
thorwilkwwii: hi! the free culture showcase wiki page could benefit from a TOC11:27
kwwiithorwil: heya11:29
kwwiithorwil: good idea, wanna add that?11:29
kwwiiivanka said it was a great idea :-)11:29
thorwilarg, why oh why? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Concepts/Unity11:58
zniavre_you do not like this theme ?12:00
thorwilzniavre_: i just don't see the point in creating such a placeholder page. especially if i have to wonder if it's in the right place12:02
thorwilkwwii: actually, i poked you to not do it myself, but now i did ;)12:03
thorwilthe ubuntu-web effort on templates seems to go well, but nobody is on the wiki, right?12:04
kwwiithorwil: killer thanks12:12
kwwiiright, we haven't gotten there yet12:13
kwwiihey thorwil, can I send you a gimp pallete file to test in inkscape?12:15
kwwiiI am making palettes with the new colours and it seems to kill my inkscape12:15
kwwiiI cannot figure out why though12:15
thorwilkwwii: sure12:15
kwwiiit works fine in gimp but seems to crash inkscape12:16
thorwili have whatever is in lucid plus 0.48pre112:16
kwwiinot sure where that Ubuntu palette came from12:17
kwwiinot from us12:17
kwwiiI will talk to ted about removing it from inkscape12:17
thorwilkwwii: works with 0.48pre1. 7 swatches, the first is None12:35
thorwilkwwii: no problem with Lucid's 0.47, either12:36
thorwilkwwii: don't you have to create 2 palettes for screen and print?12:37
kwwiithorwil: thanks for testing, it keeps killing my inkscape here...yes, I need to correct the column number13:44
kwwiithorwil: yeah, I was thinking about making one with cmyk and usch13:44
kwwiireally, we need one palette which has all the info :-)13:45
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=== perceval is now known as zniavre
coz_has darkmatter been around???23:14

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