=== ogra_ is now known as ogra [12:13] ev: how's your monodevelop destruction going [12:15] davmor2: I've abandoned it [12:15] it was taking too much time to work around things [12:15] it's getting there though [12:16] a few minor bug fixes and it will be fully usable for me, I think [12:16] ev: That's good to know at least they are heading in the right direction [12:18] yeah [12:18] we definitely need something there though [12:18] that is, we don't have a development platform as such [12:18] expanding on that, we don't have a single place to get developer documentation either [12:18] I think these things hurt us === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox