
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
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nUboon2AgeCan evolution sync phone contacts w/ UbuntuOne?02:56
kermiacnUboon2Age: yes, it is currently being gradually re-enabled - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Contacts03:22
nUboon2Agekermiac: thank you.03:48
=== SpyderBite is now known as Spyder|zzz
imyousufI am using Lucid Lynx and having trouble in connecting to Ubuntu One, need help05:08
imyousufI had my Ubuntu One account configured with Jaunty05:08
imyousufnow from another computer I am trying to connect to the service but I can not connect05:09
imyousufI can not find the "Add this computer" button :(05:09
imyousufwhere do I find it?05:09
Spyder|zzzIts not under the Devices tab?05:10
imyousufSpyder|zzz: Devices has Connect05:10
imyousufwhen I click on it nothing happens :(05:11
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imyousufcan anyone access https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/* URLs?05:17
imyousufHi! I am getting 500 upon trying to connect to Ubuntu one from Lucid Lynx and 502 when trying to connect to UbuntuOne Status page on wiki05:31
imyousufany idea whether its my network problem or common for all?05:31
imyousufI do not see any mention of it on the twitter page either :(05:32
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duanedesignrye: late yesterday [d]obey showed me this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/57161613:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 571616 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntuone-preferences freezes with Norwegian locale (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 90)" [High,Invalid]13:22
duanedesignin regards to the issue i asked about yesterday. FWIW13:22
ryeduanedesign, hm, don't really understand current status in that bug report :-/13:24
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duanedesignwriting a blog post on interesting uses for Ubuntu One. If any one cares to review it for me, or has any additional uses for U1 that i did not cover. http://paste.ubuntu.com/453368/13:51
verterokmkarnicki: ping13:58
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mkarnickiverterok: pong15:05
verterokmkarnicki: hi15:05
* mkarnicki was on lunch15:05
mkarnickiverterok: hi :) good to see you15:05
mkarnickiverterok: how was your weekend :)15:05
verterokmkarnicki: please pull from my u1-java-storageprotocol branch, revno 21 is *the one*15:05
mkarnicki*-* \o/15:05
verterokmkarnicki: good, a lot of rest15:05
mkarnickiverterok: great, good to hear :)15:06
verterokmkarnicki: I updated the example client and added a OIOExampleClient15:06
mkarnickiverterok: lovely!!15:06
verterokmkarnicki: tested it with your android app and it seems to be working as expected15:06
mkarnickiverterok: omg, you're amazing!15:06
verterokmkarnicki: heh, only tested authentication, but all the other stuff should work as the issue was with ssl15:07
mkarnickiverterok: I'm happy like crazy ;D15:07
verterokmkarnicki: there are a lot of stuff to do, in the protocol client, e.g: handle disconnections and reconnects, etc15:07
verterokbut it should work ok to keep with the android app devel15:08
mkarnickiverterok: I am *so* greatful :)15:08
mkarnickiverterok: maybe having parts of that code will enable me to help you with other stuff15:08
verterokmkarnicki: it's all the code ;)15:08
verterokmkarnicki: I finished the big part of the refactor15:08
mkarnickiverterok: if I am able, I'll be happy to do so in my spare time (I have 2 exams coming, but I will be happy to help afterwards :) )15:08
mkarnickiverterok: I'm pulling it now :)15:09
mkarnickiverterok: tell me one thing, please. each time I pull u1-java-sp I get 80 same errors (which have quick-fix'es, but I don't think it's the proper way to handle that)15:12
mkarnickiverterok: let me paste the error15:12
mkarnickiType mismatch: cannot convert from StorageProtocol.AcceptCaps.Builder to booleanStorageProtocol.java/ubuntuone-java-storageprotocol/target/generated-sources/com/ubuntuone/storageprotocolline 14493Java Problem15:12
mkarnickiverterok: cannot convert Builder to boolean, 80 same errors.15:13
mkarnickiand it happends after  mvn compile -Dstorageprotocol=/home/mike/src/android/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/15:13
verterokmkarnicki: looks like outdated autogenerated stuff15:13
verterokmkarnicki: mvn clean compile -Dstorageprotocol=/home/mike/src/android/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/15:13
mkarnickiverterok: to be sure, I rm -rf whole u1-java-sp, branched it brand new, and compiled with ^15:14
mkarnickiverterok: worked ^-^15:15
verterokmkarnicki: oh, what version of protobuf are you using?15:15
verterok2.2.x or 2.3.x?15:15
verterokoh, ok :)15:15
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mkarnickiverterok: I gotta get my stuff together, I've got some (caused by me) errors in my project, I'll let you know soon :)15:18
mkarnickiverterok: that's such great news!15:18
verterokmkarnicki: btw, please pull a small change I just committed that fix a silly error15:20
mkarnickiverterok: ok :)15:21
mkarnickihi duanedesign :)15:28
duanedesignhaha, i got an error in my exception.log 'We broke the Universe!'15:31
mkarnickiduanedesign: hahahahah15:32
mkarnickiaquarius: is this exciting or what :D ? verterok has brought some fresh code for us!15:33
* mkarnicki is very happy15:34
mkarnicki\o/ !15:39
mkarnickiverterok FTW!15:39
caleb_allenHey guys, I'm sure this has been asked a hundred times, but I can't seem to find a clear tutorial. How do I get the folder currently being synced to UO to also sync with my work computer?15:41
aquariusmkarnicki, excellent. verterok rocks :)15:42
aquariusrye, what caleb_allen's asking should just work, shouldn't it?15:42
aquariuscaleb_allen, rye is the best chap to ask about this :)15:43
caleb_allenthe info is not in my "Ubuntu One" folder15:44
caleb_allenI was just wondering if it is possible. If not then I can restructure 2night.15:44
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caleb_allenAh, nvm, I figured it out. Sorry for any bother. You gusy have a great day. :D15:47
duanedesigncaleb_allen: have you added your work computer to your Ubuntu One Account? Or can you? S15:47
duanedesignWhen someone cancels their Ubuntu One service (free 2GB) how quickly are the files deleted? There is a bug report from a user who is canceling his account, then signing on a few days later to find his files still there.15:52
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spilakI have got a little problem18:37
spilakI have got a 50Gb account18:37
beunohi spilak18:38
spilakbut cannonical don't deduct my money18:39
spilakso I don't use my files18:39
spilakit's horribel18:39
beunospilak, so you signed up for it, but you haven't been charged?18:39
spilakbut I give my information, and I started to use ubuntu one 2-3 month ago18:40
spilakit was perfect18:40
spilakbut now18:40
spilakI don't know what happend18:40
* beuno brings in mattgriffin 18:40
mattgriffinspilak: i'll lookup your account18:41
spilakmattgriffin, ok18:42
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kabHello, I delete accidentally my machines from the web page, so my Ubuntu One in my computer can't connect21:02
kabI am trying to add my machine using the https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/ but I don't get the step 821:03
dobeykab: open Accessories->Passwords & Encryption Keys if you're on 10.04 and delete the "UbuntuOne token for https:..." that's there, and try again21:04
kabdobey, nop21:06
kab$ u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login;21:07
kabubuntuone-syncdaemon stopped.21:07
kabdobey, thanks :)21:08
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j0nrhey all...i dont seem to have ubuntu one on my computer (10.04) not sure what to do to get it back23:27
duanedesignhello j0nr23:31
duanedesigndpkg -l ubuntuone-client23:31
duanedesign^^do you get anything running that command in a Terminal23:31
j0nr| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend23:33
j0nr|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)23:33
j0nr||/ Name           Version        Description23:33
j0nrii  ubuntuone-clie 1.2.1-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu One clientdoes that mean something duanedesign ?23:33
duanedesignyes it looks like you have it installed23:33
duanedesignj0nr: going to the 'Me Menu' > Ubuntu ONe does the Ubuntu One Preferences open?23:34
j0nrin nautilus there is no button to sync/connect and there is no applet23:34
duanedesignj0nr: ahh, yes the applet was replaced by the Ubuntu One Preferences panel in the me menu23:34
j0nrits opened the preferences, says sync inprogress...23:35
j0nrso do i have to open this everytime to get it to sync?23:35
duanedesignj0nr: no. it should auto start23:36
duanedesignj0nr: have you added your computer to your Ubuntu ONe account yet?23:36
j0nrI added files to ubuntuone folder and they stayed with the padlock symbol.23:37
j0nryeah I have added this computer23:37
duanedesignj0nr: can you run in a Terminal the command:   u1sdtool -s23:37
j0nrState: LOCAL_RESCAN connection: Not User Not Network description: doing local rescan is_connected: False is_error: False is_online: False queues: IDLE23:38
j0nrState: AUTHENTICATE connection: With User With Network description: doing auth dance is_connected: True is_error: False is_online: False queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT23:38
duanedesignj0nr: ok. that one is better23:39
j0nrbut the sync never seems to finish23:39
duanedesignlooks like the service might be a little slow right now. You casn use these commands to check on progress.....23:40
beunowe've just done a roll out23:40
beunoit takes a few hours to get back to normal23:40
j0nrok, i will come back to it tomorrow23:40
j0nrthanks for your help :)23:41
duanedesignu1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l23:41
duanedesignu1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l23:41
duanedesignj0nr: i like to use those commands. Will give you the number of items waiting.23:41
duanedesignthanks beuno23:41
j0nrah thats handy, it shows the new data is waiting to go...23:42
j0nrcool, cheers again23:42
duanedesignj0nr: you can take off the wc -l to get more detailed info on each item23:42
duanedesignso for ex:  u1sdtool --waiting-content23:42
Dante_Hey there, I've got a tiny bug I need help with; my account tells me my name is "None Dante"23:43
duanedesignhello Dante_23:44
duanedesignDante_: i have seen that23:44
Dante_Any ideas on how to fix? :)23:44
duanedesignDante_: https://launchpad.net/bugs/578986  This is a server side bug. To work around this issue for now, you can add a second word to the "Full Name" field.23:45
ubot4duanedesign: Error: Bug #578986 is private.23:45
Dante_duan, you have just saved me a bit of bother! Thank you for your time! :D23:45
duanedesignno problem, cheers23:46
Dante_Sadly the bug is not accessible to me, but I'l put in your workaround, thanks :)23:46
duanedesignbeuno: phone sync bugs should be assigned too who, or what group?23:47
beunoduanedesign, ubuntuone-web23:47
beunonew team!23:48
duanedesignbeuno: ha! you have already seen the bug i was looking at this morning23:49
duanedesignbug  59723823:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 597238 in ubuntuone-servers "Setup instructions for Mobile Sync must include information about SSL connection to sync server (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59723823:49

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