
MTecknologyhow is everyone?03:26
=== piju is now known as faizul
faizulHello, i would like to request for irc cloak10:13
faizulhello KB1JWQ are you a ham ?10:14
rwwfaizul: an ubuntu/* cloak?10:16
rwwfaizul: are you an Ubuntu Member?10:16
faizulyes rww10:16
popeyrww: faizul is10:16
popeyas of 22 hours ago10:16
rwwlink your launchpad page, and... *pokes topyli*10:16
faizuloh thanks10:16
faizuli would like to request a cloak for this nick10:19
faizuli got 2 nicks, which is piju and faizul10:19
topylifaizul: you want it for faizul, right?10:20
faizulnot for piju10:20
faizulim always to chat with ubuntu-hams on #Ubuntu-hams using piju10:20
topylistaff around? can we please have an ubuntu member cloak for faizul?10:20
nikofaizul: can you group this nick to your other account first ?10:21
faizulim now looking forward to put my ham radio blog to planet.ubuntu.com10:21
faizulniko,      faizul  on network  irc.freenode.net10:21
faizul    piju on network irc.freenode.net10:21
topylifaizul: welcome to the luxurious world of ubuntu members!10:22
faizuloh thanks topyli10:22
nikofaizul: yes, please, drop this one, /msg nickserv identify piju yourpass10:22
nikoand /msg nickserv group10:22
nikoyou can group many nick under one account10:22
faizul-NickServ- You are now identified for piju.10:23
faizul-NickServ- Nick faizul is already registered to faizul.10:23
nikoyou must drop faizul first :)10:23
niko> /msg nickserv help drop10:23
faizuldrop ?10:23
nikoyes, after that you will be able to group it to piju, which has some access10:24
faizulbut i dont want a cloak for piju10:24
faizulonly for this nick10:24
nikowhy do you need two account ?10:25
faizulpiju is for ham radio chat, and faizul is for ubuntu chat10:25
faizuland my launchpad account also faizul, not piju10:25
nikohum ok10:26
faizulsince piju already got it's own vhost10:26
faizul /whois piju10:26
nikofaizul: identify as faizul, you will be cloaked10:27
faizulniko, thanks10:27
faizulthanks all10:27
topylithanks niko10:29
rwwcongrats :)10:31
Sarhancan i have a cloak?10:39
rwwSarhan: Hi Sarhan! Are you an Ubuntu Membe... meh10:41
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
Sarhanhi again11:28
Sarhanyes i am an ubuntu member11:28
Sarhanand also member in tunisian loco team11:28
ubottuTo setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup11:28
erUSULcan you post your LP url ?11:28
erUSULi do not see the ubuntu-members team in there... maybe you are still not added ?11:31
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership11:31
Sarhani will go ciao11:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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