ubutom:D malikeye|12321:34
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Jordan_Ukyngdom: That was the wrong thing to do, now your windows partition boot sector will need to be recovered as well.21:34
obscurant1stwhen i try to transfer music to ipod using rythmbox http://pastebin.com/rxW30BHh this messgae comes, can somebody pls help?21:34
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bergLNXbastid_raZor: yeah? but whouldnt -r then be understood as "remove read"? cause i get "chmod: cannot access `+r': No such file or directory" when running "sudo chmod -r +r /home/martin/.themes/Zuki/"...21:35
stephennLooking for help fixing purple screen with dots resolution21:35
unopbergLNX,  that command doesn't make sense :)21:35
ofixcompcan anyone help me please, I CAN nOT burn Iso Images21:35
KaOSoFtJust a basic question... I have the /var/www/nginx-default/ folder, which comes with owner and group as www-data, the owner can read and write, and the group just read. My question is: MY username, is there a way to let it edit files in that folder? Should I set it as the owner, or as the group with read and write privileges? I don't want other stuff going nuts (like WordPress or Joomla not saving if a setting changes).21:35
kyngdomim sorry. i read your instructions wrong21:35
unopbergLNX,  either use +r   or  use -r  - not both at the same time, that's meaningless.21:36
bergLNXunop: indeed, thats why i cant make any sense of this myself21:36
malikeye|123seems to be faster now21:36
kyngdomi'll install it again, but on the sda21:36
bergLNXi need it to be recursive21:36
bastid_raZorbergLNX: you need to prepend -r with who gets -r .. like o-r  meaning owner -read21:36
kyngdomthen i'll fix the windows mbr next21:36
unopbergLNX, maybe you meant to use -R ?21:36
ubutomofixcomp, what program, what media, any errors being reported?21:36
malikeye|123friggen awesome21:36
Jordan_Ukyngdom: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector will tell you how to restore your windows partition boot sector (which has now likely been overwritten).21:37
malikeye|123thanks for bouncing ides ubutom21:37
SuperLagAre there any Ubuntu LiveCD-type tools that will let you do a virus scan on a Windows box?21:37
ofixcompubuton When I righ click the image I dont see any WRITE TO DISK message21:37
ubutommalikeye|123, you can set it to powersave or performance and so on, neat :)21:37
kyngdomthank you very much Jordan_U21:37
ubutommalikeye|123, np21:37
malikeye|123yeah, it s neat21:37
SuperLagI know Knoppix and other distros have them... but I'm wondering about Ubuntu.21:37
Jordan_Ukyngdom: You're welcome.21:37
ofixcompubutom When I righ click the image I dont see any WRITE TO DISK message21:37
bergLNXbastid_raZor: but... hm... let me try21:37
bastid_raZorbergLNX: reading the manpage on chmod -R is intended for recursive21:37
ubutomofixcomp, you might wanna try opening brasero21:37
obscurant1stwhen i try to transfer music to ipod using rythmbox http://pastebin.com/rxW30BHh this messgae comes, can somebody pls help?21:38
ofixcompubutom Brasero has plugin bugs reporter, I installed it and it displays an error when trying to burn any ISO21:38
bergLNXbastid_raZor: right, that worked... but I still cant see the content of the folder =/21:38
ubutomofixcomp, and that error is?21:38
unopbergLNX, you need +X too21:39
unopbergLNX,  chmod -R u+X your_dir/21:39
bastid_raZorbergLNX: only the folder itself needs +x the entire contents do not.21:40
bergLNXunop: ooooh21:40
unopbastid_raZor, +X sorts that out.21:40
bergLNXah, its working now :) many thanks21:40
ofixcompubutom thanks dude. I uninstalled and installed brasero21:40
ubutomofixcomp, works now?21:40
bastid_raZorunop: gotcha, did not know the case would mean just the folders21:40
ofixcompubutom seems to..21:40
ubutomnice ofixcomp21:40
ofixcomphow can I restore the Volume option on the panel?21:41
ofixcompI removed it and now cant put it back :S21:41
unopbastid_raZor, it's documented in the chmod info page -- i think this is a GNU thing only.21:41
durtofixcomp, it's part of indicator applet21:42
DeadmanIncJSi'm having some issues with my laptop.  two different times in two days it has frozen21:42
DeadmanIncJSany idea why?  i'm thinking temperature myself21:42
ofixcompdurt thanks man would not done it without you21:42
wizard_2010hello all has anyone tried installing itunes on ubuntu 10.4 using wine ?21:42
wizard_2010will it work21:42
DeadmanIncJSyou'd need "Wine" probably21:42
abetterswordfishDoes anyone know how to change the resolution of the startup screen that is purple with white/orange dots?21:43
malikeye|123beer > wine21:43
wizard_2010DeadmanIncJS, I have wine21:43
durtwizard_2010, you can check the success rate of using specific windows apps on wine's website.21:43
krzysztofWie ktoś może jak zmienić rozdzielczość bo maxymalnie mam 800x600 w edycji :(21:43
wizard_2010durt, can you provide that place21:44
abetterswordfishDoes anyone know how to change the resolution of the start-up screen that is purple with white/orange dots?21:44
DeadmanIncJSthen you should be able to install iTunes21:44
wizard_2010durt, please*21:44
durt!pl | krzysztof21:44
ubottukrzysztof: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:44
zagabarHow come that my terminal shows the windows behind it when I set it to transparent? sometimes it just views the desktop image. That is what I want. How can I fix this?21:44
krzysztofubottu dzięki za info21:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:44
abetterswordfishDoes anyone know how to change the resolution of the start-up screen that is purple with white/orange dots? Please Halp21:45
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org wizard_2010  help in #winehq21:45
durtwizard_2010, um, http isn't working here, but I think it's winehq.org or something similar.21:45
DeadmanIncJSany ideas on why my laptop keeps freezing on me?21:45
wizard_2010durt, thanks for that21:45
durtwizard_2010, just google wine app database21:45
ruelleI created a ap with lubuntu and it start automatic with auto login21:46
ruellebut it set to the first channel21:46
wizard_2010durt, going to test it myself with out the check, going to chmod the exe file it wont do anything if it doesnt work I can always uninstall it wont mess my ubuntu up will it21:47
HotTunaGetting terrible LAN transfer speeds in 10.04, forced autonegotiation of 100mb/s but getting 1.5mb/sec.........21:47
VCooliozagabar: that's the difference between real and fake transparancy; fake transparancy draws the background picture behind the window; when compositing is off, it'll do that I suppose; what terminal are we talking about?21:47
ruellehow can I set the channel with network manager ?21:47
DrGrovHotTuna: how fast connection do you have?21:47
HotTunaDrGrov, its a lan...21:47
DrGrovHotTuna: oh sorry, did not see the first part.21:47
Aluminok so, I just installed 10.04 and I'm now attempting to updated my GRUB configuration to boot another OS, and it's...erm...a bit different21:47
durtwizard_2010, I'm not a wine expert, but it should install to wine's dir. and not really see ubuntu's stuff.21:48
Aluminused to be it was adjusting some comments in menu.lst, add a new stanza, and run "update-grub"21:48
wizard_2010ok cheers21:48
wizard_2010durt, ok cheers thanks21:48
bazhang!grub2 | Alumin this may help21:48
ubottuAlumin this may help: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:48
hiexpoHotTuna,  _ hello21:48
DrGrovHow can I enable real time transparency in 10.04? Windows and the whole thing21:48
AluminI've edited /etc/grub.d/40_custom but I have nfi how to apply the changes :)21:48
sebsebsebDrGrov: uhmm21:49
Aluminbazhang: thanks, will check that out21:49
zagabarVCoolio: the standard ubuntu terminal in 10.04. I want the fake transparency21:49
ruellehello folks!! how can I set the channel with network manager?21:49
grusumDeadmanIncJS, boot using a LiveCD, see if it still freezes21:49
sebsebsebDrGrov: there was going to be a transparant feature, but thats been delayed untill 10.1021:49
DrGrovsebsebseb: my specs will handle it perfectly. damn it21:49
DeadmanIncJSnever thought of that grusum21:49
DrGrovsebsebseb: so i need to wait until 10.10 to get some real time transparency? not cool, not cool at all21:49
DeadmanIncJSis there a log that is always going that i could proably post to somebody?21:49
HotTunahiexpo, ;\21:49
grusumDeadmanIncJS, that's prob why u asked :-P21:50
sebsebsebDrGrov: you mean the RGB or whatever it was called thing yeah?21:50
hiexpogrusum,  what do u mean set the channel ?21:50
HotTunahiexpo, can I talk to you in PM sir.21:50
DrGrovsebsebseb: yes, something like that. i want real god damn transparency without any pseudo transparency. my specs can handle it.21:50
zagabarI know I had fake transparency yesterday in 10.04 before I formated and reinstalled it. :S But now it is real transparency. :/21:50
DrGrovsebsebseb: but not a problem, will wait for 10.10 then :)21:50
sebsebseb!language | DrGrov21:50
ubottuDrGrov: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:50
sebsebsebDrGrov: yeah except21:50
sebsebsebDrGrov: whatever 10.10 has for this will probably be quite basic21:50
DrGrovsebsebseb: needed to remind me of a "g... dam..." ? lol21:51
sebsebsebDrGrov:  anyway in the mean time, you can make your panels transparant21:51
xav0989e #chat21:51
DrGrovsebsebseb: yes, that is good idea. panels as transparent will be useful.21:51
sebsebsebDrGrov: and with the default theme, the terminal has a transparant effect as well21:51
zagabarOh, lol solved my problem. Turning off the visual effects made it fake transparent.21:51
DrGrovsebsebseb: i set the transparency on the terminal already.21:51
sebsebsebDrGrov: if you make the panels big,  with transparant effect, that can be fun, since then you can see through to the background21:51
DrGrovzagabar: how did you get "real" transparency?21:51
zagabarDrGrov: I had visual effects set to medium.21:52
sebsebsebDrGrov: and you can put one on the left and right even  just for this, but auto hide, or they take up way to much space21:52
zagabarI saw all windows behind it and all. Very annoying and bloated. X)21:52
sebsebsebDrGrov: and Compiz has transparant effects I think21:52
DrGrovzagabar: i put the visual effects to maximum :)21:53
qwiksilver711what is the command in terminal when i'm in a folder to see what other stuff is in it... like if i'm in /home, how do i see what all is in /home?21:53
DrGrovzagabar: i do not have any problems with specs ;)21:53
ruellehello folks!! how can I set the channel with network manager in adhoc mode?21:53
wizard_2010how do I use the chmod +x command to change an exe to install via wine i forget lol21:53
DrGrovsebsebseb: sure, i can try that out. it seems like the transparency is rather good but icons really need to be bigger.21:53
unopqwiksilver711, ls21:54
qwiksilver711thanks unop21:54
tic^!ls | qwiksilver71121:54
ubottuqwiksilver711: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:54
newklear| last said "[]nertia: may I speak with you in a pm " 2days 19hrs 46secs ago21:54
DrGrovsebsebseb: compiz was actually quite good as well. did not find though the transparency settings i was looking for though.21:54
sebsebsebDrGrov: I don't tend to use Compiz, but I think it can do it21:54
sebsebsebDrGrov: may need the advanced settings manager21:54
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:55
codeyman1clicking on links in evolution opens up ff.. but my default browser is chrome21:55
DrGrovsebsebseb: i think my specs would be able to handle full transparency all the way around. not sure too21:55
qwiksilver711why then when i try to go to /home/qwiksilver711 it keeps saying no such file? its there, ls says it is21:55
codeyman1how can I fix this?21:55
DrGrovsebsebseb: thanks for your kind help :)21:55
VCoolioDrGrov: if you want transparant window, look into murrine gtk engine, it has rgba support; http://janhouse.deviantart.com/art/Gnome-quot-Aero-look-quot-tutorial-14226595121:55
codeyman1clicking on links in evolution opens up ff.. but my default browser is chrome. How can I fix this?21:55
unopqwiksilver711, make sure you have the case right.  i.e. qwiksilver711 is not the same as Qwiksilver711 or qwikSilver711 for e.g.21:56
unopqwiksilver711, also, you can use tab to correctly complete the filename for you. i.e.  ls qw<Press_TAB_now>21:56
MisantropoI have no sound in flash videos21:57
wizard_2010how do I use the chmod +x command to change an exe to install via wine i forget lol21:57
Misantropoi'm using ubuntu lucid 64 bit21:57
qwiksilver711hmm, thats wierd, trying cd /home/qwiksilver711/Downloads does not work, but cd ~/Downloads did21:57
wizard_2010Misantropo, have you sound at all21:57
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.21:57
unopqwiksilver711, what does this command give you?   echo $HOME21:57
Misantropowizard_2010, no sound at all21:58
Misantropowizard_2010, not in flash, but in ubuntu i do have sound21:58
tic^qwiksilver711: because you are already in your home folder21:58
wizard_2010Misantropo, then its the driver for your sound card not flash21:58
unopqwiksilver711, exactly like that?21:58
qwiksilver711yes sir21:58
wizard_2010how do I use the chmod +x command to change an exe to install via wine i forget lol21:58
_jesse_wizard_2010: you got it :P chmod +x file21:59
tic^!chmod | wizard_201021:59
ubottuwizard_2010: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:59
unopqwiksilver711, odd21:59
ubutomtic^, that should work as well if he is in his home folder21:59
wizard_2010_jesse_, does not seem to work I dont see and different output of nothing works ?22:00
qwiksilver711what does tar xf alsa-driver mean?22:00
_jesse_wizard_2010: there shouldn't be any output from chmod, you can do an ls -l to see the permissions22:00
unopqwiksilver711, it untars a tar archive - probably named alsa-driver.tar22:00
Aluminthanks bazhang, that page resolved my issue22:00
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:00
wizard_2010_jesse_, I want to install itunes via wine on 10.4 via wine but the file is a exe need to chmod it ?22:01
_jesse_wizard_2010: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine22:01
Jordan_Uwizard_2010: Why do you want itunes?22:01
ubutomwizard_2010, wine itunes.exe22:01
qwiksilver711so then to install the driver i need to go into that alsa file right22:01
_jesse_wizard_2010: you don't need to chmod22:01
_jesse_wizard_2010: you can if you want and then set the default program for .exe's to wine, but it isn't necessary22:01
wizard_2010Jordan_U, Because i need to backup my iphone cause I am getting new iphone 422:02
wizard_2010it wont connect to the itunes store on my crap win 7 machine to backup22:02
opnethey maybe someone here can help me, I was using zsnes before then I installed fbsd now I reinstalled ubuntu but for some reason now the zsnes sound is really choppy22:02
opnetany ideas?22:02
DeadmanIncJSDroid > iPhone22:03
Jordan_Uwizard_2010: Rhythmbox (which comes with Ubuntu by default) should be able to sync at least your music (it may also sync apps and other things, I don't have personal experience with it though)22:03
wizard_2010Jordan_U, apps are most important thing dont want to lost it :)22:03
kantokaAnyone else who is having problems with frequently crashing Evolution?22:04
DeadmanIncJSno, just my computer locking up22:04
quesotrism: thank you22:04
qwiksilver711yeah, evolution crashed, and we ended up human22:05
DaekdroomJordan_U, I don't think it can sync apps..22:05
qwiksilver711instead of superheros22:05
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:05
kesroesweythxD @ qwiksilver71122:05
sontekIs there a tool that will rip music from an iphone?22:05
xteejxHi all, anyone know anything about the progress of bug 46141922:06
sontekI have some music I want to get from a friend22:06
kantokaEvolution is a disaster in 10.04... Worked somehow in 9.10 with only hangups during mail fetching sometimes.22:06
qwiksilver711really, kantoka, i have no problems at all with evolution22:06
kantokaI'm using Geforce 8800GT22:07
qwiksilver711i had to to a little tweaking, but i got it to work, even when using ubuntu 10.4 the wubi way22:07
wizard_2010anyone tell me a command to run a itunes.exe file via terminal22:07
kantoka8 GB RAM, 64 bit22:07
wizard_2010f-ing wine wont do it im going to cry lol22:07
_jesse_wizard_2010: someone else already said it, but it's 'wine itunes.exe'22:07
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xteejx!wine | wizard_201022:07
ubottuwizard_2010: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:07
Daekdroom!language | wizard_201022:07
ubottuwizard_2010: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:07
bazhangwizard_2010, wine help in #winehq22:08
xteejxI think ubotu just explained everything22:08
opnethey maybe someone here can help me, I was using zsnes before then I installed fbsd now I reinstalled ubuntu but for some reason now the zsnes sound is really choppy22:08
opnetany ideas?22:08
kesroesweythitunes runs poorly under wine, that has always been my experience anyhow22:08
wizard_2010ubottu, sorry for that that way i never put the full thing ill google22:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:08
_jesse_wizard_2010: Wine isn't perfect, so it may be that iTunes doesn't work very well with it, other people seem to feel that way on the interwebs22:09
bazhangwizard_2010, /join #winehq22:09
kantokaubottu is a love bot? :)22:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
eroomydnais there a way of performing a multithreaded file copy in linux?22:09
kesroesweythclosing time, not getting paid to talk to you folks any longer22:10
pehdenhow do i connect to a custom irc server22:10
kesroesweythsee ya22:10
Slarteroomydna: usually you're limited by io, not cpu... but give rsync a try.. perhaps it can do it22:10
xteejx+1 on rsync22:10
eroomydnais there a way of performing a multithreaded file copy in linux?22:10
panfistare there any other open imap web servers than SquirrelMail?22:10
xteejxpanfist: Mercury?22:11
eroomydnasorry, didn't mean to spam, wasn't sure my message was posted22:11
pehdenpanfist yes there is dovecot22:11
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kantokaeroomydna: cubemail22:11
panfistdovecot is just the backend, right? i'm looking for a web interface22:11
pehdenpanfist: rouundcube22:11
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pehdenpanfist: roundcube22:12
kantokapehden: yepp! That's the name.22:12
pehdeni use it lol22:12
ajhwolffor some reason when using iso's all the file names change to have ;1 at the endd of them22:12
pehdenits quicker to set up22:12
opnethey maybe someone here can help me, I was using zsnes before then I installed fbsd now I reinstalled ubuntu but for some reason now the zsnes sound is really choppy22:12
opnetany ideas?22:13
kantokapehden: Roundcube looks quit nice. Rather professional design.22:13
pehdenkantoka: i agree22:13
pehdenkantoka: it is really quick to22:13
panfisti'm setting up email services on a small private network, and i was wondering if i should choose to support roundcube or evolution for the users22:14
pehdeni set up an IRC server but how do i connect to it?22:14
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:14
_jesse_opnet: you could check the usual sounds stuff, but there is a #zsnes channel that might be more helpful with specifics22:14
Misantropowizard_2010, thank you very much. It was the sound config.22:15
opnetthanks _jesse_22:15
mcdudei tried to resume from hibernation. because swap was encrypted, and is still holding the suspend image, it won't mount22:15
pehdenim using xchat gnome22:15
mcdudei can't mount swap to remove the image22:15
mcdudewhat can i do?22:15
kantokaOoops... Eric got an anal probe...! :)22:15
wizard_2010Misantropo, no problem glad you got it sorted no anything about wine i tried to install itunessetup.exe via terminal never worked22:15
_jesse_!sound > opnet22:16
xteejx!language | kantoka22:16
ubottukantoka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:16
wizard_2010Trying to load PE image for unsupported architecture (AMD-64)22:17
wizard_2010err:process:create_process starting 64-bit process L"C:\\windows\\system32\\itunes64setup.exe" not supported on this platform22:17
wizard_2010wine: Bad EXE format for C:\windows\system32\itunes64setup.exe22:17
Jordan_Uwizard_2010: Use the 32 bit binary instead.22:17
_jesse_wizard_2010: try the 32 bit itunes22:17
wizard_2010_jesse_, trying that now thanks22:18
wizard_2010Jordan_U, trying thanks22:18
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:19
ddrjhi all got a question, when i plug in my usb wifi card, it will connect to the internet fine, but when i have my usb card already plugged in AND THEN START ubuntu, it doesn't connect to the internet... is this because the drivers are not started when ubuntu starts up?22:20
wizard_2010Itunes seems to be installing via wine lets hope I can get my things backed up for the new iphone 4 thanks for the help everyone learned something new about wine via terminal22:23
ddrjhi, just wondering anyone get my  msg about the wifi card? i can't tell if i'm losing inet atm or not x(22:24
wizard_2010have to update my notes with that wine command via terminal in case I forget again22:24
wizard_2010ddrj, yes what card you running22:24
ddrji am running a linksys wusb100 ver 222:25
ddrjlinksys / cisco22:25
wizard_2010ddrj, what is your issue22:25
wizard_2010ddrj, can you connect to the internet using wireless ?22:25
ddrjyes but22:25
ddrjwhen i plug in my wifi card (with ubuntu already loaded), it connects to the net, however22:25
ddrjwhen i put my usb wifi card in first and THEN start up ubuntu, it doesn't connect to the internet22:26
ddrjis that because the driver isn't loaded when ubuntu starts?22:26
wizard_2010ddrj, could be22:26
Jordan_Uddrj: Could you file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug linux"?22:26
wizard_2010ddrj, might be plug and play there fore it wont load to you plug it in after ubuntu loads22:27
ddrjhmm.. Jordan_U , i would but only if i can't fix this myself first with #ubuntu help :X22:27
wizard_2010ddrj, I only start using this 10.4 a few days back now22:27
ddrjwizard_2010, ahhh ok, it's not a big issue or anything so i guess i'll just plug it in after ubuntu starts22:28
Jordan_Uddrj: You should report it even if you do get help. That way in the future other users may be spared the trouble if the bug gets properly fixed :)22:28
wizard_2010can someone help itunes stopped this is the message from terminal22:28
wizard_2010err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding22:28
wizard_2010err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding22:28
FloodBot4wizard_2010: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
tripelbin Movie Player: big letters on top of video -> which plays<--: Codec Error, use Windows Media Player.  And then: Aborting Video, Redirecting to Microsoft codec download page. Then it shuts off.22:29
ddrjJordan_U, u're right, i will do that actually, i already had a lot of trouble setting the usb wifi card to work in the first place lol22:29
ddrjwizard_2010,  i would help you but i don't h ave itunes unfortunately, maybe someone else can help x(22:30
ajhwolfI  extracted a .iso file and all the file names now end in ;1 for some reason, it appears that way when looking inside of the ISO as well22:30
wizard_2010looks like i need framework 2 can someone confirm please22:30
Jordan_Uajhwolf: How did you mount the iso?22:30
zagabarWhy is the proprietary driver for the gpu gone in ubuntu 10.04 in the hardware drivers dialogue? I have an ati mobility radeon x60022:30
zagabarI tried to find proprietary drivers online, but I failed to find any. Are these gone now?22:30
tripelbVLC could not read the file. I havent had any trouble with movies before. It is an avi file22:30
xteejx!fglrx | zagabar22:30
ubottuzagabar: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:30
ajhwolfJordan_U, I didn't mount it, I just extracted it22:30
tripelbin Movie Player: big letters on top of video -> which plays<--: Codec Error, use Windows Media Player.  And then: Aborting Video, Redirecting to Microsoft codec download page. Then it shuts off.   ---  VLC could not read the file. I havent had any trouble with movies before. It is an avi file22:31
Jordan_Uajhwolf: With what application?22:31
ajhwolfJordan_U, archive manager22:31
Slartajhwolf: I think that extra ;1 is something coming from the iso format.. I can't really remember but it has some significance for the cd file system.. that the extractor didn't remove might be a feature or a bug.. hard to tell.. try mounting it instead.. then you'll get proper filenames22:32
bobgi installed pre-release lucid. Will "apt-get upgrade" get me the equivalent to the release version, or should I reinstall?22:33
Slartbobg: you'll get the real version when you update22:34
Jordan_Uajhwolf: For whatever reason, archive manager is not recognising the rockridge or joliet extentions, which means you're left with 8.3 filenames.22:34
bobgthanks Slart22:34
ajhwolfJordan_U, is there a way to fix that?22:34
Jordan_Uajhwolf: Try mounting it with mount instead.22:34
Jordan_U!iso | ajhwolf22:34
ubottuajhwolf: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:34
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ajhwolfJordan_U, k22:35
=== omgjoz is now known as USA_ALL_THE_WAY
DrGrovHow can I get back the volume controller to the panel?22:39
DrGrovI wanted to remove the "Chat" and it removed the volume controller at the same time22:39
orikondoes any one know why my internet would be getting 80+ outbound connections when I open a web browser? it gets to the point that my internet stops working until i close the browser22:39
zeroniceDrGrov:are you on gnome?22:39
DrGrovzeronice: yes22:39
DrGrovfound it22:40
zagabarDamn. My card is no longer supported wih the proprietary drivers. :( The open source drivers seems to be faulty for me because games in fullscreen just turn out as a black screen.22:40
Slartorikon: all the plugins updating, bookmarks updating, rss feeds and whatnot.. although 80 sounds quite a lot22:40
DrGrovit is the indicator applet that does it but it keeps that chat thing integrated22:40
wizard_2010just to let everyone know you cant install the new itunes to the new ubuntu 10.4 even if you do install .net 222:40
wizard_2010waste of time but again learned something new lol22:41
orikonslart: yeah, and its a basic install of chrome with no plugins or rss feeds22:41
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:41
ubutomzagabar, had the same issue with an x1800xt here :/22:41
wizard_2010time to uninstall itunes22:41
fredfallWhen will Digikam get face recognition?22:41
Slartorikon: hmm.. no idea then...22:41
zagabarubutom: Ok. :/ Did you solve it?22:41
ubutomzagabar, yeah, well, I actually bought a new card ;)22:42
ubutomzagabar, was cheap and intended to upgrade anyway22:42
orikonslart: thanks anyway22:42
mahound_my laptop just freezes when i close the lid. normally it should hibernate, but instead the screen turns to white22:42
zagabarubutom: oh... XD My comp is a laptop so changing card is a hassle. Do you know if the problem is solvable or not without upgrading?22:42
ubutomzagabar, yeah, that would be a problem. Well, with 9.10 it still worked, so you could revert to 9.10 for the time being22:43
wizard_2010ok lol, anyone know how to uninstall itunes now from the terminal if installed via wine via terminal lol22:43
zagabarubutom: Okay. Thanks. I might do that.22:44
wizard_2010its ok doing same process see if i can uninstall22:44
puffHey, I'm trying to play a realmedia file.  Google is finding a wide variety of conflicting advice, and I remember this sort of thing being a real tar pit, when I messed with it a few years ago.  Is there a right way to do it?22:45
wizard_2010which I am lol but getting runtime errors for c++22:45
HotTunaAMAZINGLY slow transfer speeds on 100mbps lan, 10.04 desktop/9.10 server. same issue on samba/ssh/nfs... however internet speed seems unaffected.22:45
suprengrIf YORBA [shotwell] are looking in or anyone can get a msg to them [please]...  to be better or to stand out they must include a 'random' [aka'shuffle' ] option in their slideshow before 10.10 includes the final version.  Thanks and soz for the intrusion.22:46
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ubutomHotTuna, checked the cables?22:47
kyngdomJordan_U: you have saved my windows partition. thank you a million times22:47
mvn071FYI http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~mvn/Pixies.pdf22:47
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
grzesiekSiemano all22:48
HotTunaubutom, yea22:48
mjeedis there anyone who installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop on Eeepc ?22:50
lfaraoneHow can I get a list of all installed packages and their versions via the command line?22:50
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:50
SlidingHornlfaraone, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136689822:51
excalqhow does one boot directly to the shell using a live CD (without waiting for X to start)22:51
puffHm, this page says I should be able to isntall realplayer from medibuntu, but it ain't there:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods?action=show&redirect=RealplayerInstallationMethods22:51
lfaraoneSlidingHorn: thank.s.22:51
DrGrovHow I install new GDM Login Screens in GNOME?22:51
DrGrovI have no idea how to find how to install22:51
gbillingsHello all! I purchased a Logitech MK300 wireless keyboard and mouse yesterday and connected them to my Dell Latitude D520 Laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. The Mouse works with no problems, but some of the keys are unresponsive, such as the Messenger key. How do I solve this issue?22:52
SlidingHornexcalq, For that you would probably need the alternate cd -- pretty sure that's txt based22:52
mjeedhow to install ubuntu 10.04 desktop on an Eeepc unit ?22:52
VCoolioDrGrov: gdm has changed; the old gdm screens on gnome-look.org won't work; have a look at https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup22:53
bazhangmjeed, using unetbootin22:53
SlidingHornDrGrov, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136689822:53
puffgbillings: I don't really know the answer, but my guess would be that the messenger key on your keyboard is non-standard, so ubuntu/gnome by default doesn't have it mapped to a shortcut.22:53
DrGrovVCoolio: ok, thanks. no problems then. i just keep my current ones :)22:53
VCoolioDrGrov: it's easy to change the background, but size and position of password entry etc is going to be difficult22:54
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gbillingspuff: Yes, it is a non-standard key. But how would I make Ubuntu pickup the key-press?22:54
abetterswordfishI need help22:55
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
zeroniceabetterswordfish: with?22:55
abetterswordfishMy splash screen is the wrong resolution22:55
esauHi everyone22:55
SlidingHorn!res | abetterswordfish22:55
ubottuabetterswordfish: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:55
esauIs someone give me some help ?22:55
SlidingHorn!anyone | esau22:56
ubottuesau: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:56
Gwaresau, it might help if you said what you need help with?22:56
=== SuP|Lobby is now known as MePHiSTo1
abetterswordfishThe screen with the dots and ubuntu logo is the wrong resolution, i would really like it fixed anyone know how?22:56
zeroniceabetterswordfish: is everything else the right resolution?22:56
Gwarabetterswordfish, Startup Manager22:56
abetterswordfishWhere is that located?22:56
=== MePHiSTo1 is now known as SuP|Lobby
puffgbillings: There's a way to edit the gnome shortcuts, gconf-editor.22:57
mjeedbazhang, i tried Universal USB Installer but i coudn't boot from the flash drive although i put it as the first boot device, is there any specific settings for it ?22:57
puffgbillings: I'm not sure how you'd figure out what the key press is.22:57
Gwarshould be in the menu, no? If not, one sec abetterswordfish22:57
puffgbillings: Though I think gconf-editor may have something in it to do so.22:57
augdawgdoes andyone know why the gimp wont launch for me?22:57
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ddrjif i want to install docuwiki on my ubuntu, do i need LAMP ?22:57
bazhangmjeed, never heard of that. only used unetbootin22:57
zeroniceabetterswordfish: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146922322:58
SlidingHornaugdawg, what errors are given when you try to run it from your terminal?22:58
zeroniceabetterswordfish: tht should help22:58
abetterswordfishI think it will22:58
esauOk, so i'll try to explain it in english. I want to download several videos of a youtube user, i use clive. Is anyone can tell me how to find all the video links into a youtube page22:58
augdawgi havent tried it in the terminal, SlidingHorn. How do i o that? just put "gimp" in the terminal?22:58
SlidingHornaugdawg, yup22:59
mjeedbazhang, thanks22:59
augdawgSlidingHorn: trying that now...22:59
wizard_2010using firefox using remote office for my connection into work get this error Your Browser does not support Java.22:59
wizard_2010Please enable it or download from http://java.sun.com22:59
wizard_2010Citi Citi Remote Office22:59
NeoSylarhi,on ubuntu which prg use for quicktime on web with firefox?22:59
bazhangNeoSylar, apple trailers?22:59
wizard_2010java is enabled in firefox23:00
abetterswordfishYeah, that's gonna work, but now im worried I don't have start-up manger23:00
BluesKajwizard_2010, install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:00
augdawgSlidingHorn: YAY!!! it worked! thanks! once again, SlidingHorn comes to the rescue!23:00
BusterBFMCI have a question on installing games23:00
augdawgThanks so much, SlidingHorn!23:00
puffAnybody got a clue on realplayer?23:01
esauanyone ?23:01
ddrjwhat wiki do you guys use for personal use on your ubuntu install?23:01
wizard_2010BluesKaj, from were mate23:01
excalqSlidingHorn: I was able to boot to cmd-line from liveCD by adding " 1" to the boot cmd23:01
excalqalthough I cant chroot to 64-bit 10.04 from a 32-bit 9.10 liveCD... oh well23:01
SlidingHornaugdawg, any time :)23:01
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
gbillingspuff:http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6528248  post #2?23:02
BluesKajwizard_2010, in the terminal , sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:02
wizard_2010BluesKaj, that just clicked on me lol still setting use to this what will that do then23:02
BluesKajinstall the proper java and other media apps , wizard_201023:03
abetterswordfishwhat is the screen resolution of my screen, its 1024xSomething, its full screen23:04
wizard_2010BluesKaj, thanks I will try that now23:04
dellhow is possible to chenge channel in network manager?23:04
SlidingHornabetterswordfish, 1024x768 is a pretty standard resolution, but there's no way for us to know what *your* resolution is23:04
puffgbillings: Neat, looks good.23:05
BusterBFMCQuestion about wine /23:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:05
Seaphorabetterswordfish: see if this command give any insight   xrandr -q23:05
magellanDoes ubuntu 10.4 have multiple windows23:06
BusterBFMCCan I trust Wine for installing games?23:06
SlidingHornmagellan, what do you mean multiple windows?23:06
DasEimagellan: try terminator23:06
DasEimagellan: or the cube/zylinder if your graphics are capable of it23:07
magellanlike other lower ubuntu version theres 4 multiple windows right23:07
SlidingHornBusterBFMC, not sure what you're asking really...but either way the question would probably be better served in #winehq23:07
augdawgdoes anyone know where the folder icon in nautilus ae kept in the filesystem?23:07
SlidingHornmagellan, that's a feature of GNOME (the desktop environment that comes with the default ubuntu) -- 10.04 has multiple workspaces as well23:07
BusterBFMCSlidingHorn thank you I am just wondering if it associates with MS at all?23:07
SlidingHornaugdawg, try /usr/share/icons23:08
SlidingHornBusterBFMC, no -- it's entirely separate23:08
magellanyup multiple workspace23:08
magellanwhere i can find it.23:08
BusterBFMCSlidingHorn Thanks thats all I needed to know23:08
augdawgSlidingHorn: thnaks again man, you rock23:09
SlidingHornmagellan, it's there by default -- if you got rid of the applet, you can right click on a panel, select add to panel then find "workspace switcher"23:09
wizard_2010BluesKaj, thanks very must mate now I can get access to my VM slice in work dont have to use winblows now :)23:09
wizard_2010BluesKaj, much*23:09
BluesKajwizard_2010, glad to help :)23:10
gbilling1 23:10
augdawgdoes anyone know where the default nautilus folder icon is kept? im trying to build my own for different folders on my system.23:12
Evil_Hey; I got WoW running on my linux partition along with my wireless working, so I want to remove my windows partition.  how can I go about doing this?23:13
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tobiasto install ubuntu server on an existing RAID/LVM setup, should i use the alternate or the server CD?23:13
dellhow is possible to chenge channel in network manager?23:13
VCoolioaugdawg: depends on the icon theme you use; /usr/share/icons/<theme> and search for a 'places' folder23:13
magellan@Slidinghorn i right click on the top taskbar and don't find any add or remove panel.23:13
BluesKaj!gparted | Evil_23:13
ubottuEvil_: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:13
augdawgVCoolio: im trying that, one sec...23:14
magellani also right click on the desktop its only change desktop background only23:14
augdawgVCoolio: the default theme is humanity right?23:14
SlidingHornmagellan, you have to click somewhere where there isn't already an applet...what options *do* come up?23:14
Evil_thanks, ubottu23:14
Evil_ubottu: so all I have to do is remove the windows partitions and it'll be fine?23:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:14
Evil_oh lmaoo23:14
Evil_BluesKaj: so all I have to do is remove the windows partitions and it'll be fine?23:14
VCoolioaugdawg: don't know, I change that too often and it changes each release23:15
magellani minimize all open program and the applets and right click i only find the change desktop background23:15
augdawgVCoolio: thanks for your help!23:15
tetdosshello all23:15
SlidingHornmagellan, you need to click a panel...you're clicking the desktop23:15
puffSo, nobody has any clue on realmedia?23:16
SlidingHorntetdoss, hi...what can we help you with (try to keep your question to 1 line)23:16
BluesKajEvil_, you can use gparted to remve the ntfs/windows partition and then expand your ubuntu partition to fill the space.23:16
VCooliopuff: what about it?23:16
SlidingHornpuff:  you'll need to ask a real question in order to get an answer ;)23:16
tetdossI'm using irssi and... I understand nothing23:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:17
tetdossI'm french too23:17
fr3akCan anyone help me with my card reader issue?23:17
SlidingHorn!fr | tetdoss23:17
ubottutetdoss: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:17
bazhangpuff, never found a need to install it; mplayer et al play rm files quite well23:17
tetdossok merci23:17
mhall119okay, so I have kind of a strange problem23:17
FlintWestWoodfr3ak, whats up?23:17
mhall119after upgrading to 10.04, suspend works between my home and my office23:18
mhall119but after suspending at my office and coming home, it reboots instead of coming out of suspend23:18
SlidingHorntetdoss, vous êtes welome23:18
FlintWestWoodfr3ak: whats youre issue?23:18
mhall119and every time networking is disabled, and my proxy settings are still set to my work settings23:18
mhall119even though I changed my proxy settings back to "default" before I suspended at the office23:19
magellanslidinghorn: I dont find any menu even where i right click in monitor.23:19
SlidingHorn!enter | mhall11923:19
ubottumhall119: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:19
mhall119only difference between home and office is home has wifi and no proxy, work has wired and a proxy23:19
magellanonly in the taskbar which is preferrence23:19
magellanbut there no add workspace23:19
mhall119SlidingHorn: sorry, I wanted to give the full explanation23:19
SlidingHornmagellan, what version  & flavor of ubuntu are you using??23:20
RustyNickleand a wife breathing down your neck23:20
mhall119nothing is less helpful that just sayind "suspend isn't working, someone fix it"23:20
magellanits ubuntu 10.4 lucyd lynks23:20
magellanlike before you can find it in the taskbar below right23:20
bazhangmagellan, right click next to the trash icon on lower panel, add to panel; scroll down and choose workplace switcher; once that is installed then right click on it to adjust number of workspaces23:21
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mhall119has anyone encountered this before?  It's almost like it's restoring from some old settings that are nevery being overwritten23:21
nobarkinghi, does anyone know how i can upgrade a single package ?23:21
nobarkingis there an elegant way of doing it?23:21
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BluesKajmagellan, ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx23:21
VCoolionobarking: apt-get install <package>   or select it in update-manager or synaptic23:21
bazhangnobarking, something more recent than in the repos?23:22
puffbazhang: I tried with mplayer and it said no codec.  Tried searching, found no codec.23:22
nobarkingbazhang: yes, something from the PPA, but not every package on the entire PPA23:22
SlidingHornmagellan, do me a favor -- press the Print Screen key and post the screen shot on a site like imageshack23:22
Haznobarking: use aptitude, you can select upgradable packages and then press 'g' to upgrade those marked packages23:22
nobarkingVCoolio: thank you, the apt-get install method worked without affecting the other packages23:22
bazhangpuff, install ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs23:22
puffbazhang: Googled, got lots of conflcitnig advice, but installnig win32codecs seemed like a good idea, no win32codec package.23:23
fr3akBeing specific this time.. Can anyone help me with my SD/MMC card reader?23:23
Hazand aptitude is supposedly a lot better than apt23:23
wildbatanyone if there is tools to manage upnp port forwarding??23:23
bazhangnobarking, then add the PPA repo, sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get install PPApackagename23:23
nobarkingHaz: is it the CLI application?23:23
SlidingHornfr3ak, that's not specific @ all...what problem are you having23:23
bazhangpuff, check medibuntu.org23:23
ComradeHaz`what, nobarking?23:23
Haznobarking: yeah23:23
fr3ak@ SlidingHorn I am having problem with realtek sd card reader on by hp dv4-2165dx23:24
ComradeHaz`'lo Haz :D23:24
Hazhi, ComradeHaz` :P23:24
nobarkingbazhang: thats what i did and it worked fine, thanks23:24
puffbazhang: Already have ubuntu-restricted-extras, aptitude can't find w32codecs.23:24
bazhangComradeHaz`, Haz chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here23:24
augdawgokay, i just made the folder icon i want and ts an svg but gimp wont save it as an svg because it says it cant read the file even though i just edited it in the gimp?23:24
SlidingHornfr3ak, that's akin to saying "I have a problem with my car, it's a 2000 buick lesaber...fix it."  give details23:24
BluesKajpuff, it's w32codecs23:24
bazhangpuff, check medibuntu.org as I suggested a moment ago23:24
SlidingHornfr3ak, don't pm me please23:25
puffbazhang: I thought I had, but I just checked /etc/apt/sources and medibuntu isn't there.23:25
bazhangpuff, no need to add the repo23:25
BluesKajpuff, open synaptic and enable 3rd party sources23:25
VCoolioaugdawg: I don't think gimp can write .svg, you need inkscape for that or maybe some plugin; make a png instead23:25
puffbazhang: I used the command at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods?action=show&redirect=RealplayerInstallationMethods23:25
magellan@bazhang: I dont find even a trash icon. and don't have any place of icon below the window23:25
fr3akslidinghorn, 03:00.1 Class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device [10ec:5288] (rev 01)23:25
fr3akno kernel module loaded23:26
bazhangmagellan, you have two panels? top and bottom?23:26
augdawgwill a jpg work also? for my own information23:26
magellanNo only top23:26
bazhangmagellan, is this xubuntu?23:26
magellannup ubuntu netbook LTS23:27
VCoolioaugdawg: not sure; I've never seen it being used in icon theme sets, just for single application icons sometimes23:27
bazhangmagellan, that would have been helpful to mention prior23:27
fr3akSlidingHorn, Any other details u need?23:27
magellanis it because it netbook version23:27
puffbazhang: Where do I enable third party sources in synaptic?  There's a Settings/Repositories menu entry, which brings up a dialog  with a Third PArty Sources tab, but that tub just lists the repos I already havef.23:27
bazhangpuff, you dont need to add the repo23:27
SlidingHornfr3ak, unless you tell us what the *actual* problem is...we cannot help you...you can tell us everything there is to know about what kind of card it is...that doesn't help us.23:28
augdawgokay thanks again VCoolio!23:28
magellanis it because its notebook version23:28
puffbazhang: Okay, so what do I do to "enable 3rd party sources"?  Is there a checkbox somewhere?  Because I'm not seeing it.23:28
BluesKajyeah, i think w32codecs is in the medibuntu repos23:28
bazhangpuff, please listen23:28
fr3akI already said that any kernel module isn't being loaded for the device23:28
puffbazhang: I am listening.23:28
BluesKaj!medibuntu | puff23:28
ubottupuff: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:28
fr3akIts works fine under splashtop which is a variant of linux23:28
bazhangpuff, just download the .deb23:29
magellan@bashang: i only have one panel on the top23:29
puffbazhang: Okay.23:29
fr3akIt is a PCI card23:29
bazhangmagellan, well same advice applies as before; click on top panel ; add to panel, etc23:29
fr3akAnd what more?23:29
fr3akdo you need?23:29
* excalq wishes synergy was on the liveCD...23:30
RedEvolutiondoes anyone here have any experience setting up wxPython?23:30
bastid_raZorexcalq: you can create a liveCD (if enough room is available) with synergy on it23:31
tripelbin Movie Player: big letters on top of video -> which plays<--: Codec Error, use Windows Media Player.  And then: Aborting Video, Redirecting to Microsoft codec download page. Then it shuts off.   ---  VLC could not read the file. I havent had any trouble with movies before. It is an avi file23:31
fr3akI have posted it here23:31
fr3akcan you plz check it?23:31
magellanbazhang: i already right click the top panel and find no add panel only remove from panel or lock but it is on gray you cannot select it23:32
puffbazhang, BluesKaj: Dang, medibuntu doesn't have debs for intrepid.23:32
HaPKI have 2 dvd drives in my tower, but everything I put into one of them won't be mounted! what can I do?23:32
excalqbastid_raZor: Thanks, may do that at some point23:32
bastid_raZortripelb: sounds like a pirated video that is.. well a joke on you23:32
bastid_raZor!remaster | excalq23:32
ubottuexcalq: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:32
bazhangpuff, 8.10?23:32
bazhangthat is eol iirc23:32
puffYeah, just recently.23:33
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.23:33
tripelbbastid_raZor, it is TPB. But it's then the first I've ever gotten. IT's the right size.23:33
tripelbI'll recheck the source.23:33
puffBut I can't upgrade yet because I'm out of disk space.  I either need to back up and install from scratch, or backup and resize my partitions, then upgrade.23:33
bazhang!piracy > tripelb23:33
ubottutripelb, please see my private message23:33
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ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:33
tripelbcorrection bastid_raZor  not. TPB.23:34
Seaphorpuff: thats why its always a good idea to have your /home on a separate partition23:34
puffSeaphor: It is, actually.23:34
tripelbok will be good23:34
puffSeaphor: But it's the root partition that's too small.23:34
SlidingHornfr3ak, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1801584&postcount=1423:34
BluesKaj!upgrade | puff23:34
puffSeaphor: Everybody told me "5 GB should be *more* than enough..."23:34
ubottupuff: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:34
puffBluesKaj: Upgrade with only 168MB free space on my root partition?  Surely you jest :-).23:35
magellanIs it possible the ubuntu 10.4 notebook version doesn't have a multiple workspace on it23:35
magellanits impossible right.23:35
bazhangmagellan, likely23:35
Seaphorpuff: what size is your / part?23:35
puffSeaphor: root is 5GB, home is 10GB, bulk partition is 30GB, swap is 4GB.23:36
BluesKajok puff. you gotta be kidding ...nothing like living on the edge of data loss with such little headroom23:36
coz_magellan, do you have compiz enabled?23:36
fr3akSlidingHorn, No luck with that23:36
puffBluesKaj: Yeah, like I said, my only out is to rebuild or resize.23:36
SlidingHornmagellan, you never told me you were working ont he netbook version...did you post the screen shot?23:36
magellancoz_: pardon what compiz23:36
bazhangpuff, reduce the swap then?23:36
SlidingHornfr3ak, sorry man, that's the only thing I found that someone said worked :-\23:37
magellanwait sliding horn23:37
magellanwhat site is it23:37
Seaphorpuff: no need for swaap tobe that big, you'll never use that much unless you have massive vms or something23:37
coz_magellan,  ah right now compiz for that23:37
fr3akI have tried every thing found over the internet23:37
simpsHi all. I am dual booting Ubuntu and Windows. And I want to change the default boot menu. How might I do that?23:37
fr3akI even tried writing a drive for my device23:37
coz_magellan,  rather "no" compiz for netbook23:37
SlidingHornfr3ak, there's a chance it's not supported @ all...have you tried posting on the forums?  http://ubuntuforums.org23:38
HaPKsimps, what do you want to do? change how it looks?23:38
fr3akBut as I cannot access the higher configuration space of the device23:38
simpschange the default and whatnot23:38
fr3akI have recently posted it under ubuntu23:38
BluesKajsimps  , change it to ?23:38
fr3akYes I think it is not supported currently23:38
simpsmake it boot windows on default23:38
aaroncampbell_Where would I be able to see what fonts I currently have installed?23:38
fr3akSo was thinking of writing a driver23:38
Eighteenssimps, you can change the c:\boot.ini from windows23:38
Pax-ManHi, I'm running FileZilla and want it to shut my computer down when finish. It allows me to run a script when transfer is done, so I can make a file and make that shut my computer down. I know that I must use "sudo shutdown -h now" but if it's running from my app how can I make it type my password? I mean if I save the file how do I know if it has acess to do that?23:39
puffbazhang, Seaphor: It's a laptop, and swap is used for suspend-to-disk.23:39
SlidingHornmagellan, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard & post the screen shot to a site like imageshack or something similar...give us the link and we'll try to take a look at your screen because it doesnt' sound like you have a regular GNOME DE installed23:39
fr3akCan you suggest me any tools for dumping upper PCi configuration space under Windows 7 - 64 bit23:39
puffbazhang, Seaphor: Though tht's something I hadn't considered... maybe I coudl squeeze a gig out fo it.23:39
bazhangfr3ak, try in ##windows23:39
fr3akwhat in windows?23:39
fr3akbazhang, what in windows?23:40
puffbazhang, Seaphor:  How tricky/dangerous is it to shift the space from swap to /?23:40
bazhangfr3ak, ask windows support questions in the channel ----->  ##windows23:40
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coz_magellan,  I am installing netbook...however  I am using karmic  I dont use lucid at all..and wont at all23:40
Seaphorpuff: i use a 2gb swap and have no issue with S3/S4 (sleep/hibernation)23:40
simpsEighteens, this is what C:\boot.ini shows: http://pastebin.com/mRd9EzHe23:40
coz_but let me boot into netbook23:40
klandwehrNeed a good tutorial for auto mounting a network hard drive, any suggestions?23:40
SlidingHorn!automount | klandwehr23:41
ubottuklandwehr: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs23:41
puffSeaphor: I have 2GB of memory, so I made it 4GB of swap.23:41
puffSeaphor: But, you've sold me on it, now how hard/tricky is it?23:41
magellanSlidinghorn: here alink of my desktop http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6655/mynetbookscreenshot.png23:41
unopPax-Man, you'd configure your sudoers file to do without a password for shutdown, ''sudo visudo'' and include something like this at the end of the file.   %sudo ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown23:42
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Seaphorpuff: use gparted off of a live cd,,, not hard23:42
Cuberootfor kernel option additions, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto seems to refer to a previous revision of ubuntu.  given that grub configs are all spaghetti code these days, would someone be so kind as to point out where I can add kernel parameters for all kernels in 10.04?23:42
puffSeaphor: Hm, hokay, I'll try that tongiht (after I take a backup, just to be sure...).23:42
Pax-Manunop: thanks ill try that23:42
puffbazhang, BluesKaj, Seaphor:  Thanks.23:42
xsaiddxhello guys23:42
simpsHi all. I am dual booting Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows. And I want to change the default boot menu. How might I do that? I'm looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/switching/dualboot-custom.html but I do not have a menu.lst file23:43
Seaphorpuff: if you need me i'll be in ##c423:43
xsaiddxhow can i change the langague in the gimp23:43
magellanSlidinghorn: did you saw it. theres no multiple workspace available23:43
xsaiddxwell i do change it via the console but i wanna change permantly not only fo an instance23:43
Eighteenssimps, i looked at it, this is what mine looks like http://pastebin.com/Ax9PeAci23:43
Eighteensit defaults to windows in 10s if i do nothing23:43
progesteroneQuestion: What software do you guys use for labeling and putting some arrorws in the screenshot on Ubuntu?23:43
magellanslidinghorn: whats your judgement23:43
SlidingHornmagellan, ok..you're using the netbook version which has the multiple workspaces "disabled" (set to just 1) -- here's how to change that (inside the thread is a link telling how to do it from command line):  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134597423:44
puffSeaphor: Cool, thanks.23:44
xsaiddxhow can i change the language in my gimp please23:44
magellanslidinghorn: tnx will try ill be back if i finish23:44
SlidingHornprogesterone, you can edit the screen shot with GIMP or another image editor23:44
SlidingHornmagellan, no prob :)23:44
* Cuberoot is guessing /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d somewhere23:45
progesteroneSlidingHorn Is there any other software which is not as complicated as GIMP?23:46
Cuberootah, there we go.  I think it's GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub23:47
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amokpauleHello can someone tell me how i mount my sata dvd burner?23:47
jimisrvroxhey guys im trying to dual boot xubuntu and xp for a friend of mine and im in Gparted but the whole disk is flagged as boot and so im trying to part it in half to install xubuntu...'23:47
rafaelsoaresbrhello, my SWAP has been disabled!, At system startup it says: "waiting swap UID=xxxx", fdisk -l seens to be ok. need help turning it on. please.23:48
suboneHow can I send keystrokes to a specified/active X window?23:48
SlidingHornprogesterone, not that I'm aware of...23:48
unopsubone,  a combination of wmctrl and xmacro23:48
progesteroneSlidingHorn Thanks mate.23:48
bastid_raZorrafaelsoaresbr: is the UUID of swap the same in /etc/fstab as told but 'sudo blkid' ?23:49
suboneUnop ty ill look into xmacro... already using wmctrl23:50
rafaelsoaresbrbastid_raZor, does I need to restart to check that?23:50
SlidingHornprogesterone, use the rectangular select tool to select the area, then fill it (Edit>Fill) with an obvious color and change the opacity of the layer...23:50
bastid_raZorrafaelsoaresbr: no, cat /etc/fstab | grep -i swap    then the next command sudo blkid | grep -i swap23:51
HaPKI want to mount a cd, on my second drive, with exec permissions, how can I do that?23:51
SlidingHornprogesterone, that's the easiest way I can think to "highlight" a problem to show someone :)23:52
HaPKI tryed sudo mount -o exec /dev/sr1 but it didn't work23:52
robertzaccourwill kde run smoothly on an amd 1.86 ghz processor and 3gb ram?23:52
rafaelsoaresbrbastid_raZor, thanks, the answer is: no, UID has been changed!, maybe Mandriva has changed it.23:52
synapseMy sound sunddenly quit working, any idea what I can do to troubleshoot it?  pulseaudio settings look fine23:53
synapserebooted a bunch, nothing helps23:53
bastid_raZorrafaelsoaresbr: make the changes in /etc/fstab and you're all set.. after making the changes do: sudo mount -a  .. swap should be mounted.. you can check by free -m23:53
HaPKsynapse, does alsa work fine?23:53
synapselike alsa reload?23:54
HaPKsynapse, open the terminal and type in alsamixer23:54
ScuniziI installed samba but it doesn't start as a service on boot.. I have to manually start it.. How do I get it to start as a service?23:54
synapseoh, the mixer23:54
HaPKsynapse, make sure that all the chanels are on23:55
HaPKI want to mount a cd, on my second drive, with exec permissions, how can I do that?23:55
synapseyeah, they are all up23:55
HaPKI tryed sudo mount -o exec /dev/sr1 but it didn't work23:55
HaPKsynapse, hmmm, it recognizes your soundcard right?23:55
amokpauleHello can someone tell me how i mount my sata dvd burner?23:55
synapseI didn't do anything, it worked yesterday23:55
robertzaccourwill kde run smoothly on an amd 1.6 ghz processor and 3gb ram?23:56
rafaelsoaresbrbastid_raZor, sudo mount -a swap? nothing happened, SWAP is still disabled23:56
sec-r1zguys my Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't read blank DVD23:56
sec-r1zany help23:56
Gryllidahey I did 'man mv' in Terminal, now unable to type anything, neither ctrl+c or ctrl+d helps to get unstuck, what can I do except for closing the Terminal?23:56
HaPKsynapse, odd... did you check the jack connection to your speakers? maybe something moved there23:56
bastid_raZorrafaelsoaresbr: no, just sudo mount -a   after that command type free -m  .. that should show your swap23:56
synapseyeah, I did all of that already23:56
synapseits weird as hell23:56
hotfloppyGryllida: how about hit the Q ?23:56
Gryllidahotfloppy: yay it worked23:57
sec-r1zneed help23:57
sec-r1zi can't copy iso image23:57
rafaelsoaresbrbastid_raZor, still nothing.23:57
HaPKI want to mount a cd, on my second drive, with exec permissions, how can I do that?23:57
HaPKI tryed sudo mount -o exec /dev/sr1 but it didn't work23:57
hotfloppyGryllida: good :)23:57
bastid_raZorrafaelsoaresbr: how did you make the changes to /etc/fstab ?23:58
synapsepulseaudio shows all the right settings and stuff23:58
HaPKsec-r1z, you want to copy an iso to a cd?23:58
synapseit doesn't work in nexuiz or rhtymbox, its almost like something is hanging onto the driver23:58
SuperLagSo is there no way to use the Ubuntu LiveCD to do an AV scan on a Windows partition?23:58
sec-r1zHaPK: yes23:58
BluesKajsynapse, make sure alsamixer has no muted ctrls23:58
synapseWHAT THE HELL23:59
HaPKsec-r1z, brasero easily helps you with that, have you tried it?23:59
sec-r1zHaPK: and ubuntu doesn't recognize my blank dvd23:59
synapseok, I installed a pulseaudio update a while ago and it actually muted everything23:59
synapseI blame ubuntu for that23:59
ennuiwhat programs do you guys use for controlling fans?23:59
synapsehad to go into pulseaudio and unmute EVERYTHING23:59

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