
Marty_HomeHey guys, I have freshly installed mythbuntu 10.04, and upon the first reboot, my mythfrontend fails to load. It gives this error:04:52
Marty_HomeQPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread04:52
Marty_HomeSegmentation fault04:52
Marty_HomeHas anyone figured this out?04:52
jussirhpot1991: ping07:33
mrand!auto-builds | Marty_home13:00
ZinnMarty_home: Auto builds contain more recent bug fixes than the normal Ubuntu repository contains.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.13:00
tgm4883mrand, IIRC, thats not fixed in auto-builds, its an issue with our theme14:50
tgm4883thats the same error i was getting with my monitor removable drives issue14:50
tgm4883I believe it's theme related, as it doesn't have that issue with terra14:51
rhpot1991jussi: pong14:58
mrandtgm4883: I assume you're talking about Bug 560889.  Have you tried it after r24311 (8 weeks ago).  If you don't believe it is a duplicate, please undup it.15:36
ZinnBug 560889 in mythbuntu "Frontend does not start when Monitor Removable Media is enabled and Mythbuntu theme is used" [Undecided, Incomplete] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/56088915:36
tgm4883mrand, yea, but I don't think it was a dupe, just something you couldn't reproduce15:38
tgm4883which I think I might know why now15:38
tgm4883ah I see now, i'll test again on my frontend15:39
jussirhpot1991: Im about now...15:51
qwebirc24975after i have enable auto builds I am still losing my cover art on videos. These videos are non storage groups. Someone on here yesterday said that they were 99% sure that bug would still exist, any other ideas?17:59
tgm4883rhpot1991, ^18:00
qwebirc24975that's right it was rhpot1991. now there was something similar in the last release of mythbuntu that reset all of the metadata. this time it's just coverart and fan art18:04
tgm4883qwebirc24975, it's jamu18:05
tgm4883you could disable the cron job for that18:05
tgm4883there might even be a way to do that from MCC18:05
rhpot1991yep its jamu18:05
rhpot1991I think (don't quote me on this) that as far as jamu's author is concerned its not a bug since you aren't using storage groups18:05
BhaalAnyone know what happened to "remember position in video tree"  in Mythbuntu 10.04 ?18:16
qwebirc24975is there a wiki on how to stop the cron job for jamu?18:16
rhpot1991qwebirc24975: its already setup by default, and there should be one over are the mythtv site18:17
rhpot1991I believe there is a MCC plugin for it too, or maybe thats not out of dev yet?  tgm4883 ?18:18
tgm4883for jamu?18:18
tgm4883let me check18:18
tgm4883doesn't look like it18:19
tgm4883thats not my beast though18:19
rhpot1991it exists somewhere, might be on one of the dev ppas or something18:21
rhpot1991if its not released then you should look for a wiki18:21
tgm4883well there are two cron jobs18:22
tgm4883one daily, and one hourly18:22
tgm4883both are named mythvideo I think18:22
qwebirc43133okay i disable the jamu cron jobs... we will see what happens tomorrow. Thanks guys.18:30
chiluk so what's the best way to pull the video data? jamu or something else?19:49

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