jimisrvrox | Sysi: someone in another channel is helping me as well and was asking me if the volume was mounted and the answer is no its not mounted | 00:00 |
_Techie_ | jimisrvrox, why not just install Xubuntu inside windows, using wubi | 00:39 |
jimisrvrox | _Techie_: because if im not mistakened it would still use the windows as an index file instead of being on a seperate partition apart from Windows I woudl think for better performance and security...there is more than enough room to install and run xubuntu easily on a seperate partition | 00:40 |
Sysi | i wouldn't recommend wubi.. but i haven't tried that though | 00:41 |
_Techie_ | wubi isnt slower than running it from a native partition | 00:41 |
Sysi | but it can cause weird problems | 00:42 |
_Techie_ | the performance difference between wubi and native is negligable | 00:42 |
Sysi | and can't be debugged like normal installation, iirc | 00:42 |
_Techie_ | and its just as secure as native | 00:42 |
jimisrvrox | heh I swear...I was in a windoze chan...and this dude is saying that Im wrong about the pearls of Linux....im waiting for an explaination... | 00:57 |
jimisrvrox | I said a couple of points that I push if I see that somebody is interested in trying Linux is that Linux uses RAM differently than Windows does and you can edit anything in the system to tune it to your liking even down to the kernel where you cant do that in Windows and the fact that everything in Linux is run in modules where in Windows its not (could be wrong about the Windows module thing) | 00:57 |
jimisrvrox | he tells me...jimi: you are generally wrong. And the 7 model is closer to linux than you realise | 00:58 |
_Techie_ | its not worth arguing jimisrvrox | 00:58 |
_Techie_ | at the end of the day its all personal preference and fanboys | 00:58 |
jimisrvrox | so im like ok..give me an explination of how I am 'generally' wrong..._Techie_ what is your opinion of what I said.... | 00:59 |
jimisrvrox | right I understand about the preference and fanboys | 01:00 |
_Techie_ | i myself am a middle of the road guy | 01:00 |
jimisrvrox | the only thing I couldnt disagree with is when he said either one run badly can be a security mess | 01:00 |
jimisrvrox | well Ive heard that position as well...use whatever works best for what youre doing application wise.. | 01:01 |
_Techie_ | exactly | 01:01 |
_Techie_ | i use windows 7 on my main machine, because it easy to show others with and i play games, but if i ever need a machine to do one specific thing and to that well... then i use linux | 01:02 |
jimisrvrox | but I usually tell people well ok if all you use is MS Office and play on the internet and you dont use many or any advanced features in Office then just switch to Linux because theres no point in havign to keep up with system req's and paying for software that you really dont need | 01:02 |
knome | !ot | 01:02 |
ubottu | #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:02 |
_Techie_ | shh knome | 01:02 |
knome | no, shh _Techie_ | 01:03 |
_Techie_ | <Sysi> knome: are we the worst offtopic here? | 01:03 |
_Techie_ | <alvin-laptop> be back in one moment | 01:03 |
_Techie_ | <knome> Sysi, definitely | 01:03 |
jimisrvrox | at any rate...I ran the chkdsk in Windows and am going to see if i can resize the partition in xubuntu | 01:03 |
knome | _Techie_, i know, but i'd rather point win vs. linux conversations to -ot | 01:03 |
_Techie_ | knome, i see, fair enough | 01:04 |
jimisrvrox | I figure thats a never ending conversation anyways.. | 01:04 |
jimisrvrox | and like techie said...personal pref really | 01:04 |
_Techie_ | anyway, im gonna head out soon | 01:05 |
_Techie_ | jimisrvrox, take care... ive had *buntu installs wipe windows partitions in the past... so be extremely careful | 01:05 |
jimisrvrox | ahh... | 01:05 |
jimisrvrox | ok | 01:06 |
_Techie_ | or use a clonezilla livecd to backup your windows drive | 01:06 |
jimisrvrox | will do laters.. | 01:06 |
jimisrvrox | yeah good idea | 01:06 |
knome | installing ubuntu is really safe, as long as you are sure which partitions are windows and which are not | 01:06 |
jimisrvrox | well right now knome there is only one partition in Gparted | 01:06 |
jimisrvrox | and its boot flagged | 01:06 |
knome | if you are in doubt or you don't know, then you're more prone to do mistakes | 01:07 |
jimisrvrox | so im going to see about resizing the partition | 01:07 |
_Techie_ | knome, im an advanced user... and ive had it happen | 01:07 |
_Techie_ | you always have to remember that theres a possibility for something to go wrong, when doing anything | 01:08 |
jimisrvrox | well he has his Vaio recovery disks | 01:08 |
knome | _Techie_, it's not being an advanced user or not, it's about being sure which partition is the one you want to install to | 01:08 |
jimisrvrox | so I figure if its fubared then he should be ok | 01:08 |
jimisrvrox | I asked him last night if he has any personal info on his machine and he told me no.. | 01:08 |
_Techie_ | knome, i know my system inside and out... there is no way i could get my partitions mixed up | 01:09 |
jimisrvrox | hey _Techie_ have you seen the book Ubuntu Toolbox? | 01:10 |
_Techie_ | jimisrvrox, no i havent | 01:11 |
jimisrvrox | oh ok well I was going to ask you about it but thats cool | 01:11 |
jimisrvrox | I told my friend that Linux is great if you really dont need Windows but many times in Linux you have to know what youre doing especially if you cant get programs to work right with GUI (Network Manager) | 01:12 |
_Techie_ | jimisrvrox, i find books about perating systems are almost useless, you wont learn properly without the experience of doing it yourself | 01:13 |
_Techie_ | operating* | 01:13 |
_Techie_ | also, man i hate winter | 01:14 |
jimisrvrox | right understand....the toolbox book is really for doing stuff with the command line and I like it but lots of stuff in there I dont understand what the concepts are...I understand why you would use bash scripting but I couldnt make one myself.. | 01:14 |
jimisrvrox | I love winter...right now ive been frying in the 90+ heat! | 01:15 |
_Techie_ | well im about to rollerblade into town | 01:15 |
knome | _Techie_, jimisrvrox: please, try to keep at least somewhat ontopic or go to -ot | 01:15 |
_Techie_ | fine | 01:16 |
_Techie_ | !ot | 01:16 |
ubottu | #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:16 |
_Techie_ | meet ya there jimisrvrox | 01:16 |
knome | thanks :) | 01:16 |
jimisrvrox | hey knome you around? | 01:53 |
=== lostson_ is now known as mister_jones | ||
jimisrvrox | _Techie_ left | 01:53 |
knome | i am | 01:54 |
jimisrvrox | great...you dont mind helping a minute do ya | 01:54 |
knome | jimisrvrox, you can always ask | 01:54 |
jimisrvrox | trying to figure out about htis new partition ting | 01:54 |
jimisrvrox | thing* | 01:54 |
jimisrvrox | ive got 80GB to mess with | 01:55 |
jimisrvrox | and so I am looking at this guide and its telling me to make a primary partition for the filing system and make it 10GB | 01:56 |
knome | jimisrvrox, so which guide are you following? | 01:56 |
jimisrvrox | but if im not mistaken that 10GB would include the space for your /home dir | 01:56 |
jimisrvrox | but ive also heard that its much better to put your /home dir on a seperate partition | 01:57 |
siddhion | hello. on my xubuntu 10.04 machine, i am not able to watch any video because it crashes the operating system. i found a work around on a forum post. i had to install a new kernel, reboot and then choose the new kernel to boot from. my question is how am I able to choose the new kernel? i see no options to do this. | 01:57 |
jimisrvrox | so in teh case that you have to reinstall you dont lose the /home folder along with the FS correct? | 01:57 |
jimisrvrox | http://www.linuxconfig.org/How_to_dual_boot_Windows_XP_and_Ubuntu_Linux | 01:57 |
knome | jimisrvrox, that's correct | 01:57 |
jimisrvrox | ok thats cool and ive also heard that its better to make the location at the end of the partition right? | 01:58 |
knome | jimisrvrox, well, that does not matter much | 01:58 |
knome | jimisrvrox, but usually you create the / partition first, so then you can always remember that /home has a bigger number | 01:59 |
jimisrvrox | but i am forgettign the difference btwn the primary and logical partitions | 01:59 |
jimisrvrox | right thats what im going to do here | 01:59 |
jimisrvrox | im gonna give the FS 10GB | 01:59 |
jimisrvrox | unless you figure I should make it bigger... | 02:00 |
knome | siddhion, at boot time, press del or esc (just can't remember which one :)) | 02:00 |
jimisrvrox | like I said ive got 80GB to play with | 02:00 |
knome | jimisrvrox, depends on what you are installing | 02:00 |
mister_jones | siddhion: or edit your grub2 menu setup | 02:00 |
knome | jimisrvrox, / holds all the libraries and software | 02:00 |
jimisrvrox | ahh | 02:00 |
knome | jimisrvrox, /home is for all your personal files | 02:00 |
jimisrvrox | ok so yeah | 02:00 |
jimisrvrox | i was thinking about all that | 02:00 |
jimisrvrox | so I could easily give / 40GB and give /home 30GB and give swap 10GB | 02:01 |
knome | jimisrvrox, no, that's not wise | 02:01 |
jimisrvrox | or could I just give swap like 1GB? RAM is only 512 but I think 1GB of swap wouuld be fine no | 02:01 |
siddhion | knome: i tried ESC but all it did was make many beeping noises...then it stopped ... then i was able to type for a bit...but ultimatley i saw no GRUB menu appear | 02:01 |
jimisrvrox | ok so how would you set it up if it was you? | 02:01 |
knome | jimisrvrox, you should assign no more than 2 of your ram to swap | 02:01 |
knome | jimisrvrox, so 512ram -> 1G swap at most | 02:02 |
jimisrvrox | alright so right | 02:02 |
knome | jimisrvrox, and i'd say 15 or at most 20GB to / really | 02:02 |
jimisrvrox | so / gets 20GB swap 1GB and /home 59GB | 02:02 |
knome | jimisrvrox, that's one possibility, yes | 02:03 |
knome | jimisrvrox, i'm using 6.4G of / right now | 02:03 |
jimisrvrox | ok now heres the other question...difference btwn primary and logical partitions | 02:03 |
knome | jimisrvrox, this is a relatively new installation though, but i do have quite a lot of apps installed | 02:03 |
jimisrvrox | also Ext3 or Ext4? | 02:04 |
jimisrvrox | which would be recommended.. | 02:04 |
jimisrvrox | Ext4? | 02:04 |
knome | jimisrvrox, http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/structPartitions-c.html for some kind of explanation | 02:05 |
knome | jimisrvrox, ext4 is newer, yes, and i think it's supposed to be faster and better | 02:05 |
siddhion | mister_jones according to the post in the forum, the user said that i would just have to choose the new kernel upon reboot. i assume this means that GRUB will load automatically but it does not. the user did not say anything about pressing ESC, DEL or editting GRUB menu setup | 02:05 |
knome | siddhion, grub won't be showing you the kernel list automatically in lucid | 02:06 |
mister_jones | siddhion: by default the grub menu will not be shown | 02:06 |
mister_jones | you need to edit your grub config | 02:06 |
jimisrvrox | alright so then primary partitions for / and swap and logical for /hoem | 02:07 |
jimisrvrox | home* | 02:07 |
mister_jones | siddhion: this would be a good place to start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 02:07 |
siddhion | knome, mister_jones: ok. thanks. | 02:07 |
siddhion | be back in a bit\ | 02:07 |
jimisrvrox | knome: did you see what I was saying / and swap are primary and /home is logical right? | 02:09 |
knome | jimisrvrox, i'd maybe say / primary, rest logical | 02:10 |
knome | jimisrvrox, that doesn't really make much difference to be honest :) | 02:10 |
knome | jimisrvrox, you won't notice that while using, and if you're not going to do anything fancy with the disk... | 02:11 |
jimisrvrox | gotcha | 02:11 |
knome | jimisrvrox, actually, swap doesn't even get pri/log stamp ;) | 02:11 |
siddhion | hi. i just installed a new kernel 2.6.35-020635rc1-generic so I would be able to finally be able to watch video with out crashing xubuntu 10.04. the problem is that it does not load. the GRUB booot commands in the GRUB.cfg file are exactly the same between the new kernel and old one. any ideas? | 03:07 |
Skellz | Does anyone here have fluxbox running on 10.04 perhaps? | 03:43 |
Skellz | Not a single reply eh? heh | 03:44 |
ayllu | hi | 03:57 |
ayllu | I have a issue, somebody know how to share a printer with a windows computer | 03:58 |
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=== bk is now known as Guest94611 | ||
Guest94611 | hi, everyone | 05:53 |
industrial | Every time I lock my screen and come back from it my laptop screen is really dim. I do not under any circumstance want to fix issues like this by logging out. I have stuff to do and windows open and don't want to spend half the day setting shit up every log in. I'd like to fix this for good : | 08:38 |
=== Chaser__ is now known as Chaser | ||
alvin-laptop | How can I prevent Firefox from removing my bookmarks? | 10:18 |
alvin-laptop | Has anybody experienced any problems with bookmarks disappearing from their Firefox browser? | 10:23 |
slow-motion | hi | 12:13 |
nlozon | Anyone else's Xubuntu break after the last changes? | 13:26 |
Sysi | 10.04? | 13:27 |
nlozon | ya, been using it for a bit, but there was updates yesterday, and now the shell won't appear | 13:27 |
nlozon | well, shell,i guess i should say the top and bottom bars | 13:27 |
TheSheep | !panels | 13:28 |
ubottu | Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/ | 13:28 |
nlozon | tyvm sheep | 13:29 |
Aquina | One sould implement a feature in Launchpad to auto-close Answers when the're answered but the original person who stated the question no longer responds. | 13:29 |
TheSheep | Aquina: #launchpad :) | 13:32 |
TheSheep | Aquina: they do listen to suggestions | 13:32 |
slow-motion | bye | 15:19 |
Geralt | Hi, what's the name of xubuntu's default theme? | 16:15 |
knome | Geralt, albatross | 16:15 |
Geralt | knome: thanks :) | 16:16 |
knome | Geralt, np | 16:16 |
clao | hello | 18:20 |
clao | my gdmsetup doesnt have an option to change the theme, and I checked /usr/share/gdm themes but not match the one being used | 18:21 |
clao | how can i change the theme, please? | 18:22 |
knome | clao, https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup | 18:22 |
knome | clao, see the instructions there on how to install gdm2setup - with that, you can change the theme | 18:22 |
clao | once again, thanks knome | 18:23 |
Sysi | last time i tried it didn't work, and i've heard it only works with gnome | 18:23 |
knome | i've had it working with xfce | 18:23 |
knome | he'll come back if it doesn't work, i'm sure | 18:24 |
amiloL1300 | i installed lucid on my Fujitsu Siemens Amilo L1300 laptop and have serious issues with sound. I can play music cds and flash videos OK but whenever I attempt to play mp3s, mpegs or avis X-Window crashes and I am rendered with a solid black screen and the only way to get back and running is to poweroff the laptop and then on. can anyone help? | 18:40 |
amiloL1300 | i tried vlc, xine, smplayer and the like and the result is the same. however, when X crashes I can see a flickering black screen for a couple of seconds saying something about pulseaudio. By the way, the start up sound is very choppy | 18:53 |
keon | Hey everyone | 19:12 |
keon | I just installed xunbuntu :D | 19:13 |
bazhang | !themes | 19:49 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 19:49 |
keon | !changethemes | 19:52 |
ubottu | Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites | 19:52 |
keon | how do i customize my appearance on 10.4? | 19:56 |
charlie-tca | keon: Applications -> Settings -> Appearance | 19:59 |
keon | charlie, i know that but the thing is there is no "appearance" under settings | 20:04 |
charlie-tca | version? | 20:06 |
charlie-tca | 10.04, right? go to xfce4 settings manager, appearance | 20:07 |
keon | thanks for your help charlie | 20:22 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 20:25 |
Curambar | hello, people. I just installed xubuntu 9.10 and I have some problems. Someone can help me? | 22:33 |
Curambar | :( | 22:34 |
Curambar | anyone? | 22:34 |
Curambar | well, if someone reads this... I just installed xubuntu (dualboot with win xp), and i can't access win xp anymore | 22:35 |
Curambar | grub gives me the choice to enter the Win XP partition, but when I try, an error message pops up, telling me that the disk is incorrect (that is, I have the wrong partition set) | 22:36 |
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