
EzrosHey everyone, can someone help me get my games to work on Kubuntu?00:11
EzrosI'm trying to play Heroes of Newerth and it won't load.00:11
EzrosWell, it loaded once and then it crashed00:11
EzrosAnd now it just won't load00:11
EzrosSuper laggy00:11
murky9.10 server on muysql00:13
EzrosCan someone help me do this: Linux Supp: Also add glxinfo, uname -a, /etc/X11/xorg.conf ( glxinfo | grep -i "opengl\|direct\|server\|client"; lspci | grep -i vga; uname -a for summary)00:27
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CayHey guys!00:38
CayI just bought a Sony Vaio VPCF127FX and tried slapping ubuntu on it, all was well and file except I couldn't do multi-monitor and my touchpad didn't work. That was till I decided to install the nvidia drivers, now I cannot get video to display on my laptop :(00:39
Cayhap hap00:39
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TN-048Anyone know of a keyboard status applet that accually works?01:14
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QpSmileyI am running Kubuntu 64 bit, how do I install 32bit chrome?01:38
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Typos_KingQpSmiley:    I'd think you'd just simply install it the same way any other app :)01:39
QpSmileyWhen I get the chrome 32bit .deb package it says wrong architecture i38601:40
QpSmiley(I'm a linux noobie :D_01:40
Typos_Kingdo they have a 64bit .deb?01:42
QpSmileyyes but there is no 64 bit flash player01:42
Typos_KingQpSmiley:     any 32bit app should be able to run just fine on a 64bit hardware, there's backward compatibility, soooo, you should be able to install chrome 32bit anyway, using dpkg -i PACKAGENAME;, however, you should also be able to just use the 32bit libflashplayer.so as well01:44
QpSmileywill 32bit flash player work in a 64bit browser?01:45
QpSmileyso i sudo cd to my directory01:46
Typos_Kingshould, sure01:46
QpSmileyand then dpkg -i chrome-install.deb01:46
Typos_Kingyes, don't forget to 'sudo' :)01:46
QpSmileyis cd the thing that moves you between directories01:49
Typos_Kingyou can just launch Dolphin and use that01:50
QpSmileyi dont understand01:51
QpSmileyI understand01:52
Typos_KingDolphin, is the file manager01:52
QpSmileyit says  package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)01:53
tsimpsonyou need to use "sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i ..." to install a 32bit package in a 64bit system01:53
Typos_KingQpSmiley:     yeah, tsimpson  is correct, so ^01:54
QpSmileyokay lets see if that worked brb01:55
QpSmileycan you say the force architecture command again01:57
QpSmileysorry xD01:57
Typos_Kingsudo dpkg --force-architecture -i PACKAGENAME01:59
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Pavel_10can anyone teach me how to find a crash log?02:34
DarthFrogPavel_10: Check /var/log02:56
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CQhello, I just upgraded from karmic to lucid, and now my home server is stuck at the moving dots screen at bootup... no prompt, no errors on the alt-f1 console, same for older kernels ... any ideas?06:42
DarthFrogTry booting into recovery mode and see if any errors are reported.06:57
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CQno errors, I'm in an old debian partition though so I can probably do maintenance07:06
CharlesObergI have a question, and yes I am ignorant as I am not PC savvy.07:09
CharlesObergIs there a Kubuntu Manual I can download somewhere so I can learn more about before Iload Kubuntu to my old PC?07:09
CQCharlesOberg: the best way to do it if you don't need anything on the old pc is to just install it.... else use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ to install a live distro to a USB stick and test it first07:14
CharlesObergThat is an awesome idea.07:15
CharlesObergI will try the stick first, just to mesh it out.07:15
CharlesObergI am ready to throw Winblows out the window.07:15
CQCharlesOberg: what you can do is install virtualbox and run windows in a virtual machine... really easy, and you do need ot for some tools I've found07:17
CQCharlesOberg: best of both worlds that way07:18
CharlesObergAh, okay.I am looking up virtualbox right now.07:19
arhello all07:31
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h4nnibalHai! all, I have installed many useful apps and configured it well.I would like to make a Live CD/DVD for my current installation.Is there any script that automates the process?08:50
h4nnibalPlease help.08:50
tsimpson!customlivecd | h4nnibal08:53
ubottuh4nnibal: Creating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization08:53
ofirkAre there any major differences between the CD image and DVD image?09:02
tsimpsonofirk: the DVD image has both the live installer and the alternate installer09:04
tsimpsonthat's about it09:04
ofirktsimpson: I read a post on ubuntuforums says that the DVD as all main on it so you don;t need an internet connection while installing...09:05
ofirkso there are 2 benefits to the DVD09:05
tsimpsonyou don't need a internet connection when installing from the CD either09:05
tsimpsonand no, it does not have all of main on it09:05
tsimpsonyou read a post from someone who is misinformed09:05
ofirkso there is 1 benefit...09:06
ofirkI am working on the new download page for kubuntu.org09:06
ofirkand I am trying to explain way we offer a DVD09:06
tsimpsonthe only benefit while installing is that you have the option to use the live installer, or the alternate installer09:06
tsimpsonit also has the core packages needed (usable by apt-get) on the DVD09:06
tsimpsonso you can use it for some packages when you don't have an internet connection09:07
ofirkIt seems that avg. users won't understand the differences...09:07
ofirkI think I will just point to the images with no explanations to avoid confusion09:08
ofirktsimpson: what do you think?09:08
h4nnibalubottu: Thanks for your help.09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
tsimpsonofirk: just mention that it combines the Live install and alternate install I guess09:09
ofirktsimpson: yeah, thanks for your time!09:09
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[ade]moinmoin. i'm trying to set up dual-head in kubuntu 10.04. using systemsettings, I can get the layout right, but this isn't preserved across reboots -- after a reboot i'm back to cloned monitors. is there a way of making the dual-head setup persistent (short of just writing an /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- I know i can bang it into shape that way)09:51
apparlehello guys09:57
apparleI am able to connect with my BSNL EV-DO USB modem with wvdial, but how to connect using knetworkmanager09:59
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CQhello, i just upgraded to lucid and the system hangs permanently at the startup screen with the logo and white dots... no consoles or error messages on teh other terminals, ctrl-alt-del reboots so the kernel isn't hung....11:37
CQi have a live dist booted so I can edit config files etc.11:38
[ade]CQ: i had something like that just today where i had messed up xorg.conf, so no display or anything. when the machine is up, can you ping it or ssh in to it? that'd give you access to the logfiles and dmsg of the running system.11:50
CQ[ade]: I get no login prompt on any text consoles....11:50
[ade]obviously ping or ssh would only work if you have another machine on the same network, yeah.11:51
CQssh is not the problem, the problem is that logins aren't enabled yet, even with the recovery boot at that time11:51
CQhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/523484 this was the problem....12:04
apparleCQ: you could boot with quiet and splash removed so that you can see the boot messages12:07
CQapparle: ureadahead in /var on a separate filesystem is the problem...12:09
apparleCQ: I don't understand that12:10
lummsomeone ever got the remote for vlc working with iphone ?12:32
lummhttp://hobbyistsoftware.com/VLCSetup-linux.php according to this setup. my phone claims that there is vlc running but it cant axs it.12:33
lummgot it to work now ;)12:37
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BluesKajhowdy folks13:29
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evilsherpahey all, should gnome-system-monitor be running, and should it be using 90%+ of my cpu?13:38
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Torchevilsherpa: no and no ;-)13:58
pinoyoragonwicd 1.7.0 doesn't work in wired on kubuntu 10.04 any help please?14:18
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BluesKajpinoyoragon, does network manager work (knetworkmanager)14:24
pinoyoragonBluesKaj: i removed it because its inconsistent and most of the time doesnt work in wifi, im an avid fan of wicd but when i upgraded my system to 10.04 and installed wicd 1.7.0 suddenly i cant connect to wired14:26
BluesKajpinoyoragon, ok , what we should try is to use a purist approach , no guis just settings in /etc/network/interfaces, you'll need to diable wicd for this to work. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/14:36
BluesKajerr disable wicd14:37
BluesKajpinoyoragon_, i use this setup on 2 ethernet connected linuxboxes without any probs14:38
odlacan the kubuntu iso be dd on to a usb?14:51
ArGGu^^odla you want to boot the kubuntu install from usb?14:53
odlaArGGu^^: yup ... i could use unetbootin but i prefer dd ... if it isn't an option i'll use unetbootin14:54
howlymowlyhi.. i just wanted to ask..  in the kubuntu 10.04 pre-release version there was a program, i think its name was: "playmouth-set-theme" , to change the plymouth theme... seems like it is gone since the LTS version was released..  is it possible to change the plamouth bootloader theme somehow?14:54
ArGGu^^odla never tried but it might work14:55
BluesKaj!info plymouth14:56
ubottuplymouth (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - main package. In component main, is required. Version 0.8.2-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 111 kB, installed size 444 kB14:56
ArGGu^^odla I mean that dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/usbstick. Might work.14:58
howlymowlyodla: that's easy... just use the program "usb-creator"14:58
ArGGu^^but unetbootin will definitely work14:59
BluesKajhowlymowly, dunno there may be different themes , but I don't see it unril I shut down , you can change the lofin manager look and splashscreens in system settings14:59
howlymowlythere exist versions for kde and gtk:  usb-creator-kde, usb-creator-gtk14:59
howlymowlyodla: usb-creator-kde  is available via packet manager15:00
howlymowlyBluesKaj: that's right.. but plymouthg is not about the login manager.. its about the bootsplach directly after grub15:00
BluesKajhowlymowly, I don't see the bootsplash on mine ..15:01
BluesKajjust the login15:02
howlymowlyodla: usb-creator takes an iso loads it onto an usb deivce and makes that device bootable.. ..  fits for almost all linux live cds15:02
howlymowlyBluesKaj: why is that :)?15:02
BluesKajhowlymowly, good question, but I think the login theme might take over from it if it's not default , but different15:03
howlymowlyBluesKaj: well.. it doesn't on my computer :) .. but that isn#t such a bad idea anyway.. i'll look on google how to disable plymouth boot manager...15:03
BluesKajhowlymowly, at least that's what I'm seing anyway15:03
BluesKajplymouth isn'treally a manager15:04
skamsterhello all.. i've got some problems with xorg..15:04
skamsteri've installed a second screen, what works, but xorg is now very very fast on 100%15:05
skamsteri've the 256.35-driver for my nvidia-card15:05
skamsterand as graphiccard a quadro fx 1600m15:06
skamsteri also used the repo-drivers first..15:06
skamsterhope, someone could help me..15:09
skamsterthis is my xorg.conf15:10
skamsterno one here who knows xorg?15:22
ToxinPoweskamster: nop, I have dual screen and nvidia 195, sry15:30
skamsterand it works good?15:31
skamsterstrange.. i don't think that my card should be so slow..15:32
ToxinPoweof course not =)15:32
BluesKajskamster, check your framerate with glxgears , with your card it should up around 15k in 5 secs15:33
BluesKajfull screeen should still be around 3-4k15:34
ToxinPoweapt-get install mesa-utils for glxgears =)15:35
skamsterResult in initialscreen: 46457 frames in 5.0 seconds15:36
skamsterand in fullscreen: 3949 frames in 5.0 seconds15:36
skamster(a average)15:36
skamsterisn't glxgears in the nvidia-sw? ;)15:37
skamsterok.. then i learned something new today :D15:37
skamsterBluesKaj: so i think, this result is normal.. but not the cpu-usage on normal (2d) working15:39
skamsterah, i've seen, that one of my cpu-cores is down on 800Mhz..15:42
skamsterbut it shouldn't.. maybe..?15:42
duster1959256 users15:51
duster1959is any people here16:21
Quintasanduster1959: if you have a question just ask it, ppl sit here all the time so someone will answer it16:26
duster1959oke, how to insert nick by button16:27
duster1959in quassel16:27
HazamonzoHey folks. ATI support for kubuntu still pretty poor? Or is it just me? I have a pretty new card and have problems with both the flgrx and radeon HD drivers :(16:29
HazamonzoI found this thread and its the same card as i have. As you can see the last post says the card is working correctly as of.,.. April 15th16:30
HazamonzoI have thr flgrx drivers installed already. And i update my system everytime im prompted. Should i have the latest and greatest flgrx drivers?16:31
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BluesKajHazamonzo, just give thanks that your fglrx drivers are still working properly :)16:51
HazamonzoBluesKaj: Heheh. define "properly"?16:52
BluesKajuhm, not crashing to a black creen and blinking cursor :)16:53
HazamonzoBluesKaj: Ouch16:54
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BluesKajmy box with ati onboard x200m is running W7 , ..very poor graphics on lucis16:57
BluesKajerr lucid16:57
BluesKajthe other computers have nvidia graphics, one with an old 7600gt which still serves as a media server in the TV room16:58
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Kuwangeravihay: Good news (and bad news).  I suffered the same problem again.  And I think I know the cause.17:23
Kuwangeravihay: I think the problem is linked to ureadahead.  I say this because I had the same problem again after uninstalling avahi-daemon and samba.  Those, I believe, change /etc/init[.d]/ and cause a rescan to occur.17:24
Kuwangeravihay: Having said that, I'm looking over the ps listing.  As far as I can tell, the missing memory isn't in processes.  Perhaps it was in shared memory?17:24
KuwangerI think I'll reinstall avahi-daemon and restart and use ipcs to get shared memory information.17:26
KuwangerAny other ideas on where to look for possible memory usage?17:27
KuwangerYep, reinstalling avahi-daemon caused it to happen again.  Unfortunately, the leak isn't in shared memory. :/17:35
KuwangerI also found a bug report matching my problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/50171517:46
* Kuwanger sees if the shrinking the tracing buffer trick works.17:50
KuwangerWell, that was it.  And I was able to reset the tracing buffer size.17:55
KuwangerThough, /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs is still seemingly mounted.17:56
odlahow can i create a bootable live usb? i've tried dd but that doesn't seem to work17:59
bazhangodla, unetbootin18:01
odlabazhang: unetbootin doesn't seem to work ... it says unetbootin when i reboot then the screen is blank18:01
bazhangodla, then it was a bad 'burn' ; sometimes takes me a couple of tries to get it right18:02
36DAASUXOdoes anyone have any idea when 4.5RC1 will packets will be released?18:05
avihayKuwanger: Well, good work, the launchpad bug page is already full with discussions, looks like you were also right on the money18:05
* Kuwanger is going to see how much ureadhead helps.18:05
Kuwangeravihay: Shame it's some obtuse kernel setting, though.  That just makes it harder to diagnose. :/18:06
KuwangerWell, thanks for letting me rant.  At least now I know of a workaround.18:06
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KuwangerWell, playing around with bootchart and ureadahead as suggested by one of the people who worked on it...I've discovered that ureadahead doesn't help my startup time at all.18:37
ragnarok_Anyone here?18:49
DarthFrognobody but us chickens.18:49
ragnarok_Any ideas as to why kubuntu wont recognise my monitors max resolution?18:51
DarthFrogPerhaps your video driver doesn't support that rez?18:51
DarthFrogThe new way that X is configured is great when it gets it right.  But it can be ... difficult when it gets it wrong.18:54
DarthFrogTo get the max rez, if it isn't autodetected, might well involve you having to set the modeline manually in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.18:55
ragnarok_not only is the resolution smal, but everything looks ugly18:55
ragnarok_fonts look kinda blurry18:55
DarthFrogWhat video card do you have?18:55
ragnarok_ Graphics:  Card nVidia NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] X.Org 1.7.6 Res: 1024x768@0.0hz18:57
ragnarok_works almost fine with gnome18:57
ragnarok_at least when i dont have the propritary driver enabled18:57
DarthFrogAnd what driver are you using now?18:57
* ragnarok_ Shrugs18:58
ragnarok_just installed kubuntu-desktop from gnome18:58
DarthFrogThen it's not a KDE vs. GNOME issue.18:59
ragnarok_Any ideas on what to do?19:00
DarthFrogTry setting the rez using krandr.19:00
DarthFrogor SystemSettings.19:01
ragnarok_it show the max resolution as 1024x768 no matter what i do19:01
DarthFrogthen it's a limitation of the video driver.19:01
ragnarok_any way to check what driver im using?19:02
DarthFrogYeah.  Scan /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:03
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ragnarok_ heh19:05
ragnarok_what exactly am i looking for19:05
ragnarok_text is really hard to read19:05
DarthFrogOne of the load module lines will be the video driver.  look for "Module class: X.Org Video Driver"19:07
ragnarok_ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.019:09
ragnarok_(II) LoadModule: "nv"19:09
ragnarok_(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nv_drv.so19:09
ragnarok_(II) Module nv: vendor="X.Org Foundation"19:09
FloodBotK1ragnarok_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
DarthFrogThe floodbot will ban you if you do that again.19:10
DarthFrogYou have the open-source 2D driver.19:10
ragnarok_yeah i noticed19:10
ragnarok_i need to reboot but cant for like an hour19:11
DarthFrogYou could try the open-source 3D driver, nouveau. (which doesn't work) or the prop. nvidia drivers.19:11
DarthFrog!nvidia | ragnarok_19:11
ubotturagnarok_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:11
ragnarok_(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so19:11
lamozxвсем привет. тут помогают нубам?)19:13
DarthFrog!ru | lamozx19:13
ubottulamozx: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:13
lamozxoh, sorry)19:14
DarthFrogI wonder what that actually says?  :-)19:15
[Screamo]DarthFrog, did you look at that link i posted?19:16
DarthFrogWho are you??19:16
[Screamo]the guy with vid driver issue19:17
[Screamo]dont remeberwhatmy nick was19:17
DarthFrogAh.  You were ragnarok_?19:17
[Screamo]and my space bar isnt workingcorrectly19:17
[Screamo]oh yeah19:18
DarthFrogIn which case, you are using the nouveau driver and that is likely the source of your problem.19:18
[Screamo]how do i switch19:18
DarthFrogSo, if it were me, I'd "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" and reboot.19:18
DarthFrogAnd cross my fingers. ;-)19:19
DarthFrogActually, that's not all I'd do.  I'd configure the xorg.conf file to use the nv driver.19:19
DarthFrogSo did it work?19:24
[Screamo]got my resolution back :D19:24
[Screamo]didnt have to remove thr drivers19:24
[Screamo]i removed the prop drivers from gnome, then installed kubuntu-desktop, then switched without rebooting19:25
=== Kirill0v is now known as Guest7367
cucowhen i run the Users and Groups Administration the GUI has no option to modify the users. I assume running it using "sudo" will work, but how can I get privilegies from the GUI?19:31
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DarthFrogAs a work around, press ALT-F2 and type "kdesu systemsettings".19:33
cucoDarthFrog: I assume there is a bug open about this issue?19:33
DarthFrogI have no idea.  And it's perhaps not a bug so much as a missing feature. :-)19:33
cucoarg... if I click on the icon in system-settings, it does ask for a password19:34
cucoif I run it manually it does not. nice.19:34
Whisky`KBluetooth was greyed out so I quit it, how do I start it again?20:06
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QuintasanWhisky`: go to Menu -> Internet -> KBluetooh20:25
QuintasanWhisky`: or just press ALT+F2 and type kbluetooth there20:25
Whisky`thanks Quintasan  :)20:26
QuintasanWhisky`: no problem :D20:26
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anthony_fr ? i have a probleme ?21:13
BluesKaj!fr | anthony21:20
ubottuanthony: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:20
c3lwhy doesnent wine in kubuntu have EsounD Drive?21:22
c3lit does in ubuntu21:22
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ZidaneTHi guys, quick question.  how does quassel measure up against xchat?  i'm a long term user of xchat, and noticed the shiny quassel client came installed by default.21:35
ZidaneTuh-oh, too late, time to restart for updates. :)21:39
c3lwhy doesnent wine in kubuntu have EsounD Drive?22:07
c3las sound driver22:07
[Screamo]Why is there no clock on the panel =/22:49
c3lwhy doesnent wine in kubuntu have EsounD Drive as sound drive??22:56
NerranHi guys, is there a way to disable the auto reopening of all programs which were open at shutdown?23:06
[Screamo]Nerran, Yes, hold on a sec23:06
avihayNerran: system settings -> advanced tab -> session manager23:08
[Screamo]Nerran, Menu> Computer> System Settings> Advanced tab> session manager23:09
[Screamo]damn it23:09
Nerranah thanks :)23:09
[Screamo]Lag =/23:09
avihay[Screamo]: it got removed somehow and you can just ad a new one23:09
[Screamo]yeah but it would not let me add another one23:09
avihaythen tell it to remove the old one?23:09
avihayok, I don't see how23:10
[Screamo]the old one wasnt there =/23:10
avihayok, is your panle locked?23:11
[Screamo]i should mention i figured it out23:11
avihaydouble click, right?23:12
[Screamo]the panel ended up crashing and restarting23:12
[Screamo]then it let me add it23:12
avihaywell, chalk it up to great software engineering!23:13
[Screamo]that would make the 3rd time in one hour the panel crashed23:15
avihaymine crashes on average once a month23:18
[Screamo]gnome panel never crashes on me =/23:21
Torchon me neither.23:21
Torchnever use it.23:21
Torchkde4 doesn't even have a panel process that could crash23:22
makerprofazehi all23:38
makerprofazecan someone tell/point me the way to make direct panel widgets/shortcuts that open folder windows?23:39
makerprofaze(to panels)23:39
makerprofaze(plasma panels)23:39
makerprofazeI hit add widgets, drag icons from app launch menu, then change icon settings/application/command then go back and change icon/delete supported file types23:41
makerprofazehowdy luix18223:41
luix182amm any speak spanish??23:41
makerprofazeif anyone knows a faster way, do tell23:41
makerprofazeIt seems I'll have to do this for anything that doesn't actually show up in the application launch menu23:42
luix182bye xD23:43
makerprofazeis this actually kde/plasma/dolphin or kubuntu related?23:51

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