
lamontcjwatson: well, the part of me wearing my buildd-guy hat would be tempted to just stub it out completely, but that would be, well, wrong.00:11
cjwatsonlamont: it's a genuine request, I've spent a fair bit of time making that go faster (principally by optimising the hell out of process execution and trying to do as much in-process as possible) but perhaps other eyes could see something I missed00:15
lamontcjwatson: yeah - I'll add it to my list of things to do00:17
cjwatsonI note idly that man-db can do full-text search of all manual pages on my laptop over seven times faster than Fedora's man package can00:17
cjwatson(and that's without either of them having a proper FTS engine in there, which would probably be a good idea)00:18
ScottKajmitch: :-)00:22
ScottKI only got involved with it because no one else was sorting it and one of the major users in Main is KDE.00:23
ajmitchScottK: I've dropped the majority of changes that we had, but there's some black magic going on with dependencies from what I've seen00:23
ajmitchI only touched it because of boost-python being broken & it being a dependency of other packages00:23
ScottKajmitch: If you want a package that uses the MPI stuff, elmerfem needs merging.00:25
ajmitchI may take a look00:25
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Joithi. where can i make suggestions for the install cd06:26
dholbachgood morning06:51
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pittiGood morning07:33
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gesercould an archive admin please kill http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/rdoc1.8. ruby1.8 provides/conflicts/replaces rdoc1.8 and there are only unversioned dependencies left (and one versioned but ruby1.8 is the preferred alternative to rdoc1.8)08:39
geserand the same for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/rdoc1.9.1. ruby1.9.1 provides/conflicts/replaces rdoc1.9.1 and only unversioned dependencies left.08:40
sabgentonubuntu servers usb install instructions http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download show how to install desktop08:43
sabgentonthis is disconcerting as with say   the old  karmic this never worked for server editon08:44
sabgentondoes this information even work?08:44
sabgenton(for server)08:44
sabgentonconsidering there was never in the  past support  for server on usb   http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download should be made a lot clearer if there really is support now.08:46
bigonrobert_ancell: are you around?09:01
robert_ancellbigon, hi09:01
robert_ancellbigon, ?09:05
bigonrobert_ancell: hi, about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=550478 is this really needed? josselin was not happy with putting things for testing purpose only in the "production" package09:06
ubottuDebian bug 550478 in gobject-introspection "gobject-introspection: Please include the Everything-1.0 typelib" [Minor,Open]09:06
pittiis it just me, or has edge.lp been ridiculously slow since yesterday?09:07
robert_ancellbigon, it's proposed to be in the -dev package.  It is used by python-gi in their make check.  If we don't package it somewhere then that will always fail.09:08
robert_ancellbigon, since it is built and installed with make install, I'm guessing the gobject-introspection guys consider it useful in other projects.09:09
bigonrobert_ancell: it's require the adding of an extra shared lib too09:11
robert_ancellbigon, does that matter?09:12
cjwatsonsabgenton: please file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website about that09:13
sabgentondoing right now :)09:14
cjwatsonsabgenton: (the webmaster isn't likely to be awake at this time and isn't in this channel anyway)09:14
sabgentonwhat chanel ?09:14
sabgentoncjwatson: where does he live on irc?09:15
cjwatsonsabgenton: please use the bug tracking system, it's more efficient09:17
sabgentonk doing09:17
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ograpitti, hey, looking at udisks i see we dont have any ubuntu patches in it, i need to add one thats really specific to the image builds, so very ubuntuish, do you think upstream would accept that or should i just go ahead and add a quilt patch ?09:32
pittiogra: depends on the patch09:32
ograpitti, its adding another partition label to the hidden partitions in the udev rule09:33
pittiogra: if it's sensible for Debian, I can commit it there; if it's sensible for upstream, I'd rather commit it there and then cherrypick to Debian and sync09:33
ograits not sensible for either i think, since it fully depends on the way we build images09:33
pittiogra: and we can't use one of the standard partition types for rescue partitions?09:34
pitti  ENV{UDISKS_PARTITION_TYPE}=="0x00|0x11|0x12|0x14|0x16|0x17|0x1b|0x1c|0x1e|0x27|0x3d|0x84|0x8d|0x90|0x91|0x92|0x93|0x97|0x98|0x9a|0x9b|0xbb|0xc2|0xc3|0xdd|0xef", \09:34
ograomap images will have a vfat partition that fakes a NAND and is the first partition, i want to hide that on desktops09:34
pittithere's plenty to choose from, after all?09:34
ograno, i cant change the type09:34
ograit has to be a label09:34
ograelse the bootloader wont work09:34
pittidoes the type/label come predefined by some vendor?09:35
ograno, i can define the label, the type needs to be vfat bootable etc etc09:35
ogra(wioth a certain CHS layout even)09:35
pittiogra: so, what's the new label?09:35
pittiogra: we can't just use "Recovery Partition" or "RECOVERY"?09:35
ograwell, i'D call it OMAPBOOT or some such09:35
ogracurrently i use one of the SYSTEM* labels09:36
ograworks fine but its an abuse09:36
ograif you think that abuse is fine i can also keep it but calling it OMAPBOOT or some such would be cleaner09:37
pittiogra: I don't mind the "abuse" :)09:37
ograok, i'll keep the current name then09:37
pittiogra: OTOH, any package can ship a rule to ignore it09:37
pittiogra: i. e. if your boot loader package ships an udev rule to ignore OMAPBOOT, that's just fine09:37
ograright, but that would mean a new package just for that09:37
ograwe dont install the bootloader packages :)09:38
ograflash-kernel could probably do it though ... hmm09:38
* ogra will think about that, thanks pitti 09:38
pittiogra: so, I don't mind which label it has; I'd just like to avoid a delta to Debian just for this09:38
ograyeah, understood09:38
pittiso if it's necessary, I'd rather commit it to the Debian tree09:39
pitti(need to ask mbiebl for that, since it's debatable)09:39
ograwell, its very ubuntu specific09:39
ograso i dont think debian wants it09:40
pittiother distros don't use that boot loader?09:40
pitti(meego, etc.)09:40
ograits bound to the way we build the new images which i assume debian will never adopt )preinstalled images)09:40
pittiogra: in general such things should be maintained in one place; i. e. if your image build system defines $LABEL, it could also stick in an udev rule file which ignores that very $LABEL :)09:41
ograthe new images are two partition images where we resize the second partition on the fly to the full size of the disk while the first partition has to follow a ceratin scheme09:41
pittiecho ... > /etc/udev/rules.d09:41
ograright, butu the tool i use gets removed with oem-config09:41
gesercjwatson: could you please kill rdoc1.8 and rdoc1.9.1 from the NBS list? or should I file a bug for it?09:41
ograand i dont really want a file on the FS thats not handled by a package09:42
pittiogra: /etc/udev/rules.d/ already has a few09:42
ograbut rolling a package only for the rules file seems overkill09:42
pittipersistent network, etc.09:42
cjwatsongeser: one moment09:42
pittiogra: no, if nothign else, the image build process should do that along with creating the partitions -> define stuff in one place09:42
ograpitti, well, then i can also do it from jasper-initramfs during fiorst boot09:43
BlackZpitti: did you read my e-mail regarding cdbs?09:43
cjwatsongeser: done09:43
pittiBlackZ: not yet, bit busy right now; I'll get to it09:43
jmuxHi. I'm on 8.04 LTS using upstart. I have a dhclient-exit hook, which fails, because udev starts ifplugd, which starts dhclient, which calls the hook before I have a writable local fs. How can I wait for the upstart writable fs event inside my dhclient exit hook?09:43
BlackZpitti: thanks09:43
pittiBlackZ: I'm not in the ubuntu distro team this cycle, so I'm lagging on distro stuff, sorry09:43
apwcjwatson, was it you i was talking to about ti-omap in maverick, that we were now building those from the main package ?10:02
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cjwatsonapw: yeah, I hadn't got round to doing anything about the result of that conversation yet ...10:09
apwcjwatson, ahh ok then that makes sense... a quick Q on how to migrate the meta package, i _think_ i don't need anything speciial (replaces et al) to produce a replacement binary package at a higher version number from a different source package ... is that correct ?10:11
sabgentonis there any reason I should have my bug  ticked private?10:11
apwsabgenton, if apport ticked it private then it would likely mean that it thinks it added some backtrace information which may contain private information and it cannot tell10:12
cjwatsonapw: correct10:12
apwcjwatson, thanks10:12
sabgentonsorry new to launchpad10:13
apwapport is the automatic bug filer, like from application crashes10:13
apwif its just your own bugs, then normally not10:13
sabgentonso if i want my bug to get traction I should make it unprivate?10:14
sabgentonI just typed the bug up my self on the website10:14
apwif you made it private, then likely  only you can see it, so noone else is even aware of it10:15
cjwatsonprivate bugs are for (a) security bugs that need to not be disclosed to the public as yet (but in that case tick the security box so that the security team get to see it) (b) bugs with private information like crash dumps from your mail reader (but apport deals with subscribing some people so that they aren't entirely lost) (c) commercially-sensitive bugs, such as bugs from a hardware manufacturer on unreleased hardware10:16
cjwatsona private bug with no explicit subscribers other than yourself is invisible10:17
cjwatson(well, to everyone other than Launchpad admins, but they'll probably never look at it)10:17
achaemeneshi guys, im running 2.6.24-28-server on 8.04 - i want to get the kernel source, as-is currently running, disable CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA, and build a package10:19
achaemenesi dont want the latest from git, i want the exact version, and all i want to do is rebuild it with that single change10:19
apwachaemenes, there are two ways to do that, but i would normally get the git source, the version you have is tagged in that10:20
sabgentonthanks for  the info10:20
apwachaemenes, we tag every released version10:20
achaemenesoh, i just installed linux-source-2.6.2410:20
sabgentonacording to what I understand now I'll unprivate it10:20
apwachaemenes, that is a raw source and not that useful for building10:20
achaemenesright, ok ill do a git clone then10:21
apwachaemenes, if you have trouble you can find us over on #ubuntu-kernel10:21
achaemenesexcellent - thankyou apw10:21
sabgentongrr it won't  unprivate10:22
sabgentonajax symbol spins but just  says error10:23
sabgentonprobly my slow conection I guess10:23
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Joithi. where i can make suggestions for the install cd?11:15
cjwatsonthe bug tracking system, usually11:15
Joitok thanks11:16
Joitand bye :)11:16
cjwatsonthere's #ubuntu-installer if you want to discuss things first, but IRC is in general not so good for anything you want to be remembered11:16
Joitok i will try this channel too11:17
Joitwell its actually only a option what is to add11:17
tkamppeterpitti, hi11:22
pittihello tkamppeter11:22
tkamppeterpitti, what does the reporter of bug 597248 has to enter to get Apport making a symbolic backtrace of his segfault.11:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597248 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd[1064]: segfault at 2d726574 ip 00135538 sp bf844ac0 error 4 in libcups.so.2[114000+42000]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59724811:24
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pittitkamppeter: easiest would be to enable apport for the current session and replicate the crash, and have apport pick it up; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport11:25
pittitkamppeter: if he doesn't want that, the fallback is to install debug packages etc. locally and run under gdb, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash11:25
tkamppeterpitti, thank you.11:31
Riddellev, cjwatson: as you may or may not have gathered we'd like to merge the kubuntu desktop and netbook images and load the correct desktop based on screen size, where is the best place to detect screensize and edit the config file on starting the live CD and installing the system?12:10
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cjwatsonsomewhere in casper I suppose12:13
thangam_arunHello all12:28
thangam_aruni am trying to trebuild kernel on ubuntu 8.1012:28
thangam_arunbut i am getting only 2 .deb files, image and header12:29
thangam_arunis there any body can direct me to the right path ??12:30
* ogra directs thangam_arun to #ubuntu-kernel :)12:30
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ccheneydoko, hello?14:37
dokoccheney: ?14:38
ccheneydoko, did you happen to see my comments about the OOo MIRs that need processing?14:38
ccheneydoko, they were assigned to you on jun 714:38
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ccheneypitti, hi15:37
ccheneypitti, iirc you are the person who assigns MIR bugs to people to process, is that correct? there is a server MIR I need to have processed for a2, bug 59437215:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594372 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "MIR: tgt" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59437215:38
pitticcheney: hello15:38
pitticcheney: that's asac now (since I'm OEM this cycle)15:38
ccheneypitti, ah ok15:38
ccheneyasac, ping, see above :)15:38
ccheneypitti, have a great day :)15:38
pitticcheney: thanks, you too!15:39
pittiin fact, was a pretty good "boot faster" day so far15:39
asacpitti: hey15:46
pittihello asac, how are you?15:47
asacpitti: quite well ;)... hope you too! did you discuss with other linaro folks on how we can use your "reduce disk footprint"15:47
pittioh, was I supposed to?15:47
pittiasac: I moved the stuff to the public wiki now, so it should be easy to grab15:47
asacpitti: no ;) ... just wanted to check so i dont ask questions already discussed15:47
asacpitti: cool. did the dpkg changes land in maverick?15:48
pittiit links to all the bzr changes, patches, etc15:48
pittiasac: not yet, just in debian's trunk so far15:48
pittiand I have a backport for lucid15:48
asacpitti: is it risky to make that available in maverick?15:48
pittino, it's fairly well tested by now15:48
pittiwe have run that in an OEM project for two weeks15:48
asacpitti: ok we have a https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-disk-footprint spec15:49
asacpitti: i would like to give you an item to make the dpkg  available in the archive ... if you dont mind ;)15:49
pittiasac: the apt changes are interesting as well, but I'd like mvo to review the branch first15:49
pittithat didn't land upstream yet15:49
pittiasac: sounds fine15:49
pittiplease do15:49
asacpitti: ok. i will read through your wiki and reuse most of that for the footprint spec which needs some love15:49
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asacpitti: thanks!!15:50
asacstay tuned15:50
pittigern geschehen15:50
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asacccheney: pushed that MIR to mterry15:54
ccheneyasac, thanks!15:54
mterryasac, I have been remiss with MIRs, sorry15:54
asacmterry: heh. well, we all failed ;)15:54
asacmterry: do you have capacities at all atm?15:54
mterryasac, not really.  maybe this weekend15:55
tseliotpitti: do you think it would make sense if I made the -dev packages of the different nvidia packages conflict with each others? This would allow me to install the headers in (/usr/include) e.g. /usr/include/GL instead of what I'm currently doing /usr/include/nvidia-current/GL (so that all of them can be installed at the same time)16:17
tseliotslangasek: ^16:18
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pittiasac: who is handling the firefox translation bits in langpack-o-matic these days?16:46
asacpitti: we said chrisccoulson_ would take that over through learning by doing16:49
asace.g. whenever there is a need we would discuss and see how things go16:49
pittiasac: thanks16:49
pittiasac: I got a bug about adding a new language; I'll assign to Chris and sub you, does that sound ok?16:49
asacpitti: the po2xpi processor was improved by ArneGoetje in the past ... so if the problem is there he might be a good candidate16:49
asacpitti: yeah. tahts good16:49
pittishoudl be easy, like adding a new file somewhere16:49
asacpitti: though ArneGoetje should be able to handle that too iirc16:49
asacbut chrisccoulson_ should definitly be invovled so he get that knowledge too16:50
slangasektseliot: I think that makes sense, yes17:09
tseliotslangasek: ok, thanks17:09
vishpitti: hi, the sd/mmc card is also verified bug , previously we had a bigger numbering there , it is not visible now at normal view. which fixes the bug for most users. we will however be adding more icons in larger sizes for maverick which will solve the problem for users trying to zoom to 400% :)17:11
vishthe humanity update ^17:11
pittivish: ah, I see; please tag it as verification-done then (sorry, busy right now017:12
vishpitti: cool , i didnt know i could do that. wanted to check with you first. Thanks17:12
* vish doing it now17:12
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JFobryce_, bug 573601 looks like it is solved by some configuration in an X config. does this need to go back to an X package?17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573601 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lucid: GLX not working on Nvidia driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57360117:43
bryce_JFo, yeah refile to nvidia-graphics-drivers if it looks like something a dev should look at17:45
bryce_JFo, if it's purely a configuration goof by the user, forward to answers or close as not a bug17:45
JFohmm, not sure17:46
JFohe added some stuff and it fixed him17:46
JFodunno where the goof was17:46
JFoI'll send it up to the dev17:46
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dupondjepitti: you here ?20:34
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JontheEchidnaSo, looks like libept broke API something awful yesterday. The textsearch class used for xapian is totally obliterated and left as two nearly-useless functions for getting the database path and the database timestamp20:58
JontheEchidnaSince synaptic uses that class, somebody's gonna have to take care of it sooner or later. This is what I did for libqapt: http://pastebin.com/5rw3XwBV20:58
JontheEchidnaIt's not worth it to link to libept anymore to get a string and a time_t, imo20:59
JontheEchidnaoops, wrong diff. http://pastebin.com/n5xKSqAg21:01
JontheEchidnaBasically all one has to do is make member variables for the timestamp and the Xapian::Database, initialize them, then rip the expand() function out of ept::textsearch and slap it in the code somewheres21:03
JontheEchidnaI'd contribute a patch, but I'm not in-tune with the build-systems of the G* world, given my K background. ;)21:05
hdonhello hard working ubuntu devs :) i submitted a bug report affecting "ALT+TAB" window switching -- a critical feature for developers and power users -- a long time ago but nobody seemed to notice it because, i believe, they were skeptical it could be reproduced. the bug still exists in Karmic Koala, and i have now updated the bug with a video demonstrating the problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40525221:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405252 in Ubuntu "focus-follows-mouse option fights alt-tab function" [Undecided,New]21:10
micahghdon: #ubuntu-bugs is more appropriate to have bugs triaged in21:11
hdonmicahg, thanks for the advice21:12
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jonois GIMP continually crashing for you all?23:31
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ddecatorthe stable version was working for me earlier (on lucid)23:38
arandjono: 10.10? Randomly or on start?23:39
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