
jmarsden|workSo... send it as a signed message, and you should be good.00:01
arandstenten: enigmail is convenient, if you use TB.00:11
stentenWell Gmail apparently can't do PGP keys at all, which explains why I couldn't figure out how to sign my message with one. I thought it only couldn't do encryption. Bog.00:11
arandI guess it could be done manually, but I don't know of anything convenient that allows online gpg signing...00:18
DrKenobiHello everyone! I think Bug #597478 should be sent upstream. The problem is I don't know where is upstream!03:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 597478 in blockout2 (Ubuntu) "No blockout2 menu entry in Games (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59747803:53
kermiacDrKenobi: re bug 597478 - upstream is debian04:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 597478 in blockout2 (Ubuntu) "No blockout2 menu entry in Games (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59747804:27
DrKenobikermiac, ok. I will read later how to send it to Debian.04:28
DrKenobiI think Bug #597108 should be set as 'Triaged'04:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 597108 in vlc (Debian) (and 1 other project) "please update vlc to 1.1.0 (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59710804:29
micahgDrKenobi: no, packaging bugs have a different workflow04:31
micahgDrKenobi: also notice that bdrung already claimed the bug04:31
DrKenobimicahg: Oh, you are right, sorry04:32
micahgDrKenobi: np04:32
DrKenobii think Bug #112703 status should be triaged06:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 112703 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "tomboy starts with search dialog rather than as minimized in notification area (affects: 14) (dups: 1) (heat: 74)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11270306:09
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
vishDrKenobi: done06:44
DrKenobithanks vish06:46
vishDrKenobi: you've applied for a mentor... but i'v noticed you've been triaging for a while , was there someone who has been mentoring you?06:47
DrKenobivish: no, I just read the wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs06:50
DrKenobiI've ben asking a lot here06:50
vishDrKenobi: neat , it "seems" most of the mentors are fully at the time you prefer ,but some of them have idle students , so we have to clear them up first.06:54
DrKenobivish: ok, I'll wait. I'll go on asking here :)06:56
vishDrKenobi: yeah ,no worries,  you can keep asking here , you seem to be doing good already :)06:56
DrKenobithanks vish!06:57
selvamanipriya: hi07:29
priyaselvamani: hi07:30
selvamaniwhat is your query07:30
priyaselvamani: how to do the bugs triage07:30
selvamanipriya: there is a link on the top of message07:31
priyaselvamani: ya i try07:32
selvamanipriya: mmm07:32
selvamanijust close it that is it07:33
selvamanidouble click on the particular person07:33
* DrKenobi heading to bed, i don't want to see more bugs je07:35
drew212ddecator: are you around?07:56
drew212whenever i search launchpad for packages it gives me a timeout error, anyone else have this problem?08:15
priyawhat about xdg-utils08:24
vishpriya: xdg-utils?  you are looking to triage those bugs?08:50
priyavish: ya08:51
priyavish: shal i find the packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:51
vishpriya: you can triage any package , xdg-utils included , the bugs are listed here > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils08:52
vishpriya: try reproducing a bug and mark bugs confirmed or add more information if required , also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad , has useful info about bug triaging08:54
priyavish: thank you08:54
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somethinginteresShould this be set to wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/59762711:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 597627 in firefox (Ubuntu) "please update firefox to 3.6.4 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]11:17
xteejxsomethinginteres: Have changed it for you11:21
somethinginteresxteejx: thanks11:22
xteejxno prob :)11:22
seb128users should stop jumping on bug filing this way11:24
seb128the 3.6.4 candidate versions are ready in the security team ppa for some weeks11:24
seb128they will be uploaded, no need to open bug reports about it11:24
xteejxI thought we would have it by maverick11:25
xteejxor were planning to11:25
seb128we will get it from karmic to maverick yes11:25
seb128hardy to maverick rather I meant there11:26
xteejxI know what you meant :P11:27
* xteejx has his fingers crossed that he gets Ubuntu membership11:29
xteejxIf anyone wants to leave a testimonial please do I'd appreciate it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xteejx << not trying to spam btw :)11:29
xapienzhello, everybody!12:35
xapienzI have a problem. When I use a hotkey 'Alt-Fx' from xserver (for example, from KDE, but it doesn't make sense), I'm directed to console (tty2)12:35
xapienzif I press 'ctrl-alt-del', the computer restarts12:36
xapienzI use maverick meerkat and don't know what package I should choose to report a bug12:36
xapienzshould I report a bug against "ubuntu"?12:39
arandHmm.. Could that be plymouth still picking up the keyboard? (I still have no idea really..)12:39
xapienzshould I try to stop plymouth?12:40
arandxapienz: It can always be changed later, so you can start off with that target..12:40
arandxapienz: Well plymouth shouldn't be running sfter it's booted up I don't think.. (check with "ps -A | grep plymouth"12:41
xapienzit is running12:41
arandRight, I don't know for sure, but here on my lucid machine it isn't running as I've started. SO I guess one test is to kill it and see what happens..12:42
xapienzI've stopped it, now I'll try to restart X12:43
xapienz it worked =) thank you12:47
arandRight, so then I would guess the bug should be reported against plymouth.12:48
yofelplymouth is still running here and alt+f2 doesn't give me tty2, but maybe that's just KDE being more forceful when handling hotkeys12:48
xapienzyofel: I have kde too12:48
yofelodd then, but if that helps do file it against plymouth12:49
BUGabundoBom S. Joao. bbl14:59
somethingintereshi all, I am having an issue whee when I attempt to 'bend' windows (compiz enabled) it works but I get graphics glitches appearing as white lines. This happened for some time then stopped but it appears to have come back.. does this sound like a bug?15:54
yofelbug 535509 and bug 506342, which one would you guys use as the main bug? I tend to 53550916:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 535509 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get always crash with Segmentation fault (core dumped) if /var/log/apt doesn't exist. (affects: 5) (dups: 2) (heat: 63)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53550916:01
ubot2yofel: Bug 506342 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/506342 is private16:01
yofelbug 50634216:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 506342 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV in __fprintf_chk() (affects: 32) (dups: 9) (heat: 200)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50634216:01
xteejxAfternoon all!16:32
xteejxzus: Hi :)16:34
hallynpedro_: hi, i'm looking to be added to bugcontrol so i can set importance...  i hit 'join' on the launchpad page, pls let me knwo if i should do anything else.16:58
pedro_hallyn, an email needs to be send to the BugControl ML, please have a look to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl17:05
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drew212ddecator: you around?17:49
bdmurrayjcastro: to be clear about bug 591394 you want the package status page to link to the debian pts page?18:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 591394 in ubuntu-qa-website "Status pages should link to corresponding Debian QA pages (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59139418:42
jcastrobdmurray: yessir!18:43
ddecatordrew212: i am now for a few minutes, not sure if you're still around18:43
jcastrobdmurray: if I can get a companion blog post when you fix that that would be nice ice cream!18:43
* micahg would like some ice cream :)18:45
* ddecator is now hungry :(18:46
micahgdrew212: FYI, there was a recent upload to Maverick with openjdk fixes, so make sure people are testing the updated version18:49
micahgddecator: ^^^18:49
ddecatormicahg: good to know, thanks18:49
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xteejxbug 572551 can someone confirm this please?19:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 572551 in merkaartor (Ubuntu) "merkaartor loses top of application if maximised (affects: 2) (heat: 68)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57255119:20
drew212micahg: are you still around?19:35
micahgdrew212: yes, but only for quick questions19:35
drew212micahg: nevermind, i was looking for an explanation of what we need for a proper crash report19:35
micahgdrew212: sorry, later this evening maybe19:36
drew212micahg: for sure =)19:36
ddecatorpedro_: ping19:47
pedro_ddecator, hello, how are you?19:48
ddecatorpedro_: doing good, and yourself?19:48
pedro_ddecator, i'm good as well, thanks ;-)19:49
pedro_ddecator, how's that wiki work going?19:49
pedro_hello charlie-tca19:49
ddecatorpedro_: that's what i was just going to ask about. i'm just about to start, but i'm wondering where your main source was for the png images. i don't want to just re-use the ones on the BugSquad page over and over :p19:50
pedro_ddecator, most of them are coming from the hicolor-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme19:54
pedro_ddecator, i'm just rescaling those svg's19:55
ddecatorpedro_: ah, i never would have thought to use icons from the system...thanks! haha19:55
micahgdrew212: also keep in mind the 3.6.4 Firefox update will help with flash crashes19:56
pedro_ddecator, you're welcome, thanks for working on the wiki pages :-)19:57
pedro_ddecator, if you need help with anything (format, etc) just let me know19:57
Aquinahttp://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4173/537 for a listing of possible problems19:57
ddecatorpedro_: will do, thanks :)19:57
drew212ddecator: hey, how should we handle this bug 545582?19:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 545582 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox 3.5 would not start, reinstalled 3 times and it still crashed. Installed Firefox 3.6 works fine (affects: 1) (heat: 38)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54558219:59
drew212if its working in 3.6 should we worry about 3.5?19:59
charlie-tcaHello, pedro_20:00
micahgdrew212: bug is old, FF3.5 isn't suppoorted on Lucid20:00
ddecatordang, micahg beat me to it20:00
micahgddecator: sorry, I'll go back to other things now20:00
drew212micahg: i know, should i invalidate it and tell him that?20:00
ddecatormicahg: haha, it's fine, i appreciate the help :p20:00
micahgdrew212: yep20:01
xteejxEvening all20:21
xteejxmicahg: Don't suppose I could ask you to give a testimonial for me for Ubuntu membership could I?20:22
micahgxteejx: when's the meeting?20:25
xteejxmicahg: 6th July 20:00 U?TC20:25
micahgxteejx: can you ping me this weekend?20:26
xteejxSorry for being cheeky :P20:26
xteejxmicahg: Yeah sure micah :)20:26
xteejxOh I didn't realise it's nearly 2 weeks away! Oops20:27
micahgxteejx: that's why I asked :)20:27
xteejxI thought it was closer to the 30th than the 23rd hehe, didn't look at the Gnome panel20:28
* xteejx is embarrassed :S20:28
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xteejxNot spamming the channel guys, but the Ubuntu BugSquad Facebook group is back if anyone wants to join it's at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=88568611005 .... now back to triaging :D20:39
pedro_we have a facebook group ? wow20:40
xteejxAlso, I didn't get the notifier for tomorrow's hugday can someone forward me it please?20:40
pedro_thanks for the info xteejx ;-)20:40
xteejxpedro_: I made it hehe :)20:40
xteejxpedro_: I saw the testimonial - brilliant!! Thanks Pedro :)20:41
pedro_xteejx, announcement sent20:41
xteejxcool thanks pedro :)20:42
pedro_xteejx, you're welcome, keep up the good work ;-)20:42
xteejxpedro_, I will :D20:42
ddecatorpedro_: so i've come to the conclusion that the hardest part about this is deciding on what icons to use :p20:42
pedro_ddecator, lol20:43
ddecatordang, that messes up the table of contents..21:01
ddecatorpedro_: any ideas how i can use that style without it messing up the table of contents?21:05
pedro_ddecator, reducing the size of the title bars? do you have any tmp page created on the wiki to have a look?21:09
ddecatorpedro_: not atm. if i replace the headers with the style you used, it no longer shows everything in the contents since they are no longer headers21:09
hdonhello :) "new" bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/405252 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwSOmjM26dk21:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 405252 in ubuntu "focus-follows-mouse option fights alt-tab function (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]21:12
hdonit's very hard for me as a developer because i make use of Alt+Tab very often. but it seems that with compiz and mouselook enabled, alt+tab frequently misbehaves!!!21:14
jfi"If you enable focus-follows-mouse" where is it? in compiz settings?21:21
jfiat least I don't reproduce with my current settings21:21
* micahg wonders if anyone who's an indicator expert can write a canned response for indicators no longer having a right click option21:26
hdonjfi, on Karmic Koala, go to System menu, Preferences, then Windows. (not that anyone here prefers windows :P) then click "Select windows when the mouse moves over them"21:40
jfiok, got it:)21:41
jfiI don't reproduce (10.10alpha) but maybe I did not understand the steps:)21:45
jfiI put the mouse cursor on a window, in the tab area, between 2 preview icons, alt-tab another window, this last one gain the focus which I assume is the right behaviour with your setting21:47
jfidid I miss something?21:47
jfiafter the alt-tab, I can move the mouse without changing the focus until I move to another window21:48
hdonjfi, the way you describe it sounds the way it is supposed to be :)21:51
hdonjfi, all i can ask is you try to put the cursor in different positions21:51
hdonjfi, it's very touchy, but for whatever reason it seems to happen to me accidentally *all* the time! :(21:52
hdoni guess only when you want it to happen it is hard to make happen :P21:52
jfithat's the worst kind of bugs:)21:56
jfiI also don't reproduce with lucid, I don't have any computer with karmic:(22:00
xteejxTry testing bugs with a Maverick LiveCD22:01
xteejxThat's the dev release at the mo22:01
jfihdon: maybe you should add an "apport" report or at least add the distribution version in your bug report22:07
xteejxapport-collect <bug #>22:08
jcastrobdmurray: what about not linking the pages when the package is mentioned in the sync blacklist?22:10
jcastroand instead saying "this package isn't in debian under this name"22:10
hdonjfi, i shall do just that22:13
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tulkastaldoSo, I was interested in finding out more about the bugs stuff after a post somewhere about bug days and went to the wiki for more information. Anyway, I don't know if it's an ironic statement or a typeo, but at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs the link to Bug Days has a label of Hug Days...22:58
stentenHug Day is a cute petname for Bug Day.23:06
tulkastaldoroger that23:06
stentenSince the idea is that you give a hug to those who triaged bugs for Bug Day.23:06
stentenBut I agree, it's a little confusing.23:07
kamusintulkastaldo, this is a good entry point  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase23:13
kamusingood luck, now to home23:24
tulkastaldovaya con queso23:28

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