
Some_PersonWhy do my damn files keep randomly becoming bad/corrupted?00:00
mkarnickioopsy, server slow down. any maintanance currently running?00:10
beunomkarnicki, yeap, wedid a roll out00:11
beunofresh code00:11
beunorestarting all the servers makes everything slow down for a few hours00:11
mkarnickijust noticed fetching nodes slowed down. aha, I see :) that's good news then!00:11
mkarnickibeuno: thanks00:11
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mkarnickiverterok: beuno: :O servers haven't been that fast since ever03:00
duanedesignmkarnicki: things faster i presume :)03:06
mkarnicki\o/ :O03:07
duanedesignmkarnicki: wow! you are right03:07
mkarnickiduanedesign: it's freakin fast03:08
* mkarnicki is talking about initial connection, auth and root node listing03:08
mkarnickiduanedesign: this is awesome03:09
mkarnickiduanedesign: it's so awesome it's 4 AM here and I couldn't stay away from my project! xD03:10
mkarnickicrap. have to go to bed. today I'm revising for tomorrows exam ;d03:10
mkarnickinite duanedesign03:10
mkarnickinite everybody!03:10
duanedesignmkarnicki: i got stuck on a bug so I am taking a few days off from hacking.03:10
mkarnickiduanedesign: oh I see03:11
duanedesignhope to get it sorted. frustrating. :)03:11
duanedesignmkarnicki: night03:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: I hope you'll be able to fix it03:11
duanedesignthanks cya layer03:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: I know what you're talking about.. my project was stalled for nearly 2 weeks :/03:11
mkarnickigood luck duanedesign ! take care03:11
mkarnickihave some rest from it duanedesign  :)03:12
* mkarnicki waves03:12
duanedesigni find myself having to almost relearn some parts of the code.03:12
duanedesign'now why did i do that?' lol03:12
leonelHello ..03:18
leonelI can't find how to tell ubuntuone  NOT to connect everytime I logon03:19
leonelI'd like to control the connects and disconnects to syncronize03:19
kermiacleonel: Does un-ticking the 'Ubuntu One' item in System --> Preferences --> Startup Applications work for you?03:24
leonelkermiac: Sorry .. I was looking for an option in the ubuntu one preferences ..03:27
leonelkermiac: thanks03:27
leonelkermiac: I'll try that one03:27
kermiacleonel: no probs :)03:27
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duanedesignhello kermiac04:11
kermiachey there duanedesign :)04:17
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ajenbohi, my ubuntu one has been saying syncing in progress or the last 6 houres, i need to format this computer so it would be nice if it would eventually get things done07:59
ajenboduring this time it has synced 0 out of 29 files or 28.9MB07:59
ajenbomy network upload shows 1,1MB, witch could be attributed to random pings on the network i guess.08:00
ajenboi have tried restarting the computer and client to no avail08:00
fmanachhi everyone08:19
fmanachI've just cancelled my plan and resubscribe to another free plan (i wanted to reset the whole account). Now I can see that I have "0 bytes Used" but when I click Dashboard or Files, I got "something has gone wrong". I can access notes, contacts and account panels... but neither dashboard nor files. Can somebody know why ?08:21
Nhdbhi! I've created an application that uses desktopcouch to store memo's, will this information get synced automagically with UbuntuOne your do I have to do something special on the database?08:48
ryeNhdb, the syncing will be performed automatically. Currently not all accounts are enabled for couchdb syncing, the team is working on enabling the access for all user accounts gradually09:29
Nhdbrye: I also asked this on the ubuntuforums but I havn't gotten a reply yet, if the contacts and bookmarks services are offline, does that also mean the syncing of all the other programs like gwibber is broken? and if so, shouldn't that be added to the ubuntuone statuspage on the wiki?09:33
Nhdband cool that it syncs automatically09:33
nUboon2AgeCan someone help me with syncing a phone?09:41
ryenUboon2Age, hi, what phone do you have and what problem do you have?09:44
nUboon2Agerye: i have a treo 700p and was going to try to use the Treo 750 conduit and see if that works.  But I don't know how to do it.09:45
nUboon2AgeI see the directions but they don't make sense to me rye:09:47
nUboon2Agerye: It says to download the client, but where do I put it and what do I do with it?09:49
nUboon2Agerye: and then under setup instructions it starts by saying "1. Start Funambol (from the Start menu)"  -- Huh?  What Start menu?  Is that a reference to Windows?09:50
ryenUboon2Age, let me have a look to see whether I can figure that out. Start menu definitely does not look right09:51
nUboon2Agerye: the client is a .cab file .  Does that ring any bells for you?  I know that m$ has some .cab files, but I don't know if its related or not.09:51
ryecab = ms cabinet file, so instructions for treo 700p contain info for windows ce?..09:52
nUboon2Agerye: hmmm... maybe the 750 is a windoze ce phone.  usually the Palms that are Windoze imprisoned have a W after their name, but maybe not w/ this one.  That would stink.09:54
ryenUboon2Age, hm, i am afraid palm treo 750 is windows ce phone09:55
ryewindows mobile 509:55
nUboon2Agerye: dang.  Well, I tried to sync w/ just the gnome-pilot, but it goes09:56
nUboon2Agerye: to sync the addressbook but the phone reports the connection was broken before completion.  I have the exact wording if that would help.09:57
ryenUboon2Age, ok, so could you please repeat what you are trying to do and what device you have?09:59
nUboon2Agerye: I have a Palm OS based Treo 700p and I want to sync the addressbook to UbuntuOne.10:00
nUboon2Agerye: When I go to the Conduit Settings in gnome-pilot for addressbook (aka Contacts) I can set it to10:01
nUboon2Agesync with UbuntuOne.  Then I start gpilotd from a terminal to see what its up to, and basically it gets to the point where it would sync the addressbook and nothing more is reported to the terminal.  On the phone side10:03
nUboon2AgeI get the error message I described above.10:03
ryenUboon2Age, unfortunately I am unable to find any confirmation that the funambol / syncml service has the client for palmos. All I find is that only windows mobile phones are supported.10:05
nUboon2AgeIts not a phone that is specifically listed under 'edit phone sync'.10:05
ryeteknico, ping, do you know whether PalmOS phones have funambol client / syncml support?10:06
teknicorye, hi, not that I know of10:06
nUboon2Agerye: I just had the thought that now that i've synced it with Evolution, maybe it will automagically sync Contacts w/ UbuntuOne that way???10:07
nUboon2Agerye: teknico: Will syncing w/ Evolution give me an automatic sync w/ UbuntuOne?10:08
nUboon2Agerye: teknico: In other words I've synced the Treo 700p with Evolution.  Will Evolution automatically sync w/ UbuntuOne?  Is there something I have to do in order to turn that on?10:10
tekniconUboon2Age, you need to sync with a CouchDb-backed address book in Evolution10:11
ryenUboon2Age, the contacts you store in Ubuntu One address book will automatically sync to the server-side, however this feature is not enabled for all users - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Contacts10:11
nUboon2Ageteknico: where can I go to find out about syncing w/ a CouchDB-backed address book in Evolution?10:14
nUboon2Agerye: teknico: What additional capabilities would having a phone on the Funambol-supported list be giving me?10:15
nUboon2Agerye: teknico: When I sync with a supported phone what does it give me?10:15
tekniconUboon2Age, when creating an address book, you choose "Type: CouchDb" and "Server: Desktop CouchDb"10:16
ryenUboon2Age, you will be able to synchronize the contacts bypassing your computer over the air. And as per syncing w/ a couchDB backend - if you store our contacts in Ubuntu One database (this is a separate db in evolution) then they will eventually be accessible online10:16
nUboon2Agerye: So it sounds like you could just with the phone (and no computer involved) sync contacts with UbuntuOne if you have a supported phone.  Did I get that right?10:23
ryenUboon2Age, yes, that's right10:23
nUboon2AgeThank you for your help, rye and teknico.  Good night...10:23
tekniconUboon2Age, you're welcome :-)10:24
ryenUboon2Age, you are very welcome, good night!10:24
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dholbachcan I persuade somebody to give a session at Ubuntu Developer Week? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep is the preliminary schedule13:21
mkarnickidholbach: developer weeks rock! :)13:37
dholbachmkarnicki: yeehaw! up for giving a session?13:47
BlackZdholbach: oh! it would be great to give a session13:50
dholbachBlackZ: what kind of session? are you going to give one?13:55
BlackZdholbach: I don't know yet, I have to check my TODO -- If I can I will add something ;)13:56
mkarnickidholbach: I would love to give one! But I feel I'd do better on the next UDW or the one after next, when I have more time :)14:03
benjaminhi, does anyone know way this .u1conflict files gets created?14:03
ryebenjamin, in case the client detects that the file is modified on another machine as well as locally upon next sync the remote copy is downloaded and the local copy is moved to u1conflict14:06
dholbachmkarnicki: sure :-)14:06
mkarnickidholbach: =)14:09
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duanedesign'lo all16:11
jdobrienCardinalFang, I totally missed the connection to the inquisition trio16:18
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CardinalFangCardinalBiggles, Fetch the Comfy Chair!16:23
CardinalFangjdo / CardinalBiggles:  my previous IRC nick was funroll-loops, but then Gentoo came along and made me sad.  So, I was trying to join #python one day ....16:25
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Flamekebabit seems things are syncing just fine except my contacts into Evolution. Uploading them from my iPhone works just fine, but it seems Evolution isn't willing to refresh with the new data. Suggestions?17:30
duanedesignFlamekebab: Contact Sync is not on for everyone. It is being restored gradually17:33
Flamekebabrestored? How long has it been off?17:33
duanedesignNot sure.17:35
nUboon2Ageduanedesign: I guess Flamekebab is gone, but in case people ask, rye gave me this URL re: Contacts status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Contacts17:44
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zushow can i find out what are my previous accounts with out subscribing my pc to ubuntu one ?20:17
beunozus, what do you mean?20:19
zusi actually i just went to ubuntu one.com and  uptop it says none jazz logout>>  i know i made an account with jazz there is one other,... how do i find out the details for each account20:20
zusim on a freshinstall of 10.0420:20
zusi actually much prefer to delete them 2 existing accounts20:21
beunoso, the desktop shouldn't have anything to do with the accounts20:21
beunoyou will have needed a different email address for each account20:21
beunoso you should be able to track them down by lookng in your email20:22
zushmm, good idea,... thanks20:23
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ryezus, are you asking about "none" part of the name ?20:34
zusrye yeah..well i guessing i never logged out of jazz,..20:35
ryezus, none is actually a bug, it parses your name into "firstname lastname" and since you have specified only jazz it appended "none"... beuno, was there a bug report about "none" part in user names?20:36
zuswell see, now jazz was one of the times i used ubuntu one, back when i first found out about ubuntu,...then i made another one when i reistalled karmic....since then i've been on kubuntu and i dont remeber what all i had...20:38
zusim looking in my mail boxes for anything on ubuntu one,.. honestly i forgot  wich "name" was used for what20:39
beunorye, there is20:50
beunocan't find it now20:50
beunobut there is20:50
zusok so i found one diggin through my email,...the other i remebered the "jazz" information.20:50
zuswhere can i change things at or remove/delete accounts?20:52
beunozus, https://login.ubuntu.com20:52
zuswhere do i remove accounts?  or rather delete them completely21:00
duanedesignzus: https://one.ubuntu.com/account/ view details or make changes21:16
ljruffI am running Ubuntu 10.04. My Ubuntu One will not sync with the server. All of my credentials are showing in the preferences window, but the status reads "Disconnected". The connect button is inactive. Does anyone have a fix?21:16
duanedesignljruff: can you open a Terminal and run the command:  u1sdtool -s21:17
zusduanedesign,  i went to the site, only im cliced on faqs, and got sidetracked....thanks back on track...21:18
zusthank you all, i don think i mentioned it before...21:18
duanedesignzus: np21:18
ljruffduanedesign, http://paste.ubuntu.com/454117/21:19
duanedesignljruff: ok. This came up the other day...21:20
ljruffduanedesign, So... I found the secret bug? Do I win a special prize?21:21
beunojdobrien, ^21:24
beuno    description: local and server roots are different21:24
jdobrienbeuno, ?21:24
jdobrienbeuno, I just logged in, so I don't know what you're talking about21:24
beunojdobrien, http://paste.ubuntu.com/454117/21:25
beunoljruff, is getting that21:25
beunoand it occured to me it may be related to your work21:25
duanedesignljruff: i was looking at the logs to see if i could see the workaround21:25
jdobrienbeuno, who got it?21:25
beunojdobrien, ljruff21:25
ljruffduanedesign, Thank you for all your help. I know you are trying. =)21:25
ljruffbeuno, yes?21:25
jdobrienljruff, are you a new user?21:25
duanedesignljruff: someone came in last week with this error21:25
ljruffIn IRC? Ubuntu?21:26
jdobrienduanedesign, that error normally comes from someone using their computer with a different account than they originally setup ubuntu one with21:26
jdobrienljruff, are you a new Ubuntu One user?21:26
ljruffjdobrien, Yes, I connected to a friend's ubuntu one account originally to download a large package, then I removed myself from that account. I thought I cleared it all out before reconnecting with mine.21:27
ljruffNo, jdobrien21:27
ajmitchdobey: ping (about packages)21:27
jdobrienljruff, so the computer where you're getting this error was setup with a different ubuntu one user21:28
dobeyajmitch: hi21:28
ljruffWhen I first installed Ubuntu on this computer this morning I originally connected to Friend's Ubuntu One account. I then disconnected from that account and reconnected to My Ubuntu One account.21:28
ajmitchdobey: hi, so I'm planning to get the u1 packages into debian & I know that you do most of the work on them anyway21:28
jdobrienljruff, that would be the cause of the problem21:29
ljruffjdobrien, How can I fix it?21:29
dobeyajmitch: someone already did a lot of work with that... imbrandom i think21:29
jdobrienmattgriffin, rye, don't we have instructions somewhere on how to completely remove ubuntu one and reinstall it?21:29
jdobrienljruff, one sec...asking someone :)21:29
duanedesignjdobrien: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20completely%20remove%20and%20reinstall%20the%20Ubuntu%20One%20client%20software?21:29
ajmitchdobey: yeah I know, I was working with him as well :)21:29
ljruffThank you very much, jdobrien21:29
dobeywhere by 'a lot of work' i mean 'patched it to try and run with python2.6 explicitly'21:29
duanedesignljruff: ^^21:29
ljruffThanks duanedesign21:29
dobeyah ok21:29
jdobrienljruff, no problem...good luck :)21:29
ljruffThanks jdobrien21:29
jdobrienduanedesign, thanks21:29
ljruffI'll let you both know how it works.21:29
dobeyajmitch: what do you need then?21:30
ajmitchhowever since then python 2.6 is default in debian21:30
ajmitchdobey: not so much need, as asking if you'd want to be listed as co-maintainer21:30
ajmitchgiven that there'd probably be some coordination around uploads, making sure that things can be synced or aren't synced across21:31
dobeyajmitch: hrmm, so if it's in debian, how does that effect the workflow we have now? i guess. i'm not a DD so i'm not sure what that means to be co-maintainer21:31
ajmitchdobey: it wouldn't change a lot without you having upload rights (though in future you could have DM status, like the per-package stuff we have)21:32
ajmitchbut would help with seeing bugs there, etc21:32
dobeyso we'd just upload stuff to ubuntu, and it would basicalkly be a reverse sync?21:32
dobeyie we push something instead of pull it?21:32
ajmitchmost likely, yes21:32
ajmitchless automated than with ubuntu21:33
dobeywell, the dependencies list is about to grow a bit21:33
ljruffduanedesign, jdobrien, it works perfectly now. Thank you both very much. =)21:33
ajmitchdobey: a few new packages that won't be in debian yet?21:34
duanedesignljruff: nice! thanks for letting us know how it went. That is helpful in case someone else comes in with that issue21:35
ljruffduanedesign, We all have to work together to make Ubuntu as beast as we can. >_> lol21:37
dobeyajmitch: a couple which aren't in ubuntu yet :)21:37
ajmitchdobey: alright, I'll probably catch up with where it's at over the next couple of days & start getting some of the dependencies in21:37
* ajmitch can sponsor uploads to either ubuntu or debian as needed :)21:38
duanedesignljruff: definetly.21:38
dobeyajmitch: i'm still waiting for a second revu of mocker, and having it uploaded :)21:39
ajmitchdobey: right, license issue was fixed in that upload, right?21:40
dobeyajmitch: issue? it's just a BSD license now, if you mean the previous confusion with PSF by "issue' :)21:40
ajmitchdobey: yeah, that issue :)21:40
ajmitchthe sort of thing that some archive admins might jump on21:41
dobeywell, as soon as mocker is in, i can at least work on getting the duplicate mocker.py files pulled out of all our other projects where we use it :)21:42
ajmitchjust pulling it from revu now21:42
ajmitchlooks simple enough21:48
ajmitchdobey: mocker uploaded, now an archive admin can stare at it for a bit22:05
dobeyajmitch: yay, thanks!22:05
dobeylater, time to get away from the computer for a while22:13
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beunomattgriffin, could you take a peak at bug #597873?22:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 597873 in ubuntuone-servers "Unable to access files through website (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59787322:50
mattgriffinbeuno: ok22:50
beunoI'm not sure if it's a known issue or not22:50
beunoand it started happening for him after our roll out22:50
mattgriffinbeuno: hmm... first i've heard of this.22:53
* mattgriffin tests22:53
mattgriffinbeuno: hmm... went to production but was redirected to edge dashboard.22:53
mattgriffinbeuno: is this expected? are there special settings for our internal team?22:54
ajmitchbeuno: hm?22:54
beunomattgriffin, yes22:56
beunoall ~canonical get redirected to edge22:56
beunoajmitch, typo, sorry22:56
ajmitchfwiw, I'm not affected by the same issue (and have no edge redirects)22:57
beunothanks ajmitch22:58
beunoI think there's something wierd with his SSO account, but I don't really know22:59
mattgriffinbeuno: i wonder if the user sees similar behavior when logging into LP23:02
beunogood question23:03
beunohe did manage to file the bug!23:03
duanedesigndesktopcouch is giving me :   AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'23:23
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