
arandpeterkls: what kind of problem? does older versions work?00:49
peterklshas anyone been able to sart the live cd up? having trouble with a1 on my ideapad s10-3t.00:50
peterklsyeah i get 10.04 to startup fine...00:51
arandTry a daily instead.00:51
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:51
arandThat might make a difference, since alpha is quite "old" by now...00:51
peterklsi tried that too. i probably should copy the error down >_>00:52
arandAnd report a bug.00:52
peterklsi need to make  a launchpad account yeah?00:53
arandTesting acpi=off and other kernel options might be worth a try, and when reporting, note that on the report as well.00:54
peterklsthink unetbootin has something to do with the  live  cd not working?00:54
arandYea, will need a LP account.00:55
arandHmm, Unless the image was somehow corrupt in the writing to USB, I don't think it should..00:55
arandDoesn't ubuntu have another tool that can be used to get the USB image written, in windows? Or was that just a blueprint...00:56
peterklsyeah im looking at that now00:58
peterklsbrb lol00:58
jordanwbI'm looking for a new laptop. How are the Intel GMA chips for driver support?01:24
* holstein has an asus EEE with intel chips01:29
holsteinworks great01:29
holsteinthe least head-ache in the house right now01:29
jordanwbSo is it safe to say I don't have to worry about driver support.01:30
holsteinjordanwb: i wouldnt say that01:31
peterklsgoing to get the error code brb all01:31
holsteini would still google and poke around and ask01:31
jordanwbI suspect they'd have better support than ATI or nvidia01:31
holsteinBUT i think i will get intel chips for my next purchase01:31
* holstein is not a gamer01:31
arandWell, the GMA954/955 Seems to have had problems throughout lucid01:32
holsteinive heard good thins about nvida though01:32
* holstein looks01:32
jordanwbI know that Nouveau works with my nvidia GT220.01:32
holsteinIntel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)01:32
holsteinthats what i got that ive had no problems with01:33
jordanwbCool. I'm looking for a laptop where I don't have to worry about binary drivers.01:33
holsteinarent we all :)01:33
holsteini got a couple of out of the box ATI cards too01:34
holsteinid have to fire them up to check01:34
holsteinnothing new01:34
jordanwbI know I don't have to worry about Atheros and Intel makes good wifi chips. Not sure about RealTek.01:34
holsteini just dont like real-tek01:34
holsteinquality wise01:34
holsteinbut i got a couple of those that are supported01:35
jordanwbAccording to the Ubuntu Wiki, the Radeon HD 4200 works with the OSS Radeon driver which would work.01:36
Daekdroomjordanwb, I don't think it has 3D accel01:37
jordanwbI don't mind. My current laptop has a Radeon x1200 which uses the radeon driver and it can do compiz stuff just fine (transparency mainly).01:38
DaekdroomWell, for X1200 it does.01:39
jordanwbAccording to the wiki, Intel's G965 OSS driver does 3D01:40
holsteinmy EEE does compiz out of the box01:41
jordanwbCool. So it seems that the Intel GMA is the least bad01:42
DaekdroomGMA500, on the other hand..01:42
jordanwbI'll be near a Best Buy so I'll take a dialy build of meerkat and see what happens.01:44
jordanwbBest buy tommorow*01:44
holsteinthats the best way01:45
bjsniderdo they let people walk in off the streets and load strange operating systems on their display systems?01:45
jordanwbWindows ME would be strange to the Geek Squad01:46
holsteinjust ask :)01:46
holsteinthey like to sell things01:47
bjsnideri see01:47
bjsniderwhat if the livecd ruined the hardware?01:48
holsteinat the store?01:48
holsteinthat would be unlikely01:48
holsteinand, its not anybody's hardware01:48
jordanwbthere was a case of the e1000 driver hosing the network chip but that was a while ago.01:48
holsteini would assume the geek-squad would re-do the OS01:48
bjsniderremember when the kernel destroyed the firmware on some lan chips awhile back?01:49
holsteinOR just send it back01:49
holsteinafter hardy?01:49
Daekdroomr600g mesa driver had a function that got you to do a cold start boot to fix a crash o.o01:49
DaekdroomHow come there aren't any linux malwares..01:50
holsteinthere will be i bet01:50
jordanwbthere was one in a gnome screensave a while back01:50
macoDaekdroom: there are01:50
bjsniderlinux is too small a target01:50
holsteinwith all the adroid phones01:50
macothere are no VIRUSES *in the wild* able to infect a current up-to-date system01:50
macothere have been ~30 in the wild at various times01:50
macoand there's plenty badness out there that *isnt* a virus01:51
DaekdroomHell, I once saw a installing routine script that started with a rm -rf /bin/01:51
macoDaekdroom: yikes!01:51
Daekdroomand yes, somebody fell for it, and no, thankfully it wasn't me :P01:51
macojordanwb: yep yep i remember that trojan01:51
DaekdroomI think it was a LXDE installer or something01:52
* maco points folks to the presentation on linux-security-for-normal people she gave 10 days ago --> http://www.slideshare.net/macoafi/security-448439401:52
DaekdroomAnyway, I gotta go.01:52
jordanwbokay. Thanks guys01:52
holsteinmaco: cool :)01:53
peterklsok the error im encountering is the following: "Fatal: Error inserting vesafb (/lib/modules/2.6.35-2-generic/kernel/drivers/video/vesafb.ko): No such device ALERT! does not exist. Dropping to a shell:". I also get a error similar to this that i cant copy because it just flashes then goes away. i do not know if this is the same error or not but i think so.02:21
arandpeterkls: To be honest I don't know about the error, but it's at least material for a bug report, note down what you've tested, etc.02:27
peterklsyeap will do. Do i need ubuntu to file the bug?02:27
peterklsim going to ask same question in ubuntu to see if anyone else might have this problem02:31
Sagaciwhen will packages.ubuntu.com allow maverick packages to be searched, on the release date?02:33
arandSagaci: It should be up, I think it might be a problem with the site code, which hasn't been fixed yet, for some reason..02:39
Sagaciarand: ah ok, that's for the response02:40
arandpeterkls: No, You can report it directly, but if you at some point are able to boot the kernel it would of course be best to report it using "ubuntu-bug linux" to catch all relevant data regarding that specific kernel and hardware...02:41
peterklsroger that mate02:49
yofelpeterkls: afaik that error usually means that the device is either not there, or already used by another module, are you sure there isn't another framebuffer module already loaded?03:10
yofelafaik vga16fb is loaded by default03:10
peterklsi read about using uvesafb instead of vesafb on bootup. how would i go about doing that?03:11
yofelwell, vesafb should never be used as it's blacklisted, as for uvesafb, not sure03:16
yofelvga16fb works fine here03:16
yofelmaybe blacklist vga16fb and add uvesafb to /etc/intramfs-tools/modules03:17
peterklswell im trying to just get into the live install and i had an error with vesafb and that uvesafb should be used03:18
yofelerm, vesafb is blacklisted, so a clean live disk will *never* use it03:19
yofelit shouldn't even attempt to use it03:19
yofeljust curious, what are you trying to do?03:19
peterklsinstall 10.10 any way possible on my ideapad s10-3t since it supports most of the features of this netbook03:20
peterklsim following ubuntu forums and someone got 10.10 on it, but he hasnt responded yet about it03:24
DanaGpeterkls: add uvesafb to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, install v86d, and set grub to something like: video=uvesafb:mode_option=1024x76803:25
peterklsok will try03:28
peterklsi just realized there is alternate maverick installs i can try03:45
DanaG"in  maverick we plan to have an upstart job that automatically spawns a  getty if a console= argument for a serial console is set on the kernel cmdline."04:17
DanaGNow if only we could get that to also not disable plymouth splash... =þ04:17
DanaGs/also not/not also/04:25
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peterklswell the alternate isnt working either lol05:31
knittlyofel: yeah sure ^^ but i did a full-upgrade, that seemed to work06:31
DanaGSay, anyone know how to list all packages in a section such as "math"?07:10
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DanaGinteresting... does that exclude AthlonXP?09:55
DanaGsay, why use vesafb and not uvesafb>10:06
DanaGIt's a bummer vesafb can't do modeset.10:07
DanaGer, fbset.10:07
DanaGonly uvesafb can.10:07
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nperryAnyone having any priblems with X11:16
nperrySeems that my left mouse button no longer works, checked two mouses and doing the same, works fine on my ucid boot11:16
nperryI'm able to right click11:17
nperryBut after about ten mintues of X running the left button doesn't register11:17
nperryAnyone suggest something  to debug11:19
nperryCan't see much in logs11:20
nperrychecking Xorg.log and dmesg11:20
nperryGoing to see if xorg-edgers works11:30
xapienzhello, everybody! I have maverick; hotkeys like 'Alt-Fx' work in xserver and I can't use 'Alt-F2' for example to open a command window - in this case I'm directed to tty2. What should I do?12:23
arandxapienz: Report a bug. Dunno if it's the kernel for that..12:27
xapienzok, I'll do that12:28
* gnomefreak would have tried setting any key-combo back to default first :)12:29
arandBleh, ctrl+alt+T is the worst accelerator ever.12:30
xapienzarand: what package should I report a bug for?12:31
arandI'm not sure, if you're not either, just report it against "ubuntu". #ubuntu-bugs might have more people knowing what the target should be..12:34
* gnomefreak could be wrong but im thinking X controls keys and mouse?12:35
xapienznow I'm asking at #ubuntu-bugs)12:37
xapienzmoreover, ctrl-alt-del restarts my computer12:37
xapienzalt-left moves me to tty612:38
T0rrent0whello geeks14:47
om26erhello! T0rrent0w14:53
BUGabundoBom S. Joao. bbl15:00
nanoguywhat is new in the alpha?15:53
yofelnanoguy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview16:03
yofela bit outdated though16:03
yofelwe have kernel 2.6.35 and KDE 4.5b2 now16:03
yofelkde4.6rc1 should be released today16:04
yofeler... 4.5rc116:04
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siegieI'm testing kubuntu-maverick at the moment, but he starts with the plasma-netbook instead off the plasma-desktop17:28
holsteini remember getting the mythbuntu one somewhere in the alpha of lucid17:30
holsteinim thinking boot screens17:31
yofelsiegie: how large is your screen? I remember there being a change in kdebase-workspace that decides what to start on the screen size17:33
yofel  * Add kubuntu_108_plasma_netbook_for_small_screens.diff to start17:33
yofel    plasma-netbook instead of plasma-desktop if screen size is small17:33
siegieyofel: 1280x80017:33
yofellet me check what that actually does...17:34
yofelhm, that's kdebase-workspace | 4:4.4.85-0ubuntu5 though17:38
yofelah, it is built on i38617:39
siegieyofel: i've found a way to set i back to the plasma-desktop, in system-settings. But it strange that he starts with the netbook interface the first time17:39
siegieAnyway i've amd6417:39
yofelbut looking at the patch it should only start netbook if the screen is smaller than 700 :/17:39
yofelmaybe ubuntu4 is broken and that's supposed to fix it17:40
siegieyofel: i'm using 4:4.4.85-0ubuntu4  and i'm using the main archive17:43
siegiehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/4:4.4.85-0ubuntu5 > amd64 is still building. So i hope the problem is solved then. Thanks yofel17:45
Andre_GondimI did not find sun-java6-plugins to use in Firefox, does anyone know about it?17:52
yofelhm, seems to be missing in maverick/partner17:55
Andre_GondimI tried to use lucid partner, but I didn't find it17:56
yofelthat should work though17:57
yofel *** 6.20dlj-1ubuntu3 017:57
yofel       -400 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages17:57
duffydackbtrfs still isnt available in the daily installer.  any ideas when it will appear?18:42
gnomefreakduffydack: before oct.18:43
gnomefreakif it will be there18:43
Piciduffydack: cwatson's email from 2 days ago suggested that btrfs was available in the daily.  I don't know if that was restricted to the alternate installer. It warns that you cannot use that filesystem for /boot though18:46
gnomefreakoh i did see that i think18:50
duffydackthats what I dont get, he says its available now, and some people are saying 'alternate installed' but there isnt one for daily18:50
Piciduffydack: ask him?18:50
gnomefreakduffydack: alt installer has been having issues and its not posted everyday18:50
gnomefreaki posted a commanet/question to dev-disuss list18:51
duffydackdoh, i guess I dont look very hard..i`ll try this alternate..18:51
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DanaGHeh, if I enable the volume-control sound, it plays the sound about 5-10 times per second while I hold my volume softkey.19:41
DanaGIt makes it sound like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup19:41
DanaGAnd it uses 100% CPU while doing so.19:41
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